

9.5.85 Edinburgh University Student Newspaper 20p a ~Y.~A tackles budget deficit

McJ now. unb\e pr~ at H• The EU Students' P<<>lotls muol bo - · Tht "~tvolcl cuts by f'NIIong money planned 71 "' ()tnt rent tnCttUt Association has found 198V3 seulon Nw tht renova·tlon through commercl.tl venturte" It whlc:h woutd bt 1 funher fln1nclal Strtt-1, to ~ mot bv EUSA of Ch1mbtra Str"t. 11 1 cost of lmptdlmtnl nself In the position of wtldtelded tocon~n l re l t on tnt The peper pointed OU't that th6re £100,000. Ooubtt were expressed ttevtl butfntss. par1ty bt<:autt ol The timing of the embarJuntnt of hid bMn l.n<:rti.H In having to project a deficit as to the Umfng Of tM expenditure lho c:lreu~ancea aunoundln.g no l.he these lit~ Dtottctt goes tome which coutd, lhtoftticatly, hive ..tUOtnt tr~vellt tht lti'M. but tlto ANoc&lhon·s grant tocomPIMI"' of around £25,000 at the way to ICCOUnbn.g for tht preeent tot VI tte3. when ~ mftdt 10 wa.t. •net the btCauM the tucc:etf of tNt...... ,...,. .. ot 0,.., "euh ChW"' lM KCU~\IOft 1<8U and PGSU ..,• . ,.qu.Nd 10 end of this session. and An.ance CommtftM pointed out lht BOtto Square T,.,.... C..tre, o1 • defdl ot tNt we a. neitbtr a PtY 1hW own~~ coua. eJ(tta inevitably. the reasons for that tt might bt btetat that stage to whtle q'** ...... ~.no conctntrale maki"G the: cash now tucJOen not new OCCU"f'ftlf'ICI.. In turtdl wer• mad• 1wal1ablt this. and more import· cuteom Prtmises a.ubMCrutii"'U)' out Of paJtiW. ~ tftuation ~ Meur._ Ha•lng four lM ,Utthlrtrnor.. u Wlti11\Kth.at. antly, what happens now. htd to bt boUght. but In thlllgtnot defictt.s or £213,000·CU.OOO hlvt wert the PfQ90NI to bt retec:-rftd. prevtously aptnl £1 tniflion on tht novelty of the vonhntln term• been productd by June. Tht l1ktfy outcomot would bt. tl) are now subjects under Tevlot, Potttrrow. and the Oltho tT!artt tt being alrMly IO'OJ

