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RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach

a,b,∗ a,b c,d e e f

P. Ajmone-Marsan , L. Colli , J.L. Han , A. Achilli , H. Lancioni , S. Joost ,

g h i,j k l a,m

P. Crepaldi , F. Pilla , A. Stella , P. Taberlet , P. Boettcher , R. Negrini ,

n 1 2

J.A. Lenstra , Italian Goat Consortium , Econogene Consortium ,

2 3 3

Econogene Consortium Globaldiv Consortium , Globaldiv Consortium


Institute of Zootechnics, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Piacenza, Italy


Research Center on Biodiversity and Ancient DNA – BioDNA, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Piacenza, Italy


CAAS-ILRI Joint Laboratory on Livestock and Forage Genetic Resources, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural

Sciences (CAAS), Beijing 100193, China


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya


Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Ambientale, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy


Laboratory of Geographical Information Systems (LASIG), School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), Ecole

Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland


Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie e Sanità Pubblica, Milano, Italy


University of Molise, SAVA, Campobasso, Italy


Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Lodi, Italy


Parco Tecnologico Padano, Lodi, Italy


Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, CNRS UMR 5553, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France


Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy


Associazione Italiana Allevatori, Rome, Italy


Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The investigation of genetic diversity at molecular level has been proposed as a valuable

Available online xxx

complement and sometimes proxy to phenotypic diversity of local breeds and is presently

considered as one of the FAO priorities for breed characterization. By recommending a set

Keywords: of selected molecular markers for each of the main livestock species, FAO has promoted the

Capra hircus

meta-analysis of local datasets, to achieve a global view of molecular genetic diversity. Anal-

Nuclear and mitochondrial genome

ysis within the EU Globaldiv project of two large goat microsatellite datasets produced by


the Econogene Consortium and the IAEA CRP–Asia Consortium, respectively, has generated


a picture of goat diversity across continents. This indicates a gradient of decreasing diversity


from the domestication centre towards Europe and Asia, a clear phylogeographic structure

at the continental and regional levels, and in Asia a limited genetic differentiation among

local breeds. The development of SNP panels that assay thousands of markers and the whole

genome sequencing of livestock permit an affordable use of genomic technologies in all live-

stock species, goats included. Preliminary data from the Italian Goat Consortium indicate

that the SNP panel developed for this species is highly informative. The existing panel can

be improved by integrating additional SNPs identified from the whole genome sequence

alignment of goats adapted to extreme climates. Part of this effort is being achieved

Corresponding author at: Institute of Zootechnics, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Piacenza, Italy. Tel.: +39 0523 599204; fax: +39 0523 599276.

E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Ajmone-Marsan). 1 http://www.italiangoat.it. 2 http://www.econogene.eu. 3 http://www.globaldiv.eu.


0921-4488/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

2 P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

by international projects (e.g. EU FP7 NextGen and 3SR projects), but a fair representation of

the global diversity in goats requires a large panel of samples (i.e. as in the recently launched

1000 cattle genomes initiative). Genomic technologies offer new strategies to investigate

complex traits difficult to measure. For example, the comparison of patterns of diversity

among the genomes in selected groups of animals (e.g. adapted to different environments)

and the integration of genome-wide diversity with new GIScience-based methods are able

to identify molecular markers associated with genomic regions of putative importance in

adaptation and thus pave the way for the identification of causative genes. Goat breeds

adapted to different production systems in extreme and harsh environments will play an

important role in this process. The new sequencing technologies also permit the analysis of

the entire mitochondrial genome at maximum resolution. The complete mtDNA sequence

is now the common standard format for the investigation of human maternal lineages. A

preliminary analysis of the complete goat mtDNA genome supports a single Neolithic origin

of domestic goats rather than multiple domestication events in different geographic areas.

© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction research projects have also attempted to analyse the

patterns of goat diversity at a broader scale (Table 2).

Local breeds, well adapted to a range of agro-ecological conditions

So far, the largest scale dataset published has been

(different climates, diseases, local feed), grant the sustainability of animal

generated by the Econogene Consortium (http://www.

farming in marginal and difficult areas in both developed and develop-

econogene.eu) within a project funded by the European

ing countries. They are source of meat, milk and skin and contribute to

maintain livelihood in the harshest areas of the planet (Lampkin and Commission during the 5th Framework Programme. The

Measures, 2001). Local genetic resources are threatened by a number of

dataset describes the genetic diversity of 1426 goats

factors, including indiscriminate crossbreeding with cosmopolitan breeds

from 45 traditional or rare breeds from 15 countries

and uncontrolled intermixing (Hanotte et al., 2010). However, among live-

in Europe and southwest Asia, genotyped with the 30

stock species, goat is only marginally affected by crossbreeding. Rather,

concerns about goat genetic diversity loss arise from the abandonment FAO microsatellite markers. Results revealed the exist-

of marginal rural areas where goats are frequently reared. The conse- ence of four discrete groups of goat breeds in southwest

quent reduction of population size of local breeds increases the risk of

Asia, central Mediterranean, western Mediterranean and

inbreeding (Taberlet et al., 2008). Therefore, the molecular characteri-

northern-central Europe. Genetic diversity, measured as

zation of available genetic resources and information on diversity and

allelic richness, decreases from southeast to northwest,

genetic structure is desirable also in this species, to serve as a rational

basis for the characterization and conservation of goat germplasm. presumably as a consequence of repeated founder effects

The investigation of genetic diversity at the molecular level has been

occurring during the colonization of Europe following

proposed as a valuable complement to the evaluation of phenotypes and

domestication (Canón˜ et al., 2006).

