The magnetochronology of Barstovian mammals in southwestern Montana and implications for the initiation of crustal extension in the northern Rocky Mountains

DOUGLAS W. BURBANK Department of Geological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0740 ANTHONY D. BARNOSKY Section of Vertebrate Paleontology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

ABSTRACT ments accumulated through much of this inter- from the type Barstovian fauna of southern Cali- val (Barnosky, 1984), a prominent unconform- fornia (Lindsay, 1972). Despite many similari- Magnetostratigraphic and biostraffgraphic ity separates early (Arikareean) strata ties at the generic level, there are important data have been used to construct a chrono- from rocks of Barstovian and in variations at both generic and specific levels logic framework for the deposition of the some cases late age. The uplift (Barnosky, 1986). Clearly, the large geographic Hepburn's Mesa Formation in the Yellow- that generated this unconformity was succeeded separation between the northern Rockies and stone Valley of southwestern Montana. Dep- by the initiation of an episode of regional exten- southern California, coupled with climatic dif- osition spanned an interval from -16.8 Ma to sion and the incipient development of the inter- ferences and the development of intermontane at least 14.3 Ma, and possibly to 13.8 Ma. montane basins of the northern Rockies. Al- basins bounded by substantial mountain barri- The magnetic data help to constrain the Bar- though broadly dated by faunal data (Fields and ers, could isolate faunas of the two regions to the stovian land-mammal age in the northern „others, 1985), the precise timing of the transition extent that generic and species compositions Rocky Mountains, as well as two interval from Paleogene tectonic patterns to the Neogene could diverge. Therefore, in the absence of pa- zones defined within it. The major faunal regime of extensional tectonism has not been leomagnetic or radiometric chronologies for the boundary ages determined here are indistin- specified previously. By analogy with similar Barstovian mammals of both the northern Rock- guishable from ages for these same bounda- trends in other regions of the western United ies and southern California, it has been impossi- ries at the Barstovian type locality in southern States (Christiansen and Lipman, 1972), an ob- ble to determine whether the observed faunal California. Consequently, observed differ- served change from andesitic to bimodal volcan- differences between these regions reflect biogeo- ences in generic and species composition ism in the Miocene Colter Formation in Jackson graphic variation among coeval local mammal between these regions are likely to reflect bio- Hole suggests that the tectonic transition there assemblages, slightly different geologic ages of geographic and ecological variability, rather may involve a change from compression to ex- the faunas, or both. The lack of reliable chrono- than temporal separation. When used in con- tension (Barnosky, 1984). Based on fossil logical data has thwarted previous efforts to re- junction with biostratigraphic data from mammals recovered from different members of solve these questions. Jackson Hole, Wyoming, these new dates the Colter Formation, the age of this tectonic A recent magnetostratigraphic study of the improve the time constraints that can be change can be placed between 13-18 Ma (Bar- in southern California placed on the duration (~1 m.y.) of the "mid- nosky, 1984). The long temporal range of many (MacFadden and others, 1990), however, has Tertiary unconformity" in the northern Rock- genera, the paucity of fossil mammal faunules provided a detailed, independent chronology for ies and on the inception at -17 Ma of the superposed in local stratigraphic sections, and the faunules used to typify the Barstovian land- interval of crustal extension that led to exten- the imprecise chronologic constraints on Mio- mammal age (Wood and others, 1941; Lindsay, sive intermontane-basin development during cene land-mammal ages in the northern Rockies 1972). In this paper, we describe a similar study, the Neogene. have resulted in no more specific biostratigraph- based on magnetostratigraphic and biostrati- ic dating of these events. Consequently, refined graphic dating, of mainly Barstovian-aged de- dating of the tectonic events depends on a more INTRODUCTION posits in the Yellowstone Valley of southwestern detailed chronologic calibration of the fossil- Montana. Because these sediments lie above the bearing deposits. During the early to middle Miocene, a major early Miocene regional unconformity, our re- tectonic transformation occurred in the region of In addition to the tectonic implications of the sults place some limiting dates on the initiation the northern Rocky Mountains. With the excep- fossiliferous strata, the Barstovian mammals en- of extension. Moreover, the chronologic frame- tion of a few localities, such as in Jackson Hole, closed within the early intermontane sediments work described here provides a temporal con- Wyoming, where proximal volcaniclastic sedi- in the northern Rockies show distinct differences text within which to describe the local Barsto-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 1093 1104, 9 figs., August 1990.


Downloaded from by guest on 25 September 2021 cLivingston Yellowstone Figure IB. Major faults in the Yel- Valley lowstone Valley and location of Hep- 20 0 miles 20 burn's Mesa Formation (stippled). Pa- leomagnetic sections are located in the 20 0 km 20 M • Hepburn's Mesa area (B). Areas A and B are enlarged in Figure 2. 'Gardiner MONTANA Central Plateau WYOMING YELLOWSTONE PARK n Yellowstone

GL \ /Lake Pitchstone Cf^ ^ Plateau Pinyon Peak Highlands Mt. Leidy Highlands Gros Ventre '{Jackson Range Snake River Hoback Range Range

Figure 1. Location of study area. A. Location in relation to Yellow- stone Park and Jackson Hole.

