IN THIS ISSUE ... GENERAL NEWS U $. J""Uc Dopt l!alls Prop 101 7 JACL bowling records un nstltuttonll tn brlf't 10 Su· l'~n\. Court. " Awali SubH.. -rslv(' Acth'tuu rf'Pfirt :<>t"ON:' Soka· ,"ltkAt .. ' '. ," \ " NATIONAL-JACL S ~\!~n ~rdlt bl"Ok~n broken at Los Angeles tn Narl J ACl,. bowllna, tournam('n' n· t'l\H't~d Ilt Lo.~ A nA('h~~: JACL BY TOSII KINJO Then Ln the men's dOUbles, In most quarters, J "wela by ITIZEN deol~.*t(':<. M,",bm~'p nRmexi (or CltAfhlR (/I PC Extluslve) R pair 01 portslders. Riklmaro C,ilorge. a soUd pre-ix>Urney Publica lion: Jap,n", Amorlc.n CIII,."s ...... us W,lltr SL. Los Al19ol .., CI 90012 (213) MA 6-4471 HO\ll'l' ('on(~r('l\C'(' • • •••••• •• •. \ and Shig Nakaglrl, were the favorite. aslly won wllh " Publlsh.d W.. kl, empl List W"k of lho YOI( - ~ CIw '011l9' "Id It LO! Anvoles, Cillf, .. CHAPTER-JACL LOS ANGELES-EarlY Satur· winners. And in Ihe Iinal day 2870, topping the old mark of Phtladrlph(tII heoT's Oman Ml't'n: lIay a!t~rnoon, WUll Ille con· of competition. rolling carll' In 2843. sot by the Holiday Bowl Chlc.,O to promot~!:htp at th~e l~tuffs: Hollywood cluslon 01 the singles event. tile morning, Mas Kinoshita. team of '1964. Vol. 64 No. 11 FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1967 New Telephone: MA 6-6936 TEN CENTS pro,rAm ofter'S sOn'lethtn. for former USC southpaw pitcher, When the Nationals were e\ltfY membt'f •• ".. •. " ... 1 the 21st annual National JACL Nisei bowling lournament pas· cl,"cked the Single.s record held In Sacramento In 1964. ... COLUMNISTS sed into history. with a siztling 738. despite Ibe record book was complete· Enomoto: Tribute. blowing two spares In Ihe ly rewritten. The bowlers M. MRsJ\oka' Military Ornft. And it turned Ollt to be third game. The old mark of came back saying •• 'Those rec• Hosokawa: Trinh. or Columnist. pret~· much a home town J Masaoko: 8th CcnL Talsho. 715 was set by veteran Fuz7,y ords will probably stand lor· KwnamotQ : Generation Cnp. production as Los Angelcs keg· Shtmada 01 Sanla Clara. ever." And yet. just barely Gtm": MarijuRna·LSD. lers scorched the HoUday Bowl Kinoshita had lakcn quite a three years later, six oC those Shlm8moto: Bula Kakunl lanes with some impressive Justice Dept. supports Sntoda: JACL Tr('O!,;UfY. ribbing following his dis· 4Iimpossibles" are wiped out. ~:n!?:t~s : A~!~~lJl~~~:O~~~id scores. appointing 517 performance in The ole s aying. "records are Perhaps, Ole most outstand• tile team event. Even aIler made to be broken" still ing indi.vidual performance oj winning the singles title. his stands true. 11le week long tournament wa~ teammates wcre still giving PERSPEC~ turned in by Amy Hayaslti. We imagine the tourney went him the needle, "just an in. oU as smoothly as it Is possl· No on Calif. Proposition 14 two records en· dividualist." l'oule to winlling thrco tiUes . ble. The only time the tourney .... Number of events went right went 0[( schedule was Wednes· (Special to the P acific Citizen) filed Mar. 10 with the United overwhelmingly approved by The constitutional amend• Jerry ~ Her effort in the singles. 732 down to the wire. J udy Sakala day durin& the sweepers. And WASHINGTON - The Justice States Su preme Court, Solici· California's voters in the 1961 ment did not mention race but series, topping the mark 01 doubled in the tenth frame of tllat was [or only half an hour. Department last week sup• lor General Thurgood Mar· general election. I t was intend• provided simply that the state • Enomoto rI5 614. set by Nobu Asami 01 the last game to slave oC! ported the California Supreme shall asked the justices to ed to repeal the Rumford Fair could not abridge the rlgbt 01 Richmond in 1964. was a crowd Boards Tip Top Nal'l Prtsldenl fI) Heidi lnouye to wi n the four Courl's hisloric r uling that the arCirm the stale court's deci· Hou sing Act of 1963. a leglsla· a person to sell or rent hi. pleaser. After a 191 first game. game sweeper. And Gary Ya· The lanes were in excellent .tate·s lair housing law could sion. tive act that made it illegal property "to such persons as TRIBUTE Amy really poured it on and mauchi had to overcome Har• scoring condition. Even in the not be repcaled by a vote of At issue is the consli~ution. to discriminate on racial he, in his absolute Q1scretion, the spectators roared with ley Krusumolo's final game of late squads. the alleys were the people. ality of Prop. 14. Ille constitu· grounds in the sale and rental chooses." Last week's PC carries t.he every strikc. And she threw 279 to nail down the men's holding fairly well. Harry In a !ricnd-of-the-court brief tional amendment that was of housinJ!. On May 10. 1966. Ille Cali· rust report of a "New. Old a lot of them. Sl1e bad two six game event. Gary respond· Os hiro, manager of Holiday. forDia Supreme Court declared Experience". from the pen 01 slrings of eight sirikes over ed witb a solid strike in the blood· shot eyes and all. and Prop. 14 void under the 14th our legal counsel, Bill Maru· the final two games. tenth to put it away. his entire crew should be com• Amendment to the United Then in the women's dou· Slates Constitution. whicb says tani. now in the "wilds" of Record e Ulel'S mended. bles. the winners. Amy and In some respect. the tourney lhat states cannot deny per• IVlississippi and Loui iana. This happened late Friday Palltine. had to sweat out the did not go according 10 script, sons the equal protection 01 night. and when she re• This is the secotld year that tenth frames of Rose Yama· especially in the women's di• the laws. \. appeared on scene the follow· Bill is giving a little more saki and l\lice Fong landem. vision. After the big name The court's theory was that ing day, she was still in a than most, by donating his Alice needed a nother strike In I.he initiative procedure under fog. Happily. ~he said, "Pinc~l t\le final frame to win, but (Continued on P age 3) which the popular vote was talents to the Lawyers Con· me, I'm still numb." she stuck a solid seven pin. taken amounted to discrimina• stitutional Defense Committee 1., winning the All Events tory action by the state. Such Two Which Got Away San Franciscans to for three weeks. Because of with a total of 1844. Mrs. Ha· discriminatory "state action" this, a few more Negro Amer· yashi erased the mark of 1821 The tities that got away from greet Rep. Patsy Mink Is considered a violation 01 tho set by MuLs Lym in 1964. She Los Angeles were in the men's 14th amendment. although ra• leans will at least get their also paired with Pauline Louie team event and all events. SAN F RANCISCO - Under co• cial discrimination by individ• d ay in courL te cop the doubles titie and Craig's Automotive Parts oul sponsorship of lbe Nisei Voters uals is not. It is no overstatement, or proved to be a popular and of Honolulu won the team title League and the local J ACL. The California court's rea.. over dramatization. to say t1ut gracious winner. with a 3004. and George Hi· Rep. Patsy T. Mink will be soning has been attacked in Bill risks his neck in places It was a tournament for rabayashi of Sacramento took honored at a dinner next Fri• some quarters as seU-deleat• like Jackson, Miss. and Boga· lefties. 100. It all started with the all events crown with a day. Mar. 24. 6:15 p.m .• at ing. Observers bave pointed lusa, La. People have been Tak Riklmaru winning the record breaking 1980. This Sa bell a's on Fisherman'. out that if the Supreme Court killed in such places. The Ragtime Doubles with Ken eclipsed the old standard of Wharf. upbolds the ruling. this might question of why he chooses to Matsuda of Denver. incidental· 1938, beld by Taro Mlyasalo Table reservations from all discourage state legislature. so involve llimsell, when be Iy. Matsuda's 110 series in tile of Hawaii. parts of Northern California from enacting fair housing could be with Ilis family and ragtime was tbe highest series The sixth record that went indicate a wide representation laws, since it would appear to tending to a successful law during the week of the tour· off the boards was the wom· of Nisei will attend. according be unconstitutional to repeal practice, only Bill can answer. nament. en's team event. As expected to Fred Abe. co-chairman. them later. Very few of us have talents Arguments Scheduled that can be practically uti· lized in this way. nor will we In the brief filed last week, ever get to the Deep South. JAL fellowship applications due Marshall attempted to avoid Our individual inclinations will LATEST FROM DETROIT - Midwest Kiyoko Bali, William Ikeda, Mary Kami· this snare by stressing tho decid1! what eac', of us will do peouliarities of Prop. 14. District Governor Hiro Mayeda of Chi• doi; standing - George Kubo, Tom He pointed out that Prop. 14 .in the area of civil (or humao cago installed lhe 1967 Detroil JACL Tagami, Dr. Dan Anbe, William Otsuki, if you wi ~ fl ) rights. April 7, reading list suggested went beyond a simple repeal board of governors. They are (from Clarence Nitta and Ken Takemoto. of the fair housing law. and The wrongs in our Democ~ SAN FRANCISCO - Recom· economics. law. engineering, Art; F . G. Gutierrez. prot .