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The Economic Wall University. New York —see centerfold Elections "I think this Open station should be run like a profes- Amid sional station. " —Dr. Ralph Controversy Jennings by Aleksandrs Rozens United Student Government elections u began Tuesday, with three full parties Our people vying for the executive board: Contact, Integrity and Radical Alternative. have been run- According to Lance Heard, FC'86, USG ning this place executive.vice president and chairman of the Election Committee, the increased without any fail- number of parties running will make this election more, interesting. ures. " (See page 3 for party platforms.) —SoniaLeal "There will be more interest. There are three different voices [which] will hit more people," Heard said. "People will have less of an apathetic attitude." Selection Replaces Elections at WFUV The presidential candidate for the Contact Party is Pete O'Rourke, FC'87, and his running mate is Rob Church, FC'87. Ray Rigat, FC'87, is running for USG president with the Integrity party, and with Will Covey, FC'88, as executive GM Takes Control vice president. Radical Alternative has put forth Carol Cartos, FC'88, as its presi- by Jacqueline Hattar Tim Ring, FC'87, newscaster, said that better. dential candidate, and Kevin Ottersten, Abolishing the current system of student he was against the new procedure which will "Elections are generally popularity con- FC'89, for the position of executive vice elections, Dr. Ralph Jennings, general go into effect in September. tests. Students have used great wisdom in the president. manager of WFUV, has decided to appoint "This was done with no one's know- past in elections. But if they're going to get According to observers within and students to the station's Board of Directors ledge. Jennings rewrote our Constitution and paid, better selections must be taken. As far as outside of the parties, the election road so with salary and internship credit. he didn't even consult any students about it," I'm concerned this is policy." far has not been a smooth one. During the Jennings said that he will be selecting stu- Ring said. "The price the station has to pay is Jennings stated that students should not first two days of ballotting, the voting dents to replace the outgoing senior directors too high. This defeats the whole purpose of misinterpret his intentions to upgrade the sta- booths have not had adequate supplies of within the next two weeks. He added that the WFUV since it takes away the students' tion. ballot sheets, causing many students to program director will receive $2,000 a year, running of things." "This is not your usual student activity. walk away disgusted, according to Rigat. and the other directors will get $1,500. In Program Director Sonia Leal, FC'86, It's 50,000 watts and it's licensed by the Uni- In addition, accusations and charges of addition, members that participate in an said that she was upset that the staff was not versity," he said. "We have a responsibility to slander have been exchanged between Con- internship seminar will earn four credits per informed of the elimination of elections before serve our audience and that's the bottom tact and Integrity. semester, he said. it was made policy and that the University has line." been unclear about the meaning of the new Leal disagreed with Jennings' claim that the Formal charges were filed with the "We're advancing here in terms of pro- plan. elections are based on popularity and not Election.Committee by the Contact Party fessionalism at the station—I think this station "I can't understand why Jennings didn't merit. Wednesday, accusing the Integrity Party of should be run like a professional station," set up a meeting with the staff. What "It's not a popularity contest," Leal said. slanderous acts. Jennings said. "Students are going to be given an opportunity to develop because of these ad- happened recently is very very wrong...There's "That's a crock! He's only been here since "It has come to our attention that a big lack of communication and understand- November and he has a lot of things to learn." members of the Integrity Party have been vantages. This should mean a great deal to students." ing between him and the entire staff," Leal The program director added that WFUV using slanderous campaign tactics," reads said. "I think that he doesn't understand what staffers are frightened by the new plan. the complaint. It outlines five specific According to Dr. Joseph McGowan, vice president for student affairs, this plan was the students are there for. We're like volun- continued on page 21 points: current USG officers receive $1,000 teers, and volunteers should have some input formally proposed by Jennings in early March tuition remission; USG controls student in a program." and he approved it before spring break. funds and cannot account for $4,000; Leal added that the memo annoyed her McGowan said that the move aims to improve Contact is the incumbent party; personal since it did not clarify anything. the quality of the station and to serve the New slander of three of its executive board "The memo was like 'Screw you all, the candidates; and the present USG has hand York audience better. Inside: decision has been made'. If they want the "1 can't think of any real [negative] picked their successors. proof that students can do it, then look at all effect this would have on the station. Keep in The Contact Party denies all of the the success we've had over the years," Leal above charges and has asked that "punitive mind what a federally-licensed station of this said. Ram magnitude means. We have a 50,000 watt sta- action be taken" against Integrity, accord- "Jennings doesn't understand what's ing to Pat Kavanaugh, FC'88, Contact tion right in the media market of the world," going on. ..I don't know what his ideas are for Interview: candidate for vice president for communi- McGowan said. WFUV. We're not being too informed about cations and author of the complaint. "What's happening is that we're recog- certain things," she said. In response, the Integrity Party has nizing that we have a major resource here and Jennings said that because elections will Jesse denied the spreading of these specific we're going to make it more professional. The be abandoned, students will be appointed on rumors and has leveled charges of its own. quality of the station and the students' exper- the basis of merit rather than "popularity." Jackson Rigat, in his formal complaint, said that he ience will be improved. The real motivating "Positions will be available to students was under the impression that these "mis- force here is what is the best management based on experience and leadership capacities page 2 representations" were resolved, after structure for Fordham," the dean said. here at the station. Dr. McGowan and I will be meeting with O'Rourke Monday morning. Staff members at WFUV were informed sharing the appointment decisions," Jennings He added that since O'Rourke had broken of this new change through a memorandum said. "My aim is to upgrade the experience continued on page 16 which was posted on a bulletin board in the students have so that our audience is served studio Monday morning. 2/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986


Friday, April 11 U.S.G. Mixer with election results. 9 Wednesday, p.m. Ramskellar. il 16 Messa Film Festival concludes with T.O.P. sponsors a Fert/7e Memory. Lincoln Center - Pope NIGHT ATTHE COTTON CLUB ditorium.6p.m. starring Zoey Walker. 9 p.m. in the Ramskellar. Cinevents classical series presents Saturday, The Warriors. April 12 Fordham Lacrosse at New Paltz. Fordham Lacrosse vs. Fairfield University. Atlantic City Night sponsored by Special Events. 8:30 p.m. McGinley Center Student Lounge. Gambling, dancing, prizes for wjnners. Thursda April 17 Alumni House "Where do we go from Monday, ihere" conference, McGinley Center. April 14 ndergraduate English & English Dept. T.O.P. presents a sponsor a "One Man Show on GONGSHOW Hopkins." 10:30. Mulcahy Room 108. Sign-ups Thursday, April 10 1 binevents presents Mad Mgx: Beyond ing activity period. Thunderdome. ~

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Of IntmtTa DEADLINE: Monday at 4 PM L College • CBA • General Public Upon completion of this form, please return to: LJGrad Students CALENDAR COMMITTEE IJ Members of Fordham University Only Campus Center Director's Office THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986/3 Party Platforms Integrity Radical Contact Alternative —supports referendum calling for $10 —eliminate certain frivolous clubs Student Activities increase In Student Activity Fee —Immediate club evaluations -will set up a $200 slush fund for grass roots —supports referendum for $10 increase In —S.E.R.G. should be better funded Council and Clubs movements, such as counter-CIA Student Activity Fee —departmental clubs should be demonstrations —will encourage cosponsorship of events funded by the respective departments —will sponsor two Club Fairs, one In —will encourage freshmen to get involved —supports the outcome of the referendum September and one in January with more activities calling for $10 Increase In Student Activity —will exercise more efficient use of club —will publish a club directory Fee space —will consolidate club office space —will encourage clubs to sponsor more —will encourage more freshmen to get —will enlarge functions of the Club lectures on contemporary Issues involved on campus Community Network

—present probationary policy utilizes a —supports development of a Student Student Adjudication double standard —will revise Code of Conduct, too vague Defender Program —supports the development of a Student —will revise student probation penalties, need —The University Judicial Council should be Procedures Defender Program to be more specific and less arbitrary more formal, with optional open hearings all evidence should be considered

Internship Credit/ —supports internship credit lor media, but not —supports internship credit for media and —supports internship credit for media but not for student government student government for student government, USG Is undeserving Tuition Remission for —does not support tuition remission —does not support tuition remission —supports tuition remission for media, but Is payment would lower quality of student worried about its impact on financial aid for Student Leaders representatives needy students

—will persuade more commuters to get —believes Administration treats commuters Commuters' involved with student government —believes recent restructuring of USG will like second-class citizens —will purchase tools and other equipment, Increase quantity and quality of programming —will initiate more daytime activities so that Concerns such as jumper cables, for on-hand use by with commuters commuters can participate commuters in guard's booth —will abolish 2 a.m. parking curfew —maKe student government more accessible —promises to keep room at Fordham for to commuters commuters

—will create USG committee to deal with —will coordinate student opinion on campus —applauds University's Initial steps at lobby- Financial Aid financial aid for needy students for lobbying purposes ing for increased TAP funding —will work for continued federal financial —will link up with other colleges In NY state —believes USG could play greater role In and TAP Funding programs by organizing petitions and letters and nationally for same purpose petitioning, sending letters, and political to elected officials lobbying, if necessary —USG should link up with other NY schools in organizing strategy

CIA on believes a majority of students support CIA's —believes majority of students support the —believes CIA has the right to speak on right to recruit CIA's right to recruit on campus campus, but not the right to recruit —criticizes USG for not taking a stand during Campus controversy

—will call for complete divestment of Divestment from —will circulate petition concerning the issue University funds immediately to student body and act on the results —will survey opinion of students and act —will call for the University to refrain from South Africa according to the majorlty'sopinlon purchasing goods from or contracting the services of companies in South Africa

—supports the idea of a student Administration/ —will work for a student representative on the representative on the Board of Trustees Board of Trustees —believes there should be more student Input Into policy decisions —believes USG does not take advantage of Its —will work for a student representative on the Student Relationship constant access to the Administration —will call for more student input in tuition Board of Trustees Increase decisions —will call for one-year tuition freeze .

—monthly published reports in both student —will hold USG town meetings newspapers —will work for USG office space In McGinley Communications and —open forums in the McGinley Center Center Ballroom —will get reserved telephone numbers Information —USG-sponsored "Meet Your Representative" —will publish a second semester update to luncheons Student Directory —Student Advisors Program for underclassmen selecting a major —Career Seminars

—will create a Bronx Community Council —will create a USG Vice President for —encourage more student involvement with responsible for giving assistance to local Fordham and External Affairs service organizations in the Bronx community the Bronx service groups and charities

—will work for additions on campus buildings —will push for extended Bursar hours —will start a student escort service ., -. • —will get a patrol for parking lots during night to accommodate the disabled —will expand tutorial programs, especially in Student classes —will push for the creation of a day care the sciences center for students, faculty members, and Services employees at Fordham

—believes USG gets too much money —believes that USG's prime responsibility Is to —believes there is a lack of communication between USG members and the student body —will restructure election process keep the student body truly informed —will join the International Student Coalition —will reduce the number of members to cut USG —believes that USG needs leaders with through red tape Initiative —feels USG should be a forum for social —believes USG should cut back on number of issues and a catalyst towards positive projects so that it can better concentrate on societal change, not a popularity contest getting results —believes there is a serious lack of communication within USG and between it and the student body A/THE KAM/Tkyrvisy, Apnj JO,

S&VS^'&VSSSjM^ Attention Applications Student Leaders Available Do you think your position on campus merits C.A-B. internship credit? Representatives If so submit a detailed job for 1986-87 description of your position and why you feel it deserves credit April 8th thru April 14th in !Submit to: Student Activities Office, Ed Boland, McGinley Center 14 positions available Box 390 by April 25.