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vian fauna of the northern Rockies and to Mesa Formation" (Barnosky and Labar, 1989), conglomerates that truncate the Hepburn's Mesa compare it with dated faunal successions of sim- constitute the Barstovian segment of the local deposits. In the latest Miocene, basalts flowed ilar ages in other regions. geologic sequence. Their contact with the under- from local vents or fissures and capped the entire lying strata is not exposed, but Eocene hypabys- Tertiary sequence. THE STUDY AREA sal volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks crop out in Recent studies of the mineralogy and small- other parts of the valley. Unconformably overly- scale stratigraphy of the Hepburn's Mesa strata The Yellowstone Valley is a' northeast- ing the Hepburn's Mesa Formation, there is a (Barnosky and Labar, 1989) indicate that they southwest-trending half-graben that is bordered 40-m-thick, coarse conglomerate, which is itself were deposited in a shallow lake. The over- on the east by the Beartooth Range and on the capped by two basalt flows. The lower and whelming abundance (typically 45%) of clinop- west by the Gallatin Range (Fig. 1). Three sides upper flows have yielded K-Ar ages of 8.6 and tilolite, a zeolitic mineral derived from dia- of the valley are bounded by faults, with the 5.5 Ma, respectively (Chadwick, 1982; dates genetic alteration of volcanic glass, suggests that Suce Creek thrust to the north, the high-angle corrected according to Dalrymple, 1979). fine-grained volcanic ejecta contributed exten- reverse Gardiner fault to the south, and the This succession of Tertiary rocks indicates sive detritus to the Neogene basin. This interpre- normal Deep Creek and Luccock Park faults to that Eocene volcanism in. the Yellowstone Val- tation is reinforced by the presence in thin the east (Fig. 1). Differential tilting of super- ley (and possibly mid-Tertiary terrestrial sedi- section of vitroclastic structure, bubble shards, posed Miocene strata and the presence of visible mentation) was followed by an interval of glass fragments, and euhedral phenocrysts of scarps related to the Deep Creek-Luccock Park relative uplift and erosion. Mid-Miocene down- biotite, quartz, and plagiociase. The lacustrine faults indicate that these faults have been active warping initiated the deposition of the Hep- nature of the deposition is inferred from the since some time in the Neogene. Within the Yel- bum's Mesa strata and signaled the initiation of abundance of clay (typically 45%), the presence lowstone Valley, there are numerous exposures crustal extension in this area. In the late Mio- of finely laminated deposits exhibiting soft- of white, pink, and green claystones and silt- cene, uplift in the Yellowstone Park area to the sediment deformation, and the occurrence of stones that are distributed along the east side of south (Fig. 1) provided a source for the coarse both gypsum and halite. Along with the re- the Yellowstone River from —25-55 lftn north of Gardiner, Montana (Figs. 1 and 2). These exposures, recently designated as the "Hepburn's

Figure 2. Outcrops of Hepburn's Mesa Formation (stippled areas) within the Yellowstone Valley. Each outcrop is named (for example, CC-North) for convenience of discussion. Outcrops from CC-North to Hepburn Ranch were the focus of this study. The composite paleomag- netic section is constructed from detailed sampling of CC-North and Owl Gully. A and B are enlargements of respective areas shown in Figure 1. Base map for outcrops is traced from USGS Fridley Peak 15' quadrangle.

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HEPBURN RANCH OWL GULLY [y'.'-.yVj clay pebble ss CC SOUTH r silty claystone

¡fijgilj clayey siltstone foffffi v.f.g. ss/siltstone 'V-^V unconformity ^ thickness not to scale

I'^oo^ conglomerate tuff siltstone basalt

I^OH] claystone shale

Figure 3. Physical stratigraphie correlation of exposures in the Hepburn's Mesa area and position of major fossil discoveries. Large white dots show productive screen- washing localities; small black dots show isolated specimens. Geograph- ic location of sections is shown in Figure 2.

18 m

stricted extent of the Hepburn's Mesa strata, the sequence and the stratigraphic range spanned These specimen directions were then statistically sedimentological features (laminations, mud by it, were subjected to step-wise, alternating- averaged and evaluated at each site (Fisher, cracks, mud flakes) and the suite of minerals field and thermal demagnetization. The results 1953). Only those sites exhibiting coherent di- (particularly clinoptilolite, gypsum, and halite) of these procedures (Figs. 4 and 5) reveal gener- rections and yielding a Fisher k > 10 (classified suggest deposition in a perennial saline lake. ally uncomplicated magnetic behavior. Mag- as "Class I"; Johnson and others, 1982) were Over-all aridity for this setting also is strongly netic overprinting due to viscous remanence and used in our subsequent analysis. The latitude of indicated by the fossil assemblage found asso- limited, postdepositional alteration are generally the virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) and an ciated with these strata (Barnosky and Labar, removed by 200 °C and 250 oe. Above these alpha-95 error envelope on that latitude were 1989). levels, coherent directional data are usually ob- calculated based on the mean vector orientation tained until temperatures of -550 °C (Figs. 4 and on the coherency of specimen directions at METHODOLOGY and 5) are reached. each site, respectively. The northern and south- Across this interval, steady decreases in inten- ern VGP latitudes form the basis for the local The Hepburn's Mesa Formation was meas- sity are observed at successively higher tempera- magnetic polarity zonation for each of the two ured and described in detail in the vicinity of tures. Above 550 °C, unpredictable changes in sections, which were, in turn, correlated with the Hepburn's Mesa (Fig. 2). Lithologic similarities both intensity and direction occur. About magnetic polarity time scale (Berggren and oth- and distinctive tuffaceous marker beds that were 5%—10% of the maximum observed intensity ers, 1985). readily traceable across the nearly continuous remains above 600 °C. These thermal demag- Two contaminated tuff beds were discovered exposures were used to develop correlations be- netization results suggest that (1) magnetite or in each of the studied sections. Through the use tween individual outcrops (Figs. 2B and 3). Two titanomagnetite is the primary carrier of the of both fission-track (FT) dating of zircon in the sections, Chalk Cliffs North (CC-North) and characteristic remanence; (2) postdepositional ashes and single-crystal, laser-fusion, Ar-Ar dat- Owl Gully (OG), with an aggregate thickness of overprints are readily removed from the detrital ing, an attempt was made to provide calibrated ~ 100 m, were the focus of paleomagnetic study. signal; (3) the orientation of the characteristic tie-points for the correlation of the local magne- On an initial sampling pass, paleomagnetic remanence is revealed at all temperatures be- tostratigraphy with the global magnetic time sites were spaced at ~2-m intervals through the tween -300 and 550 °C; and (4) a magnetically scale. The samples were prepared following the two sections. Three or four oriented specimens "hard" component, probably reflecting hema- procedures of Naeser (1978), and the etching were collected at each site. Subsequent sampling tite, forms as much as 10% of the total was designed to highlight the tracks in the most concentrated on areas where ambiguous results remanence. pristine, least abraided and clear crystals that had been obtained from the previous sampling On the basis of these data, each of the remain- were presumed to represent the youngest zircons efforts. ing specimens was thermally demagnetized in that were coeval with the Hepburn's Mesa de- A selection of paired specimens, chosen to multiple steps between 400 and 550 °C in order posits. The FT samples were irradiated in the represent the various lithologies encompassed by to reveal its characteristic remanence direction. TRIGA facility at Oregon State University, and

