With Gratitude,

Ksharim Booklet 5773-5774 / 2013-2014 Information for Parents of Children with Special Needs Produced with the Generous Assistance of Alon Holdings Blue Square - Ltd. On behalf of the thousands of families who will benefit from the information in this booklet, we would like to express our sincere thanks to you.

Data Collection: Kesher - The Home for Special Families (R.A.)

Thank you to Nira Feldman for her assistance in collecting and updating this information. Graphic design and editing: Ortal Feldheim and Studio Aliza

5773 - 2013 © All Rights Reserved, Kesher Association - The Home For Special Families (R.A.), 4 Yad Harutzim St., 93420.

It is prohibited to photograph, photocopy, duplicate, translate, record, store in a database, broadcast or receive in any manner, form, or means whatsoever (whether electronic, optical, mechanical or otherwise), any segment or part of this booklet.

Commercial use of any kind of the material presented in this booklet is strictly prohibited without receiving explicit permission in writing from the publisher.

Preface - Message from the Kesher Association ...... 11 Message from Yael Levental-Lev Ran, Corporate Responsibility Manager at Alon Holdings Blue Square ...... 12 Greetings from the City of Beer Sheva ...... 13 About Kesher - The Home For Special Families ...... 14 Rights and Monetary Benefits

Disabled Child Annuity - Bituach Leumi ...... 22 Mobility Annuity - Bituach Leumi ...... 29 Organizations Providing Assistance in Appealing Decisions Reached by Bituach Leumi ...... 36 Public appeals department at Bituach Leumi ...... 36 Legal Assistance Bureau at the Ministry of Justice ...... 36 Labor Courts Throughout Israel ...... 37 Reduced Water Payments for Recipients of Disabled Child Annuities - Water Corporations ...... 37 Reduced Electricity Payments for Recipients of Disabled Child Annuities – Electric Corporation ...... 38 Reduced Municipal Tax (“”) Payments - Local Authority...... 39 Reduced Telephone Payments - Ministry of Welfare and Social Services ...... 40 Credit Points and Tax Refunds - Income Tax ...... 41 Tax Credit for Maintenance of Child/Adult in Residential Program Outside of the Parents’ Home ...... 44 Parking Tag and Payment of Reduced Vehicle License Fee - Licensing Authority. 45 Marking of Parking Areas - Local Authority ...... 50 Exemption from Broadcast Authority Fee ...... 51 Entitlement to Absence from Work Due to the Illness of a Special Child ...... 52 Adjustment of Housing Conditions for Persons with Mobility Impairments – Ministry of Health + Ministry of Housing ...... 53 Residential Benefits - Mortgages - Ministry of Housing ...... 57 Reduced Tax on Apartment Purchases - Purchase Tax ...... 59 Tax Exemption for Deposits in Provident Funds ...... 61 Education

Introduction ...... 64 Education for Children from Birth to Age 3 ...... 64

Rehabilitative Day Care Centers ...... 65 Integration of Toddlers with Special Needs in Day Care Centers and Family Centers ...... 66 Education for Children Aged 3-21 ...... 66 Medical Assistant for Child with Medical Needs ...... 67 Integration of Child with Special Needs in Ordinary Education Frameworks ...... 69 Yated Shiluv: The Center for Promotion of Education and Integration ...... 74 Placement in Special Education Environments ...... 74 Various Services for Students in Special Education ...... 78 Eligibility for Transportation Assistance ...... 79 Education During Illness ...... 83 Main Principles of the Free Education for Sick Children Law, 5761-2001 ...... 83 Kav Or: Distance Learning for Children in Hospitals ...... 84 : Educational Support for Homebound Students...... 84 Advocacy Organizations in the Field of Education ...... 84 Public Complaints and Appeals Division and Hotline for Student Inquiries ...... 85 Legal Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ...... 85 Health

Introduction ...... 88 Health Rights ...... 88 Exemption from Professional Doctor Fees and Visiting Fees in Institutes and Outpatient Clinics ...... 88 Reduced Deductibles when Purchasing Drugs for Patients with Chronic Illnesses ...... 89 Medicinal Food ...... 90 Organizations Providing Assistance in Purchasing Drugs not in the Health Basket ...... 92 Friends for Health Association ...... 92 Refa’enu Association ...... 92 The Israeli Foundation for Drug Funding, Provided by the Yachad Betikva Association ...... 92 Keren Yish’i Association ...... 92 Child Development Services Basket ...... 93 *Treatment by Multidisciplinary Staff for Children with Somatic Disabilities until Age 18 .. 94 Eligibility of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disabilities for Developmental Services ...... 95 Eligibility of Children in Special Education for Developmental Services Provided by Health Funds ...... 95 Representatives Responsible for Handling Appeals from the Patient Public Regarding the Health System ...... 96

Dental Treatments ...... 99 Funding of Mobility Devices ...... 100 Centers and Organizations Providing Advice and Lending of Rehabilitative Equipment ...... 104 Light to the World ...... 104 Arab Association for Disabled Persons ...... 105 Yad Sarah (R.A.) ...... 105 Milbat - The Israeli Center for Assistance, Construction and Transportation Devices for Disabled Persons ...... 105 Maayan - Center Providing Assistive Devices for Children and Adolescents - Alin Hospital ...... 106 National Center for Safe Transportation - Alin Hospital ...... 106 Mishol: Center for Supportive Communication and Rehabilitative Technology ...... 106 Ezer Mizion: The Israel Health Support Organization, National Center (R.A.) ...... 107 Medicine and Life Association ...... 107 Organizations Providing Information, Advocacy and Legal Advice Regarding Health Matters ...... 107 Daat - Health and Medicine Information Center ...... 107 Representation Regarding Eligibility for the National Health Insurance Law - Ministry of Health ...... 108 Keren Dolev Foundation for Medical Justice ...... 108 Z.V.I. Israel Health Consumers ...... 108 Doctors for Human Rights Israel (R.A.) ...... 109 Welfare and Social Services

Introduction ...... 112 Rehabilitative Division - Ministry of Welfare ...... 113 Division for Mental Developmental Disability ...... 114 Unit for the Treatment of Persons with Autism ...... 116 Vacation Centers ...... 117 Obtaining Work Permits for Foreign Workers...... 119 Foster Families for Children with Special Needs ...... 122 Rights of Foster Families ...... 123 Information and Service Centers - Ministry of Welfare ...... 124 118 Hotline - Telephone Response Information Center - Guidance and Preliminary Treatment for Distress Situations ...... 124 Shil: Citizen Advice Service ...... 125

Financial Assistance

Variety Israel (R.A.)...... 128 Lev Ohev ...... 129 Israel Free Loan Association (R.A.) ...... 129


Introduction ...... 132 Recreational Activities for Children ...... 132 Shai Association - House of Wheels ...... 132 Re’im Program ...... 133 Etgarim ...... 133 Mamla Project - Milbat Playground ...... 134 Youth Movements ...... 134 Tzamid Scouts - Scouts Movement ...... 134 Yuval Tribes - Bnei Akiva ...... 134 Recreational Activities for Families ...... 135 Access Israel: Association for the Advancement of Accessibility and Independence Among Disabled Persons in Israel ...... 135 Access Unlimited: the Association for the Advancement of Accessibility ...... 135 Aluteva - Vacation home for Families of Children with Special Needs...... 135 Recreational Parks ...... 136 Sense Garden (Alvin) ...... 136 Scents and Sounds Garden ...... 136 Friends Park ...... 136 Nahar HaYarden Village ...... 137 Transition to Adulthood

Guardianship ...... 140 IDF Recruitment ...... 143 Receiving Exemptions from Military Service ...... 143 IDF Volunteering - Winning Combination ...... 144 Bat Ami - Meshalvim Project ...... 144 Association for Volunteering - Sherut Leumi ...... 145 Mechinat Knafaim ...... 145 Election Voting Rights of Persons with Disabilities ...... 146 Rights of Students with Learning Disabilities in Institutions of Higher Education ...... 146

Professional Rehabilitation for Persons with Attention and Concentration Disorders ...... 149 Workforce Integration ...... 150 Safe Future for Youth - Program for Integration of Youth into the Workforce ...... 150 Sexuality ...... 151 “Alone and Together” Center - ...... 151 Reut - Open Door for Persons with Disabilities ...... 152 Rehabilitation Outside the Home ...... 152 Funding for Rehabilitation Environments Outside the Home ...... 153 Changes in Bituach Leumi Annuities ...... 154 Organizations

Rights Organizations - Legal Advice and Assistance ...... 158 Eli: Child Protection Association ...... 158 Ahava - Special Disabled Persons Association in Israel ...... 158 Roof Organization of Disabled Associations and Unaffiliated Disabled Persons ...... 159 Disabled Persons Action Organization ...... 159 Bizchut: The Israel Human Rights Center for Persons with Disabilities (R.A.) ...... 159 The Israel National Council for the Child (R.A.) ...... 160 Legal Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Bar Ilan University ...... 160 Israel's Disabled Struggle Headquarters (R.A.) ...... 160 Ministry of Justice: Representation for the Equality of Persons with Disabilities ...... 161 Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - The Hebrew University ...... 161 Assistance Organizations by Disability Type ...... 162 Dyspraxia ...... 162 Dyspraxia Israel - Association for Parents of Children with Dyspraxia ...... 162 Autism ...... 162 ALUT - The Israeli Society for Autistic Children ...... 162 API - The Israel Asperger’s Association ...... 163 Lauren House ...... 163 Association for Children at Risk ...... 163 Syndromes ...... 164 M.T.M.: Integrative Support Centers - Children’s House ...... 164 Milman Center (R.A.) ...... 164 Mifne Center ...... 164 Sha’arei Marpe Association ...... 165 Eating Disorders ...... 165 Shahaf - Association for Elimination of Eating Disorders in the Community ...... 165

Mental Disorders ...... 166 Enosh - The Israeli Association for Mental Health ...... 166 Our Center - Service and Support for Families of Mentally Ill Persons ...... 166 Learning disabilities ...... 166 Nitzan ...... 166 Tzori Association ...... 167 Marom: Center for the Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities ...... 167 Visual Impairments ...... 168 "Ofek Liyladenu" – Israel National Association for Parents of Blind and Visually Impaired Children ...... 168 ELIYA - Association for Blind and Visually Impaired Children ...... 168 ALEH - The Society of Blind and Dyslexic Students in Israel ...... 168 Nur Al’in Association ...... 169 Central Library for Blind, Visually Impaired and Disabled Persons ...... 169 Center for Deaf-Blind Persons - Beth David Institute ...... 169 Taha Hussein Society for the Blind - Umm al-Fahm ...... 170 Northern Goals - Migdal Or - Rehabilitation Center (R.A.) ...... 170 Lirot - The Israeli Research Center for Eye Health and Blindness Prevention ...... 170 Hearing Disabilities ...... 171 AV Israel ...... 171 Micha - Society for Deaf Children in Israel, National Council ...... 171 Kfar Kassem Association for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired ...... 172 Shema ...... 172 Shmaya - Educational Framework for the Hearing Impaired ...... 172 Shma Kolenu ...... 173 Institute for the Advancement of Deaf Persons in Israel ...... 173 Bekol - Association of the Hearing Impaired ...... 173 Chronic Diseases and Syndromes ...... 174 Epilepsy: EYAL - Israel Epilepsy Association ...... 174 The Anita Kaufmann Israel Epilepsy Education Center, Soroka Medical Center ...... 174 Gaucher: The Dr. Nissim Levy Association for Gaucher Patients ...... 175 Familial Dysautonomia: Israeli Familial Dysautonomia Association ...... 175 Tracheostomy: Kol Haneshima ...... 175 Katef Chama ...... 176 Association for Fighting A-T Disease ...... 176 Rheumatic Diseases: Inbar - Israel Association for Patients with Rheumatic Disease ...... 176 Mitochondrial diseases: Ori Fund ...... 177 Diabetes: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in Israel ...... 177

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Israel CF ...... 177 Celiac: The Israeli Celiac Association ...... 178 Food Sensitivity: Yahel Association ...... 178 Linshom Association: Israeli Association for Asthma and COPD Patients ...... 178 Small Steps: Association for Children with DMD/BMD ...... 179 ESTI - Israeli Tourette Syndrome Association ...... 179 Rett Syndrome Association (R.A.) ...... 180 Israeli Thalassemia and/or Sickle Cell Anemia Association ...... 180 Ortal Association: Assistance for Persons with Sotos Syndrome...... 180 The National Fragile X Association of Israel ...... 181 : The Association for Mentally and Physically Challenged Children in Israel (R.A.) 181 Young Joints Association ...... 181 The Israeli Association for Angelman Syndrome ...... 182 Cancer ...... 182 Israel Cancer association ...... 182 Gdolim MeHachayim ...... 182 Zichron Menachem ...... 183 Make a Wish ...... 183 Chaiyanu Association ...... 183 Rachashei Lev - A National Support Center for Cancer-Stricken Children in Israel (R.A.) 184 Kav Lachayim ...... 184 Physical Disability ...... 184 ILAN - Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children...... 184 Beit Issie Shapiro ...... 185 Warm Home for Children with SMA ...... 185 MESHI - Neuromuscular Dystrophy Diseases in Israel ...... 185 SMA Families Israel ...... 186 The Israel Multiple Sclerosis Society ...... 186 Nizanei Rishon - Association for Children with Disabilities ...... 186 Tsad Kadima - The Association for Conductive Education in Israel ...... 187 Huliot - Parents Organization for Children with Spinal Injuries ...... 187 Preterm Birth ...... 187 Association ...... 187 Mental Developmental Disability ...... 188 AKIM Israel - National Association for the Habilitation of Children and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities...... 188 Yated - Association for the Rehabilitation of Children with Down syndrome ...... 188 Yad al Halev ...... 189

Ohel Sarah - Institute for the Special Child ...... 189 Prader-Willi Syndrome Association in Israel ...... 189 Eshkolot Association ...... 190 General - Special Needs ...... 190 Ahada - Organization for Parents of Children with Disabilities in the Movement .. 190 Israel Elwyn ...... 190 ENAD - Association Providing Support for Disabled Children in the Druze Sector (R.A.) . 191 Simcha Layeled Association ...... 191 Israel Forum for Parents of Children with Multiple Disabilities ...... 191 SHEKEL - Community Service for People with Special Needs ...... 192 Siach Sod - The Leading Center for Persons with Disabilities...... 192 Ilan Chai Association ...... 192 Shutaf - Association for the Advancement and Integration of Children and Youths with Special Needs in the Community ...... 193 Bar/Bat Mitzvah for Special Children in the Masorti Movement ...... 193 Kivunim - Association for the Promotion of Youths with Special Needs in Israel ...... 194 Amichai - Association for Families of Special Children ...... 194 Magen Halev ...... 194 Al-Amira Basma Center ...... 195 ESRA - Association of English Speakers ...... 195 El Halev Association ...... 195 Alshefaa and Alrahama Association ...... 196 Neemanim Association: Trust and Assistance for Persons with Special Needs (R.A.) ...... 196 Chimes Israel Association ...... 196 Gvanim Association for the Development of Education, Community and the Environment 197 Emotional Support - Beineinu ...... 197

Preface: Message from the Kesher Association

Dear families,

Ksharim is a booklet providing information regarding rights and services available to families of children with special needs, which we publish each year for your benefit.

We believe that building a network of connections and relationships is also the way to creae a new reality for all of us. The shared vision and shared work will result in the identification and creation of the best possible solutions for families and children. We are at the dawn of a new era, an era in which your expertise as parents and families carries weight and importance along with the expertise of professionals; an era in which families are partners, and take the lead in determining the policies which will shape our children’s futures.

This change is currently taking place before our very eyes, and is advanced by a great many partners: first and foremost, by you as parents, and also by the organizations that are working in this area, and by government offices and authorities.

However, the road is clearly still long, and on the day-to-day level we still need to take care of the entire array of services and supports for children and families. This booklet aims to provide all information on the subject in a manner that is clear, transparent and easy to understand, in order to help you exercise your rights on behalf of your children.

This year we were joined by an important business group, Alon Holdings Blue Square, which has chosen, through its corporate responsibility division, to advance the quality of life of families in Israel, and to strengthen both the families which are members of the Group, and all families in Israeli society, including special families. We are very grateful to them for providing this service.

We invite you, families and professionals, to continue contacting us for assistance during the year. The contact staff at the “Tamid Bekesher” information centers is available to help you and to provide you with any information, advice and support you may require during the various stages involved in dealing with your situation. Contact branches and units are available to serve you, offering a variety of activities for all family members, and are ready to develop additional solutions for you in accordance with your needs and dreams. Details about our services are provided in the booklet.

This booklet was written by a dedicated and motivated team with a great deal of love, thought, attention and effort, and is provided by us to you for your use. We have invested a

great deal of effort in order to provide accurate information and leave nothing out, according to criteria which we have defined for ourselves, and apologize in advance for any possible errors, of which you are welcome to notify us, should you find any. Warmly Yours,

About the Kesher Association- The Home for Special Families

To act on behalf of a society which ensures that families of children with special needs are given the conditions necessary to raise their child from a place of strength and involvement, in order to provide children and families with the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest, in all areas: education, health, employment and society.

The family constitutes the central base for children with special needs Acceptance of the child and dedication to their best treatment, while maintaining the family’s quality of life, constitute the foundation for the child’s proper development, integration into society and into various social environments. The parents are the primary and most valuable resource for treating and advancing their children, and are entitled to empowerment through the knowledge, tools and resources that are necessary to fulfill the special role of parenting. Dedicated, empowered and involved parents are the source of power and hope for their children.

Kesher Association is the home for special families.

There are 330,000 children with special needs in Israel, each of which belongs to a family. The families are these children’s source of hope, and we are here to help them! Kesher is a unique and groundbreaking organization, the only one of its kind in Israel, dedicated to serving the families of persons with disabilities – including parents, siblings and extended family members, with the belief that dedicated, empowered and involved parents and families are the best source of strength and hope for their children. We work with and on behalf of special families, and would like to praise their dedication and continuous, unending efforts in taking care of their special children, and aim to provide them with support and a “push” forward on their long and complex journey. We are working together with the many organizations which are focused on providing solutions for children with disabilities, and unify our efforts to create a circle to embrace the child, their parents and their families, in order to strengthen the unit so that it can successfully fulfill its mission of raising children with special needs. We provide solutions to families of children with special needs in all disabilities, from birth to age 21, in all areas of life.

Kesher is a social change organization which is focused on strengthening the status of parents and families of children with special needs, advancing and exercising rights, and developing services which will result in their empowerment. With this aim in mind, the organization operates a variety of services for families, including a center offering information, guidance, advice and advocacy, support and guidance groups, parent accompaniment, groups for other family members such as siblings and grandparents, workshops on special parenting, and more. Along with these services, the organization also operates social projects to empower parents and special families, such as an entrepreneurship greenhouse for special parents, leadership groups of parents in the periphery and in the Arab sector, family centers led by special parents, an awareness campaign for special families on family day, training for parents on accompanying young parents, and more. One of the most important social processes advanced by the organization is leading a coalition of approx. 50 organizations in the field of disabilities and human rights, including parents and interested parties, with the aim of advancing legislation which will grant a basket of rights and services to families of children with special needs. These broad activities have made Kesher the leading organization for special parents and families of all disabilities and population segments, from the perspective of “home” and community.

Organizational Structure:

The organization includes national units and regional branches.

Unit dedicated to information, advice and exercise of rights - intended to provide

information, advice and exercise of rights for special families, with an understanding that information is a tool which can assist parents in overcoming the sense of helplessness towards active and optimal efforts on behalf of their children.

Development and training unit - intended to bring the organization’s perspective, which believes that the family is the central factor in the raising of its children, to many target populations, thereby developing the theory and also developing professional models and tools to realize this perspective. The unit operates with two main target populations: families and professionals.

Content unit - focuses on using content tools in order to empower families, increase awareness, create changes in position, create a home and a virtual stage to allow the families to express their unique voice.

Member and partner relationships unit - belief in building a continuous and interactive relationship with parents for the purpose of transferring information, providing services and creating a social power group. Contact Branches:

Located in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Beer Sheva, providing regional solutions while also creating national coverage. A national service is also available for new immigrants. A dedicated staff for Arab families is available in 3 of the 4 Kesher branches. Kesher branches operate a wide variety of services and projects, which are all intended to lead to the empowerment of parents and families for a better quality of life. To create a community which includes mutual responsibility towards families.

Kesher projects are also active in 15 additional towns around the country.

The organization includes a professional staff which speaks various languages (Hebrew, Arabic, English and Russian), as well as volunteers and students who provide a varied, flexible and appropriate response to thousands of families every year. Partnerships with Local Parent Initiatives:

Around the country, initiatives have been created by leading parents, resulting in changes to the local environment on all subjects associated with the special families. Kesher is proud to be a partner to these initiatives. Contact Services

“Horim Bekesher” portal: The online home for special families: articles, essays, videos, personal columns and more, at http://www.horimbekesher .‎co.il).

Tamid Bekesher - center providing assistance regarding information, advice and exercise of rights: national telephone hotline and online contact center, specializing in providing information, advice, support, exercise of rights, advocacy and any question or deliberation related to the raising of your children (online database available at: www.makom -‎m .‎cet.ac .‎il, in collaboration with Matach.

Individual accompaniment for families: in committees, decision-making, transitions and crises. Short-term treatment response for families.

Kesher for new immigrants: information, guidance and accompaniment for immigrant families.

Unique programs for the Arab sector: information, exercising of rights, leadership development and empowerment programs.

Group activity for support and empowerment: support groups, grandparents, family members, activities, leadership and more.

Community projects to empower parents and families: parents building community: creating parent communities and a network of family centers by active parents around the country, entrepreneurship greenhouse for parents, and more.

Shemesh - Complete family rehabilitation - an innovative program, created as an initiative by two mothers, to empower special families and to create balance in the family through parent-to-parent accompaniment, group work and development of parent leadership. In collaboration with the Ministry of Welfare, Bituach Leumi and Joint .

A national training center focusing on the subject of special families and offering lectures, workshop study days and courses for families and professionals.

Publications: Ksharim - an annual information booklet for parents of children with special needs, online information brochure, annual report - special families in Israel, cellphone contact - updates and news through SMS and journals by special parents.

Social change activities: to improve the position and rights of special families, centered around a coalition to advance legislation which would provide a basket of rights and services to special families. Each year, the services provided by Kesher reach:

Approx. 4,000 parents and professionals through lectures, meetings, conferences and study days. Approx. 5,000 parents and professionals through individual inquiries. Approx. 10,000

parents through information booklets. 20,000 parents, family members and professionals through the newsletter. Approx. 45,000 visitors to the “Horim Bekesher” portal. Approx. 60,000 monthly visitors to the Makom Meyuchad website. History and Achievements:

Kesher was founded in Jerusalem in 1993. In 1999, Kesher won the Prime Minister’s “Child Protection” prize for its special contribution to advancing the welfare of children in Israel. In 2003, Kesher won the Zussman - JDC Prize for excellence in the field of social services, and in 2008, the organization won the Trump Foundation’s charity award. In 2012, the organization won the JDC Ashalim prize for excellence and innovation in the field of services development for children at risk and their families. In 2000, the Brookdale Foundation published, for a JDC practical study, a research report about learning from the success of Kesher’s work model. In 2012, the organization as analyzed by the organization Midot to evaluate its effectiveness, and received a rating of “very good”. Partners in Creation:

Members of the manging committee: Shira Roderman. Committee members: Dana Azrieli, Eliana Balaban, Uri Gur Aryeh, Eli Mazruach, Tamir Poliker, Dr. Liora Findler, Yossi Ben Shalom, Moshe Gabai, Benny Dakalo, Yechiel Even, Yoav Kraim.

Partners and donors: The Kesher organization works to advance partnerships with and on behalf of families of children with special needs. Our main partners are parents and families around the country. We also work in close cooperation with many entities in the community, including the Ministries of Welfare and Social Services, Immigration, Health and Education; the municipalities of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva and ; Bituach Leumi; the Fund for the Development of Services for Disabled Persons and the Fund for Special Enterprises; the Shalem Fund; Matach; JDC Ashalim; the New York Federation; the Saba Fund; the Avisar Fund; the Naftali Fund; the Jerusalem Foundation; the Ruderman Fund; the Bracha Fund; the Yad Hanadiv Foundation; the Lautman Foundation; the Schocken Foundation; the Ted Harrison Foundation; Karen Boxenbaum; the Friendship Foundation; Matan, the Azrieli Group, the Federman Group; the Israel Corporation; Harel Insurance Company; Alon Holdings Blue Square Group; Bank Hapoalim; the First International Bank of Israel; Bank Leumi; the Fishman Group; Unicell Ltd.; Hatav Hashmini; Theta Securities; Metal Chem Ltd.; Microsoft Israel; Bynet Software Systems Ltd.; the Economic Company of Israel; Sono; Tambour; Tadiran Batteries; Check Point; Biovac; Gideon Fisher & Co. Law Firm; and Kimron. You are invited to get in touch with us at any time by contacting:

Main offices: Tami Krishpin - CEO, Buki Kimchi - Professional Manager, Orli Levy Bachar - Finance and Human Resources Manager, Michal Alon - Resource Development Coordinator, Ortal Hamami - Administrative Coordinator, Hila Mizrachi - Administrative Assistant. Tel: 02-6236116/02-6248852, Fax: 02-6246390 Address: 4 Yad Harutzim St., Jerusalem 93420. Website: www.horimbekesher . co.il Email: info @ mrkesher.org . il

Development and training unit: Buki Kimchi - Unit Manager Telephone and address: at the main office Email: booki.kesher @ gmail.com

Unit providing assistance regarding information, advice and exercise of rights: Keren Shalev - Unit Manager Address: 40 Ba’alei Hamelacha St., Tel Aviv Tel: 03-5282518 03-5275467 Information site for parents: Makom Meyuchad, in collaboration with Matach: http :// www.makom - m . cet.ac . il , www.makom - m . ac.il Email: keren.kesher @ gmail.com

Member and partner relations unit: Yael Elbaum - Unit Manager Telephone and address: at the main office Email: yael @ mrkesher.org . il

Content unit: Yael Gross Englander - Unit Manager Telephone and address: at the main office. Email: content.kesher @ gmail.com

Jerusalem branch, in collaboration with the rehabilitation department, welfare division, Jerusalem Municipality: Maya Segal - branch manager Telephone and address: at the main office Email: jerusalem @ mrkesher.org . il

Tel Aviv and central branch In collaboration with the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo:

Sharon Mishkovski - branch manager Address: 40 Ba’aeli Hamelacha St., Tel Aviv Tel: 03-5282518, 03-5275467 Email: telaviv @ mrkesher.org . il

Haifa and northern branch In collaboration with the community and social services system, rehabilitation department, Municipality of Haifa: Carmit Levy David - Branch Manager, Anuar Mansour - Arab Society Coordinator Tel: 04-8311165, 04-8596439 Fax: 04-8314024 Address: 2 Huri St., Haifa, Hanevi’im Tower, Haifa Email: Haifa @ mrkesher.org . il

Center for Families of Children with Special Needs In collaboration with the Ministry of Welfare, JDC Ashalim, Kesher organization and the Ministry of Health: Tel: 08-6289142 Address: 96 Hahistadrut St., Beer Sheva Email: beersheva @ mrkesher.org . il

“Kesher” for new immigrants, in collaboration with the Ministry of Immigration: Rada Chen - New Immigrants Coordinator National hotline at 1-800-30-18-30

National multilingual hotline:


Rights and Monetary Benefits

Disabled Child Annuity - Bituach Leumi

A monthly annuity provided by Bituach Leumi to parents taking care of children with disabilities, according to defined criteria. Who is entitled to receive the annuity, and from when?

Children who require special medical treatment - children aged 91 days to 18 years for whom a determination has been prepared by a specialist doctor authorized for this purpose by Bituach Leumi stating that they require special medical treatment due to a chronic disease. List of treatments and their frequency:

Children who require, at least once per month, a transfusion of one of the following: blood, blood products, blood substitutes, anti-infection drugs and other transfusions intended for ongoing treatment, as well as children who regularly receive drug transfusions.

Children who receive dialysis treatment on a permanent basis, or who require a bladder catheter on a permanent basis, at least twice per day.

Children who receive permanent and daily immunosuppresive treatment following an organ or bone marrow transplant, for a period which may not exceed 3 years after the date of the transplant, and during the period when the child suffers from an ongoing, severe secondary disease as a result of the treatment.

Children who require, at least once per month, transfusion of cytotoxic drugs, or who receive ionizing radiation treatment before or after surgical treatments due to malignant tumors, all throughout the entire treatment period, and during the subsequent half year, and also during a period when the child suffers from a permanent, severe secondary disease which resulted from the aforementioned treatment.

Children who require intra-venous feeding or feeding through nasogastric intubation, or in cases where, due to a severe physical problem, feeding through the mouth or by any other means takes at least one hour.

Children who, due to a severe physical disability, have a urethrostomy, gastrostomy,

jejunostomy, colostomy or cystostomy, and regarding whom a doctor has determined that they require such treatment for at least one year.

Children who have uncontrollable urges to eat (hunger syndrome), who are compulsively searching for food, without distinction regarding the quality of food, all as a result of an organic disturbance with a proven chromosomal disability.

Children who receive oxygen treatment throughout most hours of the day, or who have a tracheostomy.

Children who require, on a permanent basis and at least for one half year, thee of the following: Treatment with aspirators or inhalers (at least twice per day). Daily treatment with antibiotics or cardiotonics or diuretics or anticonvulsants or immunosupressants or blood pressure stabilizers. Daily physical therapy due to a physical disability, as prescribed by a doctor. Monitoring in a specialist clinic (appropriate sub-specialization for the child’s chronic disease), at least once during the aforementioned period. Hospitalization in a medical institution due to a physical disability, including day hospitalization and home hospitalization (when a doctor or nurse visit the child on a daily basis), excluding emergency room hospitalization. For this purpose, “hospitalization” means hospitalization for at least 30 days during the half year which preceded the filing of the claim, and in each subsequent half year, or hospitalization for at least 45 days per year, as well as prolonged hospitalizations. Replacement of bandages and local treatment at least twice per day, or the use of a pressure suit when the affected area is at least one fifth of the body’s size.

Children who require treatment and supervision due to pathological bone fragility or severe chronic bone disease, which is prohibited for treatment by physical therapy or another rehabilitative treatment.

Limb functioning: Children who, due to complete lack of functioning of both limbs, or due to a lack of both limbs, require the permanent use of assistive devices. As of November 1, 2012 - Children with impaired functioning (and not only complete lack of functioning) in both limbs will be entitled to a stipend of 50% - this group includes children with impaired functioning in both limbs who have difficulty performing actions such as standing, walking and holding objects while walking, relative to peers their age. Blood tests:

Children who, according to a doctor’s instructions, require blood tests which cannot be performed at home, at a frequency of once per week for at least half a year. Children who, according to a doctor's instructions, regularly require blood tests at least twice per day: During the first year after the date of diagnosis of the disease for which the child requires the blood tests. After the end of the first year, if the child enters extremely dangerous situations due to an ongoing metabolic imbalance which causes acidosis or fainting due to their inability to detect preliminary warning signs.

Children regarding whom the director of medical services at an institution, or a senior pediatrician who has been appointed for this purpose by the aforementioned director, have determined that the child requires special treatment, due to a rare and severe disease (one in 100,000 births), if the disease imposes an extremely heavy burden.

Children aged 91 days to 3 years with severe developmental delays - children do not perform most actions and head, limb and torso movements expected of children their age.

Children 90 days old who require permanent accompaniment - where there is a clear and present danger to the child’s life, and there is a requirement for continuous activity due to medical events or for the constant presence of a supervisor to prevent risk to the child or others in the child’s environment. Alternatively, entitlement for supervision and continuous presence throughout all hours of the day and night are actually practiced or have been determined - while staying at the home, on the way to an educational environment or in the actual environment.

Children who are greatly dependent on the help of others - children aged 3 to 18 who due to a physical, mental or emotional disability which results from a disease, syndrome, born defect or accident, and whose functioning significantly differs from the norm among their peers, and who are greatly dependent on help from others during most hours of the day, in performing daily the activities of dressing, eating, washing, personal hygiene and mobility (within the home). In cases where the dependence on help from others is a result of an accident / sudden incident, an annuity will be paid only 91 days after the date of the incident, provided that after 91 days the dependency still exists. In these cases, payment will not be given for the first 91 days. If the reason for the dependency on help from others exists along with another cause (such as a medical cause), there will be no 91 day waiting period.

Children aged 3 years or older who are entirely dependent on help from others - the child requires help in performing daily activities, much more than expected for their peers during a minimum period of 90 consecutive days, throughout all hours of the day. Daily

activities: dressing, washing, mobility inside the home and continence. “Inability to perform” also applies to situations in which the child can partially perform, but not complete, an action, for example: ability to wash alone, but not to reach the bathtub; children who are continent only some of the time, etc.

Attention! Beginning in January 2012, an addition of 23% will be provided to the stipend (NIS 560-600) and beginning in January 2013, an extra addition of 5% will be provided - amounting to a total of 28%. Bituach Leumi has automatically added this addition to anyone who is entitled to it, according to its records. If you have not received the addition and believe that your child is entitled to it, file a new claim for a disabled child annuity, and the entire process will be re-evaluated. The renewed claim should be submitted using the form “Application to examine dependence on the help of others for recipients of the disabled child stipend”.

Attention! It is possible that a repeat discussion in the medical committee will actually result in a lowering of the disability grade. Therefore, the application should only be filed if the criteria have been met.

Children aged 3 years or older who require assistance in communication - a child who requires assistance on all matters associated with communicating with others, due to a total lack of verbal communication ability relative to their peers.

Children aged 0 to 18 with hearing impairments - a child with a hearing impairment in both ears of a least 45 decibels, at speaking frequency (without correction). Children with hearing impairment of at least 40 decibels in both ears, who require permanent hearing aid beginning on the date of diagnosis - receive a lower annuity.

Children 90 days old with a visual impairment - if the child has vision of less than 60/60 in each eye, or a field of vision of less than 20 mils in both eyes, including vision correction.

Children who are 90 days old and who have psychosis, autism or similar conditions - children with any impairment on the autistic spectrum (Asperger’s/NOS-PDD/PDD) or psychosis, resulting in the child having a psychiatric behavioral condition similar to the aforementioned conditions.

Down syndrome: in cases of children with Down syndrome, who automatically receive a stipend from birth, will first receive only a 30% stipend, and only after the parents have presented authorizations at Bituach Leumi certifying that the child is being treated in the institute of child development or in a rehabilitative daycare center will be entitled to receive an annuity of 50%. Children with Down syndrome who have additional medical

problems (such as heart and kidney defects) or a severe mental-developmental disability, may also receive a 100% annuity. In cases where the parents believe that the child’s problems justify an annuity of 100%, and they were not invited for an examination at Bituach Leumi, they are recommended to apply, using the relevant medical authorizations, for an examination to increase the stipend.

Extension of eligibility due to the report issued by the Ornoy Commission: Children with post-transplant diseases which cause severe secondary side effects. Children with juvenile diabetes, during the first year after the discovery of the disease. Children who are hospitalized in the hospital for the purpose of mental treatment: applications on these grounds have been rejected in the past. Currently, Bituach Leumi will contact parents, according to its records, whose claim for stipends were rejected due to hospitalization of the child for the purpose of mental treatment, and will ask them to provide the appropriate documents in order to confirm their eligibility for a stipend. At the end of one year after the start of hospitalization, eligibility for continued payment of a stipend is evaluated by the doctors of Bituach Leumi. An application form should be filled out, including attachment of an interim summary of the hospitalization. In any case, any person whose child is hospitalized for the purpose of mental treatment may file the aforementioned application for a disabled child stipend. General information:

Impairment type: Physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, autism, PDD, Asperger’s, mental developmental disabilities / developmental delays, chronic diseases, systemic diseases, multidisciplinary disabilities, syndromes, emotional / mental disorders.

Age: Birth to age 18 (the stipend is automatically discontinued at age 18. In order to renew it, file an aplication for a general disability stipend at the age of 18 and 3 months). Application submission policy:

Contact details: Contact the Bituach Leumi branch closest to your place of residence and file an claim form. The form should be filled out according to the instructions and filed with the addition of the relevant documents. The authorizations must be current.

Required documents: Medical certificates including disease summaries, reports and treatment summaries, as well as results of diagnoses and tests. It is recommended to attach the first diagnosis or the

authorization regarding the commencement of the treatment process (for example - letter to the Institute of Child Development). The claim form is available for download on the website of Bituach Leumi at www.btl . gov.il Authorization from the nursery, kindergarten or school in which the child studies. Authorization regarding the receipt of developmental treatments - both from the institutes of child development and from the educational environment in which the child studies. Opinions from all relevant professionals who assist the child (kindergarten teachers, physical therapists, and others). When filing the claim, present the ID cards of the child’s parents or guardian. Bank account authorization (photocopy of canceled check to prove ownership of the account). Application handling stages:

Medical examination - wait for an invitation to examination from Bituach Leumi. Important!! The examination must be conducted in the presence of a doctor specializing in the relevant impairment. Visit by a nurse / physical therapist / occupational therapist at the family’s home - the visit will be scheduled in accordance with the need for a medical examination and according to the doctors’ judgment. The visit will include an evaluation of the burden imposed on the parents from the perspective of the treatment of the child and the child’s degree of dependence on others, and an evaluation of the child’s day-to-day functioning. An internal discussion regarding the request for the purpose of determining the amount of the stipend and delivery of notice to the parents. Appeals:

There are two types of appeals which can be filed against decisions reached by Bituach Leumi:

Appeals before the appeals committee of Bituach Leumi: Appeals can be submitted to this committee if your claim was rejected due to one of the following reasons: No annuity was approved at all, or an annuity was approved for a temporary period. A partial annuity was approved. Retroactive payment was not approved for the maximum period. The committee members are external professionals who specialize in medicine or in para-medical treatment. The appeal should be filed in writing and should include all details, within 91 days after the date of receipt of the decision letter.

