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The BG News July 1, 1992

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Chicken Anyone? Increase in tuition, effective

The week next year by Amy Applebaum in weather managing editor

Tuition for the 1992-93 aca- demic year will be increased to Rain, rain go away: the maximum allowable level due A chance of showers or to a recent Board of Trustees re- thunderstorms each day and solution. becoming more humid. At the Board's Friday meeting, Highs in the north around 80 trustees unanimously approved a Wednesday, warming to the 1992-93 budget that calls for a 7 mid to upper 80s by Friday. percent tuition increase with Highs across the south provisions to raise tuition even warming from the mid 80s higher should the state-imposed Wednesday to around 90 by tuition cap be raised to 9 percent. Friday. Lows each morning The actual amount of reduc- in the 60s. tions and tuition level will be de- Highs in the mid 70s to the termined by the eventual cap on lower 80s Thursday and Fri- student tuition set by the state. day, and from the upper 70s Also, for the second year in a to the mid 80s Saturday. row there will be no salary in- Lows in the 60s Thursday, 55 creases at the University. to 65 Friday and in the 60s President Olscamp in his re- Saturday. port to the Board of Trustees said the administration is hopeful the tuition cap will be increased in order that the University doesnt suffer any further loss of pro- jected income. Inside The News "If the fee cap is not increased from 7 to 9 percent by the state legislature, then our revenue de- New bar in town: crease will be that much Soon University students greater." will be offered another op- Olscamp further stated he ex- portunity to quench their pects the tuition cap increase to thirsts this summer at The BG Ncwi/Tereu Thorns be announced by the state this Trodders. Mayor Wess Hoffman helps Vicki Cramer grill chicken for the many people know about it and this Is a great way to get more peo- week. 3 Page Three. 24-hour Softball marathon Saturday at the City Park in Bowling ple involved with their community." In other attempts to soften the Green. Hoffman said, "It's a great community event and not too See Tnutm, page four. Go suck a lemon: Check out the reviews of the latest albums from the Lemonheads and Saigon House Committee slates Holiday weekend Kick.J Page Six. abortion-rights into law has bands, skits, Outside campus by William M.Welch the full House. Supporters said strictions in a Pennsylvania law. fireworks and fun The Associated Press the measure would codify into But a narrow majority also af- Falcon hopeful arraigned: federal law the abortion-rights firmed the Roe v. Wade decision by William R.Ketelhul Derek Kidwell, 19, of Fos- guarantees established in the that established a woman's legal staff writer toria, was arraigned for the WASHINGTON The House 19-year-old Roe v. Wade decision. right to an abortion. alleged vandalism of Fos- Judiciary Committee approved a House leaders say they expect toria High School. He was bill Tuesday making the right to "The Congress has the power, a vote on the bill after the Demo- If you plan on staying put in Bowling Green for the holiday week- released on his own recogni- abortion part of federal law. The indeed the responsibility, to fill cratic National Convention in end, there are a number of events going on to keep even the pickiest zance by Wood County action came a day after a Su- the constitutional void left by the July. person entertained. Common Pleas Judge Don- preme Court decision that sup- court," said the committee The Parks and Recreation Department is hosting plenty of activi- ald DeCessna on the condi- porters of the bill said left a con- chairman, Rep. Jack Brooks, A similar bill faces a Senate ties this year at the City Park in honor of Independence Day. tion he be officially pro- stitutional void. D-Texas. committee vote Wednesday, and July 1, the Youth Theater class at the park will present a collection cessed by Wood County au- The panel's action on a 20-13 In its decision, the high court action by the full Senate is also of short skits. The class is made up of youngsters from six to 14 years thorities. bill sets the stage for a vote by upheld most of the abortion re- expected soon. old and is directed by Lizzie Barone. Barone said the skits are designed to show the kids the many Kidwell was selected "Mr. different reasons to get involved in theater. Football" by the Ohio Asso- It's an upside-down world According to Barone, among the several skits are two adaptions of ciated Press for his per- the popular Berenstein Bears children's books, a bit from the "Sound formance as quarterback of Fostoria High School and Of Music" and a DARE. skit. The play starts at 7 p.m. and will be conducted at Needle Hall in the has signed a letter of intent City Park. to play with the University's For those people in love with the old melodramas, you can catch a football team. free presentation of "The Drunkard." The play is being performed by the Park and Recreational Theatri- cal Group and stars students, faculty, townspeople and a surprise CSU students trial date official in a leading role, according to Recreational Coordinator Bob set: Hastings. Hastings said the play is similar to what you would see in a Bull- CLEVELAND The trial winkle cartoon. of eight Cleveland State Hastings said the play does deal with the important issue of alco- University students charged holism which he said some people might find offensive, but stresses with rape has been sched- that the play is set up for fun. uled for Sept. 30 before "The Drunkard" will be performed on July 2, 4 and 5 at Needle Judge Daniel O. Corrigan in Park. Shows begin at 7 p.m., but doors open at 6:15. Cuyahoga County Common There will also be a special Friday concert featuring the A Cappella Pleas Court. Vocal Band, a very popular Christian group. Prosecutors filed court Hastings said the event should command a big turnout. This event papers last week asking that will start at 7 p.m. the trial be moved to an- The BC Nrwi/Tertu Thomu other county. They also If fireworks are your idea of celebrating the Fourth of July, you Bowling Green children participate in various fun and games on a warm Monday afternoon. don't want to miss the fireworks display sponsored by Hills Depart- asked for an order blocking ment Store, 1234 N. Main St. defense lawyers from ques- The event will be conducted adjacent to the store after the store's tioning the victim about her sexual history at CSU. closing. A 20-year-old sophomore Manager Bruce Kohler said this event has been a tradition for 28 Californians suffer severely years, and will light up the skies at 9:45 p.m. July 4. alleged that she was gang- raped Dec. 8 at a dormitory. For those people looking for a change of pace from being in Bowl- A ninth student charged in Earthquakes, aftershocks cause further water shortages ing Green, you can travel up to Toledo's Rally By The River. the case pleaded guilty to a You can enjoy three days of food, fun, and music starting Friday at lesser charge. Jason Cor- by Michael Fleeman 5 p.m. dial, 19, accepted a deal that The Associated Press taminated water or no water at you can cook really easy and not The locally renowned Flaming Buckeyes will hit the stage and will allowed him to plead guilty all, and repairs could take up to a use a lot of water." be opening for the popular 70s duo of Seals And Croft, known for such to sexual imposition, a mis- week, officials said. Hundreds Water systems were further demeanor, in return for his YUCCA VALLEY, Calif. - For lined up Monday in 90-degree damaged Monday by four sharp hits as 'Diamond Girl,' 'Summer Breeze' and 'Get Closer' Friday. They are scheduled to hit the stage at 6:30. promise to testify against thousands in the desert, the de- temperatures to fill plastic jugs aftershocks measuring between On Saturday, the festivities continue from 4 to 10 p.m. and will be the other eight. struction caused by the earth- from public taps and tank trucks. 4.9 and 5.4 on the Richter scale. quakes and the lingering fear of "I keep asking myself, what The tremors caused a 96-feet- capped off by a huge fireworks display over the river. In case of bad aftershocks would be easier to would a Bedouin do in a situation long brick facing to crash down weather, they will be rescheduled for Sunday. from a one-story building that Compiled from staff and take if something drinkable like this?" building supply Also on Saturday, the Portage Quarry will be hosting the 11th an- wire reports. would just pour out of their salesman Joe Selva said as he housed three businesses. No one nual Fourth of July Blowout, featuring several local bands. Co- faucets. filled five-gallon jugs. "I'm eat- sponsored by WIOT-FM, the Blowout expects to attract about 2,000 Some 27,000 people had con- ing sandwiches, salads - stuff Sec Earthquake, page four, people. Tickets are $10 in advance and $13 at the door.

