litative Accord in New York SEE STORY BELOW

Rainy, Milder Rainy and milder today. THEMLY HOME Cloudy and colder tonight. Bed Baiok, Freehold Cloudy, chance of snow to- morrow. I Long Branch 7 FINAL (Bee Details Fags 2) , Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 9 Years VOL. 91, NO. 101 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1968 22 PAGES TEN CENTS"

Czech Studen• /.••• t• Sit-in•••••s . Go On; Dubeek Falters PRAGUE (AP) - Thou- Central Committee's retreat popular Dubeek to figurehead classes were scheduled, and be denied to "all who have sands of Czechoslovak stu- under Soviet pressure from • status. other students in Bohemia and lost the faith of. the people dents continued sit-in strikes the reform program Dubeek Eclipse Forseen Moravia joined in. The stu- and have never made quite at their schools today as Com- had headed. The committee was expect- dents said they would occupy clear where they stand." munist party chief Alexander It was the first organized •ed to establish a collective the buildings until Wednesday Dubcek's leading role in the This latter point named student political action since leadership that some Czech and perhaps longer in an ef- Alois Indra and Vasil Bilak, occupied country appeared the Communists took power sources- predicted would re- fort to get the government to. Bearing an end. who were considered collab- - in 1948. sult in public apathy and the recognize them as a political orators by some in the days The students, barred by the A three -day Central Com- eventual eclipse of Dubeek, force. following the Soviet invasion. government from demonstrat- mittee meeting that ended 'the symbol of the reform The strikers avoided open But Bilak, a member of the ing in the streets, shut them- shortly before dawn yester- movement. contact with outsiders so as party Presidium, was award- selves in their school build- day set up an eight - man Student leaders said about not to give the police a pre- ed a party secretaryship at THE STRIKE IS OVER — TENTATIVELY — Members of the United Federation of ings to demonstrate their dis- executive committee that was 30,000 students were on strike text for moving against them. the Central Committee meet- Teachers applaud during a mass meeting of the teachers' union in New York's appointment at the party believed likely to. reduce the in Prague yesterday, when no Prague's university student ing. action committee also dis- Madison Square Garden last night. Earlier, a tentative agreement to end the strike Bilak was one of several old sociated itself from brief, by teachers against New York City schools was announced by Mayor John Lind- guard, pro-Moscow Commu- small youth demonstrations (See CZECHS, Pg. 2, Col. 7). say. • ' IAP Wirephoto) Sunday night. Legislators Focus March Dispersed About3 300 youths marched from the national museum to Old Town Square but dis- persed immediately at the re- On 2 Major Bills quest of police. Patrol cars and* busloads of police stood TRENTON (AP) - The Re- Gov. Richard J. Hughes, a gional agency to oversee de- ready to break up any other publican - controlled legisla- Democrat, denounced the velopment of the meadows. demonstrations, but there ture focused on Medicaid and changes and has threatened Hughes Favors Bill were none. To End City School Strike development of the Hacken- to veto the measure if it Hughes said he favored the At student meetings inside 1 sack Meadowlands today as it clears both houses. He de- bill passed by the Senate ear- the university halls, disap- NEW YORK (AP) — Ten- John V. Lindsay announced ison Square Garden yester- ly Negro and Puerto Rican returned for the ' second of scribed as "mangling" the lier this year and urged Re- pointment was expressed that tative agreement has been the hoped-for accord Sunday day afternoon, was heckled, Ocean Hill-Brownsville school three year-end meetings. amendments tacked on by the publican legislative leaders to the Central Committee ig- reached to end the months- following 27 hours of talks at however, at a meeting of the district in Brooklyn, the focal The Assembly was expect- lawmakers. work for passage in the low- nored a 10-point student res- long teachers' strike and get his official residence, Grade UFT's delegate assembly with point of three strikes this ed to act on a Meadowlands The governor said the Army er house of that measure. olution urging an end to press 1.1 million pupils back in city Mansion. many persons milling abeut school, term and another last bill which was amended last Corps of Engineers told him Republicans, who hold 3-1 censorship within six months, schools, but some union mem- The rank-and-file vote of and some shouting, "Sell-out!" spring. week to reduce the acreage it could not participate in a majorities in both houses, freedom of assembly, free- bers have voiced "objections the 55,000 - member United Shanker, who had recom- . Ocean Hill is one of three Included in the proposed de- development program under agreed on a compromise dom of assembly, freedom to to the proposals. Federation pf Teachersj held mended acceptance of the experimental districts in the velopment of the valuable such an "abortive bill." The Medicaid program to cover travel abroad without- restric- Balloting on the proposed last night from 9 p.m. to 1 proposed contract as "the city providing for community tract of land in North Jersey. measure would create a re- (See BILLS, Pg. 3, Col. 3) tion and that important jobs pact continues today. Mayor a.m., continues from 8-11 a.m. best we think we can do," control (of education. today.. called the delegates' behavior Also, the Ocean-Hill eight- Pending outcome of the vot- "a disgrace," adding: "The school district will be super- ing, "the schools will remain constitution does not require vised by Herbert F. Johnson, VS. Aid closed," UFT President Al- me to conduct a mob." a trustee named by state Ed- Prisoner Release Hopes Dim bert Shanker said. The new contract terms in- ucation Commissioner James Shanker, cheered hy 17,000 clude removal of three prin- E. Allen Jr. Johnson is as- cipals from the predominant . (Sep. STRJKE, Pg. 3, Col. 3), PARK (AP) - Despite the 400 — were captured when sults on the prisoner of war ference is indefinitly suspend- For State ;union teachers packing Mad- bombing halt and expecta- their planes were shot down issue during the past six ed because the South Viet- tions that the Vietnam peace during the three years and months of U.S,-North Viet- namese government refuses talks will resume soon, pros- nine months of U.S. air at- namese talks. to attend. This has suspended pects do not appear bright for tacks ended by President Harriman plans to press most U.S.-Ndtth Vietnamese Revealed speedy release of American . Johnson's order Oct. 31. ahead on this matter when- contacts for The time being WASHINGTON — New Jer- Nixon Seen Weighing airmen held prisoner in North A persistent effort by Am- ever he sees an opening. But while U.S. diplomats focus on sey will-receive $5.98 million Vietnam. bassador W. Averell Harri- many obstacles seenr to spell patching up the split between during fiscal 1969 In federal Hundreds of U.S. flyers — man and his team of negoti- delay. Saigon and Washington. aid for education, Sen. Harri- a rough estimate used here is ators produced meager re- For one thing, the Paris con- If and when an expanded son A. Williams Jr., D-N.J., conference gets under way announced yesterday. 70 GOP Congress Push and begins to tackle the basic The grant, under Title HI and V of the 1965 Elementary issues of a peace settlement, By ASSOCIATED PRESS Nixon has made no final . The unsuccessful Democrat- Act, will fund several proj- the matter of prisoners may President - elect Richard Cabinet officer choices, even ic presidential candidate said International Money Markets well be among the last items ects, including special educa- tentatively, a top adviser said, he had made some plans for tion centers to be established M. Nixon is reported con- threshed out. During the two but has a list of potential the future but was not ready in Elizabeth and Margate for sidering an intensive drive, years of negotiations to end possibly under the direction Cabinet appointees and has to disclose them yet. the Korean War, prisoner ex- development of new tech- of a new national GOP chair- reached some preliminary, Humphrey also was in Flor- Quiet; Speculators Hold OH changes were not settled until niques in urban and rural edu- man, to win a more Republi- personal judgements. ida — at Miami Beach con- the end. cation. PARIS (AP) — European that the mark would be re- snowballing rumors that the can Congress in 1970. Vice President Hubert H. tinuing a post - campaign va- Another Problem The allotment places New But more immediate mat- Humphrey refused mean- cation. money markets were quieter valued upward and the franc mark would be revalued rath- Jersey among 10 states and devalued apparently were er than by any new weakness Still another problem'is Ha* ' -tere-wcupy^NiXQU'MimejiL, while to say whether_he has__ •_ The_drjve fgr GOP .congres- today as speculators appar- noi's continuing disinterest in territories receiving the great- less sure today. in the French economy. Spec- his retreat in Key Biscayney , Men "offerecl a~~J5b m 'the Atonal gains in~1970, "accorcf- talking about prisoner swaps. est amount of this form of • ently held back in the expec- Lowest Franc Level ulators who expected both de- Fla.: Selection of his Cabinet Nixon administration. ing to Nixon associates, may After a long period of denying federal assistance. tation of international emer- The frenzied speculation valuation of the franc and re- and other top administration 'A Private Matter' include replacement of Na- or refusing to admit the pres- The special education cen- , gency action to prevent chaot- valuation of the mark traded aides, and initial work on his "That's a private matter," tional Republican Chairman last week brought the franc ence of North Vietnamese ters are funded under Title ' ic disruption of the world's francs for dollars in enor- inaugural address. Humphrey said yesterday. Ray Bliss with what they des- to its lowest level since the troops in South Vietnam, U.S. III. The Title V funds will be major currencies. mous quantities in the hope of cribe as a more attention- riots and general strike last diplomats say the North Viet- used to conduct expanded sta- a double profit. commanding person. Pressure on the French June. The fever also affected namese are at least indirectly tistical services, provide su- franc eased off noticeably the pound and other European Zurich markets opened acknowledging that the North pervisory personnel for local They said Bliss, a techni- from the near hysteria level currencies; "rather quietly" with 100 has sent soldiers into the school districts, and encour- Nixon Win Margin cian who has avoided policy- reached at the end of last Leading bankers through- French francs quoted at 86.40 South. But North Vietnamese age projects in early child- making, likely would contin- week. out Europe stressed their be- Swiss francs, compared with negotiators have yet to talk hood development. ue to head the national Gold dropped slightly at the lief that the collapse of the 86.47 at the close Friday. publicly about Northern pris- In addition, New Jersey will committee for a while. There opening of the Paris market. franc and the pound would Some Swiss bank.s were limit- oners in the South. undertake long-range plan- In Jersey: 61,722 was little indication who the The one kilogram — 2.2 disorganize the entire world ing their purchases of francs, After North Vietnam re- ning for education "projects replacement, if any, might pounds — ingot was quoted at monetary system. They said awaiting developments. leased three U.S. pilots last during the next several years TRENTON (AP) -Rich- A Republican slate of elec- be. world financial solidarity was ard M. Nixon's official vic- tors will cast the votes be- 6,425 francs - $1,285 — In many countries, even as summer, Harriman arranged and will concentrate its re- Nixon was described as be- essential to ward off the tory margin over Hubert H. cause Nixon carried the state: against 6,440 francs — $1,288 far away as New Zealand, to return 14 captured North search on establishing educa- ing anxious to gear GOP speculative onslaught. Humphrey in New Jersey was — Friday. Stock prices went bankers were reluctant to Vietnamese seamen, but tional priorities. . The official, tallies show party organization for a con- 61,722- votes, an Associated up slightly at the opening. French officials contended deal in currencies at all un- stressed this was a gesture of The state Department ot that absentee ballots gave certed effort to increase GOP Press survey showed today. The governors of the lead- that the crisis was caused by til the situation clarified. good will rather than riciproc- Education will coordinate the Nixon an edge in Union strength in the Senate and at ing Western central banks ity. projects. Nixon, the Republican pres- County, which is traditionally least hold the line in the met in Basel, Switzerland, for ident - elect, outpolled Hum- a swing area in presidential House in the next election. the second day amid reports phrey 1,324,650 to 1,262,928 in elections. Humphrey had a . The Republicans would that the German central bank the Garden State, according 2,000 - vote lead on election have to gain at least nine was ready to give France an Allies Slay 416 Reds to certified figures by county ilight without military and seats in 1970 to control the ' emergency credit of a billion election boards. Nixon carried civilian absentees but when Senate and 26 to take over dollars. Bankers in the know 14 of the state's 21 counties. these were added Nixon edged the House. But off-year con- discounted reports that In Lowlands Battles George C. Wallace, the (See MARGIN, Pg. 3, Col. 3) (See NIXON, Pg. 2, Col. 8) France had rejected a condi- American Independent Party tion that French domestic SAIGON (AP) - Allied Quang Ngai, Hoi An and Tarn candidate, got 263,105 votes consumption be cut down. forces killed 416 North Viet- Ky. with much of his strength in namese and Viet Cong in the. Instead, said Lam, he ex- traditionally Democratic The speculators who bought populous coastal lowlands be- pects rocket, mortar and ter- strongholds. an estimated $1.5 billion dol- low Da Nang 'in a series of ror attacks on the cities and Gov. Richard J. Hughes The Inside Story . lara worth of West German battles Sunday, military ground attacks on smaller, had blamed Humphrey's loss * marks last week in the hope spokesmen reported. It was more lightly defended dis- on the Wallace vote, particu- Brides to weekend rites „ -Page 19 the heaviest fighting in the trict towns and outposts. larly in such traditionally Deborah Chapter slates donor luncheon Page 11 area in three months. Democratic bastions as Hud- Mater Del loses to Bayley-Ellard Page 15 Police Probing Thousands of troops were Lam said there had been 45 son, Middlesex and Passaic sweeping the seacoast and enemy - initiated incidents counties. Fair Haven Warner teams denied ; Page 16 since Saturday night in the Factory Entry jungled foothills in an at- Comedian Dick Gregory, Weekend schoolboy grid roundups Pages 15-16 three provinces below Da NEW SHREWSBURY - A tempt to thwart any plans the who headed the Peace and Nang, including eight ground Amusements .8 Successful Investing 7 break-in and larceny at enemy might have to attack Freedom Alternative, re- attacks, 32 mortar and rocket Births 2 Television 8 Thompson Industries, Mid- Da Nang in force. ceived 7,974 votes in New Jer- attacks and five terror inci- Jim Bishop 6 Women's News ....:. 10,11 Monmouth Industrial Park, Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, sey. Bridge 8 Movie Timetable 8 Park Road, was discovered at the South Vietnamese com- dents. He said prisoners re- ported this was the kickoff of Monmouth Margin Classified 17-20 4:30 a.m. today, police report- INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DEDICATED — State Sen. mander of the northern prov- DAILY REGISTER the enemy winter campaign. In Monmouth County the Comics 21 ed. Alfred N. Beadleston was guest speaker yesterday at inces, said the fighting vote was 87,300 for Nixon, Editorials 6 PHONE NUMBERS marked the opening of the en- They said the factory had the official dedication of Holmdei Township's now Twelve South Vietnamese 69,669 for Humphrey and 13,- Hcrblock 6 Main Office 741-0010 emy command's winter offen- soldiers were killed in the 047 for Wallace. • been entered, the main office Inside Washington 6 Classified Ads „ 741-6900 Intermediate School on Crawford's Corner Road. sive in his area. However, he biggest battle and 72 were broken Into, and a filing cab- The returns will be submit- James Kilpfitrick 6 Home Delivery 741-0010 , inet hauled outdoors and County school superintendent, Earl B. Garrison, town- told a news conference he wounded. The South Koreans ted to the secretary of state's does not expect any major Obituaries 4 Mlddletown Bureau .671-2250 rifled. Petty cash in an unde- ship officials and members of the Board of Educa- reported seven of their men office next month prior to the Sylvia Porter 6 Freehold Bureau 462-2121 ground attacks against the killed and two wounded in an- - termined amount was taken, tion were also on hand for the ceremony. casting of New Jersey's 17 Sports 1416 . Long Branch Bureau 222-0010 they said. Patrolman William larger cities, including, Da other engagements. No Ameri- electoral college votes for SeuferC'is Investigating. " VSegiiter Staff Photo) Nang, Hue, Quangjp' Tri, can casualties were reported. Nijton. 2-THE DAILY REGISTER, November 1*. 1968 NpneMm Gleason Case Mayor In 4 Crashes Describes a Shooting In Red Bank ELIZABETH (AP) - The that one of the 11 on trial jury in the trial of 11 per- used the shopping cart as a Affair RED BANK — No one was sons accused of murdering weapon in the slaying of Glea- Injured in four two-car acci- Plainfield Patrolman John V. son. TRENTON — Five munici- islature met in colonial New Newark, Elizabeth, Wo6d- dents which took place herd The man who was wound- over the weekend. Gleason Jr. has heard testi- pal mayors, including Ernest Jersey. • bndge, Middletown and mony that a patrolman shot ed before Gleason's fatal G, Kavalek of Middletown, - A sixth mayor who had Shrewsbuiy. The car driven by Anthony one man and ran from a beating is Bobby Lee Wil- were special guests at a joint been invited to attend the Dr. Richard P. McCormick, Christiano, 25 Central St., liams. 23, of Plainfield. Keyport, struck the car owned crowd during racial disorder legislative session Friday. commemoration, , Frederic chairman of the history de- in".the city last year. Williams, has been indicted .- By special proclamation, Messina of Shrewsbury, did partment at Rutgers Univer- bv Peter R. Strub, 18 Sailers on charges.of inciting person- Way, Rurason, while it- Was The trial was scheduled to al violence, assault and bat- Gov. Richard J. Hughes or- not attend. The six correspond sity, traced the development resume today. dered the session of an ob- parked on the south side of tery with intent to kill Glea- to the original six represent- 'of the legislative process in Monmouth St., Saturday servance of the passage of ed in the state's first legisla- New Jersey and said those Alan Johnson, 14, of Plain- son and assault and battery morning. The car was un- field testified in a Saturday with intent to kill the patrol- SOO years since the first leg- ture. They were Jersey City, who believe in the efficacy of occupied at the time. the democratic process must session that he saw a Plain- man during performance of constantly experience a sense The car driven by John field patrolman shoot one his duty. of challenge. Decker, Slate Hill, N.Y., man and run from a crowd According to earlier testi- during the city's racial dis- "Surely in these changing AMERICAN LEGION EXPANDS — Members of the struck the rear of the car mony Gleason allegedly and troubled times, when'so turbances in July 1967 when chased Williams to the area Keyport American Legion, Raritan Post 25, Saturday . driven by Beatrice L. Allgood, Gleason was killed. many of our fellow citizens 47 Drummond Aye., here, at of Plainfield Avenue and S. are either impatient with or dedicated a new brick wing to its headquarters at Young Johnson said he later Second Street after the patrol- in rebellion against the insti- 81 Front St. Shown admiring the plaque are Bor- the corner of Newman Springs saw the patrolman's body ly- man had seen him threaten- ing beside a shopping cart. tutional forms of our democ- ough Councilman Loroy Hicks, left, and Leroy State*, Road and Clinton Ave., Fri- ing-some white youths with a day night. Eleven Plainfield Negroes are hammer. • racy, conscientious reapprais- commander of the post. (Register Staff Photo) > als and even drastic readjust- The car driven by Margot charged with Gleason's death. ments demand your ernest Rosshejm, 122 Riverside Ave., Johnson, who is a Negro, consideration," he said. here, struck the car driveH said he was standing by a Nixon "There is always scope for Kennan Urges Churchmen by Joann Nelson, 120 Middle' fence at the- corner of Plain- that willingness to innovate town Road, New Monmouth, field Ave. and W. Third St. (Continued) which brought your first Gen- at the corner of Riverside about 8:15 p.m. on July 16, gressional elections tend to eral Assembly into existence, Remain Clear of Politics Ave., and Morford Place, 1967, when he "saw people in bring losses, not gains, for the party in the White, House. and that willingness to inno- PRINCETON (AP)-George Kennan was active in poll- Friday morning, as the latter stores looting . . .and then a vate is relevant today," Mc- F. Kennan urged religious tics himself this year, sup- was coming out of a parking patrolman came walking down Tower Gets Mention' Cormick said. leaders to stay out of politics porting Sen. Eugene McCar- lot. the street . . . coming from Sen. John G. Tower of Tex- Gov. Hughes' proclamation yesterday because govern- thy's bid for the Democratic The car driven by Richard W. Front St. He had a stick as, meanwhile, was being declared the day officially, as ment activity is "a process presidential nomination. Baskerville, 11 Carmen Place, in his hand. . ." mentioned as a likely chair- "General Assembly Commem- which must be corrupt." here,.struck the rear of tHe "This boy met him (the pa- man of Senate Republicans' Mayor Ernest G. Ka-clck Gov. Rlclard J. Hughes oration Day," The provin- The former U.S.- ambassa- car driven by Thomas Lloyd, trolman) on the street," campaign committee for 1970. cial legislature which met in dor to Russia and Yugoslavia Marriages Little Silver Point Road, Lit- Johnson declared. "They Sen. George Murphy of 1868 was called the General who is a professor'at the In- tle Silver, Friday ntorning, on were talking to each other. California will have to vacate Assembly. '.<. stitute for Advanced Study at the corner of Spring St. and The boy had a hammer in the post because he is up for Bribery, Conspiracy . Other Top Guests Princeton, said, "How- Highlight E. Front Street. his hand. re-election that year. Two other special guests ever lofty the ideals of states- No summons was issued in 'Shot The Boy' Tower could be expected to representing the contempo- men, the workings of gov- LBPs Day any of these cases pending . "Somebody threw a bottle adopt what he calls the Trial Slated to Open rary "descendants" of the old ernment are morally am- further Investigation. and hit the officer. He stum- "heartland" strategy of solid- WASHINGTON (AP)-Mar- bled back' and then he shot ifying Republican strength in proprietary divisions of East bivalent." riage played a special part of NEWARK (AP) - The trial with accepting $110,000 in pay- and West New Jersey in col- the boy." the South, Midwest and far Of two former Woodbridge of- offs to expedite construction Kennan, addressing about President Johnson's weekend. Farm-City Week onial days, were former state Johnson testified that by- West. ficials and others charged' of the pipeline, being built 700 persons in the Princeton He celebrated his own 34th Program h Slated with bribery "and conspiracy from Houston, Tex., to Liil- Sen. Henry S. Haines. and University Chapel, comment- wedding anniversary yester- standers pulled' the wounded In other political develop- Is scheduled to begin today. den. former Assemblyman George ed that'"people say that the day and attended the mar- HOLMDEL — Jack Eising- youth away and placed him ments: J. Miller. er, president of the local in a car and he saw the pa- District Court Judge Rey- the payments allegedly church Is endangered unless riage ceremony of one of his —Nixon should appoint at nier J. Woftendyke called for Haines is president of the its activity becomes relevant young aides. Kiwanis Club, has announced trolman running "down to- least one black person to his were made by officials of Co- that Nov. 22-28 is National ward Front Street with peo- opening statements before a lonial Pipeline Co. of Atlanta, Council of Proprietors of the to the problems of today. . The President and his wife Cabinet, Whitney M. Young jury of six men and six wom- Western Division of New Jer- "But the church should not Farm-City Week. ple running after him . . . Jr., executive director of the Ga., in 1963 and 1964 to obtain Lady Bird noted their 34 years about 35 of them." en on the charges in connec- building permits for 22 oil sey. Miller is registrar of the forget its true function by try- of marriage by exchanging The week, proclamed by National Urban League, said tion with construction -of an storage tanks in the Port General Board of Proprietors , ing to participate in an area sentimental gifts. . Johnson President Johnson, is dedicat- Johnson said that about 15 Sunday. Oil pipeline. . .• Reading - section of Wood- of the Eastern Division of of human affairs where it gave his wife a letter he had ed to dramatizing'interdepen- minutes later he walked to Young, Roy Innis, national v Jury selection "was complet- bridge. NeW Jersey. really doesn't belong, and written for the anniversary. dence of agriculture, manu- the corner of W. Second Street director of the Congress of where it must be a poor com- and Plainfield Avenue as a ed last week. Two officials of Colonial, The First Lady, in turn, facturing, commerce and the • Racial Equality, and Roy Wil- • Former Woodbridge Mayor petitor," he added. crowd of unidentified persons and two contractors charged presented the President with arts. kins, executive director of the Walter Zirpolo and former The church's task, he a copy of her diary entry was dispersing. He said he with conspiracy to assist in Man's Death Here, D.J. Luccarelli has saw the still form of the of- National .Association for the Township Council President contended was "to help man dated Feb. 13, 1941, the first Advancement of Colored Peo- Robert E. Jacks are charged the delivery of the, alleged seek forgiveness for the cor- time the then Texas congress- been appointed to coordinate ficer near a shopping cart a program for the week, which had "blood above the ple, all agreed Nixon has an payoffs are also defendants Said Suicide ruption he meets in the sec- man and (his wife attended a opportunity to reduce racial ular world.1: which will include tours of wheels." Mrs. R. M. Baird Jr. in the trial. FREEWOOD ACRES-Dr. social function at the "White tensions. The former ambassador as- , House. farms, businesses and schools The prosecution contends E Two other defendant cor- C. Malcolm B. Gilman, Mon- and community events. They commented in Copy- t)NION .BEACH - Mrs. serted that "the church will \ Last night, the Johnsons at- Florence Baird, 55, of 814 porations pleaded guilty to mouth County, medical exam- lose its purity of purpose by right interviews in IAS. News one-count in the indictment iner, yesterday said the tended the wedding of his ap- & World Report magazine, Fourth Street, died Friday in participating" in secular pointments secretary, Jim Democratic Club Riverview Hospital, Red at the start of the trial death of Charles Ellinder, affairs. Czechs -Hebert G. Klein, Nixon's Wednesday. The gates Con- found hanged on a tree be- Jones, to Olivia Barclay, a Will Hear Publisher director of communicatlofs Bank. "A layman," Kennan Washington attorney. Jones, (Continued) struction Corp. and Gates hind a chicken coop on Hulse nists promoted. Deputy Pe- during the campaign, said he • Born in Hillside, she was added, "can take upon himself MATAWAN TOWNSHIP.- 1 Road, was suicide. at 29 one of the ybungest men has been 'offered a policy a, resident here 20 years, and Equipment Corp.,'Little Fer- the humiliating function of 1 mier Lubomir Strougal, 44, in- lyir. Ellinder's body' was to hold the appointments post, ^ formerly lived in Union. ry contractors,; were accused participating in the political vnis ones'" described' by- his emocratic Club, terior rrilhister under ousted role in the administration and of conspiring to assist in the discovered Saturday after- President Antonin Novotny, Indicated he would like to Surviving are her husband, process because he has only boss as having neyer made a 'will hold its monthly meeting delivery of $20,000 in payoffs. noon by his employer, Abram himself to answer for. mistake. at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the emerged with three new par- take a role "if it were struc- Robert McGregor Baird Jr.; ty posts — chairman of the The firms continued their in- Kazman, on the chicken farm "Government activity Is Veterans of Foreign Wars tured right." He did not elab- two sons, Robert G. Baird of Following the ceremony at new Czech 'Bureau, a secre- orate. Klein was interviewed nocent pleas to two other necessary but the laymen s Georgetown Roman Catho- Hall, Cliff wood Ave. this place, and John E. Baird, similar charges. « where he worked, near his taryship and membership on on CBS'"Face the Nation." with the U.S. Air Force home. should not deceive them- lic Church, the Johnson, along M. Harold Kelly, publisher selves," he said. "He par- the Presidium replacing lib- in Florida; a daughter, Mrs. with their elder daughter Lyn- \of The Daily Register will be eral Zdenek Mlynar, who re- Drivers Summoned Florence E. Slutter of Haz- Walter Heftdley, 63, Howell State Troopers Mi- ' ticipated in a process which da Robb, attended a reception the guest speaker. His topic chael Rlsi -and James Knoel- must be corrupt." signed. In Two-Car Crash let; two brothers, John Klug : at the Federal City Club In a will be the Public Official and of this place, and George Miami Police Chief ler invest ^2ted. downtown hotel. the Press. Strougal also was named to RUMSON — Both drivers : The Lakewood Funeral Ktug of Hillside; a sister, MIAMI,Fla. (AP) - Wal- Bishop Beope . the new executive committee were ticketed after a two-car Mrs. Christine Anderson, and ter Headley, 63, Miami police Home, Rt. 9, is in charge Of although Bilak wasn't. The collision on Rumson Road at five grandchildren. arrangements. Dr. Gilman BILBAO, Spain (AP) —The other seven members are Osprey Lane at 9:18 last duet ttt 20 years' who was Most Rev. Pablo Gurpide the 'architect of a crime said Mr. ..Ellinder has no Dubcek, President Ludvik night.' Services were held this known survivors. Beope, the Roman Catholic morning in Day Funeral crackdown that sent police Svoboda, Premier Oldrich Sgt. Walter Pomphrey is- bishop of Bilbao, died today Births Cernik, National Assembly Home, Keyport, with Rev. dogs and shotgun - toting pa- of cancer of the liver, and 40 sued Peter Bi Cartmell, 11 Vincent Pettit, rector of St. trolmen into Miami's slums Mrs. Carl Dill RIVERVIEW 242 Keller St., Bayvllle, son, President Joseph Smrkovsky, Hoily Tree Lane, a summons' priests of his diocese ended a National Front Chairman Ev- Mary's Episcopal Church, in force, died Saturday. Head- FREEHOLD — Mrs. Uma sit-in demanding his resigna- Red Bank Saturday. for careless driving and Wil- Keyport, officiating. Bun* ley once said: "Felons will zen Erban, Stefan Sadovsky liam R. Richard, 103 Church G. Dill, 76, of 76 W. George tion. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gablno Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore and Slovak party Chief Gus- al was in Shoreland Memorial learn that they can't be bond- St. died yesterday in Mon- res (nee Clara Colon), 158 Brindley (nee Suzanne Laur- St., Fair Haven, a summons The bishop, who was 70, tav Husak. for driving without headlights. Gardens, Hazlet. ed out of the morgue." mouth Medical Center, Long had been critically ill since Gordon St., Perth Amboy, icella), 307 Palmer Ave., Nep- Branch, after a long illness. Nov. 9, five days after the twin sons, Friday. • tune, daughter, Saturday, Alfred E. Smith Jr., $he was the wife of Carl Dill. priests began their demon- Mr. and Mrs Soo Young Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tan- John A. Coqney . ; She was born in Covington, ner (nee Patricia Barone), 58 FREEHOU) '--Iflihn- A'.- Late Governor's Son: stration in nearby Derio Sem- Chai (nee Hikyoung Lee), 17 Ind., daughter of the late inary. They filed out' of the Strathmore Gardens, Mata- S. Bath Ave., Long Branch, Cooney, 77, of 10 Conbver St. CARMELVN.Y. (AP) - Al- • John and Frances Mietzler daughter, Saturday. died Friday in Jersey Shore seminary as soon as they wan Township, son, Friday. fred E. Smiti Jr., 67, eldest Keller, and had lived here 30 heard of the bishop's death, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meri- Medical Center, Neptune. years. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright gold (nee'lJbnna Horton), 16 son of thejurte New York Catholic sources said. (nee Rosella Lyzenby), 65 A former chief of the Union governor and 1928 Democrat- Mrs. pill attended the First Leighton Place, Red Bank, Beach Fire Company, Mr; Ninth St., Belford, daughter, son, yesterday. ic presidential candidate, died Methodist Church, here. Saturday. Cooney resided in Union Frida"y. Smith was a delegate Surviving, in addition to her Calhoun Brown Beach for 44 years prior to to the Democratic National husband, are four sons, Fred RED BANK - Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Joel Yura JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL moving here four months Convention ' that nominated L. Dill of Carmel, N.Y., John Brown, 83, of 1140 37th St., (nee Eleanor Wolosky), 10 Neptune ago. his father for the presidency. F. Dill of Goshen, N.Y., and Newport News, Va., died Sat- Tralee Road, Hazlet, daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pat- He also- was a former chief The elder Smith lost to Re- Charles E. and Walter R. Dill, urday in Riverview Hospital, ter, Saturday. terson (nee Diane Calhoun), of the Union Gardens Fire publican Herbert Hoover. both of Freehold; a daughter, Red Bank, while visiting his Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cul- 1105 First Ave., Asbury Park, Company. Mrs. Mary A. Crawford of great-niece, Mrs. Susie DIxon petter (nee Margaret Mac- daughter, Friday. Surviving are a son, John Freehold; a brother, George of Ft. Hancock. He was a re- Corkle), 7 Parkview Ter., Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Cooney of Old Bridge; a Bart Eradus Keller, and a sister, Mrs. Es- tired longshoreman. Hazlet,. daughter, Saturday. Fromhold, (nee Peggy Olsen) daughter, Mrs. James W. RUMSON — Bart Eradus, tal Edwards, both of Coving- He Is' also survived by his Mr. and Mrs. Julio Miranda 18 Oak Terr., Neptune City, Collins of Freehold; a broth- 75, of 18 Allen St. died Fri- ton; 21 grandchildren, and 11 son, Nathaniel H. Brown of '(nee Carmen Garcia), 132 son, Friday. er, Peter Cooney of West day in the Ivy Nursing Home, great-grandchildren. Richmond, Va.; seven grand- First St., Perth Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rau Orange; a sister, Mrs. John Middletown. An area resident The funeral will be Wednes- children, and 17 great-grand- daughter, yesterday. (nee Mary Bowers), English Geldhauser of Newark, and for • 15 years, he was a re- town R6ad, Freehold, daugh- day at 2 p.m. in the H.iggins children. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Longo seven grandchildren. tired civil engineer at Ft. Memorial Home, Freehold, Funeral services will be ter, Friday.. The cortege will leave to- Monmouth. with the Rev. Earl C. Snyder, Thursday in Newport News. (nee Sharon McKinney), 5 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Be- morrow at 8 a.m. from thb pastor of the First Methodist Local arrangements are un- Kenneth Ter., Middletown, datsky, (nee Yvonne Dehones Surviving are his widow, daughter, yesterday. Day Funeral Home, Keyport, Mrs. Florence Moorehouse Church, officiating. Burial der the direction of the F. tis), 258 StillweU Corners for a Requiem Mass at 9 a.m. Eradus; two daughters, Miss will be in Monmouth Memori- Leon Harris Funeral Home, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Road, Freehold, daughter, In Holy Family Catholic Henrietta Eradus, at home, al Park, New Shrewsbury. Red Bank. Kenty (nee Mary Koppe), 37 Friday. Church, Union Beach. Burial and Mrs. Florence Litton of Avondale Lane, Matawan, son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sanders will be in St. Rose of Lima Morristown, and two grand- yesterday. (nee Sally Lindsay), 6 Almar Cemetery, Freehold. children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pet- Road, Neptune, son, Friday. Make Sure You Get One The Bedell Funeral Home, roslno (nee Angela Phillips), Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ed- Mrs. Grace Becker Tottenville, Staten Island, The Weather 1537 W. Park Ave., New wards, 1002 Sewall Ave., As was in charge of arrange- Shrewsbury, son, yesterday. bury Park, son, Saturday. Come Nov. '69 ASBURY PARK - Mrs. Rain and windy most of to- northwest wjth similar speeds Mr. and Mrs. Richard Solly Grace Becker, 68, of 408 ments. MONMOUTH MEDICAL •' ' day with milder tempera- tonight and continuing tomor- (nee Sandra Gardner), 12 Choose Third Ave., died Saturday at tures, highest in the mid to row. Rain and fog today. Long Branch Home St., Neptune, daugh- Any One Jersey Shore Medical Center, Miss Weinheimer upper 50s. Cloudy and colder Mostly cloudy tonight and to- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Han- ter, Saturday. of These Clubs Neptune. A secretary at Ft. RED BANK - Miss Helen tonight, lowesttem peratures morrow, chance of snow flur- sen (nee Connie Coieman), 0 Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Hall WEEKLY AMOUNT! Monmouth, she had resided in the mid to upper 30s. To- ries tomorrow. Visibility less Taylor Ave., East Keansburg, PAYMENT OP CLUB AN ATTRACTIVE here for 20 years. Weinheimer, 86, of Madison Jr. (neu Arlene DeLlsa), 452 Ave., died Friday in River- morrow cloudy and cold with than one mile and near zero son, Thursday. Harrison St., Long Branch, .50 25.25" GIFT WITH EVERY She was the daughter of the view Hospital. chance of snow flurries, high- in widespread fog and rain Mr. and Mrs.. Salvatore Cal- son, yesterday. late Mr. and Mrs. Charles est in the upper 30s. Wednes- today. Visibility improving to SttBlf CLUB OPENING Bom in Bronx, she was the iendo (nee Brenda White), Mr. and Mrs. John Schluts $2 Vosburgh. day's outlook, partly «loudy 3 to 5 miles tonight and to- 5010 Third Ave., Asbury Park (nee Catherine Barrell), 134 Wf.OflT Surviving is a son, Edmond daughter of the late Jacob and cool. morrow. Weinheimer and Philippina son, Friday. ... • - Wood Crest Drive, Freehold, 151.50" Becker, Virginia Beach, Va.; In Monmouth Beach, yester- DIVIDEND Newhardt Weinheimer. TIDES Mr. and Mrs. Donald De- daughter, yesterday. $5 252.50 a sister, Miss Marion Vos- day's high was 47 degrees and vine (nee Denlse Broderick), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hen- ON burgh, New York; a brother, Surviving is a nephew, Ed- Sandy Hook $TO the low was 42. It was 44 at TODAY - High 8 p.m. and 49 Buena Vista Ave., Rumson, drlcks (nee Elizabeth Heyse), _SOS.OO Completed Charles Vosburgh, Yonkcrs, ward Weinheimer of Mala- 6 p.m. The overnight low was son, Friday. wan. low'... p.m. 232 Pinetree Place, Point —SL-- _10lO.00~ CLUBS N.Y., and three grandchildren. 43 and at 7 this morning the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mo- Pleasant, daughter, yester- Services will be tomorrow Services were held Sunday temperature was- 52. There- TOMORROW - High 6:80 1 raller (nee Doris Swensbn), a.m. and 6:48 p.m. and low day. at 7 p.m. at the Adams Fu- night in the John F. Pfleger was a .34-inch rainfall since 267 Oxford Ave., Fair Haveij, Mr. and Mrs. Marino Go- neral Home, Red Bank, with Funeral Home, Middletown, midnight Saturday. 12:06 a.m. and 12:54 p.m. son, Saturday,, mez (nee Angelica Vlas- the Rev. Canon Charles H. with the Rev. Harlan Durfee, MARINE For Red Bank and Rumson Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph No- quez), 721 Main St., Bradley Best, rpctor of the Trinity pastor of Westminster Pres- Cape May to Block Island: bridge, add two hours; Sea votny (nee Louanne Killac- Beach, daughter, yesterday. Episcopal Church, Red Bank, byterian Church, Middletown, Small craft warning in effect Bright, deduct 10 minutes; ley), 71 Seven Bridge Road, Mr. and Mrs. Charles De officiating. Burial will be In officiating. Burial was this at 5 a.m. for east to south- Long Branch, deduct 15 min- Little Silver, son, Saturday. Woodlawn Cemetery, New Sarttls (nee Antoinette Bur- MIDDLETOWN morning in Woodlawn Ceme- cast winds 20 to 25 knots with utes; Highlands bridge, add Mr. and Mrs. Raymond gles), 9 Murray Lane, Nep- 471.2400 York. tery" Bronx. higher gusts today shifting to 40 minutes. Buck .(nee Ruth Westerberg), tune, son, yesterday. * I r TOE DAILY-MGISJER, Mon 095.95 was not known if any escaped. The Israelis suffered no gram. ' . burg, was. not injured, but suffered when the car he was casualties, he added. Martin Gerber, regional di- his wife was taken to Perth driving struck a fence and rector of the UAW, and Joel Amboy Hospital for treatment tree on Oakes Road at 10:10 Rebel Priests Being Probed R. Jacobson, the union's di- of minor injuries. last night. Special Officer rector of community affairs, No charges have been filed - Warren Herbert is investigat- SAN ANTONIO, Tex. — An 18-member commission against the driver. ing. established to probe a rebellion of priests against their said the measure was "a re- . • archbishop is beginning its investigation, which the 68 Uuctant, half-hearted effort to dissenting priests already have called "a pointless, tooth- pass a ,watered-down, inade- : less gesture." quate minicaid bill." The commission will hear testimony today through The legislature has put off . Thursday. A spokesman said 20 persons have asked to tes- for the time being a proposal tify in a dispute that has rocked the Roman Catholic by liughes to appropriate $25 archdiocese of San\ Antonio. The 68 priests have demanded million to bolster salaries of the resignation of Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, 77, who .police and firemen. Legisla- has been spiritual leader of a half million Catholics in the tive leaders said there wasn't S2-county archdiocese for 27 years. enough money available to A year act on the plan this year and said additional revenue-rais- Two Escapees,Remain Free ing bills might be needed to POINT OF THE MOUNTAIN, Utah — Two of nine finance a program next year. from today participants in a Utah prison escape were still free today. Onte, the convicted killer of a, policeman, was called by Warden John Turner the most dangerous of all the state's Convicts. Turner, nearly sleepless for more, than two days, Margin you can share awaited leads on Michael Patrick Jones, 22, Berkeley, (Continued) Calif., and Frank Lopez, 26, Rook Springs, Wyo. Humphrey by;635 votes — 110,309 to 109,674. May Use 'Southern Strategy' Tabulation of final official in this, too! WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans may use the returns was delayed because "southern strategy" that helped win the presidency for of Middlesex County. Mrs. • Richard M. Nixon by picking Sen. John G. Tower to head Ruth Jago, chairman of the their campaign committee for the 1070 elections. Board of Elections, said prob- Tower, the Texan who headed Nixon's 25-member lems developed when it was OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB PAYS INTEREST major issues committee, has told colleagues he would like originally discovered that to have the post being vacated by Sen. George Murphy of there were more vofes than Be wise and savefor '69 See how our Christmas Club accounts California. Murphy is, expected to run for re-election in voters. She said a recheck Join The Central Jersey Bank and build up over a 50-week period: 1970 and under Republican rules will have to leave the was made and it was dis- campaign, job. covered that absentee votes Trust Company Christmas Club now. $20.00 ii week $$1010.00 were not originally added to Memberships start from as little $10.00 ii we»k $ 505.00 Pakistani Marshal Sparks Shock the machine total. She attrib- $ 5.00 i week $ 252.50 uted the problems to a "rec- as 500 a week. We don't just $ 3.00 ii week 1 151.50 LAHORE, Pakistan — The former commander in chief ord heavy vote." $ 2.00 i

