Twelve Twelve Pages THE »r. JOHNS NEWS Pages THE€T.JOHNS NEWS.TKUrbDAY AFTITINO'JN*^jAMUAPY 23. 1913. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR C0!i!l m] AGED BIHSlillHI PIOiiEEB EIGKI HOyR DAY J WHO /? WHO IN S t. JOHNS j '^’■'SScPSit m/in PASSED AWAY FRIDAY In Ibis deitaiiMMit earii week, tbe \ftwi* nill ftiid«-aier l« »trr a • r^oLlI Rn^I At IHrlL} krlr# bnalnr** hislary of M. J 'iinV miMil pmgrrwfthr nirrriiantft. • HELD MMl- I'ETIilt SMITH rVl.LFII Tt» Ltt.Mi FOR P.fl. EMPLOYES!, nWIEI. I». |•*.T^^:RMIX I AMK TH GREAT SOCGESS i KFMT. O. P. DE Af ITT A bON-WHOLES ALE GROCERS THIS fOr.NTV l?f ««M XTT B4»v*< iiatirEL. I^STUl’f'TIO^H IffNEIVI.II nr INNTiTI Tf; HELD AT MVIH LAUHK. PHffTIIAHKTM IIHI \H«>. •n RAL rLI’B. IN '. r ^n»lth. for nrarty fifty ywir# Iianlel Uay Katteraon was born In LV .ITTEMIKH. In rr^iuntii *if i’llnton r<.uniy, dlftd at JelTerfton c»uuty, .New Viirk, tm Sei»- hift toosH' in htoftliftui townalitp laft< teiMber 3rd. lK;i9. and when a littU' Kriday u.omiiic at H.*0. Mr. tiniitb iuiy imived with his parents to Canada SHOWED SOMERNE SPECIMENS :..d bMrB In |!«or hHilth for arveral LAW OPERATIVE MARCH RRST where he spent bis boyhood day*. t>n NOTED SPEAKERS PRESENT yean* ftufT«°niia from a fttroko of | '"4- I»4.r«'!..l,er 7th. Itg::, be was united, -■k paraly Aft Jitiouf m yaar aic*». Thr lin- in marriage with Mias Meurietu (Tlflc IO;\l IIFI L I'KI/i;'* UIVK> T« ( nuftft of his ileatb wa* pn**u- PUH'K1.S IMIST PHtlVIMi \ «!%. of (iananevgue. Ontario Two years : TAl.hS MERE HEl.PPI U IIIM’UH. taler be moved with hla wife to St. ' INK WI%>KKh. inoiiia. hla UInpaa laaUug about a >KH IN MM A I. Ml IH L. .HiMNh AMR \Ti:il. '*r«>ak. * |> Jubn». MIrh., where they rc^efdgd i:; I years, going from there lo a fnm. In I Thf' waft bom ia Oderaiadt ilAirer« IMd 111 In Tbelr Power to H* ( oiillnnt^ 1( Hnitiurh fNTTi'iaiii, 1>*<'piitb«*r 21, 1«3T, Whan a TherA Mr re id ” rar«'rl» He^iuitrbftd Houth Ovid, when- they remained for • rhlW of «Iftven yoaf*. h** oama with | thlrty-Lbree years. Un March 34th, I Rake the Inotitule Oae to U«i»s i»k«* lnt(r««k| {n ^ll^ M»l. Iroai M. JobB« llarina I'irst Ihio. they took up their residence In | iii* iaronift Ui ATnsrk'.i »#*ttling near ■ lie Reatembered. liT l« UjirmnI It. » ■ V4-lii!;d. O.. wbftr*' h»' Ilvtsl .mtll u lo Hays In January. | i. OviU wiicrc they have since resided, i young man cf 26 yaara, whrn he came | It Mr. Pattcraon was c*mverted in th*-1 " to Mlrhlfcan lie first a* ttlisl u|>on a | INffttm.-^ster M' II Urtinaon r* ■ 4'Mt- : year xuid became a member of' The Clinton County Paniteis ’ Innti* i'ounfy I* ; ft Ar;il ljI- f ;.m! t- 1 . ' f fo !r iiJlt ^ \\yst of i ly rMf^lv««(j a letter from lh4- gi»\< rti* tli4* .New Connection .Methodlsu In ! t'Me held th*tr annual meeting at the • I ii!l» ht :.l ftrft! < x- St .ioiiUfc a '’ he made lll^ h line ;| tuent alatlng that «:oiigres4i i irs after whu-li tli. •• h»- etl a law to th*- elleci that all elersa der the labors of Itev. John Kllisun. lid Haiurday. January 17 and 18. This 'iH' \ Jm«. I?' A.thif-;rh H '* “* i* ''"O’ ‘j ttb'd ui ' n .1 f»n*i in Hlaghanv towr»- Ii ami c-arrtera ahuiild not uork over i h*- sought and obtained the blessing* Institute has been held In Ovid for ;i : > day ther»- a .tp ■f.«‘v- ral in at ship wbert* !'.•■ i ndr hia bonne until his 4 lgt;i Uourt a day . These 4>ight hours I of hoIin**sa, and l>e<-am«- a member of many years, the farmers of that oec- !• iidunt e to look orer th** dlv-ptay Nor deatii. Dy sUllful manaaement and I| must be withtu ten consecutive hours. > the first cisss of thirteen of the Free tiuD of Clinton < ounty being unusually a4;.- fie display as large na It was bard work h«^ ft'.rcft«-dftd In oc< umu- jt Carrier .No. 1. who raake» two de* ! Methodist lN>Bon)lnstlon at Ht. Johns. Interested In the faou concerning suo- h4M^ M might br. but aonie very line latlng a larse amoimt of property, I liveries a day to the residences ot th* I Michigan, in which eoantncUon be reenful fannmg. An unusually good ftpertmena were on exhibition. j ^-hUdren were bom to Mr. and city. r*|iorta at 7: 4i instead of at. served as steward for a number of attendance wa* present at the meet­ The Judging and plaeing of award* .Mr» Smith, four daughter* and two 7:uu He also baa obarge of the | years Ppon moving to Houth Ovid In ing, tuany coming lung dlatanoes In O. OKM'ITT. L. A. DKM’ITT. 1R77, be united with the Free Metho­ was don« ‘ by Mr ('offeen of the M. A. ' aons. Mr*. J Mathels, Mrs. J. Hhavln* wtndow which Is open froni i:M to I •pile of the inclement weather. dist riaee there, bolding the office ot It has always been the aim of the <• i:xpenmft«l Station and wa* hand* i »ky and Mr*. Charle* Hat henHm «»f i.4&. Instead of i:SO lo 6:00. | O. P. Hewitt, senior member of the at one time a trustee of the vil­ Carriers Nos. 2 and 2 who make | nmi of O. P. Dewitt A Hon. was imm lage and later iu president. At the trustee, steward and claaa lender for program (oounlttee to procure speak­ led very aatiafartortly. After llnlah- Cleveland. O.. .Vflaa Llzaie Smith of several years. lug the Judging, he pointed out the New Ilaltlmore; and Herman and (leo. four deliveries to the business places In OnandsgM county, N. \., Jan. 24. present time be Is a member of the ers that would talk upon such sub- Jecu as would be ot practical benaflt weak plaree In the exhibits and ware- reaidenu of lllngbani towneblp. Be- and two u> the realdencea located In j IKMi. He came to Michigan with hla iKMrd of cemetery truatecs. Mr. Patterson has been In falling the western snd northern psrt of the . ItarenU in Ik63 and after living In health for the past year, suffering a to the farmeis. They were very nue- *d the bi>ya to be 4)n the lookout for t.dea hla wife and six rhlldren. be la Lee Dewitt, the Junior member of fturvlred by one brother. Valentine city. re|»on at 7:oo instead of 6:30. Oakland county one year, they movf-d strobe of paraly^ on June 1*12, con- I ®***^*** tbelr cboloe year an ftueh things as Immaturity, mildew, i the flnn. was born in this city, Jan. not one speaker talked upon any auk- and Improper curing of aeed. Sml|h of f’leveland and one sister. This changf; makes a difference of' to l>ewltl township, this county, where tinuing to fail after the stroke until one-half hour In the business and: he resided until May IKKl. when be !1. !hh6. He graduated from the St. fect but what the farmers ot this aee- It ift the purpose of those Interest­ Mr« (’ Yahran* also of Cleveland. the time of bis death, Monday. Janu ­ tbree-guarters of an hour in the real* came to St Johns He tn)m«*diale|y Johns high school with the class of ary- 20th. 1913. Uon were ttxtremely interested In, tke ed. to rontlaue this work If it la poa- He wa* a member of thr f’athollc I dence* m their deliveries during the I engaged In the retail grocery business Iko'i and later took a course in the ttieakers tbemaelvea being not only slble to get enough boys out to the church at which church the funeral ' Business Ciilverslty at Detroit. He Mr. Patterson was a faithful Cbrla- well posted upon works along that I'oremKm. ■ with M. B. IMncomb. After a year and tian, a kind and loving husband and next meeting of the Club with which «a* held Monday morning at 7:3U In the afternoon the difference for i a half he continued the buslneas alone is an active young buclncaa iiuu) and line. The fanners were unusually to do buftlneaa. Hut there will have OnesU frmn away attending the father and on eateenied and respected both the business and residences are i until Ipuu. when be sold out and con- . last week was elected president of the satisfied with the meeting as much to be more Interest of a pemianent ns- funeral were hla three daughters from jCommert-lal Club of Ht. Johns. Citlxen. and will be greatly mlaoed by one-half hour. i tlnued in the wholesale business hla family and friends. help was derived front theae practioal tun- than has been exhibited during Clevelsod, O.. and also bis daughter \aiks. the |iskt y«wr In order to accomplish of .New ilaltlmore: hla brother. V’alen- This law- does not go into effect un- j which he had been engage*! in in a , Both of these gentlemen are deeply Besides his wife, he leeres two bro ­ til \larrh 4. but the postofllt-es were | aniall way while in ibe retail business. Interested In the growth of Ht. Johns The program opened Friday fore ­ an.vtlilng. With some of the boys the tin*- Smith and hrother-in-lsw, John suthofised to test out the new ays- j This business continued to grow «nd are doing what they ran to make thers. WtUiani of St. Johns. Michigan, noon with a few introdnetory remarte interest «lied on the start, with other* (•abrlal of Cleveland; Martin and and Ira of Canada, also two sitters. by E. E. Warren of Ovid, president ot It died as their corn dW. while with Joseph Smith of Detroit; and Joseph ' •*"* •hape by March 4. | until the amount of goods sold each home town bigger and better, ^Irs Hannah Alkens of ftananogue ; year ha* increased to large proper- the Clinton County PNtrmere' Institute other* their Interest and determina ­ and Mary Warner of Coleman. ' ” * * “ * Dn another page of this issue will Ontario, and Mrs. Eleanor M’ard of aoriety. followed by an Invocation. When parreU immh went Into effect non* In mt<. Mr. Dewitt look his tion has lived through to the end and be found a eut of the building in .New York, two daughters. Mrs. Ed ­ The first talk of the forenoon sraa some of them walked off with a hand­ JanuaO ’ 1. the (KMtofllc*- was tirdered j Hdeet son. L A. liewitt. Into the firm, which this flrni does business and an ward Dunkei of Ovid. Michigan, and to count, weigh and count postage on ; ^ made by Mr. A. B. Cook of Owonao. some prixe of which any boy ought P.. as he la familiarly known. ; sDnounrement to tbelr cuatomcra. Margaret M. l*atterson. residing at JOINT INSTALLATION OF all parrels post matter despatched who was also chosen c^mductor of Use to be proud. Home of them even have home, two grandchildren. .Mrs. Ber- meeting for the day. The subject of ten or fifteen buahela of first-class during the first fifteen days. Duiing , the first fifteen days, there has been ngrd Kttaon of New Hudson, and ' disruaaloa was '’Potnta In Wheat Cul- seed corn for sale. Clyde Dunkei of Florida, also a num-1 lure." He gave a fine talk along that 6.A.R. POST AND IN.R.G. I one legal holiday. January 1. and two M’e realise that this ha* bsen a Itad Hundaya, thus leaving only twelve TOLLES BROS.' BARRED ber of nieces and nephews and other ; line. He suted Usat the culture of neason but at the show and sin* e. sev- REDISTRIGTING IS iwlativea and friends to mourn their wheat was like the culture of any oth­ .NEM MKFirKHN I.NHTAI.I.KII MON. I working days 1 eral hoy* Imys have said that they had ! l>urlng that time, the office received er grain, omphaUeally explaining to better <-orn at home than was shown BAY KVENT.NIi. ! for delivery 665 parcels. There wns PLYMOOTH ROCKS WIN HARD NtiT TO CRACK Funeral servlc-ea were held M’ednes- the fanners that good practical Judg ­ then- TTist may b«- true, but they I mailed Into the office for the rural de- day at 2 o'clock at the Free Methodist ment must be used in selecUng Use are to be cr1tlcl»ed for not bringing It lurch in Ovid. Hev. Edison Delninger : kind of seed to be used. The seed de ­ I livery 36 iiarcela weighing 44 lbs and AT BFTMMIT HIIMMX MHEKF lu:- out. they arc to be criticlaed for not C. K. (insson INiat \o. 166 (i. A. R I 14 ox., postage 11.74. One parrel was I.EDIHI.ITI'RI:. MITH THREE PAR­ lating. Interment waa made in elded upon munt be sdaptad to tk* getting into the race and helping to and W K C. No. 20 held Joint meeting , mailed for the city «iellvery. There CMKIIH nU NT. TIES T« PI.EINE. Maple drove cemetery. soil upon which It Is plant^. To grow crest*- a greater Interest In Agrictil- jn rooms 7:20 p in.. January IS. i was mailed for despatch from the of ­ wheel surceesfuliy the beat of attes* iur*» in 4»rder that the young boy» *>f IK 13. for the piirpos*- of Inatalllng fice 371 parcels weighing 454 lb*, and lion must be .given it from the start today will b*- found on th*- farn.s of their olHcers for ensuing year* P from the farm, as they arc P Minanl; J. V. M . H M Ustes; Adjt.. (> K. Wlison; D. IKistug*- amounting to 149.39, and the ;tnd third on bens; second and fourth that the pmblem of redlstDctlnc the be raised as tiicresafully In this part T.ik4- hold and h* H- en; lailv.- nut to crack durina the present «mrc was given It The farmer moot V:iitH-k and *-r1tlrlft«- ilarru, O c. . Haniuel Kinney; F H.. third itid fourth on pullet-bre the prediction freely REETI.Nt; A.MI llA.NljrLT. see that the general quality of the |{4'l4>w I- a list of prises wcui. . D I.. I-I«egle. fifth on exhibition cock and fieat *iis- is iiisd*- that It will not be era* ked gram of this section must be made I Clay \V*- exhibited 26 birds at this during this •session unless It is extend ­ better or the low price of wheat will F4>r grand chumpkm ear, I2u silver OLYMPIC UT. SOCIEH fthnw and 19 of them wer«* plat-Ml un- Th»- peetmasiers of the Hi. John's •-ontinue. which doe* not make It « up Donald Puets. Merle Beach. well chosen worde thanked the mem- ed clear Into .Inly or later. ; tiers for his 4-iection to the high of- d4-r th*- ribbons, winning #22 in cash lA>dge .No lo."* i-onferred the .Master necessarily a paying venture. i4v*;-*-pfttHke*. ten ears. $1" rd<'n .ktk'nsnn, Ht Johns. j Poet He aske*! the supiion of every GAVE ENTERTAINMENT above re«-orri on birds entirely of his Monday evening, January 2u. at the ('ook by the fanuera upon this sub- dislrlct. (-ongt ’TE^ionully, senltorially Higlont yield from one measured memb«-r of iht- onler being assured of own breeillng .Masonic Temple A large attendance Ject and lengthy dlariisalon follow- acr* of any kind of corn produced IMEHFHTINfi PIBMIKIM Pl.FlHEB tnd In rcpr.-'-ntstlv*- dlstricia. was of Mas*mi* were present to enJo> the ed. I that g(NMl result* oAire to follow. Dn*- hundn*rkerc^-htw were iiuui*- by seversl inetn- ^ IDMIB .*v|/.KII IITHEM E. for Mile, at reasoiiabl*- prices. *( .allty meeting and the banquet served. The last talk for th** forenoon waa First .•list*, lilt sI!v 4t cup. Charles the Kcpubllcans *»erc m absolui** con |H*n* 4if th*- order with evlden«-e of ap- »-on!Jdered. .Now Is th*- time to llii- trni and had only themsrive.- to satis-, Eight pastnuisters were present, six i Plummer of ('hicago up- .M4irr!i-4 iMiidaIn pr»'«‘iation Among thus*- frt»m out- prov* your flock. of whom; Fred Hwain. Audr*-w ' El-1 ^®* ”™**'* .*<4 c i»n4| pris4 %ii safety nisor or 13 Th* Dlympir IJterary society of th*- fy Now there an- th* Demoerat* to drldge. Frefl ('KMJdla. t'lark l*utt, J, C. Fertilizer" He enld that he be- sid* was Chas (i Andrus, comniutulcr , TOLI.KS BHDS. Ht. JoiiUft *-*»n»lder and the lN'mf*crnis hold th*- »ch4»larrhlp at M A- C.. ah«»rt cours*-. Maroiista P*-?M, who *-xpress ed him- H i J4*hnf- high school gave ;« fine in- Flynn and Frank Htone. acted f. oL H^'ed In the us** of fertiliser i!i*o« cer- How-nl (:ib**>n. Ht J work had been thi- raising cf certain crops. If the M< ' ■ < • Impiain. j ! cleil»-*t organize*! at th*- high »*-hool Will 111- rendered by bon * ta|i-nt Fri­ lrc*n*-xl out in a d.ny fir twu now seem i fertlMser is not us*-d the soil miaat ItctM-less. It i^ no small nisiter to j **'*'v»mpllfthed, an •daborat*- bnmjuet icilow Bent- Besf l« Kar*> ' IIB.HBNE IIKOKKN. I ihlft >esr tint this w.'itt their first at- da.' evening. Jan. 31, for th- beuetli was nerved In Ih*- dining room, dur- n< ( rimrily In tlin*- l«e<-onie in such a Firtit !»rl/- -ei suit ■ ' Chithci.. I tempi at .in enl-rtalnnient. Th*- of the I D t) F Temple ft:n*l Tie •ttl* the mt«tt*-r to suit *he Hepiibii- - (Aiidltion that g4>*id crop* cannot be Mr- .* ;,*•*» .snow, living a few «-at: m.-ijoritv but t*» suit both B**pub- ', ing which J. (' Flynn act*-d u» t(*iwt- Ai. \ M4«rrh • lhi|iiain. i mil*-!* ?!4>rtliw#vf of Ht Johns, ^ II up- ' tiiiin**) will tw turn***!'over to the lit-' t-asi hai- l»* -n **-<-iii-e*l and iho?» who Rta»i*-r. Many were *-a||fd up«m by raU*il u|>on it. It must be worked up ( jir- ■ is tat Charier ;' ^ind |wi!I in- In tin- play «r*- I-.«rnir.g li* ;;t!c tind D'-?!;--^: nt; and the few Na- t*gaiii by the ufc of this fertiliser. He < n th* < • n*-ar4} two w. eks ago au*! tk.nai I*n*gn- ’ra<-tlcing their tuirta lowing brochen* n-siKuidIng: f*. E. •'X'l ..lued thiy different kinds are I Ird t.rl '4-, y isi |MiI Arsenal- le'ad J «-.'*> d*-vot<-4t to ;* literary program Jorliy for the |•,4t Oft as BIc" of the Flint lodge; Hlias llak*^r F*l"if Prfci. 01lV4 r.othliig ..St ‘vrong mtP a* vi ral «ii*vi4 i and the latter to a :::Ukrdlng school | HBKNK.S BIATKB. of th** Fnlrtield, Barry county lodge; gram for th*‘ forenoon closed after M l.Hi- t H»'|4cd Bent. B«-»l |H Kar«. j play •-niitled * ‘A Miiii's Voice. ’ Th*- anv le^ilatlve proj- ial can well Ite , <('ontlnued on iustd«> page.; J”-r-r Th* pain i»«T:*rr* po gn-at that W# will b*- lit HI Johiii- uniil Hal- ; and Wm. t'ochr.-i . Fre*l Hwain. F. W. Fir ' 1 n '* tlotl -.-. -h: waft *:tki>n to th*- Hart liosiutal y«*iing peopli *t*-* lared their triumph . RMnlealoi the lUr I'rwklent. Moodis. Clark Ibiit. Frank Sion*-. Jess« * 4>rdot '.-Kiiiftor. -t .lohus. eration foll«*w»al W*-d- t-uying R cnriua*! of hnr9*•^ They J HaiK-roft, John Walker. William Kl- H«-< il iTi^"-. '•*> ohoei, Howard lo^s-da) aftcrrxHin.'th*- iliictors wiring ' Munt. teacher of English at th*- high \lontcalni county D th*- blBg*'St pus* ; drldge and Eugene P.xrr of the St. Th*- Boanl of Huie^rvisors. who are St f«»hus ; Kclifwi! With her effortft and the abil- I *• ’*••* sound aiMi fat zie Then then is th** division of the j Johns lodg* A Un in seealon this w. -k. voted last Fri­ th* Jaw-l>on«- logrther. Hhc s^-eiue to w1 HTOCT St Ml BBl-K time was enjoyed Thinl pnse. It -i^- cseb. le'vl Blakes- ilolng nicely lt> of the young people the entertain ­ iipj rr {leninsula which righifiilly le by all present, day to submit to the iteople at the le* til J4>hn? ment was made a stiecea*. entlll*xl u goo«l *leal more than on** I _ —— ■ iiring **lecttoii lb* question heiu, flllva Miller; Eva Wll- , peninsula must uhmlt to s dlvlion with I2i».00(* for a new inffrniary. the \4*ii. i»f $11 were not Hwnrd*-d n.a Hteod; Tops> Rhee Coverdale ! at the fttrnite and none wants to he The matter of submitting the local lieciu*.. **f the Ia*-k of c-onteetanta. COURT NOW IN SESSION vocal solo. Hubert le-e; debate. Ida I in ihtft deal. MET HERE SATURDAY Option que-Hloo to a vole of the people Th^-r* w«-r* no •-xhildfs of White Ifent llugue; vocal eoio. May ltal>eork Dene*- Hturgls Opera Ho*i*e, Fow ­ j Th* Fifth. .Ninth and Twelfth don't at the coming election was paseed at CO IT The play- -**A .Man's Voice" followed ler. Friday evening. Jan. 31. want .Mrnicalm with Congreeeman- .wEIFini. RIXIH f \SE.s MERE PElIFKtTEII CIII'.NTV BKf.'V.NIZL the seaaJon this forenoon. Tlu-c^- prizes .md some of the win­ The cast of rharacteiu were as fo|> elect IJndquIel to reckon with, yet After all nam«** that could be taken ning corn will be on exhibition In the IMNIMIMKII tiF. lows. Dwendoline Herktna. Florence The W C T. C. will meet Thurs- Montcaln. la the logi(*ii| .xmnty to be TIB> A.MI .YINEII BBI.KMATEM. off on account of technecalltloa were dls)«lsy window of Walter Emmons' (iranger; Mrs. Jostah Engalls, Vel­ day, Jan. wlth Mrs Peter Wsk- : seiHiralftd from the present Seventh dropped, the petitioner* still had six­ Jew«-lry store. Jsnuarv 26. ma Hlclght; Miss Matilda Perklas, worth on <*aa s HI W. j district Indeed wb*>ut the only solu- teen nrorr than the required namker Everv hoy In the eo«intv akoiild sec (Mreult court was In sene ton Mon ­ Merle Flow man; Mloa Arabella Per­ I Hon of the difficulty seems to be to The meeting of the .National Prn- of names. this (Itaplay and be ready U> comiiete day. Tuesday and Wednesday of this kins. Rena Karcher; Hannah, Elisa­ Hev. Joa. A. Joyce, minlstfr of ' ' put Monlralm In a district by itself. greoaive party held in the t'ourt for something equally a* valuable week and several cases were tried. beth Hugua; Hetty. Irene VanKII*: tiol Cbrtsilaa church In Ignalng will Deirait MiMl Wayne la getting the HfMtoi- Haturday afternoon was well NEW FEED HILL. next yrtwr. as this eonieet will be open Monday was devoted entirely to the "A Man's Voice" ? preach here Hunday afteraoen at 3:90 j worst of the preeetit diatrirt dlvtalon. | *Mrodcd. coagidering the ioclemeacy I wiak to la/ortn my patrono that I to every boy In rilatoa co»inty next minor case* of the court, the Jury for o'eloek. I but It begin* to look a* though this i of the weather. Tke chief purpose of have laatallod a largt elaetTtc feed year, and prise* will be awarded on the Elmer E Emmeas raae being M I.BH. sniAK AIJM. session would llnlali wltbcMit a change | the gathering waa to perfect the or- mill which I am goiog to run In con- other produce than corn. drH*vn and several ditmree oaaea dla- 2 Iba fancy Heeded Raisins 25r KIngk Daughters will meet with ta dittrict territory and with tke thir-I gaalsatlon and have It eoafonn with neetton with my elevator. IMised of. Dtvorreft were araated to 4 Ibe Church's Heking Rods 15r Mtae Husie C. Durhee Tuesday even ­ teenth enggreoeman still elected at othetu which arp betag organised in Will be pleased to do yxMr custom On account of tke bad weather the, the following* .Marie Taytor vp. Wil­ Reg 6dr IMsmogd *rse. lb. . 4Ac ing, Jen. W This is annual eieetloa of larm*. all coumiea of tke etate. John H. FB- grladlag aad furnish yua wttk all past week making It Impo aalhle for liam II. Taylor for noa-eupport aad Reg. ode Japan Tee. lb. Stc oIBcers AH meaikera requested to be Tke same dIflMulty encountered In dew was elected county chairman: A. kind* of ground feed at priean that people to attend onr Aurtloa Hale, we Archie Holden va. Etbel HoMen for 4 pkgs t'orn Flakeo ----- 25c present. tke roagrvaa to nal division of a dla- C. Valentine, eectetary. aad J. W. will salt Call aad giva ma a trial. will coatlBiie ottr Sale all next week extreme ami repeated cruelty. Pierre's Red Rose Hoar .. tic trict by tbe Htrmlt* of Mackinac will FItageraM. treasurer. (Nmualtteemen Tours for boolaoan mmtt earnestly urge every otm to make t'lyde Falrckitde charged with twice Hpeeiai prices In quantitleo. Bring Tbe Bengal l*nton AM will meet be met in tke renpport teamen t of tke were selected for all township* aad CHARUn 8. BRRAaUE. a special effort to come and nee the violaiing tke local option law ap­ In your eggs and batter. with Mrs. Arrhte Blahealoy Wednes ­ aeaalortal diatricu of tke sute. *rhe ward* la tk* county aad the tollowtag 3tw4 BL Jokaa. Mich. bargains that we are offering. Our peared in court. He waa out oa ball K J. PIRRt'K. Cask (Iroeer. day. ion. 39. tk tke foreaeea. also pulling and hauling oa thi* aad tke delegates chosen to attend tke Na­ niark la freak aad clean, and It In all for hla fiTPt off ease, but waa unable election of oBIrftre Mia. tirace Bever- question of the revtaina at tke repre- tional Progreoalve ooaventleg^ be ADTERTfNBD LETTERN. thrown wide open at Auctloa to the to aeroTw bondonmn for Um eacaad of- aace'B coasailttoe will aowe dkuier. nentative dkgricta will ka aalr eaeoad koM la Battle Creak Wedaeoday. Fab One poupd Raialge free with 1 Ik. Jan. 21. Itlt. klffkest bidder. There la nothing ro- fenoe and waa In Jail. He waa allow ­ to tbe bitterneoa hound to be iaavdyrd If: l>r. Hoover. Ragle: Hdwtn Wal­ I*artry Baking Powder or Deeoa. eater, Mrs. Kllaaketh: Weiek. anrved. I moat have Um* laoaey In ed to go with tke ppnviel o a that he Tke flleaaers of Bengal Arbor will dron. Watertown; Ray Caakmnn. E J. PIKRCK by tke opposing interesta that will Wllda. tile next tea days,. was to appear la coait at any tlOM give a boa oorlal at tk* beam ef Mr. haul* la Ike redtstrlctlna far ro ag rea Both: O. C. Holllater. Victor: W. R. WILL H. BRCNBON. P. M. My Ion* will be yoor gain, far the that Ike Judge saw Ht lo call him to - — d and Mr*. Fred Walker Tkureday ev­ etdaal repreosaotlaa Tkete are on Bhaw aad Rverett Mwaaor. Oviui Jko. good* munt go at earn s prica. aaewer to the first okergw. He Ig to AIM’‘nOR HALE. ening. Jaa M. ICvi rykad v lavitad. laaay diametriaally eggooed latereols Itsaa. Daplala; M. IMat, (Ireenbuok: Have you aoea tkooe large 59a llaea H*-lp me. by ketplng yourself. Rv- appeer at tke next term at court to Having rented my farm I will anil Bring a well-flllari luaeh box with to oaUefy that tke moot ogtknletlc I>r Martin, Rroex; A. J. Bullard. Ril­ towels tkat aoM at Barnettk Aacttoa erykody com*. aaewer to tke oeeegd rkergft of tlm at puMle aaction January tint. ItlS. you. eupgerter at tke moveaieat far a coai- ey. Freak Atkiaanii. Btagkam; John for tin? .NOfHJC BITRNETT. rtolailon of the loeal option law. located t mllea north of Ovtd. oci ——■ I piste reeppartleani ftnt ugen tke new FHdew. J, W. FItxgeraM. Harry Brad ­ The rear of Rimer B. Wmmnga Meradl an. begtaalag at teg o'clock A meat pie nagger will he oarved ' pognlailon tgurea. now admits that It ley. A W. Dwfkee and A C. Valea- WlNIII! WfNlR! The "Meonlkk." tke smrM** great- rkorgsd with the vkHetlon of the lenal sharp. aPoek and toele rngaiatlag of by the Lodien' AM Baciety In tke par- i la next to futile lo expect any sort of tlae. Bt Johan deed soft wood at ItAO per cord, eat oratorio, will he given at the M B. optioa law was tried Tuooday aad 15 head of high grade Ifolatet n cows loffu of tke Bagtiat church oa tke ev- agriiaie at. wklle It taoln at OILUBON'B FRRD church Monday evening. Jaa. S7, by Wedaeoday TIm* Jury withdrew about and beifevg. 1 aggg hegvy week keraaa. ealng of Jaa. tiai. from 5 o'eloek oa | . ..------It Is the aim of Wnodkorya* Flower btork S5tr laeal ookdala and a large effarwa. 5 oVIeek Wednesday eveatng sad ag- wt. 2tM; I mark mare, kgga aad akeep HveryUiiag to make a Bned maol will i Fred Blid —Fek. «, Ittt. Btove to plaee before tk* people of Hear It by all meaaa. TVlieta oa sale peered akaut 11 nMlaak with tke ver­ aad gmmral fanaigg tuala. Tenaa of ke fnru iaked Having 9*M hla hum will sail all of niattm On. cat ttewef* and giants ef Plenty of eamfo na kle ckalva for all at W R Ongand's store Raturday at dict of "guilty.** Mr. RgaaoaeM al- oale--^ maatka* tlaie eg baakakle ' kio r»waanl progerty at aaettea on sterltag tMtllty. A visit to tke greea- at Dainouk Aaatica Rale. t:M o'elacli. toraey, Doaa W. Kelley aad J. Bari aotoa wltkoat lateraat If paM wkea WAKTKB FiWBB. like above dale R L Rlxby. aaction- baaeee and stove will oenvtnoe you Brown, will aggeal the cage to tke due If aat ao paM 7 par seat ftma 1 will adv sftiai yoar fkna far mM. | oar. Izoak oat far ad. next week that they hove tka koM facflltiaa tond Oeaa to Nkkia Ravnattk Aaictioa Hammoad'a Dairy Feed, Rraa. Mld- daae at mma. 1 par cent off fgr eaok. In a«y aatalapM free ef ok args. Iti ------tbelr ft Form ove oMOt anaaeaafal. Bale aad aeleat a Oaal, Mrtn, Bolt or dllagn and all klnda ot Pmaltry Freds . No geada remevei until nettled far. xrfti go lg tke keada of 1Mt9 pro-1 VtXRB M»AI» OF TATTLC aaytkiag yaa wink, aad kay tt at Oyaler Rhella. Orlt. Maai Merapa. eta., PWfMRBMMflNi ATTKirmil. Laarfc ai naoa. itivv kaywra la FfNI BALI, Tke *milelajak* ’ Amaitoa at yoar aara gvton Aaailaa at niujfioMr Fmi) irroRa t&tr All PTiiar*aglvua xeko wMk tg ti FRANK, wait . Ill r xHii ha la Bt Jaha Meanisk" la tke hi of a Ip 9f every aftoraeoa at $. mrntp. Itoery part In tke epvki J. B. ROWMAt^ Khar Mad o f nattia ■aatlful anatoavni-i aUkt at 7M, narg. RAFK rim HALM, are get altugily t karpiig Ingaire at WardM^itvai R egpoll Rgtgnlgy. Jgg. M. OPBge Pyalt and R. L. Makr. Okirr THB ST.JOHNS HBWS.THUMDAT ArrSKHOOH—JANUAKT 2S, 1913.