Downloaded from by guest on 25 September 2021 Up, w

84A ^^^ Up, W

1 Temp. (°C)

Temp. CC)

Figure 5. Thermal demagnetization figures for reversely magnetized samples, showing re- moval of a normal overprint at temperatures below 300 °C. Characteristic remanence directions are displayed between 300 and 600 °C.

2 Down, E Temp. (°C)

Figure 4. Thermal demagnetization figures for normally magnetized samples, showing un- complicated magnetic behavior. The characteristic remanence directions are revealed consist- ently between 200 and 600 °C.

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measured sections. Although these faults have Chalk Cliffs relatively minor throws of several meters, suffi- cient dextral shearing apparently occurred along them to rotate the Owl Gully outcrops by the observed amount. The VGP plots of the site data (Fig. 7) delineate multiple magnetozones within each section. Most of the magnetozones are de- fined by two or more Class I sites. In combina- tion with the tight alpha-95 error envelopes on the VGP latitudes, this suggests that the over-all magnetic polarity pattern has been reliably de- scribed. Although CC-North and Owl Gully are separated by a few hundred meters of vegeta- tion-covered slope and by localized faults, dis- tinctive marker beds and detailed stratigraphic and geochemical studies (Barnosky and Labar, 1989) allow for confident physical-stratigraphic correlation of the coeval depositional units at each section (Fig. 3). This correlation is rein- forced by the magnetic data, which agree in de- tail with the stratigraphic interpretation. There Figure 6. Stereoplots of are only 10 m of overlapping magnetic sites be- normal and reversed Class tween the two sections (units 15-19, Fig. 7), but I data, showing Fisher within this zone, the pattern of magnetozones (1953) statistics and (R-N-R) and their relative durations match well mean magnetic directions. between the two sections. (A) Chalk Cliffs North Even though the thickness of the sampled se- Owl Gully and (B) Owl Gully. The quences is not large, suggesting that the magnetic Owl Gully normally mag- stratigraphies are unlikely to span a long portion netized data appear to de- of the Neogene, the pattern of reversals discov- fine a small clockwise ro- ered (Fig. 7) is sufficiently distinctive to be tation of-20°. correlated to the magnetic polarity time scale (MPTS, Berggren and others, 1985) with con- siderable confidence (Fig. 8, right side). The / NORMAL / k = 38 correlation indicates that the base of the section dates from -16.8 Ma, and the top from 3 / ~95= ° . * -14 Ma. / dec. = 23° The uppermost strata could be as old as 14.3 inc. = 70° • Ma, given that the reversed subchron (5AC-r) at 4 1 14.2 Ma was not revealed by this fairly dense REVERSED ' sampling scheme. Such a correlation, however, k =43 would require an increase in the mean sediment-

\ ^95=6° 00 accumulation rate from 3-4 cm/k.y. during >o / \ dec. = 180° ö magnetozones R2-R5 to >9 cm/k.y. during \ inc.—55° ° ° ^ / magnetozone N5. Alternatively, it could be o / 0 / argued that the top of the section dates from as young as 13.8 Ma. In this case, either nondeposi- tion during subchron 5AD-r, later erosion, or ° / irregular sample spacing with respect to time 11=67 could account for its absence in the local magne- tostratigraphy. A horizon that could possibly represent such a time gap may be found at the the dosage calibration was made using mica de- the data is 56°. This is only 7° less than that base of unit 22 in the Owl Gully section (Fig. 9). tectors on NBS glass standards and using zircons expected for the present dipole field at this lati- In this latter interpretation, the mean sediment- from the Fish Canyon Tuff. tude (45°N), and within the uncertainty of the accumulation rate in the upper section would data, it accords well with the latest Tertiary pa- remain comparable to that found in the lower RESULTS leopole position. As shown by the mean declina- section. Sufficient data are not available at pres- tions, there is a small difference in the amount of ent to discriminate between these two options. Stereoplots of the Class I data from each sec- postdepositional rotation of the two sections, For the correlation depicted here, magneto- tion reveal antipodal data (Fig. 6), clearly indi- with the more southerly section (OG) showing zone N5 (Figs. 7 and 8) is not correlated with cating that both sections pass the reversal test -20° of clockwise rotation. Several normal any well-established normal subchron in the (McElhinny, 1973). The mean inclination for faults disrupt the outcrops that separate the two MPTS. Its presence in both the Owl Gully and

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80 CHALK CLIFFS NORTH VGP Latitude -90 -45 0 45

60' -200 co oc 111 LU I- 111 III




0 1 0


Figure 7. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy from Chalk Cliffs North and Owl Gully. The latitude of the virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) is shown in degrees for each site. Only Class I sites (Fisher k>10) are plotted, and each is enclosed by an alpha-95 error envelope on the VGP latitude. Unit 19 is a correlative lithostratigraphic unit between the two sections. The composite magnetic polarity stratigraphy (MPS) reflects the combination of magnetozonations from the two sections.