Enchantingly different, refreshingly candid, disarmingly wise-CHILDREN'S LETTERS TO GOD has already sold half-a-million copies in book form. Now you.and your family can enjoy a delight- ful new feature based on the national best sellers everybody's talking about Here is all the warmth and innocence of chil- dren communicating with God in their very own i words. Be sure to read- CHILDREN'S The Trimline9 telephone: ten pushbuttons and one recall button come to you. LETTERS TO GOD Pick up tbe handset of tbe compact Trimline anywhere. It's a real space-saver, and its cord models, Just call your Telephone Business Office 9 phone. Examine the ten lighted Touch-Tone is a convenient 18 inches longer. Also available with standard did In new com- ' by STUART HAMPLE buttons that let you "dial" twice as fast. Notice The cost of a Trimline phone? Only pennies pact design. , the recall button: now you don't hang up to a day. And there's no extra charge for color. If STARTS TODAY make a second call; you just push the recall you want Touch-Tone service, the additional button to get a dial tone. Touch-Tone charge covers all the phones on Because you don't need to. see the base to your line. , , THHE DAILY REGISTER call, you can put the .Trimline phone almost To order Trimline phones in wall or table A r Air Discrimination Charge Azzolina's Sewer Bill THE DAILY REGISTER, MonA&y, NOT. 18, Be Passed Today Jit Discharge ofTeacher TRENTON— Assemblyman bill. Treated waste from By Swan SUversteln Joseph . Azzolina, R-Mon- those municipalities would be not entitled to any .ex- ents met with the board in mouth, today is hoping for piped to the ocean instead of WBSTLQNG BRANCH - planation of tiie board action. closed session and the pro- TJie Shore Regional High the'same speed in the Sen- heavily polluted Raritan and Secondly, the board stated, ceedings of that session were ate which his, bill for an Sandy Hook Bays. School Board of Education a charge of discrimination not revealed to the public ocean outfall line for the Bay- has asked the state commis- 'does not fall into .the. juris- nor to the public- nor to Mr. shore area of Monmouth sioner of education to dismiss diction of tiie Department of Edmond. No substantial rea- County received in the As- the petition" filed by Clarence Education, but should" be son for Mr. Edmond's dis- sembly Friday. New Trial Edmond, . Long Branch, ruled on by the state Divi- missal was given, it says. He said he has assurances" charging that he was dis- sion on Civil Rights. , ' The petition says that the Date Set charged from the school fac- 1963 Ruling " of Sens. Richard R. Stout and board disavowed any racial Alfred N. Beadleston that ulty on grounds of racial dis- The board based this ar- prejudice on the part of the crimination. they will try to get the bill For Cagle gument on a 1963 ruling parents, but during that ses- through the upper chamber Presenting a two-fold argu- which took laws against dis- sion the parents did make today or next Monday. FREEHOLD - Larry A. ment in a hearing before crimination out of the educa- reference to the fact that Mr. Cagle, 19, of 22 High St., Red tion statutes and brought, The bill will permit Mon- Commissioner of Education Edmond is a Negro. mouth's Board of Freeholders Bank will go on trial for the Dr. Carl L. Marburger, the them under the {jurisdiction The complaint states that to establish a regional sewer- second time Jan. 6 on charges board requested dismissal of of the attorney general and age authority that would be the Division on Civil Rights.' the parents told the board of murdering a Long Branch the complaint because Mr. that the French examination authorized to issue bonds for Edmond, a Negro who taught Donald Malloy, field repre- was "too hard," and that the construction of a line running man last Thanksgiving Eve. French at the high school for sentative for the New Jersey directions were not clear. from the Matawan-Keyport The first trial last month two years prior to his dismis- Education Association which area along the Bayshore to The complaint says the ended in a mistrial when sal on June 18, did not en- is acting on Mr. Edmond's Highlands and out to sea. The Mrs. Edna D. Newton of 54 Joy tenure and therefore was behalf, said Dr. Marburger board did not investigate measure cleared the Assem- these charges nor interview Liberty St., Long Branch, has not yet made a decision bly, 52-0, but not as easily as widow of the victim, appar- FACTORY WAREHOUSE on the board's request for any of the other 115 students the tally indicates. dismissal. who took, and passed, the ex- ently suffered a heart attack FIELDCREST ELECTRIC BLANKETS Assemblyman David J. while testifying. PIANOS "If the Commissioner de- amination, Friedland, D-Hudson, at first Superior Court Judge Clark- BOUGHT, SOLD, TUNED nies the board's request, Mr. Malloy said the hear- complained that the minority 17.00 Twin Size ..10.00 22.(fo Full Dual Control 18.50 John Dempsey, Mr. Ed- son S. Fisher, who set the REPAIRED, MOVED ing date for Mr. Edmond's party had not been informed 19.00 Full Size 15.00 33..00 Queen Size 25.00 44 SOUTH ST. FREEHOLD mond's attorney, will then petition has not been set. that Azzolina's bill would be trial date, presided at the present our case," said Mr. The board's side of the ar- up for a vote. first trial. The judge last Malloy. "We feel the question gument was presented by the Minority Leader S. Howard Tuesday set bail at $25,000 Sleep cozy -tonight under one of these handsome autbmatic blankets . . . of tenure is a moot point as board attorney, S. Thomas Woodson Jr., D-Mercer, how- you'll never spend another shivering, sleepless night. Nine-warmth setting Mr. Edmond had already for Cagle. WOMEN OFTEN Gagliano. ever, said it was his fault, control assures gentle, uniform warmth without weight. Nylon binding, con- NAVE BLADDER IRRITATION signed and delivered his third not the Monmouth's Republi- Cagle is accused of murder- term contract at the time of can's. After a short recess at ing Oliver Newton, 78, last vertible fitted corners. Choice of colors. his dismissal. Nov. 22 in Long Branch. jk end which Mr. Azzolina explained "But if the commissioner 7 Divorces the bill to the Democrat, it The state, represented by iteinbach'r liruni. —- all itorai , dismisses Mr. Edmond's pe- was passed and sent to the Assistant County Prosecutor B*cl«che» and i«l oldciTtiredr ..,.- pressed. In such cases. CYSTtX usu- tition, we will appeal to the Are Granted Senate. Franklin Goldstein, did not ally brings relaxing comfort by euro- Division on Civil Rights," All or parts of Highlands, seek the death penalty in the *nfJH™«iE«a£f

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Coupled with the continued ^ Bunk. That book cost 3,500 hours of research, of which In Oceanport. That was when Mon* enthusiasm of its sponsors, the fund's 43 minutes was spent with President Johnson. It required beneficiaries — the sick, needy, dis- no more time to find out how he felt that day when tt»y mouth Park Charity Fund Inc. distri- pinned him in ia curtained emergency room while his 0tt abled — will not b» forgotten. buted $127,500 to 53 county service was dying down the hall. If that makes my book the Lyndon There was a time in New Jersey organizations. That sum represented Johnson version, I'll eat it and it runs to more than 70$ when the idea of returning thorough- pages. , ' the largest amount ever realized from bred horse racing to the state was Worst, some of the publications are given the book for the charity ball and carnival, spon- frowned upon. The Register editorially review to competitors — there is a rumor in town that the Times asked Manchester to dissect my work. That's lilw sored each year at the track in the campaigned to have the sport legalized A CONSERVATIVE VIEW asking Richard Nixon to write a report card on Hubert closing days of its season. and, when it finally was approved, we Humphrey's performance. In its 22-year history, the fund has and other supporters were delighted ITie book Is still a week away from publication, and «•: given $1,733,442 to charitable causes. both at the outcome, and of the quality Free Drugs for Oldsters? ready some literary friends will not touch me with a long management the Oceanport plant pole. One book publisher, is angry because he had the book, This mighty contribution is the result By JAMES J. «ILPATRICK volved in prolonged treatment of chronic dl- and lost it because I felt he lacked enthusiasm about another of a lot of preparation and hard work attracted. , It was just a year ago that Russell sease can be a terrible burden for the poor. book he had published. I have spent days at the house by race track officials, their wives, The charity-fund was among the Long of Louisiana was regaling the Senate In this narrow category, some social re- phone, submitting to interviews by radio stars who ask families and friends. first expressions of the management's with a plan to ease or to remove the bur- lief may be required. But the dimensions questions without having seen the book. den of drag expenses for the nation's 19 of the problem as a whole, it appears, are If the book Is remarkable at all, it is /because It is the The ball itself,is one of the shore's concern for their neighbors. It is great- million oldsters. It was prednisone in every not nearly so vast as one might have in- first one that did not.rush into print to capitalize on the great social spectaculars, popularity of ly appreciated by all of us. pot and a wonderful politi- ferred from the speeches of Senator Long. morbid attitude of the American people. It Is the only,one cal gimmick. Of the 19 million Amerioans who are 65 or that reconstructs everything that President Kennedy and The senator proposed older, roughly 11.8 million are generally Lee Harvey Oswald did on that day, minute by minute, over Mr. Newquist's Accomplishments v to accomplish his prodi- able to handle their medical costs without a'span of 250,000 words, great hardship. They may have retire- gies in part through a • -. . ' • , :. Oscar A. Newquist of Fair Haven, customers, who generally are blessed system relying upon the ment income, plus. Social Security, plus INTELLIGENT EDITORS thought that I should have- vice president and. manager of Mon- with ample water. use of generic drugs in- Medicare, plus health insurance. Indicated the city of Dallas "for its climate." Others won- mouth Consolidated Water Company, An acknowledged expert in his stead of brand-name WHAT WE ARE talking about, in terms dered why I did not play Jack Ruby bigger in the story. has retired after 42 years in water field, Mr. Newquist in 1961 answered drugs. For example, a of actual need, is the problem faced by Answer: Because he and Oswald had never met, and be- drug user nqw pays management,, 15 of which he spent a call by the U.S. government to ad- some 7.5 million men and women, over 65, cause Ruby was in the advertising department of the Dallas roughly $7 for 100 tablets whose meager Incomes fall below the pov- News when Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza. with the utility that provides water to vise Near East and Far East countries of the brand-name "Ser- erty line. Perhaps 1.5 million of them al- Dinner groups asked me to address them — not about • large portion of the county. on how to improve the management KILPATJUCK pasil," when he can get ready get free drugs through existing wel- the book — but about who the Kennedys did not want me • The firm enjoys exceptionally good and operating efficiency of their water substantially the same thing under the ge- fare programs or through their physicians. to write the book In the first place. The project became ex- neric name of reserpine for $2.91. An We're really talking of only 6 million per- relations with Sts patrons and officials systems. asperating because I became aware that no one wanted to asthma victim may pay $8.50 for brand- sons. . understand what had happened on Nov 22, 1963 — they of municipalities it serves. This is due, Even though his business commits name "Meticorten" when he can get 30 How great is the burden of drug costs looked for a fresh sensation. I tried to e^pjpn that ifl wpl$ tn large part, to Mr. Newquist's avail- ments were abundant, he found time tablets of the generic prednisone for $2.58 to them? The study indicates that average subscribe to District Attorney Jim Garrison's wild notions, abiHty and cordiality, and particularly for an unusual amount of civic service, By inducing doctors to prescribe generical- per capita outlays; fen. prescription drugs my book would be a runaway best-seller. ••.••' Jy, rather than by brand names, the sena- amount to 80 cents a week — $41.40 per The plone clicked off and I heard dial tones. Was any- to bis awareness of the needs of the whether as a Rotarian, in Boy. tor saw the possibility of reducing drug activities or as a member of the Ft. year — for those over 65. And how much one interested in the fact that it took two years to read future. expenses for the elderly by at least $100 might be saved if doctors were induced or and annotate the 26 volumns of the Warren Commission Re- In many places in the state, resi- Monmouth Advisory Committee. We million a year. required to prescribe certain drugs by their port? No one. Two solid years? No, sir. My own daughters dents are plagued by inadequate water wish him many happy years in retire- Welfare Secretary John Gardner, to-his generic names? The answer is: remark- murmured: "Do tell!" and went back to letting hems down. supplies and mismanagement by the ment, certain he will continue to offer lasting credit, was exceedingly skeptical of ably little. The* Task Force found that 409 I had never met Bishop Clarence Issenmann before, counsel sought by so many area Long's full-blown projections. He urged the drug products account for 88 per cent of all and, as newspapermen, we could not agree on why every- utilities. Fortunately, this has not been prescriptions among the elderly. Only 67 one becomes, so angry at the mention of the assassination. organizations, Congress, to wait until a study of drug the case for Monmouth Consolidated costs could be completed. In the end, his of the 409 present opportunities for signifi- I gave him the first copy