Ilk* thatassi The ■antlnas ars asasss it th* graatssC alhists hai Tk St. Johns News. Ad out thiaagh tlM stralaar of asaUs- Asa Lmdmty TJU(Wky Mkhi^an etrsogth will eaon falL Ons^s' deal aaalyala TIm facts rsHMtniag L foHaeas aad ecrangtii of akad or moasla are ooMly tabulatad la the oard cata­ Nmadt Mother a’ Compenaation BUI *f HIsk. Hskael ChiMr* d epend upon tke bissd. aad Iks btsed in tam, ah INDI6PHNUICNT .>HBW8PAI retiree n hnalthy etnmnsh. fm tka etsmadi In tka log. ji:b«b bbn b. unm IT. ey to heenaw the over-pnreat of all tla frsai Ua?mtllalad. laiprep- lehetntery whore th* food m tligsetsd sad eneh aia- Tk* ladsAsd oabtaai la oaaaultad peopla. It la aaeiisniBg this duty with msats am tahsn ap—or neeiiailstnd wldeh amhe PubItahAd ATAtT ThursdAjr Aftar- Of the Deavsr JavaaOe ly Hems to as* how BMay tliasa tk* Agpli eaat refereoce to tke cklld. It has dlaeov- Afoad. In eonsaqaane* all th* orgaae of ths bsdj» airrp At 115 WAlker atrsAi. aaat, W- ered that it caaaot cave Itaelf unlaan eaah ae baart. hmgs. Hear aad kMnsye, as wall aa has wrlttsa before and if th* vartoas th* Bsreo u* syslsm. foal ths had otfoet if tha atom jotaA. MIchlAAii. by Tbe St. Jotaa It eavea the child, aad It cannot save 'The health of hundreds and proba ­ appeals agree aa to fact. Often they I heartily favor tke mothers' oom- the child ualean It savea the mother ash is (temngnd. NAars PiiaUnc CoanpABy. bly thniisaads at children la betng dooT. digging letter wrltara need psasattoa act. Tke BMHker who la aa- of the child. menaced today In Michigan bseanss gaged la rearlag a family la readerlag to aaquJr* tke carboa oopy and lat­ There la no child problem that Isn't school bosrda have failed to arrange Tke MaMeal Adeiterk^ Dr. Pierce’s CMdcn CHAHLKH H. rL.iMk, EdUar. Just as valuable aarvtca to the state a parent problem. It la. therefore, for proper heating and ventUatlag. ter Hie hablL aa la th* soldier engaged la Bghtlng vlul that. In the tatersau of tha atate R. V, Pierm, M. D., While in moat cities aad vlllagea these falo, N. Y. nnesee re kaeta Of oourae many of theae appeal* the tanttlan of th* elate. Itaelf. It ahould set to It that the pro ­ ntal Bscaneitlsa are fairly well taken represent real euSerlag aad genuine While engaged In active service the pagation of the race la put upon th* qf deiieata fuaatione TWKNTl.KOritTM YE.iB care of, cone tderahly leas than a third ehout tsAtak amr^ man aaed. All worthy cauaaa are moat aoldler la paid —compsaaatsd. In the moat favorable basis poasibis. of the rural dlatiicta have protected helps the sUawsh to digoot food properly, otarte th* Tke trend of thought on this satire er teo ssnn. siagls or msr- Hvot late mow osUvlty, roewviog the wmkaima fioai the peiauasiv* when they cut out big ad- old age of the soldier, after the batUss their boys aad glfia from the dtsns- Mood, aad the verloe* orpaas got rim. red Mood, ia- ■BtATAd AA aAcowl«clAAA mattAr At tba are fought, the work la done, or the subject Is beeomlkg reversed. Tke troun rsaulta of overheating. Impure ried ' (loeen't have much chance to i ment and a long rest. After doctor- aa a foul air extractor. This sucks off three blank*, life looks like new coun ­ ure ;u the ramillar face that you meet earn dividends. lug with the physician for several the cold, impure air and the warm, try, untrodden, delightfully porten ­ on the street. Onc4 ‘ interest is creat­ month* and receiving no benefit, I de ­ pure air comes down and takes its IVople hare eo much to be grateful cided to try Dr, Kilmer’s Hwamp-Root, pl*- child In tous with big things you hope to do ed by n man s methods of advertising, j for it la a wonder they don ’t print [ which had l*een recommended by my *ver> ’ part of the room Is equally com ­ and unforeeeen expeiiencee, all to be readers turn to It as to a aerial story. more Cards of Thanks. I husband ’s partner. To be honest, I fortable aa far as heat la concerned; recorded therein. > really did not have any faith In the children have pure fresh air Wheat, Oafs, Bin and Barky The modem form of Journal, com ­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ What has become of the old-faah- Hwump-Retrolt Free Press. tell him, we say. but be couldn ’t make most e%ery one living In the South and scatter after the manner of a boy tendance and the proceeds amounted him believe It. ahould uae Swami»-Root at least one to 110.75. hero of Susan t'oolldge's: — This weather, we presume, la Just or two months in the Spring an It rMs .Mrs. Amelia Holden and Mrs. Sarah Jan. 10. Forglt what did. a gentle reminder of the Joys of last FEEDING IIIFFEBEINT IlKEKDH. the ayatem of all impurities. Albaugh spent Tuesday at the home The heavier the breed of fowls one Jan. 12. IMcgsant. Went skating. winter. —Saginaw New*. Respectfully vours. of Joe Holden and family near Bur­ keeps the more care they must take ton. Jan H. FV>rglt what did. MRS. W. L. BFndlS. moiW)rt Governor Wilson Is balled as a roan against feeding a fattening ration. 811 H. Cedar Ht Mobile. Ala. Milo Maynard entertained a num ­ Jan. 17. Stormy. of Independence and determination. The heavy breeds, such as the Rocks. Peraonally appeared before me, this ber of hla friends from Rime Monday Jan. 20 Forglt what did. But does be dare refuse to tip the the Wyandottea and Asiatic* naturally i jqt), Man'h! A. D.. 1913, Mrs. eventog In a social gathering. All _tDfVD it and take leas exercise and have a tendency Jan. 25. Forglt what did. I l*iillman porter? —Fort Huron Tlroes- M'. L. Bemfo who subeciibed the bad a pleasant time. Youthful persona of seriously in- j to lay eo fat more easily. They soon above aad on oath aajra that same la Kimball Kime Is getting ready to become so corpulent that they refuse maKe il>^rk true In aubstaoce and In fart naove to Toronto. Can., in the spring. trcspectlve habits must have been In- j now', when the orange* arc to lay. The drj' mash la the feeder'a J. LJC8I.1G YOUNG, Sam Burch baa returned home from fluenced by those standard examples, i freezing, we don ’t hear quite so much salvation. It Is not so fattening and Notary Public. Virginia. the "IMar>- of Mia* Thingumbob ’* or about the "glorious climate of Cali­ by decreasing the grain ration, the Miss Matie Randall and Mins Win­ over-fat hens or the hen* that have a Bomeliody else formerly found on fornia. ’’—(irand Rapids News. nie KIme called on Mrs. Geo. Peter's tendency In this direction may be re­ at Chapin Wednesday. ever>’ book shelf. These ominous Ov. KHmt'* Cm.. Announcement Is made that the duced In weight...... Y. The Church of the Brethren will volumes bound In black, partly a counting of the stars la almost com ­ Considering the coat of feeding the commence meeting here Saturday ev­ story of times of laborious toil, were pleted. Rernember when you--and heavy breeds of fowls aa compared Prove What Hwamp-Beet wni ening, Jan. 25. to be conducted by Kid. with the lighter ones, a Ptymolb Rock Do For Ten. still more a record of morbid con- and your beat girl- used to count the C. L. Wilkins for a few days, from hen cosu approximately 30 tier cent Bead to Dr. Kilmer A Cou. Bingham- New Haven. scieorev You reed about the funer ­ stars?—r^>ntlar f*raaa Gasette. more to feed than a I.4ighom. How ­ ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will Mrs Frank Johnson of BIsle la als attended, melaneholy contempla- A newly designed gown has only ever. It coata more to feed a pound of convince anyone. You will alao improving of late. tinti and over critical self examina ­ two hooka in the back. The ordinary lieghorn than a pound of Plymouth i calve * booklet of valuable Informa- Kugvne IVarce has purchased a husband should be able to negotiate Rock. The smaller and more active tlon, telling all about the kidneys bouse and lot of Glenn Oren of Btale tion the fowl, the more It coete per pound > and bladder. When writing, be sure Perhaps these bilious records led to these and make the theater almost aad will take poeewaainn noon. on time.—Grand Rapids Freeo. to maintain that body. The difference : and mention the 8L Johns Waekly Mrs, Sarah Alaugh sold a bouse t a decline In the habit of diary keeping. In egg production between the two .News. Regular flfty-eant and one- lot to Claud Holden Saturday for 1259. And tbla Is an age of anticipation ra­ Houth CarolliiM la planning to adopt may not be great, but the coat of food I dollar six* botUas for oaJe at all drug Bid. J. K Albaugh and family, Mr* for the latter la always much less. stores ther than retrospect. Bven the octo- a compulsory education law. Well. Sarah Albaugh and daughters. Jennie genatian may read the base ball Gov Bleaee Is an excellent argument and J. W. Buell aad wife, spent Sun ­ In favor of It.—Jackson CItisen ITena. day at J.* P. .Neff's. acorea rather than dream of the past C. M. Randall aad eon, Hd. went to In the cbtmney comer. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ DetrolC Monday where the latter A diary need never be morbid. A Sui^estxve Questions will work. HOW MANY MEN HAVE YOU KNOWN WHO HAVE BBBN II kept Journal written in cheery EDITOBIAI. rOMENTN Arthur Potter aad wife »m

Mr. ahd Mm W. H. THbhn of Fan- tcmpaalad bar baahaad to 1 aaalag tiac am vndUng bln paranta. Mr. ami Tuead ay. j Mm H. W. Tubba. Laat Sunday. Mr. May. aupertntaa-l Mm A. Bradkhaw of Duplaln wasi Facts About AlfcUfa daat of tba Y M. C. A. of Cltaum ; /UhravSickMB tba guest laat waak of Mlaa Milan | anty, aocoaepanlad by Maaata. Varae nothing ao rapuliy raato rca banltfa Darling. Tim wl af a saHa iMaa la M Eagle aad Harold Putaam from St.! Gaorgr GIsaana haa raturaad from a agrtanHnial la Urn Ml. shaft Mlgk NsfMM Jobaa ware hem and took charge of | and vigor aa JCYJrrj EdflOJWML the aervloaa. Mr. Putaaui spoke on i H ob . H. U. MeClurr of IrO—>M tan days' trip apaat la St. Lnula, Ma. U0000CXXXXXXXXXXXX300UQ0<|XMX30CXXXXXXXXXXX3 Nell TrtaMy rharab .^aiae. It id the aaaesice €$i natural body- tkm vuMt of I>r. and Mm. Jamm T«y- Gaorsa Jarvla. who has baan very Utat Sunday tbe Ladles' Altar Sa- "Why a Young Man Should JfHn tbe, notmdbment, ao mcdicaBy parfect lor riidor aad Moturday alak with the maaalaa la on tba gala. claty mat aad they decided that they both by a g ood tlioroagh agotam of ' barley, valuable tblngx as dry goods aad mrsales snd other child ailments it Mm. Oraoa Lalaad. wbo llvas on a Thay must be sosm thlaly and It hom e la Bast Haags I Tueaday after aata, Mr. and Mm. Walter Balcom. farm aontb of the village, haa bean cultivation aad by a good routlon. dtobaa but It toll Into boaaat hands is nature ’s ally in restoring haalth. Bach a rocaikm no oala soodad to may ba nsraaaary to cut them before ppandlng aaveml waaka at Mike have mtumed to tbair borne. very alek but Is a littia battar at this aad it waa raturaad by a young man GralTa After grippe or pneumonis it L. T. Storrar apeat Thuraday la clover, tba clover sod put iaio corn, maturity to save tbe alfalfa. The who Ilvaa alx mlloa from loala. He writing. aead must be dragged lb. and should Mra J. T. Wood and daugbteva. imparts attend and health, snd Bontlar and Detroit on bualoaaa. Mm Lsoa B. High srent to Ownaan baavlly monurad. ad tbe oorti ground coam clear to Fowler Jaa. IStb la tba put Into oats agnin aad aasdad to be put Into tbe soil deep enough to Laey aad Hmoila. aad son. laaac. for colds, coughs, sore, tight chests Mra E. B. Soulaa. wbo waa called Saturday to be tbe gueat for a few atonn aad Mr. Millar mat him. Hs had warn Buaday guaats at tke borne of Q. bare last weak on account of tba alfaitn could be raeommaadad If tba prevent It from drying out. From tan tbs moasy la bla paekat for oafa- and throat troubles SCOTT’S days of Mm. Endom Bryson. to fifteen pounds of seed to the acre la R. Towaeead'a death of bar alater. Mm D. T. CTovart, aoAl waa In poor eoadttlon kaaplag ba aald. and It to hoped ba Mike Bertram and wife of near Fow ­ EttULSION gives the greatest relief baa returned to bar home In Alma. If tba ooll la tba laaot bit sour It a graat plMty. If sowed too tbln. tba will Sad bis suitcaos as Mr. Miller Dtm la Maspital at Ana Arbar. roots will grow so large that It is hard ler vielled tbelr eoa, A. J. Bertram, known. Fred Olaon apant Buaday la Sbap- The funeral aervleaa of Mm. George would bo a good plao to toll plow, UMk that oas baek to Owoaoo aad left laat waek Friday. aad ‘SOW about flfteoa buodrad to two to plow In them, but If It la too thick Sao vT a Bewaa. amsomad. M.j. IMS ardwvllle with Mo parenu. Finch warn bald from tba Baptist It thlaklag that bs would call tor It sn A. Smith has returned from St F. A. Wellmaa. wbo baa bean a Thoiioonrt pounds of lima to tba aem. oome of tke plonta will die out. oo It ibere. "■ I" ------church on Friday. Mm Flacb bad lo bettor to have it too thick than too Lawto where be baa bean taking tmat- cuaat of bla daupbter. Mm rbatiao baan sick for savemi weeks at bar The lUae will do tbe alfalfa good any­ Mr. and Mm. Miebael Fedswa aad moaU. TBE MAIL MAN. Soborh. baa raturaad to bla borne In way, if It la not applied la oaeb quaa- tbln. aoa. Pater, of Haatlnga cams Tusoday Aa over tba scraals ba siroda tba llva- home In this village aad at tba aug- If tba altolto blnasoma tbe flmt aas- Amos aad Aloaso Coon of Mleaoiikae South lloardtnaa. gaatlon of her physician sraa takaa to tlUoo that U will burn tbe ooodliag sveatag to vtolt bto paiwaia. Mr. and coaaty oaoaa laot week to vlalt rela- long day, Mm L. V. Fraacb baa goae to plaata. on It ohould be clipped rather high oc Mm. Pater Fad awa. Tbay waat to Dowad down baaaath bis weight of Ann Arbor to be oparmtad on but did paoUirad, but cam muot be taken not tlvaa aad friaada la this vicinity. Cbicaao to be cone until tbe flmt of not rally after tbe opemtkm aad died Comararclal fertlllsor bdpo altolto FVwamo Friday to visit bto alatsr. Bart HInar and Isaac Wood waat to Imm aad tea. April. to otart. aad It la d good Idea to uoo to pnotura It dosrn too elooe. The Mm. Laala SImoo. aad family. They Books, oaanad goods, dry goodo^ Iran that (Tuasday) evening. alfalfa should b# topped draooed tba St Jokao laot Moaday, an juryman tor A son waa bom to Mr. aad Mm Mm Finch eras tbe daughter of Mr. ooase. bowover them lo ao aood of tbo rsturaad Saturday. this towaohlp. aad hay. Daniel Klnaey la Qmnd Raptda Sun ­ fortlllaor coatalalng a high par oauL tout fall srith line manure. Mr. aad Mra Adam Fedswa aad 'Blsak. Msak tblo blank blank Par- and Mm. DaWilton Hammond of Mld- Tbe bay may be handled tbe same Joka Smith aad family of fltagal day,'Jaa. IS. Mr. Klaaey la a aon of dlabury. She sraa bom t7 yearn ago of nltrogan. tor the altolto dqoa not two eblldrso of laaalBg vialtsd bto Mtoa Mayme Bauer of Fowler aad F. oala Post." aald ba. Mr. aad Mm Aady Kinney In tbia vll- aaod It. boe auoa It will gather nltro- as any otbar bay crop. Alfalfa usual ­ paraato. Mr. and Mm. Pstsr Fedswa, —Bnqnlmr. aad spent bar early Saya in Mlddle- ly yallds anywhere from three to oev- M. Plggott aad family were eatertaln- Inpa. bury. Tan yaam ago she was united goo from tbe air. and dopoalt It la tbe from Saturday uaUI Moaday. ed at William Ptggottto laat Sunday. Boll. Two bundmd pooada of fortilix- en tons to acre In the oouroe of a saa- L. B. Kyar apent Saturday la St in marriage to fleorge Rncb and to Roy Payas of Ithaca was la town a Mtoa Bauaa DuSer vlalted at Charles A Waablagton bride wore a pair of Johns on bualaaaa. er to tbe com ought to be enough, of aon. and as this bay haa a feeding fow daya last waak oa bualaaaa. them wem bora four chlldrea. She value of tsranty dollara par toa It la Howard^* last weak. |i0 silk staeklaga, aajrs aa cxebaags. Mm H. N. Ihowlar, wbo baa boon sraa a member of MIddlebury chureb. ooume. tbAo dapoado upon tba eeadt- Tony Baker of Waetpimlto waa la tloo of tbe soil, however, fertiliser tbe baot crop a faratar oaa raloe. An aad displayad only about 1115 worth the pueat of bar xaotbar. Mm L. V. Those srho am left to mourn are her towa oaa day laat weak. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ of 'am at that. French, left loot waak for bar borne eaaaot be uoed to supply vegetable acre of alfalfa ylsMlag live toas per Mtoa Mdltb Dunn aback of »«g buaband. four little daughtem her fa­ acre is agual to 3M buobals of oala. ♦ ♦ la Cbleapo. ther and mother. Mr. and Mm. DeWll- matter, which may be lacking. la boom vtoltlag bar paraata, Mr. aad ♦ LIMAROK. ♦ The soil alMMild bo sroll drained, aad ,JM buahoia of barley, or IM boohela A aow Japan ■Oft bstUaablp la csllsd Rev. T. Q. R. Brosmiow attandad an ton Hammond of Mlddlabury; a alatar. Mra Wm. Dnaaabaek. aad family. ♦ ♦ Kaiyal. Souads more ilka a bottls anil-drink meetlac In 9i. Johan Fri­ tba srater muaa. not be clooa to tba of wheat. It la worth elghty-alx dd- Sbs aapacu to mmnln a ooapla of Mm Brvln Tubbs of Pontiac; tsro bro- iam par acre more than am acre of ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ cry than a battle ship. day evenlac aBd delivered the ad- them. DeWitt of Pontiac aad Brsrin. surtoee. tor If It lo. tbe roeaa of tbe moatba. dmaa of tbe evaalap. pleat* will not go down doop eaougb Uatotby. If people srould take tbe Harman Duaaabaek of Laaalng of Burton, a grandmother. Mm. Sarah ebaace of getting a stand of alfalfa, Mra Viols Gragg aad daughter Ruth* Mlaa mien Uarllnjt smm tbe itueat DaWitt of this village and a boat of to ooiloct tood tor tbe plant, aad ooa- caass boms last wask to vlalt hla par- raturaad to tbelr borne In Imnaing af­ of ralativaa In Owoaa ti on Friday. o aquaatly tbe altolto srtll not grow an they would gain by It. aats. relatives and friends. O E. ATKINSON. ter apeadlag a tow daya la tbe home Mm. J. Dannla la ronflnad to tbe fact as It woald otbersriaa. Otto Duaaabaek vlsltad mlatlvos la of W. Inqia. YOU ARE READING bouae with tbe grippe Innnal Meeting af Stale Savlags Bank The Boat quaotloci la that of saad. I aaalag a tow daya of laat week. Taka tba ‘dlraet road" to hoaltb and Walter White and wife aad Jaa. Mr. and Mm. Filed Jarvla apent At tbe annual maatlng of tba share- There arr two kloda of ocad on tba Mra. H. B. Tboratoa went to strength by ualag Foley Kidney Pills Fbl#>' aad family vlalted la tbe borne THIS AD.—OTHERS Sunday In Blale at tbe home of bar boMem of tbe State Savings Bank of market, tbe Turkaotaa aad American. Roebaeter laat Saturday to vlalt her of Fmak Leonard Sunday. for baokaeba. rbuamatlsm, waak. aom paranta. Ovid tbe following oOkem wave alaet- Always use tbe American variety, as ooo. Brnoat, and family. Jaa. and C. J. Muadell and Csmillea WILL READ YOURS Mlaa Nellie Bare, who baa bean ed tor tbe year. Praaldent. W. R. tbe Turkestan does not produce ao kidneys and bladder IrragulariUoa. Mlaa Golds Baek of St. Johns was now ride in a brand new surrey. Bach tng radtant la eheooo tor its poa- apandlnp a few days with her moth- Shaw; vice prsaMent. W. H. Robaon; many crops In a aaaoon Alsraya tact boms over Sunday raturalng to her Several invited frlaada enjoyed an er. baa returned to her home in Imn- dlrectom. H. A. Pottar and Frank the seed by planting one hundred Itlva baallag aad curative qualities. work Monday inornlag. oyster supper at tbe borne of Mr. and alnp. Marshall; caabier, John H. Robaao. aeeda. and aealiig bow many grow. Plor Itoiay Kidney Pllhi are tba bast madl- Mias Auririla Hufnagsl raturaad Mm. Frank Parr Saturday evealng. Andrew Kinney waa In Bay City a purity teat, you may sand a sample ctae you can buy for kidney and Mad ­ botos from St. Johns last Tusoday. Harry Healey aad Lelaad Baxter aialotkia! laat sreak to attend tbe funeml of bla OvM Uraaga. to tbe Agricultural Collage, aad they der trouMan Mra. J. M. Findley. Lg- Henry Waibridgs aad daughter were la St. Jobna on bualaeas Mon ­ alaler'a huabaad Ovid Grange will meat Friday. will teat It for you. with ao ebarg aa ana. On., aaya: **1 took FMoy Kidney from St. Jobaa vlalted Dr. B. BebsBMr day, Mr. and Mm. John Graham have January 24. at 10:30 o'clock standard whatever. Pfila and they sntlmiy cored me.** Van and family, atoo called on Mra. A. A. Tyler Georgia, wife and aon, Joe, returned from Aim Arbor where be time. Song by tbe Grange; roll call Borne system of looculaUon must ai- Blokla A GlaspAa. Travis last week oas day. Jooepb Ulrich and family, Verae Wal­ went for treatment will be reapoaded to by quotationa Mm. Oral Hildreth of Merle Beech ker aad wife and Mr. Lamberston Mm. Anna Tubba haa returned vialtsd Mm. M. A. Travis one day last from Will Carelton;"Schoaa from the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ spent Sunday evening at Archie from Pontiac where she haa been Inatltute." by Mm B. H. Baieom. Mm. week. Smith's. ijaaaaiaz npendlnp seveml weeks srith her dau ­ OMLNOIIK ♦ ♦ Mlaa .Ssllls Travla of Bengal vialtsd Belle Smith and Jerry Hubbard; rec­ ♦ WKMT ELBA. ♦ Mr. Lombamton spent Sunday evea- ghter. Mm. Maude Miller. itation by Mm. Remaley; "How to Mra. Margaret Travis one day last Ins at Archie Smith's. Mm. Mary DeLaVergne la in Mar- ♦ ♦ week Mm. Tmvis is sUll very weak make parrel post a strong bond be­ Miekigna Traeksrs are Urged lo Km- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hardy Millar and Frank Ftoley vlatt- shall tbe guaat of her daughter. Mm. tween producers and conaumers." from her recent lllaeea. phnaiie Moat Impartnat Mark. ed Willie Miller at tke borne of Archie Grove Green. dtacuaaion led by Haory Speller; Prank Becker, Jr., is vialtlng rela­ Smith Sunday. John Oberlin returned to Pontiac rloatng song by Grange. The greatest impetus to the tnoUli- Will LoCIt r waa in ElaAe Tueaday. tives and frieada In Detroit this week. Mtoa Bertha Fare haa been quite Saturday evening after a few days atloB of oral aritbnwtlc and language Mm. Fanny Hahrer____ mturnad from Christian Harder was la town Mon ­ ill but to better at the present writ­ BBIILT—J SBBDnB spent with hla family HmrUa Kveatft af tbe Week. work In the acboola of Michigan has | Lmwing Wednesday day enroute to St. Jobne. ing. Mra. t'barles Allen went to Pontiac Mr. aad Mrs. fOdward D. Beebe and baan given by the pubitoatloa of a Lucene Sturgla waa in Detroit Sat­ Amos aad Alonso Coon of Star City the flmt of the weak to apend a few Clyde Kirby aad family were In urday on buatneea. toitb'g wife gets ker hal. Mm. imna H. Hli^ entertained aorae aeriaa of bulletins srblch are dlatrl- West Ashley lost Friday. are visiting frieada in this vtctnity for weeks srith her huatuind. who haa a of tbelr friends to a six o'clock dinner butad to toochera by the Department Mr. and Mm Tony F*tiae of Lan­ a few weeks. position In that city. Thursday evening. 500 was played lat­ of Public Instruction. These most Im­ Mlaa Flomnce Hehrer haa been en ­ sing wan in town Monday vlaltlag Mr. Mm. James Barber of Mt. Morrlce. er in the evening. portant aubjecia have been almost en- tertaining tbe chickaa-pos tbe past and Mm. Wm Dunaebacke. who has been visiting her aon. John Mr. and Mm. L. T. Storrer entertain ­ tiraly naglactod for yaors past, tbe few days. Menem George and Henry Pohl Barber, left for lamalng to visit be­ ed the 500 Club Friday evening. public school teaebara and pupils Clyde Kirby and family were In were in I^aalng laat week Wednes ­ fore retumlng to her home. Mm. F. A. Mamball surprised her everywhere having become alavea to West Ashley laet Friday. day. Frank Kneeland of Toledo attend ­ husband Friday evening by Inviting textbooks. Tbe value of mental aritb- John Youngs lost one of bis horses Mr .and Mm. Jobn J. Long were In ed the funeml of his alater. Mra. IJI- 'their friends to a six o'clock dinner. malic aad clear oral expreaakm la laat weak. St. Johns laat week Wedneoday, lle Davldaoo. In honor of his birthday. moat obvious to everyone aad yet Rev. Vogt waa in Loaning laat week I Particular People E. Btewart and friend from naar Mark fhitnam. who teaches chemis­ Grant Rowlby entertained the sen ­ teachera have dlaragarded them until Wedneoday. try in Case School of Applied Scienc­ Eureka were In this vicinity laat week Mr. and Mra. Math Ott attended tbe ior class of tbe high school Thuraday they are all but lost arts. FOr the looking for timber to cuL : prmfmr our choice CUT FLOWERS and PLANTS. es at Cleveland. O., haa been visit­ evening at hla home one and one-half pant few yearn tbe Department of wedding of Frank Konigakneebt and ing his parents. Mr. and Mm. ESd. miles east of tbe village. Public Instruction baa peralataotly J. Walker and family from near tbe Mis# Theien who were married at m Putnam. Tbe sophmore class and tbelr urged the roerlta of these llnaa of Cx>lony apent Sunday with Cl)rde Kir­ Westphalia Tusoday morning. * We deliver to all parts of tbe city, so all you have to do. to to Mm. Gglllva Ackley is quite ill at friends srere entertained at tbe home work and srhile teachera and ackool by aad family. Mr. aad Mm. F. H.'Ueller went to o phone us irour ordem. her home on Went Psari St. of Hazel Hall Friday evening. oMoem have been brought to see tbe I. caller at Tueaday and attended the wedding Ilia death came as a shock to hla many methods of teaching now la vogue. Mm G. Griffith's. dance. Oder cbhH HleVeC-LM GfTheo.Rz aw®9q FIRMER’S WIFE friends as he had only bean ill but a "Romarkabie raaulta In rapid arith­ Mra Carrie Getaanhaver of l.aoelng Yamisaas. few days. metic work can be secured In compar ­ visited Rev. Vogt and family .Monday. atively abort time," says Superlntend- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Rose Fernholc la working for .Mm. Harouel Decker died at hla home eat of I*ubllc lastnictloo. Luther L. ♦ ♦ Wellington Irwin, wbo la on tbe tick ALWOSTAWRECK near FVrry Tuesday from a compllca- Wright, "children being taught to ♦ Hill TH tIfID. ♦ list. : Oar Specialty » daeign work for funoral ordorm. tloo of dlaeaaea. .Mr. Ileeker waa well manipulate flgurea accurately and ♦ ♦ Carl Cramer of Pewamo waa a Rertored to Health hj Lsrdia known here as be had only moved a with no mental atmln. It la recogn ­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ caller In town Sunday. abort time ago from this village. ised today that tbe raaaonlng powem Mm. Joseph Ferakolr returned E. Plnkham’i Vegrtable R. W. Tbomtiann la seriously ill at of a child do not develbp until toward Mra E. C. Hadley waa taken to from Westphalia Saturday. Compouiid—Har borne in Weidman. .Mr. Tbompaoo tbe age of puberty ao It la rankly un- Ovid Sunday to he with her elatar Jooeph Schafer of Imnatng was In CESmhh, FWist formerly resided here and la a broth­ Juat to conpal cblldreo below the aav- during an operation for akareaa In her town Monday . Story. er of Mm. E D Beebe. eatb grade to reason as they have to aide aad ao tke dortor could be near to Carl Sebaekler. William and Math with textbook saalgnroenta. Tbe men ­ care for her. Stump were In Gmad Raplda Moaday Mra. H, E. Murdock la spending a Wentwood. Md. —“I am a to mar^a tal work makao It possible for tbam to to vlalt tbelr brother, Joseph Stump, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ see tbiaga aocumtely, to do tbiaga week In l.soalng with her alater. Mm. who la la the boapltal. srife ef*** do moat of my own work when Fuller. 11 am able. I bad ♦ ♦ quickly, to laara propar relatione, to Mm. Tbraala Tbetoo la vtoltlag har ♦ WKHT ANHLKT. ♦ add. subatraot. multiply and divide Dr. D. D. Patterson of Ovid died at slater. Mm C. Feldpaueeb. in Hast­ nervous spalls, fe- hla home Hunday morning Mr. Pat- ings tbia week Imale weakness an-i ♦ ♦ both simple aad mix^ numbem all ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ without tbe aid of paaell or paper." teraon waa formerly a reaAdent^of Joseph Halfman entertained aooae Week ofomr Great terrible bearing South Ovid. geatleoton frlaada at hla home la Baa- [down pains every The new ideas as sat forth la the Mr. aad Mm. Clyde Kirby and baby gal Saaday evaatag 1th. I also auf- course of study bring In tlie dmasatl- of near Bannister spent last Friday xatlon of problaaw. that la, tbe child- TYPE Iff FOULTBY. Tueaday evaalag there was a wad ­ I farad rnneh with my with Mr and Mrs. Frank Hatnlan. ran actually working out the problems There la sweh a thlag as type In ding dgace at tbe opera boase for Mr. right aida. 'Hie pain Mias Emma Harp apant Saturday not by pencil but by ooaemta objaeia. poultry, dlattngulahlag the meat fowl and Mm Koeagokaecht. Jamary Qeanmce Safe started In my back aad Sunday with her parents Mr. aad weighing, maaauring, making ebaage. from tbe egg-laytag type Tbe body Mr. aad Mra Jobn Flak aad family and agtaodsd aroand Mra J. Harp naar Waabtogton Can­ playlag store, aad otbar davleas of of tbe meat fowl la raetaagular; that agoat Saaday with hla aiato r. Mra At^ I my right Mda. and ter. atmllar character. Children enjoy this R to say tis outllaaa oo rreapo ad with BoM Bartram. and family, These are Pre-Inventory Prices and are impossible the doctor told me it Ban Thum of lanaing caaw borne kind of aritbmatAc aad they ianra to that of a brtek. Tba agg type of haa Mr. Fbrmbach of I anatng rtollad bla ic laAnm- Friday to see bla fatbar, A. Tbum. do things that will be valuable for has a body that la trtaagular la three friaad . Mlaa Roae Groan. Bandar at any other season of the year. Every article in our gmtkivi. I was alek every three waaks L Lawranee of Flaanagan. III., tbam to know throughout tbair Ilvaa. ways, via.: lat, on atdaa from front to •N, H. Geltor aad Albert Martin wera and bad to stay la bad from two to femr srko baa baan spending aavomi days More than one-balf of tba average rear; Sad. top aad bottom, froot to In WeetgbaJIa last weak Wednaaday. store is heavily reduced. This sale is breaking all sell­ mar; Srd. boas of tall dowawartl; digs. with Mr. aad Mm. Baa GillmaB. re­ texthenk la arithmetic Is without prac- Mlaa Bva Gellar waa lb St. Johns turned home last Thnraday. tienl value to Um life of tbe average tbelr baoba are broad aad kmg. aaeka Thuraday. ing records and pur prices say—BUY NOW. ** It is with grant ijIimti I tall yon of modiom leagtb. ayaa am briftot aad what Lydia E. Plnkbam's Vsgoiabla Leroy Carroll of Ftonnagan. III., boy or girl aad It baa baan caatonmry Mia. Harrlaoa Sutton sraa very alek who came to Michigan to look after to spend eight yaain oa tba subjaet of laatmaa By aalectlag tbaaa typos with a bard cold which tura- Conawond has dona for am. I have fol- from year to mar tor tba bread ing ad Into paeamoBla She to worae at loarsd yonr di rsctlona as near as poaM- tbe Interact of bla farm mturnad arithmetic, a sabjact wbleb oboald not All $1J5Bboaa. BOW — m home laat Thuraday. pan. graat laying stralaa or stralaa this wfit^ Ma. and faal much battar than I have have atore tbaa tour yoara' atiantlon iLii Blon fiodge aad VIrge Rbynard In tba aebaal eurrlealam. noted for tbair ffaohlag qnalltlaa oaa Mra Mach Tbatoa froai Baal City All I1.M Ob eoa. BOW .. fait for yoom Whan I wrote you ba- ba prod Bead . apant loot Saturday with F. Halnlan. Tba siato ooaraa of study cuta down eaato laet Saturday to vlalt her dau- All $1.75 HbOOS. BOW — _ us fbre I was abnost a wreak. Yrne(e. who was net expoeied lo live All UOO Bhewa. BOW .. US Waosen who sofTor fram tbaaa dla- Thuraday. All mport a good tloM. baak may ba Introdnead. Saaday nmralag. bat taraed tor tbe Alt lEM ■was. aow . „ fjff made at tkm traoakgc ilb peculiar to tbrir oox aboakl Mr. and Mra Daator of naor Ola better la tbe afteraean on that bopas Hoods All $4je Shoos, aow _— ____ tm net doubt theablHty of Lyvho B. Pink- spent Hunday with Mr. and Mra. Snm ■■■■Prt AnM HWiik Yaam. eatertained ter bar moaaaty. time af eede. bom ’s Vagatabla Coanpouad to raotars Crowell. W. P. Broylaa made a aaoeaaafnl » Sarsaparilla J. T. Draoie waat to Pewamo All $4Je Bboaa. aow ... tm tbelr health. Dan Jobnaon la Improving In beolUi caps after flftaaa yaaia of sogartag Moaday to help care for her aiatrr la a littia at this snitlag. law. Mm. Pater Draaie. If ywii bnvn thn allgliknot domhC *** -* *** "‘. Cures all humors, catarrh and thgt Lyidla K. Plnktoain'o VngwM m John aad Jim Baum were In St rheumatism, relieves that tired WIllhMB Malllae vlalted frlaada ta |^('4Nn|w»an cures paleness, nervousness, Mra Oaa. Mulllaa haa beaa aariag Tiaa. Yowr Intior srtll Im apnawd. Fompalt. F”* builds up the whole system. tor Mra Welllagtaa Irwta. who waa lany LNack br Mias lU Whitiahar apant Tnoai **** ** maaotama VoaMb- gat m taanir la aaaal iImiM farm ar qalia aidk toai waak. with Mira Allaa Klikg. la R Olaaala. THE ST. JOHN! AjrmWOOM—JANUAKY 2S. W13.