• his• left): sealed - Arthur Morey, pres.; asserted an affirmative right racy are not limited to the mendations that appJicants for foreign languages, foreign af· tory of art. Sophia. to discriminate. Deep South. Whether our servo Pol Sc: 161 - Comparative Go v~ Chiyo Togasaki, Stanley Nitta, Mrs. -Tom Hashimoto Photo. the J ACWapan Air Lines fairs and tlleology. ~rnment Far East':"" Dr. George O. Also. he noted tha t the en• ice is dr..ama tic and useful, summer fellowship read stand· Close to 1.000 students. Totten, asso. prof., political 5cI~ actment of a constitutional Jike Bill's, or undramatic bul cnce. Vnlv. ot Southern Californ• ard reference books and attend teachers, writers and other amendment "insulates" indi• useful, like service on a bu· ' Japanese films. plays or pre• proCessionals ha ve deepened ..Japanese 1 U - Japan ese Un· Hawaii state West Coast, Intermountain Jr. JACLers viduals' right to discriminate man relations council. is un• ..entatioDS that embody the gulslics: study of Japtlnes.e speech important. What IS 'important their understanding of Japan Including the units, nature. struc• from the normal legislativo problems. emotions of the their understanding of Japan ture and modUlcatlon; Dr. Aklra processes, since the Legisla• is. how we feel about involve-• value of tile country were and East Asia at its ""mmer Komai, asst. prot.. lingulsttc •• ture could not enact anolher ment in some way, on some Princeton University. report scores named delegates 10 Clearing House stronglY urged by Akiji Yoshi· fair lIousing law. level, somewhere. sessions. Soc t99-Contemporary Japan mura. national chairman of The Sophia University is not II; Exploration of J apan's educa ~ SACRAMENTO - Roger NI• Chairman of the Budget and The Supreme Court will hear 1 personally pay my respects the fellowship committee. encouraging the eyeless-butter. tion system. its theatre, calli• Sokagakkai sect kaido. Russell Obana. and Finance Committee. arguments on the appeal duro to Bill. a most deserving re• graphy. wood-block printing; Each J ACL district council fly type of tourist to apply, Federico Lanzaco. dept. of edu• Brian Morishita have been Enomoto explained that Ni· ing tbe week of Mar. 20 and cipient of the Dr. Randol!>,. repre~ent is accepting applications from but rather those whose traioej cation, Sophia. HONOLULU - In iLs reporl designated to represent the kaido will the Na· will decide the case later in Sakada Memorial Award as HJst 187-Contemporary China JACL members (at least 21 eyes can link ttle fruits of Relations of mainland China to to the Stalpher Rand, author of cern In Seatue, died Mar. 8. York School of Business Ad· 32, In thelr Toronto apartmenl Original crtaUons In Jade. Peltls, draft system for qualified cifuens are of more than des, programs and priorities. ministration "here he earned June 29 was Iree on baU atter "The Ultimate City", which H. came to the U.S. about 60 Coral, Amber, Diamonds, Sapphires, 1n the absence 01 tbe chair• his MBA In management, and a preliminary hearing lasl sketclles the city of Lo. An• years ago, working In lumber Emfralds and Rubles. Crtdlt C.rds passing interest. . man, Matsunaga would pre- geles, Its politics, cultur. and mUls, tt.h canneries, cooklng Honored . Fre! Validated Parking. In a special message to Congress, President John· side. a longtime JACL 1000 Clubber. week. Magistrate Fred C. Edword T, II10rioka (a PC Hayes sold there was not occupatioll3 and appeared In tor raUroad gangs and tin\Jty son who IS also the Commander-in-Chief under the Frank Olra,wa launched ht. the magazine recently, will a plumber. In 1925 he opened CENTURY CITY Co~titlltion, ove~haul ~he dlreclx>ry advertiserl ot the enough evldence to pul the atr· 95 C.. tury Squ.,. Pavilion almounced a complete of campaign for re-election to his San Jose Realty Board was cratl worker on trial lor non· have Oxford UnlveTSity Press hi. own sbop, changed later Selective Service System that has been m operati0!1 seat in the Oakland City Coun• publish It in book form AprU to • hardware store and then Call 277-1144 appointed to a statewide com· capital murder. Medical testi· 10250 Santa Monl", Blvd" l .A. wor", important Buddhist texts In ment at Central Washingtoo College to win Ibe title in the "who is to serVe \vhen not all are called to serve." the Los Angeles City Council (22 years in a food service U.S. libraries and at various in a resolution of commenda• establishment). participation churches, according to the 130 lb. class. He was named Ob'l'iouslv, no formula that puts on 19--vear·olds, th~ Harry Mizuno Again Leads tion introduced by Councilmao in civic activities and con• Rev. h1Djun Boris Erwltt o( co-winner of "athlete ot who are young men considered too youthful to vote, week" award by the Inland Tom Bradley. J eHrey Ma tsui tributions to his feUow em· New York, director ot the the primarY responsibility for fillinll needed armed represented the PC in accept• ployees and improvements in Buddhist Fellowsbip in New Emptre Sports Writers and forces requirements is l!oinl! to be satisfactory to all. ing the brillianUy.{,ued scroli customer service. His son, York CI~, who has been com• Broadcasters. Mark Is the son New England Life Agency But we feel that reversilJl! the order of induction from . " Frank Morl(,;ugu, past Spencer, is an Army deotist missioned to gather the Intor· ot Dr. and !lin. Mark Kondo its present "26·vears and down" method, to start at editor of the New Canadian, at Ft. Bliss and daughter matlon. ot Spokane. Two Japanese were named the bottom of the age scale instead of the top, makes was appointed Expo editor for Irene is a missionary teacher the Montreal Star ... Kashu I tor the Methodist Church ) in to the run in the Boston m ara• some sense. Mainiclli Eng lis h editor Books thon April 19: Shun Inouye, For draft elillibles, the answer one wav or an· Hokkaido teacbing English at Elder stalesman Shlgeru Yo• George y""hlnaga, who has a girls school. 24, Kokushikan University stu• other will come sooner and, therefore, b e less dis· visited Japan 00 several ocea. shida of Japan is author 01 dent, and Yutaka Aokl, 22'1 The Associated Sportsmen of the 20,OOO-word Ieature on Ja· l'Uotive of careers antilon"·r'lnl!e olannin/!. Also, much sions, is in Europe this week CaliIornia district council In office worker. Japan won last of the oroblem rai~ed hv d"ferm"nfs for married men for his first time. r' was ~10nored pan's Decisive Century pub. year ",ben Kenji Kirlbara San Francisco Geor,e lis hed in the 1967 Britannica and those with d"nendpnts will bE' avoidpd. From among passengers aboard Ja• Iwao of the S.F. Nisei Fishing crossed Ihe tape at 2:17.11. Book ot the Year. Japan's reo corresPOnden~~ to this office. we understand that one pan ru,- Line's inaugural flighl Club as the Sportsman o( the !lforlo Shlgematsu at Japan of the real difficulties with the current orocedures is from San Francisco to London Year, former NFC president .. . Rene-George. )hagakl, 39, and ASC member .. The Ja• the uncertainty that is forcpd not onlv uoon the oro· Tokyo-based AP newsman, ANNOUNCEMENT soecfive draftpes ~nd fheir families but also upon pro· panese Ministry of Educa tion died of heart attack Mar. 2 IMombusbo ) selected Jane It gives me great pleasure to announce my association spective employers, ptc. at a Tokyo hospital. Son of • Williams, :?3, USC gr~duaf e with Schwabacher & Co., one ot the oldest major !1n• Our leading producer for the third successive • • • League ot Nations diplomat swdent from Phoenix, Ariz., ancial institutions in the West offering complete serv• The President's so·called lottery system for se· and born in Paris, he joined as one of five American scbol· ices in all types of securities lor lnvestors. My as• year, Mr. Mizuno has qualified for his Com• lecting draftees has aroused the most feeling and con· the AP in Tokyo after work• arshlp winners. She was rec· sociates Don Murashlge and Mrs. Yoshiko Rosoi Sa• pany's Hall of Fame for the second consecutive ing for Ille N.Y. Herald Tri• ommended by tile ConSUlate kurai, secretary, await to serve you. ' year, having placed over a million dollars of troversy. While there are many reasons to commend bune. Chicago Daily News and it as probably the most fair and equitable system, there General 01 Japan at Los An· Your continued confidence in my business methods ..ed life insurance with the Company during 1965 the Mainichi Daily News. services is especially appreciated. are those who charye that it substitutes "chance" for geles. Sbe leaves in the laU and 1%6. He has also received the National Henry l\loritsugu, 33, former for a 11k-year study on a Quality Award signaling the excellence of his the present "choice" procedures. editor of the New Canadian, grant worth some S15,ooo. Y. CLIFFORD TANAKA service to his clients. Under Selective Service, it is contended that the has joined the copy