the Chalk Cliffs North section indicates that it is Short-duration subchrons of this sort are ex- Given that fossils indicative of Barstovian likely to represent a valid local magnetozone. pected to occur within the record of polarity (middle Miocene) age or, at the earliest, of late The fact that, in both sections, it is depicted by a reversals (Johnson and McGee, 1983), but, be- Hemingfordian (early Miocene) age are found in single site, despite the close sample spacing, sug- cause of their brevity, they are rarely well de- the Hepburn's Mesa exposures, the correlation gests that it represents a brief (<20 k.y.) interval fined. Potentially, it is correlative with magneto- shown here of the local magnetic stratigraphy of normal polarity within Chron C5AD-r that zone N7 in the Barstow magnetic stratigraphy with the MPTS is the most logical one in this has not been well documented in the MPTS. (Fig. 8A). part of the Neogene time scale. In order to rein-

Downloaded from by guest on 25 September 2021 INFORMATION FROM BAR STOW



BARSTOVIA N DATED TUFF STIRTONI 14.8 + 0.2 MA •14.8 + 0.06 MA Figure 8A. Correlation of composite section at Hepburn's Mesa with CUPIDINIMUS FAUN A magnetic polarity time LINDSAYI w CE scale, and with faunal, ra- LU diometric, and paleomag- (= c. t¡ HILL S netic data from the Bar- BARSTOVIA N S NEBRASKENSIS) stow Formation. Barstow data are summarized from EARL Y

Woodburne and Tedford GREE N 500- OREODONT TUFF (1985) and MacFadden 15.8 + 0.2 MA *1 5.88 + 0.06 MA and others (1990).

< o VCo LL O RAK TUFF 1 6.3 + 0.3 MA *1 6.56~+ 0.34 MA LU X

RED TUFF "1 9.3 + 0.02 MA wAr AGES

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120 • localities near the middle (unit 16) and top (unit (/> 23) of the stratigraphic section (Figs. 3 and 9). CO Top at 14.3 Ma In each of the two localities, all fossils come CD 100 • c from within a single clay-pellet conglomerate •ifi o Top at ~9 cm/Ka lens less than 1 m thick. Because each lens rep-

80 - 13.8 Ma resents a geologically instantaneous event, the fossils within them are only minimally time- averaged. - E 60- xi All of the genera from this upper interval are Q. -3-4 cm/Ka present in Barstovian deposits elsewhere (see de- ro tailed locality listings for most of these taxa in O) 40 • -4-» Barnosky (1986 and references therein). Four CO genera first appear elsewhere in the early Bar- Option I: Top = 13.8 Ma ID 20 - stovian (Copemys, Perognathus, Peridiomys, Option II: Top = 14.3 Ma Mojavemys). Seven are unknown from deposits younger than Barstovian (Blastomeryx, Peridi- omys, Mojavemys, Pseudotheridomys, Shaube- 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 7 umys, Tardontia, Oreolagus). Two have not Reversal Age been discovered in deposits younger than early (Ma) Barstovian (Mesoscalops, Mesogaulus), whereas six first appear in the late Barstovian {Dipriono- Figure 8B. Present stratigraphic thickness versus time plot for Hepburn's Mesa Formation, mys, Lignimus, Pseudadjidaumo, Tardontia, showing two alternative correlations Mr the upper portion of the local magnetic zonation. Tamias, Spermophilus). The predominance of late Barstovian indicators, with a smaller number of "early" Barstovian forms, suggests an age force this correlation, attempts were made, using of these data with the MPTS indicate that they early in the late Barstovian. the fission-track and Ar-Ar methods, to date the provide reliable temporal constraints on the fau- The early-late Barstovian as previously dated two contaminated tuffs that constitute units 14 nal record. at the type area begins at -14.8 Ma (MacFad- and 19 (Fig. 3). Fossil mammals provide evi- The faunal record defines the lower part den and others, 1990; Tedford and others, 1987; dence that these tuffs are of late Barstovian age, (units 3 to 13) of the Hepburn's Mesa composite Woodburne and Tedford, 1982). This age repre- as are all strata above -35-40 m (units 16-23) section as late Hemingfordian or earliest Barsto- sents an average of several Ar-Ar and K-Ar in the composite section (Fig. 9). At least two, Vian land-mammal age (Fig. 9; see also Table 1 dates of the "Dated Tuff' between the Green morphologically distinct populations of zircons in Barnosky and Labar, 1989). The presence of Hills Fauna (early Barstovian) and the Barstow were readily discriminated in each of the FT Dromomeryx, Hypolagus, and Peridiomys im- Fauna (late Barstovian). Our magnetostrati- samples. This suggests that the ashes had been plies that this interval is not earlier than late graphic data place the beginning of the late contaminated with older detrital material. The Hemingfordian, because these taxa elsewhere Barstovian in the northern Rockies prior to 14.7 two populations of zircons yielded a pair of are unknown in earlier deposits. The upper age Ma. The early late Barstovian interval at Hep- widely separated ages for each tuff. The younger boundary of this interval is constrained by the burn's Mesa begins no higher than unit 16, ages, which resulted from longer etch times and presence of Parahippus (includes Desmatippus which in the magnetic polarity profile falls in a counting of more pristine grains, averaged in our usage) and Mesogaulus, neither of which reversed magnetozone (Chron 5AD-r) spanning — 10.8 m.y., whereas the older ages averaged survived the early Barstovian elsewhere. It is not from 14.7 to 14.9 Ma (Fig. 8). It would not be — 17.4 m.y. Acceptance of the younger ages possible to characterize faunally this lower in- unreasonable to assume that unit 16 represents a would imply that a late Barstovian fauna per- terval at Hepburn's Mesa exclusively as either time very near the beginning of the late Barsto- sisted in the northern Rockies more than 2 m.y. late Hemingfordian or early Barstovian. The vian, inasmuch as two "early" Barstovian genera after fauna emerged in California presence of a genus that elsewhere first appears (Mesoscalops, Mesogaulus) linger into what is at -13 Ma (D. P. Whistler and D. W. Burbank, in the Barstovian (Peridiomys), however, indi- predominantly a late Barstovian faunule. If this unpub. data) and -1 m.y. after Clarendonian cates that the most reasonable age assignment is is the case, the beginning of the late Barstovian taxa took over elsewhere (Tedford and others, early Barstovian. Our magnetostratigraphically in the northern Rockies matches very closely the 1987). The older dates would require late Bar- determined date for units 3 to 13 ranges from date (14.8 Ma) for the boundary between the stovian faunas in the Rockies to have co-existed younger than 16.2 to -15.0 Ma. Thus, the tim- early and late Barstovian at Barstow (MacFad- with Hemingfordian faunas elsewhere (Tedford ing of what we consider the early Barstovian den and others, 1990). and others, 1987). We find neither of these al- interval at Hepburn's Mesa is consistent with the Early late Barstovian age extends to the top ternatives as likely as the ages that are implied current placement of the Hemingfordian-Barsto- bed of the Hepburn's Mesa section, as unit 23 by the magnetic stratigraphy. The tuff samples vian boundary at 16.0 Ma, which is based on yielded a faunule that essentially is identical to from our composite section were either too con- K-Ar, Ar-Ar, and fission-track dates from tuffs that of unit 16, except both of the "early" Bar- taminated or too fine grained to be dated suc- in association with Hemingfordian and Barsto- stovian indicators (Mesoscalops and Mesogau- cessfully using the Ar-Ar method (C. Swisher, vian faunas near the type areas for these land- lus), as well as Pseudadjidaumo are absent (Fig. 1988, personal commun.). Consequently, there mammal ages (MacFadden and others, 1990). 9). Therefore, the early late Barstovian at Hep- are presently no radiometric ages available to Fauna from the upper part of the Hepburn's burn's Mesa lasts at least to either 14.3 or 13.8 confirm the chronological framework provided Mesa section (units 16 to 23) indicate an early Ma, according to the two possible magnetostra- by the magnetic data. Nonetheless, the high late Barstovian age (Fig. 9). Most of the taxa tigraphic correlations. The Hepburn's Mesa quality of the magnetic data and the good match occur in particularly productive screen-washing composite section stops short of 12.5 Ma, which

