Issue 13, November 2004

Esh Leaves Your newsletter from Esh, Langley Park, Quebec and Ushaw

Submit articles for the March 2005 edition to: The Editor, 8 Long Garth, Durham City, DH1 4HJ or email to [email protected] or leave at Esh or Langley Park Post Office by 30 January 2005

are achievable, and also Exhibition, to be held on DECISION TIME FOR A that a fair amount of Thursday 25th November NEW STATIC LIBRARY remedial work is required. from 1.30pm to 7.30pm in IN LANGLEY PARK the Church Street The cost of this work, and Community Centre, Langley Following decommissioning for the second option, a Park. This will be of the Trailer Library service new library building, has immediately followed by a last year, the County now been prepared. Public Meeting, at 7.30pm, Council has been looking at Discussions are still taking at the same venue, to agree two options for a static place with Derwentside the preferred option. library service within the College concerning the village, either converting the possibility of a site for the Discussions have also been Church Street Community new library, within the car taking place with the Centre, or a new library park of the old fire station. College to allow for the building within the grounds temporary library service, of the old Fire Station. A County Councillor Joe which has been provided feasibility study on Armstrong has been from a mobile library, to be converting the Church actively involved in transferred into the room in Street premises, involving supporting the pleas, from the old fire station visual condition inspections many quarters, for a static previously used as an IT of the building, suitability of library service in our Ward suite. Agreement is nearing the heating and electrical and has now made completion and hopefully systems, and possible arrangements for a Public this accommodation will be structural alterations has Exhibition to display these in use towards the end of been carried out. options. November. The room, whilst Architectural advice has being small will give much shown that the space Residents are therefore better access for all library requirements for the library encouraged to attend the users, as there are no steps to climb.

The car park of the old Fire Station and Church Street Community Centre are options for a new Library


In the March 2004 edition of Esh Leaves we reported that work was due to commence on the new multi purpose Hall at Esh. We are now able to advise our readers that the work has been completed and the building handed over by the Wates the Builders to Durham County Council.

We asked our local County The old Hall in the process of demolition Councillor for an update and here is his response.

"The new £600,000 facility financed by the Department for Education and Skills, Department of Culture Media & Sport, the New Opportunities Fund, Arts Council of , Sport England and Durham County Council, will be opening in November for use by the two village schools and the local communities. The new Hall

It is one of seven new facilities provided by this school hours. This top class planned when the facility is programme throughout accommodation can be in full use. Design and used for physical education, construction was by the sporting activities, teaching NEWS FROM OUR NEW County Councils' Strategic and also provide meeting BEAT OFFICER Building Alliance in rooms for clubs and other conjunction with Wates. The community based groups". accommodation includes a Hello to all Residents. I am multi purpose hall, an arts If any local community the new Beat Officer for and meeting room, kitchen based group is interested in Langley Park. My name is and changing rooms. using these premises then PC Christopher Dover. I they should contact Esh have 6 years service with Local schoolchildren will Laude RC Primary School the Durham Constabulary have preference during the on 0191 3731205 having previous postings to; school day with access Stanley, Consett, Blackhill, available to community We also understand that an Lanchester and most organisations outside official opening is being recently the new Force Control Room at Police

Esh Leaves Page 2 November 2004

Headquarters Aykley I can be contacted by working men were serving Heads. I currently work telephone on 01207 504204 in the First World War. He from the Police Section or by E-Mail:- worked at the Louisa Office off Kitswell Road, christopher.dover@durham. Colliery for a short time, Lanchester. then moved onto Blackett's cobbler's shop in Stanley. I was a resident in the I look forward to hearing This was to be his life-long village until the age of 17 from you. trade. Later he worked in and some of you may Langley Park and recognise me when I'm Chris Dover Burnopfield, returning to his pounding the streets! So I beloved Hill Top in 1939 to do have a unique “I REMEMBER HILL TOP” the cobbler's shop at Ushaw perspective of some of the College with his brother current issues in the In the July 2004 edition of Aloysius, where he spent village. Esh Leaves we mentioned the rest of his working life. a publication entitled Tom died in 1999, and I plan to host a drop in “I Remember Hill Top” Aloysius in 2004. surgery in the village. I'm written by a former resident open to suggestions as to Thomas Goundry. With the These are extracts from 'I what times and locations kind permission of his Son Remember Hill Top', first would be most appropriate Terry Goundry we set out published from his diaries for residents, so if you have an extract from Chapter 1 of for family members in 2001. any ideas, please let me his Journal which sets the know. My contact details scene for the rest, gives Chapter One can be found at the bottom some of Tom's family of the article background, and mentions “I remember” With the run up to virtually all of the villages in Christmas and the our area. I was born at No 1 Hill Top, shortening of daylight Esh on 23rd July 1903. I hours, I would like to take The Goundry Family can remember nothing the opportunity to remind about that. I do know that people about home three days later I was security. There is a national registered and baptised at trend that indicates the level St Michaels Esh Laude by of dwelling house burglaries Father Samuel Harris, and increases during the christened Thomas Francis Autumnal and Winter Joseph Goundry. My Father seasons. Everyday items was Frank Goundry, a can be purchased from our craftsman tailor at Ushaw community safety College. My Mother was department at Stanley Margaret Blanche Clare Police Office or your local Back Row L/R Joe, Lizzie, Allie, Tom Wrangham, daughter of hardware store to help Front Row L/R Celia, Bert, Gerard Thomas Wrangham who protect your home; these had been in service at Raby can include timers for lights Tom was born and lived in Castle, and came to Ushaw and shed alarms. the Durham area all his life. College as a caterer in He left Hustledown School, charge of the beef mutton If you need any advice Stanley, aged 12 in 1916, and pork. Both families lived regarding home security under a government in Hill Top. My Father and please feel free to contact sponsored scheme to help Mother were married in myself, or any officer, at the the national effort – his January 1900 at Esh Laude community safety father and many other by Father Harris. My department at Stanley. godparents were Uncle

Esh Leaves Page 3 November 2004

Tommy Wrangham and about half a minute minus accommodation. Our water Aunt Sarah Goundry. They its head before dropping supply was ‘on tap’ and carried me between them down dead. situated in the coalhouse the four miles journey on which Mother also used as foot. Old Barney had many a a wash-house. I remember brush with the college lads the huge iron mangle with The date of my birth of the time who frequented the big wooden rollers, also coincided with Grand Week ‘Jones’ tuck shop on the hill the ‘poss’ stick and the at Ushaw College. This was above this house. barrel wash tub. sometimes called Exhibition Complaining once about his Week, when the end of the roof being bombarded with In the lane on the north side college year was the time Nestles Milk tins and other of the well was a spring (we for prize giving, speeches, discarded tuck shop called it a well). In Mother and entertaining guests. receptacles, Barney asked and Father’s young days all About 100 priests with Mgr Broadhead (Procurator) the water had to be carried laymen are invited to stay to do something about from these springs or wells from the Monday to the stopping the mischief. The of which there were several Thursday. Then as now Reverend gentleman said in Hill Top village. The employees of the College “You know Barney boys will cottage itself was were expected to help with be boys”. “Yes” Barney excessively damp, and very ‘waiting on’ at table. My answered “and men will be cold in the winter. I Father was no exception to men”. I don’t think the remember Dad saying the this and as the days were mischief ever stopped in old only time it was cosy in long, from early breakfast to Barney’s time. He lived to winter was when it was a late dinner washing be very old and was ‘snowed over’. This glassware and silver, he plagued by other happened often, and the had to find time to make generations of college boys. snow in effect covered up several quick journeys from all the chinks and cracks in the College to the little Our house No. 1 Hill Top the house so completely house at Hill Top where I was a little dwelling beneath that the cold winds could eventually became his first the level of the road, first on not blow through. born child. He must have the left past the old coal drift Nevertheless the water tap had nearly as great a on the junction of the road still froze up, and Dad feeling of relief as my dear from Esh. Several stone would try and thaw it out by Mother. The lady or midwife steps were laid down from burning newspapers who attended my Mother the road to the cottage and underneath. Twice we had was old Granny Sherry who a stone slab on the road a burst in this way, much to lived with her husband covered a hole, or chute, my delight. The huge spout Barney in a tiny cottage down which was tipped our of water was finally stopped tucked into the hillside at coal. It seemed to land in by a feverish hammering the bottom of the lane from our coal house with such a which gradually reduced the our house. They were both thump (10cwt) after a drop spurt until it was a small fine born in Ireland and came of something like 12 feet. spray. This was left until the over to England during the Coal was 2/6d a load. plumber had time to come, famine years of 1848. They so we were never short of kept pigs, hens and ducks, The cottage itself had three water, or indeed a nice also a couple of goats. I rooms. The living room ‘slippy slide’ from the remember being horrified at contained a bed corner. wastage from under the the spectacle of old Barney One large bedroom and a wash house door which severing the head of a duck tiny room with a very small flowed and froze half way on a chopping block. window high in the wall, a down the garden path. By Throwing it down in the yard fairly large pantry the time I was five, Dad and it ran round in circles for completed the Mam had another three