'« Opinion page two The BG News Wednesday, July 1, 1992



COPYRIGHT 1992, The BG News Orwell's 1984 revisited? Undeclared presidential candidate Bill Clinton are Perot's opponents - not Ross Perot is proving to be more their sons, daughters, wives or other of a seasoned politician with each of the family members. If elected, who is to several daily news items concerning say that Perot will not take this ten- him. Recently, Perot's top aide de- dency for buying investigators to the scribed reports that the Texas billion- White House with him? One U.S. Presi- Students need democracy aire often uses private investigators as dent was already forced to resign in "distortion." shame because of his affinity for spy- ing on his opponents. Perot has already President Bush said he was perturbed proposed his "electronic town hall." and awareness of secrets when he learned that he and his family Would it be that hard, once the elec- ests; instead they curry favor were among those investigated. tronic town hall was in place, to turn its IX/bst of you probably re- Martha P. Larson within their various depart- Being nosy is generally accepted as technology into a Big Brother-like sur- ■^■•■^nember last semester ments. This is at least partially being a part of human nature, and veillance system? when a group of students understandable when you con- having the infinite amount of money protested the unfair wording in sider the screwed-up miniature Perot has, it is not too surprising he re- Perot may very well become Presi- the University's discrimination autocracy they have to work in. sorted to such tactics. However, being dent of the . There are policy. Because of ROTC's anti- that Perot is a candidate for the highest several decisions the American public gay policy, the University placed The Students: That's us! We're office in the land, a question of ethics must make in choosing a President. an asterisk next to the words the peasant group who pays to must be raised. Among these decisions is whether or "sexual orientation" and ex- come here and get exploited. Be- not the public wants a President who is empted "outside organizations" cause we have so little power from adhering to the policy. within the University sphere, we Is it ethical for a Presidential candi- likely to take his snoopy nature to the can get kicked, stepped on, and date to hire private detectives to in- White House with him, possibly trans- The students involved in the robbed, and really can't change vestigate his opponents? Even if it is, is forming the nation into an Orwellian protest felt that the wording, be- its upkeep. We won't stop paying things. it ethical for Perot to investigate his state devoid of trust that is crawling sides being hypocritical, alien- for the fieldhouse after construc- opponents' families? George Bush and with spies. ated a number of students by tion is finished. Staff and main- We are consumers with almost openly stating that gays had tenance will need to be hired, u- no control over what is con- fewer rights at this University tility bills will need to be paid. sumed. We're bottom-rung, than other minorities. A group of How much is that going to cost lowest-class, and you're kidding students met with Bob Arrows- us? yourself if you think the Univer- mith to discuss a possible change This University is possibly the sity is here for us. Presidential polls do not in the student code. Recently, one most undemocratic and un- of these students, Michael American institution I have ever What we need is a democrat- Haynes, received a telephone encountered in my life. Let's ically run University, not one call from Arrowsmith saying that break down this little microcosm whose policies are dictated from represent public feelings the legal advisory council had known as Bowling Green State above. Frankly, the students decided that the code could not University: should be the ones to elect the not the answer to our economic be changed. president of the University, not woes. Loosening the reigns on the Board of Trustees. Sure, stu- Forget the polls. Forget Bill Norm VanNess When Haynes asked why this The is not that the code dents are only here for four Clinton. Dismiss Ross them is. As far as Ross Perot is con- decision had been made, Ar- years. But what's to prevent Perot. As the 1992 presidential rowsmith merely said that the was not changed or even yearly elections? If a president campaign draws closer and cerned, his demise will be self- envoked. His theory of the "elec- council had decided not to advise that it should be changed. I'm was actually any good, she or he closer to its climax this Novem- it. When Haynes asked who the would have no problem getting ber, one thing becomes increas- tronic town hall" is being chal- not going to try and argue lenged from all sides. The brunt people on the legal council were, re-elected year-to-year. ingly clear; George Bush will win he was again denied information. that The point is that the election, hands down. of the argument is that the con- cept is, essentially, direct Haynes then reminded Arrows- secret-keeping is going on, Also, students should decide mith that the code is misleading where our tuition is spent. Why Given, the press coverage of democracy - something our con- tt stitution was designed to keep and again asked why the decision and students are not even wasn't a campus-wide re- the campaign paints a gloomy out of our government. had been made. told why these decisions are ferendum taken on the Field- picture for the President. But is trols the purse strings. Presi- house, for example? Students this picture a clear repre- Electronic town halls rely on Arrowsmith once again begged made. dents can only envoke policies, computer and satellite technolo- should also have the right to de- ' sentation of what most Ameri- they cannot impose law. the question by saying that he termine which faculty stays, gy to connect voters directly cans truly feel? I dont think so. I believe the public is smart had been advised to keep the which leaves, which gets a pay In the months to come, the at- with the president to discuss, and code as it previously stood. raise, and which gets a pay cut. enough to make this important then vote on, national issues. tention given to Clinton and Perot The point is not that the code Who knows a faculty person's distinction, and will realize that The concept effectively bypas- Paul Olscamp: If you don't will dwindle as a tougher scruti- "soaking the rich" with higher was not changed or even that it teaching skills better than her or ses the representative branch of know what Olscamp looks like, ny is enacted on their platforms. should be changed. I'm not going which is entirely possible be- his students? President Bush will slowly taxes will have a negative, not our government, and would allow to try and argue that. The point is the majority to impose their will cause he's here so infrequently, emerge as the overwhelming positive, effect on the nation's that secret-keeping is going on, just watch his cute little ad spot. I'll be honest; I'm not really choice, and for some very good economy. on the minority. This attack on and students are not even told what is, so far, Perot's only posi- According to Olscamp, the solu- sure how to carry these ideas out. reasons. Only by giving businesses in- why these decisions are made. tion on anything, has signaled tion to students' worries about Perhaps students could form a centives to expand, via capital the budget cuts is for them to what 1 believe to be the begin- sort of lobby group. Maybe we The President's biggest asset is gains tax cuts, will we see a true "stop worrying." This man must ning of the end of his political ca- This story is merely another could refuse to pay tuition until his record on foreign policy. He in the job market. think we are idiots. our demands are met. reer. example of the anti-democratic has proven over the last decade Businesses already pay more practices that go on here at the Or there's always the possi- he is a man who knows the im- than their "fair share" as Mr. The examples set forth in this University. The Board of Trustees: These bility of an actual takeover of the portance of U.S. relations abroad. Clinton likes to call it. article are only the very top of Another example is the Falcon people are sort of a vanguard University. The point of this col- The future of our economic Give it a break already. the mountain of inequities that Fieldhouse. We've all heard the party appointed by Governor umn isn't to provide an ideal so- success will depend, solely, on A good example of the negative exist between George Bush, Bill story a million times: the money Voinovich. Usually they have lution. The point is to expose the our connections and relations effects of higher taxes on busi- Clinton and Ross Perot. for the fieldhouse is in a little or nothing to do with the hypocrisy and anti-democratic within the global market. George nesses is the recently repealed The anti-incumbent fever will different fund, the money has University or higher education in practices of this University. Bush has worked continually to luxury tax Congress, in its infin- sweep, thankfully, through the already been earmarked for the general except for the fact that build and strengthen these im- ite wisdom, deemed it necessary House and Senate, but will, as If fieldhouse, blah, blah, blah. they get to choose who the presi- The students are supposed to portant alliances, and has to raise the tax on "luxury items" intervened by higher authority, dent is. be the purpose of this University. measured great success. like boats, expensive autos, and skip the White House. However, we aren't told why Also, this University is supposed Neither Clinton nor Perot pos- business aircraft. these funds can't be moved or The Faculty: This is a bizarre to be in accordance with the sess the capability or experience America is changing its politi- exactly what the legalspeak is mix of people. Some are ex- principles of democracy. to ensure that these relations The results were disastrous. cal thinking, and George Bush is behind them. Dont tell me there ploited, and some are exploiters. grow in the crucial years ahead. Those looking to buy these the only candidate that can lead isn't a way around this mess. Others just stand back on the The President also realizes that items simply took their business us back to the values and Ideals Something else that hasn't sidelines and watch. I guess the joke's on us. Martha raising taxes will not repair the overseas, leaving American pro- that made this country what it is even been addressed about the For the most part they don't P. Larson is a columnist for The economic state we are in. I find it ducers out in the cold. The result- today, and America will prove it fieldhouse Is the future costs of serve the students' best inter- News. hard to believe the American ing layoffs of American workers, come this November. public is as ignorant as the media combined with the loss of tax portrays them to be. revenue from low sales, actually Chris Mead Americans know that Con- cost us more than it made us. Van Ness is a freshman pre- FlatLife Raising taxes on the "rich" is journalism major and a col- gress, not the White House, con- umnist for The News. l+%r uittt. en cnufvs.. x Vowac*. Jim's Journal by Jim unit*. «*>« X w«s * li*tl« wKevv X purcfceJ Me-forced • l«rt« for *»«rfc i*. tut <«W. 5«M\i« «** fc«rr »fh*»tM * tt«W ffttplMj ^TOUJK ,-fore -tod^Y' |«H,tti««*,ftwft fke *l»p«-