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V° nv

5 uu >a J? $ ft ft ///ft c, <0 J o c0 =1 0 cr O CO 1 < LU ra Q- CD 00 //MM/mmw 13.7 | • • • • • • • OR 14.2 I O N S ¡5 O Q CC

to s 5§ 19 1 IB (3 17 I.8- 14.9 I? 13 to 15.0 12 a II— 10- I 9 a; 1 5.3 § 5



Figure 9. Correlation of local magnetostratigraphy, lithology, and faunal zones of the Hepburn's Mesa Formation with the radiometric time scale and land-mammal ages.

Tedford and others (1987) take to mark the end sional tectonism has relied mainly, if not solely, an absence of well-dated strata in most other of the early late Barstovian. on biostratigraphy (Fields and others, 1985), basins of the northern Rockies that could be The presence of Pseudadjidaumo at Hep- which depends on the assumption that the used to constrain tightly this interval of Neogene burn's Mesa is consistent with the temporal ex- boundaries of land-mammal ages do not trans- erosion. Biostratigraphically based correlations tent of the same genus in the Barstow Forma- gress time. This assumption is validated at Hep- consistently place the mid-Tertiary unconform- tion. There, the bottom of the Pseudadjidaumo burn's Mesa by calibration of the Barstovian ity, which preceded the onset of Neogene stirtoni Assemblage Zone lies just below a date land-mammal age with the paleomagnetic time extensional tectonics in the northern Rockies, of 14.8 Ma ("Dated" Tuff), and the top lies scale and by the temporal correspondence of the somewhere between ca. 21 Ma (late Arika- below dates of -14.0 Ma (Hemicyon Tuff; faunal boundaries there with those at Barstow in reean) and 13 Ma (late Barstovian), and in the MacFadden and others, 1990). At Hepburn's southern California. The transition from Hem- best cases between about 20 Ma and 16 Ma Mesa, the genus has been found in strata ranging ingfordian to Barstovian (—16.0 Ma) and early (during the Hemingfordian; Fields and others, from 14.7 and 14.9 Ma. Barstovian to late Barstovian (ca. 14.8 Ma) at 1985). The magnetic stratigraphy at Hepburn's these two widely separated sites appears virtu- Mesa permits closer constraints to be placed on DISCUSSION ally simultaneous within the resolution of mag- the age of the middle Tertiary unconformity and netic and radiometric chronologies. subsequent extension in southwestern Montana Initiation of Neogene Extension In the study area itself, because the youngest, and northwestern Wyoming. pre-unconformity strata are the well-dissected The onset of Neogene extension previously In most intermontane basins of the northern Eocene volcanic rocks, it is difficult to date pre- was most securely bracketed on the basis of bio- Rocky Mountains, dating the mid-Tertiary un- cisely the inception of uplift that generated the stratigraphic data from the Colter Formation of conformity and the onset of Neogene exten- mid-Tertiary unconformity. Similarly, there is Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Fossil sites near the