Esh Leaves Page 4 November 2004 children, all boys, Frank, who was often caught and with Mgr. Broadhead, the Bert and Allie. Four children often forgiven was ‘Flacker’ Procurator at the time. He it in under five years. Jones, a well known local was who installed them in character. Dad kept the two the Lodge. He said “Frank, Among the small children of gardens in good shape and you will rue every hair in the village at the time were cultivated nearly all our your head that you left the Henry Crow, Tom Smith necessary vegetables. Lodge”. Father lived until he and the brothers Swinbank. was seventy and still had an Among the few girls was my I should have mentioned abundant crop of hair. I childhood idol Polly Rowe before this that Dad and hope the Rev Procurator’s who lived at the big stone Man had ‘set up’ house at prophecy was not true. house across the road. The Lodge, Ushaw College When they left the Lodge, Many times we walked immediately after their the Post Office was taken down to ‘Jones’ hand in wedding in 1900. This was over by mother’s brother hand to spend our pennies. also the local Post Office, Uncle Frank Wrangham. He I seem to recall things like and Telegraph Office. They held the position until daisy chains, violets, and were considered highly business was transferred to sticky ‘rocket’ toffee. The favoured to get a house and the college about 1930. So latter was one of the position such as this we might say it remained in famous sweetmeats of the particularly being so young. the family. Many school day together with Barratts It came as a great surprise holidays I spent at the candy cigarettes bullseyes, to everyone when Dad Lodge with Uncle Frank, and liquorice strips, or asked for a change of Aunt Emily and family. bootlaces. The bullseyes houses, and eventually used to change from one moved into the aforesaid No © Terry Goundry'. colour to another and the 1 Hill Top. One factor in the Readers are asked not to liquorice was so hard it was move was Mother’s reproduce copies of this called ‘everlasting strips’. nervousness at being left article without permission Chocolate coming more into along so long in the isolated favour was much more Lodge House. Telegrams COUNCIL NEWS expensive. We often would come in at all hours managed a bottle of of the day and night, which PARISH CLERK lemonade in the old type meant sometimes Dad had bottle sealed with a ‘pop to get out his cycle and Now for some domestic alley’ or ‘glass alley’. These deliver telegrams to Quebec news for a change. As were always retrieved from (which had its own mentioned in a previous any broken bottles and Telegraph Office, Mr edition of Esh Leaves after used in ‘marbles’. Adcock the Postmaster), 10 years in post the existing Esh Winning, Langley Park, Clerk will be stepping down Our house had two gardens or more often up the drive early next year to a more one big, one small. the to Ushaw College. minor role. large one faced east, Nevertheless Mother was screened by trees and an sometimes on her own for We are delighted to ivy covered embankment or long periods at night. There announce that following the quarry face on the roadside. was no outside lighting of advertisement of this post, We also had fruit trees any description, and I can and a careful selection and including gooseberries, red imagine her sitting by the oil interview process, a former and blackcurrants and an lamp within and hearing the Langley Park resident, apple tree. This fruit was wind howling through the Geoff Smith, has been often the target of trees without. appointed as Clerk marauding pit lads on their Designate and took up his way to work at Hill Top Drift Dad and Mam were to face position on 1st August 2004. in the early morning. One a rather stormy interview Geoff is currently

Esh Leaves Page 5 November 2004 undertaking a course enhanced role that such The Accreditation leading towards a councils will play. Unitary, process Certificate in Local Council County and District Administration to enable the Councils are to be strongly Applications for Quality Parish Council to seek encouraged to enter into Parish Status are to be accreditation as a Quality agreement with Quality vetted by a County Parish Council. More on this Parish Councils. Accreditation Panel. later. Geoff is currently employed by the City of The Quality Criteria Where an application for Durham Council as a Quality status is successful, Community Services For a parish council to the parish council will Officer. attain Quality status, it receive with their needs to satisfy a series of notification a certificate Geoff is a keen football fan tests on the following:- signed by the chairman of (for obvious reasons we are the accreditation panel. not stating which team) and 1. Electoral Mandate Upon receipt of the decision is looking forward to taking In the ideal world all seats and certificate, the parish the Council through to QPC are filled out the outset of a council will be entitled to status and all that might go new term of office and use the Quality Parish with that distinction. Parish Councils must be Council logo and will be seen to be pro active in able to contact its principal Welcome back to Langley having a mandate from its local authorities about Park Geoff. community negotiating new or revised 2. Qualifications of the Charter arrangements. The As mentioned already the Clerk panel will notify principal Parish Council would like to Parish Clerks must hold one local authorities of seek accreditation as a of two nominated successful applications. Quality Parish Council – we qualifications set out below more 3. Council Meetings Applications for information on such At least 6 meetings each accreditation can now be Councils. year, including the Annual made to the local Panel and Meeting, with time allowed indeed several Parish QUALITY PARISH for Public participation Clerks in the County are in COUNCILS 4. Communications the process preparing Various mandatory and portfolios as part of their The Quality Council discretionary requirements “qualification” process). Scheme Benefits including at least 4 newsletters a year If a parish council is Quality Parish Councils will 5. Annual Reports successful and is awarded play an enhanced role in Councils should publish Quality status, the their communities: Annual Reports accreditation period lasts for 6. Accounts 4 years and up to 3 months This enhanced role will be Councils should comply from the date of notification achieved through the with the Accounts and Audit negotiation of Charters with Regulations The Charter principal authorities. 7. Ethical Framework Charters will be in two Adopt the Model Code of The Charter will set out how parts, the first part concerns Conduct principles. the principal local all parish councils and the authorities and parish second part applies to Satisfying the Panel on all councils will work in parish councils that have these requirements is partnership. It will cover the attained Quality Parish mandatory. relations between the Status and sets out the principal local authority and Esh Leaves Page 6 November 2004 parish council and will also it should be formally then goes along another set out the additional reviewed from time to time, track to the right of the benefits and responsibilities possibly every 4 years. mobile phone transmitter. that parish councils can Continue on this track for expect from achieving It is expected that funding about ¼ mile until you meet Quality status. for any devolved powers will the track coming up from be handed down by the Witton on your left. On your The following is a list of principal local authority to right there is a style. Go some functions that might the parish council. over this and diagonally be considered for across the field to the top delegation to parish A Winter Walk left-hand corner. Turn left councils by the principal and walk along the top of local authority: - This is a walk of about four- the next field to the and-a-half miles that the cottages. You are now on • Control of markets Parish Council will be the Parish Walk. Continue nd • Street cleaning organising on Sunday 2 to Esh, but at Esh Hall go • Maintenance of highway January 2005. Mince pies into the village and take the verges, footways and will be provided in the path by the side of the footpaths Parish Rooms at the end of Cross Keys (if you are • Litter collection and litter the walk! doing this walk on your control measures own, you could stop here • Street lighting (other Remember that this is a for a pint of Edwin’s than principal routes) winter walk, and some of excellent ale, but remember • Recycling provisions the paths can be muddy, so you still have to negotiate stout footwear is the path back to Langley!). • Street naming recommended. The walk • Parking restrictions (and takes in the Parish Walk There are two routes to take related matters) from Ushaw Rookery to now. The most direct is to Issue of bus and rail • Esh, so if you want to do follow the track down, but at passes and other the walk on your own you the first fence turn left down transport voucher can make your way along a steep slope and follow schemes (e.g. taxi the Parish Walk to join this this track to the main road. vouchers) particular walk. However, as This route can be a little • Road safety measures Julie Andrews would say difficult, so the alternative is • Noise and nuisance “Let’s start at the very to continue into the next abatement beginning, a very good field, then go over the style • Tree Preservation place to start” (rumour has it in the bottom right-hand Orders that the Parish Clerk and corner, along the field edge • Some aspects of the Parish Clerk designate for about 50 yards, then left development control will be singing a chorus of over the style, straight down • Some aspects of the “Climb Every Mountain” at the next field, over the next management of libraries Esh Hilltop!). style, immediately right then and museums diagonally across the next • Some aspects of leisure We will start from the field and through the Willow and tourism provision railway path at the entrance Park estate. (e.g. bowling greens, to Langley Park at 12.45pm playing fields, issue of taking in the following route. Once at the main road go leisure permits) down the track to Blackburn • Public conveniences On to Witton Station, and farm and take the railway • Allotments then the track up the hill to track back into Langley and, • Taxi and public the left of the riding stables. if on the Parish Council’s entertainment licensing At the top of the hill the path special Winter Walk, you Once a Charter is in place, bends slightly to the left should finish with a well Esh Leaves Page 7 November 2004 earned mince pie in the Parish Room!

In the event of inclement weather readers are advised to contact the Parish Clerk on SALZBURG, correction DURHAM 3843799, on the morning of the Walk, to check that it is still on!

Old Photographs

We are always on the Photograph from an early Esh OAP treat lookout for old photographs of the Parish for inclusion on our website. A recent check on visits to our site showed that there had been a great deal of interest in the photograph section including a certain company based in Surrey.

This was a recent business which needed an interesting photograph for mailing purposes (more of a large postcard than a card). The Presentation of the framed card and cheque by Director put certain key Allan Mollon to Edwin Pickersgill at the Cross Keys Inn words into the google search engine in order to card (since framed) and the GP Surgery Access Bus find photographs of old cheque. Again see the aged pensioners parties. photograph above. If The Lanchester area GP Would you believe it that anyone can name any of surgery access bus (door to the first of many sites found the people in the door accessible service for was ours! The director was photograph at the top of this those unable to use so impressed with one of page we would be very public transport - covering the photographs (see interested in hearing from Langley Park GPs) has just opposite) that she asked for them. taken delivery of a new bus our permission to use it in which will enter service return for a small donation If any resident has some old shortly. to the Esh Treat Fund. photographs, or postcards, that the Parish Council can GP access bus bookings We were pleased to give borrow for its web site, are made by telephoning our consent as it gave more would they please contact 0191 383 5383. potential coverage for our the Clerk on 0191 3736687. site and we have now Why not have a look at our Why not visit our website at followed this up with a display of photographs by formal presentation of both visiting our web site and the Company’s business clicking onto old photographs.

Esh Leaves Page 8 November 2004

Special Events on the Net the Clerk, Chairman and Proposed Langley Wind “local” Councillor if a Farm Esh Parish Council will response is required shortly be offering the public before the Meeting. EDF Energy is intending to a new service via its e) In some cases the apply for planning Website. If you have any Parish Council will host a permission to construct and photographs you would be public meeting to enable operate a wind farm at interested in storing on a an applicant to outline Langley, to the east of private section of our their proposals in more Burnhope, County Durham. website, for you or a friend detail. The reason for the proposal or relative to access for f) We try and list all is that global warming is a viewing, this service will applications on our web reality and to counter it, the soon be available - contact site with details of our UK proposes to generate the Clerk on 0191 3736687 response. These will 15% of its electricity from for details. also be found in our renewable sources by 2015. Minutes usually This is in response to the Planning Applications published on our web UK Government's site within a fortnight of commitment to tackle In 2004 the Parish Council being adopted, and also climate change by reducing has considered around 60 deposited at the library carbon dioxide emissions, applications for proposed service point. one of the greenhouse developments within our We should make it clear gases. Ward. This is how we deal that the Parish Council is with them. only one of many Wind is a proven economic a) Derwentside District consultees on any technology and the fuel is Council sends a list of all application. The actual free and inexhaustible. The applications registered decision is eventually UK is the windiest country for consideration each determined either by (i) the in Europe and by week. Planning Officer (where harnessing it, a significant b) The list is checked by delegated) or (ii) the District contribution can be made the Clerk and if any or County Council towards UK energy needs application affects our Development Control and reducing emissions. Ward contact is made Committees (where with the relevant appropriate) or (iii) the The wind farm proposal is in Planning Officer to agree Planning Inspectorate the initial stages of a deadline date for following any possible development and a detailed comments for inclusion appeal lodged against the and comprehensive on any public notice District or County Council’s Environmental Impact advising residents of the refusal of planning Assessment (EIA) is being proposed development. permission. prepared by EDF Energy's c) Notices are usually Readers can access details consultant, PB Power. The displayed at the nearest of the District Councils EIA will consider a wide information point to the decisions on any application range of issues including subject site (either in the submitted during 2003 and visual impact, sound, TV noticeboards at Esh, 2004 via the Parish and radio, wildlife such as Quebec or in the Council Page on our birds, shadow flicker and Langley Park Post website. traffic. Office). One of the more recent d) If the time permits the potential applications was As part of this process, EDF matter will be discussed for a proposed Wind Farm Energy is seeking the views at the next Parish east of Burnhope (not in our of local people to feed into Council Meeting, or will area but could overlook it!). the EIA. Consultation with have been delegated to More on this follows. the planning authorities and