AI lht (USA .a.c:cioM tMUI ctmP8'9" tn•no pert •n IUdt IJ(tMI.. WOYSd ~... ftO fun:Nr """place -today, PTeaktentwith ...... eandld '"""'ett plf1 '" .,.C'.lmp6'9f' Gt.eme Ctrt.,. ha e:on::Stmned .....od. --ol ""' ...... the KtH)f'lf of members ot hit hove been pulled down. bu~ rm c;tmptlgn ttf!m, who wtts t:p01· noc bltmlng lflYOM tor that M1lca ttd pulling down Olvll'n lor Pr•fl· end I agreed that thtrowould be no Mnt postttl • round George dntv eomp~tlgn ud.s. and rm Squere on Mond.ay n~t. by M•k• upUt chat tht ~pe.gn l'lM Oevin hiMMII ~ted ., '"" Wf1Y t com­ Ao:otdlng to o.wn. fonntt plttelv ..cl utterty cOftdiemn the SeniOr Pr...-nt Kt~nShos.. forme~ - olllloM ...... down Honot•rv TrNki,., M..laConwev. M te·aposceq; Fm•nc:e Comm•nee candldtte OIYf•n Ptd tNt C.rttt'l con­ Frner O.nn•t. etKt lnothtu person demnation of t"- J)Oittf )neidents wert teen pulhllg down h11 POll """'' fafr enough H1 Nld. "I t.oow .,._1M r®~ttlnv \hem whh lhoH whll'' ;ofng 01'1 IMOf'O my etm· of Ctrttt Otvt•n utd he 'teed PitOn e~aff. end Gr.. mt ovght tO tho$e who Witt f~ hlt \now wha(s QOI"O Of'ltmonQ ms. posters. lftd ~rtntfy tmpl.et.. ng that -·"'Ic.ntf N!d tN fitJt he k:ww of eo~~ld be done reg•rd""V ..eetlon the •nttM ~ ttnaby Y''f\9 I Anet. Sht r.tult6 co.. t ecce.nt• thlt ·~ on• Mlng .0 druM be could h.ardty tbout UntYtrtit'", but condtmN to comment on het" liter 6edtioft wes a metter of tkpt"llon end of ftlnd •nd hh tpMCh ~a:isted of the GovttM'Iet'll IOf pulltng loudly - down by ""'''"" tntmbers and Mt Mc:t..ughlln and would onty aay 1htt she 1\td mtnMr~ whkh Ytht poa:'"' tnd long pauSH, tht occeslon.a.l "y •h" linendal PfHture on th6m. The denied 11'1.61 such • .,.lvttlon ..Qood audemic •nd pe~ W" Meryt' don't, and, tttding eJrtr;ect.t from tPte refotmj It rtcommenda could not tJdrtod. reatoM to• dOing so"'. Oppottno •h • motktn w .. J •n• order of dtbete ha.ndout. be brought In un1il thil prenure It i$ evident thtt dobtttJ will Rovttson. Though clearly not a Neverthelfls..- he got the moat wa.sleutned, uld the commlnecJ, l1c:e severo mon~ wtb•c:kt ntX1 J JC.queline Brown Wtt Mary httMff tt.. ptod~oKed a laug.ha:. end to "'fflt b~tlctlly tOkl the wlgorout ct.fente of t h•• muth The bon te ot port w-.,t to Stcttttry of Sttllthll we hed htd Nand• Brooku of the Oiagnottk tnough, and thtt n.t ahould :,:·~=-.::':·~~~~~ -':~ Society of Edinbt.t19h for tht bttt recogn;H hls '"ponttbJI"Ifl co ...., to '""city b tuuM of ttl.eMr tpeteh., WN" the prht' tor the tnaott Uniwrlltltl to pitA High-tech Labour Benfton .furnt*'l- At for w .. bat w.. Mary ~ went to efftctJVIfy Merys• the .-..on why ,,.., don't. ,..,5dc Ao&emon who cwried on Sit K"th actnowt.dged that ror .... In tutori.tt .. not thtt they e bottC. ol deS« fot hit *'forb. lot) q~.~tl!ty '""teh tO c:ontanoe., hwe nothing to .., k't Jutt th.Nt Wh4n c:..aed upon '0 .... t... tJM Unwtrt.t... hN to be eble to theyan"t .-e WOtcl"" .ottw•Yt dMsion lobbit$ moM. ol the lf'ICIOUrtoe tnd facti \Itt ft. He cftd We're European betcMlM o1 the ,....., TM antrtM&t ...... _ .. not. horwtYoet. ~ 10 go .,.to the WOf1h of the httd 0¥ 011\lnt w...... t:a. 11M rt'Sult.,... .a.u.n ·~ ..... o( 1be 111U.8t!Oft., now Mwy thould be dNt to • lofandt:br:teilft~w...u.q ,..,_,._ ~. Att•ei.Whoholdltllht llbatentioftL TM tit waa: dtdOtd The oomt'ftolt1.. meet w-th hsm PLANS fOf .-n .nt~ ~ top )ob7 None othef ,,...... ,.. ~·n t.W. wtM, tOQelhtf wrth Or.duatt un•vertttv 'fttl.c:h woukl byactmiued tho d>U. hMin9 Aono Wtt - Marts· '- •nd ,.,...,..btrs of 1ht Jttr.U repon ratM • wblta.nb.. QfopottiiOn ~ Jtt ...... At tNs "' .... polttt the fec:t thtt tM tn. YOttd~y. tum.• funds from pr1v1te sources 1nd r-.I W ..Matyt"~eefiMI"Mihe -· awaJd .a ·~or•te oC EutoPt'" to 'tude:nts auc:ceutvlty complttJng deslgn.et.Mt rwo-yett court" art .Shorttv to be •nnounc.ct by 1 High spirits and hypocrisy group of Frtnch tctdemt.c:a. Pro Tories' tut t ut limin•rv details of tho propos•l to• $\.!Ch a Unlvortltv of Eur()f>t were within Tory ranks Qiv~ In P~Hit lalt weelr: Th• bathtt of TOI'y ~~~"'"· Joseph knows Chairmtft of th• ConMtYit~ LouthbotOUgl\. Petty, and ~t~ ruture 'fh.t UrtlwtttJty h• .ubmhted t something and Ectuc.tion ~«ret...,, John ..... bi• lOt (1..311. b U1 not onty do wyn Gwm"'*• ~~to bt Mnior ConwrvatJv• w..,. it nothing •xpe~~N frotn the ConMrndw has toM verified In .s.ttll. but h i5 hrty him:Mif. wt.reft he WM • tlu•' ~ .ubmlned to theeomrNtt.. AS A H6rrow tchooltboy. Sw K•th ...... o(...... - ....- ...... JoMph won onty Ot'le pr1te. but he Mf Gummet WM the MM wfto .....1. at the con~.,~ won it ...... ,., , ..,. 1tt.e Ofl.te tOt toad the hderetion of eom..rv.. Thh COMmk\... C.h*ed by Sir pubk tpUl.ng He ...... 'd UOOC) IN• Stvdtf'let' cont... ._ et Oon.a W.atws,. a form.~ "uu to &he loP .... a'ld coMet& 11 lOifhboiowogh ...t moMh thM Ollhe Nliioftel Union of~ from Sn W.rwcon Ch!.Hc;n 1 ..... •t~omto. hoollt.m.... """ anochef Okl HMI'O'Nn. ¥llho Mo lheer v~AC~~~Gm h: totalty vn-. ....not dut to"""""" r-srort ·bcfor•-" the mid· JUdged ~ comPI!t•hon The s.c _.._. dhofJuM- retaty of Stilte telaltd t~ ttory •t Keep up a front Howewr. h. htt •mtt.,.cl that> Ubtrtantn tNdf.rt ol the FCS !he Na1Jon11 lna:t!IUII tor Adul1 BRITAIN-'S OI'Yv :::: Mr Gutnmf( t.ltntetf w" prOM to ha\lt er.tHdv .-le-gN the bill ia: Corllinumg Educ.ciOI"'' Conl~enu Nat~ tht O«ttional hlQh.ap:in•.ct lnrlt1.cf Met urv.ct tht party not 10 In Surrev. btfore me\:•no h•t S!udiOI unton Pref.ldOn~"~lftee ktlon w~n h• w•• • ttuOt.l'lt tt pey u nttl there h•a been some sPeech on tduh ectveouon - • 10 eomplote her ttonn ns1 Swi.nton Con.ttf'¥111\1• Colttgt f orm of fnct.pendent eiSMtment $Ubject he admmtd he know l•tllft dtlptto e deMIX'wation 891'w¥~1'1 On Oftt OCC.Itton. • a.our~ ebou1-wrrntn by Oortlon E1t,er her 1.. 1 Mondtv OC'g~niStd Altn Youn9 tu'idQo. h•il nt~st•nt s.cntttrv the b.Kt•l\9 of th4t NUS. $TU0£NT Thurtol'f, 811'1 Mly 196$ 3 NEWS 'Student' wins award Liberals thltltlhe fir~ 11.me th.em4iflew.,d and t\.cl 11s layout oroltN+Onllly Srudonr, the Edinburgh Mt come east. university students' done, Srudtnc is 1n independent Accorc:hl'\9 lo 11'1• Gr,sgow OtQanrtabon whch CIOM til own slam newspaper, has won the ~11<11 H$1stanl edo!Of. Mr 8ob wrrt.ng.tutHd•ttng l"'d ~ Glasgow Herald award Southtrn. It was the~~~ .., __._c.-..._ tn ""t"N' ~wtt.dt ~ for be1ng the best student this ~· .-ward fcw Srl.ldenr HI' th11 tnt lhfee _,. of SNcff,w newspaper in Scotland, cMtcl•bed 1he news CO'VtltiOf 11 wttJc:h W«e ~ •1t tt.. compeh­ loans for the first time since the "rnformattve, 1M(So..rang•ng. end t.ton wtfl no\ •nd•Vidl,itfly out The Uberol ,.,.. hot...,. ovtl '---....I~UI.....C:.U...L...--1 not jUJI COn<:elltr~ting on Echn ttlndlog,. but ~e1he produc1 ol "'""91Y ...... for uu- Only fools award was initiated in the burgh Unl\lefSity's SRC" Mr fWQ vurs hard work 10 got il right "and we'vegot lhtte'' d•ntt: In thtit ftcenl dt~lon and hOrSeS 1960s. Souchem c:omptl.m~ntoct Studlnt docume~~t on studtnt flnanc:lal nut oward comes to Studtm on '" hltemptt 10 looll at whtt't Tho 1mprovemen1 in 1M quality ...... at~tt It Wit Nnftl!lf•UP to Glasgow happening tn other uni\'itrJ!htl of Srudt!f'Uhu.,.., rtnltCttd In an The libttllt NV they found little EUSAho<~--bay­ ~ vert•ty'l Gu1rdian l~:tt year, outlidt EdtntNrgh 1 •nt•e•se in MCet: ot around H per SIJCIPOI1 tOt • loent ayltem. but "'' - ,.,._ Dolo'-• ... .,d fourth the year befOfe Stu· Mr Southern. said lht.t w"'-'Mt cent. so lttanb for Ute ew-.rd mull ~ ~ lhM It *woulcild • n...tttd HeN\ S.C. wt~t lnown 6ft'lf ti.H won the award lor best Gl,noow Un.verst'ty"s Gwtdoln 10 bt • ttlot ...... 10 ...... - .... I>OvQftt -·-~tovttolhe...-v- taloYnnt reeewred a beg gram frorn d'tl Stu Studenc avef the YMt student iOU'"""" tn the PMt - PM& --...... - ..flog frtd PtJCtl won rt &ast year - but '*"t' •ttooit~ 1n GI.H90w. AIMIYOUftt ~ t\'te:l The dtOOnloft Neil. OYel' ....f~tuppcM1Gn11udem~ :orne bV me tPtt1 oe lhl oc:c:atiOf'l. and£---- '' Miependenct.. ... -from ..PM$11- ,.._ 3fi«ftd tO ttnd h.. ghtao-blohtll "*"t of Plftntal fneomt, the Ub­ ftom the £USA ftoe\. on which eQis sugge•t en 1l'ow1nce of lnd*t•llvH•I•rr my bum w;,. Edinburgh Linseys the star £2fU5 a week. 1tuovghout tht I•'' Ml r.... .or ONt!lf• l(nlcllttt ac.c~-e:m~ot; yter lintJud•ng Christ· wett ft'ltl'-d However. In th-e mas .tnd Eetttt v~tiOnt), Wllh COUJ.. of the •fttn'IOOtl, tht l.nitt · ad(btionf fOf howt. tr.... et end Nl mec:hlf'4 Met llStNhn an Edln· Edonbvrgh Unllrer>lty lhod ,.., •• poy•ble ..,. ,_., '10'1"9 pOr- 1113rks courM c:otts lncurftd dunng term­ bor;!l ~. Ch.mbl En>ginMtiog •ludton~ r.k..ng !)Itt.., tht Gtt"*U"tO Md ....,. tned 109<1""' .._ ~t b«l CHI ESCA't- and Scots intem~ atNtte. t~s allows them ~ 10 tM Ounng th41 lulfWMt .,..,IS .,.,...c. ~tNt tl .... UnM't' MNdoNkt to W'Mk's ~ .nc:t etto ful uM 0'1 has.,.... lhoukJ be ent••ltld to~ o'lhetl«tc.ofllotfY. r-Ne~ day be tM Edinburgh O.t.,.nng 5*• al the Studlmls' Auoo•tiOn'J VE An ""' bene~ \ •nd houfoont bcnetrt you U~!II•M* NH ESCA com Toc»v i;P .. the stM't of a serla tonllity. Events are to taltt pta« unoons lnd lltfl•1•" throoghout Sueh a K.html. 'Nt'hO h lin 1182.&3 tnttt8 "*""t.f. OthetwiM tnown of lectu1es, Mm .crotn•ngJ, lncl 1 tn tht dty between tth and 1fth the G1thenng peuod wou&d have co.t notm•lltOnMOtt nUr •._,tt,. t~,... CbQ .. .up­ d!sptov ol wemme memorabill.a, Jun.. and will be pan of Ktlv1t1H Linsov Mtedonl'd vlt!lod the then tho preMnt mtanue.-ed PONd to h•w ,..,t,fd tt'!tL 'Ot unOOr tho i~e.ciOmic auspioe.s of lor lnttrnationaJ United Natlont Edinburgh Galllertng OfiiCI 1151 gront 1)'11tem, cou\0 be pha'led In lnsuronct I)Uipotes. I his l1 .,, Att Edmburgh UnivtllsltV. to meek the Youth Year. week.. tnd wo&t bnefod nbout ti')t •• newatudtl'lt.t tnt!H DOtt·18td..,.. ol God Suretv John M•nnht IOI'Ittth IMI\IOrP.ry of the end of Ed1nborg_h Gathering mtneger. Oathetlng programme for next cation."" the L.lbtfats. wouldn t do 11h1ng 11\.e thatt tht ytlt ;n Europe, and involving oMt Philip Coutts. explained lhlt mot~ttt. and thO manv eo;enlJ be-ing Mr C.. ~, Frevct. t~ Pli"'{t spt.a~trs hom Scotland tnd the WM.k that young PfOt)e. hom 8tt· pl.anned to COinttdt w1th lhe ectuc.oon s;po~ Mmln. Nld -n.~s Gregory Porgy's Sov,.t Unton. """and .tK06d wtft pthtr ~n N weet's ttYtN$ Llnsev. whO • 21, .nqu.ry h.ae PI~ a c:tt6ble The dle•IIOI'I to mount t.htM ScoruJh cap.- 10 ~\1 Pill tn 1 won • bronte medtl in ttl41 4lt400 ...... nd•fJ~~of~ one in the eye n•Nt bV the Unavtr$1-fY c.ttnt' __ _rrs,~""'•o....,...thte.....,y tht'OI.IQh dl•acuts.ons arising from from famttv 4nCOf'l"4 tnd 11~ N thong .....~ iWM''*' and .....'" the Edmbufllh ConverufiOt'JI. ghost of $1udtnt loa,... tho good old TOfY Club. TOfY wh!Ch h•vo bHn htld 1ft Moscow MNnWh•lt, lOI"I .Jft also d.,.. Chelrmen. GtOtQf WJk)ol and Ed1n~.11gh alternaletv since l'l'lllsed by 1 group ot moderlte Shtlpherdwa• 1 lreen specrerOJ t1 1981 Constrvalive • tudt-nll In a sub­ Tualdev't Tevf'.oc hvltlltg.t .up. lht fottl61h tiMIVetSCIJY •vontt mtnlon co S1r Ktlth Jouph·s portl"9, wt lhQuvl\t, Gf'Hmt ha...-bttn dtwibed by the Princl· review. ft1• Conservative Student Amy't O!Hl C.nor NOt sol WhOfl ,p't C)l tht Un•¥ertttv. Or John Bur· Affairs Raearth Group. '" 1 dMr GCE IGtaeme Cinar EoiOgo'Mdl ""tl 11 1 tmaU conlfibuhon to twt.ch of oHoel F«Mtation of Nt ,. ._. CMI\ ...mng t~ottc. •l'l'tP"0¥«1 mterMhcmal tJndet· ConservillNe $1udtti1S ~. ·r1\1'101 [)ret)ef nru ....,. • wuc:~"" SYnd ng bv~ Vlng6nopport\II"Hty cotldudet ·we r.t..,..lhtckld· '*f u~nd • Mtthto p bt.Jt-#­ for •tfteoctoon on warume ~ ~ of • NUCleoNs klan ~ ~ WH hurd to UI'IH, Couldth.M PGI" et'IICih of bottl 801alio ~nd the sdwmol outWf'l9h the advart­ ·14nd eo ,,.vout• ...... Jlbto; be tnvrh•"SJ tO do with tke Sov~etUn•on H\clude Untvlf'SII'(t Students" A.uoct­ Mt'lrQuSIIhtloiP,., 1h hefbn~ ..st *"" ,.. ELICTJON$1 Y• fioA;&. ttl tt\1111, o1 "'" ~,... ol Do...,.. t- ... 1M thouOM t.tiM Poaof\ Sll.leltH heft at Edinburgh. •t.on tre ltlo ac:tNetv lftYOIVtd ltl ~- ""'-'"'(• ...... JQil tiiii*Slll't OOUid be lot AiM Yount ~tiOti$.A£6regdtrWOnfH centre--- lor .,bf11V Mild •~tiOR ...... by • n.. ,.,..•. ~found that the...,.,., FrNif'• H01.1.. MMI•f\Q lie9«*• -- • p~ of an ectdtmc boolt l'ted into itt utu.el drunttnOC"gy­ rose lt0f11 (14 n tn 1982 to C18.14 tnd 11 wit R€AllY Iheir new ;n1*· Enttt1Jlnmtntt Rtp who, when Medal for Vice-Principal The .ttopett prke JlttJ were lor -.cl to do somMhlog ..-.1ttteln· 1atlograpl'ly of bloiOOicelly lmpor• pure science bookt whkh ..wnt up lf19, tn"'Hhfd h•• nu through • Proftnor William Coc:h Jtn~ third l'WO YeatS 111'11 compoundt. the fOt"mtJI.otton b'f a bttWNn tN -1 [21 Vl(e.Pt•ncipe;t ol Ecfi.nbutgh Unl. of dtffr~tutttf•nQ by hthctt. and COlA. on IWIIO'• 01.11 11"1 QUtion .....Bing-- did ar..m.~ ,,..._ TM~\IIII'IINboobon Yef11ty, end mtn\bef' of the Otplrt• ll\llysl:s ot a.t\iC:e .,.,tuonl In etn.r• ~ ol the T.m· ,.,.,, of Ptlysks. h.. .,..., refjglon. c:Othnt l'l64 on...... ,... pettnel $oC:MCy .. .,. ...,..._. cr;stofs end ...... - - I'Wtfdtd the How-.rd N. A:Jtr~ CliP' In ph.ue "~. tn '* ..., the pnct for ... l.g

