Pacific Citizen) Co-Chairmen

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Pacific Citizen) Co-Chairmen IN THIS ISSUE ... GENERAL NEWS U $. J""Uc Dopt l!alls Prop 101 7 JACL bowling records un nstltuttonll tn brlf't 10 Su· l'~n\. Court. " Awali SubH.. -rslv(' Acth'tuu rf'Pfirt :<>t"ON:' Soka· ,"ltkAt .. ' '. ," \ " NATIONAL-JACL S ~\!~n ~rdlt bl"Ok~n broken at Los Angeles tn Narl J ACl,. bowllna, tournam('n' n· t'l\H't~d Ilt Lo.~ A nA('h~~: JACL BY TOSII KINJO Then Ln the men's dOUbles, In most quarters, J "wela by ITIZEN deol~.*t(':<. M,",bm~'p nRmexi (or CltAfhlR (/I PC Extluslve) R pair 01 portslders. Riklmaro C,ilorge. a soUd pre-ix>Urney Publica lion: Jap,n", Amorlc.n CIII,."s ........ us W,lltr SL. Los Al19ol .., CI 90012 (213) MA 6-4471 HO\ll'l' ('on(~r('l\C'(' • • •••••• •• •. \ and Shig Nakaglrl, were the favorite. aslly won wllh " Publlsh.d W.. kl, empl List W"k of lho YOI( - ~ CIw '011l9' "Id It LO! Anvoles, Cillf, .. CHAPTER-JACL LOS ANGELES-EarlY Satur· winners. And in Ihe Iinal day 2870, topping the old mark of Phtladrlph(tII heoT's Oman Ml't'n: lIay a!t~rnoon, WUll Ille con· of competition. rolling carll' In 2843. sot by the Holiday Bowl Chlc.,O to promot~!:htp at th~e l~tuffs: Hollywood cluslon 01 the singles event. tile morning, Mas Kinoshita. team of '1964. Vol. 64 No. 11 FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1967 New Telephone: MA 6-6936 TEN CENTS pro,rAm ofter'S sOn'lethtn. for former USC southpaw pitcher, When the Nationals were e\ltfY membt'f •• ".. •. " ... 1 the 21st annual National JACL Nisei bowling lournament pas· cl,"cked the Single.s record held In Sacramento In 1964. ... COLUMNISTS sed into history. with a siztling 738. despite Ibe record book was complete· Enomoto: Tribute. blowing two spares In Ihe ly rewritten. The bowlers M. MRsJ\oka' Military Ornft. And it turned Ollt to be third game. The old mark of came back saying •• 'Those rec­ Hosokawa: Trinh. or Columnist. pret~· much a home town J Masaoko: 8th CcnL Talsho. 715 was set by veteran Fuz7,y ords will probably stand lor· KwnamotQ : Generation Cnp. production as Los Angelcs keg· Shtmada 01 Sanla Clara. ever." And yet. just barely Gtm": MarijuRna·LSD. lers scorched the HoUday Bowl Kinoshita had lakcn quite a three years later, six oC those Shlm8moto: Bula Kakunl lanes with some impressive Justice Dept. supports Sntoda: JACL Tr('O!,;UfY. ribbing following his dis· 4Iimpossibles" are wiped out. ~:n!?:t~s : A~!~~lJl~~~:O~~~id scores. appointing 517 performance in The ole s aying. "records are Perhaps, Ole most outstand­ tile team event. Even aIler made to be broken" still ing indi.vidual performance oj winning the singles title. his stands true. 11le week long tournament wa~ teammates wcre still giving PERSPEC~ turned in by Amy Hayaslti. We imagine the tourney went him the needle, "just an in. oU as smoothly as it Is possl· No on Calif. Proposition 14 two records en· dividualist." l'oule to winlling thrco tiUes . ble. The only time the tourney .... Number of events went right went 0[( schedule was Wednes· (Special to the P acific Citizen) filed Mar. 10 with the United overwhelmingly approved by The constitutional amend­ Jerry ~ Her effort in the singles. 732 down to the wire. J udy Sakala day durin& the sweepers. And WASHINGTON - The Justice States Su preme Court, Solici· California's voters in the 1961 ment did not mention race but series, topping the mark 01 doubled in the tenth frame of tllat was [or only half an hour. Department last week sup­ lor General Thurgood Mar· general election. I t was intend­ provided simply that the state • Enomoto rI5 614. set by Nobu Asami 01 the last game to slave oC! ported the California Supreme shall asked the justices to ed to repeal the Rumford Fair could not abridge the rlgbt 01 Richmond in 1964. was a crowd Boards Tip Top Nal'l Prtsldenl fI) Heidi lnouye to wi n the four Courl's hisloric r uling that the arCirm the stale court's deci· Hou sing Act of 1963. a leglsla· a person to sell or rent hi. pleaser. After a 191 first game. game sweeper. And Gary Ya· The lanes were in excellent .tate·s lair housing law could sion. tive act that made it illegal property "to such persons as TRIBUTE Amy really poured it on and mauchi had to overcome Har­ scoring condition. Even in the not be repcaled by a vote of At issue is the consli~ution. to discriminate on racial he, in his absolute Q1scretion, the spectators roared with ley Krusumolo's final game of late squads. the alleys were the people. ality of Prop. 14. Ille constitu· grounds in the sale and rental chooses." Last week's PC carries t.he every strikc. And she threw 279 to nail down the men's holding fairly well. Harry In a !ricnd-of-the-court brief tional amendment that was of housinJ!. On May 10. 