Important!! If the parents have medical documents which have not yet been submitted to Bituach Leumi, the parents are asked to attach such documents. In other words, Bituach Leumi will not discuss an application if it does not include new material!

Before the Labor Court: The Labor Court may be contacted in the following cases: Regarding claims whose reason for rejection is due to law or regulations which are binding towards Bituach Leumi. In these cases, the Labor Court must be contacted within 12 months after the date of receipt of the decision letter. When the family does not agree with the decision reached by the appeal committee. In this case, the family should contact the court within 30 days after the receipt of the decision letter. Before appealing to the Labor Court, it is recommended to enlist the assistance of the legal services provided by the Ministry of Justice. Additionally, the legal assistance services provided by the various organizations assisting people with special needs may be contacted. Request for new discussion:

If the child’s situation has changed for the worse, a new discussion may be requested on the condition that medical authorization regarding the worsening is submitted. Bituach Leumi will discuss the request only 6 months after the date of rejection of the annuity claim, or from the date when the annuity rate was determined. If the institution believes that new facts have arisen, the discussion will be heard even If 6 months have not yet passed after the date of the previous decision. Retroactive Payment:

The disabled child annuity is paid beginning from the month when the claim was filed. Exceptions: Grounds for eligibility due to developmental delay and on behalf of a child who is dependent upon others, or who requires constant accompaniment or special medical treatment, where the retroactive in respect of which is six months at a maximum. Down syndrome, hearing impairment, visual impairment, communication impairment, autism or psychosis and similar conditions. Payment is possible for up to 12 months prior to the filing of the claim. Obligation of presence in the medical committee

Each person has the option to attach to the annuity request detailed and complete medical authorizations which describe the impairment and its implications in the most

comprehensive manner, and to refrain from brining the child to the medical committee. The annuity request form includes a field which refers to this subject (paragraph 6 on the form) where applicants who wish to receive an exemption from attending the committee are asked to sign to give their advanced consent. At times, when the subject of child’s mobility is complex - this exemption from participation may facilitate matters for the child and their family. In other cases, it is possible that it will be important for the committee to meet the child, in order to evaluate their unique difficulties. Important!

The disabled child annuity is given to a parent who has custody of the child, or to their guardian.

The disabled child annuity is comprised of an annuity for special arrangements, and an annuity for assistance in studies and for developmental treatments. The above are combined into a single annuity.

Parents of children aged 91 days to 3 years who have been diagnosed with a developmental delay may apply for the annuity in cases where their child does not perform most activities which are normally performed by peers in their age group (head lifting, turning over, crawling, etc. - all in accordance with the child’s developmental stage). It is important to note that there are many toddlers with developmental delays who do not receive an annuity. If an annuity has been approved for a developmental delay, such annuity is usually a full one.

The transition from the toddler (up to age 3) stipend to the disabled child stipend does not occur automatically. Approx. two months before the end of the provided eligibility period, or approx. two months before age 3, the parents are required to send to Bituach Leumi current medical information, as well as comprehensive reports from the educational framework, with the addition of a letter requesting continued authorization for the annuity. If the parents do not initiate contact with Bituach Leumi, their annuity may be discontinued. Repeat requests for an annuity do not require re-filling out the form.

The annuity eligibility conditions may be different for two different child with the same level of functioning (for example, it is possible that a child with Down syndrome could receive an annuity due to the recognition of the syndrome, whereas another child whit the same level of functioning, who has not been diagnosed with Down syndrome, will not be entitled to an annuity).

In cases where the diagnostic procedure is long and ongoing, there may be a possibility of

granting an annuity before the date of diagnosis, only if the parents have demonstrated that during this time they have been engaged in handling and diagnosing the child. In any case, a retroactive annuity will not be given beyond the 12 months which preceded the claim.

In cases where the child’s situation has changed for the worse, it is important that parent initiate contact with Bituach Leumi to submit a claim for a higher annuity. Retroactive payment will not be given In cases where the worsening was discovered as a result of an examination initiated by Bituach Leumi.

A child who fulfills more than one grounds for eligibility will be entitled to a single annuity, according to the higher of the two amounts for which they are eligible.

Children injured in road accidents: Bituach Leumi provides a disabled child annuity for children injured in road accidents in case of dependence on others (who require feeding, washing, mobility, control of and supervision) approx. 90 days after the date of the determining event - the date of the accident. In cases where the child requires special medical treatment (such as oxygen, etc.), Bituach Leumi allows an annuity before 90 days.

Hospitalized children: during the first year of hospitalization, if the child meets the criteria for a disabled child annuity, the annuity will be approved for the child. The annuity will usually be approved without requiring the child's presence in the committee. After a full year of hospitalization, the family will be required to resubmit forms to Bituach Leumi. In most cases, at this stage the family will no longer receive an annuity, since the assumption by Bituach Leumi is that if a child is hospitalized for over one year, the hospital has become a nursing location for them, and not a treatment location. If the institution’s doctor believes that the child is still undergoing a treatment procedure, they will prove continued receipt of the annuity although over one year has already passed.

Children in residential programs outside of the parents’ home:

A child who resides in an institution, in a residence outside the home or with a foster family is not eligible for the disabled child stipend. In this situation, neither the institution nor the family receive the annuity. Children living in institutions or in private arrangements with a foster family, and whose parents bear all expenses associated with their maintenance, will be entitled to an annuity. When a child move to an environment outside of the parents’ home, notice should be delivered to Bituach Leumi, in order to prevent the accumulation of debts. Families who have more than one disabled child who are entitled to a disabled child annuity:

are entitled to an additional payment of 50% of the annuity to which each eligible disabled child is entitled who lives at home, whether one of them is in an arrangement outside the home or one of them is 18 years old. Also entitled to receive a mobility annuity - if one or more children who fulfill the conditions for eligibility to receive a double annuity, as specified below.

Mobility Annuity - Bituach Leumi

Description of the right: A mobility annuity is an annuity given by Bituach Leumi to parents of a child who has an injury in their lower limbs and is mobility impaired.

Who is eligible? Residents of Israel who are at least three years old and regarding whom a medical committee on behalf of the Ministry of Health has determined a mobility impairment of at least 60%, due to impairment in the legs, in accordance with a defined list of impairments. The list of impairment can be found on the Bituach Leumi website, and in the appendix to the Bituach Leumi application form. Monthly mobility stipend for vehicle owners and non-vehicle owners:

A stipend paid to a person with a mobility impairment as participation in their mobility expenses.

Vehicle owner stipend - given to parents who own a vehicle. If the vehicle was purchased through a standing loan from Bituach Leumi - the vehicle must be registered in the name of the child, however, it is possible that the ownership will not be exclusive: ownership of a family member or of a guardian who live in the building where the person with a mobility impairment lives, or who live in a building that is no farther than 500 aerial meters from the home of the disabled person. If the vehicle was purchased without a standing loan - it is possible to a stipend even If the child’s name does not appear as the vehicle oner. A stipend can be received as a vehicle owner also for used vehicles which are used by the parents, including before their request for mobility benefits.

Stipend for non-vehicle owners - if the child receives a disabled child annuity and a mobility impairment of at least 80% has been determined for them, or for whom the medical committee has determined that they require and use a wheelchair, are entitled to receive a

non-vehicle owner annuity.

Standing loan to purchase a new vehicle

Given for children with a mobility impairment, for partial funding of the taxes imposed on the vehicle.

The rate of the standing loan will be 75% of the impairment rate determined in the medical committee (for example: if 100% mobility impairment as determined, the eligibility rate will be 75%).

The amount of the standing loan will be determined according to the rate specified above, out of the total taxes applicable to the “determining vehicle” (the vehicle’s type and engine capacity, which are used to calculate the standing loan) which has been approved for a person with a mobility impairment.

The repayment of the standing loan gradually decreases over the years. Usually, when replacing (after four years of use of the vehicle), the repayment of the standing loan is reset. In case of replacement of a previous vehicle with a new vehicle, the repayment amount is lower than the repayment amount In case of the sale of a vehicle, without purchasing a new vehicle.

Attention! If the child with a mobility impairment requires a larger vehicle, into which the child can enter while seated in a wheelchair, they will be referred for an evaluation of the vehicle size at the Medical Institute for Road Safety. For this purpose, the family musty contact the mobility department at the handling branch in writing. The letter should specify the reason for the need for a larger vehicle, and additionally, it is recommended to include the wheelchair’s dimensions. If the institute finds that the child requires, due to medical reasons (which make it difficult for him to use the representative vehicle), a larger vehicle - it will issue a recommendation accordingly, and will determine the appropriate vehicle for them. The medical institute will approve a larger vehicle only if the child needs it for medical reasons which make it difficult for them to use the representative vehicle, in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

Assistance from the loan fund for the purpose of buying a vehicle Given to children regarding whom the medical committee of the Ministry of Health has determined that they require and use a wheelchair. This loan is only given in cases where there is the need to purchase a vehicle which can be entered with a wheelchair (van). First assistance at a rate of 80% of the value of the “determining vehicle”, without taxes. When replacing a vehicle, the assistance will be in the amount of the difference between the

vehicle being sold and the vehicle being purchased, or the determining vehicle - whichever is cheaper. The assistance becomes a grant after five years.

Important: this loan is given in addition to the standing loan for funding of the taxes. The loan for the purchase and installation of accessories for a vehicle which can be entered with the wheelchair is given to individuals regarding whom the medical committee has determined that they require and use a wheelchair, and where the medical institute has determined that they require a vehicle which can accommodate a wheelchair. The loan is provided for accessories which have been approved by the Medical Institute for Road Safety. The loan will be 95% of the worth of the accessories and their installation, including taxes applicable to the purchase and the installation. The loan is given for new accessories, and becomes a grant after five years.

Persons with a mobility impairment who receive assistance in the funding of accessories undertake to insure the accessories according to their full value as of the purchase date, and to charge the insurance policy in favor of Bituach Leumi. The mobility stipend paid with respect to a vehicle for special accessories also includes a component for comprehensive insurance of the accessories at their full value.

Loan for the purchase and installation of a wheelchair lifting device for vehicles The loan is given to a person with a mobility impairment regarding whom a medical committee has determined that they require and use a wheelchair. The loan is for a device installed in the vehicle and intended for lifting a wheelchair onto the rooftop or trunk of the vehicle. Loan amount:

For the purchase of a lifting device: 95% of the price of the lifting device, including the cost of its installation and applicable taxes, up to a an amount equal to USD 3,280 including VAT.

For the purchase of an assistive arm in carrying the wheelchair to the trunk of the vehicle: 95% of the cost of the arm which the person with a mobility impairment has actually purchased, including the cost of its installation and applicable taxes, up to an amount equal to USD 7,225, including VAT. Authorized driver:

Parents who wish to purchase a vehicle through a standing loan, but who do not have a driver’s license, can select an “authorized driver” to drive their child. An “authorized driver” is a father, mother (including adopting and step-parents), brother or sister, grandmother or

grandfather who have a valid driver’s license and who permanently live in the same building as the person with a mobility impairment, or in a building which is no farther than 500 meters away, or in building nearby each other in the same municipality. Learning to drive a vehicle with special devices for persons with mobility impairments who require and use a wheelchair

Bituach Leumi offers a driving course for persons with mobility impairments who must drive the vehicle which they enter while seated in a wheelchair. The program is funded by the rehabilitation division of Bituach Leumi.

For the purpose of operating the program, three vehicles have been purchased by funding of the foundation for development of services for disabled persons. These vehicles are equipped with the most sophisticated driving accessories which the Medical Institute for Road Safety tends to approve as necessary for driving. The program is run by driving instructors who are specialized in driving instruction for disabled persons. The lessons are given as close as possible to the student’s place of residence. A person with limited mobility 17 years of age or older may file a request for driving instruction within this framework if they meet one of the following criteria: Has no valid drivers license, and fulfills both of the following conditions: The Medical Institute for Road Safety has not determined that they are disqualified from driving. The Medical Institute for Road Safety has recommended a vehicle with special devices for them.

Or: Has a valid drivers license, and fulfills both of the following conditions: Must pass a control test in a vehicle with special devices, and wishes to receive a few lessons before the test. The Medical Institute for Road Safety has recommended a vehicle with special devices for him, and before purchasing the vehicle, he would like to try out driving the vehicle. Target population:

Type of impairment: physical disability (in the lower limbs) Ages: 3 to 18 Application submission policy

Contact details: The application is filed in two stages:

Checking eligibility in the regional health bureaus. A list of health bureaus can be found on the Ministry of Health’s website. If at least 60% mobility has been determined in the medical committee, Bituach Leumi should be contacted to exercise the right.

Examination in the health bureau: A medical examination request form should be filled out to determine the mobility limitation percentage. The form is available at the regional health bureaus, or at Bituach Leumi branches. The form can also be downloaded from the website of Bituach Leumi.

Claims for mobility benefits require the signature of both parents, or of the guardian: The treating doctor must be signed on the claim form (on page 5), and the form must be submitted, along with the relevant medical material, to the regional health office in your area of residence.

Applicants for an examination will be invited to a medical committee: In cases where the family would like the medical committee to summarize the subject of their son/daughter based on current medical findings, and without the child’s presence, they must attach a written request to the medical examination request form, and photocopies of current medical documents, which are identical to the original. The authority regarding the acceptance and determination of the findings without the presence of the child belongs to the medical committee only, and Bituach Leumi has no authority to intervene with the process.

If, for the purpose of appearing before the medical committee, the child is required to ride, and is unable to use public transportation due to their health condition and place of residence, the family may be entitled to repayment of travel expenses, provided no mobility stipend is being paid. In order to evaluate eligibility for the repayment of travel expenses, the family must submit to office of Bituach Leumi in their area of residence an authorization from the regional doctor, according to which the child was required to take a means of transportation other than public transportation.

Filing a request with Bituach Leumi: Once the medical committee has reached a decision regarding the determination of a mobility impairment grade of at least 60% (impairment at a rate lower than 60% does not create an eligibility for benefits), the mobility department of Bituach Leumi should be contacted, and a mobility benefits claim form filled out. The claim form is available at Bituach Leumi, and is also available for download on the internet. Claims to Bituach Leumi can also be sent by registered mail with confirmation of delivery. The list of

Bituach Leumi branches is available on the website of Bituach Leumi.

Required documents: Medical examination request form to determine the mobility impairment grade. Relevant medical material. Bituach Leumi mobility annuity application forms Receipt of disabled child annuity and mobility annuity

As a rule, it is not possible to receive double annuities from Bituach Leumi, however, it is possible to receive both a disabled child annuity and a mobility annuity, in one of the following cases: The Health Bureau has determined that the child has mobility impairment of at least 80%. The Health Bureau has determined that the child requires a wheelchair and uses it on a permanent basis.

Children staying abroad: Bituach Leumi will continue paying the disabled child annuity for the child for a period of three months, on the condition that the child has been declared eligible for an annuity at least two months before leaving Israel. In cases of children with disabilities who are residing abroad for a period exceeding three months for the purpose of medical treatment, or who are residing with their parents abroad on behalf of an Israeli employer, Bituach Leumi may decide, in its discretion, to continue paying the stipend up to 24 months after the date when they left Israel. If the family has traveled abroad for continuing treatments, and did not submit documents to Bituach Leumi before the trip, they may, upon their return to Israel, submit the appropriate documents to Bituach Leumi and receive a retroactive refund of the annuity. Children residing with parents abroad as emissaries on behalf of the State (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jewish Agency, etc.) are entitled to receive an annuity throughout the entire period when their family is acting as emissaries, with no time limit. From July 2010 onwards - parents of children who have been diagnosed on the autistic spectrum, and who contact the Social Services Bureau, beginning on the above date, for the purpose of recognition of a child at the Autism Service Unit in the Ministry of Welfare, may file the claim for a disabled child annuity through the social workers of the Ministry of Welfare. The social workers will collect all required material and will transfer it directly to the committee at Bituach Leumi. Bituach Leumi will evaluate the documents and sent a response directly to the parent’s home, without inviting them to the committee (excluding in cases where the committee cannot reach a decision without the presence of the child).


Description of the filing appeal process regarding decisions reached by the medical committee: In the event that the family is not satisfied with the medical committee’s determination, it may appeal to the medical appeals committee. The address for appeals is the medical appeals committee, Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer. The appeal can be filed within 60 days after the date of receipt of notice regarding the medical committee’s determination. Repayment of travel expenses to the appeals committee - as specified above, and subject to the approval of a doctor from the appeals committee. Appeals to decisions reached by the appeals committee - can be filed with the regional Labor Court closest to the examinee’s place of residence. Appeals to the court can be filed within 30 days after the date of the appeal committee's decision. Retroactive Payment:

In cases where the claim with Bituach Leumi has been filed within 60 days after the receipt of the medical committee’s response, the payment will commence on the 1st of the month when the request was submitted to the medical committee, on the condition that the other conditions for eligibility are also fulfilled during this period.

In cases where the claim was filed to Bituach Leumi more than 60 days after the date of receipt of the response from the medical committee, the payment will begin two months prior to the filing of the claim to Bituach Leumi, provided that the other conditions for eligibility are also fulfilled during this period. Important:

Children for whom a disabled child annuity has not been approved may receive a mobility annuity if the Heath Bureau committee or the medical appeals committee has determined for them mobility impairment of at least 60%. In this case, the family is also entitled to a standing loan to cover the taxes which apply to a new vehicle, as well as to a mobility stipend.

Children for whom a mobility impairment has been determined at a rate of 60% to 80% will have to choose between the mobility annuity and the disabled child annuity. It is recommended to check with Bituach Leumi regarding which stipend is higher before reaching a decision. In cases where the parents choose a mobility annuity and request a standing loan to purchase a vehicle, the calculation will be made according to a vehicle with an engine capacity of up to 1,300 ccm. If a vehicle with an engine capacity of up to 1300 ccm. is not appropriate for the child, due to health reasons or physical reasons (for

example, if the medical committee has determined that the child requires and uses a wheelchair, and the family would like a car which can accommodate the child along with the wheelchair), the family will ask to check with the vehicle size committee at the Medical Institute for Road Safety regarding the appropriate type and size of vehicle. In this case, the standing loan will be calculated according to the vehicle determined by the vehicle size committee.

Children for whom at least 80% mobility impairment has been determined, or for whom the medical committee has determined that they require and use a wheelchair, are entitled to receive both a disabled child stipend and a mobility annuity.

Before deciding to purchase a vehicle in the child’s name, whether through a standing loan or not, it is recommended to contact Bituach Leumi and to check the amount of the stipend received by a “vehicle owner” relative to the stipend received by a “non-vehicle owner”.

It should be taken into account that the loan is provided for the purchase of a new vehicle only.

Those who receive a standing loan to purchase a vehicle are obligated to insure it with comprehensive insurance.

Those entitled to a mobility annuity are also entitled to receive a disabled vehicle parking tag and a reduction in the vehicle licensing fee. This authorization is provided by the Ministry of Health.

In cases where it is known in advance that a large vehicle is required (different from what was approved according to the mobility agreement) which allows sitting in a wheelchair, the claim form includes an appendix in which the family can request a special vehicle to be determined in a test performed by the institute. Applicants should indicate in the claim form that they are requesting an examination in the institute, and specify why the representative vehicle under the mobility agreement is unsuitable.

Foster families - foster families can in certain circumstances receive a mobility annuity as vehicle owners (even if the vehicle was not purchased through a standing loan). The family should contact Bituach Leumi in order to be appointed as “authorized drivers” due to their status as sole caretakers of the child. Non-vehicle owners are not eligible, since this stipend depends on the disabled child annuity, to which foster parents are not entitled.

Children residing in environments outside of the parents’ home: children residing in environments outside of the parents’ home are entitled to a mobility stipend as “non-

vehicle owners” if all of the following conditions are met: Mobility impairment of at least 80% has been determined for them, or the medical committee has determined that they require and use a wheelchair. Resides in an institution. Leaves the institution by vehicle at least six time per month for the purpose of work, study, or social, rehabilitative or volunteering activities. There is no entity bearing the expenses of these trips outside of the institution - they are entitled to receive a disabled child annuity, but does not receive it due to the fact that they reside in an institution. Families with more than one disabled child eligible for an annuity:

The family can only receive one standing loan. The children’s mobility impairment grades are cumulative, and the family may also be entitled to a loan in the amount of 100% of the taxes - in case of a shared vehicle, one of the children can receive the entire stipend owed to them, while the other (or others) will receive a stipend in an amount equal to 35% of the entire stipend owed to them.

In families where more than one child is eligible to receive a mobility annuity, but where a standing loan is provided to only one of them: Each child will receive the full stipend owed to them. An annuity can be recievd for two siblings who are not yet 3 years old, provided that mobility impairment of at least 80% has been determined for each of them, and that they live in the same home. New immigrants - parents of a mobility disabled child are entitled to receive only a non- vehicle owner stipend.

Children who have been injured in accidents, or who have become physically disabled due to an illness, may receive a mobility stipend only if their mobility condition is permanent (the impairment is stable). In cases of a passing problem (temporary impairment), there is no entitlement to mobility benefits.

Organizations Providing Assistance in Appealing the Decisions of Bituach Leumi

Parents who are not satisfied with the handling of their claim by Bituach Leumi may request assistance from the following entities: Public Appeals Department at Bituach Leumi

The public appeals department handles claims filed by insured persons, and is intended to assist applicants in exercising their rights at Bituach Leumi. Address for inquiries:

Public Appeals Department Address: 13 Weizmann Blvd., Jerusalem 91909 Tel: 02-6709070 or *6050, Fax: 02-6525038 Hours: Sunday to Thursday, 1 PM to 3 PM Legal Assistance Bureau at the Ministry of Justice

The bureau provides legal assistance on civil subjects to those who require it, through legal assistance and representation in the various judicial instances. The bureau also provides legal assistance on issues pertaining to Bituach Leumi - claims and appeals regarding various decisions reached by Bituach Leumi. Address for inquiries:

Legal assistance bureau for the Jerusalem and Southern region (excluding Beer Sheva and the environment) - Hasoreg 1, Beit Mitzpe, 2nd floor, Jerusalem 94230 Tel: 02-6211333, 02-6467611 (fax)

Legal assistance bureau for the Beer Sheva region - 33 Shazar Blvd., Beit Noam, 1st floor, Beer Sheva 84002 Tel: 08-6404526, 08-6404539 (Fax)

Legal assistance bureau for the Haifa and Northern region - Pal-Yam 15A, 11th floor, Haifa 31043 Tel: 04-8633666, 04-8633679 (fax)

Legal assistance bureau for the Tel Aviv region - 4 Henrietta Szold St., Tel Aviv-Yafo 64924 Tel: 03-6932777, 03-6932722 or 02-6467717 (Fax) Labor Courts Throughout Israel

Jerusalem Address: 20 Beit Hadfus St., Jerusalem. Tel: 02-6546444

Tel Aviv Address: 25 Schocken St., Tel Aviv Tel: 03-5128222

Haifa Address: 12 Pal-Yam St., Haifa. Tel:04-8698000

Upper Nazareth Address: Court Hall, Yitzchak Rabin Square, Upper Nazareth. Tel: 04-6087777

Beer Sheva Address: 5 Hatikva st., Beer Sheva. Tel: 08-6470444 Reduced Water Payments for Recipients of Disabled Child Annuities Water Corporations

Description of Right: Each resident is entitled to consume 3.5 cubic meters of water per month at the low rate. Consumption above this amount is charged at a higher rate. The significance of the benefit is a doubling of the amount recognized at the lower rate each month. The benefit is given for home water consumption, in the home where the child resides.

Who is eligible? Anyone who receives a disabled child annuity.

Target population:

Disability type: all Age: Birth to 18

Retroactive Payment: The benefit is provided retroactively to entitled parties beginning in July 2012.


The benefit is given automatically to a list of entitled families, and is transferred directly from Bituach Leumi to the various water corporations.

Those who are entitled to receive several benefits will be entitled to one benefit per home.

Those who believe they are entitled, and who have not received the benefit by the end of November 2012, may contact their local water corporation or the national Bituach Leumi hotline at telephone no. 04-8812345 / *6050. Reduced Electricity Payments for Recipients of Disabled Child Annuities Electric Corporation

Description of Right: Beginning on May 1, 2012, parents of a child who receives a disabled child annuity will be entitled to a discount on their electricity bill. The discount given each month is at a rate of 50% for consumption of the first 400 kilowatts per hour at the home rate, in homes used for residential purposes only.

Who is eligible? The entitlement is not given to any person who receives a disabled child annuity, but rather only to those who receive a disabled child annuity with respect to dependence on assistance from others, or need for medical treatment (attention - the entitlement to the disabled child annuity with respect to blood tests which cannot be performed at home are not included among the medical treatments which entitle receipt of the benefit).

Target population: Disability type: all Age: Birth to 18

Retroactive Payment: The discount will be given automatically and retroactively beginning on May 1, 2012, only to those who meet the criteria for eligibility.


Bituach Leumi will transfer to the Electric Corporation, on a monthly basis, a file containing the names of the eligible parties. Bituach Leumi will also send to each eligible party an announcement regarding their eligibility.

For additional inquires, contact the national hotline of Bituach Leumi. Tel: 04-8812345 / *6050. Reduced Municipal Tax Payments: Local Authority

The regulations of the Ministry of Interior require all local authorities to operate a “municipal tax discount committee”. The committee is responsible for evaluating resident's eligibility for discounts, and for determining the exact discount according to the specific situation of the discount requestor.

Who is eligible? Parents of children with special needs for whom a disabled child annuity is paid by Bituach Leumi are entitled to a 25% discount on municipal tax for 100 sq. m. of the property's area. Application submission policy

Contact the public opening hours at the municipal tax collection division of your local authority.

Required documents: Municipal tax reduction application form (available at the offices of the local authority). Updated authorization regarding the receipt of disabled child annuity from Bituach Leumi. Important!

Parents with an apartment whose area exceeds 100 sq. m. will receive a discount only for the fist 100 sq. m., and the remaining will not be eligible for a discount.

Parents who are interested in submitting a request for a discount due to economic grounds (beyond the 25% owed due to the child’s disability) are required to attach also authorizations of the family’s income and expenses. Discounts on economic grounds are provided at a rate of 40%-80%, without double discounts.

Parents of a child for whom a mobility annuity is received, but not a disabled child annuity, are not included among those eligible for the discount, and can file a request for a

discount with the “exceptions committee” at their local authority.

Foster families - of children with a disability which entitles them for the child annuity are also entitled to municipal tax discounts. In this case, the following documents are required: Discount application form from the local authority. Documents indicating that the foster family is in possession of the property Documents testifying to the family’s status as a foster family. Authorization from Bituach Leumi indicating entitlement in principle to the disabled child annuity. Reduced Telephone Payments - Ministry of Welfare and Social Services

Reduced telephone payments are provided under the responsibility of the Ministry of Welfare and social services for Bezeq telephone customers only.

The discount includes: 50% discount on regular usage fees. Discount on a number of counter units per month equivalent to 60 counter ticks per month. Parents of children with a certificate of blindness are entitled to a discount equivalent to 300 counter ticks per month. 50% discount on telephone line installation and transfer fees.

Who is eligible? Parents of children who receive the disabled child stipend at a rate of 100%. Parents of vision-impaired / blind children with a certificate of blindness, and parents of children who receive dialysis treatments. Application submission policy

To receive the authorization of eligibility for a discount, contact: Mrs. Ahuva Robas, Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, Rehabilitation Division, P.O. Box 1260, Jerusalem 91012.

Required documents: Discount request form (available at Bezeq offices), or a letter requesting the telephone discount if no Bezeq form has been attached.

Photocopy of the parent's ID card, and photocopy of a page listing the identification details of the child with special needs. Photocopy of the most recent telephone bill. Photocopy of the disabled child stipend authorization, or photocopy of the certificate of blindness, or authorization of dialysis treatment (attach a current authorization from the last two months). In case of residence in a rented home, attach a valid rental contract.

Application handling stages: Parents who are found eligible for the discount will receive by mail an authorization on a signed form, with which they are to contact Bezeq in order to exercise the discount. The discount on telephone payments will be reflected in the actual telephone bill. The process at the Ministry of Welfare may take two months, it is therefore recommended to wait patiently.

Retroactive payment: There is no retroactive payment for this right to a telephone discount. Important!

The telephone line must be registered in the name of the disabled child, alone or as an addition to the parents’ name.

The discount is given for a telephone owned by the person in his permanent place of residence, or which is used by a person living in a rented apartment.

Parents of two children with a disability rate of 100% are entitled to a double discount. In any case, the discount is for a single telephone line.

In cases where the home includes both a disabled child and a blind child, each of the entitled children qualifies for a telephone discount, however, not for the same line.

Foster families are not entitled to receive a telephone discount.

Note the validity date on the Bituach Leumi authorization sent to the Ministry of Welfare. The Bezeq discount is valid so long as the disability authorization is in force. Once the authorization regarding the receipt of a disabled child annuity from Bituach Leumi expires, the authorization for the Bezeq discount will also expire. In such cases, send a renewed discount request to the Ministry of Welfare. Families who do not sent a renewed discount request will have the discount canceled, and no retroactive repayment will be given.

The other communication companies in Israel (Hot and Kavei Zahav) do not yet have a

discount arrangement vis-a-vis the Ministry of Welfare (the matter is currently the subject of a tender between all companies providing landline telephone services). Credit Points and Tax Refunds - Income Tax

Income tax credit for incapacitated children (until age 18)

Income tax grants two credit points to parents of children with special needs, from whose salaries tax is deducted. The significance of the credit points is a reduction in the tax amount. The value of a credit point is updated from time to time in accordance with the increase of the consumer price index and the cost of living.

Who is eligible? The eligibility was updated in 2013 by the tax authority, such that one of the following two conditions entitled the receipt of 2 credit points for income tax (for children until age 18): Each child who is entitled to a disabled child annuity - for any reason whatsoever, and not only for the reasons specified above (physical disability, mental developmental disability or blindness). The amount of the annuity and disability grade have no significance for the purpose of exercising this right. Any child who has been evaluated by a placement committee and who has been placed in special education (including children who have been diagnosed with a learning disability / ADHD) - there is no obligation to prove actual studies in special education, as was required in the past, but rather only the submission of the minutes from the committee’s meeting and the placement in special education.

These corrections are intended to facilitate matters for parents whose children’s disability has been recognized by Bituach Leumi or by the placement committee, and to prevent causing them unnecessary hassle for the purpose of receiving credit points for income tax. The credit is given for one salary of one of the parents - preferably from the higher salary - and eligibility must be renewed each year. Income tax credit points for incapacitated persons above age 18

Who is eligible? Parents whose children are above age 18 and are defined as “incapacitated” and “bound to their parents’ home” - this definition applies both to incapacitated adults who live in their parents’ home, and to incapacitated persons living in placement outside the home (institution, hostel, etc.). Despite their residence outside the home, they are still recognized as living at their parents’ home, and therefore will entitle their parents for 2 income tax

credit points. Application submission policy

Parents should contact the assessment officer at their local income tax office in order to submit an application for credit points.

Required documents: Form 127 - a medical certificate which must include medical details and a clear and precise diagnosis in Hebrew, including the date from which the diagnosis is valid. Only a medical specialist (developmental physician / neurologist / psychiatrist) may fill out this certificate. Form 116A - Tax credit request with respect to a disabled relative - parents are required to fill out this form if they are employed. Authorization regarding the receipt of a disabled child annuity from Bituach Leumi. Minutes of the placement committee’s discussion, including a recommendation for placement in special education. Authorization of residence in placement outside the home. Important!

Parents of children who have impairments that are not included on the list of entitlements may request a tax refund with respect to a developmental delay which was caused to the child due to the impairment (such as, for example, in case of children with hearing impairment and deafness, who do not study in special education). Although the instructions are identical for all income tax branches, some branches may approve the request in these cases, and other branches may reject the parents’ request if they do not meet the precise criteria.

Although the income tax regulations define the right for “children”, the criterion for receiving eligibility is not age but rather whether the child / adult lives in their parents’ home due to the fact that they are dependent upon them. For those who meet the criterion, the entitlement can be received also after age 18. In this case, the parents must include, in addition to the usual authorizations, also an authorization certifying that their child receives a disability annuity from Bituach Leumi.

The maximum limit specified regarding support of incapacitated family members refers to the maximum income of the incapacitated person themselves, and not to their parents’ income. In other words, there is no maximum limit to the parents’ eligibility to receive two credit point for their incapacitated child.

Parents of two children who meet the conditions specified in the section are entitled to

receive double points (in other words, 4 credit points).

Parents are not entitled by law to receive a tax refund for treatments and medical devices.

Divorced parents who hold joint custody may divide the credit points between them, or grant them to one parent, in their discretion. Since the credit only applies to the salary of one of the parents, it is worthwhile to claim the refund from the higher salary.

Eligibility must be renewed on an annual basis (at times it is renewed automatically). It is recommended to renew the eligibility already in January, and then to receive an authorization from the income tax authority which will allow the workplace to calculate the monthly tax in accordance with the eligibility.

Any person can file the request with the income tax office independently. However, it is possible to file the request also through an expert professional in the taxation field (such as a tax consultant or accountant) and through private companies which deal with the subject of tax refunds. It is recommended to take into account that they charge a commission of between 17.5% and 25% of the refund amount.

Foster families are not entitled to the two credit points which are granted pursuant to the Income Tax Ordinance to parents of children with special needs, since they receive payment to raise the child. However, according to the current practice at the income tax office, the payments received by the foster family form the Ministry of Welfare and social services for treatment of the child constitute a:repayment of expenses in generating income from fostering”, and therefore, the family is not required to pay tax with respect to those payments.

Income tax credit for a guardian who is not a parent in cases where a sibling has been appointed as the guardian: will be entitled to receive credit points only in case the parents have passed away, or where it can be proven that the parents are unable to treat the person with special needs, and not automatically due to the guardianship. Tax Credit for Maintenance of a Child/Adult in a Residential Program Outside of the Parents’ Home

An income tax credit at a rate of 35% of the amount which the parent paid to the local authority for maintaning the child in a residential program outside of the parents’ home. The credit is given for the part of the amount which exceeds 12.5% of the taxable income of one of the parents.

Who is eligible?

The credit is given to parents of a child/adult with special needs, who participate in maintaning the child in a residential program outside of the parents’ home (protected residence or institution). The credit is only given to parents who do not receive two credit points for the child. Application submission policy

To apply, contact the income tax office and submit the following documents: Form 127 - medical certificate which must include medical details and a clear and precise diagnosis in Hebrew, as well as the date from which such diagnosis is valid. The form must be filled out by a medical specialist (neurologist, developmental physician, psychiatrist who knows the child. Form 116A - application for tax credit due to an incapacitated family member - the parents are required to fill out this form if they are employed. The page attached to the parent’s ID card, specified the details of the relevant child. Original invoices, or authorization from the welfare bureau regarding the amounts which the parent has paid with respect to his participation in the financing of keeping the child in a residential program outside of the parents’ home. Form 106 - total payments and deductions for the employee in a certain tax year. Form 1301 - Income report (filed at the end of the year). Important!

Parents of a child/adult who lives in a residential program outside of the parents’ home may choose whether to receive tax credit points for the incapacitated person, or a tax credit with respect to keeping the child in a residential program outside of the parents’ home. In any case, it is not possible to receive both benefits, so it is recommended to consult with an accountant in order to decide which benefit is best to request from the income tax authority: two income tax credit points, or credit for keeping the child in a residential program outside of the parents’ home.

The tax credit application should be submitted on an annual basis.

The forms are available for download from the website of the income tax authority: http ://www.mof .gov.il /taxes

Retroactive payment: Salaried employees are entitled to retroactive tax refunds with the addition of interest and linkage for the six years preceding the date of the request, or from the child’s date of birth, or from the date the diagnosis was given. Freelancers are entitled to retroactive tax refunds for six years with the addition of interest and linkage, however, effectively, due to the

obsolescence of financial reports, they only receive a retroactive refund for up to four years. It should be taken into account (particularly by freelancers) that making a retroactive appeal to the income tax authority involves a comprehensive examination of their file, which could result in debts which exceed the retroactive refund to which the parents are entitled. In any case, it is recommended to consult with a tax expert before filing a request for a retroactive refund. Parking Tag and Payment of Reduced Vehicle License Fee- Licensing Authority

Disabled vehicle parking tags allow parking in disabled parking spaces, or in places where parking is not permitted, if the following conditions have been met: The parking is done in a manner which does not pose any risk to passers-by, and does not prevent their free passage. The parking does not cause any real disruption to traffic. There is no other place nearby where parking is permitted.

Who is eligible? Any person for whom has been determined a disability grade of at least 60%, and for whom movement without a vehicle may risk their health condition. A person with a walking disability who requires a wheelchair for mobility. A disabled person who requires a vehicle as a means of transportation due to disabled legs. A person holding a certificate of blindness from the Ministry of Welfare. Parents of a disabled child who meets one of the conditions specified in the previous section. Process of exercising the right - required documents

To receive the tag, prepare the following documents: A disabled tag request form and an exemption from the licensing fee. Photocopy of ID card + attached sheet. Photocopy of vehicle licenses. Letter signed by the disabled person specifying the requested vehicle numbers on the tag (up to two vehicles). Current medical documents from professional doctors which refer to movement ability. Those with a medical disability of 60% or higher - copy of the minutes from the medical committee discussion.