Applications Point fWdham University's Available student magazine for announces the opening of a W.A.C. limited number of Secretary/ writing positions Treasurer. inning in Fall W. Please submit a brief letter Position open to all students. of interest and \Pick up applications in Student one writing sample to {Activities Office—McGinley Box 800 by April 22nd. Center, room 213. For more information call 364-1757. THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986/5 Student Power Expanded Kohleberg Discusses Alternative Education by Anne £. Eastman "The students are unaccustomed to Dr. Lawrence Kohleberg, professor of working through or with any organization be- education at Harvard University, spoke to the cause they feel a basic distrust toward all of Fordham community Tuesday, March 18th, these institutions because of their perception concerning the alternative educational of the institution as doing nothing for them," program being instituted by selective high Previdi said. Despite this basic distrust the stu- schools in New York and Massachusetts. dents are learning through the alternative The first alternative educational program program and have shown an improvement in began in Scarsdale, New York. It is now being attitude since its inception, according to Pre- tested in two Bronx high schools: the Bronx vidi. Attendance has also improved for many High School of Science and Theodore Roose- of the students participating in the community velt High School. According to Kohleberg, the school. "They are still adolescents and will re- alternative programs in the schools are intend- spond...The position of the school is to ed to be student governed structures involving develop methodologies and strategies to work a portion of the students and faculty. The stu- with the students and teachers as they are," dents make up the rules for the organization Previdi said. and in some cases the rules extend to the larger In contrast to the newly formed Bronx school community as well. This alternative community school, Brookline High School education differs radically from the type of has had a successful alternative school, known puppet student councils that function in high as the "town meeting" for several years. The schools across America. The alternative com- town meeting functions on principles similar munity is not an extra-curricular activity. It is to Congress and Macarthy holds a position a "regular class" and its governing decisions similar to the President of the United States. in the later stages carry real weight concerning student policy. "Basically they have a right to any kind of proposal they want. I have the right to veto The alternative education being offered it. They in turn have the right to override that in the schools is meant to provide guidelines veto with a two-thirds majority. If they do, it Don Quixote Subject for the students, according to Kohleberg. The becomes a policy of the school," Macarthy goal of the program is to develop civic and said. "It is a body that has responsibility for moral responsibility, as well as an awareness all the rules and regulations of the school...In of democracy and the democratic structure in order for anything to be in our student hand- of Cervantes Lecture the participating students. book it must be approved by our town meet- "Our emphasis is not just on the ing." by Jackie Hattar to Fordham... It has been my proud pleasure to students' free choice, although they have some The town meeting also has a fairness be the director of this program for so long." of that," Kohleberg said. "We want to The 33rd annual Cervantes Lecture at committee and uses an arbitration process to prompt a sense of responsibility." Fordham will feature guest speaker Dr. Paolo The Cervantes Lecture, which dates back to settle disagreements and grievances. Cherchi, chairman of the Romance Languages 1952, is the only event in the United States, as Also speaking at the lecture were three Macarthy said that he thinks the town Department at the University of Chicago, well as in the world, that is devoted entirely to veterans of education: Ceasar Previdi, princi- meeting has had a positive effect. discussing "The Don Quixote and the Two the author of Don Quixote and his works, pal of Theodore Roosevelt High School; Al Spains," according to Hoar. Sternberg, a social studies teacher and an ad- "What we tried to do in the school is to The Fordham Cervantes Lecture Series, The free public lecture in English consists of visor for the Theodore Roosevelt "community put some structure into the so-called hidden curriculum of high school. We try to teach sponsored by the Fordham Academia Hispana a question and discussion session with members school"; and Bob Macarthy, the principal of kids to be civil, productive citizens of demo- and Alpha Mu Gamma, has been directed by of the audience and the Cervantes guest scholar. the Brookline High School in Massachusetts. cracy and also try to teach them how to use the Dr. Leo Hoar, Spanish professor, for the last 20 For the last 33 yean, the Cervantes Lectures have The newest off-shoot of alternative democratic structure, the democratic way to years. provided the public with a great understanding education is the Theodore Roosevelt commu- get their way." "The lecture series is the most unique event and appreciation for the "inventor" of the nity school. "Right now we are involved in an of its kind. The Spaniards have even praised it in modern novel, Hoar said. issue and process situation," Sternberg said. According to Kohleberg, alternative Spain for its uniqueness," Hoar said. "Because The 1986 Cervantes Lecture will take place He added that the community school is just education has not only benefit ted the indivi- of this series, many expert scholars in the field of in the Faculty Lounge of the McGinley Center, beginning to work out its procedures and duals. He said, "We are actually changing the methods as a valid organization. Don Quixote and Cervantes have been attracted Wednesday, April 16, at 4:30 p.m. schools." The Final Cut by Bill Powers and the Assembly Subcommittee on Drunk Driv- Tom DiLenge ing, said that she agreed to do a cameo The Fordham Movie crew finished shoot- because she viewed the movie project as an ing the one-hour film March 24, according to alternative to alcoholic programming. Tom Ellet, FC'86, producer of the movie. "I wanted to give support to the students Ellet said that filming of the movie was who took the time to work on this project," completed later than anticipated and a few she said. "I think it's important to the anti- cameo appearances, including one by New drunk driving program." York City Mayor Ed Koch, had to be can- Members of the cast have expressed celled. nothing but praise for the project, although "Mayor Koch had agreed to be in the the filming was consistently behind schedule. movie, but due to technical difficulties, film- "It's so much fun. It's great seeing every- ing was delayed and in order to complete one get so much involved," said Janine Sangi- scenes vital to the movie, some cameos were nari, FC'87, who plays the role of Angelina, a cut," Ellet said, "We wanted Mayor Koch to female thug in with Guy and the Lombardos. be in the film, but we also would have had to The film will premiere Friday, April 25, rent the movie equipment [at $1,000 a day] for in the McGinley Center Ballroom, and will be an extra day and we could not afford this with shown again for the Fordham community on our budget." Thursday, May 1, on Edward's Parade. He added that some guest spots were not cancelled: Stanley Simon, Bronx borough According to Ellet, 250 invitations were president; Elizabeth Connelley, assembly- sent out to Fordham board members, Mayor woman from Staten Island; and Robert Shear, Koch, actors, crew members, and others who director of Alcohol and Substance Abuse for had helped with the project. He added that the City of New York. after the responses have been received, the Sue Bordcn does her Steven Spielberg impersonation during shooting of The In an interview with The Ram, Assem- remaining premiere tickets will be sold to the Fordham Movie. blywoman Connelly, who is chairwoman of general student body. 6/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986

The Class of 1988 SPECIAL EVENTS 0 Fordham College & CBA presents presents X Your official Fordham University Ring tr byjostens ATLANTIC a CITY m NIGHT n Saturday, April 12 McGinley Center Student Lounge ORDER YOUR 1988 FORDHAM RING 8:30 p.m. e r April 22 * 10:00 - 2:00 and 4:30 - 7:00 • $10,000 worth of gambling money to all April 23, 24 • 10:00 - 2:00 players on admission. * McGinley Center Lobby Gambling, Great Prizes, Dancing, Music, Drinks, Free Food, Magic Acts, Deposit $10.00 Cash or Check payable to Jostens. \ Horse Racing...and a lot more! t V JOSTENS c

April 19 $10 Bus leaves McGinley at 8:00 a.m. Leaves Washington 12:00 midnight

Sign up in McGinley Center April 15,16,17 THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986/7

The Fresh Air Fund, a 109year old independent non-profit agency, sends 2500 under- priviledged New York City children to summer camp each summer. Our camps are Camp ABC, girls 9-12; Camp Hayden-Marks, in Spain boys 9-12; Camp Pioneer, boys 12-15; and Camp Hidden Valley, invites you to attend an coed 8-12 (half the campers have disabilities). We are now hiring energetic persons who have completed a minimum of one year of college to work as counselors, waterfront OPEN HOUSE staff, and program specialists in this challenging program. Salary range: $1000-$1700plus. For students seeking information about To learn more about The Fund and its summer camp opportu- Undergraduate and Graduate Programs nities call or write: Academic Year in Madrid The Fresh Air Fund, Summer Sessions in Salamanca 79 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018 (212)221-0900 Sunday, April 13,1986

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© L'eggs Products, Inc. 1986 8/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986 Senior Week '86 Activities Ford ha m Collie Friday- May 16th - Kick Off Mixer Saturday- May 17th - BBQ; Moonlight Cruise On the class level we have sponsored such activities as the very Sunday - May 18th - Mass; Champagne Brunch; successful Candygram which sold International Cocktails & Monti Carlo Night over 800 candycanes, got over 100 freshmen involved and made over Monday- May 19th • Great Adventure Trip or Dude Student $400. We also sponsored the Mardi Gras Semi-Forrnal in conjunction Ranch Government with RHA of the freshman dorms. This dance was also extremely Thursday - May 20th - Senior Ball followed by the Working for the successful—attended by over 200 Nightclub members of our class and making a Students... considerable profit. Wednesday - May 21st • Jesuit BBQ; Broadway Show Presently we are working on a student defensive program with CBA or Starbucks or Rock Around the Bowling Alley (Disco '89. This program is being designed Bowling) to advise students their rights as written in the handbook—to explain Thursday • May 22nd • Hang out on Martyr's; Buffet all options in disciplinary matters. Supper; Strawberries & Champagne; Movie FC'89 Ignoring the expected period of FC'88 Friday • May 23rd - Enceania; Reception; Parent 'adjustment, our freshman class Last semester we put out the first \officers jumped immediately into Fordham Calendar. Dinner Dance 1 USG. We are actively involved in all We also sponsored a choice of )USG decisions and feel we have major conference. Saturday - May 24th - Mass; Graduation ) accurately voiced the opinions of our Finally we had a Canned Food •> classmates in the Senate. Drive to support needy families in the Each member of our class Bronx. ; government is actively involved in a FC'87 This semester we are having a ^number of things in USG, ranging The Tutoring Program will be contin- The Junior Class Government Career Major Symposium on arom Reconstruction of USG to ued after midterms. People who are will be sponsoring a Spring Picnic. Thursday, March 13 at 10:30 in JM promotion of Football I-AA. We have interested in tutoring or people who Watch for details! 108. We hope you were able to join )members working on Course Evalua- are in academic trouble and need A lecture series on important us. tion, Health & Security, and the tutoring should call Kathy Gaines at topics to students will be sponsored In the distant future we hope to ^handling of some academic deci- 364-6261. by the Fordham College have an International Food Festival. sions. Government. Watoh for dates! CAN WE TALK?

