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Thechina Clipper THE CHINA CLIPPER July 2016 Whole Number 461 Volume 80 Number 5 THE CHINA STAMP SOCIETY, INC. The Society was founded in 1936 as the China Unit of the American Philatelic Society. In 1946, it was incorporated in the State of New York as The China Stamp Society, Inc., a non-profit membership corporation. The annual dues are $21.00, which includes post- age for The China Clipper. The membership year begins on October 1. New member dues are prorated as follows: Starting Between No. of Issues No. of Months Dues N. America Dues Outside U.S. Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 6 12 $21.00 $27.00 Dec. 1 - Jan. 31 5 10 17.50 22.50 Feb. 1 - Mar. 31 4 8 14.00 18.00 Apr. 1 - May 31 3 6 10.50 13.50 Jun. 1 - Jul. 31 8 16 28.00 36.50 Aug. 1 - Sept. 30 6 14 24.50 31.50 DIRECTORS Richard Kavin, Ruibin (Robert) Jia, Archie McKee, Tom Massa, H. James Maxwell and Michael Rogers H. James Maxwell, President & Expertizing H. James Maxwell, Interum Editor Tracy L. Shew, Secretary 1050 West Blue Ridge Blvd. 1050 West Blue Ridge Blvd. 16836 122nd Avenue SE Kansas City, MO 64145-1216 Kansas City, MO 64145-1216 Renton, WA 98058-6070 (816)- 210-1234 (816)- 210-1234 425-687-0178 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hugh Lawrence, Librarian Aaron Li, Treasurer & Translation William S. Wise, New Issues Editor P.O. Box 231277 P.O. Box 363 4575 Nueces Dr. Encinitas, CA 92023-1277 McKinny, TX 75071 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Michael Rogers, Dealer Relations Archie McKee, Chapter Coordinator Howard Wolk, Back Issues 111 N. Pompano Beach Blvd #1001 P.O. Box 3582 22762 Aspan St. Ste. 211 Pompano Beach, FL 33062-5716 Apollo Beach, FL 33572 Lake Forest, CA 92630-1604 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Richard Boyd, Youth & Publications Alfonso G. Zulueta Jr., Photographer 127 Carmody Circle 1835 Clayton Way Folsom, CA 95630 Concord, CA 94519-1743 [email protected] azulueta@comcast,net Categories Category Editors January Issue - Republic of China ................................................................H. James Maxwell March Issue - Imperial China ..........................................................................Tony Kwan May Issue - Japanese Occupation, Manchukuo and MLOs....................................................Simon Watt July Issue - Taiwan Republic of China ............................................................... Dennis Murphy September Issue - Liberated Areas . Hugh Lawrence November Issue - Peoples Republic of China ....................................................................??? REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Japan - Dr. Yasoichi Nakajima PRC - David Y. Lu Taiwan - Hoo Huei-Ching U.K. - Paul N. Davey Australia - Peter Leitch Spain - John Blackwell PUBLICATION AWARDS COMMITTEE: Hugh Lawrence, Richard Kavin and George Luzitano ADVERTISING AND ARTICLES: Send to the Editor. The deadline is 60 days prior to the publication month. CHANGES OF ADDRESS/MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS: Send to the Secretary, Tracy L. Shew. TRANSLATION: Stamps, covers or postal markings only. Send photocopy with self-addressed stamped envelope to Aaron Li. THE CHINA CLIPPER (ISSN 0885-9779 USPS 406-510) is published bi-monthly. Periodical postage paid at Madrid, IA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tracy L. Shew, 16836 122nd Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98058-6070 © 2015 The China Stamp Society, Inc. Printed in USA 162 The China Clipper July 2016 80-4 CONTENTS ARTICLE AUTHOR PAGE INSPECTION MARKS IN THE NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR PERIOD . Jia-Shiuh. Shen 沈家旭 . 165 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL IN TAIWAN . Dennis Murphy . 169 STAMPS TO WATCH OUT FOR . H . James Maxwell . 173 POSTAL UNIFORMS IN TAIWAN . 174 CHINA STAMP SOCIETY 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION AT . 175 WORLD STAMPS SHOW NEW YORK 2016 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF STAMP EXHIBITING! . Tom Fortunato . .177 NEW ISSUES OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, . .William S . Wise . 185 IN MEMORIAM - JOHN TSANG . 191 THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA (TAIWAN), HONG KONG, AND MACAU PRESS RELEASE . 