Weddings Take • i.i Schissler'Farrell Lovett'Mazza PROVIDENCE, B. L — Miss Patricia Edward K. Schlssler, U. S. Navy> was RED BANK - St. Anthony's Catholic oni, cousins of the bride. Frances Alexan- Mary Farrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. his brother's best man. Ushers were Lt. Church was the setting yesterday for the der, the bride's cousin,-and Maggie Kill- Thomas P. Farrell, Providence, was mar James Barry, IX. Rolfe Clark, Lt. (j.g.) Wedding of Miss. Barbara Ann Mazza, cayne, the bridegroom's cousin, were ried Saturday to Lt. (j.g.) Paul F. Schis- David Herring, Lt. (j.g.) Kenneth Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick T. flower girls. Ring bearer was the bride's sler Jr., IF. S. Navy. He is the son of Mr. Lt. Stephen, Jones, all U. S. Navy, and Mazza, 11 Silverton Ave., Little Silver, nephew, Joseph Mazza. and Mrs. Paul F. Schissler, 909 Broad Ens. James' Jewel, U. S. Naval Reserve. and Robert Douglas Lovett, son of Mrs. The bride's brother, Joseph Mazza, St., Shrewsbury, N. J. The traditional arch of swords was Lois Lovett, 215 Winding Way, Little Sil- was best man. Ushers were Duncan Harri- A Nuptial Mass was celebrated here formed for the couple after the ceremony. ver, and (he late John T. Lovett 3rd. son, James Schultes, Frank Dugan,'and Dominic Geroni, cousin of the bride. in the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. The bride, a graduate of St. Patrick's The bridegroom is the great-grandson The couple received the papal blessing. High School and Rhode Island College, The bride, a graduate of Red Bank of the late John T. Lovett, founder of High School, also is an alumnus of Kathar- A reception was held in the Datum both Providence, is a special education Lovett's nursery, Little Silver, in 1878.' Club, U. S. Naval Base, Newport. teacher in Tiverton, R. I. ine Gibbs Secretarial School, Mpntclair, Miss Betty Ann Reall was maid of Her husband is an alumnus of Red Msgr. Salvatore DiLorenzo officiated. where she was treasurer of the" Student honor for her aunt. Bridal attendants Bank (N. J.) Catholic High School, and A reception was held in the Barclay Council. were Miss Joan Marie Schissler and Miss the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Hotel, Belmar. Mr. Lovett attended Admiral Farragut Margaret Anne Schissler, sisters of the class of 1967. He is a Communications Of- Miss Angela Alexander was maid of Academy, Toms River, and the Peddie bridegroom, and Mrs. J. William Quirk. ficer on the U. S. S. Hawkins, Newport. honor for her cousin. The bride's cousins, School, Hightstown. He is a graduate of The bride's niece, Miss* Mary E. McCar- The couple will reside at 28 Champlin the Misses Terry Chieffalo, Debbie Chief- Red Bank High School, and is majoring thy, was flower girl. St., Newport. Mrs. Robert Lovett falo, and Patricia Furiato, and the bride- in marketing research at Northeastern (The former Barbara Mazza) groom's sister, Miss Mimi Lovett, were University, . bridesmaids. Junior bridesmaids were the The couple will reside in River Park Mrs. Paul ScUssIer Jr. Misses Kathy Mazzucca and Frances Ger Manor, West Roxbury, Mass. (The former Patricia Farrell) Garrahan-Farinacci : SPRING LAKE — St. Cath- Anthony Economou was arine's Catholic Church was best man. James Dooley Jr., Schwing-Wall the setting here Saturday for Donald Mullins and John the wedding of Miss Linda W. Fisher, the bride's broth- KEANSBURG — Miss Paul- cousin of the bride, and Miss Marie Farinacci, daughter of er-in-law, were ushers. ette Claire Wall became the Denise H. Kitson, cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Fa- bride of Robert Arthur the bride. Renee Lehotay, rinacci, 910 Allaire Road, The bride was graduated Schwing, 99 A Highland Blvd., niece of the bride, was flower Spring Lake Heights, and Jo- from Star of the Sea Acade- Saturday in St. Ann's Catholic girl. seph John Garrahan, son of my, Long Branch; and Cabri- Church. ni College, Radnor, Pa. She Walter M. Wall, brother of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P.>Mc- Parents of the couple are the bride, was best man. Ush- Enery, 3 Sailers Way, Rum- is a teacher in Allenwood Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wall, School, Wall Township. ers were Thomas M. Wall, son. 87 Highland Blvd., and Mr. brother of the bride; John J. Msgr. John E. Grimes cele- Her husband is an alumnus and Mrs. Robert W. Schwing, Lehotay, brother-in-law of the brated the Nuptial Mass. of All Hallows Academy in 34B Hampshire Ter., Nep- bride; Franklin Jackson, A reception was held in the New York, and attended the tune. cousin of the bridegroom, and Barclay Hotel, Belmar. University of Maryland at The Rev. Kevin Crowley Allan Vogel. The bride carried a prayer- College Park. He served celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Walter F. Wall, nephew of Miss Maureen T. Wall was book, which her mother had three years in Europe with the bride, was ring-bearer. the U.S. Air Force. He is em- maid of honor for her sister. carried when she was mar- ' v A reception was held in the ried. ployed by Shore Hills Inn, Sea Also bridal attendants were Bright. Mrs. John J. Lehotay, sister Cardinal Room of Buck Mrs. John W. Fisher was Smith's Restaurant, East her sister's matron of honor. Mrs. George Balsley Mrs. Frederick Melsler of the'bride; Mrs. Walter M. The couple will reside in Wall, sister-in-law of the Keansburg. Also bridal attendants were Spring Lake Heights. (The former'Dorothy Dalton); (The former Miss Derewicz)' Miss Mary Gael Connell, Mrs. bride; Mrs. Robert M. Kitsoh, The couple will reside in Mrs. Robert A. Schwing Keansburg. John David McGuinness, and (The former Paulette Wall)' Miss Judy Pasquariello. Ba is ley-Da It on The bride was graduated . Joseph Garrahan Meisler-Derewici from Red'Bank Catholic High (The former Linda Farinacci) Luncheon Is Planned RED BANK — Miss Doro- Red Bank High School and ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- naco, William Abbey, Thomas School and is employed as a thy Anne Dalton, daughter of service assistant by the New TWINS MOTHERS For Senior Citizens Monmouth County Vocational Miss Barbara Jane Derewicz, McGuire, cousin of the bride- Mrs. Margaret Arina Dalton, School. She is a staff nurse daughter of Mr. and Mrs. groom, and Richard Barnes. Jersey Bell Telephone Com- SOUTH AMBOY - The LITTLE SILVER - The Se- pany, Perth Amboy. Red Bank, and the late Law* in the intensive care section Henry Derewicz, 57 .Nautilus A reception was held in the Twins' Mothers Club of the TANSY nior Citizens Group of Little rence William Dalton, be- of Monmouth Medical Center, Drive, Leonardo, became the Crystal Brook Inn, Eaton- The bridegroom was gradu- Raritan Bay Area will meet Silver will hold its annual cov- came the bride of George ated from Middletown Town- Long Branch. bride of Frederick Warren town. The couple will reside Nov. 26 at 8:15 'p.m. here in ered dish luncheon Tuesday, Walter Baisley, son of Mr. ship High School.. He is em- FRUIT Her husband is a graduate Meisler, Saturday in St. Ag- in Red Bank. the New Parish,. Hall of Nov. 26, at 12:30 p.m. in St. and Mrs. Walter F. Baisley, of the same high school, and ployed by the Blue and White nes Catholic Church. He is the v Christ Church, 257 Fourth St. John's Parish Hall, Point 30 St. Nicholas Place, Red served four years with the soli of Mr. and Mrs. Edward The bride was graduated Bus Line, Lie, Leonardo. Bank. from Middletown Township The program presented by SLICES Road. Mrs. Charles E. P. United States Air Force. He Meisler, 385 Rt. 35, Middle- Swanick The Florist, P e r t.h Johnson, president, will con- High School and the Berkeley Orang*, Union,.Urns, The Rev. Harold Hornberg- is a driver with Boro Buses town. ' When . you are preparing Amboy, will -feature a dem- duct the business meeting and er officiated at the ceremony Co. The Rev. Paul O'Feeley Secretarial S c h o o 1, E a s t Charry «nd Licoric* - Orange. She is employed by seasoned flour—a -mixture of onstration on holiday flo- the New Jersey Natural.Gas here Saturday in Holy Trinity The couple will reside In celebrated Nuptial Mass and ral arrangements. Mothers of Company will present a film. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Red Bank. officiated at ttie bestowal of the American Broadcasting flour, salt and pepper—for Company, New York City. twins and triplets -are wel- c A reception was held in Al- the Papal Blessing. use in meat and chicken come to attend. Mrs. Nicholas YOUTH BOOSTERS Miss Carol Derewicz, was The bridegroom was grad- dishes, try adding a little MIDDLETOWN - The Mid- pine Manor, Highlands. Women's Guild Lists Davilia is in charge of de- Ib The bride was escorted by maid of honor for her sister. uated from Red" Bank Cath- paprika to the combination. tailed information. dletown Youth Ladies Auxil- Bazaar Chairmen olic High School. He attended REG. I.I? Walter F. Baisley. Also bridal attendants were iary meeting will be held in Miss Joyce M. Baisley, sis- LITTLE SILVER - Mrs. Miss Gloria Derewicz, sister Lincoln School of Technology, the Community Center, Kings ter of the bridegroojn, was Charles Sullivan is general of the bride, Mrs. Salvatore Newark, and served in the Highway,: Wednesday, at 8 maid of honor. chairman of the annual holi- Salerno, Miss Patricia Slawu- U.S. Army. He is a partner in BIRNN CANDY p.m. The area chairmen will Charles A. Abbiati Jr., was day bazaar of St. John's Epis- ta, cousin of the bride, and the EdwardjMeisler Plumbing report progress to date on the best man. Ushers were Ru- copal Church, to be Miss Celie Damato. and Heating Co., Red Bank, fl BROAD ST., RED BANK group's fund raising "Buy a dolph i Hernandez and Carl held Wednesday, under the Frank Johnson was best and is a member of the Mid- Brick" project. Hower. sponsorship of the, Women's man. Ushers were Felix Bi- dletown Township Fire Com- The bride is a graduate of Guild. The event will be held in the Parish House, Point FURNITURE CO. Road, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mell-Taylor Tri Dells Mark Luncheon chairman is Mrs. Keyport 264-0181 10th Anniversary Henry S. Germond 3rd. Table '. HAZLEf — Miss Sherryee A reception was held in the settings will be by Mrs.Ann Taylor became the bride- Colony Inn, Union Beach. The features . . . FAIR HAVEN - Monmouth George Curchin. of E.2 Richard Arthur Mell, couple will reside in Hazlet. County Alumnae Chapter of, Booth chairmen are Mrs. U.S. Navy, Saturday here in The bride was graduated "ECLIPSE" Delta Delta Delta held its 10th John Conrader, decorations; the Faith Reformed Church. from Raritan High Sphool and is employed at the Atlantic anniversary Founders Day Mrs. Dexter •Bowker, gour- Parents of the couple are Thursday here in the home of met foods; Mrs. Charles Hass- and Pacific Supermarket, EST. 1869 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor, Hazlet. Mrs. Robert Williams. A cere- feld, candy; Mrs. Schuyler 23 Roland Place, and Mr. and mony and original skit hon- Pardee, flea market; Mrs. The bridegroom was gradu- evenings 'til 9 Mrs. George W. Mell, Toms ated from Brick Township ored 10 of the original,, still Edwin Michele, jewelry; Mrs. River. active founders; • Edward Gorney, aprons and High School. He was ah iron- The Rev. Theodore Muller worker before enlisting in the gift items; Mrs. Monroe Jones officiated. and Mrs. Harry Gere, chil- U.S. Navy. He has served 18 dren's clothes exchange; Mrs. Miss Norma Richards was months and is assigned to the Ralph Hibbetts, toys; Mrs. maid of honor. Also bridal ,at-, Construction Battalion at Port Crawford Venn,, Santa's tendants were Mrs. Ronald Hueneme, Calif. . grab bag. The theater project Barth, sister of the bride- Pre-Thanksgiving is being directed by Mrs. E. groom and Miss Nancy Rug- Richard Weaver. Miss Julia giero, cousin of the bride- Auxiliary Plans " Parker is treasurer. Decora- groom. Mary Jennifer Barth, Holiday Projects, tions will be done by Mrs. niece of the bridegroom, was LITTLE SILVER - Wil- Herman Fritsche. Mrs. Walter flower girl. liam S. Slattery, director of SALE Bowker is publicity chairman. George Mell, was best man community relations and de- TV.S.TVatUu for his brother. Ushers were velopment of Riverview Hos- Kenneth Taylor, brother of pital, Red Bank, presented an Trimming the overhang the bride; Ronald Barth, illustrated lecture on the hos- from the bottom crust brother-in-law of the bride- pital's progress to the Little OUR FAMOUS for a pie? Use your kitchen groom, and Richard Gide- Silver Auxiliary to the hos- CLASSIC SPORTSWEAR scissors. royce. pital at its meeting last week. We cannot The auxiliary's December 20% OFF project will be to decorate the mention name hospital for Christmas, includ- ing tree trimming. They will be assisted by members of the Shrewsbury Auxiliary. DRESSES Mrs. Donald McMurray, CHOOSE FROM president of the volunteer HUNDREDS advisory committee will be IN ALL SIZES OFF REG. PRICES the guest speaker for the auxiliary's February lun- cheon meeting in the River GENUINE House. Inn. "Soft Power" BUCKSKIN Children Stage Circus, HO GIVE THE UNUSUAL Give $1.71 to Hdspital by Tru Balance JACKETS ... GIVE THE GIFT OF TRAVEL MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - For Grand Parents For Mother-in-law The Matawan Township Aux- FULL FASHIONED - TURTLE NECK WASHINGTON OR iliary to the Bayshore Com- GREEN HELL TOUR munity Hospital received 12.50 PENNSYLVANIA a donation of J1.71, proceeds SWEATERS Reg. DUTCH COUNTRY OF THE $10 $£90 of a circus staged by a group "Caresse" is Tru Balance's 100% ORLON ThrM-day deluxe motor AMAZON RIVER of local children. The chil- 6 18 dayi and 1.000 mllti total body shaper that's light coach tour ol beautiful dren are Suzanne, William Washington or iconic up lira Amazon Rlvsr .. • and Judith Comlick; Leigh, 'as a leaf, soft as silk next to Includes air for*. Pennsylvania Dutch coun- Douglass and Neil Shien, Me-, you . . .yet shaping you to try. VP TO %AA Aft P" lissa Frye, and Andrew De perfection for the loveliest SPORTSWEAR I| Rosa. 40% from "••"»» penon fashion look ever. B and C, 32 All famous labels. . . OR A GIFT CERTIFICATE IN ANY AMOUNT TO The Auxiliary is seeking do- to 38. White, black and beige. nations for a mobile cake sale OFF NOW BI APPLIED TO THE VACATION OF THEIR CHOICE Large assortment. to be held Nov. 25, and are WEIL PROVIDE ATTRACTIVE forming a choral group which GIFT CERTIFICATES AND A FREE will make its debut Dec. 27 X FAKE LEATHER $A QQ FLIGHT BAG TO PRESENT THEM INI at the , Brookdale Nursing for Limited Time Only Home. Members will meet Jackets-Shifts *±*yy Nov. 20 to wrap gifts for Col- 10% off our huge Skirts - Slacks, etc VALUES COIPITTS lier School girls. TO ie CHINA & GLASS SHOP selection of Melton Famous Brand * - Travel Cancer A covered dish supper will V Toggfe Coats 476 BROAD ST., SHREWSBURY be held Dec. 7 in Temple Sha- BROAD at HARDING lom, Ayrmont Lane, as a TEL. 842-4900 husband and wife Christmas DIRECTORS: Alan C. Parkw • Richard W. iptant MANAGER: Norma ». Kotm party in lieu of the Decem- W. FHOIVT ST., KEYPORT OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 'ber meeting; Mrs. H. David' Sidel is chairman, r Monday. Nov. IS Exchange Marriage Vows ANN LANDERS » THEDAUUY REGISTER

HOLMDEL - Miss Jacque- Alexander H. Zllinskl was line H. Corcoran, 70 Fleet- best man for his brother. Ush- wood Drive, Hazlet, became ers were Russell Zilinksi, Hide the Hardwire for Glamour the bride of Bernard Zillnskl brother of the bridegroom and Nov. 9 here in St. Benedict's Michael Menosky. Alexander Ann Landers: I refuse to So why don't you stick to appear in public wearing'hair door. Every day I see em- If you have trouble gettMg Catholic Church. B. Zilinski Jr., nephew of the call you "Dear" because you lovelorn problems and stay curlers by their right name — ployes walking out with typo- along with your parents . . . ; writers, adding machines, Miss Corcoran is the daugh- bridegroom, was ring bearer. make me sick, Who gave you out of people's hair? — MAD- slobs. if you .can't get them to let chairs, plants from the re- ter of. the late Mr. and Mrs. the right to call housewives DER THAN HOPS IN HOUS- I live in Utica, N. Y. This, A reception was held in the TON ception room, framed pic- ; you )iye your, own< life, send, John S. Corcoran, Keansburg, North Centervllle Firehouse. slobs just' because they ap- city isn't a metropolis like San Francisco or Chicago, but it's tures, wall clocks. Just name for Ann Landers' booklet, and the bridegroom is the The couple will reside in Old pear in pub- Dear Houston Hops:^Ap- not a summer resort either. I. it. Yesterday someone walked 'Bugged By Parents? How son of Mr. and Mrs.' Alexan- Bridge. lic wearing parently I struck some raw hair curlers? nerves around the country. own a small shop in the busi- out with a huge carton of ' to Get More Freedom." Send der Zilmksi, Ht. 35, Holmdel. The bride was graduated toilet paper. I refuse to "sing" Not all wom- My drop-dead mail tripled this ness section. The Chamber of 50 cents in coin with your re- The Rev. Arthur F. Conlon from Middletown Township en can af- week. Commerce keeps urging us to but I think it's lousy the way officiated. High School, she is a key- ford to go W The majority of the out- make our shops as attractive people steal from their em- quest and a long, stamped, Michael Durain escorted his punch operator and is em- the beauiy raged housewives ignored, as as possible, but what good ployers. Any suggestions? — . self-addressed envelope. sister-in-law. Mrs. Durnin was ployed by the brokerage firm shop. Some you did, my criticism of short does it do when the custom- 20-20 VISION Ann Landers will be glad to matron of honor for her sis- of Dean Whittier & Co., Wall of us must shorts and bra-less, haltered ers look like something the Dear 20-20: Write a signed } help you With your problems. ter. Miss Florence Kathleen SI New Yortc City. wash and set cat was ashamed to drag in? letter to the management. females who parade in pub- Send them to her in care of Corcoran, sister of the bride, The bridegroom was grad- our own hair lic barefooted. It was t h e Nobody .expects womerf to Tell them what you told me. and Mrs. Edwin Smith were uated from Red Bank High and we have crack about the curlers that wear hats and gloves when They ,can post a guard at the this newspaper enclosing a the bridal attendants. Three- School. He served in Germany to da the Landers got the girls where they live. they are shopping, but'if doors and put an end to the stamped, self-addressed en- Mrs. Bernard ZUlnskl year-old Dawn Marie Durnin, with the U.S. Army .and is a marketing and daily house- My position remains un- they'd wear shoes and skirts stealing. velope. (Former Jacqueline niece of the bride, was the carpenter in the Perth Am- hold errands besides — so changed, but here's a sugges- instead of bikini tops, and if Corcoran) flower girl. boy Local. that means roll up the hair tion for you gals who must they'd leave those ugly alumi- and go. roll up your hair and go: For num and plastic curlers at under $2 you can buy attrac- home, it would keep. America . 1 couldn't care less what tive roller berets that hide the beautiful. SCENE AROUND the druggist or the carry-out hardware and add a touch of Miss Pfeil Is Bride kid in the supermarket thinks glamour. Dear Ann Landers: I de- Mrs. Joseph B; Mount, Borden Place, Little Silver, and of my looks. I am not out to The next letter might be of spise stool pigeons and I will Mrs. J. Putnam Brodskjy 14 E. Hiver Road, Rumson, at* impress anybody but my hus- Interest to you. Read on. never be one. But what goes tended the Smith College >Alunirtae Association Council Meet- band. When he comes home at on in this building is more ing, held on the campus in Northampton, Mass. . . Of Dr. D.V. Manahan than t can take. night I want to look nice for Dear Ann Landers: Thank : him. you for calling women who My desk faces the back ; * * . '•: .•,.-.. .. s| IttVEft&ALE, N.Y. - Miss The bride was escorted by ark, N. J. While residing in Red Bank Fire Chief Alex Rogel, his wife and daugh- Koertrude R. Farrell of Eiver- her uncle, Garrett DuBois. Elizabeth,'she served as pres- ter, were members.of a tour of the Lexington, Ky:, Water *' '•-'•* ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. of Phi Beta Kappa, was grad- because of last Tuesday's James W. Staples, Shrews- ments will be served and a • • * • • *; • * ' '••• ; . •: Ban of Rockingham, Vt.,(for- R. Tilton Pfeil of Elizabeth, uated from Wesleyan Uni- : storm, the Donor Luncheon of bury, publicity. Christmas sale of gifts will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Garner have returned from a vica». . jnerly of Red Bank, N. J. N. J. versity, Middletown, Conn., the Red Bank Chapter of The chapter will hold its held for the benefit of the hos- : The wedding took place Sat- Dr. Manahan is the son where he was a member of tlon in Bermuda. Mr. Garner is the son of Mrs. Ruth; Deborah will be held tomor- regular meeting Wednes- pital. ••••••-• Pavona, 66 Riverside Ave,, Red Bank. ; . ; urday in St. James Catholic of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. He row at noon in the Lincroft day at 12:30 p.m. in the Installation of officers will ' Church, Red Bank. The Rev. iel R. Manahan, Monmouth attended Columbia College of Inn. Shrewsbury Firehouse, Broad take place at a luncheon Dec. ^ftldhard Behl officiated at the Beach, N. J., and was former- Physicians and Surgeons,, A Weal educator, Mrs. Clara GUmartin, English teacher Mrs. George Marx,, Little !st., Shrewsbury. Election of 10 in the Mill House, Middle- tn 'ceremony, assisted by the ly married to the late Edith New York City, and upon Silver, is chairman of the officers will take place at the town Mrs Marx is chairman '"*" * Holmdel Intermediate School, and Mrs. Helen Ackervi #6v. Canon Charles Best, P. Manahan. graduation served his intern- event, proceeds from which meeting, which is open to assisted by Mrs Kraus Res- son, district helping teacher who served as a representative'/ .jnetar of Trinity Episcopal The bride was graduated ship at St. Luke's Hospital, will benefit Deborah Hospital, the public interested in the ervations deadline; is -•Dec• . - 2. for the superintendent H, V. Crespy, attended a four-day- £hurch, Red Bank. from Benedictine Academy N. Y., and his residency in a free care non-sectarian fa- Project Interchange conference'in Phoenix, Ariz., sponsortdv . A reception wafi held in The in Elizabeth, Union Ju- obstetrics at Lying In Hospi- cility in Browns Mills. by the National Education Association. The teachers who- Cobblestones, Middletown, nior College, and Washington tal, also New York. Mrs. Walter Kraus, Little. B'nai B'n+h Women to Hear attended have all taught in Job Corps centers. Mrs. Gil- N. J. ' School for Secretaries, New- martin taught reading at the Jersey City Job Corps Center The couple will reside at Silver, is vice chairman ol for Women this sumtaep. j.. • < "" ' Parker Hill Road, Springfield, the luncheon; Mrs. Jack Win- Lecture by Interior Designer ters, Little Silver, in charge Cassano-S+reeter NEW SHREWSBURY - er in assisting the client in '.:.. HAZLET —. Miss- Karen L. Kenneth Proctor was best Florence Karasik, head of the either an Inexpensive ind Streeter, 12 Vermeer Drive, man. Ushers were Donald mmmmmmmmmmmmmm interior design firm of Flor- brief consultation session, or Sbuth Amboy, formerly of Tot- Urigh and John F. Keelen. ence Karasik Associates of through' a complete creative FOUR YEAR OLDS !jtenville, S. I., became 1 the Rumson, will be guest speak- furnishing or renovation. . . . . lltrt, «nd lnUlll$iirt, and ai mature at luch llttlt children A reception was held in The IT'S A DATE CAN b«,

Th» holiday heittu etttttt -•xelUmwii whanthr r»U«»j, Jn~ hir N»hru, lounging '• rob* or First 1 If You Call lounging pints ehoion from our s etiutl d«p«rtm»nt. Sho Itnowi Anniversary Sah It'i th* drtmttle way to )*t h*r ELAINE POWERS T and h*n*lf In. * ralaxad AY mood and iMIl remain fetching, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MRS. LOUISE ROSSETTI CAME DOWN FROM ly ftmtU. A SIZE 15 TO A LOVELY SIZE 11 AT THE NOVEMBER 18th, 19th, 20th 10:00 A.M. to 9!OO P.M. ELAINE POWERS SALON MRS. ROSSETTI 35 Broad St.. Rad lank Daily 9:30 - 5:30 FANTASTIC VALUES!! BEFORE Wed. - Ffi. 'fil t DESIGNER CLOTHES SIZE 15 Reg, $180 to $400 Now $110 to $240 Carl A. Quaglia, R.P. MRS. ROSSETTI COATS and SUITS ABOUT SHINGLES AFTER Reg. $60 to $275 SIZE 11 (HERPES ZOSTER) Now S48 to