jjlkrawjk «ccttuwrjl,rjl \Jk Wednesday, July 1, 1992 The BG News page three

New bar 'trods' into town Two-Note Duo Local establishment looks to grand opening

by William R. Kelelhut They are also the owners of the He said he hopes the tavern staff writer automotive marketing company will also help benefit the Bowling Wes/Tele-Communications. In Green economy. their spare time, they raise trod- Race horses come in two varie- ders. Some ideas for attracting ties. First, there are those which patrons include 11 am. to 7 p.m. are built for speed, and they are Mr. Brown said he admits that happy hours during the week, called pacers. The second type owning a tavcm has always been reasonably-priced dinners on the are bred for slower racing and a dream of his, and thanks to the weekends and daily lunch spe- are called trodders, which also success of their other business, cials. happens to be the name of Bowl- they have the financial freedom to start the tavern, even though it Their love for art has encour- ing Green's newest watering aged them to make plans to dis- hole. may seem a risky venture in these lean times. play the work of various art Located at 119 North Main St., majors from the University, Trodders can be identified by a neon sign with pink and green By opening in the summer, Mr. some possibly for sale. letters and the silhouette of a Brown said that it will give them Other plans are being kept se- race horse. a chance to get some practice in cret, but they have many. Inside, clean wood floors, running a bar before the large Depending on when various small jobs get finished, they hope quaint tables, and various horse college crowd arrives in the fall. to have the grand opening by the racing paraphernalia make up the environment. Brown said he sees the tavern end of the week, so start watch- as a quiet, neighborhood place ing for signs. Brown related his The BC Ntwi/TereuThomai John and Judy Brown are look- where people can go to relax with thanks to the many officials who John Kujawa and 'Ziggy' Millar entertain the public with tbelr musical talents Friday at the ing forward to the opening of their friends and enjoy good food have made their venture an en- Lunch In The Park in Bowling Green City Park. their newest business venture. and light music. joyable experience. I : I Building to be constructed Star Banc rejects offer for nuclear waste at OSU from Fifth Third buyout COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Ohio "The risk isn't direct radiation. Wisconsin. State University will store low- It's more keeping the material CINCINNATI (AP) Star Banc more slowly than projected. per share offer. level radioactive waste at the contained." Carey said. Gregg Larson, executive direc- tor of the commission, said the Corp. said Tuesday it has re- On April 14, Star Banc said it "It is our firm belief that Fifth campus until a permanent stor- Third's offer doesn't reflect the Ohio State now sends the waste site probably would not be in jected a second unsolicited rejected a Fifth Third offer of age site is built in Ohio, the uni- $38 to $40 per share. Star said values inherent in Star, or the fu- to a multi-state storage at operation until at least 1998. buyout offer from Fifth Third versity's director of radiation Bancorp and considers the that offer also was unsolicited, ture prospects of the company," safety said. Bamwell, S.C. That site was scheduled to close at the end of The campus storage site would takeover proposal to be a closed inadequate and not in the com- Waddell said. "It's the tough, but The campus storage building this year, but the South Carolina cost an estimated $500,000. issue. pany's best interests. friendly, competition between could begin operating in 1993 and General Assembly agreed to al- Carey said state funding was re- Star Banc said that Fifth Third Oliver Waddell, Star Banc's Fifth Third and Star Banc that offered $42 per share, to be paid has made both of us successful would handle waste generated in low the site to stay open until quested but not expected. He chairman and chief executive in Fifth Third common shares. and financially strong. We keep about 500 labs at the university, 1996 and to accept out-of-state said the university may finance officer, said his company has Star's board of directors said it strong growth prospects, includ- each other on our toes." Walter Carey said Monday. waste until 1994. the project with money from The waste would include some scientific grants. unanimously rejected the offer ing the $16 million purchase it Fifth Third has 4,200 em- gloves, laboratory equipment A permanent storage site is Tuesday as inadequate, and said completed June 19 of 28 Cleve- ployees and $9.3 billion in assets. and other material used in medi- planned in Ohio for use by states Larson said the commission is Star would best serve its stock- land-area offices from Amerit- Star Banc has 3,800 employees cal procedures and experiments, in the Midwest Low-Level paying Ohio State $274,000 for holders by continuing as an inde- rustCo. and $7.7 billion in assets, includ- and from bioengineering Radioactive Waste Commission. one year to develop a program to pendent corporation. Waddell said Star has already ing the Cleveland purchase. research. The dry waste would The states are Ohio, Indiana, educate Ohioans about low-level Fifth Third spokeswoman Patti been recommended by some as be stored in 55-gallon drums. Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and radioactive waste storage. Stanley declined to confirm an investment prospect. Smart A combination of the two bank whether Fifth Third had made Money magazine in April ranked holding companies would create the renewed offer. She said the Star Banc as No. 31 among the an entity with about $17 billion in company had no comment. top 50 growth stocks for the assets and more than 400 offices. Star said Fifth Third's offer 1990s, Star Banc said. In midday trading on the Nas- would not have adequately Waddell said he met with daq national market Tuesday, protected Star's shareholders if George Schaefer Jr., Fifth Fifth Third was up 75 cents per the market price of Fifth Third's Third's president and chief ex- share at $42.50 and Star Banc 1-800-332-AIDS stock were to decline, or grow ecutive officer, to discuss the $42 was down 50 cents at $37.

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Just Say No To Drugs Navy loses in sex scandal case