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top of the Crater Tuff-breccia Member and near During the Clarendonian and Hemphillian, appearances ol Pseudadjidaumo, Tardontia, Di- the bottom of the overlying Pilgrim Conglomer- these rates probably increased to nearly 50 prionomys, and Spermophilus also occur. Fau- ate Member suggest that the unconformity lies cm/k.y. in the lacustrine deposits of the Teewi- nal data at hand suggest that the last appearances between 18 and 13 Ma. The thickness of strata, not Formation. In contrast, the Barstovian of Mesoscalops, Mesogaulus, and Pseudadji- however, that separates these two dates is more sediment-accumulation rates in the Yellowstone daumo can be used as a boundary to subdivide than 400 m (Barnosky, 1984). If the marked Valley averaged 3-6 cm/k.y., and the Claren- the Lignimus-Tardontia Zone into lower and lithologic change between the two members was donian and/or Hemphillian intervals are repre- upper parts (Fig. 9). Whether the absence of generated by the same episode of uplift that sented by only about 40 m of conglomerate and these genera in unit 23 reflects the smaller sam- created the widespread unconformity in Mon- basalt. Although Neogene extension and subsi- ple size from that horizon remains to be deter- tana, including that found below the Hepburn's dence had clearly begun in the Yellowstone Val- mined when more sites and fossils come to light. Mesa Formation, then the faunal dates from the ley by the Barstovian, it was very subdued, and Mesogaulus and Mesoscalops have their young- Colter Formation would indicate that uplift only a relatively thin veneer of sediments ac- est dated occurrence anywhere in unit 16, how- commenced in the late Hemingfordian at some cumulated (or were preserved) under this tec- ever, and so it is not unreasonable to assume that time <18 Ma. In the Yellowstone Valley, the tonic regime. The 5- to 10-fold higher rates they were extinct by unit 23, especially in view Hepburn's Mesa Formation indicates that the recorded in Jackson Hole indicate a much more of the faunal similarity of units 16 and 23 in cessation of the erosive event that caused the dynamic subsidence, even though major mor- other respects. The Lignimus-Tardontia Zone at mid-Tertiary unconformity, as well as the onset phogenic uplift of the Teton Range, which Hepburn's Mesa begins at —14.8 Ma and per- of extensional block faulting, had occurred by bounds the western margin of-Jackson Hole sists into the youngest preserved middle Mio- -16.8 Ma. Sedimentation patterns in the Yel- along the Teton fault, did not begin until after 9 cene strata (either 14.3 or 13.8 Ma, Fig. 8). lowstone Valley and Jackson Hole appear genet- Ma (Love and others, 1973). Faunally and temporally, it correlates with the ically related (Barnosky and Labar, 1989); early part of the late Barstovian. therefore, the date from the bottom of the Hep- Comparisons of Barstovian Faunas These interval zones so far only have been burn's Mesa Formation, in conjunction #ith the demonstrated by direct superposition at Hep- date from the upper Crater Tuff-breccia Mem- In the absence of the predominantly large burn's Mesa. It would be desirable to establish ber of the Colter Formation, brackets the devel- mammals that Tedford and others (1987) used their temporal significance more fully through opment of the mid-Tertiary unconformity and to define faunal-age boundaries of the Barsto- recognition of similarly superposed and inde- the shift to Neogene extensional tectonic styles vian, it has been difficult to differentiate clearly pendently dated taxa at other Rocky Mountain as occurring between —17 and 18 Ma. late Hemingfordian, early Barstovian, and late localities. The thick, fossiliferous sequences nec- Support for the likely genetic relationship be- Barstovian faunas in the northern Rockies. (The essary for such comparisons with Hepburn's tween the unconformities in northwestern Wyo- absent large mammals at Hepburn's Mesa in- Mesa, however, have not been discovered. ming and southwestern Montana is provided by clude Plithocyon, whose first appearance defines Nevertheless, recognition of the superposed lithological data from each. The post-uncon- early Barstovian, and proboscideans, Pseudo- interval zones at Hepburn's Mesa has implica- formity Colter strata are quite proximal volcani- cyon, and Pseudoceras, whose first record de- tions for the temporal placement of other late clastic sediments interstratified with rhyolitic fines late Barstovian.) Refined subdivision of Barstovian local faunas in the northern Rockies, tuffs. Below the unconformity, the volcanic these land-mammal ages has been even more notably from Cunningham Hill and North Pil- rocks are andesitic, trachytic, and latitic. Not difficult because of the scarcity of superposed grim 2 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (Barnosky, only does this lithologic change across the un- Hemingfordian and Barstovian faunas in the re- 1986) and from Anceney, in the Three Forks conformity reflect the compositional variation gion. The superpositional relationships of taxa Basin of Montana (Sutton, 1977). The Jackson that would be expected as a compressional tec- and their correlation with an independent time Hole local faunas in general resemble those of tonic regime is superceded by an extensional one scale at Hepburn's Mesa, combined with their units 16 and 23 at Hepburn's Mesa in generic (Christiansen and Lipman, 1972; Stewart, known temporal relationships elsewhere (Bar- composition, except for lacking Tardontia. Like 1978), but the extensive explosive volcanism re- nosky, 1986; Barnosky and Labar, 1989), how- unit 23 at Hepburn's Mesa, the Jackson Hole corded by the upper Colter Formation would ever, allow recognition of two interval zones local faunas also lack Mesoscalops, Mesogaulus, provide a source for the large input of fine- (sensu Article 50(2) in the North American and Pseudadjidaumo, even though the Jackson grained (that is, distal) volcanogenic sediments Stratigraphic Code, 1983) that can be well Hole faunules are represented by reasonable into the Hepburn's Mesa Formation (Barnosky dated in the Yellowstone Valley. The Peridio- sample sizes, are from a similar depositional set- and Labar, 1989). At present, the volcanic cen- mys-Parahippus Zone is the interval demarcated ting, and were collected by techniques identical ter in northern Jackson Hole which supplied on the lower end by the first appearance ol Peri- to those employed at Hepburn's Mesa. The ab- proximal volcaniclastics to the Colter Formation diomys, and on the upper end by the last ap- sence of these forms, if not resulting from sample is the only one identified in the northern Rockies pearance of Parahippus. This zone also includes bias, would place the Jackson Hole local faunas of a suitable age and location to provide the the total known range of Mesogaulus douglassi near the top of the Lignimus-Tardontia Zone. abundant distal airfalls incorporated in the Hep- (Fig. 9). The temporal extent of the Peridiomys- The Anceney fauna appears to fall near the burn's Mesa Formation. Parahippus Zone as presently understood at lower part of the Lignimus-Tardontia Zone, Hepburn's Mesa is from -15.0 to -16.0 Ma. based on the presence of Mesogaulus, Diprion- The nature of extension and related subsi- Both the faunal assemblage (see Table 1 in Bar- omys, and Spermophilus. The absence of Meso- dence was clearly highly variable in different nosky and Labar, 1989, and Results section) and scalops, Lignimus, Tardontia, and Pseudadji- locations in the northern Rockies. Whereas the temporal extent are consistent with placing daumo, despite a sample size of thousands of quite limited thicknesses (<200 m) of Barsto- this zone in the early Barstovian. teeth, remains to be explained, however. The vian and younger Miocene strata are preserved absence of the latter three might indicate a in the Yellowstone Valley, at least 2,700 m of The Lignimus-Tardontia Interval Zone has as slightly older age than represented by the coeval strata are found in Jackson Hole. Late its lower boundary the first occurrence of Lig- Lignimus-Tardontia Zone. Alternatively, the Barstovian sediment-accumulation rates in nimus and as its upper boundary the last occur- presence or absence of a few taxa among the Jackson Hole were between 20-40 cm/k.y. rence of Tardontia. Within this interval, the first