Shfnglis Id a virus infection attacking the CALL NOW OR COME IN FOR A nervea. Usually it is a . "one sided" disease, FREE TRIAL TREATMENT SPECIAL OFFER since nerves branching out of the' spinal cord spread out on each side. It Is characterized by ALL DAYTIME AND EVENING WEAR NO OBLIGATION a vesicular eruption and severe neuralgic paint •riling in the affected nerve root ganglia. TODAY IS NOV. 18 COMPLETE 3-MONTH 50 Shingles are more frequent in males and 10% to 20% OFF while It may happen to anyone, it Is more com- PLAN mon after 50. After about the fifth day the erup- 3 DAYS ONLY! Vlillllll« A MONTH tions usually dry up and scab. A painful neuralgia -CALL NOW^, 9 may last for years. Diagnosis Is difficult in the No Charge for Alterations YOU CAN COME DOWN pre-eruptlvc stage. A physician U needed. FROM DRESS SIZE TO THE FIRST 45 YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US 14 — TO A . SIZE 10 BY Dec. 19 when you need a delivery. We will deliver 16 — TO A . SIZE 12 BY Dee. 24 TO CALL promptly without extra charge. A great many 18 — TO A . SIZE 14 BY Dec. 24 people rely on us for their health needs. We 97 BROAD STREET welcome requests for delivery service and charge 20 — TO A .SIZE 14 BY Jan. 8 842-2451 accounts. 'iff/HP, RED BANK 22 — TO A . SIZE 16 BY Jan. 8 Shrewsbury Pharmacy 741-2921 THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS ELAINE POWERS FIGURE SALON BROAD ST. 741-4874 SHREWSBURY TLJE PAJ All (Lower Broad and Monmouth Sts. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY Regular Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 'til 9 p.m. llTC IVIMLL Level) Red Bank HOURS: MON. - MM. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. lo 4 P.M. 13 Honored at Fort For Cost Reduction JT. MONMOUTH - The school facilities. In addition, Comptroller, and John C. jar contribution, effecting cost 'A m tM.deptwdp living ' Army Signal School staff and savings of $4,500 were vali- Schiller, Office of the Secre- reduction savings of (11,000, •urag.V «4IL -'-to; itfbctMff' wife the faculty gathered at Myer Hall dated as cost reduction ac- tary, were honored. while in his former assign- the student ifow it's the Ro- church's establishment in present church structure. man- Catholic priests of France are "priests of They call this "insupporta- Exhibil 1>eme! to give official recognition to tions in the area of op- Col. Branch himself was ment as director of the De- 1 personnel who had played a erations, management, and cited by Melvin F. Werks- partment of Nonresident In- France who are demanding a whom? Why be priests? How ble," In that it prevents them EATONTOWN - "Thjj use of automatic data pro- voice in running their own in- should we be priests?" from being responsible for Earth and Its Living World,'* major role in the school's cost man, comptroller, for his ma- struction. The letter said the priests reduction achievement, total- cessing systems by head- stitutions, plus .the eventual their own lives'. - was the general theme of $ quarters, First U.S. Army. right to get married, "The present system con- Ing almost a quarter of science exhibit at Woodmena a million dollars, during the It is estimated that an ad- • The aspirations of the priest tributes to the retarding of past fiscal year. ditional $21,300 will be saved Long Branch High movement are explained in a 3 Instructors the appearance of a new style School prepared, by the sixth . At ceremonies in the audi- iriv.1969 and 1970 as a direct petition, or collective letter of sacerdotal life,",the letter grade science class of Mrs;. torium, 13 of the 19 staff result of the actions initiated as they call it. The letter is Cited at Fort Jeanette Adamakos of Red FT. MONMOUTH - Out- says. : '..-•• members who had won places in the past fiscal year. Honor Roll Released addressed to the church hier- Bank. on the Signal School Cost Re- Col: James S. Branch, act- archy in France, which has standing instructor citations \ CUB PACK 2U LONG BRANCH - The Glatter, Gwen Hardy, Patty been sent copies. were awarded at the .Army The exhibit was such a sup- duction Honor Rollj were ing commandant, officiating names of students of Long Hayes, Terry Heiman, Jeanne HAZLET - At a recent present to receive citations. More than 150 priests, Signal School to three niem- meeting of Pack cess that Eatontown Public at the ceremonies presented Branch High School who Herrmann, Janice Kaye, De-

By CHUCE TRIBUSHORN hungry Spartan defense. The Bucs picked up 10 yards Ryder slipped through, grabbed the ball In flight and mouth Regional from halftime on. . .' Register Sports Editor passing, but showed a minus 42 in the rushing department. lumbered 35 yards untouched into the end Jwne. Manasauan scored first In the opening period on a' BED BANK — While Manasquan was winning a cru- Ocean, meanwhile, bad 183 yards on the ground, only The Spartans added their third tD the first time 46-yard drive. An .option pass from halfback Bill Mc- cial Shore Conference "B" Division game by a foot, six via the aerial route. The winners rolled freely, but they got their hands on the ball In the second half. Kelvey to end Ken. Davis was the clincher. The play a few miles down the road, Ocean Township kept pace were hampered by 85 yards in penalties, some of which Joe Falco returned the third period kickoff 40 yards to covered seven yards and was made possible by Davis' by a mile at Red Bank High School Field here Saturday. were chalked up on procedure infractions when they the Red Bank 45. Six plays later Jamie Henneberry diving catch' in the end zone. The Spartans took another giant step to the "B" went to their "hurry-up" offensive tactics. Using an skirted around left end for the six points with 8:56 show- tfoatnolitt's TD caine early in the second period. crown by steamrolling inept Red Bank, 21-0. alternate unit which ran several plays without benefit ing on the clock. The modest drive was aided by a 15- Starting late in the opening stanza, the Golden Falcons Manasquan eliminated Monmouth Regional in New of a huddle, Ocean kept the Red Bank defenders hopping yard penalty against Red Bank for grabbing the face paraded 73 yards for the knotter. Tony Williams; Bandy Shrewsbury when Norm Hall booted a 23-yard field goal on a number of occasions. The Spartans, In turn, were mask of Stitely who bad launched the surge with a six- Jackson' and Gary Hyde provided the leg-work to bring with only 1:36 remaining in the contest for a 9-6 victory. caught doing some bopping of their own, causing the yard run. the ball to the Manasquan -7. Then quarterback Dave The triumph ended the Big Blue Warriors' conference flags to flyo f ten. Ocean picked up a dividend late in the fourth quar- Darlington hit end Doug Nichols for the touchdown. Bill competition for the season with a 5-1-1 record for 11 Ocean scored its first touchdown with 1:20 remaining ter on a safety. Hutting's extra point attempt, like Hall's earlier try, points and the temporary league lead. in the first period. The short march, which started oh Red-Bank had its best opportunity in the fourth pe- missed the mark;. Ocean, however, is 4-0-1 in "B," two points behind the Red Bank 36 following a Bucco punt from their own riod when Larry Lee Intercepted an Ocean, screen pass A blocked punt by Marty Fletcher set up Manasquan's 'Squan, with games against Mat a wan Regional and 17, was accomplished in nine plays. Syd Stitely ripped to give his team possession on the Spartans' 29-yard line. victory kick. The play gave the Warriors the ball on Ho well still to play. The Spartans need at least a victory off gains of 2, 4, 13, 3 and 6 yards before John Villapiano Indicative of the losers' offensive failure all afternoon, the Falcons' 18-yard line with just 2:45 to go in the and a tie to assure themselves of a clear-cut conference found the end zone from four yards out. Sandy Besunder's the Buccos promptly were pushed back to the 47 on three contest. Hall, who had missed another field goal at- title. placement made it 7-0. ' rushing plays and an incompleted pass. tempt from the 13 with 4:30 remaining in addition to his Coach Jack Tighe's explosive, yet unpredictable, Twenty-nine seconds later it was 13-0. Red Bank The victory left Ocean at 5-1-1 overall, while Bed conversion failure, was not to be denied on this third forces scored two touchdowns within 30 seconds late in brought the opening kickoff .back to its own 35. On Bank slipped to 3-3-1 against Class "B" foes and 4-3-1 crack at becoming Saturday's hero. the opening period to wrap up the erraetically played the first play from scrimmage Bucco quarterback Ronnie against all-comers. Manasquan's overall record is 6-1-1,, and Monmouth contest Red Bank never seriously threatened and, in fact, Carter unleashed a pitchout to one of his running backs. Hall's game-winning three-pointers broke up a 6-6 enters Its' Thanksgiving Day meeting with rival Shore } showed a minus 32 yards total offense against the title The flip never found Its mark, as Ocean guard Bon deadlock which prevailed between Manasquan and Mon- Regional at 5-2-1, 4-2-1 in the "B" Division; '• Division Roundup Patience Almost Pays Off for Keys' Coach Art George, first-year var- Two passes to Sprague, field. The Golden Eagles sity football coach at Keyport sandwiching one to Roger jumped to a 13-0 first quarter High School, is a patient man, Cramer, from quarterback lead and were never headed, and his virtue almost paid Bill Slack, brought the ball to taking a 19-7 advantage into off in Stafford Township Sat- the Raiders' one, from where the second naif. The third pe- urday afternoon. Slack took it over. riod was scoreless, but the His 'young and inexperi- Keyport scored first in the winners shut the door on the enced Red Raiders, 2-6 over- second period and held a 6-0 Blue Devils with a 19-point all and winners of only one halftime lead. George's outburst in the final stanza. of six Shore Conference "C" charges tallied on a 21-yard Jack Iaria and John Beale Division games, battled heav- pass from quarterback Bill each crossed the goal line ily-favored Southern Regional Calvert to Paul Esposito. twice for the winners, while down to the wire before drop- Southern retaliated in the• Mike Werner and Jim Hibbs ping a 12-6 decision. third quarter on a 57-yard also accounted for TDs. In other "G" Division con- touchdown prance with a punt Shore Regional's lone tally tests Saturday, Shore Region- by Sprague,, a thorn in the in the second period came al fell heavily to Central Re- Keys' side — both offensively when Jim Demaree cracked gional, 38-7, and Wall Town- and defensively — all after- over from the one to cap a ship solidified its second noon. 16-play drive. place standing with a 52-9 Neither team was able to The Eagles' first scoring LANDING AHEAD — At least six Monmouth Regional defenders team to! dump thumping of hapless Point convert after their touch- play was a five-yard pass Manasquan halfback Bill McKelvey in the third quarter Saturday. McKelvey had a Pleasant Beach. downs to set the stage for the from Hibbs to Iaria, capping rough landing, but the Warriors eked out a 9-6 victory over the ©olden Falconj SPARTAN SOARS—Ocean Township's Jamie Henne- A blocked punt by South- tie-breaking and game win- a nine-play, 49-yard parade x on Norm Hall's clutch field goal with little more than a minute remaining in the berry, a 6-0, 190-pound junior tailback, leaps to ern linebacker Brian Sprague ning score. which was set up by a fumble with only 1:50 remaining in The victory was Southern's recovery by Don Whiteman. contest. avoid the clutches of Red Bank's defense Saturday. the game sealed Keyport's sixth in eight games this fall. Shortly thereafter Central ' Henneberry scored his team's final touchdown in a doom. The Rams pulled out The Rebels are 3-2 in the "C" struck again on a 44-yard run 21-0 rout of the Buccaneers. Red Bank's Jim Tomaino the game when the blocked Division. by Werner, and offset Shore's Keys' kick gave them the ball Central handled Shore with (77) is \n foreground. (Register Staff Photo) TD with an 11-play, 58-yard on the visitor's 27. surprising ease on the loser's march climaxed by a three- yard jaunt by Beale. Iaria's second touchdown in . the final quarter came when he picked up< a Blue Devil' Fair Haven TwiceDenied fumble and skirted 12 yards into the end zone. RUMSON - The Fair Ha- and Pee Wee teams were de- Jim Balagurchick posted Haven Pee Wees when he the first TD in the initial pe- took the ball on a quarter- Later Central assured its By ASSOCIATED PRESS Knights, "first-string quarter- On the first series of the ven Tigers Pop Warner teams feated in the overall cham- fifth victory in eight outings At Rutgers, theylre spewing back until midseason, joined second half, Rutgers was joined the poor weather con- pionships of the league yes- riod when he went over the back sneak for two yards. The goal line from three yards conversion was missed. (3-2 in "C") when Beale out statistics on broken rec- the fun by tying the mark for stopped, But Crusader de- ditions with a bad day on the terday on the Rumson - Fair romped 20 yards with an in-ords; at Princeton, they're touchdown passes in a season. fensive end Bob Piepul ran gridiron. Both the Midgets out. The PAT was missed. Coach Jerry Jerolamon's Haven High School field. Later, Tom Murphy scooted Fair Haven varsity teams tercepted pass. Hibbs closed dispensing crying towels for In the small college ranks, into punter Bruce Van Ness Manasquan - Brielle rolled 10 yards for a touchdown, and have twice won overall cham- out the scoring by picking up the first losing football season Glasstooro State upset Mont- and the ensuing roughing the again the PAT was missed. six points on an, eight-yard in a decade and only the sec- clair State, 27-20; Albright kicker penalty put the ball on up a 38-19 victory over the pionships and have scored burst which was made pos- \ ond since World War n. shut out Upsala; 28-0, and the Holy Cross 41. Mystery? big team, while the Pee Wees Fair Haven failed to score five divisional titles in Pop Kings Point beat Jersey City Warner football. sible by another pilfered Shore The contrast between New From tinere, the Rutgers lost to Brick, 19-6! again until the fourth quar- pass. Jersey's two major college State 43-7. offense didn't stop until it was In the overall champion- ter. Jeff Jerolamon, quarter- Wall In Walk football teams was never so Rutgers actually played two 27-14. Mitchell scampered No, Butler ship, Northern "B" winner back, threw a pass to Rich MOUNTAINEER Scoring at least one touch- evident as yesterday, when games against Holy Cross. around left end from the six Fair Haven had its hands full Conley, covering some 40 BROTHERS down in every period, Wall Rutgers rallied to trounce They were completely out- to tie the score, Policastro handling the Southern "A" yards, to place the ball on (AP)—If all goes according handed Point Beach (1-7 over- Holy Cross, 41-14, and Prince- played in the first — known flipped an 11-yard Scoring Does It champs from the Manasquan the three. Balagurchick took to plan the Porter brothers pass to Bob' Stonebraker, for the ball in on the next play, all) its sixth consecutive con- ton was blitzed, 42-17, by un- officially as the first half - JACKSON TOWNSHIP - area. Brick was the cham- of Mt. Lebanon, Pa., hope to ference loss without a victory. beaten Yale. as Policastro was under con- the go-ahead points, and pion of the Pee Wee Southern and Tom F. Murphy scored be football teammates next The Crimson Knights are now stant pressure from a blitzing Mitchell slipped off tackle 20 It's no mystery'to Jackson "A" bracket, while Fair Ha- the point on a plunge. Princeton's defeat was its Township or anybody else who fall at West Virginia Univer- 5-3 overall, 5-1 against "C" fifth of the year. Even a win Holy Cross defense and Mitch- yards for the third.' witnessed the 38-0 slaughter ven's club was a "B" team In between the Fair Haven sity. foes. ell just couldn't get going. Latcin the fourth quarter, of the Northern group. over Cornell next Saturday of the Jaguars here Saturday scores, Manasquan - Brielle, Wayne Porter, a sopho- Wayne Fisk, Mark Brad- would give the Tigers only a The score at halftime was Policastro .threw his second afternoon. Fair Haven's club started kept pecking away until they more, is the first string flank- dock and Glenn Carson all 4-5 record, the same as they scoring pass — this one for accumulated. 38 points, and 14-7, but it was only that close nine yards to Al Fenstemaeh- A Butler did it. out on the right foot, but er back for the Mountaineer scored two touchdowns"fo r had in 1959.-The last losing, because of John Pollock's 73- stumbled after the first quar- waited out the final whistle.; varsity. His brother Don is the winners, while''''Dennis* season before that was 1946. er — and with three seconds AI Butler, Asbury Park's yard punt return which, in a left, sophomore quarterback ter in which it scored two Pete Magennis scored the a defensive halfback on the D'Andrea and Henry DeU'Os- At New Brunswick, mean- day that had Sqarlfit Knight powerfully - built halfback, touchdowns. only touchdown for the Fair freshman team. so each dented paydirt once. Mike Yancheff ran three churned out more than 200 while, Bryant Mitchell con- publicist Les Unger flipping ^ yards for the final touchdown. yards and scored four touch- tinued his onslaught on the out the record- book every • five minutes, t/frned out to be Coach John Bateman attri- downs as the ever-improving Rutgers rushing record book. buted the second half rush to Blue Bishops went on their Canadians And Rich Policastro, who the longest purit return in Rut- gers history? some adjustments in the of- murderous rampage. didn't become the Scarlet fensive blocking. "We were A 19-point opening quarter Capture able to pick up the blitz and surge settled the issue early, give Policastro time to pass." btit Coach Ed Hudson's Holy Cross Coach Tom Bois- charges pushed across two World Cup ture said his defensive unit more TDs in the third period ROME (AP) - The veteran just got tired. "We had to and added one for good rfiea-' A] Balding closed with a sec-Freehold Today work indoors a couple of days sure in the fourth period. ond straight five-under-par 67 this week." The victory, Asbury Park's yesterday and carried Canada Entries Briefly, here are the major fourth against three defeats to a double victory that broke records set: America's domination of the 1ST—TROT; (1,400 Grand Prince (Quartler) 7-2 and a tie, left the Bishops at Freight Control (Cote) 2-1 Scotch Bomb N (Moreno) 4-1 — Policastro's touchdown World Cup golf competition. Pile Sign (Laird) 8-5 Ginger H (ND) 5-1 passes gave him 11 for .the a fine 4-2-1 and no worse than Fop Soni (Malta) 7-2 Pocket Edition (AldrJch) 6-1 a third place tie in the Shore The tall, willowy pro from Diamond Key (Zofrea 8r.) 64 O11II Mlnbar (Bedell) 84 season, tying the mark set in Toronto captured the individ- Adlal Hanover (DeMore Sr.) 1 -1 Grumble (Consol) 10-1 Conference "B" Division. Adlos Tony (O'Heam) 201 Gentry Volo (McDonald) 20-1 1947 by Frank Burns. BUrns, ual prize with a 72-hole score Red Hoas (Horvvth) 20-1 the offensive coach now, 'is Hapless Jackson is 0-8 on Harry Gallon (Hubbard) 20-1 8TH—PACE; »l,80O of 274, just two spots off the Presley Hanover (Horvalh) 15-1 Bobby Mike (Soerendl) 3-1 primarily responsible for Poli- the year, six losses coming Donbyrn Adlos (Qtilnn) 7-2 tournament record, and *ND—FACE; CLMO.S $l,!00 Poplar Direct (Oakea) 4-1 castro's development. - against "B" opponents. teamed with George Knudson Stai Bum (Baldachtno) 4-1 He»tera Time (Ross) 5-1 Battle Key (Mazza) 3-1 Mill Arch (MaxlM) 6-1 — Mitchell, who's been aim- On the first play from for the team championship. Ted Woolen (Browne) 4-1 Symphony Coleen (Vkras) 8-1 ing for it all year, picked up Edgewood Heather (Molnar) o-i Blythe Adlos (Klralcy) 12-1 scrimmage Asbury Park had Knudson, 31, also a Toronto Pine Hill BUI (Corawl) i-l Blaze Boy (Kelly) 15-1 152 yards in 26 carries. That itself' a 6-0 lead. The maneu- professional who always plays Rlohj Honey (Par&dis) 3-1 Homely (Myer) S0-1 gave him 1,058 yards for the ver, a pass from quarterback Woodvllle Lad (Pollseno) 81 Direct Bee (Hubbard) «-l in sun glasses, had a final Cherokee Kid (Fewtero) l-'-l »TH—FACE 1 II.8O0 season breaking the record of Witch Thomas to end John round 74 for 295 but it was Plnehaven Direct (ND) 4-1 Bright Mir (Ingrueii). 2-1 1,021 set by one Toady Brach- 3KD—rACEl MDN3.I S1.I0O Joey Lad (Browne) 3-1 Jenkins, covered 59 yards. good enough to overtake the Ocs Bandy (Smith) 5-2 Sandy Leo (Tullno) 6-1 er in 1915. favored Americans and front- Embassy Maid (MaJtbaehka) 3-1 Tab Express (Pusoy) 6-1 Then Butler, who averaged Oamclen Jaclyn (Beeda) 4-1 Bea Wave (Popflngcr) 64 — Mitchell also ran his more than 13 yards per car- running Nationalist Chinese, Ieaduoheas (Happ) 6-1 Spring Sonnei (Wobb) 10-1 career rushing mark to 2,140, Rita Song (Myer) S-l Southern Wil (Tu&r!elk>> 104 ry, took over. He raced up who had led through the sec- MIM star Haven (AbnatteJlo) 12-1 Camden Paloma (Kelly) 20-1 breaking the mark of 2,124 by the middle for 51 yards to pay ' ond and third rounds. Adloa Robin (Bnautlgan) 121 Adtoa Bttbo (Cote) U-l Heinie Benker back in 1922, Lee Trevino, the voluble J M PaJoma (Butler) 12-1 tOTII—PACE! SMM dirt and came right back for 4T1I—TROT | 11,000 Frank Graham (MoQovern) • 3-1 1923 and 1924. six more points on a 22-yard V.S. Open champion from Sharp OuMe (Kane) .1-1 Better Bee (Fornun) 7-2 Just incidentally, there were Halloo (Myor) 7-2 Mr. Tell (Field). 44 scamper. GOLDEN TACKLE — Don Golden (63), Fair Haven Pop Warner Pee Wee gridder, Dallas, finished with a 73, his Bet Your BooW (ND) 4-1 Mlas Silver Haze (Hubbard) 6-1 a few other records set, like poorest round, and his part- Royal Dlller (Beede) 6-1 Oay VI* (Wagner) 64 stops a Brick runner on this play in yesterday's championship game at Rumson.. Tuscany (Howard) 6-1 Colouri Flying (Howard) 84 carries in a season and career ner, the 48-year-old Julius Michael P (Field) 6-1 Homestretch Boot (Sadovjky) 8-1 (by Mitchell), and passes at-, Keansburg 11 At the right, a couple of would-be helpers move in to aid, John Summonfe, (22), Yankee Mon (SmMJi) ' 12-1 Speedo (Duidao) , 204 Boros, American PGA cham- Corn Speed (Myer) 12-1 Hock Spring .Sharp (ND) 6-1 tempted in a season by Poli- Sparkle Signet (DeMora Br.) 10-1 and Tyron Johnson (8). (Register Staff Photo) pion from Fort Lauderdale, BTU-PACE; OLMG.S »l,60O castro, Van Ness, Yancheff, Defeated, 28-13 . Fla., shot a closing 72 plac- Honey Tape Hootch (Browne) 5-2 Be* O«t« (Marks) 34 and many others. WILD WOOD — Keansburg ing the Americans second. Lucky UUIt Lew 8? —* IBL&ck &ad i*n male Coon LOST — Oermui abe-phert milt, vl- EVER WONDER WHY Enno CosmWy cjub, duck boU, Hound. Vldnlty o( EstonUma. Re- dnity Keaniburt*. Sunken jaw on left 3eh£id colored Flberelit, 22' Jogf, ward' betot* offerM to anyone wlw lOWt —MOD. i,m., Nov. «, dirk contifBlni M secoyf, 4 bliw *o*t aide. W*m» "Urn-" matt. ?*7-W7«. rr*y ovtrcoit on PEE between Bed bu «.ny Information about ttria oof EuUcjrac iftyt to toduA, ta-om. cusMcnu, umor »n4 out Rird or hu Urn lot. Pleue call J42-S&7, TOO SEE SO MAN j or write 831 Bprinideld Ave., pew- (More Classified Ads ex*, N.J. OB The Next Page) AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB CHEVRO1ETS? AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE STOP IN AND SEE VOLVO DODGE IN SWEDEN THE MONEY W^VVILL SAVE YOU THE 11 YEAR CAR! CHARGER ON FRESH TRADE.INS '67 Chrysler Custom Most '69 Models and Colors In Stock '67 Pontiac Catallna ON A NEW 6k IJSff) CAR! Newport Four door sedan, VI, auto, trans.', 6 New 1968 Leftovers In Stock $ Green 4 door sedan, auto, trans., power steering and brakes with 2575 power steering and brakes, recllner seat and factory air conditioning BIG SAVINGS! 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And we put them all to the test. The VW 14-poinf safety end performance teit. TOM'S FORD has a Theie cart pantd. They get our 100% guarantee that we'll repair or replace all major mechanical parts* for 30 days better idea ... the per or 1,000 miles, whichever comes first. The only thing you have to worry about |i picking out ENGLISH FORD DOWN the right site. mo. 'engine, transmission, rear axle, front axle assemblies, brake system, electrical lyitem,

1961 VOLKSWAGEN $ MS Sedan. Whit*. Radio. Hester. 19*2 VOLKSWAGEN „...... _...$ 150 Sunrool. Turquoise. Heater. 1943 VOLKSWAGEN S S9S Sedan. Blue. Radio. Heater. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN $ 99S FURY III, 4-DR. SEDAN Sedan. Red. Radio. Heater. » Radip^eorer, aiiforr>""' "• power steering, R&H. Four door, stick shift, R&H. Full power. LARGEST STOCK OF J9o? FORDS! CHRYSLERS & PLYMOUTHS IN MONMOUTH COUNTYI In Monmouth County, See Us For . $59 mi* MONEY NU DOWN! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY


PUBUC NOTICE AUTOS FOB SALE SUZUKI nnd far Moomwrm County. LO8B WKIOBf M(«U Wittl Dtl-i.. vm POHIXAC OTO — four i»*a4. R Dirt Tablet*. Only Wo tX K.T. Zoiuc N»* lubber. »14T«. CaU LET'S piirmicy, UtUe Silver. 741-W30 remoAeUot. Un»t* * AUTO SALES INC. PRICE A CAR TODAY sonablt. Call- 7t7-MW. * MM DODOB PART CONVXRTTBM1 1 Vain It. S tH-OU Matawaa —Good sondiUoa (750. SiTeleiraph FALL BOTOTIUJHO AUTOMOTIVE tTl-3«M toy or ereBlng ; ... THEN COME TO DOWNES PONTIAC HIU Rd., HaileL S»*-77M/ MOBUi HOMES TALK AUTOS FOR SALE UM CHJOVROLIT Bel Air 4-door ee- DMIONBR - mai1 LAMOJI -«•• dan V-l. Powerillde, power ateerlnr, ohanlcal produeH sued eomraecolsi ISM BONNEVILLB—four-door hard- radio, noted windshield. Snow Urea Ruaonable "tee. Call N144M, to1i r™"™1""^ •"eUent outdlttos. Included. Bxcallent Modltlon. 668-8433 REAVES Call 787-7776 after a p.ra. • eJter 6 p,m. TJEBHt OUAUTT COMB* FIRST. list's right... prlct any . K>1IO1AL FAU. PRIOM. HAVING A PARTY7 , IM? QTO — Custom Interior. Four OHRTBLBR NBWPORT SEDAN — . TRAVBL TRAILERS, Office Party - OoeMafl P»rty •peed, only 13,000 miles. Bnellnt IMS, atandiul shift, No power. Excel- TRUCK CAMPniR Shower. Blrthd«y w Aoarnteur. TURKEY malt* cor and then m in. Sandwiches, Salads, Meet M*U»n —* condition. Miut sacrifice. $2.J5O. Can lent condition, |S96. Phone 948-8409. MOTOR HOMTB 787-7914 after 6:30. 1748 Rfc SB ' Brlcktowa MERCEDES BINZ 1M7-2509 — Ha- StSAT»P«OIAl. W«'l shew you how, dot WANTED — Parties mtereated In U* vana brown, automatlo, all power, « a-m. to I p.m. MOD. thru Sat M0 fancy s«idwlchee-«Jo *err*« » Ing over balance on npoaswitd cure. electrlo tint windows, tic. Excellent I havt 30 can available. Far Inform*. 291-3478 alter 5:80 and weekend. ATTSNTtOrT SBNIOR CTTIEENS — - HERRI itAEONM INC, lor for dollar, you'll get Uon Call Bob Wlckroan. itawa * OHEVBLLE 1964 — Station wagon, Mobile home, aluminum 31x8, winur- 741-SW3 Mon. thro W. » «j Country Dcflge, 566-6100. 153 h.p. >tx, atandard tranamlulon lnd, furniture, awning, pallo, one- Two days advance nolle* a " moro for your money with 1965 CHEVBOLBT-Bel All, two-door. with- overdrive. * One owner. Good bedroom, bath. Good condition, (1MB. OBORCJB MARSH * IONS —' ZAMl Rally red. Excellent condition. 36,400 Urea.. ttOO. Phone, B38.M4S. Write Box 18, Highlands. N. I. and long distance moving and stor, miles. Snow tires. Six-cylinder auto- ace. Annta (or Engel tin FuW matic. I960. 281-1787. 19W CHBVBLLB Super Spert 390. Mx8 — Flardng, boating private a Breakaway 1969 Pontlac <-apeed, I1W0. Excellent condition. beach. Winterized, wall-to-walf car- fiirea* ina oontalnVrt»M •tgrtij 1957 CHEVROLET — Four-door, «u- 164^3837. " ' petlng. »72-082« tor appointment. T Do it now! dard transmission. In good running Trospect A«T CTB^wd. M6-1M4.- condition, two extra tlrei. $200. Call 1961 VOLKSWAGEN — A-l. Radio, M6-4130 after lp.ii. ^^ new battery, new heater and ex- wnmtai SPBCIAU — sm woti m, haust system, two new tlrei. 747*4116. TRACTORS per 100 «. It Ten y*»r »-"-"•"- ISM FORD — Onetom. two-door, auto. MERCEDEB 1864 2203 — Automatic ONB FOUR WHEEL TRACTOR — gcOOWAN HOOFIWO. Call Bew F Leather, Hiding roof. Excellent condi- IoteraaUonaL CaU . GARAOES -Attics, cellar*-thau*. tion. 52300 firm, M6-84M alter «._ 741-0041 ReuonaMe lee. All tirpea oC welding Top Trade Allowances • Superior Service FAS?TQM'* S •*FOR* D<*" * doiSught hauling. »IW7W Can aayf MM FOB© — Oalaxle '"oW-Two-door time day or evening until 11 P-m. Hwy. » 264-1600 Keyport hardtop. Turquoise, evototnatlo tram- ON EVERY 1964 FALCON — 81x-cyHndtr, two- mission, V6. Very dean. Best otter. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE INEXPENSIVE TREH REMOVAL — door automatic. Beit reasonable offer. Call Frank PIziloiilllo. , For tree eatlmate call Call 787-6332, alter. 8 p.m. TOM'S FORD JUNK CARS — Towea free. Call Rty - . T4H6M. YARDS, OARAdB,^— AtU», ate;, USED CAR 1968 CAMARO — Purchased new Oct Hwy. W S94-M00 Keyport 5. Unexpected change in army or- cleaned. Phone. 7I7-418B or 787- DoWNES PoNTIAC 1853 CORVAIB — Monra sport coupe. 47M. ' IN STOCK den from Dlx to Germany, List Very good condition. 33,000 mUcs. JUMKCARS OPEN DAILY 'TIL 9 P.M. price 13310. Will uulfice at 13700. t450. Phone 747-0733., ROOMS PANELID — New eelU 62 Lower Main St. Mafawan Call my mother, Jin. MeHenry, «42- P1CHJU> UP additions and alterations. CaU 01T3 until 0. 1963 BUICK — LaBabre convertible. Twlnbrook Auto Wracking LUKER, 7U-2109. WED. & SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. Feur new tires. Excellent top. 1900. 1SN PONTIAO LeMANS — Blx cyl-Call 842-3486 evenlnu. Eatontown 542-2235 PAINTINO — Interior and WtarloT. 1966 CHEVELLE 566-2299 inder. Two-door. Automatic on eon- Also carpentry alterations. FreeelU- Two door Mdon solo, Buoket letts. Radio, heater. 1963 BUICK RIVIERA — Power am OASH FOR TOUR FORBION - mates. Over 26 yeart experJuuV (!4 mil* off Highway 35, turn at Keyport Overpau) Snow tire*. Beit offer. 222-2698. •teerlnc, brakes, windows. Immacu- AMERIOAN I- AND SPORTS CARS Dutch Blend Inc. WM6M. • WAS $ 7OC late condition, 39,000 miles. Asking AT MONMOUTH MOTORS, INC, $IO« NOW '09 1967 BUICK SKYLARK (1450. 264-5179. Hwy. 83, Eatontown, H42-2414. Convertible. Very low mileage. Uk» CHEVROLET WAQON 1966 — Ideal- , EMPLOYMENT 1966 PLYMOUTH new. Call after 6. 843-4030. ly suited for family use. Attractive, AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS 19&B CHEVROLBT — fllx cylinder au- Call 747-3754. HELP ff ANTED-FEMAIE Convertible. tomatic. 1960 CORVAIR—Both «XO«1< 1843 VOLKSWAGEN BUS —Mechan- TWO VOLKSWAGEN WHEELS (No WAS lent After 5, C66-1422. . ically perfect Slew tires.! Must selL tires) for Model 1300, Perfect condi- Personnel Clerk • 1965 FORD — Two-door hardtop 0*1. (700 or best offer. 44 Allen Bt, Rum- tion. (10. Call after 8 p.m. 747-1332. $1395 NOW son, 842-4634. . We «eek a SRKJHT GAL lor many axle "500". 8 cylinder, automatlo diversified duties. She must be cap- transmission. Bert offer. CaU Frank IBM MECURY MONTEREY — Two- able of meeting «nd deaJJng with pee" 1965 MUSTANG Piizlchlllo. door hardtop. Excellent condition. 26, AUTO RENTALS pie; us well as handling much typlu Two door hardtop. ... make a date with a new model TOM'S FORD 000 miles. One owner. Asking (1700. and tiling. Must be accurate typlat and Call Thun. thru Sun. 229-2545. TOM'S FORD adept «.t'worklnc wltn figures. . WAS $ QQE Hwy. 35 884-1900 Keyport We otter exceJlent warding condl- 1964 RAMBLER AMERICAN — Con' 1»5» PONTIAO HARDTOP — Four- RENT A CAR $1295 NOW *'9 doer. |75. Call tions end liberal benefit* combined, vertlbJe. Six-cylinder, automatlo, radio, 300 Hwy. 35 364-1600 Keyport with «. congenl*] atmnrpbere In o^r haater. $395. 29I-M90. 264-6401 modern alr-copdltioned offices. 1965 CHEVY II AN OUT OF THE ORDINARY 1964 PLYMOUTH VALIANT ~ Two- 1968 OPEL — Station wagon. Fully INTESlvniW« ' Four door sedan. door hardtop. Call equipped. Must (ell. CaU 3644528 af- BOATS AND ACCESSORIES TUBSDAYS JUTO THURSDAYS 462-02(2 ter 6 p.m. _ » eun. -10 e.m. •_&"•"* V-a' WAS NOW $ 795 1MB BUICK—Orand Sport. Excellent 1968 FORD — XL convertible, four- THE BOATMAN'S SHOP OR SY ATPPOINTMiBNT • .:; condition. Whit* with »d Interior. •peed transmlselon, 390 engine. A Reel UN EWNRUDU $ m Automatlo trannaiMlon, all power. Dofl, Beat oner. Oil Frank PlntksMllo. MOTORS LANVIN- New Urei, brake*. 741-3679. TOM'S FORD Hew Jerseys Largeet Marine Supl . CHARLES OF THE RITZ' 1965 PONTIAC 69 OLDSMOBILE House. 24 Wharf Ave., Red Bask. 741- Rt. as Holmdri, K. J. aaMOOO 1967 QREBN VOLKSWAGEN — Fully Hwy. S3 294-MOO Keyport 6780. Two door sedan. equipped. Including AM-FM. Must 4A10 ml. ao. Kt. 35 Diive-ln Theater WAS $ MorHceT Call 741&M. 1*67 DODQB Charger 440, 4-speed, 12' TROJAN SPEEDBOAT- — With EXPER1ENCID COSUITICIAN — Posl. Vinyl' top, road wheels. Low motor, trailer and other extras. Must Full time. Good pay. Red Bank area. $1095 NOW 1968 CHBVELLB S839S—Four •peed. mileage. 787-1409 or 375-4888, sell. Excellent condition. Make offer. Write Box F-10O. The Dally Register, Bucket leatfl. power steering. Can VOLKSWAGEN 1964-SunUner, black. Call 671-1038 evenings. Red Bank. •- days 741-9754, Winta 542-2285. Good condition. New tires. (900. Phone BOOKKBEPER — Part-time, to gen- 1965 FORD 500 XL 741-3(92, or 917 River Rd., Fair Ha- COLUMBIA YACHTS Convertible. IMS IMPALA — Bpart sedan. Four- eral ledger. Snaw-Walker payroll. door hardtop. Automatic Gray. Fully ven. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER Call Mr. Slegel, 2M-10M. Duke Key- equipped. Must be aeen to be ap- I960 VOLKSWAGEN — Sedan, good, The YAOHT SHOP port Cleaners, 13 Division Bt, Kay - WAS $1075 preciated. Asking $1295. 671-1038. (450. 1961 Chevrolet station wagon, 1184 Ocean Ave... Sea Bright 84MM3 port'. ' • $1395 NOW lw#3 1964 QALAXIB 600 good, (4110. 787-33X1 after 6 and Bats. GRAY MARINE DIESEL — Running BEAUTICIAN LICENSED — SalU 5550 MUST BELL 1964 PLYMOUTH SPORT condition. New head and valves. (1500. Kepreaentatlve wanted for National 1964 CHEVELLE 787-5919 FURY—Air conditioning, power steer- Will run (or customer. 789-1944. Hair Coloring Co., for South Jersey Nine pouengtr wagon. Ing, power brakes. A-l condition. Ra- area. Over 25, $103 starting salary, 1958 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL — Very iV CHRIS CRAFT OATAUNA 1950— periodic tncreaees, bonuj, car e» rood condition. Clean. Call after 0:30 dio and healer. New tires.' Asking DCFB, re-powered, fully equipped. (1100. Call 86B-5373 or 264-9385^ pensei. Call Mr. Brown, 21547M800. $1095 NOW p.m. 787-4454. CaU 741-6135. After 6 p.m. call (201) 48M702. . S $ 795 IBM. FORD — Country Squire wagon. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN — Squareback. 23' CENTERBOARD SLOOP — 16 BAR MAID Like new. 6500 "miles. Muit sell. Call h.p. Inboard. Sleeps two. Free winter storage. Best offer, moving, must Apply In person. Bayilde Tavern, I 1964 FORD 842-5417. Broad St., Keyport • IMPERIAL 1967 CROWN FOUR- •ell. 741-6183 after 7 p.m. Galaxle S». Four door tedon. 1962 COMET — Blx-oyllnder, auto- SECRETARY—Fun Ume. Law office, matic. Unbelievable condition. Inspec- DOOR HARDTOP — Alr-oonditloned, COMPLETE DUCK RIO — Boat, nTO Bayshore. No legal experience seoef WAS tion guaranteed. 222-7237. full power, Must be seen., Call Mr. tor, trailer, decoys. Call 264-3592 be- NOW Maffito, 542-5500. . • fore 2:30 p.m.; after 6:30 p.m. sary. Secretarial experience pre- $ 995 850 AUTO 1965 DODGE — Station wagon. Six ferred. Salary open. In reply state HUGE CASH SAVINGS ON cylinder. Excellent condition $775. 1967 FIREBIRD — Four-spe«|l. 328, 1965 28' LUHRS SEDAN—Sleeps faur. age, education and previous expert* LEASING Call 946-8896 alter 6 p.m. two-barreL. Aquamarine. Best offer. Flying bridge, depth sounder, ihlp- ence. Reply P. O. Box 248, Hailet 1964 CHEVELLE Going In lervfce. 741-0314. to-shore, 290 Chrysler 2-1, 35 hours; dl-. Mallbu hardtop. THUNDJSRBIRD LANDAU 1966—Air nette galley. Stand-up head. Extras. 1968 DEMONSTRATORS BY THE conditioned. All power. Snow Urea. 1963 OHEVY II — Convertible. New Must sell. 264-5193. NBBD OHMSimiAS MONEY. Excellent condition. 12600. CaU 566-tires, battery exhaust system. Excel- $1095 NOW DAY .WEEK-MONTH 8479. lent condition. Must sacrifice. (350. THBRB u etui time to em yrna $ 850 LUXURY 98 TORONADO Call 747-1812 after 6 weekdays. ChrtstmM money by showing far FOUR-DOOR SEDAN OR ON A 1960 VOLKSWAGEN — Good Oondl- BUSINESS NOTICES moua line of cosmetics and gift TWO-DOOR HARDTOP tlon. $250. Phone PONTIAC—1968 executive model sta- •eta. Many women earning m Is 1964 CHEVROLET 842-5629 tion wagon. Air conditioning, power LONG TERM BASIS ateering, power brake*, Hydramatlc, SLIP COVERS f 100 per weeb working a W DART * l., auto,, radio * heater, coupe, Flexible hours. Service established CORONET $2220 NONE $51.00 lta MUSTANG ' »12.90 customers. Have women earning $40 1963 CHEVROLET convertible V-«, ttttlftit stick, commission a week and more, part- Four door hardtop. POLARA $2548 NONE $58.00 • radio, heater. time. Exciting and new. Call 3M-16M WAS $ $2600 NONE 1966 CHEVROLET- (16.10 or 787-1447, 6 to « p.m. $ 996 NOW CHARGER $60.00 — Caprice, 360 engine 4-ipeed. 795 • 1966 CHEVROLET tlO.OO REGISTERED NURSES 20 PACTORY EXECUTIVE CARS—SAVE UP TO $2,000 ~|Bei Air 1 dr. radio * heater, auto- Openings available In modern, finely AT BOB RAGO'S • malic. equipped hospital. Congenial and friend, 1963 FAIRLANE •l9M IMPALA 114.40 ly atmosphere. Full time position In- Four door Mdon. IConv. V-8, double power, low mile- cludes staff end operating xoom nurses, • age. 40 HOUR wSBK WAS !l965 BUICK $13.10 TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE R FOUR WEBK8 VACATION $ 595 NOW * 475 4 door LcSabre hardtop, automatic, 30 DAYS OUMUUATTVB SICK LiBAVD 60 MAIN ST. 566-6100 MATAWAN I double power. PAID HDDICAL-SimOICAL • 1063 FORD $15.10 B BSiNSlFlTB S 1963 CHEVROLEROI T ^Country Squire wagon, 10 passen-" PAID LIFH INSUKANCB Wagon. I ger, radio A heater, automatic, m PAID PBJNSION'PlAiN • run power. • EXOBLlLKNT PROORK39IVE SALART WAS $ .1965 LINCOLN $16.20 Write or call for Interview. Nursing $ (95 NOW 695 •Continental four-door factory air, Office, Rlvcrview Hospital, Red Bank, LOU LERNER'S & JERRY BARRAnA'S I fully equipped. N. J. 741^700. • 1065 FORD M2.10 .Falrlane 600, tports .coupe, 6 cyl., MEDICAL SECRETARY — Interest- 1963 TEMPEST lauto.' power. ing and diversified position available Convertible, PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER • 1965 PONTIAC $13.10 In growing hospital's laboratory de- WAS $ Bonntvllle 4 dr. Hardtop. Factory partment. Knowledge of nedtoal ter- » 695 NOW air, Full power. minology essential. Good salary with DIRECT 1934 BUICK *14.60 • full fringe benefits. Contact Personnel Riviera factory air, loaded. Office, Rlvervlew* Hospital, 741-2700, 575 —1964 CHEVROLET $10.10 Ext 225, for appointment 1962 FORD FACTORY OUTLET! •impala two-door hardtop, V-8 au- MATURE WOMAN — With substantial Four door udan. • tomatlc, power. • business experience, to act as cuh- WAS $ • 1894 CHRYSLER 115.10- ier, Sats. and one half day Sun*, 5 YEAR WARRANTY "New Yorker, 9 passenger wagon,* Ability to meet and handle public es- $ 495 NOW full power, roof rack. . f" sential. $1.50 per hour. Call COUN- Factory • 1964 OLDSMOBILE 112.12 | TRY BUDSER OAR WASH, Hwy. M, 375 Jetatar I, V-8, automatic, double! Mlddletown. 671-5259. 1962 OLDSMOBILE Freih ifi Sol. Price) Pay Down Pay Monthly — power, buckets. I SI Sedan P.O.E. • l»S4 PLYMOUTH $9,801 KITCHEN HELPER WANTED — In- WAS «j| I Fury 8 passenger wagoa V-8, auto-! formation 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. 31 QB Corolla Valiants $1950 N $46.58 imatlc power. I Chapln Ave., Red Bank. $495 NOW 119 11964 PONTIAC Jll.BOB PART-TIME CORBBTIBRE WANTED Plymouth* $2150 O $51.36 • 4 door hardtop. Double power, ra- — Full benefits, pleaaant working con- • dlo, heater. ' ditions. Apply In person, LANE BRY» 1962 PONTIAC Chryiltn $2895 N $69.84 1964 T-BIKD $10.10 ANT, Monmouth Shopping Center, _ Convertible, Full power, automatic Eatontown. . . Four door hardtop. Come in and check the shape Wagons $2550 E $60.91 |19M CHEVROLET $12.80 WAS $ pj Haltbu. 9 pass, wagon. 6 cyl., auto- BEAUTICIAN WANTED — Experi- $ 395 "matlc. Power steering, • enced preferred. Part-time. Call 264* NOW 275 • 1964 CHEVROLET $ 8.60 • 7488. Union Beach area. * the statistics... • Bel Alre 6 cyl., radio * heater. 5 REGISTERED NURSE — And aide. ONLY 7 1968 LEFTOVERS El964 CHRYSLER $ 7.00" Apply 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Rlvtr- 1961 CHEVROLET •New Yorker, sedan, full power. crest Nursing Home. 81 Chapln,Ave., Four door udan. and 12 DEMOS • 1964 PONTIAC $ 9.10 Red Bank. WAS sjCatallna 4 door, tedan, auto., full _L ~ power. HOUSEKEEPER — 1 or 3 days at S 395 NOW 295 30 miles to the gallon- CHOOSE YOUR OWN DEALjl • l984 CHEVROLET $13.10 • four halt days. Must hs,ve. recant ref- • Station Wagon, Bel Alre, V-8, au- erences, own transportation preferred 68 PLYMOUTH 65 PLYMOUTH • tomatlc, double power. New Rumsoh home. 741-39(7. FINANCING 60 horses-up to 87mph •l964 CHEVROLET $ 8.001 REGISTERED NURSE — Apply by Fury III Hardtop Barracuda Sport Coupe • Impala 4 dr. Sedan, 6 cyl., stick, sj ARRANGED • radio and heater. • Z letter to 8.J. Dubel, MD, 110 Maple 68 CHRYSLER 66 CHEVROLET = 1963 PONTIAC $11.601 Ave., Red Bank, dating qualification! Nswport Hardtop Nova • Grand Prix, full power, factory air. • MEDICAL SECRETARY—Full time, • 1963 CHBVROLBiP W.10 2 Apply by letter to 8.1. Dubel, MD, •Bel Air wagon, six cylinder, auto-5 119 Maple Ava., Red Bank, stating 66 FORD 65 OLDSMOBILB 5 malic. • qualifications. Country Squire Wagon 2 Dr. Hardtop Sedan TOYOTA CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! • l963 RAMBLER $8.80 • CLERK-TYPIST — Oood at figures. |«M wagon, six cylinder, automatic. 5 Apply JONATHAN LOOAN, 1 John- 67 CHEVROLET 64 BUICK power steering, roof rack. • son Ave., Matawan. 0(64383. KITSON 1963 CADILLAC $14.10 • Impala Station Wagon Electro Convertible • 4 dr. Hardtop, 7 way power. Fac-I SALESPERSON WANTED — Full • tonr air. • Ume. Jewelry sales experience ntcis- 67 PLYMOUTH 61 PLYMOUTH 51982 OLDSMOBILH! $ 7.80 • CHEVROLET . Fury Convertible ' Fury III Convertible- • Super 18, wigon, full power, alr| 5i1X" cond. 5 HIGHWAY 36 1K61 OLDS $«2o" CAFETERIA HH3LP — Hours flexible. 5 YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN 98 Town Sedan Radio 4 Heater,! Own transportation. Immediate. Call (Nnt to Motor Vehlcl* • automatic, full power. , • 291-1576. Inpccrioi Station) • U TRANSPORTATION SPEOIALB! SALBSLADY-PART TIMH - Chll-" " »». UP—FULL. PRICB " dren'a wear experitnee preferred. Ap- IATONTOWN BAYSHORE ily In person, YOUTH CENTER,:» MONMOUTH iroadit, Red Bank. OpM Em. HN t P.M. HOUg«KBBPBR - Five dayi ».r CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH week. Must have own transportation. | Wed. Mil * r\M.-S«t. rill 4 P.M. References. Call 74T-1308. FIRST AVENUI ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 542-1126 291-9200 229-4790 (More OMUned Adi I Oi Tto Not P*ge) HEIJ» BELP WANTBP-MAI& HELPWAKTED-JJAtE THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bfl KMM THE DAILY REGISTER Monday, NOT, 18, HOUSBigBKPm-Sleeii la. Cue for two children vute rraitber U eonya- FOB 8AL£ A «U»*HMM •»> rttlltiwtt* portUon Iwolnf. Xtwt »e avaUJbla by Juj, FOE SALE ]• wAHt tor • btUM. exesrieneed Befereaces. Call MtHUU. ni wtttt |osd «k*U. who enjoy, work- Jot witt tiiarai u*l record keepln* •AMU BUPXflVlBOR — Dxdtlni job ITEMS YOU NO LONGER and bu t «nm«nt tad jtouut tele- available In this area with expand- ehoM manner, «od can i»t Mb ing direct sales company. Duties— NEED OR USE WILL ... HAMMOND minimum . Ht. W Prlve-In-Theatr Box D-118, The Dally Register, Re< Bank. - DAILY REGISTER HUOE SELECTIONS — PBDICHBJOT OR ,IIANIOIIRIST — AND WIREMEN TREMENDOUS SAVINGS Experienced. Full or part time, Salar; WAITRESS—For busy fountain luncl plus commission. Femlnlaue Beaut eoneUe. Miut be experienced. Ful Openings (LvtUefcle tor experienced personnel to wire and leeenvbie e!ec CON8OI.E PIANO SAiEl Salon. Call 7S7-1WO. time days only, no Sundays. Apply li tronlo end eteotromedttoicei eaulpment tor satellite systems anil sub systems. FAMILY AD • Direct Blow Action person after 2, Plaza Luncheonette • Full 88 Note Console WANTED _ capable, dependable, Should be eMe 0 and 35 gal. tanks part-time SECURITY INVESTORS, We are aa equal opportunity employer —Jan., 9th. Register now. Hypnosis X-RAY 812-4934. INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS PROWN'S on double-decker atand. Filters, and self hypnosis. For information pumps, scenery, all accessories. tlOO & FRAGRANCES, INC. call 249-0048. 32 Broad St. Red Bank MI-WOO TECHNICIANS MACHINE SHOP CLERK — Thor PIANO-USED firm. Phone 842-0518. ough, reliable Individual with me W0 Rose Lane Union Beach, N. J, $75 chantcal background. Knowledge ol An Equal Opportunity El COMPUTER CAREERS <31-116t BROKEN GLASS at hardware, machinery, tools. Perma, In business, Industry and goverrunem nent Job with chance for advancement start with HCPI training. Day am OREENHOUSES FOR SALE — All Bring In your aluminum frame* for W««t«rn Electric'* Excellent starting salary. Apply Ate MAN NEEDED—To collect route In •venlngs. Call ECPI at 6(2-2800 o houses are disassembled. Houses can new glass now. Cold weather dua any Ceramics Corp., Hwy. 35, Keypo: Red Bank area. No experience neces- visit ECPI, 25.5 tfonmouth Park Hwy. be made up lo 75* long and 20' wide. modern, An equal opportunity employer. RCA sary. Guaranteed Btartlng salary plus West Long Branch. 3 houses available. Each unit con- PROWN'S bonus. All benefits Including free pen- sists of steel frames, glass, oil burn air-conditioned SUPBBVIBOR sion. Car necessary. Call 77B-7575. er and two 75 gal. tanks. Price (450 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 per unit. Call 741-4105 after 5 p.m GOING OUT OF BUSINESS facilities Part-Time - Permanent ATTENDANTS (two)—One full time, MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE HALF PRICB We will train an Individual for tin € a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays. One part DINETTE SET — Walnut Formica Fixtures, NCR cash register, desk, at Clark, N. J. 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. shift In our produc- HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE time, I p.m. to 10 p.m. Sat. and Bun. FOR SALE table, six chairs, six months old chair, 1968 Curtis key machine with tion and assembly department who taa Absolutely must be well mannered, i Must sell. Call 264-5130. keys, electric adding machine, Mar- TYPEWRITERS, ADDINO machines. had experience in aupervlslng women neat In appearance and willing to TWO PIECE — Living room set, $25. chant calculator, panel saw, automat- crewa. . ' work. Pormanent pooltlono and good Alt makes new or uacd. Guaranteed. ic glass cutler and glass, new wall- HEAD PORTER Low as (25, Serplco'B 101 Monmoutn Good oondltion. Black seal stole, $39 Theie opening! require We offer excellent working condi pay for right people, Call 291-9529 for Call 291-0558 paper books, H'Xl and 17*8 scale tlons comtolned wlUi a congenial at Excellent opening- available for a re- appointment. St. Next to theater. 747-0485. paint machines, shaker, gondolas, experienced men and moaphCTo In our modern air cond! liable person to do general cleaning GUITAR — Largo Jumbo size, camel counters, art racks, wallpaper steam- CUSTODIAN in our bcautltul modern new facilities. DESKS (15 up FILES, tables, chalrB, women capable of de- Uoned plant. WINDOW CLEANERS — Experienced adding machines, typwrlters, ottice back. Made In Italy. Fingerboard In- er. USED MACHINERY-lawn mow- INltEtRVIBJWS This Is a permanent position «hat of- laid markers, $20. 787-6180. ers, snow blower, aerator, tiller, utili- veloping and examining WANTED ten liberal benefits and fine -working only. Starting pay 53 an hour. Call equipment, etc., at bargain prices. TUESDAYS AND THUE3DAYS any time 569-3790. - Now or used AAC DESK OUTLET, ty trailer, carpet shampooer, chain negatives of industrial 9 a.m. -10:30 a.m. 2 p.m. >3 p.m. Reliable and ambitious man to take conditions. BABY CRIB — Clean, like new. In saw, electric hedge clippers, 40' charge of custodian duties a< paro- Rt 35, Oakhurst 531-3090. ner spring air colled mattress. Na products to a specified AND BY APPOINTMENT INTBRVTBWS PARTS MAN—Now car dealer. Ex- wooden ladder, air conditioner, gas chial school. Good working conditions. TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS perience not neceaBary. Must have BCALAMANDRB—Schumacher, stro tural wood finish. 120. 787-6180. edgcr, FAIR HAVEN HOME SUP- requirement. Recent X- . LANVIN- Excellent salary. Bubmlt complete 9 a.m.-10:30 «_m. 2 p.m.-3 p.m, driver's license. Apply In person, helm Romann remnants 9Dc yd. Bat- PLY,-586 River Rd., Fair Haven. 842- resume Box F-107. The Sally Register, DE8K — Light oak finish solid top Ray Trade School grad- CHARLES OF THE RITZ Maurice Schwartz & Sons, 141 W. Ins, silks, velvets. Little Silver Up- size 20x42. Two drawers each aide 1973 or 741-6850. Red Bank. LANVIN- Front St., Red Bank. holstery, 333 Sllverslde Ave. $20. 787-6180. uarei will be comidered. Rt. 35 Holmdel 284-9000 CHARLES OF THE RITZ OUITAR — Kapa Minstrel. Original NEW CAR GET READY MAN — Foi til 10 p.m. Color or black and white Bay. week RED BANK LUMBER VERY SMALL OVERSTUFFED AN- PULL RANGE OP HELP WANTED—MALE pair Dept, Nclsner's, Hwy. 33. Middle large O.M, dealer. Reliability mon or month. Low rates. BAYSHCRE TV TIQUE COUCH AND END TABLES Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank — $50. Call 222-7794. COMPANY BENEFITS town Shopping Department. essential than experience. 7W-7W3. 30 Church St., Keanaburg. 787-4400. BEDROOM — Living room, kitchen TRUCK EQUIPMENT MECHANIC — MASONS AND HELPERS WANTED HELP WANTED-Male-Fcmale SINGER ZIQ ZAO furniture. Vacuum, slightly used. Ta- DINING ROOM SET — Nine-piece Call or apply to AUTOMOBILE. Experienced. Welding helpful. Call Mr. —Call after 6 p.m. Lato model. Reposessed. Makes but ble model sewing machine. 787-3618 French Provincial. Like new. Will Gray, 542-3220. 7«7-5757 MEN — WOMEN tonholes, monograms, hems. Needs nc WASHING MACHINE (semi automat sacrifice. Call 291-1433. Our firm needs 12 to start Immediate' attachments. Full price $58 cash ol Mr. L. Ping — 381-4500 SALESMAN PAINTER FOR BODY SHOP — For MAN — Steady, Bales and delivery. ly. No experience. We train. 5115- tc) $25. Secretary desk, Early Amcrl G.E. PORTABLE DISHWASHER — 26.50 per month. Trade-Ins accepted. can, $15. Bom excellent Call after 7 Excellent condition, $100. Call be- largo GM dealer. Most be expert' Apply in person. Marine Lumber ~ 1170 to start. Call 741-4015 between CREDIT DEPT. 254-5553 Monday thru Friday enced and reliable. 741-7843. 1139 Ocean Ave., Bea Bright. 2:30 and 4 p.m. evenings, 291-9228. All day Sat. tween 9 and 2, 222-3161. tYou con earn $10,000 and more.; LUDWIO DRUM SET — Two baB! 8:15 to 4:30 PART-TIME JANITORS AND WAX- STATIONARY ENGINEER „— Blu< COUPLE TO RUN KITCHEN — Ret- CAMERA-ROLLEI 2.8F with prism, GORTON ENGRAVER — Model 1A, 'Experience preferred, but nor toms, two small tomB, one fillnger- hardly used. Cost «550. (275 takes It. $265. Precision tube tester, Model 612, ERS — 5-9 P.m., Mon. thru FrL Call Seal. Excellent opportunity. Qood sal erenceB required. Write Box Q-1S6, land chrome snare, one1 20" cymbal (neceinry. We offer all fringe 642-6579 before 5 p.m. ary, plus full benefits. Apply Amei The Dally Register, Red Bank. Call 264-7662 after 8. $25. G.E. PR2 Exposure meter with (can Smelting ft Rellnlng Co., Ufa and two 16" for high hat $350. Call dynacell, $12. Phone 774-4276. (benefits and excellent workin RESTAURANT DRIVE-IN State St.. Perth Amboy, N.J. An REAL ESTATE SALES MANAGER— 842-0570 between 8 and 10 p.m. Dur- ANTIQUES — Sheraton buffet, six [condition!.. If you're inicresta equal oportunlty employer. To handle supervision of sales staff ing the week. cane chairs, a wliat-not, drop leaf MATCHING SOFA — Chair, six pairs WESTERN MANAGEMENT TRAINEES and all advertising. Active local table, marble tops, chairs, Juno and draperies, green print. Gold wing pleaie itop in. HAY FOR SALE Rayo lamps. Many other Items. 560 chair, studio couch. Two round ta- PORTERS — S-ull or part-time. A; agency. Excellent opportunity for the 95c a bale and up. Also straw. Monmouth county's Import Leader. High school graduates over 21. Starling ternoon and/or evenings. 'Will sched right person. Our sales personnel 0395. bles, two cheats, etc. Call 842-3540. ELECTRIC salary to $7,200 year; 10-14 months uie to suit. Must have car and ex 462-1)273 intensive training program. Excellent know ot this ad. Write giving exper- TWO PERSIAN LAMB COATS — On OARAGE SALE — Sat Nov., 16th. Monufocturlno & Supply Unit < RED BANK perience. A steady and permanent ience and qualifications to Box Q-190, trimmed with mink. {200 and 5250. Houaeware, silver service for eight. of th» Bell System t employee benefit*. No experience nec- Job. civil Service workers welcomed The Bally Register, Red Bank. Sale - Introductory - Sale essary. Call weekdays, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 812. Beautiful mink Jacket from Tallorei Old vlctrota and records, linens. 2/10 100 Terminal Ave. t AUTO IMPORTS PHARMACISTS —Registered in New Clear Plastic Slipcovers Woman, asking *300. 741-8388. miles cast ot Chapel Hill Rd., Kings 1800. Hwy. East, Mlddletown. 'Newman Springs Rd. Red Bonk) For personal Interview call Jersey. Day and evening shifts. For 3-pleoa Bet S79.95 pin fitted to youi 7 GREETING CARD CASES —Also Clark, N. J. 671-0925 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN — AS Interview appointment call 222-5200. furniture. 20 yeara experience. Quaran steel gondola fixtures, suitable for GUILD QUANTUM BASS amplifier, An equol opportunity employer tm/f) * 741-5886 SEMBLER—Steady production work Ext 491. teed workmanship. Call Anytime. 495' liquor, grocery or variety store. Re- 200 watts. Best offer. Also speaker ELECTRO IMPULSE, 118 Chestnui 0108. frigerators, beds, dressers, make ef MCDONALDS DRIVE-IN St., Red Bank. MOTEL CLERK — Part time eve- cabinet, one 18" and one 12" heavy ning work 5-12. Apply Holm- FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES lot. Cy 4 Art's, 812-0088. duty speaker, $125. 222-8608. 9% Hwy. 35 Mlddletown TRUCK MECHANIC HELPERS — del Motor Inn, Hwy. 35, Holmdel. WELFARE AND PEOPLE WITH 21" RCA COLOR TV —Console SALE—St. John's, Point Rd., Little PART-TIME HANDYMAN — Apply P.M. shift. Must Have tools. Good CREDIT PROBLEMS. IMMEDIATE Needs repair. Best offer. Phone 671- pay, many benefits. Will train uhari INHALATION THERAPIST — Exper- DELIVERY, CALL MR. ORAN, 373- Silver. Christmas deqoratlons, gifts, In person, Brookdale Nursing Home, ience vital. Rotating shifts. Apply In 0603. toys. Used clothing for children. 3329 Hwy. 35, Hazlet, between 10:30 car mechanic. Apply Mr. RIcban 6630. Household thrift sale. Wed., NOT. 20, a.m. and 2 p.m. Karllk, Nappl Trucking, Hwy. 31 person, Personnel Office, Monmouth WARDROBE — $18, 12x18 rug and Matawan. Medical Center, Long Branch. UNPAINTED FURNITURE pad {20, 3 tables It to 515, lamps 10 a.m. FACTORY H0.P MASON'S HELPER—Full time work. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — 13-510, kitchen table and chairs SIS, Call DISHWASHER — Inquire 10 a.m. un- RED BANK LUMBER kitchen cabinet j8. 671-1853. 741-6718 til 2 p.m. 31 Chapln Ave., Wanted by old established agency. 50 (More Classified Ads Red Bank. years In business. Fine location on Pearl and Wall. Red Bank. 741-5500 BEDROOM BET — Maple. Coldspot EXCELLENT SALES State Hwy 35 in Shrewsbury. Won- CARPET AND RUGS - All colors, refrigerator with lcemaker. Westing- MALE AND FEMALE PORTER — Full time position, 9 t derful opportunity for qualified salcs- tl.OO per yard above our cost. Free house electric stove, double oven. On The Next Page) 3:30 Apply main office ATLANTIC m»n. Call today for appointment Hospital bed, other Items. 671.1192. OPPORTUNITY SUPERAMA, New Shrewsbury. RAY STILLMAN, 741-8600. shop at home service. All first qual- If you qualify, be your own boos aa ity, no seconds.' Direct from mill to sales representative with largo multi- PART-TIME MORNINGS — Apply In ATTENDENT FOR SMALL ANIMAL you. Financing 'arranged. Call Mike NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED billion dollar firm. Opportunity for person, Red Bank . Esso, Front ft HOSPITAL — UTTLE SILVER — B. 787-1862. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN mtaagement Excellent for the person Spring Sts., Red Bank. ' Full time. Experience not eBscntlal, SEVEN-PIECE BLACK PBARL with ability to meet and talk with but able to handle dogs and cats. Call DRUM SET—And seat 1160. Call at' people. Betrin with salary pltut com- ACCOUNTANT 747-3258 evenings after 7 p.m. missions. Comprehensive training pro- ter 1 p.m. 291-2927. WE WILL TRAIN gram. Liberal fringe benefits. Call Assistant controller for modern 380 ACTIVE REAL, ESTATE OFFICE — W PUT YOUR CDHfIQ¥CE7H ftffTH 649-7587 for appointment. bed hospital. BS degree with major In Has opening for one sales person. An equal opportunity employer, M/F accounting required. Minimum ot three Would prefer one already with li- INSTRUCTION yean of accounting experience. Hos- cense, but willing to train ono who SOME MECHANICAL APTITUDE AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN — Come pital experience desirable, but not es- seems promising. Call now to be es* trow with us, we are Monmouth aentJal. Send full .resume and salary tabllshcd ID our office In time for the THIRD SHIFT County's newest dealer. Ground floor requirements td Mr. W. F. Motier, 1969 selling seaBon. Congenial oltlce Tractor-Trailer opportunity for aa experienced or in- Controller, Rlvervlew Hospital, Re atmosphere. Excellent Income possi- experienced man to earn an above Bank. bilities. Call Mrs. McAllster after 5 Drivers average living. Top pay plan and all SHOE SALESMEN — Full and part, or on Sun. All Inquiries confidential. benefits. Come in or phone Mr. Eu- time. Manager position now available. 842-1804. Or JOIN A GROWING COMPANY gene or Mr. Wall. WALL LINCOLN MERCURY. Shrpwalnity,Ave, A Syca- THE PEDB8TAL, 717-9285. EXTENDED CARE FACILITY Heavy Equipment more, Shrewsbury. 747-5400. MAINTENANCE MAN NEEDED — Interesting new ' field. New . 103 bed. IN A GROWTH INDUSTRY Full time day position with" benefits. hospital Extended Care Facility Is Apply In person, Monmouth Lanes, accepting applications for RN'0, Con Eorn (12,000 Yeor SALES - REAL ESTATE Jollno and Myrtle Aves., Long Branch LPN'«, Nurses' Aides and Orderlies. W« are a leading manufacturer of wire, High commission plua bonus. Will Interesting "on the job" training in train, PAUL BRAOAR AGENCY, 7M- MEN-YOUNO MEN — To learn csr- Service Education and staff develop- SO CAN YOU 0221^ Call for appointment pet, furniture, wall cleaning. No ex- cable and TV system products offering... ing programs. Rehabilitative aspects V. A. APPROVED OROOM—For thoroughbred horses. perience necessary. Will' train. $2.1 of care emphasized. For Information Living quarters (or bachelor supplied, per hour In training. Opportunity: fo. call 775-6500, Ext 212, or write Nurs- Earn High Wag.i Now I advancement. Call 741-1378. ing Service, Jersey' Shore Medical must be experienced and depend- (No Experience Neecessory) GOOD SAURY / GENEROUS BENEFITS able. Farm located In area of Flem- YARD MAN — General duties, Fal Center, 1045 Corlles Ave Neptune, Ington, N. J. Call 8-5. M2-2577. 7-11, Haven Yacht Works, DeNormandii N.J. SO MEN NEEDED H9-3718. Ave., Fair Haven. FOR DECEMBER TRAINING To Become A TAX CASH, BILL CONSOLIDATION CREDIT COLLECTOR — Part-Urn PROFESSIONAL MEN WANTED GENERAL FACTORY WORK •~»TMO. Total CASH & CASH FOR DOCTORS, EDU- STEADY YEAR 'ROUND WORK nights and Sat. Experienced preferred, TRACTOR-TRAILER cash Pymt. Call 671-2030 for appointment. or Construction Equipment Yen Get pvmt. CATION, HOME IMPROVEMENT, ETC. 1 MCDONALD'S DRIVE-IN Immediate openings tor males and fe- J 813.00 Apply in person all week. 625 Hwy. 35 Mlddletown males. Must work rotating ehifta. start- Operator $ too TT3.55 We need " full or part-time workers SALES OPPORTUNITY FOR HARD Ins salary |a.35 and Vt cents per hoar No Need to Leave Your 1,000 "" 22.59 1,355.40 for evenings. Must be at least 18 WORKBRS — Reg&rdlaia of e»per] plus shUt differentials. Excellent fringe Present Job years old. For further information benefits. Drive to Exit 120 Harden 33.69 "M33.4O CAU NOW I ence. Prestige International Electron! TRAIN FOR YOUR FUTURE 2,711.40 •top In or call 671-0025. Corp. Fringe benefits for mature mar State Parkway — right turn to Cliff- FREE LIFETIME JOB 45.19 wood Ave. — left turn Cllffwood Ave. GUIDANCE "T3B9-40 VIKOA CABLE CO. EXPERIENCED TANK DRIVERS rJed men. Must have car. to Plant Apply In person at Personnel 2,500 " 54.49 WANTED. Apply In person, Rollo TUITION—TERMS 4,067.40 Office. FOR FREE INFO WRITE, 5,0M 67.79 Halls Mill Road Freehold, N. J. Trucking Co., S95 Broadway, Keyport. $215 WEEKLY SALARY I^MIO" GIVING NAME, ADDRESS & 4,000 90.38 RKCONDITIONINO SPECIALIST — MIDLAND GLASS CO., INC. PHONE NUMBER "6?78.BO Experience mandatory. If you take TOM ~~m.n 988-2300 An Equal Opportunity Employer AMERICAN TRAINING — • pride In a job well done and are "Not an advance or draw" CLIFFWOOD AVE. looking for a ground floor opportu- SERVICES, INC. nity with Monmouth County's newest Guaranteed for proper effort. Oa41 Mr. CL1FFWOOD, N. J. Dept. RBR, PO Box 1970, Comden, N. J. 0SI01 2240 HIGHWAY 3} dealer, ottering the best compensa- Taylor, 711-S0W Mon. or rues.. If EQUAL EMPLOYERS tion plan and now facilities, apply In a.m. to 4 p.m. N. J. STATE LICENSED & person to Mr. Eugene or Mr. Wall. I0UPLE — For poultry farm. Apart- PENNA. APPROVED FACILITY ZENITH LOAN CO. NSFTUNS VALL LINCOLN MERCURY, Shrews- ment Qood salary. Call bury Ave. & Sycamore, Shrewsbury. AUTOMOTIVE CAR POLISHER—And 462-1695 PRECISION lubrication man. ' All fringe benefits, MAN TO HELP Insert and run Sun- paid vacation, hospltallzatlon. Good day morning paper route. Would working condition!. Apply In person, SITUATIONS WANTED-Female ASSEMBLERS prefer married man. Must have own Service Manager, Circle Chevrolet, car. Call 711-3088 between <-8 p.m. 325 Maple Ave., Red Bank. NUR8B PRACTICAL-W1U care for elderly or convalescent patient.* Ex- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1st Shift Openings — 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. cellent reference. Convenient to Red HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE Bank-Deal area. 403-9370 eves. Starting Rate: $2.92 per hour A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI WILL SIT with children in my homo Perform precision assembly operations ol electronic components from 9 to B, Mon. through Frl. Call using bench shear, drill, and orbor presses. Musi be able la 671-SD2X after 6. follow manufacturing layouts and understand drawings. MAID — Sleep In. British West In- dian. Available In about four months. General Contractors Newspaper Excellent references. Attorney, week- Adding Machines-Typewriters Fainting and Decorating days (212) 633-8701. ADDINO MACHINES — Typewriters J. PALLADINO ft SONS - Contrac- sold, rented, repaired. Scrplco's 101 ROBERT S. FARWELL RELIABLE WOMAN desires clean- tors. Patloa, additions, walks, etc Painting &. Decorating ing Thursdays, $15 a day, 8 hourn, 9 Monmouth Bt., Red Bank, 717-0485. We specialize In plumbing and heat- •OPERATING Ing of all kinds. 40 Manson PI., For Free Estimates Call 842-31M ADVERTISING to t. Call 842-2817. Ceramic Tile Contractor Uttla Sliver. 842-5108 or SIM. Pearl and Bead Restrlnglng ENGINEER FINANCIAL New construction and remodeling, Moving & Storage Expertly on braided nylon. $1.90 a also repairs. Kitchens, bathrooms, strand. Sterling clasps from 75o. TRAINEE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES showers and patlon. All work guar* 7-DAY ROTATING SHIFT MOVINO-AL.L POINTS USA REUSSILLES', 3G Broad St., Red antccd. Call 281-33S3 lor free esti- Direct Service Bank. Base Rate: $3.65 to $4.24 per hour LUNCHEONETTE FOR SALE — Ea- mate. tontown, near Fort Monmouth. Efltab- Fla. - Calif. Specialists (Additional compensation for With Car Illhed 17 years. Retiring. 542-4154. Diamonds Bought or Restyled Photography 7-day rotating shift.) OULF SERVICE STATIONS FOR LEABB — Modern 2-bay, Rood neigh- WBDDINOB — Portraits, Theatrical, Let us buy the diamonds you don't Advertising. FILM ART PRODUC- Must hove Block Seal license and be experienced on Newspaper advertising trainee with ear. Must be borhoods and trannlt trade. Paid wear or let us rentylo them for you hNGEL training. One In Matawan and one in TIONS, Fair Haven. 741-4744. alr-condltloning equipment. personally. Reuaslllea', 36 Broad St. II—I MOVERS-Sine* 1885 high school graduate, neat in appearance, more than Cheesequake. Call dayB, HE 6-6666. 711-2211 Alter 8 call 727-1517. Draperies Plumbing and Heating knowledgeable in spelling with a flair for writing GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY — Very Odd Jobs little cash down. Laundromat, dry Upholstering, draperies, slipcovers. PLUMBING — Heating and bathroom These opening* are at Western Electrie's cleaning combination. 20 washers. 10 remodeling.. and an interest in art. Preferably with some sales OOLDEN TOUCH DECORATORS. LIOHT HAULING—Cellars, garages dryers. All In good condition. Total 117 Broad, Red Bank. 717-0052. modern air-conditioned facilities at Clark, price S13.OO0. Call 2M-OT70 or 264-0598. cleaned up. Have truck. Free estl* CORRIGAN'S experience. Good starting salary, car allowance, mates. 741-2149 after 3 p.m. 127 Oakland St., Red Bank 747.2708 N»w Jariey. BEAUTY SALON—Located In a grow- Electrical Contractors ing Bayahore town. Large volume, benefits. Apply between 10 and II a.m. and 4 and full service modern shop. Ideal for C. * C ELECTRIC — New wiring, Painting and Decorating Roofing, Siding & Insulation partnership. Call 787-0182 between B rewiring. Electrlo heaf. No Job too CAL*L OR APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE and 5 dally. OL8BN CO. INC. Roofing, siding * 5 p.m. . small. 