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7-20-1916 El Nuevo Mexicano, 07-20-1916 La Compania Impresora del Nuevo Mexicano

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UN NEGRO LOCO, SE PARAPETA EN SU El iFámoso bmaiiritó qü Skgb a Bálttimcir v PARTIDO LLAMADO "LEGALISTA" cnnzamidé 1 CASA EH CHICAGO, MATANDO A CUATRO Atknaftk, el iweiatoi: Lake y TRATARA DE A CARRANZA, Y


T é " ' J Chicago. Julio 18. Un negro, reli gioso fanático, quien perdió el juicio Se asegura que se ha formado un nue- una vo con to- violentamente hoy, se enceró en LAS POLIZAS DE SEGUROS partido político mexlcanq, casa, y ayudado por su esposa, mato LOS GUARDIAS NACIO- dos los elementos de los demíi a cutro personas e horo6 tres, antes 1 partidos huertlstas, feliclstas, cató que la policía pudiera volar la casa ? í "j"fí f y Ileos, vlllistas y científicos a fin de con dinamita ast matar a am-boa- DE derrocar al carranclsmó y .traer, la y lograr LOS GUARDIAS IA- - NALES PUEDEN el esposo y la esposa. VOTAR paz en México. Centenares de tiros fueron dispara dos, y la detenida por más de El siguiente artículo que apareció policía DEBE N en una hora. Sobre todo, al capricho SER EN LA ELECCION GENE- la edición española de El Paso Mor- del negro, de que' debta llevar "unre-port- e ' ning Times, del día 18 de Julio, lio re- al omnipotente" vino costando 41 3J? A', producimos Íntegro, por creerlo de In- la vida de seis personas. terés para nuestros lectores. RAL DE El nuevo El negro, cuyo nombre es II. J.Mc : NOVIEMBRE partido cuenta v T Intyre, armado con un rifle, se ence- rí- ..i.. rr con algunos millones. rró en su casa, que consiste de una es- H"ipr En algunas fuentes de información E superintendente de se ha sabido un tructura de ladrillo con dos pisos, la Aseguranzas No necesitan venir a tus los que existe partido po- del Estado llama la atención de los hogares lítico formado ya, cuenta con cual esta situada al lado de .' ' (."-- ' " que gran poniente X :';.,: ,v 't - l ' muchachos milicianos votar ciudadanos soldados ahora en la V.i .v., " ' para, la La policía que no podía fron fi i ...i: :frv: ..".v. los des elementos de dinero, $100.000,000 plaza. tera, acerca de este asunto - por candidatos nacionales, del oro en contra del fuego rápido del . , , ''J estado americano, capital que ha sido y condado, según la opinión se dice mencionado Hoco, hizo un atentado iníi del sr. Asistente del Pro suscrito, según por prominen- incendiar el tiancy, tes capitalistas mexicanos actualmen- til para lugar, pero luego El coronel Jacobo curador. puso tres cargas de dinamita debajo Chavez, superin te en el destierro. tendente de llamó re- del edificio. Aseguranzas, SI Sos miembros del Además, se asienta que todos los cientemente la atención de todos los regimiento de Le explosión destruyó la parte de Nuevo México de la Guardia Nacional grupos políticos, antes distanciados, guardias nacionales de Nuevo México se han unido. Loa atrás del pórtico y parte la cocina, están todavía en Columbus para el 7 partidos que han que están en la trontera, acerca de la : la y cuando la policía pudo entrar el edi- de Noviembre, la fecha de la elección quedado bajo dirección de los seño- este destrozado. Ha importancia de hacer que las compa- m00mMññ res mencionados arriba, son efl made- ficio, ya estaba ' general, ellos pueden votar por los una con la ñías de aseguranza que no contengan fr-- ' rista, el reyista, el huertista y el ca- llaron carta escrita lftplz, una en sus candidatos nacionales, del estado y la del cláusula pólizas que per- W t tólico. En la fusión de dichos parti- que daba explicación porqué mita a los a del condado, según la opinión del había efectuar tall asegurados ir la guerra, del dos no han entrado los factores Villa Mclntyre dispuesto que endorsen las mismas Es Procurador General, Sr. hecho, y la carta dice lo siguiente pólizas. S. Clansy. y Zapata, por considerarse que sus te anuncio, que será do inte-r- é Harry están "ffl Ser Omnipotente me ha hecho positivo La ddl Sr. eBtft fun- completamente relaja- a todos los miembros de la guar- opinión Clancy un profeta para todas las naciones, y dada en lia Sección 7 de dos, y admitirlos, dícese, sería tanto dia y a sus familias todo el esta- la Constitu como también a mi esposa, Hattie Mclntyre por ción del se la continuar el carranclsmó. De do, es como sigue: Estado, que refiere a este y continúa la nota: "ISepan ustedes, electiva y grupo existen buenos elempntos "A todos los que franquicia que provee que nue han ofrecido su so. que Dios me ha mandado recoger lo corresponda: "cada ciudadano varón de ios Estados ayuda, y oi'e "En vista del 'hecho de muchos rfin tal vez los encarg-arto- fie que queda de la "Adoniac Zed" y el que tiene mas de 21 lntciir de nuestros ciudadanos han ido a la Unidos, que años, y el r"e! Señor me ha hecho el' salvador de to ha residido en Nuevo México 12 meses movim'pnto, dentro mis. frontera en .defensa de su que- El llevar dos los africanos que hay en Améri- pátria, en el condado 90 en el partido el remos llamarles la atención a un asun y días, y pre- nombre de ahora recomendaré a todos ' "legalista." ca, y yo " - I cinto en el cual ofrece votar 30 día, loa to que para ellos es de la más vital ' I i Con los que sean dignoB al Padre Celestial, - '"v i w estará calificado para votar en todas elementos de dinero Q'ie e al Díob Excelso de toda la nación. impoqancia. cuenta, se pagará a la (roña con orn "Muchas de las de las elecciones para oficinas públicas' Dios me ha dado el espíritu para juz- pólizas aseguran Si los milicianos están en Columbus mexicano y no con "hll,nri"!ieV 'o za por la vida proveen que en caso de , gar a los vivos y a los muertos." el día 7 de Noviembre, su permanen m'Fmo'rme a los emleiO". que el asegurado tome en la gue iw-T-- "Yo debo morir en esta tierra para parte cia allt se un pe- - en onfnión de toflos lo nn rra, a menos que su sido habrá extendido por que asi pueda llevar el reporte alDios póliza haya riodo de y ellos ,a situación, etual en M'X Mr endorsada por la compa- algunos meses, por Todopoderoso de lo que contiene la tie propiamente ' ' ' consecuencia intituliados a nue roaos ios carrnrma" "fr! 'r- - ñía tal si muer- " -- ' estarán i rra de los Estados Unidos " para emergencia, y la - ;:; en tal los oficia'es corporarse a las fibs de I"" "'p- n' - te ocurre mientras el asegurado está iUfJí : voHr precinto, por 'Los muertos son Iob .siguientes: del condado de Luna, así como por nombre del nie"o ' cumpliend-- c n bu deber, la asegu jrft,, pr"o. iStuart Dean, de 60 la Sra, -- o .r-- í años; ranza no ser colectada. los candidatos para las oficinas del Mnniig, se Pnho nip. do 28 Ed- puede ! Overmyer, años; Con el fin de evitar Infortunada estado y nacionales. entrecinta Terotvi n"P ward de 84 Alfred tal n Knox, años; solidado Sl los de la guardia nacional votan tinelo movimiento eoieTa-'- n:f''o condición, cada debe exami r. thews, de 30 años; y J. H. Mclntyre 4 en Columbus en la vota- con e' W'ilpon o l ?.en-"l- su provi-ció- ' Noviembre, presidente nar póliza, y si contiene tal ...... , y la esposa de éste, quienes fueron - ción del condado de Luna será más rio de estado, la retirada de Isa f"-'a- s deberá hacer que sea propiamen- fuertes por la policía. T;:;:. el número total amPr'cBnas oim e la re-'- 'n te a modo que duplicada, pues est'n Los heridos son: endorsada de que proteja can- sus intereses. de votos depositados por los tres wfjrtental de Chihuahua, y hsy nron. Rdward Clement detectivo: Crover I didatos para gobernador en 1911 fué Mlidades de oue. si se n Si ast lo la en - girantka y la era. Sadie Knox. desean, póliza puede TWO VTW? OF TPANS ATLANTIC SU MAP INF. SIMON LA WT,. 953. cierto modo el Cabtree; viarse al solamente de 'La permanencia control Inmediato de 6e cree que el negro escribió la superintendente da asegu- dol alllf réaul- - el - ranzas, él con todo Una de las más difíciles regimiento afectará los dleha.regtfin por partido de re'eren- unos minutos antes de que el ata y placer atenderá cuestiones (y así es la opinión prevalonte) enton ro, y el Deutschland está sujeto a las tado8 de la elección del condado. cia el americano accederá a a todo el que se han con motivo do ees gobierno que fuerte de demencia lo cogiera. negocio. presentado está intitulado a todos los dere leyes internacionales que lueron invo- la petición, lo que dará a los (Firmado) JACOBO CHAVEZ la guerra en Europa, fué la que tuvo chos de otro en prestigio Más de cien pódelas tomaron par y privilegios cualquier cadas el caso del Kronprinz Eitel EL INSTITUTO EN TAOS. "fe"os hombres. de resolver el de los Esta- Wil-hel- te en la captura de Mclntyre, quien Superintendente Aseguranzas. que gobierno buque mercante de las naciones beli Friedrich y del Prlnz Friedrích No se derramará mSs dos Unidos con motivo de la en los sangre; a pesar de bus heridas, no murió luego Kegada gerantes que entran puertos La situación so complicó ade N. M 18 No obstau- - ' dinero lo hará todo. UNA VISITA AGRADABLE. 'a Baltimore co- Taos, Jplio del submarino alemán, el libres de entrar - sino al ser conducido al y salir más, por la ación de Simón Lake, in ruta ni Inctltiitn rln nnmlnHA mft ""1 l n- -0 hospital. V . iai nar, rían k connu'star roí- Deutschland, que vino de Alemania. mo gusten y de correr su ries- uo ua..u .., l ..! H"" propio el con dése-"- n Tuvimos el placer de ver en nues- El de estado tuvo en Buuumwm, estros por condado de Taos se m8 que por las armas, núes no departamento que go el mar una vez fuera de la zona dijo que era su intención do poner ac fl L INSTITUTO DE RIO ARRIBA Chá-vez- , c, el Bftba(J Blendo exl3. que pe mfls e' co tras oficinas al señor Juan A. determinar si el barco subma- de las americanas. 'Pero si ción así Deuts- - ensangriente nnfs, TUVO UN PROGRAMA MUY primer aguas por libelo, y detenerel m ua lnterég grand(Blmo entre 1os no eW sucediendo con el anfimiioo de Algodones, N. M., Instructor rino que hizo el viaje transatlántico este submarino entró en aguas ameri- chland si contenia de sus INTERESANTE. de algunas cL .wihia timamBnta v sangriento régimen carranclxta. El AgricuQtura del departamento de debería ser tratado como un buque canas como un barco- beligerante de venciones patentadas por él. Mr. Indios del de 8an en el mercante o como unidad de !contnuar el taBtltuto por dos semanas reitan'ecinMonto oe n.o luuustrift cu. N. 14. El insti pueblo Felipe, guerra. guerra, la llamada "regla de las 24 Lake dijo que los Krupps copiaron Española, M., Julio condado de Sandóval, vino a es- Si el submarino es un más causa educaciona, ha cier. lenifica trabajo npra torio los q" de maestros del Rio quien buque mercante horas" tiene que aplicarse, como en el sus planos cuando estaba en Alemania tuto condado de ta capital con el fin de asistir al ins- tamente reciDldo un em?Bj9 inmenso hora están de vngos y con"ert'rin en Arriba haciendo excelente que se ocupa del comercio pacífico, caso de cualquier otro buque guerre-- i en 1914 y 1915. en aquí, está tituto de profesores que se reunió en en este año, y de ahora adelante, bandoleros, es uno de los primeros oh trabajo y oyendo muy buenas cosas, esta ciudad, y el cual tuvo sus sesio- todo el estado estará alerta, como los jetos del partido legalista. El iFiladeOfo del su- del Sr. Baca, aBÍst30te nes desde el día 3 hasta el día 15 de maestros condado de Taos, quie La noticia de este asunto ha cuma-d- o de-- UN LOCO BALEA A UN HOMBRE perintendente escuelas, estuvo pre este mes. SE REGALA A LA NACION LA CA- nes no quieren ser ménos que ninguno gran impresión entre todos Iob a'ie el lúnes asf como el CERCA DE RATON BANA DONDE ed senta y mártes, && Nos comunica el Sr. Chávez, que EL NACIO LINCOLN. A fin de llevar a cabo proyecto han sido desaojados y vejados en si- superintendente del condado, Sr. Syl-van- el resultado del instituto fué de lo de continuar el instituto por dos sema- - enna otra forma por el earranclpmo, E. Las N. 17 Al- s ambos dis Vegas, M., Julio Julio 17. El presiden-ma- dió un baile lúvantar mox'-cano- Itoybal, pronunciando más alagador y entusiasta qué se po- Washington, más. sa parí nue son la gran mavorín de Jo cursos en la