out all tka waadB wMah tniMo tka nourlakaaHit at Cka graund tram tke plant. Wle ennmot expaet an eauipala FMHEirS MEETK wltk tka stnian at llllnoto, Wisri—In . Oklo. and In com rnUlng. but wttk tka aalactlan of ptwpar moat and Our Home” batter oera our corn oouM ha mnda It fiREUT SUCCESS much battar. Tka pragram tor tka aftarnnan daw- (€^U0i ».) •d wltk a talk by Mm. Uera dtoaknmn of leuMlng. Har subjaet wan ’BSelant tk« BSAliy quMttoM upas this SUhlACt IhartD Homaa” In bar aattmatWm. wmre dl>po« >d o€ fcy Mr. Pfumi—r.__ the moat wonderAil wo nmn on oartk To the To the TIia proffnun for tl»* afterosoo op««- la the wifa at a fanner at modernle •d with the queotioo bos, A. B. Cook meane. Ske eleborntad upon tke hartns chATpr of tiUo. A b—iiUful pi* many dutlee and trtaln that ake haa Drinkers of ano solo by Mm T. O. R Ilrownlow to contend wRh. But pnrante munt Nerdwifts m followed The «mt folk wmm nudo up- conetder ona Important thing and uo tlw uubjMt of ’PoiuUMO ua a Mooey that la they are shaping tka future of Ciop." By A. n. Cook. He coollBed bis their children, we moat here clenn territory Good remarks entirely to late potatoau. as wholeeame hedlen If our children are be tbouEtat they were much more pro- to hr whnt la desired of them. And ftuble tbaa the early ooeo. Tlw- Rural the huehaade wwre aereraly reminded a^kcent to Tea! New Yorker type waa d lacnaaed . He ; that the dlapoaltlon of their ehlld de ­ auted that the beat place to plant po ­ pends upon the happHitea at the bm>- tatoes was on the ctorer sod. No fall I ther. .Ask your grocer plowinK for potatoes was adrlaad. the i The evening aaaaloa began at 7:15, St Jokns! oprlna pkmla* belac much better aa Mra. Dora tHockman alao gars anoth- for the soli should be in a much looser i ar flae talk la the evening, har'subiect oondlQon for this crop than for any ' being The Need of FTogreea in Rural ordinary crop An ordinary sited po- I Bducatkm." 9ie aald that It was the Uto shooM be cboaen for planttea. a . aim of the American farmer to make We extend thanks Orient, whole ooe belns much better than a as large a prokt aa poaalble from the cut one. A aotall one la found to be : least expenditure. The boys at to- for the business much batter than a cut one aa It will , day must ha ooorlaced aooner or lat- not dry out so soon, and atao If the \ er that aa much nsoney can be made given our firm in Lion or ground la rery wet. a whole one will ' on farmn as la any other Iwiainani, If the past and with not rat eo rte^lly. But It a cut pota ­ : the anme amount of brain work la ex- to la used, out them length wlae : erclaed. Hnch year more boyn are be- better facilities we Signal Teas Sprayed (miatoea will keep green un* ^ lag oonrlaoed of thin tact In tke enne til frost oomea, and aa long aa they are ^ of the glrla. two out at every four are in shape to and insist on get ­ green they are growing. This ahows ' glrle of tke country are goinc to the serve you even the adrantage of spmying. On clay , clUea. There are three ranaan s tor ting the same. If aoll, they ahould be planted more ' thia Independence, employinent and a better in the fu­ he does not carry shallow then on sand. Mr. ! aoclal time. Tke country girl la in- Cook said that he found that It was . dependent tor tke name ranaon that ture. these goods, write more profitable to aell ble potatoes her mother la not. She wants am- us and we will in­ for SO cents in the flail dlrert from the ! pioyroant for she seas that her mo- Your mail and Aelds than by keeping them unUI I ther la In partnerahlp with her bua- fo rm you where spring and selling them for 76 oenta, ' band in the work alone, not la the ’phone orders so ­ aa the shrinkage and extra work sMTe ' proflta. But more gtrla are beginning they can be obtain ­ than makes up for the extra money. te raalixe each year that they caaiiet licited. CTS . -**1 A fine paper was prepared and rand stand the strain of tke buaiaeaa ed. by Kizle Bxelby. one of the Orld high world. 7%ff mo9t compimtm /mg of Croemrimt m Control Mt^ciJgan. school agricultural boys. ‘upon the sub­ ThIa was‘followed by a aolo song ject "What the Agiicultumi Class Has ; by Garfield f^unt«»r. accompanied by No goodo told at RmtaiL Acrcompllehed." The paper was a line ' Miss Helen Hunter, one and Immensely enjoyed by all. Hla j The Hveeiag closed with a talk up- subject was seed corn. He stated that I on 'Hsnitatlon for the Parm and the selection of the seed was one of , Fl4rm Home." by Hon. H. I>. MKMura the imiMirUnt facu to consider in the : of lAinslog. The nereealtiee of the St. JohnBt* Michigan O. P. DEWITT & SON Whohtah Croeero raising of corn, only the plants that I farm home ar«- even greater than the ar«‘ healthy should b*- used. All the city home. The different things nec- different points along this line were raasary for a aanltary home were thor­ dlsritseed. thus making the papur not oughly diacuseed and he Impreaaed it they do not prepare the soil eorrecUy, and Mr* Ernest Mosher In St. Johns. day. Nelaon Osborn of Lansing wan m only verj' interesting but also a help­ , u|iofi the minds of evsry one that ev­ In hla work along t6at Hnc he has STUDY FIWMINC The Horoala Club met with Mra. erything that Is a breeder of disease found that the only thing that will Laura Townsend in .North Shade town on businem *rhuraday. ___ ful one. John Randolph waa In Ithaca TTMira- A line talk upon the "nreedlng ^and shtMild be made away with. kill the alfalfa plant la June g rass ■APLE RAPIDS Tuesday. Growing of the Corn Orop" by V. C. The Saturday sessions were eou- The great value of the plant lie# in Every Rami Kigktk Grader in .Hinie Burr Wright, who haa had typhoid day. ______the (•rotein element for the sheep and fever is able to be out again. Plummer followed. Mr. Plummer Ig diirtr Peter Voorhels of Ifontlac. Hint* fer Ileasekeepera. from Indiana where they grow larger The foren«M>ti saselon o|tened with tlie the tlalry row. Is Rosy wilk Craps and HelU. .Mrs. .Nellie Hewitt was in (Irate corn then th"y do In .Michigan He said subject "IVtultry." discussed by N. 1. The bustnera meeting of the society Miss Midg* Rcsseqiiie of Middleton Rapids 'rhursday and Friday. with Its reports and election of nfll- waa In town Priday. r>r. B. B. Mr>as ba* been sick the Keep Foley ’s Honey ate Tar CSom- w«- were tr>esidel a nails and galvanired roofing, Mr. last week. Textbooks have been provUled and in Dr. (?lick of Ann Arbor la the guest Be*-*! eorn from other states thinking it good sum of extra money. The value V’oorhets having rharg>- of this. •Mr and .Mr* E W. Pehling are In i The lirsi talk for th«‘ afternoon was addition to these the Department of Tpsilantl on business. of .Miss Ivuh Hubbell. St. Johns News Job Dept. much better. This is not true, corn of the protein element of the eggs Public Inatrurtion has available for cannot b« removed from where It is was disrussed made by Peter Vwrhels upon the Th; ri- will be a dance In Dunstall ’s A. M. Vanderhoff was in Ht. Johns dtsliibutlon an excellent bulletin con ­ Fair Prices consistent raised for niore than 40 or 50 milee The second talk was made by Mr. subject "The Parmer’s Orchard." In ball January 34th. last Wedneoday. and do well. It should be plantewler ’Thur*- witii Good Work. Voorhels upon "Alfalfa and Its ('ul- H. Krench of the .M. A. C. The early as poMible and Just before a rain tfxation." He aald that one of the made a money proposition If they are w. If possible, (’ultivalc It deeply at Brat im>i»erly cared for. Phrmera should Michigan Agricultural College ^mi the main reasons why alfalfa la not a l>epartmont of Agriculture at \Vaah- and then later more lightly keeping success with some farmers is because select varieties that are adapted to the <>ertain sectlonsgtlanted. Tlte soil Ington. U. C. state ready to send to should be well drained as frnit tree* teachers invaluable aids for the teach­ I will not do well with wet feet It is ing of this new subject. .Naturally the a mistake when It la thought that one work finds the teachers unprepare*! NEWS can run live stt>ck and grow fruit In but |iTx>greaaive farmer* throughout OF the state an- showing a disposition to THE FARMER CLUBS the same fleld. The proces s of spraying was thor­ help make this work efficient so that .Reetlag^ of the tarfons Farmers* Bnrnaisnilons tkraug koat (’omitr. 2 oughly discussed. Mr. Voorhels think­ it may be oapected that even the first s ing that spraying was necessary to experimental year will be productive good fruit. of good. After this discussion. L E. Ever, The introduction of agriculture In­ EM4FX F.IKJIKBM’ tations from lamgfellow; minutes of agricultural teacher at the Ovid high to the course of study by Supt. of Pub­ Auction Sales Th. Kmoox FYirmors* Club met for tu last meeting; munic. Mary Paarl; pa­ school, gave a flne talk upon the lic Instruction. lojtber L Wright, is January meeting at Rosebud Home, per by P. B. Hall, "Influence of the work at the school. He said that they the flrat step toward ruralizing the rniiiTriiTiH with Mr. and .Mra. FTank Williams on Club on the Community"; question for were gradually building up the courae country achoola. In order to make the 28 and r.otwitbatandlng the threat- general dlsruaaion. "Are our taxes It’s great value to farmera was open ­ the work thorotighly aoccesnful cer­ ening w<-ather of the zuorateg there luiuanderedr*; question box; ig. ly dlacuased. tain equipment seems rasentlal. So The NEWS’ method of advertising Auction Sales has been was a good attendance. The Parcela "America"; sale and exchange. Club The next talk made In the afternoon earnest U Mr. M'right In bis feeling universally endorsed by the people of Clinton County and by Ifost was discussed by the Club, some to meet with Mr. and Mra. O. SI. Pearl was upon the subjeet The Dairy Cow that agriculture ahould be the nmol thinking that It could be used to ad ­ Pebruary lot. 1913. ate Her Care." by E. N. Moore. (hH- live subject in the country school that living in adjoining counties who know how thoroughly the vantage by the farmers and some that of the beet departments of adopting is he makes the statement that if a NEWS covers Clinton County. We have testimonials from many while It bore the name of the thing The January meeting of tke U. P. C. the dairy if tte cows are given pro ­ board from a question of expense real­ they bad been asking for, scill they waa held at the home of Mr. and Mra. per care and attention. The farmers ly had to make a cholee between a o* our patrons who realized from $100 to $700 more than they ex- hardly recognlred It In Its prraent Prank Rwer, Meeting was called to have too many star boarders, cows dictionary ate a Babcock teeter, they p^cted from their Auction Sales. dress, all agreeing that It would pn>- order by President. Mra. Smith. The that do not imy for their food. Home. ought to purrhaae the milk teeter. As hnbiy be amended .lad Improved dur- i host read an Interrating paper on the In spite of gote care, could never be this Important piece of farm equip­ Large Crowds Are Always Present and Bidding is Lively. WHY? lag the coming aeaaton of congress. proposed new banking system. This made into anything bat a star board ­ ment. however, coata not more than After dinner the host read a paper system Is used in Germany and It Is er. He expiaiaed how to lay the ten dollars there la little reason why 1st—T^ the XEWS is read in nearly ever>* home in on "What farmers’ most need and why said would be of benefit to tke farmers foundation for a goad dairy herd of •▼ery school dlstriet should not have Clinton County. so many fall," which showed much of this country. Pres Taft is very cows. one. thought bad been given to tke sub­ much in favor of Ita being put in effect ’The afternoon cloaed with a steri- The corn clubs which have been or ­ 2nd —Because the Auction Sale adverti.semcnts are read by ject by the writer. Tke principal here. Musk- by male quartette. An optlcan lecture showing the uses of ganized In various parts of the state points brought out were tiling and appropriate farm selection; roll call; concrete on the farms by O. L Cod- have been a decided aid already to the the men in their homes at times when they have the time and better cultivation which be claimed of • reading of mlnuira. 1*00^ by Mrs. man. cement expert. I’nlverasl Port ­ study of agriculture and the Intense disfin.sttion to read them. the greatest Importance and thought. Pearl Coleman. "Temperance.** waa land Cement Co. He showed differ ­ Interest of the boys ate girls In these nothing less than 4-lnch tile should be • much enjoyed and brought forth an ent uaea of concrete ate arguing for clubs ate what they have produced 3r(l—Because the XEWS is saved and the dates remember­ used as the smaller sixes would fill up earnest dlerusofon on conditions in its uaefulneos ate aubatantlality. •kow that the added ant^eet to the ed. If the dates are forgotten the XEWS can be readily secured with silt and be no end of bother., county and the raaiing caaapalgn to Tke following prises were awarded fttral school curriculum Is not uowel- Home of the members thought for keep our county dry. Question box. the farmera for the cholceat grains com*- so far aa the otudrata are ron- and the dates remembered. short brsnehes 3-tnch tile would give The naoai number of questions were sent in. Yellow Dent corn, ('hme A. cernsd. Co-operation of pnraata ate gotMl rraults. He thought tke silo asked and dlsmaaed. QossUon for lat prise. A. H. Moulton; 2te prise, H. progroMlve farmera will do a grrat With the old-fashioned Auction Sale bill, rain, wind and the wns a rather expensive luxury but general discussfoo. "Rosd lawn, pren- J. Moulton. White Dent ('laon B. lot deal toward making tkla work effect­ “irrepressible kid ” soon put them out of business. At the very never having used one te couldn't | eat and poaalble." led by John naar 11 prise to A. H. Warren, tad to Hub­ ive. speak from experience. Almhc mem* i Home thought the new law at fault bard A Hon. White Gap Dent. (Tara best they covered but a small territorj* —and that usually right bera who had bad experience with and some that the law would ba all C. let prise to Gao. Lake. 3te to A. around the place where the sale was to be held. As a result but a thorn were enthuataatlc In their praise, right If they bad the right man on the Bailey, ninta. Clana D. to N. B. few’ neighbors were usually present, attracted more by curiosity Mlos Bmara Harvey rand a paper on ' )ok. Rale and exduuNie Hong hy Goodfallow. Pop eorn. elate F, to Ar­ EAHT ULET. "Friendship." which was line ate the male quartette. Club adjourned to thur Bailey. and a desire to buy articles for less than they were worth. Bid­ (Tub requented that it be publlakad In • meat with Mr. ate Mrs. Pearl at Oak Tke meeting wan pronounced n the county paper. Mr. Wllltamn at the * Imwn. Feb. 1. 1913. grate neprana by all preaant Tke ding was slow and articles sold cheap. NEWS Auction Sale ad ­ raqueot of the Club gave bis report of ! ------next meeting In pkuned to be heM vertisements draw people from all over the county and we have tke state mseuaff a«aln which wm j BXnUKU HILt.YttB. at Ovid la tke January of 1*14. greatly enjoyed by the Club. *rkel Banner (Irnate met In Ikeir new F. W. Janon wan sent to Caew. Tnaa- advertised many sales at which people have been present from Fabruary meettag will be held srith | ball, Jan. It. with a lavge attandaace. eola county, as Hargmuit at Araa to | ever>* township in the (!Ounty. They were present because arti­ Mr. ate Mra Deloa Carunn at tke "Bv- Brother ate HInter Avery Installed aonkM in a raeount of vxmm ta that ‘ ergreena." PVbTunry 11. tke foHowtag oflicera: Manter. Levi county tke latter part of irat wuek. cles were advertised that they wanted and they came prepared to ------• Greenwood; ovs raeer, Bd. Ureenwote; Matt Reed la on tke atek Hot. bid. BILRT rtWnRH’CLCB. Isctorer. Lillie Ridenour; steward. Willie PuaU la Harlay Hefty; Flora. Mrs. W. C. Be­ buntn aas one day late woak. 1st—By the State Association of Auctioneers. taken up 'Tke qurathm of aototnohlle ' gel; Pmaoaa.* IsHtie Matter; Ceraa. Maud Jaaon haa been oaring for her > 2nd —By all the leading Auctioneers of Clinton County. tantlon eras freely dtaruoned. *rke Pearl .Morse; lady aoalatant aCewafd. nwfkar. Mra. Porrr Miller, who la on ' yaariy dues were raised to 16 cents ‘ Rora Htarock.. tke etek Hat. 3rd —By all .‘\uctioncers in other Counties where the same Klertton of ofkrers waa postponed ua- Tke next meeting In Fsb. t. Tke X. Rarakaidt laat a valnakte ateer method has been pursued. til next meettns. Club adjotirned. | program next week. SIRE Huaday. feeling tkey had aa enjoyable day, | ------—------John Roaeow epsat Huaday at (Ite Next plaoe of mrating to te with Mr. RINGNAV RKANHR TIROAT Boaaow'e ta Beoffal. Any printing office can print auction sale bills, but only a pa­ ate Mra Allen Miinger Wednesday, i l*ragnun for Btagham Orange. Jan. per having a large general circulation, such as the XEWS has can Jan. 19 Morning sension enl led lt;M, IK. 1*11. as followa- Music by Blag- Manat Maal Leeated. successfully advertise an auction sale that will bring results. The opened with lA>rr1’s prayer; eleetton ham orchestra; reading. Holla Mun- . Tbn dlecovary of what la haiterai to of oAcera ate general hantasga rant- tor; d leruaatun. "Gare of Poultry In Xew.s is now printing 4,0CX) pajiers each week and covers the tars make It a point to attend the ' Winter," led ^ Bert Veney; Inetm- ' bo tko real Mt fftel of Holy Hertpt morning as salon. ! nrantal solo. Olsnna (lags. Tke fol* la repoitad lo Ike tnadsmy df Heteate ^'ountv “like a blanket. ” Dinner nerved at noon. Afternoon , lowing were tnatnlled last Baturday at Berlin by Prof. Dr. A1 Moatl from Mnoton' Opening onog; n speaker crenlng by County Delegate Brother Demeeptie. Prof. MaaU beitevte that ■ I U 1111 Si 11 U B from the M. A. C will he present; ; VanFleet Worthy Master. Vernon tke tetlaet votaaao, Hain I Bedr, la plenty of muaic and a general good Merrlhew; overassr. Bvevett Munaon; tka Hedja regloo of northern AraMa. time. Make a opeclal effort to attend : lecturer, Rlla Hnyder; otesrard. Ward ILO 9UMMU.Y M tka biblical moaataia wt thn tMa meeting. Committee —MIob Bmlly Hnyder; oeeletant steward. L#le OUfM IT. Tte (^oauaandateam warn glvun Bannetu Mrs. Kunlcw Knapp. Mra. *>o9in: chaplgin. Mrs Cterlsn Marah; ■Ikel Mnrtske. irer. (Tkarlsn Mank; angruan Ckarlsn Manger; gxiikupm. Orlle i*i9fOff PAuniBr rLrm. Nscria; Cersn. Olennn Gtea; POgMna. > —TRY NEWS LINERS— gram far Fteranry man Vera Marrtken; Flora. Mktel Iterak; < The St. Johns News f; pgpor ky hggt; roU onU; $ BIG BiMliMa Qettm $ UNION PHONE NO. 3. THE ST.JOHNS NEWS,THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JANUARY 23, 1913.

e fW ’tatktartlM IM.t» I 1W IMla4M «*•• JWm*J_T*. wn»l»tu«« !«l— t>»'DMIlhllln IMot * tW MMMv Um Wm* TW MalhteHiM IHm I TV '<«M.<«rtl««~Ht»t^TTV IMI.V>II«« ■*««» 1 TV NVM wTIm Mm I TV XMlatoMlM HUv TV Vtt OUR II SECOND Annual January Clearance Sale still in many are taking advzmtage of the many bargains offered in !:7^ dept. our up-to-date stock of dependable Merchandise. Every article f; guaranteed to give satisfaction to the purchaser as if sold at the regular prices. So ronw* '.!f early and select for your present and We find our store overstocked with future needs while the choosing is neckwear, underwear, shirts, ties, etc. / T4 :r. good for such Merchandise as we Ih We must make room for our next seU wiU not last long at the price at shipments of.'goods. rfhr ^eekwaar . which it is offered. Sir Xeekwear Underwear $1.M Dress Hhlrto All i#r (ianueuts ______Me 5hr Werh Hhlits______Mr Oaa^fearth oC aa all BMa*s aa^ ybur unreatricted chtnce of any •lUW ralmi HnHs _____ 7»e baf's Trsassrs. «LM Unien Halts______$!.« tt per real sa all maas* Olavas suit or overcoat, priced as follows Kxtra sfwrlal le Hsse sai—weal aari Mlttaas. risere4 llaeri twa.^l»fsri aader. Oae-fsarth aff aa Maas* aari hay*s ?: Taps. $ 10.00 values $7.00 wear, II.M ralaes______flk fl.M Hwsatats______7»e SpsHal 41acaaat aa shaep, Maakat $12.00 values $9.00 All daaael aari eatlmr shirts at Ilae4, 4a«k aa4 eari^ Csats. $ 15.00 values $10.50 tt per caat •&. Bztim ilsaauat aa Par Caals.

4 $18.00 values $13.50 Ta eUse aat tba kalaaae af oar staak af Par, Plaah aad Qaltad Uaai Wdiktf9t2 XXXX Baarar Over ('oats with klaaiari rat ralhm, wa sms iBsHaa them TUHswsal $20.00 values $15.00 at OTIB.THIBD OPP. This Is yaar oppartaalty la sacara aaa af thaaa Ughl irrarii rsats at siaall east. $22.50 values $16.50 Bvary artleia saM at this sals gaas with a gaaraataa aa If saU al t«t2. rriraiar pHeas. $25.00 values $18.75 The yftcas aaatai ahave are a faw af tkraaah aar slaak of aaw aa4 ap»to iate The Satishtctkm Store The SatishurticMi Store Old Natioonl t. JobiM, Old NatimiMl Bnok Boildtiig Mach. *JL Johns, S Kuhns Merrill fWnk BulicKng ^ Mich. JiL ■|Tbe Hatlsfaetlaa Htare The Hallslaetlaa Ht^ The HaMsfaeOaa The HaMsfarOan Ware i The HaMsfhctlaa Ware I 1*he HadsfaeS^ Sks^ I 9l Ware HaOsfaetlaa Hiars The Hatlsfaetlaa Ware Tha HaMalaatlaB Warr Tha ■HaiUslartlsa Htare The HaOstactlaa Htare Tha Hatlalaetlaa Htsrs The Ware The Hatlsfaetlan Ware | The Hatisfaatlaa Hkare The The HatlsIaeThe HatlsfaaOaa Ware Tha §Mto* Tha

tnataace Ip not between ua and them, (^44 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrs C. P. aielght la sUlI In a aor- STtTE PRomoinoN but between them and the people. We A I loua condition in the hoaplcal nt t.—«- do not believe there are many man RHBUBOTTOM. ♦ I alng tollowtag her operatloa tor FOR fmmm wiwe who will surmder the trust Impo sed in ^ A trouble near the ear. MICHIGAN NEWS PAGE Chesn and betray the people at the dlc- ♦ ♦♦♦AAAAAAAAAAAA! Mt» Jno Johnson la oClU la rapy tataa of the liquor combine. ------I poor hanith. AMENDMENT TO rONHTITITION "We believe It will pass because It Hiram Johnson Ima sold hla person- ^ I^tguaon and son. hnvtng la the very thing that nearly all the al proparty and moved to Battle their Durham bull weighting lOM I.NTHODirCED IN LEOlHLATrUE. legislators say they etand tor —‘the Creek where he haa a job aa motor- ■ ****_*® DaWItt, purehanad people's rule.' If It doea pass it sim­ man on the elaetilc railway. ' • raglatered calf of tha anme hraod THilEE PRISONERS TIIKEN PliUN TO REGLiUM Ui WOULD SIWPUFY ply turns the power over to the peo ­ Mlaa Cecil Bamaa la Improving rery ; PVrguaon, of Bmaz. weak 1 .analog —The unexpected l*rohlbi- ple to decide whether they desire to tlon amendment to the conatltutloo abolish the liquor trafllc In the atata Carl and Prank Rohrer have pui^ Wilbur Butler sold a two-yaar-old TO lONM. WERE INStNE BIS SiiP TRIIGT INSURMIGE POLIGIES baa bean Introduced Into the ieglala- or not. If It doss not paaa the ques­ chased a pair of heavy horaaa. week. ture by Rapreaenlatlve Dunn, of Baol- j tion krill be whether they desire to Hoacoa Pranclsoo haa bean vlaltlnc ‘ ------— lac ('ounty. This amendment provides abolish those who refuse to give them JAC KHON rONVICTH ABE TBANH- rUANDLEK*S MAKHH IN TLINTON HENATOH WEAlNN’k PLANH PBO- tor the pi^lbitlon of the manufacture in Elk Rapids for some time. ^ the power to speak on it at all. They M. R. Mead laft a weak ago laat 1$ Little NEWS LINERS $ FKBBED. ( O. TO BE HOLD. OBEHHITE MEAHI BE. and aale, barter, giving away or furn ­ certainly will abolish one or the oth­ Tuesday for Bkton Raptda to taka ; ishing of vinous, malt, brewed or other er. Itor a leglelator to vote against traatmant tor rhaumatlam. i $ BIG BusinesB Getters $ intoxlcatlag liquor, and further pro- j this bill It seems to me will justly JsckaoD. —Three Jackson piiaon l.tuislng. —Rumor to the effect that Lanstog —State Senator Weadock of videe that an exception be made for invite the suaplclona of the state in convicts have been tranafeiTed to Ion- ('handler's .Mamb is to bs soM, rs- Saginaw, baa a bill In preparation de ­ medical, chemical, machanical and regard to hla good faith in the entire signed to simplify the form of stand ­ la AS Insane. They are John Stahl, clslmed sad converted Into gsrdsn eclentlflc purposes, and that the legis ­ matter. Prom what I can loam the truck and celery farms, aeema wall ard Are tnaurance policy In Michigan lation shall provide legislation i legislature la composed of nobler who perpetrstad fake burglary story grounded from Information reealvad I and make It not only plainer and more for the carrying of the amend- j men." on the local police when out on parole rerantiy when it was lasmad that I underatandahle to the laymen, but re- roent into effect, and penalties tor lu ! a few day* ago; William Remus, a James Bullan, large dealer In rsal ea- I move all doubt aa to the legal reapon- violation. I It is not too late Kalamasoo county convict, doing a ute of Detroit, had cauaed a complete I elblllty of the Insuring company and In regard to the bill, J. F. Burke, { seven to flfteeo-year-burglary term, abstract to be made at the regiater of ' the rights of the insured. It Is really and Ray McKee. CAlboun county, one Bute Huperlntendent of the Antl-Ba- ONIFOOM GOORSE to make good raaolutlons. Indaad. It la a vary good ttma deeda office In Clinton county of the I a short form policy incorporating a lot . looo l.' to urge some legle- burglar. Inveetlgatlon resulted In part of Ingham county. The vast I of loos by insured because of failure latloo of a law enforcing character l*robably comparttlvely few people WoodV release. Htahl was returned to waste land was secured through gov- i of iigent to attach lightning clause. upon the leglelation In the future, yet understand that a uniform course of piiaon for drinking He la now a rav- enunent script in the flftles by the The bill will prevent attachment of the Imbedding In the organic law. the study la being carried out In the rural TUBE ROSE FLOUR lap maniac. He Imagines he has keys ^ late noted siateaman. ('handler pur­ , condlUone m violation of terms of prohibition of the manufacture and schools of Michigan thla year, l.’nder of the local prison and Marnuette pen ­ chased the swamp to demonatrate his policy. Indoraemenu on the policy tarlfflclng in of Intoxicating liquor the present law, it la mandatory- upon must be dated and not made binding marks tJ^ pinnacle of our hope as a the riuperlntendent of Public Instruc ­ itentiary and aaya he must have one faith In Michigan swamp lands. He to comm ance baking with It It will ranks tha yanr of million dollars before he will turn cauaed a house to be erected upon hla upon assured until actually attached. state, t'nder this amendment, when tion to outline a course of study which over the keys. ; purchase, and cleared a farm on an Does away with forced appralaal of adopted, the sUle will no longer be must be followed In all districts ex­ 1913 a much batter and happier ana tor you and tor all I island. In the old bouse Chandlar losse s In event of disagrreement and In any sense of roropllrlty with the cept city districts. The course for the those who aat at your table. You will And It of raost entertained many friends of national farilltatee adjustment of loaaea. Addi ­ infamous crime of drunkard making rural arboola. however, is theonly one excellent flavor, sweat and dependable alwayn. fame. tional insurance may be taken out on "Making this a part of the conatltu- ! which baa been prescribed ao far. Aa It is maintained that the purrhaa- property at any time provided it does tlon means iioaalbly more work, but *1*' present course of study contains ManufActurad by ers will clean out the big ditch which not make total of Insurance more Than It adds to tu security. When so ' *onie distinct changes In subject mat­ was dug to drain the marsh and will value of property. Allows 10 gallons framed the measure will have oppor- j methods of teaching, teachers extend It to the lAtoklng Qlaaa rivar of gasoline on premises under restric­ tunlty to vladicnte Itself and will not criticised for following It. from INne lake. The purchasers are tions. Makes companies liable for be subjected to the changing course ' teachers, however, are simply do- OVID ROLLER MILLS said to be assured some asatatance loss cauaed by order of civil authori­ of panlsan breezes Itot their duty under the law and the Ymm the state in the enterprise. The ties when such loss occurs to prevent 'The quewtion la of such inipreme ! *V***®^*y W R»e course of Ovid, Michigan conflagration. The bill will make the Importanceiportance that It chould be removed 1a«P«*rt«tendent of lands have been held for years by Mrs. Public Instruction. ooowowowoo ••••••• sow o waa aooo Mary Hale, daughter of Zach Chand­ policy cover such artlclaa as awnings. aa a football from the arena and ao ler Some sectloas In nintoo county I Implements, flxturea, plcturea. signs, eliminated that contending forces show by the recorda that they •lore and oflicf* fumlahings. etc., •hall not exhauat their etierglea each HATH DArdHTEK IN HELD have never changed ownership since without special endorsement. It will year over Its decision. The character in* TD Hl'tlRN HEI'AI HE do away with the pmvialona for re­ the orglnal transfer from the federal of the traflle la so shorkliig to the CUITHEH AR»: .NDT IlDOD government. newal certlflcatlon and requlrea new moral sense that no other flnal solu ­ Is a HaM Mine. policy to supplant the old. thus bring ­ tion of the quastlon Is poaolble. ing that feature up to modem practice. "This setkm will pisce Michigan in Owoaao Declaring that her daugh ­ Lameness The big territory haa bean conceded Kxamlnatlon under oath of adjust ­ ter la aubmittsd to ridicule and aoom Good line with the moral progress of the Slonn ’a Liniment is a quick for years to be a goM mine If It were ers Is not required and laavea that because her clothes are not good and «‘ver cleared and drained. It contains beat In our civilisation. and reliable remedy for lame- feature to the ttrr marshala in case "So valid objaetloB eaa ba mind •he doesn't bring any dlnnar to aehool, according to reports of acrlculturai ; of soapected crookedneaa. The bill __ _ ^ Mrs. Anna Helium haa wiittan a lattar neas in horaea and other farm experts some of the flu sat celery land to thla toim of procedure, it is in nunovea all techfnal jokem and gives harmony’ ;rlth~te’';plrrt 'of' tTmi^ j animals. in the state and wotiM mean an enor ­ I the companies all needad protection doesn't compel child to go to school Coal mous Increase In the riches of both and true damoeracy. It asks nothing UaMasat —rps—■ aiy- and eimpllfles a lot of Intricate and The woman anjra that bccauoa they tStm •Mta tor to Saw— Clinton and Ingham oountlen If re­ of the leglalatute hut to give the pao- I •Ml 'AlMT iMCto MtoMMA I wmrntS tmneceaaary verbiage. It protects tha pie a square deal and a fair chance. are foreigners, the children at school claimed for celery beds nr truck gar ­ tnaured agalnat snap and technical ad ­ humiliate and scorn her child until SM ttora wttSM* It to wy Mehto.