production systems, and sometimes as a proxy for phenotypic diversity of

The joint analysis of these data with those produced

local breeds. This has expanded our insight into breed history, in order to

guide breed development, utilization and conservation decisions. Charac- by the FAO/IAEA CRP (Coordinated Research Project of the

terization of breeds is presently considered by FAO as one of the strategic International Atomic Energy Agency)/Asian Consortium

priorities to be undertaken in the development of a national plan for the

has been attempted in the framework of the EU Globaldiv

management of animal genetic resources (AnGR). Therefore molecular

project (http://www.globaldiv.eu).

characterization has a prominent role in Strategic Priority Area 1 – Char-

The FAO/IAEA CRP project (http://www-naweb.iaea.

acterization, Inventory and Monitoring of Trends and Associated Risks –

of the Global Plan of Action for AnGR (FAO, 2007). org/nafa/aph/crp/aph-livestock-phase1.html) genotyped

In the late 1990s, and later on in 2004, FAO has recommended the

1629 samples from 43 local populations from 8 Asian

use of panels of selected microsatellite markers for each of the main live-

countries (China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia,

stock species. The assay of the same loci across projects facilitates the

Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Vietnam) with 15 microsatellite

joining of molecular datasets and the combined analysis of independent

investigations of genetic diversity that otherwise would remain local and markers (Zein et al., 2012; Di et al., 2011; Afroz et al., 2010;

fragmented. This initiative has only partially succeeded. Some projects Fan et al., 2008; Mburu et al., 2006; Vahidi et al., 2014). The

have not considered FAO recommendations or have used different sub-

highest number of alleles was observed in Iranian and Saudi

sets of the recommended markers, not following the ranking order in the

Arabian native goats, followed by Chinese, Bangladeshi,

panel (Baumung et al., 2004). Even large-scale projects have sometimes

Pakistani and Sri Lankan indigenous goat populations.

not used the same set of microsatellites; therefore a worldwide picture of

livestock diversity is yet to be drawn (Groeneveld et al., 2010). Low genetic diversity was observed in Vietnamese and

Indonesian local goats. Although genetic differentiation in

all pairs of populations between countries was significant

2. Analysis of goat genetic diversity with classical (pairwise FST estimates at P < 0.01), relatively close genetic

markers relationships were found among most of the Chinese goat

populations, Iranian and Saudi Arabian goats as well as

Several local studies have characterized the nuclear among Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Sri Lankan goat popu-

genetic diversity using molecular markers, mainly lations, while the Vietnamese and most of the Indonesian

microsatellites, in European, African and American goats goat populations loosely grouped together (Mburu et al.,

(Table 1). During the last decade, a number of international 2006).

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

G Model

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P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3 (2008)

(2001) (2011)



al. al.


(1999) et et

(2004) (2005)



al. (2009)

(2012) al.


(2011) al. (2011) (2011) the



al. et

al. et

et al. al. al.

al. et et

et et et

used, et (2011)

˜ nón al.

Reference Martínez Negrini Bruno-de-Sousa Hoda Jelena Sikora Siwek Serrano Glowatzki-Mullis Ca et Iamartino Sechi Jandurová Ajmone-Marsan Saitbekova (2006) markers

PS • • •


Fis • • • • • of

Fst • • • • number



AR • • • type


diversity N • • • • • • • • •




• H • • • • • • • • • • • o

Parameters H • • • • • • • investigated,





30 No. 29 30 25 30 20 6 19 10 – 15 17 7 – 20 markers origin




Microsatellites Marker Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites – Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites AFLPs Microsatellites geographic









Italy Italy Portugal Czech Italy Switzerland Italy Poland Italy Europe, Geographic Spain Albania Croatia Spain Switzerland goats.

reference.. in


Preta Grigia Maltese,

Mati, Neck


Maltese, Sarda, dell’Etna, Pied,


Orobica studies Abaza, Serrana Molisana,


valais Rove,

between Thuringian

Coloured, Black Grison, Bezoar,

Livo, lonica, Siria,

Alpine, Montefalcone,


Valdostana, , Camosciata Frisa, Argentata bibliographic


di Grigia

Tauern Liqenasi, di




Saanen, diversity from Argentata


Siria, Alpine,






Serpentina, Hasi, di crossbred Hair

Valdostana Chamois


Pyreneenne, and Grisons

Sarda Coloured,

Derivata Payoya, Beeshi,


genetic Toggenburg, Native, , breeds White


Girgentana, Booted, Peacock, Sarda



Coloured Girgentana, Spotted

Sarda, Sarda,


Gurku, Anglo-Nubian, Alpine Dukati,


dell’Adamello, dell’Adamello, dell’Adamello, Florida, Striped,



Derivata Fawn

goat Alpine,

Gorri based


Gallen Montesinho,


Hungarian Bionda Maltese (Alpine), Carpathian, Malaguena, Polish dell’Etna, Capore, Breeds Azpi Camosciata Algarvia, Capore Croatian Saanen, Girgentana, Guadarrama Swiss Makeras, Sarda, Maltese, White Bionda Grison , Muzhake, St. Saanen, Greek, Carpathin, Blackneck, Molisana, Verzasca, Alpine, Orobica, and Angora, de Short-Haired Swiss Chamois Saanen Ibex Messinese Bionda Forest, marker

parameters breeds

molecular 1



No. 1 8 6 1 1 6 4 1 11 45 3 2 7 11 9 List Table


Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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4 P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx (2009)


(2011) (2010) (2010)

(2010) (2009)

et (2012)

al. al.