Esh Leaves Page 9 November 2004 other interested parties such as English Nature and Durham Wildlife Trust is ongoing. Therefore, Public Exhibitions were held at various locations throughout the district during September and October

EDF Energy would like to know your views on the proposed wind farm to take these into account as far as is possible in the design of the project and the manner in which the Environmental Impact Assessment is Exhibit from a recent EDF exhibition at Langley Park undertaken. Plans of the electricity to up to 6,650 Tony Scorer proposed wind farm will be homes and would lead to Project Manager available for viewing at the savings of around 24,800 EDF Energy exhibitions, with members tonnes of carbon dioxide Endeavour House of the project team on hand every year. The wind is not Victory Way to answer questions and to available on a continuous Doxford International listen to the views of the basis, although the turbines Business Park community. will be generating electricity Sunderland for approximately 75% of SR3 3XL The wind farm layout, the year, around 30% at full number and size of turbines output. Tel: 0191 512 5837 Fax: will not be finalised until 0191 512 5844 completion of the Any planning application Environmental Impact would be for a twenty five Alternatively if you would Assessment, when the year period when the site like to visit some of the results of all studies will be would be decommissioned existing wind turbine sites analysed. It is currently and, as the wind turbines then contact Tony Scorer to expected that up to 4 will be dismantled, there will discuss possible turbines could be installed be no legacy of pollution for arrangements for such a at the Langley site, east of future generations. visit. Burnhope. Each turbine is expected to stand up to If you can't attend the Pantomime 102m to blade tip, which is exhibitions in person and similar to the height of the would like a project At the time of going to press existing turbines at information leaflet or have we have provisionally Holmside Hall, near any additional questions, arranged for The Craghead. The turbines are then please contact EDF Pantomime Company to expected to be rated around Energy as follows: perform Aladdin at 2.15pm 2.75MW each, depending on Saturday 18th December on the size of tower and 2004 at the Wood View machine selected. The Why not visit the Esh Parish Community Centre. project, if approved, would Council website at provide clean, green Watch out for posters which should be displayed shortly.

Esh Leaves Page 10 November 2004

Christmas Decorations Landscapes for their Langley Park Noticeboard generous sponsorship The Parish Council has towards the tree. Currently with the sign once again agreed to maker. Hopefully will have provide Christmas trees in Church Street Community been installed before our Esh, Langley Park and Centre Garden next edition. Quebec. It is intended to install the trees and turn on the lights on Thursday 25th November 2004 (Langley Park) and on Friday 26th November 2004 (Esh and Quebec).

We are delighted to say that all being well the lights will be turned on by one or more of the stars from the forthcoming pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appearing at the Gala Theatre, Durham from 4th December 2004 to 8th January 2005. It is hoped that one or other or possibly The rejuvenated garden at Church Street Community Centre both Snow White and The Court Jester, together with During the recent Casual Vacancy some of the dwarfs will not alterations at the front only turn on our lights entrance to the Church Following the resignation of around 4:30pm but will also Street Community Centre a Councillor (Langley Park spend some time at the visitors have been diverted Ward) the District Council local Schools beforehand. to the rear entrance through advertised the vacancy for See posters for details. the Secret Garden at the the statutory period in early back of the property. October 2004. One local Pupils from Langley Park Although once a well resident, with the support of Primary School will once cultivated garden it has, 10 signatories, requested again be painting seasonal until recent weeks, looked Derwentside District Council murals to attach to the out of sorts. to hold an election. Subject fencing around the Langley to more than one eligible Park tree. This year we are However thanks to the candidate applying for the arranging for the paintings considerable efforts of Joan vacancy by 12th November to be drawn on more robust Allport, David Rider and 2004 the District Council will boards to be securely fixed Gordon Coulson the garden hold an election on to the fence. Our thanks to is now much improved - Thursday 9th December the pupils for their help and attracting many positive 2004. to NJC Wrought Iron and comments from both users Durham County Council. and visitors to the Centre. A Annual Audit big thank you to Joan, The Parish Council would David and Gordon for all Esh Parish Council’s also like to thank the Cross their hard work. Who needs accounts for 2003/04 have Keys Inn at Esh, FTL, the Ground Force team now been audited by an Olivers Tree Services when we have these 3 External Auditor. No major Limited and Whartons volunteers in our Parish! issues were identified by

Esh Leaves Page 11 November 2004 the Auditor excepting that a are up about 15% since the opportunity of joining a recommendation was made start of the new series of workshops on to prepare a more detailed arrangements which is very drama, cooking, singing and Risk Management Plan – encouraging. The timetable learning a few words in a this is now being was included in the June new language. addressed. 2004 edition of Esh Leaves Extra. Sports Parish Council Meetings Play Areas Several of our children won All Meetings commence at honours at the swimming 7.00pm (excepting when Readers are reminded that gala at Consett swimming following the Annual the Springwell Avenue and baths. The girls football Assembly and the Annual Davis Crescent sites, in team completed their General Meeting) in the Langley Park, are no longer second season and are well Parish Room, Church Street designated Parish Council underway with the third. Community Centre and at play areas. The boys football team are other locations. The choice NEWS FROM LANGLEY playing in a local league at of venue is subject to an PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL Burnhope and have been annual review at the Annual performing well this season. General Meeting. Educational Visits 25 children from Years 5 & Members of the public are To complement the 6 went to Newcastle Arena welcome to attend the non- children’s topic work, for the Great North Sport & confidential part of the educational trips were Fitness Show. They took Agenda and there is an organized in the summer part in cycling, basketball, opportunity to raise matters term for the children. Visits rock climbing, ice hockey, of interest at the end of this were made to Hall Hill tennis, rugby, table tennis part of the Agenda. Farm, the Sea Life Centre, and boxing. They also had Hamsterley Forest, Whitley their photograph taken with Next Meetings Bay, Harperley POW camp, the Rugby World Cup. A the Roman Wall, the wonderful time was had by 14th December 2004 ‘Science is Great’ exhibition everyone. 11th January 2005 at the University of 8th February 2005 Teesside and the DLI Music 8th March 2005 Sculpture trail.

Winter Gritting

Watch out for details in the usual places.

Hanging Baskets

Another season over. More Music in school has been than 60 baskets provided Some of the children particularly enjoyable with a and watered by Paul enjoyed European Day at visit by a steel band which Snowdon. County Hall. The theme had the children clapping was ‘Fairy Tales’ and our and dancing. The choir had Service 767 children dramatised ‘The wonderful after-school Elves and the Shoemaker’. sessions with gospel The latest advice received The day began with a singers. On the 12 July the from the County Council is continental breakfast, and pupils of Langley Park that generally passengers the children had the Primary School were

Esh Leaves Page 12 November 2004 treated to an amazing various first hand Card’ and the North East Air spectacle. Some teenage experiences including Ambulance Service. students from a school in dressing up in traditional New Zealand came to clothes. It gave them a By Margaret Snailham entertain them. The better understanding and Deputy Headteacher students came from a supported the children’s BUSINESS MATTERS mainly Maori college and learning more effectively. were touring the country to Visits to a Hindu temple, demonstrate traditional Jewish synagogue, local Diggerland Maori song and dance. churches and are also planned Diggerland Durham closes Firstly, the pupils from for this term enabling the for the winter on 28th Langley Park performed children to see the context November 2004 and opens some songs for the visitors. in which some rituals and again on 12th February The Maori students really ceremonies are carried out. 2005. appreciated this. Then their performance began. The Harvest Festival Christmas Creative power of the Maori charts Company and synchronized dance Our traditional Harvest moves had to be heard and Festival takes place this th Creative Christmas seen to be believed! It’s a year on October 20 . The Company Factory Shop day that the pupils of theme this year is Harvest Opening Hours Langley Park will not forget! around the world and monies collected from Monday - Thursday First Hand Experience parents and visitors will be 10.00am - 4.00pm donated to the charities ‘Show Racism the Red Friday 10.00am To 1.00pm


Car, Light Truck & Farm Tyres

Car Servicing, Repairs & MOT preparation

The importance of first hand Bill Johnston experience in children’s Langley Park 0191 373 3501 understanding of different religions is a priority at our We don't make a song and dance about our prices! school. A visit to a Sikh temple at South Shields All Car Owners - Essential- Winter Check! . was made by Year 3 children. The visit was very Tyres: Tread depth, pressure, sidewall damage. Don't forget spare! successful with the children Lights: Side lights, headlamps, brake lights, fog lights, reverse lights, indicators and staff given the Wipers: Check wiper blades, front and rear for splitting Washers: Check water levels, add washer fluid to stop water freezing opportunity to carry out the Battery: Check terminals for corrosion, check battery level traditional routines of the Cooling system: Check for leaks, check anti-freeze strength and top up Sikh religion and gave them Fan belt: Check for cracks, check tension an insight into why these Be smart - don't bother checking these yourself, have it done FREE and without routines are important. obligation by the professionals FTL Fastfit Tyres Langley Another group of children had a visiting Hindu Phone 0191 3733501 for your FREE, no obligation check.. speaker in school who gave Esh Leaves Page 13 November 2004