asamblea del instituto el Derto Turner, de 18 años de edad, y te firmó un documento en ell bien concurri-- día imaginar. El extensó programa! DE BALTIMORE hoy que; fondos, el cual fué muy dado oue solo hav tino ochen, .lúnes en El en quien se supone que está loco, del fede-- acumii-rald- e la noche. mártes la se llevó a cabo en todas sus partes, ayer acepta, en nombre gobierno do, consiguiendo los maestros ta o noventa mil carmnciFtas en VA. 11 disparó dos tiros sobre sus en tarde del de Julio, la Sooiedad Li habiendo tenido una asistencia de 200 padres los Estados Unidos, lahistórica lar la suma de $70.00 fuera de los ''co. ff'n americano, onlen dell su casa, cerca de Ratón, N. M., con u t'ee teraria instituto tuvo un programa de todas dell estado formada de troncos, en que y los que se usarán para pagar los "ftnrlpq interesen pn MtVo v mi'n profesores, partes na - literario muy Interesante como sigue pistola, afortunadamente sin herir DE MUY POCAS HORAS niera al mundo el gran mártir ameri- Instructores, renta, etc., por las dos al oue loa evrane-- r h encabezados por el comisionado gener- a Pero no sucedió lo mis toos Canto por la Sociedad "Estrellas ninguno. cano Abraham Lincoln, así como el,semanas adicionales. SUfHdn enn wíot-m- e:! del Departamento de Indios de los mo con un prapdeniente de la noche de verano" hombre de nombre, Louis magnífico memorial en que está ence v extorsiones del "o Estados Unidos, en 'Washington, el un sobre dems "h'o'no "Importancia de la educación." Sr. Barbot, vecino, quien disparó El submarino alemán, ha rrada. La propiedad pertenecía a la LAS LLUVIAS. facto, hizo las declaraciones el Cato Sells, quien en unión de otros el loco la hiriéndolo cer- Deutschland, ayer Pleasant Hill. educadores tomó por ventana, terminado el embarque de su carga- asociación llamada "Lincoln Farra ementes : prominentes paite ca del corazón. Este último morirá ha- "Ieberes de los maestros." Joa- activa en el mento y está listo para hacerse al Asociation" y en lo sucesivo, será pro- Nos han visitado últimamente, o nue dice un 8"erlcano programa. a consecuencia de la herida. El lo- quin Salazar. El Sr. Chávez tuvo a su las mar de un momento a otro. piedad exclusiva de la naciSu. ciendo desaparecer el poquito calor sobre el movimiento. cargo co está en la cárcel en Ratón. El en esta "Bibliotecas escolares." Sra. Sofía siguientes materias durante el institu Baltimore, Md. Julio 18 Que el sub presidente irá a hacer una visita que se estaba dejando sentir "La única solución del nrnblema Córdova. marino al lugar histXrico en el mes Ahora reina un tiempo bas- to: Dibujo lineal geométrico, Herre alemán Deutschland terminará próximo capital. mexicano es el partido legalista, one "Oldi Octa-l- a SE "PROYECTA UNA de se callor ni de Cjnto Glory'" Sra. ría rural, Horticultura, Ordeña, Cul de embarcar su cargamento para esta Septiembre, y espera que pronun tante hermoBo, sin ninguno actualmente está formado. Tiene la Arse-ni- o un aQH. esos se sentfr en Salazar, Esquipula Cordova, tivo lAnimal, una série de conferen- noche y estará listo para salir dentro ele discurso bochornos que .dejan ,ey e No y Se tiene en una excursión - y men gu parte hay Velarde, Regina López, Carlota cias sobre diversas materias. proyecto d emuy pocas horas, es la creencia de otras poblaciones. Ojalá y nuestro de oue el Lic. Vfisouez co por el ferrocarril Denver y Rio Grande conocido en to- (uda Tolo, Loato, Cristina López. Antes de partir de regreso a su ho los observadores que han estado vigi VINO DE TAOS. clima fuera bastante mo ministro de Justicia del robinete del de la escuela" que desde Alamosa, Colorado, das nuestros hombres de l "Limpieza cuarto el sábado nos manifestó venga lando el barco desde que atracó en el partes, y que es el sucesor les-a- del ex- -- gar, pasado, viniendo un sábado y en maderista, HRafaelIUi' García. su hacia los habitan quedándose aquí muelle aquí el lúnes en la mañana de El Sr. R. H. Trujillo, de Taos, N. M., negocios vinieran a veranear aquí, tinto ' Todo lo oue hace agradecimiento hasta el en la noche. La tantos tan presidente. "Mejoras en nuestras escuelas rura tes de esta la domingo la semana pasada. estuvo en nuestras oficinas eí lunes donde hay paisajes primoro falta al nartfdo Penalista e" mi el les" Pedro Pacheco. comunidad, por hospita cámara de comercio de esta ciudad sos en en vez de irse hasta (en español) lidad con que fué brindado durante su Se recuerda que le capitán Paul en la mañana, manifestándonos iue la sierra, hiemo de Washington reconozca al está dos se . IRecitación en Anastasio arreglando pormenores, y en ed condado de Taos bo decía con el y otros lee-ai- leen-lista- español permanencia, enQa que tomó oportuni- Koenig cuando llegó al y s in poniente lugares. presidente Sin esto, loa s M. Y. cree que esta excursión traerá a esta dijo puerto Baca. - sistencia que los republicanos y los no eil moví- - dad de visitar algunos de sus parien- anUnl m6a da O n Vnnro Inn i'aln n An presentó a las aduanas, que él pensa- intentarán slouiera Discurso. Filadelfo Baca. íl progresistas se hablan unido en todo EL HON. RAFAEL GARCIA fmlento. tes en esta ciudad, a los que también la e8ta ,llst0 hacerse al mar den "Calificaciones de los maestros" parte sur de Colorado y norte dear n ,para DI i todo la N08 VISITA. rinde un tributo de gracias por sus rrt" no ifiain rti iArHA y para para campaña próxima, "El a los soldados y Carlota Loato. Niifivn México. ",c" "6"- y que entonces los de partido pagará atenciones para con él. El so, y este periodo expira'Jmañana. progresistas emnleados con contante y sonan Canto '1M3 corazón en las lo plan ha sido recibido con todo en lugar decidieron en una Junta en- Tuvimos el de ver en nues plata está EI Sr. Chávez es uno de nuestros oficiales Un ataché de la embajada alemana placer te, y no con panel moneda sin vslor. mas" John Htolterman, Rafaelita tusiasmo, y los del Denver y viar una persona a entrevistar a los tras oficinas a nuestro amigo, el Sr. más antiguos suscrltores, y nos senti- Rio se dis- - se al muelle esta tarde con Asi es seguro que todo el elemento Teodora (Domitila Pa- Grande han manifestado presentó cabecillas progresistas en esta capital Rafael García, prominente demócrata García, López, mos en extremo de la ! un militar y civil lo complacidos puestos a ayudar a que se lleve a ca gran paquete que entregó al capi- fin de saber la verdad sobre el de N. M., a anoyará. checo, cuarteto. cordial se sirvió ha- a par Albuquerque, quien llegó Carranza ha demostrado muy visita que bo. La fecha de la excursión se fi- tán Koenig. Se presume que proce- El Sr. fué comisio- el de semana deseán- ticular. Trujillo esta ciudad mártes esta ser cernos, la que agradecemos, jará quizá el sábado próximo y noso- día del embajador Bernstorft con este e hizo el con Inepto. (Española, N, M., Julio 18. El Insti- dole éxito en sus escola- nado objeto, viaje asuntos particulares, regresando gran tareas tros lo anunciaremos a nuestros lec- - "Carranza ha demostrado nue es tuto del condado de Rio deBde Taos habiendo tenido una entre- el miércoles a Albuuerque- inep Ariba, al clau res entre los aborígenes de este suelo tores con toda Se ha iWashinton, Julio 18. Las es to para la situación. Com- surarse el viCrneB. en la Invitó oportunidad. embaja- vista aquí con el Don Nos manifiesta el Sr. García que manejar tarde, formado un de tener un Jue- das aliadas el sub- co- binando, como lo ha hecho, los anti- Di- proyecto aquí esperan que Miguel A. Otero, quien le puso aQ candidato para Alguacil Mayor del con a los miembros de los Cuerpos de MURIO A LAS au- maderis- RESULTA DE go de base ball, un 'gran paseo en marino Deutschland , emprenderá el rriente del estado actual de las cosas, dpdo de Bernalilo en el boJeto demó guos elementos porflrlstas, rectores de Escuelas del condado ad- un nuevo HERIDAS. tomóvil al derredor de la ciudad, baile viaje de regreso en día o dos a lo por lo que el Sr. Trujillo regresó a su crata, y dada la popularidad de que tas, y clericales, el partido ofro yacente, para que presenciaran con los de diversio- - ce fla única solución la 'familia indios de Tesuque y otras sumo. Se ha manifestado d una ma hogar satisfecho del resultado. disfruta en dicho condado, y la que práctica para padres de y amigos, el siguien- divier-lner- a Jultán Gonzalez, el que nes para que Jos visitantes se clara que las embajadas no han IEJ co nos no corre pacificación y unificación de los mexi te fué hábilmente presen- pastorcito Sr. Trujillo es miembro de la consta, dudamos que si programa en an tan. La Idea de los dueños de hecho probable-auto- canos. tado. según dijimos nuestro número que ninguna protesta y misión central progresista del conda para ese puesto, saldrá electo irremi- terior, fué herido accidentalmente faciliten sus carros para el gran mente no harán nada hasta pue la o do de Taos, y a esta ciudad el siblemente, a menos que los republica- "El movimiento no tiene el carácter "La vacante" honor del fi- llegó silla (en por Lupe iSantiesteban en Cerro, cer cobrando a los excursionistas jbarcación se haya ausentado. día 15, el Hunos 17. nos le un candidato mucho de complot contra el actual gobierno, nado David Anastacio regresando opongan Martínez) por ca de Costilla, N. M., sucumbió nil fin a $L60 por persona, también está siendo Agentes de los aliados han mencio más fuerte que él, en cuyo caso, será pues la Idea es reunir a todos los e'e- - M. T. Baca. visi- - , la hemoragia producida por el balazo considerada. Se cree que los nartn - ,oa omhniadn. n,, i SERA CANDIDATO. una pelea muy reñida. mentos mexicanos, de todo orden so- Canto "E3 de la Li- Ine-a- grito de batalla que recibió. El accidente es tanto tantes dejarán como $5.00 o $6.00 cada ;pondencia del iFranz von Fa- cial, darle a cada nuien el cue bertad" todo el Instituto. capitán Por carta que tenemos a la vista, por más lamentable, porque él su otro uno en la ciudad y que las diversiones e, müitar la NOS UNA con'orme a sus aptitudes merece, y - r - peni atacné retirado de sabemos que se anuncia como candida HICIERON VISITA. ae se en les remunera- - ja cooperación ia escupía por hermanito, aunque tan Jóvenes, eran que tienen plan, embajada alemana mencionó a un Pa- - Asesor el condado de Gua poner a todos bajo el mando del ,'- la Córdova. to para por - Sra, Sofía el único sostén de la madre con e. e co hombre ouien de derecho i la familia, ru .a que largue Koenig en conección con los eotn-qu- dalupe, el Sr. Andrés J. Aguilar, quien El Sr. Elias Gallegos, de Madera, N. a perte- "El deber de los padres en ver que siendo una pobre viuda. gasten. piots para destruir el canal Weílland. su a la acción M., comerciante de aquel lugar, vino nece el poder elecutivo. Excursiones de esta naturaleza es pone candidatura sujeta sus niños atiendan regularmente a la 'pNo ge ha hecho nmgfln esfuer20 a de la Convención del con- a la plaza con negocios particulares "Pl los lonilistas encuentran la Afax. lo que necesita esta ciudad. Ojalá y Republicana escuela" por Sánchez. identificar al capitán Koenig del Des- - dado mencionado. Ha que se reunirá el lúnes de esta semana, y durante su que buscan de probar sus i uc. "Como aduirir asistencia regular" y Domitila Pacheco. timipauiH. o.e.a. cntand con el personaje mencionado dentro de poco. permanencia aquí nos hizo una visita, fuer7as en México, harñn el orden en - e por Juan E. Arellano. "Importancia del estudio de la Agrl- ejempio y pusiera en esa correspondencia. pagando la suscripción. El Sr. Galle medio de aquel caos. Cuentan con - como de Canto "Tierra sureña' por el rasti- cultura en las escueuas de los Distri de Las Vegas, Albuquerue", y Ocho miembros de la tiflnulación MAS ELOGIOS. gos, se manifiesta muy complacido de dinero en grandes cantidades, con la otros del sur. tuto. tos rurales" por Jüan J. López. puntos del submarino fueron permitidos Oh Nos escribe nuestra suscrltora, Sra. ver eíl adelanto y progreso de esta ca- ley, y con el hambre aue sienten les "Cómo preservar el buen orden en "Estudios manuales en las escuelas pasearse por toda la Casa Blanca, y Dulcinea- Patro, de Española, N, M., y pital!, así como de nuestras oficinas. habitantes del vec'no país, para triun- D. A .a escuela" por Trujillo. públicas" por John Holterman. REGRESARON LAS VEGAS. la oficina del presidente Wilson el día después de anunciar la remisión de su Acompañando al Sr. Gallegos, vino far sobre 'os oue causan écta última. "EJ trabajo adecuado en lo grados Sugestiones por los profesores de hoy. 