State and Society in Europe 23Rd October 2019 24Th October 2019

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State and Society in Europe 23Rd October 2019 24Th October 2019 Program of the 12th International Conference State and Society in Europe 23rd - 26th October 2019 23 rd October 2019 Arrival of the participants. Check-in 24th October 2019 8.45 Registration Alexandru and Aristia Aman Dolj County Library, Main Hall, Aman Building 9.30 – Conference Official Opening 10.00 Welcome Speeches Venue: Alexandru and Aristia Aman Dolj County Library, Acad. Dinu C. Giurescu Hall Ion PRIOTEASA, President of the Dolj County Council; His Eminence IRINEU, Ph.D., Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia – Word of blessing; Acad. Radu CIUCEANU, Ph.D., Director of the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarism (INST) of the Romanian Academy – Romania; Lucian DINDIRICĂ, Ph.D., Manager - Alexandru and Aristia Aman Dolj County Library - Romania; Prof. Nicu PANEA, Ph.D., Vice-Rector -University of Craiova - Romania; Prof. Apostolos PATELAKIS, Ph.D., Institute for Balkan Studies Thessaloniki - Greece; Prof. Gheorghe ONIȘORU, Ph.D., Ștefan cel Mare University - Romania. Lect. Constantin CRĂIȚOIU, Ph.D., Vice-Dean - Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova – Romania. 9.55 – Exibition – Peace Museum Romania 10.00 Presents: Magdalena Cristina Butucea - Founder 10.00- Romanian Village-Wooden Churches (I) 11.00 Keynote Speeches Chair: Ion Reșceanu, Ph.D. Venue Faculty of Orthodox Theology Ioan DARIDA, Ph.D., Romania - Mural Painting, A Comparation between Fresco Technic and Distemper Paint; Lect. Dana Luminița POSTOLACHE, Ph.D., Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Craiova, Romania - Methodological Approaches regarding the Wooden Churches; Teodora NECULA, Ph.D., University of Pitești, Romania - Applied Study on the Preservation Estate of the Wooden Churches from Buzău County. 10.00- 10.15 Debates. Opening of photo exhibition Wooden Churches in Gorj County 10.10 - Open Discussions; Coffee break. 10.30 10.30 - Plenary Session 12.30 Keynote Speakers Chair: Gheorghe Onișoru, Ph.D. & Ionuț Cojocaru, Ph.D. Venue: Alexandru and Aristia Aman Dolj County Library, Acad. Dinu C. Giurescu Hall Prof. Ema MILJKOVIĆ, Ph.D., Faculty of Philology, Belgrade University, Serbia - Women In the Islamic World: Past and Present; Prof. Apostolos PATELAKIS, Ph.D., Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece - Brief History of Hellenism in Romania; Assist. Prof. Efstratios DORDANAS, Ph.D., Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece - The German Empire, its Allies and its Enemies in the BalKans during WWI; Assoc. Prof. Vlasidis VLASIOS, Ph.D., Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece - Emigration of Koutscovlach Population from GreeK Macedonia to Romania during Interwar Period; Prof. Alexandru OȘCA, Ph.D., Member of the Romanian Commission of Military History, Romania - Romanian State Authority in Historical Provinces in the First Years after the Great Union; Prof. Stoica LASCU, Ph.D., Associate Member of the Academy for Romanian Scientists, Romania - Testimonies from the Early Twentieth Century (1903-1914) on The Existence of Aromanians/BalKan Romanians in USA; Prof. Gheorghe ONIȘORU, Ph.D., Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania - President Nixon’s visit to Romania; Assoc. Prof. Ionuț COJOCARU, Ph.D, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania - Muslim - Christian Relations in the Ottoman Empire; 2 12.45 – Book Launch 14:15 Venue: Alexandru and Aristia Aman Dolj County Library, Acad. Dinu C. Giurescu Hall • Dumitru Preda, Sub semnul Marii Uniri. Campaniile Armatei Române pentru întregirea țării (1916-1920) [Under the Sign of the Great Union. The Romanian Army's Campaigns for Wholeness of the Country (1916-1920)], Bucharest: Romanian Academy, 2019. • Dumitru Preda, România la Conferința de Pace de la Paris (1919-1920) [Romania at the Peace Conference from Paris (1919-1920)], vol. I, ed. II, Bucharest: Semne Publishing House, 2019. Presents: Dumitru Preda, Gheorghe Onișoru & Ionuț Cojocaru • România în Războiul Mondial [Romania during the Great War], vol. I, II, III. Presents: Lucian Dindirică & Gheorghe Onișoru 11.30 – Romanian Village-Wooden Churches 14.00 (II) Keynote Speeches Chair: Ion Reșceanu, Ph.D. Venue Faculty of Orthodox Theology Arh. Niels AUNER, Ph.D., Bucharest, Romania - The Restauration Processes of Wooden Churches; Ana DUMITRAN, Ph.D., MuseiKon, Alba Iulia, Romania - Princely (Aulic) and provincial in the wooden churches painting from central Transylvania. Debates 13.45 Lunch 14.30 – Identity, Family and Delinquency in the Romanian Society 16.50 Chair: Constantin Crăițoiu, Ph.D., Ștefan-Viorel Ghenea, Ph.D. & Simona Mihaiu, Ph.D. Venue: Alexandru and Aristia Aman Dolj County Library, Acad. Dinu C. Giurescu Hall