(2009) al. al.


et et

et et

al. et

et al. al. al. al.

(2012) (2012) (2011) (2012) Reference Nomura et Zein Zhang et Di et Wang Afroz Mahmoudi Berthouly Dixit et Dixit Dixit Qi PS

Fis • • • •

Fst • • • •

AR a A

N • • • • diversity



•• • H • • • • • • • o

• •• • •• • Parameters H • • • • of

26 25 No. 13 10 15 13 16 25 25 20 markers


Microsatellites –– Marker Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites


Bangladesh Mongolia Geographic Japan Korea Philippines Bangladesh Iran Africa Iran Vietnam India Indonesia Indonesia Tibet India India Microsatellites China and Surti,



Xinjiang, Taihang,

White, Zalawadi,


Saanen, black,

Mongolia Bengal




Ganjam Bayandelger,



Jakhrana, Gohilwadi, Kambing


Mehsana, Wuzhumuqin, Shanbei,



Black Red,

Xinong Beetal, Bali, Sirohi



Chengde Zalaajinst




Kutchi, Kanniadu, Indian Imported Ganjam,

Etawa Tibetan,



Southeast Jawarandu, Osmanabadi,


Mindoro Black, Funiu, Liaoningcashmere,



Barbari, Chaidamu, Katjang and


Buural, Erlangshan,



black Java,


Bissau Mehsana,

breeds and Turki East Taiwan

Bengal, Bengal, Bengal,


Naini, Shiba Tangshan, Black Luzon Tibetan, Nanjiangyellow, Hexi, Katjang Leizhou Jharkhand Breeds Southwest, Gembrong, Alashan, Guinea Plateau-type Black Lori Vietnamese Marwari, Attappady, Kutchi, Shannan crossbred Chegu Erchim Dorgon, West, Kambing Zavkhan Etawa cashmere, Black Xinjiang Malabari, Sangamneri, Gaddi Malabari Changthangi, Liaoning, cashmere exotic Guanzhong Zhongwei, )

Continued breeds


1 of

3 No. 18 14 3 1 1 22 3 10 6 4 6


Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

G Model

RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5 (2009)



˘ grul (2009a) (2009b) (2011) al.

(2008) Babayev

et (2004) al. al. al.

(2012) al. (2012) Ertu

(2008) (2005)


(2008) and et et et

(1999) (2006) et (2008) al.


(2002) al. al.

al. (2008)



et al. al. al. et (2002)

et et

al. et


Valenti et

et et et ˘ glu




and et al.

˘ gao (2012) Reference Ramamoorthi Fan Fatima Rout Rout et Takahashi Wang Gour Kumar Li Kim Li Barker Yang A Álvarez Hassen Mahmoudi Mahmoudi Mahmoudi Mahmoudi PS

Fis • • • • • • • •

Fst • • • • • • a

AR • • diversity


N • • • • • • • • • • • • • of


H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o

• ••• • • Parameters H • • • • • • • • • • • of

No. 21 18 18 17 17 2 - 3 10 - 23 25 18 9 25 25 5 20 19 15 9 10 13 13 markers

sequences sequences


gene region region

loci 59


control control type coding


Microsatellites Microsatellites Marker Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Milk Microsatellites mtDNA Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Protein Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites mtDNA Y-chromosome



China Microsatellites


China Iran India SE China China Ethiopia India Burkina China Geographic India India China India India Turkey Iran Iran Iran Mongolia



Suining goat Sirohi


Norduz Bati,

Gurvan Jining

Saanen Korea, Bengal, White, Liaoning,



Mongolian Raeini,

Leizhou, Matou,


Zavkhan Hair, Sokoto), White, Brown,


Liaoning, of Surti goat, into




Djallonké Polled,



Black, Khorasan, Red,

Abergelle (Red




Begia-Medir, Nadji, Yichang


Honamli, Nanjiang

Ulgii breeds Neimonggol,




Tibetan, Chengde Jakhrana, Sahelian,

Central Maradi



goat Brown,

White Cashmere, Wu, Matou


not goat Jamunapari, Agew, Kilis,

Black, goat, Sumber, goat de KorkiJonub


Khorosan Haimen,

are Tibetan, indigenous

Jamunapari The Small-xiang Taihang, Cashmere, Erchim Breeds Barbari Huai, Zalawadi, Barbari, Bayandelger, Chinese Jamunapari Marwari Liaoning Korean East Tibetan, Angora, Rousse Gumuz, Taleshi Markhoz, Markhoz Raeini, Chengdu Burkinabé White, Chuandong Taihang, Pashmina, Buural, Asia Saikhan Jonab Abergelle, Shannan South-east )

Continued breeds


1 of

No. 1 5 3 7 1 7 1 1 8 3 12 NA 5 3 6 1 6 1 3 5 8


Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

G Model

RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

6 P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 2010)



structure. (2006)


(2009, (2007)

(2012) al. (2006)


(2002) (2008) al. al. al.


Gonzáles et al.