'Los marinos se sentaron el suscripción por el presente año, se des el Sr. G. A. Maestas, también comer- Xo hay obstáculo nio"uno. de derecho, por la señorita Ada Broadwell, el Sr. bu estimabCe en el sililón presiden-esposa- , del mismo al- el reconocimiento " primarlos"' Schafranka, supe El Eduardo Baca, y ternativamente hace en elogios hacia nuestra humilde ciante lugar, quien trajo que impida rintendente iRoybal y otros. Sra. Aniceta D. de Baca, l. Tenían ordenes de regresar a publicación, cosa que agradecemos gunos negocios con la oficina federal Canto WA cerca do tí, mi Dios" La canción " Poco antes de la bata- eresaron el miércoles para Las Vegas Baltimore a las 6 de la tarde. de terrenos de esta capital. CATCETINra DE ATCrOrKiy wa por el instituto. lla, madre, .i!" por todo el instituto. en su automóvil, en el cual vinieron Ambos regresaron el márteí a Ma- hombre, azules, pardos, netrma y c'é j "Ciencia doméstica y Arte" por la AJ terminar el programa, la clase para actuar de padrinos de los Jóvenes ROPA DE ABAJO BALBRIGGAN pa- Procedente de Albuquerque, llegó a dera, y les deseamos prosperidades. valen 10c Precio de Venta rpe'Ml. Srita. Josefina López. de Ciencia Doméstica, brindó a los con Manuel y María Delgado. Que ha- ra hombres, buena clase, 60c por ves- esta ciudad nuestro amigo, el aprecia-bl- e 5c el par.HMcClintock & Wright, an- Duo, por la Sra. iíortinata García currentes con deliciosos refrescos. yan tenido buen viaje, les deseamos. tido. McClintock '& Wight, Santa Fé Jóven Dionisio Chávez. Suscríbase a- "El Nuevo Mexicano" ta Fé. n r EU NUEVO MEXICANO (SemapriV m SANTA FE EL NUEVO. MEXICAMp !ME."U1;. PERIODICO DEMOCRATA E! iainrabs t&9 fe ffewa .Yw!kp.irál .sins '. .:.,;r',,,. .EMANARiO SM ESPAÑOL. - " íf ' " íf Publicado los Juevea en Canta Ft por la PENDIENTE" D LAS EN FAVOR DE UN BO- feM So El Gurál Blks' OTTOtfc' a ir Cira ' r ia NUEVO v wí POMPAWA IMPRESORA DEL MEXICANO, ,1 .í ' BRONSON M. CUTTINO...... President VEGAS. S05HE POLIJICA LETO PROGRESISTA E. DANA JOWNBarf .'. 7 .....Edltp ' MANUEL f. CARCIA..,,.,...... Asltant Editor V ' ' f' :. RALPH M.HENDERSON ...... Gerente Gtnral LOS,TRIU.NFOS DEL PRESIDENTE A. OTERO - MIGUEL , ,,. Tesorero (PJ Albuquerque Herald.) "ffl Independíeme" 49 Ma .Vega, v - x .. El .!... , Nuevo, Macano e el periódico mi viejo dpi Estad,q de lluevo, JUna comunicación de Santa Ft nos flog. Sb manda a todas la estafeta del Sitado, 7 tiene una clroulaclon Primer triunfo.' 11 alude que exi dice que el comité progresista del es- tmy grande entre el pueblo Inteligente y progresista de Sudoeste. gió de Huerta y el consiguió en fur- tada de 'Nuevo México, será llamado nia do.. un vlolínl a una sesión que tendrá lugar en San- iLa I.lífí'wr- 7 - . PRECIO DE 8UCRICI0N .f1.p0 al Año Segundo triunfo: suspención ta í'é el día 22 de Julio, y que enton- p "' ' ' ' , , J flel embargo de armas en favqr do Ca- ces se determinará expedir una llama- rranza Villa. Concecueneia: ma- da una convención tí TARJFA DE ANUNCIOS. y para progresista tanza de americanos por ambos, con del estado, con eJ fin de nominar un Por pulgada columnar, eada Inser clon ,",7 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ?5q i armas americanas. boleto del estado- - Noticia . . . 10o progresista ueltae, por Ifnea, por üigerclon.. pu- LMas se hicie- "Aviso Tercer triunfo: La expedición Interesantes noticias Ilegales, por Unea, cada semana,. ,, ,, ' t "t .(Wo nitiva; frustrada por Carranza: matan ron públicas, a renglón seguido de la Aviso CJalficalQí (de ocasión) por palabra ...... m za de tropas americanas. ó aparición de ninguno de los miem- Cuarto triunfo: La libertad de los bros del comité ejecutivo republicano Perlfidleo Oficial del Condado de Sandoval, prisioneros de Carrizal: Carranza del estado, quienes deberían haberse los manda sin calzones; indicándole retiñido cun el comité del partido pro- a su compadre Wilson su triste situa- gresista el sábado pasado en Santa Fé ción; el simbolismo es espantoso, pero La organización de log "amachados" el presidente se lo traga. en este caso, trató a lo progresistas Caracoleái Y con tanto "triunfo" con la rudeza ha - - - misma que siempre - Vi-c- - JUEVES, JULIO 20, DE 1916. y "trofeo" quién dirá que no esta- sido característica en ellos y sus ac i , ; mos quedando , ante los ojus del mun- to eon todos los partidarios de Hoo-- 1 fi- i do, todos "triunfados" cuentan sus OTRA f ''atronados." sevelt, y quienes entre SORPRESA ALEMANA. fin embargq, creemos que algo bue- la muchnn hftmhraa nu.i rtrnK Mem no tiene de todo ese pi que resultar mare HA dos v ñor miinhfui años eran miembros E1 famoso ,"69" de Nueva York, alió La alemana de enviar un 'No es TRIUNFADO (?) W'UQN sorpresa magnum y anarquismo- lógico útilísimos de la organización - !Para la frontera de Texas bajo circunsi submarino de los mallo republi pasando por debajo suponer que lo produzca algo ''ES de U09 - mu. o i mo- meras narices de los que vi- boatoria encontra- Independiente" Las Vegas. cajia. progresistas están justi- um Ingleses, bueno; perq en la fleados en que a los amos "am&-inlent- dfl tomar el tren, se recibió ua niera a a los Petados Uni- mos caaos de sentir sorprender revoluciones espantosas, chados" de México no les im-- ! mensaje telefónico del Mayor General dos con su maravilloso resultado es el Eetfn ios periódi- Nuevo donde el caos ha reinado por cierto desgaritándose un si vuelven ellos al Wood, en el que se ordenaba que el co dramático y cos del de loa fracasados, o porta pito par espectáculo más especta- tiempo, y después ha vuelto a brillar, partido nó. Y eBtén ronel Lewis D. Conley y el teniente a tido q puedo que justi- cular se eubre-puj- más el ya sea el demócrata, enzalsando a que pueda Imaginar, y hermoso, sol de la libertad y ficados en sus esfuerzos pa- coroner John I. Phelan, dejaran sus ficción In- Wlson parque dizque ha conseguido vigorosos a todo lo míe la pudo de la justicia, como en (Francia, v. g.' ra enseñarles a los amachados respectivos mandos, dejando asi al ba- ventar en los'-sigl- ae un nuevo triunfo por medio de su po- jefes pasados. Lo que necesita, en nuestra opi- que de heoho valen algo, cuando se to tallón sin sus oficiales principales. La Nadie, había soñado que ea un de lítica mexicana, salvándonos de un or- nión, poco de patriotismo par man' en conajderación los resultados única explicación que se dió de la la frontera y como !os despachos de la el submarino pudiera utilizarse como te de Dos cabecilla en México. No conflicto armado con el malogrado ' ' do. la elección del estada, . Miguel A. den,, fué que estos oficiales estaban prensa, y de varias fuentes de infor- un medio de trasporte para las mer- del sirve incitar De veras que eee triunfe patriotismo que para Wil- Otero, quien es ahora uno de los Jefes, bajo "imposibilidad física." mación dicen que los hombres tienen cancías a del Y p ha sido de lo más morocotudo! travéz océano. una guerra extrangera, provocando al del fué muchos - pasar muchos tanto en el menos en las actuales son mandó una expedición punitiva a grupo progresista, por Todo el campamento del "í9" que que .traba jos coloso del norte; ese es patriotismo años el or-- como en el camino México, en de bandidas mexicanos Individuo más fuerte en la ó sorprendido de la orden, porque el campamento, por pilando es natural supo- TAN AiL PUEBLO QU0 ASISTIO A pos su coronel el falta del necesario se mandó al el en Carranza al cabo de cierto limitado ganización republicana de este estado, marchar a combate sin equipo ner que ojo britiánico está fijo este pais nq tiene el de opn-quist- nu- - - espíritu Otero saflvó a los republicanos de coronel Conley, Ies parecía peor que Mayor General TasKer Bliss, jefe eada en cada del des- ordenó a los genorales que si ' tí ola, detajle mar, sino el patriotismo que hace tiempo, morosos Un reo- - Wit- - del estado del ejérci- - la marchaba hacia el Bur, equívocos. político quedarse Inactivos en el campo asistente mayor de la ballena que aparece de cuando se las ambiciones per- expedición - que sacrifiquen Wü-so- to, y con conocí- en to, viniendo a la ha al Este o el la atacaran. n sagaz, y un profundo nian, y no faltó quien murmurara para que frontera, en cuando, hasta los submarinos que sonales por el bien esto Oeste, - procomunal, y soste- miento del pueblo y de sus condicio 'las filas. Lob hombres del batallón ga una cuidadosa investigación sobre tanto dos han molestado. . preguntó a Carranza si se es lo que hay en México; una turba de ne, fué el que se acercó más en dar mucho sus oficiales, los que el asunto. Por otra Alemania empleó los desde el baHta nía en tal resolución y antes de que quieren a parte, ambiciosos, primer jefe a la máquina republicana una direo - ihan trabajado mucho en su favor, El al batallón submarinos para destruir los buques el último alfares, los que abusan de respondiera, la guarnición carranciBta grabado representa en Carrizal atacó un destacamento de cjón sítbia durante elperiodo, cuando Como el congreso quiere tener infor- - "C9" en marcha, el general BHss en el mercantes, y añora ios emplea para bu por medio de la tuerza, - poder para siendo gobernador, controlaba virtual- rial trntnmfontrt mío lft coronel - al llevar y traer mercancías a sus cun- satisfacer sus infames la dicha- expedición, matando buen nú- monlin oTnrtn círculo abajo, y el Conley- designio. mente la máquina, mejor que lo enilado derecho.. tas. La reconstrución de México es muy mero de ellos y tomando 24 prisioner- que:Guardia Nacional' está recibiendo os- Para insulto a la inju- El mismo aparato que sirvió para difícil, y será muy larga, con el fin agregarle Otero, de todo los amos veteranos de la marina mercante, le ria, los carrancistas desnudaron y ape destruir ahora dudoso en extremo. Pobre nación! el republicanismo, nunca se olvidó del sirve para abastecimiento. O lo que drearon a los prisioneros, y cuando, a DICE QUE SON MARAVILLOSAS.. del fueron pueblo, de la masa del pueblo en gene es lo mismo; después de haberse con LE DOLIA LA MANO IZQUIERDA. requerimiento Presidente, de concedidos en su libertad, se h man- ral, que tenían derecho a 'Ber de "es má vencido de que loa submarinos eran considerados tratado El tiempo calor mucho arma la daron a Wilson sin calzones, como aim y propiamente. una tie- el más poderosa para ofensi .Ningún remedio d familia tiene El resultado fué él fué un :.uuaa sms peligroso para persona que bolo de le la sen- que gober- m ne - (El calor del sol va, ahora los emplean para bu propio entre laa que hacenfjfaita, por nador un mala digestión- mejor reputación familias, cilla carece ellos.' A muy popular jefe de partido el ma- beneficio, aunque es natural suponer las Pildores de los razón de que do guarda cuerpo cajiente y una que Foley para su a los muy popular y ea el día de hoy, popu- sa de en el que con algunas modificaciones en la La señora Laura Beall, de llegada Juárez, prisioneros lar con lo con a)imentog nq digeridos lo los fueron escarnecidos y humillados por republicanos, excepto r estómago se descompone y má pron coustruoión, según requieren Plattsburg, Miss., escribe: En aquello Jefe a quienes ayudó a hacer condiciones mercantiles. tuve las estrepitosas risotadas y chufletas to manda impurezas que ocasionan pasado muy mala salud: el de us fortunas.. IHay además, otros, an- 61 Alemania llega a perder en la lado me dolía todo el tiem- populacho. Después de entregar tes enfermedades a travéz de todo el izquierdo le a envuelto republicanos, dentro del grupo pro actual coutienda mundial, cuando me- po. ' Las medicinas del doctor no bus prisioneros Wilson, Sistema), indigestión, constipación en de toallas gresista que tienen grande fuerza per- dolor de cabeza, bir.dsldad, hincha- nos tendrá el honor de haber llevada palíales improvistados bo- - sonal, y no ea improbable que un