The following persons with disabilities will attach to their request specific authorizations: Active chemotherapy treatment: authorization from a doctor specifying the treatment

program and the estimated completion date. The authorization will only be given until the receipt of the minutes from the medical committee discussion, and for a time frame which will not exceed 6 months. Treatment of chronic hemodialysis - authorization from a dialysis institute. Blind - certificate of blindness / visual impairment. The authorization of one of the following entities must also be obtained, as relevant to the case:

Mobility impairment - authorization from the Ministry of Health that the person in question is disabled and requires a vehicle as a means of transportation due to their disabled legs, or whose disability grade is 60% or higher, and whose movement without a vehicle constitutes a danger to their health condition. If there is no authorization from the Ministry of Health, submit current medical documents (please do not send discs and X- rays).

Holocaust survivors - authorization from the Ministry of Finance (Holocaust survivors division) certifying that the person is disabled, and that their movement without a vehicle may pose a risk to their medical condition.

Victims of terrorist attacks - authorization from Bituach Leumi (victims of terrorist attacks division) certifying that the person is disabled, and that their movement without a vehicle may pose a risk to their medical condition.

Blind - ensure that there is an authorization from the Ministry of Welfare. The authorization is automatically transferred to the Licensing Authority's system, and does not need to be brought with you.

IDF disabled person - ensure that there is an authorization from the Ministry of Defense. The authorization is automatically transferred to the Licensing Authority's system, and does not need to be brought with you. If the parking tag applicant is not the vehicle owner, they are required to submit the relevant authorizations:

Vehicle registered in the name of legal spouse - photocopies of ID card and attached page for both partners.

Vehicle registered in the name of spouse (unmarried) - photocopies of ID card and attached page for both partners. Additionally, a marriage contract / agreement should be submitted, or a prenuptial agreement, or a statement by an attorney or a court of law certifying that the couple lives together and shares a joint household as partners.

Vehicle registered in the name of a first degree family member (child/parent/sibling) - photocopies of ID card and attached page for both, in order to prove family relation.

Vehicle registered in the name of a person who is not a first degree family member (in- law/friend) - two signed statements from an attorney (one of the disabled person and another of the vehicle owner) certifying that the vehicle is available for use by the disabled person.

Vehicle registered in the name of the disabled person’s guardian - guardian appointment order signed by a court.

If there is more than one guardian, a court-signed waiver letter on behalf of the other guardians should be submitted.

Vehicle registered in the name of a rental company - authorization with logo and stamp of the rental company - vehicle number and details of the disabled person, specifying that the vehicle is available for use by the disabled person.

Vehicle registered in the name of an employer - authorization with the employer’s logo and stamp, specifying the vehicle number and the details of the disabled person, specifying that the vehicle is available for use by the disabled person.

Vehicle registered in the name of a leasing company - Agreement / authorization from the leasing company, including the company’s logo and stamp, specifying that the vehicle has been leased to the company where the disabled person works. The agreement must include the following details: name and private company number of the leasing company, name and private company number of the company taking out the lease, and vehicle number. Letter from the disabled person’s employer, including the Company’s logo and stamp, composition the vehicle is available for the use of the disabled person. The authorization must include the company's name, private company number, vehicle number and details of the disabled person (name and ID number). The vehicle has been purchased from a private financial leasing company - purchase contract with the leasing company’s logo and stamp, vehicle number and details of the disabled person. Additionally, an authorization from the leasing company, including the Company’s logo and stamp, should be attached, specifying that the vehicle has been purchased in a private financial transaction, from date X until date Y. The authorization must include the vehicle number and the details of the disabled person (name and ID number). A photocopy of the disabled person’s ID card and attached page must also be attached.

Taxi - rental agreement signed by an attorney.

Disabled persons transportation organization - Official authorization from the Registrar of Associations or another relevant entity certifying that the organization is focused on providing assistance or transportation for disabled persons. A statement signed before an attorney certifying that the vehicle is disabled persons for the transportation of disabled persons, and that the tag will only be used for the purpose of the transportation of disabled persons. Both vehicles not owned by the disabled person will be issued a single disabled parking tag, which specifies the numbers of both vehicles routinely used for the disabled person. This tag will be issued after the presentation of appropriate authorizations as set forth above for each of the vehicles. Sending of applications for disabled parking tags

Applications should be sent by mail - To the unit for treatment of persons with mobility impairments, at the Control and Update Center, P.O. Box 72, Holon, zip code 58100.

Telephone response regarding the application’s handling status is available through the telephone hotline at *5678. The hotline operates Sunday to Thursday, from 07:00 AM to 8:00 PM, and on Fridays and Holiday eves from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

A response to disabled parking tag applications will be given up to 90 days after the date when the material arrives at the Ministry of Transportation. New application submissions will be accepted one year after the date of submission of the previous application, and subject to the submission of current medical documents.

Renewal of disabled parking tag: In order to renew a disabled parking tag, repeat the process to receive the parking tag. In order to prevent delays, start the process approx. 90 days before the tag’s expiry date. Permanent parking tag: Permanently approved disabled parking tags are valid for 4 years. Towards the end of the validity period, a new tag will be sent, with no requirement to contact the Licensing Authority. Payment of Reduced Vehicle License Fee

Each aplication is evaluated on its own merits by a doctor from the licensing division, who is authorized to approve or reject applications for parking tags and/or to reduce licensing

fee payments.

The credit regarding the payment of the vehicle licensing fee is given for one vehicle, provided that it must be registered in the name of both of the child’s parents - with no requirement to register the vehicle in the child’s name.

When applying for registration of a vehicle with a disabled person’s fee - ensure that there is no registration of a previous vehicle, for which a disabled person’s fee has already been paid, or where the previous vehicle has been sold, or where the rate has been changed to a regular rate.

An original authorization of the disability from the Health Bureau, certificate of blindness, or authorization from the licensing division doctor, should be submitted to the Licensing Authority.

Parents who wish to sell a vehicle for which a reduced licensing fee is paid should contact the Licensing Authority with the buyer for the purpose of transferring ownership.

An exemption from payment of the licensing fee is given for one of the vehicles (reduced payment of NIS 26 only).

The exemption aplication is submitted on the parking tag application form. Retroactive refund

A retroactive refund of the part of the licensing fee which was paid in full can be received (before receiving the tag).

The licensing fee refund application form should be filled out and submitted with the addition of the following: Photocopy of a check to verify bank details (applications submitted without a photocopied check will not be performed). Photocopy of ID card and attached page. Photocopy of driver’s license. Parents who are guardians of a disabled person above age 18 should attach the appointment letter with the court stamp.

The application contractual agreement be filed in person at the nearest licensing office, or by mail. It is also possible to fill out and send the form online (works only with the browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox). Handling in the finance division takes between three and six months from the date the application was entered into the system.

Who is eligible?

Parents of a disabled child who needs a vehicle as a means of transportation due to a disability in the lower limbs. Parents of a child whose disability grade is at least 60% and whose movement without a vehicle may pose a risk to his health condition. Parents of a child for whom an authorized doctor has determined that the child is walking- disabled and requires a wheelchair. “Blind” - a person known to the rehabilitation division in the Ministry of Welfare, and who has a certificate of blindness. Application submission policy

Contact in writing: “Unit for the treatment of persons with mobility impairments” At the Update and Control Center of the Ministry of Transportation, P.O. Box 72, Holon, Zip Code 58100.

Or by fax at 03-5027686, with the addition of the following documents: Application form for disabled parking tag and exemption from licensing fee - available at the website of the Ministry of Transportation/ www.mof .gov.il. Original and current medical documents Photocopy of ID card of the person who owns the vehicle, with the addition of the attached page specifying the child’s name. Photocopy of vehicle and driver’s licenses. Photocopy of a blank bank check (to receive the licensing fee reduction). Authorization regarding the receipt of disabled child / mobility annuity from Bituach Leumi (copy of the committee discussion minutes from Bituach Leumi). Blind persons should also attach a certificate of blindness from the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services.

If the parking tag applicant is not registered as the vehicle’s legal owner, they must attach to the application the specified documents, as well as take the following action: In cases where the vehicle is registered in the name of a family member / neighbor / friend, both must present statements affidavit signed by an attorney certifying that the vehicle is used by the parking tag applicant. In cases where the vehicle is registered in the name of the parents, present an ID card + attached page of both parents, in other words prove familial relations. In cases where the vehicle is registered in the name of a company, submit a letter from the company, including a logo matching the Company’s name, certifying that the vehicle is permanently reserved for the use of the vehicle owner.

In cases where the vehicle is registered in the name of rental / leasing companies, submit a rental agreement.

Application handling stages: Documents received by the Ministry of Transportation are transferred to a doctor of the licensing division at the Ministry of Transportation. After reviewing the documents, the doctor sends to the family’s home the parking tag and the authorization for payment of a reduced licensing fee, or another response letter. The handling time for each application is expected to be one month.

Retroactive payment: In cases where a reduction in the licensing fee payment has been approved, a refund for the proportional part of the licensing fee can be received. An application form for the drivers license fee discount should be filled out and submitted (available for download from the website of the Ministry of Transportation) with the addition of a photocopy of a blank check, written to the unit for treatment of persons with mobility impairments at the Update and Control Center of the Ministry of Transportation, P.O. Box 72, Holon, Zip Code 58100. Important!

Parking tag: The tag is officially given to children under age 3; however, in certain cases, it can be received beforehand.

In order to replace a parking tag, submit a vehicle license + ID card and the previous tag.

In case of a lost parking tag - contact the closest Licensing Authority to your place of residence in order to receive an alternative tag, or contact the Update and Control Center of the Ministry of Transportation at P.O. Box 72, Holon, Zip Code 58100.

If the tag is about to expire, submit current medical authorizations from the treating doctor, at least two months before the expiration date and come in person to the licensing office nearest to your place of residence.

For two vehicles, a single disabled parking tag will be issued which specifies both vehicle numbers regularly used by the disabled child, subject to the submission of the appropriate documents specified below: First degree family members - father / mother / son / daughter - identifiable by ID card. Other family members - submit 2 statements by a court or attorney (one for the parents and the other for the child’s guardian, as well as one for the vehicle owner) certifying that the registered vehicle owner is providing his vehicle for the personal use of the disabled child. If the disabled person is a minor, the parents or guardian will declare

on his behalf. Rental company or vehicle belonging to the workplace (lease agreement) - submit appropriate authorizations from the company.

International parking tag - international parking tags are no longer being issued, due to legal reasons. Until the matter has been resolved, in terms of legality and internationality, there is the option to privately contact a notary and translate the document to the language of the country to which the person bearing the disabled parking tag used in Israel is traveling, as well as any other document which appears relevant and helpful.It is recommended to contact the law enforcement authorities in the destination country in order to determine the rights of tourists in this field. Marking of Parking Areas - Local Authority

Who is eligible? Parents of a child / adult with a mobility impairment, where the mobility committee whose case has been reviewed by the regional health authority, and which determined at least a mobility impairment grade of at least 60%, are entitled to file an application with the local authority to mark an exclusive parking area nearby the residence. Application submission policy

In order to mark a parking area as exclusive to the family home by which the disabled parking sign will be posted, contact the “municipal transportation committee” in the traffic division of the local authority, and attach the following documents: Application letter. Photocopy of ID card. Authorization regarding the disability grade (from Bituach Leumi) and authorization of the mobility impairment grade from the health bureau. Photocopy of vehicle license. Authorization from the Ministry of Transportation regarding the receipt of a disabled vehicle parking tag.

Application handling stages: The committee will evaluate the necessity of the sign and decide accordingly. The committee will not approve the placement of a sign in cases where the family has a private parking space. In the event that the disabled person’s place of residence has free parking spaces, most likely a sign will not be approved for posting. If there is difficulty in finding a

parking space, and the person has a severe disability, the placement of a disabled parking sign will be considered favorably. Important!

Effectively, the law does not provide obligatory policies regarding the provision of authorizations for the posting of disabled parking signs, and therefore, there is variability among the various bureaus and municipalities.

Some local authorities charge a fee for the sign. Exemption from Broadcast Authority Fee

Who is eligible for a full exemption? Blind persons - blind persons receive an exemption from payment of the fee from the date when the certificate of blindness was issued to them by the Ministry of Welfare. Dead-mute persons (deaf-mute persons are persons with hearing impairment of 70 decibels or more in their good ear). Recipients of an income guarantee stipend from Bituach Leumi who do not receive an additional stipend, provided they fulfill the following three conditions: Citizens who receive an income guarantee as of the discount application date. Citizens who were entitled to an income guarantee in December 2002. Beginning in May 2004, citizens had no discontinuity of entitlement to an income guarantee for 6 consecutive months. Eligible parties will receive the exemption according to a list which will be submitted by Bituach Leumi to the Broadcast Authority. Senior citizens. The population of disabled persons for whose welfare the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance are responsible (these disabled persons are not exempt from the payment of television fees, however, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance finance the fee on their behalf out of their budgets). Who is eligible for a partial exemption? Recipients of a stipend which includes an addition to the income supplementation given by Bituach Leumi are entitled to a 50% discount on the fee. Applicants who are eligible will receive the exemption according to a list which will be submitted by Bituach Leumi to the Broadcast Authority. How to request the payment exemption

Send the following forms to:

Collection Division, P.O. Box 16333, Jerusalem 91162. Medical certificate form, signed by a doctor specializing in ear, nose and throat conditions, or a photocopy of a certificate of blindness. Exemption request letter. Photocopy of ID card. Entitlement to Absence from Work due to the Illness of a Special Child

An employee whose child is up to 16 years of age is entitled to accrue up to 8 sick days per year, provided that: Their spouse is an employee who has not used this right. Their spouse is an independent worker who has not been absent from their business due to the eligibility in question. Single parent.

An employee with whom lives a child up to 18 years of age, who has worked for the same employer / workplace for at least one year, is entitled to charge up to 90 days per year due to absence because of their child’s malignant illness.

Parents of a child with special needs, or guardians of a disabled person (regardless of the child’s age) are entitled to be absent from their work up to 30 days per year due to their child’s illness, provided that they have been working for at least one year at the same employer or at the same workplace, in accordance with the following conditions:

Parents of a disabled child are entitled to charge up to 15 days of absence per year on account of their accrued illness period, or on account of the vacation days which they accrued, at their discretion, for the purpose of providing personal assistance which requires absence for the disabled person. The employee may also take 15 additional days if: Their spouse is an employee who has not used this right. Their spouse is an independent worker who has not been absent from their business due to the eligibility in question. Single parent. The disabled person is in their sole custody. In order to exercise this right, the following documents are required: Declaration signed by the employee and their spouse (on a special form). In case of a self-employed partner, they must present an authorization from Bituach Leumi certifying their registration as an independent freelancer, or a document submitted to the

tax assessment office, or issued by it, certifying that the partner has income from a business or occupation during the same tax year, or authorization regarding his status as a dealer in accordance with the VAT Law. Medical authorization attesting to the child’s disability. In the event that the required assistance is for the purpose of accompaniment, assistance, or supervision of medical or para-medical treatment - present an authorization of the treating entity indicating the day and range of hours during which the treatment is given. Important!

Persons with disabilities - as defined in Section 5 of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law: “A person with a permanent or temporary physical, mental or intellectual - including a cognitive impairment, due to which his functions are substantively restricted in one or more main spheres of life.” Adjustment of Housing Conditions for Persons with Mobility Impairments - Ministry of Health & Ministry of Housing

Parents of children whose movement and/or functioning are impaired due to a disease or motor system injury are entitled to assistance for the purpose of funding changes or renovation to the interior and exterior of their home which are critical for the functioning and mobility of the child in the home, and also to the access routes leading thereto. The above includes expanding opening and adjusting them for the purpose of the passage of a wheelchair, changes to the structure of sanitary bathrooms, disabled access routes, support rails and wheelchair lifts.

The eligibility is determined by the joint inter-ministerial committee of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Housing. The assistance is provided in addition to any other assistance to which the disabled child is entitled (if any) in accordance with other assistance programs of the Ministry of Construction & Housing.

The assistance can be received in one of the following types of homes:

Home owned by the family (if the family owns two homes, no assistance will be given). In kibbutzim or moshavim shitufyim, the assistance will be given in the name of the village, on the condition that it has been proven that the person is a member of the kibbutz / shitufi, and that they do not own another home. Apartments given within the framework of public housing, in which the family lives by key

money. Apartments in which the child permanently resides, which are owned by a first degree family member (including grandparents).

Who is eligible? Children whose movement and/or functioning are impaired due to an illness or injury to their motor system, and whose home is not appropriate for the disability. Children with disabilities whose health condition has worsened, and who, due to their disability, must have adjustments to the apartment in which they reside, currently or in the future. In case of a change in the workplace where the child’s family members are employed - the assistance will be given on the condition that the committee is convinced that there is a need to change the place of residence, and that the new residential does not meet the needs of the disabled child, up to harm to their day-to-day functioning ability. Assistance in installing an elevator lift in the child’s home - will be given on the condition that the child lived at home before he began requiring a wheelchair, where the wheelchair lift provides an exclusive solution to their mobility problem in that home. In special cases which are not included in the above sections, the committee decided that there is a need for assistance based on a detailed medical or rehabilitative opinion.

Conditions for receiving assistance: Receipt of recognition by a recognized institution (hospital, health fund or governmental rehabilitative frameworks) certifying that the child's functioning or movement are impaired due to a disease or injury to their motor system. It has been proven that the home in which the child resides (or in which they will reside in the future - according to the above conditions) is not suitable to their disability. The child was not injured in a road accident or terrorist attack. The family does not live in a private monthly rental. The assistance is given to an individual or family which owns no more than one apartment at the time of filing of the application for assistance. The application form for assistance in adjusting the apartment will be filed prior to the performance of changes / renovations / adjustment, excluding cases in which the social worker of the health bureau, in coordination with the clinic, recommend the change and approve that they have been performed in accordance with the recommendations.

The assistance includes: The assistance may be in the form of a complete grant (public housing residents), a combined grant-loan or a loan only. The composition of the assistance is determined according to the number of persons in the home, the number of rooms in the home and the income of all family members. Insofar

as the income level rises (and not necessarily the size of the home), the rate of the determined bonus is reduced in accordance with the size of the family. Loan terms: Linkage + 4% interest, for a period of up to 28 years.

When there is a need for the performance of adjustments outside the home, it is important to pay attention to the fact that there are adjustments which require the agreement of most/all tenants, whereas some adjustments do not require agreement. For example, installation or change in location of a handhold is an adjustment which does not require agreement. However, a change in the outline of an existing access route, including pavement of a new route, for the purpose of installing a ramp, etc., is an adjustment which requires the agreement of most tenants.

However, if the Real Estate Commissioner has found that an apartment owner has objected to the performance of the adjustment due to unreasonable grounds, or has stipulated their agreement on unreasonable conditions, he is authorized to give his agreement for the performance of the adjustment in place of that tenant.

The installation of a wheelchair lift requires the agreement of most apartment owners in the building. However, if there is a tenant who refuses due to unreasonable grounds, or who stipulates their agreement on unreasonable conditions, the Real Estate Commissioner is authorized to grant his agreement in their place. Additionally, the provision of a permit for the installation of the wheelchair lift is conditional upon the requirement that the engineer of the local planning and construction committee has determined that an elevator cannot be installed in the building, or after he has been convinced, in light of the applicable circumstances, that it would no longer be appropriate to install a wheelchair lift instead of an elevator. The installation of an elevator requires the agreement of two thirds of the apartment owners in the building.

When the adjustment is performed in a public area - a construction permit must be submitted, or alternatively, signature of a statement certifying that the authorized entities in the local authority have been consulted, and that there is no need for a permit to building the ramp / elevator lift. In special cases, the population division is authorized to approve exceptional grants beyond the conventional policies. Application submission policy:

Contact details: In order to begin the process, contact the health funds to evaluate the required changes, and to receive details. The application should be filed through the social worker or occupational clinic of the regional health bureau in the area of residence, and should include an

authorization regarding the required changes from the doctor or social worker who are treating the child (attach to the application details regarding the renovation details and price quote).

A residential assistance application form filled out and signed by the applicant / medical certificates of a recognized medical institution (medical specialist of the hospital or health fund, managing doctor of a rehabilitative institution) specifying the applicant's health condition.

If the child uses a wheelchair for mobility - authorization of this from the Ministry of Health.

Recommendation from the occupational clinic, rehabilitation employee or public health nurse (of the health fund) specifying the works required to adjust the apartment to the child’s need. The recommendation should include:

A diagram of the currently existing and recommended situation, including specification of the location of the sanitary tools.

Social worker’s report regarding the impact of the residential situation on the applicant’s personal, familial and social functioning, and on rehabilitative programs, if any.

A price quote submitted no more than 90 days prior will be recorded on a standard form. The price quote must include the identifying details of the executing contractor, and details of the child for whom the application is being filed, specification of the changes in accordance with the recommendation issued by the occupational clinic, and dimensions, quantities and costs of each item.

In cases of changes to the access routes, the length, width and height differences of the route will be specified. The applicant undertakes to use the grant for the purpose of the approved changes only.

Undertaking by family members regarding the permanent residence of the child in their home (if the home is not registered on their name).

In cases where assistance greater than the maximum is required, the application will be brought for a hearing with the addition of the opinion of a representative of the technical department of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Housing regarding the cost of the work, after visiting the site.

In case of an application to install a wheelchair lift - bring two price quotes from two different (standard-bearing) suppliers.

In case of construction of an access ramp - attach an opinion by the representative of the

regional technical department regarding the ramp’s proper installation.

In cases where the interior changes or the construction of access ramps is performed in a public housing apartment, a price quote by the populating company is sufficient, and an opinion is not required regarding the proper installation of the works.

The populating company must record in the apartment database that the apartment has been adjusted for a disabled person.

All documents should be submitted in duplicate - original and copy.

The committee may require additional documents. Application handling stages:

The social worker at the regional health bureau will concentrate the applications for assistance. The decision reached by the committee regarding the approval of a loan will be transferred to an input/output unit which will issue a certificate of eligibility which includes the approved loan amount. The certificate will be sent to the applicant by mail. A copy of the bank order will be sent to the regional health bureau. The bank will record the amount in two checks in the contractor’s name, and will sen them to the applicant’s address. In case of the committee reaches a detailed negative decision, the decision will be delivered to the applicant by the social worker (there is an option to appeal the decision - details below). The loan can be taken out at any mortgage bank, at the applicant’s discretion. The original certificate of eligibility should be kept, as well as all accompanying documents - without them, the loan cannot be received. The bank will provide the loan against the receipt of collateral, including charging the home. In certain cases, at the bank’s discretion, a loan will be provided at a total amount which will not exceed NIS 20,000, without charging the apartment.

Up to 50% of the assistance funds will be released as an advance, on the condition that the applicant commits to completing all of the works within 6 months. If the applicant does not fulfill this condition, he will be required to repay the loan in full, with the addition of interest. The full loan amount will be released according to approval from an occupational doctor, stating that the works have been performed in their entirety, and in accordance with his recommendations.

Appeals: in order to appeal the committee’s decisions, contact the social worker at the regional health bureau. The list of social workers who can be contacted is available on the website of the Ministry of Health at www.health . gov.il

Residential Benefits - Mortgages - Ministry of Housing

Description of Right: The eligibility for a loan to purchase an apartment for those lacking residence for parents of a disabled person or a disabled person are entitled to a special apartment purchase loan. Conditions for eligibility: at least 75% stable disability, or 80% mobility impairment. Eligibility is dependent upon the disability grade, the disability type and the circumstances of the event. The loan amount varies from person to person, and every case is discussed on its own merits.

The Ministry of Housing distinguishes between disability types for the purpose of determining eligibility for a loan: Permanent disability of up to 75%: authorization is required from Bituach Leumi or the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Defense, indicating the disability grade and the fact that it is permanent / stable. Blind persons - certificate of permanent blindness from the Ministry of Labor and Welfare. Disabled persons requiring a wheelchair - authorization is required from the Ministry of Health or from the Ministry of Defense regarding their confinement to or need for a wheelchair.

Loan to improve residential conditions for home owners A disabled person or parents of a disabled child are entitled to an improvement, benefit and easement in residential conditions, according to the needs of the person with a disability. The person / family should contact the mortgage bank in order to issue a special certificate of eligibility for the purpose of purchasing an alternative apartment. The entitlement amount varies, and each case is discussed on its own merits. Target population:

Disability type: physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, autism, PDD, Asperger’s, mental-developmental impairment, developmental impairment, chronic diseases, systemic disease, multidisciplinary disabilities, syndromes, special needs recognized as a disability. Age: Birth to 18 Application submission policy:

Contact details: To file the loan application and have a certificate of eligibility issued, contact the mortgage

banks around the country.

Opening hours and telephone response times regarding residential assistance in the office’s regions and in the populating companies: Opening days: Monday and Wednesday. Telephone response days: Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 to 13:30. National hotline for all regions: 1-599-505-404.

Required documents: ID card including annexes. In case of pregnancy - authorization from a recognized medical institution regarding the pregnancy, from the fifth month. Authorizations of disability. Authorization of number of months served in the IDF / national service / civil service / reserve service (for both partners, if any) from one of the following entities: the Municipal Army Officer, one of the national service associations, the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Education. Photocopy of ID card with all brothers and sisters. The photocopy must include the ID number, name and address. Alternatively, a statement regarding details of siblings may be filled out. Married couples must submit a marriage certificate. 7. Couples who have registered for marriage must submit a certificate of registration for marriage. Divorced partners must submit a certificate of divorce or a divorce agreement which received the force of ruling before the divorce. Widows must submit their partner’s death certificate. Single parent families must submit: Certificate of divorce. Certificate of divorce which received the force of ruling before the divorce. Statement of residence without a common law partner. Common law partners should fill out a declaration form regarding their status as common law partners. New immigrants must also submit a teudat oleh (certificate of immigration).

The registration involves payment of a NIS 70 fee.

Application handling stages: After the application has been evaluated, a certificate of eligibility is issued which confirms the eligibility, and level of assistance and the conditions. The assistance is given through each of the branches of the mortgage bank, and not necessarily the bank that issued the certificate.

The following is a list of mortgage banks: Union Bank Discount Mortgage Bank International Mortgage Bank Bank of Jerusalem, Leumi Mortgage Bank Mizrachi Tefahot Bank Mercantile Discount Bank Mishkan Poalim Mortgage Bank This list does not constitute a recommendation regarding any mortgage bank. Appeals:

There is the option to appeal the assistance entitlement amount when purchasing an apartment or after entitlement has been rejected to the appeals committee of the Ministry of Construction & Housing: Upper population committee. Public appeals committee.

How to contact the appeals committee: The appeal should be filed through the branch of the mortgage bank, with the addition of documents to support the application for determination of exceptional eligibility. The appeal will be transferred to the Ministry of Construction & Housing and discussed in the appropriate committee. Important!

It is always recommended to contact the mortgage bank in order to determine eligibility, and also to contact the committee before purchasing the apartment, in order to find out which amounts are available to the family for the purpose of purchasing the apartment.

Eligibility is dependent upon the disability grade, the disability type and the circumstances of the event. The loan amount varies from person to person, and every case is discussed on its own merits. Reduced Tax on Apartment Purchases - Purchase Tax

Description of Right: A discount on purchasing tax is intended for parents of children who receive a full disability annuity (100%), and also for whom a disability percentage has been determined by Bituach

Leumi. Families who are recognized as eligible will pay tax at a rate of 0.5% instead of 4.5%. (Please note that even if the child receives a 100% disabled child annuity, they are not necessarily entitled to 100% at Bituach Leumi). Therefore, an authorization regarding the disability percentage should be obtained from Bituach Leumi - 100% permanent medical disability).

Target population:

Disability type: physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, autism, PDD, Asperger’s, mental developmental disability / development delay, chronic diseases, systemic diseases, multidisciplinary disabilities, syndromes, mental/emotional disorders, special needs recognized as disabilities (the discount is given to those entitled to a disabled child annuity).

Age: Birth to 18 Application submission policy

In order to receive the discount, contact the real estate taxation office in your area of residence.

Required documents: Exemption application form. Purchase declaration form. Declaration form regarding intention to reside at home. Waiver of medical confidentiality form. Reference to the Bituach Leumi medical committee for the purpose of determining disability grade (involves a fee). Authorization from Bituach Leumi certifying that the child is receiving a disabled child annuity. Court authorization certifying that the parents, as the natural guardians of the child, are entitled to use the discount for which they are eligible. The forms are available from the purchasing tax office.

Application handling stages: Parents of a disabled child who contact the purchasing tax office with a discount application are requested to fill out the aforementioned documents. The reference letter and documents should be sent via registered mail or fax to the following address: Real Estate Taxation Office, Central Branch, 5 Kanfei Nesharim st., P.O. Box 1170, Jerusalem 91010. Fax: 02-6599404.

Later in the process, the parents will be referred by representatives of the purchasing tax

office to Bituach Leumi for the purpose of determining the disability grade (please note that even if the child receives a 100% disabled child annuity, this still does not represent a disability grade, and therefore, they will need to obtain an authorization for disability grade from Bituach Leumi) - this approach to Bituach Leumi involves a fee. After the disability grade has been determined, the parents will be referred to the court as the child’s natural guardians, in order for the court to approve their use of the discount for which the child is eligible. Once the authorization has been received from the court, the purchasing tax office should be contacted again in order to receive the discount.

Retroactive refund Parents who have paid purchasing tax and who meet the criteria and receive the authorizations from Bituach Leumi and the court may request a retroactive exemption up to four years back with respect to the purchase of the home / apartment. See Section 85 of the Real Estate Taxation (Betterment and Purchasing) Law, 5723 - 1963. Important!

The apartment must be used by the disabled person for residence, and if they are a minor - it must be adjusted to their special needs due to the disability. Since the handling of an apartment purchase is usually done by an expert attorney in the field, in most cases the issue of purchasing tax is also handled by the attorney.

Apartments with a price of up to NIS 1.35 million do not require the payment of purchasing tax in any case. Purchasing tax is paid for apartments whose price is higher than that specified above, and therefore, if the home cost slightly more than this amount, it is not worthwhile to use the child discount.

The more expensive the home, the more significant the exemption.

It should be taken into account that any person with a disability is entitled to receive a discount on purchasing tax only twice during their lifetime, and therefore, if the parents use the child’s right, they will have only one other possibility of receiving the discount in the future.

Families who have an additional apartment will only receive the exemption if they can prove that they intend to live in the home. It is possible that employees of the purchasing tax office will request additional authorizations or forms.

Please note the major change which was recently implemented, according to which there is not obligation to register the apartment under the child’s name in order to receive the discount.

In light of the fact that purchasing tax requires an authorization of medical disability, and this authorization does not exist for minors, many parents have difficulty in exercising this right. This issue is currently being dealt with by the staff of the clinic for persons with disabilities at Bar Ilan University. Tax Exemption for Deposits in Provident Funds

Fund owners who wish to withdraw funds before the repayment date are entitled to a tax exemption, on the condition that the disability was discovered after the fund was created. Who is eligible?

Parents of children up to age 18 with a disability at a rate higher than 70%.

Parents of a child with a disability, if their income does not exceed NIS 3,850 per month.

Parents of a child with a disability whose medical expenses reach half of their annual income.

Disability type: Physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, autism, PDD, Asperger’s, mental developmental disability / development delay, chronic diseases, systemic diseases, multidisciplinary disabilities, syndromes, mental/emotional disorders, special needs recognized as disabilities.

Age: Birth to 18 Application submission policy

Contact details: Contact the manager / deputy manager of the bank where the provident fund was created, and submit a written application. The parents’ income level should be emphasized, as well as other expenses and uniqueness due to the child’s disability.

Required documents:

Authorizations indicating the parents' level of income. Authorizations indicating other expenses and uniqueness of the child’s disability. Form 159A (the form is available for download from the income tax website).

Application handling stages: The Ministry of Finance has appointed supervising entities for each fund/provident fund

who receive the application letter from the family. Each case is discussed on its own merits. The decision is sent to the applying home by mail.



The search for the best educational framework for your child begins at a very early stage in the child’s life.

Parents of infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) who are searching for an appropriate environment to meet the needs of the family and the child can find an environment of this kind privately (private caregiver, private family center, etc.), or alternatively, can contact the governmental entity which is responsible for the placement of toddlers - the Ministry of Welfare, through the social services bureaus in your area of residence, and request assistance through integration in a regular day care center, or placement in a rehabilitative day care center.

Beginning at age 3, the responsibility for the education of children with special needs is transferred to the Ministry of Education, which provides its services through the education departments in the local authorities. At this stage, the educational options range from studies in an environment integrated with regular education, or placement in special education. Education for Toddlers Until Age 3

Toddlers until age 3 are not included under the Special Education Law; however, parents who are interested in receiving governmental assistance in the placement of children of these ages may receive this assistance from the Ministry of Welfare, through the social services bureaus.

Children with special needs of these ages may be integrated into regular day care centers (Wizo / Naamat / Emunah) or in centers recognized by the Ministry of Welfare, and receive a personal assistant who will accompany them for several hours a day.

Another option available to some children with special needs is placement in a rehabilitative day care center. In these centers, intensive consumer treatment is given in accordance with the child’s needs, as well as additional treatments intended to advance the child and improve their functioning in the future.

In order to be included in the program involving integration in regular day care centers, or to

be placed in a rehabilitative day care center, contact the welfare bureau. Rehabilitative Day Care Centers

The rehabilitative day care centers operate by virtue of the Rehabilitative Day Care Centers Law, 5760-2000, which reflects recognition of the necessity of early treatment intervention among toddlers with disabilities, and understanding that the treatment which is given to a toddler in their first few years is of great importance to their future development.

Who is eligible? Children aged one to three years who meet the following criteria: The child also receives a disabled child annuity from Bituach Leumi The child has been diagnosed by the diagnostic committee of the unit for treatment of persons with mental-developmental disabilities at the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services. An authorized entity on behalf of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, or on behalf of the institute of child development, has determined that the child requires a rehabilitative day care center. Provided services:

Para-medical treatments: the toddler will receive developmental treatments from a professional staff. The para-medical treatments provided in the center come in place of treatments at health funds. No restriction exists which would prevent the centers from offering treatments or services beyond those specified in the basket, however, these will be funded by the parents. For your information: toddlers in rehabilitative day care center are not entitled to receive additional developmental treatments in the institutes of child development of the various health funds.

Toddlers with medical needs - toddlers with medical needs are entitled to receive extra assistant or nurse hours, in accordance with the type of medical disability. Transportation and accompaniment - each toddler is entitled by law to transportation and accompaniment by an adult when being driven from their home to and from the rehabilitative day care center. Payment - the parents participate in the treatment expenses in accordance with the participation table which has been determined by the Minister of Welfare. The treatments which the health funds are required to provide to a toddler are provided in the day care center through the direct funding of the fund in which the toddler is registered,

at no additional charge to the parents. Contact procedure -

An assessment committee comprised of representatives of the local authority, the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services and the Ministry of Health will determine the eligibility for a rehabilitative day care center, and the framework to which the child should be sent. In accordance with this decision, the child will be referred to the acceptance committee of the chosen framework, which will decide whether to accept them, or to return the discussion to the assessment committee.


Parents are entitled to appeal the committee’s decision to the appeals committee. The appeals committee convenes in Jerusalem in the presence of the parents, and is comprised of senior representatives of the relevant divisions of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, and a public representative.

Children who do not meet any of the criteria regarding eligibility for participation in funding of rehabilitative day care centers may join a center via the “reduced quota” arrangement - a quotas of available spaces in the rehabilitative day care center - in these cases, the children will receive all treatments in the center, however, they are not entitled to the benefits prescribed in law, such as safe transportation. The parents’ payment in these cases is also higher, and parents will also pay for both welfare and the day care center. Integration of Toddlers with Special Needs in Rehabilitative Day Care Centers and Family Centers

Parents of infants and toddlers aged three months to three years with special needs who are interested in integrating their child into a regular framework may do so through the assistance provided through the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services. As part of the assistance, the toddlers can be integrated into day care centers of the Wizo, Naamat and Emunah networks, or in family centers run by the local authority, and receive a personal assistant up to 4 hours per day.

Important! Children who need more than 4 hours of assistance per day cannot be integrated into these environments. Contact details:

Contact a social worker at the social services department of the local authority and submit an application for assistance in day care integration.

Attach the following to the application: Comprehensive diagnosis from the Institute of Child Development. Letter recommending integration from a specialist. Important:

Toddlers who are integrated in day care centers and family centers are not entitled to transportation, accompaniment and para-medical treatments. The eligibility only applies to rehabilitative day care centers. Education for Children Between the Ages of 3 and 21

The Special Education Law, 5748-1988, is intended to define the rights of children with special needs in the services system from the ages of 3 to 21, and constitutes the basis for the services provided in the system, and the guideline for its operation.The Special Education Law allows children with special needs to learn in a special education environment or in the regular education environment, through individual or group integration, with additional instruction and special services.The operation of special education services, as well as integration into regular environments, is under the authority of the Special Education Division in the Ministry of Education, and of course, the education administration in the local authority.