*'— dens. It la a challenge to the apotogiaia of FOR MAarni Itnvta, justers •he la ashamed to go to actaaoi. m WaM isia at.. New York Ulty. the liquor trsfBc to have the light out In caaaa where more than one com ­ In the entire state, with all the people pany la on a riak. Instead of prorating UEMA.NH .NOW IN THAIRMAN. MaU.M «*iaa».sf ItowrMM, K—.. aa flnal arMtam. It la the part of a. r. IX, Sto. a, wv«w^-‘1 kerf a Mtor* ONNUi TO MIREE loss es with all roaspaalaa. wtaeibar good government polloy. aa all the Cold Weather ^ Mar mmIi MMd MW solvent or taaolvant, under the new •ertona ohjactlono to county loeal op- 1 anaing —Lawton T. Hamaiw waa •Si. boutoal StoM'a Li>toi—ioMiraly law, the poHdae pro-rate only with elected chalrfbnn of tba state rail­ •orwl her. I hers it all tha itow tor jrKT IN PAMDCB ALMA MOTOR Hon are largely mat when the wat gailaasd—toUaeinisgissaisrsrari- the aalvent companiaa. thus protecting borders are eliminated from the dry road conuntaalo n yaatard ay to suoread CAR ( ABB (:AN*r AORKB, the laaured. Tha right of tnaurance eountlaa. C. L. Cllsagow. Jamas Scully of Ionia, Such Coal Yon Had Better Buy com pant ea to anhrogatlon where they "Yoa, we azpaet this amandment to appointed mambar of the cosnmiaslon. claim a kma la orcaaionad hy neglect ta paaa Any man who eotoa ngalnat took hla east laal Thunaday and tka That the'two go wefl togethar is a fact youH not daoy SLOANS Alflsa —The Jury In the fnmooa nM>- eurtallad It Is laft ds fsnasleaa bafove the people Davnocrala are now In control of tha tor car caae reported that It waa un ­ Weade ckM bill la daalgaated strictly of the atata. .Nearly every mam her of com mtaato n . Hecnapa announcad thnt able to agree. The caae waa brought aa a peopla's measure and la one of tha lagtalature la daelartng that ba la tha rnirnn laalo n would sign aa order UNDfENT by the gaute of Hdwtn Oow, deceaa tha few really prngrsaalre Are laaur- not the bona of tha paopla. but thatr authorising the New York (^antral WE SF II the best ed. who was killed by an Ann Arbor sarvaat Ha cannot malntoln (hat trwat equlpamat company to laana it a quick and Mfe ranicd>* anea meaaurea Intraduead In tha lag- motor car here a ymmr ago. ter tU,- lalatnre duHag tha laat three tarnw. position swresnafiilly and vote to de ­ trust ohllgatloaa anMNintlng to tS4.- for hof; choler a. OtO dsmagea. It oovevn a kmg-falt want among the ny tham an opportunity to decide this 0M.0d0. FiD Up Your This case haa attraotad attsgtloa. InawHng public of the atate and Wsn- question tor thamaelvea. as It la tha firat caaa tha Ann Arbor doek la prepared to make a Aght tor "This doaa not mine the question Cnt Tba HIgb (leal Of Living. *• I hastd Oav. fteawa rwSe «• Mtto a haa had In which tba gaaolina nsotor the Mil of whether Itrsnar la right or wrong, W. H. Cbapman. Wtnnakago. Nah., torwif > mn (haa Sa had mmwm Mat a cars used by this noaipaaT flgnra. The hag frasi ihilirs aad that Ma issmSt bat It stmpiy ralaaa the tondamental talla how ha did IL ‘*My two ekildran alway* waa a tolliaaiTwafal af Btoaev atatuta pmvMaa that avary laemno- proposition of whether the people of bad a vary bad cough and tha doctor's IJatsiMU toasaltawaS ilapa.Saaeaaa- tive shtMild ha egalpgad with a staam lag tlMSaaa aatSa asttoal laigtovad W. R Itox.. IN W. Waaktngton Bt.. tha entire state should be allowed to madlclnas did them no goad. I gat a UMt SMSth ttor. nmwa awS wraaM whiatle and a ball walghiag M pounds .Vnhiaavllla. Ind.. anya: **Aftar suiter- •ay whether they think It la rigkt or botUa of Flr>layM Htmay and Tkr Omi- wara at ISa Agrtas ltaral HaWpa The motor oara have aetthar, and It la Inc many nMntks with Mdnay tranMa. wrong. pound, and before It waa all uood tha John F. Parr hstMlagMto la iSa SMiaaataa at tSa tarsgsi at tha Slaaaaa. Oaa. Ptewa under this atatola that tha enns la aftar tn lng ntkar ransadlaa and pra- "Haase of tba leglalalors might children ware fraa and corad of thair gsra tha rasMSy saaaad aa safaiMsg.** bmuglit aerlptlona. I piiTTkanail a bos of Itolay honaotly. In the Intarsot of 'lotting tha congk. I saved n daei o rM Mil tor ana TIC COAL MAN.” ■avAssaai DAn.v Nsws. KIdnay PIHa wBleh not only did hm paopla rule.' hetitate to rote a otatu- Nc battle of PnlayM Ho ney and Tar more gaad than any othar rsaMdIaa I AS Ani I- » % < lary prokIMilen pmvislan an tho otnta. roanponnd." No opiamn VnnBlafcIa sear naad. bnt knee ponitteely not my bnt no man ran deny the paopla this A Olaapia. Auction .^dvertiflinif Pays. kMaava rlgBt. OiBar momkatn of my power spd srterward dnlm to treat Try the NEWS for results. family knee naad tkam wftk almilar and okay the eitlsstmhlp. There la NEWS JOB DEPT. Yon can with NEWS "» '6 6 6 t ♦ -6 rannlln.** IMIm at tBa flini etm et kid- only ana torre In tha amts thnt will nag tronkli. TnaRMUa A OlMNn. oppnna tMa natlan. Tba ttht hi thla New, modem, up*to-dRtc. ALL WANT ADS. fl THS8T. JOHNS I^ANUittT 2S, mZf WOSA.TN (’LirB ■miHW. jcxToooooooooe oo oooexiooocxp MVISQ THE ITMJM MBffiS Pmm OF MOOBW WOOBI aiiif Oiv H Mjike Us Prove K Tba Woaaan^ Club gnea tmo pro- For try Haa Orsatiy Rsdm Infasrt That Food w« grama «m the aubjaet of **Tha Draaaa.'* Mortality. Tobs C N wm The firat at tha homa of Mrs. Oao. H. wMM gfMU I'hapman. Jan. •. lilt. Boll call waa Winter Eggs Italy jstaad la tttt tba fnw Baro- **Lord, wa have oenm out of. tha Iks tlw lallsvrlgM reaponded U» by lohee quotatloaa to lig. You gfts OOCXXXXXXXXXXCXXXXXXX300000 paaa smtoo whlcli bare eotabilahad dark aad the qulai aad the ealm of l*rogram wao opened by Mra U. Jonee laws for the bsUsr protection of wo ­ tha past iato the daaxle aad the aotae \ - who raeountod eome incid eo ta of bar To get winter eggs we must study man working In Indnstrlnl occupaUons aad the harry of the pressat. But For the Bowels sf bewsf ills md hi unavela in Norway a daoaiiplloa of typ­ to bring about condltlona that are after ooafhisment This law prohib- ysatsrda y we lived Insida foar sealed ical atraet arenaa in tha dty of favorable to tim laying bene during of phjrdsa aad pMiastirm, >\ lisd woman from srorking tar a nwatb walla, tha boaith oar aaith. the faoi- If you oely knew es mush ae sw thes tmdieg to oaip sush iieioalthr • ‘hHaUana. and a rlalt to the theatre the warm monUm Aa summer is after oonflnsamat. but contained no ily our world. Today the door and the « aad tnnwiwhs beve ussd thorn kasw where the ‘^Iioll'e House.** waa trat gone and with it moat of the gr oa n provtslons nbsnt Urn colleetlag of window have nwaag wide and we aboei Wimll Oidsthss, pau owuld played. Mra. Wm. Leland followed stuff, we are confronted with the tands from which the expeaaae ooald ■axe oat Tha earth lias batara aa. with a aketrb of Ibaan . problsm of suhatltutlag sossethlng in tes ikmm mm w mmm. They immSm imsH Make Us Prove This he dsfmjred. For this rasoon roga- 'Thy world oaoompaaaaa aa** IBw oeodp. Tboy esc se eesto aad I “Influence of the- I>rama on the this lina (irit. dost, green bone, ate., We de net oA ywu m tabe ous laUoDS were gsuerally disregarged. 'Tbaaa arc tba opealng sentencas of ssplaeoeettr that tho tekias them are all neeeasary to srinter egg pro ­ Is a piaseuM. wood for tbio. We want yen In umbe I fhiblir Mind.** by Mra C. C. Vaughan. sad woman want book to work as anon «M peeve It. and as no ooet to yea. This wee followed by “tirelg. the Man” duction. '‘‘The Prayer of tbe Womaa." by lass ns Umy were able to do so. Haynas Qlllmore in Harper'a Basar. ■vw ohgdros like Besafl Owier- Buy a bus of Risall Ordsohm s* I and “Hrelg. the Mueiciao.** by Mra A patch of rye sown near the poul ­ gasi sad r*Mi know that if e modi- At Uw end of April. 1911. a saw law la it are also the followlag: earososa Use thorn onse, or uso up 5S i J. U. Dodge, wbich she exempllAed by try runs wil fumiah an abiindanrc of ohw ojiiaaio to e ehild. it wiU apsoel tho whaio bex. Thao, m you aoe I a piano solo. * “t:riag ‘* Spring tkmg" green stuff for the hens to pick at cama Into fores. All women In Indus- “We thank thee that we wcfc bom m arowe net tberoegMy oetodod. hm eome } Mrs.,Dodge prefacad her mualc by during late fall and through winter tries between fifteen aad flfty yonra ta thia day. book amptflWMied and tsM os. I reading the Interpretation of thia com- when snow ia off the ground and all of age belong now to an obllgatorr “Halp MS to give bask to tbe ehtl- Without wHigstisa you or quoatioe- maternity insuranea fund. The em­ iim you ue ortll letura tho leoeoy poaltion by Kdward Barter Perry. It through tbe spring. We have sown dren who toU all the leader love aad yau paid es far thorn. wee a rare pleasure to mualc lovers. ployer pays tbe dnee of 10 to 40 eanta all tbe fairy lore of thalr loot child­ kslfi shaso gtoam, dimM bluas and it thus, snd seeded Urn field during anese you foel happy by thoir mim- Doam't that indioeto Aet Reaall The riub ia indebtad'to Mra Dodge early apiing. allowing the rye left to a year, and is allowed to deduet half hood: Its graco Adds aad sweat wa- dld toale, Hoonwsg sad otraasthsn- Ofdorhoo ere at ianot worthy of tnsir for many such. Poilowlng this, the grow up sad ripen for the fowls to the ansount from the wages. 'Thase tara. Its bright flowers aad Moe sMos. . ias offoct upoa the howoio.—They Doosa't it po«>vo omr faith in thomf j subject of “Ibsen's Influence** with a sat. dess, together with flnea of employea its soft winds and warm sunshine. | aet to (roe the ■votmi aed ksso it Doaao't it ment your aonfldoaeef ffw—(ram the diatrooo end ill fooliea Could any offor be more fair to you? The Living Picture eketch of the “Doll's House" waa glv- Leaves of com, stover and leaves, for vtolatioa of the law and n govern- its golden sands and chnnglnc sons, j that oetufsily roselts fixim tnegaUr Wa partioularty rseomsMad Resell i en by Mra. H. W. Morris The pro- atetns aad blnmnnui wbich sift from ment sobaidy, makaa it pooaible to “Help us to giva back to tbe wom ­ aad iesrtive boowlo. I gram closed with a character eketoh of Ordariim far rhddroo, dalieeu aad !• our Mir* of a auoeoaoful por ­ clover hay or alfalfa make excellent give In ease of oonflaenient H It en who sin all tbe love and honor of j Resell Orduhso do this qolotly, 0^ poeetino lUaell Dvdariim ooam * “Krogetad" by Mlaa C. A. Shaver. The green feed, supplying nitrogen. doee not make any dtfferenec whether their ioet womanhood. Its gaiety aad j ia roeroniant root eookat dm tie trait Thia moana a acudr of tlM •ecMmd program upon thia aubjaet waa without mipias Phileoopher In Puck Moraltxee Over up the profeaalon of "kannel-maid." PLUNKETTS trash, and together with oats and coni the Advancements Which the but the latest development of this oc ­ VECTPWUA I Nm Want Ads I are thrown amid the dr> straw for World Haa hsen. cupation appears to be that of “ca­ Ground Floor Studio the hens to hustle in. nine nurse.** Reporta from the old Short News of the It iwye to buy meat scrap and keep The time was when you oouid get a country tell that tbere are aotoaliy PHONE 14g. It before-the bens almost constantly. woman to do all your hnuacwork and inatftutlona for training ladies to be­ Mrs Joseph Hchueiler, who was op- , nA.TTKIl A girl for general house­ work. Mrs. George H. Chapman. Sporting World A good way ia to mix together one tend to the ga*xlen and milk nine cows come nurses for dogs. They are crated on for a -growth oa her neck, was taken to Grand Rapids for an jcxx'.'xrococ oot xMBBPBDoooaoo hundred pounds each of roast acmt>*- night and morning, and do it for two taught to study tbe different all meats HAYTED- A good rvaponatble man C'-'m meal or cracked com meal and operation for appendicitis. Hhe is re- : dollars a week and be glad to get the of tbe canin** pets, snd have to asrrn ported doing nicHy. Mathias Hpitxlcy j to represent ua in Ht Johns and vl- ah at bran or middlings, and plar< moner. W’hcrc have they gone? an apprenticeship for at least twelve • cinity. One owning a horse pre­ .lean 1^6111-. tieaidea h<*lng one of ’this In the hoppe-rv as n ferred. Apply in person or writing the holdout*, ia noa ’ managing a ; hene to pick at It ta wonderful to cut wood for 7f> cents a cord, and to Great Atlantic A Hacifle Tea Co., '-'H'ky 'earn at .Montreal. Kunior baa what an increase thia makes in the good nurse can command a good sal- hoapllal. Friday and is doing well, when a dollar a day wasn't paid to 517 Ho. Saginaw HC. Flint. Mich. NEXT MONOAT NIGHT , it. that he is to coarb Notre Dame • gg production. ary. (inly recently a lady In Dublin { Joseph Hlltnp, who wm operated : : baa«- ball te.»iu the i-omlng aeason. Doling burchcring time all the anybody except in harvest time. Look engaged one of these canine nursM at \ upon last week. Is ntaking satlafsctor- j 24w3pd waste pP-c^ of meat and bone may be at things now! fl« a week, besides paying traveling' tor> progrsM and fa expected home ♦« k ...- Davy jnneTED Want to buy WIM.MW VS. llEK>'iTi:i> .IT \I.- ture to a WTilte Sox contract. He placed In some receptacle and saved small modem hottae, must be with­ for the hens. We sonietimea throw to be up by candle-light doing chores land one sees girls in nurses' oos-1 I>r. G. H. Fmce has now taken flve I.ISUN TIIE\TIIE. ' and Hughey didn't get along very well in 3 or 4 blocks of business district. and so the druKgUt waa «glv«>n hM i this waste into the large Iron kettle, und eating supper by candle-light after tumes atteudlng tbe valuable animals I cases of sppesdicitls to Grand Rapids Ht. Johns. AddreM care Box M. transfer paiierv j add just a little salt and boll it till the evening chorss waa flnished. And that are on exhibition. An advertise-1 for operatioiM within two months, The Ht. Johna .Newa 24w2 don*- then pour it into a jar or tub to I'm talking about summer—not winter. ment appeared in a London journal Mrs. MatfalSK Hpilziey and -Mrs. Jos- One of th«- 1;TgeM cmada that ev.-r That a dislike for Jennings ia the; only a few weeks ago offering |300 i Htlmp are still in Grand Rapids , raui>e of mt rrany Tiger holdouts, la a t ah n lo-etled If the >N>n«a cojj - Time was when you could go to the FGK BK!fT-On aharea. 160 attended .. *tK>xtuv exhibition in Ht. per year and ail found for a quailfled i »^'*ftlng th* convalescence of their acres good soil and good bulidlogx, preiKisteroua idea No bull player ia ; not be ground they may be burned county and get a boy to work for you Johna will be iir - -nt .Monday night und f^d thiia. Creen ground l>one for his keep. He was bound out to kennel maid. husbands. John Hplixley occompan- 7 milee from Lansing, 2 mllM from ^roing to let u little Lhlnn like this in- i ' I led his brother. MatbiM. to Grand at thi AilliMm theatre when Bddb C.Ul. terfere with hu regular trips to the) <'sn he obtained from the butcher and you till he was eighteen, and If he run DeWilL Phone or wiita H. G. Good ­ mak* > n fln* egg f«KM|. Rapids last week. Wni. Htimp aad rich. 812 W. Hhiawassee Ht.. Lan­ man of Toronto. Oni.. .ind Joe Hem- pay aindoa of .Mr .\avin »< ImII ear. away you could bring him back and Modem Young Loehinvar. Hour nilk and sweet milk fmn th- Mrs. Frank Martin returned from sing. 24w2|id atein of Philadoiphiu. meet in an eight Cur friend '"''hriety" aeetna able to lick the nonsense out'n him. If you A modernized version of young Grand Rapida Haturday. get aan\ with the « h»*cker dope. He creaii: sepamtor. t.nke* the placf- of want a boy, thew* days them people I»chlnvar, a TApacbc. is reported : itMind bout at IIT lb*. Word received M -at to a large ext'-nt given warm as FilK HALE tIK TBADE. re<'**ntly plny«>d sevente-n gaiuea of will ask you as many questions as if from Poitiers. Francs. A young men | a drink or inix<- year* ago January* 2o. by ger f!;!!.”.d again thia year. Only one —so to speak—I wonder If It’s recly terminexi that if she did not marry him . Rev. George Godex. celebrated their FiiK H.ILE—Rose comb White I^sg- Tiillk k.'^epB warm A kettle also I." bom cockerels from prise winning iHirt side artist, will slirk hit feet easily kept clean. on' truly paid. I tell you I dunno. — he would spoil her matrimonial ^ golden wedding anniversary Moaday. . iind:'r the table at the I>etmlt luanage- W* feet! a good many hoUe«I oat& Puck. chances elsewhere, be decided on In- * among many relatives and friends birds Klizabeth Graham. 2.'*w3 FiiK H.ILF Klght extra good brood } nient's e\{H-na4 ‘ st»-ained until drv or rooked with the Tolving the girt in a scandal, and man­ Holeriin high msM was sung by Rev. sows. i'oland-Cbina. Knquirs of , Til* T‘"»Ta win soon hie themax'lves mash They are grw>d to lnrr»-ase egg aged to induce her to go for a motor Peter Ksi»er. which wm attended by I to «.iiliiM>rt. I*a.. for th^ spring train- pr'»dveti«»n Spmi.t:*l o;;; •tlsn sr*' A telephone‘ph^c exchange three miles car ride with him. Once aboard the l*eople froti n«-ar and far. The cele­ Walter Hurlingame. Ht. Johns. 25tf ' ing trip These .»re new quarters and fed Th* hens .in- ciii'-*r for lioth in the sir. 'This station, said to be car tho chauffeur “let out ” at full j bration t«ok place iinniedlately after FtiK H.ILK -Hootch Collie puppies. wen- taken on account of better hotel We do noC conslii-r ctioking the maali the highest in the world, is In tbe speed, when the lady, perceiving it. | the B**rvl< —s. The Westphalia comet bam! riimished mualc all day. Th** , Fred Ottmar, Merle Beach. Mich. ai-r )rTiiiiontraff for 1!*!^ Donie re- Into It .tnd placed over the tin* on the living exc*-pt tbe eldest daughter. gal township. 4*4 inilM from HL this elevation snow Is always found, WM in progress, calmly went on diiv- ; Mary The following are living- ..r?.« he IS bark In his old fonn and , range and allowe^t to rook, cloaal.^ and advantage is taken of the high ing until midnight, when the party Johns. Terms easy. F. A. Travis. ■»ill rather dtscxuirage som#- of thos«* **0111 done, when It Is re .ov- Wm Hpitzley, Portland townahip; Inaulatlou given b>' dry snow, the reached Poitiers. Her** the abductor ' spltzley, proprietor of the lonU ; FtiK HALF--One of the most pro- nea Tigers who are gunning for the i *' ‘1 * “ iiark part of range when- it i» wires in the last section, at the peak, repented of his ni*hneM. and seeing uor* stop joli on the Tiger infield ! tint I! ni-»aled. A few bottling worlu; Mrs. Peter Thether, ductive .Ml acre fanna in Clinton being simply laid on tbe snow covered tbe girl covered with blood m the re­ Mr .N'aiin has ^^mt Tynia hia ''MS ! <»var the fire the next mom- I»well; Joseph. l*ortland: .Mrs. John County. Ifwated six miles southwest “itiract wMh a ni<-raaionall> parched com is fed. Vikings. Microscopic examination I lilt la the oldest man on th*- Tiger pay ' W’llliam H. Arens is on the sick near Ht. Johns. Inquire of LYON A A dripping imn of large sixe holds th*- show that the bread wm made of the MOLVl-rr. 24tf I roll. Here's wishing him a successful com and It Is placed in the t»ren ear­ iUt. I s4-aaon. bark of the pine tree and the flour Those that attended the funeral of ly in the day for parching, nioled to o of peas. FOK HALE—I pair of bMvy draft hkldic Killian, at one time a regular the proper stage for feeding of course. H ^'3 Fattened Mrs. John Baker front outside were: This discovery shows that peas were Percheron mares, wc 8000 lbs.; 1 j pitcher for th*- Tigers. Is now a fre«> Home simply have the mm on the col* Mr snd Mrs. Irvin Hmtth and John pair of hMvy draft IVreberoa , agent. H*- wa> on* of the boat left and allow the hens to pick it off. f'om oultivated in Hweden nine hundred Hmith from Portland, and Mr. ;ind for 11c Per Pound yMrs after Christ marM, wt. 2900 Iba.; I two-year-old , handers that ev**r worked for the De- that Is hard to shell is easily bantiled Mrs Htephen Hhoemaker of BmI City. Belgian mare, wc 1450 Iba.; 2 two- i troit tfaiu. in this way. but when it ia quite green W. R. Lighton. the well- Fet^ archaeological disooveriM of Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baker, knov n writer, who is a yeop-oid Balglan geldings, wc each from Cillman stating that h«- would ! Myers and Tesrean. the tllant'a or damp it must be put into th*- oven bread have been made and very little a girl on the 18th 1400 and 1500; 4 pure breed abort practt. al fanner in Arkan- bread dating from antiquity has been Mr. and Mrs. Hick Hoaaey of Port ­ finish bard training \V.xli»«mlay and ' battery, an the heavleat pair in early in the morning as plenty of time OM, put (at huga on Uie bom Durham bull oalvaa. mvso aad .til M J . i **ilher leagtit-. fliling these poaitkma. must be allowed for It to dry init found. land visited at the home of Mr. ami eight montbs old; 7 pure breed Po- asark t at a coat from birth Mrs. Albert Llntzen her*- Munday. will be in fine c*»ndlUoo and expecU „ „ reported about acme nicely. to n.jrketiag of one and In 19 llrensleln will gat In ' make any difference if none of the vet- the hen house clean, and it pays to ind live weiglit. Tha eentury after ('hrlstt wm dug oat from Greenbusb after a week's ab- ITtce 11.80 per buebel D. A M. Ban­ some time Monday morning and re-! return to the Navin fold this remove all droppings to the kitchen d ua whkli tMs can ba of the ruins of an Sclent oastla in of croft. R. F. D. So. 32. Fowiar, Mich . year. garden for no better or more success­ Cdone canbebotM^t at SIS Boberg.— Harper'a Weekly. Bakers father. phone Maple Rapids. No. 54—lL-18. ports he is right. All those who know ful fertiliser can be found. The fami- to 125 an acre. Tlie gr^ 24 w2 Joe know he will be there for hr is I er never should begmdgx- the little fattening feed is Spaniah Boclety aad Salltuda. B. B. I’. 3HITRH. paanuts. AtUwArkanMS ■embay Ftawe to Fight Chelara. owe of those boys old at the game and I time it takes to clesn the bouse for Bombay is taking stefM to cope with Aa for tbe dispute about soeietr aad wtae enough not to be caught nap- The ladles of the W R. C. will boM ; the comfort will more than repay him upetimant Statian hogs aoUtude. any comparison Is impertln- INMATE tIF Ciir.Y’n HIICHE DEAD. paired on ripe pMiwna tbe ebolera and other epMemtea. Dur­ a thimble party at tbe borne of Mrs. for hie labor. *1110 hens cannot be ex- sne It ia an idling down on the plain MIm Ruth HweeC for forty-six jmars PiB« made a gain of 1.282 ing the recent viattntlon of ebolerm an inmate of the Clinton County Poor The bout beiweea Magley and Kid : Reuben Brink. M7 Wight St, Wednes ­ I pected to thrive or lay when poorly at tbe base of the mountain Instead pswsds (lem Mch sera. wMIs tbere tbe need of a bfMpttal for caoM Houm . died tbere iMt Hunday about f»osd ahouM be a hummer Both boys day afternoon. Jan. 29. ! housed. The house should be warm. Mksr koes owSs a ssis «< 4M of cJimMag steadNy to Its top. Of are fast and willing mixers. In this ' The following numbers were re-|diT'. well ventilated and clean. Plenty of intactioaa d issasM among Burop* _jii w. • .w noon. Hhe hae been a sufferer front ported on the aiek list: Mrs. (Irtason.jOf dry straw should be given them to ana wm empbasixad. Tbls want was coane you will be glad of all tbe eo-1 heart trouble for eome Una Tbe de- man tlord. .Magley will meet one who s veer oa tk* tasnset UeSsef dety you can get to go up with? Will i ceaaed waa 44 years of age and lanvM will make him extend himself to the Mrs. Mallory and Mrs. Me AftuMwastkM mn bm mMsei bmoght to tbe Dotlee of tbe muntetpal- •Mrs Walters and Mrs hjngle poorly. thrown in it to give the bean the ex­ tty aad later to tbe govemuMBl. Aa yon go to glory with me? Is tbe j one stater tbe only living relattte limit and that is what tbe boy needs. borflen of tbe aong. It Ie not that we known of. Magley has met some good bojrs ialely Dst* of next meeting. Feb. 3rd. ercise of scmtchlng to And IL A Insy «( iki .“SI’ of alUlto land la a result of tbe agitation tbe Bombay hen Is generally a drone and will lay government hM addreoggd tbe oor- love to be atone, bat that we love to Funeral eervtcM were held at tbe but has disposed of them in jig time sanr, and when we do soar tbe oom- and now wc will see what he can do. but few if any eggs. If fed to pro ­ pormtion on tbe subjeot of provtdlng a Caunty Houae Monday. Interment In Walter F. Ilartlett of f>vid and Miss pany grows tbinuer and thtnaer till tbe West Bingham c—story. Florence M. Robert s of l.ansing were duce fat alone, hens will seldom pigr Rock Inland new bospltal for tbe treatment of BSttaiors l^aon Cans. James Wood, united in marriage on Saturday. Jan. for their keep, besides being very aw- tboM disMses. aad tbe Bomtoy gov- tbere ta none at all. It la aitber tbe and tv. Frank Jaross were here from Ik. by Rev. J. H. Wilcox at the par­ cepttble to disease. Lines emmant propoMs to eo-o parale with tribute on tbe plain, a eersson on tbe I^agsing last antiintey. They were sonage in St. Johna They will make Anything that is worth doing at all tbe municipality by amumiag tbe sa­ mounc or a very private ecatnay still on their way to Ionia. their borne in Lansing. la worth doing right The fowls must BsbIi nEie of Dciiiiuda higher up. Uae all tbe soolst y that YOU ARE READING ■nos panlure will pot tire eoot of tbe hospitnl hullding. pro ­ be wintered and It pnys to give tbem vided tbe munlcipaltty will fumlob tbe will abet you —Tborean. which they esm be made to return a fratn 4te to 880 pounds of pork on hogs site aad maintain tbe iaatltoUoa. THIS AD.—OTHERS good care for this is the only way in To Avoid Colda. profit to the owner. licet arty (svereM* for a* —* In Aneieot India. Catoblttg cold lo not so mneb a sign WILL READ rows kpr Md tpdaag kve mmak that there has been groat eggoeure. riTI.NII MII.NRT. €wmmsS9, enmmmsm msm mm A writer on Indian wo men of 2.008 smM hmu two SMan at sios years ago sajra tkat they were “troated hot that the body baa no reetatanM to The following item taken from the pveSlaMv • vaar—that ■laaas m< with euapicton." aad qaotM from ‘ onmll amoont of uxpoaors. 'Tba only ‘’jsnrrrte Age may be of Interest to Mein. j wny of avoiding eatcbtng eolds Is to BjfOMT made tbe the taxpayers of this city as much Kranya Kauda to anpg ort bis aooar- Jewelry ggsa. 'ss! Uon: 'Women wUl conttnne to like noenatom oneself to every kind of adatatMepepev. Tbag cnaerete paving is ccatesnpistsd here IbmiBb M ssedi Mwe m *be In the near future tbeir huahands only so long m they ; change of temperature, nnt to try and We are beadquarten- for everrthiag up-to-date In the Jewelry 'rbariotie igm just complemd 4JM are rich and Influential ; hut tbe mo- ^ ^ ** WrBa Today ment they era rednaad in droam- j »• that If tto body ta hagt eitbln aa the nstennsia and ebso line showing only nrtlsiss of .:.gprovsd style sad workmanship sad feet of concrete paving on three of mem. f Pamv bmbbb wMs ht a variety of priese. * the rsstdsa re sueeu and for the rm- ■lansM they will be abandoneA by ® ffhow range of temgemtars. ^vary- tbem. Women reaamble tbe ligbtntng «Mng ontolde that wil be daagarone. san that thv job waa aoi let to con- by dw I traatora. but sms done by the city un ­ ta tbeir ^fommmmm ta tf tt Ie tamlltartaed witb a rtbsi j< Now Is tbe time to hove yciir old beir-lsoms made tntn ssfison- L.M.. wfda range of temgerauuo, siirythlng oMo jswsiry—We do tlBs right here at boms. Come is sad oos oar der the supervlsisn of the paving tbeir aad Um high committee and straat rsmmlsstunii. wftbln that ana have no ID oSeac Ms- shout tltjMO will he isfunds d to the areloe la tbe ogen air, wtUmnt warm ■ta proper ty owners living an tha atrusm -wvnga. la tbe ebief prBaeol to n agnlnot paved. Tha origteal aaaangMat of Time far Bggs to Haeab. '•mm being that mash amre than egge ef tbe pigeon are bntai Walter Emmons the cast of the work ** ) weebn. tbeM of tbe fowl tiMM ef tbe doab In taor. tbi to an Maanii Jswals Auction Advertiitinif Payk to B. Try tbe NEWS for retulto. JMrUMtT 23. 1913.