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different intermontane basins may simply reflect lowest part of the Hepburn's Mesa Formation of Natural History. The University of Wyo- taphonomic and ecological biases. Independent yields few fossils. The section at Hepburn's ming-National Park Service Research Center dating of the Jackson Hole and Anceney depos- Mesa, however, demonstrates that the boundary directed by Kenneth Diem supplied field sup- its is needed in order to decide which alternative is younger than 16.2 Ma, but older than 15.0 port and accommodations. We thank Rick All- is more reasonable. Ma in the northern Rockies, which is consistent mendinger for providing stereonet programs Biogeographically, the fauna of the Lignimus- with its newly determined age (16.0-16.1 Ma) at used in our magnetic analysis. Tardontia Zone supports the contention that the the type locality for the Barstovian (MacFadden Barstovian Rocky Mountains housed an assem- and others, 1989). The strata dating from blage of species that mingled Western taxa with 15.0-16.2 Ma at Hepburn's Mesa include the REFERENCES CITED Great Plains taxa. Outside of Hepburn's Mesa, Peridiomys-Parahippus Interval Zone. In Hep- Barnosky, A. D., 1984, The Colter Formation: Evidence for Miocene volcan- ism in Jackson Hole, Teton County, Wyoming: Wyoming Geological Pseudadjidaumo also appears first in the late burn's Mesa deposits, the boundary between Association Earth Science Bulletin, v. 16, p. 50-101. Barstovian of Barstow and is restricted to west- early and late Barstovian occurs near 14.8 Ma, 1986, Arikareean, Hemingfordian, and Barstovian mammals from the Miocene Colter Formation, Jackson Hole, Teton, County, Wyoming: ern faunas. Tardontia likewise is a western form, and fauna from the beds dated between 14.8 and Carnegie Museum of Natural History Bulletin, no. 26, 69 p. Barnosky, A. D., and Labar, W. J., 1989, Mid-Miocene (late Barstovian) known from late Barstovian faunas in eastern -14.0 Ma define the Lignimus-Tardontia Inter- environmental and volcano-tectonic setting near Yellowstone Park, Oregon, but not from younger ones anywhere val Zone, which correlates with the early part of Wyoming and Montana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 101, p. 1448-1456. (Shotwell, 1958; Tedford and others, 1987). the late Barstovian. Berggren, W. A., Kent, D. V., Flynn, J. J., and Van Couvering, J. A., 1985, Cenozoic geochronology: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, Diprionomys and Lignimus appear first in late The dates determined for land-mammal p. 1407-1418. Barstovian faunas from the Great Plains and Chadwick, R. A., 1981, Chronology and structural setting of volcanism in boundaries in Montana coincide with the ages southwestern and central Montana: Montana Geological Society 1981 Rocky Mountains, but they are not found for these same boundaries at the type locality of Field Conference for SW Montana, Guidebook, p. 301-310. Christiansen, R. L., and Lipman, P. W., 1972, Cenozoic volcanism and plate farther west until perhaps Clarendonian time. Barstovian land-mammal age in southern Cali- tectonic evolution of the western United States, II. Late Cenozoic: Spermophilus makes its appearance throughout Royal Philosophical Society of London Transactions, ser. A, v. 271, fornia. This suggests that previously observed p. 249-284. the Great Plains, northern Rockies, and more differences in generic and species compositions Dalrymple, G. B., 1979, Critical tables for conversion of K-Ar ages from old to new constants: Geology, v. 7. p. 558-560. westerly sites in the late Barstovian (see Bar- among Barstovian faunas from the two regions Fields, R. W„ Rasmussen, D. L, Tabrum, A. R„ and Nichols, R„ 1985, nosky, 1986, for detailed locality listings.of most Cenozoic rocks of the intermontane basins of western Montana and reflect ecological and biogeographic differences, western Idaho, in Flores, R. M., and Kaplan, S. S., eds., Cenozoic of these taxa). Also of interest are the local first rather than temporal separation. paleogeography of the west-central United States: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Section, Sympo- appearances of Copemys, Mojavemys, Perogna- In conjunction with biostratigraphic data sium, v. 3, p. 9-36. thus, Cupidinimus, and Petauristodon in the Fisher, R. A., 1953, Dispersion on a sphere: Royal Society of London Proceed- from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the new dates ings, v. A-217, p. 195-305. Lignimus-Tardontia Zone. These taxa are un- from Montana allow tighter constraints to be Johnson, N. M., Opdyke, N. D., Johnson, G. D., Lindsay, E. H., and Tahirk- heli, R.A.K., 1982, Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and ages of Siwalik known from pre-late Barstovian sites in the placed on several events in the Rockies of the Group rocks of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan: Palaeogeography, Pa- northern Rockies, Columbia Plateau, or Great laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 37, p. 17-42. Montana-Wyoming border region: (1) the initia- Johnson, N. M., and McGee, V. E„ 1983, Magnetic polarity stratigraphy: Plains, but are found in early Barstovian (Cope- tion of Neogene crustal extension leading to Stochastic properties of data, sampling problems, and the evaluation of