Each region also has a municipal / regional support center which constitutes an organizational framework for implementation of the Special Education Law, which combines under one roof the special education resources for implementation of the law and the integration program. The role of the municipal / regional support center is to allows students with special needs to receive, within the framework of the regular class or the integrated class (a special education class integrated into the regular education framework) various education treatments and services. The municipal / regional support center can only be contacted through the school.

Currently, every regular education environment is obligated to maintain an integration committee responsible for determining the eligibility of children with special needs to receive the assistance regarding integration in an regular environment.

Parents who are interested in integrating their special child into a regular environment should contact the intended environment with their child’s diagnoses, and ask for an integration committee which will determine their ability to be integrated, and the type of assistance which should be provided to the child in order to enable them to maximize their potential.

Medical Assistants for Children with Medical Needs

Who is eligible?

Students in regular education, from the age specified in the Mandatory Education Law, who have special health conditions and have special medical needs require assistance in exercising their obligation to study in accordance with the law in the educational environment as regular students of their age, according to the following specification:

Students who routinely require invasive treatments (with a doctor’s authorization): Provision of oxygen. Removal of secretions through a tracheotomy. Bladder catheterization. Feeding through nasogastric intubation / gastrostomy. Monitoring of blood sugar levels and administration of insulin.

Students who require supervision to prevent life-endangering situations: Students who require supervision due to the diagnosis of a particularly severe disease, only in accordance with a document issued by a doctor specializing in the field (pediatric allergy specialist, pediatric neurologist). Life-endangering allergies with clear documentation of severity to the response to milk, peanuts or nuts. Reference to the history of allergic asthma which increases the future risk to an life-endangering anaphylactic response. Unbalanced epilepsy, in other words, more than 2 myoclonic epilepsy or generalized epilepsy attacks per month, with severe (grand mal) attacks resulting in falling. Severe clotting disorders with a tendency towards uncontrolled bleeding (hemophilia, severe and exceptional hematological cases).

Students with exceptional health conditions. Students for whom the medical opinion and psychosocial opinion indicate their dangerous health condition, or a risk to their life.

An application to evaluate the eligibility of the student requesting an assistant in very exceptional cases will be considered by the committee, subject to the receipt of an authorized medical opinion and, if possible, a functional opinion, for example in case of a child with CF who requires enzymes at mealtime. Note:

The committee does not discuss health conditions such as help with activities of daily living

(ADL), including dressing, mobility, use of restrooms (including changing of diapers), general supervision regarding injury or educational assistance or agency.

Application submission policy

The family should contact the local authority with their application. The local authority only will contact the inter-ministerial committee to approve the allocation. Once the allocation has been approved, the local authority will be the employer. Training of assistants - under the authority’s responsibility, and in collaboration with the parents and the treating medical staff.

Required documents: A current medical opinion specifying the required treatment during school / kindergarten hours - dated up to 6 months before the submission of the application; Functional opinion - social worker / psychologist / counselor. Important!

The application must be renewed on an annual basis.

There are certain fixed dates for filing of medical assistance applications (online form) - the application dates for the 5773 (2012-2013) school year are the following: June 15, 2012 to September 15, 2012. January 1, 2013 to January 15, 2013. April 15, 2013 to April 30, 2013. During other times, access to the form is blocked. However, in urgent cases, send an email to the following address: ayaot @ education.gov . il. Integration of Children with Special Needs into Regular Education Environments

The Special Education Law allows children with special needs to be integrated into the regular education environment through additional instruction hours, study and special services (such as assistants, assistance services, psychological services, para-medical services, or any other service which will be determined, as relevant). The integration hours are given only to children aged 5 and older. This addition, which is known as an integration program will be adapted to the child’s needs, in consideration of his particular impairments, their severity and the child’s age.

The integration committee is the professional committee which operates by virtue of the Special Education Law, 5748-1988, Amendment No. 7 (5763-2002), and is the entity authorized to determine the child’s eligibility for support and assistance in a regular education institution, within the framework of the integration program.

The integration committee must appoint the following position holders:

At school: School principal, who will serve also as committee chairperson. The student’s homeroom teacher. Educational psychologist and/or educational counselor (in schools which have both a psychologist and a counselor, the psychologist will participate in the committee). Pedagogical employee from the field of special education. Additional professional to be determined by the committee chairman, if required, as applicable. For example, this could be a specialist regarding the specific impairment, or the expert who has diagnosed the child, or another professional who works with the child, such as a para-medical worker, etc.).

In kindergartens: The general supervisor of kindergartens in the municipality, or their representative, who serves as the committee chairman. The student’s main kindergarten teacher (kindergarten manager). A pedagogical employee from the field of special education (such as the director of the municipal / regional support center, or their representative, or the kindergarten teacher in the integrated environment). A psychologist on behalf of the educational psychological service in the municipality (who works in kindergartens) or a kindergarten educational counselor (in kindergartens which have both a psychologist and a counselor, the psychologist will participate in the committee). An additional professional to be determined by the committee chairman, if required, as applicable (for example, a representative of the local authority’s kindergarten unit, a specialist regarding the impairment, or the specialist who diagnosed the child, or an additional professional who works with the child, such as a para-medical worker, etc.).

The contact to the integration committee may be performed by a parent, educational employee in the educational institution, the local education authority, placement committee or appeal committee.

Contact initiated by parents:

Students learning or candidates for study in school - contact the school.

Children who study in or are candidates for kindergarten - contact the general supervisor of kindergartens in the municipality, or the municipal / regional support center.

The application can be submitted until the end of April. In case of transfer between schools, the committee discussion can be requested by the end of September.

Parents wishing to convene the integration committee are required to attach to their application a relevant opinion, diagnoses and documents indicating the child’s difficulties and needs.

If the parents have requested the convention of the committee, they are required to contact the chairman of the integration committee in writing (regarding schools - to the school management, and regarding kindergartens - to the general supervisor), to attach to their application a relevant opinion, diagnoses and any other document which indicates the child’s difficulties and needs. Contact initiated by the school

If additional diagnoses have been performed, the school will present them to the committee. Didactic and other diagnoses will be performed under the auspices of the school only with the parents’ consent and approval.

If the process has been initiated by the school, the educational institution must present the committee with an detailed “educational opinion” which has been filled out by the class homeroom teacher, including reference to the child’s level of functioning in various field during the last six months. The school is required to submit the opinion to the parents for their review and signature before the discussion. If additional diagnoses have been performed, such as didactic diagnoses, the school will present them to the committee. Didactic and other diagnoses will be performed by the school only with the parents' consent and approval. Parents’ participation in committee discussions

It is mandatory to invite the parents and the child to the committee. The decision whether or not to include the child will be made by the parents. The parents are entitled to bring a representative on their behalf, as well as any other relevant document or opinion in their possession.

The invitation to the integration committee must reach the parents at least ten days before the discussion.

Parents requesting postponement of the discussion for justified reasons should contact the school principal, who will determine a new date.

If the parents have received a properly issued invitation, have not requested postponement of the discussion, and did not attend it, the committee is entitled to conduct the discussion also in their absence.

Regarding deaf or hearing-impaired parents, or parents who do not speak Hebrew, an interpreter should be arranged to interpret the discussion into a language which they can understand, or they should requested to bring to the discussion another person on their behalf.

In a discussion with blind or vision impaired parents, the documents presented in the discussion should be read aloud to them.

After having heard the report and the recommendations of the school and the specialists, as well as the parents’ remarks, the committee members will reach their decision by majority, without the parents’ presence.

The detailed decision reached by the integration committee will be sent to the student's parents no later than 10 days after the date of the decision.

The announcement regarding the committee’s decision will include a principle decision on the matter of the eligibility for integration, and relevant explanations. Regarding students who meet the criteria for support from an assistant, and regarding whom the integration committee decided that they are entitled to such support - the announcement will also include reference to this subject. The integration committee may decide that:

The child is entitled to be included in the integration environment. Within the framework of this decision, the committee is authorized to decide also upon eligibility for support from an assistant.

The child is not entitled to inclusion in the integration environment. The committee must provide an explanation for its decision, according to the following options: The student will learn in the regular education environment, without support from the integration program, and their educational needs will be met within the framework of the existing programs at the educational institution. The student will be referred for a discussion in the placement committee, due to the fact that they have significant complex and comprehensive problems in various areas of functioning, and their problems require comprehensive treatment and multi-

disciplinary treatment throughout most hours of the school day. In these cases, the committee should refer the child’s case for discussion by the placement committee, no later than 14 days after the date of the integration committee’s decision. The placement committee will discuss the child’s eligibility for placement in a special education framework.

The committee is required to provide an explanation for its decision, and to submit to the parents a copy of the decision and of the significant explanations. Parents are also entitled to receive the minutes of the meeting, and are entitled to appeal the committee’s decision before the appeals committee, which is the local authority’s placement committee. Appeals

Parents or students may file an appeal on the committee’s decisions in writing to the placement committee within 21 days after the date of the integration committee’s decision. The placement committee may accept the appeal, return the case to the integration committee for further discussion, with or two instructions, or reject the appeal.

The placement committee will issue its decision within 21 days after the filing date of the appeal.

The decision reached by the appeals committee is final. Individual educational programs

Individual educational programs will be created for each integrated student by the inter- professional staff of the educational environment (a staff including professionals from the fields of education, treatment, counseling and diagnosis), and will be based on an in-depth evaluation of the student’s level of functioning. This program will include all special education services given to the student within the integration hours. An emphasis will be placed on coordination among all included services. The program will be integrative, and will be created, as much as possible, in accordance with the study program of the regular class, in consideration of the student’s abilities.

During the planing stage of the individual program, the student and the parents will be invited to make their remarks, and may bring another person on their behalf. At this stage, the parents will be informed of the decision regarding the child’s eligibility for assistance, and regarding the determined level of functioning.

A copy of the individual educational program will be delivered to the student’s parents. At

the end of the year, the integrated student’s parents will receive from the kindergarten teacher or from the class homeroom teacher a written assessment regarding their progress on the program.

The individual educational program will include: The student’s strong areas of functioning, within the educational framework, as well as their weak areas. The program’s objectives for the coming school year. The educational objectives for the support period are based on the class’s regular study program, including specification of the tasks required of the integrated student. Modes of operation and work plan referring to the issues / aspects to be addressed by the class homeroom teacher / kindergarten teacher and the inter-disciplinary staff, including definition of the areas of responsibility of each staff member (as well as definition of the assistant’s roles, if eligibility for an assistant has been determined). Time periods to achieve the objectives. Means to achieve the objectives. Feedback and evaluation. Types of support in the integration program

The Special Education Law defines the additional instruction and study, as well as the special services (help from assistants, assistance services, psychological services and para- medical services) for the integrated student. This addition is given in accordance with the student’s needs, and in consideration of the available resources (instruction hours, manpower and physical condition) of the educational framework.

The hours will be determined in an individual educational program, by the inter-disciplinary staff in the educational framework in which the integrated student is studying. An integrated student will be entitled to support of the instructional type for at most a third of the weekly study hours, in a group and/or individually, through one or more of the support types specified below. The integration program includes a wide variety of support strategies for integrated students, which is continuously being developed. The age level and level of functioning influence the variability in types of support, manner of support, scope of support, etc. The objectives and goals of the student’s individual educational program will be specified in the program and will determine the type, method, location, date, duration and intensiveness of the support.

The realization of objectives and goals will be performed using the various means available to the environment. The educational staff will work to realize the goals using alternative means available to the environment, if one or more of the required special means or services

are not available.

The inter-disciplinary staff will determine and adjust the support for children with special needs who are integrated in regular classrooms for one or more of the following types of support.

Educational and instructional support: this support is given by pedagogical employees from the field of special education, para-medical therapists and creative and expressive therapists. This support is given to those who require emotional support, development of study and social skills, and a more methodical structuring of the study program for their age group.

Adjustment support: this support mainly deals with changing and adjusting the environment, equipment and activities which the child attempts to perform, according to their needs and abilities. At times, more than one type of support is required simultaneously.

An integration of educational and instructional support with adustment support: support which primarily involves an integration of the two types of support, for example: Tnstruction in a special environment - support for the student in an environment which is organized and adapted to their needs (physical or technological adjustment, for example, in treatment centers or in learning centers). Instruction using special means - such as telecommunication means and translation services for students with learning disabilities. Integrated model - instruction for students in a unique environment, led by associated teachers from various fields (special teacher and regular teacher). The learning take place with students with varying levels of ability during some of the study hours, or regarding some of the subjects.

Support and accompaniment by an assistant - a decision regarding the provision of assistance and accompaniment by an assistant, and regarding the number of hours which will be allocated for this purpose, will be reached in accordance with level of functioning which will be determined for the student, based on detailed criteria determined by the Ministry of Education. The decision regarding the provision of support must be detailed, with an emphasis on the student’s functioning and on the manner by which such assistance will help to advance them. The final authorization for the assistant and the accompaniment hours will only be given at the start of the school year, due to the fact that this decision is reached by the Ministry of Education, and is not under the school's authority. Conditions for assignment of an educational assistant

Students with special needs in the regular education system, aged 3-4, who attend kindergartens which are recognized and supervised by the Ministry of Education, as well as students aged 5-18 (end of 12th grade) in the entire official and recognized educational system, as well as the unofficial and recognized system.

The list of disabilities is provided below:

Children with cerebral palsy and severe physical disabilities

Blind and visually impaired children.

Children with autism.

Children with a medium-grade mental developmental disability

Children with mental disorders.

Students who have syndromes and rare diseases which require continuous supervision according to the authorizations of Bituach Leumi.

Yated Shiluv: Center for the Promotion of Education and Integration

The center for the promotion of education and integration of children with Down syndrome in the educational system and in the community provides counseling and guidance regarding the education and integration for families and educational staffs throughout the country. Contact details

Address: Kiryat Matalon, Petach Tikva Tel: 03-9210291, 03-9271395 Opening hours: by advance coordination. Email: ililleder @ bezeqint.net Website: http :// www.yated . org.il Placement in Special Education Environments

The placement committee is the forum which determines the eligibility of the child with special needs for special education, and their placement in a special education institution.

Composition of the committee:

Representative of the local education network (who will serve as chairman).

Two supervising representatives from the Ministry of Education (one of which will be the special education the Ministry of Education or his representative).

An educational psychologist on behalf of the local authority.

Specialist in pediatric medicine.

Social worker with approx. 5 years of experience in the treatment of children with special needs.

A special representative of the parents representation for placement committees - the parents representative in the placement committees must be a parent who has a child in special education, who has received a designated appointment from the Minister of Education for this role. The parents’ representative’s duties include assisting parents to exercise their rights in the committee.

The committee has an extended composition, however, the committee may be convened with a minimum presence of the following 3 persons: Special education supervisor (or a representative on his behalf); Committee chairman (on behalf of the authority); Representative of the educational psychological service - can be any representative, and not necessarily the one who diagnosed the child whose case is being discussed in the committee. The reference to the placement committee can be made by the parents, a recognized educational institution, the local educational network, or any professional entity who believes that the child should be referred to special education. Important!

If the committee is discussing the child’s transition from special education to regular education, a regular education supervisor should be invited to the discussion, and not a special education supervisor, since the placement participant committees grant eligibility for special education and not for regular education - so in this case, there is no need for a placement committee, but rather a multi-participant discussion.

The reference to the committee must be made until the end of April of the same year.

It is mandatory to invite the parents and the child for the discussion in the committee by means of an invitation send by registered mail at least 16 days before the discussion. In

case of divorced parents - both parents should receive an invitation to the placement committee by registered mail.

The parents are entitled not to attend the committee discussion, to send representatives on their behalf or to bring accompanying persons to the committee. They are also entitled to cancel the discussion twice, subject to advance notice (by telephone or in writing) whether for a justified reason or not. On the third time, the discussion will be held without them.

For the purpose of the discussion in the committee, the educational framework will fill out a detailed questionnaire and will also attach a psychological assessment or diagnosis. Additionally, the parents can bring to the committee any report or professional opinion in their possession. The discussion in the committee will be held in the presence of the parents, however, the summary and decision-making process will be performed by the committee members only. The summary will be sent to the parents within 10 days.

The committee will decide whether to refer the child to special education or to regular education. If entitled to has been found eligible for special education, the committee will specify the type of special education framework in which the student will learn, and will not specify the name of the educational framework.

The determination of the specific framework to which the child will be assigned is done by an assignment committee, to which the parents will be invited. Therefore, if there is a certain framework which the parents prefer, they must specify its name during the discussion at the placement committee.

The parents are entitled to review any document which has been brought before the committee, as well as the minutes of the meeting, excluding in exceptional cases where the committee is authorized to decide that review of such documents may cause harm to the child.

Repeat committee hearing: Parents are entitled to initiate a repeat discussion regarding their child’s case at any time, provided that one year has passed since the previous decision on the case. The school principal or kindergarten teacher are obligated to initiate a repeat discussion in the placement committee regarding the child’s case one every three years, and also in cases which require a repeat discussion due to the student’s transfer between educational frameworks. They also may initiate a repeat discussion after a period shorter than 3 years. For the purpose of the repeat hearing, the principal or kindergarten teacher will make sure to fill out an updated referral questionnaire, and to perform a current

psychological evaluation. Appeals to the decisions of the placement committee

Submit a detailed appeal in writing to the chairman of the appeals committee within 21 days after the date of the placement committee’s decision.

The request must include the following details: The child’s name and ID no.,the name of the educational framework from which he was referred to the placement committee, the name of the municipality in which he resides, the name of the municipality in which he studies, and a copy of the announcement regarding the placement committee’s decision, as delivered to the parents.

The appeals committee will invite the child’s parents and the child and will allow them, or a representative on their behalf, to raise their claims. The summary and decision will be made without the presence of the parents, and the decision will be delivered to the parents. The appeals committee will make its decision within 21 days after the filing date of the appeal (unless it has extended the date due to special circumstances, which will be specified).

The committee is entitled to: To accept the appeal and reject the decision reached by the placement committee. To return the case for an additional discussion in the placement committee, with or without instructions. To reject the appeal. The decision reached by the appeals committee is final. Important!

The transferring of children from one kind of special education framework to another kind of special education framework requires a decision by the placement committee, as does the transfer of a child from a special education kindergarten to a special education school. Transfers between special education frameworks of the same kind will be discussed by the assignment committee.

The placement committee does not discuss the transfer of children from special education to regular education. The decision regarding the transfer will be made by the inter- disciplinary staff of the institution in which the student is learning, based on an educational, psychological, or other professional opinion - as needed. The decision requires the approval of the special education supervisor and of the general supervisor, in coordination with the local education authority, and is conditional upon the receipt of written consent from the parents. Registration of children for special education frameworks without a placement committee

Parents of children with a severe impairment may request to register them for a special education framework without requiring a placement committee. The parents’ application must rely on a written opinion by professionals which confirms that the child has a very significant impairment, and that there is no doubt that they belong in a special education institution, and that they cannot be integrated into an educational institution which is not special education.

The parents must submit a application to the director of the educational department in the local authority of their place of residence no later than 60 days before the last date for school year registration. The application will be transferred to the authority’s psychological service, or to a representative thereof, and to a special education supervisor, or their representative, for approval or for transfer to discussion in the placement committee, no later than 40 days before the last date for registration for the relevant school year.

The department director will decide, based on recommendations, and no later than 30 days before the last date for registration for the relevant school year, to approve the application or to transfer it for discussion in the placement committee. His decision will be sent to the parents up to 20 days before the last date for registration for the school year.

In any case of doubt or change in the child’s condition, the placement committee can be contacted. Placement of students in special education environments

The local authority’s assignment committee is responsible for assigning children to special education frameworks. The committee is comprised of the director of the local education network, or a representative on his behalf (who will serve as the committee chairman), a representative of the special education supervision office, the director of the psychological educational service office, or a representative on his behalf.

The committee will decide regarding the educational framework to which will be assigned the children who were referred to special education from the placement committees, will discuss the transfer of the children between special education frameworks within the local authority, or will decide to refer students for whom no appropriate framework has been found within the authority to a different local authority.

The assignment committee is obligated to evaluate information such as the existence of available space, driving distance, appropriate student composition, etc., before assigning the child. The child will be assigned to an appropriate educational framework, as close as possible to the child’s place of residence. Only if there is no suitable option, the child will be assigned in a framework outside of the area of the local authority.

The parents will not be invited to the discussion of the assignment committee, and therefore, if they are interested in a certain educational framework, it is important that they note this beforehand, during the discussion in the placement committee.

Appeals to decisions reached by the assignment committee: Appeals to decisions reached by the assignment committee can be made by the parents by contacting the regional director in writing, including an explanation of the reasons for the appeal and the details of their application. Special education environments

A child regarding whom a decision has been made to assign them to special education will be assigned to the educational framework which the authorities believe will be most suitable for their needs. There are also several placement options within special education:

Kindergarten - intended for children aged 3 to 5 who have been found eligible.

Special education school - intended for children and youths ages 6 to 21 who have been found eligible.

Treatment environment - intended for children with medium, severe and profound retardation.

Special education class in ordinary schools - intended for children with borderline, multiply- impaired intelligence, with a light multiply-impaired mental developmental disability, with severe behavioral/emotional disorders, with developmental delays and language delays.

Advancement class - a comprehensive special education class at a regular education school. Various Services for Students in Special Education

All of the following treatments are given to students within the framework of the educational environment in which they learn, and do not detract from the provision of services under other laws.

Extension of school year - during the summer vacation and the high holidays, applies to special education schools and kindergartens only.

Long school day in special education environments.

Limited number of students in a classroom or kindergarten.

Transportation services for special education students - under the responsibility of the Transportation Division of the Ministry of Education, in coordination with the regional administration center, and implemented by the local authorities.

Feeding services - under the responsibility of the special education division, in collaboration with the regional administration center, and implemented by the local authorities. Special education services:

Para-medical treatments: Para-medical treatments are included as part of accompanying services provided in special education frameworks, as set forth in the law, including: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and art treatments. The treatment types, treatment frameworks (individual or group) and the number of hours per week for each student will be determined by the multi-disciplinary staff of the educational framework, as part of the personal study program and in consideration of the quota of hours available tot the environment. Children studying in special education are entitled to receive para-medical treatments also through the health funds outside of school hours.

Enrichment hours in kindergartens (up to 3 weekly hours per kindergarten).

Creativity and expression therapy - therapies using dance, movement, music, drama, visual arts and bibliotherapy.

Psychological services.

Medical services.

Nursing services.

Social services. Eligibility for Transportation Assistance

The eligibility for special education transportation is set forth in the Safe Transportation for Children and Toddlers with Disabilities Law, 5754-1994. In accordance with the law, children with disabilities aged 3 to 21 are entitled to transportation to and from their place of residence, or a location nearby their place of residence, to the educational institution to which they have been assigned, in accordance with the following criteria. The law applies the responsibility for organization and implementation of the transportation on the local authority.

The eligibility for transportation applies also during activity days which have been approved for the school during the summer break and holiday breaks. The entitlement also includes transportation to additional studies which constitute an inseparable part of the study program.

To exercise the right, contact the educational department of your local authority. Eligibility for transportation:

Students aged 3 to 21 who are assigned, following the placement committee, to official schools, recognized unofficial schools and kindergartens, in special education or in regular education - over 2 km. (regarding children in grade 5 or older - the distance increases to 3.5 km.). Children who have been assigned without holding a discussion in the committee are also eligible.

Toddlers aged half a year to three years who receive a disabled child annuity.

Toddlers aged one year to three years who have been diagnosed with one of the following disabilities: mental developmental disability, developmental delay, visual impairment in both eyes, hearing impairment in both ears, significant impairment and family circumstances which require their circumstances in a day care center rehabilitative, neurological injury reflected in disability in both limbs at least.

Students who have been injured in accidents (excluding road accidents) or who suffer from a disease and have a detailed and specified medical authorization certifying that they are unable to arrive at school independently (including specifying the duration of the authorization’s validity) are entitled to transportation. The transportation will be provided throughout the period which has been specified in the medical authorization.

Disabled students who study in regular schools and who, due to their disability, are not able to arrive at school independently, are entitled to transportation regardless of the distance restriction.

Students who are hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital or in a psychiatric department of a regular hospital are entitled to transportation to school during their period of hospitalization. Such students do not require a placement committee; the fact of their psychiatric hospitalization entitles them to the transportation.

Students who have been found entitled to transportation and accompaniment by the regional transportation committee of the Ministry of Education. If a dispute has arisen between the parents and the local authority regarding the child’s eligibility for transportation or accompaniment, the parents may appeal to the regional transportation committee of the

Ministry of Education. The public complaints representative can also be contacted.

Transportation to kindergartens located over 25 km. away from the student’s home or to schools located over 35 km. away from their home require written approval from the assignment staff.

Assignment in another local authority framework - considered a special transportation requiring detailed specification of the decision in the meeting’s minutes, and referral to the regional transportation supervisor.

The law defines eligibility to “transportation to and from the place of residence or from a location nearby the place of residence”, however, at times children are referred for continued afternoon activities in a club or community cultural center (matnas). There is, in general, no eligibility for transportation from clubs or afternoon care centers. The Ministry of Education also does not finance transportation for medical, para-medical or rehabilitative treatments, etc.

If all parents leave their children at the school for additional activities at the end of the school day, a request can be made for the transportation to arrive at the end of the activity, however, this does not obligate those responsible for transportation. Responsibility for transportation

In any local authority, and generally in the education department, you will find a staff or person who is responsible for transportation. Their responsibilities include:

Maintaining ongoing contact with the representatives of the Ministry of Education who are responsible for transportation: receipt of authorizations for transportation and corresponding budgets, handling of special requests.

Ensuring the operation of tenders for the transportation companies and choosing companies who meet the tender conditions.

Ensuring handling of all matters associated with the planning of the transportation routes.

Handling any problem which may arise in the actual implementation of the transportation.

Handling the issue of accompaniment during transportation for students who require it.

Serving as the address for parents and for the educational frameworks. In the event that no answer has been given by the local authority, the regional supervisor can be contacted regarding the transportation, or after them - the national supervisor at the Ministry of Education - details available in the Kesher information centers.

Regulations have been enacted pursuant to the Safe Transportation law by the Minister of Transportation, and local authority is required to ensure that the transporting vehicles are suitable and meet the applicable standards. According to these regulations, a “safe vehicle” is:

A vehicle which is suitable for the transportation of children with disabilities who require wheelchairs or orthopedic devices, and in which are installed:

Facility for lifting wheelchairs Devices for fastening all passengers to seats or to wheelchairs Floor containing the appropriate fasteners to hold removeable seats for wheelchairs Headrests for disabled persons’ seats or wheelchairs Cushioned handles in the disabled persons’ seats Mirrors allowing the driver to see the passengers in the vehicle Air conditioner and heating device for the vehicle’s interior First aid equipment At least two doors Communication device, even if mobile

Vehicles which are suitable for the transportation of children with disabilities who do not require wheelchairs or orthopedic devices, and in which are installed: Fixed seats for disabled persons Devices for fastening all passengers in the vehicle Headrests in all vehicle seats Cushioned handles on all passenger seats Mirrors allowing the driver to see the passengers in the vehicle. Air conditioner and heating device for the vehicle’s interior First aid equipment At least two doors Communication device, even if mobile

Safe vehicles must comply with the requirements specified in the technical specification which is appropriate for the type, as specified in the vehicle license. Transportation accompaniment

In light of the significant difficulty in transporting children with disabilities, and the need to assist drivers in protecting their safety, the Minister of Education has enacted regulations pertaining to the eligibility for accompaniment in transportation. The responsibility for the implementation of accompaniment and the supervision of accompaniment applies to the local authority. The accompaniment in transportation will be given by an additional adult,

apart from the driver, who is employed as an accompanier by the local authority, or a volunteer who has been approved for this purpose by a public organization.

Eligibility for transportation accompaniment: Children are entitled to accompaniment in transportation by an accompanier if they qualify as one of the following: Children who are entitled to special education in accordance with the Special Education Law, and for whom the placement committee has determined that they are a child with a mental illness, autism or severe behavioral disorder, a profound mental-developmental disability (requiring nursing care), a severe mental-developmental disability or a medium mental-developmental disability. Children with cerebral palsy or a severe physical disability. Children for whom the exceptions committee has determined that they are entitled to accompaniment. Toddlers: Every toddler with a disability is entitled to a basket of services which includes, in addition to the transportation, also accompaniment by an adult (in addition to the driver) from the collection point to the day care center. The regulations also address the accompanier's responsibilities, which include the following:

The accompanier must be present throughout the entire transportation route.

The accompanier must have an orderly list of students taken by the transportation, including their names, addresses, parents telephone numbers of parents and of the educational framework, and collection and drop-off points.

The accompanier must assist the students in boarding and alighting from the transportation, exactly at the collection points which have been decided upon in advance.

The accompanier will sit by the door of the vehicle.

Will ensure orderly entry to the vehicle, and will ensure that everyone has gotten on.

During the ride, will make sure that everyone is properly fastened and that no students are sticking heads or hands outside the window.

The accompanier is responsible for ensuring that the student get off the transportation at the drop-off points which have been agreed upon in advance, and that they do not need to cross a road.

At the beginning and end of the transportation, and exactly at the end, the accompanier will check that no students have been left in the vehicle or in the educational framework.

The accompanier is required to report to the manager of the educational framework

regarding any exceptional events. Required abilities: Hebrew speaker, including reading and writing, no criminal background, above age 18, able to provide kind service and ability to connect with the children. Complaints

Complaints regarding transportation can be addressed (as applicable) to the division handling transportation in the local authority, or to the transportation division in the Ministry of Education. Important!

At times it can be very hard to find appropriate accompaniers, or those who are willing to perform the task. The salary given to accompaniers is not high, and the position requires compliance with timetables which can be inconvenient, and which make it difficult for them to take other work. Although the local authority is obligated to handle the matter, due to these difficulties the parents are requested to assist in finding the right person. One option to evaluate is whether anyone from the school (assistant or teacher) is willing to accompany the transportation and thereby to “earn” both transportation and a salary. Education During Illness

Main Principles of the Free Education for Sick Children Law, 5761-2001

The Free Education for Sick Children Law requires the government to provide free education for hospitalized children and sick children. Sick children, as defined in the Law, are children over five years old who stay at home for a time period exceeding 21 consecutive days, according to instructions issued by a doctor, as well as a child suffering from an ongoing disease. The law prescribes, inter alia, the following:

The Minister of Education will determine a program for the provision of free education to hospitalized children and sick children, in consideration of the children’s needs, medical restrictions and their study program before they became ill.

The education given according to the aforementioned education program will be provided to the sick child (with their parents’ consent) at home or in an educational framework at the hospital where they are hospitalized.

The state and the local education authority will bear the expenses involved in the sick child’s education, “in such manner that the funding will be at the same rate as that paid for the child in an educational institution, as defined in the Mandatory Education Law”.

The State will bear the expenses involved in the education of a hospitalized child. Pedagogical assistance currently provided to hospitalized children

The Ministry of Education bears full responsibility for operating educational frameworks for hospitalized children through the special education division.

The education programs for hospitalized students are primarily personal education programs which are adapted to the student’s study program in the school when they studied prior tho their hospitalization. The determination of the personal education program includes the student and their parents, the hospital teacher and the homeroom teacher at the school where the child studied. Some of the hospital educational frameworks also include the integration of a distance learning system. Kav Or: Distance Learning for Children in Hospitals

The Kav-Or program is an educational program which operates on behalf of hospitalized children, and is operated using computers. The program provides support to sick children through computerized activities involving study, distraction, relief and enrichment.

Children are invited to the classrooms at the children’s departments, where they use the Kav- Or computers through the menus installed on them and the website which was created for them.

Contact details:

Address: 9 Barkan st., Kiryat Matalon, Petach Tikva, zip code 7983 Tel: 03-9244438 Website:http :// www.kavor . org.il Email: eti.lahav @ kadimamada.org Tlalim: Educational Support for Homebound Students

Tlalim is a project intended to provide support for sick children confined to their beds for extended periods. The support is given when students are absent from school for prolonged periods due to illness or accident, or are absent for 50% or 3 weeks or more of the school program, in an ongoing manner, due to medical treatments. The study support provided by

Tlalim is given to students free of charge. Contact details:

Address: Matnas Alon, P.O. Box 23303 Jerusalem 91233 Tel: 02-5710555 Fax: 02-5710527 Website:http :// www.tlalim . co.il Email: tlalim @ barak.net . il Advocacy Organizations in the Field of Education

When problems arise, or in case of lack of information, it is important to first contact the teacher, the school principal, the school counselor or the school psychologist for consultation. Additional entities can also be contacted: Public Complaints and Appeals Division and Hotline for Student Inquiries

The open hotline for students, operated within the framework of the public complaints division at the Ministry of Education, provides a response to cases regarding harm to students’ rights. The counselors of the open hotline are available to the students and their parents regarding the provision of information and training with respect to the various events in which students are involved during their studies in the various education institutions. The hotline's counselors serve as a connecting bridge between the student and their parents to the school, and are the connecting link which acts to optimize the relationships between the various entities, for the student’s well being and for their continued orderly studies in the education system.

Contact details

Tel: 1-800-25-0025 or 1800-222-003 Fax: 02-5602390 Website:www.education . gov.il Email: info @ education.gov . il or tluna @ education.gov . il

Legal Faculty at the Ramat Gan College of Law and Business Legal Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The human rights division at the College of Law and Business provides legal advice and assistance free of charge on subjects pertaining to education.

As part of the service, law students in the College accompany families who have encountered various problems vis-a-vis the educational system, and represent them vis-a-vis the education system. Contact details:

Address: 26 Ben Gurion st., Ramat Gan Tel: 03-6000800, extension 150 Fax: 03-6000852 Email: sunnykalev @ gmail.com Website:www.clb . ac.il



As parents of children with special needs, you are frequently required to seek out health services of various kinds. Frequent meetings with professionals may result in significant concern and distress. It is therefore very important to come prepared to each meeting, with all of the questions that concern you, perhaps even in writing, in order to receive the best possible response.

It is important to understand that the National Health Insurance Law defines the basket of services which the State of Israel is obligated to provide to its citizens. However, the health funds provide various additional services, at their discretion, and in accordance with the means which are available to them, including additions to the terms of the various types of supplementary insurance. It is important to read all of the terms and conditions of your medical insurance in order to claim the services for which you are eligible. It is also important to know that the various health funds can decide regarding the method by which the following services will be provided, in other words, through specialized clinics or referral to the various clinics in medical centers or in hospitals, and also have flexibility regarding the types of treatments which they are prepared to provide to their customers. Health Rights

Exemption from Professional Doctor Fees and Visiting Fees in Institutions and Outpatient Clinics

Description of right: Full exemption from payment for visits to specialist doctors, in institutions and outpatient clinics. Families whose expenses during the quarter (three months per year) were higher than the maximum payment limit will be credited with the difference.

Who is eligible? Minors under age 18 and three months for whom a disabled child annuity or mobility annuity is paid.

Application submission policy

Contact details: Contact the health fund branch nearest to your area of residence in order to ensure that the insured person is registered as entitled to an exemption. Those who have not yet registered can arrange it by presenting the authorization regarding the receipt of the annuity.

A financial refund can be received at the end of each quarter by presenting receipts for the payment for services (not including drugs).

Retroactive payment Those who have already paid for medical services are entitled to a financial refund.

Important! Each fund implements this regulations in a slightly different manner. It is important to note the differences between the funds. Reduced Deductibles when Purchasing Drugs for Patients with Chronic Illnesses

The health funds charge deductibles from insured persons with respect to the purchase of perishable drugs and equipment which are included in the basket of drugs.

For chronic patients, there is a maximum deductible limit, either quarterly or semi-annual, regarding payment for drugs. In other words, there is a maximum amount which can be charged from a chronic patient for the drugs (fixed and others) that they take each month. Beyond this amount, the health fund will provide the drugs to the patient free of charge. Important!

Eligibility for the discount does not detract from the eligibility for the maximum deductible limit for drugs.

Payments for visits to specialist doctors and institutes are not included in the maximum limit.

The maximum limit is not equal for all health funds, and changes from time to time.

Who is eligible? Those who have been recognized by the Ministry of Health as chronic patients, in other words, patients who meet one of the following three criteria:

Patients who are regularly treated by the monthly dose of one of the drugs included in the list published by the Ministry of Health. Patients with one of the illness specified in the list published by the Ministry of Health. Patients who do not belong to either of the aforementioned two groups, but who have been receiving regular drugs according to a doctor's prescription, continuously for at least one half year.

What is included in the eligibility for the maximum limit? The maximum deductible limit applies to all drugs in the basket of health services used by the patient, including drugs which are not intended for treatment of the chronic disease. The maximum limit also applies to all perishable equipment included in the basket of health services and prescribed in the law. How to exercise the right:

In accordance with the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health, health funds are required to track and locate chronic patients, in such manner that the maximum limit will be calculated for them automatically.

However, it is recommended that the patient verify at their health fund branch that they are indeed registered in the computer as a “chronic patient”. If they are registered, they should contact their treating doctor to obtain the authorization.

The maximum limit itself is sometimes automatically activated upon payment, and in other cases through a refund performed at the end of each quarter.

Complaints: Complaints against health funds which do not perform the instructions can be filed at the website of the representation for acceptance to the National Health Insurance Law. Exemption from payments in the health funds for patients with severe illnesses

Pursuant to Section 19 of the National Health Insurance Law, patients suffering from illnesses which have been defined by the Ministry of Health as severe illnesses will be exempt from payment for various medical services, including: payment for visits to institutions, exemption from payment for drugs (in accordance with the rules of each fund).