COMPREHENSIVE VERSUS "FAST FOOD" • Don't be taken in by the "bare bones" approach to CPA preparation. Don t Forget • Fewer instructional hours mean skimpy coverage. • With skimpy coverage you are gambling and putting the task of preparation on yourself. • WE GIVE YOU MORE IN-DEPTH COVERAGE AT THE SAME OR LOWER PRICE THAN ANY OTHER CPA REVIEW COURSE! To Vote OUR FACULTY VERSUS ??????????? • We offer you LIVE instruction by award-winning college professors from Hofstra University and Baruch College whose accounting departments were ranked Mo. I and No. 2 in the East! • The biographies of our outstanding faculty are listed in our brochure; you are taking pot-luck if you enroll for a review course whose faculty is not listed! COURSE MATERIALS • Our comprehensive six-volume set of texts is included in the tuition price. • Make-up tapes of our live lectures are available for home use. CALL FOR A BROCHURE AND A FREE 55 PAGE BOOKLET, "INFORMATION FOR CPA CANDIDATES" PUBLISHED BY THE AICPA. the USG CHAYKIN CPA REVIEW I he Comprehensive Review Course 235 West 46th St., 20th floor Elections New York, N.Y. 10036 (212)921-9877 LOCATIONS IN: MAhllATIAN, LONG ISLAND AND NEW JERSEY THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986/9 Rainbow Tactics Jackson Covers All The Bases by Jacqueline Hattar despots, colonizers, and occupiers. Mr. Reagan, He has been called "the most gifted orator in all of his popularity and arrogance, declared 'I in American politics," and Tuesday, March 26, am a contra,' which was to identify solid men in in the McGinley Center Ballroom, members of the tradition of slave masters who were contras- the Fordham community experienced the bold and like Batista, and the Shah, and Duvalier, rhetoric of the Rev. Jesse Jackson. and Marcos, and Botha, he [Reagan] is on that Jackson, a 44-year old preacher and civil philosophical, spiritual lineage. America deserves rights activist who unsuccessfully ran for the better leadership than that. It's time for a Democratic Presidential nomination in 1984, change," Jackson said. focused on the need for change within the Using the recent Libyan crisis as an American political system in general and within example, Jackson blasted the United States the consciousness of people in particular. foreign policy towards that country. Specifically, he criticized the Reagan "The excercises in the Gulf of Sidra are Administration for its foreign and domestic provocative and our national interest is not at policies. stake in that Gulf. How can a great nation such "There is tremendous tension in the land as ours gel pulled into a state of undeclared war today. We are surrounded by guided missiles and with three million people thousands and misguided leadership... Today, our country is thousands of miles away from our shores?" choosing Rambo rather than Rainbow in foreign Jackson said. "It's obvious that this policy. Our foreign policy must change," Administration is anxious to bomb Libya and Jackson said. Nicaragua! Anxious lo overthrow Angola! In addition, Jackson brought up some Anxious to keep ties with Souih Africa! Anxious familiar views that he stressed during his to expand nuclear tests! Somebody must argue campaign, namely, a ban on nuclear weapons, the anxious case -- the wise nation will study war dismantling South Africa's system of apartheid, no more because you do what you study." striving for world peace, the plight of farmers Jackson used the tragedy of the space and the poor, and the importance of blacks shuttle Challenger to illustrate the role of registering to vote. He also elaborated on his excessive technology, particularly nuclear opposition to Contra aid and the recent United weapons, in leading to human destruction. States-Libya clash in the Gulf of Sidra. "When that space shuttle exploded a few The Rev. Jesse Jackson with Sr. Francesca Thompson and American Age Jackson directed a great deal of his criticism days ago, I searched through all of my agony for President Chris Giglio before delivering his speech. at President Reagan especially because of his the treasury in the tragedy, Was there any the living," Jackson said. "On the other hand, it continuing support for the Contras, the rebels meaning in it? Was there any honey in the rock? was the cause of a computer. It was either a who are attempting to overthrow the Sandinista I say, well, there was a rainbow in the sky: two computer malfunction or a margin of human regime in Nicaragua. women, a black, an Asian, a Jew, white males. error or all of the above. The nuclear stop time is "We have an uneasy kinship in our great America at its best-living, trying, exploring, on a computer, so we can have a nuclear war not are sur- democracy, an embarrassing kinship with dying-together. That should be a message for by human design or by anger but by margin of human error or a computer malfunction, or an rounded by unauthorized agent pushing the button. We need 1390 in Overflow: to burythese weapons before we bury and burn the people." guided missiles Jackson condemned America for its ties with the South African government. He also and misguided Lottery Ends With blamed Americans for participating in the manipulation of the South African people. leadership." "South Africa is a threat to our national character because when the beleagered, then the banks collapse." Mixed Results depressed, and confused woman surrenders her According to Jackson, the governments' by Susan J.Penny many beds will be available in order to pro- person, her body, her mind, her character and new "remedy" to cut the deficit, the Gramm- At the close of this year's housing lottery duce accurate statistics, according to Weg- becomes a prostitute, in that state of sickness, it Rudman-Hollings bill, is "a hog, butcher, wild, there are 139 students in overflow, according mann. is the one who pays her to prostitute that's in heartless, gutless, illegal piece of legislation," to Winifred Wegmann, assistant dean of stu- Most students were satisfied with the trouble, It's not just her body, it is his character, that seeks to "freeze the rich in their wealth and dents for residential life. housing lottery results. "It was great because the three-piece suit wearing purchaser of the freeze the poor in their poverty." Last year over 150 students were in over- we all got our suite," said Denise Gagliardi, body of the prostitute, that is at stake," Jackson The bill, named after senators Phil Gramm, flow. Wegmann attempted to reduce overflow FC'89. Rob Jones, FC'87, said, "It was good said. "South Africa is the economic prostitute of a Texas Republican, Warren Rudman, a New this year by encouraging upperclassmen to for us because we had the second choice and the Western world-cheap labor, rich minerals, Hampshire Republican, and Ernest Hollings, a move off campus and by including Queen's thus we got our first pick in Walsh." How- low in character, ungodly in nature. Yet as she South Carolina Democrat, requires Congress to Court in the lottery. She said that she was sat- ever, Kathy Nolan, FC'89, said it was "nerve- lies there giving up her jewels..., we lie in bed eliminate the deficit and thus balance the Federal isfied with the outcome. wracking but worth the wait." She said the with South Africa by night and hold up our budget by 1991. If Congress fails, specific "I think it went well," Wegmann said. "I lottery "wasn't that bad for New Hall heads by day saying, 'It's not our fault.' Every agencies within government will measure the was pleased with the results." She added that considering all the people they had to take care university and every government that invests in amount needed to fill the gap. Specifically, one there are still some open spaces and that more of." Nolan said she heard that the lottery South Africa is just as guilty and immoral. South provision which has touched off waves of anger spaces will be opening up before the start of "was horrible" and that her friends were told Africa is state terrorism and it undermines in many Americans states that one half of the next semester. by upperclassmen that they weren't going to democracy." aits needed to balance the budget will come get what they wanted. On a more domestic level, Jackson directly from domestic programs in the country "Not including Keith Plaza, we have 33 Not everyone thought the lottery went expressed outrage regarding governmental (the other half is to come from the defense spaces presently," Wegmann said. Additional well. "I got another bad number just like treatment of American farmers. He said that budget). spaces will become available as students noti- every other year," said Pat Sullivan, FC'87. 80,000 family farmers are trapped in a "Because of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, fy the Office of Residential Life of their with- Another problem Nolan mentioned government induced crisis and that none see any there's an eerie silence on our campuses; many drawals. According to Wegmann, the system about the lottery was the order in which the relief in sight. people will not be back in school in September works on the expectation-of 100 withdrawals rooms were chosen. She suggested that a sur- Jackson explained that three months ago, because of it, many of your teachers will not be between now and August. Since the same vey should be done before the lottery to see he stayed with Perry Wilson, a 75-year old white able to teach next year because of it, many number is expected in overflow she said ' 'we what the students desire in living situations ac- family fanner, the night before Wilson lost his employees will lose their jobs or job options, and are at the place we expected to be." She indi- cording to numbers and locations, farm. thus all are likely to become more miserable cated that the overflow is necessary to "keep Dean Wegmann said the lottery is con- "There is no retaining program for Mr. because of it," Jackson said. the upperclass dorms Tilled with upperclass- ducted so that seniors get first choice primarily Perry Wilson, there is no rural development According to Jackson, this is one reason men" and avoid placing freshmen in those for Walsh Hall, the most desirable, and that it program for Mr. Perry Wilson, there is no urban why people, especially blacks, must register to spots. progresses from there. She added that at the retraining program for Mr. Perry Wilson. He vote. He noted that through the voting process, In an interview with The Ram earlier this well-attended freshman information meeting, has been asked to just die! Rot! Wait! That's people have the chance to select anyone they semester, Wegmann predicted that about 90 she informed students not to put themselves in immoral. That's not good domestics," Jackson believe will best represent their interests. Those students would be in overflow following the a "losing situation" by trying for a spot they said. "How can we say to the present farmer, who do not register, "give up the right to lottery. She indicated that there were about 30 are not likely to get because it causes unnec- 'We don't need you,' when there's large complain and protest," he said. late applications this year, which caused prob- essary anxiety. Wegmann added that there malnutrition in the Bronx and in urban On a personal note, Jackson said that he lems in the housing selections process. The weren't many "losing groups" and attributed America?... We must put these matters in may run for the senatorial seat of South Carolina Office of Residential Life needs to know the it to students talking to RAs, upperclassmen, context. The fanners who fed the nation are in in the future. Presently, he is the head of number of returning students and the Office RHA and others knowledgeable about trouble. But really, it's not a farmer crisis, it's a Operation Push (People United to Serve of Admissions needs to have an idea of how housing. national crisis because when the farmers collapse Humanity) for Excellence, Inc., in Chicago. : 10/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986

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Boston University is an equal opportunity institution. THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986/11

The following are excerpts from a Ram interview with the Rev. Jesse Jackson on TUesday, March 25. The interview was conducted by Tom DiLenge, executive editor. Also present were Jacqueline Hattar, news editor, and Anne Eastman, Ram reporter.

Ram: One question I am sure many people request for $100 million in covert aid to the would like an answer to is, What has the Rev. Contras? Jesse Jackson been doing since his unsuccessful Jackson: That was the right thing to do. Not bid for the Democratic nomination for President only should they have withheld the money from two years ago? the Contras, but they should redirect that money Jackson: I've been trying to build the Rainbow into emergency aid for the American farmers. Coalition into a permanent, progressive political That is a highly better use of the money. The organization, building it up state by state, district people who have fed our nation and the world by district. The focus for us is humane priorities are in a state of desperation, a government at home and human rights abroad as a way lo induced crisis. F Focus "Reagan has tried to undercut the Voting Rights Act, tried to

heal our nation. Our priorities at home right now disamend the Civil are less humane and our foreign policy has gone berserk. The kind of Ramboism we have Rights Act. He's witnessed in the last 24 hours is dangerous, ft appears that the move in Libya was [President basically anti-civil Ronald] Reagan's personal obsession. He rights." provoked some kind of skirmish and is now using it to flex his muscles. His position on Nicaragua and Honduras is a pure fabrication. Even now, the Hondurans are launching an Jesse Jackson Speaks Out investigation to see if it's true, they have no knowledge of it [a Nicaraguan invasion of Honduras claimed by the U.S.]. Ram: Well, that is what the Honduran Government said last night, but they did request $20 million in American military supplies and transport equipment, I believe. Talking Tough Jackson: [President of Nicaragua Daniel] Ortega and the head of Honduras [President Jose We would do well in Central America to Jackson: Just as Reagan has tried to reverse the Jackson: To use human rights as a guide as Azcona] talked on the phone yesterday. They are negotiate our way out, rather than fight it out. civil rights movement in this country, he has tried opposed to Gunboat Diplomacy, or Big Stick personal friends, they are not at war with each It's not a very winnable war on a practical level, to reverse the efforts of self-determination in Diplomacy, or the arrogance of Manifest other. He [Reagan] supported Marcos until two but it's also an immoral gesture on our part, to foreign policy. Reagan has tried to undercut the Destiny. In other words, it's very basic: treat minutes past midnight. He supports Botha in distribute murder manuals and to try to kill other Voting Rights Act, tried to disamend the Civil people the way that you would like to be treated. South Africa without shame. So, you see, our people's leaders. Rights Act. He's basically anti-civil rights. When You can not separate Nicaragua from the foreign policy is very misguided. It is immoral Ram: Do you really believe that Mr. Reagan is he said that he was a Contra, he meant that. He context of Somoza's reign of terror, and the and we must change directions. trying to "win" in Nicaragua, or isn't he just identifies with [the former dictator of Cuba Contras represent the attempt to resurrect Ram: How do you feel about the House of trying to apply pressure on the Sandinista Fulgencio] Batista, and the Shah [of Iran], and Somoza's reign of terror. On the other hand, Representatives' recent denial of Reagan's Government? [the fonner dictator of Nicaragua Anastasio] you need not take Ortega blindly, you must Somoza, and [former Philippine President understand Ortega within the context of which Ferdinand] Marcos, and [former Haitian he is operating. The focus right now should be President Jean-Claude] DuValier, That is his side on Ortega and the Church's reestablishing a of history, and that's who Ronald Reagan really reapproachment, which is a diplomatic focus as is, by his own admission. opposed to trying to overthrow him militarily, Ram: During your Presidential campaign, you because he has the popular will of his people did come out in support of aiding the Afghan and he's earned it. rebels. What do you see is the difference between Ram: But, wouldn't you view the crossing of the covert support for them and aid for the Contras? border into Honduran territory by Nicaraguan Jackson: The difference is that the Russians forces as a violation of international law? invaded and occupied them [the Afghan people], Jackson: First of all, no one should go beyond and I do not support occupation or colonialism, their borders, including us over there in the Gulf The Afghans, in that sense, are freedom of Sidra. And the Gulf of Sidra is a lot further fighters. The Afghans are from Afghanistan, away from America than Honduras is from and they should have the right to self- Nicaragua. But the topography is of such that determination. I would also support aid for the there are points where in fact you can go across ANC [African National Congress] the same way. line x and line y, but you say that that represents If Mrs. Mandela has the same options that Mrs. some real threat to Honduras by the Nicaraguan Aquino had, you will have a political democracy troops. Again, just yesterday Ortega and the in South Africa. The issue is not despotism or head of state of Honduras talked. The reason 1 communism, it's political democracy. know that is that I met with the Nicaraguan Ram: What, in your opinion, would be a more ambassador this morning, just to clarify it for human foreign policy? myself. But, they would by no means attempt such a manuever right now in the middle of this vote in Congress, and they're not on their way up the American political river. But, it is clear now that * *It appears that the Reagan has lied. Reagan said on TV last week that the Sandinistas were a threat to Mexico. move in Libya was Then they [the Mexican Government] held a press conference and said that's not true. Reagan Reagan's personal just lied. He is popular and he is wielding his popularity with arrogance, on an assumption obsession. He pro- that somehow people are willing to believe and accept whatever he says without challenge. voked some kind of Rain: You mentioned before the Voting Rights skirmish and is now Act of 1965. 1 know that during your campaign for the Presidency, a major point on your using it to flex his platform was to see the Democratic Party continued on page 19 The Rev. Jesse Jackson answers questions before addressing sludenfs. muscles." 12/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986 IMI- Bricks i1!

