:1-11 February 28, 2021

I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than ; yet he who is

least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (11:11)

You can be greater than the greatest__

Who is John the Baptist? “he is the who was to come” Matthew 11:14

Who is Elijah? “I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.” 4:5

No one greater than John the Baptist ______Kingdom of Heaven broke through

Kingdom of Heaven came with From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." :17

John is great ______can be GREATER

You cannot be “Greater Than” if you do not have the Greatest! ______

Greatest before Jesus: Get closer to God Greatest after the Cross: God with you

The Cross changed John > everyone before the cross the equation  Every believer in Christ > John

Use these questions to guide either group study or personal reflection.

Getting Started

Would you rather have one extra hour in every day, or 10 extra years of good life? Why?

Sunday’s Sermon

Review the sermon together. What were the main points? What stood out to you?

Read Malachi 4:1-6 – What do you think would be natural to assume about the coming Messiah from this passage? How does the life, ministry and message of Jesus fit with it? What tensions do you feel?

Jesus continues teaching about himself and John the Baptist, read Matthew 11:11-19. There is not clarity on what Jesus meant in verse 12 (see also Luke 16:16), it has been interpreted in different ways. What do you think it might mean? (it might be good to read these verses in different translations) Verses 16-19: What type of people would have been drawn both to John and to Jesus? What type of people would have complained either way?

The least IN the Kingdom, is greater than John. This is really good news. Once we believe, we are great no matter who or what we are. However, God does not want us to stay in that condition. How do we advance in the Kingdom of Heaven?

In the question of greatness, consider :11, Luke 9:48, 1 Peter 5:1-8


The Good News of Jesus is both freeing and challenging. Which do you feel more at this time? How can you live in the joy and freedom Christ offers, where should your focus be?