lnsp~.'Cting underground gas pipe· existence. Making extensive use ofsub­ lines for faults may not sound like the miniature hybrid microelectr'Onics,ncw ultimale high-tech challenge. But, in types of recording heads and ultra­ fact . the task proved to be beyond the precision mechanical engineering, this 'state-of-the-an· technologies pre,·iously Iitt le mar\'el can store up to 500 million available-even in military and aero­ readings on a single reel of standard space applications. one-inch tape, with an accuracy of better than one-thousandth ofone percent! PROBLEM: FROM REEL TO REELS THERE WASN'T A COMPUTER Design a vehicle which can travel SMALL ENOUGH AND TOUGH inside the pipe, carrying equipment Once the Pig has finished its run, the ENOUGH next job is to prepare the data foranaly· capable of identifying any significant 1 defect, and pinpointing its position to sis by powerful, advanced computers Many of the pipes to be inspected suchastheVAX lln80.There'ssomuch within a metre in a run of up to a hundred are less than 305mm in diameter. To lit kilometres or more. information in the Pig's tirw recorder sufficiently powerful data processing that many reels of computer tape are SOLUTION: equipment into the tiny space available, nt:t:ded to receive it,and many hours of THE INTELLIGENT PIG hybrid microcircuits incorporating computer time to analyse it. custom-designed silicon chips had to be The Intelligent Pig, developed by developed. And since the space restric· THE RESULT the gas people, is a vehicle carrying tionsalsolimit batterysize and therefore highly advanced sensing, data process· power, many of these highly advanced Britain's underground gas trans· ing and recording equipment. Driven electronic components have to operate mission net\~ is a multi-billion pound through the pipe by the gas pressure at the very limits oftheir specifications. asset. And the technical pyrotechnics withjn it. the Pig can be used wiihout What's more,thecnvironmcnt inside we've just described have a thoroughly taking the pipe out ofservice. the pipe isn't exactly friendly. All the down· to-earth end result - they help the What is more. it can not only pin· highly sophistiCated equipment canied ~people to maintain Lhis asset more point any defect on the inside oroutside by the Pig has had to be designed to efficiently and cost effectively. ofa steel pipe, but even describe its nature. tolerate or be protected from extreme vibration. mechanical shock. din, and WHYTHEGASPEOPLEUVEIN HOW? gas pressure of up to 70 atmospheres. . THE FUTURE Using strong magnetic fields or The fact that gas is Britain's most elastic waves propagated at ultrasonic A'TOMORROW'S WORLD'TAPE popular domestic fuel-and a powerful frequencies, different types ofsensors RECORDER and growing force in industry, too-is !he can detec t corrosion, cracks, impact result ofmany years'foresight.planmng damage or distortion of the pipe. But The sheervolumeofdata to be stored and massive investment by British Gas the real challenge lay in processing the inspired the development of what is scientists and engineers. And they'~ ~ti!l hundreds ofmillions of signals produced probably the most advanced ultra· working for-the future-to nw;et BntaJns by the sensors in an average run. miniaturised tape recorder currently in energy needs in the next century. THE GAS PEOPLE- WORKING FOR TOMORROW'S WORLD TODAY (GaiJ STUO(NT Tf'lu:rlday. Qth M1y 198$ 6

violent in Irish War 0... [ ditOf, ~ ""wpootlt , ... V'O ..._ RIC'hNd ~-. CJIItiCe ty \0 grtl ordl to keep us Informed about SAC activities and the ~~Ot~ ~ E~ •nvOived tn ''uta vio­ l'lo6ty 1*0.. tl'l Bnta1n 10 WPQ t6M """ unanimously and wich this 10called trtldt four Nbbi;Qb M t!aOOOwe ~\we EUSA and EUSACO for us must be both responsible ,._,odbvti>OPollod

Tff¥01 .lon"'-101'1 - ...... ,Mt~ _ .. _ -·Ooo. ,..,._.,...... ---""""' NEW SALAD BAR -·---_...... - -.. - ..,.., ...... 1 Bucdeuch Alee. £d.nburli)h-- - 031-667- 571819278 VEGETARIAN DAY ·----_,_ MMbngs fncky t pm 0.. EdttOJ, don"l hlvoe [TUESDAY] lynn Whlt1• 8f comtr'Hinttd l-Ist S•miW ~ on the UMrt•••tJH• !.Kit of C~t~ you ifnagine thl stjrdc of money Her tolutiOfl Wit 10 claM J~s. 8hu0...... ~~ Salad Bar-Balled Pots. """""" ol Ovoct<• who ...."' do muSI ($o. Wt lrt;.,. the butann$ ot lhlf'llt _thev'r• some God't glh to --· wtolch .. _.., l'tltn~u'ld to tubju.glte 1 t.tzeable d1amttficafrv to tM $1up.

Blood Simple

.wrtPPtd up '" tKI'IftoloOJ""rn Stumbhng OUt of ~ert Idee 1980 IIW Tlf'M Sandi.... I U\ln tllat hof'tf'uny; they eany ...rrv Oe•.n S'lnlon ir P•ns.• N-I\IWIY hit In the U$, and some weight .. Tex•J. 8food Slm pl1 It I wetl~ GilHam's blggttl fin1 ncl11 salted sl!c:e of American indepe,n-­ IVCCIII. A bend Of devll·mly--clfl Thlt •temtnt of .turreal Cfe.nt cinema Ohoettc:t and pro· dW1rlt tto..l thl plan-t Of the grotHquerft runt all tn. way cloctd C•rtd wrlttttr~) by Joel and unf~t1e from tht Supte~ 81&ng through Glllilm't work; from the Ethan COOfl, thft twl1ttd thriUtr ao lt\Jilhi)'Cin trl\'tl through the beggar In Jeo.otrwoc~y who cuts ties u,p tM looM endt of • perfect VlfiOut hOI" In time anc:t -1~ oft bOth his crwn ftt In Ot~r to murdtt" end lhtn unrtvels thern dotttc:t lbOut 1tt lmptrltct fabric. make mott money. 10 lht light of again vnth tcC:tdeot. doubleut. unfunny thiftQI In wtfe to Nnn•nQ off wtth hts Peter V1ughat1't ogre named m~ny cattt , • • lt't lnttrN-tlng btrman. Rev (John Gtu,, tM Wifttton. M iet11.. Palin contribVId tl)'irtg to g1t people to laugh 11 several camtot 11 1 ltlr-c.roued t,. ~nos htt bNtahty bv hiring unl1ught.bM. But I'm using the a fa t pri\'tle ovt (M. Emmet Walsh• lOver with "'1 peraontf prOblem" comedy 11 • 1ur1 tor rMOP" •o put 10 trac.tthem down and kUI them them olf bllanc:t and th.on hitlhem h't hltbtd lutk that thtdcuectlvelt w1th IL'" an evtm worte ~d ••• than point Yet t~t lt anotherlldtiO Teny hlmaelt. From lhlt ott tMDiol Gilliam, for ht tiJU 11tm1 to have writhes and curft1d the chlrKitfl • 1 c:hl.kH•ke btlltf" In thl'"htron'" go ·blood t~mplff; u't our llngutge Of -1t1e put The ' n.;hlsinlhfnlng: that me.ns kr:ll-et a.rv armour ln J.IONnrocky (and ltllefty Breiil), the IItty Of GtNk 1M Amto...., Golhoc hoo noc "YY"SS to-~ Du¥d. .... swnDfr ihdttd the lttnl»rd Aali)tl RichardtOn Mel 0eW:S ...mort. 1tth'*''Uf'Y HUNn, tnd Warntt wrert rl'lt otMout choices ..,., cowboys frl T1.,_ 84tttdft.r. Holfywood tht•lttt co '" .,.. With lor U'lt Sucweme Belng and lhick tegiOI\II acctntl, it has Eupreme EWil WhO fought It OUII1 "t think you've got to refr-=ttd thoM fflmt through tN tht f~lm't d1max. Time Bandits is lens of rM EurQPNn New W1ve. maintain a certain child· Just as Ohabtol 1nd TruHeut 11 if Gilliam "'" 1 tchoolboy gleefully ,..,rranging history to like belief In thing• larger le.amtd from HitChcock In films mah II funnlet. and ino whoft film than life." like Le 8ouc~r and 'rht Bridll it a groat t l(tMplt or how Wote Blaclt. The Coon brothe,., continufng with ll'le nuoe aamuraJ tmegln•tlon can transcend th• have exploited the European Whfeh JOI'\IIhtn Pryu mutt You llmitllkmt of e tmlll budgtt., with 'J)proach. can't keep 1 gOOd man down c:onrront in 8tttil. ••1 form partol a the Texan 011 dtrt.cb tuch ende.tring lmeg" aalhe $hip ·bOys own., wor1d of httotc d-.da on top of the gitn(l head. A disactvant• ol this It; that"" Tbt Coent wod.td Witt' S.m lnd.,... c.l.uh of cokt ..... -'"The r..am. white padtc:t Wlth ltlttl.ng Room; ... n.. £"" OoMIMd ..... kid"" Tunt 84/tdf" hU gtawn up GtandGu.gnoi~moveslta kept the blldc ...... of humovf of Httthef of thtlt IWO hlms into Sam Lowr1 In 8ttzlt; now... ~ ua lor 8ta:dl. tun..f .. rather .. 1f II wtJrt tha1 film and thlt rel•tvet '""' tt.senbllfy ~aN..._,.. ct...rw:* detd on ttl ftetl Th.-.. ttowewt. • Gllbm fnOWlM out o1 tnt ptSt to I t!Wt.\ you"wt got 10 lnl..m.IJn a 'ouc:het.ofOidT~motiLtY compensectd for by the wt.ch tun lhf~ thttf OW'n P'Ntnt ut WI"' e bliMk 'mkwi 0C ctr\&ln CJ')I60o.I•J(t bll..r 11"1 t~ 20th century kle This " 111' ror target than l1ft One Of tnt lhtngl ...... -locthonel cam•a·wo-'lt.....,."" ..... among- II i:s Cltf1a,;nfy true •h.c Blood STUDENT Thufldly, 9th Mt~y 1M$ 7 • ARTS The Collector An artist all at sea Exltibs