741-D01O, 741-9796. CARL B. JONES — Painting and Insulation Installed and guaranteed MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:15 - 4:30 EMPLOYMENT AOENCY-Establlshed wallpapering Fully Insured'. For fret for 10 yeara. 775-0703. 291-0340. clientele. Central N.J. City. Reason- Entertainment estimates, call 220-3838. ASK FOR MR. L. PING — 381-4500 741-0010 Ask For Mr. Famulary able termfl. Owner will train. Box PAINTINO — Interior, eiterlor. Gen. SIDING — Alsco, Dupont Tedlar and MR 831, 123 W. 41 St., N.Y. 36. Tickets available for latest Broad- eral repairs. Froe estimates. Reason- Alcoa. Work guaranteed. way shows and Major Bpdrts HivenU. able ratos. Call 583-1350 178 Monmouth St., Red Bank. PROWN'S BAND BLASTING 32 Broad St. Red Birtt 7*1-7500 THE DAILY REGISTER INSTRUCTION Your premises or ours, WESTERN ELECTRIC General Contractors 220-2441 BBLFORD ROOFING ft SIDING CO MANUFACTURING » SUPPLY UNIT Of THE BELL SYSTEM ART LEBSONB — Morning Studio New roofs and repairs, aluminum 105 CHESTNUT ST. RED BANK Claaita - Beginners, advanceced • all CARPENTRY — Additions, paneling, BB CONTRACTOR — Palntlnf, In. siding, windows, doors, awnings,. gut- 100 Terminal Avenue, Clark, N. J. media, by Lonla ElUyvouIou. "Btd"Btudll o •topi, sidewalks, patios, odd Jobs. terlor and exterior. Free estimates. ters, leaders, shutters. Belford, N.J. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/P 3131"" , 21 BBroad d BtBt . ReRdd BankBk . CalCll Reasonable ratea. 812-4389, 71T-233S. Reasonable rates. Call 787-8284. 787-1528 15 year guarantee. 741-U5J mornings. 20—THE DAILY BEGISIEB, Monday, Kmmbet 18, 1968 FURNISHED BOOMS BOOH JLNP BOiWD-fD Me* 3-Month FOR SALE PETS AND LIVESTOCK ReajtotoaMc. 'Vff'tTtl. •. 1 Court Orders John Dressier AKC ST. BERNARD PWB-8 weeki SUITABLE • POtt BCKINEes LADT $100 old, to be aold aiartlnc Nov. 23rd. One OR TEACHER — Convenient reil- Jail Term' In Gdmitm U ail four oMor m*d b* to fet frw smooth female; five ruffs, 3 females, dentlal location. Call 747-4970. delivery aft low Red Bank Lumber 3 mate*. Inoculated,: paper trained, LONG BRANCH ~ A city Cash* Carry Prices. U you are build- bred tor temperament Raised with SINGLE ROOMS — Clean, comfort- children. *150 up. Call after 6:30, T87-able. Reasonable. Gentleman ©re- To Again Amend Complaint resident was injured Saturday in* * f&rage, addloff a room or other In Tax Case l*ri» project*, be sure to obtain a 6092. fered. SO Wallace St, 7U-5S92. evening when his caf ran In- price from: FURNISHED ROOM — Business «ren- NEW YORK-A W-yettMld FREEHOLD — John Dres- property. He is seeking gen- the Marlboro Township Citi- telman only. Call between 10 a.m. to the rear of another car on RED BANK LUMBER and 4 p.m. 747-1208. New Jersey broker was sen- sier, Bt. 9, Marlboro, has un- eral and, punitive damages zens Committee IHc. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Fifth Ave. • Peart and Wall Red Bank 7H-5500 FURNISHED ROOM — U«e of kitch- tenced Friday to three til Friday, Nov. 29, to amend from what he terms "mali- In advising Mr. Dressier of ACCORDIAN—120 Bass Revolt, with APARTMENTS en It desired, Call Samuel Mills, 36, of 11 Sea- case, $100. Electric stove, Wel-Bullt 741-3185 months in jail and fined $5,- hlsSuperior Court suit against cious, wrongful acts." the changes to be made, 30", copper, $60. 264H318. _ TWO-ROOM efficiency apartments. view Ave., had turned south Tiled kitchen and bath. Winter rites. ATTRACTIVE NICELY FURNISHED 000 for failing to fUe income the Marlboro Citizens Com- Named as defendants are Judge Simmill said he did not FENDER SPEAKEB~COLUMNS~~— Leonardo Motel. 74 Hwy. '3S. 291-96H. ROOM — Private light cooking. For onto Fifth Ave. "at 7:45 p.m., gentleman. 741-8394. tax returns on more than mittee and 17 of its members. Jay Hyland, Lotta C. Burke, think the court shduld fore- Fender Basaman amplifier, HaBMram RED BANK — Furnished three-room the police report said,' when bass guitar. 542-3822 after 6 pjn. apartment, bath. All utilities Included. LARGE furnished room, private $500,000 over a five-year peri- This is the second time Mr. David F. Stokes, Louis J; close Mr. Dressler's day in BK1S — Blndings7~DootFT~Girl's boot Adults. No pets. 747-5320. home, for gentleman. Call it struck a car operated by *)ze 5, lady's 6!4, men's 0. Call 8*2- 741-8586 od. Dressier has had to amend Kuhn, Gerald A. Bauman Jr., court. 1516. RED BANK — Unfurnished, Cannon his complaint. He Is acting as Jorge L. Jimene?, 9 N. Fifth Point Village Garden Apartments. 239 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM — With The broker, Earl S. Baird Joseph A. Brodniak, Edward The judge said Mr. Dres- TEA AND COFFEE SET — Silver on Spring St. 3Vi room apartment avail- kitchen. Near Hwy. 35 In Haslet. Call his own attorney. C. Erdman, Mrs. Kate Jack- sier is trying to say that the Ave., in the rear. copper. Seven large elegant pieces. able. All electric See manager, Apt. 264-6568. of 92 Tulip Lane, Colts Neck, J100. White rocker, S30. 747-3966. K 9. was convicted last October Superior Court Judge Elvin son, Thomas A. AntiseU, Wal- Planning Board conspired to- Mr. Mills, whoiuffered lac- FIREWOOD EATONTOWN—LAKEVIEW APART- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE after a 2^-week trial before B. Simmill, who ordered the ter Grubb, Philip S. Inglis, gether and put the property erations of the lip and a few Please call alter 9 p.m. MENT, Tlnton Ave., Model Apart- amendment, suggested to Mr, teeth pushed out, was treat- 264-6955 ment Fully carpeted. $140 monthly HOUSES FOR SALE Judge Inzer B. Wyatt in U. S. Aristo Scrobogna, Philip H. in an industrial zone, knowing with purchase of complete contents Dressier that he engage an at» ed at Monmouth Medical GREAT BOOKS of the Western for $500. Call 542-0705. District Court. Arnold, Richard A, Prevlte, that someone was interested World, 74 Volumes, cost $535 new. Ask- TALL PINE TREES torney because this legal ac- Center and released* ing $225. Call between 7:30-11 eve- EATONTOWN According to the govern- Norman Janwlch, John J. In developing it for a housing nings 842-5657. tion is so complicated. No summons was issued. LAKEVIEW GARDENS FOUR BEDROOMS ment, Mr. Baird, a member Stlgllano, John Williams and complex. GAS STOVE — "WEL-BUILT" 20", 47 Tinton Ave., Eatontown This New England style Colonial la Mr, Dressier, however, said four burners, oven and broiler, clean. Large one-bedroom apartments. Sepa- located in the heart of the River Oaks of Baird and Co., a broker- Like new. 535. 787-6180. section or Fair Haven. Colonial detail- he has tried desperately to rate dining areas, color-coord tnated age firm at 67 Broad St., had kitchens. Air conditioned, swimming ing Inside and out. IJvine room with represent himself and he is 4 DON'T FOOL AROUND pool. JiW/mo. 542-4572. Superintendsnt fireplace, dining room, new kitchen to "willfully failed to file" dur- Want a good Elding or roofinc Job done Apt. 26A. please any woman, large family room, willing to modify his lengthy study, screened porch, basement, 2^i ing the years from 1959 Caring' Provides Main Theme it a very fair price? Call for FREE BEAUTIFUL, modern three-room fur- baths. Attached greenhouse tor your complaint again. ESTIMATE. nished apartments. Eatontown near preen thumb. Earty occupancy avail- through 1963. PROWN'S Ft. Monmouth. 747-1647. 741-3213. able. Top schools. Asking $47,000. Call James R. Minogue of Mid- today! Wyatt continued Baird'in S3 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 FREEHOLD — Furnished apartment. dletown, representing the Ci- For Student Assembly at RBGH BENGAL combination range, white, Excellent area. Short/long term. Also HALL BROS., Realtors bail of $1,000, pending appeal. tizens Committee, suggested carburetor and oil drum included. one furnished efficiency. 462-1596. 813 River IW. 741-7686 Hair Haven RED BANK - "Are You and "Song froni Exodus;" Good condition. $50. 787-6154. THKEE ROOM — Furnished or Un- Member Multiple Listing Service that the first 33 paragraphs be their country, their fellow 30 OLD TIME ORIGINAL RECORDS, furnished apartment. AH utilities. In- Open 7 Days stricken and then the com- Afraid to Care" was the sub- man and themselves. Randy Macaluso, David Mur- 135. Call after 6 guire 191 Maple Ave., alter 6 p.m. MXDDLBTOWN Man Is Accused phy, Joseph Hall and Michele 671-3552 plaint could stand. These para- ject of an inspirational assem- Ann Noon and Kathy Walk- THREE-ROOM APARTMENT —Fur- CUSTOM BUILT Tryon assisted Robert; Sever- THREE RAIL — Split rail fence. 49 nished. Privacy. Across from Ft. Mon- Of Forging Checks graphs are evidential, he bly program presented by the er, seniors, sang "You'll .: rails and 9 posts.' 75c each or $35 for mouth. 138 Main St, Oceanport TO YOUR ORDER Student Council of Red Bank 1 1 ini, to form a band.which all. 228-4458. said and could be brought Never Walk Alone," "People . LONG BRANCH — Modern f«ur Three-bedroom ranch. Attached garage. LONG BRANCH - Louis Catholic High School Friday played "Everybody Get: To? GAB STOVE — Slattery. 36", four rooms and bath with two bedrooms Dock your boat at rear of lot. And Wickes of Joline Ave. has out during the trial. burners, oven and broiler. Right-hand until June 30th. Heat and water sup- all tor afternoon before 1,200 stu- gettier," "Abraham, Martin, plied. NO pets. 229-1553. work apace. $35. 787-6180. $19,900 been charged here with forg- Judge Simmill, after go- dents in the auditorium. and John," "A Most Peculiar GUITAR — Guild F30 Acoustic. Call THREE-ROOM APARTMENT — Fur- ing and cashing checks of pa- ing over several paragraphs between 7:30-11 evenings. nished. All utilities. Adults. Call Easy terms to all Seniors Gretchen Husson, Mrs. Casler Manf and "I Amia Rocic." 8(2-5657 747-0763 tients of the Monmouth Con- BEACH AGENCY, Realtor one by one advising, how they Nancy Koenig and Robert Actors in the playlet in- VICTORIAN marble top table, 36i27, RED BANK — Oakland St. Three- 191 Rt. 35 Middletown, N. J. valescent Center. should be modified, suggested 175. Old tapestry by Renl, $15. Beau- room apartment, second floor. J100 842-2026 Open 7 days Severini wrote and directed cluded Michael Brennan, Eves: 531-4768 Is Acting tiful Volga accordion, $80. 671-1496. per month. Includes all utilities. Call Payments approximate Detective John Perri, the that Mr. Minogue confer with 741-1144 after 7 i>.m. Qualified buyers the production. Brother Al Brian Leavy, John Walker, TRAILER LOAD investigating officer, said Mr. Mr. Dressier to work out the Behm, a Glehmary Mission- Richard Yelton. and Jeffrey WINTER RENTAL — Furnished two- complaint. NEW FURNITURE BALE bedroom apartment, $90 per month FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH Wickes is charged with pass- ary stationed in Connecticut, Court Clerk Minch, • . SAMPLES ONLY — Walnut finish mar- plus utilities. Two-bedroom garage Little Silver. Brick and frame. Quiet ing checks June 28 and July Mr. Minogue, however, de- ?esl£tant four-drawer chest or single apartment. S10O per month plus utili- street. Screened porch overlooking gave the address. Senior Su- LONG BRANCH - Mrs. The performance was one dressers, $30. Mirrors, 515. Double ties. PHILIP GLASSMAN * ASSOC., treed and shrubbed lot Fireplace, den, 8 for $98 each. clined. After a recess, Mr. dressers, $35. Giant triple dressers, $45. 602 Main St., Bradley Beach. 774- dining room, corner cupboards, two san Z&lesky read an original Mary Casler is acting city of a series of projects under- Over 200 pieces to pick from. 4956. Eve., 774-4856. Dressier said he - would again baths, two-car attached garage. {42,600. He is being held in bail inspirational selection. court clerk until Mrs. Angela taken by the Student Council IRWIN'S FINE FURNITURE KEANSBURG — Two-bedroom'modern pending a preliminary hear- change his complaint. CREDIT - FREE DELIVERY apartments. Automatic heat. Adulta. The program consisted of Shanaphy returns from vaca- under their month-long Pro- preferred. Inquire 14 Hancock St. 747-3500 ing in county court. Mr. Dressier has charged J? Monmouth St. Ked Bank 747-0011 a series of songs, sketches tion or until the case of Frank ject YOUth program. ROGERS DRUM SET — Four pieces. WEST END — 2-bedroom, 4ii-roora the defendants conspired Zfldjian cymbals. Call after 6 p.m. Duplex atop Oceanfront Seawall $160 ROLSTON WATERBURY and meditations designed to Palaia, the court clerk who Student Leadership Day was 741-7451 plus utilities. Lease. 229-0300. Realtor - Insurer HOUSES FOB SALE against him to block his de- make the students aware of has been on a six-month leave held at .Red Bank Catholic WATER PUMP—Submersible, heavy WEST END—Oceanfront Duplex. W,- 18 W. Front Bt. Red Bank 07701 veloping or selling his Rt. 9 their responsibilities to God, duty. Built-in check valve. Will dem- room (2 bedrooms) $220 mo. plus util- PUNCH. 1INE of absence, is resolved. Nov., 12. Students.took over onstrate. J35. 787-6180. ities. Military welcome. 229-0300. EMPTY AND ANXIOUS Ranoher overlooking horse farm. Eye Spotless condition la this 32 year old . Mr. Palaia was to have re- all official functions of the BOLL TOP DESK — Excellent con- SEA BRIGHT — Two-room apart- home, painted inside and out, waiting appealing with attractive featirres. LlV- dition. 31 Branch Ave., Red Bank, ment completely remodeled and fur- for you to move In. Three bedrooms, Ing room, dining room combination turned to his court clerk's school. Student Council presi- B 7 p.m. nished. Ready for occupancy Dec IVt baths, spacious living room, formal 14x23, kitchen with dining area. Tlirco 1st. HU-liili. bedrooms, two baths, recreation room Hit-Run Car Hurts Youth post Friday. Judge Stanley dent Ronald Reiss assumed GIRL'S—White and gold bedroom set, dinlug mum &nd den. Lot 107»K5 with with bar, den, baacment, two oar ga- box springs and mattress. Shadow UNFURNISHED — Apartment In many trees. Only $28,500. rage. Attractive plantings. Screened KEYFORT - A Malawan tine patrol, spotted a car on Cnhen, however, notice Mr. the office of principal. His box and mirror, 9100. Boy's bunk Highlands, Three large rooma plus PAUL BRAGAR porch, patio, gaj grill. Many extras. Palaia that his position with vice principal was Patricia *ed». *50, youth bunk bed. 525, dining full bath. Call 291-1172. Well worth «2T,«oo. See It today. Township youth is in good Line Road bearing the license room set, $15. 8 captain's chairs, $10 REALTOR the city court has been sev- Quinlan. ',".'.. each. High rise studio with bolsters, THREE-ROOM — Unfurnished apart- 794 Broad St. Shrewsbury 74/7-0221 condition today at Riverview plates of the hit and run ve- 150. Maple set. $25. Boy's bicycle, $15. ment on a month-to-month basis. Im- 747-3500 ered. Jane Roper, Pat Turner, mediate occupancy. ALLAIRE-FAR- FAIR HAVEN Hospital, Red Bank, where he hicle. Portable bar, $25. Electric guitar and ROW AGENCY, 741-3450. •was admitted Saturday morn- and Ann Noon .were secret amplifier, $20. Two rugs. $20 /or both. EXCELLENT RANCH ROLSTON WATERBURY Borough police then ques- Although relations between Buede coat, mink trim, $80. Fencing RED BANK — Unfurnished 3H-room Ing with a broken leg suffered taries. Nancy Goeriig and Ann 260', posts and gate, $30. Zenith TV garden apartment Heat, hot water, Beautiful grounds. 26* living room "with Realtor - Insurer tioned the owner of the car, Judge Cohen and Mr. Palaia •st, $50. OaU 223-11749, 6 a.m. until ga3 supplied. Front and back en- fireplace, 13' dining room, email den, IB W. Front Bt Bed Bank 07701 in a hit and run accident. Harford were'school librari- 2 p.m. trances. On bus line. See manager. 165 three double bedrooms, two baths. Ahmed A. Alvireza of 545 Line have been reported to be (E) Branch Ave. Finished basement. Two- car garage. RED BANK Police said Robert Wigget, strained in the past, the ans: Judith Utz was the CHERRY WOOD SPINET JANSSEN Immediate occupancy $39,900. STER- Six-room house, 18 High St. No » Road, who'they said admitted school nurse.. John Maloney PIANO—Direct action. Bench. Music. RED BANK — Three bedroom du- LING THOMPSON'S GALLERY OF down to qualified buyer. $10,000. CaJl 14, of 2 Avondale'Lane, was judge's order banning Mr. Pa- LlkB new. Asking $400. Floor length plex, US baths. Adults preferred. HOMES, «5 W. JUver Rd., Rumwn. owner alter 8 p.m. 842-0387, the accident. He was sum- assumed control of the physi- formal blue gown, size 12, shoes to Immediate occupancy. Call after 5 747-0900. injured when struck on moned for leaving the scene laia from court.duties is the match, size 614. $15. Call for appoint- p.m. 542-2443. v INTERESTBO IN A NEW HDMBr —' cal education department. He ment, 787-2689. SAVE fruitless hours of searching by We have many choice locations In the Broadway at 12:50 a.m. of an accident and careless first open break between the FURNISHED APARTMENT — Chap- sending for' our free comprehensive Mlddlotown - Atlantic Highlands ares two men. was assisted by Richard Rus- ELECTRIC SINGER SEWER CON- el Hill Rd., Middletown. Adults only. catalog; modest homes; palatial Rum* where custom constructed new homes Matawan Township Patrol- BOLE — Deacon stuffed chair, brown, Call 291-2723. son estates, waterfronts, farms. Mul- driving. Patrolman Bruce nak; Gerald Kaminskv Mary tiple Listings. ranging from $16,000 to $35,000 are to yellow . and orange plaid. 542-3187. THREE LARGE ROOMS — All utili- be built. For comploto details call man Walter Caulder, on rou- Imley investigated. Judge Cohen declines to enu- Mahon and Terry Wilson. COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR — 11 ties supplied. Near Lily Tulip and RAY STILLMAN, Realtor MULLANEY REALTV. 671-5151. merate the reasons why he Bell Labs. Call 787-6892. David Murphy, Denis Ma- eu. ft. Good condition: $40. "Our 60th Year" MORE FOR YOUR MONEY — A LEGAL NOTICE 741-2114 THREE FURNISHED ROOMS—Over- 6*8 Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-8600 Red Bank tw»-story home close to has suspended Mr. Palaia. loney, Robert Severini and PAINTERS EQUIPMENT — Lad- looking Sandy Hook Bay. All utilities bus lines, stores, etc. Living room, FVBUO NOTICE Mr. Palaia also will not dis- ders, hooks, extension ladder, drop- All year round. Available Dec. 1. Call RIVER OAKS COLONIAL dining room, modem kitchen, three An ordinance entitled "AN ORD1 Mayor Says Jeffrey Minch ran the cafe- cloths, paperhanger's tools and board. 872-1139 or 872-0918. Fireplace graces lovely living room of nice size bedrooms, gameroom in NANOB AUTHOWZINO FER81 cuss (reasons, if any, the judge teria. Gretchen Husson was Handsome bongo drum. Reasonable. this three-bedroom, 1% bath home. basement, enclosed front porch. Only STAGE AERIAL PHOTOGRAMITRK After 6 p.m. and Sat 671-2059. RED BANK — Four-room apartment, $17,800. REDDEN AGENCY. Real- FOR SEWERAGE ENGINEERING has barred him. traffic chairman. Every class near Biverview Hospital. All utilities. Full basement, attic atorage. Shady, tors, 301 Maple Ave., corner Bergen PURPOSES AND APPBOPRIATINC $135. Adults only. Write Box G-197, private yard. Only J30..T60. STERLING PI., Red Bank. 741-9100. THE BUM OP S6.000 THEREFOR1 Gty Needs Mr. Palaia may. accept the in the school Was conducted by The Dally Register, Red Bank. THOMPSON'S GALLERY OF HOMES, MACHINERY FOR SALE •15 W. River Rd.. Rumson. 717-0900. was presented for introduction and judge's ruling, or he may ap- student teachers chosen for ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Large first reading on October 3, 1063 bj TOW MOTOR — 3000 lbs. capacity. studio room overlooking bay. Utili- SHREWSBURY COLONIAL LOTS AND ACREAGE Mayor and Council ot Borough $2 Million peal to the state Civil Ser- the day by their classmates, ties. Furnished or unlurnlshed. 291- New Shrewsbury and on NovemnBi Completely reconditioned. Six months old. Custom built. Three 7, 1908 was finally Adopted and vice Commission. Failing to Senior girls served as hall 787-6349 2007 anytime. FROM ONE LOT TO 100 ACRES — LONG BRANCH - Mayor extra large bedrooms, 2H baths, 21' Either commercial or residential. Call proved. . • - Saturdav ^attain.satisfactlon there, the proctors. "'" " 11"! LOGAN LATHE — Floer model KEANSBURG — Three large fur- kitchen, family room, full dining room. MUI»ewl ^ ;gPauL jNa|t8SJf aiuraay cKrk..fnay then take the mat- arm draw bar, 5 collet*. Other shop Washer included. Conveniently located and transportation. Extras. 741-3295. MIDDLETOWN — HARTSHORNE Attest: sent telegrams to federal and Red Bahk Catholic students tools. Reasonable. A-l condition. Must Off Carr Ave. 787-0834. WOODS. — Beautiful wooded acre Jerome 6. Heed ter into the courts. recently completed their third •ell. Call 741-41319, MOD., before 11 a-m. TOMB RIVER — Nine room Bi-level, plus with view of Navesink River. ' Clerk state officials in an effort to BED BANK — New cooperative five years old. Excellent condition, Will tiulld to suit U5.300. Call 542' Nov. IS MM annual cookie drive to provide apartment hoUBe on the river. One- convenient to shopping, churches and 3377 after 5 p.m. gain $2 million in storm re- bedroom or three-bedroom duplex schools. Four bedrooms, 1% baths, cookies for alumni of Fed MERCHANDISE WANTED penthouse apartment available. Buy spacious living room, formal dining NOTICE lief funds. ,^ or lease. 741-0516. room, eat-In aanltas kitchen with all Separate lealed bids for a Mobil* Bank Catholic serving in Viet- HAB ANYONE BEEN PRESIDENT appliances, wall-to-wall carpeting, ele- WATERFRONT LOT Teaching Center (trailer) Trill be re The mayor said he has Jury Rules WARKEN G. HARDING? — It you LEONARDO — Three-room apart- vated sun deck. Lower level • spacious celved by the Mtddletawn Townshij nam. Twenty-three boxes con- have this coin from the "Shell Mr. ment Single person. Private beach. mahogany paneled room with huge $13,500 Board of Education at Uie Admlnl* asked for a half million dol- taining 14,000, cookies were President Coin Game," I'd like to All utilities. Phone 291-1777. brick fireplace, laundry room, garage. tratlon Building, 68 Tlmlall Road, lars for 250,000 square yards •hare the $5,00t prize with you. I RUMSON — Waterfront studio apart- Many extras 1 No AGENTS. Call foT Middletown, N. J, up to 11:00 a.m., Boy Didn't sent on the Santa Claus have all the others. Call 776-9477. appointment after 2 p.m. 311-9519. STERLING THOMPSON'S GALLERY prevailing Ume, on Tuesday, Novel* ment for single. Furnished and' utili- OF HOMES, 45 W. River Rd., Rum- ber 28, 1068. of beach sand to fill eroded special delivered to the COLLECTOR — Wanta old toy tralM ties, $105 per mo. 842-1765. HOLMDEL any condition. Pay cash or will trade. «on. 747-0900. Specifications and forma 'or bidding sections of city beaches, and soldiers in time for Christ- H.O., 027, 0, standard gauge. 774-3710. RED BANK — FurnlBhed three-room HEYWARD HILLS may be aeoured at Spermaceti Oove apartment. Bath, fine location. Park- Custom built Colonials and Ranches OAKHURST — Corner lot, 100x100. Interpretive Center, Bandy Hook Stati another half million to add Kill Woman mas. Chairmen for the week- ANTIQUES — Tiffany Items, toys, fur- Ing. Adults. No pets. 741-20O8. One acre lots, city newers. N.M. Fal- GarwoDd and Delaware Aves. Price Park, Sandy Hook, N. J. niture, china, paintings, statuary, coins, ERMO, JNC,, *8ff-3573. $5,500. Call 842-5188. stone protection along wood- FREEHOLD — After de- long project were Patricia HIGHLANDS—One 3-room and one 6- JAME8 W. DAVIDHEISEIR lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining RED BANK — Four-family house. CORNER LOT 103x195. Suitable for Becreiary en bulkheads weakened by liberating for more than five room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, room apartment. Private entrance. dentist's or doctor's office. Residen- Nov. 18 *3- Turner, David Murphy and Oakhurst. 531-1699 or 229-0892. Adults only. No pets. Available Dec. *27,000. Call 741-1144 after tial area. Corner Chestnut and Wai- last week's storm. hours, a jury acquitted Larry Terry Wilson. 1st. Call 583-5462. 7 p.m. nut Sts., one mile north of Red Bank TAX SALE NOTICE ORAVELY TRACTOR WANTED — RED BANK — 260 Lelghton Ave. Six- bridge. After S call SG8-3632. Public notice Is hereby given Uii The m,ayor has also asked Carpenter, 17, of Asbury Call after 6 p.m. room house, $12,600. $2000 down, take the underalKiied, the Collector of taxes 776-7283 COMMERICAL RENTALS TWO AORE3 ta Fienchtown, N. J. Lo- of the Borough of Shrewsbury, Counts for ?1 million to repair jetty Park, on charges of murder- over mortgage. HOLMES, 229-0233. of MonmouUi, New Jersey, will sell al OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, cated on high area overlooking beauti- ing an 81-year-old Asbury WAREHOUSE STORAGE SPACE- — NEW SHREWSBURY —. Four-bed- ful scenic view. Good minting. $4,000. public auction In the Municipal Offices, damage along the beachfront. Beadleston glassware, art objects and bric-a-brac, room ranch, In excellent condition. Call 787-4080 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. 777 Broad St., Shrewsbury, N. J. on Immediate cash for anything and ev- Approximately 1300 so., ft Call " Park woman and of attempt- 747-1100 Custom country kitchen with beams, the 22nd day of November, at 9:0C The mayor said he has con- erything. KuBOil's 25 East Front St, living room with wall-to-wall carpet- 35-ACRE WOODED TRACT—Ideal for A.M. the following described lands: tacted Sens, Harrison A. Wil- ing to rob her last May 17 in T41-16S3. TWO-ROOM OFFICE SUITE — Hwy. ing, two baths, 30' paneled family weekend, hunting lodge, retirement or Said lands will be sold to make thi Asbury Park. Tries Again ANTIQUES — We purchase, or sell 35, In Shrewsbury. Paneled. Excellent room. Paneled den. Attached garage. hideaway house. 15 miles from Atlan- amount of Munlolpal liens charffabli liams and Clifford P. Case on consignment, entire estates. Also parking. All utilities Included. $100 Extras. 542-3761. tic City near race track. In Egg Har- against the same on the 31»t day o TRENTON — State Sen. VfflaU lots, furniture, glassware, per month. PAUL BRAGAR, Realtor, bor. Four miles off Parkway. 1500 ft December 1967, exclusive, however, of and Rep. James J, Howard The youth had been charged 794 Broad Bt., Shrewsbury. 747-0221. HOMES — FARMS — ACREAGE road frontage. 1,000 acres of woods Alfred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- China, etc. CUBBERLEY'S AUCTION New list many good buys-Oall LAM- next door. Ideal hunting. {6,500. 609 the Hen for taxes for the year 1968 for federal funds. He said he with mugging Mrs. Dorothy BARN, Call 741-0904. OFFICE SUITE — 756 so., ft. in ex- SON, INC., REALTORS, FREEHOLD. 065-2972. aa computed on the following list, to- mouth, today hopes to con- cellent location. Desirable tor any pro- 462-0440. gether with Interest on said amount has called on State Sens. Stohp near her Sewall Ave. fession. Call 747-3730 between 9 and 5. from the first day of July, 1968, to vince his Republican col- PETS AND LIVESTOCK MIDDLETOWN the date of sale, and costs of sale. Th Richard R. Stout and Alfred home, in Asbury Park. She DESIRABLE OFFICES With View of three-bedroom ranch. Dining room COMMERCIAL PROPERTY subscriber will sell In tee to the per- N. Beadleston, as well as died five days later from in- leagues that they should'ap- PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING— the river available. Tuller Bide, 103 and cat-ln kitchen. Fireplace. Nicely son who bids tho amount due, mibjrt prove his bill to authorize ac- By appointment only. AKC poodle E. Front St, Red Bank. 747-2440. landscaped grounds with many fruit MIDDLETOWN TWP. — Commercial to redemption at the lowest rate of In Gov. Richard J. Hughes, for juries she suffered May 17. and schnauzer puppies. 671-9621. and shade trees. Secluded back yard property along Hwy. 35 or 36. From terost but in no case exceeding eight quisition of land in the Man- 3500 SQ. FT. — Light manufacturer with patio with canvas awning. Many 175' to 10 acres MULLANEY REAL- (8) per centum per annum. Tho pay- state aid. Evan Jahos of Red Bank SIAMESE KITTENS loft for lease. extras! Listed at $28,300. WALKER TY 671-515L ment tor the sale shall be made be- asquan River watershed for Purebred, Sealpolnt. Call 747-1100 & WALKER, Realtors, Holradel-Mid- fore Uie conclusion of the sale or the represented Carpenter. The Phone 747-4334. MODERN OFFICES — Singles or dtetown. 671-3311. Multiple Listing! property will bo resold. Cash or cer- reservoir sites. suites, own parking, Colonial style and Trade-ins, Send for Catalog. BUSINESS PROPERTY tified check only will be accepted In state, represented by Assis- MOBILE DOG GROOMING building. Heat, full maintenance, air payment. • County Funeral tant County Prosecutor Thom- Beadleston's effort to get a WE COME TO YOU conditioning optional. Reasonable ren- FAIR HAVEN — New Colonial. Air EDEN ACRE 842-4039 conditioned. Four bedrooms, 214 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 15 room The sale will be made and conduct vote Friday failed when Sen. tals, 10 Soring Bt, Red Bank Call hotel, restaurant, bar and package ed in accordance with the provisions as J. Smith Jr., Sid not seek 741-D595. baths, paneled den with fireplace. AKC TOY CHINCHINS—Housebroken. Near school and buses. Builder will store. Room for expansion. Excellent of ,,tho statute of the state of New Wayne Dumont, R-Warren, All shots. Also proven show bitch, In opportunity. Call 741-1144 after 7 p.m. Jersey entitled*, "An Act concerning Men Meet the death penalty; but did ask •eason now. Must be seen. 566-0085. SHOP FOR RENT — VISCARDI'S consider leasing. 741-0516. said there may be more im- "FAIR HAVEN MEWS", RIVER NEW MONMOUTH — Professional of- unpaid tax6s and assessments and oth- MIDDLETOWN - The din- a first degree murdsr con- WHOLESALE — ONE OR ALL — RD., "OLDB" FAIR HAVEN. 747- RUMSON — Gracious old estat« sur- flee building. Asking (27,500, Call 671- er municipal charges on real property, portant projects for the $1 0052 AFTER 6. rounded by almost five acres of state- and providing for the collection there, viction with a • recommenda- Black mini poddies. Reasonable. ly specimen trees and rolling lawns. 1250. of by the oreatton and enforcement o ner-meeting of the Monmouth million left over from a 1958 AKC and shots. Call 787-0648. RED BANK — Furnished office, 15x 12 rooms, 4'^ baths. Excellent condi- LONG BRANCH — Three apartments liens thereon (Chapter #5 of Title M and Ocean Counties Funeral tion for life imprisonment,. AKC MINIATURE SCHNAUZERB — 15. All utilities. Call 741-1716. After tion. Private sale. Sacrifice at $85,- grossing $300 per month. $17,500. of the Revised Statutes)", and act* bond issue that financed the Females, 6 weeks. Raised with chil- 5 p.m., 741-2461. 000. Call 741-0873. Owner will mortgage to qualified buy- supplementary thereto and amendatory Directors Association was County Court Judge M. Ray- Round Valley and Spruce Run dren. Good disposition. 264-1786 after 6 thereof. FAIR HAVEN — Four-bedroom, two- er. Call Clifford J. Heath, 671-5214 held Wednesday in Lincroft mond McGowan presided. reservoirs in northern Jersey, COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES — bath Cape Cod. Near school and or 741-7331. The »ald lands subject to saJe de Males, AKC, light blond. Reasonable. HOUSES FOR RENT churches. $32,000. Call 741-2537. scribed in accordance with the tax Inn. The all-male jury began its duplicate and tho aggregate of taxes, v The assistant . majority Call alter 6 p.m. 560-8538. TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOMKB SEA BRIGHT — Two family house. REAL ESTATE WANTED and other municipal charges which John P. Condorf of Atlantic deliberations at 10:26 a.m. and leader, Sen. Raymond Bate- WIRE FOX TERRIERS — AKC, sev- — For rent or Bale. $125 to $150 a $14,500. Call alter 7 p.m., wore a lien thereof on the 31at day of returned the two verdicts of en weeks. Males, (100. Females, (30. monli: THD KIRWAN CO., REAL- 7411144. December, 1957. Highlands is president, and man, R-Somerset, spoke in Champion blood llneB. Permanent TORS, Bclford, 7B7-55O0. W. Kcans- NEED VACANT LAND Mary Ann Nadler Robert F. Worden) Red Bank, acquittal at 3:30 p.m. •hots. 542-1924. burg. 787-6600. Hazlet 264-7100. MIDDLETOWN — $31,900 Small lot or largo tracts. Call M.W- S/S Francis St. favor of Mr. Bdadleston's bill. 2 year old stone ranch. Most con- LANEY REALTY. 671-5151. Block 8, Lot 8A t T5.53 was host and gave the open- AUSTRALIAN, BOSTON AND CAIRN WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — venient area %. aero lot. Huge living In his explanation of. the TERRIERS — Chihuahuas, Cockers, Furnished and unfurnished. Immedi- room with fireplace, formal dining URGENTLY NEEDED — Two and Daniel Dowd ing prayer. law to the jury, Judge Mc- Dachshunds, English bulls, Pekingese ate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER room, ultra modorn kitchen, three three-bedroom homes Middletown, Haz- N/S Thomas Ave. Pomeranians, Poodles, Schnauzers, AGENCY, Oceanport Ave,, Oceanport spacious bedrooms, 1% baths, recrea- let vicinity. We have buyers waiting. Block 13, Lot 13 I 66.83 Mildred P. Damiano of Gowan said the jury could Sex Education Scottles, Sheltles, Shepherds, Spitz. 542-3500. tion room, attached Karage. A gor- THE KIRWAN CO. 787-MOO. Louis Grandlnettl GALE-VIN PET BHOPPE, Monmouth geous home. THE BERG AGENCY, 43 Monroe Ave. Newark and Andrew A. La- return one of' four verdicts Shopping Center, Eatontown. 542-1273 NEW MONMOUTH — Two bedrooms, Realtors, Rt. 35, Middletown. 671-ldOO ATTENTION—COLTS NECK Block 35, Lot 22 I 412. Bl on the first count of murder. Discussion Set living room with fireplace, dining Please call collect Emily Curlcy bash of Fair Lawn, president TWO PUREBRED BEAGLES — AKC room, kitchen, garage. .Convenient lo- Wo have ready qualified buyers, no N/S Sycamore Ave, and second vice president, It could return a verdict of MIDDLETOWN - "Sex registered. Female and male. Rea- cation. One year lease. $190 per HOLMDEL — Pla.OOO for faat efficient service, call J. D. Block 51, Lot 1 *M75.71 sonable. Phone 264-3933. month. Call 671-1250. Beautiful ranch. Very good condition ROOHE, Ucaltor, Rt, 34, Colta Neck. Witness my hand this 28lh day of respectively, of the N.J. state not guilty, manslaughter sec- Education in Middletown throughout. Tremendous lot. Three 462-2711. Member Multiple Listing Ser- October 1988. Schools" will be the topic at a MINIATURE POODLES—Two males $85 to J25O Per, Month bedrooms, formal dining room, spa- vice, ISABEL L. PARKER Funeral Directors Association ond degree murder or first two females. AKC registered. Call al- THE BERG AGENCY cious living room and kitchen, two Collector of Taxes degree with/ a recommenda- meeting of the Village School ter 4 p.m. 787-1050. Rt. 35 Middletown full baths, two-car garage^ full base- WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST Oct. 28, Nov. t, 11, 18 $02.00 spoke. ALABKAN MALAMUTE LITTER — 67MO0O ment. Excellent terms. THE BERG tion for life imprisonment. PTA to be held Thursday at YOUR HOME NOTICE Frederick J. Trepkau of - Expected Thanksgiving. Sire and FURNISHED RENTAL — $250. AGENCY, Realtors, 3200 Rt. 35, Haz- v 8:15 p.m. Dam on premises. 'Call 542-0718. Year's lease. Will consider shorter let 264-8200. Please call collect. Call today and give details and cash TAKE NOTKJE that application has Orange, delegate-at-large of The jury would consider the term. ELLEN S. HAZELTON, Real- price. STERLING THOMPSON & AS- been made to the Mayor and Coun- Mrs. Frances Fronaphel, di- TWO PONIES — Spotted mare and" tor. 842-3200. BRAND NEW COLONIAL — With SOC, 747-5600. cil of the Borough of New Shrews- the state association, was a second count he said, only Welsh gelding, light gray. Bell or city «owejs. Four bedrooms, 2V> bury, Monmouth County, New Jersey, rector of physical'education trade for good horse. 842-0564. BRADLEY BEACH — Two-bedroom bnlh.% beautiful kllchen wJtli dinette, LIST WITH CONFIDENCE to transfer to EASTERN ASSOCI- guest. Robert E. Vogel of if it decided that Carpenter modern bungalow, unfurnished. $U5 plus formal dining room. Foyer, 20' ATED INNKEEPERS, INC.. a corpo- for grades kindergarten TOY POODLE — Black. Female. monthly plus utilities. Yearly. PHIL- Our 11 professional salespeople are ration of tho State of New Jersey, Red Bank,' associated with' was innocent of the first AKC I • ~ ' " living room, family roo'm and laun- ready and able to market your prop- through six in the towishio reglsK IP GI-ASSMAN A ASSOC, 602 Main dry room on first floor. Full base- for promises located at 1202 Syca- the John E. Day Funeral count. or 264I-3JBL St., Bradley Beach. 774-4950. Eve., erty successfully. more Avenue, New Shrewsbury, New ment. Two-ear garage. Fully land- Trade-Ins — ExchanRes school system, will outline THOROUGHBRED BROOD MARE" 774-4856. scaped. $30,500, Call builder 542-2717. Jersey (being Lot 28 In Block 70 B Home, Red Bank, was ac- The state sought to show In foal to well-known stud. Will foal Member Multlplo Listing Services on Uie Tax Map of the Borough of cepted as a new member. plans for a sex education nro- In Feb. Price $500. 462-8152. FURNISHED POUR-ROOM HOUSE- RED BANK — $13,500 WALKER 4 WALKER, Realtors New Shrewsbury, Now Jersey), the that Carpenter told other Porch, driveway. (Kcannburgi. Call No closing fees. Cute randier In a Shrewsbury Holmdel Plenary Retail Consumption Liceni gram. Mrs. Fronaphel has J787-(>!m_ The Christmas party will THANKSGIVING SPECIAL—AKC Gor- nice area. Two bRdrooms. spacious 711-5212 C71-3311 No. C-5, heretofore Issued to THE youths May 17 that he was been studying the- f<>asibil>tv man shepherd puppies, three males, llELFORD-lMMEmATE OCCUPAN^" living room anil kitchen, tiled bath. WE NEED — Flvo or six, 2-3 bedroom SPIRIT SPOT, INC., a New Jersey be held Wednesday, Dec. 11, going to snatch a pocketbook. three females. Six weeks old. Black CY — Five year fipllt level. ThreB First deposit takes II. TUB BERG Incomes, furnished or unfurnished, corporation, which said corporation Is of incorporating such a pro- with silver and tan. Females 865, heilrooms, living room, Jcitchen, di- AGENCY. Realtors, Rt. 35, Middle- from $95 to $175 per month for in- doing business at said 1202 Sycamore in Old Orchard Country Club, Carpenter, however, denied males $90. Call any time, 303-6801. nette, den, garage. $200 per monUi. town. 671-1000. Please call collect. coming -personnel. THE BERG AGEN- Avenue, New Shrewsbury, New Jer- gram in the present curricu- BASSET HOUND—AKC] t r! - color^ 5 8<2-24M or 222-4218. CY, Rt. 35, Middletown, 071-1000. sey. Eatontown, with Robert E. this. OWNER GETS "A PLUS"—And you Tho following are the names and lum. years. Excellent with children. Going reap all Uie benefits In this sparkling Nicholson of Eatontown as abroad, must find home. 671-536G. TIHtEE-UEDROOM RANCH — 8» residences of the Directors and of- Clftrry St., Now Shrewsbury. Yard four-bedrnom, two-bath home on ficers of the applicant: chairman. The next meeting A film entitled "Sex Educa- DOG GROOMING DONE "PROFES- cumnlctly ienciMl In. $100 per month. roomy landscaped half acre. Includes PETER DE LAMOS tion USA," narrated by NBC SIONALLY — Reasonably. All hrecils Will lease. G71-W75. Call helore 1 p.m. separate dining room, modern kitch- 121 Fair Haven Itoad, Fair Haven, will be Jan. 8, with Richard Liquor bathed and nalln cut. 741-0)64, and after 6 p.m. en, family room, attached garage. Now Jersey O7701 news commentator Cbet Hunt- Largo scrcencd-ln porch and baso- President and Dlreotor E. Hoidal of Asbury Park as KITTENS — Adorable, affectionate, HIGHLANDS ~ Wnler Witch. Unfurl ment. Offered at J.26,500. Call today. DAVID MONIER host. ley, will be shown. Produced housebroken. Free t» good homes. nlnhed three lictlrooms. Security re- E. A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Real- 625 Little Silver Point Road Theft Probed in cooperation with the Sex Call 775-7899. quired. 2r,a nayslile nr. For appoint, tors. 555 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. UtUe Silver, New Jersey O7T39 mem, calibration. 711-4500. Secretary end Director NEW SHREWSBURY - Po- Information and Educatioh THREE-ROOM HAROLD L. MONIBR PETS AND LIVESTOCK YOU CAN MOVE INTO THIS ONE Monmouth Hills, Highland). New Jer- lice say there are no leads in Council of the United States, LOW. $&5 per month. Cull Right now! Vacant threo-bodroom, 254 PTA to Meet 9(6-4783 sey 07732 the theft of $840 in liquor the film explains in detail for hath split ' level, completely refur- Vlce-Prcaldent «-nd Dlreotor bished. Den, attached garnge, baso- 1 INSTANT CREDIT COLTS NECK — Two-bedroom cot- The following are the stockholders RIVER PLAZA - The Riv- from the Clearview Liquor parents, teachers, administra- tnge. Dec. Int. One-mnnth security. ment. '4 acre. Convenient lo schools of' Uie applicant holding more Hum TAKE A PUPPY HOME WITH YOU 51.15. Call 402-COOH. and shopping. «28,5O0. WALKER & er Plaza School PTA will Store, Atlantic Superama, Sat- NOW AKC SPECIAL THIS WEEK 10% of the outstanding Mock: tors and students, the goals WALKER, Realtors, Hwy. 3» shrews- • PETBR DB LAMOS—40% hold ah open house meeting urday. — German Shepherd 449.95. Fabulous bury. T41-5212, 24-IIour Service. DAVID MONIER—