(2004) et et et al.

et al.




and et al. et




(2010) (2009) Reference Muema Sadeghi Traoré Agha Missohou Els Chenyambuga Ouafi Calvo Ribeiro Oliveira Oliveira Araújo (2004) PS

PS • •


Fis • • • • • • •

Fst • • • • • • • • • a inbreeding


AR • Fis

A diversity

• N • • ••• • • • • • • of



H • • • • • • • • • fixation



•• • ••••• •• • • • Parameters H • • • • Fst

of richness;

7 19 15 20 11 11 5 No. 13 27 6 18 12 13 markers allelic







type =


Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Marker Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites, Microsatellites Microsatellites Microsatellites alleles




Bissau Tanzania


Nigeria W Brazil Africa Portugal Geographic Guinea Kenya Mali Tanzania Iran Burkina Italy Namibia Europe Asia SWAsia Morocco France Brazil Portugal Europe Brazil Brazil expected

= E






localities Colombia Pafuri,

Djallonke Sahel


Kavango 14 Pyre’ne’enne





Marota, Sebei Uganda

Zaraibi Egypt

Anglo-Nubain, Goat,


from Maure, indipur



Kunene, White, Sahelian Labe


Barki, alii Toggenburg Kigezi,




Mubende, Grauna,

Bale, crossbred,


Born Guera observed goat,



African Kenya,

Teso, Mossi,

= Arsi


Raeini Caprivi, Moxot6goats Baladi, Bravia, individuals





Toggenbourg, Striped, Ugogo, Kigezi,

Saanen, Saanen

Striped Switzerland H

Landim Mozambique

Galla East

Noire-Rah African


Sokoto, sokoto, goat goat,


Caninde’, Maasai, Red Red Dwarf Grison Saanen, Breeds Boran Tali Djallonké, Maltese, Casamance Ovambo, Grisons Alpine, 626 Azul, Anglo-Nubian Serpentina Brazilian Undedined Moxoto, Gubu/Bissau Egyptian Maasai, Algarvia, Moxot6 de Highland, Maure West Small Pafuri, Karamoja, Mongolian Arab Draa, Alpine, ) diversity:


Continued breeds


1 of

No. 19 3 5 4 20 12 2 9 7 6 – 3 2 Parameters

Table a

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 7

Table 2

Research projects cited in the text and reference websites.

Project name Website

Econogene http://www.econogene.eu

Globaldiv http://www.globaldiv.eu

FAO/IAEA CRP http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nafa/aph/crp/aph-livestock-phase1.html

International Goat Genome Consortium http://www.goatgenome.org

Italian Goat Consortium http://www.goatit.eu/

ADAPTmap http://bioinformatics.tecnoparco.org/adaptmap/

FeedtheFuture http://www.feedthefuture.gov

NextGen http://nextgen.epfl.ch/

3SR http://www.3srbreeding.eu/

1000 genome project http://www.1000genomes.org

Genome 10K project http://genome10k.soe.ucsc.edu

1000 bull genomes project http://www.1000bullgenomes.com/

A total of 11 markers and a few populations of spread all over the world during the migration waves of

Mediterranean goats were shared by Econogene and Neolithic farmers. The analysis of the relationships exist-

FAO/IAEA datasets, but no sample was genotyped in both ing between mitochondrial haplotypes and haplogroups,

projects. Therefore around 200 samples from the Econo- therefore, may reveal how the diffusion of domestic goats

gene project were re-genotyped by the FAO/IAEA CRP occurred and shed light on the dynamics of past human

project in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences migrations.

(CAAS)–International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Interestingly, nuclear DNA shows a remarkable level

joint lab in Beijing, China and the ILRI laboratory in Nairobi, of geographic structuring that is not detected in mtDNA.

Kenya, to calibrate the allelic size calling methods imple- Complex demographic dynamics may explain this pattern,

mented by the two projects. A preliminary joint analysis however, a simpler reason can be identified comparing

with the 11 shared markers indicates the clear genetic goats to other livestock species, as cattle. In Bos taurus

partitioning of goats into large geographic regions and con- the geographic structure of the maternal lineage is due

tinents and suggests separate ancient migration routes to to differences in the frequency of distinct haplogroups in

Asia and Europe. However, a limited genetic differentia- different geographic areas (e.g. T3 in Europe and T1 in

tion is observed among indigenous goats within most of the Africa; Troy et al., 2001). Conversely, in goats a single hap-

countries, an indication of a relatively high gene flow across logroup (haplogroup A) largely predominates the world,

local goat populations, at least until recently. A clear phylo- likely masking the existence of a geographic structuring of

geographic partitioning of goat diversity was also observed the maternal genetic diversity, evident only in the case of

by Pereira et al. (2009) that investigated the distribution of rare haplogroups (Naderi et al., 2007).

Y-chromosomal haplotypes in European and North African

goat breeds.

3. Development of high-throughput SNP assays for

Traditionally, the molecular phylogeny of livestock

the analysis of goat genetic diversity

species has been based on the characterization of short

fragments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control

Being highly polymorphic, microsatellites are very

region (d-loop). In goats, the first studies based on this

informative markers and have been extensively used in

region highlighted the existence of several well differen-

diversity studies. A large number of these hypervariable

tiated maternal lineages, whose variability has a lower

markers is available in goat (Seki et al., 2012), however,

geographic structure compared to other livestock species.

their genotyping and scoring are labour intensive, and

This evidence was first interpreted as indicating separated

allele size calling is difficult to be calibrated across apparata

and independent domestication events in the Fertile Cres-

and laboratories, in the absence of a substantial number of

cent and in Asia (Luikart et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2005),

shared samples.