A full list of all discounts and exemptions is available on the Ministry of Health’s website.

How to exercise the right The patient is required to ensure that the details of their disease are updated in the health fund’s computer system.


Patients who, according to the rules of their health fund, are not exempt from payment for all drugs in the basket, may be entitled to a monthly payment limit as chronic patients. Medical Food

Patients whose main source of nutrition is medical food encounter difficulties in buying it due to its high cost.

Who is eligible? Children or adults who must consume medical food due to an illness involving metabolic deficiency or another disease, which appear in the Ministry of Health, and which are updated from time to time. Scope of assistance

If the medical food is included in the basket of drugs, the Ministry of Health has determined a monthly personal expense limit of NIS 622.

There is no ceiling limit for medical food which is not included in the health basket. It is recommended to check whether there is medical food with an composition in the basket of drugs.

According to the circular issued by the Deputy Supervisor of Health Funds in September 2012, until May 2013 the maximum refund limit for medical food will be computerized, such that insured persons who receive medical food from their fund and who are subject to the maximum limit will not be required to pay deductibles beyond the maximum limit, in a manner that will prevent the need to apply for a monetary refund for the excess payments. This preparation will include both the pharmacies of the fund and the pharmacies which have an arrangement with the fund.

The social services department will participate in an amount which will not exceed 90% of the expense for the medical food, and accordingly, the family will be required to participate in no less than 10% of the expense. The participation limit of the social services department is 60 credit points (the value of credit points is approx. NIS 215 as of 2012). Contact details:

The application for participation in the expenses of the medical food will be submitted to a social worker in the social services department in your area of residence. The application should be submitted in writing, on a form which is available at the social services office.

Attach the following to the application: Authorizations regarding the family’s income. Authorization from a doctor regarding the disease and the required dose per month. Tax invoice or receipt for the purchase of the medical food.

Submission of appeals Appeals regarding negative responses or regarding the deductible amount can be submitted by contacting the regional appeals committee in writing. Medical food can be divided into six groups:

Medical food for patients with metabolic diseases

Medical food for patients suffering from allergies or intolerance to certain food components or ingredients (lactose-free milk, gluten-free flour).

Medical food for patients suffering from various absorption disorders in the digestive system.

Absorbable nutritional ingredients in certain medical conditions are given in addition to ordinary food.

Medical food with a soft texture, rich in calories and/or protein, given in addition ordinary food (eating disorders, cancer patients, patients in emergency rooms and exhausted patients) and administered through the mouth or through nasogastric intubation.

Medical food for patients suffering from kidney, lung and liver diseases. Organizations Providing Assistance in Purchasing Drugs not in the Health Basket

Friends for Health Association

Drug funding assistance

Tel: 03-5792220 Fax: 03-5792223

Refa’enu Association

Foundation providing assistance in purchasing drugs for cancer patients which are not in the health basket

Tel: 1700-70-72-74, 09-8321556 The Israeli Foundation for Drug Funding Provided by Association Yachad Betikva

Tel: 03-5743230 Keren Yish’i Association

The assistance: help in raising funds for drugs which are not included in the health basket, help with raising funds for surgeries, patient visits, consulting regarding transplants.

Address: 11 Haim Vital st., P.O. Box 6489, Jerusalem 91064 Tel: 02-6521986, 1-800-20-30-55, 02-6535718 Fax: 02-6524055 Website: www.lapidim . org.il Child Development Services Basket

The National Health Insurance Law prescribes that the State is obligated to provide child development services to children from birth to age 18 who require treatment with respect to developmental and medical conditions.

The children are entitled to receive the treatment from their health fund, according to a diagnosis made by the professional staff.

The treatments included in the para-medical category are: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological treatment and social work.

The treatments are provided by a multidisciplinary staff which includes:

A pediatric neurologist or a specialist pediatrician with experience in the field of child development, psychologist, physical therapist, social worker, speech clinician and occupational therapist. Who is eligible, and for which treatments?

Children up to age 9 are entitled to diagnosis and professional by a multi-disciplinary staff.

Children aged 4 to 9 who do not suffer from a somatic or complex developmental disability* can receive a diagnosis from an authorized medical specialist, including outside of a recognized institution or unit.

Children until age 6 are entitled to treatment for attention and concentration disorders or learning disabilities.

Children who have been diagnosed with a somatic developmental disorder are entitled to para-medical treatments until age 18, as needed and without restriction. Children up to age 9 will be diagnosed and treated in a institute of child development or unit recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Children who do not have a somatic developmental disability, but who have been diagnosed with a complex developmental condition (children with disabilities in more than one area of child development) will be diagnosed and treated in an institute or unit recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Children who require treatment in the field of child development due to additional non- developmental medical problems, including post-surgery, accident, etc., will receive the treatment in accordance with the medical need for such services, and independently of their eligibility for the developmental basket of services. Number of treatments to which children are entitled

Children who have not been diagnosed with a somatic developmental disorder are entitled to the following number of treatments:

Children from birth to age 3: treatments will be given as needed and according to the professional medical opinion of the fund’s specialist, without restriction regarding the number of treatments.

Children aged 3-6: as needed, and according to the professional medical opinion of the fund specialist, up to 27 treatments per year per field, on the condition that all provided treatments in all fields does not exceed 54.

Children aged 6-9: as needed, and according to the professional medical opinion of the fund specialist, up to 9 treatments per year per field, on the condition that all provided treatments, in all fields, does not exceed 18.

Children who were diagnosed before age 6 will be entitled during the first year of treatment to the number of treatments to which they were entitled as of the date of the inquiry for them.

Children with a somatic developmental disability are entitled to treatments as medically needed until age 18, without restriction regarding the number. Payment of the deductible for treatments in the institute of child development

The maximum deductible participation for children aged 3-9, who do not have a somatic developmental disorder, with respect to services from the child development department is NIS 25-26, as set forth in law. This amount is updated from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Exemptions from payment of deductibles: Children until age 3. Children with somatic developmental disorders. Children whose parents receive income supplementation. Important!

The health funds have expanded, through the supplementary insurance types, the number of treatments set forth in law. It is recommended to that those holding supplementary insurance check to se the arrangement applicable under their insurance. Treatment by Multidisciplinary Staff for Children with Somatic Disabilities Until Age 18*

Somatic developmental disability is defined as a disability which is caused as a result of an illness of process which injured the central and peripheral nervous system, or the skeletal muscular system, resulting in an ongoing functional disability.

This definition refers to impairments such as the following: Cerebral palsy, significant brain injuries accompanied by significant mental developmental disability (which has been recognized by the Ministry of Labor and Welfare), metabolic diseases, deafness, complex injuries of sense organs accompanied by neurological and other

somatic disorders, spine and skeletal defects, development-impacting chromosomal disorders, muscular dystrophy and similar conditions.

The diagnosis of a “somatic disability” will be performed by a pediatric neurologist, in general rehabilitation, or by the director of the child development unit, and in certain cases by a pediatric psychiatrist.

The National Health Insurance Law prescribes that children with somatic disabilities are entitled to receive from their health fund, or at its expense, diagnosis and treatment services with a multi-disciplinary staff within the framework of the institutes of child development, as needed and until age 18, without restriction regarding the number of treatments, and without payment of deductibles. Eligibility of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disabilities for Developmental Services

Children who have been diagnosed with disorders in the autistic spectrum have a designated and unique basket of services from the time of diagnosis until age 18. Children who have been diagnosed with disorders in the autistic spectrum, and who do not participate in the advancing health program on behalf of the Ministry of Health (within the framework of rehabilitative day care centers, communication-focused kindergartens or treatment centers) are entitled, at age 18, to 3 weekly hours of treatment in the health professions, as needed, from the services included in the child development basket (occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, psychology, social work, and in some health fund branches, also hydrotherapy).

Those covered by supplementary insurance are entitled to additional treatments after all treatments under the health basket have been used.

Diagnosis of children with conditions on the autistic spectrum must be performed using conventionally accepted diagnostic tools, and by a doctor and nurse, as a minimum. Eligibility of Children in Special Education for Developmental Services Provided by Health Funds

The health fund is not entitled to refuse child development services for the child only for the reason that the child is a student in special education, or in any other educational system. When determining the need for additional treatments, the health fund may take into account, inter alia, the treatments which are provided to the child in the educational framework.

The need for these treatments will be determined by the authorized medical specialist on behalf of the fund (a pediatric neurologist specializing in child development, or a pediatrician with work experience of at least 3 years in a recognized institute of child development, in at least a half-time position). Waiting time for treatments

The waiting time for treatments after diagnosis will be determined according to the medical opinion.

Children with a developmental disorder which requires immediate treatment intervention will be treated as soon as possible.

The maximum waiting tie for diagnosis and commencement of treatment together (from the time of the family’s first inquiry to the health fund) depends upon the child’s age: Until age 1 - the waiting time may not exceed 3 months. Over age 1 - the waiting time may not exceed 4 months.

In cases where the waiting time has exceeded the above period, a refund can be received for private treatments which were given by private developmental service providers who met the requirements of the Ministry of Health. The funds are obligated to provide a refund of the expenses, up to the amount of the Ministry of Health’s rates, provided that the number of treatments has not exceeded the number of treatments to which they are entitled.

Children who have not been diagnosed within the aforementioned time frame may exercise their eligibility both with respect to the diagnostic service and with respect to the purchasing of treatment service, in any field that was determined in the diagnosis.

Children who have been diagnosed within the aforementioned time frame, but for whom an appointment has not been set for the required treatment according to the results of the diagnosis may exercise their eligibility with respect to the service in the field for which they have not been set an appointment.

Insured parties who are entitled to a refund may choose between continuing to receive the refund for the service or receiving the service through the health fund.

The refund will also apply with respect to insured parties for whom a service appointment has been set within the required time frame, but where the waiting period between the appointments which were set for them with respect to the same service exceeds one month. Children who receive treatments in educational frameworks

The receipt of treatments from the health fund of the child’s parents is not conditional, and is not dependent upon the location where the child studies or on the basket of services which they receive from the educational system.

Treatments given in special education frameworks, in special education institutions or in integrated frameworks in regular schools do not replace the treatments to which children are entitled through their health fund.

The professional supervisor on behalf of the fund receives the person study program which has been determined for the child in the educational system, and which includes the type and number of para-medical treatments which the child receives at school. Their professional decision may take into account the fact that the child receives treatments in the educational system. If a child does not effectively receive the treatments which they require from the educational system, the fund’s professional entity is supposed to take this into account in their decision. Representatives Handling Appeals from the Patient Public Regarding the Health System

Parents who encounter difficulties in exercising their rights and the rights of their children in their health fund may contact the public appeals representatives of their health funds and request their intervention. The following are the details of the public appeals representations for the various health funds: Maccabi Health Services

Representative: Mrs. Gila Saadya Address: 27 HaMered St., Tel Aviv, P.O. Box 50493, Tel Aviv, 6150401 Tel: 03-5143535 Fax: 03-5143822 Email: pniot @ mac.org . il

Can be contacted directly through the website of the Maccabi Health Services: http ://www.maccabi 4 u .co.il /664-he /Maccabi.aspx

Human response is available at the “Maccabi Lelo Hafsaka” hotline at tel.: 1-700-50-53-53 or *355

Clalit Health Fund

Responses given by regional public appeal supervisors can be appealed to the public appeals representation in the main administration:

Northern region - Moshe Weisberg Tel: 04-6557249 Fax: 6453059 04 Email: Pniot _ zafon @ clalit.org . il

Haifa and Western region: Dorit Hazan Yaniv Tel: 04-8568595 Fax: 8135870 04 Email: Pniot _ haifa @ clalit.org . il

Sharon/Shomron region - Sharon Eitan Tel: 09-8633219 Fax: 09-8648404 Email: Pniot _ sharon @ clalit.org . il

Tel Aviv/Yafo region - Rachel Schneider Tel: 03-5122785 Fax: 5122784 03 Email: Pniot _ tel - aviv @ clalit.org . il

Dan/Petach Tikva region - Ronit Shemesh Tel: 03-5773215 Fax: 03-7600715 Email: Pniot _ dan @ clalit.org . il

Central region - Michal Dahan Tel: 03-9687665 Fax: 6178445 03 Email:Pniot _ merkaz @ clalit.org . il

Jerusalem region - Balmas

Tel: 02-6661111 Fax: 02-6544372 Email: Pniot _ jerusalem @ clalit.org . il

Southern region - Rakefe Bahat-Avital Tel: 08-6207513 Fax: 6207510 08 Email: Pniot _ darom @ clalit.org . il

Eilat region - Meli Ben Hayun Tel: 08-6538079 Fax: 6383606 08 Email: yopniot @ clalit.org . il

The list of public appeal supervisors at medical centers is also available on the website of the Clalit Health Fund at http://www.clalit . co.il/il-he). Leumit Health Fund

Representative: Mrs. Maya Goldstein Address: 23 Shprinzak St., Tel Aviv 6473817 Tel: 03-6949612 Fax: 03-6970487 Leumit Tel: 1-700-5-7-507 Website:www.leumit . co.il Meuhedet Health Fund

Representative: Dr. Yitzhak Alsheich Address: 124 Ibn Gabirol St., Tel Aviv, 6203854 Tel: 03-5202323 Fax:03-5235335 Information hotline: 1-700-706-706 or *3833 Website:www.meuhedet . co.il The Ministry of Health, Representation for Public Eligibility for the National Health Insurance Law

Address: Acceptance Representation, Ministry of Health, 39 Yirmiyahu St., Jerusalem 9446724

Tel: 08-6241010 or *5400 Fax: 02-5655981 Email: kvilot @ moh.health . gov.il

Important: if the insured person believes that their rights have been harmed, it is recommended to first contact the public appeals officer in the health funds or in the medical institution associated with the subject of the complaint.

The Society for Patients Rights in Israel (R.A.)

The Society serves as a voluntary organizational framework for individuals and families who care about the issue of patient rights. One of the important objectives is to increase public awareness of the social rights of people who receive medical treatment, and of the existence of the Patient Rights Law.The Society handles all matters associated with the relationship between patients and medical institutions.

Contact details: Address: 5 Peki’in St., Tel Aviv, 61066, P.O. Box 6623 Tel: 03-6022934, fax: 03-6021878 Email : info @ patients - rights.org . il Website:www.patients - rights.org Dental Treatments

Many children fear dental treatments, although in cases of children with special needs special attention is sometimes required. Dentists must understand the significance of the special physical, health or behavioral conditions, and must also take into account the child’s psychological needs, calm the child before treatment and try to encourage their cooperation.

There are many clinics throughout the country which specialize in providing treatment for children and youths with special needs, and these can be located through the “Makom Meyuchad” website, or contact can be made with “Kesher” in order to receive the list of clinics nearby the place of residence.

It is important to remember that some of these clinics are private, and some are associated with, or belong to, associations, health funds or hospitals. Therefore, the payment rates may differ between locations, and in this case it is important to conduct a price survey.

Dormitories for persons with mental disabilities include special treatment clinics which specialize in the treatment of people with mental disabilities. Families who have a child with a mental disability, of any age, who lives at home, and who is recognized as entitled to services from the Ministry of Welfare’s unit for treatment of persons with mental disabilities are entitled to contact these clinics. The treatments are provided for a fee according to a price list only. For information regarding these clinics, contact the social services office in your place of residence. Anaesthetic Treatments

In dental treatment centers in hospitals and in certain clinics, children can receive dental treatments under local or general anesthesia, when an ordinary dental clinic is not able to treat them due to their physical, mental or emotional disability, or due to their resistance or lack of cooperation.

The health basket requires the health fund to fund the general anesthesia for dental treatments in cases where, due to the condition of the insured person, there is not option to perform the dental treatment except by way of providing general anesthesia. Funding of Dental Treatments

It is important to know that there is no direct obligation on the part of the health funds to fund dental treatments unless the insured person has special insurance for this purpose.

The health funds only participate in the funding of anesthesia for children who have one of the following disabilities: Cerebral palsy, autism, mental developmental disability, Down syndrome, A-T disease, mental illness and patients with severe heart conditions.

It is recommended to ask the staff at the special clinics regarding the discount, the distribution of payments through special conditions or as financial assistance from the funds. Some funds (see the monetary assistance chapter) assist in funding dental treatments. The funding provided by funds is usually provided directly to the clinic. The price quote should be submitted to the fund before performing the treatment. Funding of Mobility Devices

The National Health Insurance Law provides a basket of health services which includes rehabilitation and mobility devices, with partial funding by The Ministry of Health, through the regional health bureaus.

Before purchasing, it is recommended to consult with the treating person at the health bureau.

The amount of the Ministry’s participation is 75% of the price which has been determined by the Ministry of Health, according to the type of device: Devices for which the maximum amount was determined, which is not the full price of the device. Devices for which at least three price quotes are required. The price quotes are taken and evaluated by the Ministry of Health. The price of the device will be determined according to the cheapest offer among the thee which were provided.

Who is eligible? Persons with permanent disabilities who require a rehabilitative device and who live in a community (in other words, are not hospitalized om any nursing / rehabilitative environment). Disabled persons who are hospitalized in nursing institutions, hospitals and institutions of the Ministry of Welfare are entitled to receive walking devices and limb prosthetics only - these are provided through the Louis Institute (National Rehabilitation Institute). Devices in whose funding the Ministry of Health participates:

Mobility Devices: Manual wheelchairs Mini-trips Buggy chairs Motorized wheelchairs Wheelchairs for restrooms Special cushions or wheelchairs Inserts (seating systems) for wheelchairs Complete health care beds + low-hi, hydraulic and electric Electrical air mattresses (standard) to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers Home lifts - electrical and hydraulic

Walkers - rear walker / rolator / forearm support

Canadian crutches

Wheelchair stair climbing device / portable stair climbers - in exceptional cases

Devices given to stipend recipients only, who have no additional income (these persons are exempt from deductibles): regular walkers, walking sticks of various kinds, sponge cushion for wheelchairs, standard sponge mattresses (“egg crates”).

Additional devices (the application process for these is different, as set forth below):

Walking devices and limb prosthetics are given through the Louis Institute.

Ortheses (walking devices), limb prosthetics, gloves to cover hand prosthetics, special medical shoes, prosthetic socks - in case of replacement of the prosthetic base or prosthesis.

Persons requesting these devices should contact the health bureau in their area of residence. Attach a recommendation from an orthopedist or rehabilitative doctor. The individual will be referred by the health bureau to an authorized doctor using a card which will specify the Ministry’s rate of participation. Deductible:

Beginning on January 1, 2013, the deductible for funding mobility deices is 10% of the device's cost, or of the maximum determined participation limit.

Important: The change does not include devices provided through the Louis Institute.

The following population groups are exempt from payment of deductibles: Recipients of income supplementation for an old age stipend. Recipients of income supplementation for a survivor annuity. Recipients of a full disability stipend who receive an addition for their spouse. Homemakers who receive a general disability stipend. Recipients of an income guarantee / supplementation annuity. Persons designated as righteous gentiles. Children and youths until age 18.

An exemption can also be requested if the family’s income does not exceed the amount of the old age annuity, with the addition of the income supplementation (net income is considered after the deductions for income tax, Bituach Leumi, health insurance, pension fund and worker committee).

Persons who have difficulties in funding their share in the purchase of the device may contact the social worker at the health bureau. In these cases, the resident must attach income authorizations for both partners (pay stub / Bituach Leumi, tax assessment for independents, and other required documents). The social worker is entitled, according to the determined criteria, to increase the Ministry’s participation up to the amount specified in the policy. Process of receiving assistance / funding

Initial approach to health funds or special education frameworks with requests to approve participation in buying the device - contact the family doctor at your health fund (children who study in special education frameworks can submit a request through the educational framework).

The family doctor or another medical specialist will transfer the request to a physical therapist or an occupational therapist (with an authorization certificate for recommendation), through the unit for continuing treatment or in another manner, for the purpose of evaluating eligibility for funding of the mobility device.

The professional entities in the health fund will instruct the resident regarding the documents which he is required to submit, and regarding the process of submitting the request to the Ministry of Health.

Important: the health fund’s recommendation does not necessarily constitute an authorization of eligibility. The final decision regarding the authorization of the device will be made by the Ministry of Health.

Submission of the application to the health bureau - the application, with the addition of the documents specified below, will be filed to the health bureau in the resident’s area of residence, to the device coordinator at the department for continuing diseases and rehabilitation. Documents can be submitted to the health bureaus by the health funds or the resident, or by another party acting on the resident’s behalf. Documents can be submitted during opening hours in person at the department, by mail or by fax.

Discussion in the health bureau’s local committee - the local committee will discuss any application under its authority. The committee’s decision (approval or rejection of the request), including instructions regarding the continuation of the process, will be reported by the device coordinator by means of a response letter sent to the applicant.

After receiving authorization for assistance - after receiving the authorization from the Ministry of Health, the resident will be referred to collect the device according to the written instructions.

The authorization is valid for half a year after the date of its issuance.

Mobility devices in whose funding the Ministry of Health has participated are the property of the Ministry of Health and should be returned after use, or when receiving a device of the same type, or in the event that the resident moves to a nursing institution.

The following are the devices which must be returned to the health bureau after their use has finished:

Manual wheelchairs (all types) Wheelchairs for restrooms Motorized wheelchairs Motorized wheelchairs with assistive wheels Mini-trips Beds Levers Wheelchair stair climbing device / portable stair climbers Special walkers (rollators)

Upon receipt of the device, the resident and another guarantor, or the guarantor only, are required to sign a liability form and a promissory note guaranteeing that they will return the device once it is no longer being used.

Note: If a tender is published, the device will be received through the authorized suppliers who have won the tender. Required documents to receive the service:

Current nursing / medical report, signed by a doctor and nurse.

Specification and/or recommendation by a physical therapist / occupational therapist from the insuring health fund.

Social report signed by the social worker (in case of motorized / electrical mobility devices, or as required by the bureau).

Photocopy of ID card.

Bank account details of the person for whom the self-purchase was approved (photocopy of check).

For applicants requesting a reduction of the deductible amount - contact the social worker at the health bureau for consultation.


Applicants whose application has been rejected may appeal within 30 days after receiving a response from the health bureau.

The appeal will be referred to the exceptions committee through the health bureau.

Repair of Devices

The Ministry of Health participates in the funding of the repair of electrical mobility devices at the end of the warranty period provided by the supplier. Requests to repair mobility devices should be referred to the “Kol HaBriut” hotline at *5400 or 08-6241010. the majority of repairs are performed through the national unit for rehabilitation and mobility devices. After the end of the warranty period, suppliers should not be contacted directly for repair services. Supplier should only be contacted for repairs if tenders are conducted and if authorized suppliers have been determined for the devices.

The Ministry will participate in 90% of the cost of the repair.

The disabled person will participate in 10% of the cost of the repair.

Disabled persons who receive stipends are exempt from participation in repair costs.

Disabled persons who have difficulties funding the repair should contact a social worker at the health bureau.

Note: residents who are exempt from the deductible regarding the device cost (when purchasing) are also entitled to repair of non-electrical mobility devices. Important!

The authorization of eligibility for participation of the Ministry of Health in the purchase of rehabilitation devices is conditional upon the submission of an application and the receipt of authorization before buying the device, and not after.

Specification of the recommendation to be approved by the health bureau, including functional and medical information. After the authorization, if necessary, the specification will be transferred to the suppliers in order to receive price quotes. Residents requesting to maintain confidentiality while transferring information should contact the health bureau in their area of residence.

The Ministry of Health does not participate in the funding of treatment devices. Centers and Organizations Providing Advice and Lending of Rehabilitative Equipment

Light to the World

An association lending medical equipment against a collateral which is returned at the end of the lending period, to applicants all over the country.

Contact details: Address: 9 Kadima St., Jerusalem, P.O. Box 23621 Tel: 1-599-535455 Email : ora @ orlaolam.org . il Website:www.orlaolam . org.il Arab Association for Disabled Persons

The Arab Association for Disabled Persons provides assistance, equipment and training for people with special needs.

Contact details: Address: 4 Ibn Batuta st., Telefax: 02-6262585 Yad Sarah (R.A.)

Yad Sarah is the largest volunteer organization in Israel, providing a variety of home services which enable people suffering with illness and disabilities and senior citizens to continue living at home, in society and in their communities. The services of Yad Sarah are provided to all applicants through the help of thousands of volunteers from all segments of society.

Contact details: Address: Beit Yad Sarah, 124 Herzl Blvd., Kiryat Weinberg, Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem 96187 Tel: 02-6444444 Fax: 02-6444808 Email : info @ yadsarah.org . il Website: http :// www.yadsarah . org.il Milbat - The Israeli Center for Assistance, Construction and Transportation Devices for Disabled Persons

Milbat Association provides advice, training and information regarding the adjustment of technology to the special needs of disabled persons and their environment.

Children with disabilities can try out a variety of devices and identify those which will help them to function more independently in day to day life. The information, advice and training

are in all areas of day-to-day functioning and are provided to children and family members, professionals and therapists. In cases where there is no commercial solution, expert volunteers in the technical field develop, without pay, special devices individually adapted to the home or the study or therapeutic environment.

Contact details: Address: Building 23A, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Ramat Gan 52621 Tel: 03-5303739/59 Fax: 03-5357812 Email : milbat @ netvision.net . il Website:www.milbat . org.il Maayan - Center Providing Assistive Devices for Children and Adolescents - Alin Hospital

A unique evaluation and display center providing parents and professionals with updated information service regarding rehabilitation equipment. The staff includes occupational therapists which have been trained for this purpose and have developed expertise in adapting equipment according to each child’s personal needs. The center specializes in adapting devices used for seating, mobility, motorized mobility, safe transportation and adjustment of devices for day-to-day activities. Maayan is dedicated to serving children with special needs, who come accompanied by their family members in order to receive an evaluation and advice and recommendations regarding equipment which could improve the child’s quality of life both inside and outside the home. The staff provides important purchasing advice, information regarding innovations on the market, and more.

Contact details: Address: Alin Hospital, Shmaryahu Levin at the corner of Olsonger, Kiryat Yovel, Jerusalem 91090, P.O. Box 9117 Tel: 02-6494389 Fax:02-6494380 National Center for Safe Transportation - Alin Hospital

The National Center for Safe Transportation in Alin Hospital offers professional advice on all matters associated with safe transportation, safety seats in private vehicles, and appropriate transportation and fastening methods for wheelchairs. There is also a program involving lending of safety seats and special restraining devices.

Contact details: Address: Alin Hospital, Shmaryahu Levin at the corner of Olsonger, Kiryat Yovel, Jerusalem 91090, P.O. Box 9117 Tel: 02-6494389 Fax:02-6494380 Mishol: Center for Supportive Communication and Rehabilitative Technology

Mishol - The Center for Supportive Communication and Rehabilitative Communication - performs assessment and gives advice and training regarding the construction of communication systems for people with severe speech and writing disabilities, and acts to expand the available information on the subject.

Contact details: Address: 66 Herzl St., Kiryat Ono, Israel 55216 Tel: 03-7362537 Fax: 03-5354220 Email : mishaul.israel @ gmail.com Website:www.alin - beitnoam.org . il Ezer Mizion: The Israel Health Support Organization, National Center (R.A.)

Ezer Mitziyon - Medical support system - provides assistance, with an attitude of full respect and acceptance, to children and adults with special needs, and their families.

Contact details: Address: 5 Rabinov st., Bnei Brak 51561, P.O. Box 2709 Tel: 03-6144444 Fax:03-6144445 Email : ezer @ ami.org . il Website:www.ami . org.il Medicine and Life Association

For every field in which by the medicine and life association provides assistance, the motto is: “For Everyone, From the Heart!” This mission is performed to the best of our ability, and more. We are here to offer any service which may assist patients or their families.

Contact details: Address: 24 Ahavat Shalom, Bnei Brak 51608, P.O. Box 1160 Tel: 03-6741122 Fax: 03-5748933 Email: baruch @ refuah - vechaim.org . il Website:www.refuah - vechaim.org . il Organizations Providing Information, Advocacy and Legal Advice Regarding Health Matters

Daat - Health and Medicine Information Center

The “Daat” center at Yad Sarah manages volunteers who provide professional, reliable and updated information regarding health and medicine subjects. This enrichment allows the applicant and their family members to know more about their medical condition, and to become familiar with the methods of treatment for it, while helping them take an active part in the medical treatment and to make more educated decisions.

Contact details: Address: Beit Yad Sarah, 124 Herzl Blvd., Kiryat Weinberg, Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem 96187 Tel: 02-6444500 Fax: 02-6444505 Email : daat @ yadsarah.org . il Representation Regarding Eligibility for the National Health Insurance Law - Ministry of Health

The service is intended to provide information and to investigate specific complaints by insured persons regarding the services given by the health funds, thereby ensuring that the funds are providing the basket of services as defined in the law.

Contact details: Address: 39 Yirmiyahu St., Jerusalem 9446724 Tel: *6800 Fax: 02-5655981 Email: kvilot @ moh.health . gov.il

Keren Dolev Foundation for Medical Justice

The Keren Dolev Association for Medical Justice fights in the legal and parliamentary arena to exercise and fulfill justice and equality in the field of medicine. The association includes a staff of attorneys who provide their services pro bono.

Contact details: Address: Jerusalem Tel: 054-6665442 Email: dolevfoundation @ gmail.com Website:http :// www.dolevfoundation . org Z.V.I. Israel Health Consumers

Z.V.I. Israel Heath Consumers - roof organization of patient organizations, is an association serving health consumers of all kinds, their family members and at-risk groups. The organization works to maintain patient rights and provides advice on the matter.

Contact details: Address: 44 Mohilever, Rishon Letzion 75291, P.O. Box 15595 Tel: 052-2590313 Fax: 03-9506968 Email : mgissin @ gmail.com Doctors for Human Rights Israel (R.A.)

The association works to advance human rights in general, and health rights in particular. The organization provides information and consulting regarding health rights in general, and rights for various population groups in particular. The organization provides legal assistance as needed.

Contact details:

Address: 9 Dror st., Tel Aviv-Yafo 68135 Tel:03-5133100/1 Email: mail @ phr.org . il Website: www.phr . org.il

Welfare and Social Services


The Ministry of Welfare and Social Services defines the welfare policy for persons with special needs through its various divisions which focus on the subject. Many of the services themselves are given to a broad population by welfare employees in the social services bureaus of each local authority.

Many families of children with special needs are not aware of the available services, and at times also refrain from contacting them with the feeling that these services are intended for families in chronic economic or family distress, and are concerned that contacting these services could result in social prejudice.

Welfare services do indeed deal with a wide variety of personal, social and economic situations, however, many local authorities have already recognized the unique needs of families of children with special needs, and have allocated social workers with special training to assist them.

It is also important to understand that many critical services are available to eligible families, which cannot be received without association with and recognition from the social services bureau in the place of residence. However, the eligibility for many of these services is not automatic, and depends on the budget available to welfare services.

It is important to remember that the social workers in the community have a great deal of information regarding various municipal and national projects operated by the local authority and its institutions, or by local organizations in the community.

The Ministry of Welfare and Social Services operates three divisions which provide services to populations with special needs and their families: the rehabilitation division (providing assistance to persons with sense impairments and physical disabilities), the division for treatment of persons with mental developmental disabilities and the service for treatment of persons with autism. The services which are provided by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services offer assistance to the population of persons with disabilities from birth to old age, with the aim of advancing and realizing the inherent potential of persons with disabilities, for the purpose of maintaining an independent lifestyle in the community, and for optimal integration in the community.

Rehabilitative Division - Ministry of Welfare

The following are details regarding the types of assistance provided to the target population through the rehabilitation services in the community: Preschool - birth to age 3

Rehabilitative day care center - a daily framework similar to a regular day care center, in which para-medical treatments are given, in accordance with the needs of the children. Operated by force of the Rehabilitative Day Care Centers Law

Integration through “Risk to Opportunity” programs - group integration of toddlers with disabilities in ordinary day care centers, in which they are given para-medical treatments. The program’s target population is families at risk.

Integration in ordinary day care centers - integration of toddlers with disabilities in ordinary day care centers in the community, in which they are given para-medical treatments and are helped by assistants. Rehabilitation of children and youths with disabilities in the community

Rehabilitative club centers - vacation centers - a dormitory-style vacation environment, offering educational activities as well as entertainment and leisure activities. Vacations center allows children to enjoy a social rehabilitation environment, while permitting parents to take vacations or fulfill any other need in the family (personal or familial crises).

Youth centers are services provided for youths with disabilities aged 15 years and over, with the aim of providing them with life skills, leading them to functional independence, improving their communication skills and enabling employment experience.

Developers for children and youths - advancement of the child/youth in personal life areas, including providing tools for development of functional and social independence, development of self confidence, and development of social and personal skills.

Summer camps - during the summer months, camps are offered for children with disabilities throughout the country.

Relief vacation center - a vacation center for children and youths with special needs, in the comfort of host families. Services for families of children with disabilities in the community

Amit Lamishpacha - Volunteers provide assistance to families of children with disabilities, including providing various types of help according to the family’s needs, and offering leisure activities for the whole family.

Shemesh (whole family rehabilitation) program - a program intended to strengthen the family which includes, inter alia, parent-to-parent support and accompaniment, workshops and groups for parents on various subjects.

Regional and municipal family centers - a framework which provides various types of assistance to families raising children with disabilities, alongside the social services bureaus: providing information and guidance to parents (exercising rights), groups and workshops for parents, community/social activities for families, recruiting and managing volunteers, development of parent leadership, building cooperation between parents and professionals, activities for siblings, etc.

“Kehila Negisha” - providing assistance to the authorities in developing an “accessible community”, which is a municipal organization led by disabled persons in the town, who act to improve physical and social accessibility for the town.

Center for treatment of trauma patients - a treatment framework intended for treatment and accompaniment persons with disabilities who have been injured by violence of any kind, and to their families.

Mentorship and personal treatment - providing personal treatment to children and adults to cultivate personal skills, in order to achieve the maximum functional independence.

In order to exercise the rights given by welfare services, register in the social services departments and in the profit divisions: Mental - Developmental Disability Division

In order to be recognized by the division, a designated diagnostic committee must evaluate the case. Diagnostic committees for mental and developmental disabilities

Target population: All ages

Who to contact, and how? Contact the social worker at the social services department in your area of residence.

Stages of the process:

The social worker will prepare a social report and a functional report with the addition of relevant documents which could assist in the diagnosis (such as psychological reports, developmental reports and medical summaries). The social worker will submit all of the material to the regional supervisor on behalf of the Ministry of Welfare. After receiving the material and conducting additional evaluations as needed, if the regional supervisor believes that it is possible that person has mental developmental disability, he will take one of the following courses of action: Refer the person directly to the diagnostic committee. Refer the person to the diagnostic committee only after they have been diagnosed in one of the diagnostic centers. Most cases which are referred to the diagnostic committee must pas this stage before reaching the committee. Diagnostic centers

The diagnostic centers operate in various locations throughout the country. The diagnoses can be made in the diagnostic centers themselves, or in the environments where the disabled persons reside, such as protected centers, day care centers or residential frameworks.

The person with disabilities and their family will be invited to several meetings in the diagnostic center: an interview by a social worker with the family, a psychological and medical evaluation of the diagnosed person, and, if necessary, additional evaluations.

The family or guardian are entitled to receive a summary of the diagnosis from the treating social worker (in the social services department).

At the end of the process, the information and conclusions are submitted for discussion in the diagnostic committee. Diagnostic committee

The diagnostic committee, which is appointed by the Minister of Welfare, is comprised of professionals (welfare official, psychiatrist, psychologist and educator). The committee convenes either in the diagnostic center where the person was diagnosed (fixed committee) or in the community frameworks or residential frameworks of the diagnosed persons (mobile committee). The members of the diagnostic committee are not the same people who evaluated the diagnosed person in the diagnostic center, and do not belong to the diagnostic center.

The following persons are invited to the discussion in the diagnostic committee: The person being diagnosed. The people who are responsible for them (their family members or guardian).

The treating social worker. Any other person who, in the committee’s opinion, could contribute information to the discussion.

The committee members will review all of the collected material and discuss it with the people who have been invited to the discussion. The committee may send the person being diagnosed for medical treatments, and for tests of their mental ability. the committee’s decision is reached in a discussion attended by the committee members only.

The committee decides: Whether the referred person has a mental developmental disability, and their level of functioning. If the person has indeed been diagnosed with a mental developmental disability - the available methods of treatment for them.

The treatment methods will be determined according to the needs of the person being diagnosed in the various life areas, for example: residence, employment, leisure, health, guardianship. The committee’s decision is given verbally to the family, and a written summary of the discussion is sent to them by mail. Appeals committee

The family may file an appeal to the decision of the diagnostic committee within 45 days after the date when they made the decision in writing.

The appeal may refer to the actual determination that the person has a mental developmental disability, and to the treatment methods which have been determined for them.

There are three appeal committees to which the appeal can be filed: The Magistrate Court of Jerusalem: 6 Cheshin st., tel.: 02-6593333 The Magistrate Court of Tel Aviv: 1 Weizmann st., tel.: 03-6926211 The Magistrate Court of Haifa: 12 Pal-Yam st., tel.: 04-8698000

The discussion in the appeal committee should be held within 45 days after the filing date of the appeal.

The person whose case is being discussed in the committee and their family members will be invited to the discussion in order to make their case.

The appeal committee includes a judge of the Magistrate Court (committee chairman), a welfare official and a psychiatrist.

The members of the appeal committee are not members of the diagnostic committee.