desk staft qualifications of the individual are taken into con· of the Newday on Long lsland N.Y. He was working as copy Flowers-Garden Schwabac.her & Co, HARVEY C. YUDELL, sideration, as well as the national interest involved in Member of New York Stock Exchange editor at tbe Philadelphia En• A chrysanthemum e,roiblt by General Agent his future. Looking beyond the draft, in 20 or 30 years, Charles l\fiyazakl of Babylon, 523 W, 6th St., Los Angeles, Calif, 90014 quirer and at the Montreal 79 W, Monroe St., Chicago, III . there will he questions of whether we adequately train· Star. N. Y., won the President's Tro• MA 4·0731 CR 5-4747 ed social, economic, and physical scientists in this era phy in the New York Florists' when mankind seems to be moving into tI new and Government Club show. It was his tbird greater epoch, in which nuclear power may be a prime consecutive victory . " The A'Ildio-visual aid illustralor Vesper Boa' Club of P\liladel• factor and the limits of space the perimeters of society. at UC Berkeley dept. of psy. phla, which trains each spring While student deferments in too many cases un· chology, Hannah 111. Omi, 24, on the Schuykil1 River, pre• der the present method have turned into outright was appointed asst. police. sented 300 dogwood and Yo• exemptions, we wonder whether all except those train· woman by Berkeley Police .blno cherry saplings to the ing to be doctors, dentists, and ministers should auto· Chie! William BeaU Mar. 3. Tokyo Youth Sports Center in She is the daughter of the WAYS gratetul commemoration 01 want to matically be made eligible for the military draft with• Rev. and Mrs. Frank M. Omi out reP:3rd to their caDabilities, talents, and ambitions. of Ille Berkeley Free Methodist !.he 1964 Olympic Games row• TO EARN At the same time, we recognize the effective Church. ing triumphs by the club. The increase your SAVINGS? Yoshino cherry trees were ori- 2 documentation of the National Advisory Commission Atty. James A. Nakano, 33, on Selective Service that the current system discrimin· was apPOinted State lield dep• MORE INTEREST ~-:-:slting Knott's Be;ry Far~1 ates grossly al!ainst the poor and the disadvantaged, uty by his lormer law partner and Disneyland ••• Stay at I particularly the Nellroes, and that most alternatives and now CaUl. Lt. Gov. Rob. AT SUMITOMO- would aggravate, not cure, the existing unfairness. ert Fincb. The Island-bol'O barrjster js now associated We would oppose any suggestion for compulsory Crescent Motel with the law firm 01 Morl and 1. BY TRANSFERRING YOUR universal military service, since in a "limited war" 8539 Hwy. 3~, Katayama and is an active Buena Park SAVINGS BY THE 10th OF situation such as we are now en~aged in such arbitary East Los Angeles JACLer. The use of all "voung" manpower is not needed. Besides, appointment draws no salary. Tel. 828-3466, 828-3483 THE MONTH VOU EARN it is much too costly and wasteful to maintain such A move to abolish Ule Lo. Pool - Air Condition - FM & TV INTEREST FROM THE 1st. Angeles Ci ty human relations Member: Superior Motels, Inc, an establishment when so few are actually needed. ON REGULAR SAVINGS_ On the other hand, bel!uilinl! as is the notion of now is the time. offering younysters the ol)tion of national service in 2. TIME DEPOSITS ON gO-DAY areas remot!! from battlefields and valuable as such Your savIngs are now Insured up to $15,000 -yet OR MORE MATURITIES ~ervice can be, the Commission seems to be right in earn premium Interest of 5% with a Bank of believing that no fair way exists for equating it with For Finest NOW EARN A BIG 5% PER Tokyo &livings Certificate. militarY dutv in a shooting war. ANNUM. $1,000 MINIMUM, MAKE YOUR MONEY GROW AT los Angeles Japanese Casualty Insurance Assn. Japanese Food The Sumitomo Bank • OF CALIFORNIA THE BANK OF TOKYO OF CALIFORNIA -Compl!t& 1nsurance Protection- SOLD AT ALL GROCERY STORES ••• AIHARA INS. ACY. Alhl.. -Omlhu-Kaklta, 114 S. San Pedro .... 628.9041 San Francisco Main Office. 64 Sutter Street. YU 1·1200 Head Office •• •• 365 California SL, San FrancIsco, T,1. 981-3365 J.pon Center eranch • Buchanan & Sutter Sis.• A 6-7600 ANSON FUJIOKA AGY., 321 E. 2nd, Suite 500 •... 626-4393, 263-110, Am.ricln Nationll Merc.ntile Co. Sacramento ., •. •••. 1331 Broadway. Sicramenlo, Tel. 433-5761 FUNAKOSHI INS. ACY. Funakoshl-Kagawa-Man4ka-Morey San J_ Branch' 1336 N. First Street· Phone: 298-2441, 949 E. 2nd St., los Ang.I .. 12 - MA 4-0716 San Jose ...... 515 Norlh First St., Sin Jose, Tel. 298-6116 Fresno Branch • 1458 Kern Street • Phone: 233'()S91 218 S. San Pedro, ...... 626-5275, 462-7406 Oakland ...... 400 Twentieth St., Oakland, Tel. 835-2400 HIROHATA INS. ACY. 354 E. 1st ...... 628-1215, 287.8605 III1111111111Ullllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll_~===~ Los AnI"Ifl Main Office· 120 S. San Pedro Sl • MA 8-2381 los Ang.les ••••. ..• 129 Well., St., Los Ang.les, TIl. 624-4911 Crenshaw Branch • 3501 W. Jellerson Blvd • • RE 1·7334 INOUYE INS. AGY. 15029 Sylvanwood An., Norwalk ...... 864-5774 CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC. Crenshaw ...... 3810 Crenshaw Blvd., los Angel .., Tel. 295-4321 Gardena Branch· 16401 So. Western Avenue' FA 1-0902 TOM T, ITO 669 Del Monte, ...... 794-7189, 681.4411 Gardena •• 1251 W. Rodondo Stach Blvd., Gardm., Tel. 327-8811 ·Santa Ana Branch • 501 North Main Street • KI 1·2271 ..IHORU 'HIX' HACATA 1497 Rock Hmn, Monterey Park ...... 268. 4554 Bonded Commission Merchants-Fruits & Vegetables = Anah.lm • •.• 2951 W. Ball Rd., Anaheim, 92804, TIl. 826.1740 WesI8m 1.01 ""'01.. Branch· 4032 Cent/nela • EX 1-()678 STEVE NAKAJI 4566 CmUneia Ave., ...... 391-5931, 831-9150 77. S. Centrol Ave. L.A.-Wholesale Terminal Markel lE ~IA ~ MEM8ER FEOERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION !oI_. ., -l •• ' ... j " , IATO INS. ACY. 366 E. lst SL ...... 629-1425, 261.651S MA 2-8595, MA 7-7038, 3-4S04 ___.....J . ~1II111111111l11l11111111111111lllUlllIUIlIlIlIUIIIIIlIIIlIlIIIIIlIIIUIIIIIIIIII1lIIIIIlllIIllIIIIIUllIlUIIIIUllnw..~ I _____..,.... ______J .. M.a'. Doubt" Lon, Beaoh, Il0l: Baye Topml. PACIPIC CITIZ.~ Shl, N.ka,t,l. L.A. San Jo_. HI: Pal KlyolUc.hl. Friday, Mar. 17. 1967 IBS 11\ 191 Suttle, .'8. By Bill Hosokowo JACl Tournament Records Tak JUklmaru Men', IIn,le. Men'l AU Byenu John Suzuki. GlrJ!~.20& 237-1311 MI' KJno,htta. L.A Cieo. Hltabaya,hl, Sacramento Judy Lee. L.A. MEN'S DIVISION 247 2'70 IIZ-738 121 174 tl78-IUI) 2.l4 112 170 IIOG5tlUI-IUI nl" - H• .,all P.... nnlal Sta" n 96~). . . , , • 3.262 Ty Xljtmoto Ken NamlmatlU. San JOle Mal Ono. San JOll MI.,y Kobayashi. Seattle 1,418 239 24B 214-608 651 see 671-1811 1112 MIlA-nil g~~~:~' ~!~ ~~~~hl:/ L~:1n~:r.:uf~~6~~a. ~~ 9~~~.: 233 233 1_1278 Moon Kataoka. L.A Fill H ••ebe. HawaU Fro_th. ::: .. 738 Mils Oka.r:akt. L,A Htldl Inouyt. L.A .• I7BI: .we. G'OI~' 1,980 207 237 245-e89 B9Z 123 569-1814 AII-E'''u - HlrAbaya.hl S.,'to () 967) .....•... 189 258 ~4 Mickey Rowe. LA Mac SUlano. L,A.. 1879; John ron•. L.A., 1710: Chltko V,", .... Veteran AII·Evenu - Ken Vee. S,,'to ()964) ...... 1,877 Yelkl O.hlro 206 204 263-013 SUl.ukl. Santa Barbara, 1884: Ma, P"rancJlOO. 1742; Chtz VamalAw•• 3,267 203 200 10&-1276 L.A.. 1731; Judy Sakata. L.A., ~V_~~:I-~~~~~~lfiJ-NJn~~,' M~:Jrt~i9~~f'~1 ()964) ...... Maa Ono, San Jon Kinoshita. L.A .. 1861; Hit Ohua, Frying Pan 1,417 Shalo Hlr"ltumJ·Hlro KaY8Iu,o, 23& 214 212-fl71 Santa ,.. Sprin,l. 1860; Rick 1721: Amy Konl.hl. Denver. lUI: Ragtime Dbl.-Alhley +lung-Alfred Pap .., HawaII () 964) .. 1,503 Gardena. 1254: Col Uyeda-John Fife Ho,ebe. HnwaU, (l69, Yo Tong. San Franclleo. 1800 ; Ken SUml O,lta. Mountain View, ll1l: High Gam. - Gary Va ..auchl, Gd. () 964) ...... 288 Kuhn. Lon, B~ach, 12&2: Jim FukunagA. Gardena. 667; Hit Nobu Ataml, San Francisco. nOl: High Series - Gary Vam.uchl. Gda ()9641 ...... 787 Abe··Mae Sultano. L.A., 1244; Sam Ohara, L.A.. 882: John Suzuki. ~~ts~~'nct:c;: 11::;: N~~li~ .fu~~y Susan Tawara. Denver, 1702. down Sato·Don Aokl, L.A., 1243: Rick Sante Barbaro. 650: Sam Soto modo. Santa Clara. 1846; Ken to 17th place at 1812. Denver, Colo. WOMEN'S DIVISION 'ronA-Tats NR,a.e, Sin Franoiaco. ~h1;~ 6:Jio~:;a:~i.l'~~:. ~4t· ~i'~ Namlmatsu. S.n Jos~. 1848; Rvo SPECIAL TROPHIES TRI~LS ~ Team - Jewels. by Geolge, Los. Angt'les (1967) • _ •• _••• 2,870 1241; To.h Hnmamoto~Art NishI. lIno. L.A .• 1&-14; Vlr,lI Vee. Sac• Veteran, All·!:vents - (Mea'.) OF COLUMNIST-One day some years San rrancfsco, J:!33: Anllel Ka• T.uohlyam,. L.A., 6011; Don Aokl. ramento, 1842: Don Aokl. L. Mlro Kaya.u,a 1.880: (Women'.) fr~end Doubles - Muts Lym-Edl. Fullok. San FrAncisco () 964) .. 1.258 G~orRe ago a admitted, aIter he had been put under 732 Iteyama-Gaorlle Hlrabal'aahl, Sac• L.A .. 641; TsuH. L.A .• 630; A .. 1841: Tok 18hlzawR. L.A .• 1831; Alice Fon. 1.7&0: Ove.rall Event.• subst~nhal lil~gJ;:n~ ~mlm~'~~';~;hto~o~n~~I:;I.~lrN~7) ...... '.' :::: 1,844 ramento, 1233; Hank Nar8lakl• Kin Mune, Santa CIArR. 834; Fuz• George TSuJI. LA, 1835; Moon (Men'l; 15 ,amell Mac Su,ano pressure. that yes, he read this column, but Sandy Kayo. Berkelev. 