but more recently, by comparing the mtDNA genetic vari-

Recently, the whole genome sequencing of livestock

ability of domestic and wild goats, Naderi et al. (2007,

species, and the development of panels of 50,000 to 1

2008) showed that, most probably, the domestication of

million SNPs, allow the use of genomic technologies in

Capra hircus took place in a wide geographic area centred

all livestock species, goats included. A drawback of SNPs

around Southwest Asia, and was a large-scale phenomenon

is ascertainment bias (Nielsen, 2004; Albrechtsen et al.,

both from the temporal and numerical point of view. These

2010), depending on the strategy and the animals used

results largely agree with archaeological evidence, which

for their discovery. SNPs are also inefficient to capture

already suggested that goat domestication took place about

some relevant genome polymorphisms, such as certain

10,000 years ago in an area between the Zagros mountains

types of copy number variation (e.g. Kijas et al., 2011;

and the Fertile Crescent, placed between the present day

Fontanesi et al., 2012). Nevertheless, they are quickly

boundaries of Iran, Iraq and Turkey (Zeder and Hesse, 2000;

replacing microsatellites in paternity testing and genetic

Zeder, 2008).

diversity studies, due to their robustness, low cost and

The fraction of the ancestral mitochondrial variability

automatic allele calling. In addition, high-density SNP

which was captured at those early times constituted the

panels permit the investigation of the goat genome at

starting gene pool of domestic goats which subsequently

very high resolution. This is a clear advantage for the

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

8 P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

investigation of population structure, reconstruction of cells from 10 alpine goats have been sequenced in a differ-

demographic history and detection of recent and his- ential expression experiment targeting mastitis.

torical admixture, identification of selection sweeps and

of marker–trait associations in genome-wide association 4. Detection of selection signatures in the goat

studies (GWAS) of non-experimental populations. A num- genome

ber of these approaches are either unfeasible or at least

imprecise using low-density markers, even if highly infor- The availability of dense marker panels through-

mative as microsatellites. In addition, SNP panels are out the genome marked a paradigm shift in the way

applied in breeding programmes as a support to tra- livestock populations are investigated and analysed genet-

ditional selection and for genomic selection, presently ically, either for studying the population genetic structure

implemented on a large scale in dairy cattle. (McKay et al., 2008), searching for QTL controlling complex

A 50k goat SNP panel has been recently devel- traits (Kolbehdari et al., 2008), performing genome-wide

oped (http://www.goatgenome.org; Tosser-Klopp et al., marker-enhanced selection of young animals (VanRaden

2014) by the combined sequencing of whole genomes et al., 2009; Hayes et al., 2009), identifying patterns of

and reduced representation libraries from eight differ- recent and past selection (Luikart et al., 2003; MacEachern

ent breeds/populations from Europe and Asia through the et al., 2009) or addressing other objectives.

cooperation of the French INRA Institute, Utrecht Univer- Genomic regions under selection have a relevant

sity (The Netherlands), the Malaysian Agricultural Research importance both in conservation and in the analysis of com-

and Development Institute, and the DNA Landmark lab- plex traits. For conservation, loci under selection reveal

oratory (Canada). The current panel comprises 53,347 functional adaptation, complementing the information col-

SNPs (Illumina 50k Infinium iSelectHD Custom Bead Chip), lected from neutral genomic regions (Bonin et al., 2007).

which have been mapped on goat scaffolds/contigs pro- In addition, they permit to investigate the genetic con-

duced by a joint effort of the Beijing Genomics Institute, trol of traits extremely difficult, costly or even impossible

Kunming Institute of Zoology and Inner Mongolia Agricul- to measure in experimental conditions. Among these are

tural University (China). adaptation to extreme climates and low-quality feed, and

The status of goat genome has improved since the disease resistance. These traits may very well be relevant

release of the reference genome that was made available for the sustainability of livestock husbandry in times of

by the IGGC in 2012 (Dong et al., 2013). In particular, addi- rapid and unpredictable climate change. Projections, in

tional Illumina new-generation short reads sequencing and fact, indicate a rapid trend towards a warmer planet and

the optical mapping technology of large DNA molecules shorter growing seasons in a large part of the world.

permitted the assembly of 349 super-scaffolds with N50 Positive directional selection rapidly fixes advantageous

reaching as high as 18.2 Mb. The current assembled base alleles in a population. If fixation is rapid, relative to the rate

pairs total 2.66 Gb, which is about 92% of the estimated goat of recombination, neutral alleles around the selected locus

genome size (∼2.9 Gb). Data is assembled into 30 pseudo- are fixed as well, creating a long invariant haplotype block

chromosomes, with high colinearity between cattle and around the selected locus as signature of recent directional

goat. selection.

PacBio sequences (72× sequence read depth coverage) Rapid fixation of new alleles by selection also increases

from a highly inbred San Clemente buck are being used to the divergence between selected and non-selected (or

create a de novo caprine reference genome assembly model divergently selected) populations in the region around the

to enhance identification of important adaptive variants selected locus, compared to other genomic regions. In con-

(Sonstegard et al., 2013, 2014). The long-term goal of these trast, balancing selection actively maintains diversity in a

efforts is to develop genomic tools for goats that can be population for longer than expected under neutral genetic

used to breed genetically superior adapted goats and help drift. Hence, regions under selection can be detected by

meet rising global demands for animal protein based food. searching for outlier markers or haplotypes in either the

Moreover, within the EU FP7 project Nextgen, popula- distribution of allele frequencies within or between popu-

tions of domestic goats (C. hircus) and their wild ancestors lations (or groups of populations), or the patterns of linkage

(bezoars, Capra aegagrus) were sequenced and genotyped. disequilibrium along the genome. This is based on the

In particular, 164 domestic goats from Morocco were whole assumption that selection hits specific genomic regions

genome sequenced. Their sampling was based on a grid (the selected locus and linked genetic markers), while drift

system to investigate adaptive variation by a landscape and inbreeding influence the entire genome. These and

genomics approach newly developed within Nextgen. An similar methods for the identification of selection signa-

evaluation of the potential of wild ancestors and traditional tures have been reviewed in more detail by Oleksyk et al.