WASHINGTON The House the reductions come from the At the 1991 meeting of the eral had an opportunity to com- Appropriations Committee took Washington, D.C., area Tailhook Association, at least 26 ment. out its anger over the Navy's The Navy said Monday it didn't women half of them Navy offi- During debate on the defense handling of the Tailhook sex immediately know the total num- cers said they were fondled and budget, the Tailhook incident abuse scandal Monday by voting ber of people who worked at its disrobed while being pushed prompted emotional responses to slash 10,000 positions from the headquarters. down a gantlet of drunken avia- from lawmakers. service's headquarters. The full House considers the tors in a Las Vegas hotel hallway. The action is part of a $253 bil- defense budget on Thursday and Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said lion defense budget the panel ap- probably will approve the job re- he had three daughters in their Initial Navy inquiries impli- 20s, and "if somebody treated my proved by voice vote for the fis- ductions. The Senate is not ex- cated only two men although daughters that way, ... I'd tear cal year beginning Oct. 1. The pected to complete its version of 1,500 people were interviewed. him apart." overall spending package is the bill until September. The Navy investigator said some about $9 billion less than Presi- The cuts could be trimmed or senior officers refused to allow Murtha, a former Marine, ac- dent Bush requested. eliminated when lawmakers their men to be photographed, or cused the Navy of stonewalling his panel, which has sought in- from the House and Senate meet otherwise impeded the probe. Offended by the Tailhook inci- in conference to work out a final formation for the past two years dent and the Navy's inquiry, The Pentagon's inspector gen- on an incident at the U.S. Naval version of the bill. Rep. John eral is now investigating the in- members of the panel sought to Murtha, D-Pa., chairman of the Academy in which a female cadet punish the service by cutting its cident. The Navy has said about was chained to a urinal. Appropriations defense sub- 70 officers could face disciplin- budget. committee, said any changes de- ary action. In the Tailhook case, Murtha pend on the Navy's response. The committee voted to elim- said he was "outraged by the inate 10,000 administrative and "It's a cover-up," said Murtha, conduct of military officers management jobs at departmen- "It's directly connected to the who noted that the Navy released against other military officers. tal and major command head- obstruction and arrogance in the the report on its nearly six-month It's a cowardly act under any cir- quarters and recommended that Navy," Murtha said. inquiry before the inspector gen- cumstances." Trustees Earthquake Continued from page one. Continued from page one. blow of Gov. George Voinovich's be eliminated by attrition, includ- off loyal BGSU employees. It is was hurt. 15 percent reduction in state in- ing 41 faculty positions, will be one of the most difficult de- About three dozen people structional subsidies, the Uni- left unfilled for next year. cisions we have ever faced but I sought treatment for mostly versity Monday notified Univer- The University is also planning am convinced that, given the minor injuries Monday at Hi- sity employees of their layoffs. to eliminate approximately 72 long-term outlook for state sup- Desert Hospital, said spokeswo- The educational budget antici- more positions which are expect- port for higher eduction, it is a man Theresa Graham. Three pates a loss for the Unviversity ed to become vacant during the necessary action," Olscamp said. people also sought hospital care of $6.25 million. coming year. This is primarily for aftershock-related injuries in The BG Ncwi/Tcrcu Thomai The budget reductions, the the result of an Early Retirement The state cutbacks are the re- Palm Springs. Twelve-year-old Eric King receives a certificate from D.A.R.E largest in University history, will Incentive Program for adminis- sult of state fiscal problems Sunday's magnitude 7.4 and 6.5 officer Grant Tansel Friday. King participated In a special mean the University will begin trative and classified staff. which have led Governor Voino- quakes damaged 4,631 homes and D.A.R.E program for kids who do not have one at their school. the year with 115 fewer person- The grand total positions to be vich to propose massive budget 164 businesses and destroyed 20 This event took place at Days Inn, 1550 E. Wooster St. nel, including 33 classified and eliminated over the next year reductions. The bulk of the cuts homes and 10 businesses, said administrative employees who will be approximately 187. will be borne by higher educa- the San Bernardino County Of- will be laid off. However, the number is expect- tion, which is expecting a IS per- fice of Public Safety. Damage After a brisk morning jog, enjoy a copy of The BG News Additionally, further jobs will ed to be larger if the tuition cap cent reduction in subsidies. was put at more than $37 million. J is not increased, or if the IS per- Higher education will absorb A boy was killed and more than cent state subsidy reduction some 61 percent, or $224 million, 350 people were injured. were increased. of the total budget cuts of $370 Roads and bridges in San Ber- HOURS "I deeply regret the need to lay million. nardino and Los Angeles counties Lty© sd WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY sustained $500,000 damage. 8:00 P.M. to 2:30 A.M.

Wednesday - Movie Nite - Quarter Good Tymes 5 World Student Night-plus a full nite of dancing Association Saturday 18 & Older Summer Activities UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP June 27 Toledo Zoo 18 4 Over Welcome |1 for invalid ID No cover 21 & over Depart 9:30 am Return 4:30 pm valid ID - 18 & Older Sunday through Thursday FREE SECURE PARKING Friday - No cover B4 10pm - DOWNTOWN / TOLEDO July 11 Kelly's Island Come as you are Every Wednesday - Kenny Reeves Marblehead Lighthouse 208 N. SUPERIOR STREET - Ladies Night Depart 8:30 am SUPmm AT JEFHES0N Return 6:00 pm PHONE 243-5911 Saturday -21 & over - hottest dance music in town Thursday July 2 - Positive Sweat July 25 Cedar Point* Depart 8:30 am Special event: July 22nd - Social Distortion tickets on sale at all Return 11:00 pm Ticket Master Call Club Bijou for details 243-5911 Aug. 1 Seneca Caverns Friday July 3 -The Shantydigs Depart 8:30 am Return 4:00 pm * Trip is co-sponsored by UAO, Saturday July 4 - ... To Be MAP, and Residential Services. Announced llllllllllllllllllll WELCOME Van for each trip will depart ON -rt r\ r\ r\ n- TIME from the Union Oval; return FRESHMEN! HAPPY HOURS 6-9 Everyday! limes arc approximate. Student Services Building Now Hiring Local Bands and Barmaids For cost and reservation information, please call the Center 153 E. Wooster for International Programs, 372- 353-6264 2247. Our office is located on the University Bookstore 1 lth floor of Offenhauer West. (In The Student Services Building) Conveniently Located On Campus! Rent Now For Fall 1992 Gsed and New Textbooks Columbia Ridge Large Selections of BGSU Clothing Court Manor Apts. Apts. • SPECIAL ORDER BOOK SERVICE •BGSU CLOTHING •CHILDREN'S BOOKS •ART & SCHOOL SUPPUES BG's Newest Apartment 519 Ridge Street • BESTSELLERS •FILM & DEVELOPING Complex 2 Bedroom, Furnished •PAPERBACKS •GREETING CARDS Close To B.G.S.U. Townhouses •COMPUTER SOFTWARE & SUPPLIES •BGSU IMPRINT ITEMS Close to Campus •MAGAZINES •HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS •CALCULATORS •GIFTS Hurry Only A Few Left!!!! Call Us At 352-0717 For More Information. Store Hours: 7:30-5:00 Mon.-Thurs. Greenbriar Inc., Mgr. 7:30-11:30 Fri. ABB CLOSED SAT. Summer Rates Available Pre-Registration Hours: 7:30-5:00 Mon-Thurs. Phone: 372-2851 7:30-1:00 Fri. Come See Our Listings For Other Locations. World Wednesday, July 1, 1992 The BG News page five