12Jl; z'}' ShlmadR. Sant" Clara 632. Tnk KaLaoka. L.A .. 1831: Gary Vama• 3,155: 'Women',: 13 lames) JudJt o~ly . Veteran All· Events - Milts LYnI , San Francisco (1964) .••• 1,827 Rlklmaru. L.A .. 6:U: SlAn Nishi• uchl. Santa Fe Sprlnill. 1828; Yo Lee 2,581. if he had nothing better with which to occupy Over.II-Events 1l3gl-Judy Sak'ta, Los Angeles () 964) .. 2,628 ~~~~Ia~lk. ';::~:k?rC~lkL~~~ed~_~~~ moto. L.A .• R:l,. Pap Mlya. Snit Fukuna.a, Gardena. 1822; T.1k Tournament HI. h, - Men'. hIs time. He then offered the opinion, unsolicited, that 4-Gm Singles - Alice Fonl. Los Ang.les () 964) .. , . 885 Ylnlil. Den\'er, 1224 Lake. 623. Tok I,hh:Rwa, L.A. Rlkimaru, Redondo Beach. 1820; wnting a column must be a pretty soft way to make MI.ed Obi. - Judy L,,-Gary Vamauchl , L.A. 11967) .. .. 1.350 Squad Winners 819. Art Nishi. Snn Franc:l5Co. 617: down to 36th place at 1783 Serle.' MI.I Kinoshita '138. Men', HIGh Gam. - Dorothy Andrad •• HawaII ()9601 ...... 269 Tom Uchida, L.A., 616: Joe Mal• Women'. A.II Ennts Game: MIlS Kinoshita 278- Wo• a few bucks. Squad No. I-Ken M. Talawa• sunaml. Sacramento, 613. men', Series; Amy Hay.. '131 High Series - Amy Ilayashi. los Angeles ()9671 269 Gene M Taga.wll. Denver, 1230: Amy Hayashi, L.A h. Squad Winners (new record l, Women', Game: In a pig's eye, friend. Writing is work, almost as John TAnaka-Ted Shlr.)mlzu. Sun• 545 567 73Z-ISl4 Amy Hayashi 2$8. nyvale, 1184. Squad No, I-Richard MIJhlma. exhausting as shoveling dirt. But what's even harder Squad No.2-Norman Na,ata• ChlcaRo, 636; Sam Okada. Den• is coming up with an idea to write about, an idea with Leonard NI.hlkaw8. Sacramento. ver. 634: Hide Kashttanl. L.A., 614. some kind of Nisei angle which this column is all JACL Bowling Score 1222: Mas Yo,hlda .. Frank Kaml• Bob Mntsumoto. L.A .. 603. HOME OF THE NISEI BOWLERS mUra, Loa AnRele•. 1200. Squad No.2-Ute Harada. Og• about. Squad No. 3-George Kawano• den. 644: Henry Kataumata. Long l\1en's 8-0R-me Sweepers Sanford Kaneshiro Bob Mayeda, Denver. 1243; Roger Beach, 641: Henry r. Sugiyama, Take today. for example. There's a deadline just 173184_1 HOl'amoto-Mu Shinn. 5 a n Joso. Sacram~nlo. 624: Geor.e Nomura, HOLIDAY BOWL Gary ~~n;~C~J4 ~: ~J'\!~ 1 361 Ken lshikl 1231. Berkeley. 613. around the corner. and no Nisei angle idea anywhere. Squad No. 4-Lloyd Kaneshlro- 3730 CRENSHAW BLVD., L.A. 1S ~o Harley Kusumoto. Los AnRelet' 200 209 210-619 Squad No. 3 - Norm Inouye. you sit at the typewriter and stare at the frighten• 257 223 165 2~8 187 '79-13B9 Gene Silva ~~~~~:su~·~~ka;;~e: L~~7 . 2\24;~·h Whittier. 687: Kay Fujlshln, Sun• mgly large expanse of white space that must be cover• George Gee. San Franclsoo 21& 225 201-641 nyvale. 646; Bruce Fujikawa. Palo 258-246 214 186 201 216-1321 Mack Hamaluchl Real Ertlltte. Squad No. &-SAm l0 cbaired the arrange• stick. waler tricks, noise, Popovich. ' pkr. NC ..WNOYC : Monterey Jr. JACL fornia District Council calls Its categories. even lor the loser., Activity. ments. also announced a Jr. clown acts, bells and all kinds I\tMch 24 (Friday) hoatt-SprlnJ{ chops , 'Outh lor a conlerence at the J ACL group is beIng or· according to Richard Yamashl· Sin Francisco - Dinner MtJr, A. Long Beach·IJarbor - Oriental Reedley Study and Civic Club. of props including a six foot. roo chaIrman. SnbollA'. Reltaufant, 6:1' p .m.: Fnntasy Dnnce. HArbor Comm ganlzed. Wh loh goes to show two wheel antique bicycle, an Rep. Pntsy T. Mink, spkr.; Nf'fll Clr, 9 p .m. 'The Tulare County and Reed· Jr. JACL will grow In 1967. Votcrt L~ague co-ho.h. April 16 (Sun by) owned by clown members. PoUuok: 'The Shlns.1 Band Snn DI,.trn-Bd Mhr, JACL Office. Pincer CountY-Community pIe .. 10\' Jr. JACL units will also nlc. J ACL Recreation Park. w ~igh G~ERAL The tremendous Impact on will entertain at the Contra I\farrh 25 (Saturday) the problems 01 eom· MR. ATl'ORNEY Chicano - ERR hunt. MontTOle bining forees or keeping it sep• the Dayton community by the Costa JACL potluck dinner. Park by the Lake, 1 p.m. Russell Obana and Inter· Apr. 23. 5-9:30 p.m., bonorlng l\fl\reh arate as preseot. JACL Shindler Ciowns. and the 26 (ERlter Sunday) mountain distrJct youth coun· amount 01 pubUclty has over· Issei and new members, ac• Spokane-E.R hunt, Wnndermcre 'The affair. open to yout.l> cillor Brian Morishita will both cording to program chairman Park, ) "m. from 14 tbrough college age. whelmed alnpter members. MInch 26-17 Orient travel to Washlnglon. D.C., As a powerful tool for goodwlll Mike Hamaclli. at the Ell Cer· Monterey P,..nln.ula - Gakuen is drawing Jr. JACL leader· next week to attend the Na· ~Ito Community Center, 7001 movl~ benefit sbip Irom both Northern and In the communi\;),. Ille JACL l\fl\rch 211 (Tuelday) tional Civil Llbertles Clearing Shindler Clowns who have en· Moeser Lane. Seattle-Human }t('tl.tlons Comm. Southern CalUornia: Kay Na· House Conlerence Mar. 21·22. Chapter members are pre• Mtg. J ack!'lon St. Communlly terlalned lbousands 01 area Center. B n.m. kagiri 01 Burbank. national paring the Oriental dinner, be· youth commissioner; Frank Featured speaker at Ille ban· youngsters during the past Marth, 31 (FrldIlV) quet will be Ramsey Clark. year. have filled a vast need Jng coordinated by Henry Yo• Wut Lo!t An,clc!I - Jr JACL Oda. NC·WNDC youth commis· Mtg. Sloner Park. 7 :30 p.m.: newly appointed Attorney Gen· shisato and Merlko Maida. .ioner: DYC chairmen Glenn in the area 01 public relations Joe Cranl Mnlnok •• IPkr. eral 01 the United States. and service. Added leature will be the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 fares. Asakawa 01 San Diego and dlspJay 01 reproduction. 01 the Shirley Matsumura of San JACL bas been represented at these annual conlerences 10 Japanese national art treas· 1967 Officers Jose. '''~_.''''_.'.'. ' 'M ~ ~' . ".~.'''''-'~''''' ~>- ...!) .,...... ,,\ the past, but this marks the ures. through courtesy 01 Dlok UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~ _o!"'_ ...... Russell Obaoa. Jr. JACL na· first time that the Jr. JACL Yamasblta, San Francisco JA· RENO JACL f tional cbairman. will address Okamoto takes Mrs. Frank ChUc:aml, pres.; Mrt. There~s no mystery to our new, low, will be represented by dele• CLer. George Oshima, V.p.; Mrs. Tom the banquet. CCDC youth com· gates west 01 the Mississippi Okl, treat.: Mrs. WUltam Spahr. Direelory: Contra Costa JA· missioner Harry Kaku and dis· and funded from its own treas· lee.; Mrs. Fred Aoyama. del. Orient fares. These special round-trip up Phila. helm CL. having concluded its 1967 trict youlb councillor Misako ury. SPOKANE JACL Hasebe are co-<:hairing the membership drive, will soon Jet Economy fares save you SI88 We know Rus. and Brian PHILADELPHIA-Howard K. Sam Nakarawa, prea.; Jamea conference. Okamoto 01 Dre,ller. Pa .• was publish Its cl1apter directory. M. Watanabe. MD , 1st v.p.: Roy when you take one of our pre-planned will get the VIP treatment Don Ma tsubara and N owt Lev· H. Soejlma. 2nd v.p.: Dennis T. S<-'BOLAR HUNT there and will learn much installed as the 1967 chairman Yasuhara. 3rd V.p.; Harry Y. eskis are editing the book. Honda, treas.; Mldorl Yamasaki. Pan Am i> Holiday tours. And the from the conference. We fur· 01 the Philadelphia JACL Annooncements about the board in a traditional cere• According to Joe Oishi and ttler rely upon them to report Nellie Sa k a I. membership tour's below are only a handful of the 1967 JACL national scholar· their impressions In depth. mony which highllg\lted the roip program are going to be dinner held at Sheraton·Penn chairmen. the latest count is tours we have all over the Orient• made next week. But as pre• ART EXHIBIT- Pike Motor Inn on Saturday. 422. view, two deadlines should QUEEN CONTEST Mar. 11. Soholarshlp: Sumio Yoshii and every one has a new, low price be tagged on the calendar: Administering the oath to and Sam Kitabayasbi are co• May I;;...nominations Irom the 'The PSWDC·DYC are look· the new cabinet was Jack tag. So if you don't see the Orient ing for entries for the district chairing Contra Costa J ACL's dlaprers: and June l;;...oom· Ozawa 01 New York. first 8th annual scholarship awards odyssey you like, just ask. And pleted applications and data convention art show the fiTst chapter chairman. weekend 01 May. Competition program this year. Som" 20 from candidates. As an electronics engineer, hJgh schOOls in the county are the Jttan to ask is your As in the past. applicants 1S open to all Japanese Amer· Okamoto joined Ille Philco• ica, high school students with· being contacted lor a list of Pan Am Travel Agent. Or must be sponsored by a JACL Ford Corp. lour years ago. J apanese American graduates. chapter. Awards are open to in the district. moving here with his family call us, You'll know you've persons of Japanese ancestry Competition is in three cate• by way of Palo Alto and Ann or recommeneled if not J apa· gories: oil painting. water col· Arbor. News Deadline Tuesday When in Elko • • • Stop at the Friendly chosen the very best nese. 