The giver Pete Birle Kditor-in-C'hief (forBerdis) Tom Ditenge Executive Kditor Ifthehopeojgiving Suefroven Copy Kditor. is to love the living, Mali Bcrtron News the giver risks madness v Jacqueline Hatlar News Kd |j#§$lclntosh Features Kditor in the act of giving. Af^m • Matthew Browne.. Assistant News Vd ff|»sches Sr. Sports Kditor / Lisa ludvik Arts i: |p||>urd Sports Kditor Some such lesson I seemed to see $>i Wjf- Nick Katsoris Arts K nk|o>ne Assistant Sports Kditor in the faces that surround me. Kimberly Marie Colon Copy ergdmc Peters.. News Photography Kditor James Baldwin i:dUor / John Have you ever seen those great big houses in ''/ Bronxville where everything is so nicely divided, 'i :/# YoLanda categorized, and seemingly organized? The grass is so •// tidy and neat. Not a shrub is out of its place. Usually i an Audi or Mercedes is parked in the cobblestone driveways of these enormous houses in this suburban \ 1

Tbt R«m Is the Unlverslty-wlde newspaper o( Fordham University, serving the campus and the community since 1918. Th» R«m Is published each Wednesday and distributed Iree of charge every Thursday during the academic year. Correspondence should be addressed to Th« Ram, Box B, For- is m dham University, Bionx, N.Y. 10458. The Ram's editorial and business otlices are located at the Rose Hill campus In Faculty Memorial Hall, Rooms 428,429 and 443. The Editorial Office telephone number Is (212) 579-2665,295-0962. Copy Office, 579-2094,295-0962. Business and Advertising (212) 579-2062. Th» R»m Is represented nationally for advertising by CASS, American Passage and CMPS Ad rates ars available on request frofWtho ad- vertising manager. Ad deadline Is Monday at 5 p.m. Letters-to-the-Edltor are due on Tuesdays, 5 p.m. The opinions expressed In R»m editorials are those of the editorial board; those expressed In columns, letters or graphics are those of the Individual writers or artists. No part ol Tht H«m In- cluding text, photos, artwork and ads may be reproduced without the written consent of the editor. The Ram Is composed on campus at Fordham Student Print and printed by offset lithography on recycled paper In a union printing plant. Utopia. You might also notice that the property, however small or great it in area, is enclosed 1 by a foreboding stone wall. These stone walls are perfect in appearance. Not a stone is out of place, but these capricious creations of man divide more than property and do not only exist in Bronxville. They Sweet and Sour Pork traipse across the world not in the form of stone, but 1

Well, It's that tine of year again. What time, you atay ask? Of course, It's time for the annual week of chaos known as United Student Government elections. But this year, things seem to be different. There a different smell In the air, one that is both sweet and sour.

On the sweet side, the emergence of Radical Alternative was a pleasant one. Not only have these students, some of whom recently participated in civil disobedience on campus, decided to work within the system rather than against it, they have brought into this election campaign many serious moral and social in the form of prejudice and hatred. The wall I am know about that, issues that past USG's have ignored. describing can be called an "economic wall," for it is The wall is more On the sour side, the mud-slinging by both the Contact Party and the Integrity Party has got to stop. Not a wall that divides the rich and the poor, with Bill and Mike. 11 only is it immature, but it's just plain bad politics. Every candidate that is running for USG is running This wall is evident everywhere. I see it often in sometimes occur with I because he or she is concerned about Fordham and its students.The only important thing is that the students New York City. "Alex, Alex, ya Yw\ who are elected are committed to the ideals of student government and to the Fordham community. All of the The glitzy Trump Tower or World Trade Center my locker. candidates we interviewed passed this test. Come on, guys, let's grow up. can hardly overshadow the Lower East Side or parts "What?" Even more sour is the fact that the USG Election Commitee has not done the job it is supposed to do. of the West Side where the homeless struggle to "Mtydadgotaraisel Without blaming any one party in particular, it is obvious that there have been campaign violations which survive. I became well acquainted with this wall while the Bahamas for winter \i have gone unlnvestlgatcd, passes off as "trivial." attending a rather prestigious prep school. As in many "That's nice," I rc|>l More importantly, the haste in which this election was thrown together is quite apparent. Voting began schools, the prep school had its share of cliques, but Mike's boasting. only two days after students returned from Spring Break without any advance notification. Interestingly, the economic wall made its presence known. "Remember thai giij elections began on Tuesday instead of the traditional Wednesday. There was no lime for a debate, or one just I had several good friends in this prep school. last week? You know ihcj was not planned. In addition, there were not enough ballot sheets available for students voting on Tuesday Some were poor and others were extremely well off. "Yeah, go on." and Wednesday, causing many students to walk away in disgust, and there was little or no monitoring of Take my friend Michael who was on the rich side of "I got her numbn'1 voting procedures, inviting manipulation and corruption. In a word, it was a mess. the economic wall. He lived in Bronxville and his "B.S." Tradition seems to mandate that The Ram endorse a party; however, after thorough interviewing of the mother drove him to school in a fancy Cadillac, "No really, you kn

he Wall #2-We Try Harder....

Sigma Delta Chi, Society of Professional Journalists, recently came out with its annual awards. The Ram, Volume 67,1985, won: Second place—Best All Arouod College Newspaper in the Northeast. First place—Best Weekly College Newspaper in the Northeast. Individual awards were taken by the following former staff writers: Jeanine Poltroneiri, second place in editorial writing for "White Lines." Jack Curry, third place for feature writing. Jeff Rapsis, honorable mention for feature writing. Mike Zuccarello, honorable mention for feature writing.

>"c«fioj Sigma Delta Chi judges are currently working in the field of journalism. Letters to the Editor

the recent elections were the most democratic elections of all the Central American countries. This is possible, but highly unlikely. If what he says is true, then how is it that most if not all civil liberties have been suspended, e.g. the Free Choice censureship of mail and government-controlled press, Esquivel proceeded by saying that Nicaragua will solve its own problems in its own way. It doesn't need any help nion To the Editor: from the United States. 1 wish this was the case, but It was very interesting to read Brother Edgar Rivera's unfortunately it is not. If the so-called Soviet advisors rips it in half and starts to roll it up carefully. defense of the blocking of CIA recruiting. Seems like the would withdraw their forces the United States would be |in my conversations "What the.,.? What are you doing?" 60's are alive and well in the 80's. more than eager and with the greatest earnest and sincerity conversation might "Be quiet and listen." He finishes rolling the bill Brother belongs to an organization that supposedly respect the willful intentions of the Nicaraguan people. up and holds it up for me to see. It looks like a whole espouses the primacy of individual conscience and free will. Then Esquivel claimed that the political leaders of the I?" Mike rushes up to dollar bill, but in reality it is half of a dollar bill. How can he reconcile his actions with these? Is he saying United States should look to history for an infinite number "Bill you're crazy!" that he and his associates will take responsibility for of triumphs through negotiation. This is true to an extent, "It works. One bill a day. 1 just throw the money deciding for each of us what is and what is not moral? but war is often inevitable. I hate to think what would have :k and we're going to into the cashbox and the bus driver will never catch What gives him the right? happened if the United States attempted negotiations at on. I make five extra bucks a week man!" Even Jesus Christ with his encounter with the rich Grenada. Looking to history is all the more reason for tog little attention to "I don't believe you!" young man allowed that man to make his own choice. prompt and appropriate action. Besides, one man's haste is "You think your writing other people's papers is Jesus didn't tell the man what was good for him. always another man's gain, for victory goes to whoever we saw at the dance any better?" I wrote papers for other people. It was a Brother, please stop being the collective conscience for seizes the opportunity. very profitable business. the student body. Moral bigotry is as destructive as any I should say that Esquivel did deliver an emotional "Not everything comes on a silver platter like it other form of discrimination. and captivating presentation. It is a shame that this speech does for your friend Mike. My parents can barely Perhaps, brother, you can remedy this arrogance by was moving in the wrong direction. Then again every afford the apartment. They're even thinking about sticking your nose in the Bible instead of walking around person is entitled to their own opinion, however narrow- i [one of the kids in selling the car to keep me in school." Bill hands me with your nose in the air. minded and unrealistic it may be. • He said it's O.K. if I back the fifty cents and walks off to class very bitter. Paul Lazarro Matthew E. Brophy Bill is often angry at the economic wall. He finds Lincoln Center FC'87 • jealous. I thought it difficult to accept someone his age racing around in a car- when his parents can barely afford a car. Bill | Audi when I go out does not get along with Mike or any of his friends because he is half white and half Vietnamese. They Temporary Nonsense d von get the French cannot take to his foreign accent, his thinking, his } change the subject. Disillusioned? eating (his food, which is prepared at home to save Jly dad's car was the money, looks and smells unlike any of their food) or To the Editor: To the Editor: "Pact. I can barely fit his just plain existing. But most of all, Mike and his On Tuesday, March 18, Adolfo Perez Esquivel This is a letter in response to the article in the March about me and friends do not like someone who docs not have delivered a moving presentation before a partisan audience 13 issue of The Ram entitled, "One More Floor For New money. Dorm." Instead of building all of these temporary s v in the McGinley Center Ballroom. Esquivel concentrated ery different from Just recently Mike told me that his father bought on several points, all of which related back to affairs in residence halls that keep popping up, why doesn't the £o to the soccer field liim a new car. How's Susie? Mike tells me with an air Central America in general and Nicaragua in particular. Adminsitration concentrate on building permanent ; sidewalk for fear of indifference that he hasn't seen her in weeks but Esquivel claimed that there is never a just war only residence halls? Not only are these residence halls taking up M'oes. With Bill, on that the back seat of his car was just right. Would I the faculty parking lot causing the faculty to park in the 1 just causes. If this is so, then isn't he going against the myself sitting in the like a ride in his wonderful car? No thanks, maybe hierarchy and the divinity of the Catholic Church? It commuter's lot, but the construction is making it a I like this: some other time. I thought of Bill and I knew that this clearly states in the recent pastoral letter proposed by the nuisance to get to classes. 1 wnts to get an ice economic wall was just too much for me. I wanted to Council of College Bishops that there are just causes for Being turned down for housing myself, I am all for a kick it right over. Pound the stone to dust. I went to war. These include self-preservation; protection of one's new dorm, but a permanent one, not a temporary one that ' for ice cream so I the soccer field and, staring at the lopsided goalposts, own rights; and after all means of negotiation have failed. I takes up my parking space. If Fordham is in such a housing I'll never get it back. 1 wondered, And where am 1? On which side of the found this intolerable especially since Esquivel was crunch, they should reconsider certain applications for |' promise." economic wall was 1? speaking at a fine academic Catholic institution such as admission. Fordham. Shcryl Chewcaskie then I'll pay you Akksandrs Rozens, FC'89, is a communications/ The Pax Christi sponsored speaker also asserted that FC89 ' °ut a way to make Soviet Studies major who also writes for The Ram. kes out a dollar bill, 14/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986 Moonlieht Shines on ABC Double Trouble