Ramos receives Captors U.N. mediates for Africa DAKAR, Senegal (AP) - Nel- Mandela told reporters he was world and to seek to resolve son Mandela said his meeting particularly touched by Bou- problems with all parties inter- Philippine power Monday with U.N. Secretary- daif's death because Algeria had ested," Mandela told reporters. free U.S. General Boutros Boutros-Ghali "played a vital role in the strug- Mandela said the ANC has pre- gle against racial oppression in by Robert H. Reid gave him new hope of resolving sented a memorandum to the The Associated Press whom he defended through sev- his conflict with the South Afri- South Africa." Mandela said he South African government with en coup attempts. Mrs. Aquino resident can government. and other ANC fighters received specific demands. defied the odds and completed "I leave the meeting with a military training in Algeria. "Whether we are going to con- MANILA, Philippines -- Fidel her term, fulfilling a pledge to MANILA, Philippines feeling of strength and hope," The ANC blames the South tinue with negotiations or not is Ramos, a shrewd political vet- hand over power to an elected (AP) A California busi- Mandela told reporters. African government for the June going to depend on how de Klerk eran who served under dictator- successor. nessman has been freed by Boutros-Ghali, seeking to bring 17 massacre in Boipatong, south responds to those demands. If he ship and democracy, was sworn Ramos promised to erase the Communist rebels after Mandela's African National Con- of Johannesburg, which killed at responds effectively, then nego- in Tuesday as president of a na- "anti-American, anti-foreign neat ly two years in captivi- gress and South Africa's white least 42 people. To protest the tiations will continue, but if he tion plagued by corruption, pov- image" which developed after ty in the northern Philip- government back to the negotiat- killings, the ANC broke off black- does not there is no prospect erty and rebel violence. the government ordered the re- pines, the U.S. Embassy ing table, met Saturday with For- white political negotiations and whatsoever for the continua'ion It was the first peaceful trans- moval of the last U.S. military said Tuesday. eign Minister Pik Botha. demanded an international in- of negotiations." fer of power in 26 years in this base this year from the former U.S. officials said Arvey Mandela later met with Niger- vestigation of violence and police In the meeting with Botha, nation of 65 million, a former U.S. colony, which became inde- Drown was flown to the ian President Ibrahim Babangida actions. Boutros-Ghali said he had "quite American colony that has been pendent in 1946. United States-run Subic and Robert Mugabe of Zimbab- Mandela is to address the OAU constructive discussions con- the base for U.S. naval power in He also pledged to restore law Bay naval base today for a we, in one of many private ses- summit. sidering" the negotiations be- the Pacific since World War II. and order, improve basic ser- checkup after reaching Tu- sions before the opening of the Mandela on Sunday denied a tween de Klerk's government "Let us begin by telling our- vices, and show that "govern- guegarao with Roman 51-nation Organization of Afri- statement from South African and black groups. selves the truth," Ramos said in ment is not unavoidably corrupt Catholic priests who nego- can Unity summit. President F.W. de Klerk that ne- Boutrus-Ghali confirmed his 30-minute inaugural speech and that bureaucracy is not tiated his release. The summit was opened Mon- gotiations would continue in pri- Botha invited him to visit South "Our nation is in trouble and necessarily ineffective." "We greatly appreciate day afternoon by outgoing OAU vate. Africa there are no easy answers, no "We Filipinos have lacked not the efforts of the bishop of President Babangida, who called He also appeared cool about a The OAU summit ends easy fixes for our basic ills." the way but the will," said the Tuguegarao and his col- for a minute of silence in honor meeting Saturday between Bou- Wednesday. Hours before the inauguration 64-year-old West Point and Uni- leagues as well as the of the assassinated Algerian tros-Ghali and South African "Boutros-Ghali is perfectly en- ceremony, bombs believed to be versity of Illinois graduate. efforts of the civilian and leader Mohamed Boudaif. Foreign Minister Pik Botha. titled to go to any place in the planted by right-wing extremists Ramos' victory was a personal military officials who exploded at branches of a bank triumph for Mrs. Aquino, who helped free (Drown)," the owned by a Ramos supporter. supported the country's first embassy said in a state- Several thousand leftists Protestant president despite op- ment. In Tuguegarao, 250 miles Panama abolishes army marched through the streets position from the Roman Catho- byhv Juan E. ZamnranaZamorano / denouncing the former defense lic hierarchy and many of her north of Manila, radio The Associated Press Nobel Peace Prize laureate Os- to defend the Panama Canal secretary as a "fascist." relatives. station DZNC said Drown arrived Tuesday at Archbi- car Arias last week praised the when the United States turns "There will be no honeymoon," "(Mrs. Aquino) has made our proposed banning of the army, over full control in the year 2000. leftist leader Nathaniel Santiago democracy a fortress against ty- shop Diosdado Talamayan's residence there. The station PANAMA CITY (AP) Parlia- saying it would promote democ- said. rants. Now we must use it to ena- ment on Monday approved a racy, law and social justice. Arias It also argued that if Panama The explosions did little dam- ble our people to take control of said rebels released Drown on Sunday but it took two package of constitutional re- is the former president of neigh- banned its own army, it should age but underscored the difficul- their lives," Ramos said. "To this forms that ban the army, which boring Costa Rica, which aboli- also demand a withdrawal of U.S. ties Ramos will have in uniting work of empowering the people days for him and the priests escorting him to reach Tu- traditionally has been Panama's shed its army in 1948. troops from Panamanian soil. this fractious nation, facing with ... I dedicate my presidency." strongest institution. Arias said the changes "tend to Marxist and Muslim insurgen- The Philippines has not experi- guegarao. He was met by his wife The 58 measures were ap- consecrate Panama's commit- Party deputy Mario Rognoni cies and threats from military enced a peaceful transition since proved 50-12 by the unicameral ment to the cause of peace." indicated his group will cam- dissidents. the late President Ferdinand and U.S. Embassy officials, the radio station said. legislature after more than two Panama's previous constitution paign against the constitutional Several thousand people gath- Marcos was first elected in years of debate. A national re- was written and amended during changes before the referendum. ered under heavy security to November 1965. Drown, believed to be in his mid-60s, was abducted ferendum on the changes will be periods of military rule. watch Ramos and his vice presi- Mrs. Aquino took office in the held Nov. 15. The proposals approved Mon- dent, Joseph Estrada, take their 1986 uprising that toppled Mar- Oct. 17, 1990, when Com- day also modify the court system munist rebels stopped his Panama abolished its Defense The reforms call for a police oaths in a park near Manila Bay. cos. force under presidential control and set up an autonomous tri- bus at a roadblock near the Forces following the December A former aide to dictator Fer- Ramos, a second cousin of that would be banned from in- bunal to rule on electoral dis- town of Appari. 1989 U.S. invasion that toppled dinand Marcos who went on to Marcos, enters office with the their leader, strongman Manuel volvement in party politics. putes. They would give parlia- He owned a mining com- defend democracy, Ramos won smallest mandate in Philippine Noriega. In their place, the coun- The Revolutionary Democratic ment the right to act against the pany in Colorado and re- the six-year presidency in elec- history: 23.5 percent of the vote try created a national police Party opposed the reforms, argu- president or judges if grave portedly was in the Philip- tions last month marred by alle- in the seven-way contest May 11. force. ing that Panama needs an army crimes occurred. gations of fraud. He served for 17 years under pines to investigate busi- He paid tribute to his Marcos as chief of the national ness prospects. predecessor, Corazon Aquino, police.

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What a valuable time to advertise! S\ Pre-Registration begins Writers] on July 1 and runs through July 22. 9s[eedecC\ ^ The BG News offers an effective and cost The BG News efficient way to advertise needs reporters mFM104 your business while to cover campus PRESENTS reaching the new and general Rasberry Jam students and their assignment • RANSACK • MUDDY BOGGS & parents on their initial events for the THE AUGIE DOGS • BLITZEN • visits to Bowling Green. summer. • EXCALIBUR • MALAKAI * Call Jackie or • RIZZO • Amy at 372-2601 FOOD ON SALE • FREE PARKING or No Glass! No Kegs! No Pets! Cooler Inspection at Gate No Discounts for Children. 352-1394 : + «,. Reserve your space today! or Gtts Open m(hX m. ADVANCE TICKETS JIMO in the attend the \^ MncSunm 1100 Noon FWmadPortijtQum The Portap Qiurry B located JUB AT THE GATE 5 PM meeting v.. 1 mile south of Bowling Green RAINDATEJUIY5TH BG News today in 210 on Sue Rome 25 NO REFUNDS - West Hall. NO RE-ADMISSION Call you account representative at 372-2606 "V Serving Pizza & Cold Subst Entertainment page six The BG News Wednesday, July 1, 1992 Metalheads versus Lemonheads