one Man's Choice BeiWeen Tides

Ont Mt n't Cf\oioe Is e n exhlbhlon n.eetly dC!$Cribed by tht 11 dt. end the man in quest•On it Or ~'Y Roland - a londOn de61., and Q)llecwt of twentaech c.MufY ,.-t. TM vtoelY ot OHetent art tormt end movemen11 repr...,l.cl tn h•s colloc:tton 11 stegQtung, Indeed the ontv real winning feature ts tho obv'ouJ ppell each piece has fot Or ooe form or ttiOIMr '--w;.t, 1 Evtn tl vou h.,_ only a few 1 had Roll~ (which is lnltresttngly mut.t NV ht ME fooledl) a.Q~rt mtnutes. It ra w•ll worth a dfiGrtbtd Jn the notes btntlth NotiOfone~ 1'\tpln tt"tbe1.tetthetl ...,tngt41ht ~ me pa•.nttnos .oo tnough, .Huhl ~did""' ~dt .n OHT. thtt't 'of P'('lu,.• \91• Vtf'Y DttnY, ~en.. tat ,cutplurtll ~ nOt only a ...... And .... 'f'O'U'rt tbouC "" more tmp(M1anl thlf'IOI lOt .,..,... oeli.XV or ~nternattOnattv famous bMf .... fnlnl$ 'VIIINI NootMd "' 10 communatt, these dlovl ,,,. ertt11J INoCde. Erl'l$1.. ~no. ~Chl'cvn •1011 QOUt* • SulltOulon A Bedlam reformation

bec:omolvu ~b"(Z2~-.. r...... that ~ ...... ,, ..... BedlamAGM 10 IS. ~ty 10 ... ltw'n lnow g.atne of musical c:hrHs • """P'v. l:f'ISe:PMabfet SJt"' hiS * posrOOrl t.l r.ntefoon of how many people are O..p In the ontreilt of th1t man~er. 1911n Wllhovl put oH and not how ffrW f)HI)Itetn Unl'lelrsicy lies The 9tcfltlm oppo$•tlon. SIWlHd Atkins having toke 1 Pitt. fTh.ot 11 tl6umW,o the ontv been ettel&d IIJttermlll went rumou11 of pto·UsUno are not Thtltre.oblcumd to tome by their UU!I, Throughout tl'lt MMC•f'IO own tlml(l.cy, New elechons htld "'rough lht tormai•Ues ol yet anochtf unoppoMd vote wAA 18 ptOOJe were ltyff'IO Y*"f hlrd to IQI wtelc bnng the h•nt M 1 fttsil abstentJOnt. 30 for t\!tn. ltld on. l.hoN: ol ~ ol ttult'•f19 new notW • ~ s.ty 81t• W'lth. JltlybN«t ~twn.. peopee to me .,..,,. T"'-'v .. ~ 10 the pot.tton ol "*' ftltW pres.Mnt Dr!rOvoc-. .,..,,~ to remton "~ '-* AshlOft rt(ltl!'ltd unan.mout ConfrOnbng tht t* te end ~hon. ('there -wert rvmours suppo11 fOf hll Cunopposectl btd 10 ~lnety un-anogant torm ot 1hls o.LaiNt m1nu1e c.apCtu111ion tinc.e atl&onfth new pr"ldent il. Sillv • was seen co excMnge becomt ttcM~ b<\ - "" - -"0 The 8ecbm ... .,...... ,. of '" thO -; .._ "" -­ ...... --.. Engt.o~> Jn'lottd fO tum up M chw """'.ngt dl'fu1evhv l)o-.nd The -lui - ol Chop­ Robbtnton.twetlftflfilmc:r•t. 2"'" Ftlm vetttOtl of th4t mutiC:II w-th -many ol ll\8 better ~mbtrs Whltt Oog 1emovtd Sot'" Now York'. Ani\JO, ,:-,. 10.h, 8.35 anb Ofpt'ltn WJd. charmt a mil· GST lionalfl end IOivt$ all tt'tt Prest· ()c:l.db.tl ttudler ¥<•11'1 d~metly dent"sptobleMLPondefousca.nc­ riQit cwertones .oout I dot '"9 1t1e1 <1ot1.«tty Uf'IIMIV .a•no go U'il ned to •tt.adi; bilk lit only ODEON ABC to ClOnf.rm thl$ as ()lfM ot those S.m Fulltf"s 1nt1111~nt study of 16f77331) 12293030) 1981 gemsofceflutoid,W•IhAibef1 tiCtt-m •n lhoAmeriot~South Finney VIlli] Ticket~ O..AO. C1.60conc. Ticlt:~n.• C2 70, C2.30 Unc:Mt ttM Vokano A,.,..,... to lndN Thortlh-S.llth 81o.o 8VefYOM"S hN/1 W!ll'l hrt t )feft.. nt Mt•lco. Ar'lthotrv Andrtwt end Jocquei>M .,.._ -'ttt dt bOM' wl .. 6nd seu '" mot..on a Sun 1211(830 .... N•ro 1nd Mttryt Su.ep an tne chain ot murdera •nd OUpbc:rty. GST ment '"' the blttct of thd w.ny l eading roles. lhlt film, Blood. ..~. biOOCi. ~. •nd --­A droactluJ Wfl!ttn tbout Mon· Do Animals Havt Riogtl~ htm of lrfe tn cht hardshlpt ol over1)timmlng wJth tentimel'll.lllty, blOOd Cloned humour mlnoles tant r•nchers tnd ru•Uera fight1ng J.ion enct noge IEd.,bufVh 6.30) ""-""""'O.ondo. Jod< N_. s•-• Olld lho o..th Warmed Up UO (Wed l.lO, T~ RowOebet.ngKIIl_...... , • On pock ol,._ This int'Vtllb4e He~ OHd StMton lkuil \ASo 5.20. 8.60 Atlwe&oomt. superb ftlm let tn thret pertOds: CHarf'Y O..n Stanton •o hit mat... A I I 50, 4.50.].!0. SuM.SO, 7 .!01 Award-winning new·wtvt/ J•n •lthe PJt•"""Qt wflh • 1923, 1933 and 1968, tfiCOt tho P''' of mill•on dOlltr bibles '" a science f• cllon numer hvn •nd de.oths of a $8ng ol four fivt end ten cent flick.· Los 9pm Oe:apUe TrO'YOr Johnston's tronzltct pac:o. Murder and H.tppvHour melodramatic gUih lm wMII!t Jtwiah...Attlorieen hoodlums as Ant~., Times. in mayhem, humans trlntfOfi'Md Ofown your SOHOWS at they mow lhett way up tM rwlks ~d'li$filmrMityhas~t.t· lnto nwta.nt... it~U•n.g mac.hiMt. 1M Su..... EHP"' de 10 offer, CleYM tn its , ... oforgand4dcnme. OM of the belt _..r~..,.,.­ Tht CrMa we Ry5nt • -..... ht not tht bMI r,lml of 1984. petody c:onceptiOn but Mlfotndul­ •urgety. wrtl\ \M.. test fn dr.llt tnd fittns Wed 15 Fri. 1Oth May rodeemed by Mll and effects. lhlt tonguo-ln.c;heek 111m quilt Steel!, moving lovtt10ty abOut t grtphy, en ewerd•wtnn1ng musi· unique! girl who refuset to bttieve reporu cal score end • tatenwd '"' of Nr lo~s de.th on the W.ttltf rCM'It A vwy Ruuoan htm tu.mng Cotdl22 Rutt.. n hean thrOO Tawn. Svn tlth, 8 tS Sn'ft01loY._ Mon 13th,8t!5 1970 ·c:omttdy" atmosc odmlra· IFU~MHan of t~ Fan Club. Tontght tht gue:" OJ Is Oavle Henct~ton from WIN WOftingWNi: C•rvery Coas:ttfa fWts:t Toticross) Six hourt1n whith to Nt vour way Simon Booth's r..at,!VJa.u IH'Qtd lhtOUgh T~·s fire..,. l2-4 pm tno, bocbd bv •lorve bond w11o h..-ve JUCc"'fulty matlagtd the c:toas over from Jan to ROdt, Tues. 14th May Sbngo 1.11 Sort>onot CCowg•ttJ Labour Club AGFM Edmbvrgh't own roggae &>.net. E'ectaon of Off~te·betrets .net SAC Sulf Jootmg f01 a~? co-otdtnatort. Repon on the yeat's ffliS.- oc:twlhe$. All membert odviMct 10 Ptttervatlon Han IV•c:tona su attend O.,.CHII$h.. s.rn.,., 11-.. ' Cha.,..,_ TMJoil"""oocc.m, Rdl Centre. S.15pm The MWHI venue ...,lh bands on Mo~ay to Satu1day, rouohly 8.30 ptaYiroup Support Group AGM onwards. A t11• lac:enc;e it 1n the E*t•on of c:omtn~tt". punch and P.PI'Itne but the ~ lhutt .. 11 PI Tilt. All m.mbers ploaseantnd, pm It tho moment Pentl41nd Room. Ploas.ance '7.30 ""' Fri. 10th May 0.0.11$ Commhtee AGM T1llifng Droms EMdoOn of mtmbert tnd otf~te Wolloe-ICowvtttl bearers 8alc:onr Room, Tev•ot Scodand's t~ponentt of Ptfftct Row, 1 pM, All welcomt, pop, luppo"td by nk Tek. Vokmteet Sltwery a-;.., An Colfeg.t bul Ids up10 its end oC a-.. H.­ D1ys ot 2't loetry of Resit"ttnoe term revel. Rft'llemblf the W" Scottish S1nfoni41 Red the bulidlnq.. Le Sorbonnt f1DfW •• a11 ~ of exprnaion hots Wed. 15th May S..r lnl~ Nttl Manti• conductor be-en tnMpara~ from Good Friday a...,r..,...,p~ono a.­ le't struggle tor freeGer -c-.... n-Ameroean SobdafdV Society MidWHk Mrvklt with Rev.dr Ruth Kon,gold Suraum Corda Eut Coast Coneer1 br studen1t of the Faculty to 6Pmonttttte the lent bet­ Pogo. s...._ Theology, Rod RIIC.fvmninolf Pi.Mo Conceno no of Ml.ltlc rt..J.. IhouM §lift and J1rugglt -ocunst Faculty of Div•My. 2 Admrt.s#On ,,.. 7.30 pm p eulon tn • poo.try e.nd mus•c Ctltolalnq Centre, 1.10 pm. Tcht•k.ovslty Symphony no. 5 -.nv Otwe\' Redman Ouerttt S tudent r6ductlont 7.45 pm Wednwsey t5th Me1 iHf. t.fiCture Half 8. 7 pm CktMnoHott Jan With Qvudt Crlntf, Fred Hop. e...... ,....-auo. Thurs 16th May k.int and Eddlo Moore 10 pm. Mon. 13th May Pltll....,. MO.nc:e len Orth.lM end Finton McManus Tllt~.... Set tniiiiOill ~MO mtg3-diseoe{decisions, dec:l· Prennting Yotitn Put to tM c-.... ~)WI 2 am Happy Hour 9-10 Futur• Sat. 11th May PHI's darlings r11urn. CM rlle MeHaAr "'" ,:.eter Ackfvtnnan t.rb on behalf of Al$tewan ~tStreet lhe 1111 l EUArd>~ts...... ,. CluMns He11 I pm. l,soo am. Arch. Dept, 19 George SQuare 7 =...,_ Wed. 15thMay t.PPv Hour S.9 pm, Thj,t: ._..\ they dttg you 10 t PM. Br•akfH t of C~p&ons .enother bat for your enJoyment Tube Spe.e• J.menow TheJadhouN La Sorbonnt ~ 11111 1rn. Good Edinburgh btttd lnpu.rsu•t of ThtHtltft.. e contract. l t Sorbonnt Tht JtllhOutt 'CICJ'tHour 9-10 pm. So__ ,,._ a.-.... ­ POittf'tOW SCO · F...... c-t Sat. 11th May Th• Prlmtvalt OutonsHall MontyHc>UM Tues. 14th May Sir A~ Gibson Jtinburgh Unhotttity a nd the Glasgow ththh with • hnte mort At1tr !JgM M'nct 0.0.... First c..c.oo"' Sor1nQ .out Community Cdgt.lh7 Oelfut Sumtnlf n'Oht on the R• The JeJihOUH *'-If .O.-y P'UO'IIC HffiJn.lf Hofa. St Paufte Suite Stlll ...... _ WMcfG.... ~IOt-.nce boolv~ onfyu. Elgar "'"""-and Allovro for ADL of Extra•Mur•l Studies, 11 s-c.v- $1Mgo Oeoroe: Squert T1'14Ntr• \occiwch p,_ 9 )I)- George Roy Jtumen Handel water Musto su111 PresttVation U.IJ l.ovo'.._ Low