196 ANNOUNCEMENTS H. James Maxwell I want to thank all U.S. members that paid by check. We ask that U.S. members, where possible, pay by checks when paying for items on the web site. PayPal fees amount to 3.7% or more and credit card fees are 4.7% or more. We operate on 15% and these fees make a big difference. We need this income from web site sales to support our other activities that do not produce any income. Also, please note your ‘Confirmation Number’ on the check. This will speed up your order. You can add books, DVDs, and items from ‘Stamp & Cover Sales’ to your auction invoice. If you buy things in a separate order that you want to be shipped with your Auction lots, send me an email so I know to combine the two order numbers. Sometimes I see that we have two orders that can be combined, but with 130+ auction invoices I don not always notice that there are two from the same person. In the May Auction 625 lots sold for $20,298. I am cancelling the August Auction. From now on we will have auction is May and November, but they will be larger. I simply can not continue to do a magazine every 60 days and an auction every 90 days. This will also enable me to find time to add more items to Stamp & Cover Sales. We will still make quarterly distributions to consignors. We need a New Editor for the China Clipper. We have a person that can do the layout in Adobe InDesign, so the new editor need not know that software. We still need a Category Editor for the November China Clipper, the PRC issue. 80-4 The China Clipper July 2016 163 Special Sale Price $75.00 For the complete 1945-2012 Fidelity People’s Republic of China & Liberated Areas Album Pages (19 pounds) U.S. postage $14.95 Fidelity Red Binders (2 pounds each) are available for $9.95 U.S. Postage $8.95 each 164 The China Clipper July 2016 80-4 INSPECTION MARKS IN THE NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR PERIOD Jia-Shiuh Shen 沈家旭 Editor’s Note: This article was translated by Dennis that Taiwan be repatriated to China as part of the terms of Murphy. It is a summary from a longer paper originally the Cairo Conference Declaration of November 27, 1943. delivered before the Taipei Philatelic Society on August Upon Japan’s surrender in 1945, the Nationalist 7, 2010 and subsequently published in Huiyou Tongxun government in China established administrative control No. 19 (2010), the annual publication of the R. O. C. over Taiwan Province appointing Chen Yi 陳儀as Chapter of The China Stamp Society, Inc. Governor with broad powers encompassing control over Martial Law was officially in force in Taiwan from the administration of government, law, and the military. 1949 until 1987. During this period the government on The scope of Governor Chen Yi’s authority was similar Taiwan instituted a number of programs to monitor the to the powers that had been exercised by the Imperial thoughts and activities of its citizens. This included the Japanese Colonial Governor who preceded him. opening and inspecting of their mail correspondence in The return of Chinese control over Taiwan was initially order to help identify Communist sympathizers, political hailed and welcomed by the native residents of Taiwan. dissidents and opponents as well as people critical of the However, the administration of Chen Yi was marred government. To facilitate this program, post offices in by corruption, cronyism, and discrimination against Taiwan adopted a system of special daters to mark those native Taiwan residents. Governor Chen Yi imposed a letters which had been inspected. These daters contained requirement that all employees of government concerns secret inspection codes embedded within otherwise must immediately stop speaking their native dialect and, ordinary postal marks. In recent times a number of overnight, begin speaking Mandarin as a requirement of philatelists have made a study of the special inspection employment. As a result, many Taiwanese lost their jobs marks used during the martial law period. to newcomers from the Mainland. Tensions continued The focus of this article is on those postal inspection to escalate between Taiwanese and Mainlanders as the marks in use prior to the 1960s. In the course of his Chen Yi administration imposed many more draconian research, the author has personally interviewed inspectors measures that crippled the economy in Taiwan. The who were assigned by the Security Garrison Command to population came to believe they had been pushed too far. work as censors at post offices. The author’s purpose was Things came to a head after an incident on February to gain a better understanding of the inspection methods 27, 1947. Agents from the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine used and to determine which types of correspondence Monopoly Bureau confronted and abused an old woman were most likely to be inspected. This article traces how in Taipei who was selling unlicensed cigarettes. A crowd the postal inspection system was used to monitor citizens’ gathered jeering the agents. A shot was fired randomly mail during the period of martial law in Taiwan. into the crowd, killing a bystander. The next day, On August 14, 1945 Japan unconditionally February 28, (now a National Holliday memorialized surrendered bringing World War II to an end. China at in Taiwan as ‘the 2-28 Incident’) anti-government riots long last achieved victory after eight years of struggle broke out in Taipei and quickly spread throughout the against Japan. As a result of the earlier Sino-Japanese island. War of 1895, Taiwan had become a colony of Japan for In the wake of the events following 2-28, the 50 years. Nationalist Government on the mainland sent a team to During the Cairo conference held during late investigate the matter.
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