Lect. Veronica GHEORGHIȚĂ, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania - Pilgrimage in the Romanian Society - Specific Features and Dimensions; Lect. Ștefan-Viorel GHENEA, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania - Symbols of National Identity; Asist. Prof. Livia POGAN, Ph.D., Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania - Merging Sociology and Industry 4.0; Lecturer Ecaterina CROITOR, Ph.D., Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania - The Construction of the Parental Identity from the Understanding of the Self to The Parent-Child Relationship; Marian PÎSLARIU, Ph.D.c., Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania - Redefining Parenting Involvement. Legal and Moral Responsibilities of the Parents WorKing Abroad; Prof. Roxana NECULA, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Social Work, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iaşi & Atena GASPAR DE ALMEIDA SANTOS, Ph.D.c., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania - Intimate Partner Violence: Alarming Occurrences with Transnational Dimensions; Lect. Andreea Mihaela NIȚĂ, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania - The Social Effects of Adoption on Adoptive Families. Case Study: Legislation Gaps and Procedural Flaws in the Instrumentation of the Adoptions of Children Found in the Foster Care of Maternal Assistants; Mihai ENACHE, Ph.D.c., University of Craiova, Romania - Children Deprived of Liberty; Lect. Sorina CORMAN, Ph.D., Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania - Diagnosis of Social Needs in Rural Areas - Case Study: A Village from Sibiu County; Lect. Emilia-Maria SORESCU, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania & Prof. Gabriela-Eugenia IACOBESCU, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania - Comparative Needs Analysis of the Target Groups of Students in the TESI Project; Assoc. Prof. Lucian ROTARIU, Ph.D., Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania - Official Criminality Statistics and Perspectives after 1989; Lect. Simona MIHAIU, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania - Family Violence in the Context of Human Rights; Lect. Marinela Carmen GRIGORE, Ph.D., Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania & Roxana ONEA, Social Worker in Constanța Direction of Child Protection, Romania - Juvenile Delinquency – Statistical Analysis in Constanța County; Lect. Constantin CRĂIȚOIU, Ph.D., Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania - The Role of Authority, Order and Strict Discipline in the Process of Education and Re-Education. 16.00 – Romanian Village-Wooden Romanian Village-Wooden Romanian Village-Wooden Churches (III) 18.00 Churches (III) Churches (III) Chair: Sergiu-Grigore Popescu, Ph.D. & Gabriela Chair: George Păunescu, Ph.D. & Chair: Dan Șerban Nica, Ph.D. & Ștefăniță, Ph.D. Alexandrina Bădescu, Ph.D. Vasile Fuiorea, Ph.D. Venue: Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Constantin Venue: Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Venue: Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Lecca Hall Festivities Hall Theodor Aman Hall Workshop Workshop Workshop The Cultural Promotion of the Wooden Churches as Preservation and Restauration of the Symbolism of the Sacred Space of Part of the National Patrimony Patrimony the Wooden Churches 3 George PĂUNESCU, Ph.D., Faculty of Vasile FUIOREA, Ph.D., Faculty of Cristina Maria POVIAN, Ph.D., Faculty of Architecture Orthodox Theology, University of Orthodox Theology, University of and Urbanism, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Bucharest, Romania - Extraction and Craiova, Romania - Wood Civilization - Romania - Arhanghelul Mihail Church from Gurasada; Conservation of the mural painting of the Gorj Churches; Sergiu-Grigore POPESCU, Ph.D., Faculty of Orthodox 260-year-old church in the village of Vința- Emilia BURLAN, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, Romania - Lupsa, Alba County; Orthodox Theology, University of Characteristics of Wooden Churches in Mehedinți County Andreea DARIDA, Ph.D., Romania - Craiova, Romania - The sun, symbol of (18th - 19th centuries); Research Methods of the Interior A Secco God’s head as “Giver of life”; Gabriela ȘTEFĂNIȚĂ, Ph.D., Faculty of Orthodox Mural Painting from Romanian 18 C. Florin VÎLCEANU, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, Contemporary Trends in Wooden Churches; Orthodox Theology, University of the Reconstruction of the Religious Mural Painting Dumitrița FILIP, Ph.D.c., Lucian Blaga Craiova, Romania - Tradition, art and Images in Romania and in Europe; University of Sibiu, Romania - Iconography matter in the Romanian Christian Carmen BĂLTEANU, Ph.D.c., Valahia University of from the wooden churches of Maramureș- sculpture on the territory
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