Hurry of p—rtotf la Harry Bgalms at Dnpiain la ac oanrAMT. mmmW HHwMMHii iMKmWt nor MUm njuMMBCIMV iMi!■ AMD#VMM MWDM 111 with Mias Minnie Uannett wap born la COQAL AND : W. A. silromall la i Mlaa Mlth Ballaek waa hooM ovar the town at Redford, Wayne oonaty, Biffnyca¥ win IMII flCTflM in OCOHiMITODMr ploum pnoumonla. 8uMlay from Owoaao. kAeCWdies Mleh., .Vov. t. ISf7. 8ha moved with iPJWlfCMe TuS MU. Kl yHyft MU fxMMKll NClJBis 3 reiSONAL I Mlaa imno Behemor of Fowim waa Mra ('harloa MaPlay of Detroit is InpaparePMSM at sorviaaa in her imreato to Look township. Ing- a gttoni of Mm. Fred Burk Tuoaday. vMtlag hor OKHhar. Mia. E Martin. tho fharrhao at HI. Johns, -f haoi county, aad Inter to the lowaohlp Wtofm CouaK Loowwi Ckett Soothes Frank Hyatt and Jaaao Bancroft Mlaa Laps Magloy will aoo Maude _ hy tho pnolora. a i ^ Medldlan. wem la LaiiatBS on bualaim last Fri­ Adaiaa at tho Olodnior Friday ovap- oe*e***«»*«»*»**»***«»«*« * j (Jp Uoeember &. IfTb, ahe waa unit- Inflamed Throat, Note, Bronohlal •' " ■ — iad In marriage to Hotime E Wehher laooro with D. U Hiiat. tf day. Ipg. Tubee and Lunge. Mm. A- T. Putnam apom laat Frl- Mia Era Hoover wont to Maple RKTHIiniNT KPIM'UFll/ .ilimm. ! of Willlamstoa towpohip. Ingham (lUaaoo Sttoi. Dr. Squolr. tf Wy la Orld srith hor mother, Mrs. M. Rapids Wndnmday to vlait her broth- Borvleca on Bunday, Jan. 28. ns fol- | county. To them throe children were Start Takino tt at Onoe. WlllUm Mono woBt to Lyam rtHor L. Thft or. losra- bom. Grant N.. who has njwaya lived In the tnofPiag at 10:M, tho paotor | with or noor hio pnmnlg, Oipcle L.. Loo Hort woo ia I oaolaa Saturdar l.oon Cnunpton and Dart Ridenour H. H. Fltagamld at' Flint apePt Dr. KiBff*^ New Dig eovery wm origi- will prsorh more mporlally for the who dopartod this life at four ywam Bhfed 43 yenm ggo. It* woMdeHul jiower to i^ra I'aUoraoa opoat Biiadoy la went to Lyoaa Baturday to spend sev­ Tuoaday arlth hla father, J. W. Fltx- cbBdmn. Old and young idvttod. I of age. and Mm. Mdwlo P. Thorax, of loaoAas. eral daym. gamid. Bunday school at 12 o'olock. Worn- i Allagan. Tho thro ourvlvlpg children •top coQfhtnff. rare cold*, relieve bronchitl Mloa Ulaacho Doxtor waa la * -it*-! Ud. Corkln haa baen oonltnad to the Mm. 8. H. Kataar and Mm. Busan an'a Bible Btudy elaas; Mpworth , with tholr famllias ware present at ana lunf nilertioiM, made it quickly popuior. Saturday. house this week with a severe attack Btanu want to Ovid Wednaoday to I. of the la grippe. spapd the day. o'clock aa uotinJ. I Mm Webber was a mambar af the : donbtadij the moat tiard preacription for •laa oror Soaday. Rev. and Mm Janma Ptnekard of Mm. O. C. Clark want to Lanolng Evening worship and aermon at 7 ' Methodist Episeopal church At Sick- oongha aiid (xilda in the world. Mtllkma of Mrs. J. Wai^r of l^iwlor waa la Haaflnga spent Tueaday sad Wednes ­ Wedn esday to ipend a faw days with o'clock, with a song aervica. i lea and waa hishiy aataamai. She bottlea are aold annuallr, and thonaandi tea- Our prayer meeting next weak will SC Juhaa Tuoaday. day with at. Johns friends. her daughter. Mm. 8. H. Wall. ' waa a patient mSarar having bean 111 ^ tify to ita roerita hy teatimoniala and cop- Mr. and Mrs. (iaythom Douat of Al­ Mr. and Mm.___ H. B._ Martin, who ! **• M'edpeadny evening on account about two yearn and a recent attack j Myroa Kelloy waa homr trvm tho berta. ('an., am rialttag at the home have boon mnktag their home In OvM lecture It the opem house on of pneumonia was more than bar al tinned uae. Why experiment with unknown II. A. C. ovor Saaday. of Mr. aad Mm. George KoakC for the past faw montha. came Tuee- Thumday evening. ready weakened aymtem could ■immI and untried remedies? Pleaaant, tried and lira. Arthur Mead of Laaolaa waa Mm. O. B. W’alter went to lonU day to viott at the home of Mr. and On Sunday morning, Feb. 2. Rev. ^ The funemi occurred at the home j true, I>r. King ’t New Diacovery ia guaran ­ In St. Johaa Moaday. Tueaday morning to visit at the home Mm. J. W. FltxgemM. They expert Dr. French our diatiict auperlntan- iiv Ovid township op Monday of this I teed by your drugpfial to help yira or money dent, will pmneb and oo Sunday. Feb.. week, (onducted by Rev. J. H. Wilcox Mm. John Whenitt of F^owlor waa of Mr. Waiter's brofher. John W’alter. to go to Chicago soon where they refunded. Get a bottle to-day. Keep it for In Ht. Johaa Wedaoaday. will make tbair homo. 9, will hold our quarterly meeting | of 8t Johna. Deopite the very In-1 .N. 8. Kuhna. a membem of the flmi with love fenat at 9;S0 and c>ommun- clement weather there waa a good I emergrnciea. Hanrey Doapl^ waa In Flint oa of Kuhna A Merrill Is very 111 at hla Ion at 10:30. attendanc** of nelghbom aad fiiepda ; “Typhoid pneumooig had left me with buaineoa laat Thaiaday. home In the northern part of the dty. You will And a cordial wetcome at Indicating raapact for the decan earl i A dreadful cougH. ” writes Mra. J. E. ('ox of Ralph WloauM waa hone fnna the MIm Myrtle Thurston went to Lan­ all our servicea. and sympathy ftor the surviving loved ! Joliet. Ill. “Sometiiaea I had opch awful M. A. C. laat Tfeumday. sing Tueaday to vtett her aUtem. Mm. ones The remains ware laid to rent ! coughing apeila I thought I would die. I Harvey Carrlacton waa hone fmn Albert Bcbmy, and Mm. Ed. Gardner. Social Evenis HT. JHHVN CHI'RI'H. In the cemetery at Bt. Johns. the M. A. C. ovar Sunday. Mlae Winnie Waltem went to Lan­ Sexageoima Sunday. Subject at oonld get no help from doctor ’a treatment EVENTS OP THE WEEK or other medicinea. till I uaed Dr. King ’a L. E. Byer of Ovid waa la SC Johaa sing the sitter part of laat week to IN 9T. JOHNS SOCIETY morning aarvlce. "The Frair Kinds ofIC.IKO OP THANRh. 1 wish to thank on hualaaaa laat Saturday. spend three weeks with Mm. M. 8. Boll and It’S Quality Feund la Every the mmabem of the White ShrlPe of { New Diacovery. I owejDBy life to'thia won ­ 1'opgregatioa " At the evening sor-i Jerusalem for the banquet given tn Mm David Millar went to Owoaao Chaffee. aaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooe derful remedy, for I aramely coogli at all vlee, aubjaet. "Mind Your Own Bual*i my honor -last evening; also my Wedneoday to vlalt her oon. Mr. and Mm. .Klano Frink. Murrett DOW.** (}aick. mfe. and reliable for all Frink and Ed, Brown left Mowlay for The Seolom of the St. Johns High neoa —it Pays Well." friopda for the many birthday caitM arenvllle Herman and Loon Cranp* The rector and vestry hope to aae a I recelrad. throat and lung troublea. Sold by ton apent Saturday in DeWltc Little Rock. Arkansas where they will School enjoyed a sleigh ride out to ■pedd aofuo time the home of Mlaa Joale Alde rman In good reaponae next Sunday to their' E. Ia NICHOLE WHllam Srhavey of loasina waa la Shepardaville last Friday evening. "elrculnr letter" of Jan. lot. St. Johna on haola oao Tuoaday. Mlaa Manruerite Travis expecu to —TRY NEWS LINERS— laave next Moaday for Santa Crux HALYlTIO.\ \RHY. Trans One Co. h VooMli&Glospio Mlaa Roae Fo* of Pewaaao waa la The Black Cat Club waa entertained and Berkeley, Calif., for an extended Tweoiy-flve boys and young men. St. Johna on hualnoao Tueaday. visit with friends at a 6 o ’clock dinner at the bonie of Mr. and .Mm'. Henry Kelley .Monday ages from eight to eighteen wanted at W. H. Ilrunaon apent one day the Mr. and Mm. Fred Tremper, who the Army hall oo Thumday night, Jan. latter part of tho weak la loaalna. evening. This waa^ the Nrtt meeting have been vlolttng with relatives In of the season. 23. Attorney Byron J. Sowle of Ovid Akron, O.. retumed home the latter (’apt. Ayem of Ionia will visit St. waa In St. Johna on buotaeaa Tueaday. part of laat week. The X, Y. B S. girls were enterratn- Johns Cot|^ on that night and glv«> Sam Caateel. who roenatly accepted J. C. Carpenter recently exchanged ed at -ihe home of Mlaa Ira Bond us a good bieettng Come and hear him. a iioaltlon at Fllnc left Sunday even- hla home in tbit city for the home of Tuesday evening. tna. a Mr, Baker In Owoaa«». They will The Young People's Annual will be Geo. H. Chapman’s C. B. I*ain>er of Orand KapUU apont move to Owoeeo aoon. The Creacent Club met with Mrn held oo Sunday. Jan. 2C. Big Umaa Monday with hla brother, Cyrua Pal- Mm Stella Woodard of KUle and Kd. Boron Wednesday afternoon. for The young Public Installation of new eorps cadets. Three Junior aol- n»er. Mm. Lee Head of Caiiand apent from dlera to be enrolled Anti-aoiuklng Wilbur Bond of Orand Rapids spent Halurday until Friday at the home The Physical Training girls of the High SchtK>l enjoyed a party at the league to be startM. .New Young Unloading Sale a Great Success Saturday and Sunday with him |>ar- of Mr, and Mm. Ixiuls F. Green Peonle'n Workem to l>e appointed. ••nta Robert Wereley of Milwaukee. Wla., Trainlug room last Saturday evening L!ach girl invited one gucFt. all th*- Perhaps a baby to be given away. Rev. J. H Orefory wa* In Ovid Mon ­ apent Sunday evening at the home of Something doing ever}- meeting. day aa the Kuaat of Kav. T. O. R. his sister and husband, Mr. and Mm. young ladies going dress«-c»r«>. 'Meoalah” Is the beat of a group of composed of several of St JohW ***** Ralph Ward of Jackson spent Sun ­ beautiful uumbeni to be given Mon ­ riMist jiopular young men. held tbe|r."17. at 7:00 o ’clock day with hla iwrrnt*. Mr, and .Mr* day evening, at the M. E. church. annual meeting aa the guesrv at din ­ mud NWiiuisHlay evenings at 7;S0 each day. Unparalleled Clean-up Sale continues until Alfnd Ward. Tickets on sale at W. R. Osgood ’s ner of Fred Siowell in this city. In o ’clock. All are welcoiiio. Subject tore Saturday at 5* o'clock. for lesaon-aermon Sunday evening Mlm Enmia Harvey left Tueaday honor of the drcaamaklny shop, over visiting .Mn* R. H (Mark'.'- parents. Mr. wus a matter of hiatorv’ and all had a Ian for the floral offerings, the | Stowell'a restaurant. c fhoir and our iiaator for his coin- Come every day to the Biggest and Best Sale yet. and Mm Shlpiey, In .'It. Vernon, ().. hae 1 ho PreoiinBi tle son Jack, who have heen spend ­ I'barrrd at Tbeve Tieke'* Baiiag TM« Huffalo to spend Sunday with hla par­ Tu«rl»4- party on hi* youngee' ! A/6w at its height S*le. enta, .Mr. and Mrs Andrew (Jeeck. In j Mr and Mra. rWen R. Jackson of llwosoo, retumed home the flmt of the | daughter. It being her Tth blrthda).{ Flint vlaHeel .McKinley and marched in a According to re|*orta. the second iKjdy to Mr. Diirkee'*. To oay the Mi^ Judith riark went to I.analnt; pan of Mr Bishop's seniiou last Sun- '.V*dneaelle. to *how the cateem In which WILSON ERG’S Mra Jefferies and daughter. Mlae ly by the poem on the '’Drunkanl's ehe i* held, hy the "other children” Kmtna. exi»ect to spend Sunday with Daughter. " ever heard In HU John's of thi* city, among them being » cute Mr. .md Mm NVIU Strauaer. in l-an- church. dog. which WM« the bone of cont»'n- aior Meadamee Htone. Kelley, Walbridge tlon all the evening, owing to the Mlae Kale Coleby returned to her rind Marshall; Misses Irene .S«-hemer Iteculiar wag to Its tall. Other pr«i». h«>me In Traverse City Monday after a .md Ha/el Plowman; Messrs Wals- enta wen* a mii^r box. horn, several vtalt at the home of Mr aiul Mra. H H. worth, Judd. (Jlllet and Murahall are doll*, a cariml sweeper, a "loop the the soloists H.*l#M*ted for the "Messiah" Yellow Harris. loop tert." and many others. Sale l»reria Andrews retume wf>efca* vlalt In Cleveland. Tickets on sale at W. R. Osgood's card*. Master l^ee Hart won th** Toledo and other towns m (Milo and store Saturday at '• o ’clock hoy's prtxe. a very pretty “goW ” Mirhlaan. B V>TKI» Pour ladles to deliver, no watch and little (iracle Beach. w-*»n In years pa^ we have had record breakers Mra .Sophia Paarh of Fowler re­ selling. exi>erlenc»- unuecesaary. $1 the girl's prtxe, a gift which she may turned home Tueaday from a tw«' l>er day. ( all HrJo Friday morning. wear for yearn, to keep in mind her and record breakers, but never have we seen weeks vtalt with her daughter. Mra Mm. Hlake, Hotel Steel. Amt prise at u party. Fred Kmat. The "children" were a very nlcely PFH I'KXT OFF such trem’endous selling or such spirited buy­ Albert HalllBircr left Tbeaday IMKI). behaved crowd, and ahowe^l the ex­ Ina for Ia>xlnfCtasi. Nebraska, where he Vivian, the Infan- daughter of Mr. tremely careful dlaclpllne which haa on entire stock of ing as that which has been the daily feature will spend a month arlth hlfc uncle, O and Mrw (J L FJInt died at their l*een lavished u|ion them by fond hnni«- In .H«4glnaw. Jan If*, age one pa rent*. since our present sale was announced and 11 Halllnirer. month Interment In Avondale ceme- f Those who were present from our Boys’ Suits Mlaa Florenar Hrown la aubatltut- tery tn Flint Mr and Mm. Flint were town were Hddle Hiilae. Oracle Beach. and you won ’t wonder at the great crowds when Ina at Miss Jaaale laabell’a achool. formerly «»( this city Mm. Flint la Joeephtne Hulse. Carl Beach. Hor- durltia the latter's aevere lllnem with rentenil^reti b) her many frtetida tn ence Ilexter, Ida Oniggr. (Rmrgle Judd Overcoats you see what they’re here for. Men! Young A typhoid fever. this vicinity .-m .MIm ivah KentfleM. I^r Hart. Roy Hiilchlnann. (Jayton Mm E. Martin ami two dauahtera. .Shi «|ient her arhnol days and the Judd, Stannic M'ilson. Floyd Durk*m Including the new­ Mm ('harlew Manley uad Mlaa Lillian ••arlj part of her married Hfe In this and Maudle Diirkee. est and neatest pal- Men! Here’s your chance to take your un ­ Martin, went to Ovid Wedneeday u> city. The gueau departed at an *»arly lema of tJie yaar. apepd the day. hour all wishing Mabelle many happy restricted choice of our still immense stocks, I>r. and Mm. (Riatelow of Newayao MIRHMGi; LII KNMCH. boom until her next birthday. were mieala at the home of Mr and M’alter Bartlett. f>vld; Floreace M. including Hart Schaffner Marx Finest Suits Mm O. n. Whiter laa« week. They re­ Roberta. loiirHng VOlhKT-IhGEKNIII.L. turned home Monday. I. by Rev, (Yvliimbua. Ohio Men ’s SUIT and OVERCOAT Prices Mm C Roehoa, Mm Walter Bur- John I.iynch at St. Josep h’s rectory. PER CERT OPF Charles Herman Fetemon, ('omi. They were attended by riartbel loman Trousers llnaame and Mm. D. M. Pntnaa. went M«intcaiin, Zllla Fmncea MiTTbr, Wa­ of loinaing and Henry Molnet of Rt on our eattre atock tii HnR ar Ovsrrsal far ilb.«& AIAJUI Halt ar Ovarraat far . at a straight dtsaount to Ovid Monday to apevd the day arlth tertown Johna. tSS HaR or Dverraat far ilAAO 4la«gA Halt ar Bvcrraat far Mm James Jarvla. who la very lit at of The bride la a popular ymmg lady Ath Halt ar Itvrrraai far ilojAA AIS.aa Halt ar Wsrrraal far » PER CENT. Mm. K C. Thorton, who haa been GIVF> IHKTHIXT BANQI’FT. of Clinton county while the gmom la a Alb Halt ar llvrrraal far apendina the past three months with The metnbam of the White Bhiine well-known and attcceoartil contractor Men’s and Blt.aA AiaiM Haft ar Ovarraat far her niece. Mm. Harry Andrews re­ of Jeniaalem gave a banqnat at Ma­ of l.imalDg. Si PER (’EXT OFF turned to her home In Otia. Pol., Tc. a- sonic Temple last evening, la honor *(Ber a wedding dinner at the Boys’ Spgciai an all (Hovna aad MIttana; day. of the aath Mrthday of E L- NIchola bride ’s parentn Mr and Mm. Ingereoll ^on Fbt aad Fv Lised OVERCOATS Mr and Mivk Robert Atklaaan of of this city. About were present l♦*ft for a few dayn* viott la iomalng Und’rwear Cotton and Wool Honr; llhnca were here the latter part of and enjoyed a delightful feast. The after which they will raatde In (himun Silk NacKwanr; Duck I- nuAtial valurs await you in Hnnips. lioars. Galloways and Oinln; Hats aad ('aga laat week to attend the funeral of Mm. table wns prettily decorated, the cen ­ City wherr* the groom la rooatnictlng Hmitc Oat Rmad James Knnaet Th^’i returned hwuie ter pleee being a white crans Ailed so nt»,ira honor Oojfs. .Made without pieces or coloring. Just what you need. aad Mofflam. Moaday. with eighty lighted casdlaa 'Their many frleiala wish them a Mm J. H. Mosher reiurned to h'‘r Frevlott- to the touMiwet Mr. and long aad pmnpemaa Journey throagh home In Omnd RapMa Tuesday after Mm Robert Lee enieiiatned Mr. and life a week's vltft at the hamoa M Mm .Mm. .NlelMkla to a alx oHoek dinner IJnnIel Ridennnr and Mm. lisnry. lleadaaiaa Stone. Kelley. Walbridge Whitetnorr and Maraball; MIsoeo Irene Bebamer Raymond Hull went to Chlra|P> Dry OeaniBig and Haaei Plowman; Mmara. Wals- Ford Auto Tickets given during this SaJe wnrth. Jadd. Glllet aad Mamball ar** Monday to spend the week at the Fur­ Yaw favoriMt dreaa or ro-dfAMc jrwcap* ...... MLftft Ml«0 Hurtal Indipewt Soldiar .. ftftdft ftAftft aftaad as raa*w*d tar aa oddltlaaal term liy uf bwlldinp a naw Couaty lattimary, o ux «ft-U S Feat iHSua. 7ft —Noble BuraaCt. af ua* year, and a* an far oanoocullv* B 2 1 of Supervisors bap leaks to mparl as folloara: Envalapai ...... aJS MAX Iltauheia for JsU ______M.ftft IftMft tarma of one yaar mah. until eanaoBad by That the preaeut ImlMlnpa are old and Kd i.'rmtta. 71-4? r ihilfray, thirty days wHttan natlea from atttiar aai'quatad. havlnp h*eo built more than of aitttoa Coiurty, State of Wkehlwmn, at tbair Rofvlar lAtaur at Jail ...... Mjlft «ftft lUpair* al Jail . Aftft 3Jft party to tbe atbor. half a coalury apo. tnat Ibay wac* aaa- L' tliepory Meyer* A ThaaaeOa 73 —Travte Drue Go., It U uaderatoad that tb* aab*ftr1 h* r aboil MaeCiac ia Jaaaary, 1913. atructad of aruud. aad are vary dry. and Drain Ret-ord ...... U.M IAS* HundHao, C. H and Jail ftASft ftASft b* ImM n manMbI* for all tans diHane* laaalad ^ St Jabna Mlrblpan. orBantaad la maa of Are thare arould be danper of M-Clty of St. Johns. IS- KIchmead Baebua Oa , ------ft-- iiftnallm^ from tbla taUphena. under tiw law* af tb* Stati af ***-filpin prani less of til* Oaurt FIloa____ _ U.ftft •Nay.‘ Mr A B. CPbb. Mr. W. O. Hnn- Lipbl aad Wacar ...... XTJft TtMi lAftft alunbu wmbstkr . and dslas kualnaaa ta lb* imonUa* af cita- W* niau Aad tbr bulldlups U> be ua- 71 —W. H. RIcbmoad. MUNI'AT. JANUARY mb. IW mr. Mr J M'. Huatar and Mr. Wllllnm ■ft—Parr Lumber Oo.. crtialrnma af Board of SppirvHar*. ton aad Umtlac. la aaM slato. aanltary. aad tbat tbay abauM b* iw- Livary Hire ______i.ftft Uft to Um UMUtl af Smith Matlan enrrtad. lAmbar ...... IMM IMAI . JOHN WAIJCMH. liiai*ft wttb madarn atruaturaa Ift—CalMsban * CP.. CLAMM B. STOftTELL PtmmMmmt. Tha ilmlr naaaad tb* fall*wins Oaaa- ftl—Cbapm A DuBals. Clark of Board P. O. diSriM af PraaMaat. St. Jabna «f (^Itatod Oovaiy. MaM tt And w* furtbor raq»*r** *••** ***• Non- Ilowell’a New MlabiBan MIc Meui . -mnn*. mittaot T. H. tlnrh. Andraar Hannlny Fait ...... ftl .ftl Snbaartbar. MleMsan. o—^raw»1 al CJaart uraM* Heard aball tab* aaeb olbor aad Statute* ______. Aftft Aftft and Kusan* Sbullara ftS-IHiihlidaj Hroa. A Co., Accoptod: CHAS B. GJFirELM. Socraiary. te til* City «t a Job**. In *b* **1^ furtbar arttoa. aa •ball b* naaaaaary to Tft—T. J. HoadftaM. P. O. Addrim of Baorsftary. St. Jabna flw Cbairman ala* imnMd tb* fall*wins orsa* aad Blartlan ('I4NTON TELEPHONE CO., by OmtBty %*d ■!•••. *• ao*<»>'. tho otb aubaut to tb* paopi* af tM* Cauaty. tba BarM A'Idow Indft. SaMlar. lAftftIft.ftft lAftft Conuaitta* an boenl OpMnn PaHMana; SuppMe* ...... 1U.4S 1U.M 1JB8 UE BROWN. QoP. Mar. A- L. T. 4ay M January. A. D. MU. a*^ qumtlnp of Beadlas the Couaty fur tb* T7 —T. H. Towuaaad, Mr. Rldanour. Mr, J. W. Huatar and Mr. tS-Oxilasbaa Oo.. callad to otAm^ by tb* Cbairwan. purper of buHdlnp a now Couaty laArm- Expeaee Acoopat ...... 7AU7t.ftft 7t.«ft Movad by Mr. Lelond. saaendad by Mr. Tfc*i roll w*. oalM by tb* Clocfc awl IMnab MIcb. Quartorty Ulpaot ...... AM AM 71 —ftftaple Rapida DUftatefa. HIU. Umt tb* (Chairman and caarh b* ou- 31. af pravtaua yaar Movad by Mr. Rldanaur. aacondod by ary. Numbar of maaBbm Um f*Mowln« ■—b* ni a—aarwl to thWr ftft-Palalai M‘. Holland. Pnatluft ITiiruftlmt* of ihortaod ta atsn tba ooM eontmetA Mo­ Mr William SnUtb. tbnt tb* Baard pro- Datad This Mth day pf Jaauar>. MU durtan Um praoant JuaUr* ...... tJft 2.M Bmrd______ftASS 99aitlan mrriad. ri*»*rtly n* w**. caad to alact two dalasitm to attaad tb* TIMOTHY H. CLARK. Uatb-AlMMo W*bw*r. ftft-Doubla Hubor Dolan Co.. Ift—City of St. JohaA Total ...... ftjli naaotins of Stata Aaaa elation af Snparvia. ANDREA’ F. HENNING. I MOTIONS AND RBSOLITTIONS. Baaaai-MuiTKt Rtbawnir. SuppUao ...... MJft MM ISslnfartlaft and Cor* of Dadaat numbar of ni*mh*ra EUGENE SHULTHRS Moved by Mr. THpp. moended by Mr. witbdmivn duiiap tba yaar om to b* bald at Uanams. Fab. 4. ft and ft. id—Oaarpa Hustad. (Nmtoftioaa IWmam* ___ lftS.tS lftS.n ■•■•baw—Androw Haonlnc. Moved by by ITIrIcb. eernadad by Mr. Unvtd cnaik. that w* aubmlt to tb* voiars aad pailHaa nannalad by raa- IMS. Motion catTMaA. Deputy Sheriff Bxpanae .... IM bold •ft—J. H. Duttfto. DAUaa-^obn F Ulrtob. I aiulani tbat tb* rapart b# acaaplad and of CTHnton county, at tb* psnami al*cMon aan of aal* or nibar nim __ _ Mf Moved by Mr. William Banltb. mcondad il-M. Wallar. M. D.. l.Mbor and Malarial_____ 7.3ft 7.U Number of mimbar* now taa- Du^laln—A. K Cobb. b> Mr lAudara. tbat lb* Clialiman np- adopted. Motion mm*d. ta b* hoM on tba 7tb day of AprS. ItU. lonolaft to coaapnay ------ft,i7 g R*«lo—UavM Ctarb. Mxaminlap laaane ...... Aftft ftM It—OvM Raatoter Unlaa. point two tallara Motion oarMad. Mr. FRBSENTATION OF CLAIMS tb* queHten of adopttan of tba Oouaty Baaaa-WUUaw C. Mcblaa M-W. A Scott. M. D.. Prtntlac CPnvamtr* Ra­ Rtaka Rlrhardaon and Mr. Mabal* ware ap­ Road Syatam and that tb* ChaH-man op- araanbuab—Arthur 1.. Tnpp Kxamlntnp Inmn* ...... Aftft *.ftft Bills No 117 to N* IM war# Wiaantad port ...... U.ftft Ift-lft Amount of property at risk pointed laHora and admlnlatorad tb* potat a i-ommittaa of tbre* ta prapor* Ooaambar 31. of pravtaua L,«baa*a—HaydMi W. Swltb. M-B. 1*. Martin. to lb* Board by lb* Clarb and rafarrad •3—Dr. M. H Qr*penr. Oonatituttoawl Oath Tb# Boautl tban Iilatafectlax ...... SAftft SAftS tb* mm*. MoUon onrrtod. yaar------IIAftftAftM.ftft OMiro—Matbout M. Hill. Examloma Insane ...... AM AM by tb* iTialrnmn to the Cemmttta* •* Mr. Trtpp. Mr. Soxton nnd Mr. Dnvid Aaftount of riabs added durliw proci >dad to tho alaatlon of two dalo- U-Mlward W. Fehlteft, Ovid—Wm. a. lluntor. Oft—Rtrbmond A Baakua Oo.. iTaima CInrk war* nnmad by tb* Chntrman na -...... L7B1.31Aftft snta* to sitand tb* iu**tlns of tb* Stata Wood...... ft Jft ftJft R«l*y-Hobart L.andar* Supplla* ...... UM SIM Moved by Mr. lauielara. eecondad by Mr Mich Committa*. nm------— of Supervlaora. arlth tb* fol- II- E L MartHi. M. D.. Total MMtMdAftft Victor—t.'alxnn K. baaton It—William Sebek*). T. H. Clark, that the Chairman appoint Moved by Mr. John W. Hunter, aoeond- Me,li(-al Serkkwa...... ftl.lS ftl.ll Daduet riaka naacalad. with Wtetartoam—John W Uuntor. loarlnc raault: Tramp Board Bill ...... Iftdft lAftft a Special Cemmitt** of Tbra* to take ed by Mr. Saxton Umt tb* ivaalutlen rota­ dmwn or termtaatod .. •14.3Pl.ftft Whol* number of voto* camt. Ift. No- 4V—Grftr If. BeoL M D.. ftft-t^Hllam Sohevay. ■uch other and further action aa shall be tive ta tempomn- rellaf wbleb wna laid an Waotpbaita—^'llllatn anllb Dtalnfectlnx ...______.... I.ftft 7.ftft Nat amount now at risk by r«anar>' to cboica ft, of Which Mr. Bid*- Friaanars' Board ...... JAftft MM nocaamiy to aubmit to tb* people of tbte the table at tbe Oetobar. IftlS Samian ba City ot bt Jobn*;— •4—L H. Atlea. oampany ...... nour received ft. Mr. Soxton I. Mr. Shsk- C»-William Srhavey, cwunly th* quaatlop of Heodinp the Coun­ naw tahan from tb* taMa aad If oarrlad rirat Ward-Wllllaw Liolaab. Servtcee and Expense* mm * 1* S. Mr Hennins L Mr. Rldanour bav­ I^aundry and Sundrim ...... MM M.ftft ty fur th* purpam of bulldtup a naw to tab* eRoat January I. Iftll. booood Want-Kubcaa bbultar* Game Warden ...__ .... ftl.ftft ftl.ftft CAah ta bnaka______3 3SAIft ins ravelvad tho majority of all tbo ftl—William Schavay. I'ouaty InAtmory. Motion mrriad. I After mme dlacuaelon as ta tha lasnllty Third Warb-Timotby H. Oarb. t7 —The Mutual Goa Co., tata Bank of St. Jobaa 33M.lft vota* cMt waa daclarad alartad Bxpens* Account ...... Mft.l2 bald Moveel by W. G Hunter. iierBadad by Thara bauv a quomw praaaat. tba Goa. De,...... ft.tft Aftft of tbe mallon. Mr. T. H. CInrk aabad tba Aaaaaamantft af past yaar ua- Sacjnd BaHot-MThol* numbar of voftaa M Sprinp Brook Ice Co.. Mr. Ulrich, that th# Hoard tab* a Racam I Chairman for a rultas on tb* mme. Th* coU*«»ftftd. bM ...... T»ft.«ft Baard procaobad to buataaaa. 4ft_Wm. H. Gale. M. D.. oaat 17. Neceaaary to ohaira t. of which loo for C. H...... OM «M ualll 1:M. Motion mrHod. '(Thgliman rulod that tb* motlan waa iaftnl Aaaaasmama af prior yaara au- Mr. Slcbata rocalvad ft. Mr. Saatton fti, Mr. Service* ...... Aftft ftJft oeUaciad (oarrlad laald*) Iftftft COmtTNICATlONb FROM CXIUNTT •A-Artbur F. Slow, land ta ordar and after farther illftoiaftiBn W. O. Huatar 1. Mr. Haamlas 1- Mr. ftft—Detroit Typawt Htar Ob.. ^ by savomi mambera af tb* Board. Mft. OFnCSM Truant Offleer ...... ift.M bold After recam tb* Beard was oallad to Ribbon* ...... t.ftft 2.ftft Total avaUabla ft.. Bl.lTAtft Slaked* bavins raoMvad tba maftarlty of< •7 —Faaftor F. Owen. ordar by tb* Chalramn. I Hunter withdraw tb* aald matlan. Tha folloartn* ooaMaonlaat**«* war* all votm rant wnn dadarod ataatod. •ft—Wm. OHboon. I Iftavod by Mr. Saxton, ■■rondad by Mr. Dopt. Sharlfr Kxpanam ...... «M ftM MOTKiNS AND RESOLUTIONS Holt ...... Aftft 3.ftft prwrn " aad raad to tb* Board by tb* Moved by Mr. W. O. Uuntar. aaeondad W. O. Hunter, tbnt Mr. Jab W. Saxton ba —3 2.mftT WM. C. SICKBLM. •l-Ira Shaw. — MdUl Olarb: by Sftr Laland. tbat tbo Clarb ba autbar- A motion was mad* by Mr. T. H. Clark, I appalwtad by tba Board na TaamaMp A K. I'OBB. lieputy Sbarlff ...... Aftft Aftft A coauaunicatlon frsaa tb* Baard a€ laad to aand tan daUnra (Mftftii to tb* aaeondad by Mr. UtHch. thal tb* Board anoat tar VIeftar uamablp. Mafttaa earrlod. Total HaMllttoa ------7.S«.3t BOBMRT danders . •3—The St. John* Nawa. •■B*r%iaora Of Roaoomaoa Couaty rala* Ttunaurar of tba Stata AaaarlaHim af vote to th* ctiatoa County Asrlcultural Moved by Mr. RIdanenr. Hetnftnd bp W. a. HUNTER. Prtntlmi...... IftAftS IftAtS lira to a propaoad Mata Hlsbiway to b* Saciaty Ava buadrad dollara (MMdfti far Mr. TTbleb tbnt tb* Beard take a raoftftn nupamanra to pay CBatoa CbwntFb Sor- WII.XJAM SMITH •S-E. J. Iftalaot. Cbnb oallaatad on oaMdructad oa tb* Priaia Matiban an* tb* purpaa* of Itguldottnp tb* praaont unUI IJft Ant- Malian oarrlad. Uoa of tbo expaaaaaa of aald maatfs Movad by Mr. Clark. amentmUd Expense Acoeant______... 3A11 tafttoddnrtbB Um 3 BiJM.Tft T1-—j frow tb* boutharn Bouabary of ladahtadn*m of tb* Soemy. and nftor I After racam tb* Baard waa callad ta ar­ Oaab oallaecad an Motion earrlod. ftl—Union Tl Uphea* Oo.. bb* Mata to tb* Mralta of Maoblnac UIHah. tbat tb* partial ripoH of tha uam* explanatory ramarba by Mr. Clark. dor by tb* Cbair man. tavlad ta pftar y Mo^ed by Mr. Ilrleb. aaeoadad by Mr. Rental for April ....----Jft.ftft Ift.ftft Mbaad by Mr IMrlfb. aaeaadad by Mr. Oammitta* op rinima b* accapiad aad Secratary of tb* Society, and otbara It I Mr. A. L Trtpp latmduead ta th* Baard. Sbullatw thau tb* Baard adtjaum uaUI •ft—Louta r. Graaa. adoplad Mol I an carHod. waa moved by Mr. Sickala. wemdad by ' Iftr. nwak Robha Duputy OommmtmmMmmr Talal oftwb rot Ml.ftdAtT Haaaiaa. that tb* Oaaanaaiaauoa ba laM temoiTiiw at ftttt. A. M. Motion oarrlad. Kxpeaea Aceauat...... 177.M m.lf ttt (mob katam at Wm Lntaad. iliairman of tba Comaalt- Mr. Tripp, that an *m*fkdm*ni b* mad* I of County Raad*. who addraoaad tba oa tb* ubla Matioa oarrlad. ALONZO WBUSI'BR, •ft—Hunt'* Dnar star*. precadtan y«nr . i.m.Tft to* on tb* ('oamaunlaatlan from tb* Board aad a saadly numbar of ctttaftuft of A ooaimuntoattoa froat tb* Baard of JOHN WAI.JCER. Chairman to the affect that the matter he laid on Hupplle* ...... ftS.lft ta.Sft Board of Suparvloor* of Sapinaw Oo. la tbft oauaty wba war* praaont. on tba anb- 3iX.m.S7 ■■Barvtaor* of baalnaw Couaty. wttb raf* Clark. tb* taM* uatll ibe October MU Ssaalon *7 —Clark A. Putt. rapard to proeurlnp a aultabla plac* for joet af tb* Oennty Band Syaftom. aiuuc* to raquaotiaa tb* Oovamor. Bayrr- Motion mrrl«d Suadrle* ...... AM C.M tb* dalautlan of mladaaamnor prlaanara. Moved by Mr. T. M. dark, tbat whan aaatativ* and baaator to tab* up tb* Mr. Rlrhardaon, I'hairman of th* Com- ftl—kr*. R. Oaftood. Laaaa* actaalty paid dnrtan WBO.N’ESDAT SESSION. JAN. 1ft. IMS. aubmlttad tba folawinp report: we adjourn, we adjourn unUl Wadnouday iMU*r and ricawaiand to tba La«lala- mltl*e on Traaourer, aubmlttad th* fol- pillow* ...... 1ft •• ll.lft th* yaar tot which 3AS34.r tara tba paaaap* of a Qaaacal Act for Ilk* Board mat purokiant to adjourn- To tbo Honorable Board of Suparvlaora. lowins raport: January ttnd. at l:ft0 a'elaek am - Mo­ oBeurnil In prior year) 33ft. 17ft. #7 •ft—E. M (’hadartek. Balaiia* aad foes paid to of- tba Ooaatruetton of aa laatttutlon of tb* aaant and wua callad to ardor by tb* CUaton Couaty. Mleb., St John*. Jaauary II. MU. tion oarrlad. Food for Rose aad Walls. 