'There are tv." types 01 or. mixed media (sculpture, A native 01 Salinas, CaUl .. nominees: applicants for un· ceramics, graphic arts, etc.) he Is tlle son of Mr. and COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION there is. And that's dergraduate scholarshlps and The DYC queen will also be Mrs. Sakujiro Moriyama 01 Designing • Installation • St()ckrnen~§ Maintenance: a good feeling to have. to: graduate study. selected and she will reigo Clearfield. Utah. CAFE • BAR· CASINO Kay Nakagiri is now investi· over the Nisei Relays and As his initial duly In ac· Sam J. Umemoto Wherever you go. gating the prospects of estab• other DYC events. The Nisei cepting the oUice. Okamoto Certificate Member of R.S.E.S. lishing a J ACL scholarship Relays committee has relin· praised the work of the out.• Member of JapM Assn. of Elko, Nevade going chairman. N. Ricbard Rdrlgeratlon. foundation and possibilities 01 qulshed its queen contest. Licensed Refrigeration Conlractor boosting the value of J ACL Horikawa. and presented him Venice-Culver JACL is host.• SAM REI·BOW CO. scholarship awards. (See PC ing the two-day event (May 5· with the president's pin. 1506 W. Vernon Ave. Los Angeles Mar. JO: By the Board-Henry 6) at the Airport Marina Ho· AX 5-5204 Kanegael. The nucleus com· tel. Manchester aod Lincoln ~~ mittee expects to present rec· Blvd. !H[ii ommendations in August when Philadelphia - district youth commissioners FINAL NOTES (Continued from Fron! Page) the new moon meet in San Jose. OOD Memberships continue to be 'The tradiUonal JACL Hymn Your Hort: wJnUt To", CALl\! BEAmY received and as 01 early was sung by Dr. Stanley Na· I singularly outstandhl\1 restaurant oH~'J~ the quMfSSNlt e ot t;iiniont5l (llnll'll March. there are 348 members gallashi. accompanied by b1s ls il 912 South San Ptdto Suut, l os Angell"$ •• PnoM MAdison 2 .. 1091 Jf you want to take in the in 10 Jr. JACL chapters. 'That·s "calm beauty of Japan". ap• daughter. Kalby. He also reno about 25 pct. 01 last year's uered "America. llle BeauU· ply for the JACWAL summer total . .. Ralliication 01 the fellowship. Applicants have un· ful" with Mrs. Charles Hira• National Jr. JACL Constitution kawa at the piano. Dine at Southern California's Most Exquisite Shan9rl~La Room til April 7 to submit forms has reached the 50 pet. mark. ."t to their respective district 'The benediction was pro• council. District Governon nounced by the Rev. WillJam have all Ille details. Eaton of the Swarlbmore Presbyterian Chw h. The lellowship covers a sum· J'- #/p/flg mer session at Sophia Univer· 300 enjoy Sequoia As an outstanding JACL sity from July 6. function on the East Coast, the CANTONESE CUISINE Applicants must be a memo dinner which concluded with Private Parties. Cocktails. 8anquet Facilities a dance. took place at the ber of JACL or Jr. JACL and JACL potluck Sheraton·Penn Pike Motor Inn 3888 Crenshaw, Los Angeles, AX 3·8243 ,.-tlo has reached the 21st birth· PALO ALTO-The Sequoia JA· in Fort Washington and .t• SANTA ANA, CALIF. day by April 30. CL enjoyed one 01 its most ...... tracted many guests Irom (South 01 Disneylanu) t successlul potluck dinners in So now take that CHAIRMEN HOORAY! Washington, New York and years. Co-chaired by Taz Ku· Seabrook chapters. In our last encounter here wano and Edes Enomoto, the Orient dream tour: furee weeks ago. we men· event attracted over 300 pe0- 400 at Party BRAND NEW PRODUCT ple. President Kiyo Nishiura tioned going to Ille Pacific RICHMOND - Nearly 400 en• Fugetsu-Do PAN AM HOLIDAY 800 Northwest. A brief stop in did much to coordinate Ibe joyed the Contra Costa JACL CONFECTIONARY Portland was enough to "re· dinner and program. Tom Ya· Christmas party at (be Harry Around the Orient in 15 days• E. lsi SI., Los 1% create" at a bowling alley with mane acted as master of cere• Ells high school caIeteria. ns Anr.!" MAdison 5-8595 Tokyo and Nikko and Rick Saito. Jr. JACL presi· monies for the evening. Some 150 children were given now from sl105. dent. district youth councillor Palo Alto closed its Penin· gUts. Kyoto andjust about every other delight Japan Paul Tamura, ex-San Josean sula Youth Basketball League uO\.t)e~RAGo", has to offer. Plus Hong Kong, Fonnosa, Singa• Don Hayashi and adviser Ma· season with four 01 its five r- ._.- _._', rian Hara. teams as champions. The pore and Bangkok. It's a wonderful "shortie" Man Fook Low Mikawaya through the Far East. And it's complete right Then it was riding with Paul members 01 the winning teams Genuine Chinese FOod I Sweet Shop to Auburn, Wash .• "here mosl received trophies from thetr 962 So. San Pedro Sl INSTANT SAtMtN down to cocktails in Singapore. Thirteen de• 01 the PNWDYC youth were respective coaclles. The dedi· Los Angeles 15, Calif. 244 E. 1st St., L.A . partures a year. enjoying a dance, and to Kent cated adults wbo donated their MA 8-4935 ilie nexl day (Feb. 26) for the time and made it all possible '--_ . . ~8~.97~:.J ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii7 - HAWAIIAN RECIPE - business end. Most enjoyable are: PAN AM HOLlDAY512 part 01 Hthe outing", of course, Harry Sato. Yutaka Kawazoe, A Good Place to Eat Most Sanitary Wholesome was our "company of girls" Hero TIUkushJ, Tom Yamane. Kay From Tokyo to Kuala Lumpur- Fujimoto, Tets Sumtda. Pete KIl• MATSUNO Noon to Midnight (Closed Tu es .> in Paul's car who did every• shima and SaJly Nakai. Saimin on the Market 29 days-S1710. GotoHawaiithen thing from talk. to sleep. to After door prizes were given SUSHI Tokyo, Nara, Kyoto. Then Seoul, city of ancient .hill positions and show pic· out, lbe member were enter· 313 E. 1st St. Cafe tures. pavilions and pagodas. Then on to Fonnosa. tained by singer Ken Takaha· Los Angeles· MA 8·8816 (Kel Rln Low) It was good see Mid· Available at Your Favorite Shopping Center to shi, a Keio University student REAL CHINESE DISHES And the Philippines. Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. Columbia Jr. JACL president from Japan. The San Jose 320 E. 1st.. Los Angeles Bangkok, with its majestic grand palace. And Dennis Takasumi and Seattle NANKA SEIMEN CO. Kondo OIub highlighted the Phone Orders Taken Young Adults president Jerry Los Angeles Hong Kong. This Pan Am Holiday, like the others. evening with a lecture by MA 4·2953 Shigaki discuss lbeir mutual £t~tku includes Jet fare, hotels, meals, sightseeing, just Spencer Takesllita and demo elftt ...... ~ concerns. Allbough Spokane onstrations ot this ancient art Dine .. Danee .. Coektatll about e\·erytbing. Fifty·two departw'es ayear. does not have a youth groull, 01 Japanese fencing. YosbJrni IUliUYAKI • JAPANESE BOO'" ~ley 314 E . First St. were represented by Shibata arranged for this Lo. An~el ... MA 9-3021 PAN AM HOLIDAY B12 • Paul Yamaglwa. event. An important agenda Item 'The San Jose Chidorl band Across Japan and Southeast AsIa was the election of Stan Kiyo• closed the program. A record Asklorit! S kawa 01 PorUand as PNWDYC dance lor the teenagers was -28 days- I762. It gives you Hawaii. chairman. succeeding Paul Ta. also held. ~ M;~,j,~ at your lavorite grocer ••• Tokyo. And a host of other ancient and~?rlem Japanese cities. Cruise the Jnland Sea. . \J 226 E. First St. MA ~·816~ FOlDlOsa. The Philippines. Hong Kong. Smga• History Project - ,. .. (Closed Tunda,s) for the finest pore. Bangkok. Every moment fabulous. Eight (Continued from Page 3) selecled he was five feet, nine inches in height, barrel chested, New Owner - Mr. Y. Kawai departures a year. and weighed over 200 pounds. JAPANESE FOOD distinguisqed, he excelled in the martial arts. In build PRODUCTS • • • I';:il 'cf;;d;~ TAMURA WAS NIPPONESE - Our project his. OAIMARU 8,.nd • HIME 8 .."" I 424 Wilshire 8lvd. I torians believe Tamuramaro could hardly have been Santa Monica. Calli. W£L·PAC Br'-rld • DYNASTY Br.-nd World's most African. Japan was almost unknown, long voyages in _ _ Ph. 451·3167 .' JAPANFOOD annd experiellced am'lIle primitive boats were doomed, land travel was perilous. I. . Fi nt on the P~cihC fi"' in Latin Ametila Thus, a journey from Africa to Japan by anything less JAPAN. ROSE Rice tint on Inc Atlantic Fin' 'ItDuft4 the World than a purposeful and determined tribe would be un. l'ealistic-even so there would have been only a hand· KAWAFUKU BOT AN " Irose Rite _ CAPITOL C,lrose Rk.e ful of survivors. S"~ly.1 1 - T,,,,,,. CM-\R1A ArkaMAI Rice. LIBERTY Arbnsa Rice 5 01111 - CoC.lIIls It was in the 6th century A.D. that Chinese schoo see Jour PaD Am Travel ACtDI IJr caD PaD Am 204'h E, 1st St., lars had introduced the arts of writing to Japan and In Denv... , Los •...,geles. Ponland. L.A. fAA 8·9054 Chinese artisans had brought the influence of the japlJlJ food co"po,.ation San FraDCiseo, Oakland. or Seatt1e/I'acoma mainland civilization to the remote land of Japan. f.l1"'t'. Chire Nah}~il'Q f'2O s. STun • lOS AHGlUs. CAUIOIHI" fOO2l My conclusion: Tamuramaro in the 8th and 9th (i) liostus centuries was a Japanese. which opened for bUl ln... March FrIday, Mar. 17, 1967 PACIFIC CITIZEN-S 1 under the name of Chun,. - Business and - Matsunaga urges VItOUlek, Chuck and The law)I'er. are Norman Chun., L. FolII', Chlnn Ro, Ma ..JI Year by the Kauai dIWIct 01 Professional Guido It oy A. Vltoutek, Jr., Walter G. MarwnMo, Georre H . r I , Chuck .nd W.llace II. 1'U,JI,amll. Future Flarmers of America. Aloha from Hawaii Attorney Cha rle. 