The appeals committee must deliver its decision 14 days after the end of its deliberations.

The appeals committee is entitled to: Accept or reject the appeal regarding the determination of whether the person has a mental developmental disability. Accept or reject the appeal regarding the determination of treatment methods. Return the case to the diagnostic committee if the appeal was accepted. Repeat diagnosis

At least once every three years, the regional supervisor is obligated to convene a repeat discussion in the diagnostic committee. The repeat diagnosis obligation is valid for people with mental developmental disabilities who are in all types of treatment environments.

Additionally, the regional supervisor is entitled to require a repeat diagnosis at any time, in his own discretion or at the request of the person responsible for the person with a disability. Unit for the Treatment of Persons with Autism

In order to ensure the provision of services for persons with autism / PDD, it is necessary to undergo the recognition process through the Unit for the Treatment of Persons with Autism in the Ministry of Welfare.

The family is requested to contact a social worker of the social services department in their area of residence, who will transfer the request to the service for treatment of persons with autism and PDD.

The following documents should be attached to the application: A current diagnosis report from a clinical psychologist / institute of child development / psychiatrist / neurologist. Current educational report and/or functional report from the environment where the person with autism resides, or resided until recently. If they are not integrated in a framework, the social worker may write the report with reference to the daily schedule, independence-dependence and characteristic behavior. Guardian appointment order, if one exists.

If the diagnosis is not unequivocal, the service can request a repeat diagnosis on its behalf (this process can take several months).

The social worker in the social worker department will receive the service’s answer and pass it on to the parents. Important!

Only those who have been recognized by the Ministry of Welfare will be entitled to receive the various services, including when they are given by other entities such as Alut.

The recognition of children and toddlers is given on a temporary basis until age 6, or for 3 years (whichever is earlier). At the end of this period, updated diagnosis and education/functioning reports should be submitted in order to renew the recognition.

Rehabilitation division - provides solutions, as stated above, for sensual impairments and physical disabilities, including operating the service for the blind and services for the deaf and hearing impaired.

To realize the eligibility - contact the social worker at the welfare bureau, with the addition of documents indicating the impairment and its implications. Vacation Centers

A vacation center is an environment outside the home intended for short term residence. The purpose of the vacation center is to allow parents to take a vacation, or for any other family purpose, and leave the children with disabilities in a professional environment that is recognized by the Ministry of Welfare. The environment also enables integration of children with special needs in emergency situations. The vacation center provides a holiday environment offering educational, entertainment and holiday activities, where the residents receive full room and board. Who is eligible?

The Ministry of Welfare subsidizes vacation centers for families of children with disabilities, provided that they are recognized by the bureaus. Parents are entitled to have their children stay at a vacation center for up to 15 days, without the option of accruing days from year to year. The 15 days can be distributed throughout the entire year. In special cases, the total can be extended to up to 30 nights per year.

The parents can leave their children at the center for longer than the specified time without subsidization. In this case, the parents will pay the full amount directly to the vacation center.

Contact details: The parents, guardian or foster family should contact the handling social worker at the social services department. A contact, placement and declaration form should be filled out, and medical documents should be provided regarding background diseases, allergies, details of drugs (dose and frequency), sensitivity to drugs, etc.

Handling of requests: The social worker will identify the most appropriate vacation center for the child and family, and will fill out a placement decision form and center placement form. The social worker will coordinate the intake with the center manager.

Payment: The family will participate in the price at a very symbolic rate, which is determined in accordance with the amount of the disability stipend. The family will pay the amount of the monetary participation at the local authority only. The center is not entitled to demand an additional amount for the approved days.

Some associations operate vacation centers for children with certain disabilities: Alut, Ilan, AKIM, Gan Hayeled, Merkaz Kochav, Ezer Mitzion, Shalva, Shekel, and others. The various associations can be contacted in order to receive information regarding the services provided at the vacation center. The following is a list of vacation centers:

Shalva Association Address: 6 Ibn Danan St., Jerusalem 91344 34449 Tel: 02-6519555, Fax: 02-6510676

Ayat Address: Jerusalem 91200, P.O. Box 22077 Tel: 02-6275077, Fax: 02-6275335

Magical Moments Vacation Center Address: Neve Zohar

Tel: 03-6780303 Fax: 03-6783010

Gan Hayeled Haifa Address: 124 Hatishbi St., Haifa 31067 Tel: 04-8377139

Aluteva: Vacation Center for Persons with Special Needs Address: Dror, near the children’s village Carmiel 21605, PO Box 50061 Tel: 04-9885590/4 Fax: 04-9885587

Tamar House - Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Address: 21 Lea Porat, Jerusalem 96406 Tel: 02-6448601, 02-6426850 Fax: 02-6410489

House of Wheels Vacation Center Operated year round, except in the summer. Type of impairment: inborn physical disability. Ages: 10-20 Address: 128 King David st., Herzliya Tel: 09-9557999

Warm Home for Chlidren with SMA Address: 1 Shimshon St., Haifa 34614, P.O. Box44646 Tel: 04-8248172/3/4/5, 04-8112024

Beit Kana Sachnin Hostel Address: Sachnin 30810, P.O. Box 114 Tel: 04-6748319, 04-6748848 Fax: 04-6748319

Kochav Center Address: 2 Vered st., Maalot Tarshicha, P.O. Box 1220, Tel: 04-9570129 Fax: 04-9570129

Siach Sod Center Address: 31 Yirmiyahu st., Jerusalem, P.O. Box 5788

Tel: 02-6405024 Fax: 02-5388484

Shomron Vacation Center Address: 5 Maalot Hakdoshim st., Hesder Yeshiva, Karnei Shomron, 44855 Tel: 09-7929245 Fax: 09-7929601

Beit Carmela and Avraham Shabbat Vacation Center Address: 48 Rudner st., Haifa Tel: 054-6940770

Alei Siach Address: 217 Yafo St., Jerusalem 91572, P.O. Box57389, Tel: 03-5772058, 052-7621233 Fax: 02-5022257

Yafia Vacation Center Address: Yafia, Tel: 04-6551014 Fax: 04-6011235

Agam Vacation Center Address: 2 Yair Stern st., Ra’anana Tel: 052-5928400, Fax: 09-7610750

Hakala Project Address: 5 Rabinov st., Bnei Brak 51561 2709, Tel: 03-6144456/33/57

Obtaining Work Permits for Foreign Workers

Parents of children with severe disabilities who are entitled to a disabled child stipend and who require a great deal of assistance in the performance of daily activities (such as mobility, continence, eating, washing, dressing, etc. or Parents of children who require constant supervision) are entitled to submit a request for a foreign worker employment permit to handle the child. Who is eligible?

Children who receive a disabled child annuity from Bituach Leumi and regarding whom a consulting professional committee on behalf of the authorization unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry believes that one of the following conditions apply:

The child is in a study environment which stipulates their presence in the environment on constant assistance and accompaniment of an assistant for the purpose of providing the child with physical assistance.

The child requires continuous accompaniment and supervision throughout most hours of the days due to their disability, and cannot participate in a study / treatment environment or in a daytime center.

The child requires continuous daily treatment during the hours when they are at home, due to special medical circumstances. This section is used to determine eligibility of families of children with conditions on the autism spectrum. Exercising the right

The process of actualizing the eligibility for employment of a foreign worker includes two stages: One, through the long-term care branch in the Ministry of Interior; And the other, after receiving the authorization - through the manpower offices.

Actualizing the receipt of the permit from the permits unit - the long-term care branch of the Population and Immigration Authority.

The aplication for employment of a foreign worker for the purpose of long-term care treatment should be filed with the addition of original documents only, or documents which have been verified by an attorney or accountant.

The forms should be submitted (by mail or by personal delivery only; do not send the forms by fax) to the office of the permit unit - the long-term care branch of the Population and Immigration Authority. A list of addresses of nursing branches can be found on the website of the Population and Immigration Authority, or at 1-700-707-147.

Forms to be submitted along with an application for employment of a foreign worker: Application for foreign worker employment permit (or for the extension of an existing permit, if one has already been given). Employer Liabilities Medical confidentiality waiver declaration

Approval from the principal / vice principal of the environment in which the child is registered, regarding the ordinary hours of the child’s presence in the school/kindergarten. Current medical opinion from the professional doctor treating the child. Opinions by welfare authorities to support the reason for the applicant. Declaration (Form D) signed before an attorney. Minutes of the medical committee discussion held at Bituach Leumi, in which determined the child’s disability annuity was determined. Authorization regarding the payment of an application fee in the amount of NIS 300. The payment can be sent at post offices or through the website of the governmental payment service. Photocopy of the patient’s ID card, including attached page + photocopy of the employer’s ID card. In case of extension of an existing permit: also submit a photocopy of the residence visa of the foreign worker employed through the permit, in the worker’s passport. The decision reached by the long-term care branch be sent to the applicant via registered mail.

List of bureaus dealing with the subject of permits:

Jerusalem - 42 Agrippas st., CIH Building, 5th floor.

North - Haifa, 7/9 Pal-Yam st., Tzim building, 1st floor.

Tel Aviv - 125 Menachem Begin Rd., Government Complex, 2nd floor.

South - Beer Sheva, 12 Alumot st., Omer Industrialist Park, 2nd floor.

National information hotline: 1-700-707-147. Placement of the foreign worker at the patient

After receiving authorization for employment of a foreign worker, contact one of the authorized private bureaus engaged in placement, agency and handling of foreign workers in the long-term care branch, for the purpose of the foreign worker’s placement. The employer and the employee are required to sign an application form for registration at the bureau.

The bureau will deliver a placement letter to the employer and the employee, authorizing that they have been duly registered at the bureau, and will deliver their details to the Immigration Authority in the Ministry of Interior.

The Authority will check the details and inform the bureau (usually within 7 days) regarding the approval or non-approval of the employment. The bureau will deliver the Authority’s response to the employer and the employee.

The list of authorized bureaus is available on the website of the Population and Immigration Authority. The list is updated from time to time.

Recorded information is available on the national information hotline of the long-term care permit department, at 1-700-707-147. Receipt of work permit

After a suitable worker has been found, the employer is required to contact the Population and Immigration Authority for the purpose of receiving a work permit for them. For this purpose, the following documents should be attached: form granting a B/1 nursing type entry visa to Israel. - letter of undertaking for the employer of a foreign nursing worker. - Current photograph of the foreign worker. Photocopy of the details page from the worker’s passport. Ensure that the foreign worker’s passport is valid for at least 18 months.


The receipt of the work permit does not mean the receipt of assistance in funding the foreign worker’s employment. The State does not assist in funding the employment, but rather only approves the employment.

Families who have two children that are entitled to the disabled child annuity from Bituach Leumi and who require supervision or accompaniment can receive one foreign worker employment permit.

The foreign worker may only be employed in nursing care, and only for the purpose of the works defined in the work contract, a specified in the work permit which they received.

Ensure that the foreign worker’s passport is valid for at least 18 months.

The permit is granted for a period of 3 years, after which time it must be renewed.

Each foreign worker must be registered in a private bureau with a license and new permit in the long-term care branch. A private bureau is not entitled to collect any payment whatsoever from the employer or from the foreign worker with respect to the registration. However, it is entitled to charge the employer a sum of NIS 70 per month

for services which ti is required to provide (such as quarterly visits, assistance in obtaining the insurance policies and extending the validity of permits and authorizations, etc.).

The bureau may charge up to NIS 2,000 from the employer in case of agency / placement of a foreign worker at the employer.

If the employer has dismissed the worker, or the worker has left the employer, the employer must report this to the bureau.

If the employer has taken in a new worker, they must received a new placement letter from the bureau. A work permit cannot be extended if the worker and employer have not been registered in the bureau. Foster Families for Children with Special Needs

A foster family is a family which receives in its custody a child as a temporary arrangement for a certain period, with the purpose of assisting in the child’s physical, emotional and educational development. As such, the family constitutes a part of the outside the home placement system operated by the Ministry of Welfare.

A foster situation can take place between several months to several years, and may continue until the child has reached age 18. This is the conventional framework of the foster arrangement, during which time the child resides with the family for a stable period of time. During the residence period, the foster parents take care of the child’s various needs, and receive training on how to approach, educate and care for the child, withe the aim of providing them with a stable and safe environment in which to develop their abilities. Generally, the foster parents are instructed to aim towards maintaining an appropriate relationship with the biological parents, in order to make it easier for the child to form their identity.

Rights of Foster Families

There is not eligibility to receive a disabled child annuity - a foster family is not entitled to receive the disabled child annuity for the child in its custody. The annuity is also not paid to the child’s biological parent, but rather is transferred to the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services for the purpose of funding the costs of foster care.

Repayment of fostering expenses

Foster families in Israel receive a monthly repayment of expenses from the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services for the purpose of maintaining the children. This repayment includes a fixed monthly sum which is intended to cover the day-to-day expenses, and late repayments of additional expenses. The families are recognized as volunteers, and are therefore insured through Bituach Leumi. Foster children receive dental insurance. Sick Pay Law

The amendment to the Sick Pay Law (Absence due to Child’s Illness), which is in force as of September 24, 2007, provides that parents in a foster family are entitled to be absent from their work for the purpose of treating their sick or disabled child, under identical conditions to those of the biological parent, provided that the child’s natural parent or adopting parents has not exercised the aforementioned right with respect to the same days. Foster parents who take in a child until age 11 are entitled to a maternity leave and a maternity stipend. Income tax

Foster families are not entitled to the two credit points which are granted by the Income Tax Ordinance to parents of children with special needs, since they receive payments to raise the child. However, according to the current practice at the income tax office, foster parents are considered volunteers, and the payments received by the foster family from the Ministry of Welfare and social services for treatment of the child constitute a “repayment of expenses in generating income from fostering”, and therefore, the family is not required to pay tax with respect to those payments. Mobility annuity

Foster families which own a vehicle can in certain circumstances receive a monthly mobility stipend as vehicle owners, even if the vehicle was not purchased through a loan. The family should contact Bituach Leumi in order to be appointed as “authorized drivers” due to their status as the main caretakers of the child. Disabled vehicle parking tag

Foster families are entitled to receive a parking tag for the child with special needs. The foster family must contact the health bureau and provide the following documents: Letter - statement before an attorney in which the foster parents declare that they are taking care of the child throughout the entire week. ID numbers of the foster parents.Parking tag application letter, along with an authorization regarding the receipt of a 100% disabled child annuity, and the minutes from the

discussion of the Bituach Leumi medical committee. Authorization from a medical specialist confirming that the child receives medical treatments on a daily basis. After the aforementioned documents have been submitted, upon the receipt of approval for the parking tag from the health bureau, contact the Licensing Authority to have the tag issued. Municipal tax (arnona)

Foster families of children who are entitled to a disabled child annuity are entitled to a municipal tax discount of 25% with respect to 100 sq. m. of the residential apartment. In order to receive the discount, submit the following: Discount application form from the local authority. Documents indicating that the foster family is in possession of the property. Documents testifying to the family’s status as a foster family. Authorization from Bituach Leumi indicating entitlement to the disabled child annuity. Water

The local authorities recognize foster children for the purpose of increasing the family’s water quota.

Contact the collection department of the water corporation with the authorization from foster services. If it is not possible to consider the foster child for the purpose of increasing the water quota, a process should be implemented through the foster guide regarding the settling of accounts vis-a-vis the water corporation (after paying the water bill, and presenting it to the foster guide). Telephone

Foster families are entitled to receive a telephone discount (Bezeq line only). Include the authorization certifying that the child is entitled to a 100% disabled child annuity, due to the status as a foster family.

Information and Service Centers - Ministry of Welfare

118 Hotline - Telephone Response Information Center - Advice and Preliminary Treatment for Crisis Situations

The 118 hotline is a telephone hotline created by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, which is intended to provide information and guidance services to the general public regarding crises, emergencies, welfare and social services in the public sector, governmental sector and third sector. Contact details

Tel: 118 Email: moked 118@ matan - il.com

For the population of deaf and hearing impaired persons: Contact can be made through the following avenues: Sending text messages and making video calls to the following cellphone numbers: 054-8040200 - 054-5608704 Fax: 08-6651367. Email: moked 118@ matan - il.com Webcam for communication through the computer using sign language.

Response will be given by a representative who speaks sign language Sunday to Thursday, 8 AM to 2 PM. Service is also available from representatives who do not speak sign language during all days of the week, 24 hours per day, through fax / email / text messages. Shil: Citizen Advice Service

The citizen advice service is a unit which was created in the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services and operated in collaboration with the local authorities.

Shil provides advice and guidance on the subjects of rights, obligations and services available to citizens. Shil’s advisors are volunteers with experience in the field. The service is provided free of charge, and is intended for every person, without distinction due to religion, race and gender, of all population segments and all ages.

Contact details: Tel: 1800-50-60-60 Website:www.shil . info Email: minag @ molsa.gov . il

Financial Assistance

Israel has various foundations which aim to assist families of children with special needs that are suffering from economic distress, or who require supplementary funding for special devices or treatments.

Most of the foundations work in collaboration with the social services departments in the local authorities, and require a social report from the social worker at the Ministry of Welfare.

Some foundations designate their funds for specific purposes only (such as dental treatments, funding of certain medical devices, funding of computers, etc.), and most of them prefer to fund critical equipment which has no funding from other sources, or as a supplementation to funding which has already been given.

When contacting the foundations, it is recommended to attach all authorizations indicating the child’s situation, the family’s financial situation, and sometimes also recommendations regarding the necessity of the requested treatment or equipment, price quotes, and an authorization regarding contact for assistance from other foundations, as well as documents indicating the assistance that has already been given.

It is important to know that sometimes the handling of applications takes a long time, and that most foundations are not willing to transfer the funds to the family, but only to the provider from which they will be purchasing the equipment or service. Therefore, contact the foundation before finalizing the purchase.

The following is a limited list of existing foundations which have provided their agreement to be published here. It is also possible to contact social workers at the local authorities or Kesher branches to receive additional information. Variety Israel (R.A.)

Variety Israel assists children with special needs. Each application is discussed on its own merits, and the situation of the child and their family is taken into account in order to contribute to the child’s welfare. The families in question are of a medium or lower socioeconomic status. For help applications, visit the website at: www.variety .co.il

Contact details Address: 3 Tvuot Haaretz, Shikun Dan, Tel Aviv 69546 Tel: 03-6447220 (Nursing services) Email: variety @ variety.co . il Website: www.variety . co.il Lev Ohev

The Lev Ohev Foundation provides specific assistance in funding para-medical treatments and in funding medical assistive devices. The association also assist in creating computer and music classes throughout the country.

Contact details: Address: 2 Hashunit st., Herzliya 46555 Tel: 09-9605604 Fax: 09-9566945 Email: mail @ levohev.org . il Israel Free Loan Association (R.A.)

The association was founded in order to assist families who have a son/daughter with special needs, through a foundation providing interest-free loans to supplement the purchase of rehabilitation deices for disabled children and for treatments which are not included in the health funds’ frameworks. The service is intended for persons in a temporary economic crisis who are able to repay the loan.

Contact details: Address: 29 Rivka St., Jerusalem Mailing address:10424, Jerusalem 91104. Tel: 02-5300777 Fax: 02-5669504 Email: ifla @ freeloan.org . il Website:www.freeloan . org.il



Afternoon leisure activities are important for both children and adults. Children and adults with special needs require and enjoy enrichment activities offered through various clubs in the fields of art, music, etc. Sometimes these are some of their best opportunities to meet and share experience with “ordinary” peers of their age. Beyond the important social meetings, some of the available activities are also intended as opportunities for advancement and enrichment. Afternoon activities are also an additional opportunity to reduce the burden imposed on families dealing with a family member with special needs.

It is important to seek out leisure activity options, first of all in your own area of residence. It is recommended to contact the local community center. Information regarding the activities held at the community center in your area of residence are available through the website of the community center company: www.matnachim . org..il, and at the local authorities.

There are also social clubs which offer an environment of leisure activities for children, youths and adults with special needs. The clubs have been established in order to enrich the leisure time of people with special needs with activities suitable for their needs and limitations, and also to create social opportunities for children and youths with similar impairments. The activities are mostly varied, and include clubs to develop personal skill and qualities, and experiential social and cultural activities including parties and trips.

Most of the clubs are operated through various entities and associations, but are mostly operated in coordination with and through the support of the local welfare services. Therefore, a good way to stay updated about the social activities in your area of residence is through the local social workers. It is also important to find out about social activities through the organizations dedicated to the specific impairment, particularly with respect to activities during holiday periods and various events.

Recreational Activities for Children

Shai Association - House of Wheels

The House of Wheels is an organization providing leisure and entertainment services to youths with physical disabilities, through its four branches throughout the country.

Services given at the House of Wheels: clubs and workshops, weekends, summer camps, and more.

For additional details: Address: 128 David Hamelech st., Herzliya Pituach 46661 Tel: 09-9557999 Fax: 09-9512006 Email: info @ beitgalgalim.org . il Website:www.beitgalgalim . org.il Re’im Program

The Re’im Program is a social program that is active in community centers throughout the country. The Re’im group provides a warm and supportive social framework for persons (children, youths, youth and adults) dealing with difficulties in interpersonal communication, due to a background of learning and communication disabilities.

For additional details: Address: 15 Central Blvd., Modi’in-Maccabim-Reut Tel: 073-2870208, 050-5748472 Email : zivk @ matnasim.org . il Website:www.matnachim . org.il Etgarim

Etgarim is a not-for-profit association that was founded in 1995 by a core group of disabled IDF veterans and senior rehabilitation professionals in order to physically, emotionally and socially rehabilitate disabled adults, youths and children through challenging sports and active leisure activities in nature. Etgarim takes disabled persons out of the care centers and into nature for the first time, integrates them into society, provides them with equal opportunities and proves that they too can be and live like everyone else.

For additional details:

Address: 18 Beit Hillel St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 61571, P.O. Box 57220 Tel: 03-5613585 (Telefax) Fax: 03-5613586 Email: etgarim @ etgarim.org Website:www.etgarim . org Mamla Project - Milbat Playground

The Mamla Project, developed by volunteers of the Milbat-Malam Association - Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd., and other volunteers, allows children with physical disabilities to enjoy and play like other children their age, using special playgrounds which have been developed and adjusted especially for them. Children’s groups from special education schools and kindergartens, as well as families, are invited to participate.

Contact details:

Address: Building 23A, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan 52621 Tel: 03-5303739, 03-5341501 Fax: 03-5357812 Email: milbat @ netvision.net . il Website:www.milbat . org.il Youth Movements

Tzamid Scouts - Scouts Movement

The scouts movement integrates youths with special needs in the movement's ordinary activities during weekdays, on trips, at camp, etc.

For additional details: Address: 49 Lochamei Gallipoli St., Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv-Yafo 67068, P.O. Box 9023 Tel: 054-2440178 Yuval Tribes - Bnei Akiva

The Yuval Tribes in the Bnei Akiva youth movement are tribes (groups) which operate in 60 Bnei Akiva branches throughout the country which are intended for children with special

needs (both religious and secular), which are integrated into branch-based and national activities.

For additional details: Address: 24 HaPisga st., Jerusalem Tel: 03-6303697 Website:www.bneiakiva . org.il Recreational Activities for Families

Access Israel: Association for the Advancement of Accessibility and Independence Among Disabled Persons in Israel

Access Israel (R.A., NPO) was founded in 1999 in order to enable persons with disabilities living in Israel to integrate into society with equality, full rights, dignity and maximum independence. The association uses all tools at its disposal to promote physical and sense- based accessibility in Israel to places, information and technology.

For additional details: Address: 12 HaSharon rd., Sharona Center, Kfar Sabba Tel: 09-7451126 Fax: 09-7451127 Email: office @ aisrael.org Website:www.aisrael . org Access Unlimited, the Association for the Advancement of Accessibility

Access Unlimited, the Association for the Advancement of Accessibility assists persons with disabilities in taking vacations in Israel as any other person would, and in enabling them accessibility to all places

Contact details: Address: 18 Arlozorov St., Jerusalem 91046, P.O. Box4648 Tel: 02-5660180 Fax: 02-5660180

Email: info @ access - unlimited.co . il Website:www.access - unlimited.co . il Aluteva - Vacation Center for Families of Children with Special Needs

Aluteva is a country village home that was founded by Alut, and hosts individuals and groups of people with special needs. The purpose of vacation centers is to provide the hosted persons with trips, games and activities in a fun atmosphere, while taking into consideration their unique needs.

Contact details: Address: Dror, near the children’s village, Carmiel 21605, PO Box50061 Tel: 04-9885590/4 Fax: 04-9885587 Email: info @ aluteva.org . il Website:www.aluteva . org.il Fun Parks

Sense Park (Alvin)

The park encourages activity and stimulation of the various senses through facilities and devices which were built specifically for this purpose, in an environment that is natural, protected and accessible (for all disabilities). The park is divided into 4 sections, based on the senses: sight, sound, touch and smell-taste. The park is unique in the attention and thought that have been invested in order to integrate rehabilitative/treatment-oriented activities with enjoyable experiential activities in an aesthetic and peaceful environment in nature.

The park is intended for people (adults and children) with special needs, and also offers professional workshops for volunteers, youths, staff members and more.

Contact details: Tel: 052-6024436

Scents and Sounds Garden

The scents and sounds garden in Ra’anana Park is a park that is accessible to persons with special needs. The park is open until 11 PM, and includes text in Braille for the blind.

Contact details: Address: 9 Jerusalem Blvd., Ra’anana Tel: 09-771327 Friends Park

Friends Park is an accessible and integrated fun park, the first of its kind in Israel, located in the Ra’anana Park and open to the general public. The park offers children with special needs the opportunity to participate in leisure and experiential activities, and to enjoy meeting other children of their age group.

Contact details: Address: Ra’anana Park, Ra’anana Tel: 09-7701210 Fax: 09-7701613 Email: keren @ beitissie.org . il Website:www.beitissie . org.il Nahar HaYarden Village

Nahar HaYarden Village is a holiday village for children aged 9-18 dealing with prolonged, life-endangering illnesses. In the village, children enjoy a unique, amazing and exciting holiday experience, with the accompaniment of a professional staff and full medical support, at no cost to families.

Challenge sports park, bow and arrow, horseback riding, a wide variety of workshops and sports activities: ceramics, cooking, carpentry, theater, music and more. Contact details: Tel: 04-6608997/8 Fax: 04-6608986

Email: rishum @jrv.org .il Website:www.jrv .org.il

The Transition to Adulthood

Eligibility for the disabled child annuity does not continue automatically throughout the life of the person with a disability. In order to determine eligibility as an adult, file an aplication for a general disability stipend (at the age of 18 and 3 months), with the addition of the appropriate authorizations.

The criterion for eligibility in this case is functional capability and the ability to earn a living, and therefore, not anyone who received a 100% disabled child annuity as a child will also receive 100% as an adult. This is due to the fact that, as stated above, the criteria for eligibility are different.

To evaluate your specific entitlement, contact the branches of Bituach Leumi. Guardianship

The requirement for the appointment of a guardian for an adult over age 18 applies pursuant to the Legal Competency and Guardianship Law. This law is intended to protect and maintain the welfare, rights and best interests of those defined by law as requiring a guardian.

Parents serve as their child’s natural guardians until age 18. Once the child has reached age 18, by law, the parents cannot continue filling this role, and therefore, it is necessary also to appoint a guardian for the children by court order.

Parents of a child with special needs who have raised the child throughout the 18 years since their birth, and who have undergone significant difficulties along the way, may feel angry or insulted when their child reaches age 18 and suddenly they are required to “prove” their ability as parents in order to receive recognition from the State.

Despite the difficulty that may accompany this process, it is important to understand that the need for the process of recognizing the parents as guardians is due to the fact when a person reaches age 18, they become, in the eyes of the law, a legal entity for all intents and purposes, an can sign contracts, make purchases, sign surgery authorizations, stand trial, sign affidavits, or prevent access to medical or criminal material from any person, including their parents.

Parents of a person who age 18 or older cannot comes in his place, and are prevented from performing any process in his place, including legal processes, if they have not been appointed by a court order which permits them to take decision in place of their child, and to take any actions which would protect him and his rights.

Who requires the appointment of a guardian?

An adult over age 18 who is unable to take care of some or all of his own affairs, and regarding whom the following conditions are fulfilled: A diagnostic committee decision exists which approves the need for the appointment of a guardian for the person. A doctor’s certificate exists which approves the need for the appointment of a guardian for the person. Instructions for submitting the application

Submit the application in writing to the Family Court whose area of jurisdiction applies to the place of residence of the ward (the person for whom the court has appointed, or is entitled to appoint, a guardian). Muslims may choose whether to transfer the application to the Family Court or to one of the Shariah Courts. The list of Family Courts and Shariah Courts is available on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

The request must include the following documents: Application form specifying the details of the persons requesting appointment as guardians, details of the ward and reasons for the request. In the form it is possible to request appointment as a guardian for property only, for person only, or for both person and property. A statement which has been approved by an attorney / Court administration, to verify the facts provided in the request. A fee (“income stamps”) must be paid to the court administration (the fee amount is updated on an annual basis). Sign the ward’s first degree family members (parents, siblings, children) on an consent form for the appointment of the guardian. These can be signed before a welfare official / Court administration official. Family members who do not agree to the appointment and/or who do not agree to sign the consent form should be added as respondents to the request. Attach medical certificates indicating the ward’s mental and/or medical status, and including reference to the question of whether or not the person is entitled to handle their own affairs, partially or completely, as well as their ability to understand the significance of the appointment. In case of a ward who is not capable of expressing an opinion regarding the appointment, it is recommended to explicitly state this.

The request should be submitted in four copies (and an additional copy for each additional respondent). The applicant will be required to pay a fee for the guardian appointment request (the fee amount changes from year to year). The forms, as well as instructions for filling them out, are available at the Family Courts. Exemption from payment of court fees

Parents who have low income at the minimum wage level and who are interested in receiving a discount can take the following action:

Contact, along with the filing of the request, a request for exemption from payment of the fee, with the addition of a statement (which is available at the court administration). The statement and the request should include details of assets and income.

If the exemption applicant is employed, present the six last pay stubs or authorization of income from any other source.

If the exemption applicant is not employed, he must attach authorizations from Bituach Leumi regarding the receipt of a stipend, or any other relevant authorization indicating his income.

The request must be submitted in four copies.

Additional details are available at the national information hotline at telephone no. 077- 2703333. Important!

In its ruling on Family Case No. 0124591/06, the Family Court determined, in an exceptional manner and in contravention of the regulations, that a person with a mental disability can be granted an exemption from payment of the fee when filing a request for appointment of a guardian by their parents, without an evaluation of their parents’ or family members’ income, provided that they have no property other than the disability stipends that are used for their livelihood. Application handling stages

Parents should refer their request for appointment as the child’s guardians to the court or to the welfare official. The request will be transferred to the Ministry of Welfare’s attorney general (the representative of Israel’s attorney general, who will instruct the welfare official for legal procedures regarding the submission of a review. The welfare official will transfer the review to the attorney general.

The attorney general will transfer the review to the court, along with his response. The Court will hear the request. In cases where there is no difficulty - the decision will be given by the Family Court judge. In some cases, the applicants may be summoned to court in order to express their opinion. A representative of the attorney general will also be summoned, as will the welfare official in some cases. Appointment of a guardian who is not a parent

In some cases, when the parents cannot serve as the guardian, the suitability of another family member will be evaluated.

In cases where there is no family member who can serve as the guardian, the possibility of appointing a private person or an association as the guardian will be evaluated - such as the guardian on behalf of AKIM, the Ward Care Foundation, etc. Important!

In cases of adults with special needs, it is recommended to submit the application before the date when they turn 18.

Due to the fact that this can be a prolonged process, it is recommended to attach a request for appointment as a temporary guardian, until the court has reached its final decision.

It is recommended that the court appointment order be available at all times for medical purposes, and for the purpose of hearing in court, police investigations, etc.

It is recommended to learn the roles and obligations of a guardian.

The person receiving the appointment must submit an annual report to the Guardian General, and any other report requested by this entity.

In case of resignation from the position, it is mandatory to report the resignation to the Guardian General. AKIM for Guardianship

The association provides guardian services for persons with mental-developmental disabilities in Israel.

Contact details:

Address: 69 Pinchas Rozen St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 69410 Tel: 03-7662223, 03-7662224

Fax: 03-6445066 Email: tzvia @ akim - leapotro.org . il IDF Recruitment

Receiving Exemptions from Military Service

Each citizen and permanent resident of the State of Israel who reaches age 17 is summoned to the recruitment office for the purpose of determining their fitness and suitability for IDF service. In case of youths with special needs, many times they are unable to serve in the IDF to their physical, mental or emotional condition. Meitav is the military unit responsible for recruitment in the IDF. The Ministry of Welfare and Social Services transfers lists of wards from the administration of the Unit for the Treatment of Persons with Autism and from the division for treatment services for mentally disabled persons who are in the age range of recruitment candidates in order for them not to be summoned for the process. However, other youths with special needs are not included in the Ministry of Welfare’s list, and therefore receive a summons for military service.

The processIn the event that the youth receiving the summons to appear at the recruitment office is not fit for service, the family must contact the recruitment office in writing and submit to the recruitment office current medical documents indicating the youth’s medical condition. The office staff will evaluate the documents and decide regarding whether the youth is fit for recruitment. In certain cases, it is possible that the recruitment office will demand that the youth appear at the recruitment office in order to personally evaluate their fitness for service, however, in most cases, when the medical documents indicate special needs, the recruitment office will decide that the youth is not fit for recruitment, will exempt them from the physical appearance at the recruitment office and send the certificate of exemption directly to the family’s home. Important!

In the event that the youth has been found unfit for military service due to medical reasons, they have the option of volunteering for service. In these cases, IDF placement will be done in accordance with the medical restrictions and instructions issued by the authorized entities on the matter. List of recruitment offices:

Tel Hashomer Camp, Military Post 01215.

Haifa, 12 Omar Al-Kayyam st., 33093, Military Post 01222

Jerusalem, 103 Rashi st., Makor Baruch neighborhood, Zip 94391, Military Post 01224

Beer Sheva, 22 Yad Vashem st., 84419.

Tiberias, Nazareth st., by the Ministry of Interior, Zip 14269, Military post 01231.

National information hotline - Meitav 03-7388888, Fax: 03-7388880. IDF Volunteering - Winning Combination

Winning Combination is a project which prepares youths with special needs for military service, and accompanies them throughout their service. The trainees in the project undergo a comprehensive course to prepare them for IDF service, which includes experience with challenging outdoor activities, visits to the IDF and meetings with commanders, youth troops week, meeting with other youths and previous challenge recruitment classes, and more.

Contact details: Address: 18 Beit Hillel St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 62098? Tel: 03-5685204 Fax: 03-5613586, 03-5612302 Email: shiluv.win @ gmail.com Bat Ami - Meshalvim Project

The Meshalvim project was founded in order to allow youths with special needs to integrate into National Service. The project prepares youths for national service, arranges their placement in the service, and accompanies them throughout their service.

Contact details: Address: 22 Guatemala st., Kiryat Yovel, Jerusalem Tel: 02-5411333 Fax: 02-6413089 Email: sleumi @ bat - ami.org . il Website:www.bat - ami.org . il Association for Volunteering - Sherut Leumi

The Association for Volunteering - Sherut Leumi integrates youths who have received an exemption from IDF service due to various reasons into national service. During their period of service, the volunteers receive accompaniment by coordinators and social workers who assist them in integrating into their place of service. The volunteers are entitled to all rights set forth in State regulations.

Contact details: Address: 3 Norok st., , Jerusalem 7480 Tel: 02-6521140 Fax: 02-6521149 Email: eli - v @ sherut - leumi.co . il Website:www.sherut - leumi.co . il Mechinat Knafaim

Mechinat Knafaim is intended for young people with motor and sense impairments, who graduated from ordinary high schools. The mechina provides a two year program after graduation from school.

The framework includes a supportive staff including an adult and professional staff as well as a staff of young social counselors.

Contact details: It is recommended to contact Kivunim association by phone. Contact person: Gidi Tzur Address: 14 Gordon st., Haifa 32764 Tel: 04-9917050, 04-9917444 Fax: 04-9917060 Email: kivunim @ kvn.org . il Website:www.yesh - kivunim.org Election Voting Rights of Persons with Disabiltiies

The right to elect and to be elected has been recognized as a basic human right and as a right of persons with disabilities, which should not be infringed upon. Persons with mental and developmental disabilities are entitled to vote in Knesset elections, but are not entitled to have another person accompany them behind the voting both, in order not to harm or influence their voting ability. In other words, their accompanier may join them until the voting both, but they must enter the booth alone.

Regarding physical disability or illness - The law emphasizes that any person who, due to disease or physical impairment, is not capable of performing the actions necessary to vote (for example, due to blindness, disability of the hands, etc.), in other words - choosing the appropriate voting card, putting it in the envelope and dropping it into the voting box - may be assisted by another person to accompany them behind the voting booth. Important - the person accompanying them may not be a manager or employee of the institution in which the voter resides.

Regarding persons with mobility impairments - The Knesset Elections Law prescribes that “persons with mobility impairments” are persons who, due to their physical condition, are unable to vote at the voting location which includes their name in its list of voters. This person is entitled to vote in any of the voting locations defined as accessible, in other words, which fulfill the following conditions: Two marked disabled parking spaces. Standard-compliant access to sidewalk. Standard-compliant paths and access routes. Accessible openings to the voting room - 80 cm. Voting at accessibility voting locations will be performed using double envelopes - the voting committee will record the voter’s name and personal details on the external envelope, after which the envelope will be dropped into the voting box.