and Ozzy Osbourne. Alright" deals with a drug- metamorphasized into a dull, The Lizard, the group's second induced suicide. The tracks trancclike version of stunned. album, has much to offer - even a "Freedom" and "Body Bags" The songs are by no means bad - .MUSIC, few songs for those who prefer a point out some of the other trou- just different. tamer type of music. bles with the world today, such as But, considering the fact that /REVIEW The central track, "Hostile war and government corruption: guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Youth," is a song about rebellion 'They light the sky, so many Evan Dando is the only original J and its sporadic music reflects die/For what they see is wrong Lemonhead left, the change this with a metal-sounding or right.' should not be surprising. This The Lizard chorus between the smoother On a lighter note, the title track time around, Dando is joined by Third Stone/Atlantic Records verses. and the track "Feel the Same drummer David Ryan (who also If you like rock and metal The band's vocals are definite- Way" both have a good beat and played on Lemonheads' 1990 bands such as Metallica, Queens- ly supreme. Check out "Love Is are quite enjoyable. The roman release, Lovey) and bas- ryche or even Rrehouse, you'll on the Way," a good ballad with tic lyrics ot "All I Want" are al- sist/vocalist Juliana Hatfield (of probably like the metallic guitar fine-tuned singing from lead vo- luring as well. Blake Babies and also a solo art- sound of Saigon Kick. This calist , backed up by Aside from some of the lyrics, ist). The title track, "Rockin' 4-year-old Miami band was once guitarist Jason Bieler. Bieleralso which were pretty graphic, The Stroll," written from the point of known for being thrown out of produced the album. Lizard is a good listen, and Sai- view of a baby in a stroller, starts every club they played - they Saigon Kick's punk/rock rude gon Kick's talent is improving off with a Rush-like guitar riff, were simply rude. attitude from their earlier days every step of the way. but soon shifts into being about But after the release of their shows in the track "My Dog," a Tonya Peters the only upeat song on the album. self-titled first album, Saigon short, screaming song about a "Confetti" is about Dando's par- Kick earned some respect. They man's realization that his dog has Lemonheads ents' divorce and how it could dominated the South Florida been killed in the street. It's a Shame About Ray have affected his behavior with Rock Awards for three consecu- The hostile lyrics of "God of Atlantic women. tive years, and they began land- 42nd Street" and "Peppermint The first time I got a dose of The title track is a catchy little ing gigs with such national acts Tribe" have obvious anti- Lemonheads, I was a senior in ditty, but leaves something to be as Ratt, Extreme, Cheap Trick religious undertones, and "All high school and a friend of mine desired. "My Drug Buddy" has had a copy of Hate Your Friends the same catchiness, but is a in his car. The energy, humor and much better song. "Bit Part" is Squeeze my Lemonhead: Evan Dando, the man behind the rind simplicity of the band's 1987 de- one of the better tunes with a but l.p. had me addicted on the classic Dando refrain ("I just cover is a light, off-handed ren- Friends is not part of your collec- first hit and we almost knocked want a bit part in your life"). dition of "Frank Mills,"a non-r- tion, buy it first. Although it is a the car over from slamming "Alison's Starting to Happen," hyming song from the broad way good album songwise, It's a against the doors. Naturally, I the best song on the album, was musical Hair. Shame About Ray simply lacks was excited to hear about the originally written about a friend All in all, this album is pleasant the energy of the group's earlier release ofIt's a Shame about Ray. of Dando's coming on to a fun to listen to while studying or work. However, the excitement soon drug, but eventually became a rleeping. However, if Hate Your Scott DeKatch turned to shock when I heard a love song ("She's the puzzle piece track from the album (in another behind the couch /That made the friend's car - go figure). Not sky complete"). "Hannah and knowing who we were listening Gabi" sounds like a Steve Miller to, I thought for a minute it might 'imitation at best. be Lush, or some other light, Of course, a Lemonheads' mm DKINMKS alternative, I-wish-I-was- album could not possibly be i* \Mmia I' ^ K I % • S M » K I Morrisey rock band. complete without some bizarre That single track was not cover. In the past, fans have been Hove o Fun ond Sofe TRAVEL enough to disappoint me, given the gift of covers by Su- 4th of July! however, and on a closer listen to zanne Vega, Kiss and Mike Nes- Kicking out the jams: Saigon Kick the entire album, the initial shock mith. This time around, the cool FROM NEW YORK One Way Rountttrip COME LIVE WITH US FOR FALL! 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Wednesday, July 1, 1992 The BG News page seven

Nuggets win big in draft USA's Stockton America's round draft choice in 1995. They Other draft picks of notice are also selected of Clarence Weastherspoon of battle foiv Steve Seasley North Carolina in the first round. Southern Mississippi by Phila- Sports Editor On the surface the Knicks delphia, of Ala- out of Olympics came out ahead, but when you bama by Golden State, and Byron qualifiers look deeper into the acqusitions, Houston of Oklahoma State by PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Stockton. Fortunately for Chicago. uncertainty looms. Blackman John Stockton's broken leg coach Chuck Daly, Patrick by Jim O'Connell was a scoring machine with Dal- and a lackluster first half Ewing came back earlier than The Associated Press las during his youth, but his days Weatherspoon is a powerful against Canada proved that expected from a dislocated There were numerous winners of youth are numbered. How ef- force in the pivot who uses his the U.S. Dream Team will not right thumb. and losers in last Wednesday's fective will he be in New York? robust body to create space in the be a smooth-running machine "We'll alternate Scottie PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Brazil NBA draft, and I am proud to say His defense is what scares me. lane. He is a good jumper and a all summer. Pippen, and became the first official Olympic the Cavaliers were not among the Defense wins games, wild shot ferocious rebounder. He has a X-rays showed that Stock- at point qualifier from the Tournament of losers. However, the Cavs were selection doesn't. chance to be a star in the NBA. ton, originally diagnosed as guard," Daly said. "But injur- the Americas. not winners either. Cleveland Sprewell is an athletic guard who having a bruised calf, has an ies are taking a toll." The Dream Team's spot in the failed to have a selection in the Davis is another question portrays the image of the Golden undisplaced fracture of the The Dream Team outshot Barcelona Games was almost draft due to previous trades. I mark. Everyone says he is such State Warriors. He has the lower leg. Stockton will miss the Canadians 53.3 percent to guaranteed the day the roster of wish they would have made an at- of a great shooter, but can he unique ability to create his own the rest of the Tournament of 34.4 percent for the game, but NBA All-Stars was announced to tempt to move into the draft or perform the other essentials of shots Coach always the Americas and probably the Americans managed only represent the United States. had made a trade with another the game? His skinny frame and seems to find a gem in the late the Olympics. 47.6 percent shooting in the team. Those who take risks win. height worries me. At 6-4, will he picks of the draft. Houston is a Rosters for the Games in first half and had just a 50-33 Brazil (3-0), however, did it on The Cavs have remained stag- be able to cover fellow guards dominating presence in the paint Barcelona must be set by July lead at halftime, 23 fewer the court Monday night when it nant. like Michael Jordan, Clyde Drex- who slipped down in the draft be- IS. than Sunday's halftime mar- beat Mexico 90-87 to secure one ler and Reggie Miller? I don't cause he is only 6-5, but was Stockton was injured while gin against the Cubans. of the four berths this hemi- While the Cavs sat around the think so. New York will need to listed as 6-8 during his playing the Dream Team was strug- "I expected us to not be as sphere will have for Barcelona. television dreaming about a pos- make more substantial moves if days at Oklahoma State. gling in the first half of a sharp," Daly said. "We wer- Even if Brazil were to be upset sible NBA Championship, the they are to capture the title. 105-61 victory over the Cana- en't as emotional, Canada's by Uruguay in its final qualify- Knicks, Jazz, Bucks, Nuggets, Utah traded their draft picks Switching from the draft to the dians. size inside gave us trouble ing-round game on Wednesday, it and Heat made radical draft and sent Blue Edwards and Eric Olympics, did anyone see Karl While a 44-point decision and we didn't shoot as well." would win all tiebreakers cour- moves to improve their respec- Murdock to for Jay Malone at halftime of the Team hardly can be called a cliff- scored 15 tesy of a 23-point win over Puerto tive clubs for next season. Humphries and Larry Krystkow- USA basketball game versus hanger, it's clear that the U.S. points before fouling out with Rico and a 47-point victory over iak. This was a great trade for Cuba. Team USA won by about 80 team plays better with a little 5:10 left. Jordan scored 14 Venezuela. While the Knicks appeared to both squads. Milwaukee drafted points, but athletics isn't every- motivation. points and and "We didn't come here to go to be the big winners of the draft, and thing. Malone was interviewed So what will it take to get Johnson had 13 each. the NBA party. We came here to the Denver Nuggets actually from Arkansas in the first round. by Bob Costas on NBC during the the Americans going tonight Former Los Angeles Laker qualify," Brazilian coach Jose benefitted the most. They ac- Day Is a brilliant scorer and halftime segment. I was embar- against Panama, who beat had 14 points and Medalhasaid. quired LaPhonso Ellis of Notre Mayberry was the best point rassed for Karl Malone. His Cuba on Monday to get back Al Kristmanson had 11 for Dame and of Vir- guard in the draft. in the race for the Olympics? Canada Canada was outre- The Dream Team (2-0), which ginia in the first round. At 6-8, Miami surprised everyone by speech was filled with flawed, "We're going to take back bounded 54-32. beat Canada 105-61 Monday Ellis is an athletic forward who selecting of USC third-grade grammar that made the canal," said Charles Bark- "We battled them pretty night, will have to qualify with- will fit in well with the up-tempo with the 12th selection in the me sad and angry to be an Amer- ley, who had 19 points Mon- hard and had the game pretty out John Stockton. style of the Nuggets. Stith was draft. Miner has been compared ican. Here is a man who is worth day night and has been the close in the first half," Cana- He was originally diagnosed with the most underrated guard in the to Michael Jordan and is a potent millions of dollars and is wor- leading scorer for the United dian coach Ken Shields said. a bruised calf after being kicked draft. He may have more of an scorer, but needs to strengthen shiped by basketball fans around States in each of its two vic- "We tried desperately not to by Michael Jordan, but X-rays impact than Jimmy Jackson in his defense. The Heat now have a the world, but he can not speak in tories. give them transition oppor- later showed he has an un- his first NBA season. Denver is surplus of guards and will be a coherent, educated fashion. Whatever happens against tunities. But the biggest dif- displaced fracture of the lower loaded with youth, and new coach looking for teams interested in Karl Malone is a product of the Panama, the Americans may ference with their team is right leg. He will miss the re- Dan Issel brings a refreshing at- either , Kevin Edwards, American society. I feel sorry for have to play without Larry that all their guys are run- mainder of the qualifying tour- titude to the Nugget camp. Brian Shaw, Miner, or Steve him. Bird (sore back) as well as ners. nament and his status for Barce- The Knicks acquired Rolando Smith. Did you hear that Cleve- Steve Seemly is a sports writer lona won't be known for a while. Blackman from Dallas for a first land? for the News. nrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: nnnnnnnnnnnnnrnnnnnnt rmimmnnnrnmmnrr it 3 C Writers Ever Get A Pa! Smashed? 3 Needed l MID AM MANOR The BG News needs reporters to cover campus and general 1 assignment events for the summer. ■z^, 3 Call Jackie or Amy at 372-2601 or 352-1394 jm HAIR 1 or 1 'NOW RENTING' attend the 5 PM meeting today in 210 West Hall. «*£ UNLIMITED 1 1 Choose from choice apartments within walking 1 distance to campus Summer 1992 and 1992-93 354-1559 1 school year. FREE PARKING 1 YOU'RE ONE IN A MILLION 1 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, N€*US 248 N. Main 1 gas heat & water included, air conditioning 1 ' Free Suntan Visit With Resident Manager, 1 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. Hair Service With Ad By 1 H specially for 352-4380 September 15,1992 1 You. Especially for Your Hair. A hair 1 -\nnr\-in-\-\-i-.-.rmnnnr\-\n-\nr\r\rr care system to meet your hair and scalp needs. A Matrix Essentials Regimen p as individual as you e re-fi are. Call today. ^ STUDENTS e G PARENTS Assorted DGSU Shirrs etc.. SPACE SAVERS ymatrix "Also corrying DGSU Jockers, Hors, ESSENTIALS Norepods, Pencils, Mugs, Tumblers, I.D. Holders, INC. CK.DK. Covers, Dorebooks, Candy Jars, ere. MAXIMIZE ALL YOUR LIVING SPACE The Look You Want Collegiate Connection Put Style in your Life (formerly Jeans -N- Things) 352-S333 531 Ridge, Across from Mac West : s i (Famous Hair #i» H W^^^^^^U FOODTOWN PLUS PLAZA... 352-1989 WINTHROP ' >* NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY—JUST WALK IN TERRACE IP OPEN Mon.-Fri. 9-8; Sat. 8-6; Sun. 10-3 - -4TJ.1II J.1M !•— APTS PERM PLUS 11 KID'S CUT ADULT 400 Napoleon Rd. *Ma>aa cm. "u" IKW *tdua*a, I W« Lov« K«tt' HAIR CUT Itafularty (37.00 FUHOry FMIOry * ■ long* w ifcgmiy "*on I ' Raoularly S9.C I I larly W.OO Keep your tank full M Our Lofts Meet University Approved 2795|i 595 li 795 use our campus shuttle Specifications !i. (residents only) Fire retardent Sofabeds - Refrigerators for 92-93 school year HH2E23ZaT" ' -■1«HU»T7M ! THE WORKS SEHIORS !', • 3 locations Limited supply, so call today. MftsM Shampoo Matron. Style Ory CUT6»9 j! • 1 & 2 bedrooms Fall Signups In Process •win ttw oMapon oriy 23oo Regularly S14.0O J95 !! PERM ONLY • furnished & unfurnished II PERM |l Ptaos»onCuiEiIrB 24 I MNh Ms coupon only J.T's Carryout 352-5475 Col A Flurl Fnih i 1 lent** Me* EiBe' CALL 352-9135 1Q95mm ^s^- '■ MonMOT ThruThurirnru irw. gam^prnvam-jpm !: WaRoflulRriy..■isjfJIaM.sWwi**p a134.001 »w.w Sports page eight The BG News Wednesday, July 1, 1992