breeds, as reservoirs of neutral and adaptive genetic diver- (2010).

sity was also conducted, by analysing the whole genome Given the earlier availability of SNP markers, genome-

of about 40 individuals (bezoars and local Iranian domestic wide selection signatures have been mostly searched in

goats), sampled in Iran. The genome of the wild ancestors humans, using both sequence and genome-wide marker

was assembled de novo and resulted in 6676 scaffolds with data (Oleksyk et al., 2010). In farm animals, they have

N50 reaching 1.75 Mb and a total length of 2.58 Gb. been investigated in the framework of the HapMap project

Conversely, to our knowledge only a few goat transcrip- and re-sequencing projects (e.g. The Bovine HapMap

tomes have been sequenced to date, e.g. within the 3SR Consortium, 2009; Stella et al., 2010). In chicken, whole

project, whole blood, mammary gland and milk somatic genome re-sequencing of wild and domestic animals

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 9

identified 58 genomic regions under selection containing to be involved in parasite resistance (Buítkamp et al., 1996)

genes likely involved in the domestication process. One was found to be associated to the number of wet days, an

of the most interesting signatures was found in domestic environmental variable greatly influencing parasite load. A

chickens at the locus for thyroid stimulating hormone few other interesting examples of the application of SAM

receptor (TSHR), which has a pivotal role in metabolic recently appeared in the literature (Pariset et al., 2009;

regulation and photoperiod control of reproduction (Rubin Parisod and Joost, 2010). The interest in this method stems

et al., 2010). However, inferring the cause of sweeps from its independency on population genetics models

(i.e. the selection force) and identifying the genes under and complementarity to the population genomics meth-

selection are still difficult tasks, and require proper exper- ods previously described (Pariset et al., 2009). Indeed,

imental design, particularly when studying the complex SAM appears to be more sensitive compared to Fst-based

traits involved in adaptation. approaches and able to link significant genomic regions to

An interesting approach has recently been proposed by specific environmental variables, rather than identifying

Gautier et al. (2009). A system biology strategy was used signatures caused by selection forces not easy to identify.

to identify the physiological functions controlled by the Goat breeds adapted to sustainable production systems

genomic regions involved in adaptive genetic divergence in in extreme and harsh environments will play an important

West African cattle. By contrasting genome-wide scans of role in this since response mechanisms to environmen-

nine cattle breeds, and using a Bayesian method, they iden- tal challenges have been evolving for millions of years, in

tified 53 selective sweeps. The genes closest to the peaks the wild ancestor and in derived domesticates. The post-

of signature were submitted to functional and network domestication global colonization, along with agriculture

analyses and found to be involved in three main physiolog- expansion and human migrations, has taken goats well

ical functions: immune response, nervous system and hair outside the agro-climatic range of adaptation of wild ances-

and skin development. This approach is presently limited, tors. Nowadays goats count thousand local populations

however, by the difficulty in identifying the right genes adapted to environments as different as sub-Saharan Africa

to include in system biology analyses, since the precision and Norway. A single example of the SAM method applied

with which selection signatures are localized is relatively to goats has to date appeared in the literature (Pariset

low, and by the present incomplete knowledge of gene et al., 2009). These authors analysed some 500 animals

functions. These limitations may be partially overcome by from 16 Mediterranean breeds with 27 SNPs in functional

recently designed methods that use a composite of multi- genes. The combined use of SAM and an Fst-based method

ple signals to detect selection signatures, greatly increasing identified three alleles under environmental selection at

the resolution of detection (Grossman et al., 2010). a very high confidence level. Two SNPs are in the alpha

Selection signatures specific for adaptation have been S1 casein (CSN1S1) gene. The first SNP (CSN1S1 ex9) is

identified in humans (e.g. Harris and Meyer, 2006; associated to seven and the second (CSN1S1-5) to three

Lappalainen et al., 2010) and in wild organisms (Bonin et al., environmental parameters. The third SNP, in the lipase

2006; Poncet et al., 2010) but their discovery will be most gene, is also associated to three environmental parameters.

useful in livestock species, in which they might very well A second investigation used the Econogene goat dataset

become targets of marker assisted or genomic selection. (1228 animals belonging to 43 European and Near East-

This highlights the need for strengthening the collabora- ern goat breeds spanning from Jordan to Poland) to look

tion among scientific communities on the use of emerging for association between environmental variables and 96

technologies and new analytical approaches (Joost et al., AFLP markers. A total of four markers were found to be

2011). significantly associated with environmental variables and

A different approach to identify genomic regions associ- confirmed to be under selection by at least one other test

ated to environmental variables is based on the combined implemented in either MCHEZA (Antao and Beaumont,

use of genomics and GIScience. GIScience permits to 2011) or BAYESCAN (Gaggiotti, 2010) software (Colli et al.,

depict, explore and compare variables according to their 2014) to search for association between environmental

geographic coordinates. This allows the detection and variables and AFLP markers.

description of spatial synchrony, identification of data The identification of genes, causative mutations, and

combinations associated with effects specific to a geo- ultimately the biologic mechanisms involved in adaptation

graphic area, calculation of synthetic indicators and, most remain a challenging undertaking, requiring the integrated

importantly in this case, of hidden relationships between approach of different expertise and the difficult task of

variables (Joost et al., 2010). Recently a spatial analysis designing proper experimental design for validation exper-

method (SAM) based on GIScience has been developed to iments. However, the availability of the goat 50k SNP panel

assess the level of association between molecular markers and of exome/whole genome sequences will permit the

and environmental parameters (Joost et al., 2007, 2008). testing and exploitation of SAM and other methods detec-