.:OCirtail Disco -.,_~ #toom at Teviot Row t•U mfd. Tt.m Whh• tnd the Oexttr~ '!I'>L H4j)Cly Hour 1 )1).8 )I) pm. -Oiion-New Orleans J'n m •N ..,..,.no Good way 10 pess a Sundt Y nJght.

MOHOAY, ZOdt MAY $Al\8).A 'f lldt MAY THE ARM BONJOVI bBIBIBITIOliS TlCICETS 0.50 Cl N IICI'IICIOt, deaitr, and IO¥tt Of 11'1. lUtTS (4..00 010 ThomaiJosl>;oc-.An..n;bi· TICkfTS OM a to tiorl of phocographlc workl bet· The Scottish ls, 9 Gallery ween 1970an<11965, Till1 June. llogh Sueet ....s.. 12 noon-5.)1) pm Gallery 9A Ge«ge StTMI John Waite., 1'1.- • t't•nung HC1m Albt ond ~eama Moft..f~ 9.30 ern·5.30 pM, An.tomy Lbson ~ wla l9~. c:otltlnuif,g ttJI 1:1-t Sa~9 am · t pm :"""ot bv lon Hughts. RUllo 1~1 June. '81hM•v. - 10 STVO£NT Thurtaay, iCh May tM$ Interiors

In thlt week's Spotlight. our series on Edinburgh atack It ,,.., ..,., u"-tucac come 11 bends, Alen Munro Profiles the enigmatic Pop Is Y'isuauy Pop Wallpeper , 1 1 Wel/peper. abOUt millie. thoy havo no recogn.,..b4t fmege to "'Ofaet Ont Often wondtt1 11 l.hOM In Wtttpar-r £adl Individual works Wn.rt many bMds wouk;l ta~ 1 N NCOtd IndUStry whO art ncs contnouuon to a WilY 0.11"''' lewbKk peat &rid letyt the Y'U"Q ~~ for the l!llleelllon <14 andoahb«a11~.aund TNI loOy 10 - .... -ghe. Poi> new llattl' """ wancNt toutl'l Of $OCitld ctt•'Q on the tn:rtutnc.. or Wallpa'* CIOn'l Ttl.ty WOUld~ the coty Home Count•H and foote Jau and Ja_noty pop and be hotble tO lht f'IObOtl II It ttirt actuelty tnlkt an tnemr' to toOk mostltnponl/'lttyontneaue<:eMts mu.lc: which hu tl'lot W YOellf lJ I ~y diSI.nct.iv>a .OUnd muaically compltte •• Pop To be hOnNt. one L O'l;al ICMn--h uman n._ .., ta~ea '" most ot the new volumlnow rtnot Tht ghi c.n Jdent•ty as toon as the mu~Ac _.bu., T'-themes.,. ,.m..._.r he ling, and lif'l9 in a ..Y whlc:tt It VOiCe bounc.ng along bth•ncl ttops Tt;e)' are lntan"'" Grab Grab the Haddock enbr.-y f'ltf OWl\. II 'III'OUkS bt Audrey'a "'Ceb wNch <1,_,. an4 "SblllvM"" • nar ""'th • cat Hit en~gmal.c;. tnfUfltbtlgl'y .....,.. lack ot en~ lind humour wtonog to do whal iS tO ott.n done ftoat ,,... a k.• on a IIQnt tPnnD bll._,,...,ll>t ,_. vttge on etn tt•tli! throtJgh pr&eon· 10 mltlnter-pretaUon. When he Wits rest ol lht band Uve, the btncl produce •• the cepuons • bOut what • pop J>tOdUCt Terry Hall Is the singer us ''that wt'rt evtf\ Ui)lltt then hf Pop Wallpe.per area group In tht promlMt 01 the recorded tou~. Shoufd be and lbtorb auraltywhtl and conscience of the e~e,pected" he is In f.ct mtklf19 a matt COI Iectt\te sense ol tht word. tht votu~ prOduced by a gOOd tl'lls band It; good Pop, no joko. There are no tolofsta ln Pop mora II You ta\e tntocont'd.,.atiOn wattpapet Coiourfield. He likes fhabendW1th~tbadtlng Manchester Untted. 'IOC:IIII from an IA-Jtr~ram Aon At~ apentiOU o4 monrey g rt. Ms Katrina PfW ~ ate on ~8)'tt1 &nd ~ brK... It. y_. en,o-,1"9 t~ Dvf1ng the ht'a 1t11t OQing to ~d up empty "'bufloonr(' that aecompanl" tht one that goes. -can't get enough ot Bee Himself hln(ttd, Chrynl•ahtvt tPtntanot lncon.alderable tum on The you baby'' Mr Hall evenbrtt~• h'lto Hilary {lmpreulve vrtPhiC•). Cob111Wd They at'IOwM real • laug.tt and has to rush101ht bllek or ,,. s.taoe to ,.,n , .. DudbHt 1\ats b«ome a healthy promo. Wtth TINnklttg 01 YOU. tiUI ...._. Ill·: \1 ll:l: \T l'llemt'I.IW IO lhe natJOnal tnuM .,. they ~ fW$1 On$on .,...,..., r-.~~ong ~ SetMt T.,..., o now ~1TIIlllld --·IMngportoltlloSco< '*•• M &bilfldOtltd, With tl'lat- repott to I"MCI ao&Jnst .nat ht .... as .. II'Sh ~ "*""' tht ttylngly cannQ tlhtude of - So whv d•d Vinny sun rht ran· on The Gmourlitld't titJt ever live performance IOMt pop StatS tOdl)" Mrs 1lne? Thatcher up tht bum Its ··woll, I Wtt on the lraln 10 Ortb Grab the Htdught, I qult.e laney Joint. c.n't play, na.,.. no tongs no 1ft movtng Into hlSttM lha aodal se:nlng up a fantine, •• tuv es 0004 fo'et ~ yec thty'we been WOf\., Of pop M1 Ht.lyu nt¥er thaH l¥fUft'l ~~W•Ihlht ~tor ")out IUtftloGn YWri afr*l to Mow ~ tonG• ""'" ,...... the llm8 wl'iO 'Ntft I don 11!~ your attJIUO. todr8S1 111'1 on IUCh ., .wo.-.1 ...t thl...., 1 c:Ntg..no)0.3Spancst~nttt..r, rom'* au. a. P'l)' CK~t ot tun.. s;ng r,. ol .. tut" gooctt)ytt and .. not bet,..,.). But. now n.·s got a new wert • ~- AIJ pt0p1e Wlnltt • tlog1n "Jusl tuck ofl" Oo.. thts unl)leaunt .. tonetineu and "ltlt up...to·datt lntormatoon '04' a Qtfitretly refute to grow up Into a heraM a new nl:htltsm? No, Itt lust reasonabte prtee. Al$0 1 wa1 In o Terry "'hng Jokes •oaln band ~tthellmo:- Uft$u pJ)(N1- nt.tty world es now third hand ano D4tMi/Hit '• one of Scotl.and'J mortlhanat•lllttlrecl v.... llttme 8y tht! I•IM Thinking ol you •I •nd thoro was nowht••th•c 1could ptlytG thn;$ t•t go.ng QUI~ tnQt.1 Pl.. llgiOUS (al\tiMI CoiN'~ Mnd adtmo10,$0 I thought rd I k• COof'ne out 01 tbt ptay peon Of alleas:t at'I'Mfe10p,lhtmagll'•ntPI'(lt-'1 onto SOIIlgt.. fKOfd hlf~tt ~ you Cat'l ttttt on Ylfto COUld Ql'lltood on. rM:Se OUt onty 11 I get tl'lot wmdow tev•ew.. IOQI music ~ etet tomtruPs. "mt ''' qu,te s.mplt. to aear. ftnt Pf'estntttlon w1th no into ''* pocktt.·size fomoet S•nce H'~t Htr• they c~ Md 'f" It~; the 9'~ people analtetnaw.. t rHd tit rr.us T"l'lt Colouffi•h3 tnay wt41 its •nceptton In August 1982, OHd~ 111'1\t old T ftfry leaning on the fa1r p~ . Unhkt •he afo,omon· lind thtmHIVOS in Euro~. preuy beitt ha• 9ainod a eifcul~tlon o' microphone atJnd. Mr LIIC)CH'I;c ttonod, the mtg It defirutetv f'W)t 100ft 1,400 l)tf •J&ut andean be found WtthoU1 I Stn\Jt His Cynlell WOttd inteniJGd tO ba a comme~dtl wn· Roy Wilkinson lurt ing on the 5tletves of music shoQI from .,.,.,.meu to london lUlL When Qul(ted C)n th1t lopec, Vinny laughs. POU\bng eMit that !1'1 Oatt't tound. ... ~ • --­ The brt n behind ONdbt« • Syndicate •·nafy n.tNI. but much '-tgtac.ng Alan Me Ewen aa..s Viftny a... an .... -...._...... _ amus;no and unc>recentoous chap - SOI'Mfl'iong he ~~~ trlfOV "'•" btiOft. Goi<»nt"'Y. the anoN ...... Pfl> bind 'ttor1Jn0 to cov.t~ or 8ow•e duotd by Jo Cdts. or Human Leo­ songt. the 9•0 wu ao.,..hanu of • gut fame. and bears som"hl ng of diAPJ)Oint:ment, perucularty as It hit hallmartt. colnddod w ith the rottta. of tl'letr Syndicate't shOft ftl contolned Pf0MI$lf'lg de-but J.ii'IQ'-. GoldM ~II Othtr fine 1tad.t. which .... ~rt Pf"etented in a PG'If"-d an(( - ...... COtYw•nong Ryle: tNt: can only ott ""• fOfus. sufflo.,tly tO P'ay a set pi'OW(I themsetwt to ""'mbet INc t•udec:l ~aldtwtbiY gre•ter •mono•c eM Eon.b,ughbandtthac CIOWtr and confidenct. -Thev-­ ----- we ahould bt l~•ng out lor and lt'a lhe kovboard• end Jemo•s boln.g PQtlttva about. noncha'&nt vocalt tl'lat define Svn- AJatt:tJr Oatton \.-· ..... 1&101 ...... • ... ,.y v Ill SlUOENT f~y. ttl\ Mll'f' 1865 t 1 MUSIC Dating Regularly .. ..,., the Eng.. sh bigwiOt to Of91ft'M _ bend's c:oncw1 on Gl.egOw M When you go to see a concert in Edinburgh there's a __ _ fair chance that it will have been put on by Messrs Reg,. toura "" Scoc&end ttaPI)Y to for • Vtt~Ut lhM ctn hold 1,000 0....., Matg;arec Unioft hn c:on­ carw 4W\d hopefully bu•ld • wor6:~ they're promoters and do so for the ef'COuraoe brartctlto Qo.t up11bove Regul11r are t•PKC~ng to 1oM ula~ ~usic, Y~s. Gltsgow t.nd Edinburgh, ht c.l~es montv Of' this ont 1M sums took lno.,.._...., reiMlonsh•O with them...... ttld k1 ma1oroty of bog bands venturing north of the border. exampltt tud'letlht 8unnymen's lltt. this· __ Just "what" do these invisible backroom boys get up Hogll- tnd - ...... - 1.000 _..,._lheu.->~ e•u•~ u t'(ltl'lplet: of ReG Tid:« pt\(:t !4 men\s bodv) and "''II~ motle't' to. Roy Wilkinson gets "behind the scenes" and finds ula.r ~•ng ritks. Pete chiPt if! wltt Ml)( OIOSS ftOM tktfll (4,000 on thll glg but II It ~ill doubdut out just what it takes to "the" Colourfield on at Coas· hit thtory: ''11 you don't promote ToCal lll(ad COitl C\ ,665 IN\ thevwdl btttil even 0'111*1 tel'$...... , lhlngs -- - ..,_ -·fot [1_250 So wl'ly 01o1t on N .... oe ~ ReguW Music begtn l•ft in lhl hN t)\is nte to T0U1i c:ommilllOn C200 So r-.p.eo-nc:Ms whet you mean - -~ the NV t"-Y like &o Toulf fiJ:ed 006\1 •l'lduclt ~· can?~· ott 1n big turnovers removed them from wor1d sees usn ~y mtn 1)ut •nd Pfon'IOit btnc:;. early ln their -lntliallydoyt thtv of""' were ....but -·­one man. the grlls roots whtrt they ~M7 ~don't... I esk vw. e1e theso the thlng hom lht hhe ol an eloctri· Barry Wright. Ho wtl Joined by This t>C)Mr certainly gtts 8erry quotet of a mere ••money mtn". Ptte Irvine In 1978. Bltry (an ••· goiog.. AtethHethe PM'in<* I~· t..Mt Thuflday ~~~ put tht -tat' of Srudtftr no ~) and lf"9S o4 I n'\111"1 whO rMhes he's Coloutfilld on " Coastera. the Peter promoted • mJto.~~anv of f\opeo_..,. remov.d from tht band's first-evet glg. BI"V exp­ baodt al wtt.,t was tho.n Tifftny'l seedbtd of excltlno "new telont" lalnt how thfs eorne about: end is now Cindertllt Rockotfot· ttc. or Just a keenHS to lmpr.-.s "'f:lrlt th• agent phones to tet us 1.u. $00flthevwere moving aorou Wt M lttlt koowt "'wt\at'a gotng k,now the band wjtlt 10 \OUt Wt to me ~ - then onto on .. ?What~.M•\.entottrttt send .., • SIK ot Dtorec&ed ~· ingt tor Scon!Jh dttts. 'l"hort fo~ lowt 1 period of barg;;lnlng At~~lly WI (:ll)mt tO a dN4 lnd we can then Ml tbOtld on tour trt onty ew.,. of dttab~ lhev anume atl the majOf prob­ lems have been taktn cere bf, but yO\If ttrnptrtn'ltn~ artlj'l wm BarfY. Mr Ent.....-ntu~ --""""'Power·~ d"" rtn"l.lhatt. "*'r... 8y Ptlt. H.tlo Mtte!lll Pftolo oy CMt Aou ~gger th•ngs still .•• In 1979thtv R11Juftr't contubutton to the thlt t•mo, ReguiiU't a.m it •·to bt lnvitlbW"-nol easy when yOu're llfty Hofl' t prt'IIOUS lne.ltMtionS. promoltd a festivtl at lngllston establlthment ol t Scottish club elon, cashttr. humpert to ttviJOIC The Spec:Nit tnd Fun 8ov Three. drcutl whett y