Village Choice

Many years after Freddy Gray closed the door on his grocers shop in Quebec Street, Langley Park, a new business has been open for two years selling a wide variety of goods. ! With Christmas fast approaching, everyone's thoughts are occupied trying to think of the perfect gift. Something different from the socks, chocolates, bubble bath and the usual Staff and Customers line up outside Fothergills Pies, Bearpark array of gifts which are put Fothergills Pies On The in a cupboard and donated Move to the summer bring and We understand that this site buy sale. has been refreshed and we In our previous edition we have been asked to point advised readers that John Well now there's something out that it should now be Fothergill had extended his different available in the easier to navigate. empire into Bearpark. John village. How about a is now well established in didgeridoo, djembe drum or Whilst on the subject of web his new premises and an absolutely amazing sites we would like to recently found time to have Kenyan thunder tube. remind our readers that the his photograph taken Parish Council web site is:- outside his new premises. Try a visit to the Village www.eshparishcouncil.go Choice in Quebec Street John’s Bank Manager has where you will find gifts indicated his support for from all parts of the world, Recent changes include – further growth and all we with something suitable for the addition of a section on can say is watch out all ages. the History of Esh Parish, Greggs your place in the and a Roll of Honour. FTSE top 100 shares index As well as a variety of is under threat! ethnic musical instrument We are taking the you will also find soapstone opportunity of repeating this Vacancies carvings from Kenya and web site information as we India, together with wooden understand that some Occasionally looking for objet d'art from Bali and residents still think that our staff Thailand. site is under a different address – this can be Country Style – Ring So treat yourself, family or confusing – remember we Margaret on 3731733 friends to something are the only official site for different for all occasions as Esh Parish Council news Red Tiles Service Station – well as helping craftsmen Ring Louise on 3735324 from other parts of the world as all goods are handmade NJC Wrought Iron and guaranteed fair trade. (Labourer required) ring Jeremy on 3739714

Esh Leaves Page 14 November 2004


Our Supermarkets seem to be getting larger and larger these days with their overwhelming display of foods and produce. We have now become so accustomed to this fast- track way of shopping that I had almost forgotten about the old-fashioned village shop of my childhood where things moved at a more leisurely pace, and nothing was hermetically sealed in W. Aynsley's grocery shop at the corner of Quebec Street, Langley Park in the plastic. 1920’s. Next to Aynsley’s shop was the Bell Brothers drapery shop. Does anyone know what the third shop sold? Perhaps it was an Off Licence or a Wet Fish shop? That is, until my wife and I (Many thanks to Mr. G. Nairn for use of the photograph) entered this delightful shop in Corbridge, where we meat backwards and that day I had other things were transported back in forwards across a revolving on my mind as I patiently time more than fifty years. circular blade to produce waited my turn. Tightly Gently wafting all around us slice upon slice of beautiful gripping the edge of the was that wonderful smell of home cooked ham. counter I carefully surveyed spices, tea and freshly the glorious display of ground coffee, crumbly Behind the counter were mouth-watering sweets cheese, slices of home rows of polished wooden before my eyes. cooked ham, and a host of shelves and small wooden savoury delights. Sitting on drawers filled with spices This wasn't a time to be high shelves were row upon from around the world. As rushed. There were row of paper-topped pots of I savoured the wonderful decisions to be made. jam, pickles and spices. It exotic smells all around me Pear Drops, Black Bullets, was like an Aladdin's Cave I watched the old man with Lemon Sherbets, Wine of delicious food from great fascination as he Gums, Pontefract Cakes, another age. pulled a thin wire across a Liquorice Sticks, Toasted huge round cheese to Teacakes, Dolly Mixtures, I could see myself back as produce a clean white Humbugs, Aniseed Balls, a child in our old village wedge that fell onto Coconut Mushrooms, shop. Barely able to reach greaseproof paper and be Sherbet Fountains with a the top of the strong quickly wrapped by nimble Liquorice dip, the selection wooden counter I remember fingers. seemed endless. While keenly watching the old checking the few pennies in shopkeeper carefully cut a It was a real pleasure just to my pocket I found the block from an enormous enter that friendly village decision an almost barrel shaped mound of shop. I can still hear the impossible task to make, as butter on the counter and ‘ting’ from the little bell I loved every one of them. place it on greaseproof above the shop door. paper to be weighed. He There was a warmth and I feel sure many readers will would then turned the welcome feeling there as recall a similar happy handle of a machine that everyone happily chatted childhood memory in such a moved a large chunk of about this and that. Yet, village shop.

Esh Leaves Page 15 November 2004

The village shop has always been far more than a place where money is taken and banged in a till. It's like a kind of friendly institution; a sort of extension to our own home where regular customers are warmly welcomed by their first name and conversation flows freely.

I have been talking to a number of people who remember the old-fashioned Langley Park shops. There The former Kings and Hippodrome Cinemas was Aynsley's, on the corner of Quebec Street, and Walter Wilson Ltd, good old days when we, assembled at the New Meadow Dairy and more senior citizens, Board Inn for the start of the Thompson's Stamp Store in enjoyed our Saturday 33rd Beamish Trophy Rally Front Street are all morning visits to the cinema which takes in over 100 affectionately remembered, wondering just how Buster miles in 3 different counties. and of course the Co-op Crabbe and Carol Hughes All but 8 finished the course who had a whole block of would extricate themselves - a great tribute to those traditional shops in those from yet another impossible involved in building these days. situation. Forget about Dr marvellous machines, some No just for one minute the now nearly 90 years old. We are very fortunate to Emperor Ming was the one have a good variety of you really had to worry The entrants endured some shops in Langley Park, and about! strong winds, and some it's good to see that most of tricky water crossings, and the owners and assistants With all these in mind if any had to answer questions on still continue that long reader would like to share the highway code and tradition of a personalised their memories of these two motoring history. and friendly service we all Flicks please get in touch came to love so much in the with us (details on the front Every entrant received a old-fashioned village shop. cover) and if you have any badge and date bar. The photographs (inside or oldest motorcycle a 1918 Terry Chilton. outside shots) we would Triumph 550c Triumph was very much like to borrow ridden by a Noel Whittal. THE OLD KINGS AND them to use in our next HIPPODROME CINEMAS edition. Well done to the organisers, CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCI Durham Classic Motorcycle Readers will no doubt BEAMISH TROPHY Club and particularly their recognise these two TRIAL Secretary, Pete Robson for buildings. What some of another great event. If any you might not realise is that reader is interested in they were once used as Around 100 motorcycles, joining the Club why not cinemas. We thought it time cycle cars, tricycles, micro contact Pete on 0191 therefore to write an article cars and light cars 3710866. Better still why on our old picture houses to manufactured before 1979 not go along to one of their remind us all of those Club meetings which are

Esh Leaves Page 16 November 2004 held on the first Sunday of every month at The Glendenning Arms, Witton Gilbert at 7.30pm


Town Centre Events

Middle Street in Consett Monday 13th December 2004

rd Competitors from the 33 Beamish Trophy Trial The Louisa Centre in Stanley Tuesday 14th December 2004. future" conference on and Esh Hillside area with 23.9.04.This covered all Nomad Housing Both events start at 6 p.m. aspects of Domestic Association building houses and Santa will be there with Violence, including, same for rent his elves giving away free sex relationships, violence presents to the children. towards men, and elder Housing Department The Salvation Army Band abuse. The conference was Stock Options might also be there to very successful and gained provide some atmosphere regional and national On 13th July 2004 and carol sheets are recognition. Derwentside District Council handed out for the public to unanimously supported the sing along. ANY victim of domestic recommendation to apply violence can contact the for a place on the Pantomime Domestic Violence Forum Government's stock transfer (confidential) 01207 591132 programme. At the Consett Empire from or The Council does NOT 18th to 30th December 2004 [email protected] intend to sell the houses to - Jack & The Beanstalk k a private company. A Local Housing Company would be Tickets are £10 & £8 and Regeneration set up by the Council in groups get 1 ticket in every Derwentside. 10 free. We are nearing the end of the relocation process for Around 3,000 tenants Would all School/nursery the tenants in the completed the Decent groups please note that designated properties in Hill Homes Questionnaire and there are still a few seats Top View. Once all tenants told us what they would like left for the schools' matinee have been relocated the to see to there homes, on Monday 20th December site will be cleared and estates and housing service 2004. future development will then be instigated The Council would need in Derwentside Domestic the region of £117 million to Violence Forum Work has also commenced meet all the tenants on 2 sites in the Park Drive aspirations for Held the "Step into the improvements We are only likely to have

Esh Leaves Page 17 November 2004

£27 million available up to Consett and the main aim of special projects. 2010 leaving a £90 million her role is to maintain shortfall. information on funding If you or anyone you know sources, to would like any funding Stock transfer would enable provide advice and support advice, please feel free to us to spend £67 million by to local groups who want to contact Carol on 01207 2010 and up to £226 million apply for funding 218217 or by email at over a 30 year period for local projects and to [email protected] increase the take-up of The increased investment funding throughout the Langley Park would not only improve the District. Neighbourhood Office existing properties but would have a greater Carol believes that external Now has a Money Advice overall improvement in the funding has a vital role to service available - by estates and areas as a play in improving the quality appointment - to enable whole of life in the area and is people to maximise their looking forward to working benefits and generally seek What happens next ? with local groups to develop benefits advice. We need to have approval projects, identify Can people please from the Government Office appropriate funders and remember to use the office in Newcastle. We will prepare as it is there for the benefits prepare an expression of funding applications. She wi of all residents and can interest document for the ll also be responsible for provide advice and Government in October updating the assistance on the full range 2004. Derwentside Funding Guide of council services. If that is successful we need which is available online at to make a full application to CCTV in Esh Parish the Government in uk/documents.asp December 2004. Dewentside District Council There is funding available is in the process of installing Tenants will then be asked for a wealth of purposes up to 3 cameras in each to consider the option to and different donors ward. transfer b ballot and only if have different priorities. We there is a majority Yes vote have helped many projects The system is based on the can the transfer go ahead. over the past few latest wireless technology, years which have been which takes advantage of The earliest a transfer can concerned with improving Derwentside District take place is April 2006 education, health, or the Council’s I.T. broadband environment; the reduction network. The pan, tilt and All tenants should receive a of crime or increased acces zoom cameras are placed copy of Key Issues s to sports facilities; on twelve metre poles and magazine explaining this in projects which help provide high quality images more detail. Additional disadvantaged people? both day and night, with a copies are available for the such as young people, the zoom capacity to register Council Offices. elderly or people with incidents well beyond their disabilities; and projects immediate vicinity. Funding promoting the arts, culture or local The new digital technology, Derwentside Council has re heritage. Money can be unlike the early CCTV cently appointed Carol Reid used to help with start-up systems, provides pictures to the post of Funding costs, to provide specialist that are crystal clear and Support Officer. Carol is equipment, to assist with acceptable as evidence in a based in the Civic Centre in ongoing costs or to fund court of law to help obtain