C IK". Mlktolil S^JbM •»* D.OJ Hlfnc, bate « « .

THE WIZARD OF ID By PARKER and HART Pack 131 Inducts Six New Cubs HOLMDBL - Six bfiys Gerard Bourbeau, Charles of Troop 148, welcomed the Legion will hold its annual were inducted Into Cub Pack Kingeter and Charles Gerba. boys and; presented them Senior Citliens Day Sundfty, , 131 at A meeting at the Farm Mr. Shedlock also presented Scout neckerchiefs. Nov. 24, at 2 p.m. in the Le- /TO ME, Labor Camp. They were An- Boy Scout Handbooks to the Cub awards winners were: gion Hall 85-87 Bay Ave., dy Todd, Jimmy Todd, Jo- following Webelos crossing Thomas stansfield, Nicholas honoring all local senior citi- seph Mossa, Eric Ganz, Rob- over to Boy Scout Troop 138: Fasciana, Glen Gross, Nicho- zens. ert O'Hara and Tommy Daly. Anthony Corvasco, Philip las, Fasciana and Michael The Thanksgiving Day Awards were presented to Traina, John Paulin, Ron Early. theme will be carried out for Robert Mauluccl, Billy Daly, Opitz and Peter Grillo. Eu- BROWNIE TROOP JM the event. There will be en- Mickey Goldln, Mark Pomf- gene O'Sullivan, scoutmaster tertainment, a community anowksl, Wayne Starace, MATAWAN - Mr. and Mrs. sing and refreshments. Ronnie Spooner, David O'- Fred W. Stafford of Tricorne Senior citizens in need of Hara, Joseph Mpczydlowski, Set Meeting Facm Riding, School, Holm- transportation can contacf. Peter Olson, Robert Madison, del, were hosts to Brownie Mrs. Richard Neugebauer,'40 Bruce Rekant, Paul Roberts, For Physicians Troop 214 of the Matawan Seadrlft Ave.; Mrs. Ross b. Karl Dehm, Charles FlUsim- PERTH AMBOY - Doc- Neighborhood Council of Girl Crane,' 176 Navesink Ave.; Scouts for the troop's first SNUFFY SMITH By FRED LASSWELL mons and Doug Kirby. tors at Perth Amboy General Mrs. Robert Wlcklund. 78 Na- Costume award winners and John F. Kennedy Com- field trip of the season. vesink Ave.; Mrs. Richard VE PORE SOUL" SLORVBEU were Joseph Moczydlowskl, munity Hospitals will get to- The scouts were given a Larsen, 37 Shrewsbury Ave., NOPE- Alex BusSe, Mickey Goldln, tour of the facilities by Miss I BETTER GIT I GOT ME A ARE VOU AN CALEB gether Thursday for an all- or any of the girls of Troop 85. 1 1 TWO-WEEKS SOIN'OPFTOTH1- Heather Busse, Richard day meeting on continuing ed- Ellen Benzlnger, who, ex- A Halloween costume party IN TH HOUSE AN Schmidt and Jimmy Purcell. plained many of the aspects, START PAWS VACATION FLATLANbS TO ucation for physicians. For was held at the October meet- SUPPER.ELVINE1/' FROM TH' VISIT VORg ' Winners in the pumpkin con- their first joint project, mem- of horsemanship. . Ing. Games were played and COOK-POT- KINFOLKS?. test were Bruce Klawunn, bers Of the two medical staffs Troop members also were prizes awarded *>y Mrs. Rich- STARTIN'TODAY Paul Roberts and Jerry Gtan- will have a program on the guests of Delicious Orchards ard Larsen, leader, and Mrs. natasio. latest techniques in vaginal in Colts Neck. Mrs. David • Ross D. Crane, co-leader. surgery with a case study Smith showed the girls CUB PACK 138 session in the morning and a through the orchards, the re- HAZLET — Theme of Cub lecture with films in the af- frigerated storage barn and Russell Nominated Scout Pack 138 sponsored by ternoon. the processing and packing For Outstanding Title the Union Avenue School plants. PTO, at its monthly meeting Co-chairmen' for the pro- LONG BRANCH - Coun- At an Investiture ceremony in the all-purpose room at gram are Dr. .Leonard Hirsch, cilman Wllbert C. Russell of at the Strathmore School, Union Avenue School was Perth Amboy General Hospi- 280 Florence Ave. has been girls inducted were Aly- "Ghosts and Goblins." tal's director of the depart- nominated for the 1969 edition son Blssett, Elizabeth Car- Thomas Stansfield, pack ment of obstetrics and gyne- of "Outstanding Young Men THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK cology; and Dr, William j\in.-_ ey, Kim Hurley. Linda Hiir- of America." chairman, introduced the -leyr Holly ? Cummings, Debor- slie, John F. Kennedy Com- MrrRusselHs employed-by-v- THIS COUNTERWEIGHT committee to the parents. WHAT AM I munity Hospital's director of ah Fishman, Bonnie Kitch- SYSTEM. WAS BUILT Joseph Grusklewlcii, cub- en, Beth-Landau, Katherine Technical Research Associ- SUPPOSED TO DO? AGES AGO-TD DRAW master, welcomed Brian obstetrics and gynecology... ates, here. He also is assis- WATCRAU.7HE Metz, Eileen Mainzer, Marga- Dowling and Glenn Gross, Obstetricians and gynecol- ret Mafnzer, JoAnn Martelli- tant director of Monmouth transfers into the pack. ogists from the area are wel- ti, Kathleen Mulholland, Kar- Community Action Program Seven boys were inducted come to attend. The morning en Tennyson, Julie Trabuen, Inc. He was recommended for into the pack and received meeting will begin at 9 in Michelle Snyder, Lesley Sher- the listing by Monmouth Col- their Bobcat pins at an Akela Perth Amboy hospital's board en and Staci Wall. Honor lege, West Long Branch, ceremony. They were Kevin room, and the afternoon ses-' guard participants were Beth where he was graduated in Finnegan, Anthony Sasso, sion at 12:15 in Kennedy Hos- Ando, Julie Ardito, Heidi 1965. Charles Gerba, John Dono- pital's first floor meeting Fine and Mara Krufka Of Ca- Elected to City Council Nov. van, James Diggens, Jamerf room. dette Troop 347. 5, Mr. Russell was appointed Mizak, and Charles Kingeter. The speaker for both pro- to that post earlier this year Joseph Shedlock, Webelo grams will be Dr. James CADETTE TROOPS to fill ah unexpired council leader, presented four boys Henry Beaton of Grand Rap- HIGHLANDS — Girl Scout term created when Elliot their Webelo colors and wel- ids, Mich., well-known spe- Cadette Troop 85^ sponsored Katz resigned from council to comed them Into.the Webelo cialist in the field of medi- by the Ladles "Auxiliary of become an assistant county den. They were Peter Grant, cine concerned with women. the Twinlight Post American prosecutor. NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW BEETLE BAILEY By MORT WALKER PIP YOU HAF1A VEL.U 60 L0UP??!! WU6R6 HAVE 86EN, BEETLE 7 x T<3LD you tf CALL I WANT YOU TO RON!