a cabo los más notables hechos, y de tonces vieja y pañuelos sucios dice Carran- zones y otras condicione causadas tomé dos frascos de Pildoras leto fuerte progresista del estado, jue- haber sorprendido al mundo con su de los ríñones hora me a ,Mlra- - nombre, ya te por intestinos recargados, lerán ali- Foley para y tus gue un papel importante en determi- viadas con la portentoso desarrolla científico- . siento bien." Curan prontamente entregué prisioneros, qué tula pru nar los eventos prontamente pastillas eb de sinceridad, de que no de Nuevo OKxico el Catárticas de Foley. La Sra. Eli- dolor de espalda, reumatismo, dolo- - WioAreB próximo Noviembre., CUAL SERA EL PORVENIR DE res adoloridas de una manera Rier0 1f,rme troml'ada contigo? ,:, zabeth Slauson, So. Norwalk, Conn., y natu d' erá cierto, si ..V - - Ahora fluiero U de ,Estq escribe: ,. "Puedo decir honestamen MEXICO? ...... ral. expulsando el veneno del Biste- Bél, que eaque. como se rumora ea m a pueb-l- por allí, la intenci- son maravillosas." ven- ma. No contiene - t'ra-l- nuo earrano. al V te. que, Da w. . drogas.. pemicio-.. . a ttcám'fiM ón de los Jefes detener mn.lDDnn" Irlo "nun ivno progresistas ta en' la Botica Capital Pharmacy. Siempre es difícil proveer los acon- sas. we venta en la uotic capital v'"-'"- f gu convención del estado se que me tienes allí, y tpdo estará bién, hasta tal tecimientos futuros, por más que Pharmacy. tiempo que los dos ha- v una cuidadosa observación de Y Wilson se traga el camello, tripas y viejos partidos y guarde' yan tenido sus nominaciones, y que Suscríbanse ai Nuevo Mexicano. Bo- dos hechos, pero en el caso de lo que cuero, pezuñas y todo, que Carranza - le ofrece medio de una después eligirán sus nominados de los, lamente UN PESO al ano. r pueda suceder en México, es mucho por diploma candidatos más COMENTARIOS POLITICOS cia tan como falsa, y la deseables de los dos más difícil aun hacer algún pronóstico especiosa pren boletos, como nominados en sa demócrata se desgafiita gritando progresis- í.1 - B3W pues en medio del caos que reina tas. (Si los progresistas se determi- sa- - que Wilson ha triunfado,.!..! Y los 7- la vecina república, nada se puede nan a seguir este curso, indudable- r V'A muerto al otro ber en concreto. Dice Ralph C. Ely; que despacharon ba mente i los Y estarán en condición de hacer Una situación 4 el SQSto-neiii- rrio? Pue que entierren. cosa es cierta. La Cuesta í 000,000 cada año un servicio, - bastante considerable Sil SI!! es más (os prisioneros que los bandidos ca insostenible, por que queramos para el buen gobierno de Nuevo Me- - NOSOTROS COMPRAM08 ' ; rrancistas de calzo negarlo. La miseria con todos sus Júate es un estado grande. despojaron hasta xico," horrores) sa ba enseñoreado de la en Tiene 12.U0Ó.UW de 'acres de terre- nes? Pues que dos vistan. Verdad? Botellas, garras,, huesos, rueda un tiempo próspera, y rica nación, y no, que valen Y los "punitivos" que Carranza ordena de huló1 viejas, ainc, plomo, aproximadamente algo se retiren de México? PARA ENFERMEDADES DEL gracia a las garrafales equivocacio- como I10.u0V.0u0. v.- que Pues, que cobre y metal. ae salgan do allí. Todas, estas cosas VERANO. i h nes cometidas por, todos los que han Tiene n grupo da colegios y escue- A LOS PRECIOS MAS ALTOS metido mano en el tesoro la KdTOiS son esenciales para el triunfo (?) de EJ catarro romadizo aflige a milla-r- e la nacional, y camiuosy y COSi'A'BAN - DEL MERCADO dicho tesoro ahora solamente existe tlNiKO. W'ilson, y el triunfo (?) de Wilson es de persona y lo pacientes del asma sufren en las páginas de la historia, o pueda Este dinero se rouue medio de necesario para evitar la guerra. Iis torturas indecibles. El por Mé- de Miel que en Jas arcas americanas o en los tasaciones. "punitivos no tienen negocios en Jarabe y Alquitrán de Foley The Santa Fe'Metal de bribones Ka uu xico, una vez que don Venustiano no dá alivio, porque reduce la inflama- bolsillos toda la turba de gran negocio y si esto nego- ción que unos tras de otros, se han apode- cio se sobrü )o quiere allí, y manda 'a Wilson Be y limpia los pasaje del aire. and Iron corriera estrictamente Alivia la terrible tos las Company rado del desde la salida de bueno Ae los lleve cnp la música a otra parte. y calma gobierno principios negocios, NO membranas adoloridas con los esfuer 34 WATER ST. Porfirio Diaz; basta la fecha, COSTAiRU MA8 LA All DE Desobedecer a Carranza inaerferirla QUE Mil Uo "ios copstanteg de laa causas Mientras tanta, el pueblo angustia LO QUE CUESTA AHOKA. con el "triunfo" de. Wilson, que por parar a irritantes. Este remedio familiar do pide pan, harina, algo en fin, con- - Oisto quiere decir que lid. tendría que toca a a dignidad de B. UU., vez el americano lea no contiene óplo, y una botella dura , que .satisfacer sus escuálidos estoma- que pagar solamente como IA MITAD que gobierno largo De venta en la Boti-- a gos. Escriben personas fidedignas UU LO PAGA AHORA. puso calzones a lo prisioneros, quién tiempo. QUE Wil- Capitál Pharmacy. del interior de México, que tienen las Porqué es esto asi? tendrá la temeridad de decir que SOLO PARA HOMBRES son no morroco- manos llenas da papeles "infalsifica POHQUB USTED O VA A LAS los tiene, favor a su bies'' pero, que no valen absolutamen JUNTAS PR1MAKLVS. tudo triunfóte? CRONICA LIGERA. te nada, pero que aún cuando algo va Los amo van a lúa juntas primarias Este triunfo da W'ilson nos. recuerda uo no su un individuo un y se ( Colaboración. ) lieran seria misma, porque hay subalternos van a las juutas pri. que tenía, perro, NERVISANA-E- L REMEDIO QUE qué comprar, pues con a falta de co niarias; PERO UD. NO VA. jactaba de que aquel perro era el ani- Habrán observa- TANTQ SE HA BUSCADO. sechas, la paralización de los talleres Usted nomas ñatea y dice QUÜ3 LA mal más obediente que se había visto ustedes sin duda y fábricas y Ja depreciación de la mo- POLITICA E3 MALA. ' Un día llegó un individuo a visitarle. do que siempre que se acerca el tiem- J ,tc m el No po de la elección, Una Muestra A neda, se ha paralizado comercio por Porqué van los amos y sua subalter- perdió tiempo el protagonista de muy especialmente :.,. mwt Gratis Todo loa, que enco- si e elección de to- cqmpleto, y sola los muy privilegiados no a la juntas primarias? nuestrq cuento en comenzar a general, dé que StfSB. C C RUMSLY. Mñ. HUGHES. MR. WZ LCOX la Pidan, pueden, Jos elementos indi-- . les conviene ir! miar la obediencia de su. perro. Es- das partes de los condado se apare- obtener (Porque cen pensablea para l vida y eso, a precios taba la puerta de la pieza abierta y el nemnnnfl InvonlanAn ta n. tins. LOS AMOS QUIEREN MANTENER Charle E. el candidato tesorera de la Alianza o eyhorbitantes. perro hechado cerca, de él. íttlflra,'' ta cae! rompérsele .los pulmones, Hughes, ?Se siente Ud. nervioso ó qua. sus SUS TASACIONES BAJAS. la se vé nal ae señoras el partido de En de la a su amigo, qué animal tan medida benéficas para e?'Publlcno Para presidencia, rlughes, fuerzas se agotan í fNota Ud. que BU aflguno periódicos fronte lEllcs no se - conferenciando con desuna de las más - preocupan- acerca de obediente" Y ordenó adelantamiento y progreso del pue-iafi- algunos entusiastas partida- se memo- ra leemos que una era de para probarlo, s vigor sexual acaba, que la prosneridasu SUS TASACIONES LE USTKth blo, tanto como deiBU mas activo el ar. wn-.ria- que. en tavpr ce su cauül- - está a & que Carranza tiene es- al perro: "Sal fuera, Milo, sal!" El financieramente partidario, trabajan ria le falla, ó que su sueño es Inte- yita; Si ello pueden dictar las leyes de perra Izó la cabeza meneó la cola, todas la manera imaginables. am H. wuicox, y ia ora. Juanes , uatura, . peranzas, de que con la exterminación y - rrumpido por pesadillas con pérdida tasaciones y distribuir las oficinas de UJe argu-ment- no todas esas su cin-t.ur- del bandolerismo todas las condicio- pero se levantó.. Aquel eptonces personas del fluidq le & la a Asesor y Tesorero del Condado, y de le "Mllo, es, son vital; dule Üq nes duras terminen de Una vez, o ordenó en tono más fuerte: principa! que "patrio 6. la se Ud. ' y Procurador del Distrito 80s desde cabeza, siente gasta- tras noticias y Consé sal fuera de la casa: fuera, Milo!" El tas" y que su natriotismo lo impele tros llamados patriotas, pues generación, y naturalmente serían nlUagadoras, por el estilo. do, , abu- jales de la Villa, ESTAN SEGUROS. a defender y cosas que se presentan ante et pueblo ya despreciado del pueblq sin ánimo y vigor, ebidq Oalá y sea cierto, Por de pronto. 1 perro entonce se levantó lentamente abogar aquella boiir,, so US SUBALTERNOS NO PHRJU. se de la cama. que ello creen son beneficiosas io hacen nó por amor al pueblo, como (que es a lo único que tienen dere- 6 axcesos en la Ji ?ntnd?, noticias particulares, del pueblo inde- y meió debajo Aquel que 'üd. ?y. DlCA'RlAlN A SUS3 'PROPIOS AMOS; entonces vociferó: MSal, demonio para e desarrollo y comodidad del ellos dicen, no por patriotismo ni na- cho) y yá no tendrán más "chiche." perdiendo la esperanza de recupe- pendiente, del que verdareramente tie 10 nacer? Lo hacen en su en general-E- l da de sino Interés perso- iEl debe . en rar su go- ne que sufrir las consecuencias de la pueden de perro: Milo. sal!!' iEl porro ex pueblo eso; por el puebla fijarse aquellos antigua espíritu par poder condado? , amor hombre lo- ee viene baló un musido, se atufó, pero no ea pueblo común y trabajador, co nal, por el al emolumento que que tienen Interes en su zar otra vez de placare da la vi- guerra intestina que desarro- es lo ob- solamente llando Qué que obtienen los subalter lió. Aquel entonce cogió un Palo mo se compone de gente buena y Que les puede dar el destino una vez bienestar, y que piden que da? En este caso escríbanos hoy sin desde 1910, son enteramente nos? llevemos no contradictorias a las de lo que estaba cerca, y despué do darle ee ocupa simplemente en ganarse la tenido. las carga Jguales; que falta, pue es tiempo qua Ud. obtenga aflhaguefias Obtienen Jos destinos FACILES con labo- selección de que dicen los del actual ré- dos soberbio garrotazo a, Milo, logró subsistencia por medio da sns A esos mismos patriota (?) a haya preferencia ep la lo que )e restaure la salud y el vigor. partidarios la paga GRANDE. . res sino a todos los elemen gimen. hacerla salir de la casa, fceto pecno, cotidianas, escuchan los sofismas quienes be aludido los vorán ustedes oficiales, que A todo hombre nos escriba solici- (pero no les gusta TRABAJAR. los tos honrados, sanos se les que Por voltea aquel y le dice a u amigo: "Ya y embustes de los pretendidos pa hacer los chombito cuando hay al y capaces le enviamos 'enteramente ejemplo: el tifo, con todos bus Pe modo que lo amos les dan OI eu casos. dé lo que en leB tándolo, gra- en. las ves que animal tan obediente; ahí, Ip triotas; y la mayoría de los gún honubre que toma á pechó el bien justicia corresponde tis Una muestra da nuestro tra- horrores está, reinante grands8 la ; gran, r,V i.ob diputados no boji tienes fuera de a casa. guiado únicamente poir au buena fé. estar de su pueblo y que advierte el en' administración del . gobierpp ciudades del interior, asta y 00 satfiiteB. Los escla- y golo asf tamiento medicinal NER.VISANA para diputados sop 'El (Jiieñíi tiene u y esperanao que. verán realizarse las remedio por medio deü cual puede ha- podremos mejorar nuestra muertes diarias se registran . en los vos Jiacen dej perro paralelo na que la pruebe y' note eus efectos.' El ton cerebro que el trabajo. promesas de sus ofrecidos favorece- sus . Enton- situación sin de ningu- grandes centros del eur. Esto aere en la prensa dumocratica, en relación cer desaparecer males. perjudicar Qué no pasa así en su condado? dores, y que tal vez por este medio en vez de los lemas su no. que una Vei haya usado el método gado al.hambre, hace Jas condicip al "triunfo" de Wilson,. (Quien no ad ces, propagar que iPiense en ello. lUSTED paga por aliviar las sufrimien- - Unámonos todos Jos ciudadano y NERVJSANA es nuestro decidido .mi- es sean aa mira la diplomacia del presidente, y puedan penas y gerido- por los que en realidad ton más espantosas. ; , , to esforcémonos en toqq eto. más su diplomacia, su "triunfos" diario de la vida, se esforzan la amigos del pueblo, 1q que hacen es vi mejorar nuestra in go para slempre,t esto vexpic todo. Lo llama ea mé-no- qiq que pos la atención, que Usted tieno derecho de cuando posible por poyar y ayudar a sus fin- y usar, de todas laa táe erte y el porvenir de nuestros hijo, Ademáa de la muestra' a enylamo la inmensa de ios PENSAR en etlo. lipondiarlp mayoría escritores, SE SU DOLOR DE ESPALbA- - gidos patriotas a que consigan ql fin tica vie y desprecíame que indistintamente por medio de la Igual también sin costo ue FyE ' ' ' ' para, ningún obligación especialmente, americanos, parece Cada ppso de tasación 'que los amo anhelado. . el pueblo no atienda aquella perso- dad en la representación de iá admi- están unánimes cu la opUiiói de ,que deberían de no lo Pero en nistración de estado. para Ud.,un ejemplar del interesante pagar y pagan, Tíay muchos hombres quo' padecen qué es lo que sucede laJ na que con alma., vida y corazón se pública' nuestro So necesita México es ppa "mano lo paga sin saberlo, supuest- de esa da - lihrito La Salud rite Todo". Esta pe por " ifecciones de, lo riñofios sin que se mayoría clase patriotas? interesan porque realmente mejoren Hasta luego. do quo se sobre las o- ' voz CLARLV. fierro" imponga v ln No se tan que una ya han obtenido la s 14 situación. . oWita todo hom- Dí- ''.'"":.