1966. Ille Cali· rust report of a "New. Old a lot of them. Sl1e bad two six game event. Gary respond· Os hiro, manager of Holiday. forDia Supreme Court declared Experience". from the pen 01 slrings of eight sirikes over ed witb a solid strike in the blood· shot eyes and all. and Prop. 14 void under the 14th our legal counsel, Bill Maru· the final two games. tenth to put it away. his entire crew should be com­ Amendment to the United Then in the women's dou· Slates Constitution. whicb says tani. now in the "wilds" of Record e Ulel'S mended. bles. the winners. Amy and In some respect. the tourney lhat states cannot deny per­ IVlississippi and Loui iana. This happened late Friday Palltine. had to sweat out the did not go according 10 script, sons the equal protection 01 night. and when she re­ This is the secotld year that tenth frames of Rose Yama· especially in the women's di­ the laws. \. appeared on scene the follow· Bill is giving a little more saki and l\lice Fong landem. vision. After the big name The court's theory was that ing day, she was still in a than most, by donating his Alice needed a nother strike In I.he initiative procedure under fog. Happily. ~he said, "Pinc~l t\le final frame to win, but (Continued on P age 3) which the popular vote was talents to the Lawyers Con· me, I'm still numb." she stuck a solid seven pin. taken amounted to discrimina­ stitutional Defense Committee 1., winning the All Events tory action by the state. Such Two Which Got Away San Franciscans to for three weeks. Because of with a total of 1844. Mrs. Ha· discriminatory "state action" this, a few more Negro Amer· yashi erased the mark of 1821 The tities that got away from greet Rep. Patsy Mink Is considered a violation 01 tho set by MuLs Lym in 1964. She Los Angeles were in the men's 14th amendment. although ra­ leans will at least get their also paired with Pauline Louie team event and all events. SAN F RANCISCO - Under co­ cial discrimination by individ­ d ay in courL te cop the doubles titie and Craig's Automotive Parts oul sponsorship of lbe Nisei Voters uals is not. It is no overstatement, or proved to be a popular and of Honolulu won the team title League and the local J ACL. The California court's rea.. over dramatization. to say t1ut gracious winner. with a 3004. and George Hi· Rep. Patsy T. Mink will be soning has been attacked in Bill risks his neck in places It was a tournament for rabayashi of Sacramento took honored at a dinner next Fri­ some quarters as seU-deleat­ like Jackson, Miss. and Boga· lefties. 100. It all started with the all events crown with a day. Mar. 24. 6:15 p.m .• at ing. Observers bave pointed lusa, La. People have been Tak Riklmaru winning the record breaking 1980. This Sa bell a's on Fisherman'. out that if the Supreme Court killed in such places. The Ragtime Doubles with Ken eclipsed the old standard of Wharf. upbolds the ruling. this might question of why he chooses to Matsuda of Denver. incidental· 1938, beld by Taro Mlyasalo Table reservations from all discourage state legislature. so involve llimsell, when be Iy. Matsuda's 110 series in tile of Hawaii. parts of Northern California from enacting fair housing could be with Ilis family and ragtime was tbe highest series The sixth record that went indicate a wide representation laws, since it would appear to tending to a successful law during the week of the tour· off the boards was the wom· of Nisei will attend. according be unconstitutional to repeal practice, only Bill can answer. nament. en's team event. As expected to Fred Abe. co-chairman. them later. Very few of us have talents Arguments Scheduled that can be practically uti· lized in this way. nor will we In the brief filed last week, ever get to the Deep South. JAL fellowship applications due Marshall attempted to avoid Our individual inclinations will LATEST FROM DETROIT - Midwest Kiyoko Bali, William Ikeda, Mary Kami· this snare by stressing tho decid1! what eac', of us will do peouliarities of Prop. 14. District Governor Hiro Mayeda of Chi­ doi; standing - George Kubo, Tom He pointed out that Prop. 14 .in the area of civil (or humao cago installed lhe 1967 Detroil JACL Tagami, Dr.
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