by Nick Katsoris Combination." Alexis' sister wrote a book called Sister Maddie Hayes is an ex-model, whose Dearest, which she plans to publish if the pub- business manager embezzled her money to lishing company, which Alexis recently bought open a casino in South America, and all to stop the presses, ever decides to publish Maddie is left with is the Blue Moon Detective it...Blake's brother mysteriously returned Agency run by none other than David Addi- from Australia after a 20 year absence in the son, with his zany secretary Miss Agnes U.S. to claim his cut of the Carrington for- tune...The Real Krystle finally disposed of the fake Krystle, after the real Krystle was held While the nighttime prisoner lor two months, while the fake Krystle was figuring out a way to kill Blake... \ soaps are drowning in Dominique is bored, so her illegitimate daugh- their own suds, a new ter decides to pay her a visit, and who knows what ever happened to Sammy Jo. Confused? wave of comedy has You should be, unless you happen to be a devout fan of Dynasty, and I assure there recently splashed onto aren't many left as the Nielsen ratings of Dynasty, Dal/as, The Colby's, et al, have our television screens reached record lows. While the nighttime soaps are drowning DiPesto played with charm and humor by in their own suds, a new wave of comedy has Allyce Beasley. recently splashed onto our television screens, Shepherd's rollercoaster ride to success and the Carringtons have since been replaced began in the late sixties as her selection as Miss by the Huckstables as the first family of TV. Teenage Memphis earned her a spot in The the detective agency." In a recent weekly listing of the nation's Miss Teen America pageant. By age 20, Cybill for several years, and did what most actors do: After 3000 interviews (believe it or not) Top 10 television shows, numbers one through had made her acting debut under the direction got married, had a kid, and got divorced, Bruce Willis, an unknown actor from New five were as follows: The Cosby Show, Family of Peter Bogdonovich in the critically praised In 1983, Shepherd made a modest come- film The Last Picture Show. The film not only York, became that crazy guy who ran the Ties, Cheers, Who's the Boss?, and The Gold- back starring as Colleen Champion in the linked Shepherd and Bogdonovich romanti- detective agency. While Willis's major acting en Girls, all situation comedies. America short-lived television series The Yellow Rose; cally, but they also went on to make several credits include plays like Sam Shephard's (no would rather laugh with the simplicity of The nevertheless, the series was big enough to relation to Cybill) Fool for Love, he has also Cosby Show, than figure out who J.R. Ewing other films, among them Daisy Miller. garner the attention of Glenn Caron, origina- made cameo appearances in the feature films is going to ruin next. Shepherd also starred in The Heartbreak Kid tor of the series Moonlighting. The Verdict and Prince of the City, and While most of the television comedies of directed by Elaine May. According to Caron, while writing the recently appeared in an episode of Miami the 80's deal with family-tied relationships, For a while, Cybill Shepherd was enjoy- script, "At about page 35, Cybill Shepherd's Vice. ABC offers a comedy of a different kind. ing her life at the amusement park, until one face simply sprang off the page. I wanted a Before Bruce Willis started Moonlighting Moonlighting, which airs every Tuesday at 9 day the rollercoaster ran off the tracks. It cool blonde heroine in the Alfred Hitchcock he may have been an unknown from New p.m., stars Cybill Shepherd as Maddie Hayes, started with a film called At Long Last Love, mold—a Vera Miles, a Grace Kelly, if you York, but since then his career has been and Bruce Willis as David Addison, a pair that which was ruthlessly chastised by critics. After will. I wanted a classy lady capable of hand- almost too hot to handle. After he finishes gives a new meaning to the phrase "Perfect that, Cybill disappeared from the public's eye ling, and not handling the crazy guy who ran filming this season's final episode of the show, which guest stars Whoopi Goldberg, he is set to do a Seagram's wine cooler commercial, and he hasn't decided whether or not he will accept Richard Avedon's offer to pose for the cover of GQ Magazine. Frankly I don't see how he could possibly find the time since he will co-star with the one and only Madonna in the Tri-Star film Blind Date, which begins shooting May 5. Even though Willis will be moonlighting at the movies with Madonna (say that three times fast), his leading lady will always be Cybill Shepherd. Together, Willis and Shep- herd have "the wit of the Tracy-Hepburn Ideas in Combat confrontations in the old movies," Caron says. Indeed their on-screen rapport is magnetic, and although I hate using this word, by Aleksandrs Kuzeas relinquish its ties with the past. Traditions for Willis and Shepherd do have what is usually When I first saw the book Conflicts and both cultures are very similar in some ways, yet referred to as romantic "chemistry." Contradictions, I was a little wary about reading arc very different in others. Bcnvenisti stresses Their relationship thrives when they it. I quickly glanced at the book's jacket and 1 the importance of considering the people argue, which has become second nature to saw that it was about the unsettling situation in (Palestinians and Jews alike) in political them on the show. In one episode, Maddie Jerusalem. Many of the so-called Middle Eastern negotiations and decisions of the government. chews David out when she returns to the office experts have made countless numbers of Benvenisli points out that the Palestinians after a busy day, only to find him conducting predictions, conclusions, reasons and even a few have often been neglected by and left out of a a limbo dancing contest, and the argument solutions, which often find their way to the decision, whether it be about social security for that follows is almost as funny as the cause of bookstore. These solutions do not seem to have the elderly or about fanners and their rights. it. any long term effect. Often the literature Benvenisti, when holding an office in Jerusalem's When Moonlighting first aired in March, concerning the Middle East is tainted by the city government often found himself at odds 1985, I thought to myself, "What television unappealing political rhetoric and seems one- with fellow Jews over the rights of the doesn't need is another detective series." But sided in its viewpoint. Palestinians. He was labeled an "Arab lover" rest assured, Moonlighting is not just another for standing up for what he believed to be true What made Conflicts and Contradictions Meron Benvenisti detective series. It deals with private investiga- so appealing to me was Meron Benvenisti's and just. tion in its own way. On one show Dave and sensitive attitude to both the Palestinian people The situation in Jerusalem is complex but the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland as an Maddie are at a funeral when they realize that and the Jews. There's no rhetoric or one-sided the author brings up some very interesting points example. the grieving widow was really the murderer. viewpoints in this book, just an in-depth look at and ideas that could lead to a solution of m;tny Memo Benvenisti was born in Palestine When the widow realizes that she has been the many complex problems and their sources problems in the Middle East that stem from before the independence in 1948. He followed his found guilty, she dashes off in a limousine, which have a global effect. difference in religion. He believes that if both father's footsteps and became a geographer. He and naturally the only car left for Dave and Meron Ifcnvenisti's book gives us a hard sides were assured that their ties with the past studied at Hebrew University where he earned a Maddie is the hearse. During one of the crazi- look at the tense atmosphere in Jerusalem. and their heritage would not be severed, the B.A, and a B.S. in Economics. Benvenisti has est car cliascs ever tilmed, Maddie eventually Having been in several government positions conflict might be resolved. The answer in written several other books such as Jerusalem turns around and notices that the funeral including City Councilor, Chairman, Planning resolving the conflict lies in the untangling of the The Tom City, The Peace of Jerusalem and procession is following them. and Building Commission and Deputy Mayor of many contradictions in the old ideologies. These more recently The West Dank Data Project, as Moonlighting is a comedy/detective series Jerusalem, Bcnvenisti found contradictions in the conflicts and contradictions are not only to be well as articles for the New York Times for all ages. Some of the scenes may be ridicu- old ideologies ;incl values of the Jews and the found in the Middle East. They exist all over the Newsssvek, and The New York Review oj lous, some may be immature, but sit back and [Palestinians. Neil her national group wanted to world and Benvenisti cites the conflict between Hooks. relax because all of them are a lot of fun. THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986/15 Eye On Drama by lisa Martin "Variety is the spice of life." This was the underlying theme one recent evening at Manhattan's Theater of the Open Eye, The program being presented through April 8 was "The Open Eye on Directors," which highlighted the diverse creative styles of twelve New York directors. The twelve mini-plays offered were an eclectic selection, ranging from excerpts of Tolkiens The Hobbit and an adaptation of Gilgamesh, to works by more The characters in Spurts—three males and a female—are members of the Lizard Gang. contemporary playwrights such as Patricia Ryan and Liz Sedlack. The Theater presented the twelve works in four segments (named Programs A-D) of three plays each, Program A included three works, each approximately one half hour in length. Equals, written by Patricia Ryan and directed by John Genke, is a thought-provoking vignette set in present-day New York City. It explores the curious, almost desperate, interaction between two strangers sharing a park bench on their lunch break. She, a middle-class office worker with a high opinion of herself and he, a taciturn, working-class window washer, are thrown together by fate one afternoon, and she Roy Owsley and Matt Nichols look on as Paula Friedland and Paul Lemos make a connection. attempts to make small talk with him. Failing at first, the unnamed woman launches into an endless, sometimes humorous soliloquy. She makes excellent points about isolation and loneliness in the big city, and the play presents a generally interesting social commentary on the psychological borders between people. But the And the Verdict Is...Fun woman's droning became tedious after a while, and the female character had a whiny voice and a self-righteous manner that made her unbearable by Nick Katsoris and subsequently obscured the play's message. Contracts, Civil Procedure, and the Bar The second mini-play, The Raven, was Exam always occupy the minds of the students written by Richard Atkins and directed by at Fordham Law School; well, almost always. Rawleigh Moreland. Set in 1845, this piece The students took a leave of absence from the presents a dramatic, humorous conjecture about library on the evenings of Wednesday, March the private life and creative mind of Edgar Allan 19, and Thursday, March 20 in the Pope Poe. When a thief comes calling at his home late Auditorium at Lincoln Center to act as specta- one night, Mr. Poe is taken by surprise. Soon, tors and/or performers in this year's edition of however, the intruder and the storyteller are the Fordham Follies. bantering back and forth, alternately playing The Fordham Follies is the annual oppor- word games, then threatening each other's lives. tunity given to law students to display their Terry Larsen as Poe and Kevin Spcllman as non-legal talents that usually hide behind their Virgil the Thief offered energetic, loud books for most of the year. The entire show is performances. Karen Jones, as Poe's wife written, directed, and performed by students. Virginia, also gave a powerful, slightly hair- "It is a wonderful thing," said Robert raising performance. Director Moreland used Reilly, assistant dean of Fordham Law techniques which added physical and emotional School. "It is one of the few events in law dimensions to the work of Atkins. school that everyone is involved with. First, The final work, Spurts and His Desire, was second, third, and even fourth year [evening] Lawyers shelve their books for the stage in the Fordham Follies at the Pope also the most interesting and artistically daring of students from the top and bottom of the class the three. Playwright Liz Sedlack offered a peek Auditorium in Lincoln Center. can enjoy this event." out." The scene was a creative take-off trom into an ominous future world, and Cynthia S. reminisces back to first year law school includ- This year approximately 40 future ing a scene from Freshman orientation. "The the Teen Angel scene in the movie Grease Stokes' direction brought the alien-like figures of lawyers participated including four seniors where Frankie Avalon sang "Beauty School the play to life. The characters in Spurts - three cast was terrific, and they had a special warm who wrote the script. They are John Cava- feeling toward one another," Zoeller said. Dropout" to Didi Conn. males and a female - are members of the Lizard liere, Patty Stein, Jean Zoeller, and Jocelyn In many instances, the lyrics of show The show received nothing but positive Gang. They inhabit a world where survival is a Shaniis. "It was a highly spirited group, and tunes were cleverly changed in order to make feedback from students, faculty, and adminis- struggle and tranquility, a "rare drug." The lour they were a pleasure to work with," said Stein, them pertain to law school situations. One tration alike as the Thursday evening per- beings do not display emotion as we know it, who also co-directed the Follies with scene involved a student who thought he had formance was standing room only. "It was a and the characters know nothing of love. Their Cavaliere. just failed his Crimes exam when suddenly an lot of fun, and a big boost for student version of sexual interaction is performed in a The show was basically a play that "talks angel appeared before his eyes in the persona morale," Shamis said. "It was the best exper- cold, mechanical way. In fact, the males refer to about the life at the law school," Reilly said. It of his professor to sing "Fordham Law Drop- ience I ever had in law school." sexual partners as mere "compartments." But begins with a ten year class reunion, and then continued on page 16 16/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986