Attention - the voter notice letter specifies whether the designated voting location is accessible - if the international accessibility symbol appears, then the voting location is accessible to persons with mobility impairments. Rights of Students with Learning Disabilities in Institutions of Higher Education

By law, learning disabilities are disabilities which affect cognitive processes and which are reflected in significant difficulties which do not correspond with the age of the disabled person in acquiring skills of attention and concentration, reading, writing, conceptualization, executive functioning or calculation, social or emotional skills.

By law, learning disabilities due to sense injury, motor impairments, mental developmental disabilities, mental illness or external conditions such as environmental or socioeconomic lack, will not be considered learning disabilities.

The Rights of Students with Learning Disabilities in Institutions of Higher Education Law, 5768-2008, defines the basic rights of candidates with learning disabilities in institutions of higher education, and the rights of students with learning disabilities who study in such institutions to adjustment in accordance with their needs, under conditions which will allow them to express their abilities and skills.

In order to exercise the rights set forth in the law, the candidate for studies or the student are required to submit to the educational institution a diagnosis prepared by a recognized diagnosing entity to identify the learning disability. Who is eligible?

Candidates for acceptance into studies at institutions of higher education. Students in an institution of higher eduction. Process of exercising the right

Performance of a recognized diagnosis - a written document, signed by a recognized entity performing diagnosis, to identify the candidate’s or student's learning disability. A recognized entity performing diagnosis defined as a member of one of the following professions, who is a citizen of Israel or a resident of Israel, and who has the appropriate training in the field of learning disabilities: Specialized psychologist Holding a Master’s degree in learning disabilities from an recognized Israeli academic institution, or from a foreign institution which has been recognized by the Minister of Education. Other professionals with a master’s degree (including master’s degree in medicine, occupational therapy, communication disorders) from an Israeli academic institution or from a foreign institution which has been recognized by the Minister of Education. For diagnosis of dysgraphia - an occupational therapist holding a master’s degree from a recognized Israeli academic institution or from a foreign institution which has received approval from the General Director of the Ministry of Health. For diagnosis of disabilities in the processing of hearing or speech - a speech therapist with a master’s degree from a recognized Israeli academic institution or from a foreign institution which has received approval from the General Director of the Ministry of Health. For diagnosis of attention and concentration disorders, one of the following: Neurologist or pediatric neurologist. Psychiatrist or pediatric psychiatrist.

Pediatrician with at least three years of experience in child development.

The request for adjustments should be submitted to the professional entity in the institution of higher education, along with the recognized diagnosis. The opinion of the support center in the institution can also be attached. If a diagnosis has been made in the past, its validity should be checked vis-a-vis the institution.

The institute of higher education will evaluate the request and its attached documents, and will determine the adjustments to which the applicant is entitled, in consideration of the nature and goals of the examinations and tasks required within the framework of the studies which the applicant wishes to attend.

The institute is required to submit a detailed response in writing to the applicant regarding its decision within 30 days after the filing of the application.

The applicant is entitled to appeal the decision before the authorized entity in the institution. The entity will hear the appeal and submit its detailed response detailed response within 15 days after the receipt of the appeal.

Applicants are entitled to submit, at all times, a repeat application for adjustments, provided that it has been submitted along with a professional opinion from the institution’s support center, including a detailed recommendation for adjustments. The law applies to the following institutions:

Academic institutions (institutions which have received a license to grant an Israeli academic degree from the Council for Higher Education).

Professional institutions: Institution offering training or professional technical, religious or Torah-based education. Institution training its students for governmental examinations. Institution granting an education which is recognized by a governmental ministry or by the law. Pre-academic education A preparatory school for an academic institution, for the bagrut (baccalaureate) examinations or pre-engineering school. Provided rights

Candidates for studies and students with learning disabilities are entitled to adjustments in entry examinations, including examinations given by an external entity and used by the educational institution during the acceptance process, such as the psychometric examination,

the Amir examination, the Matam examination, given by the National Center for Testing and Evaluation. Important:

Persons with learning disabilities which are reflected in spelling mistakes or difficulties in expression will not receive adjusted conditions for the psychometric examination, since these difficulties are not reflected in those examinations.

It is recommended to verify in advance whether, on the date when you would like to take the test, you will be able to receive the adjustment to which you are entitled. Adjustments given by the authorized entity in an educational institution, in accordance with the diagnosed disability, include: time extension; oral examination; reading the examination out loud; providing the opportunity to record lectures; distribution of the degree duration over a long period.

Students during the period prior to the application of the law (before February 1, 2009) were entitled to adjustments based on an unrecognized diagnosis, will continue to be eligible for adjustments for the determined period, or until the end of their degree or certificate studies, which ever is earlier.

Adjustments for examinations, tasks or any part thereof will not be given when they involve the basic requirements of the examination or task.

The Minister of Education or the Minster of Industry, Trade and Labor will be entitled to restrict the adjustments received by candidates or students if they impose a heavy burden on the educational institution, in which case they will instruct the educational institution to implement alternative adjustments.

The educational institution must publish policies regarding the implementation of the law at the start of every school year, on the website of the educational institution, in the annual newsletter published by the institution and on a billboard at a central location in the educational institution, which will be accessible to persons with learning disabilities and will include information regarding the support center for students with learning disabilities at the educational institution, and its contact details. Professional Rehabilitation for Adults Diagnosed with Attention and Concentration Disorders

Adults with learning disabilities which involve severe attention and concentration disorders, for which over 20% medical disability was determined, may be entitled to professional

rehabilitation funded by Bituach Leumi. The disability may involve a combination of physical disabilities of various types, and it is not necessary that the disability grade be caused due to the attention and concentration disability.

In the professional rehabilitation framework, Bituach Leumi provides rehabilitation sums and other payments or studies in a variety of institutions of higher education (universities and colleges), and recognized study and training institutions granting a professional certificate and under governmental supervision (for example: the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the Ministry of Education). Who is eligible?

Persons who have been diagnosed with a severe attention and concentration disorder (ADHD, ADD) and for whom a weighted medical disability of at least 20% has been permanently determined by a medical committee of Bituach Leumi.

Important: the disability may be a combination of physical disabilities of various types, and it is not necessary that the entire disability grade be due to the attention and concentration disorder.

They must also fulfill the following three conditions: They must be unable to engage in their position or in another suitable position due to the disability. They must require professional training in order to return to their previous position or to a position which matches their skills after the disability. They must be suitable for professional rehabilitation, capable of cooperating in the professional rehabilitation process and of integrating as an ordinary employee in the open work market (as opposed to protected or supported work). Process of exercising the right

A current diagnosis regarding the attention and concentration disorder, including its severity, should be submitted. The opinion given by the entity performing the diagnoses must address the disorder’s long term implications, and its degree of influence on the academic, employment and emotional spheres. An old diagnosis may be validated through a current authorization from a psychiatrist or neurologist.

In addition to the current diagnosis, the claim should be submitted along with older diagnoses and relevant medical documents which refer to the medial problem, currently and in the past. Eligibility

During the period of professional training, Bituach Leumi will pay the following payments to the entitled person: Tuition fees - up to the university tuition fees, educational equipment, study instruments and assistive lessons. Psychometric examination - a refund for a course can be received if it was begun up to one year before the filing date of the claim for rehabilitation. Travel expenses - for those without a vehicle, travel fees to the location of study will be paid according to actual travel expenses and in accordance with public transportation rates. Participation in rent - if the place of study is farther than 40 km. from the place of residence, requiring the student to sleep away from home, and where the study program is full time, the option to provide assistance with rent will be evaluated, in accordance with the regulations and the determined amounts, and subject to the advance approval of the rehabilitation officer. Support and accessibility services - such as sign language translation, transcription and reading out loud. Rehabilitation fees - the rehabilitation fees are paid to individuals entitled by law to rehabilitation who study for a minimum of 20 hours per week in professional training.

Persons who do not receive a disability stipend - are entitled to rehabilitation fees in an amount equal to the disability paid to persons with a 100% disability, in accordance with the family composition.

Persons receiving a partial disability stipend - the rehabilitation fees will constitute a supplementation up to the stipend amount paid to persons with a 100% disability grade, according to the family composition.

Persons receiving a full disability stipend - will not be entitled to rehabilitation fees. Workforce Integration

Safe Future for Youth - Program for Integration of Youth into the Workforce Sponsored by Bituach Leumi and Nitzan Association

Target population

Young adults between the ages of 20 and 35 with a high school education and without a full bagrut matriculation certificate, who have the potential to work at jobs of minimum wage or

higher, and who have difficulty finding or persisting in suitable employment due to attention and concentration disabilities and/or learning difficulties (whether or not they have been diagnosed) and who are considered high risk. The program includes:

Selection of career and analysis of employment capabilities.

Placement procedure for integration into a profession which is stable, satisfying and enables the person to earn a living.

Concentrated 4-week long seminar (5 days per week) followed by 17 weekly meetings which include: acquisition of skills for work in a computerized environment, and practical tools for successful integration into the work world. - Understanding of the learning disability and its implications, with an emphasis on the work world, processing the personal experience in a supportive space and acquiring means to deal with situations and to stand up for oneself. - Belonging to a social group including young people with similar characteristics, who have chosen to deal with the difficulties in their past and embark on a new path in order to secure their future. - Group workshops to increase motivation, develop personal initiative and practice interpersonal skills.

Evaluation of entitlement for recognition and rehabilitation from Bituach Leumi.

Contact details: Tel.: 03-5372266, extension 0 or 1, Rami Gertler, program manager, extension 202. Fax: 03-5371039 Email: rami @ nitzancenter.org . il Website:www.nitzan - israel.org . il Sexuality

The topic of sexuality among youths and adults with special needs is hardly addressed. Perhaps this is because the parents want to protect their children from rejection, abuse or harm, or perhaps because society finds it difficult to see people with special needs as persons with sexual needs.

Youths express interest in persons of the other sex and feel attracted to them, and also feel the need for sexual expression. At this stage, which can be very embarrassing for parents, it is important for parents to be attentive to their child and know how to direct them and give them skills which will allow them to experience their sexual development.

Since you as parents can sometimes feel confused and find it difficult to find the way to bring up this topic with your children, we have collected several locations which assist with this subject for you. “Alone and Together” Center - Nitzan

The “Alone and Together” center is a center for education, counseling, treatment and guidance on the subject of sexuality, couplehood, and social relationships for persons with social and cognitive disabilities (such as complex learning disabilities, mental disabilities, Asperger’s syndrome, autism and high functioning PDD, emotional problems, specific syndromes with an effect on sexual development).

Contact details: Address: 44 Hanasi Harishon, Rehovot Tel: 08-9468988 Fax: 08-9468988 Email : rehovot @ nitzan - israel.org . il Website: nitzan - israel.org . il Reut - Open Door for Persons with Disabilities

Reut - an open door for persons with physical and sense disabilities, parents and caregivers. A place to talk about friendship, love and couplehood, sexuality and disability, healthy and responsible sexuality. The service is given free of charge, and confidentiality is assured.

Contact details: Address: 2 Hahil Blvd., Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv-Yafo Tel: 03-5371003 Email: opendoor @ reuth.org . il Website:www.opendoor . org.il Rehabilitation Outside the Home

The population entitled to rehabilitation in an environment outside the home includes children or adults who suffer from a physical, sense or neuro-organic disability, borderline mental functioning, or learning, functioning or adaptive disability. The rehabilitation environment outside the home provides comprehensive treatment year round, under the supervision of the Ministry of Welfare. The rehabilitation is given through a wide variety

of frameworks, and may be temporary, permanent or changing. The framework includes programs to develop personal independence and functional skills in life areas.

Reference to these environments is made by the placement committees which operates in the local social services bureaus, and in collaboration with the disabled person and their family or guardian. Registration is performed in accordance with the disability type, the required level of protection and age group. Types of Rehabilitation Environments Outside the Home

Foster families: for young children who require placement in a family environment.

Dormitory centers: for persons with physical and emotional disabilities.

Protected community residence centers: for children and adults with varied treatment needs who require an alternative to the natural home. The residential system is comprised of homes located in municipal or rural residential centers, and constitute an integral part of the community. The residence type is adapted to the needs of the disabled person.

Hostels with youth with complex problems: for youths aged 13-18 with learning, functioning and adaptive disabilities, severe behavioral disorders and low intellectual functioning, which are not defined as retardation. The youths are integrated into community day centers such as special education schools. Hostels for young adults: aged 18 to 30 with learning, functioning and adaptive disabilities. Hostel residents receive training in personal and social skills, as well as work and family habits. Residence at the hostel is limited to up to two years, at the end of which, in accordance with their progress, the person transfers to more independent living in a community. Training apartments: hostel apartments for up to ten residents, for a period of up to one year. Used for one local authority or several authorities located in the same area. Group homes for young adults requiring treatment: Protected residence for a prolonged period, for up to 14 residents with functioning and adaptive disabilities who require supervision for their daily functioning. Treatment apartments: small group homes with eight residents. Satellite apartments: continuing programs for rehabilitative hostels and rehabilitative apartments. Residential centers for residents who require assistance and supervision, but are able to conduct a semi-independent lifestyle in terms of maintaning a household, maintaining a budget, social functioning and employment. Family residential centers for disabled children accept children aged 6 to 14 with severe physical disabilities, who are confined to a wheelchair and are dependent upon others for the majority of daily activities. The environment focuses on the development of daily

skills and cultivation of the self image of residents at age 18. Adults are intended to transfer to a protected residence for adults with physical disabilities, or to a center for young disabled persons. Funding for Rehabilitation Environments Outside the Home

The State pays “maintenance fees” to the residential environment for the residence and needs of each resident. Residents up to age 18

Parents of children up to age 18 are obligated to participate in the expenses involved in the keeping their child in an environment. The parents’ payment goes to the local authority (and not to the rehabilitation environment). The participation amount is in accordance with the parents’ income level. The amounts are specified in a table which can be viewed at the social services department of your local authority.

Discounts: Families with two or more children residing in an environment are entitled to a discount of up to 25% of the participation rate for each child. The participation amount for each child will be no lower than the lowest participation amount specified in the table. Single parent families are entitled to a discount of 50% per child, so long as the participation amount for each child is no lower than the minimum participation amount specified in the table. The calculation for single parent families is made as if it included one additional family member. Residents Over Age 18

In general, parents of adults are not obligated to participate in the maintenance fees, since above age 18, the law does not obligate parents to pay alimony for their children.

The disability stipend paid to an adult so long as they reside at their parents’ home will be divided in the following manner: 50% of the disability stipend is transferred directly to the Ministry of Welfare - to fund a part of the maintenance fees in the residential environment. 20% of the disability stipend stays with the resident’ parent / guardian. 30% of the disability stipend is transferred to a fund called the “30% fund”, which is intended to improve the welfare of residents in residential environments.

Residents who have additional non-work income may be charged additional participation fees at a rate of half their additional income, so long as the remaining amount for personal use is no lower than one credit point (NIS 215 as of 2012).

In any case, the total participation amount (80% of the disability stipend and the amount transferred with respect to the additional income) will not exceed the maintenance rate in the environment where the resident is staying. Changes in Bituach Leumi Annuities

At the time of the transition to residence outside the home, a change occurs in the eligibility for stipends and annuities paid by Bituach Leumi.

Disabled child annuity: the disabled child annuity paid to children above age 18 is canceled at the time of the transition to a residential environment outside the home.

Adult disability stipend: as stated above, 20% of the disability stipend stays with the parent/guardian, and 80% is transferred to finance the residence.

Special services stipend: the special services stipend is canceled upon the transition to a residential environment outside the home, since the center is intended to provide the resident with all of the services for which the stipend is intended.

Mobility Annuity Residents in a center outside the home may continue receiving a mobility stipend for non-vehicle owners, if they meet all of the following conditions: They must be an adult (over age 18) for whom was determined a mobility impairment at a rate of 100%, or a minor (up to age 18) for whom a mobility impairment was determined at a rate of 80%. They must leave the institution by vehicle at least 6 times per month - for work, study or social activities. The trips outside of the institution must not be funded by the Ministry of Welfare as part of the activities provided in the environment. - The resident would have been entitled to receive a special services stipend or disabled child annuity if they did not reside in the residential center outside the home.


Due to the need forproviding special services to children with special needs, several associations have been founded in Israel which provide various services to children with special needs.

Despite the fact that a significant part of children’s rights are set forth in laws and regulations, it occurs at times that families find it difficult to exercise their children’s rights, and therefore require the intervention of an intermediary specializing in assistance and advocacy or in legal advice, to accompany them towards exercising their child’s rights vis-a- vis the authorities.

Apart from organization providing assistance and advocacy, there are also many organizations which provided information regarding a specific disability, as well as advice, support and at times even educational and rehabilitative environments from childhood to adulthood. Every family which has received a diagnosis is recommended to contact the assistance organization handling the population of children who have the disability with which their child has been diagnosed, in order to receive focused assistance and guidance that are focused on the needs of the child and their family. Rights Organizations - Legal Advice and Assistance

Eli: Child Protection Association

Assistance for children who have undergone physical, sexual and emotional abuse; operates an emergency center for children at risk, a clinic and enrichment center for professionals.

Contact details: Address: 14 Ibn Gabirol St., Tel Aviv, 64077 Tel: 03-6091920, 1-800-22-3966 (crisis hotline) Fax: 03-6091727 Website:www.eli . org.il Email: eli @ eli.org . il Ahava - Special Disabled Persons Association in Israel

The Ahava association focuses on the accompaniment of families on all matters associated with advocacy vis-a-vis institutions, primarily government offices, as well as accompaniment with legislative matters in the Knesset.

Contact details: Address: Ramat Gan, P.O. Box 7348 Tel: 052-2200895 Fax: 03-6761030 Email: haergon @walla.co . il Website: nechim.amuta . org.il/ Roof Organization of Disabled Associations and Unaffiliated Disabled Persons

The organization’s objective is to represent the disabled public vis-a-vis the Knesset and the government. Providing free legal advice to members.

Annual, picture-bearing membership card in Hebrew and English - used by the disabled person in Israel and abroad.

Transportation services - transportation for disabled persons confined to a wheelchair in a special vehicle in the Tel Aviv and area, at nominal cost.

Contact details: Address: 30 Ibn Gabirol St., Tel Aviv, 64078 Tel: 03-5238799, 03-5273757 Fax: 03-5240265 Website:www.disabled . org.il Disabled Persons Action Organization

The action organization of disabled persons in Israel is engaged in activity to promote the rights and status of disabled persons in Israel, in all segments and all life areas, and for all disabilities. Providing guidance, direction and advice. Coordinators are available for all subjects, including accessibility, medical committees, treatment of children with disabilities, sector-based coordinators for minority affairs, literacy (digital press for the visually impaired).

Contact details: Telephone hotline: 054-2119211, 077-2114211 Fax: 053-772114211 Email: nachim.organization @ gmail.com Website: www.nachim .org.il Bizchut: The Israel Human Rights Center for Persons with Disabilities (R.A.)

Bizchut works to realize full equality for persons with physical, emotional or mental disabilities, and to integrate them into society in all areas of life. Bizchut is founded upon the rights of persons with disabilities to the same equality and dignity as all other people. The service is provided free of charge.

Contact details: Address: 3 Kanfei Nesharim st., P.O. Box 34510, Jerusalem 91000. Tel: 02-6521308 Fax:02-6521219 Email: mail @bizchut.org . il Website:www.bizchut . org.il The Israel National Council for the Child (R.A.)

The Israel National Council for the Child acts on behalf of all children in Israel, and is engaged in the fields of education, health, crisis, abuse, police and delinquency, legislation and law, communication consumerism, as well as many other subjects.

Contact details: Address: 38 Pierre Koenig st., , Jerusalem 93469 Tel: 02-6780606 Fax: 02-6780606 Email : ncc @ children.org . il Website:www.children . org.il Legal Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Bar Ilan University

The legal clinic for the rights of persons with disabilities provides legal assistance towards exercising rights associated with various disabilities (physical, sensual, mental or emotional).

Contact details: Address: Ramat Gan 52900 Tel: 03-5318373 Fax: 03-6350955 Email : disability.rights @mail.biu .ac.il

Legal Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Sha'arei Mishpat College, Hod Hasharon

The clinic provides personal legal assistance at no cost to exercise rights in various life areas: welfare, health, education, assistance, Bituach Leumi, licensing, residence, taxation, contracts, insurance, accessibility, etc. The clinic assists families of children with the entire range of disabilities: physical disabilities, sense disabilities, communication and language disabilities, autism, mental retardation, blindness, deafness, syndromes, genetic and chronic diseases. ‎ Within this framework, the clinic provides legal advice services, accompaniment in conducting legal proceedings, training on self-advocacy, writing legal letters, wording and submission of judicial documents, representation in discussions in committees and in various judicial instances (courts, labor courts, first instance committees and appeal committees, arbitration proceedings, etc.). The clinic operates in full collaboration with Kesher, and operates the legal assistance services provides in the various branches of Kesher. Contact details: Address: 5 Margoa st., P.O. Box 261, Hod Hasharon 4510201 Tel: 09-7750364 Fax: 09-7750339 Email‎: [email protected] Website: www.mishpat.ac.il‎

Israel's Disabled Struggle Headquarters (R.A.)

Promoting the process of recognizing the rights of persons with disabilities, and exercising them in all life areas. Working towards full equality of rights and integration as active and

creative elements of Israeli society. Ensuring a dignified quality of life for persons who are unable to earn a living for themselves, with the recognition that every person was created in the image of God.

Contact details: Address: 93 Arlozorov St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 62098 Tel: 03-6921681/3, 03-6921105 Fax: 03-6921555 Email : maavak @ netvision.net . il Website:www.nechim 4 u . com Ministry of Justice: Representation for the Equality of Persons with Disabilities

The Representation for the Equality of Persons with Disabilities was founded in order to promote equality and prevent discrimination against persons with physical, mental, emotional, sense and cognitive disabilities, and to encourage their integration and active encourage in society.

Contact details: Address: Habira Towers, Building A, 9th floor, 37 Yirmiyahu st., Jerusalem Tel: 02-5087000 Fax: 02-5088025 Email: mugbaluyot @ justice.gov . il Website:www.mugbaluyot . justice.gov Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - The Hebrew University

The purpose of the Clinic for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is to open a window for the integration of persons with disabilities into society, and to assist them in exercising their rights. The focus is primarily on the fields of education and employment. The clinic provides ongoing legal advice to private customers and organizations dealing with the subject of disabilities. The clinic is also engaged in promoting legislation and changing policy, working with principle cases, including filing appeals to the Supreme Court.

Contact details: Address: , the Hebrew University, Faculty of Law, Jerusalem Tel: 02-5882554/69

Fax: 02-5882544 Email : orr.sivan @ gmail.com Website: http :// www.huji . ac.il / merkazim.asp ? cat =2307& in =2303& ini =1

Kol HaZchuyot - Exercising the Rights of Children with Special Needs

The association was founded and is managed by persons who integrate a personal life story with training in the fields of law, public administration and medicine, with the aim of supporting and assisting parents in exercising their children’s rights in all life areas. Bituach Leumi annuities, education, health, welfare, residence and transportation, and more. The association serves as a “one stop station” for parents to evaluate all of their rights, and for parents who encounter bureaucratic or legal obstacles - the association’s staff assist the parent in surmounting the obstacle using the legal and public tools which are available to it.

Contact details:

Address: 14 Hayetzira st., Ramat Gan

Tel: 073-2291327

Fax 073-2291324

Email: [email protected]


Assistance Organizations by Disability Type Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia Israel - Association for Parents of Children with Dyspraxia

Association for parents of children with dyspraxia, working to advance the rights of our children.

The organization’s objective is official recognition by the Ministry of Health of dyspraxia, and creation of an appropriate basket of treatments. Increasing awareness of treatment factors for dyspraxia and accompanying needs, in order to prevent erroneous diagnoses and non-provision of a suitable response. Creation of appropriate educational frameworks.

Contact details: Email: dysprax @ gmail.com Naama Sabag Shemesh: 052-4538140 Talya Karaim: 050-7596273 Autism

ALUT - The Israeli Society for Autistic Children

An association for parents, children, youths and adults with autism.ALUT works to advance the rights of autistic persons in Israel, to improve the services given to them and their families, to promote knowledge regarding the treatment of the autistic population, and to create and operate high-quality frameworks and services on behalf of the population of autistic persons and their families.

Contact details: Address: 1 Korazin st., P.O. Box 943, Givatayim Tel: 03-5718188 Fax: 03-5718190 Website:www.alut . org.il Email: alut _ il @ netvision.net . il API - The Israel Asperger’s Association

API - The Israel Asperger’s Association (R.A.) is a parents’ association which acts to increase awareness of the syndrome and to integrate children and adults with Asperger’s into all areas of life. The association operates a center providing information, consulting, support and advocacy for families and professionals. Since February 2012, the association has been operating a unique employment project which is intended to integrate adults with Asperger’s into the free market, along with long term support for the employee and the employer.

Contact details: Address: 253 Dizengoff st., Tel Aviv Telefax: 03-5446046, Email: effie.israel @ gmail.com Website:www.asperger . org.il Lauren House

The center for families dealing with autism and PDD. The center provides advice, information and guidance, beginning from the moment of diagnosis and throughout the entire life cycle.

Telephone advice is available between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM.

Contact details: Address: 63A Krinitzky st., Ramat Gan 52433 Tel: 03-6703077 Email: b _Lauren @ netvision.net . il Association for Children at Risk

The Association for Children at Risk was founded in 1990 in order to create a safety net for children and families with a broad range of risks, including for children suffering from communication disorders. The association creates and operates treatment kindergartens for toddlers with autism, as well as day care centers and the Hosen Center, offering treatment for children and youths suffering from post-traumatic disorders.

Contact details: Address: 9 Hatzvi st., Tel Aviv Tel: 03-5730130 Fax: 03-5161513 Email : atrisk @ childrenatrisk.org . il Website:www.childrenatrisk . co.il Syndromes

M.T.M.: Integrative Support Centers - Children’s House

M.T.M.: Integrative Support Centers - Children’s House operates as a series of kindergartens for children aged 1.5 years to elementary school age (in order to create continuity in a friendly, recognized and structured environment). An emphasis is placed on extensive para-medical treatment, on integration into the society of ordinary children in small regular integrated kindergarten classrooms, and on personalized personal programs for each child, in accordance with their abilities and situation. In recent years, a rehabilitative day care center and an ordinary day care center have been opened.

Contact details: Address: 5 Etzyon Gever st., Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem 97803 Tel: 02-5322569, 02-5326162 Fax: 02-5327525 Email: matam @ netvision.net . il Milman Center (R.A.)

Diagnostic services, treatment, activities during leisure hours, advice to families and a “home for life” for children with developmental disabilities on the autistic spectrum.

Contact details: Address: 34 Hativat Hacarmel, Haifa 32624 Tel: 04-8227560 Fax: 04-8325190 Website:www.milman - center.org . il Email: milmnctr @ bezeqint.net Mifneh Center - Early Treatment Intervention for Autism Unique Program for the Treatment of Babies and Their Families

The Mifneh Center is engaged in early treatment intervention during the development process of babies who have been diagnosed with symptoms of a developmental communication disorder, with the knowledge that early intervention allows a significant change before behavioral patterns have been established.

The treatment program focused on the entire range of issues comprising the baby’s development: communication, nutrition and eating habits, sleep, motor development, play, language. The continuing program in the family’s home is based on recommendations issued

by the treatment staff, and is applied by therapists who have been trained to treat using the Mifneh approach, throughout Israel.

Contact details: Address: Harishonim, Hashichzur site, Rosh Pina, 12000, P.O. Box 112 Tel: 04-6931021 Fax: 04-6931185 Email : info @ mifne - autism.com Website: he.mifne - autism.com Sha’arei Marpe Association

The Sha’arei Marpe Association operates club centers and vacation centers. The Sha’arei Marpe club centers are intended is to advance the children’s communication and language skills, in accordance with their needs, and to show them a good time through fun activities, while providing personal treatment by a staff which has been specifically trained to advance children with PDD, autism and Asperger’s.

The association also operates a transportation service by ambulance for patients and disabled persons.

Contact details: Tel: 057-3103159 Fax: 02-5346445 Email: aharonbr 2@ gmail.com Eating Disorders

Shahaf - Association for Elimination of Eating Disorders in the Community

Shahaf is a unique institution dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders. Shahaf has developed a unique model which includes emergency crisis intervention, intensive treatment and a rehabilitation system in a community environment which makes use of clinical trainees.

Contact details: Address: 61 Ibn Gabirol St., Tel Aviv, 64362 Tel.: 03-6473147, Crisis hotline: 08-9357035 (office)

Fax: 03-6474990 Email : Shahaf 15@ bezeqint.net Website: http :// www.shahaf - ltd.co . il / n / default.asp Mental Disorders

Enosh - The Israeli Association for Mental Health

The Enosh Association has been working since 1978 to integrate mentally disabled persons into the society and the community. The association operates 62 branches throughout the country including residential, framework and leisure environments, and consulting centers for families. The association's objective is to improve the functional abilities resulting from dealing with mental illness, in order to reach an optimal level of independent functioning in the community, self-recognition and recovery.

Contact details: Address: 30 Moshe Dayan St., P.O. Box 181, Kfar Sabba 4410101 Tel: 074-7556100 Fax: 074-7556101 Website:www.enosh . org.il Email: office @ enosh.org . il Our Center - Service and Support for Families of Mentally Ill Persons

Our Center’s objective is to provide solutions for family members (parents, siblings, partners and children) dealing with a family member who suffers / suffered from a mental illness, or who underwent psychiatric hospitalization. The Center’s activities are intended for ease the distress experienced by the family, to provide them with tools, support, advice and guidance on all matters associated with dealing the family member and the environment.

Contact details: Address: 40 David Hamelech st., Parents House, Tel Aviv-Yafo Tel: 03-7303919 Fax: 03-7303934 Email : shelanuwizo @ gmail.com Learning Disabilities


The Nitzan Association is a parents and volunteers association which was founded with the aim of identifying, diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating children, youths and adults with learning, functioning and adaptive disabilities. The association provides the following services through its branches around the country: Didactic and psychological diagnosis, rehabilitation treatment, para-medical treatments, rehabilitation towards independent life in terms of society and employment, and more.

Contact details: Address: 18 Hamasger St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 61572, P.O. Box 57304 Tel: 03-5372270, 03-5372266; Fax: 03-5371039 Website:nitzan - israel.org . il Email: pr @ nitzancenter.org Tzori Association

The Tzori Association was founded by parents of youths with special needs involving complex learning disabilities / light mental disability. The association’s objective is to provide youths and their families with an adapted activity environment and appropriate tools to deal with the difficulties which they encounter in daily life.

Contact details: Address: 14 HaEgoz st., Rehovot 76223 Tel: 054-2639173 Email info @ tzori.org Website:www.tzori . org Marom: Center for the Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities

The Marom Association was founded with the aim of providing solutions for students with learning disabilities and/or attention disorders. The institution specializes in providing comprehensive diagnostic services for persons with learning disabilities. The staff is comprised of didactic diagnostic specialists and expert clinical psychologists. The institution is intended for a varied population, from children in kindergarten to adults, and provides personal and individual diagnosis and accompaniment for parents and their children

Contact details: Address: HaKfar HaYarok, Ramat HaSharon 47800 Tel: 03-6495745 Fax: 03-6478781 Email : amuta @ marom - amuta.com Website:www.marom - amuta.com Visual Impairments

Ofek Liyladenu "Ofek Liyladenu" – Israel National Association for Parents of Blind and Visual Impaired Children

The association serves as a large family for families from all sectors of society, encouraging connections between families and providing a sense of belonging and empowerment. The association works to protect the children’s rights, and provides current and useful information. The association also operates program to reinforce the children’s emotional strength and abilities, including summer working for youths, educational assistance for the children at home, music studies, explanatory staff, and more.

Contact details: Address: 8 Degel Reuven st., P.O. Box 925, Jerusalem 91008 Tel: 02-6599553, fax: 02-6522614 Website:www.ofek - liyladenu.org . il Email: ofek @ ofekl.org . il ELIYA - Association for Blind and Visually Impaired Children

The association has branches in Jerusalem, Petach Tikva and Beer Sheva. Rehabilitative frameworks for children aged half a year to 6 years, groups for parents and babies from birth onwards, support and advice for families, summer camps for elementary school ages, family vacations, rehabilitative teachers in Israel for children from birth to age 3.

Contact details: Address: 3 Levon st., P.O. Box 8179, Petach Tikva 49181 Tel: 03-9336840; fax: 03-9087292

Email : eliya - il @ eliya.org . il Website: www.eliya . org.il ALEH - The Society of Blind and Dyslexic Students in Israel

The association assist visually impaired persons in integrating into higher education through unique educational centers located in universities throughout the country.

The association also operates additional projects, including - national service for the visually impaired, a mentoring program for blind children aged 6-18, a mentorship program for seeing children with blind parents, support groups to assist the children of blind parents, information and consulting stations for the visually impaired and the blind.

Contact details: Address: Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91240, P.O. Box 24051 Tel: 02-5882155, 02-5882677 Fax: 02-5826166 Email : lcb @ savion.huji . ac.il Nur Al’in Association

The Nur Al’in Association provides social and educational activities, technological services, academic support and educational support for visually impaired persons through a staff of teachers, kindergarten teachers, psychologists and para-medical therapists.

Contact details: Address: East Jerusalem, Jerusalem, P.O. Box 5518 Tel: 02-6287584 Email : nur _ alean @ hotmail.com Website:www.nuralain . org Central Library for Blind, Visually Impaired and Disabled Persons

The library allows persons who cannot read printed material to read in formats which they can read. The library produces and lends out recorded books and magazines, printed in braille or in large letters for the public of blind, visually impaired and learning disabled

persons, as well as seniors over 75 who are automatically entitled to services, or who have physical disabilities which make it difficult for them to read printed books.

Contact details: Address: 4 Hahistadrut st., Netanya 42441 Tel: 09-8617874 Fax: 057-7975622 Email : office @ clfb.org . il Website:www.clfb . org.il Center for Deaf-Blind Persons - Beth David Institute

The Center for Deaf-Blind Persons - Beth David Institute provides a center and a variety of services for persons with dual auditory-visual impairments of all grades.

Contact details: Address: 13 Yad Labanim Blvd., Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv, 61092, P.O. Box 9259 Tel: 03-6316361 Fax: 03-6316419 Email : info @ cdb.org . il Website:www.cdb . org.il Taha Hussein Society for the Blind - Umm al-Fahm

The association operates a social club and a protected home for the blind and visually impaired, and serves as a rehabilitative employment environment for blind persons and persons with special needs who are unable to deal with the requirements of the open, competitive market.

Contact details: Address: 1 Shchunat Al-bir, Umm Al-Fahm 30010, P.O. Box 2165 Tel: 04-6312430 Fax: 04-6314996 Email- tahha [email protected] Northern Goals - Migdal Or - Rehabilitation Center (R.A.)

Migdal Or is a multidisciplinary center focusing on functional and employment rehabilitation for the blind and visually impaired. The services are given at Migdal Or branches in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and also nearby the person’s place of residence, in their daily environment and at home. Migdal Or’s objectives are to encourage and allow an independent lifestyle, and to integrate visually impaired persons into the job market in a high quality manner.

Contact details: Address: Kiryat Haim, 26244 Tel: 077-7721333 Fax: 077-7721321 Email : info @ migdalor.org . il Website:www.migdalor . org.il Lirot - The Israeli Research Center for Eye Health and Blindness Prevention

The association aims to increase the research effort in the field of eye health, in order to identify effective treatments to eliminate diseases that cause blindness. The association also works to develop preventive eye medicine in Israel, increase public awareness of the importance of periodic tests for early identification of diseases, and regarding the importance of vision tests for children.

Contact details: Address: 71 Hanadiv st., Herzliya Tel: 09-9518475, 09-7748983 Fax: 153-995-184-75 Email : nadine @ eyes.org . il Website: http :// www.eyes . org.il Hearing Disabilities

AV Israel

A parents association for deaf and hearing impaired children, which works to promote their full integration into ordinary schools, towards an independent life as full participants in the world of the hearing. The association offers language and speech treatments provided by professionals who are skilled in the unique, audio-verbal method, provides a training center

for communication therapists and students, operates a center providing hearing tests and adjusting hearing aids for children, and operates a cochlear implant rehabilitation center.

Contact details: Address: 33 Pierre Koenig st., room 502, Jerusalem 93469 Tel: 02-6730244 fax: 02-6717162 Email: jlmcenter @ avisrael.org Website: www.avisrael . org Micha - Society for Deaf Children in Israel, National Council

The organization provides all hearing impaired children, ages birth to 7, with the professional treatment which they require, with no waiting list. Micha supports and accompanies families from the moment the impairment is identified and throughout the period of dealing with the condition. The organization operates rehabilitative day care centers, kindergartens and supplementary nurseries for integrated children, lecture evenings, parent groups, lending library for professional literature, information and advice. Micha operates several branches throughout the country.

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box 21020, Tel Aviv 61210 Tel: 077-5095003 Fax: 03-6953648 Email: Micha.moatza . il @ gmail.com Website: www.micha - israel.org . il Kfar Kassem Association for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

The Kfar Kassem Association for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired provides a variety of services for deaf and hearing impaired children and their families, with the belief that each child has the right to education, self-fulfillment and the realizing of their rights and abilities, full equality without discrimination of any kind whatsoever. physical and emotional development in safety, peace, dignity and freedom.