Esh Leaves Page 18 November 2004 prosecutions. The images Derwentside – Your show how we will tackle are recorded real time and Chance to have Your Say those concerns and will be kept for 31 days as in line used to monitor progress with Home Office best Ever been a victim of during these three years. practice. crime? Worried anyway about the risk of becoming Andrew North of Durham For example the new a victim? Think that no one County Council and Chair of generation of cameras have is tackling the real issues the Derwentside Crime and the capability to identify the which worry you? Disorder Reduction design on a persons tie, or Partnership said ‘this is the the numbers on a People in Derwentside will third strategy which the Policeman’s shoulder shortly have the chance to Partnership will have epaulette, from a distance have their say in what really produced. The previous of some 200 metres. This concerns them about crime two have seen impressive quality of image makes it and disorder in their area. reductions in recorded easier to identify criminals The Derwentside Crime and crime rates, which show and those intent on criminal Disorder Reduction without doubt that or ant-social behaviour. Partnership has by law to Derwentside is one of the consult people every three safest places in England to The cameras are years on what really live and work.’ professionally controlled concerns them. We are and monitored from a doing this throughout Councillor Carl Christer, central control room 24hrs a November this year. The Derwentside Councillor day, 365 days a year, with Partnership then has to responsible for Community links to the Police work together to tackle Safety matters said ‘I urge Communication Centre. these concerns, and to you to have your say in the keep local people informed forthcoming audit of All cameras are located and involved throughout. concerns. Listening to your only after extensive concerns in the past has consultation with the Police, Your concerns can range resulted in really effective local Councillors, and where from burglaries, to drugs to joint working to reduce appropriate Council youths hanging about on crime and the fear which it Departments. The Council corners to litter, abandoned causes. Initiatives include a is at present in the process cars, dog fouling and noisy massive expansion of of reviewing locations within and abusive neighbours. CCTV coverage throughout the Esh ward for installation Whatever your concerns, the district; the Police over the following months. we want to hear from you. StreetSafe scheme, So throughout November, dedicated police bikes to we will be consulting widely. tackle the widespread You may be selected as problem of illegal scrambler part of our random survey bikes; Police Community of residents; if not you can Support Officers patrolling still have your say, as the streets; more high questionnaires will be left in visibility policing; evictions all public buildings in and Anti Social Behaviour Derwentside, and will also Orders (ASBOs) against be posted on our website. those who make others’ lives a misery; effective The results of the survey working with young people

will be used to develop and to help prevent them getting CCTV Camera Crime and Disorder in publish a three-year into trouble; tough action strategy starting from April against perpetrators of 2005. The strategy will domestic violence.

Esh Leaves Page 19 November 2004

Chief Superintendent Derek SUMMER OUTING Thanks to all who planned Hall, Divisional Commander this trip and who gave to the for the North of the County Raffle and donated money commended the and prizes throughout the Partnership approach to It was a fine morning on year. A collection was tackling crime and disorder August 2nd when County taken on the buses and I in Derwentside. ‘Joint Coaches came into Langley hope people gave working has brought about Park for the Annual generously to help towards good results; however no Goodwill Trip. Four of the a trip for 2005. one is being complacent. buses picked up around the LANCHESTER LIONS We have done well in some villa, the fifth bus was for CHRISTMAS PARTY areas; other areas need to adults and children. The improve. It is vital that we - family of Mr. & Mrs. Jones Lanchester Lions provide a the Partnership, the and friends looked after the bus for the trip and for a member agencies, and the passengers and handed Christmas dinner at community.-. continue this sweets around. When we Lanchester for Langley Park good work. arrived at South Shields the and Mrs Esther Calland buses stopped at the large organises this. This is a Contact for further details: Tom Market for those people lovely gesture and they Clifford, Community Safety and who wanted to shop and deserve a big Thank You. Information Officer, Derwentside then the buses proceeded District Council. Tel 01207 218 to the sea front car park. ROLL OF HONOUR 434;email [email protected] South Shields is ideal for

shopping:- a Museum which DROPPED KERBS has a lot of Catherine As mentioned previously

Cookson memories, plenty the Esh Parish Council

of cafes, a lovely park and website now has a Roll of Residents will have noticed boating lake and a large Honour. This was several dropped kerbs have amusement park. The suggested by a local been constructed at various streets are wide and ideal resident to honour the dead locations throughout the for pedestrians. At 5p.m. of both World Wars and Parish. Our thanks to everyone collected at the other conflicts and can be County Councillor Joe car park for the return found at: Armstrong for all his hard journey with extra bags word in implementing this bearing the shops logo. A k/Wardead/wardead.html important and beneficial good day was had by all. programme of work.

The Royal British

Legion (Langley

SPEEDING Park Women’s

Section) are

hoping to have a

Residents may rest assured reference to the that the Parish Council is Unknown Soldier doing all it can to reduce the on the War level of reckless speeding Memorial so that taking place at various he can be entrance points into the remembered with

Parish. Please help us to those who gave make this a safe area in their lives in the which to live. Second World

War. Passengers embark for the 2004 Goodwill Trip

Esh Leaves Page 20 November 2004

WILDLIFE CORNER where their food should not bonfire over before you light AUTUMN 2004 be frozen into the ground. it to give them a chance to escape. Feeding garden birds Now's the time when should be starting around If you haven't already got everything is preparing for now. Our gardens are the one, it is a good idea to put winter. Any sensible biggest nature reserve we up a bat box. Up to thirty of migratory birds have have! Apart from the high these fascinating creatures already moved to their protein foods such as seeds will huddle together in one winter quarters. We all and nuts that are sold for to keep themselves warm in know that swallows and wild bird food, they will be the winter. In the summer martins move south for the desperately in need of they will reward you by winter, but how many energy food to keep their eating thousands of the people are aware that such body temperature up. midges and flies that might things as rooks are also on For this reason, we usually otherwise plague you. the move? mix the seeds with lard or They need at least 3,000 Living next to a rookery, I dripping before packing it each a day in the summer knew that there were rooks into a variety of containers and autumn. (and jackdaws) there all the and hanging it in the year round but it wasn't until garden. The more different Another easy way of ridding Newcastle University came sorts of containers you yourselves of a nuisance is to do a ringing exercise that have, the greater the variety to make ladybird and I discovered that my winter of birds you should get lacewing homes out of neighbours were totally coming to feed because bundles of dry hollow stems different individuals to the they all have different such as those of hogweed summer ones! preferences for their (not the giant variety!). Just method of eating. For leave them in sheltered The birds that are here in instance, woodpeckers like places around the garden, the winter have moved to peck their food out of then those useful insects south from Scotland and the holes in logs while tits are will creep inside to summer population are quite happy to hang upside- hibernate and in the spring wintering in the south of down to get theirs out of an they'll feast on any greenfly England. In the winter we inverted yoghurt pot. on your roses. have huge flocks of wild geese and swans on all the Hibernating animals like In general, try not to make suitable lakes and hedgehogs and toads have your garden TOO tidy. That estuaries, many of which been very busy getting fat heap of stones you took out have nested in Iceland enough to survive the winter of the during the summer. and, from the time of the vegetable patch or pile of first frosts, any that you see hedge prunings in the This is also true of the Eider wandering about are likely corner will be somebody's ducks that can be seen on to be either sick or to have home for the winter. We the sea around Craster and not built up enough fat may not like slugs and Lindisfarne during the reserves to survive without snails but where would the autumn and winter. All the help. They will have been hedgehogs and thrushes be marshland birds such as the looking for a nice sheltered, without them? curlew and lapwing that cosy place to bed down have summered and nested and, unfortunately, this may Alison Hiles on the moors are now often be the bottom of a Schools Liaison Officer, making their way back to garden bonfire - a lovely Durham Wildlife Trust their wintering heap of sticks and leaves 0191 5843112 e-mail: grounds on the sandy that is ideal for them! [email protected] beaches and estuaries It really is worth turning the

Esh Leaves Page 21 November 2004


EQUaL have been successful in applying to the County Durham Foundation’s Neighbourhood Renewal Community Chest and were awarded £1570. This is to pay for running costs and the production of EQUaL’s newsletter, the first being printed and distributed in Children having fun at the EQUaL Family Fun Day September (see below). Awards for All, a branch of the Lottery, have awarded fantastic portraits of children reasons. The site is on two the Playground Action and is happy to do more at parcels of land, one Team £4851 towards the home. If you would like one belonging to Derwentside cost of new equipment at of your child, with any District Council at ‘the Kop’, Esh. This is a major donations going to the the other, over the breakthrough as it will act Playground fund, then hummock, on land as a catalyst to bring in please contact Ken belonging to the Sports more funds for the Bradshaw on 07903 420860 Club. The plan is to have playgrounds. (see below). for details infant and junior play equipment on the Kop, Playground Action Team A Christmas raffle is going whilst a mini skate park, to be held, tickets on sale teenage shelter and ball EQUaL’s PAT have been through PAT. Another raffle court to be built behind the extremely busy and a major is one for a signed football pitch. Family Fun Day was held Sunderland AFC football Other plans include on 18th September at the shirt and a signed copy of replacing the dangerous

Cricket Field. Over 300 Sir Bobby Robson’s and obsolete cement fence people attended and the autobiography. The that surrounds the football day raised £551 for the new fundraisers have really and cricket pitches, playground at Langley Park. been working hard. installing a fitness trail and There was lots of fun for all refurbishing the pavilion. A with a bouncy assault The Playgrounds in Esh variety of environmental course, stocks, raffles, project moved a step improvements will also take tombola, net the ball, hook forward when the Awards place. the duck and refreshments. for All cash was announced. To fund this, we are actively Children loved having their Hopefully this will mean fundraising through the photo taken on the Police match funding and lead to community and the Motorbike and a fire engine the two sites at Esh and community capacity worker proved quite an attraction. Quebec being upgraded is pursuing grant aid A BIG Thank you to all who with new equipment. through a variety of bodies came and supported us and such as the Lottery, to all the businesses and Putting the Park into Coalfields Regeneration individuals who gave prizes. Langley Park is more Trust and a variety of Helen College drew some difficult for a number of others. It is also hoped that