27.7t n.7t Mr. SIckel*. Chairman of tb* Cnmmittaa flrara and dlractora (Bebadute Mtur* of a Houa* of Oorraetloa for tb* f^wlmkan To the HonoraM*. th* Board of Supar- Qantimiiiit:—Tour Okmmittaa to whom Iftft-E. M I'hadwtek. on Claims, mibaalttad tb* flbal aa tbair A) ...... oaabnaaaant and aaiptoyanaat of Mtad* Roll oallad. quonim praoant. aad aa ra- vtaora. of Cliaton County: , was rafairad the Communicatlan from Fumimtimt ...... U.M ftaal rapart. Manor Prlaanara from all of tb* Oaun- portad Gentlemen:—Your Couuaitt** to wham Ml—P. H. Banla. M. D.. (Schodnl* B)______tb* Hoard of Suparvtmta of Sapinaw St. Jabna, Iftirhiftnn. Ma. 17, ItU. baa of tbla Mat*, bocaua* of tb* torabn* Minute* of laat aiaaon war* read and waa referred the matter of aottilap with ('are Scarlet Faver ...... Ift.ftft Ift.ftft approve*! aa read County In rotation to provldtnp a ault- To tbe HonoraM*. tba Baard af Boparvta- Total DIabta. durtan year, atitn of oontrarta batwaar tb* Datrott aM* place of mndnamatit or detention of the county treoaurer, W. H. Parkar, hm 192—A. R. Klaoald. REPORT OF STANDING ('OMMITTBBB ors of (Platan eauaty. Mleblpaa: ||aiia~ of Corraction and tb* varloua PHaaiiara convicted of mtademmnom (lb* laav* to report aa followa: W* have ex­ FurolsatHut ------...... Ift.M Sft.M ftftr. Slobata. Cbalraaan of tba Coamdi- Tour rvwualtta* on (Hahns wnoM ras- oauatla* throubbout tbla Mat*. Moved Dairolt Houa* of Corroetlon now rafuatnp amined th* bobs and vouchera In th* tftft—A. M Wheeler. M. D.. Name at offleer or 'dtraetor to too on Claim* praaantad tha foUowtns *■ pactfnlly aubnSt tb* taHawtap as thair whom paM. by Mr. LaMnd aacondod by Mr. Lao - to recMva aueh prtsonam from tbla Coun­ traaaurvr-a and rl*rk ’a ofAe* ami found Care Srarlet Faver ...... Ift.M 17.ftft tbair partial rapart: ftaal report and da harahy raeamnwnd (Hark E. Btowell. Praaldant ..3 IS.U bar* tbat tb* Conuaualoattam b* rafarrad ty) bap leave to report tbat they hav* mm followa; Ml—J. M Cm mar. that the several amounts eehadplad bore- (Hiarlee B Glffela. Sacratary.. l.ftW.dft SC. Jobaa. Mieb.. Jan IMS. Under Sheriff Expense... 11.M 33.M b> a apactal oouuaitta* of tbra*. MoUon had tbla oubjart under conatdamtion and Balance on hand. Oct. 1. MU ...... MT MBM In he allowed, alae that tbe (Herk of this Jaoae Peppt*. OHvetor______llAtt tftt—John P. Uirlab. W. C. Mallarv, THrecter ...... ftT.ftt eamad. TO THE HONORa BLJC. THE BOARD would recommend that It Is the aanae of Received durtnp Oct. 1M2 ...... l.tftl.ftt Bmrd be authartaed to dmw orders on tha Dislnfectlas------am J.M A. J. Burnaa. Dtraetor n.tft ‘Ill* Cbairman naoMd Mr. Ualaad, Mr. OF SUPERVISORS OP CLJN- this Board tbat the Govamor of thM Received durmp Nov IftU ...... I.IU M muniy treasurer for tbe mme. im—Ernest Schemer, Geo W, Fletcher, Dtrecter.... Sft.W lABit-r- and Mr. DavM Claih aa aueb TON OOUNTT, MICH.: state recemmand to th* present Lappa* Received durlnp D*c. IftU ...... 2.ftC.W No ('tafmant and Natnre. Sub. Ail'd. W. B. (TaMerNae. Dtraetor.__ ftAtft tnvst. and Dtainfartlaa Somll OMMaaltta* Tour commlttae on nialma would ra- latura tbat tba* by aultabla lapkSatlon 117 —J. T. MlUman. A iVMBfnuntratlon froan tb* Mat* Aa- Par ...... ft.M AM Total Sciwdalc A ...... 3l.l3ft.l4 apoctfully aubmlt tb* foHowtns aa tbair provid* for aurh prtaonara at tb* lonU l«.tM.C Hundriaa tar Jail------ll& lft Hft lS aacMil im of Hupao'taar* of MIcblMU) wttb W* Afkd k-ouchera In Tr*aaur*r'a handa 1*7 —Ernaai Hchamer, lift—John Walbar. Schaduta B. partial raport. aad do baraby raceommand Houae of Corractlao. boUavtap tbat un­ DIainfectInft...... Sl.ftO SI.M laMtauc to tb* naxt annual waattnb of •a folloara: Exp. Attd. Dtet. Ganvaas. tt*ma of "All othor expaaaaa.** that tb* aavrml amownCa acbadulad bar* der th* maaapemant of tbat laatIUiUon inft—Charlee AudruA tia* Aaaoriauon waa on UMitloo of Mr. Coutlnpmt fund ...... $12,449.9: Charlott* ____ _— Aftft Aftft PaM anent* and caSaetam.-.-l SM.St In b* allowad. aloo tbat tba Clatk of mieh dtapaaltlon of tbat clam of PHaen- SaMler's Relief Comm ....S.ftft 3.IS PaM PrHittnir______....___ 173.41 LAadaaa aatondod by Mr. Ulrieb. ra- Poor fund ...... X.U0.3S lift—M. D. Baaa M. D.. this Board ba autbortaad to dmw Ordara ara nan be more rheaply provtdad for KM—O. K. Wilson. PaM PostMie______- --- - 3tt.3« oatvad and |dar«d on HI* Jury and A’lineoa fund ...... 3 DIHnfoetlaa ...__ —------U.ftft n.ftft on tb* County ‘lYaaaurar for tb* aama. than any otbot wa>. Soldier'* Relief Camm ....I.ftft i.M PaM (NTIce Supptle* ______TS.SI lift SpauMtag A CA. PaM Office rent and hmtian ISft.ftft PRBBMNTATION OF CLAIMS • No. CtaUaant and Nature Sub. AlVd January Ifttb. IMS Hlpnad. Oommltto* Drab! fund ...... ?.ftC.M lift—John P. Mantor, Soldlera' Relief fund ...... M-U Sundrla* tar Repair at PaM latereat on ordara ...... •ftAU 'Tba Clark prauantad to tb* Board. Rill 1—Union Telaphon* Oo.. -WM. LELAND. ROBERT I.ANDBRS Soldier * Relief CJeonm____ 1.3ft t.M Stale Tretaa rvcalpta ...... l.lTft.R JaU.______U.3ft lS.3ft Na* 1 to C. laclualv*. wbleh taar* ra­ 'Poll and Maaoansar Bar- aad DAVID CLARK. III— Union Telephaaa CP.. Total Schedule B______31.t3t.t1 Co Canvamere and Supervlaora 131—W. a. Hunter. farrad by tb* I'bairtuan to lb* Cowittaa vtco ...... t ft ift ft-M Moved by Mr. Ulrich, aacundad by Mr. Toll and Measenprr Service. MtaaaSawaau* Quaafttana. pay roll ...... tSt U Sarvicea In Burial Wl>i. Ind. on CMiaw 3-^. H. SbulU. W. a. Hunter, tbat the report b* ac- Grtober ...... MM ift.M HoMlar ...... S.ftft I.ftft Hew luanv aaeeaatnaats bav* baao auU* Hirtha and d*alha ...... TJO Moved by Mr lAland. aacondod by Mr. Election Suppllaa ...... &Jft ft.fti raptad and adopted. Motion eamad. IIS—Union Telephone Co.. 133—E. B Voorhoaa, idurtaa the yaar? Ana., on*. Sparrow ordera ...... M.ll Hill tbat tba Cbairman appoint a com- ft—Union Telephone Co.. Toll and Meenenper Hervtca. Burial Widow ladp Bald . Ift.ftft U.ftft When wna laH asoosamant ordared? I'l^MS. ■Ittaa of thra* to aacartaln If Honda Rental ...... MIS MIS Nok-emher ...... M.Sft Ift.Ift i33—C. B. Jaebaon. Ana.. September 1. IftlS. Total dlaburaementa ...... 01.3*7.12 III—Union Telephotw Ob., Tntnl HaUliUo* of tha comsany at that bar* boon (llad by tba aavaral County i—Luthor Eddy. Bill* No* M to lift arare preaentad to Servir** aa Onmty Asrnu 3.71 3.«tjllme. Ana., about 337. Sftft. OfBrara and report on aama Motion oar- Sarvirea in Burial IndS- tba Board by the Clerk and raferrad by Caofi on hand Jan let. MU ...... CI.MISO Toil and Meseeaper Service. 131-G. H. Prao*. M. D.. I Amount of tiabfiftt** earrlod over. Ana.. Mf>v«d hy William Smith, aecondad by nod Soldier ...... Iftft Lftt the Chairman to tba Committa* on December _____ ...... 13.11 12.11 Fumlpatliur ______ft-U ) What D th* amount of all tb* aaaaaa- Tb* tliairman appointad Mr. A. L-. ft-Wlll If Bninastt. P. M.. CInims Mr. Ilennlnp. that the raport b* arceptad 111—J. M. Cramer. Its—E O. BolUhaar, and adopted Motion mrriad. Tramp and Prlaoner Board .ments made durlnp th* vaarT Ana.. 336.- Tnpp Mr John W. Ilunlar and Mr. Hill Bovaloptia ...... 11.00 U.ftft Moved by Mr I.anders. aaeondad by Mr. DtoHifdCttaa______J.ftft S.ftft IftftLSI leas ft per cant If paM ta 3ft days aa awch 'Nimmltta* C—Chapin A DuBola. Hill, tbat the petition with rafarenoa to RBftKILUTIONS: Bill...... S7.M 37.M Itft—Wro. C. Slekala. What Is th* mte par eant. of aueh as- lift—P H. Hanu. Moved b) Willuun Smith, aacondod by Ribhoit ...... B.M raft tb* conatnirilon of a bridp* on the Coun- Spl. Comm on Phono* ...1.41 4.41 aaaamenta on amount of taooraac* ta Mr Ridenour offeml the follourtna re* SfiMil IMx malm...... lift M IM.Sd i force? Ana.. 314 mllla par cant. Mr Sexton, that the Hoard adjourn un­ I—Bludftau A Sibart. ty Un* hatareeit iha Countim of Clinton 137 —John P. irbirh. olutlon which on motion ama adopted by lift—minton Republican. What amount of lami* or axpsnaaa ar* til tomorrow momlns at •:!&. Motion Mountinx Map* ...... UftO lS.«ft and Ionia, he ukan from th* taM* and Spl Comm, on Phono* ___ l.ll 4.41 allew* d to arcnmnlate batara aa aoaaaa- the hoard- Prlallnx ...... 3MM IM.ftn ft—Bludmu A Sibart. rafarrad back to th* petition am. Motion 13ft—Andrew Hennlnc. taent la lavlad? Ana., on* y*ar*A oamod "Reaolved. that the t’ommllte* oi Wm C. SICKBLS. carrlad Spl CVrami on Phan** .... S.lft S.lft I D om the rnmpany In maktan aa aoaaaa- AliOKZO WRHSTKH. RIndins General Calendar .. ft.ft0 100 Treasury he and the aame are harahy In W. O. HUNTER. Wm C. SICKEUI. mant. pmvlft* ther* In tar any earptua fond JOHN WAUKER t'halrman. ft—John Pnc*. Movad by Mt W G Ilunlar. aeoondad atnicled to compare the rontlnpant. poor ROBERT iJtNDERS. W. O. HUNTER over th* aetnal loaaa* acemod? Tea Frelsbt ...... ft! .91 by Mr. Saxton, that tba Hoard adjourn If ao. how much? An*., not to axeaad jury and witnem. drain, hmrri of achool WILLIAM SMITH. ROBERT I.^nRRS. Ift—City of St John*. until tomorrow moroinp at ft:U Motion Ift ftftft examinera. death* and Mrtha and aparrow A. B. COBB WILLIAM si^H. What I* the amn «‘a* te valuatlan af real Lisht A Water ...... a.fti 3.ftl ram*d ‘nriftSliAT SKSSION. JAN llth. IftU order* with their order hooka and check Moved hv Mr, Tripp, wrended hy Mr. A. B. COBB. propertv Inaured hy the coaapaay? Ana., tl—H D Squalr. M D. AIJ)NZr> WEBSTER. not •apamte. Th* Board mat purauant to adjourn- the mme hy stamplnx acroae the stub Hill, that the partial report he accepted Moved by Mr. T. H. Clark, wconded hk- Examinlikx Inmna ...... S.ftft Sftft JOHN WALKER. Chairman. What proportion of ttankur or aetnnl maut awl waa cnilod to order by th* of mid order hoke. ‘Alle»wed Couaty and adopted. Motion mrriad. Mr. RMenour. that tha partAI raport of «-W A 8 r*>tl. M D.. Clark to«a euatnlned on rml property does th* iliairman Traaaurer. October Mth. MU.* aad after Mr. I^-Innd. ('hnlrman of the ('ommittee the Committee oa (Hatma be a< reptad and company pay? Ana., whal* up to laaur- Rxaminins Inmn* ...... ft M ft.fto Roll called, quonim praaont. and ao ra- betnp an compared and checked, that on DubHc Bulldtna* and Ground*, pres­ adopted. Motion oarrlad once. IS-Will If Bntnaon. P M.. What Is tb* aonreunie valnatlen of par- porteil Minute* of tb* laat aaaalan wore THURSDAT SKSSION, JAN llth. MU aald oreler* be Ated with the County ented and read to the Board the follow- Mok-ed hy Mr. Imndara. aeconded hy ftfr Poatasa Stamps ...... UM 11.00 aonai propertv Inrored by tb* nnmpany? raad and approved aa road. Board aaat purauant to ndjournmant Clerh AIno thnt nil the mlarellaneeMM Hui recommendation: Hennlnp. that the Board adjourn until Ana., not eapnmte. II—ettnton Talaphona Co.. PRI-»KNTATION OF PBTI*nON8. and waa cnlloil to order by Iha Chairman voucher* and reeetpt* from the Hot To the HofkoraMe Bmrd of Supervtanrn of Wednesday. January Stud, at Irfta o'etork What propariton of dnmaiftB ar aetnal Rent and Toll ...... lft.l> U.M Hie folliMnns petition araa prmanted to Roll callad. quorum praaont. and ao ro- of Correction and tnmni asylum, and all (TIaton county. MIchkMn: p.m. Motion carried. kwa •notalned on p^raaanl propartii das* 1ft—Th* Frank Shepard Co., the company pay? Aaa.. thraa-fourths. th* Hoard by Mr. Uatid Clarh aad raad ported * other ofAr-era' receipt* and certtAmtm he Gentlemen; Tour CPmnalttee on Pub­ AliONSO WEBSTER. Annomtiona ...... Iftft lift Ar* all liaka examined hotar* wiittonf by the Clerk- Mlnulm of the last aaaalon arare road atamperi acrom the face. 'Allowed Coun­ lic flulMlna* aud Grounds would reopact- JOlfN Wai JCBR. (Thalmuui. Tea on hulMtaita Ift-Orand 'Trunk R. R.. ty Ttmaitrer. October Mth. MU.* amt that follv recommend that the Judpe of Pro­ (Terk By whom? Dtraeter or agent TO THF. monohahm : THE board and approved a* raad. Tetaprama ...... lift 1 the aame be then Aled with the County bate and the Prnaecullnp Attorney he OK SCPKHVISOKS of illCNTY FRBSENTATION OF PETITIONS. (('oatlnuad naxt weak.) STATTC OF MIcmOAN—Oouaty of (HIn- 17-Graad Trunk R. R.. Cterh. and thal mid County Cterh la authoriaed to purrhaae for use In thetr OF CLINTON Mr. Iftavld Clark preaanted to the Board ten—aa. Frwpht ...... Jft .» harahy aiithoriaed to /'redtt the county reapecilve offtcea one for «aeh officer, a mark E. Stowetl. PraaMant. aad (Hmrim the followinp petition which was rmd to SIRS \v.. ih>- iin«tar*taneil tax payer* 1ft—Cftator PubItahiiMr Co., traanurar with tha aavaral amounts ateel nttn« moe and when Installed the B. GIffala. Sacratary. of naM coaapaay. do. the Ifctard by the Clark. Judxe of Prohnie and ProoecultiMt Attor- aad aaeh tar htmaalf doth dopaaa aad my. of the IVtwnehlp of EaiH*. Couaty of Sutaacrlptlona ...... ft.ftO ftJO The (*hatr«nan then named the follow­ TW diaeovary of what ta baltawsd to that tbay hava read the forauetag aftata- enmon an -niE HONORAni.R. THE BOARD ing Committee to lake the further action nev nhall certify the Mil* for their pur- bd tba rasl Mt. StMl of Holy Sertpt ment. aad know tha contonta tboroof, and fully p*t:tion tbla lionorattla Body, to chaee to the county clatk who aball dmw thay hav* goad rmaan to baUava. and do Gaa-Urt...... ISJI USB or SUPERVISORS OF THE COUN­ neceamry to anhmit to the peopH at thta ta iwsortod to tbo Aondooiy of SfttaBos oauae to he eubmitted at tba Annual 9ft-T1*ch HIn* Oo., iwder* upon the countv conttnpenl fund baHove mM atatemant to ba tm*. County the quaotlan of Bondlmr the at Dorlta by Prof. Dr. Al Musll frooi (?LAKK B. STOWMLL. Spnnir Election, the queollon of ralalnx Suppllaa ...... AM AM TY OF CLINTON. for the pavment of mme. We also rac- ('aunty for the pwrpoue of buHdtap a now TtaMaaroA Prof. MnoQ boltavoa tbst (?HA8 . B. aiFrTttM. * money with which to build a biids* aa n-E I Hull. SIRS-—W*. the underatpnad tax payam ommend that Sheriff Cramer ahnll caune County InArmary: A. E. Cobb. T. H the Arm walls of the hoaenaent window* tbo dstlset Totaaao. Hals I Bodr, Ib th* l.'ounty len* betwaan th* Countlaa of Mirror ...... IJft IM of Maple Townahtp. raapactfully potlUan (Tarh and Wtlliam Smith. under the court houae to he rohutit of tbo Hodja rogtoo of nortbara AraHta, Swnm aad mbaarlhad to baftora ana. at Clinton and Ionia, wheri aald ('ounly 9—li. B Kxproaa Co., thta bonorabi* body to eaum to bo sub- Mr Groan. County Drain ('ommkmlaner. cement. Alan cauae the foundation wan* ta tbo bibileal aotmtoJa wbof* tbo St. Johns. In mM atat* aad oouaty. tbta Lua* -maaea tirand River, with th* un- Rxprim 'Ikanree ...... M .M mliiad at the rapular aprtnp alact Ion tb* prenenleri to the Hoard the matter rola- of the court houae to he repainted on tha roso fhMB to llth day of January. A. D., ItlS. darotandlns that aach t'ounty pay on* » Jama* MrOHUcuddy. FRANK L THOtne. Notary Public quaMlon of ralatap not to axraad ton five to the necennUy of havtas a Tran­ outaldr Alan to have alt axterlar wood half of th* wxpana* of ronatructlns and Madlrnl Sorrlcoa ...... MM lAIft (Htaton oouaty. Mch tbouonnd ino.ftmmi with arbich to build sit for the uaa of the Caunty, In Survey- work of the court houaa painted t cant, My - nmlntainins of aama J4-M. U T Oo.. n brMpe ncrom Grand Rlvar on tba Oup- lu«. work and nil exterior brick work painted IMA fliartl* Myarr. 1‘rhan Handera. E. M. Fraipbt ...... l.U 1.1ft ty Lina batwaan lonin CouPty and Clip- Moved by Mr. Tandara. menndad by one runt. ahHk the front porch Hap* h* St. Johns News Job Dept. Partlow. John Oravoa. Iam B. Partlow. Cbaa Flynn. ton Coupty, with Ib* underatandHip tbat Mr. T. H. Clark, tbat Mr. Groan b* oath- Mired. AMo anna* on* electric Hsht to Oaear Daiiins. Rliaa Harttns. Ira 8 Omwlnx Jury ...... Iftft 2 Ionia County ralo* a ISm aaaouat aad "Hoad to purrhaae a Transit, prlo* not he tnomlled Hi th* caanty cl*rk*a office, Fair Prices consistent NEWS JOB DEPT. Davten Mr* Julia MrtTumb. Baaa Me- M-A. Fdneh. bapr opa-half of tb* anthre expapaa of to exreed ope hundred Afty dallara two Hecttir llpbta Hi tbe abarffTa office with Good Work. Crumb. Alouao «mnaa and W. H. Holmna. Mason Work ...... MJi M bulMtpp aad mataminlap tb* psam Said (tuami aad tbat the Clatk be autbarlawl and three Hectrtc Uaftita In 'Jm relaftar of New, modem, up-to>date. Moved by Mr lAudara. aacandM by Mr. n-WIII H. Brwuaan. P. M.. to ba of ataal roustrueHaa. nut to draw an order m ftxvor of Mr, Qraen deed* office. Ataa onnaa tbe rasMtar of Hauntns. that tb* patiUan b* laid on tb* lam than atxtoon foot Hi widtb. wttb two In payment of name Mnllon carHad De«*l« office ta b* i ipapirad aad new taMa unui lomarraw at ft:U. Motlan enr- n-city af St JabM. ■pap and about four bupdrud foot la Iftaved by Mr. WilNam BaStb. menadnd Hnolsum ptacad upaa tb* flaar. Alaa tbe Had Idsbt A Walar ...... lawsth. aad to bav* a roarraia flour. by Mr. T. H. Clarh. tkat the Bmrd ad­ juda* of probate offtau ta ba rap«r* d aad Ilk* CMrh than praaantad to tb* Baanft M—W. G. Hunter. Cburtl# Myom Urban Samtara B. M. journ ualll tamsrrau maratus *1 ftrli. •laettir tan Inatallad ta tb* vaaK af I bmu SmSTtau^SaT*^ paimaue from the Tbwnabipa af Blas- Sarviem aa Couaty Apmt Iftft IM PaHlow, Jakn amvoA Uovl B. Partlaw. Ma office. All of wMoh Is raapactfaltv Iftotlon mrriad. tftntLtatauttagaUBBb. m bam. Ransal. Dalian. DoWttt. DapMln. M-NaMe BamaCt. Omar DarHap. BNna DarlHip. Im E Da- AliONSO WEHBTER. ibmlltad Maaaa Oraanbuab. Labnwon. CHIva. Ovid. Ribbon and Comforts ...... vtaa. Mra JuHa McCrmab. Ham Mp- JOHN WALKER Cbairman. W. M. IJRJUfD. iwaufttaftoi Rllay. Vietar. Watartawn. Waatpbaba n—M. O Mayem A Ban. (Tup M. Aleppo Oramn and W. H. HokasA Clark. ANDREW rntWINO. and tba lat. Sad aad trd Whrfta af tb* Work ...... Movad by Mr. DavM Clark, r r nftaft by M M mLL Oammltt**. city af St Jabna pm jins far an Ordar Xft- Tb* Brlppa Oa.. Mr. Honnlap. that the Chair appatnt a FRIDA 1*8 SRBSION. JANVABT IT. tftt. to aabmit to tb* Tatar* af th* Oannty at Januarv D. Ifll. Slat* ...... CouamHia* of tbra* to rapart on tb* lap- The Rnard met purauaat m adjaarn- tb* April IftftS. Blactlan. tb* Qnmtian of S-^obn Hlebs. abty of th* petition apd IHe adviapbliny Moeed hr Mr. UlHcti, ■■rnadkl by Mr meut amt waa eallod «a nrdar by tb* Imndem. tbat tb* racommindaMan af tb* FraMttbms tb* Maauflartnr* aad ani* af |baiidrlm ...... of huIMkip aueh brMp* Matlan mrriad. Chairman. Intaalrafins Ldonara witbln tb* Comity. Sl-Gnukd Trunk R. R., Tb* Chair appamtad Mr. Jabn W Huat- mmMtee oa PakBc BaSdtap* and !&SSS£ Hnll railed quorum prramt aad a* ra- fkund* be aceepftad bftM aftftptirt. Mo-, MOTIONS AND RMBnLimONS *r. Mr Hlrhardam aad Mr. Itftl m spah ported. Moved by Mr Landam, aaaandid by M-IT S Expi I m Oo., CnmmMtu Hon oorrled. Mtautao of tb* last aoaalen war* raad Tbe Hark firiaftnf d and raad to tb* < Mr. Manntns. tbnt tba Cbair appoint n BEFORT or STANDING COMMITTMBB aud approved aa raad. Baofd fbe faBowtap emmaaftft from tbe ''amnUtta* af tbra* la onamin* tb* asM •B-M'lli H. Bniaam. P. M.. fTInhm Triipban* Oft.: poStlaaa aad rapart tba aanm fta tb* PaMapi Stampa ...... MM MM Mr SicbolA chairman of tb* Committa* RRFORT of STANDING COMMITY RE Banpd. Motion mrriad. M—Bunona Bhutlam, on criaiam. rapariad tbat IHtIa No IA ftl Mr. Slehela. diairnmn of tb* noaaaSttee CIJNTOK TRTJBPMONE COMPANT aad H wMrb war* bald, la Ibatr prprloaa on (iBHn*. praaantad and road to tb* I Moved b) Mr T N Clark. aananSad by Sai'vhaa as I’o Apmi ... MM Mtl StaBle Tdna Cbntrart Mr LTlnirh. tbat tb* Cbair appamt a oma- SD-*rftia Mutual Gaa OA, rapart. bad baaa allawad Heard a iMHlnl report of mid Oammlttaa St. JabnA Mlab.. Mmmry IA IMft. nuuao af tbra* w rapart an tba naaamfttr Oaa- N ut ...... by Mr. Hill, aaasadad by Mr. St. Jahus. Mkb., Jaauary It. Mlt um UM The *ab>rft bftr haraftn OEreaa to rant of •ft wahata haW'^'WOMAft af Buiidlas a Now Obanty InSramry. 9- Mrs J .H DutMP. UIHah. tbat tba partial rappH of tbo To tbe Hauamkl*. tb* Heard *f Super • th* ettatan TfttftShabi OA. tar tha af- Ham* of CTutan eaqpty. MtaMSMii A -'Tm and ~Nay** waft* wnn enUad far lAundry ...... U4 l.M CapBOItta* oa CMkas bo - ripiil md flcea of tbe trenamar. aabi ^uu wttb lb* fftllawlns ranalt: ~Taa,** Mr M M. O Mat era M Sap. Tour Cnma.lttae aa CMbaa mauM me- and dmta caatmtaftlaasr. aa* fin.** pnnaabdaafttaftmyaa pactfuily mhmlt tb* fr Haw lap aa tbair •taodp. Ift atata^aftSur: mtaniiir. Mr Hiasfs. Mr. UIrtab. Mr. teabur aad MaftaaMl ...... srMciAi. committmb . mck tar tbe peHad af an* y**r. RBFoirr or partial report, aad do berab] Mr Onatd ClaaB. MB. HMb. iluTa IM. T. H. CMrk. ChainBoo of Um r several aaMnaNR aHi Mr Hdpian W. SbmMi. Mr M. M Eposftbl OsaHBUtao aa tb* MsiuMti mmt tbat tba ttie of buMdftnp a Mow OOuatv L IBr MinHim mat Mr. T. B. GML Mm Or— HlMratk vtaM— bar n —it Mr. aad Mm a W. Btarito ^ A dnugkisr w— ba— lo — waak to 1 to s. »~rt. Will Krans —art— tor AM Aomo M In Fowler la— ThuMday. TIUto Bakra— wore oaltod to Oraad Mr. a— Mm Ckarlla Hobart. DSL UBSOOKT, Ww»tcUn amS •■r> Houion. Gan.. M—day. Mm Kmu — Mr. Vaiaatlaa of I anntac apaat Snn-i Wadnaaday by tka aarto — Ul- Mr. and Mm. Bla—era a— dnugktar. CM. Mlc^ OOm kMin will ‘-fmain with Aor paranin a tow day with Ollkan Lapkam aad taaslly. of tk—r aapkaw, liuto Mm Duffy, of ' -‘Tr**-!. eg —t MlaAlcan tt-~*c*» rury alowly to Tha iTlT’ Aid wUl MOM — tko Ml— Wauaiia Rockwall —tartala— kraaa. Tlllla r—islaid tkara to k—p Tburudny artth frianda tn tkla TIM II V. ImSSm- AM «IU MW M ciiiduaiiy Ml— Osrtruda Davar—ua and Will oara for Aim. Mm Harito Cbllda a— Mm Anson Umne* Anil for dinner TAuradny. Utk at 2am. mkSk Mn. Vti#i WrtcAt advMUaca of larc— bbAoo I on^i^- Todd of OaWltt Sunda y avaalac Born to Mr. aad Mm. Oaorca Ba- Roky of Inn —ng ap—t Jnn. 10, lilt. Tha gantlama n of the ara tka ehmalnala A cowIMI iBTttMlM M MCtMMoA tP aU It aaaam a hard atrncBl* Caa—a Brown aad frlaad, Mr. hra— la Oraad lisdca a daa haky dau- with tk—r par—ta. Mr. a— Mm. Owen orchard. Now la tka tk— tor chureh will —rra tka dinner. Cor ­ gktar. Jan. 17. Mm. OPTordcM mm ooUad to Heir* uTclM up the PMUWit . Holmaa^ of Lanaiag v|—t— at Oaorcc Mctkmtgai. large uaara to order, Wa will dial InvttnUan to all. All mambaM ▼lllo-Utlo wMk - and Sunday tlaa. dnw not maan tAa cloainc of Jr.-ap—t Sunday — John Bo— c— la— Thursday to ape— tka artn- f^Mowpolltaa aad Woman's tala— — dinner — tka home of Rav. with har mkatar. Mm. Prank Locker, Mm Ch—. KAnkall of St Johna is Brad Httlaa and tamlly Aara nMvad tk— compalllnc cAIMmw to tar with her mocker. Mm. Pater Tyler. Hoara Comp —km eo — aapoMto- Lk A. JoBray'a booaa. TAay BM>aad and Mm. Flahar. aad fa—fly. spandlng aenm ttma with bar par—us Mr. MeOtanIa of 1 aaaiag w— la ly. fi.OO or flAO sack par year. mo away tram Aoma to attand acAwd. Goapal Mia—on m—tlnci will ka Mr. aad Mra. Arthur Taylor aatar- M. V. Ra— and —to. boM froM Alma. TAa townaklp unit ayatam mamma town to — weak to tha lataro — of tba Wa taka kotk for tt.40 aad enn baM at tka M. B. church every Sun ­ tala— Mm. Gaidar aad gmaddnugh- Braak Brawbakar ban aold AM tAa application of tAa city organlia- Bt—a J—al. ba a—t to aapgrata addraoaaa, atoak af l■arrAaailtlal» Aara to Chna. day aickt for tmo moiitkn Cordial In- tar^ Nor ma and Oladyu. of DaWltt ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ terr Bmlth k— pure haa— hia CaUi* Tba Detroit JodvvuU Dally aad tlon to tka townaklp. For tnatnwca vtlatlon to nil. CAaSa of POrrlastoa. who will taka tka city Algb acAool M uaad Ay of. Saturday. ark old farm of L— Stndal, who h— Mich. Pkrmar oo — |t.60. Tka poaaaaaioa la tka a—r futora. Mm. Aanla Lnlaca aad MIm tonma Mr. aad Mra. John Norrie and a— ♦ BABT OLfYl. ♦ own — It tor aavaral y—m D—rolt Tim— aad Mich. FArmar tka atudanta froao rartoua parta of tke Mnrtaka of Laa—ag vtoft — tkair —a- Mar»^ lacaraoll fonaorty of tAM Wty wAlla acauorad around In yarlo — Robert ap—t Sunday with Mr. and Lynl Beaaal k— basg atok with tke Mm Jamra Culver —tartaln— bar tt.OO. Hoard's Dairyman k tar. Mm. Harry Moon, Sunday. Mm. Harry Norrto. lg< DaWltt. plaeoi. bat now af lanaMc. aad Mlaa waxma aM located aa many daugktari. Mm Jean Roumto of Lan­ Bra—aria Gasatta. tl.fS. Laum Molaat of M—M BaaaA wara Tka JualoM of tka DaWtn Hick Mm. Carl Suub —tartala— bar ♦ ♦ sing and Mrs. Mclilwala. of Park Lake ccAoola aa ara naoaanary to taAa o^ SeAool will clva a ralaatlaa boa ao- awniad Jan 15. and will maha tAalr of tka lltUa»onaa In thoaa particular frianda. Mm. Frank Jaane a— Mm. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ also a alaca from D—rott aad kar ato- F^nmlar Abnomd and clal — tka M. W’. A. kail PVMny av- B—har Oeobock, from n—r MaglA tara. Mm. Hall of Park Lake aad Mm. Aoom la Laaalac- nclnlUaa. All tka acbooM aM un^r Mr. and Mni. WAItaM of CAacla rla- cnlac. Fob. 14, ms. I ndlaa* brine • Rapl^ tha tore part of I—t waak. Helen Joknaon of California tka fore Cneambar Cfwam amm board wblcb amploya aU lA* Mm. G—rga Hold — a— daughter, Itad Aar paraata. Mr. aad Mra. RoAt. vmtaatlaa n— box with lunch for two. Mr. and Mm Oaorga Myara aatar- pan of la— weak. la aapaetolly good tor tka akin tMcbaM. and tka rdia of tarriMn M n —ryb—y tarlt—. Marguaiite, r—urn — bona a waak ago Taare, Aara orar Buaday. TAay ra- laitt— Mr. aad Mra. Raul Leltaka, of Glenn Smith of Datralt caaaa Satur­ this raw cold w—tkar. It a—to tba aawa Uunougbout tha elty. Mra Caaala Baldwin and daochtar after apendlag ckrtotta — w«ik CBtea- toraad boma Sunday accawiiaaiad by In Ike townaklp tka dtatrlct bound- Olive Sunday ev—tag. day to rt—t hto motkar. Mm. Julia — 26c and 50c tha bottle, free and niaca. Ml— Virgil Laaktoa. vt—t— Mm. Harry Ra— and daughter ■§- go relativaa. Mr. and Mm. Taara. wbo will remain arlaa would ba oraaad, a board of ftre Smith aad«ockar ratotlraa. by pareato post. Mr. and Mm. Jamaa Farguaon aad Mr. tbar of 1—Ming arrlv— Thuraday to Mr. and Mm M. Moits of Pewlar to with tAam tAM waak. alactad at large would run aa many wn- Mr. and Mra. Br— Tucker of ITatiie Mr. a— Mm. Gao. Hold — a— fam­ CMnt— Pk—as. R— No. 2SS or TAa Buraka I>FaaMtlr Club la pre- ship high arhool arailabla for arary pant— them boBM Sunday. CASTOR IA Creak. Mr. aad Mm. Fenton Brink and ily, Mr. a— I^M M. Morta ap—t Bnn- 45 Dnkm. paiinc to praaant a four-act drama an- boy and drl in tke townaklp. The Vor lafcnta and Chtldran. daughlcM of DaWltt. Mr. a— Mm. V ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ day with Mr. a— Mm. Jacob Ktoar- UUad “A BrotAar'a Crlma." Some time paopla ara protactad againat Injuatiae m— a— family. In Pebruary for tha baoaflt of the D Paarre of Ullva vlsltad tkair par- ♦ ♦ Ik Od YnHmMmiiBngM niTlUT^ DRUG In that any ten alactoM M»ay aPB—1 enta. Mr. and Mra Vamay Haarca, ♦ KIHT DKWITT. ♦ Mrs H. Carey and little granddau ­ aopAotnorr clam. from any action of the school board Basra thm HUlll i3 STORES Humphrey Daren port of Saranac M Huiida> . ♦ ♦ ghter, Louisa .Strinhardi. of Ea— De- to tba atata Superlntendant af Publld Witt call— on Mm. August Frlcka TMltlnc at the home of Dan Kirby. A. B. (*ook of Riley vlaltad Mr. and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ht. Jahs* and DaWltt. Inatructlon who haa full authority to Mrs. Vamay Hearca laat weak Tbura- Biinday, Born to Mr. and Mm. Caaalua Sery. datarnilna tba quaatioo. day. Gao. Hohlan. Augnet Itolcke a— Jan. 20, a 9Vk lb. aon. ! I’ndar tha townaklp unit ayatem. Mr. a— Mm. Ft— Sleight aad Rav. W. H. Tbompaon will taka for family of Raw apent Sunday with Vern Ha— atta— the F. A A. M. The Ooldeti Comedy Co. M hoUHny I gebool la maintained for tka aama lodge la— Monday evenlag, tha latter forth at the opaM houae all thla week. ■ aeniion next Bttndny, Jan 2<, 1913, Mra. Sleight A pnranu, .Mr. and Mrs. length of term throughout the town- ’‘ffllall Wa Turn tha Other Cheek or Noah Wilhelm, end family in this tlnlshlng In tha third degree. gkip, thus equalizing that matter. Tha tka <*Artstlsn Attitude Towaid Kvll.." place. Don't forget tke p—rr> a— dance at Lnat Qnnrterlt Veetlnc. prtman' ntoney la equally distributed This fa tha second sermon in the aer­ Mrs. Ptewk Dotv wee quite HI with Hlagham hall Friday ar—ing. January The laat quarterly meetlny for the | over the township aad a mu4:h more ies on tha teachings of Jaaiia. tonsIHtis laat week. 24, 1913. conference year of the Kureka Kvan- ! Just and equitable condition la thus The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Carbide and yellral circuit, will be bald in the B’M- r. Whaalar ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ slble to have lix'ated In a convonlant ton church. Saturday and Sunday, of DaWltt la attandlng har. ♦ Feb 1 and 2. Her J. .M. Nyce. pre-: part of the tournablp a high achuul ♦ ♦ ♦ OLIVIi ♦ Marars. Hatar a— (hirtleld Haltiar ♦ ^ii»I TH BINGII.IH. ♦< aidlny elder, will conduct the quar- : which will gtve to the boya and girls of Batii sp—t Sunday with Frank [♦ ♦! terly conference ;ifter preachlny Sat­ ' In the country equal educational ad- ... ♦ Carbolite ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Voisiaat. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ urday afternoon. vaotacee with their town or city A large numbar from this vicinity Har. C. W. Uyman, tiaator Burelui couains: which will make It |•oaalble attend — the auction sale on the Paul Jl^hn Doyle, Jr., w— at boma a part I?v, circuit haa returnee! from a rery- , for the itarenu to keep their children Mm. Klla Brinkerhoff visited .Mr. K. Ihinhaui farm last Tuesday. We ahip in car loedd, handle 90 per under the dlre<'t lnftuenc«* of tha home and Mrs. Jerome Dills In DeWItt Sun ­ of last waak on account of tba Illness aurceeaful aranycllatlc aeaaon in Kdwarti Mahar spent W—naaday at of bis father. tHiroaao aad will preach nest Sunday i! during tha moat critical period of their day. l.ianBliig. cent of this materiel sold in Lansing < at Waahlnyton Center In the mornlny , iivM and atlll not deprive them of fleti Brinkerhoff h— purchased a ! Mr*, (too. Yallup li—t— at tka Mira Mary Mtllar spent Tna—ay as hooM? of her olaca. .Mm. Mary Hairls. and will make Detroit prices by ton. ; aad iCureka In the ereninr. high Bchool training: which will make Ford touring car. a giirat of Mr. and Mr* Mward Ma- I it poaaible to give them an education Mrs. Grace Iiaeke of Chicago accom- _ last week Friday. bar aad fkiBily. ; Mr. and Mrs. Taber and John Doyle Drum or 10 lb. can. Get our prices if ! l*rtlcularly fitted to their n«'eda and )MUil— by her sister-in-law. Mm. KI- .loaeph Periter, who —th hia family, i will give to every boy and girl In the mer Derke, is visiting her paranto. i spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aus- you can use lOO^to'SOOj^lb. lots. la spandlng tha winter In this vicinity , tin Pack. J township an equal chanea. Mr. aad Mra 8. Vi, .N’orria *r —t to hia borae — Pnw Paw. Van- j Clarence Throop of Greenbuah w— Brnfot Delgkm of Lansing Is vl—t- Bufwn county, laat week to serve — ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ lag his uarla, Matthew Daigbm. a caller at Orln Davis' 1—t Monday. Jury. • ♦ I Mrs. L. WakaflaldA brother from ♦ ♦ Ml— tlertrtide Uevertaux attended hTank Vot —ast ap—t la— weak at ♦ URKK.NHrMH ♦ ; Ohio to staying with har while Mr. the Installatl— af tka Oliva Grange tha home of hia brother, Mr. a— Mm. ♦ ♦ ofOcera last Saturday evening. I WakaflaM and daughter are vlslUng Full Stock of Henry Votslnat. a— family In Gun- , in Ohio. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mr. and Mrs. D. Devareaux and nlaanvIUa. daughter. Gertruda, visit— Mr. and Mm Hattie Wahaffeld visit— Mm. % Maaaars Ed. Mahar. Wiimla Smith B. Mslttoon this weak Tuesday, Chaa. farter returned to bla home Mrs. Calvin Davar—ux at Marla B—ch and Malvilla Kyas ap—t Saturday at In Detroit Thuraday. Sunday. i Revival meetings this we—t at Ws— Anti-Skid Chains St Johna attending the stock aala of I Bingham U. B. ehorrh. H. J. Baker returned to hta school Will Rid— our of Riley got quite .Tames Mahar, Jhe former purchasing In Westphalia Monday. b—ly hurt last weak Friday. He was stock there Mlaa IMaale Andrus of Orand Rap­ chopping and a limb —ruck him In Mm. Luella Peltier a— aon Howard A mean —uffy ooM. artth boaraa Automobile Tires ids who has bean rlslttng har parents. the face cutting hia chin quite badly visit— the Ig»ve school W—naaday whoaoy br—thing to to — tka kind that Mr. ancTMM J. F. Andnis. returned and knock — aome of hia t—th loose afterno— . ru— Into bronchitto or pnaum —la. home Monday. He waa taken to tha office of Dr. U—*1 trifle with —ch oarlous condi ­ Grease and Oils The Mlanaa Barths and Stella Bee- Wheaiar aad hia wounda oar — for. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tio — but tako FoloyA Honoy aad Tar bae entertained a alelgh load of young Mm. Hobart Tanz and daughter of ♦ ♦ Compound promptly. Quick and k—- Denatured alcoheJ people from Buraka Saturday nlghu DaWltt visit— Mrs. V. D. P—rra last adclal rasoHa are Just what O. B. Serey. who has baan vary 111 weak.. ♦ PBIf’E. ♦ ♦ ♦ you can axpaet from tkto gr —t modl- la mu<*h batter. cl—. It oootk — and koala tko la- Mm Jamaa Rearaa of Owoaao M flam— air p—aag ae. It stops tka visiting her father, O. B. Bevy. George Troop aad mothar have k—rae racking eough. VanStekia A Glaapta \T A M TKe Tool Man i !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ mov — back to tke —w hou— aad Bd- MK. Hamaawtfa — ‘*VA like to Nnd Ip ♦ wa— Powell and family have mov— nmre books, but I can ’t aaem U> j > rH.\pn. ♦ 1 In the tanant kou — and will work Auction Advertisinfv Pavs ” ^ Lansing'. MicH. i' find Unw. Monday I have to wash ! ♦ ♦ for Mr. IToop tkln.auromer. / aUdny and —*' Ralph Counright and family are Tn' the NEWS for results. Anfy Dradma—"Stop right there, my moving n—r Shapardsvllie on Wm. / dear! If yuu will begin Monday Mrs Mary Batchelor has return — Marvin's farm. Mr. Pane from n—r morning Ay rending tha directions from Howell after sfiandlng several Fowler is to work the Jake Kreppa' farm vacat— by Mr. Coortright. on the back of a Pels-Naptha days with her tmranta. Soap wrapper, you1l have moM G. H Hall in—e a buainaas trip to Hdwa — Smith of innatiig la spend- tuna for other kinds of reading and Saginaw Tue—ay. lag this waak bare on the farm. fMl moM like it, too. ” The hknbroMary Club mat at tha Mr. and Mm. Mortz of Fowlar la home of Mrs. Florence Sawyer on Ttoiting at Mr. Ruckkartb aad otkar The Fels-Naptha Thur—ay with a good att—dance. retotlvaa In this vicinity. The Fabruary.M. E Aid Society will H—ry M—tzurua to c—tin— at tke Grip Gffrmt An Enrywhgn hoime with the grip, also Jacob Btoar- meat with Mrs. Gan. Somera. Tim grip naada only a law daya way is the best and Arthur l*earre a— wife sp—t Sun ­ maa. to wraek tbalwaltli. Inthmabart The Aid Sod —y give tk—r ana—1 OK 3i’roinrr »f ht BiTiiBAiiiPfl death i will sell at my farm f vilen Homi and h hile wBirr day with tka former's brother at OIney AUCTION time it — thorooghly poisons Uia fair tkla wuak Wadnaaday — tha OF RIIBBIIA. DR 5 HILBN NOBTB AND f H1LBN EAST OF BT. JOH5H. ON easiest way of wash­ Tha 1. O. O. F. will give another ana bio — and avarr usma ol tha body of thair popular dances at thetr ball home of Mm Fowlar. th—thevletlmiaprastral—. Evaiy Tba frianda of Mr. Bsekhart ragrat Friday evening. J—. 24. mnaela and loint of tha body aehsa. ing. More than a vary much to I—rn of hto c—tlnu — Mr. a— Mm. G—. Lack—by Aava slaep la fftfal aad di —orb —, a— mov — — tAalr farm a—t of town. tbaio Is p—n back of the ayes a— poor h—Ilk aad hope tor — anriy re- million women use A baby girl. Twyla Annilda. came la Um ha—. Ttia grip maya in tha rovary. Lgla Fsoml aama down with tka to reaka har ha—i wlik Mr. aad Mm. ■ystim for yuarannlaMthablo —la Fels-Naptha every etsona —and b—Hop —UmiMaan ms—I— to — Friday night wklto —- Tuesday, Jan. 28, ’13 John WatsM. Jan. IS. tending a play. Tkara are many oss- Mm. G—. P—ara aad Mra. Im ovsreoam tha psmans of tka die- aara. Paopla who do not tnka a ss look — for. ^ THE POLLOWINfi BMCHNWD PBOPBHTY BBaiNNINfl AT Iti» MABPt washday. Loya — ara ap——ng a f—r daps la go —bloa^hihoildinf tn—ictna i William Htoarmaii made a bustn —a Parry, tka gnaato of Clara Bolbraofe. I tba gnp ara Um trip to Lalagakarg Saturday. Littla Bvyla Waisra. Aaa Aa— — tk If you haven’t wknaaOkr for yoara Mr. aad Mm. Tkaedore Aahtay aad Drive arary traaaalMmgri p froBB MMk flaarge Aaktoy aps— Snaday yoar syetam ^ taking l>r, Wll- used Fels-Napitha wltk tk-r paranta. Mr. aad Mm. Wm. Implements kax. hay and Uanm' Pink KUs Mrs. W. H. B—tlatt'a tn BlaglMm. Pnrkar, of !fo. W Ws— Uaton ia» nt tnt. B 7M. aM. Soap, try it for street, Newark. N. Y., who did ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I nt. IBMl and Tools this, onye: *'I waa etok for two yearatoltowlag tka grip and aaavy ♦ ♦ nC. IM. t yra. aM. W fly aak your everyday aam tkoagbt 1 —ea a—— >■— ooa- ♦ HBMLB BBAd. ♦ aampU—. I trambl— aa th— ♦ ♦ ! Hag rrato* housework and I cnald a— eiieUII In a eh—r. My ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ heart p—pitae— ami I h— to Iw « 5 yra. aM. d — la Fakranry. tetrada —loo dawn mo — of tka Uma darlag tka Mm Marvin lagac—II to sgsndtng for washing. To ewUra year while I hmi Um tr—i- aoom tk— wtth kar par—ta. Mr. aad liar. I. 7 yoara nM. d — la Janeory. IdiAgspaUa. I h— brailarhraoi —i Mm P. j. M——t wash clothes: Soap, eienidly a— lo — a gra — deal in Mm. j. W. Bkaa— of Toastog w— % oo —Mg 4 yra.. dor M Fak. am tndaad. — tAlnga go--waM aevar Wright. I was n — —4« lodomorii a caller tn tka boara of Tkao Ixmmto' roll and soak for —ad kf tka Boma —. and thoy vara wo^ and hail noemUU —. lit— o — day la— wash. laaa llabla to ^Ids aad tAo —ill more naafmeUtea— my etomach waa Bag —e Banina w— in Battto nut of order. After two yaoro I tr—Msaoias ecmplalac.lnffn«naa,than Craak — baaiaaaa la— w—k. Mm. Hogs thirty minutes in wo ara now. As a raaalt, tkay were fwaun tn taJto I>r. Witliums’ Pink Harrlaa ac—pantod him — far — Pilie. 1 left that thlff were helo- dm M AptH. poaaaaa — of tka large — mad vkiT ka— Ing me h—ere I Imd fin ieh— t— Laa—ag. cool or lukewarm akap— .aoaw poaalkla. llret Iwx. 'Tlie tmnbliim spelle Mm Rllay ImmkaMC— to slightly Wb— —vfllsatloa. wrkleh start— In left and I weaamm ruml ’’ Improv — at this writing. Mra. Loom- water; no boiling or Roasa. aprs— Co tka aor tkam coaa- Dr. waiiam*' 1 ink l*ille taken in la to ahia la ka around tka kause 'TRBHa^ FIFE D«ILLAH8 OR I’NHER. CAHHl OYER THAT AWnfTNT, tt NONTH^k TTVF WILL BE QfYBN Mr. and Mm B. Word — — La—ing triaa of Buropa tba InhaMtanta of Uma will aera ynq mwrii eertlkrlag ON OOilD BANKABLE NOTEH. DRAWING • PUB rK5rT. INTKRBBT. tkoaa -faagrnkl- eHamt— fou — tker end will so tone up juu i ey— u> timt wara Sunday g —a with Mr. and Mm hot water. Then rub M. F. 'Trov^Bridgs. A— o —tteually to rub tk—r new y— will enmy Um be— — liesith. Wntr twmy totha Dr. WIKtoms Mr. and Mm B. E. Baumgard— r —• tightly, rinse and aad thos tkay toll b—nw tba Ronwn Meilw inn Ca., Brhanart—y, N. Y., land — tba to —Ml of P. Schmitt la IN. ataadnrd. for thair free Uxihlat — ''uaibling Job — Monday. hang out to dry. Tkla —ptoa atlon. of cooroa. aoun Uptbe BkwiJ.** 'nwngoto year tr tosahad. bat It M a waO drnggi — a—a— a A— cm Dr. WU- Uaam' Pink nUe far iO ——a or Mrs. Julia Gilsou, Prop. hallar etUI —a heeMa for |R8D or TRY fXEWS JOB DEPT, asdor tkara rlleeet by aeoU. A ff ^ ^ _ I, ito* R A 9 A ■ for ttp-toniatc work. nSa Ids asippii IjlKnl RilCRRPR DDCR^f ASCtlflRQflr

1 CITY DIRECTORY WTAm 99 nCHIflyUI PHEtstar ^Loaa wajti nM EMDIlieT Tb* Prahnta Oouit for dm County of Ramarfcabla Fadaa tHaa BKauraiaw Clinton, at a aoaaion of oaid Court, PHYMCiNti. .Notte-- la hereby gi ven that the LEQH HIRES bald at tb* Prahnta (MBe* In the City 'ASliiiie asK tha Crsdit af BagBah Bird In Amacica. Uuarri* Kamllment af tbs City of of Sc. Johns. In oaid County, on tba DUa, AUTHl H O. and KUlifc^Si: SL Johns. Stats of Michigan, will ba CHA.N’CKRY BAIJ^ IB puimianca 14th day of January A D. 1911. HAKT !tH» 8prmff dlrc^zt. omo- aitd by virtue of an order and iB- fat Bom* ysars ago a waalthy raaident in ^-wsion on Huturday, January 2.5. Present; Hon. CHARLES M. MBK- iKMirs. l.iu lo 4.1 j y. m.. .'pt cr* >• of tbe Circuit Court for the Mra. T J. H«»well. Mr*. A P Al- of our hllla stoeked hla gaas I A i).. IjU. In the sevaml warte of IUIUa Judge of Prohai*. IkiAtla)*. Otbrr hour* by appoint* ' said city at ih* plaoaa daaignatsd ba- ouBiy of Clinton, In rhsurer>. In kim I Lee Shertnan were on the avrv- with Bugllah pheasants, In the omuar of tha manta of Ben­ Eveiy OMSt only Uet 12 ' low. via. 'he Htatf of Mlrblgau, made and dat ­ have now spread ovar Um country jamin F. king, a mentally inoouipe- Htrk list Uat weak First ward At the Michigan Unlt- ’d on tbe Seventeenth Day of Deceni- W. A. M Ol'T, i'byaican and durgaon. Tb* phaaaant Is a walhar You onn- (eat persoa, H. Malva Klag. guardian Frank C«»bb of l‘•lt«-rvllla wna bare •sl Traction t'u. Oflio*. '^r. 1912. In a rertatn cause therein uf said aatata having AM In aald Olttcf bra. 1 tu U. 7 to (i p. ni. Otb«r tlH° Drat of last week not misiaho hla tracha. for ha puts Se< imd Ward At tbe Fanners' Ho ­ •ending, wbireln the LDA.V AND DK- Iwura and duana/a by appolntmaoL ixHtrt her patIUon. praying tor Bcaas* Mrr Hpltler of SterllnA <’ol.. la sa­ on* focK aaatly down directly In fyoot tel. Weet Railroad SCrooC l*OHIT IIA.NK la corporation) la 00m- to sail the Inursot of aald aatata la of the otbar. making a eleun laipraa W L. R. VANAMUruC. oibce ovar tiating In the care of her alstsr. Mr* Third Ward —At tbs Fannara* Mu­ plslnsnt, 4Uid Fred C Byeatooc, Sid ­ certain ran! aatata tbarala deacribad. Frank Jump. wb«i la critically tU. slon. aa If ha had picked It up agnln tual Inauranee Oflk-e ney B Kyeaione, Clara Kyeatone, for the purpose of putting tha pro- Craaa' raataurant OIbca boura V vary onrafully. Due naomlng 1 found bo 11 a. m.: 2 to 5 and 7 to S p. m Mlsa .Neva Briggs has returned from For the purpose of enrolllug Uw Myrtle L Eyauume, Clara Byestone. oaada at Interest for tha uaa aad ban* Pbona 3SS Black tipaclal traat* a visit to lanatng. ekias to tbo house tbe aad of a phase- namee of all persona mam beta of •toa«, Winifred E Kyeatone and K. L St of aald ward. ■MSU for cbnmlc dlaaaaaa. Mr and Mrs. Cbaa Clemaat have ao*t trail Bomaiblng had evidently what ever political party who are en ­ Kent, are defendants, It la Ordarad. Tbat tha 9Ch day of returned from a three waek^ visit to searsd him, and ha had rtaso from titled to enrollment and who maha .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. February A D. 1911, at taa o ’eloek DH. IRll^AM HAVUN8. M. U.— their aoA Blon, and family In Mil­ tbo ground, brushing tha snow on Persaual Appllmllaa That I shall aell at Public Auction to In tbe fo reaooo. at aald probata oMoa. Phyalclan. Oilkca ovar Doty A waukee both Mdao with the Drat flap of hla for such enrollment at he time above tbe highest bidder at the West front ha mul is hereby appoiaiad for hear­ Real Estate Raad'a. Aug. 12 E C Urtck of Quincy was In town wtnga. la name enrolled on primmrT election aoutliwest one fourth of Section Thlr- STATE OF MICHIGAN—County of asiOaw l4Da14Mcl2. DoWItt 21- deliberately to walk to my honaa. I nifss. makeshift oeen- of this order and that within twenty QAPITAL PAID IN FULL. 150,000. He presented the senior group of the CHARLES M. .MERRILL Y. M C A with 150 rad-haaded widow lady with inamar patlon In which at best the fanner 1201 days nompisinant cause this or ­ 23w3 Judge of ITobate. Have a large list good farms from Mose* Acklea of tbe Owoaao Sugar fnl mathoda and six children, dod made a bare aubslstenee and bung on der to ^ pubilahed In Tbe St. Johns r A. TRAVIS Praatdaat News, said publication to be continued 30 to 300 acres. Co was In town a short time on Mon ­ Maat him! Hl-lo! Hl-laal Oh-layma- until be could secure something bat- Matter af Cradawttala. M. WKl.LKK Vice Preaidant bool Lay-ha e » e-e!” ter or else remained stolidly aad In- ‘ * ’•* ’*' *'•***' week for six weeks In J. W. FITZOBIIAI.D Cashier day. after working elsewhere for two *I am honest. tntalUgant. dlaeraat. weeks, and any* he will be on hand In differently plodding along the road hla * aucceaalon tednstiions. and capable of __^ miey Twp., 22020. A. J. 8. JURY’. Aaalatant Caabler Cat In Church. father traveled farming has become, KEU-Y S SFIARL Circuit Judge, ■. A TAl.IAfAIHlE Teller .4 few day* to take the rest of the frlands.** aald the young man who was A stray cat roamed Into the Metho­ Would take house and lot In exchange TTwe*- iier cent intereat paid on cer- < on tract In this vicinity Me also saya a highly organlz^l and -ommarr^., looking for amploymanL "Wall,** ra dist church one morning at the 10:30 Ited buslneaa. baaed on the appllca-' “**'*' ’ (IAeate*> of depoalt and on aavtnga that the mmor that the Owoaao Co is plied Senator Sorghum. Ton ought to service and for a time all service was tlon of wMentIffc principle. [ ______^ beok accounu. Drafts laaued good In going to pull out of this territory Is gat along: although I bav* aeon a lot A few good propoaltlona for aale. entirely fals<* aa they expect to get a loterrapted while sonae of the inena- tmif part of the United States or Can­ It Is to the great farm aectlons of of man go bafore eonventtons with larger acreage than ever befor*- and bars of the church tried to catch It. PKDHATE ORDER making good money. ada aad in the ptiaclpal cltlas of the northwest that we muat look fori tbosa same racommandatlons and fall have arrang*^ for a new and more Rev. J, N. Patterson was apeaktng in ■nrope Accounts of farmers, mer- the beat example of rommerclallaod i MICHIGAN—County of to gat more than a eompllmantaiy abanu or mecbanica received on fav. canvenient station for this season. tbe pulpit at the time and Choirmaster farming. Farming In the Dakotna, ' (Tlioton —aa. If >viti have s fee thousand dol- ceahle terms and every' accorooda- .Mr and Mr* Heizer and Mr nnd Henry King left the loft to chase the Montana and Idaho is being conduct ­ At a session of the Probate Court Mra (5 f*ray were dinner guests at for the County of Clinton bolden at lars drAsIng ioe rate of interest let Man extended conalatent with safe cat out ed on a large commercial scale and it banking Superior faclllUea for mak­ L B Bownie ’* on W«*dne*day Finally other member, followad tn la not uncommon to a farm“o ’f1 ‘J r Hlffh Coat of Living In Madrid. tnc show you a gotvl income property. Mr* Walker la on the gain at this ing collcrtlona of all kinds. tbe pursuit and tbe cat aeemed to play i thousand acre* being plowed and Living la coolly In Madrid. Bvaai nn«’ of the t>«st Mores in St Johns Money loaned on approved aecuii- writing a modest "apartment" coats 2720 a The infant son of Mr* lailu Klbby modern, nine hundred and thirteen. Man. ***lr** "*^^* ’®*** Present. rilAHIjas M. MERRILL year. Servants, however, ooat mnoh niKFrT the local freight and n flag of sandstone, granite and orchards or grain field* or truck gar , Is further ordered, 'That notice be•„ wfll ran a* fellawvt man sent back to warn the through tDATblf* Thu frirVffkM tKte a a_ a • . ItlYra tO tll6 ltlt#rMCM 10 Read Tliia Advorltiaemcrat CardhillY freight However the brakes refus­ -ii! “"7 "'.T""""."-1-w <-«-••• »< "">« --i -t Train* Kaat frem .Hl John* ^pester part of tbe exterior. 'Tb* eg] calculation and wlae business In Local A 7:.55 a. m. ed their office owing to t)»e snow cov- aald heating by causing a copy of this And It will Interest you. rnmiiarc price* quoted of farms and city ered rails and tbe heavy train crashed ^ V^ment ThI. ha. not been accom- order to be publlahad tn the St Johns Staamboat Express * 8:47 a. m. AII tb* blooka. window franma. sllla. pHsbed without a great deal of work propeny with others. Local A 12 41 a. m lato the box ear and upaettlng the .News s newspaper printed and circu­ stove set flr»> to It, beaide doing con ­ columns, roof, balcony and portal ■ on the part of the men who have— lating in said county of Clinton for 7-room strictly modern hardwood finished house, drop chain fix­ Datrolt ijmlted * 5:27 p. m. o^mante era of Imltatioa aUm*. and for profit. It la inn —been laboHng tures corner lot Gcneaee St. Quick sale, I12()0. Loeal A 7 03 p m. siderable damage to the engine No three successive weeks previous to one was Injured but traffic was delay ­ th^w^ ao exactly cast and num- for nearly a century to bring about Mid day of healing. Train* De*l fi*>iN Ht. John* bered tbat ttey were fitted together this highly adenttfic diange In farm 7-room houae modern except furnace, nice tot Bluff St., tl7.'>0 Grand Kaplde IJmIted * 10: !8 a m. ed for several hour* before the wreck­ (A true copy.) er succeeded In clearing the Iln*- and aat with UtUs or no cblaellng. raethoda ('HAULER M MERRILL Local A 1U:55 a. m. Tb* pressing or stamping of tba ______Local A 3:55 p m , Installation of off1( era had to be 23w3 Judge of Probate. again itostponed at the W R C last molded pieces was done by hand. ____-______Tmftlalhflllly Adwirftnsedl Staamboat Express * 7 27 p. m From tbraa to four waste ware ra- TORTOISE SETS CHURCH AFIRE Lanai A 8:00 p. m. .Haturday owing to the storm sod th<- PROBATE ORDER. ♦ Dally except Sunday • Dally, number of sick member* A special qulred for dryliig .STATE OF MICHIGAN—County of 4 acres in the village of Holt, good house, barn and out build ­ M T rilA.NE Agt.. SI Johna. Mich meeting will be held next Saturday The coat la aald net to have ex- Pet of Denver (Cole.) Paster Upoota Clinton —ao. ings. |)erfei.-i garden soil. 12200. (tood reason for tbla low price. and It Is hoped that erery member i eeeded half that of nataral alooA and Lamp and Threatening Blaas At a aaoalon of tba Probate Court Buildlnp* Are worth S2209. UMTED TKtrTION TB. will make an effort at prompt attend- tba darablllty la ballevad to ba eqnaL Pellovea. for the County of Clinton holdao at one- licnlr lunch will be served IS acres 1 mile from lainalng. good orchard, best of black loam ELKCTRir INTKHrUBtN. the l*robate Office. In tba City of St. •oil. level, $1850. after Installation Wby the Javaalar Fainted. The average fire In chorch edtffcee Johns, on Monday, tba 2th day of Jan ­ Miss Wlina Hrhram and lawn Dev- Paddy Dolan bought a watefa from la either tbe reault of a defective uary. In the year, one thousimd nine 30 acres 1 mile from city limits, up to date buildings, lawn, or ­ Ttee table effective October 8. 1912. eraux spent the week end with hi* a Jewalor out boma, with a gnaran- I^rnaee tbat waa "all fight laat spring" hundred and thirteen. chard. windmill, perfect wire fences, level block loam soil. 4 S acres Laa*iBg-HL Jaba* DtilsISB of wheat. The beet 20 acres, including tiling which are *0 arranged grandmother. Mra Mina Sherbourne. ta* to hasp It In order for twalva ***• work of an Inaaae or revenge- l^moenL (^HARLES M. MBRRILL Laava St. John* for I.auiatng —A. M.. in riiaptn for bath and toilet In bouse, in this pan of the state. ful Incendiary. It la rare that a church Judge of l*robate. 9-00. 11 00. P. M.. 1 00. 3:00. The Infant son of Mr and Mrs. Car­ montte aocordlng to standard tlaaa About six mo nths after tba piimbana fire orlglnataa In any other manner. In the matter of the estate of Philip 40 acres m miles from Okemas. 2 mil** from Lanalng. up to 1:00. 7:00. 9-15. 11:45. Leave De- ter Fields la very ill at this writing O. Parmelee, deceased, t'barlas W. date bulldtngs. 2 baraa. wire feuces. block loam soil, small piece of Wltl for Lansing —A. M.. !7-38. 9:2t. Paddy took It baak hsoanaa It bad But now from tbe waat. which ever aCoppad. aaema to be Ilte tbe ancient people of Pannalae, administrator of anid aatate nice timbar. Slcxuaaa cause of reduction. 14.020, bWipa. worth 22.500. ll:3t. P M.. 1:28. 2:28, 5:28, 7:28, RapllM 1'harrli .Nates, having mode application for the allow ­ •:i2. 1212 (night). PVtr Jan 22th, 1912. Preaching **Toa seam to bava had aa nea2- Athena, saaklng "either to bear or ance of hla final account sad for hla too acre* 5 miles from Mason, fine houaa, 2 good barnn. good or ­ Lsaving Lanalng for DeWItt and St morning and evening by the pastor. dant wttb It,** aald tb* lawaiar. tall some naw thing." comas tba start­ discharge. chards and fences, level, clay and gravelly loam soli, on fine road. obM-A M. ?«:00. 8:00. 10:00. 12:00 Special evangelistic aervlce every **A small on*, snrs enough. Mr. ling sad wall antbantlontad report that Tbaraupon It la oidared, Tbat Reduced to 222U0. YYorth 19200. IN-VErTIGATB and see If my ada P. M. 2:00, 4:00. 0 00. 8:15. 10>45. Sunday evsoUng All are Invited. About two montte ago I wua faadlng a termlsoo aad unasaumlng tortoias Tbaredny. tba 88lfe dny af Jmranry are not tnia. Gam laave at above tlma from Down- Chfistlaa Endeavor topic for Sun ­ tba pig nnd tba wniah fall Into tba baa sat fire to St MarT* church. Dsn- A. D. Ittt, at ona o ’elook. tn tb* aftor- 80 acres 4 miles from Lonalag. we have a few more day* to eall am^^w^P* • day evening ’’Mloalon Work at Home vur. Com., aad that a dlaaatroua eon noon, b* anslgnad tor tb* axnmtnaMon this baauUful farm home at tkl* saciillcad price. If not aoM It wtli Laaslag-JnHiaow INvIslaa. and Abroad." EvangeBam. Snip. Acta -Bnt abould mnnghf tt flngratlon was all but avertud Wbotb of anid account, at ttia Probnt* otBoa be laaoed. Yau will loans tba chance of gettlag tba bast 80 acraa In Loave Imasing as followa; 12 14-44 A miaaion afferlag will be I ar tbe recent mlaeiouary conve n tion in tba City of St. Jobna AxM It M fbr- tbla part of tbe state. lAmltad —A M. *5-45. 9:30. 11:20. taken aalennld. and tbe Infltn of errleolMtlanl dtgal tbar or d arad. Tbnt aotto* ba given to 180 acres 8H milaa from city limits, up to data bulldlngn. silo, or ­ P. M.. 1:20. 2:20. 5.20. Covenant meeting Saturday at 2 p. Wa only tarloa Into Denver exettad hla tortoias tbe peraote Intarantod In anid etonta chard. beat of soil. Will take house and lot tn Lanalng or trade tor Lgaal-A M.. 7:00. 8:20. 10:M. P m Jan 2Stb ship and mods him temporarily non of tbe tim* and plana of anid haartog oaaallar farm. by causlag a copy of tbla order to ba M., 2:80. 4-20. 0:20. 0:10. 11:00. In co mpoo montlo. or wbetbar tbo wwr 22 acree 7 milaa from lanalng. fair bulldinga, good orchard, per­ Laa*iag»Owaeoa INvtalaa. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A la publlahad In tb* St. Jobaa Nawn a ♦ ♦ oli^pora In tbe ebureh dlaturbad bio fectly tiled tbe very bant of black loam aoU. not ooa foot of woate Laave Laaoiag aa followo —A M., newapapm ’ printed and ctreulatlng tn ♦ .north REN4ML tND EHSEX. ♦ slumbera by oaftiag too banrttly la load Quick sale 820 par acre. Very little Improvements on build ­ 1:00, 9 00. 11-00 P. M., 1:00. 2:00. tba prot aMa of madtcnl man. aliiiiilnpi tba slngtBg of tbe hymns and tb* rend ­ anid county of Cltaton tor tbraa unc- ♦ ♦ caoatve weate prevtona to aald day of ing* Will sell for 1120 par acre. f:t0. 7-00. 0:00. 11-00. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ or* still co bwebby. 'Ilm latest Idea ing of tbe raapo naaa or tbe Panltar. --Mxeapt Sunday —all others daily appaara to te tb* netted allkan boal- healing 152 acree 2I4 miles from Mason. 12-room baauUful brick house wa ar* not Infor med, bnt whntevur tb* (A true copy.) —Oapitol Flyer, through ear to De- ery, wbleh, whan draetn on tb* toot and lawn, basement barn 22x50. grain barn 12x42. otbar One outbuild- Carl Ugtit snd Edgar Walker are canaa, tba tortols* upaM a lamp and CHARLBB M. UMRRILL Inga All wire fences^ level black loam sMI. 15 acraa of fine beach have tbe appaaranea of a fioh sani*. under tbe doctor's csre tba fire rasultad 2Sw.i Judge of Prohnt*. and maple timber. This mnat be sold at once to aattle estate. Pries Bsaffice snd Stella Ihing xre the To throw tba maah Into high rallaf. an reduced to 192 from 2112 per acre. LIMIT TOn SFEWIMWiL undsruto cktng of vary te* silk Is worn Aad MMe the balaaaa la a bottar poaaaaaors of a new organ —white If tba upper boa* te hlnak. Do not buy a home, buatneaa or farm until you have aaan our Hot «a got a mart than to llatt ytmr MMs Myrtle Patterson closed tier Value of Chelaa Idoan UmNAIlYl snbool Mondsx night for the rest of bbMk If tb* net flab acinia ba ta wWta. Mvlbg aad apaad Ibo baiaaoa Fsw tklagn matter aaor* to on thtm OltCNARtlS maaouvana l•0g.00•.) the week and has returned liome and the aatrj cf cholo* Ideas tatn onr u Mp Is not able to teach on account of III- Aa rBaOM f'eaaly Navfasi Baak. I look. liSt tba "practleni" man oom neos CHIUHkSTER S PILLS damn them If b* will; tbooa mtnatn IMgo 2 par ooat tataaaM oa all dagaa Heor> Budtier of ^rgna vlaltad w BiAiMsa nnaira ^ & CO. aad dellcaif pommru giro tbe tinge to relative* and fiienda here last week leas t* mh our thought* 'he bta* to our tteorlOA teHiCw LANRINH, HirB. Mlaa Martha Tladt spent from Tuaa- Mini Mta a thut daterminc u tr whola atUtud* 419 NMrr J. BALDWIN. Ftm dny until Wedn ead ay with har sMtar. wards IP* •nii •' — tbo danUnjr at Mrs. Herman Mohnke In Bauth Ban- oocnar b. ball , nm nation* —•> •* AU. DaruoioT* 7991. rofTuupamiOMi WL O. gnl THE ST.JOHNS MEW8.THUKaDAY APTEEMOOW—JANUARY 23, 1913. pailai Me ii a to a wauu OtyKXry»nnntyy^;x?o FaTMvr haoa abort, ai d. ao far an ha h Ua. It saeaMd as offer of life to ma echuol child In the state of Uichlgaa will be tested before epiing. Superla- We feel pfDud ai our CombinitioB ftiaadly. —a promise of everythlag the Mek ot THE n IKTERy teadent of Public InatructkNi Luther **I made a earaful asarck of Sir ^ THE TRAGEDY OF wkich makes each day a tonaaRt to Boot record and can amire you that draw's room. It waa tkara tkat 11 L Wright has had fumlaked to every you will find in our 1913 Ombiav the man who has known daaa ooaB teacher In the oonuaeawealth a prop ­ OF THE CiMISEilT solved tka proMom of tka myacary; | THOMAS HEARME fort. er eye-teetlag card with explicit In- tions the same warmth and wear, the for la hla draaalag oaaa was aa old “la It murder?** I asked him. etnictkms ae to how to make taats of ‘amka-ap* box, ao doubt a survival i same subatantial aenrice and solid PART TWO. “Daaa not that aad uadarworld of “Oh. my dMr air, you surprtaa bmI** chlldrea. In other states the percent* from hla days upon tha aioRo: aad la Mttiafaction that have increased the ciima la which yon move aomettnsea ha ertad . lifting hts flabby hands. age of children having defective eye­ tka box was a fall brows beard!** “What a horrible suggeetloa! Allow **M7 co n tt—tIoD with tb* k—P«f diiwa you Into a oyalcal disbelief ta sight has proved appalling. The testa demand for these each past year. **ABd so ba was tha botaalst?** 11 me to explain at once. Have you evnv In Michigan are given with a view to NM aotM lattrvsilac rMulta. It i all mankind?** 1 anganated. WM ptalBir Bianlar. and do acetdaDt Mid with a ahivar. heard of Jnllaa Uralg?*' helpiBg the teacher handle the child. Ask for LYCOMINO It was a Mttar night, aad tha ta- “'The company promoter, who oi^ Often a child la con sIdered dull but Boom od * had ralaad tba musala ol| **Tm. Mr. Phillips, ha wm tka hot* apeetor and I were btowiag our to ­ Cba dui ao that It misht htll a laaa aalat.** ganlsed the Spanlah mine swlndiaT tt la due to the fact that the hearing Combination bacco from aMta coafroatlng before a or eourae I have.“ or eyesight la defective aad the teach­ aad BoC a fos. Bobm om had ar' Tkara was sllaaca batwaaa oo for roarlBg fire. The wind rattling at tSe if yoar dsal tr dom not carry M “DU iron know him by sight?** er does not recognise this handicap. pactad a Ttattor to tha talapd that a while. I looked up at the aplaadld hasp of the window added the luxury them. wrMe UR aad wa win “He used to coam racing. A tall, Sometimes by moving a chlld'a aeat nlsht apalDat whom ha daatrad to ra frost of tha andaat hall, aad than of a reminder that it must he ex- nearer a window relieves a decided give you tha nanae _____ thla. melaacboly-iooking fallow with aoDpa hlBMelf. Waa Fhaton gnlltyl ^ acroM tha lawos, over tha sparkling trsmaly unpleasant la the aleetawept strain. It la expected that la quite a “* * a black baard —wasn't be?“ Tha arldaoca aaalBst him aaamad at mars to the park and the foraat lands atieeta outalde. number of oases the condition ot eye­ *Teo. that la Julius Craig. He la UMUHl JW m moot coBduatva. Ha had admittad , bayoad. **NoC how bad man nra; It la how sight will be found eo bad aa to war­ kicattty. f bow la Piiaoacown iwlsoa with alx TOO will ramambar, that ha had as; ‘*Wm It for thlsr I nakad with a, •ood tkay are tkat la aurpiialag.** rant the sarvicas of an optician. 'The appolBtiBOBt with air Aodraw. Tai i more years to ma. The cllaMta of eo. wave of tka hand. j qaotad Pmco , with a nod of hla taacher will than take the matter up aftar ha had aat tha trap, why had! Dartmoor la not auliad to bis health. with the parent, in this way making ‘*Tm.** aald Paaca. **1 hallava ft to • He la anxious to change hla rsM* it possible for Um child to become a Ra ooDtlaBad to Hak dIac oTary h] liava baaa for AIrtIa Hall that ha ^ Wa Mt la aUaaoa for'a'whlla bafora lottarlaa aboat tha eaaaawayr Haw doace; aor do I blaom him. Mr. Mor * better student. Those chtiran whose triad to kill fkaton. HMvaa kaowo ha apoka acnln. daraoa, for It Is the most dsaolats eyesight la ao defecUve that school >Md ha kaowD that tha eprlac gaa was ' what ditmal aaaodal tha man hsM | **I kave let a bteakar of tka taw apot la all Knglaad. 