Party, referring to it as a "far right attempt by Army R.O.T.C. to dominate and con- trol student government"; campaigning in Plays continued from page 15 restricted zones near the voting station; and 3 Strikes, Elections campaigning before the campaign officially they yearn for something more. When they meet continued from page I began. Babyface, a woman who has somehow been the agreement not to bring the charges Heard said that both parties have until transported from the twentieth century, the men before the Election Committee, he decided Friday afternoon, the last hours of voting, ponder such foreign terms as "making love," to file his official charges of campaign vio- to rescind their filed charges; if they do You're "passion," and "desire." lations on the part of Contact. not, the Election Commitee will investigate All of the performers in Spurts did a fine The violations listed in the complaint the complaints and make a binding job. Their energy and intensity kept audience are as follows:1 the monopolization of decision on the merits of the charges. interest high. They leapt about the stage at a space for posters and other campaign The Election Committee has the frenetic pace, and their dialogue was conducted authority to penalize a party by subtracting Out material in Dealy Hall, New Hall, and in a curious, melodic manner. Under the Walsh Hall; the slandering of the Integrity a percentage of its votes. by Andrew M oia direction of Stokes, timing and delivery were Whenever you make a sequel to a sequel perfect, and the jumps and twists of the actors you are tempting the hands of fate. Sometimes a had certain grace. film will work, like in the case of the Rocky series The mixture of writing and directing styles and the Star Wars anthology. Other times it falls at the Theater of the Open Eye was refreshing. flat, like it did with Jaws 3D, Halloween III, From contemporary social commentary, to Superman III, and now, once again, here with suspenseful drama, to fanciful, unearthly S.E.R.G.: 579-2777 Police Academy: Back In Training. fantasy, the evening was a theatrically fulfilling The storyline is so simple it could have been one. written by a three year old (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was). There are only two police academies left in the state and the city budget will only allow for one academy to stay open. The remaining 70 minutes of the film goes abotu showing how the bad guys under Commandant F1Y1OL0NDONF0RJUST I Mauser (Art Metrano) try to eliminate the police academy of Commandant Lazzard (George Gaines), the good guys. How does Lassard expect to prove to a $199OF\OURFAmERSM(MY panel of judges that his is the better academy? Gee, why not bring back all those crazy, off-the- wall cops who not only graduated from last year's class but who also helped rake in over $200 million for the first two Academy flicks. So, loveable Mahoney (Steve Gutenberg), overly violent Tackleberry (David Graf), and the monsterous Hightower (Bubba Smith) come back to the academy to help teach the basics to the new recruits. Sure there are some biief moments of humor, but they are so predictable

From there on in, the movie is basically just like the two other Academy films which play up the laughable characteristics of police training. Using the same kind of "sthick" of driving cars through walls, and Bubba Smith breaking huge objects in half, the film becomes real boring, real fast. Sure there are some brief moments of humor, but they are so predictable you could probably set a watch to them. The human sound machine, Michael Winslow, is once again as enjoyable as ever with his closet full of voices and sound effects which range from a human periscope to the sound of a man vomiting. Not the most interesting of sounds, but we can't be picky with a film of this caliber. ' Other wasted efforts here include Steve Gutenberg, who was delightful in Diner and Cocoon but has stagnated behind the char- acter of Kerry Mahoney, wise-ass police offi- cer. Gutenberg's talents have seen much better days. Other wasted performances include former Saturday Night Live regular Tim Kazurinski as a small old man inducted into the academy and Bobcat Goldthwait (yes that's really his name) as an ex-bike turned good guy. This time around the film has been toned down to a PG rating after its predecessors attained an R rating. So now all those 13 year Dad works hard for your money. the next chance you get.Or call us at (212) olds who couldn't get to see the first two films can easily waste $4.50 to see this trash. Still, the So show him how understanding you 242-1330 or (201) 623-0500. movie is poor and predictable with laughs too can be. Fly to London on Virgin Atlantic. After all your father's few and far between. Produced by Paul Maslansky, who has It'll only set him back $199, when you done for you, it's the least directed all three Academy films, and directed by take advantage of our Sameday Fare. you can do for him. Jerry Paris, who has seen better times as a writer for T. V.'s and Laverne and Shirley, And you'll get all our extras at no extra Police Academy III may interest those who charge. haven't seen parts one and two. As for those VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS seasoned veterans who are accustomed to these So stop by your old man's travel agent films, forget this one. Save $4.50 and go All our extras at no extra charge. bowling. At least you can vent your frustrations at the pins. It doesn't work when yelling at a blank movie screen. THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986/17 On the Road With Jack Curry by Jack Curry ake the Superbowl and the World Ser- ies and put them in the backseat. Save Tthe front seat for the Final Four. Noth- ing beats the Final Four. Except maybe being at the site soaking up the atmosphere of college basketball's premier event. I was fortunate enough to experience the Final Four this year in Dallas and the 1500 mile car trip was worth every foot, Everyone knows that Louisville won and Duke lost. Everyone saw the game and will re- member the statistics. Those are the things they will remember about the Final Four. Points and rebounds aren't the things I will remember. I have a plethora of different memories because I was there. I was able to see what went on behind-the-scenes as Dallas opened its arms to college hoop's finest. Some of the things 1 saw excited me and made me feel like a bee in a jar of honey. Other things disgusted me and had me reach- ing for the nearest bottle of Kaopectate. 1 saw all the wives of the corporate execu- tives walking around dressed to kill with their respective pennants and possibly a team hat if ii didn't mess up their hair. I heard.them won- dering aloud who Johnny Dawkins was. I came to the conclusion that they deserved tickets about as much as Barrabus deserved to be saved. 1 saw ana spoke with all the scalpers asking everything but your mother's second born son for tickets. Meanwhile, the true blue fans walked around Reunion Arena in awe and also ticketlcss. The sight of a father trying to explain to his young son, adorned in Duke hat and shirt, that $150 a ticket was just a bit too much will remain etched in my mind for quite some time. It was just a number to the kid. It should have been $23, but it wasn't. He didn't know any better so he cried. The scalper smiled and continued to ask for that outland- ish price. 1 saw Pearl Washington and Walter Berry the stands at a college all-star game on the The Louisville Cardinals netted themselves a national title while their fans had a celebration of their own. * day before the championship. I wondered if big screen at the official Duke bar in Dallas they were discussing Physics or the stock and the patrons and the taps rose and fell with market. Then 1 wondered about all the money every play. When Louisville finally secured the those guys could command when the draft championship, the place was silent. A couple rolls around in May. 1 bet you they didn't have of hundred people as quiet as a morgue to drive to Dallas. because of a game. I watched as Pearl and Berry nonchalant- 1 saw a girl from Duke crying. In a ly signed the autographs of the little kids who strange way, it made me happy. To know that were worshipping them. Some they didn't the school and the team meant enough to her even sign. to bring her to tears brought a warm feeling I thought about how I would have felt if I into my heart and 1 began to feel really good was one of those kids and it made me think of about college basketball. everything that was wrong with college basket- ball. I saw Pearl Washing- Then I recalled how all the hotels had jacked up their prices and how we had to stay ton and Walter Berry in a place that should have been called the Roach Motel. Maybe Pearl or Berry could have .../ wondered if they let us sleep on their floor. I started to wonder if the trip was worth it. were discussing Then 1 saw Gary McLain, Villanova's outstanding point guard from the 1985 na- physics. tional champions. He was handing out We aborted Duke and headed to the information at the tournament headquarters Plaza Hotel to greet our newly adopted team, to anyone who was interested. This gentleman the national champs, the Louisville Cards. We had paid his own way to Dallas to work as a stole a Louisville hat along the way to fit the runner for CBS and the NCAA. He just part as Cardinal rooters. It wasn't needed. wanted to be at the Final Four again. That's The scene at the hotel fortified my faith nice. 1 didn'l notice his smile or his good looks in college basketball. People of every size, right away. 1 noticed the big championship shape and color were celebrating in unison. ring on his finger. That's why everyone was High-lives and hugs filled the lobby as did here. To see who would get the ring this year. I every imaginable cheer. This was what started to feel good about college basketball. winning a national title was all about. I also saw Kansas center Greg Dreiling the As the party continued, my mind sudden- day after his Jayhawks bowed to Duke. His ly shifted gears and I thought about Greg eyes told the story of the game. He stared Dreiling. Then I thought about Gary McLain. blankly ahead, legs crossed, hands folded, al- Talk about a contrast. McLain was so lucky to most praying for another chance. 1 knew what experience victory in this setting. he was thinking. He would not be getting a He probably even considered himself ring like the one on McLain's hand. lucky to be back in Dallas just watching the I watched the championship game on a game. You know, so did I. Mark McSwain and Louisville made the grade aj-ainst Duke. 18/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986

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Ram: Have you made any progress on this since the campaign? Jackson: Oh, no. They are becoming even more Jackson bold, more arrogant. Ram: Recently, the Coca-Cola company has -amimued from page 11 decided to give an initial gift of $10 million to set nominate a candidate who supported revisions in up what is called Equal Opportunity Funds that the election system. Of particular concern to you are supposed to open up opportunities in were runoff primaries and a federal code that employment, housing, and education for black Mates a candidate must win 20 percent of the South Africans. votes in a state before he or she is entitled to In a New York Times article dated March receive any delegates. Why do you find these 24, you were quoted as being critical of the discriminatory? company's action, saying that the gift "represents a victory for those who want to get Jackson: Neither party is working very actively profits from the South African oppressors and to enforce the Voting Rights Act and to eliminate give contributions to the Apartheid opposers." barriers to registration. Inaccessible registrars-we Could you clarify this point? were testifying to get postcard registration in Jackson: Sure. If Coca-Cola can stay in South Massachusetts just yesterday-and the use of Africa and keep making profits and then set up a second primaries are schemes used to undercut foundation for the victims of apartheid, then the the impact of the vote. If the Sandinistas were other 350 corporations can do the same thing: doing trie same thing, we'd use it as another get profits from the system, give donations to the reason to bomb them. oppressed, but not the right to vote, not the right By using artificially high thresholds, it to self-determination. So, it sets a very bad disenfranchises many people, and by denying precedent, and it would undercut the divestment proportional representation, they are just movement in this country, unless it is dealt with admitting that they are running an unfair system, properly and forthwith. It's like you can't run The last time around, 45 percent of my voters with the rabbits and hunt with the hounds. At were disenfranchised. We lost 400 delegates some point, you have to determine whether because of rule manipulation. So, we're you're with the rabbits or you're with the Once the renovations began, it didn't take long for workers to tear down the bleachers in determined to fight, we're determined to end hounds. the Rose Hill Gym. The job should be completed by mid June. that,