Esh Leaves Page 22 November 2004 local businesses will Environment Action Team community associations sponsor individual pieces of (EAT) and not for profit equipment. organisations to find September 18th also saw a funding is now available for What Can YOU do to help team of saintly souls from use with the Community establish a new EQUaL’s Environment Capacity Worker. If your playground in Langley Action Team wielding their group would like a session Park? litter pickers and went with the CD-ROM then call rubbish hunting round the Ken on 07903 420860. The project at Langley Park sports field and allotment is big and will require in the back lane. In just two hours Want to get involved in region of £250,000 for it to a vast quantity of rubbish EQUaL? be successful. PAT are was collected and disposed under no illusions as to how of thanks to Derwentside EQUaL isn’t just about grand the scheme will be, District Council’s Grounds environment and for we are aiming for a first Maintenance and Street playgrounds. We exist to class facility for the young Cleaning skip that was campaign and support the people that we can all be quickly filled. Thank you to ideas that you may have proud of. all who came along and whether it is health, helped out. transport, housing or If you would like to support EAT are prepared to go education etc. If you would us then there are lots of where others fear to like to get involved then things you could to help us tread……. give Ken Bradshaw a call raise money: If your street or windy ally is today. collecting rubbish, why don’t The Executive Committee 1. Become a member of you call us and a litter meets on the first Tuesday the playground action picking party can be of the month, normally at team, we meet on a organised. Tea and cake Wood View but sometimes regular basis and have kindly accepted! in Quebec and members of many plans for events EQUaL becomes an the public are very welcome throughout the year Enrolled Environmental to attend and can raise 2. Help out on events, staff Body matters of importance. For stalls, serve teas, do details ring the Secretary face painting etc EQUaL successfully Michaela Lindfield on 0191 3. Give us your unwanted became an enrolled 373 1707. gifts, bric-a-brac for our environmental body with raffles and tombolas ENTRUST in September Newsletter 4. Get involved in and is great news for our sponsorship in some funding capabilities. Using EQUaL’s first newsletter form. e.g. a sponsored the Landfill Tax Credit should have arrived on your walk, bicycle ride. Why Scheme, EQUaL could doorstep in early not miss a meal and apply for up to £50,000 with September and was give the money for the Biffa Award or £25,000 with favourably received. playground? Hanson Environmental Thanks go to all who helped 5. If you work, get your Fund. Hopefully this will distribute it. colleagues involved by boost the playground fund DRAMATIS PERSONAE having a sweepstake substantially. 6. If you’re not sure then Did you know we have in contact Ken Bradshaw FunderFinder comes to our midst a Theatre on 07903 420 860 to EQUaL Ephemerist. To most of us see how you can help. that probably means very A new software package to little but to one local help community groups, resident, John Foster, it is a

Esh Leaves Page 23 November 2004 fascination that has, like the Britain and visits London Another time he invited two Mousetrap, run and run. It is regularly to attend their people from the village to of course the ancient collectors fairs at one of the the Empire Theatre, Langley Park art of leading hotels. His most Sunderland and when the collecting Theatre wanted programme is for time came to pay he only programmes and other the 1953 production of had school chalk in his stage memorabilia!!! Thirteen for Dinner at the pocket. Duke of York Theatre in Ever since his visit to the London. Can any reader It seems during the war he Newcastle Theatre Royal in help with this? lived in Newcastle but 1954 to see John Hanson in visited his parents each the Desert Song John has Given John’s obvious weekend. A sister at the been utterly hooked on passion for the Theatre we local convent was anything and everything to asked him to write an article convinced that he was a do with the Theatre, on Joseph Colton (once of Russian spy and had to be whether it be the actors, the Esh) who wrote a play persuaded not to ‘shop’ him actresses or the buildings. which became a film to the authorities. You name it if John hasn’t starring a Halifax actor who seen the production, got the used to live a few doors He had written two other programme or even heard away from your Editors plays but it was a North of the play he will carry out Junior School. Country comedy about nothing less than the most greyhound racing that meticulous research to find Thank you John for the brought him some theatrical out more, and then record it following article. fame. in his cross referencing system (oh what would he JOSEPH COLTON Originally written in a do without a good old bull Durham dialect it was later dog clip!). Joseph Colton was a changed to Yorkshire to resident of Esh Village who, make the play more It is said that the Bodleian in the early 1950s enjoyed a comprehensible to southern Library has a copy of nearly big success as author of a audiences. every book that has ever play THE GAY DOG. ('Gay' been published. Well John having a different meaning 'The Gay Dog' began life as has his own Bodleian in those days). 'A Dog For Delmont' and collection which gives him was first presented by endless pleasure whether it It seems Mr. Colton came Sunderland Drama Club in be researching material from Dunston to Esh and 1948 and at Harrogate (now with the added benefit was a schoolmaster in Drama Festival in the same of surfing the net) or just Bearpark. Information from year. In January 1950 simply turning off a local source says he lived Newcastle Repertory completely and harking in Staplefield, in Hall Road, Company staged the play back to the good old days Esh and that he was born of professionally at Jesmond when actors were actors. Irish parents. Apparently Playhouse with the author he was the second of three attending the first night. The highlight of John’s children, brother Frank and The play was given at the numerous trips to the sister Ellie all very bright 'Q' Theatre, Kew, London in Theatre are the several and it is thought all were 1951 with Edward visits he has made to the school teachers. It is also Chapman in the lead. This Royal Variety Performance stated that he was a little theatre was noted for in London. absent minded/eccentric staging new plays which if attending the first night of proved to be popular often John is a member of the his play wearing one black went on to be West End Ephemera Society of Great shoe and one brown shoe. hits.

Esh Leaves Page 24 November 2004

Joseph Colton eventually persuaded Wilfred Pickles to take an interest in his play. Mr. Pickles had acted before but was chiefly known for his very popular radio quiz show “Have A Go” which had Violet ('Ena Sharples') Carson as pianist.

The powerful London management H.M. Tennent Ltd took up the play and with the title changed to 'The Gay Dog' the play was sent out on tour with Wilfred Pickles in the lead role of John Foster’s Theatre programme for the Gay Dog the greyhound crazy Jim Gay. Reaching the small role of Bert Gay with all 35 of his birds. Piccadilly Theatre, London Reginald Salberg’s Unfortunately this was not on 11 June 1952 it was an Repertory Company at The an isolated incident and immediate success and ran Royal Hippodrome Theatre, despite taking various for 276 performances. Joan Preston on 13 September protective measures the Hickson who many years 1954 mink have continued to be a later was to play 'Miss real threat to livestock on Marple' for the B.B.C. Following the success of these allotment since being Television series was in the 'The Gay Dog' I believe Mr. “let loose” from a mink farm supporting cast. One well Colton moved away from near Lanchester. known critic writing in the area and does not seem 'Theatre World' magazine to have achieved further Faced with this unwelcome described the play as fame as a playwright. visitor the Allotment 'hardly West End fare’. Association decided to call He never married. upon the experts, the The post London tour in Northern Mink Hounds 1953 again starred Wilfred Any further information on based in West Yorkshire Pickles and when that Mr. Colton and his plays will who hunt mink on foot with ended, Albert Burdon the be very welcome. up to 15 hounds. Despite North Country comedian spending a day hunting on took up the play and JOHN C. FOSTER the River Browney, with completed a further tour. THEATRE COLLECTION

In 1954 a film was made of UNWANTED VISITORS ON the play with Wilfred THE FORMER BC Pickles, Megs Jenkins and ALLOTMENTS some others repeating their When one of the tenants on stage roles. the former British Coal allotments went to feed his Actor Leonard Rossiter pigeons he was met with a made his very first most terrible sight – sadly appearance on the Mink had broken into his loft professional stage in the and caused mayhem killing

Esh Leaves Page 25 November 2004 more than 20 hunt supporters, no mink were caught.

As a footnote the mink was introduced to Britain from North America in the late 1920’s. They were intended to be kept captive on fur farms and raised for its valuable pelt. Being good climbers many escaped and since the early 1930’s they have spread over Britain. They are rarely seen far from a river or lake and are mostly active at night, often preying on waterfowl. Langley Park U15 team. Proud winners of the Just Sport Trophy 2004, against They have a dense, glossy, the mighty Benwell Hill. Craig Ellison is s een holding the Shield. The final was nd chocolate-brown fur looks held at the Durham City Cricket Ground. Katie (2 from the left on the back almost black from a row) was team captain, Ray Clish the team Manager. Well done everyone distance when wet. The Katie impressed everyone wicket last season for the male is around 21” in length with her competent keeping Boys Cricket team. head to tail and the female particularly as she was a little shorter pitched against the Katie’s favourite cricketer is Pakistani batsman, Shahid Steve Harmison and apart KATIE BRENNAN Anwar, for part of Tudhoe’s from cricket she likes STUMPS THEM ALL innings. kyaking, motor cycling and football. She really is When she first stepped onto Although only 15 Katie has “stumped” for choice when Esh Green for a game of played for Langley Park’s it comes to sport. one a side cricket, with her under 13’s, 15’s, 18’s and brother Tom little did 7 year more recently the second And finally to cap another old Katie Brennan know that and first teams as well as exciting season for Katie some 8 years later she attending the regional trials she was named as would be challenging at Headingley in 2002 and Sportsman of the Year for Geraint Jones for a place in 2003. the Junior Section of the the England team. Well, not Langley Park Cricket Club. quite, but Katie Brennan is Apart from keeping wicket making great strides as a Katie likes to bat and her Well done Katie, and as I wicket keeper and recently highest score this season said at the beginning watch made history as the first was 49* for the under 15 out Geraint Jones Katie female to play in one of the Girls County team, which Brennan is after your place North East leading cricket included the winning run, behind the stumps. leagues when she donned against Derbyshire Girls. the famous gloves and kept Your editor is looking wicket for Langley Park first Katie attended Esh C of E forward to the following XI at Tudhoe. Not a bad before moving onto to scorecard in the Sports achievement for a 15 year Framwellgate Moor Section of our national old! Comprehensive School newspapers sometime in where, naturally, she kept 2010:--

Esh Leaves Page 26 November 2004

“First ever Ashes Test After about five minutes Match at the Riverside conversation, he came out Ground Chester le Street of the back door only to find no puddings on view. “Oh England v Australia dear” he said “what’s happened to all of those Extract from Australia’s puddings” and young second innings total of 345 Doreen had to explain to him that their young foal Various other batsmen 345 had jumped the low fence and eaten the lot. M. Hayden c Brennan b Harmison 0 So the priest went back to the College for his lunch, A. Gilchrist st Brennan and when he saw out of b Harmison 0 sight, Doreen found the

missing puddings where D. R. Martyn run out Doreen Cummings (by Brennan) 0 someone had hidden them.