-- imaginen. realiza qué que quees codiciada magas y las domine;, otro Pero si sus tasaciones bou a fot Pprflrio altas, sério es un dolor riel nviscij-í- que deseaban con , la ayuda del pue- nombre etc. es espalda, Pue a esoe patriotero no les falta bre débil explicara cgr y distinta-ment- B as; algúp fuerte,' etc., USTEX) LQ SABE. . adoloridos, dolor de coyunturas, blo, por el apoyo, sostén y votos do e itíijós míos: no nunca a con- qué cargo abominable inciertos despreciéis decir, i(p principio enteramente Cada aho- los ciudadanos les plvl-da- n la influencia de lo nervios so- peso gastado, que podía de rodillas, y vista turbada hasta que honrados, se sacar a luz hasta pretendiendo adivi- nadie; considerad al que e superior trario al principio, de libertad que ri- rrarse, se agrega a la carga de su ta- una trata dé por 8as promesas he- como a vuestro al como bre el sistema Se le - persona asegurarse completo nar y prevear el futura y qué sé 5 ó, padre; igual sexual. manda ge en esta gran nación, y precisamen- saciones.1 Usted paga sq taui no lo chas, e! y sucede a al parte; la vida, y se. encuentra que patriotismo, etc.,' mostrándole-a- l falso resulta- vuestro hermano, y inferior como enteramente te la causa de la actual revolución en blén paga la de los amps. como decía en un cuarteto pueblo ratia Junto can la mues- gdniiten a causa de enfermedad de mi abuelo dos que le sobrevendrían si se fomen- a vuestro hijo. Alf. ' México, EJ pueblo mexicano se can- Cómo están sus tasaciones? lo del que improvisó en una sé tra todd; bien empacado y franco de riñone. Joseph G, Wolf, vez, (pues taran talles deas; poro, porquS a ha- só de tener un gobernante que daba VAYA a las iuntas o cau- 734 S. Green pase mi era un con primarias Jackson St., Bay, Wis., que abuelo gran poe cen? Unicamente porque ven qup Y trt, hijo mío, qué piepsa ser? porte, golo mandarnos upa carta. risos de er eterno inamovible, y de cus Y VOTE. escribe: "Las 'Ptf floras de ta) y que encierra una verdad funda- ' Folpy el se las suges- , Militar. á,espribiend,o e el brqKS Ja. Y ahora Jos pa- pueblo Interesa por n, su propia lenguaje, alf guerra, IV para los ríñones, me libraron de up mental., y dice aaf: morir-e- a tione de loa verdaderos patriotas, y Correrás el resgo de J cifistas de ete laio 1el rio, ya sea buenos orlados. severo dolor de me ha- . "El amor el mal do que sufre. Dirijas 4: r ' ios espalda que y interés entonces los riel !?$ gljerra. .' partidarios de la intervención o opues- Qué haces, Juan?' bía meses." Salieron ai un que patrioteros ,. molestado por alguqos. " campo día, Y , quién matarme? , tos exacta-- ! Do hacer comp dacinio vul v. podr$ ' a ella, quieren imponer Nada, señor. ' Cada síntoma de dolor de . Era el interés' podrían ' THE NERVISANA Xih ' " rlftopes piá El enemigo.' mente la misma causa la que se Y tti Pedro? merece atención. venta n 5u 1 como fets por 'De 1! amor que te tenía." garmente u;"Mlla grand" Entonces, seré enemíeo. si te'ní- - Bpt. 11Jw253J Mllwaukt Ave - - - ' combate. a Juan- Botica . j IHé acontece nue- acostumbrado Estoy ayudando Capital Pharmacy- aquí lo que con estado en la pasada rece - ' CHICAGO, ILL. EELY SANTA EE NEW MEXIGAN 19U5. $1.00 PER YEAR VOL. 28. NO.l SANTA FE NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JULY 20,


' "Vorai Einém Holds Coíimmaád;5ia;'Wst NCEMENTU.S. DIM. OF OSTEOPATH W Higk . 4 I M-- SCALE OP MlUES EXPEDITION WILL BE E, IS EXCELLENT POINT OF DEATH; "S T OUT FROM DEPARTMENT VIEW; SHOT BY LOVER OF - SELF-SL- SANITARY 1) GIRL r CAMPS Acting Secretary Says Chief Reported to Be American Policy Is Heading Big Force Near Minaca Unchanged . Regiments Left Home President Wronged With Full Supply of Fiancee, Claim or NO AGREEMENT ON MEXICANS FIRE Rations Practitioner PEACEPALAVER UPON GUARDSMEN YOUNG FOOL, IS (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) Massachusetts Men in ASSIGNMENT OF Washington, July 19. informal, con- FINISHED VICTIM'S VIEW ferences between acting Secretary Encounter; Peon Is MILITIA Polk and Eliseo Arredondo, the Mex- continued fBv Leased Wire to New Mexican.) ican ambassador designate, Killed Wood in BOSTON. Julv 19. Wilfred E. Har todav at the state department. General Upheld disnatches from Mex- ris. Dresldent of the Massachusetts Although press (By1 Leased Wire to New Mexican) of announced the - Mustering Out Colleae of Osteopathy, lay at the ico City have 'appoint- Chihuahua City, Méx., July- 19. A Eldrld ment of Mexican members of a joint band of Villlstas attacked a train on point of death today while Or. to undertake Officers n Atwood. also an osteoDath. was un commission adjustment the Mexico Northwestern railway near of differences between the two coun- Santa Vsabel, about miles west der arrest charged with an attempt to de- fifty Wire to New Mexican.) it was stated ollicially at the re- (By Leased murder him In a hotel Dr. tries, of here, yesterday, according to a July 19 Reports from yesterday partment that no final agreement as to General Jacinto Trevino to Washington, Atwood informed i the police that he ne- port the the border, being to the method of conducting the were off array along shot Harris because he believed the was day. The bandits beaten and by the war department to gotiations had been reached. It einht of them who were were gathered of in-- latter had wronged his fiancee, Dr. aliso the American captured congressional resolutions explained that brought here today for trial by court nanuuns oi me Celia Adams, an osteopatn wno oioa " 1 members could not be headed by nuiirv as to tne n it wsa stated, from drua l Ú II martial. The band was said to num- al Guardsmen at tne mournr-an-. ,, . í Henry P. Fletcher, ambassador desig- ber less than a score. nf nhnrtaee of rations puiauiMiiu Xí,CAWor 04 nate to Mexico, because Mr. Fletch- booked on a of and lack of sanitary transportation After being charge er's official position would prevent N. 19. ' assault with intent to murder, Dr. At ' Columbus, M., July Robert facilities. him from serving in that capacity. Bacon, former ambassador to France, commanders report tnat wood was taken to the hospital, wnere When told about from Department as- dispatches and Dr. It. P. Strong, of the Harvard their homes with Dr. Harris Identified him as his Mexico the regiments left City 'saying Special Agent Medical school, arrived here today, supplies. Summing up the sailant Dr. Atwood made a complete GENERAL VON ENEM MAP OF BRITISH ADVANCES. had informed the Carranza adequate Is- Rotigers but declined to state the object of the war today confession the police say. shows the British line as it was be- tors of the western front, but it is government that the United States reports department to- In the greatest single day's gain their visit. Atwood was arraigned in court offen- began,-an- known that General von Einem, whose forceB In Mexico would be sued this statement: made the British since their fore July 1, when the advance gradually ,Mr. Bacon has two sons in made public a pre- in default of bond of $15,000 by one is has a very high withdrow'n. Mr. Polk said that Mr. the The department day and sive on July 1, they captured the gain made by the strong picture shown, one whom is FA Dr. Thomas Dar- was a rurtner began in op- no to make army, of stationed at liminary report from committed for neanng on their way toward day's advance. The Germans have command, jnerhaps the highest, Rodgera had authority any . who has was not rep-- l three villages offen- Paso and the other at Brownsville-- lington, of New York City, on July 28. The prisoner the railroad cen- consistently attempted since the war posing the French and British such statement, and the policy of this of the Na- B'apaume, important Franco-Prussia- Mr. Dr. Strong is a specialist in tropical been making an inspection roaontnil hv counsel and did not uieaa. which is believed to be the pres- began to conceal the names of sive. He is a veteran of the country remained unchanged. In ter 1870-1- . diseases and it is believed from his tional Guard camps on the border He appeared calm, and later said that who command in various sec war of Polk and Mr. Arredondo, after they Civic Fed- ent British objective. The map interest in the work hero the interest of the National he had nothing to aaa to me giaio-me- had talked for half an hour, said they hospital eration and with the consent of the which he made when placed un- had wade progress, but had reached that this is the main purpose of his to the border. war department der arrest last It was stated no final decisions. . trip told of his night., A reached Columbus Dr. Darlington's message at the hospital at noon that Dr. Har- E report today inspection of the camps at Fort Sam condition was very low and It was that Villa is heading a large party of men are ris' Another Gets 85 Houston, Tex., where 14,000 he would not survive niany Negro banditB toward Minaca, miles west feared Chihauhua on the Mno of quartered, and added: hours. of Devil of City tao BY On Trail Mexico & Orient "Reassure relatives and friends of The version of the cause of the BOMBARD MEN POLITICS IS PERSECUTED Kansas City, railway. sani- REVAL; rumor the lead- soldiers. General medical and by Atwood waB scout- In Attire The states that bandit thus far. shooting given Scanty er has discarded his crutches and is tation conditions ed by Dr. Harris during a lucid period. Chicago, July 19. Another negro ' diseases." a horse. No contagious He referred to his assailant as a like Henry P. Mclntyre, the insane riding Distribution of Troops BOMBS BRITISH UNDER young fool." slayer of four persons here yestenday GONZALES UNADVISED OF General distribution of regular ' to mutual acquaintances, who worried about the sins of the ' Guardsmen along According SHOOTING BELOW EL PASO troops and National Dr. Harris has counselled the young negro, , occupied the attention of po- border was today Ify El Paso, 19. General Fran- the annoyed man marrying a girl so much WAR-VESSE- S.E RV ICE BLACKLIST lice today. He was George Flower, July as follows: against OPON LS POSTAL PLAN commandant at the war department senior. An autopsy" will be made a laborer who, in scant attire and his cisco Gonzales, Juarez, Regulars' his he had no San Antonio District sometime It is understood the body "annointed" with lard, was rac- said today that received Third and Fourteenth cavalry, third today. official of the exchange of general physical condition of Mlr.s ing up and down in front of his homo report field artillery. Third, Fourth, Ninth, with a to "drive the devil from the shots yesterday between a Massachu- , Twenty-eight- h Adams will be determined, trying Nineteenth, Twenty-sixth- or race," when a policeman arrested setts outpost and Mexicans cn the Infantry. view to substantiating disproving Useless on German Names Ground below and Thirtieth of as alleged Russians Repulsed on Extravagance him. other side of the Rio Grande National Guard: Florida. Maryland, the motive the shooting customs line Atwood. F. Burleson - For Trade of El Paso. Mexican riders. Illinois, Kansas, Indiana, Maine, Mis- by Line With Heavy R. D.'s Ruining General Gonzales claimed to New Riga said, souri, Minnesota, New York, Houses know nothing about the affair. Texas, Virginia, Vermont Losses Says Big Hamoshire, PEACE BIRD MUST Military authorities on the Ameri- and Wisconsin. Mexicans be- - BITTER HANLE- Y- can side assumed the Douelas, Arizona. District Regu-- GOODS SEIZED AND of Bald to Twelfth. BERLIN REPORT BIGGER REVENUE longed to a band smugglers lars: First cavalry. Eleventh, been in the district. Twenty-firs- t MAIL HELD UP have operating Fourteenth, eighteenth, ROSY AS USUAL FROM 2ND CLASS ON PARTY TheVe are only a few Carrancista and Twenty third infantry. CONTEST in this section of the frontier, Connect- SULZER to New troops National Guard: Arizona, (By Leased Wire to New Mexican) (By Leased Wire Mexican) he added, and none are stationed near District of Say-viii- o Leased Wire to New Mexican.) icut, California, Montana, Berlin. July 19 (by wireless to (By WnohliiB-tnn- TV C Julv 19. Action the island where the shooting took Columuia, New Jersey and Utah. Tim homhardment by German Washington, July 19 Postmaster on Great Britain's black list of nearly IF IT IS TO District Fifth, told the Na- place. El Paso Regulars: AMONG PROHIB naval aircraft of the Russian harbor General Burleson today one hundred firms doing business In (MEXICANS FIRE ON Sixth. Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh, of Reval on the Gulf of last tional Association of Postmasters' the United States under the terms of MASSACHUSETTS GUARD revenue sec- Twelfth and .Thirteenth cavalry: was announced today by the convention that if from ihn "Trd'Hticr unh the Enemv act. Is 19. A of Seven- night were "ex- El Paso. Juiyq party Sixth. Seventh, Sixteenth, German Bombs were drop- ond class mail increased,, the Btate depart--; fire Twenty-thir- and admiralty. serv- being lelayoil ty mounted Mexicans exchanged teenth. Twentieth, AIDS CRAFIN travagance for useless political Am-- 1 bat- ped on cruisers and other warships, cur- maul with thn pxnectatinn that with L company of the Ninth (Mass- , Twenty-fourt- h Second ice" in the rural mail system was infantry: numerous hits being observed. One bassador Page at London will send a achusetts near here, late yes- talion, fourth fiield artillery. oeen tailed and payments to railroads for Infantry submarine was seen to nave nit report. At the state department it j to reports the : Massachusetts, mail under the new terday. According National Guard four times. - transportation was said there were some intimations were outpost duty New Mexico, Oklahoma, space basis were reduced, he could Factions guardsmen doing Michigan, been strongly next that Great Britain's latest action Urges Forget when the Mexicans rode up on the, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and South Bill" Took recommend to congress year that construed as ' "Same Old reinforced along the front south and be reduced to one cent. might be unfriendly. and Hit opposite bank1 of the Rio Grande and Carolina. end letter postage in behalf or Bickering Bouthwest of Riga at the northern to- Hitherto representations opened fire. The guardsmen suffered From Booze, The postmaster general, making AmoHnnn firniH nlaced nn a blacklist be- Help of the Russian lines, attacking Field before con- the Ball no casualties, but reported they PENNSYLVANIA SOLDIER ' day's principal address the have resulted in the removal of their IN RIO GRANDE Marshal Von Hindenburg's forces for the lieved they had killed one Mexican. DROWNS Allegation to- vention, praised congress space names. ' 19. Private the war office announced mail in the Hickey, of Dorchester, Marathon, Texas. July there, fail- provision for railway pay ALL TO Captain Co. M. Tenth Penn- The assaults, however, all bill as first toward EXPECTS Mass., commanding the company, esti- Thomas Hang, of day. postal "the step New 19. With few while swimming POLING POLISHES ed, the Russians suffering unusually settlement of mail transporta- York, July very mated the number of Mexicans at sylvania infantry, railway busi- GET TOGETHER with comradeB last Sunday in the Rio severo losses. tion." exceptions all of the American 15, but asserted that he was unable was OFF OLD PARTIES statement on ness firms and individuals placed by to determine whether, or not they Grande at Boquilla. Texas, caught - i The official operations "If next year w can have those Leased Wire to New Mexican) under-curren- on black (By an t and drowned. on eastern front says: who use the second class mail privi- the British government the E. were soldiers. Approximately 50 shots by the " New 19. Charles thor-ouhl- Leased Wire to New Mexican.) under With the. York, July on was said. The river has been dragged (By "AT-m- of Field Marshal Von a fair of what the serv- list; the "Trading dis- were fired each side, it 19 The con- irrniin lege pay part in Hughes today told callers that isolat- but up to a late hour the body St. Paul, Minn., July South and southwest of ice is worth, we can send a recom- act, have their headquarters must The shooting occurred in an at vention of the National Prohibition Hindenburg: York Most of these mer- sension among his supporters 'three miles down bad not been recovered. The river tjicto mi hrnvn reiriments caused re mendation to congress for the step New City. he all factions ed district, about 30 and was called to order here at chants no today cease; that expected known this point is about feet deep party attacks by Russians, delivered toward penny postage in this country. expressed surprise to subordinate what, he the river from El Paso, locally ' 10:20 o'clock this with dele- peated over the action of Great Britain. J. get together, The Massa- very swift morning with strengthened torces, iu urea If I can keep down useless extrava- termed their party differences and as "the island" section. gates' from practically every state in loss- gance, not postal, but political, In the A Kahl, an exporter and importer, chusetts company was doing border P. down with extraordinarily heavy work for the election of the national GEN. WOOD UPHELD IN attendance. The arrival of John rural mail service, I could promise you said: in patrol duty in this district. OFFICERS candi- es for the enemy. "hi ticket and a Republican majority MUSTERING OUT St. John, of Kansas, the party's now that I would take the firet step "This blacklist has been the of The suc- EXCITEMENT AT DOUGLAS 19. The war de- evoked the "Army group of Prince Leopold: " both houses congress. MEXICAN Washington, July date for president in 1884, Numer- toward penny postage hands of bankers all over the world of Mr. OVER DEATH OF sustained the action dele- - The situation is unchanged. cess the party at the polls, partment today first outburst of applause by were with at least a year, to my personal know- in a great Douglas, Ariz., July 19. Excitement General Leonard Wood in or- Mpptine-f- bodies of ous bombs dropped good Hughes declared, depended Rodri- of Major entpfit nf rival PITTSBURG POSTMASTER ledge. I have known for more than a cessation of 'bick- over the shooting of Antonio Col. Lewis D. and Lieut. of success by our aeroplane squadrons FROM SERVICE measure, upon a dering Conley delegates, favoring the nomination, at. Horod DISMISSED year that I, for one, have boen black- between and for- guez, a Mexican musician, by Private Col. John J. of the Sixty-nint- on railway stations Zieja ering" Republicans Phelan, j. i'rank Kanly ana wiuiam auizer, Washington, July 19. Postofflce de- listed. I am and have been for Í0 and between various iR. Tucker. Eleventh infantry, while New. York mustered out of conven- and Pogoijilzy, and on th mer Progressives infantry, for president, preceded the is filled with partment officials admitted Dr. George years an American citizen. Not only of local the Mexican was trying to cross the the federal service on account of phys- of line, which factions Republicans. not " tion session and undersurface talk W. McNeil, postmaster at Pittsburg, has my business, which was mainly Mr. who came here international boundary here, did ical disability. candi- troop transports. Hughes, today case E. W. Chafin as a compromise Von Linsin-gen- : has been dismissed. Concerning the with China, Japan and Far Eastern had a abnte today in Agua Prieta. The of the "Army group of General from Bridgehampton, long talk in date, grew as the bitterness of the v countries, been broken off complete- with of Chicago, was the chief topic of conversation GUARD M0VEMENT8 anlv-Snlze- In places the artillery Mayor Thompson, r contest increased. Tem on (Continued on page ly, seizure of goods, but I have Illi- Mexican circles during the day and of- Des Moines, la.. July 19. The Flifet of was very active, especially time). by and other political leaders from porary Chairman Daniel A. Poling, and to the west and been unable to buy bills of exchange nois of the situation in that state. ficials on the other side of the border, battalion. First Iowa Infantry, proba- aa the Stokhod affairs. Boston, delivered the keynote southwest of Lutsk. or in any other way settle my from General P. EliaB Calles, military bly will be en route to Brownsville, whnn Im ottnekod the "militar unable to bills and Adolfo de before tomorrow was The statement as to the Reval bom Others have been get wilson to over commander of Sonora, Texas, night, it ism and programs of WAR TODAY of me." talk of the down said at preparedness" bardment says: ' THE exchange through with Mccormick la Huerta, governor state, Camp Dodge today. me ana ' plan are insist- Democratic itieuuuuunu "German naval aeroplanes on me Alfred Richter, a trader with Chin- D. 19. Cam- to the lowliest policeman, ties and stood up through- Wabhington, C, July demand be Fort Sill, Okla., 19. The First delegates evening of July 18 bombarded enemy ese and Japanese merchants, made a and of the ent In their that the sentry July cheered. NEWS DISPATCHES from Petro-gra- d paign plans organization and reeiment. Oklahoma National out the auditorium and cruisers, torpedo boats, submarines similar complaint. will be discussed punished. Rodriguez Is still alive Guard, Chairman Pnline munition the of the campaign committee The broke camn to leave for the bor- attacked and establishments at the report crossing seized at President Wilson tomorrow with has slight chance for recovery. today and exulted at the prog- military mountains the "My goods have been by the case was der. Its destination is believed to be manufacturers naval port of RevaL Numerous Carpathian by and elsewhere regularly," Vance McCormlck, chairman of the official Investigation of ress and suffrage on the Russians under General Letchit-sk- y Hong Kong Llano Grande, near Mercedes, Texas. of the prohibition hits were observed Bald: I busi- Democratic national committee. He is completed by Judge Cabried Trujfilo, C. Hinshawt of one sub- who after their drive he "until stopped doing movements. Vergil enemy's forces. For example, ness. mall to agent in Can- to enter upon the today. Bukowlna are now My my planning actively e Chicago, chairman ol the natijnai marine was hit four times. 