Teenage Dog Orgy


Jetut tftd Mtty Chain whhOUt the song:~. tnOttd. So thll it tht culm•nation of Paul HeUoh"t four year bid to becOmO the world's most f6t'1"10Us pan.•tlme pop star. w."' f.ntls ....,.nv ht IoGb btck on n,sl~ 1nto thewortd of pop. ancf soos nothing but fellure: fit~tly 11 '" out4nd·ou·t pop sttt W ith Ttll Me A eo~ou:t : •nd ~ ondty tt one htlf of tNI n*o6- ramtltc syf\lh~P duo KhRh and the N1ght Set.. whO wtlte belten to the pOtl by Sofl CeU. Whtte he wonder$. •• the suctlll ~ictl hel eliuded httf\l Whert. he mvtat. It tho c:r'l11cal acc.lelrn he so richly desorvat1 Wher•. hO CM~ttnuts. it th.ot eless mtdtl '"' M ctoudS 60om on tM-~ hOftz:on. om he bt91M to pi01. htt re...-nQe. fittiiY he tvottnget himsoll on hi~ loi\Q•Ume frttnd and col-­ laboratOf J. 8 .Mf.fd\. There •• 1'10 PI.U I

FEATURES5 a Coping with the Experience

They became the Caned an ble ten thtn hfcl out. ~W1th Can.. This Easter holiday, a group of ten Edinburoh U.ni· piooeeca ol thetr leetur• - thr• d..,ns and r.ctlllrers •n tow, tt tt.e., versity students boarded a plano for Toronto on a tnp feel of snow; no runn.ng wtt., aecond. mort c-vdfltd. W'l'cler ' ump W.ndy Ptne, """-tl ;:: end no titctt-cifv However on called "Experience Canada". Just recovered from her r.O.o programme broe.ctc:.w wat.no up at 1 ~ ao r.nct h.msett w•t subsequent hangover, Shona Finlayson reports on an frOlefl. one member al tN .,.,.cy 1n P~t..-borouef't experience she - and Canada - will never forget. Ot1awe WM the Y9nut k>t the admitted' ~ ""' SUdden reserv ... ti'Mtd .h'**'cre lJOft that he was a crry person! wtf'c ol Canada. whet• tMv wtttqpcto. h«!IIC. bu1 •ntttllfii'"SJ o1 Once upon • bme Grtn\. Aclollft. lhtbmeatWIRIPit.. wtsft>IM achtd• Shena. ....t..>. ~Cot«>, C4M. meettnot "'"' th H•vh COMm~ Sf'IOW'-Shoetng (Ot 1n tnOSt eawt Gav>n. Guy, Ndo one! Cho.,.. trS. MPI tftd toufnthtt• "' and falling dOwn 1 klt)sbng.c~ng en.rolted 1ft one Of anot"-t ol thtM around the Plr~t build.• ~~ Cafta(t.en St~ SomehoYw tlmt WH found few the COI.ItSeS. t,n.. did lhw know lhlt mak:tng ol frttndt at C.rleton Un. bealu:M of • fiw yeer tponiOf From the luxury of a five· vert~ty ~ • lf•P 10 ~ IHf" Frtnch sh1p bv NO#tNm TMcom of ~ tn MontiNI The 1\~.gtM. t.ft.tda thfor woukl be evtf'!tualty star Toronto hotel, our of Ottewa wu. un•Mnousty, • choMn to JU9PI4ment th.,, courH heroes spent their first meettng W•th tx Pttme M ~If. by eeru.alty expeMndng CanMII weekend at Trent Univer· John Turnet, P ..rre Ttud first hand. sity's wilderness camp. ~' and INdet of lht Gppoal bon He wtkomtd ...,.ryot\1 'Mth or tat charm In tP•tt of tome tllhtr Particularly important tough quuuon•no on hit past in and leatnlng how to spena even­ P<>t•t•cl from the ten 11~11 Who research was done Into ings without elecu;c.ity, Dr Ged gathered matetltl lor tSMy Mertlft. from Edinburgh, proved 1 the typical Canadian pub which will be tead In no ~ onceaf'ldfor alltoi'IJastu~IS that -the Pig's Ear, Red Dog PtPtf (uniHt: onotl\or one ol them eectvrtft eM actually walk on hoajournalistlc uplrllhons• and Cal's Arse .•• water-but onlywhef'l th..-; snow-. Shoed ocron the fro1en lakn of the north. Tht t'lrac two wetkl of ll'le three Their return to Peterborough WiM!.k. tourwOt"e spent at Trtnt Unl· heralded JUC:h Joint No. not Olatgow - lt\t PartlatMnt bultdlng, In Ottawa. proltoll at a versity, PeterbOrough, Oot~rlo, one hour radio programme on with one student baf.fttf• etleet purely VnWtrsitv conttllfl, rather SCAG. ~tr.l$ tutntlallychv· Cgood ~Ito flmt•n wH.h than d'teir usual roM, brtdgl.ng the based: and ittt registered with 1ht them for~r . btotdtn lhtlt hart· zont: INS change their ldttt. gap between the human and the Countil. Lee· Soc'et* lura 1nd boott Otllnythlng lalntlvt ac:a