Total byes 0 and two boys she was born Charity obviously begins at in Crook where her father home. Total 345 owned a fish shop. Doreen married Jack “England eventually wins The family moved to Cummings and they had the match with the last pair Sunderland, to Coronation two sons who studied at at the wicket, Harmison and Street, to another fish shop, Ushaw College, Tome who Brennan, knocking off the and then set up a florists became a Classics teacher 156 runs required for victory shop in Seaham. at Liverpool University in just 18 overs”. before teaching in seven When Doreen was quite different countries, and IT @ THE TUTE young her mother died and John who became an IBM IT @ The Tute will continue she came to live with her Engineer until his death to offer basic IT instruction cousin, Ethel, and Tom twelve years ago. on Monday and Tuesday Fallon in George Street, between 2-4pm, free use of from where, at about the A tireless worker for the the Community Information age of fourteen years she church, Doreen was a Point between 2-4:30pm sent to “peace”, that is work member of the Esh Parish Wednesday and an open about the house, for Tom Council for more than session between 6-8pm Cummings at Hill Top Bend. twenty years, being Friday. Charges are £1 per Chairman for two years, hour with a small extra Tom’s house was often and a stalwart in the Labour charge for any printed visited by the students and Party and she helped to material. staff of the nearby Ushaw form “Soapbox”, a voluntary College and the tale is told organisation, housed in a DOREEN CUMMINGS of Doreen making a stack of room upstairs in the Co- On September 17th 2004, Yorkshire Puddings for the operative Building, which Doreen Cummings, of Sunday dinner, which was helped and advised people East Clere, Langley Park, to be eaten outside, when on almost any problem. died in University Hospital, the Monsignor appeared for Our local CAB. of lung cancer, at the age of a visit, and on entering the 83. house he saw all the When Soapbox folded, the puddings. money in the funds was One of a family of three girls used to form a Luncheon

Esh Leaves Page 27 November 2004

Club, which she helped to run twice weekly until about a month ago.

Her enthusiasm went a long way to creating the splendid Ecumenical spirit which now exists in the village and she campaigned vigorously for the local bus service round the estates.

One of her hobbies was collecting thimbles and small elephants and many of them came from the trips which she organised to Lourdes, Rome, Austria, Derwentside District Council, “Heroes of Derwentside” Awards Evening Germany and Switzerland. Heroes of the District for the 1875. This lovely stone On one occasion the trip benefit of the Community on church was built to seat 240 went to the shrine of a voluntary basis without people. There was also a Bruderklaus, called the Pax thought of reward or public Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Montana, and Bruderklaus, recognition”. in Front Street, and a it was explained to the Primitive Methodist Chapel party, had been married FROM SEVENOAKS a short distance from the with twelve children, before WITH LOVE rear of Front Street (sadly entering the priesthood and both are now demolished). becoming the Patron Saint Apart from the occasional of Switzerland. vehicle making its way With the continuous influx of through Quebec, one would mineworkers new shops Members of the party were never imagine this sleepy opened, and more houses amazed at this news, and little village was once a were needed. Ten streets Doreen was heard to say bustling hive of activity, and were built running from the “Twelve bairns! Mind he more than twice the size we rear of Front Street. They had a good time before he see today. So what were Church View, Church decided he was meant to be happened? Street, Chapel Street, New a priest.” Single Street, Oliver Street, Searching through old Busty Street, Brockwell Doreen made many friends books and documents I Street, Taylor Street, in the village, and will be found a few clues. In 1868 Clifford Street and Dyke greatly missed. Hamsteels colliery was Street (unfortunately only opened near Quebec, and Church View stands today). STOP PRESS three rows of houses were built near to the colliery and But in 1901 things were We are delighted to named Hamsteels village. happening in Quebec. In announce that Derwentside Front Street the Hamsteels District Council, at a recent Then in 1874 a Church of Colliery Institute was built “Heroes of Derwentside” England school was built in for the local miners (now Awards Evening, presented Quebec, followed by St. converted into living Marjorie Brown (niece) with John the Baptist Church accommodation). Then, in an award honouring Doreen that was consecrated in 1907 the Quebec Drill Hall as one of “the unsung was opened, and as its

Esh Leaves Page 28 November 2004 name suggests, it was built to drill local soldiers, but through the years this building was to play many other important rolls.

I have been talking to Langley Park man Jim Golightly who used to live at Wilk’s Hill, near Quebec. He recalled memories of things he was told as a boy, and how the soldiers held dances in the drill hall, and through the open door it was possible to see the Front Street, Quebec (Circa 1908) showing the Hamsteels Colliery Institute next to the officers wives in their lovely Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - (Thanks to Mr. G. Nairn for use of photograph) dresses. (now converted into a Quebec and Hamsteels. It However, sometime later a house). Jim also told me was also during this time committee was formed and about the 1926 miners that the Village Hall was they renamed the Drill Hall strike, when volunteers from renamed the Sevenoaks the Village Hall. Jim then the village prepared meals Hall. drew me a detailed map of in the village hall for the how Quebec looked in poor families, and I have also been having those days, listing names of schoolchildren received chat with Arlene Bell, whose the many shopkeepers. their breakfast and dinner father and mother Billy and there. Betty Ainsley faithfully In Front Street there was served on the Sevenoaks Harry Cade the barber, Kit These were hard times for Hall committee for 50 years. Harrison the newsagent, the whole area, and Jim Indeed, there is a plaque in John Dodds the butcher, remembers at about this the hall recognising Betty’s Mrs Marley had the bakery, time a new family moved outstanding dedication. Harry Dunning sold into Quebec who had Now Arlene, like her groceries, Joseph Dunning friends that lived in parents before her, together was the draper, and Jim Sevenoaks, Kent, and he with her husband Ralph, Adcock and his wife Teresa told me how shocked these continue the good work of ran the Post Office. There friends were at the poverty caring for this special hall. was also the Hamsteels they saw when they visited Colliery Inn and Doctor the village. However, during the 1970’s Kirkland’s Surgery, and on it had become more and the other side of the road I have been told by many more difficult for this small were Dick Harrison (another that the Sevenoaks people village to support the draper), John Stubbs were so moved they Sevenoaks Hall running (another butcher) and three immediately arranged for costs, so Durham County Co-op shops (butcher, food, blankets, clothing, Council came to the rescue draper and grocery). Then, boots and shoes to be sent with a community grant, and further along at the Cornsay up to Quebec, and every the hall was once more Colliery road junction was year throughout those dark named the Village Hall. the Hamsteels New Inn days of the depression the people of Sevenoaks sent Unfortunately Quebec had gifts for the children of suffered another setback in the 1950’s with the closure

Esh Leaves Page 29 November 2004

of Hamsteels colliery. Smoke Free Derwentside each category. One overall Eventually families started was launched in July 2004. winner will also be selected drifting away, and in the It aims to improve the and he or she will have the 1970’s, after much protest health of everyone in opportunity to work with a from local people, the whole Derwentside by graphic designer to see of Hamsteels village was encouraging policies that their logo come to life and demolished and cleared reduce the amount of be ready for mass without trace. tobacco smoke in the production. environment. The project During my visit to Quebec it has received some funding All entries must clearly state was rather sad not being from the Derwentside the artist’s name, year able to find one single shop Partnership, through group/class and school and left in the village. But, I did Neighbourhood Renewal be sent to Dr Maggie notice the neat Funds, and Derwentside Ireland, Derwentside improvement made by the Primary Care Trust (PCT). Primary Care Trust, Tower new parking area and Block, Shotley Bridge footpath opposite the There is a project group Community Hospital, Village Hall. A project made up of representatives Consett, County Durham by jointly financed by Esh from Derwentside PCT, 3 December 2004. Parish Council and Durham Derwentside County Council. District Council, Sure Start Entries will be judged on 14 Stanley and West December 2004 by It was a pleasantly quiet Derwentside, the representatives of local village on that lovely sunny Community Empowerment schools, young people, day, with neatly tended Network, Durham County members of the community gardens, and of course, that Council Trading Standards, and the PCT, and a prize- wonderful view over the the voluntary sector, and giving ceremony will take Browney Valley. There was local schools, hoteliers, place on 20 January 2005. also a warmth and leisure services and others. friendliness among the local The group will be working, Prizes for the four winners people, who I know will for example, with local include a medal, framed never forget a Kentish town workplaces and public picture of their winning called Sevenoaks that venues to encourage them entry, a T-shirt with their showed love and kindness to adopt smoke free winning design on and artist at a time of their greatest policies. materials. The overall need. winner will also win a glass All schools within the trophy. Terry Chilton. Derwentside area have been asked if they would It is hoped that a selection DERWENTSIDE SCHOOLS like to take part in the logo of the entries will also be TO DESIGN LOGO FOR competition. Local school displayed for a short time in SMOKE FREE DISTRICT children have been asked to the Louisa Centre, Stanley design a logo for the and Belle Vue Centre, project, which will be used Consett in both January and All school children, aged 4 to identify areas e.g. again in March 2005 to to 18 years of age, in the homes, workplaces, public coincide with No Smoking Derwentside area are being spaces that have 'smoke Day. asked to help free status'. design a logo for a new Submit articles for the project - called Smoke Free There will be four March 2005 edition to: Derwentside. categories for entries (for The Editor, 8 Long Garth, different age groups) and a winner will be chosen from Durham City, DH1 4HJ