'Serious through said cities was for reelection as soon as Rodriguea and his companion, The in convention to out on docks. a march Into Hun- ton, Tizn Tsin and other fight congress Day Congress committee, called the conflagrations broke the to be day's to me. so far as Pina, under oath, testified that Uhe anti-ai- r Aus- returned The reason, adjourns. in- order more than an hour after "In spite of heavy fire by gary and threatening the almost 30 were not less than 1K) metres committee. all On I can guess, is that once, they PENATE time set by the program craft guns and enemy aeroplanes trian rear. the front of the I was connected with a those which have held aloof." side when the first shot was fired at CoTitinVied debate on offered Samuel C. returned un- In norethern France the years ago, found navaj bill: Prayer was by the German aeroplanes Brofv German firm." "We are considering taking the them. The judge says that he Pemocrattc steering commission met Edsall, of Minneapolis, bishop of the harmed to the Bea forces that watted Germans have been heavily with state 210 metres south of the Ger- Mr. Richter said he had been a matter up the department (Rodriguez to act on President Wilson's request church in Minnesota, Mrs. outside the bay. Although the counter-attackin- g the allies, re- a or two." said Oscar L. Episcopal were visible in the citizen of the United States for 25 within day border. for passage of child labor bill. Frances E. Beauchamp, of Iexington, man sea forces gaining the village of Longueval Gubelman, of Knauth, Natchod and GONZALES LOOKS INTO the national commit- clear weather and the air craft were wood. years. Ky., secretary of and Delville Quiet ap- John S. of Zimmerman and Knusne, bankers. "We feel that we HEARST RANCH SEIZURE HOUSE official call and Mr. able to locate them despite the fog Cully, A tee, read the parently prevailed along the German bankers, have been unfairly discriminated Washington. D. C. July 19 dis Not in meets was then introduced as tem- that rTie on in the early morning, French lines touth of the British Foshay. prominent General Persh- session; Friday. Poling were ob- said: "All the officers of our com against. We have Information that patch from Brigadier Iaupch-in- g no sea forces of the enemy front. - es- porary chairman, immediately pany are American citizens. Of many of our cables were Interfered ing today said General Gonzales, . RESCUED FROM MINE An morn- served." one hundred into his speech. early statement of west- course, much of our business has with!" corted by his staff and Sulzer was the signal! for The offtciil the IN THE TRENTINO the Italiana him last ing meeting new been done with , Charles S. Hardy, a metal importer, men. visited at headquarters Jonlin, MVj., July 19. Four men who the unmasking of the batterieB of the ern front today says: have captured positions naturally: reason he could think of niiriit Aftn nn exchance of cour- - In the Somme dis- re- but for years we have had business said the only in Babcock "Western front: from the Austrians and have Ma-lAa- have beea imprisoned the Sulzer and Hanly forces and bitter and with and of for the presence of his name on the testes, General Gonzales left for 2 Mon- in trict the village of Longueval pulsed Austrian attacks in the relations, England many mine near here since o'cJock debates took place in hotel lobbies, as well as other coun- list was that he had been cabling tn lnvpMirfltft r.nmnlflints re were rescued alive at Pasubio sector. her colonies day afternoon on tries now included in the war, and money to relatives in Germany. garding seizure of the Hearst ranch. 7:15 o'clock this morning. (Continued on page three). (Continued page three). i WEEKLY SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN SAJSTTA Arabic Revolution Is. Herr Von Tittmouse Got FE MEXICAN Tf CS in the Solar The National Guard Published Bvery TkniwlaT Br TW A ÍD War's Dramatic Event Point Very First Thing , NCW MEXICAN PBINTIN9 COMPANY. , Plexus oJÍ2nLS (From the London Observer) Field Marshal Herr von Tittmouse, of come Of most dramatic event of Ilillsboro, the Kaiser's right bower In New They at the need the nation M. CUTTINO . .. . .Pre!dan By far the last , BRONSON ON ACCOUNT OF THE Mexico, has a keen sense ot humor. A re- From counting-house- college and shop, Editor WAR week, and one that may demand extended K. DANA JOlls'SON... .Managint cent Associated Press story had the British The typewriter, ledger and gavel, General ÍB revo- RALPH M, HBJTOERgOX Manager John Brown eannot pay the money he notice at another time, the Arahls naively stating that henceforth the laws of The 'phone and the, hammer Treasurer. owes they drop. MIGUKi A. OTKRO, Sr. lution in the religious center oí Islam. The nations, not the Declaration of London, With a hasty farewell Ut their ones, "On account of the war." allies. This so da grand sherif of Mecca, supported by power- would govern the seemed Though parting is bitterly hard, Entered a Second Clas Mat tar at U Bant Fe PostuCo The cook wants ten dollars a week or it was put In the headline. . With ful tribes in the west and center of the startling They rally with joy to the colors, , ... the goes, his usual alertness, Von T. law the point in off misgovern-men- t The men of the ; U88CRIPTI0N PRICE ONB DOLLAR PIR YEAR. "On acoount of the war."' peninsula, bas cast Turkish Just a few hours. To be sure that we didn't Natipnal Guard. The baker reduce the of his and proclaimed Independence. Mecca miss it, be addressed the following to the weight Hurrah! for bread, and Tail nave been captured. Medina is Jab Department: . - the gallant battalions,' The butcher ende steaks that could The Seventh drilled right to a hair: closely besieged. Jeddah has been taken ' muster ae lead, Ilillsboro, New Mexico, The old Sixty-nint- super-scrapper- ADVERTISING! RATE: , and that at least Is In secure touch with The tailor's wopl cult are of shoddy - ISth, Impatient to do and to dare. Column, .U ' July mi Dkptay, per mefc, 8tal per Insertion.., instead, the sea. The news of this event will thrill Sir Jab Editor, Bart. The Seventy-firs- t in its 10 glory Heading Notice, per lis, pr insertion..... "On account of the war." through the whole Moslem world. Heavy IL B. M., New Mexican, Not one by a slacker ia marred; ...... M N- - Legal Nettcea, per line, per InaerUon..., ,, as are the tasks on the hands of the Turks Santa Fe, M, c for 6ur ; 1 Hurrah! citizen soldiers, Claoatfied Adre, er word, per insertion... The tinner can't atch up my roof elsewhere,' they will endeavor to send up Dear Sir Jab: Hurrah! for the National Guard. where It leake, reinforcements by the Hejaz railway and Permit me .to offer you my hearty con- "On account of the war." strain nerve to i recover their on the splendid headline which will every gratulations Not, New York has The car that I will not come for domination of the Meanwhile you committed on the 9th inst, No cleverer only saluted bought Holy place. And answered the called of the ix week, in Mesopotamia the Shlah Moslems have way to describe the intentions of the Allies flag; in vOn account of the war," risen against the Tuks and the latter have has been employed, even by such, experts From far California's ranches, To Be Fair Á Course Reporting The cost of my shoe mount each time shelled the sacred Bhrlnes of Kjrbl and In the art as the New York Herald and the From Maine and Its outermost crap; that I New York World. From the of - buy. Nejef. sunny plantations Georgia view of New Mexican's recent edi- School- teachers' activities cotton-bal- l In the naturally The prices of drug are prodigiously ... These revolts have a twofold cause. To I refer to the headline which read: With snow ot the Btarred, of educa- torial disapproving the injection frequent relations with the, newspa high, the Arable-speakin- g world the TurkisU rufp Come marching the heroes in khaki, tional Into institute meetings In the But when I I a GREAT BRITAIN AND politics pers. Reports of school affairs, of special demur receive the reply, has always been foreign oppression, The men of the National Guard. counties. It Is only fair to disapprove equal- - "On account of the war." in but Inferior in civilization. ALLIES TO FOLLOW superior force .: the action of the state superintendent In exercises, notes on school room work, re caused Uw LAWS ly Enver Pasha is said to have OF NATIONS wheel..;:,Into line the thousand not to reoeive the examination of institutes, are received the news' And what can I do when execution of Arab lead- They by threatening ports by they airily and imprisonment Ho more to the papers from the Quay county Institute en ay, ers after his recent mysterious Journeys be- NEW ORDER IN COUNCIL they belong states, endors- papers all through the year. The New Their swords have been to oi account of resolutions passed there "On account ef the war." tween and Mecca. it is real- t VOIDS DECLARATION OF pledged Mexican receives more news Aleppo Again, r ing a man for the state sifperintendency. probably con What else can I de but obligingly pay,' ized far and wide, especially since the loss LONDON Country, Mr. White would of course have no legal tribujtlons written by teachers and school "On account of the war." of Erzerum, that German ascendency, act- As sentries they stand at her gates. warrant for refusing to accept such papers Yet often I wonder what orne folk ing through the Camarilla of I do sincerely trust that this brilliant The wall of their steel Is around us, on. endorsement of officials than from any other one class ot account of any anyone """ will do ' , the Young Turks, threaten the true relig- headline was not merely a sly Jab in the TWe way of the foe tbey have barred, for any position by the teachers and it was people. When all the world with Its warfare I ious Independence and spiritual exercise of Allied Solar Plexus. Of course, you know are to defend us. such statement. The New They always prepared unwise to make a Not one in ten Is so written that It may through, the Caliphate Itself, and has already brought that the Declaration of London was in- Thank God for the National Guard. iTJCAimu a turn AO luai mo Jloqcil. .juuviw And they can no longer pass by In re- untold evils on Islam. We .need not point tended to supply the International Prize bo handed t0 tlle prmter for setti,lg up- - with' k Minna Irving in Leslie's. versy is sufficient proof of the unwisdom of view: out that in face of this new turn .f events Court,, established at the second Hague getting educational politics Into the lnstl-- 1 out careful revision er for con "On account of the war." in the Middle East everything nin Vpeud conference, with a RECOGNIZED CODE. tutes. The state superintendent, however, gtructinn and nimctiiation and nrnnni. ran!. C. E. E., in New York Sun. upon the manner In which the stateam;-,-.Mhi- p In declaring that the Allies are to Fot Canned s if we may make the friendly suggestion, and power of Britain are brought to . low the Laws of Nations and at the same Art not as as tallzation. Sentences run into each other; - has handled the matter tactfully HENRICK Ulman bas a story "with of our responsibilities. We have shovji time Abandon the Declaration of London, be to minimize the politics. And It twice as many nouns are capitalized as and have in a few ' might universal appeal" in a metropolitan upon one of the most critical delicate you supreme words paid our (New York Tribune) must be remembered that all the county should be; commas where "The Ford." We that economic and political factors in the great defenders of Liberty and of the. dur-- involved are appear periods newspaper, entitled The news that Grieg's "Peer Gynt" suite superintendents good, useful, read It, then all those Near East are of vital significance as col ing war at least, unchangeable and Immu able educators whose value must not be belong, news reports aré written in the edi- haven't but and Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody" are stories have a universal appeal . lateral of accelerating the course of the war table Rules of International Law the most discounted. torial person; "the city" is always "our tribute that Poet ' proving to be the bést sellers of the talk- towards a victorious issue. The question eloquent any Laureate even the "End of a "and etc." 1b and COtípLEAT raised In the Middle East by the Arabic could conceive of. ing machines, topping city"; frequent; generally Perfect Day," may not be an unqualified the "load" or summary of the important revolution presents moral opportunities Yours very truly, Not Do when the V vietory. Judging by the vagrant music that Guilty part of the story, which should come Sir: you suppose that which, if used with