1 am la a poai* work la tmpoaalble must under the thara at aur Why bad ha bro^t a > ovar him; but It waa probably aaffi-1 go free in my lima perhapa more tkm to offar you the sum 1 hava man eompulaory aobool law ba seat to Laa- ioadad rarolaarT Why had ha bor> | Mont to drtva Sir Aadraw from Ma^ ! tlum oaaa.** ha coattmiad. “Tha law ttoned If you will arraags hla MoagR load for avar. Prom laqutrlM that' rowad tha poat aad raaehad tha ' oanaot taka oogRlaanca of all tka Oo you agree? “ lalaad by ao oaaxpaetad a maaaarT ; wa hava nmda. It appMia that fka- ^ trleka tkat Fhta playo oa man.** “Yes.** I toM Mm. Waa ha alao afraid of ■«*—oaa or * ton had baaa living on Sir Aadraw for ! 1 saaatt a tala, aad natnalnad attoac agada. Tt^Ti fflSy IrorldT^ ' Gciden Rule “Ah, tkat la most aatlafaotory. TD* aoiaa thtac? My mlad ba«an to tom I ovar two yMra. It was undoubtsdly a | Pmm laugbad. morrow 1 will send you half Aboat twaaty nsea wars ta tka from him to tha aacoad itrawsi. tha ' had eaaa of blackmail. Tha yoaag **Toa think you hava driven ma money with so ma Uttla gang. On tka oatar aids a ooapla of botaofat with tha oollactlac oaaa. Ha maa. or hoaiiag of hla unda ’s dMth, Into atary-talllagr** ba aald. of my own as to your plan of aasa* ward ara strollad op aad down with INraded &'ead at laaat had lafonaatloo ahoot tha ' gava hla paraacutor tha slip, aad **1 am at yoar marey; but 1 hopa palgn. Tho aecoad half you wtJl iw rtlM uadar thair arms. Thara waa oattias of tha gua. croMid to Loadon. Panton folloarad, ao,* I toM him. oelve whM Mr. Craig Is fras By tka aothlag hut a low hadga to atop tha “Thara was still a furtbar polat Ha laaat forward, tapping tha aaheo and diseevared him at hla hotel. Prob ­ way. thara ara sobm curious iwUm of eoovicts If they knocked down the ■Ir Aadraw had baaa shot full in tha ably ha danmndad a large sum. which frogi his jjJpe fgajpst the broM of tha tka stoaa age on the moors. Perkapa goards with their spades and made a ehast. If ha bad baas walking down waa rsfusad him. Wharau|K>n ba de ­ faador. Than ha bagan — you might read up the subjaet and a^ I ran for it But when 1 looked back Flour tha cauaaway ha would hava baao hit clared that the baroaat should never **Abont a TMF ago I racelvad a pmr at Piincetown as a studaat; yaa,! serosa the wastes of the moor 1 ua- in tha aida. How was that? ao much as see Airlla Hall unlaaa ba messag e from (loy*a hospital that Mr. Hendarson, that wtll suit you waU deretood. In a city a man may van ­ **Taotarday momtag aftar 1 aaat paid, and left the young man with there was a patient lying very 111 wno —a studaat of prahlstorlc man.“ ish la a crowd, but on Dartmoor he you away I walkad Into tha Tlllaga that threat upon him. wished to see me. 1 recognised him He chuckled until the carrtaga must tramp a dosen miles before he makes the Best Bread. For sale by to maka laquiiiaa. Tbay bars faw “Por days Sir Andrew stayed snlk- the moment I set foot In the ward —a shook. It was like driving with a. can find even a bush to bide him. In Ttattora, and tha landlord of tha inn lug In his rooms. Ha was a man of gentleawn bom and bred who bad good-tempered blanc mange clear weather the mounted warders all grocers and feed stores. Manu­ raraambarad the baardad naturallat. violent tamper and unscrupuions pasC slipped down the ladder from running 'T shall be glad of any advlee yoa of the purault would ride him down . Ha had only ones riaitad tha plaoar Heaven knows what schemas of ra- bis own horses to dodging the police can give me.“ I aald. la half an hour. driring ovar from tha station, and dla* vanga be batched in hts rage and de ­ as a bookmaker's toot. He was a He pulled a cord, and whan tha The Prlncetown Arms, a gray, factured by appaartng for sararal hours. A hot- spair. Plnslly, on Monday last, ha half-and-half man—too lastly clever to carriage stopped I got out and stood weather-beaten square of granite, was tamparad man. narroua and azcttabla liakad discovery, disguised himself In be quite hoaect, and too honest to be watting. a pleasant country Inn standing naar —ao ha dascrlbad him. Whan tha oab the beard and went down to see the quite a ciimlnal. Poor Jack Hender ­ “Oood night and good luck to yon.“ the center of the village. It waa too son! A good man gone wrong —let was lata ha had brohan out in a for- old place again. His maellng with tha be said, bis great white face shining surly in the year for touiiats. Indeed, that be bis epitaph when It comm to The Fowler Roller Mills algn tongua. That was all ha knaw keeper was a chance, and their talk upen me from the window aa he aa I discovered, there was only one aettlng up his headstone. of him. of spring guns an equal accident. shook my hand. “1 have your ad- man beside myself etaying In the **'WeU, Henderson.' I said, ‘what'a Fowler, Mich. Dot the auggaatlon gave the baronet dreM. Drive on. Williams “ house, a Mr. Thomas Hearne, whose *7 caught tha S:16 to London and the trouble?* found Scotland Yard In tha pooaaaston an Idea. ‘A apiing gun for a fox ’— I might have been an old and trust* address In the visitors' book was **Tm done. PeacR* be whispered. ed friend from tUe warmth of hla briefly London. When I came down OOOCXXXXX3COCOOOOOOOC OOOOOOCXXXXXX? OOCV YY of aoma additional datalla Sir An- you remember his words as Warner They’ve no more use for me this side draw had baan in town for a fortnight told us. He laughed with hysterical manner. Yet as the carriage rolled to dinner that night I found him al­ of the black river; but I wanted to away I noticed that be raised the Ut- ready seated at a little table with my ! living vary qnlatly at a small botal Joy at a means that would rid him of see you before I answered the call.* bis enemy so simply and certainly. tle flap at the back to aee that 1 knife and fork laid opposite. I wasn't .' off Piccadilly. Ha bad no aarvaot “’You mustn't Ulk like that,' I didn't iry to follow him. with him. Ha had baan a wild, extrav­ He made the excuse of the Indian anxious to make new acquaintances, ' Mid, though he was looking pretty | ^be packet arrived next morning. hut I couldn't very well ask them to ' agant lad, tbay told me. and when bis friend, and aaw Fenton again on bad. They’ll put you on your legs uncle had tlrad of paying his bills ba Tuesday, giving him an appointment Tha. notes. 1 stowed away In an inslda lay another table for my beneflt. So again In a month. You can bet on pocket The typewritten lostructlona I took my chair, and wished him good , had triad tha stage, got deeper Into on the Island at eleven o ’clock on the that, my lad.' debt, and finally fled to tha Continent, following Thursday night, and at the were unsigned and undated. evening aa politely as possible. ! '"It don't matter much either way According to them Craig was a, He was a amall. gray-bearded man where be lived on a small allowance will not coat as much as you anticipate. Let ua know and we twice, tha first time shortly aftar Sir more before be waa expected. Dut this is close upon the atory aa he would be bis signal that all waa ready. i I had forgotten he might pass It on wlU have some one call to talk It over. Andrew's arrival, the second time on told It to me. “Perhapa you now understand tha Sudden fogs were frequent upon the to othera. | Tuaeday avantng . Tha waiter who had plan. Sir Andrew intended to alter moor, and when they came while the ‘The latter. undoubtediy, “ t aald; | takan him up to the baronat'a attttng- the gun and leave for the station bw I expect you know the Blue Shield convicts were at work In the fields, though. If the truth be told. 1 had no room told me that the first Interview fore tan. Fenton would bo ktllad al ta Pereher street. Take them one the chance of escape was excellent; opinion whatever. | had baan long, and that they had quar- eleven, aad the blame rant on Warn- with another, the cnatomers are about . for the sothoiitlea did not chain thair **I cannot agree with you. Th«y ' C. J. Sowle fwlad violently on the ataira. ar. No one oould auspact tha young tk« worst crowd In all London. men, and the warders rarely uaed were here before ever the Drulda ** Tou shall never ao much as see their rifles. They trusted to the huge onme over the sea. May 1 ask what ^ The Granite Man. tha place. If you there before aat- WN WITHA(ZXTl£IIAID.SlimD moors upon which men who escaped arguments yop adduce In support of j tUag arlth me I communicate with tha were easily retaken, half dead from your theory?" ! oooooooooocxmooocxjei pollM at oaca. ’ Ha remembered some fatigue and starvation. Everything I had read about those | awah thragt. shouted tjj, F>^ton on (?ralg would make a rush for the confounded atonce aUpped out of my ; calm bill. Prom tbeace It was my mind In an Instant. There was no i duty to convey him to Torquay, thirty good trying to bluff him. for be prok j ] miles away oo the coast. Uoee there ably bad the subject at hla fliiRsrs* be would know where to go, and my aads. So I sodded my heed wisely, reeponslbtllty ended. A letter to the end auffffeeted It waa a bit too biff R ECZEMA Torquay post office, under the name anbject to suit after dinner. of W. Slade, would be forwarded to *T eew you by the calm and elrele the writer If I required further an* above the Black brook this aftek CMi BCGIKB! •istance or had any queatlons of real Boon," he went on. “la that to be the Importance. scene of your prccent Invectlgatloas?** That was all; but It was enough for T hevc BO definite plan at praqaat,** tovm o ou me. Here wee a scheme into which 1 I said with a snap. IWINP KT Y could put my heart. There was no He took a looff look at me aad. low-down swindling, no dirty work stopped hla qneatloBa. I laft the table At My ExpMiM. about tt. I felt as gay aa a schoolboy as aoon ea I could do ao deoaotly, rouV Ton WHO ARE STTT. off for a holiday. ed out the laadiord and engaged R We are solicited daily to buy ail building rsRiNO ras turtorkb And ao In three days ’ ttroe that private room. I had had aaoagh of or grzKMA. vruoHE taking meals with a neolttklc am woods of commercial importance in the I’nited DATH ARE MISRRABUK. ragged rascal Jack Headersoo disap ­ WIIUNR NIGHTS AUE peared from London, aad the well- pert. States. HADE SUHKPUam BY dreeeed Mr. Abel * Klngaley, vaffucly It was blowiag herd next dxy, a nsTERRIUl.K ITCHIHG. Aeree northwester that BlMusd tke BURNING PAINS. I ARK described In the visttorn' book of the We are sticking to White I’ine because we YOU —URGE YOU TO Piincetown Arms as of Memi>hla Uni­ clouds out at tke aky like a spoase UET ME SEND YOU A versity, U. B. A., was sttttng oa the have not been able to find a wood that excels TREATMENT WHICH HAS CUBED IIT7NDRBDS eatm hill above the piiaon that held P.iKT II. t'eaUaeed eaait week. or DTHBRS. WHICH I JoUna Cralff- the choice of the Colonists. They had all the BBUEVK WTIA. CURE YOU. 1 WIDD SEND IT ____ To the far horiaaa there atreteked timber wealth of .America from which to choose rmSE. POSTAOB PAID TO VOUR DOOR tke melanckoly moors, dsa acted WITHOUT ANY OMUOAliON ON TOON waahaa of mak marshes aad stunted and selected W.MITE PINE. PART NOW OR BRRRArTKR. J. C HtriRKU. heather, brokaa here aad tkara by Bitarday aiffkt, towards tke and of outcrops of graalte. that crowaad tka If wc could find a wood better suited to the baroMfl wko would be ta Ike tvata Marsh laM yasi^r kad Jolaed tka A How Dkmooomry THwd and at tke tlBM of the ecMdeat. rolltaff ground Ilka tka rulas of a hua- Mtovii Ifi Nundroda saag tkara, bopfag to bmm soma died feudal oastlaa. For Dartmoor le needs of the building trade we would handle “Sir Andrew toaad tke trap, lifted frlaad with tka priea of a dtiak upas of Caaaa. the gas off tke sttpportlBff propa, and a huffe granite tabMaad. aad or Its it. Mm. for I wao broha to tke wide. wMc harruB auitace no com will grow nor I liillsvi ISM 1 baa* aiiisitji m*> swlT drove tke outer oae a foot deeper into asasIM*. Mtasuae umemsm far amsuw. swu morM. BUi Hedaaan, wko waa after* I tree flourlah. ■nsM. IMS. Asa*. Pssrlsal*. RaeWtr'a IssS tke grouad. I oouM mm tka marks ma^ iRWed Mr bank note fovseMee | nmmmth tke rampart of Ms eentata- We shall be pleased to discuss with you MS PMSM^Oaa svar aawaa sa saawen fraw of hla feat, where he bed Mood while MMaaekestar, ksd Jaet ordered me n i tke sarden of Oevoa, a he pushsd aad twialed tke etlafe vMaky, and I waa Mttlag on a Mool ^ orekarda aad pMaaant woade. plans for your new home, that new bam you fear owB assM or M roar wovfe. U isasaiaaoa through the oley. He repipeed the ass oaly u> roltoTs taa oaRirtM. wluaa t» Am mnteklRff tka barman ranek down tke ' ^ eoraSelda aad pastare fanaa; but are thinking of building, that garage you need, alssaM t ST------r bat M> «wh* a mawlfM gua. which would now ha at aa angle apaalal Saoteh, wkaa la walked a tke fenaer end aad loBitas oar* br Artrtaa am ot Um bisaa tS* to hit a man ta the cheat or aeek. He K*«e r«i«r hidaeya etaan aad ■nuei. er gtaoaoa* Mia* jmt*a aaaa* sU^atM twrmtmm6 felkrw. very fat aad pros* ! rMnaIn tke seme aed wtideraeea tkat •nlMr the *st r*m* seeeltrl Hr. Derer'* or any other class of construction you may stepped beak, looking to see If there par^ wttk a dark bine overaoat aad pr^mtoHo maa lahabMed four tkoa* EMeer mi* will aeir* jreur hldesy* aed raa ASM s* UM vaa baaa faaad a cam tha* 1 am was a sign of lurking daath to alarm marl** aav* roar IM«t a*al*.*ar*.ah**lata- have in mind. wlUtaa >o**ad a laraa pmaf tr*aua*a> aSaamm a dtamoad In hla aeektle. Me looked yeera affo. You een see ehaie ly faa*aai»*d iraaf ial that yea ean IMS Ir fiaa 0t ebarsr or nSMaallna la amt samme a paaaer-hy. about him. screwiBff up hla eyee as a' ^ built bis hut etrelaa. and aat up hm rt^t at horn* fr**- dsiha amkar** axp*aas. waa will ooad mstr oam* aad uAdtsmaa iSo ssaaon bolow. If raa am sasunad. 1 nanw ma “What happened I oaa oaly^gaeas. nsT slfftitad amn will do. and tt ~ greet atone avanaae to tke konor of : We believe wc can give you points of the wiir«aUasa*fa. He mmy have slipped on the old ala be uae over to where I me slttlag. deed chieftains. | Dofi*t •ond Nlonoy. But It wee eno ug h that he to uched “Mr. Henderson. I believer It wna BB uaeanay nort of plaee nl* > kind of materials to use that will .save you the thread, aad the trtgffer, died aad I Bam dooAdod la oaaad nva tbouaaad A* AUm toffethar, and I shivered as I set tn money and give you a more .satisfactory- struc­ m lasrnitsrlsa tau iraauaoai w ■aSwira rram eased by Warner. Jarred off at oace. "That*! asy antae." T toM Mm. wem* that loealy oamstery of tka forgot ten Mm iHifi - aad I will aa It. I bam oarmd «a s*ad amry roadarof ibUaaBoaaoosMi o llbaral it waa in a maaner auicide. “ derlng who he might he. I deed. ture. trmiBimtfrmaad I WIIJ. DO IT Jam **80 that Is the explanatloa.** I aald. **I have been recomamnded to yaa ill om lb* noamn below or aaad m* roar mm Tke huge prlsoa wee built on tke aad ^dr*m oa a paoul aarA. I wUl aaim Uw when ke had ended. by e—by a mutual frlsad." ke aatdi op paatta slops of the aballow valley, j Come in and we'll talk it over. iMaMMai wiibam a paaay of asm m r*a. “It la partly gusan work, of eouroe. “ “but I ceaaot dlaeuee aw huslBeaB aad tke farm wkleh the coavtcts had j Panes told bm; “bat 1 thtak you will hers. My earrlaffa la walilas. tf yna woB Raid by lleM stretched down I find that I am not far wroac wksa will give HM your eompaay for tan from Its walls to a broo k at tke feet | I C MUTZBi. mlauten." i Ill WaatMm fkatoa*n trial oomaa ou aad. to aavw of tke oalra kill wkere 1 wee. O r tke | I heattated a ammeRt. antll RsSibrd , It ynu her* rfertfriaa or dell aaia* in th* puma ssad wiibaoi hla aeek, he mehes a Haan bra sat of furtker edffa of tke hroek a Rang was haaS. Brlahl'* aims **, mah*!**. rhauHMtttm hla akare la tke bwsiaaaa.* to at work laeloolag so ms new ground, j la aajr fane, sain In iha htaddar, pr'>to*r *r lid ■ naair anaallaa. or dUcniond. nail unaa. do aat la« IIm- itay go tty rirtthnal sattiaa a Parr Lumber Mel to Tke eat tke I nae after. Tke Mol | paefeae* o| Dr. Darer'R Etde*y mi* aeA •** a iranedna* mnaraea* la jmer**!! la M Auction .Advertisinjf Pay.s time I k haer*. It yaewMM M irrthao* Orsi. l^a*l aay WiciM Trv the NEWS for results. M a Dv. Dafhy**** &r*e S! < » ■» t t S <| after Wa «NII Our 64th Anniversary Sale Ooses Saturday, February 1st, 1913

I Only 8 more days to buy Dependable Dry Goods at these prices. The buying public has improved the opportunities offered in this sale and our ^lormous stock has been greatly reduced —but we still have a number of exceptimiaUy good values in CLOAKS, SUITS, SKIRTS, WOOL DRESSES and FURS udiich must be closed out to make room for our new spring lines. Afl garments have beoi offered during our sale at 25 per cent reduction but in order to close them out quickly, we are gomg to offer them at ONE-THIRD OFF. Just think of it, A GUARANTEED WOOLTEX GARMENT and right in mid-winter for only TWO-THIRDS of its real value —BUY IT NOW!

ANNIVERSARY SmLE OF ANNIVERSARY SALE OF ANNIVERSARY SALE OF Coats, Suits, Wool Dresses and ^drts Raincoats, Uuderskhls, Waists, Sweaters Underwear and Houiory All iMdim' aad Mi——’ C—U. n^lar valu— fS&.OO, —le price _ All LedI —' and Ml—* Cmu , rtscular rain— ISS.OO, —le price dIMT RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS All Underw —r. regular vslse 20e piece, —le price All Ladl —' and .Ml—* Coau, reuular valu— StO.OO, —le price ... lltJi All Lndl —’ and Mlaa— Ratncoau. regular value $11^, —le price All Underwear, regular viUne 25c place, —le prl— All i.adl —’ and Mi—ce’ Coata. recular %*alu — SSS.OO, —IS price _ All Ladi —’ and Mi—’ Raincoau, regular value $10.00, —le price ma: All Ladi —* and Mtaa—' ('oata, reffuiar valu— 116.00, —le price All Ladi —’ atMl Ml—’ Raincoats, regular value $ 7.&0, —le pti— All Underw —r, regular value 30c piece, tale price All LadI —* and Mlaa—' (’oaU. reaular valu— 115.00, —le price .„ tliiM All Ladi —’ and Ml— Ralnooau, regular value $ 6.50, —le price All Underw —r, regular value 35c place, —le price All lauH—* and .Mlaa—’ CoaU, recular valu— 112.00, —le price ... All Ladi —’ and Miiaaa’ Raincoats, regular virtue $ 5.00, —le price All Underwear, regular value 40c place, aale price All lakdi —' and Mlaa—' CoaU. regular \'alu— SIO.OO. —le price ... All Children's Cap—, regular value $4.5o, —le price ____^______All Underw —r, regular value 45e piece, aale price $4c All Chlldrcn'e and Junior Coata, reicular valu— $7.50, —le price All Urulerwaar, regular value 5$e piece, aale price ... All Children'a and Junior Coau. regular valu— $6.50,— le price LADIES’ UNDERSKIRTS ujs All Underwear, regular value $1.00 piece, aale price All <'hlldren'a and Junior Coau. regular valu— $5.00, —le pii— All Undereklrts, regular value t $1.00, —le price, Tfc njK All Union Suita, regular value $1.00, —le price ___ All Children'a and Junior Coau, regular valu— M.oO, —le price All Undersklrta, regular value » $1.25, —le price All lufanu' Coau, regular valu— IS.&O, —le price------All Underakirts, regular valu« a $1.50, —le price $14P All Union Suita, regular value $1.50, —le price —_ All Infanu* CoaU. regular valu— $1.00, —le price------All UrwlerBliIrta. regular value a $2.00, aale price All Union Suits, regular value $2.00, aale pti—_____ All Infanu' Coau, regular valu— $2.50, aale price...... — $14t All Silk UMlersklrte, regular valu— $3.50, —le price All All Infanu ’ Coata. regular valu— $2.00, —le price...... $141 12.75 Union Suita, regular value $245, aale price ...... All Silk Underaklrte, regular valu— $4i00. —le price $245 All Union Suita, regular value $2.50. sale price______$142 All Silk Underthirta. regular valu— $4.50, —le price All Union Suita, regular value $2.75, sale piles ------$L29 LADIES’ AND MISSES’ SUITS All Silk Underskirts, regular valu— $5.00, —le price All H—ierr, regular value 15c per pair, aale price ...... -...... ItHc All LedI —’ and Miti Suita, regular valu— $35.00, aale price LADIES* WAISTS All H—tery, regular value 26c par pair, —le price------Itc valu— $25.00, —le price $1247 All Ladi —’ and Mil Suita, regular All Silk Walsta. regular value $5.00, —le price All H—iery, regular value 35c per pair, —le price , ...... 22c All Ladi —’ and Mil Suita, regular valu— $20.00, —le price $1242 valu— $16.00, —le price $1240 All Silk Waista. regular value $4.50, —le price All H—iery, regular value 50c per pair, sale prl—------$2r All ladi —’ and Mlae—' Suita, regular All Silk Waiau. regular value $4.00, —le price Suita, regular valu— $15.00. —le price $1040 All H—iery, regular value $1.00 per pair, aale prl—------72r All I.adl —’ and Ml—' All Silk Walats, regular value $3.75, —le price______Suite, regular valu— $12.00, —le price 2M40 H—ierr. regular value $1.50 per pair, sale prl— $l.» All laull—’ and Ml—' All Lingerie Walsta, regular value 50c and 5Pr, —le price LAriES’ AND MISSES' WOOL DRESSES All Lingerie Walsta. regular value $1.00, —le price ____ HPFriAL—One lot boy e, glrl ’a and ladi —’ iinderecar and All Lingerie Walsu. regular value $146. —le price „ garments, rsgular value 25c, to cli me out. per garment All laid! —’ and Mlaa—' Dress—. , regular value $15.00, —le price $1242 All Lingerie Walats. regular value $ I..50,. sale price All Ladi —’ and Mias—’ lire—. regular value $12.50, sale price . All Lingerie Walsta, regular value $1.75, —le price All Ladi —’ and Ml—’ Dress—. regular value $12.00^ —le price . All lingerie Waists, regular value $2.00, — le price OUTING FLANNEL NIGHTGOWNS regular value $10.00, —ie price . $247 % All Ladi —’ and Ml—’ Dress—. All lingerie Walats, regular value $2.25, —le psioe Ladi —’ and Children’s Oowns. regular value .lOo. —le prl— . 22o All Ladi —’ and Miss—’ Dress—, regular value $ 7.50, —le price $540 All lingerie Walsta, regular value $2.50, sale price All Ladi —’ and Miss—’ lire—, regular value $ 7.00, —le price . $447 Ail lingerie Walats. regular value $2.75, —le price liadl —' and Children’s Gowns, rsgular value 75c, —la pri—.... 6ta All I'hildren’a Dress—, regular value $5.00, sale price------$242 All liDgeiie Waists, regular value ^.00. —le price Ladi —* and Chlldran’a Gowns, rsgular prl— 82c. sals prl— _ Me All Chlldrcn'a Dress—, regular value $4.50, —le price ------$240 Lsdl —’ and Children's Gowns regular prl— 92c. —le pri—_ 7Be $242 All Children’s Dress—, regular value $3.75, —le price------Ladi —’ and Ctaildr —% Gowns, regular value $145. —Is price 92r value $3.50, —le price------$24$: SWEATER COATS All Children’s Ure—, regular Lsdl —’ and Child—n ’s Gowns, rsgular value $1.50, —Is prl— $142 All Children ’s Dress—, regular value $3.00, —le price------All Children’s Sweaters, regular value $1.00, —le price All Children ’s lire—, regular value $2.,*>0, —le price $147 Ail Children’s Sw—ters, regular value $1.25, —le price All Ml—’ Sw—ters. rsgular rslus $1 .50, —le price .. LACES LADIES’ AND MISSES’ SKIRTS All Miss—' Sw—ters. regular value $2 «»0, Mie price . All l.adl — and Miss—’ Skirts, regular valu— $10.00, —le price $247 All .Mlaa—’ Sw—ters. regular value $2 25, sole price . Lsre and Insertion, regular value 5c. 6c and 7c, —Ic prl— All Ladi —’ and Mlaa—’ SkirU. regular valu— | 9.00, —le price All Ml—* Sw—ters. r—ular value $2 .50, —le price . laicc and In—rtion, regular value 6c. 9c and 12c, —le price All Ladi —’ and MUs—’ Skirts, recular valu— $ 7.50, —le price $e40 All I—11—’ Sw—ters. regular value $2.7 —ie price laice and In—rtion. regnlar value imc and 15c, —le price $$4t All I—II—' Sw—ters, regular value $3 00. — All Udl — and Miss—’ Hklrta, regular valu— $ 6.5o. —le price 00. —le price l.ace and Insertion, regular vaDie lie. 20c and 25c. —Ic price All Ladles' and Ml—’ Skins, regular valu— $ 6.oo, —le price W4t All Ladi —’ Sw—ters. regular value $325. sale price - All Ladi —’ and Ml—’ Skins, regular valu— $ 5.00, —le price $$4S All loidi —* Sw—term, regular value $4.00, —le price liarc and In—nion, regular value 32r and 35c, —le price All l-adi —’ and Ml—’ Skirts, rfgular valu— $ 4,w. —le price $$47 All Ladi —’ Sw—ters, regular value $4.50, —ie price .. Lace and In—rtion, regular value 40c. —le price ______All Miss— and Children’s Skirts, regular valu— 13.00, —le price All Ladi —’ Sweaters, regular value $5,.00. sale price Lace aad In—rtion, regular value .'•oc, —le price ______810

1412 ThrH BkckCo I •( WooSaa (it OD all COATS, SUITS, JOHN HICKS Regular Anniversary Sale Prices 1-3 offDRESSES, SKIRTS, FURS on all other Merchandise

' der the doctor ’s —re for tbe —at w—k ST. JOHNS MARKETS. Justice Th—. Ilrr>wii of Aahley tran* * Unfair Blew. Whan Olass— StI—. —cted busine — here on Wed n —day. Kll.KV. ♦ farming Wife—*T)erald. all I had Wh— two glam tumble— or dtah— SI lobn» .Mkh . .!an. 23 m3. BAimiSTES J W l^rta, Sr, returned from hi# Report Wanted to pay for this lovely hat w— $20. stick togetbsr so that the— la danger ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ GRAldM. visit In the Upper Penineuls on Wed ­ How d o es It strike you?** Sur^dRed of braaklng In getting them apart, nesday. I About 30 attrndetl the dancing psr- Husband f gasping) — ’'Marie. ^Lit pat cold water In the Inner o — and Wh—I. wiiitt L 11. Angle and wife ware Owns— strlk— ms below tbe moasy bsItU** — bold the outer one In warm water, Wheat, red j ty at <'h—. Schaffer's l—t Friday sv- Por the purpo — of —certslnlag the viailors on Halurday. ' '’ning nutabsr of bushels of h—ns lo — to the Chicago Tribaoe. they will separate at oa — Oau ...... Ml— Klva Kel—y has gone to St. Mrs. F Downey sad Mrs. John See- Mrs. IjcwIs Manen and Mi— Ro — farme— of Clinton county during the Rye Johns to take tr—tments at the h—* .,ley trsn —cted b—tne— ia tiwooao on -Ihowe hand picked b—ns $1.2u pitai. Schrader spent from Thursday until yea— 1211-1912. we s— going to fl Saturday. Sunday with their aunt in Laa—iui, the aid of our farmer r—d s— In mak­ Other b—ns 6c per bu for —ch lb. F. C. Deck and wife entertained I.vnn Hensinger w— home froai St. ^’orn —elled. per bu—el ------20 frieoda from Kingston last week. Mrs. Kimer Pratt, sad family. ing up the report We have the—fore Johns over Sumlay. Mr. sad Mrs. Willie Setarsdsr and Corn in —r ...... 22 G. A. Thrsabsr of Ml. Pleasant w— a Geo. Wooley of Rlsie visited In town p—psivd a blank which Is printed be­ , Mrs. Carrie Merrill aad daughter. low. which all raise— of be—s for the Clover assd. June ------tlO.OS buotne — visitor here on Tneaday. on Saturday. CIOTer Bead. Mammoth $10.00 I>r. t!. R. Porter of Rlsie w— here ‘ Pauline spent Sunday with Will Mar­ y—ra —mad will plea— fill out st Mr. sad Mrs. Kli Matteoon —tertain- ten aad family. CloTer. Alyake ______$11.00 on prole —lo —I buslns — on Sunday. relativ— from Howell over Suaday. mall to 8. M. Sllla—. dgnlag their LEBAROrS GROCERY SPECIALS Several fr—i around here sp—t — to the saam. The re—It of LIVI NTOCl. Jay Morrison of Germfa—. b— be— Mr. sad Mrs. Clyde Halterns— visit­ nstUng rslsUv— here the past w—k. last Wedn —ds> with .Ml— Minnie the inv —tlgatkm will be publl—ed — Cattle, fatted . $4.00 • $2.00 ed In .Sorth Star on Sunday. j Schroder In South Riley. V—I —Iv— ..... 'The revival —rvic— will still con* Mrs. Jaha Dsehsr —ten —aed a so— — the —ports bars be— rs------$2.00 ft $2.00 Mr. sad Mrs. Ch— Brooks aad two cslvad aad compiled. Hogs, per ewt ----- $5.50 • $7 00 ihMe at the eburrh every evening this niece from Owoaso over Sunday. A few palate ticklers and w—k ex—ptldg gsturday svealng. Bv. i so —, lorle and John, Mr. aad Mrs. Lam—, par owt______$4.00 • $$.00 I ; Gl—a mi— aad little o — Maynard ery—e cordially Invited. PIr— ft—sibsriat sf Naga —k Name ____ taste tempters: DBIMID ■lAm Bart Gilbert sad R. D. Letts were land Ml— Bli— Bll— of .Morth Riley, B—f drassst $7.22 • $10.00 fiBgd— bag — to —or Its hi——g 1 Henry sad An— Win, Mr. —d Mrs Rlsie rial— on Tusad s^. la 1T26. ahodt tha thno It ran—d tha Tnwa—Ip _ Pork, drs— $2.00 • $2.22 Mrs. gva Moore Is quite poorly again ' K. R. Pratt and daughter Doris sad Badlsbss Urs— salsas, Ut—t ProiL halvas, dr— __ ___ $1042 Pr— Ja—ram ag —t Buads) with Jao. Ptaated to b tbia ws— — og— air pi—a— gallary. 1911 ▼a- calv— .. $2.02 • 240 OM Mr. Wilcox la vtsitlag relativ— H—rader aad family. Lmi PVULTBI. at Dstrott. Bund — aad Mil— for a U. H. Seymour sad faartly to — dia* Goad for __ boabela to tha ac—. Ii fat few we—a. aor Suadsy with Mr. aad Mrs. Wm chlaha, largs. flat r. J. Moult — w— — Itha— viattar Wastamreiaad ia Westphalia town- No. b—hale large, fU ___ — FrMay. —ip. Hagh Ilavia —tsrtalasd a brother paiafsi sieD— Mr. sad Mrs Han—u Osighn are Ilarve—sd from the crap of Itll fr—B Itha— — gunday. psia —itil H is qsito spsad iag a short tlo — with their snat TnriMro. largs. tat It Prod Kalaay w— has— from Lan- hagiat—. Tsidralle$1.0Qk«Ba[' sad uncle. Mr. sad Mrs. ff—ry Blsdsr- atng over guadsy. \ Sin—, ur —sadi. U Mr aad Mha Alv— Rarg s— have Robert lands — of I sa—og sad For d— 142 go — to To lod a lo visit a a—r. loMils Urs— of St. J—M spam Sat­ I have a nice line of SALT FISH, the kind with the Calf —laa. gra— U Os—r Alt—ottsT h— be— —teitala* urday la Rllsy — boat — tag rslativ— fit— Ohio the pa— wash. reputation. m m e.$2 Mrs. Wa—sy g —tth Is violtlac rela* Tlo p«—sH—l o?PraIr."fL T. R—• PWnNM!l. ttv— la ^tat thia ws—. tbe otap of 1912 W SERVICE OOUNTS— You will phone your next Bvttsr ---- Mrs. MItth Chur—ill vtstt— bar sta­ gear nf tim Da—— Pfitytseh—ii Mgh ter in PItat over Rnaday. order here. IL G. liotts sad fa—lly are taovtag ______M the rasah s$ an—y yea— of study ft 1 l—t — tbs crop sf 1911 I. 1$% • It — th—r asw hoa— thIa ws—. the pr—Ism sT as—al—or MRe—y. Mra. RHs Mva— h— rstnrnad fra— of 1211 $,. ■4T. fl $W. Al. ‘ns land Is Stled with —Mil— — lla. 1 Tla—thy 'nte R—al—sr L A. t. will a— —artl — to be visIMs oaiy throaiii a I Ic— — tbe of IfU $L Mo. 2 Tlwi—$ wt— Mia cj— K—a — Wodasaday, Nn 1 do—r ■ J— IMh. 1211. Mrsiihadi osrilally It. aad tbay I —vad from of 121$ |u D. C LeBsrm Itn 1 do—r .. taetisd to attsad. tbe — tb— M Is Ml— Mary Krai w— — Or—a— v|g> Tbo sprtag will i—r — af care—, i