SAM is based on the spatial coincidence concept to connect ting selection sweeps at their full potential, bypassing the

genetic information with geo-environmental data. Logistic limits of low density of microsatellites and AFLPs.

regression provides a measure of the association between

the frequency of molecular markers and the environmen- 5. Landscape Genetics projects in goats

tal parameters at sampling sites. The proof of concept of

the method was obtained in the pine weevil (Hylobius The ADAPTmap (http://bioinformatics.tecnoparco.org/

abietis) and in sheep (Joost et al., 2007). Interestingly, in adaptmap/) is an International effort planned in

sheep the DYMS1 microsatellite marker, previously shown collaboration with the International Goat Genome

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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10 P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Consortium (IGGC) (http://www.goatgenome.org) and (rare allele observed at least once), 1.1% monomorphic and

with the FeedtheFuture programme of the USAID agency 0.5% give no results. In addition 97.6% has MAF > 1%. The

(http://www.feedthefuture.gov) to improve coordination existing goat SNP panel can be partially improved by inte-

among otherwise independent projects for genotyping grating additional whole genome sequences produced by

and re-sequencing of goat breeds. The aim of ADAPTmap the previously described international projects, targeting

is to use both traditional and novel approaches to explore populations from different geographic localities represent-

diversity of breeds and populations around the world. Pop- ing the areas of the domestication event(s) and potential

ulation studies are targeted to assess variability based on agro-climatic adaptability. Hence, the contribution of a

mutation classification, analysing the effects of mutations larger number of samples (i.e. as in the recently launched

on protein structure as a tag for adaptation. 1000 cattle genomes initiative) is needed to achieve a com-

Methods used for efficiently storing, querying and prehensive representation of the global diversity in goats.

retrieving large-scale genomic, phenotyping and envi-

ronmental data have been developed and an on-line 6. Reconstruction of goat evolutionary history

questionnaire distributed to collect and summarize infor-

mation on the various genomic initiatives on goats The first researches on the evolutionary systematics of

worldwide. Information has been so far collected from the genus Capra and on the identification of the domestic

14 projects, most of which coordinated at the national goats wild relative were mostly based on the analysis of

level. The number of sampled breeds ranges from 3 to mitochondrial DNA. These studies showed that the bezoar

15 and covered in total 31 countries and a wide variabil- C. aegagrus, the markhor Capra falconeri, the Kuban tur

ity of environments and breeding systems. Most breeds Capra caucasica, and the eastern tur Capra cylindricornis,

are autochthonous (80%) and mostly bred for meat pro- are the wild species more closely related to domestic goats

duction (63%). In most cases (about 70%), sampling and (Pidancier et al., 2006).

genotyping/re-sequencing activities are planned to be Contrasting hypotheses regarding the wild ancestor of

completed in early 2013. Collection of FAO production envi- domestic goats have been suggested, proposing either the

ronment descriptors (PED) is foreseen for about 40% of the bezoar (Zeuner, 1963) or the markhor, or both (Harris,

populations. 1962) as candidates. In the case of the Girgentana goat

A few large international projects, as FeedtheFuture breed (native to Sicily in southern Italy), for example, the

and NextGen (Next Generation methods to preserve presence of screw-shaped horns similar to those of the

farm animal biodiversity, http://nextgen.epfl.ch/) are markhor and of some highly divergent mtDNA haplotypes

disentangling the diversity of the breeds/populations (Sardina et al., 2006) seemed to suggest an Asian origin

investigated, by recording and relating genomic diversity, (Portolano, 1987) and a direct descent from C. falconeri.

morphological traits and several geo-climatic parameters, Although some cases of introgressive hybridization

for characterizing the breeding environment. In these between the wild species and the domestic goats have been

projects, Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates are reported (Giacometti et al., 2004; Hammer et al., 2008;

available for each flock, allowing for application of Geo- Alasaad et al., 2012), several evidence based on mitochon-

graphical Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis drial control region variation (Takada et al., 1997; Mannen

(Joost et al., 2007; Joost et al., 2010). et al., 2001; Naderi et al., 2007, 2008) finally challenged the

A few national and international projects, as contribution of markhor and confirmed the bezoar as the

3SR (Sustainable Solutions for Small Ruminants; wild ancestor of C. hircus.

http://www.3srbreeding.eu/), plan large-scale geno- Recent evidence, both in livestock and wildlife, showed

typing efforts to characterize commercial populations that molecular phylogenies based on a short and fast-

of goats and investigate marker–trait associations. The evolving portion of mtDNA, such as the control region,

result of linkage and genome-wide association analyses can be heavily affected by the effects of NUMTs (NUclear

are used to select individual animals for whole genome Mitochondrial Transpositions, also called pseudogenes;

re-sequencing. Hassanin et al., 2010; Moyle et al., 2013) and homoplasy

Genomic analyses comprise a large amount of geno- (McCracken and Sorenson, 2005; Bonfiglio et al., 2012),

typing with the Illumina 50k SNP panel. However, which may mask the actual extent of divergence/similarity

re-sequencing and genotyping by sequencing techniques between mitochondrial lineages. mtDNA control region

will be applied on some of the same populations and de analysis in cattle proved to be inadequate for a thorough

novo sequencing approaches will be applied to wild ances- characterization of maternal lineages, and a far more pre-

tors. Integration of data from various sources will allow cise picture has been obtained from complete sequences of

for the comprehensive application of population genomics, mitochondrial genomes (Achilli et al., 2008; Bonfiglio et al.,

for example, to identify selection signatures in groups of 2010, 2012). Next generation sequencing technologies now

breeds that share common phenotypes. permit the high throughput/low cost analysis of entire