interpretations: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, p. 1213-1221. mys, Mojavemys, Perognathus) and even Hem- deposition in restricted intermontane basins, Lindsay, E. H., 1972, Small mammals from the Barstow Formation, California: ingfordian (Cupidinimus, possibly Petauristo- California University Publications in Geological Sciences, v. 93, (2) the duration of the episode of uplift and p. 1-104. don) sites in southern California (Barnosky, erosion often referred to as the "mid-Tertiary" Love, J. D., Reed, J. C., Christiansen, R. L., and Stacey, J. R., 1973, Geologic block diagram and tectonic history of the Teton range: U.S. Geological 1986; Whistler, 1984; Reynolds, 1985). Either unconformity, and (3) the possible transition Survey Map 1-370. these genera found their way to California con- MacFadden, B. J., Swisher, C. C., III, Opdyke, N. D„ and Woodburne, M. O., from a compressional to an extensional tectonic 1990, Paleomagnetism, geochronology, and possible tectonic rotation of siderably earlier than they dispersed northeast, regime as interpreted from tuff compositions. the middle Miocene Barstow Formation, Mojave Desert, southern Cali- fornia: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 478 493 or else the sampling of early Barstovian strata These events appear to have begun no earlier McElhinny, M. W., 1973, Paleomagnetism and plate tectonics: Cambridge, outside of California is too sparse to have recov- England, Cambridge University Press, 358 p. than late Hemingfordian, that is, -18 Ma. Ero- Naeser, C. W., 1978, Fission-track dating: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File ered them. Presently it is not possible to sion of the mid-Tertiary unconformity was Report 76-190. Reynolds, R. E., 1985, Tertiary small mammals in the Cajon Valley, San distinguish between these possibilities. completed by 16.8-17.0 Ma, at which time ex- Bernardino County, California, in Reynolds, R. E., ed., Geological in- vestigations along Interstate 15, Cajon Pass to Manix Lake: Redlands, tensional tectonism was underway, indicated by California, San Bernardino County Museum, p. 49-59. relative subsidence that caused deposition to re- Shotwell, J. A., 1958, Evolution and biogeography of the aplodontid and CONCLUSIONS mylagaulid rodents: Evolution, v. 12, p. 451-484. commence in the Yellowstone Valley. Subse- Stewart, J. H., 1978, Basin-range structure in western North America: A re- view: Geological Society of America Memoir 152, p. 1-31. A new chronology for strata of middle Mio- quent extension and subsidence has been highly Sutton, J., 1977, Mammals of the Anceney local fauna (late Miocene) of variable in the Rockies, with sediment-accumu- Montana [Ph.D. dissert.]: Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University, cene age in the northern Rockies has been de- 241 p. lation rates varying by an order of magnitude Tedford, R. H, Skinner, M. F., Fields, R. W, Rensberger, J. M, Whistler, veloped through magnetostratigraphic and bio- D. P., Galusha, T„ Taylor, B. E„ Macdonald, J. R, and Webb, S. D„ stratigraphic studies of the Hepburn's Mesa between nearby basins. 1987, Faunal succession and biochronology of the Arikareean through Hemphillian interval (late Oligocene through earliest epochs) Formation in the Yellowstone Valley of south- in North America, in Woodburne, M. O., ed., Cenozoic mammals of North America: Geochronology and biostratigraphy: Berkeley and Los western Montana. The oldest sediments exposed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Angeles, California, University of California Press, p. 153-210. at Hepburn's Mesa date from ~ 16.8 Ma, and the Whistler, D. P., 1984, An early Hemingfordian (early Miocene) fossil verte- brate fauna from Boron, western Mojave Desert, California: Los An- youngest ones extend to at least 14.3 Ma, and We are particularly indebted to Jim Hepburn geles County Museum of Natural History Contribution 355. Wood, H. E„ Chaney, R. W„ Clark, J., Colbert, E. H„ Jepsen, G. L„ Reeside, perhaps 13.8 Ma. These data provide new tem- for allowing investigations to proceed on his J. B., Jr., and Stock, C„ 1941, Nomenclature and correlation of the poral constraints on the Barstovian land- land. Invaluable field assistance was provided by North American continental Tertiary: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 52, p. 1-48. mammal age in the northern Rocky Mountains C. Barnosky, A. Redline, and Pete Coxon. This Woodburne, M. O., and Tedford, R. H., 1982, Litho- and biostratigraphy of the Barstow Formation, Mojave Desert, California: Volume and guide- and on two geographically restricted interval research was supported by National Geographic book, Geological excursions in the California desert, Geological Society zones defined within it. In the Yellowstone Val- Society Grants 3106-85 and 3357-86, by Na- of America, Cordilleran Section, 78th Annual Meeting, p. 47-64.

ley, the Hemingfordian-Barstovian boundary tional Science Foundation Grants BSR-8612959 MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED BV THE SOCIETY MAY 22,1989 REVISED MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED DECEMBER 14, 1989

cannot be precisely determined, because the and BSR-8746769, and the Carnegie Museum MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED DECEMBER 21, 1989

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