There have been a few changes in the world of TV no4 grHn fOt • mn 81.11 if you pop-programming In the last three years. From the think-- H luMCI to-thathtrtwt days of an impalatabla once·weeklydose of Top ofthe htve 1 tr.. PQII\. roomy JNK1 0\ltf• n~ng ¥nth boott, loodand '*n­ Pops and the sedative Old Grey Whistle Test, we have lully ltmoua peOQf4i, lhtn lhin\ started a new regime of at least one pop-related again btcaust In fiC1 h't uncom. music pill per night to swallow. fontbly tmall whh nowhere 10 tit down tnd lf 11 ovt~flowt•~o~th any· This week, Keith Cameron looks at the production thing lit llggors (ha•,oert-on whh of the programme that heralded this new era of"anar· probtbiY tlll'ltf ltnuou• excusn chic" pop-programming- The Tube. Next week. Roy fOf b4'nQ t11owtd thtfe 111 110. Wilkinson visits the BBC's OKford Road Show. lni:Mtd, moat thu'Qt on The The.re mutl be feYt thtnQt u dis.­ oH the street to check OUt fOI'I'Iot Tube ''' IIINISef 5n IMI11V chan they eppear on tM IICtMn. ..t( • .a tppot.nt•ng n Mv•no on.'t ,,..,... ICtiOft.. - wiU'I IXQU'!SIIet;" cod· 10 dO W11h 'MOt tt\011 lenNI.... sioM ebol.lt JOtntOtlit or ~ fu:rtd tetl-locx ·tall h.tiJ:I.tvlb The .,._,_ .....__ «htn9 ahacwect. u~. f•ndlno out opo1Dmeoltodoy'tyo.M.Ivtt-· ~~ Whattv'tf 4 .... d Clf• the I Mh about fM.Mf ~ritctnft,. ing With Slrt«O_by_ shin Mel~ ..ORS• OfCS,.. ""'"'""e•fof"'Ktt..c.•rm~ •• oreuv cto.tbolecAI 1n terms ot Jlke Jll)tnrt dtfnelll\ttd dOr""*-* A tM vou rt-IWPid. " 1Dih4 ...... contWtt, due mt~nl'y 10 the lblenc:e uniqucdwaa.. &o be ...... IN ..,,_ COI.ltlleOUS and caedid buC ol ~~~- IIHI-Iollonly .... hid blretv • gOOd wor\ eo NV uecr,.,.. Go WMiftd TheBMtg­ Mnaltv. rm not •., COI•tA•~C~eG ...... _oi ~end __ llot.lnd d .. a W-bed Nn"'lt• .-..nwor.. bind cNI The Tube.._ d ~She III'OIPUt some npec:ts of thl cwogtammt neat' the- ~- Thtt - " live ..tttrJ(:IIOftl- Indeed. able ~ad«" .n the TV mvte. ret (\Hf- m.~... -depr .... no ltl dehn~tel'y Me wn.t they JIMM. usembboge or hepc:ets lhlil C*"Mc>t cht belt ,,..,, l'fiUfto ~me ,.._ To 1htM tvt1 tnd ..,... .e o.g1ntlht Pf0$1,..,..~

O.~tla Counol EAtrv toM/shows end WOtlt~ wttt be lrH. 1M...... ,. progftmmt ....., . Women in the limelight litd aNI emQh...,. CTN't~Voty and conwfi..... IC.bOn. Wfll..tno.n Imagine a network of women whose aims are to pr.o­ ScotWh women wn-..s ...,. be mote women's perticopation in the arts and med1a. pot0oo"""9 - .:...... "'" And then picture, if you would, that same network ---Oftd01____ AtroM« r.,.. Ntot,., ... Pte. - encouraging women to learn, share and deve~p per· forma nee skills. Celt the network 'Women Lo."e , pro· ~ e rMdd'l9 of SUI llt'Of'l IIOf- vide it with a venue and you have the ingred18nts of a "-- "'" ...... oght. •"" festival with a difference. -----·r.., tt•ns~otTJ. whO founded • Sooc!lth Poets' Lbftf'f, be pr• •wom.,-. in Entertainmenl''. The WI• "'Wornen uw·· (Onlcltt of • Mnt~ poetry tnd ....-..· Q(J,~ number of women ffom Edin· or~p almtd co prOmOte t~ Thtrt w.fl..., be • ubtret on Fri­ burgh end eh.ewhelt whO have talentt of women in the perlOfm-­ d.ly ltat M•v and • women'• lng arts and hlghligl"tled thuvbOt· eomo U>gothor o-t lndi'""Cklelt 01' 1n ~lldh on S.t"rcttv 1a1 June te•dy-fo•med gtouf)f 10 pretent • dinate 10le thai m&nywotnon wart (womtn onlvl. fes:tlval of art whk:h prOMIIM to be fOfc.cl to ptly l.n tho establi:thtd male-dominated tphentt. V'kttoc ro be thown ue11 a vatl· at inlertttJf'l9 et hIt dlfftront. The ttY of subtecaa "'nt ot Us" ~ • futlval wUI take place bttWfotn tht When the ideas end oonoePtt of down ttle r-u~dittlncdon berwe.n play-tomedv wl'Tttan bv an Ashtn 26th Mly enclth• 3td JUM II tht the London gtO\IPWffe b4'01.10tl110 the performing an• por •• ..,. wotn.tft tbout the ltlt of .an Asi.an Pfnsance .All mttttl•l •• wuntn Edinburgh in 1982 tMv ,...,e ,.,~. POfltiaf ert. So lhM I viCieo wl'lt(h 'lfiiiiOfTWM' In 8ntlin•. Glrl"t "fe~· "' bv women end l"nntt of h wHI bt ily .c:cepttd bv women eb~ itt lhOWS lht work of WOf'Mf'l cluf1nQ v.dto made by VOU-"9 wonwn ICM perf'Ofmtd by women. though'*" "'' ertl- - ac:trt'SM=$. playwflghtt !he miners' sltt~ it" importft'll voungwomen. "'tMt.TakDiSod"" fot~ ..,. OS*' to both •nd tuCh take _ many or wtlom and .,.w .. the perlortntnee at • •• VIdeO about SMU.eM ldt; ~.ndm.en. ~ anx5ou:t to hiW the OPCIOf· ptr, 0t1 • poetry readef'Q The .,.... tfloOChet Vldoto Dr c-... Rl'm or tuf'I"V 10 thow their taW!tl bu1 uoe ....,. • ttwot dOC:utNf'I"'Y 111 -..:~ ~ "'Women L.Nt.. hH '" rooct in e ... lotldcc..o.wd gtoup celled who did - _..;,.,- -~-rctiOf'l.tiiOtl *""' olwoOfN"'t~olN""'*" ...... ,, .... "Womert lrve.. ..,hc:JsM 10 t\a...a ...... of young ~ TN::t.,..... ""'WOI""*' u... .11.,, ~NtagvJdtololtbt.,...... Ma ~10 form a.ru. ""'"'~ ffOI'n viA Oflf'b ¥lo • bt terwd t'l :he ,._. on lhe out5tlftt ol [ _.. ~ ... and. crwcN offf"fS 01,1f9h II'ICIOd..ng Nton. w.... cMda-eeeoh.... H..-.. Cr_.gtnfMar and Gotg.e - PtogftnVnlll v.-.. Ot .-v-....1* t!CNl!ng down f)frfioe'rt bt1Wefn Jhoftty trom "WIQitNt\lOtlt.. 1M I HI tvtl'lts on lht outJJ(ottJ of E'dl'ft "'""-so-.... .,~261 burgh o~~tKI ~tttn thtct'ntrt 'WOrntn Liw-"' hOC)a to w.n ofl The fttt1\l'af" • non·P"of'' &\fk mort mN'I•nQtln wtumn tnde. 1ng venM't. MOM)' lO pey IOf be con~tcttd •t me Wom«\'t STOUIIJOlVt Uptlt""'t tn.J ~~ lind • lbll lf'l pttwlte hanOI. ""' eJto, 1hlt ..uiOn, W1tneutd • opinion... , am bocom1ng lnc:rea.. the country. Headed by lhe rttNtn•ng 2CM undet' atate (Of'ltrof thnllar and more marked shUt In lnglv more ll'lgered abOuc FCS'1 SandlnlttGI IM country d•reated Wit IOJ1 by the liMing Somoll pohUC.l tMpt\1511 A fOf'Mif conttn ued move to lhe nght, and Somoza. expelling the haled family and hal been d1vtd0d up ...,lOt cotnm~l* member of •way hom the value.. of 1r ad• tiOnll NatlonttOua.rd Into 1Lat1 tarma Of co--opett1"'­ E.UCA Nld. ert., tm ~·· Con:Mrv~ott~~n 0.... tOken membtt Pott~revolut!OfWY N~oe • ln .ndustty tht u~ o-'*11 much mote poltt~tv minded t-oned foe" n.. petty I'Kt.. opn-­ often atttded 11 being • poll(:y "*' bMn PUtSued ..th lht b~tJVt h.6Ct been etKitt· ror Lek:.. l.,- . lord K•nn•t (SOP). AeciOt. and EUCA, WM .u:trumtn· Co