Preliminary data from the recently established Italian mitochondrial genomes at the maximum resolution, and

Goat Consortium indicate that the SNP panel developed have become the common standard for the investigation

in this species is highly polymorphic. Results on Oro- of the human maternal lineages. The analysis of com-

bica, Bionda dell’Adamello and Valpassiria breeds reared plete mitochondrial genomes has been recently extended

in the Central and Eastern Alps in Northern Italy and also to goat, to provide a more comprehensive molecular

on Grigia Ciociara from Central Italy, analysed with the phylogeny of the species. A first study by Nomura et al.

50k SNP chip, indicate that 98.25% SNPs are polymorphic (2013) focused upon partial mitogenomes to reappraise

Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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RUMIN-4755; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

P. Ajmone-Marsan et al. / Small Ruminant Research xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 11

goat domestication dynamics through the analysis of about adaptation and sustainable exploitation. With regard to

10 Kbp of mtDNA protein-encoding genes. Further (and still conservation, whole genome sequencing will also provide

unpublished) analyses of more than 70 complete mtDNA more objective indications of uniqueness than any marker

sequences representative of C. hircus from western Eur- panel and avoid the ascertainment bias presently affecting

asia and one wild goat (C. aegagrus) from Iran confirmed SNP panels developed from a few breeds not fully rep-

a restricted number of mtDNA haplogroups. The topol- resenting the genetic variation existing within a species.

ogy of a maximum parsimony tree, based on complete In addition, adaptive variation will be included in pri-

mtDNAs and rooted with a C. falconeri sequence, revealed oritization protocols in order to ensure conservation of

well defined monophyletic clades corresponding to hap- unique adaptive variants, thus optimizing conservation

logroups A, B, C and G, all including at least one individual efforts both in vivo and in vitro.

of southwest Asian origin. Haplogroup A is confirmed as It is also envisaged that breeding and selection will be

the most frequent in western European goats (including more and more guided by molecular analysis. Models are to

more than half of the analysed samples). Its star-like shape be developed and customized to populations with different

suggests the occurrence of a recent bottleneck followed genetic structure (small vs. large breeds) and to different

by a population expansion which likely represents a single purposes (e.g. genetic improvement, control of inbreeding,

domestication event occurred in southwest Asia and dat- maintenance of diversity).

ing back to Neolithic times. The structure of such a clade We conclude that we are facing a challenging and stim-

closely resembles that of the mtDNA haplogroup T3 of tau- ulating time. Although the revolutionary development of

rine cattle (Achilli et al., 2008, 2009), thus suggesting strong low cost genomic analysis methods has created tremen-

similarities between the domestication processes of these dous opportunities for genetic analysis, it has also created

two livestock species. particular challenges. Tools for producing genomic infor-

mation about livestock breeds have advanced faster than

7. Perspectives our capacity to process and understand this information.

Storing, organizing, analysing, and interpretation of these

The cost of DNA sequencing has recently decreased data will be the future challenge for researchers and will

by orders of magnitude. This trend will likely con- more than ever benefit from networking and integration of

tinue and open the door for very affordable whole expertise in different disciplines. In addition, full exploita-

genome sequencing in all livestock species, goats tion of the knowledge resulting from this research, through

included. As a consequence, the amount of genomic its application in breeding and conservation programmes,

information is expected to grow exponentially. Research is also hindered by the lack of infrastructure and technical

focus is now shifting from the sequencing of a sin- capacity, especially in developing countries. Under these

gle individual to hundreds or even thousands of circumstances, any loss of biodiversity before characteri-

individuals. The “1000 genome project” in humans zation risks to turn into a loss of invaluable opportunities

(http://www.1000genomes.org), and the “Genome 10 K for both science and agriculture.

project” (http://genome10k.soe.ucsc.edu), targeting the

whole genome sequencing of 10,000 vertebrate species Conflict of interest

are paradigmatic examples of the present trend, recently

None of the authors (P. Ajmone-Marsan, J.L. Han, A.

extended to cattle (http://www.1000bullgenomes.com/)

Achilli, H. Lancioni, L. Colli, S. Joost, P. Crepaldi, F. Pilla, A.

and in the near future hopefully to goats.

Stella, P. Taberlet, P. Boettcher, R. Negrini, J.A. Lenstra) has

Sequencing will extend our knowledge of SNP variation,

a financial or personal relationship with other people or

enhancing the discovery of rare alleles and alleles confined

organizations that could inappropriately influence or bias

to particular breeds or geographic areas, and on other

the paper entitled “The characterization of goat genetic

polymorphisms potentially relevant for animal pheno-

diversity: towards a genomic approach”.

types, as insertions, deletions and copy number variations

(CNVs) (e.g. Beckmann et al., 2007). A recent example of


the potential of whole genome sequence analysis is the

inference of human population size changes occurred

We wish to thank Dr. Elisa Eufemi for the help provided

during the last 10 Kya–1 Mya (Li and Durbin, 2011).

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genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010

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Please cite this article in press as: Ajmone-Marsan, P., et al., The characterization of goat genetic diversity: Towards a

genomic approach. Small Ruminant Res. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2014.06.010