'Ion.kl, Ronald HWlr W. I Cblnr , S\epheD Kan· He 1. the son or Mr. and ' ou r 8 uslnt\~ Card plated U.S. academies on All and State Rep. Hiram Kamaka da, Wlill. m M. .ad Mr.. Masao Takatsukl .• _ In tach Issue for 26 wttks . t: by Richerd Glm. Are associate membeu of the firm 3 lin .. (Minimum) S25 ... Nllel picked II 1967 wlnnen othe.. .. F ranel. M. Oldh The H. ... Uan Will Mu elllll EICh additional lin . $6 p" li n. criminal Justice 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111 111 11 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 of the Salesman'. Award Inelude has been nomlnaled for the has been cited In the March Uowartl T., Neal " . thlrd straigbt year 10 head the home. She was lound at the elated what he tlad done a nd Ooy., Maroltl n u himolo, Alvin Issue or McCall's 466·7373 Tht' award lJ the ··" Iered 0 possible skull fracture combat the alarming increase slammed into a curb.lde ulli· that she Impetuously threw her of the lelllng profession In Hono· Art Ito wtlcomu )'Our phone orders Marijuana.LSD , .. when he ten Feb. 22 from a Louis Slevenson's time, berore Ind .-ire orders for l os Angeles in the nation's crime rate. Ity pole on a Nimitz Highway arms around him and planted luICharg.. 01 {ollowing the boring machine on which be the flowers had been intro• Honolulu curve In IwUel Mar. 4 They a ki ss on his manly cheek. GEO RG E J. INAGAKI REALTV Matsunaga's bill would e n· American Communist Parly was climbing. He was reported duced 10 the Islands". Waller L. Curti., principal were Aileen 01 Lin Younll', However. lhe lei-with·a-kls. Ike Masaoka, AssocIate able Congress 10 establlsll aca· Une have been leveled at two in rair conditlon at Hilo Hospl. A ludden lUst ot wind blew Arrtage, Commercia l & Industrial 15 01 3242-0 Kalena D rive end started and i. a rorm of greet· part roof oU • HUo home denties which will be centers 01 Punabou School, has d .. ~ dr ew union ne wspapers pubUshed in tal ... Dennis Tlkal$uld, 17 0' • 4568 Contlnol .. l os Ang.l" 66 "Iared a quiet war on pupU, Sadanori Nlsblml, 18, Ing Iound only in Hawaii. Feb. 15, cau.ln, some $500 dam- 397·2161 - 397 -2162 lor the study 01 crim inal law, Hawait by the Slate Commls· or Kapaa, Kaual, has been operating in a manner similar us ing drugs such as marijuana 01 H 25-A Punchbowl St. Miss One 01 Maul's most proml· :t.;:a .ioh e M~~ :~a~ t f ~ ~ n ~ : ~ Young was the d aughter 01 nenl vestiges 01 tile old Kahu· sion 01 Subversive ActivIties. named Star Farmer of the Dr. KOKUSAI INTER NATIONA L to West Point, Annapolis, and and LSD. In a letter sent 10 The papers are the Voice 01 TRAVEL. INC . the Air Force Academy. Each Punahou parents, Cur tis noted Mr. and Mrs. Wymond Young lui Railroad Co. was dyna· 240 E lst SI. (12) MA 6-5284 and Nisbiml was the son 01 ntiled Mar. 2 and another was the lLWU and the UPW Or• Jim Hlg •• h1. Bu •. Mgr. Academy will be eslablished the drug. being used by ,anller .' K are n Nikaido, a groWing number leen· Mr. and Mrs. Kenjl Nlshlml. 10 disappear In a few days. ALOHA TO ALL ISLANDERS AND NISEI at a leading law school and ot d aughler of Mr. and Mrs. NISE I FLORIST students who ar e selected lor agers of private s nd public They are lhe high .teet bridges In Ih. Heart of U'I Tokio Killed in Action , , _ over Ma l I k 0 and Haiku Thomas Nikaido 01 Lakoloa enrollment in the program wlU schools. partloularll' during See TED ASATO klr Special Discounts 328 E. 1.1 SI., MA 8-5606 tntlches. The Haiku bridge was Place. bas been chosen lor the Frtd Moriguchl - M.mb. T. loflo,a receive the LL.B. degree alter weekend Itdrug parties" on s.sgt. Edward N. Knncshiro, oy namited Mar. 2 and the $50 citizenship award 01 the four years 01 study. The first Oahu. P unahOy, Wah 14111 MUTUAL SUPPLY CO. -R. YUTAKA KUBOTA- m oto. 8 gc. ~ 1090 SANS OME ST., S.F. 11 _ . RE 1·7261 Tado. David K.. 35: Torranee, Feb. 6-w Sue. d Carol. Susan. Terri, rl~ L:::f .. _- .. -U "'-.·-"'--" " ~~

l By the Board: Yone Satoda JU... & •••••- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING '5 PACIFIC CITIZEN JACL Treasury HARRY K. HONDA, Editor • EMPLOYMENT-los Ang.l.s • EMPLOYMENT-So. CI UI. Publl. hed wft kly b~ ' the J nplmcse American Cltll~n. League • • ~ 'ea r excel'll the lnsl wrek ('It tho San F rancisco that it will be much more RN'S Jl;dUOfl.l · nudnt~' Orfl ~ " 'Il,e slatU.! of the National dlfrt cult to let $5 per member COMPUTER 3 to 11 slllft; M.dlcal. SurvlCII, Rro. !S07. 125 Wtller St., La, An,etts. CA. 90012-Ph.: (213) MA 8-69:\11 JACL tJ'( ~ a s ury as of Dec. :n, that it was to get $4 per mem• ICU . O.B. Floors-Exctllent con• di tions, Fringe Benefit s. 3f'rry Enomoto. Nat" Pl'('!f. -:- RI)Y Uno, PC BonTd Chmn. 1066, I. cited in the offielal OPERATOR ber, and thai we may lose BELLWOOD GE NERAL HOSP!TAL ntiona} JACt. 1IC' ~ dqu lu t ('rs ml nule< of Ihc In!/O rlm Na• some members because of 163 .. P ost St., Sltn Fran cisco, Ca. MHS - Phon ... : (4 16) WE 1-6644 tion al Bon"d meeti Dg of Feb. this. 10250 E. Artes ia, Btllflowtr N.C.R, 500 (2l3) B66-902B Ol'l; \rll:t allile-ll RC' pfflunta tiH" 17-19. 1967. With various Re· However, the membership PNWDC-K lml Tambara; NC-WNOC-Homer TnkAhnshl : CCDC• SCl'VC accounts totaling over report of March 1 does seem Stleo Hanuhtro: PSWDC-Tets lwaJDkl: IO C-Frnnk Yoshimura: SSO,OOO, a nd with an E ndow• E x p ~rl! n c! on l!lther N,C.R. MPOC-BlII H osokRwn; MD C-J'oe K (\d(lwnld; EDe-Leo Sneaki encouraging. At this early date Electro-Mech. Sl'tc lQ.l COffl'Sfl Ondl'nt ment Fund consisting of 12,600 memberships, or nearly 3100-390 Of 500 Syst.m p" f.",d. Syst~m l law.U: Allan BeeKlUnn. Dick Glmo. J a. pan : Tnmotsu Murnyoma approximately $400,000 In mar• 60 percent 01 last year, have MagnetJc ledger Background Technician Entered u 2nd Cl ft. MaUer at Los AnRcic$, Cn. -:- Subscrlpllon ketable sceuriUes, we can safe• been turDed In. At the same Call Lou Johnson - APPLY• Ratu (payable In II.dvance) : U.S. $ol p"r yenr, $1.80 ( aT two ycn1'S. ly sla te that the JACL is cur• date last Year, J3,2SO members U.S. Airmail $10 addttlonl\l per year For~tAI\ . $6 per !o'enr rently solidly solvent. 386-3730 -$1.$0 ot JACL Mtmbt r hJp Duu t OT 1 y tlU' Subscrlptlon- had been recorded. General Design Inc. Operationally, or perform• With the vigorous leadership 11676 Tuxford Except tor JACL staU \\'Titers, news and opinions expres.sed ance-wise, the year lust com• NURSES by co l um n f5~ do not necessarily reflect JACL poliCY. of our National P resident J er• Sun Valley, Calif. plelro was a good year. Our ry Enomoto as the key, a 11 Friday, Mar. 17, 1967 net income of $129,000 exceed• Ifle nattonai committees are An Equa l Opportunity Employ" 6- ed our budgel income by some functioning at full throttle RN's &LVN's $4,000. On the other hand , our across a broad front. Aod Immediate HIring expenditures 01 S118,OOO were every indication is that 1967 All Shifts OPERATORS ie.'\ 100 pages of read: "Nothing seems to slow and threats were made againsl efforts are reflected in a mem• has no peers. 301 Boyd St., Los Angeles met by interpreters who un• ( his Narrative, it mighl be down Dr. Frank Sakamoto, me and the newspaper which bership rise fro m 17,900 mem• Lately, my patience is wear• derstood some EDglish. EveD said, are part of Japanese our Thousand Club Chair• placed us in an unfavorable bers io 1961 to 22,300 members in g thin, as attempts to coach ( the natives of Saghalien by American heritage. man," position, however, most of in 1966. This represents a 25 him a re received only with 1850 knew such words as He relates his experiences That capsuie comment is a them rurned to the right path percent increase in five year s, twinkling eyes, gi gles, and ED SATO tlJack". "John". "grog" and V Operators with the Ainus, or his confine• perfect description of Doc Sa• gradua!Iy. It was regrettable a remarkable record. hugs. Do you suppose il is PLUMBING AND HEATING u ~ o\merica .. and were friendly Remodel and Repairs - Water ment by the Japanese, de• kamoto and brings 10 mind a that during the incidents (pro• This year. National Member• because of his two chattering EXPE RIENCED Hea lers, Garbage Disposals, to an American crew which scribing the dress and customs little incident from a not-too• Japan ), the positioD of many ship Chairman J am es Kasaha• sisters who play with hJm aU FUrnaces landed and stayed for three In beUer made dresses. of his caplors, of the voyage distant past. community leaders- in HawaU ra and the varIous new district day, not giving him a chance -Servicing Los Angeles-• d ays. Call : AX 3-7000 RE 3-0557 b) junk 10 Nagasaki. o( his Bao]. in the 'SOs, as a,icago .....,specialiy among the Bud• and cllapler chair men will to practice? Or , would you be• West L.A Area It was in the decade pre• trial there and eventual re• J ACL president, Doc helped dhists and Christians, as well have their work cut out for lieve it could possibly be the ceding the gunboat arrival of CALL GEMM A lease to Americans on April promote the first J ACL-spon. as tI,eir publications, took a lI,em if they are to maintain doting, past middle-aged fath• Commodore P erry in a853 that 477-2571 26. 