J ..... lltn,;.- anyone WhO telbme thev're tNd. Just a ltn't brt CtiiV H.a h.a.. h'tlNI t'IOfi'Y\-.It\ltt you lwt TIMEFALLrn LO WI~ 01.14. fot $;1 dooM'~ at w...... , s..c.... ood­ ~ wrtO.~g~t StU "0 OOwft ntAI IOVOU W•th the ratlftQ rewtu ANO NO CIOAREnES. SO VOU "'-IW a t.g •~no tbou' o•·••rwu "' "' • e.n. ton and ..... t'-' po.nt.,.. NECROPOLIS *' &he genlv. "' ... bwlfong triWI ba.g •""' th•n anU• (why PtOOil A TALE OF SUBURBIA osk&ct htm as they fiWappoo & OOt· Bringing tho thing up to hltlaoe won't wear elothtt thbt rit Is ue of vodka on• night. for closer lni4*Cton. ho d!.c<>o boyond ""'l•nd ...,. He spunted crisply down the ·11t1w 1t," he tokt Fox m•ldty. '"h ver.S that his MCOnd judgei'Mnt -n....,..,.·•ooc ,mcjt\.ght str.. ts. S"Neet form•f\9 a .,,~ mt. n push«s tntlunhef -c.o--.. had bMn wrong u well Thl dot lnduv"""· loQUod .,_, bel_, tho lrOOMg than 1wwtd nofmaUyhaveto go.· ttd du~ globe wH • guilo And lho gonl ouddtnly _ __, ,, and htS overhud body. On a.nd 1 "Aeattyl" lotlned he.d. ttd bmt on l'le ran; out •ntl) the tvbur,bs, •n1et.. In tht t•b&n or '"Oh yes. mv wUI'a not a1rong ~~shrieked and hurled it fYWIY. stridtt out rme his ttt•n it puQ•nv wt~.tre the squores of the hoos•ng t nough to m&ke ~ dO anything twlttlr'IO to ru:n. but he st!Pt)H. f1~ OUt and not foftv '"""''" - So ~ r-.,ctangtM. - f1nalty t'T'i04'1 than ttY to do my belt W'th t.no on t.tsa;ntlt 11 aaded wtwn­ ~ n 1ntriJn$ICIIty bOnng penno. hedut~ at 1t. k1thtt.ght ...... aUt .r vouv. GOl""'"""- • ~*"·· Y011... ttghtJ of tht: c:.tv nudous had been - - ""' - The ot running. It 'uS\ hlp~nt to be oi hlJ terror thl house r.eemtd tO lay •'ftt.- bUI yOU'ft Mt h.evlng 1cft well behind, end even the over· what I'm bolt at, so I need tome· focus its windowt on hlt writhing 0110'" end aU the wortd cnr,gu.. JPIU of their glow was gone. Only thing to drive mt to diJ my bitt. I form ln a ghlttlv ttare. 'Thty un ilgnotelht dru'*- but noc the blurred CKenge of 1to1a1*S nMdamotNI· ... toed co tllmtNt l tht '*" 'f'Ollf ~ AtwJ .. the lltmS) posts bfoU out In thot datk· "l.it othopooslbolitvol­ hom hlsa m1nd .ndbegan tocrew4 WII"'ftd. lhtt lites 10 thtr* ol iottllf .. Mil.. The f'IOU1M lay l!l:t btd. r.nding yOu In t.Mif flower-bed.· btQk towttcfl tht fenc:e. A ltght Jute 1 hnJt bit crarv Cofflct partMt. rnooth$,luriung well bKk from the Fox had smllod. Rltth.td on and tho glare drtnchel$ flatt;n; .m'\S. .... ~ .-ad offM. Exquisite buec::Nrt...... ng ll>rough edgto. ... used 'OWI'cb the houN, M Wit I and .,... d U'\d'led It h•m wrth ot"* lted,auydeMofm.,b$et~SJt-N 11'11 strtt•f•od lancbclpe " an if'lquisitive roots and brenches. Ht low, but h hid • pe.ak4Kt roof. Somt put up bledlbOifds t.ttlng tasault course, a te.st of his almost like a church. The tho"IS of wamb.. d on unhindered. Far to vou which ftfm lhl mt~t oomH i1tmln.a hlt rigf'lt m. moon shone like • the searchttt. opposite retChed ffom.. You ClOUid go and walid'l IS His chlro•n.; legs punched • ~...... gi- running traund. thefl• • eew .... atl"l"'l) ac:rOM the Yt:fglfl borders. As hoe ptuoneed 11'1-lO y4ll tnOChef ...,ll>obod<-_.~­ tne1 the wh4M th•not il rui!Md ...,.. not •• aecu,. " tMv had brightneSS of ,.,. ~ght bltnc.ied ChoughL ,Mpe""'""'· coutd pulllong be, unhl .... ht - had con-.... h·s beet down 1t1e o.ll.elth lbe glow from tolav,si.on vinced hln,telf that the house was him. He Witldtd h«,! fact with hla Rolct. p&tl til thOtl mtn whh car· na d and chOked~ Next door - di>glnt. 'tpptftd: over ~-vuts. ICt!Ntns drew sketches on curtainS detd. •• ,. Whefl M fintlty C,.p\ up 10 u•0 ,....,. .. t~lod oornoono l.od his ___ ,.,_Tho wh~eh tw•tC:htd and ~mptd like Hewor>od M jll "--""-~­ 'PtibC jugglers; c:ompeny ca.rs. pole he found that tM obttC' wat ,_and poiiCt .,. detfl•nt ruotrv dtbnt IOhd 1 1M dark. crouched not • bin. but tomek,ndof ~eta· tteldup. . as ttn\ t n A woman ltood 1n tront o 1 him. Jugglets; crouched atttll sideS of blo He could make out nochmg In oH tht 1ueott u h c,awls round t!ouses; gtGenhouHt dimty lke.blacknoH. so he put his hands t-Ier bOdy wat ,,....red with blood e.wfV Sconlsh bloCUidt Itt a lllt!: 17 nd telt iL The P,ln gavto ffom 1 ritUJi l! ~&lng • ~nuet\li'Md v ...lNl~ ~ed tM l"'ight sky tllce bOxes ·we ii'OW... she pld. • g~m 111td Y<•th dtNMS- Hi'l fMlil ~hat probing(~; rt was pHting acrott Ieee JCM. cold end f'*hV to tM mouc:h '* w.e • tr~ed another sm•le: dtd ther Thl hugt t~n1ft sheared down realty think these ;cons gew tt'lem Gfas.'J)Ing the base, whkh. whII ond dempened wtl o llko a bot or tlghttilng. Mneauarvl Sntggof1 whit:tted Arid htt httd ft&l away tto.rough hit teeth as hit devast•t# :=~tQUid. M jerked h off the A.J. Wll.SOH ..·.. ~: .. "'0 feet ~ ~r ~·of the pole. Tho o"" .....,....., .:: :::: ··::. illoughL ...... ci>Od ...... ·. ··...··.·...... "So wt.y do you do 11,• Fox · : ~· ·••••• ·~l! THE LAJRD'S LAR DER Ci.A& AD R.ESTA.l.R\'1 A'l) COfHI RCIO\l

""' "'OOdl.. llt!IPf'llrtC ...... '"'D#IttHI fill , li'l"rl 'llffl,. '14 0 OtSR '-" ' t \UT\L.... lhlk' raoo• c' ·''lr.Ot' UO,t::\l_,l"lt~MH'-

J(t VIM OK I~ \TAt t T tui\HI Kl·ll ~~ 1.)1-UI!!~ It STUDENT SPORT Edinburgh have a Field Day The gap between neas and ptorualonanam rounders and rugby (Carollna T S even had their owl\ seems to be unbridge­ atrlp). fn lht rugby ~~ the Agrees able. The latter is rough, -•Ciubee..,,.t.,.,~~y,,. tough a.nd highly com· teSOUftOing metg•n of 22.0 'fhe petltlve. The former hockey event was dmm bet'Wtltn U\t cftnfltla tnd commtrct seems to be reserved lor a toelt:ty. sunny evening lnHoly· All throo of these eventt wtrt rood Park alter a heavy .-.u tu'btc:r•~. eight , ..,..,, tea. Yet on Sunday at entenng tnt rugby c:om.Pt'uUon thir"Men '"~ in ~~· aui Pellermill that gap was OCCO«y event (surprise aurpr1se} the Agrlca, the Tho ,_..,, - - by the wom.nt 100 re4ayby theJttiiMtn Hangowtfa who beat Bliltd 2..0 In and the "*"'- by B&trd lht ''"" l.n COtl"'fMtiOn •tlh jOhn 8u1 pettltps 11 was tnt rounders Wattert. on• oC the IQchng ugtut ev•nt abovt aU tlat thtt ot tM Lee House ceam, II was aurmounttPO•I'IImtnt revealed lhal tho Hlll\govttl eauMd by ltltii'IO to get the hot tlt C04'11alned 1 number ol UnlYtfl.ily baJtoon Into tht sky and made p&eyert 8ull.l''Ut d'Jd not meen Chit Sundty tfttf~ a good day out •• the otf'ltltl pllyetl W'trt and • tportt cur :o ~ ou:~ Sh~ts own One Wilh (Witt 200C?J peop6rl ehiNJnnO Mixed Fortunes for Uni YatJOW tcOt'td I mtgn•f~l go.! fnldfy t ..t'IU . .orne eutl«J from (tln'ullt 10 Oetglisb's v tot&lnd) other ~ntt. compteted 11 a ta1• A week is a long time in an lllrmingly cavall41r flpt)r()IJ(h potatoot, lhOwGrS. ~ndl SunCIIY driving tM t)tll Into lht eot'Mr a..nCI turtout P&Ct m an tvtnt that and ltt.nt~•l •st.n. rtlu1n1ng ftgu1et0f C for 30. Gofon the'r wty to •n imptttt!VI 119-8 in ner· JtcUon top scored weth 1 One "udef'lt who r>efh.epe 1t ""'' the bU1Id up to htt dHut •on•nst lnfonned to talk of lt\41 tnftventt of lalltilholm lnt TuHd4y wts McGurk then demoroi~ICid the 1helr IIIOUeft.nt on fotl'ftiiW»> 10 dismrn 1M AocJes tencv ,om hn boys mil W'Mt.l on W~41indtolpild'tlllntoa fOf 71-M*olmG,....t$fOf 1&.- G.nni$ Jacbon tnd the maQ tlufc Sc:odand SQUid tn NtioMitltf Deans and M Jffey 1111p of POflobeHo NM Showing And 10 to • c:okf (bNnt. pte$, Oa\old eo.g,..,, c.rtlde.Nd.hnbeenceHtdupto dMrtvl '""*'" • calming ~t~fJu· fill in the v.unt stand otf POiihon enee on Htdt. as M. llo;t tl'le fM the Sc:ouisl'l Chatnt)ions While Immortal c.hch.e advised "Just deJight6d at such an opportunitY wttu out and tnJQYed hlmsoll " ~w~~~!. ~~~. ~. .~~ . ~.~e move season is now w ell upon showing signs ol pay·o ng ncMce fours t10e. The S.CO.t111'1 M1lk Atog.~t" tc C.• US, and Edinburgh Uni· off. tte Semple lest weekend g6ve the versity Boat CtUb are well The Fostefs Dfaught Clydo Row· club •II first tasto of muttllD•'• tac· o n course for another sue· ing Weekend Pfovlded 1M c:lub ing this ~oe~son In 1he worMns cessful year's rowing. With'" first oompoli,..,. out•no OC*'tttt.ta.EUBCbMt t~'""''ts thtt term. AI the er•wt 01Ye ~ from GLftOOw .net AberdMn Unf.. With winter training for all OOOd IClCOUnl of thtft"'Mtwt$ ..-.nttlt:l but wetejust p.pped by • the crews severely dis· •P~C~•tlyA.Patnet,f ~ston,J• .,.,., OOOd ct\lb crew ''om Abtr· rupted. the hard work put Ut ~d P. Evans who mowed detn H.. Oreen. c. Haigh, K. fs6IK in at Durham and on the greot dOt(l rmlnahoo to bell five lind V, 8oyylet jtl;:t lttlod 10 jotn Olhtt crewt to take the womens the'"""' ol worn ens senior Craw· ing but c•me • c:roditable HOOOd in womtt~t novJce lourt: Kavlng Shooting s&.ltVtd t~moMof Fndav IOINte 110kg (11 tlOM)rttfagt EU A1fle Club ~ thOwn thetr wteght. the mens first c:rtw were Canoeing superb quality by winn.ln!J the first to tht teales 10 weloh 1n fOl ··scolllth Cu p", a knockout hghtwttght c:oxless fours end then ltll wtok.Ond IIW Edinburgh compet ~tlon org~nlstd by the fira:t to the f~oishtng hno This rot. Unlvet~lty Canoe Club In tc:uon N ational S mall·bore Alfie lowfd 1 flnt petformanee In Ehte loSJaan. 11'111 t:lrne at tht llttorn on AIIOC&IhOI'I and Shot thtOUghout coxed fourt. where they '"'"• only the' A~vtf T• lh ~ Cttllndef. on SCoO&ncs. by dub c.tms 01 liX. fUI'WI bMten b\' the tc:OCt•lh Sltwday there wu m1ncJIUOOISS Each snooter fueo 20 thOtJ c•• N ...... l __.. Squod 'A'!th 2nd ~ fOf o..... 811Q m 200) in MC:h ro...no tOt • totliiCOfe ...... Novtet C1. Lyndll Turner 1nd outol1200 lnthtflnalthtC.ptaln The c&ub's AGM m>CM'eek: Callum Urquhan in SUSF C2, tl'ld Gordon WI C~c:h melnltltMd hjs elec:tod tho o1tice-bee~tors for next the novice teflm ot Alistair unbroken recotd by shooting a veer with the lop job of CIJ>tatn MKPherson. JONIII'\In Scales m1.11.lmum 200and SOMt dropp.ng going to N1c:k 9roi'"I"'W'ell - we11 1nd Scott Tt.ttNJ, ~t H\'eral 1 potnt tn any ot the two rounds.