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01985 Miller Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wl •••••••••«••••••• ••••••••••# THE RAM/Thursday, April 10, 1986/21

professional," Jennings said. He said that he will hire an assistant general manager for pro- Softball Rams Open gramming and community support. WFUV Leal said she could not believe that he was bringing in another professional to help students in programming. continued from page 1 Season; Win 1, Lose 4 "Our people have been running this place "People are afraid, like where is this all without any failures. We've been doing this by by Diana Fatulak going to stop, We have no say anymore. It's ourselves and we've been successful," Leal A heavy schedule and a young squad are inning she struck out the side, what the University says and that's it," Leal said. "If it becomes a professional business, making it tough on the Fordham softball team Monday, the Rams lost to St. John's, 5-1. said. "I feel so trapped and the staff is looking then it takes away a lot of good experience "St. John's is the best team we'll play this but the Rams are very enthusiastic. "The to me and, I mean, what can I do? The that we've gotten out of it." year," Newhouse said. "We made a lot of University has gone ahead and done it already. other teams in the league have more talent McGowan said that the new policy errors but we stayed in the game." All of the I just feel so totally trapped." than we do but I'm very encouraged by what should not be regarded as a negative reflection Redmen runs were unearned as the Rams I've been seeing," said Coach Ann Newhouse. Leal noted that she has supported and co- on WFUV. committed eight errors. "The enthusiasm is always there and everyone operated with Jennings on his new ideas since "I have been a tremendous fan of WFUV The lone Fordham run was scored in the he joined the station in November. However, is contributing." ever since I came to my position. I've been fifth inning by Twardy. Twardy walked and she said that the general manager expects dras- impressed with the quality of programming," The Rams have played four consecutive came home on a double to right field by tic changes. McGowan said. "I'd be very much upset if games this past week as well as two games over Maureen Hogan. Hogan was thrown out at "He has a lot of good ideas but he goes a anyone interpreted it as a criticism of the exist- spring break. All were against tough third. little too fast," Leal said. "He has the attitude ing situation. I think that this is something competition. "What we're looking for is a The Rams lost a tough 1-0 game against that he has to make WFUV a professional that seems to be a step in the right direction." little consistancy," Newhouse analyzed. "We the Pace Setters Tuesday. Twardy held the station. That takes away what WFUV is all The major problems that Leal saw with have a young team so we're going to make Setters at bay with three hits from 23 batters about—students have been doing this since the plan were recognized by other WFUV some errors. The important thing is that the but a weak offense failed to support her. 1947, We're not even clear on what the terms staff members she said. "Students are getting team doesn't give up and I'm encouraged by "We're just not hitting well yet," Newhouse are. Everyone has been very vague." all these great things but they're not going to that." said. Fordham only managed three hits of its Jennings said that he understands the have the right to vote," she said. "They have a The Rams are currently 1-4. They lost own, students' concerns over such a change, and he lot of good intentions but I don't think that their first game of the season against Long Pace plated the winning ,run in the 6th stressed that the University will continue to McGowan or Jennings have a good under- Island University, and Queens (Thursday) 6-3. inning on an infield error. depend on the students to operate the radio standing of what this station means to "I think the girls were a little nervous because The Rams finally got some hitting just to station. students." it-was their first game," Newhouse said. There have their fielding fall apart, as Fordham "If I were a student, I'd be concerned Jennings said that he understands that the are only three players from last year's squad, committed errors in a 9-4 loss to Mercy' because it's a change. But life is filled with radio station is important to students but that so, for some, it was their first college game. College. changes. I look at this as positive thing," they should also acknowledge their responsi- Jill Twardy pitched a strong game The offense and the defense have yet to Jennings said. "WFUV will always rely on bility to the audience. striking out seven while only allowing one come out strong at the same time. This is the Fordham students to do the job they do in the "Students have an enormous responsi- earned run. Offensively, junior Jeanne major reason for the four losses. first place. By getting course credit, they'll be bility. Some realize it and do very well while McNally went two for four with a double and A bright spot in the game was the power doing what they like to do and that is working others don't meet their responsibilities," a single. hitting of McNally. (3-4,4 RBI, 3B, HR). . at WFUV." Jennings said. "Students here care and I hope In its second game of the season, In the fifth inning, McNally drove in Greg Pappas, director of Career Planning they understand that with this plan, we're Fordham upset LaSalle, winning 2-1 in the last three runs with a home run to right center. and Placement and the Internship Program trying to improve everything." inning. "This was a great win for the program Deidre Brown had led off the inning with a Coordinator, said that students will receive Leal added that she hopes that the station because no one expected it," Newhouse said. single up the middle. Wells followed with a credit if they meet academic requirements. does not get too professionalized since L aSalle went to the Eastern Collegiate Athletic single and Hogan walked. "If you want to participate and gain ex- students will not be allowed to gain experience Championship playoffs last year and is the top Wells scored again in the seventh inning perience by working at WFUV, you'll be in their field of interest. "I've been around team in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference. on an RBI single by McNally. Wells walked to credited for it just as long as you fulfill your for over three and a half years and I've been reach base. academic obligations," Pappas said. through many changes at WFUV. It's just a Barbara Mascia scored the winning run in "We're working with what we have. Another change that Jennings will be im- shame to see what's going on," she said. the seventh inning on a suicide squeeze by McNally, Mascia, Hogan and Twardy are plementing is more professionals working at Thursday morning, the WFUV staff Cathy Wells. hitting pretty good," said Newhouse. the station. members will be having a meeting with In the sixth inning, McNally reached base Defensively, Chris Lee is doing an excellent "With a station that reaches 10 to 12 Jennings to discuss the matter and clarify any and scored on LaSalle errors to tie the score. job at second base. Hogan is doing a great job million people, we need another misunderstandings, Leal said. Twardy threw a one hitter, chalking up at shortstop and Twardy is holding her own." strikeouts with one walk. Ruggers Trounce 'Brook; Blanked by Army by Tim Banahan ration." Yes, the rugby team has been playing this You would think that a team would be spring, although you may not have had the able to get up for a big game, but if you've opportunity to see them play. In their most ever played a spring sport, you realize that recent contest, the Rams trounced Stony- there can be a lot of distractions. Practices brook, 44-6, to put them in a position for a become easier to skip when the weather gets wild-card playoff game against West Point. warm, and there can be a tendency to get a But they were not able to overcome some bad laid-back attitude. breaks and missed opportunities, as the "Spring Break sure didn't help us either Cadets shut out Fordham 10-0. this year," McManus added. "It seems like "The score may make it seem like it was summeritis has started to set in already." not a close game, but it was," said Brian Win or lose, the Rams do not have any McManus, captain of the squad for the second scheduled games at home for the rest of the straight year, of the Army match. "It was a year. Apparently, the squad has had difficulty tough, hard-hitting game all the way, and no obtaining open dates for the use of Murphy one really dominated." field from Lombardi Center, which allegates An intercepted pass and two penalty field usage. kicks completed the scoring for Army, as the "Let me just say that cooperation of Rams weren't able to cash in on a couple of Lombardi Center has been a major obstacle penalty kicks of their own. The loss knocks for us this spring," McManus stated. Fordham out of the playoffs for the rest of the So, for now, the Rams will have to hit the year, even though it will continue to play in road. This Saturday, they will take on SUNY weekend tournaments. Maritime, away. Next Saturday the squad will "We weren't attacking, we were reacting travel to Loyola for a four-team Jesuit tourna- to them instead. We just weren't thinking of- ment that will also include Holy Cross and St. fensively," admitted McManus. Joseph's, as well as Loyola. The following Army is rated as one of the top 10 teams weekend the Rams will be in Providence, on the east coast, and the Rams have never Rhode Island, for another tournament. been able to defeat the Cadets, although they "These tournaments should say what this have come close on several occasions. team is all about," McManus promised. "We lost to them 10-7 in the fall, and this "We'll be playing teams of equal caliber, and loss makes it all the more frustrating,'" we have the talent that would put us in a posi- McManus lamented. "1 guess we just didn't tion to win both tournaments. But I don't want to seem overconfident.'' The Fordham nigby team opened its spring season by pounding Stoneybrook, 446. have that edge and spirit we needed in prepa- 22/THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986 BASEBALL STATISTICS (Through 12 Games) 1986 Baiting SPRING BASEBALL Gary Pfeiffer Avg. .333, 1HR, 1HR, SCHEDULE Tom Levy Avg. .324 1HR, 5 RBI Rob McLaughlin Avg. .300, OHR, 4 RBI, 4 SB Sat March 22 rtdy Crow iDMl HOME 10 RBI Sun March 23 HotyCinu HOME I m Jerry Curley Avg. .297 OHR, Mon Match 24 Warpwr HOME Avg. .184, OHR, 1RB1, 10 SB Thui March 27 University ol T*cki Soulli Fbrida liK Jack Allen Fri March 28 Trimly C(**> Ecknd Fri Match 28 Eckerd Ectod .'1 I Avg. .277, 7HR, 53 RBI, 21 SB Sal March 29 Tenas Rangers Plain City Team Rangers Coni|J( Sun March .10 Pimburah Pirates Bradmion l*iralrs Com|)t(>j 10 II) Mon March 31 Sl.lro'i Si IK.S Pitching Tuei Aprrf I Calwn Cnflfg* M.wrhanl Slitdiutti 1 ((} Tu» April I Florida Southern MarrKant Siadium 7 fxi Pete Harnisch 26 IP, 20K's, 4-0, 2.07 Wed AM 2 New YmU Men 5l Pelersbetg Tony Mazzella 18 IP, 7K's, 2-2, 5.50 Busch Complex 1(1, Trwi April .1 Si I .Am Away 12(1(1 Mike Barletta 9.2 IP, 5K's, 2-0, 6.52 Sal April 5 U Safe {Dili 12 0(1 Sun Apr'6 Away 121X1 TUM AH 8 Away 3 011 Team 71.1 IP, 54K's, 4.04 Thur April 10 HOME 31(1 Fri April II NY T«-h HOME 3(111 Sal April 12 lm» (DHl HOME 12 (XI Sun April 13 Away 100 Man April 14 Hnlum Away 3 (XI Tues April IS Si Francrs HOME 300 Wed Aprl 16 Princeion Away 300 Thur Aprd 17 HOME 3 00 Fri. April IS Pace HOME 300 April 19 Sal. Si Pelrr S (DHl HOME 1200 April 20 Sun. SI Pet*'* HOME 1 00 AH 2] Mon. L I.U. Away 300 Apr* 22 3 00 TUB NY. Tech Away April 24 300 Thur- Si. Johni Away 1200 Sal. Farrlldd HOME 100 Sun April 27 FairMd IDHI Auiay 300 Mun. Apr* 28 Pace Away 3:00 Tun April 29 C.W. Pou Away 300 Wtd April 30 Army HOME 3:00 Howto get Fri. May 2 Brooklyn Away money out of '1986 Spring trip la Tampa Florida March 27-Aptil 1

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one tiling that you're probably pretty PEARL'S TYPING SERVICE good at by now. experienced — accurate — fast Term papers, thesis, resumes, Ask your parents for the money : . also transcription from tapes. PEARL(KEMPLER) MASHADI to buy the computer. 3060 Hull Avenue (E. 204th St.) 547-2904 •. i rt i.. * ;.,;'. .;..,• , PERSONAL WORD PROCESSING Term Papers, Dissertations, Manuscripts, Mailings, Knowledge of Legal and Medical Terminology. Accurate, dependable, reasonable. Experienced with Fordham Specifications and Formats.

