Minutes of the Community Council Meeting Wednesday 8th January 2020, Community Facility

1. Attendance & Apologies: Martin O’Neill – Chairperson (MN) Cerys Warren – Vice Chair (CW) Joseph Budd – Secretary (JB) Claire Sharman – Treasurer (CS) Elizabeth Cunningham – Comm Councillor (EC) Carol Cane – Comm Councillor (CCa) A John Cane – Comm Councillor (JC) A Denise Cassidy – Comm Councillor (DC) Lara Joy Gaffney – Comm Councillor (LG) A Jim Coffey – Comm councillor (JCo) A Patrician Warren – Community Councillor (PW) Robert Cassidy – Comm Councillor (RC) Adrian Connor – Comm Councillor (AC) Stephen McKillop – Comm Councillor (SM) A Helen Loughran – Comm Councillor (HL) Elaine Deighan – Comm Councillor (ED) A Billy Stewart – Comm Councillor (BS) A

Cllr Bob Burrows – Lab Councillor (BB) Cllr Norah Mooney – Lab Councillor (NM) Cllr – SNP Councillor (SB) A Cllr Jordan Linden – SNP Councillor (JL) Cllr Colin Cameron – Con Councillor (CCm) A Cllr Angela Campbell –Lab Councillor (Aca) A Cllr Harry Curran - Lab Councillor (HC) A

The chairperson informed the meeting that Marion Doogan has resigned from her position as Community Councillor due to personal reasons. He thanked Marion for her contribution and wished her all the best in the future.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes were proposed by RC and seconded by AC.

3. Councillors Updates

Councillor Burrows Bus Service: BB welcomed the new bus service but was disappointed that it did not go to Hamilton so didn’t fully replace the bus services that were lost.

Viewpark Gardens: Information event re-arranged for 6 th and 7 th Feb. JL confirmed that he had requested the council to look whether the initial meeting was affected by Purdah. Hugh Green asked if it could be delayed again if a by-election was called but as the sitting councillor wont be stepping down till after the event then this wasn’t likely.

Council Budget: The budget has been delayed due to the Westminster election

Councillor Linden JL introduced himself to the meeting and gave details of his roles within the council and his party. He handed out his community council report and gave a quick run down of some of the points including compensation for Main Street traders, changes to AS learning, CC Fun day, Council Budget – Report is available to view on request.

Councillor Mooney Congratulated Tannochside Primary School on their Christmas Show.

Informed the meeting of the running group that she is involved in and advised that they would be looking for new members in March leaving Tesco Uddingston every Tuesday & Thursday 6pm £1.

NM discussed her surgeries and was looking for suggestions. The form of contacting a councillor is changing more to online and the need for surgeries isn’t as great any more.

Police Updates No Community Police were in attendance.

4. Business directed by the chairperson.

MN explained the upcoming Open Day on 29 th February. • Will inform local people of the existence of the new community council and it’s planned role in making the area a better place to live, work and play. • Local organisations and community group will be invited to have a stand to provide information to the public on the services they provide. • Guest speakers will be holding talks on mental health issues. Further suggestions were then given from the community councillors and the public and will be followed up: Football teams, STAMP etc. JL informed the meeting that money may be available from the Bellshill district forum as it falls under their remit of health & wellbeing.

The website is still under construction and will be going live mid February.

The community google poll will also be ready soon and paper copies will be available at the Open Day.

The Community Council has been formally renamed to Thorniewood as per our request. MN gave thanks to the councillors for their support in this.

MN gave a fitting tribute to Davy Saunders who had sadly passed away. The community councillors voted on a proposal to purchase a bench in honour of his service to the community over many years. The vote was passed unanimously.

CS provided further information on the mental health seminars that will be taking place at the open day.

MN gave an update on the opportunity to raise some money for the Community Council with sponsorship on the website. This has still to be looked in to further and will be visited again at the next meeting.

The CC has a new email address and all future correspondence should be sent to [email protected]

5. Any other competent business. There was no other competent business.

6. Questions from the floor.

JB advised that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 12 th February 2020 at 7pm in Viewpark Community Facility

MN thanked everyone in attendance and closed the meeting.

Minutes proposed by: …………………………………………………………


Minutes seconded by: …………………………………………………………