Esh Leaves Page 30 November 2004

F O R E I G N C U R R E N C Y WORDGRAM Q S E T O P U P S J M F R B S T S S A V I N G M J I K H I P Our thanks to all those who R F B R D L D S T A M P S L O entered our latest A F R O A R I S E R T Y B L S Wordgram competition. We V Z R A H U J C S T E V O P T had entries from as far E E S D V B R F E V E R N A A afield as Lanchester and L G D T A A L O A N S T D Y L Consett – and according to I A X A A N A T I O C A S M O our compiler not one of N T A X S K W E R E R E S E R them was correct! The S S A V I I D E R F T G H N D actual answers were U O A S A N Z S T A M P S T E Airport, Holiday, Ice Cream, R P O S T G E S W E A R I N R Leisure, Photos, Resort, A O D P E N S I O N S A W E S Seaside, Summer, N I S H I N G L I C E N C C C Sunshine and SUNTANS C F I S H I N G L I C E N C E not SUNTAN as you all E A C A R I N S U R A N C E E thought. Not fair I hear you N A T I O N A L S A V I N G S say and in order to demonstrate how selling products in considerate we are it was VOLUNTARY MATTERS exchange for a contribution decided to present a prize towards your funds. The to the nearest all correct Broadgate Farm Co- contact you need is Lesley answer drawn out of the Operative Hardy on 0191 3735575. Chairman’s hat. Broadgate Farm Co- Drivers Wanted The grand prize (a £10 operative is an independent book token) has already day-care centre for people Do you have access to a been despatched to our recovering from mental car and enjoy driving? worthy winner Mrs B. Ives. health problems in the Could you spare half a day community. It has charitable a month? Now for our next aims and in a modern Would you like to do Wordgram, a search based economic environment is something interesting, on products available at constantly seeking methods rewarding, CV building and Langley Park Post Office. A of fundraising for the benefit contribute to your local £10 UK and International of members. community? phone card will be given to County Durham Society For the first correct entry drawn It has attended various The Blind & Partially out of the Clerk’s well worn locations throughout the Sighted have rewarding hat. Entries please to the year to sell horticultural opportunities for volunteer Parish Clerk, 8 Long Garth, products grown on site drivers who are able to take Whitesmocks, Durham City, including bedding plants, on the role of driver escort DH1 4HJ by Thursday 16th house plants, perennials, for the society. December 2004. bushes, trees, hanging The society provides a baskets and patio number of different services Good luck and our thanks to containers. to visually impaired people Stuart Harris for compiling throughout County Durham the Wordgram and donating If you are holding a Fayre at (with the exclusion of the prize. any time why not give them Darlington). Volunteer Co- a call as they might be ordinator Sandra Hillyard interested in attending and stresses the importance of this service ‘The driver

Esh Leaves Page 31 November 2004 escort service is essential to thanks to the race it’s users. It ensures that Have you thought about organisers and to those they are able to attend supporting your local who bought and sold tickets important eye-clinic Hospice by joining our team and helped with the event. appointments, and makes of volunteers in the Langley the experience far less Park Hospice charity shop? Langley Park Post Office stressful. Just knowing that St. ’s Hospice is a there is someone there to voluntary day care Hospice Stuart Harris has advised provide support, and that specialising in palliative us that his electronic door is there won’t be any care for those with life- now in place, it can problems getting to & from threatening illnesses in the be operated by a button on their appointment really Durham and Chester-le- the window beside the door. helps.’ Street areas. Our charity He has a shoe recycling Driver escorts volunteer on shops provide us with collection point outside his an occasional basis valuable revenue to be able premises to help conserve (depending upon when the to do the work with our the world's resources, service is required and if the guests. Why not pop in to reduce the amount of volunteer is available!), the the Langley Park shop and rubbish in dumps and to role involves picking up a talk to one of our dedicated help people less fortunate client from their home, volunteers about what is than ourselves. It is attending the appointment involved, or phone Amy maintained by the Variety with them, and taking them Farquhar, Volunteer Co- Club home afterwards. ordinator on (0191) 386 The society offers full 1170 at the Hospice for a It is understood that a training, refunds out-of Volunteer Pack. We would similar collection point has pocket expenses and also be grateful for any time you also been placed outside has a number of alternative feel able to give to support the Londis Store. volunteering opportunities our work. Give a little time including befriending and and make a BIG difference PARISH COUNCILLORS fundraising roles. in people’s lives. Your Parish Councillors as If you think that you could On behalf of everyone at of 1st November 2004 are:- help or require further the Hospice, may I take this NAME information, please contact: opportunity to thank all of BLOOR, CHRIS LP The Volunteer Co-ordinator, our Langley Park shop BOWYER, RICHARD LP Sandra Hillyard on 0191 volunteers for their hard CROW, FRANK Q COULSON, GORDON LP 3868175. work, energy and GEANY, JOAN LP enthusiasm and also to GUILDFORD, HARRY LP ALZHEIMER’S thank the customers for HARLING, ALLAN LP your kind and loyal support HILES, ALISON Q MOLLON, ALAN LP How old do you have to be of the Hospice in this way. ROBSON, KEVIN LP to have Alzheimer’s ROTHWELL, SUE LP Disease? 1 in 1,000 people Amy Farquhar SANDS, MARGARET E aged between 40-65 have a TYLER, HARRY LP LATE ITEMS TYLER, MARIE LP dementia related illness. TYRIE, WALLACE E

For help and advice contact your local branch of the Ball Race E = Esh Alzheimer’s Society at 5 LP = Langley Park Trafalgar Street, Consett We understand that the Q = Quebec (01207) 591835 recent Ball Race held on Dementia is not just an the River Browney raised Plus one Casual Vacancy older persons disease! over £850 towards play for Langley Park Volunteer Help Needed! facilities in the Ward. Our

Esh Leaves Page 32 November 2004

To contact your local Councillor ring the Parish Room on 0191 3736687 for further details


To all our readers, advertisers and sponsors. Your support during 2004 has been much appreciated and we would like to wish everyone all the best for 2005. PARK FLOORING Esh Leaves 47c Front Street, Langley Park, Co. Durham DH7 9XB Tel: 0191 3739947 Editor Mr M. G. Ackroyd CARPETS AND VINYLS FOR EVERY ROOM



ADVERTISEMENTS Registration - 62490 67902 101







Tel: 0191 3739714 OR 07763 457 542

Esh Leaves Page 33 November 2004

Edwin & Devina Stuart Wright Funeral Service, Durham welcome you to the COMPLETE FUNERAL & MONUMENTAL SERVICE PRIVATE CHAPELS OF REST Cross Keys Inn 24 HOUR SERVICE

0191 373 3700 or 0191 386 3850 Esh Village Durham 43 Front Street 23 Marshall Terrace Langley Park Gilesgate Durham Durham Tel: 0191 373 1279 DH7 9SA DH1 2HX

Langley Park Fish Shop

Fresh Fish and Chips

9 Quebec Street

Telephone 3731474

Carol Long

Qualified Ladies’ Therapist

Reflexology I.T.E.C.

Aromatherapy I.I.H.T.

Massage Therapy

Langley Park

0191 373 2370

Federation of Holistic Therapists

Top Quality Beef, Pork, Lamb, and

Poultry at knock out prices

(Order your Christmas Poultry now to avoid

Mon-closed disappointment)

Tue-Fri open 9am-5pm Sat open 8.30am-3pm Tel: 01913731408

Julie Wordingham 10 Quebec Street, Langley Park Watch out for our special offers arriving weekly

Durham DH7 9XA excellent Freezer Fillers

Tel: 0191 3731959

Esh Leaves Page 34 November 2004

Fothergills Pies Ian’s Place

39 Front Street, Langley Park, Wide Range of Periodic Furniture Durham DH7 9SA Tel: 0191 373 6405 Ranges from Arts “N” Crafts to Present Date

Retail Telephone 07745 527783 Outside catering for all occasions - Mon to Sat 8am – 5pm weddings, birthdays, christenings, Sunday 10am – 5pm office parties, freezer orders 31 Front Street Langley Park Durham DH7 9SD

House Clearance Undertaken


Telephone 01913739333 Mobile 07762086696 17 Quebec Street, Langley Park Telephone : 3739895

The secret of a Children and Ladies beautiful lawn Fashion, and it costs less than DIY!

Toys, Jewellery, Gifts, Fancy Goods - including A healthier GREENER lawn ethnic musical instruments in 4 easy steps. and carvings Greeting cards and Costs from as little as Co u n t r y St yl e Balloons £13.00 per application. 14 Quebec Street Top Quality at Low Prices Langley Park | FREEPHONE | Durham (Weekly payment scheme DH7 9XA available) 0800 1695009

Telephone: 01913731733 or 01913731350


Community Information Point’s offer free information on Housing, benefits, Careers and Job opportunities by providing access to leaflets, a PC with Broadband Internet access and Video Conferencing equipment.

A Community Information Point will be in operation at the Church Street Community Centre every Wednesday between 2-4:30pm.

Esh Leaves Page 35 November 2004

"There IS Room at the INN" this Christmastide & almost on your doorstep [just 2-3 miles from Esh & Quebec ]

A Warm Welcome & Friendly Atmosphere will be waiting for you—come and meet your new hosts Linda & Dave & Ask about our "Festive Fayre"

Now Recognised By Discover Britain & Hidden Inns as one of Co. Durham's Select Inns serving excellent food Tuesday to Saturday 7 — 9.30pm Cooked to Order by our Resident Chef Peter Atkinson. We also Serve Traditional Sunday Roast Lunches Served 12 noon to 2.30pm with a selection of Fresh Seasonal Vegetables [not plated up] - Booking Recommended Christmas Fayre from Wed 1st Dec 2O04 (Three Superb Courses just£13.95-—mince pie/after dinner mints tea or coffee for an additional £1.25) Come enjoy the welcoming quiet ambient atmosphere of a traditional country Inn - No Fruit Machines or Juke Box now offering quality en-suite accommodation (including one 4- poster bedroom for that EXTRA Special Occasion)

Small Weddings, Parties & Buffets - Our Speciality

Jill Pitt Diggerland would like to Massage Therapist offer half price entry for

readers of Esh Leaves and their families up to a total of Aromatherapy IIHHT Reflexology IIR 6 people. This offer applies Body Massage IHBC to entry only not to credits Indian Head Massage IIHHT or wristbands. Over 10 years in business To take advantage of the Tel: 0191 373 5700 offer just cut out this token In Langley Park and present it when paying for entry.

Esh Leaves Page 36 November 2004

Olivers Trees Ltd Professional Tree Care & Consultancy Proprietors: D. Oliver and C. Beirne

Unit 3, Langley Park Industrial Estate Witton Gilbert, Durham DH7 6TX

0191 373 9771 Fax: 0191 373 9772 e-mail: [email protected]

Alan Madrell

Coach Hire

16 seat Mini & 49 seat Executive Coaches

Any Distance, Any Occasion

Telephone: 0191 3733145

Would you like to gain the Midas qualification?

A Community Transport group are looking for volunteer drivers, weekdays, evenings or weekends-hours to suit yourselves-whatever you can spare.

Ordinary licence only required-MIDAS training available.

To find out more call 01913737492

Esh Leaves Page 37 November 2004