11-18 22-THE DAILY REGISTER, Mond.y, Nw«nbrr 18, 1968 the seme** of the states: "'Nothing short of to- tal immersion can succeed iff »gist to Speak - baptizing our students, con- By GARVEN.HUDGINS film about Clyde Barrow and have so profoundly in- with architecture and was selected for such dose veying to them by saturation WASHINGTON (AP) - A Borinle Parker," says a Uni- fluenced our age. philosophy. scrutiny, says Connecticut's what it meant to be alive in leading American university versity of Connecticut spokes- Musicians, including the 42-year-old president, H«mer Before County Section The university plans to in- Babbidge, "because within that turbulent, paradoxical will tell it like it was in a man. "Yet these same stu- vite as guest lecturers per- Cleveland Orchestra, will per- NEW SHREWSBURY tions also will be accepted new and unique semester of dents, many of whom are in- that decade lie the beginnings decade of progress and reac- Dr. Alvln Krass, a Red Bank) sonalities who gained promi- form works representative of from the floor. special courses on the 1930's tensely alive politically, the 1930's in concert appear- of so many of the problems tion .. .A decade of poverty, and Point Pleasant psycholo- The winter workshops spon- ence daring the 1930's— .which today's undergraduate has an important message to designed for today's affluent have much to leam about including Lyndon B. Johnson. ances on campus. A major gist, will address the meeting sored by the section will re- student generation. - America and themselves by a sees as the relevant ones." - give to our affluent society/' of the Monmouth County Sec- portion of a regular art sume Saturday, Dec. 7. There The new series of courses, deeper knowledge of the The English department, to- course on Painting of the 20th tion of the New Jersey Asso- to be offered at the Univer- Thirties." .••:•••:••" gether with the university's ciation for Brain Injured Chil- will be 20 Saturday morning Century will be deovted to art The place to go — for the brands you know! sity of Connecticut starting in Host colleges and universi- library staff, will sponsor of the 193O's. dren in the Sycamore School, sessions for children aged 6 February, will be something seminars involving writ- here, tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. ties offer insight into the' The over-all plan for the se- to 14. The sessions will be of a response to those Thirties era in separate his- ers such as Thornton Wilder, mester could dissolve into an BOTANY "SOO" Officers will be elected at held at the Burlington Road shocked critics of the current tory and economics courses. Dwight MacDonald, Granville exercise in nQstaglia. To the meeting. The nominating School, Freehold Township, campus scene who recall What distinguishes the plan Hicks and John Steinbeck. avoid this, the university, committee slate proposes: from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Re- hard-pressed college days in at Connecticut is the fact that There will also be special through two years of plan- clothes of distinction chairman, Mrs. Dolores Turn- the 1930's when there was no gistration should be made for one full semester, the uni- studies of the Spanish civil ning, has carefully structured er; first vice chairman, Leon time to think about taking versity will concentrate all its war of the New Seal and of the program so that academ- Sweeney; second vice chair- through Mrs. Dolores Turner, over the president's office. resources On the 1930's. the rise of fascism in Italy ic departments taking part JOHN DANIELS man, Sidney Solden; third section chairman, 32 Burki "The Thirties is a decade, There will be studies of the and Germany. — The jour- will insure a solid education- 50 BROAD ST. •» BANK vice chairman, Mrs. Mim Place, Freehold. which means nothing to our physics of that decade, which nalism, painting, {ilms al foundation for the experi- OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TILL » P.M. Frank; secretary, Mrs. Lu- students more than a handful - produced the huge advances and radio offerings of the dec ment. > CHARM IT — 30-W-WnAYS cille Solden and treasurer,' A statewide workshop-con- of cliches and sentimental in atomic s. energy which ade also will be studied, along The decade of the 1930's Mrs. Betty Taylor. Nomina- ference on education of the neurologically or perceptual- ly handicapped child will be held Saturday, Dec. 7 at 9 a.m. at Jersey City State Col- lege. Topics to be discussed in the nine workshops include: teaching procedures, learn- Starters ing characteristics, adminis- trative problems, academic Edwin subjects, and gross and fine motor skills. Reservations •/• Placilla should be made before Nov. 30 with Goerge Voller, pro- gram chairman, at the col- lege. Til* Limbo ii « danca which r«- A' clinically oriented 10- quirat much flexibility. It is week course stressing the probably much fan difficult for practical management of chil- young paapja, but tha middla- dren with perceptual - motor •> • .?,'•» aga group hat just as much fun. disability in the home, class- It eriginatad in Wast Africa room and remedial setting Sofoi; and was brought to Trinidad by will be conducted by Dr. Sid- ilivas who danead It »t wak»t ney Groffman, Red Bank. — to assura a happy crossing The course will review the de- to the "othar side." The danca velopment, functioning and is performed by holding a stick significance of the human per- horizontally, while one parson ceptual system, demonstrate shuffles under it, with the body diagnostic procedures for de- there are thrown backward. Others join tecting, screening and evalu- in to ihow their physical ating perceptual dysfunction, prowess, as the stick is con- and consider the rationale and stantly lowered. The victor suc- techniques of remedial regi- cessfully moves under at the mens. lowest point. Try it and tee The time and place of the haw flexible you a re I only two course, scheduled to get It flexible whan looking for underway in January, will be property. Sea the most com- announced. Additional infor- plete variety of commercial, res- mation and registration are idential and industrial property available from Mrs. Margar- through LINCROFT ASSOCI- et Stetler, 120 South St., Free- AttS REALTORS. 765 Highway hold. rtvr iS, Middletown (opp. H. John- cigarettes ions). Open 9-5 EVERY day. Henry D. Bonamico, 25, son Member of Nat'l Assoc. of Real of Mrs. Louise Bonamico, 112 Estate Boards. MLS. W. Bergen Place, Red Bank, t'l HELPFOL HINT: Little rag rugs was promoted to Army cap- tand to curl. Dip the ends in tain Oct. 14 at Ft. Belvoir, weak ttarch aftar washing. It Va., where he is assigned to will tand to keep them on the in the world the V.S. Army Engineer Cen- straightaway. ter Brigade as a commander. with the Gas-Trap

"TAR" AND • NICOTINE TRAP "GAS-TRAP "TAR" AND NICOTINE TRAP DAILY INTEREST MEANS MORE MONEY FOR YOU Filters on most PASSBOOK SAVINGS INTEREST PAID FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL cigarettes, long or short, just provided • $25 balance la maintained reduce "tar" and nicotine. at the end. of the quarter Lark does this and more. New Highest Legal Rate King size or new 100's, Lark is Lark Lark lOO's. 4% Per Annum—Compounded and Paid Quarterly the only cigarette with the T King Size. - • ' *F You'll always come out ahead with Gas-Trap " filter (U.S. Pat. a First Merchant* Savings Account. No. 3,251,365). It actually re- \ •' Deposits liuured Up to $15,000 by F.DJ.C. duces certain harsh gases nearly twice as effectively as any other filter on any other popular brand. This is important because— Join our 1969 '. -I.-- .> •' no matter how long a ciga- *• CHRISTMAS CLUB •' retteis—only a fraction of the '"J' Storti Nov. 1 — Claim to fit any • smbke is "tar" and nicotine * budget, no entrance lea. Interut paid * ...about 90% is gases and cer- " on completed clubt. • tain of these gases are harsh. So try Lark—King size and new 100's. You can actually taste the difference the Gas-Trap'" filter makes. THE BUS 1 IS PEOPU OUT PEOPLE HAKE A 6000 BANK!


Haarf Office: «OI Mattlson Ave., Aibury Pork Aibury Park • Red Bank • Manasqwan • North Aibury Park •rlalla • Fair Haven • Holmdel • Colt. Neck ' Avon-Neptune City • MJMttona Twp.

Ortve-ln or Walk-Up Facilities and Extended Hour* At All Offices Member federal Bum* System/rederal Depotit insurance Corp.