Contact details: Address: Kfar Kassem 48810, P.O. Box 299 Tel: 03-9379571

Fax: 03-9379571 Email: wehdi [email protected] Shema

Treatment for children and youths from all over Israel, ages 6 to 21, who are deaf or hearing impaired. Diagnosis, healing, psychosocial treatment, tutoring lessons, social activities, advice and guidance for parents.

Contact details: Address: 30 Plitei Hasefer St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 67948 Tel: 03-5715657-9; Fax: 03-5712017 Email: shema @ shema.tlv . k 12.il Website:www.shema . tlv.k 12. il / index.htm Shmaya - Educational Framework for the Hearing Impaired

Shmaya is a not-for-profit association which provides solutions and treatment for the deaf and hearing impaired, in order to create a solid foundation for a healthy life, and maximum success and integration into ordinary society.

Contact details: Address: 13 Harav Pobraski st., Bnei Brak, P.O. Box 393 Tel: 03-5783410 Fax: 03-5787514 Email: shmaya @ shmaya.org . il Website: http :// www.shemaya . co.il Shema Kolenu

The association’s objective is to provide hearing rehabilitation and personal empowerment for full integration of hearing impaired children in the hearing society, in a variety of areas in the fields of language and speech, and in the cognitive and social spheres.

Contact details: Address: 23 Amos st., P.O. Box 57588, Jerusalem 95506 Tel: 02-5002008 Fax: 02-5002007

Email: nechami @shemakolenu.org . il Website:www.shemakolenu . org.il Institute for the Advancement of Deaf Persons in Israel

Support center for deaf / hearing impaired students in higher / advanced education- nena @ dpii.org Accessibility services - translation / transcription / copying to sign language - [email protected] Sign language courses: info @ dpii.org

Contact details: Address: 63 La Guardia st., P.O. Box 9235, Tel Aviv 61091 Tel: 03-6311595 Fax: 03-6316891 Email : info @ dpii.org Website:www.sela . org.il Bekol - Association of the Hearing Impaired

Bekol, the national representative association of the hearing impaired over age 18 in Israel, is a not-for-profit association which has been active since 1997 to improve the quality of life of hearing impaired persons over age 18 through legislation, advocacy, promotion of accessibility, providing information and support, increasing awareness, removing the obstacle of shame and encouraging hearing impaired persons to deal with the impairment. The Bekol association works for empowerment, equal rights and integration of the hearing impaired in Israel, in all areas of life, such that every hearing impaired man and woman in Israel will be able to realize their skills, in all fields, according to their preferences.

Contact details: Address: 17 Tschernichovsky St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 63291 Information and support hotline: 03-5257001 Tel: 03-5257001/2/3 Fax: 03-5257004 Email : info @ bekol.org Website: http :// www.bekol . org.il

Chronic Diseases and Syndromes

Epilepsy: EYAL - Israel Epilepsy Association

EYAL is a public association, founded by parents of children with epilepsy, which works to improve the quality of life of persons with epilepsy; to create a situation in which persons with epilepsy are not discriminated against, and receive equal opportunities and a chance for self-fulfillment in society. Services provided by EYAL include an information hotline, support groups, information, social treatments and advocacy activities.

Contact details: Address: 4 Avodat Yisrael st., Jerusalem Tel: 02-5000283 Fax: 02-5371044 Email: epilepsy.il @ gmail.com Website:www.epilepsy . org.il The Anita Kaufmann Israel Epilepsy Education Center, Soroka Medical Center

The Anita Kaufmann Israel Epilepsy Education Center was founded in the Soroka Medical Center as part of a social perspective which is intended, on the one hand, to improve knowledge and to reduce, among patients and their families, anxiety and the tendency to hide their condition, while on the other hand, to change prejudices among the general public, and the sense of helplessness they may feel while a patient is undergoing a seizure. The center believes that it is possible to change this by giving correct information about the condition, learning first aid in case of a seizure and increasing awareness of the subject.

Contact details: Address: Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva 84101, P.O. Box 151 Tel: 08-6244481 Fax: 08-6244566 Email: epilepsy @ clalit.org . il Website: http :// www.clalit . co.il / hospitals / Soroka / he - il / MedicalServices / Epilepsy / Pages / Homepage.aspx

Gaucher: The Dr. Nissim Levy Association for Gaucher Patients

The Association for Gaucher Patients is available to all Gaucher patients in Israel. and to doctors, researchers, para-medical professionals, family members and others. The association provides solutions to problems faced by Gaucher patients, and serves as a supportive and uniting entity for patients and their families.

Contact details: Address: Haifa 31338, P.O. Box33814 Tel: 04-9504403(voice response) Fax: 04-8662616 Email : info @ gaucher.org . il Website:www.gaucher . org.il Familial Dysautonomia: Familial Dysautonomia: Israeli Familial Dysautonomia Association

The Familial Dysautonomia Association is a volunteer-run parents association. Daily treatment of children with the condition and the many hospitalizations create a very severe physical and emotional burden, and the association is dedicated to providing support, advice and assistance fore patients and their families.

Contact details: Address: 5/2 Achlama st., Mevasseret Zion 90805 Tel: 08-9560800, 050-5712427, Fax: 08-9560800 Email : fdisrael @ netvision.net . il Website:www.fd - israel.org . il Tracheostomy: Kol Haneshima

Kol Haneshima is a parents organization for parents of children who have undergone a tracheostomy (cannula). Its objective is to help and support parents who deal with the daily difficulties involved in raising a child with a cannula.

Contact details: Address: Alon Shvut Tel: 02-9309756, 03-6787220 Katef Chama

Katef Chama is an association which creates support centers in Northern Israel for parents, partners, children and siblings of chronic patients, and operates social, leadership and self- help support programs.

Contact details: Address: Moshav Chosen, 25180, P.O. Box 106 Tel: 04-9997721, 054-2036363 Fax: 04-9997721 Email : katefchama @ gmail.com Website:www.katef . org Association for Fighting A-T Disease

The Association for Fighting A-T Disease supports children affected by the disease and their families, operates a national clinic for A-T patients in Safra Hospital, funds respiratory physiotherapy treatments and works to increase awareness and prevention of the disease.

Contact details: Address: 33 Jabotinksy St., Ramat Gan 52511 Tel: 03-5750503, 03-6005449 Fax: 03-7515673 Email : office 23@ netvision.net . il Website: www . a - t . org.il Rheumatic Diseases: Inbar - Israel Association for Patients with Rheumatic Disease

Inbar provides support for children and adults with rheumatic diseases. The association’s objective is to provide assistance to patients, both on the group-social level and on the level of individual assistance.

Contact details: Address: 16 Hanatziv St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 64361

Tel: 03-5613769, 03-5613832 Fax: 03-5613874 Website:www.inbar . org.il Email: inbar - il @ zahav.net . il Mitochondrial Diseases: Ori Fund

The Ori Fund provides support and accompaniment for families and parents who are dealing with mitochondrial diseases or other rare diseases.

Contact details: Address: 8 Hamezach st., 40200, P.O. Box 618 Tel: 03-7216665 Fax: 09-8663224 Email: info @ orifund.org t , r thbyrby : www.orifund . org Diabetes: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in Israel

The association’s objective is to advance research into juvenile diabetes, with the hope that a cure will be found for the disease, and to promote the welfare of diabetic children and their families.

Contact details: Address: 10 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 66881 Tel: 03-5160171 Fax: 03-5100724 Email: jdrf _ il @ netvision.net . il Website:www.jdrf . org.il Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Israel

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Israel is the only organization in Israel concentrating all activities for patients, in all areas of life: medical needs, well-being, society, education and economic support. The association’s activities are primarily focused on saving and extending patients’ lives, and deals, among other issues, with increasing awareness of the disease and providing assistance to CF clinics distributed in six hospitals throughout the country.

Contact details: Address: 79 Krinitsky Rd., Ramat Gan 52423 Tel: 03-6702323; fax: 03-6702324 Website:www.cff . org.il Email: cf @ cff.org . il Celiac: The Israeli Celiac Association

The association provides a voice for all celiac patients in Israel, including those who are not members of the association, vis-a-vis the authorities and food and drug manufacturers. In the absence of any governmental entity to handle the needs of celiac patients in Israel, the existence of an association is critical.

Contact details: 40 Habiluyim Rd., Ramat Gan 52297 Telefax: 03-6781481 Website:www.celiac . org.il Email: office @ celiac.org . il Food Sensitivity: Yahel Association

Advice and guidance regarding food allergies

The Yahel Association is engaged in exchanging information and providing support for children and adults who are allergic to food: education for health in the food industry; food marking law; increasing public awareness on the subject of allergies; activities for legislation in the field.

Contact details: Address: 9/6 Ya’ar Odem, Yokne’am Illit, Yokne’am 20692 Tel: 052-8336676 Email : il.allergy @ gmail.com Website: http :// www.foodallergy . co.il/ Linshom Association: Israeli Association for Asthma and COPD Patients

The Linshom Association was founded in order to provide assistance to patients with asthma COPD, on all matters associated with information and consulting regarding asthma and COPD.

Contact details: Address: 32 Aharoni st., Rehovot Tel: 08-9457740 Fax: 08-9458493 Email : linshom @ smile.net . il Website: http :// www.linshom . org.il Small Steps: Association for Children with DMD/BMD

Small Steps is an association which was founded by parents of children with DMD/BMD, with the intention of providing assistance to sick children and their families who are dealing with the physical and emotional difficulties caused due to the disease. The association’s objectives are to support funding for research into the disease, to expand awareness options, to connect to the community and to increase awareness of the disease among the general public.

Contact details: Address: 20 HaTaas st., c/o Amit Kaplan, Adv., Kfar Sabba 44425 Tel: 054-6345634 Fax: 09-7679660 Email : tali @ littlesteps.org . il Website:www.littlesteps . org.il ESTI - Israeli Tourette Syndrome Association

ESTI (Israeli Tourette Syndrome Association) provides support for children, adults and families who are dealing with tic disorders and Tourette syndrome, from a preventive approach. The association offers support, advice, and training services, also for professionals (educational staff and therapists), as well as participation in support groups.

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box333 Ra’anana 40300 Tel: 09-7408478 Telefax: 03-9012956

Email: tsaisrael @ gmail.com Website: http :// www.tapuz . co.il / toret / default.asp Rett Syndrome Association (R.A.)

Founded in order to concentrate the effort to advance research, treatment, knowledge and training regarding the syndrome. The association is founded upon the professional approach according to which it is important to develop a service that will provide a comprehensive approach to the needs of patients, families and professionals in the medical, treatment and educational spheres. The association works to support studies which are intended to advance knowledge and understanding with regarding to assistance for patients with the syndrome, including the provision of support, training and guidance to patients and their families, and to treating entities in the community.

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box 1031 Ramat Gan 52110 Tel: 03-7955557 Fax: 03-7955591 Email : info @ rett.org . il Israeli Thalassemia and/or Sickle Cell Anemia Association

The Israeli Thalassemia and/or Sickle Cell Anemia Association represents patients affected by severe hemolytic anemia: thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, DBA and CDA

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box 11501, Jerusalem 91114. Tel: 050-6617124 Email : info @ thalinfo.com Website:www.thalinfo . com Ortal Association: Assistance for Persons with Sotos Syndrome

The Ortal Association focused on advancing the well-being of patients suffering from severe diseases, and particularly patients with Sotos Syndrome in Israel, and to assist them and their families in dealing on a day-to-day level with the severe disease and its effects.

Contact details: Address: 25 King George St., Jerusalem 91027, P.O. Box 2789 Tel: 02-6450402, 052-3468575 Fax: 02-6450402 Email : karp 31@ netvision.net . il The National Fragile X Association of Israel Association for Parents of Children Suffering from Fragile X Syndrome

The association was founded in 1994 by a group of parents, and its activity was resumed in 2011.

The association’s objectives are to expand the rights to which are entitled families with Fragile X, to advance treatment and diagnosis, and to increase awareness of Fragile X.

Contact details: Address: Moshav Udim, 42905 Tel: 054-9798516 Email : xshavir @ gmail.com Website:www.xshavir . org.il Shalva: The Association for Mentally and Physically Challenged Children in Israel (R.A.)

The Shalva Association is intended to provide a supportive framework for children with special needs and their families, while providing social, experiential and treatment activities with the aim of realizing the personal potential of each child.

Contact details: Address: 6 Ibn Danan st., Harnof, Jerusalem 91344, P.O. Box 34449 Tel: 02-6519555 Fax: 02-6535787 Email : info @ shalva.org Website:www.shalva . org.il Young Joints Association

The Young Joints Association was founded with the aim of providing help to children and young people up to age 50 with rheumatoid arthritis, to provide them with support on the personal and family levels, and to work to improve their well-being and quality of life. The association’s is dedicated to act to increase awareness of the disease and the damage caused by it, and to advance the inclusion of a variety of advanced treatments and drugs to the health basket.

Contact details: Address: 15 Mor st., Haifa 34387 Tel: 04-8103133 Email : info @ mifrakim.org . il Website:www.mifrakim . org.il The Israeli Association for Angelman Syndrome

The association’s objectives are to perform research regarding the treatment and cure of Angelman Syndrome, to support the advancement of rights and the training of professionals.

Contact details: Tel: 052-6610332 (Rosanna) Email: horim.engelman @ gmail.com Website:www.angelmanisrael . org Cancer

Israel Cancer Association

The association assists in supporting, funding, providing medical services, purchasing equipment, rehabilitation activities, organizing special activities for children with cancer and managing an information center for the general public.

Contact details: Address: 7 st., Givatayim 53103 Tel: 03-5721616; fax: 03-5719578 Website:www.cancer . org.il Email: info @ cancer.org . il Gdolim MeHachayim

The association Gdolim MeHachayim works to improve the quality of life of children with cancer, through enjoyable activities an various projects sch as trips in Israel and abroad, vacation centers, summer camps and more.

Contact details: Address: 19 Ben Gurion st., Bnei Brak Mailing address: P.O. Box 2690, Bnei Brak 51126 Tel: 03-6195977 Fax: 03-6195967 Email: gdolim 1@ gdolim.co . il Website:www.gdolim . co.il Zichron Menachem

The association is active among children and youths with cancer and their families through a variety of educational and social projects, seasonal camps in Israel and abroad, fun days, wigs, vacation days for parents, and more.

Contact details: Address: 23 Harav Frank st., P.O. Box 16383, Bayit Vagan, Jerusalem 91163 Tel: 02-6433001; fax: 02-6433991 Website:www.zichron . org Email: info @ zichron.org Make a Wish

Make a Wish Israel is part of an international organization dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of children with life-endangering diseases. By fulfilling their wishes, Make a Wish aims to provide children and their families with enjoyable experiences of pleasure and fun during the most difficult periods of their lives, and the ability to deal with the difficult treatments.

Contact details: Address: 5 Zarchin Rd., Industrial Area Ra’anana, 43662, P.O. Box 4333 Tel: 09-7602848 Fax: 09-7454557 Email: office @ makeawish.org . il Website:www.makeawish . org.il Chayainu Assocition

The Chayainu Association was founded in 1999 with the aim of assisting children with cancer and their families in all matters associated with the child’s illness, both on the emotional and material levels.

Contact details: Address: 3 Shatner St., , Jerusalem 94467 Tel: 1-800-222-211 Fax: 02-6542153 Email: info @ chaiyanu.org . il Website:www.chaiyanu . org.il Rachashei Lev - Rachashei Lev - A National Support Center for Cancer- Stricken Children in Israel (R.A.)

The Rachashei Lev association is dedicated to assisting children with cancer to deal with and defeat the disease, and to resume their lives safely and happily.

Contact details: Address: 16 Uziyahu st., Avramasky , P.O. Box 8394 Tel: 1-800-281128, 08-8523805 Fax: 08-8564476 Email : rachasheilev @ bezeqint.net Website:www.rachasheilev . org Kav Lachayim

Kav Lachayim is a social movement founded in 1989 with the aim of providing assistance to thousands of children and citizens suffering from severe diseases, complex disorders and rare syndromes. The movement is supported by thousands of youths and citizens who volunteer in the organization and integrate into its daily support system on behalf of patients and disabled persons in Israel.

Contact details: Address: 15 Gonen st., Kiryat Matalon, Petach Tikva 49170, P.O. Box 7529 Tel: 03-9250500 Fax: 03-9215566 Email : kavlachayim @ kavlachayim.co . il Website: kavlachayim. co . il

Physical Disabilities

ILAN - Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children

ILAN provides assistance to children and adults with physical disabilities and various muscular and neurological disorders, including polio, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and others. The association acts to provide quality of life, maximum independence, and social, employment-related and educational rehabilitation to persons with disabilities, and to assist them with integrating into society at large.

Contact details: Address: 9 Gordon St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 63458 Tel: 03-5248141 Fax: 03-5249828 Email : ilan @ ilan - israel.co . il Website:www.ilan - israel.co . il Beit Issie Shapiro

A community educational center dedicated to the treatment of children and adults with special needs, and to supporting their families. The association operates day centers for the treatment of children, a hydrotherapy center for water treatment and rehabilitation, a multisensory (“snoezelen”) environment, dental clinic, movement and sports center, para- medical unit, family treatment center, library and more. The staff of Beit Issie Shapiro has broad and rich professional experience in the field, and also focuses on research and training of professionals in Israel, and is committed to social change in the field of developmental disabilities.

Contact details: Address: Issie Shapiro, P.O. Box 29, Ra’anana 43100 Tel: 09-7701222 Fax: 09-7710465 Website:www.beitissie . org.il Email: bismail @ beitissie.org . il Warm Home for Children with SMA

Warm Home is an environment for babies and children with severe diseases who are respirated. The environment provides emotional support and a guiding hand for children, parents and families. The conditions of the vacation center allows the child to stay on site in order to allow the parents of the sick child to go on holiday and to spend quality time with their healthy children. The parents also receive the opportunity to resume normal work;. The objective is to give children the feeling of a regular life, just like other people.

Contact details: Address: 1 Shimshon St., Haifa 34614, P.O. Box44646 Tel: 04-8248172/3/4/5, 04-8112024 Fax: 04-8112024 Email : baytcham @ netvision.net . il Website:www.csma . co.il MESHI - Neuromuscular Dystrophy Diseases in Israel

The organization acts to improve the quality of life of children with neuromuscular diseases and their families, and to advance medical research and treatment of the patients.

Contact details: Address: 10 Smilanski st., Rehovot 76446 Tel: 08-9468089, 054-4207612 Fax: 08-9469392 Email : munktal @ zahav.net . il Website:www.meshi - nmd.org SMA Families Israel

The association works to provide solutions, support, guidance and information for families of SMA patients, and to encourage the connection between them.

Contact details: Address: Yetziat Europa, 43518 Ra’anana (c/o Galit Levin) Tel: 054-4602413 Email : levin.galit @ gmail.com Website: http :// www.fsmail . co.il/ The Israel Multiple Sclerosis Society

Providing services and activities for the benefit of patients ad their families, social help, guidance and advice, loans, children’s camps, holidays for patients, explanatory material, and more.

Contact details: Address: 16 Homa Umigdal St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 67771 Tel: 03-5377002 Fax: 03-5377004 Email: agudaims @ netvision.net . il Website:www.mssociety . org.il Nizanei Rishon - Association for Children with Disabilties

Founded by parents of children with disabilities in 2001 in Rishon Letzion, with the aim of assisting children with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy to receive their full rights under the law, and thereby to advance and achieve results. The association operates a unique educational project to promote learning towards independence and life skills in the morning hours, for ages 16 to 25, as well as operating a club center year round, enrichment classes, gym room, training apartment, and dance troupe for children in wheelchairs, trips in Israel and abroad, fun camps, events and integration in the community.

Contact details: Address: 44 Brenitzki st., Rishon Letzion Tel: 03-9569950 Mobile: 050-5345060 Fax: 03-9692877 Email: nizanorg @ zahav.net . il Website:www.nizani . org.il Tsad Kadima - The Association for Conductive Education in Israel

The association works to advance the education and rehabilitation of children, youths and adults with cerebral palsy, to advance their integration into the community in accordance with the principles of conductive education. This method focuses on the child's personality and lifestyle; designs and environment which encourages an active and successful approach, and accompanies the child and youth throughout the integration process.

Contact details: Address: 11 Beit Hadfus St., Jerusalem, P.O. Box 34336, Givat Shaul Branch, Jerusalem

91341 Tel: 02-6540062 Fax: 02-6540069 Email: info @ tsadkadima.org . il Website:www.tsadkadima . co.il Huliot - Parents Organization for Children with Spianl Injuries

Huliot - Parents Organization for Children with Spinal Injuries provides information, support and service to parents at the beginning of the road involving dealing with a child suffering from a spinal injury.

Contact details: Address: 19 Ben David st., Bnei Brak 51614 Tel: 03-6763365, 052-7611337 Preterm Birth

Lahav Association

The Lahav Association is a national association which was founded by parents of preterm babies and former preterm babies, in order to advance and improve the condition of preterm babies in Israel. We work in every way possible to support parents, from our contact staff available throughout Israel, to the 24 hour hotline offering answers to questions.

Contact details: Address: Kibbutz Nirim (c/o Romi Shchori - Chairman) Tel: 03-9533935 Email info @ pagim.net Website:www.pagim . net

Mental Developmental Disabilities

AKIM Israel - National Association for the Habilitation of Children and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

A national association for parents and for persons with intellectual disabilities. Since 1951, AKIM has been working to exercise the rights and improve the lives of approx. 34,500 persons with intellectual disabilities and their families, through legislation and legal representation. AKIM also works to support families and to help them exercise their rights in the community through 60 AKIM branches, active in 77 municipalities throughout the country. AKIM advances the implementation of positive approaches towards the people whom we support, and advances their empowerment and inclusion into Israeli society. AKIM operates approx. 100 environments throughout the country, in collaboration with the Ministries of Welfare and Education and local authorities, in the fields of education, community living, employment, leisure, IDF recruitment and volunteer in national and civil service, center services, and more.

Contact details: Headquarters address: 69 Pinchas Rozen st., Hadar Yosef, Tel Aviv 69410 Tel: 03-7662222 Fax: 03-6470055 Email: dover @akim.org . il Website: www.akim . org.il Yated - Association for the Rehabilitation of Children with Down’s Syndrome

Support groups, adult associations, professional training and advancement, conventions and seminars, explanation services in schools and hospitals, operation of a consulting center, training and support for parents.

Contact details: Address: 19 Yad Harutzim st., Jerusalem 93620 Tel: 02-6721115 Fax: 02-6731374 Email : amutat _ yated @ yahoo.com Website:www.yated . org.il

Yad Al Halev

Yad al Halev is a national parents association providing support to children with Down syndrome. The association support and works on behalf of children with Down syndrome and acts vis-a-vis all family members, including parents and siblings.The association’s activities include meetings, workshops, camps, vacation centers, advice and guidance on the subjects of health, wellbeing, education, and the advancement of rights, and also operates a volunteer system.

Contact details: Address: 1 Maharashal st., Bnei Brak Tel: 03-6786808/6 Fax: 03-6786804 Email : yad 123@ neto.net . il Ohel Sarah - Institute for the Special Child

Ohel Sarah - Institute for the Special Child has been engaged for over 40 years in the education and rehabilitation of children and adults with mental developmental disabilities. The educational, residential employment frameworks operated by Ohel Sarah provide professional services which meet current criteria and are personally adjusted to the trainees’ needs, along with persistence towards the goal, dedication, love, joy of life, education towards independence and maximum integration into society.

Contact details: Address: 5 Rabbi Tarfon st., Bnei Brak Tel: 03-5797116 Fax: 03-5782135 Email : info @ ohelsara.org Website:www.ohelsara . org Prader-Willi Syndrome Association in Israel

The association’s objectives are to advance the treatment of persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome, by improving communication between families, professionals and other interested parties, while informing them about the experience and knowledge that has accumulated in Israel and around the world. The association is also focused on establishing

supportive frameworks for patients with the syndrome and their families, in order to provide for their special needs.

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box1332, Ramat HaSharon 47112 Tel: 03-5409882; fax: 03-5405271 Email: koshi 1@ netvision.net . il Website:www.pwsil . org.il Eshkolot Association

The Eshkolot Association works to improve the quality of life of persons with special needs and their families.

Contact details: Address: Kibbutz Merhavia 19100 Tel: 04-6598645, 052-3638114 Fax: 04-6598645 Email : hana @ eshcolot.org General - Special Needs

Coalition of Parents of Children with Special Needs

The Coalition was founded in July 2011, with the creation of the special families tent on during the social protests on Rothschild Blvd. in Tel Aviv. After the summer, we transitioned from the tent to group meetings on the internet as well as multi-participant meetings. During the period of the tent and afterwards, the Coalition was joined by more participants who volunteer even though they don’t have the time, due to the belief that there is no other way.

There are many more parents, people and children with disabilities who are hoping for change. We are many, and we are more powerful then we can even imagine. It is very easy for the State to try to make us forget this, to segment us into sectors and sub-sectors, to wave carrots in front of some and sticks in front of others. It is exactly for this reason that the Coalition was founded: to draw strength from parents, from the courage, from the different voices, the despair, the hope, and from the personal stories and insights. Because we are a million - and together that is a great many. The Coalition of Parents of Children with Special

Needs has the power to create change. It’s coming. [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/special.families.il https://www.facebook.com /special.families.il

Revital’s House

A home for families with special children, from the pre-diagnosis stage throughout their entire journey. Collection, accompaniment, guidance and assistance during the first stages and the whole way through, assistance in exercising educational rights, as well as general or specific management and handling for special families.

Revital Cohen, home. [email protected] 050-2493949‎ http://www.revital-home.co.il‎ https://www.facebook.com/Revital.home

Ahada - Organization for Parents of Children with Disabilities in the

Ahada is an organization for parents of children with disabilities which functions as a self- help group. The organization works to assist parents and position holders in kibbutzim and moshavim regarding providing for those with special needs, today and in the future.

Contact details: Address: Mobile Post Box 22808, Kibbutz Evron Tel: 052-2361045 Email: ilansarigh @ gmail.com Website:www.ahada . org.il Israel Elwyn

The vision of the Israel Elwyn Association is to achieve a society in which persons with disabilities are citizens with equal rights; a society in which each of us aspires to determine his or her own future and lifestyle. Israel Elwyn develops and operates, on behalf of persons with disabilities, a system of various supports and tools, while continuously striving towards excellence in service and towards the creation of a just society. We will continue working as an innovative and pioneering organization, together with persons with disabilities and society as a whole.

Contact details: Address: 20 Henrietta Szold st., Jerusalem 96502 Tel: 02-6415448 Fax: 02-6430495 Email : info @ IsraelElwyn.org . il Website:www.IsraelElwyn . org.il

ENAD - Association Providing Support for Disabled Children in the Druze Sector (R.A.)

ENAD Association is dedicated to supporting primarily children and persons with disabilities, with light mental disabilities and hearing and visual impairments, as well as their families. The association aims to get children out of the house and to engage them in various activities. The association's activities are intended for the Druze sector throughout the country.

Contact details: Address: Isfiya 30090, P.O. Box 1031 Tel: 04-8399955 Fax: 04-8399118 Website:www.enad . org.il Simcha Layeled Association

Simcha Layeled Association was founded with the aim of assisting children with chronic and genetic diseases, as well as children undergoing rehabilitation after accidents and terror attacks. The association works on behalf of children and their families, while emphasizing accompaniment of the children throughout the process of hospitalization, rehabilitation and

re-integration into society. The association provides ongoing accompaniment to families, produces events for children and operates leisure and wellbeing clubs.

Contact details: Address: 12 Herzl Blvd., Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem 91361, P.O. Box 36210 Tel: 02-6527007 Fax: 02-6537853 Email : geffen @ simchalayeled.co . il Website:www.simchalayeled . co.il Israel Forum for Parents of Children with Multiple Disabilities

The Israel Forum for Parents of Children with Multiple Disabilities was founded with the aim of advancing the rights of children with two or more disabilities and their families, and is active in the fields of education, health, welfare and leisure. The association also works to bring the special needs of children with disabilities to public awareness. There is the basic belief that each child is entitled to realize their entire inherent potential, and that the State is obligated to provide appropriate services to all children.

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box116, Moshav 73175 Tel: 03-9731460, 054-4699984 Email : ari.krauss @ gmail.com SHEKEL - Community Service for People with Special Needs

SHEKEL - Community Service for People with Special Needs assist approx. 8,000 people with special needs on a daily basis, from all segments of society, through a series of community services, including a community residence system, culture and leisure activities, employment rehabilitation, diagnosis and rehabilitation center for homeless people, center for victims of violence and center for social-sexual education, child development unit, the Israel Accessibility Center and more.

Contact details: Address: 11 Yad Harutzim St., P.O. Box 53105, Talpiot, Jerusalem 9153002 Tel: 02-6720157/8 Fax: 02-6725208

Email : shekel @ shekel.org . il Website:www.shekel . org.il Siach Sod - The Leading Center for Persons with Disabilities

The Siach Sod Center to advance special education in the ultra-orthodox community was founded over 40 years ago by Rabbi Dov Levy OBM. Today, over 700 boys and girls study at the center’s educational institutions, divided into environments based on age, study and functional level, and personal needs.

Contact details: Address: 31 Yirmiyahu st., Jerusalem, P.O. Box 5788 Tel: 1-599-50-20-80, 02-6405000 Fax: 02-5388484 Email: seeachsode @ seso.co . il Website: http :// www.seso . co.il / HTMLs / Home.aspx Ilan Chai Association

Providing assistance to people from all walks of life, without distinction regarding gender, nationality, etc. All of the association’s activities are volunteer-based, and none of the association’s members receive any salary. All activities include the use of personal equipment, such as private vehicles used to perform the activities. The assistance consists of providing hot and dry food. Home equipment, furniture, electrical appliances, etc. Baby formula. Work vis-a-vis authorities: local municipalities, the electric corporation, water corporation, etc. Guidance regarding legal advice

Contact details: Address: 21 Yehuda Halevi st., Ofakim 80300 Tel: 052-5859306 052-5274202 Email : benynehushtan @ walla.co . il Shutaf - Association for the Advancement and Integration of Children and Youths with Special Needs in the Community

The Shutaf association is an innovative organization aimed at providing children with special needs and ordinary children with an organized framework of leisure activities, in an educational atmosphere, based on an American model. The vision of Shutaf is integration and acceptance, equality and understanding, study and entertainment through high-quality leisure activities and fun camps. Shutaf offers an annual program for children with special needs and their ordinary friends (ages 6 to 21) which includes a youth movement, young counselors program, cooking and life skills workshops, camps with youth tracks, and support groups for parents.

Contact details: Address: 6/9 Beit Haarava st., Jerusalem 93389 Tel: 054-729-0114 Email: miriam @ campshutaf.org Website:www.campshutaf . org Bar/Bat Mitzvah for Special Children in the Masorti Movement

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah for Special Children in the Masorti Movement program is a unique project by the Masorti (conservative) movement in Israel, which is intended to provide a solution for the desires of young people with special needs and their families to celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah in an open and accepting atmosphere which is integrated into the students’ school. Over several months, the students undergo a group process in which they receive Jewish enrichment through various means, including theater, music, stories and various activities. At the end of the process, the students celebrate with a dignified Shacharit prayer attended by their classmates, the entire school staff and, above all, their excited families.

The ceremony is held in one of the synagogues of the Masorti movement in Israel.

Contact details: Mailing address: P.O. Box 7559, Jerusalem 91074 Tel: 054-6100801 Fax: 02-6246869 Email: bbmsc @ masorti.org . il Website:www.masorti . org.il

Kivunim - Association for the Promotion of Youths with Special Needs in Israel

Kivunim is an association dedicated to promoting youths with special needs, while encouraging them towards independence and involvement in their communities, in order to obtain control and influence over their lives. The association was founded by graduates of the Mandel School for Educational Leadership, and by other friends. The association works in collaboration with governmental and private entities, and academic institutions.

Contact details: Address: Hofim , Mobile Post Box , Bustan Hagalil 25213 Tel: 04-9917444 Fax: 04-9917060 Email : kivunim @ kvn.org . il Website: http :// www.kvn . org.il Amichai - Association for Families of Special Children

Amichai association develops a series of services for persons with mental developmental disabilities, with an emphasis on integration into the community - in the fields of leisure and residence, for the population of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families who reside in the Sharon area, in the belief that each person has the right to be a full member of the community, with equal rights. The association operates club centers, vacation centers, camps, community residences and an employment day center for adults in the Sharon area.

Contact details: Address: 2 Kinneret st., Hod Hasharon 45108, P.O. Box 817 Tel: 09-7430004, 054-5644546, 054-5644508 Fax: 09-7430004 Email: hilagal @ amichai.org . il Website:www.amichai . org.il Magen Halev

Magen Halev Association is a special and unique ultra-orthodox institution serving the area of Ashdod, the South and the Shfela region, by providing assistance to families in finding appropriate educational frameworks for children with special needs, while also operating several educational frameworks.

Contact details: Address: 8 Tzivoni st., Ashdod, P.O. Box 3271 Tel: 08-8579900 Fax: 08-8663562 Email magen @ kurnik.co . il Al-Amira Basma Center

The objective of the Al-Amira Basma Center is to rehabilitate, treat and educate the population of persons with disabilities and special needs, and also to provide information and advice to parents. The association operates an elementary school, high school, regular kindergarten and special education kindergartens. The regular education also includes a program for the integration of students with special needs and regular students.

Contact details: Address: Main Street, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem 91197, P.O. Box 19764 Tel: 02-6264536, 02-6283058 Contact person for Hebrew speakers: Muhammad Alian, 0522289864 Fax: 02-6274449 Email : info @ basma - center.org Website: http :// www.basma - centre.org ESRA - Association of English Speakers

An association providing assistance to many families each year through education and welfare programs. The association operates various projects, including educational frameworks for children and youths, the majority of which are immigrants from the former USSR and Ethiopia, as well as native Israelis who are dealing with economic distress and difficult backgrounds, enrichment programs for children, projects offering assistance to the needy, a clubhouse for youths with special needs, computer centers, and more.

Contact details: Address: Herzliya 4613002, P.O. Box 3132 Tel: 09-9508371 Fax: 09-9543781 Email : officeherzeliya @ esra.org . il Website:www.esra . org.il

El Halev Association

El Halev Association specializes in improving the wellbeing and safety of women, youths, children and persons with special needs, through innovative programs to prevent violence, and teaching martial arts and self-protection.

Contact details: Address: 2 Poalei Tzedek st., Jerusalem Tel: 02-6781764 Fax: 02-6726404 Email: elhalev @ elhalev.org Website:www.elhalev . org Alshefaa and Alrahama Association

Alshefaa and Alrahama Association provides assistance to persons with special needs, as well as employment, leisure and enrichment activities, while promoting integration into community life. The association provides assistance to both Jews and Arabs.

Contact details: Address: Kfar Kara, 30075, P.O. Box 566 Tel: 052-4231995 Fax: 04-6353506 (telefax) Neemanim Association - Neemanim Association: Assistance for Persons with Special Needs (R.A.)

The organization’s objectives: Neemanim association is an organization of parents of persons with disabilities and special needs, focused on ensuring the provision of assistance, support, accompaniment, supervision and improvement of quality of life for their children, in situations where they are unable to function, or after they have passed away. The association operates through funds which are deposited in the name of the depositor on behalf of their family member with special needs, and are used in accordance with the depositor’s instructions, and in consideration of their financial interests. The depositor may

also be the person with special needs if they are capable of enlisting the association’s assistance independently.

Contact details: Tel: 052-8390556, 054-6315667 Email: hagith @013.net . il , lilibr @ netvision.net . il Website:www.neemanim . org.il Chimes Israel Association

Chimes Israel Association is a not-for-profit organization intended to act to improve the quality of life and full involvement in society of persons with special needs, by providing a variety of professional and multidisciplinary services at the highest level. Chimes believes that persons with special needs, just like any other person, have the right and the ability to lead a life of dignity and independence, while fulfilling their inherent personal potential. The association operates approx. 20 different rehabilitation programs for persons with special needs in the community, from birth to old age, for all types of disabilities, in the fields of treatment, employment, leisure and residence.

Contact details: Address: Administration of Chimes Israel, 13 Ha’Arad St., Tel Aviv, 69710 Tel: 03-6442427 Fax: 03-6474047 Email : chimes @ chimesisrael.org . il Website:www.chimesisrael . org.il Gvanim Association for the Development of Education, Community and the Environment

Gvanim Association is a partner in the development of innovative programs and models to promote social change in the community, and to empower the social periphery in Israel. Gvanim encourages each person to believe in themselves and to realize their abilities, with an emphasis on belonging and contributing to the community. Gvanim views the creation of collaborative inter-organizational and inter-sectoral relationships as significant for the achievement of its objective. Gvanim’s areas of operation focus on adults, youths and children with disabilities, toddlers, children and youths at risk, immigrant communities and task-focused communities.

Contact details: Address: 5 Hashaked st., Sderot 87013, P.O. Box 346 Tel: 08-6621333 Fax: 08-6892638 Email : info @ gvanim.co . il Website:www.gvanim . org.il Emotional Support - Beineinu

The Beinenu Association is intended for parents of children with special needs. The association facilitates connections between parents of children who have been diagnosed with disabilities or syndromes and more experienced parents who are dealing with the same problem. The association also provide assistance in the form of medical information, and the translation of such information into Hebrew, as needed.

Contact details: Email: deena @ beineinu.org Website:www.beineinu . org