
King’s College London

University Of London

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MSc Examination

CMMS01 Lie groups and Lie algebras

Summer 2007

Time Allowed: Two Hours

This paper consists of two sections, Section A and Section B. Section A contributes half the total marks for the paper. Answer all questions in Section A. All questions in Section B carry equal marks, but if more than two are attempted, then only the best two will count.

NO calculators are permitted.


2007 c King’s College London - 2 - Section A CMMS01


A 1. (16 points) (i) State the definition of a Lie . (ii) State the definition of the of a matrix . (iii) Give (without proof) the Lie algebra o(n) of the matrix Lie group O(n) = {M ∈ Mat(n, R)|M tM = 1}. (iv) Prove that if A ∈ o(n) then indeed exp(sA) ∈ O(n) for all s ∈ R. (You may use properties of the matrix exponential like exp(A)t = exp(At), etc., without proof.)

(v) Prove conversely that if exp(sA) ∈ O(n) for all s ∈ R, then A ∈ o(n).

A 2. (20 points) (i) State the definition of the property ‘simple’ of a Lie algebra. (ii) Let (V,R) be a representation of a Lie algebra g. State the definition of an invariant subspace of (V,R) and the definition of an irreducible representation. (iii) Show that if g is a simple Lie algebra, then the adjoint representation of g is irreducible. Hint: Suppose the adjoint representation is not irreducible and show that then g has a proper ideal. (iv) Let (V,R) be a representation of a Lie algebra g and let  ker(R) = x ∈ g R(x) = 0 .

Show that ker(R) is an ideal of g.

See Next Page - 3 - Section A CMMS01

A 3. (14 points) Consider the two Dynkin diagrams

A3 = ,B3 = i 1 2 3 1 2 3 e e e e e e (i) Using the labelling of the roots indicated above, give the

A11 A12 A13 A = A21 A22 A23 A31 A32 A33

for A3 and B3. (ii) State the definition of the Cartan matrix Aij via the simple roots α(i).

(2) (3) (iii) Give the angle between the roots α and α for A3 and B3. Hint: Consider the appropriate product of two entries of the Cartan matrix.

See Next Page - 4 - Section B CMMS01


B 4. (i) State the definition of a Cartan subalgebra h of a finite-dimensional semi- simple complex Lie algebra g.

(ii) Show that the set of diagonal matrices h in sl(n, C) is a Cartan subalgebra. Hint: Recall that Ekl is the n×n-matrix with entries (Ekl)ij = δikδjl and that EijEkl = δjkEil. • Note that the elements of h together with {Eij | i 6= j} span sl(n, C). Pn • Show that for H = k=1 λkEkk one has adH Eij = (λi − λj)Eij. (iii) Show that the Killing form of the two diagonal matrices G, H ∈ h with

n n X X G = λkEkk ,H = µkEkk k=1 k=1 Pn is given by κ(G, H) = 2n k=1 λkµk. Hint: Let Ti be a basis of h. Write

P ∗  P ∗  κ(x, y) = i Ti [x, [y, Ti]] + i6=j Eij [x, [y, Eij]]

and show first that κ(Ekk, Ell) = 2nδkl − 2.

B 5. Consider the following two subsets of Mat(2, C), n a 0 o n a b o s = a, b ∈ , s = a, b ∈ . 1 0 b C 2 0 0 C

(i) Show that s1 and s2 are Lie subalgebras of Mat(2, C).

(ii) Show that neither s1 nor s2 are simple. (iii) Let g be a complex Lie algebra of dimension 2. Show that g is isomorphic

to either s1 or to s2. Hint: Distinguish two cases: g abelian and g not abelian. If g is not abelian, show that there is a nonzero Z ∈ g such that for any two X,Y ∈ g the Lie bracket [X,Y ] is proportional to Z. Conclude that one can find a basis {T,Z} of g such that [T,Z] = Z.

See Next Page - 5 - Section B CMMS01

B 6. (i) Give matrices H,E,F ∈ sl(2, C) such that [H,E] = 2E,[H,F ] = −2F and [E,F ] = H. Verify your answer for the case [H,E]. (ii) Let P (x, y) be the complex vector space of polynomials in x and y, i.e.

P (x, y) = span xmyn m, n = 0, 1, 2,...  . C

∂ ∂ m n m−1 n Denote by ∂x the differentiation with respect to x, e.g. ∂x x y = mx y , etc. Define

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ R(H) = x ∂x − y ∂y ,R(E) = x ∂y ,R(F ) = y ∂x .

Show that (P (x, y),R) is a representation of sl(2, C). (iii) Let P (x, y)d the subspace of P (x, y) consisting of all polynomials of degree d, i.e. P (x, y)d = span xmyd−m m = 0, 1, . . . , d . C Show that P (x, y)d is an invariant subspace of P (x, y).

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