'Dream Team' crushes Unseeded McEnroe wins, crass Canucks, 105-61 advances to quarterfinals by Bill Barnard by Stephen Wilson The Associated Press ing shots and saved a break point McEnroe reached the quarter- The Associated Press Johnson and Chris Mullin The loss did not ruin Can- in the third game with a service finals Monday for the first time had 13 each for the United ada's chances of being one winner. in three years, beating Russian States. of the four teams from the Becker served out the match in qualifier Andrei Olhovskiy the PORTLAND, Ore. -- Mike Sinrt-k had 14 points WIMBLEDON, England - tournament to make the - Boris Becker overwhelmed the next game at 15, with Fer- - Crush thy neighbor. and Al Kristmanson 11 for Olympics. A victory over man who ended Jim Courier's Wayne Ferreira in the decisive reira netting a forehand return Grand Slam quest - 7-5, 6-3, 76 That was the Dream Canada, which was outre- Panama on Wednesday on the first match point. Team's assignment for probably will be enough to fifth set today to reach the Wim- (12-10). bounded 54-32. bledon quarterfinals for the sev- Becker, a three-time Wimble- Monday night against Can- The expected blowout fi- send the Canadians to the don champion, will will face ada. Despite a lackluster nally took shape early in the quarterfinals on Thursday enth time in eight years. It was McEnroe's second con- In a match that had been sus- 12th-seeded Andre Agassi in the secutive straight-set victory and first half, the U.S. national first half with a 15-0 run night, when they would quarterfinals. The other quarter- team rolled to a 105-61 vic- pended by darkness Monday proved that, despite his 33 years, capped by Scot tic Pippen's need to win in order to gain finalists are No. 2 Stefan Edberg, he remains one of the best grass- tory that pushed the Amer- night and delayed by rain for 3-pointer and dunk that a berth in Barcelona. more than three hours today, No. 3 Michael Stich, No. 5 Pete court players in the world. icans closer to an Olympic made the score 71-40 with The U.S. team officially Becker prevailed 36,6-3, 6-4, 6-7 Sampras, No. 8 Goran Ivanisevic, berth. 14:05 left. has not clinched an Olym- (6-8), 6-1. No. 9 Guy Forget and unseeded "When the guy's playing well After a near-perfect per- The Canadians played on pic berth although its two John McEnroe. he's capable of anything," said formance in their debut even terms with the Dream victories in the tournament Ferreira, the 14th seed, had the Andre Agassi. "When he's play- Sunday against Cuba, the After more than a week of dry Team for the next six have made it virtually cer- momentum when he won the weather, rain hit Wimbledon for ing his game, nobody does it bet- Americans struggled with minutes before the Ameri- tain the Americans will fourth set tiebreaker Monday. the first time today, delaying the ter. ... I wouldn't be surprised to on the bench cans spurted again, taking a make it. But he appeared helpless Tues- with a sore back and John start of play for three hours and see him win the tournament." 101-59 lead with 2:48 re- The Canadians, who lost day against an all-court ons- 10 minutes. Stockton sidelined with a maining. to Cuba before the Cubans laught from the fourth-seeded bruised right calf. In other games at the fell by 79 points to the McEnroe downplayed his German. The women's quarterfinals Charles Barkley led the Tournament of the Ameri- Dream Team on Sunday, chances as a legitimate title con- U.S. team with 19 points cas Monday, Puerto Rico gained some respect in the were set for today: Monica Seles tender but said he still has a shot. while Karl Malone scored defeated Uruguay 104-88 first half, trailing just 31-24 Becker won eight of the first vs. Nathalie Tauziat, Gabriela "I'm the lowest on the list (of 15 before fouling out with and Panama beat Cuba with 6:57 left after a 9-2 run nine points while racing to a 3-0 Sabatini vs. Jennifer Capriati, the quarterfinalists)," he said. 5:10 left. Michael Jordan 86-67. Later Monday night, keyed by two jumpers by lead. He held serve at 15 in the Martina Navratilova vs. Katerina "(But) the fact I'm still in ... if a scored 14 points and Magic Brazil met Mexico. . first game, broke at love in the Maleeva and Steffi Graf vs. couple of guys go down, anything second with two forehand pass- Natalia Zvereva. can happen." Classified The BG News