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HELP WANTED $200 rebate. $175 rebate. INSURANCE ASSISTANT, PART-TIME Telephone and Administrative duties. No experience required. © I'M /Vy/c Cmi/mUr Im .ty/ilc wul the A/file %i le ihikr mwyuu. call (800) 538-96%, ext. 455. Oflrf/xxl only in the United Sttila. ' THE RAM/Thursday, April 10,1986/23 After six months on the job... Making All the (Right?) Moves t's been six months since Frank McLaugh- lin made the four-hour trip south along Director of the Lombardi Center. While Interstate 95 from Harvard to become the McLaughlin doesn't deny the possibility of I someday moving one or more of the club athletic director at Fordham University, his alma mater. For McLaughlin, it was a chance sports up to varsity status, he says there are to come home, an opportunity to revitalize an other things more important right now, athletic program that had begun to stagnate "Right now we're not going to elevate under former AD Dave Rice. Oh, the players any sports," McLaughlin assured. "My and coaches were changing all right, but the immediate responsibility is to the varsity teams' successes had seemed to peak. And teams." But, he added, "I'm all for expand- there was a growing feeling on campus that ex- ing." cellence in athletics and academics was just a "I'm getting a ton of applications on all dream. these things," McLaughlin said. Since assuming the position as AD, McLaughlin has certainly been busy. A visit to his office will invariably find him in a meeting, on the telephone or both. And it seems like the stack of papers on his desk keeps getting higher. Yet McLaughlin always seems to find the time to talk. "I've got all afternoon," is his customary response to a request for a few minutes of his time. McLaughlin is trying to change thai McLaughlin is right when he acknow- image. From the day he was introduced as the ledges that some people will question his new AD, McLaughlin has maintained that moves. That's just part of his job and in fact, excellence in the classroom can carry over into of any administrative position. His enthusiasm the lockerroom at Fordham. "I believe in this and intent, however, can't be faulted in the place," McLaughlin said at his introductory slightest. Given the opportunity, McLaughlin press conference. "The success of the program is confident that he can bring back Fordham's depends on the students and the alumni. We tradition of athletic excellence without have to reach them." compromising its academic integrity. Even now, he sees some progress. McLaughlin, for his part, has tried. He "I see a renewed pride among the places a great deal of emphasis on student student-athletes," he said, noting the same opinion, and he has repeatedly asked for their Frank McLaughlin's point is clear: "We will not tolerate mediocrity.' among coaches as well. input. And for every complaint of mediocrity in Fordham athletics, McLaughlin has had an full-time soccer coach. He also plans to hire a Laughlin hopes to add a second full-timt The results of McLaughlin's efforts answer. pair of assistant football coaches on a full- trainer to the university's athletic staff. There probably won't be noticed right away. Some of his plans, such as the proposed move to When O'Neal Tutien resigned as head time basis. is no question—athletics are stagnating no Division 1-AA in football, are decidedly long- football coach in December, McLaughlin went McLaughlin has been deluged with appli- more, term. Yet McLaughlin is unwilling to accept out looking for a "top-notch person" to fill cations for the vacated coaching positions, McLaughlin concedes., however, that he mediocrity in Fordham athletics. In fact, it the vacancy. After nearly three months, he which he credits in part to the university's re- won't make everyone happy. Still, he accepts seemsto have become* dirty word to him. came up with Larry Glueck, an assistant at establishing commitment to athletics. "The and encourages input from outside sources, ; Harvard and therefore no stranger to stressing word has gotten out that Fordham is serious such as students and alumni. Now if only the«arhs cooperate and ful- academics. Early indications are that Glueck about athletics," he said, noting that "word "People are going to question some of fill all of McLaughlin's promise, Fordham's may be just the guy to take Fordham football spreads very quickly through the athletic com- the things I'm doing, which is all right—I athletic tradition may indeed be restored to its to a higher level of play, perhaps Division I- munity." think that's good," McLaughlin said. former level of excellence. For Fordham's AD AA, sometime in the future. Coaching changes aren't the only new But, he asserted, "there's a serious com- of six months, it's not just a possibility, but a Already, McLaughlin has hired Annie trends emerging in Fordham athletics. The mitment to athletics here. That hasn't always promise. Newhouse as coach of the women's softball long-awaited gym renovations began before been true in the past." His heart may have changed just a shade, team. Soon, McLaughlin will be hiring a spring break. Already, the old bleachers have With all of the changes going on at the from the crimson of Harvard to the maroon of women's basketball coach to replace Gary Orr been removed and should soon be replaced by varsity level, one might think that McLaughlin Fordham, but one thing is for sure, Frank and a new swimming coach. In a move that new, retractable ones. New coaching offices has set his sights on the club sports program, McLaughlin is the right place. Then was long overdue, he made Frank Schnur the are planned for Lombardi Center, and Mc- which is currently run by Marty Zwiren, again, his heart probably never left. FORDHAM FLASHES Netters Split in Despite the loss of two of the team's top six Gary Brokaw (no relation to Tom) was seeds, the men's tennis team got off to a fine named Tuesday as the successor to Pat start by winning their first three matches of the Kennedy as Iona basketball coach. Previous to season. his appointment to the Iona post, Brokaw was California Sunshine The squad opened at home against an assistant to Digger Phelps at Notre Dame. "We all did a tremendous job, especially the Manhattanville with a resounding 9-0 win. In six Before entering the coaching ranks Brokaw by John Paradise first four players." singles matches, Manhattanville only managed to played in the NBA for five years...Fordham, After a one-week stay in sunny California Needless to say there was time for some win six games. Dan Mastrangelo and Rich St. two time defending champ, begins defense of during spring break, the women's tennis team relaxation and fun. According to Fallon, "It its crown in the MAAC tournament beginning returned home with a respectable record of Jean didn't lose once. In doubles action, Coach was a great time." Bob Hawthorn experimented with some new next Thursday at Forest Hills. two up and two down. While the Lady Rams people but the song remained the same as were able to record victories against Biola Manhattanville couldn't win a set. University (7-2) and California State-Fullerton (5-4), they were not able to hold off the talents "After we left Cali- The next obstacle was a road contest at of Loyola Marymount University (2-7) and Seton Hall. The final score of 7-2 didn't reveal Westmont College (3-6). fornia, it will never how close the contest was. The improving Pirates And what did Coach Rooney think about gave the Rams their toughest challenge of the his team's split? "Considering the strength of be the same." young season. Ken Henderson filled in well at the competition, I feel we did a real good the number six seed singles despite the 6-7, 7-5 6- Upcoming Home job," replied the encouraged coach. "Another —Pat Rooney 1 loss. factor which must be pointed out is all of our The third win was another road contest Needless to say there was time for some Sports Schedule opponents were at the end of their outdoor relaxation and fun. According to Fallon, "It against N.Y.U. and an impressive 8-1 triumph. season; we have just begun," he explained. April 12: Baseball vs. Iona(DH), Lacrosse vs was a great time." And what did the quotable The only loss was suffered by Tim Brown, who Although the entire team's performance played the match with a brace on his back. The Fairfield; Softball vs. Manhattan coach have to say? "After we left California, was "highly satisfactory," there were two it will never be the same," insisted Rooney. injury will keep him out for the remainder of the April 13: Baseball vs. Iona players who stood out: freshman Mo Fallon season. Freshman Don Harrington was He emphatically added, "The California Hard April 14: Softball vs. Fairfield and sophomore Kelly Brown. Both of these Rock Cafe is a pale version of New York's." impressive teaming with captain Tim Golcy to young, budding stars won seven of their eight win the number one doubles match. April 15: Baseball vs. St. Francis Tuesday, the Lady Rams pushed their singles matches of the west coast trip. early season record over the .500 mark as they The Rams face a test in (heir next two April 16: Softball vs. St. Francis It is obvious that the time spent in this beat St. John's, 4-1. Lastly, Fordham had no matches against St. John's and Boston College. April 17: Baseball vs. Columbia tennis mecca will surely benefit the team. trouble with C.W. Post Wednesday With the two losses due to injury, the remainder "California tennis players grow on bushes and afternoon, as they defeated the visitors by the of the team must move up a notch and pick up the intensity out here is far ahead of the inten- same score. the slack. —Michael Myllek sity in the Northeast," responded Rooney. 24/THE RAM/Thursday, April JO, 1986 Southern Swing a Success for Rams Harnisch in Top Form

by Fhil Plourd The baseball Rams have turned things around—literally. Last season after 13 games the Fordham version of the Bronx Bombers looked more like the Bronx Blunders with a 5- 8 mark which eventually turned into a dis- appointing 15-23-1 season's record. After 13 games this spring, fordham's boys of summer have an 8-5 record, and all indications point to a successful season. Pete Harnisch is looking like the Pete Harnisch who led the NCAA with a 1.25 ERA last year, as the sophomore hurler is 40 with a 2.07 ERA and 20 strikeouts in 26 innings of play. Speedy Jack Allen has stolen 10 bases in 10 at- tempts. Brian Matthews has 10 RBl's and two home runs while hitting at a .282 clip. Rob McLaughlin is hitting an even .300, has walked nine times and has fanned on only three occasions. The Rams opened against Holy Cross in a three-game weekend series, and came out on didn't do well," Gallagher said. "It was good "It was the best in the last few years." .300. Against Trinity, Fordham baserunners the short end, dropping two of the three deci- though because it showed us that we have a lot The Rams defeated Toledo, 4-0, behind stole 11 bases. sions to the Crusaders. of work to do. I told the kids that the intensity Harnisch, and crushed Trinity (CT) College, A trip to Philadelphia was next for Harnisch pitched the Rams to a 5-1 vic- level was high when Pete (Harnisch) pitches, 12-3, before losing to Eckard College, 15-6. Fordham, and the Rams took two from tory in the first game of a doubleheader, but and lower for anyone else. They have to work Fordham returned to its winning ways by MAAC opponent LaSalle, 3-2, and 5-2, to Holy Cross took the second game 4-2 and harder or at least as hard for the other pitch- downing St. Leo's and Calvin, but came up on raise their record to 8-4. And 8-3 loss to Seton routed Fordham 21-4 on Sunday. ers. They can't let down.' the short end of a 13-0 decision to the Florida Hall in New Jersey Tuesday put the Rams' In the 21-4 debacle in which Holy Cross Apparently, the Rams took Gallagher's Southern. record at 8-5. hits were flying through the air like Libyan words to heart, as they defeated Wagner, 13-. "We played six schools and should have "Last year we had good pitching but the missies, the Ram pitchers were simply unable 5, to even their record at 2-2 before traveling only lost one game," Gallagher said. "We hitting fell apart," said Gallagher. "This year to get the ball over the plate-—but Head Coach south to Florida. gave the Eckard game away with bad pitching the pitching will be as good and if the hitters Dan Gallagher thought the game was an im- In Florida, Fordham took on some minor and bad fielding in the outfield." can keep it up we are going to win a lot of ball portant one in the development of this year's league teams as well as collegiate competition, As a team, the Rams batted a hot .311 in games." squad. and all went well. Florida. Catcher Tom Levy batted over .400 With 16 games in the next 12 days, the "In the third game whatever we did we "It was a great swing," Gallagher said. while McLaughlin and Matthews hit well over Rams will certainly be put to the test. "We have started to hit the ball to the

f * v* * 4 t' f opposite field," Gallagher said. "We have worked on opposite field hitting when the ball is over the plate—and that is what makes a good program go. We are pretty close to Inside: being one of the very good teams in the East. With 16 games in 12 days we will see what we are made of." One player who has turned out to be a Curry Does Dallas "pleasant surprise" for Gallagher has been —page 17 freshman shortstop Gary Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer is batting .333 with seven RBI's and six runs scored. "He has contributed a lot to the pro- gram," Gallagher said of Pfeiffer. "We hope he continues on that down the line." As for Harnisch, Gallagher lets the sta- To be completed by mid-June tistics do the talking. "Pete hasn't disappointed anyone so far," Gallagher said. "He is not the whole staff, but I'd take a few more of them." Harnisch has been offered the opportu- nity to play for one of the finest baseball jeams GYM RENOVATIONS UNDERWAY around this summer on O'Sullivan's baseball team in Grand Rapids, Michigan. by Chits Coyne "The biggest thing so tar tor tms team finished by then, except for some electrical work The standing section closest to McGinley has been the camaraderie and confidence that The basketball season ended for both and a few minor things." Center will be turned into two rows of bleachers they have," Gallagher said. "They get sound- Fordham teams last month but the Rose Hill Close to half of the seating capacity will while the same section on the opposite side of the • er in the basics every day and they are getting Gymnasium continues to be the sight of much feature plastic maroon seals. These have already gym will consist of glass enclosed booths for The more comfortable and are enjoying playing activity. been assembled on the side of the gym closest to Ram, WFUV, and other members of the media. thegameofbaseball." The Gym is currently uncle./»ing an McGinley Center and are similar to those located The capacity of the refurbished arena will Gallagher also cited the team's trainer, extensive renovation costing the University behind the baskets at Madison Square Garden be increased slightly. The spaces between the two Vince Porricelli, as being a factor in the Rams' approximately $40(),(XX). and the Brendan Byrne Arena. This section will .sections of seats previously existing on both successful start. Athletics Operations Coordinator Mike IK; reserved for alumni and members of the Rain sidelines have been filled with additional seats. "Vinnie did a fabulous job," lauded Ferraro and his crew lore clown the old bleachers Club, but not for students. The court will also undergo changes. Gallagher. "His knowledge is a tremendous March 17 and hope to give the gym a new look The remainder of the seats will consist of Besides being sandblasted and waxed, it will be asset to the University and the program. A few hy mid-June. aluminum bleachers covered by hard plastic. The repainted maroon and white as opposed to the of the boys injured themselves and his treat- Their progress, however, will be tem- seats behind the basket closest to the gym's present maroon and gold. The "F" at center- ment was superb. By the time we hit Phila- porarily hailed liy the graduation ceremonies entrance will be movable through electricity. court will be turned around so it can be exposed delphia, everyone was ready to play. He did a taking place May 24. Fenaro acknowledged, Thus far, almost half of the seats half been to the media, which the university hopes will hell of a job." however, dial "the majority of the work will be completely assembled. include television stations in the near future. The 12-day crunch for Fordham starts Thursday when the Rams take on Manhattan.