1849. sored ski trip to Cadillac, very mild attitude. this growth rate. For that a young adventurer. RaDald er who hales to set him down Georgia Bullock Inc. Aloha Plumbing MacDonald, in his sequel, Michigan as part of a program " One of the Victory Group matter, it will be quite a feat MacDoDald, a Scotch-Chinook because be is trying to save PARTS & SUPPLIES later learned from a Japanese to boost chapler membership went to Japan after the war . just to equal last year's fi g• Oregonian of 24, landed in the wear and tear on baby's -Repairs Our Specl alty- scholar that authorities i'1 Na~ and stimulate enthusiasm. and upon returning to Hono• ure~ since a membership dues new shoes? V Operators northwest Hokkaido in 1848 194B S. Grand, Los Ang.les gasaki were afraid 10 keep Poor Doc returned from the lulu he suddenly visited the increa~e of 51 per member has During the 10 months that fol· Now I am hoping it is EXPE RIENC ED Ri 9-4371 h;m, "a fear arising not so ski holiday with a broken an• Hawsii Times, exteDded his been effected. Certainly, DO true th at some geniuses were Single Needle on Ski rts lowed- which MacDoDald nar• ~ much from any apprehension kle. A novice skier, he had huge hand and said 1 came amount of rationaJe will deny Top pay fo r top girts $ rates in florid style in a book " late starters" . from the American govern• attempted a slope whiel\. later Sunny Casuals Sliveriake - Hollywood - Echo Part published in 1923 by the East• here to thank you, I under• ment. as from their own Im• he learned was for advanced 14608 Hawthorne Blvd. ern Washington s tau. Histori• stand very well now? Alter perial government, in its policy skiers only. Sakura Sc ript: by Jim Henry Lawnda)e, Calif. cal Society-MacDonald taught that be took oU in a hurry, Nisei American in such case". UndauDted, the following (From " My Fifty Years Mem• a group 01 14 government in• Aboard the American cor~ week our cartoon character Realty terpreters Engliru, including oirs in Hawaii. by Yasutaro OPERATORS vette Preble, "Ilich headed showed up at a J ACL-spon• Soga, published in U953, in Einowke Moriyama. who "'-as Experienced 2029 SUN SET BLVD., l.A. 26 south to Hong Kong and Sing• sored dance session and of• J apanese) Mr. Soga is the re• Active Immigrants Section work on dresses. " bief interpreter when Com• DU B-0694 apore, MacDonald subsequent• fered to dance wIth all the tired publisher of Ihe Ha wall Good sa lary. Xlnt. cond itions modore P erry landed in Yedo -Apply - Eddie E. Nagao, Rea ltor ly wandered in China, India ladies pres eDt. Ah! S'nades of Times. Bay. Yokollama percent in Par ana, 3 percent Wallace N. Ban aDd AustraHa, taking part in L.B.J. Lidia' Originals How this book came to our "More than 2,000 internees: If you are one of those Viola Redondo Geo'ge Chey the Australian gOld-rush near The Sunday after tba t. some who lived in this camp fSanta in Minas Gerais, Mate Gross, 309 E. 8th St. attention was by sheer acci• readers who still maint.ains Go;,as and GuaDabara (Rio de Room 501, Los Angeles, Canl. of Us were working on the dent. Last week Ed Mitoma, Melbourne before heading Fe) for more than 3 years, that Los Angeles has the lar• chapter newsletter. We were Janeiro in particular), and 2 active WasltingtoD D.C. JACL• home in 1853. rode out on trucks early on gest Japanese populatioD liv• .. percent in Para and Ama• • OPERATORS • E ight years later, he was using the swdio facilities oj the frosty morning of Novem• er now living in Riverside. ing outside J apan, you had zonas. Immediate opens (or the (ollowlng: back in Britiru Columbia ex• Harry Mizuno, located on the ber 23rd (1945 ) a nd shouted 'S:RITD asked for material to dis· better never accept a bet on Single Needle, Special Machine ploring for gold and then go• ~th floor of an industrial build• Banzai as they headed back About 80 per cent are en• Hand Pre sser. tribute to frieDds i,terested in it. On the other hand, after gaged in agr iculture, winning R E R LT'r' ~ J1 · ing into business with his half mg. The freight elevator was to Japan in a gay mood. This Steady. Complete garment. HQ~ E S· forming a JACL chapter in the reading this you are all sel a great reputation among na· Experienced only. • '- .T..SURANC E b rot her. A frontiersman 'lot running on Sundays so we comedy will surely turn into --:.' - --- San Bernardino - Riverside to become a sure-bet winner. tive Brazilians for their pio• LOREE N CAS UALS area. throughout his 70 years, Mac• had to walk up nine flig\lts a tragedy within 30 days when 14757 Lull , Van Nuys ot stairs to reach our work• The number of Japanese im• neer spirit and Ilard work. One of t h ~ Largest Selections In the Sun Bldg. basemeDt, Donald had never married, en• they reach J apan. On ly 100 oj Near Satlcoy gaged in some farming aDd shop. us r emain in the camp". migrants and their descend· As a m atter of fact, their 2421 W. Jefferson, l.A. RE 1-2121 " 'here Ibe JACL office stores anlls now living in Brazil is prospecting in and out of Fort Late that night while we (From "Hundred Years of Ja• production accounts for 40 per• Yamato Employmen t Agency JOHN TV SAITO & ASSOCIATES some of its old papers, are estimated at mOre than 595,- Colville on the Columbia River we"" in the midst of putting panese Immigrants in Ameri• cent of tot a I Brazilian Job Inquiries Welcome some material we thougbt Mi• 000, accounting for more than raw cotton output, 13 percent Rm. 202, 312 E. 1st St., L.A. toma should have. In shoving north of Spokane in latter the issue to bed, who should ca" by Shinichi Kato, retired MA 4-28 21 • New Openings Dally half of the total number oj ill coUee, 20 in rice, 60 in pa• years. He died on Aug. 5. 1894, appear in our m idst but Doc editor of Shin Nic!!ibeLl OF INTEREST TO !\tEN Real Estate & In surance -crated material around, the Ja p an e~ immigrants and tatoes, 95 in tomatoes, 90 in in Ibe arms of his niece. His Sakamoto with a potful of hot "News of surreDder by J a• Lite Assembler, exp dntn • ,2,OOh.r book appeared : "Ranald Mac• their descendants living in aU last words were: " Sayonara, coffee and rolls. pan shocked the r esidents fTo• cocoons, SO in bananas, 100 iD P .T. Helper, store s'side .. to 2,OOh r Donald U824-1894" by Lewis foreign countries, which stood persimmons and peaches, 90 P .T. Kitchen Helper , \V 'side 1.50hr Nakamura and Murakami. Only days ear• my dear, Sayonara." His re• Old Doc, plastercast and all, paz Relocation Camp). War Mech Drattsmn T f, gas app to \75 mains are in a negleded In• news of the daily newspapers at some 1,210,000 as of the in tea and eggs, 70 in vegeta• Layout Man, meta l prod .. . 2.SOhr lier. we remembered seeing a bad climbed those nine flights end of last year. fThe number Realty dian grave yard near Toroda, of stairs to bring a mom en! is unfavorable to J apan. 'Ihey bles, SO in juu., 80 in pepper Order Desk e ne. dntn . . . , . . . ,325 story in the New Ca ,adian jn Brazil compares with some File e lk. dntn ... 1 ...... , ,325 Wash., in Ferry County. of refreshment to the Chicago will believe only in an Im• and 10 in corn. Cost Accttlnt T f, college bkpg ~9S 2554 Grove SL, Berk.ley 4. Calif. ... bout this unusual North 464 ,000 in the United States; PhOfle: 84B-2724 American. Name in their story J ACLer staff. Truly a man-<>D• per i a 1 Headquarters' an• Teclmician Sought OF INT F. RE ST T O WOMEN SENSJ'IlTVE SPIRIT 80,000 in Peru; 29,000 in Can• Seety, rental biz lnglwd ...... 450 San Mateo Offlce Hayward Offlco spelled it: "fu>nald MacDoD• the-go, your National 1000 Club nouncement. They e" pect dif• 512 Third Ave. 25101 Mission Bl fer ent information but to na ada; 19,000 in Argentina; 8,000 Brazil, eager fo r industriali• Recpt-Steno. show biz ....•... 476 aId". The editors note that bold Chairman. in Bolivia and 7,000 in P ara• zation, is gifted with an abund• Gen Ore Tr, texUle biz ..•... 325 342-B3 01 5Bl-6565 avail. Men and women cried F.e. Bkpr, hospital , . . •...... 450 MacDonald's manuscripts and rugged exterior of RaDald Chicagoans wIlo survived the guay.) when they fouDd that J apan ance of natural resources but Otc elk, no typing ...... 325 ...... are still in the possession of MacDonald covered an un• recent "Great Snowstorm of These nearly 800,000 Japa• deficient in te chnical workers Salad Maker, dntn .' ...... •. 1.65hr the pubh£bers in Spokoane. Had usually proud and sensitive January 1967" know how hard h a d really surrendered" . Assembler . electromc ...... 