Peisonalized Graduation Announcements Nails-Fiber glass, $35 00 Fill, 1.17.00 i or 2 lemale roommaies needed 1992-93 t»77 VW BUG Excellent condition 45.800 o 1 ft 2 bedrm furnished apts. CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS now available at the Unlvarsity Bookstons. Acrylic, $2500; Fill, $1500 Nail piercing, school year. Fox Run Aprs Call ngmal miles. One owner. $3,200 or best offer 9 and/or 12 month leases. Indicates name, degree and major Deadline $5 00 Campus Headquarters 354-2244. 1 216 734 6286. ask lor Tneresa Phone 354-6666 352-7454. •o'crceimg jVy i. 1992 Oder Today11 1986 Chrysler LeBaron convertible Leather, 2 rmies to share spacious downtown apt. Own Get your day under way The Lesbian and Gay Information Line Personalized Graduation Announcements lull power, excellent condition. 4,500 will be open this summer from 7-10pm on bdrm, share kitchen & bath Only $l75/mo 1 bedrm. furnished or unfum. apts. with tr>e smooth sounds ol now available al the University Bookstore. 352-4635 BG s MIX on 88 1 FMWBGU Mondays and Wednesdays The phone num- plus phone 352-2208 Excellent location' Close to campus Indicates name, degree and major Deadline 1991 Honda CRX HF. red. 5 speed. CD player. Weekday mornings 7:30 9 30am ber is 352 LAGA (5242|. 1 352-2663 for ordering jjiy 1.1992. Order Today* cassette deck, AC. Asking $8000. Call 352 8547 ask for Troy Take the edge off your day with smooth juz and fresh hits SERVICES OFFERED Sebastian & Naxsus Sale HELP WANTED CHEAP! FBI/US SEIZED 92-93 SUMMER & FALL RENTALS onBGsMIXonea .1 FMWBGU Campus Headquarters Salon 89 MERCEDES $200 OVER 500 UNITS Thursday - Saturday 6-8pm 425 E. Wooster' 354-2244 86 VW $50 E lie . one bdrm.. two bdrm. BEAOJ 87 MERCEDES $100 houses A duplexes. LAG A LAG A 1 *GA LAGA LAGA WBGU FM TRAINING CLASSES $5 00 per hour telemarketing. Experience pre- 6SMUSTANG $50 Stop me ferred but not necessary Send resume to: P.O. The Lesbian And Gay *11 is nee will hold meet- Will Stan 6VSV92 at 7:00 PM Choose from thousands starting $25. 319 E. WOOSTER True spiral perms ■ $50.00 Box 695. Bowling Greon. OH 43402 ings this summer at 8 c i PM on Tuesdays in ir basement of Wesl Han - Rm 31 FREE 24 Hour Recording Reveals (across from Taco Bell) Campus Headquarters Salon Giveway Prices 801-379 2929 Speak with our friendly staff or call the United Christian Feiic vship Center (corner Math tutoring' Experienced 425 E. Wooster'354-2244 " Help Wanted " Copynght»OH17KJCR JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE ol Fldge and Thurston) Ti e meetings are Iree Flexible Hours and open to all homosexual, bisexual and sup- Banfax pest control 354-2260 Call 352 6862 352 5315 portive heterosexual memberb ol the communi- TYPING SERVICES DRUGLORDTRUCKS!$100 ty Discretion is used Reasonable rates with accuracy 86BRONCO $50 Carry Rentals tor Summer LAGA LAGA LAGA LAGA LAGA WANTED Call 352-3967 from 8:00am - 9 00pm 91 BLAZER $150 Apartments ' Rooms ' House BE ON TV many needed tor commercials 77JEEPCJ $50 Phone 352-7365 Now hiring ail ages. For casting info Call (615) Seized Vans, 4x4's. Boats. Choose 779-7111 Ext T 883 from thousands starting $25. FREE PERSONALS 1 female needed to sublease last part of sum- 24 Hour Recording Reveals Details. r^enede*,! mer. $96 mo A UDIS. No deposit. Call Deneen Part-time miscellaneous help 801 -379-2930 Copyright #OH17KKCR Cany Rentals * 352-7365 at 352-0997. If not home, leave message Knickerbocker Services. Single rooms tor male students Bobs, skaters, wedge, fade, flap, buzz, high Call 352 5335 Technics stereo system; includes receiver, 5 2 bdrm. apt. on E. Merry. Need 2 male students to share a 2 bdrm. apt. & tight, spike, flat-lops, GO Look, all $7.00. 1 female roommate needed. disc CD player, cassette deck & wood cabinet Campus Headquarters Salon " 354-2244. House 1 from campus on Ridge St. with glass door $850 Call 352 8547, ask lor Call 352-0470. Troy FOR SALE Voit stationary bicycle. Efficiency units available * 1 Brand new. excellent condition. For short or long term Ideal for graduate students 1 female to share apt. with 3 other girls on 5th Only $85 Must sell 352-4599 Pa b$ Completely furnished w/ full cable St. $150 plus utilises. Call Tami at 878-0205 «ta & Su SamB's is different HBO, uttl.. phone & use of pool incl ASAP. 1975 Plymouth Duster, ? door, auto, power FOR RENT Located (near campus) at the 352-4663 steering, radio Looks good, runs good, only Buckeye Budget Motor Inn All Day Delivery because in this resolutely laid-back 80.400 mi $280 Call 372-2474 or 352-9429 Stop out or call 352-1520 - 354-3182 Open Daily 11 AM • 1992-93 Summer & Fall Rentals' setting, it consistently serves the CINEMARK THEATRES 2 bedroom furnished apts. FREE water, sewer, Housemate wanted. Male, non-smokef, own PASTA heat, AC. HBO. Call 352-2663 room, $150 plus utilities. Call Lance 655-3084. best food between Perrysburg 11 CINEMA 5 "— ROTINIIINGUINE $3.50 Homemade meat sauce, or mannara. garlic bread and Columbus-and at CHEESE TllltmilNI $4.25 bargain-basement prices... Homemade meat sauce, flnu 6 Inch Sub or mannara. garlic bread Above with meatballs $1.00 or Italian Sausage add Si .50. Only $1.99 SUBS expires 7/31/92 WOODLAND MALL Subway only STARTER $3.35 Ham, Salami. Provolone cheese I HURDLER $3.35 Swiss & Provolone *SUBWRY» I SPRNTER $3.35 I Turkey . PACER $3.35 Woodland Mall I Ham 4 Swiss 353-0204 1 RUNNER $3.95 I Tuna JOGGER $3.95 Roast Beef MARATHON $3.95 Wash -n-Ciit Ham, Salami, Turkey now Swiss, Provolone Cheese only $8 WALKAWAY $3.35 rNEWIWEX with this coupon Salami, Turkey. Pepperoni. 4f We have wonderful two bedroom apartments that llriilals Provolone Cheese are affordable for smaller groups-close to campus. Walk-ins Welcome RELAY $4.25 I Roast Beef. Ham. Turkey. 401-407 S. Enterprise 352-5620 Provolone Cheese 712-722 Fourth Above subs start with mayo, 709 Fifth I lettuce, tomato, onion, hot peppers, 801 Fifth 328 S. M;iin oregano, and Italian dressing I rMTHtMBW tHOIWWOVt | 507 E. Merry OurOnl) 520 E. Reed Hair Fashions 843 Sixth Office f" FREE POP 124 W. Wooster w/any regular 525 E. Merry FUI.I. nl Irani *«• ure. niHonoHoHn'11 pick up our listings and start viewing these apartments.