Topological Spaces and Manifolds
Appendix A Topological Spaces and Manifolds A.1 Topology and Metric A subset of R is called open if it is the union of open intervals (a, b) ⊆ R.This definition makes R into a topological space: A.1 Definition 1. A topological space is a pair (M, O), consisting of a set M and a set O of subsets of M (these subsets will be called open sets) such that the following properties are satisfied: 1. ∅ and M are open, 2. arbitrary unions of open sets are open, 3. the intersection of any two open sets is open. 2. O is called a topology on M. 3. If O1 and O2 are topologies on M and O1 ⊆ O2, then we call O1 coarser or weaker than O2, and O2 finer or stronger than O1. A.2 Example 1. The discrete topology 2M (the power set) is the finest topology onasetM, and the trivial topology {M, ∅} is the coarsest topology on M. Topological spaces (M, 2M ) are called discrete. 2. If N ⊆ M is a subset of the topological space (M, O), then {U ∩ N | U ∈ O}⊆2N (A.1.1) defines a topology on N, called the subspace topology, relative topology, induced topology,ortrace topology. For example, for the subset N := [0, ∞) of R,all subintervals of the form [0, b) ⊂ N with b ∈ N are open in N, but not open in R. 3. If (M, OM ) and (N, ON ) are disjoint topological spaces (i.e., M ∩ N =∅), then M∪N the union M ∪ N with {U ∪ V | U ∈ OM , V ∈ ON }⊆2 is a topological space, called the sum space.
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