1.'lQhr nese now living in Brazil are m ma.ny places. Thus Japanese Factry Wk r, jewelry biz .1.SOhr CINEMA It been published immediately spirit which was occasionally it to wade througb heavy (From "Forty Years in Amer• ica" by Shichinosuke Asano, making substantial coDtribu• immigrants with technical ...... after his return from Japan wounded by racial discrimina. SDowdrifts. But to do it with tions to the development of its skills are finding high-ranking a Gaslight Bunny over your published in J a panese in 1962.) or even after the opening of tion he suffered because of his industries in par ticular, agri• positions as m achine design• Support Our Advertisers Now Playing till Mar. 21 Japan to foreign commerce Indian blood. This may have shoulders-well, only Doc Sa• Mr. Asano is the editor of the Nichibei Times. ~ultw 'e, as well as t be promo· ers, draftsmen, finishers and after the signing of the Kana• shunned him from mixing willi kamoto could manage that! tion of friendly r elations be• radio-televisio n technicians. Nemuri Kyoshiro gawa Treaty in 1854, MacDoD• the business and social world BERRY SUZUKIDA 'lbe undersigned strongly tween the two countries. Descendants of Ihe original 922 Leland Ave. Burai Ken aId's name may have been of his time after his adven• urge those who want to study J apanese immigration to immigrants have assimilated (KYOSamO, THE famous. tures in Japan. ID his Narra• Cbicago, Ill. all facets of the E vaouation to Brazil starled in 1908 when so well, on the other hand, SWORDSMA N) Historically, the story is of tive, MacDonald m~ntions this . research a bo v e mentioned 781 pioneers left Kobe on April that maDy today occupy high New Japan Ra izo Ichikawa, Shtgeru Amaehl interest because of the insight unreasonable hatred of race, books as well as other written Shlho Fujimura. Kent8ro Kudo INTERNMENT CAllrP 28 and arrived in Sao P aulo government positions. In Sao AND it gives into Ihe resUess spirit acknowledges his Indian blood material by Issei in order to on June 18, aboard the Kasado Paulo and Parana states, of inquiry stirring among edu• I his mother was a princess in Dear Editor: understand their thinking, re• Maru. Since that time. some there are three members of Restaurant cated classes of Japan at tile tile Indian Nation of the Salesh "Crystal City Internment" actions and attitudes of the 190,000 Japanese had migrated Congress of J apanese descent, I time and to the current of or Flathead Tribel and de• by Edison Uno (PC Mar. 10) pre and during WW n periods. to the South American country six state assembly members, thougbt then developing, a de• clared his quick resentment to states tbat "Ille oniy real in• KARL G. YONEDA UDtil Wor ld War JI despite five mayors, 10 deputy may• OPEN DAILY mafJd lor radical govern• any insult on that score. ternment camp in the United 320 Pennsylvania Ave. Brazilian restrictions enforced ors, 12 municipal assembly mental changes, whicb took San FI\3.Ilcisco During IDS retiring years. he States during WW II was Crys• in 1934. chairmen, 200 municipal as• NOW SERVING place a few years later. related to a friend how he tal City". However I in the In 1960, a Migration and sembly members, 12 unive r ~ bappened to decide on the at• "Hundred Years of Japanese Colonization Agreement was sity professors, 10 associate WHY JAPAN? IT'S CHEAPER Superb Japanese Food tempt to get to J apan which Immigrants in America" I Vol. signed between the J apanese professors, 20 doctors, 5 Aware that Japan had Im• apparently sprung from an un• 2, published, in Japanese, in Dear Editor: and Brazilian governments. Judges, two prosecutors , 4SO Luncheon - Dinners Now Playing till Mar. 28 posed sell-Isolation. MacDon• bappy love affair. He found 1962, by Shinichi Ka to, he If the J,apanese, as a wbole, Under this agreement Brazil lawyers, l ,3SO physicians and ald wa nled to personally solve that tIle slrain of lndian blood writes that the Santa Fe Camp would open their eyes to the lifted its ban, leaving the }:barm'Bcists. at Reasonable Prices Koi to Namida no Taiyo the mystery of a people wllicb in his veins was a barrier to also allowed families, there· people about them, I am sure decision of the number of J a• In recent years, however, ( LOVE IN THE SUN) " had signally repelled all pow• his marrying the young girl fore I would assume that there that they would find that the panese immigraDts to bi• the number of immigrants, es• Yukiyo Hoshi. K ieko S aisho ers on earth-from Kublai whQ had won his heart while were at least two family lateral negotiations when nec• Yoshiko Kayama average white American is pecially of entire families has - Take-Out Orders - AND Khan fA. D. 1271-1292) to the a sbudent in eastern Canada. camps, one in Texas and the very poor, in terms of avail· essary. After the war, 53,823 dropped noticeably. This is p resent-from hostile touch". It came as a shock to blm to other in New Mexico. able cash. J apanese immigrated to Bra• presumably due to the marve• Your Host: George Nozawa Anata no Inochi As a youngster whase father mother having passed away Also Uno writes "why many 'Illerefore, the good treal• zil until the end of last year . lous growth of the Japanese (YO UR LOVE-M Y LlPJ!) was in the employ of Hudson's soon aft"r his birth and then of these respectable family economy wIl ich is ..esulting in Wataru TetsuY8, ment of the Japanese peo;Jle At Sao P aulo Banquet Facilities Chieko Matsubara, Takuya Jo• Bay Co. in Oregon Territory, learn of his Indian birth, his men were interned still re• in America. in my opinion, is a paucity of young workers as Joe Shishido Ranald had heard the stories being raised by his step• mains a mystery". Pernap.s These Brazilians of J apa.nese well as the elevation of living based upon available cash, 3029 W. Jefferson ) of sailors being shipwrecked mother. excerpts from the following which. being scarce, and sink• ancestry are distributed to aJ· standards. Kabuki Theater i n Japan and of ocoasion.~ He told h is friend that he books may throw some light most all parts of the country, '\ ing in monetary value daily, Basically, however. Japan L·llS Angeles - RE 5·5741 Adams at Cre nshaw where J apanese were cas I then decided to run a way to as to why they were so in• although the largest m ajority is insuUicient to mollify the is plagued with over-popUla• Tel: 734-0362 - Fr .. Partl", u pon North American shores. Ibe land of his ancestors as terned. wounds of the Negro. Thus, (approxlmalely 75 percent) tion and needs to encourage A youog man of 21 Hi n the he was convinced that the "At Ibe end of the war, I tile good treatment of the J a• lives in Sao Paulo State. The emigration to countries which freedom of m anhood" as he North Amerioan Indians came was at the Santa Fe intern• panese. remaining breakdown is 20 are rich in natural resources put it, Ra Dald boarded the Ply• from Japan, where he mighl ment Camp, New Mexico. I It's cheaper. but in need of skilled labor. mouth, a wh ale sbip out of make hiroselt some kind of had been and was severely Of course, to persons with· for singting out the J apaDese Thus the J apan Emigration Sag Harbor , N.Y., in Decem• personage among Ibem. He tormeDted by a Victory GroU;! out s ufficient kDowledge 01 to make them feel bette~ ra• Service ;s stepping up its pro• ber , 1845, as an apprentice had an idea that the J apanese within the camp. As I have America and ber people, thi. ther than the Negro. gram to enCOU'I'age J apanese •• aman. ('!l,e footnotes added were similar to the Indiaru; written previously there were is unthinkable; but to those Yes, it's cheaper to rectify to emigrate not only to Brazil, by Lewis aDd Murakami al and probably ignorant. He con• some 2,000 Japanese from Ha• who know Americans. and can a smaller wrong. than to make but other countries as well, tb'-< point of the Narrative are sidered himself as somewhat waii and the Mainland, in the see, read, and think, too, my amends for a larger, more where they will have the op• r ich willl items 01 the P acific an educaled man at the time. camp and ONLY some SO of words will be Sense, aDd not nagging wrong. especially portunity to acquire some of whaling industry that boomed If one doesn't read the foo t• Nonsense. wheD I don't have enough the litile luxuries 01 life they between 1780 and a870.l Six notes, the Narrative can be that period of Pacific history It's cheaper. money, or Cash, available to might otherwise never obtain months later, tbe Plymouth read at one sitting in the after• lust before Commodore Perry It's cheaper: A phrase root• me. in a lifetime. At the same time r eached Ihe Sandwich Islands, noon, Bul finding the footnotes stepped into It in 1852. We'll ed in tllis country because oj ROBERT H. fWANABE it Is hoped it will aUeviate to the port of Sabina on Maui. just" as absorbing, it took us Dever m istake Ranald Mac• this nation's youngness-to me 1648'-'z W. 11th SI. some extent the internal over• After repairs, Ranald applied a leisurely weekend 1.0 sense Donald uain_ - is the predominating reason Los Angeles, CaUl. population problem.