the firmness and discret- EDWARD D. TITTMAN. first, allies tuck the of Hem In the our India and floats in to one's pillow these summer nights H. been held a is concealed toward village ion dictated by position in ex- William Orpet has by jury along the latter end. of Perenne it was dofie at the "If Maw the current melodies are still doing an to be not of the murder of Marion outskirts Egypt, may be of influence for says its so, it's so, whether it's we guilty The unpardonable error of writing close- of a needle Trib- so or not," the small said. Von T. cellent business. And rightly, suggest. Lambert, a high school girl whom he be- point gun? Chicago good. boy holds like current fiction and cur- ly tpon both sides of a sheet is frequent. une. that no matter how many strictures on the Current music, trayed and who died of poison as the result rent news,' 1b the small talk of life. It These are just a few defects which we allies appear in this paper, they dont ap- of her relations with Orpet. . would be a rather solmn world if wa ted call to mind at the moment. com- A Pekin . pear, because he doesn't wish to see them. It was an affecting scene when the ver- Many COW WITH PEP our souls on munications or are in faultless no comment on Von T.'s latest only Beethoven, Shakespeare dict was announced. A woman "friend of reports Eng- ' Science Perhaps and Plutarch's Lives. lish and but three (Prom the Ottumwa, la.. Review) (Christian Monitor) Kultur outbreak is needed further than to humanity" shrieked with joy in the back properly punctuated, three-eighth- For Sale One large red cow, s Like many eastern cities, Pekin is most say we i his The Important point is that 'the better of the court room and a lawyer for the times as long as possible, and with the Ideas sincerely hope government at mule and wildcat. satisfying when viewed from a distance. Berlin will decide to follow the excellent music Is being bought and played on a defense wept with emotion. Orpet, hero, in disorder. This is not a seriouB reflec- on a sum- Seen from the top of the walls, with and scale. In many ways went forth to become a movie or She usually goes' visit every great and praiseworthy example of the allies. large Increasing star write tion upon the educational qualifications of mer, but she is much attached to which it is surrounded, it appears to be a mechanical music is the most Illustrated ar- very interesting lengthy Sunday Supplement the teacher. The cause is carelessness, fail- her home at present by means of a city of gardens. A crowded district does not ' aid democracy has Invented. Just as mod- ticles at a high figure. "The Art of Ruin- ure, to sort out ideas and them in to her obtrude itself on the view at STATE POLITICS ern made School Girls" present Any person wishing buy any point; printing presses newspapers ing High will probably be losical lack of mental neatness. Sur- in feet of in contrast with the gen- feasible and enabled a the first contribution. order; I will throw fifty rope whilst, strange $KIN GAME? thereby widespread old ax. to sell to so of . Si'febisii-American- : nation to think and Is Innocent. prising errors of this kind appear In com- and an Wouldlike her eral monotony characteristic China, Poy WeHave receiv- collectively, the talking Orpet over Pekin a varied pic- - musical munications from school officials. But we some man who thinks he could whip the view presents ed it copy of tho cell for Aen.i1) Paying machines are diffusing The evidence didn't show that he admin- contrast. On the ican It will believe it is highly important, in view of the Mexico single handed. Address Logan Iture in color all hands, state convention to meet at ideas on an unprecedented scale. istered of to his victim. No. which Santa Fe, Aug- a cyanide potassium of educational work done Pickerl, R. R. 8, Ottumwa, la. amongst the groves with the city ust 2'o ' m be interesting in the retrospect, thousand Justice is mighty and will prevail. Ierge proportion to be seen roofs of tem- at p. The call shows tutu of sand to look back and see and school officials the abounds, are the w. ot years hence, by teachers through THAT BOARDER AGAIN and mansions with the rk Rt.lph Ely, but it is to oo taken how has made each co- ples and palaces their science possible step ,i that the teacher be to for Mov-aM- press, prepared glazed tiles glittering in all the glory of granted he and his Ideas will be deleted ahead In modern human progress. e A Job For Conway operate efficiently with the newspaper. To (State Wrecker) blue and green and yellow. soon after unless he is needed for a "sheep- types made the Reformation possible, this end we believe it would be a good thing In the answer to Wilson's note we to cover the beast can be And without - nine under various skin," real wlthr it argued. certainly No one wants John V. Conway out of the for are with bad faith and blamed For centuries, name, every county institute and every normal charged with a few short intervals, Pekin has re- the telegraph, the railways and the rotary job of superintendent of schools of Santa school to spend a littlo time not much for not guarding the boarder success- STANDS PAT ON SWINNEY 'i press,'' modern democrácy' would Fe now. His work here ' mained an imperial city. Its history is to printing county just isn't so that raids over line could be Times-Hustler- : difficult and a would be required in training the teacher fully a large extent a microcosm of the history Farmlngton The action be a very probably far less finished by a long shot. But the New bow "prevented. , ' successful to write news and communica- ' China. shared In tho of our teachers in name experiment. Mexican believes there is merit in the sug- reports ' w V of It county placing the tions for the T y Chinese Tar- J. L. G. gestion by a prominent educator that Con- newspapers. A little training ' FOUR more Mexican bandits sen- struggle between the and the of Swlnney before the Democratic of kind would be invaluable In more and was because of its po- way might have a much wider field of use- this tenced to die for murder. The d tars, it largely party for state superintendent of schools is . the The, Real fulness. There are numerous other coun- ways than one. It is well worth while to be will be overworked if this keeps sition close to Mongolian frontier that both proper and timely, Hon. A. N. White Philosopher the Tartar invaders regarded it as specially ties that need the same kind of treatment able to write an acemmt of something which UP-- to the contrary notwithstanding. ,v valuable as a center for their powers. Chin Swlnney His hoss went dead an' bis mule went which Conway has applied to this one. His has happened, for the Information of the has dona more to build up a school spirit in methods of organizing rural districts for in workmanlike and " DISTANCE lends enchantment to ese history moves slowly. It takes cen- bis lame; he lost six cows in a poker game; public, brief, concise, where coun- county than any other superintendent in better school and community development form. We the view,' some say." turies for Its development other a hurricane came on a summer's day, properly punctuated repeat that poets would decades. Thus we find an the state, we believe. The teachers have in tne spanisn-Amenca- localities would ' At rate. It's easier tries take an' carried the house whar he lived not one teacher in ten can do It. Of course, "That's right! any ' felt the effect of more as effective in invading force of Khitan Tartars adopting this directly than prove just Mora and Taos not one out of men "on the street" to admire a girl when she's well off." others is awuy; then a airthquake come when and Rio San- twenty the city as their headquarters in A. D, and it but natural they should like Arriba and San Miguel and can less excuse. T V T that wuz gone, an' swallered the lan' doval and other counties. do it; but the teacher has women are alike. 986, and naming it Nanking, or "the south to see the same spirit carried out over tho It not CYNICUS: Oh, all that the house stood on! An' the tax It may be too soon now, but we is difficult to learn. If It were, there Sillicus: Then should man ern capital," and then, a century later, w state. We are with the teachers and for just so why any collector, he come roun' and charged should like to see tal- wouldn't be many of us In the newspaper commit - find the Chinese recapturing it, reducing it Swlnney, though we would hate to see him Conway's peculiar bigamy?- him fer the hole in the groun'! An' the ents and ability to secure cooperation from business. But mastery of the art of saying to the rank of a provincial city of the first leave the work in our county. But we are - it Yen-sha- n Fu. Some marshal be come in view an' said the native school patrons at work in a a thing completely in few words and con- WHEN Arab meets Turk, then there's grade and calling willing to make that sacrifice for the good city j on it was back he wanted hi street too! wider field. A supervisor of rural schools centrating the most possible facts Into the something stirring. fifty years later still, again we believe it would bring to the stato. tax, Spanish-America- n - In and the Tartars not In districts might not be shortest space teaches mental concentra- Tartar hands, only as state would Did he moan an' sigh? Did he set an' restored it, to its former rank, but made it Swlnney superintendent a bad kind of Job. And under such an ar tion, thinking, and saves lost motion THE ITALIANS continue to score mean a new school Mexico. cry, an' cus the hurricane sweepin' orderly chief amongst capitals under the title of spirit for New rangement Santa Fe county would still get In the brain-cog- It aids the teacher to Wonderful Victories, the relative po- by? Did he grieve that his oV Men's the benefit of the most Important phase of sitions on the front remaining un- Chuñe tu. which interpreted is "central express himself clearly and from the r failed to call, when the come Conway's work even to a extent than crisply capital." airthquake greater as on . We changed. The Sunshine State 11? Never o' rostrum as well the written page. When Jenghiz Khan began to extend his ; an' swallered a word at present. STRANGE DISEASE . When a man shines in one certain kind are not advocating schools for journalism; CURIOUS about Austria she was borders in that great conquest which car- blame he said, with alrchem troubles on f, Socorro Chieftain: The rains of public it behooves the to is the elementary principles alone that Out of the War a' and ried him through Afghanistan, over the In- t copious that top his head! Not him! He dumb to service, state year ago yet have fallen over Socorro the make the very most of that ability. should be learned. within the last month has had 250,000 dus Into the Punjab and over the Urals into county during the top o' the hill whar standin' room is one of most valuable aids taken. , Pekin, along with northern China, last few days have resulted In the breaking wuz 'left blm' still an' barin' his head' Publicity the prisoners out to educational work. has done was an early victim. The main Interests of of a strange disease among certain here's what he said: "I reckon it's Publicity warrior" were, cen- our cat- Prospects Discouraging to New Mex- IT IS unofficially believed that Major the "perfect however, classes of population, most notably time to gtt up an' git; but. Lord, I haT.'t wonders advance education in In of and so The Dutton, U. S. A., retired, who was fined tered the steppes Mongolia, tlemen and con boys. This remarkable dis- had the measles Frank L. Stan- other day the New Mexican made a ico. Teachers and superintendents are the Ger- once lost yit!" in Brussels for disrespect to a Pekin, again, its imperial status. ease usually manifests itself by means of ton In Home statement of its stand regarding state is- most valuable contributors to New Mexico fa- Woman's Companion, man officer, failed to prostrate himself Jenghiz Khan's successor, however, the a grin more or less broad on the face of sues in New Mexico in the forthcoming papers. More efficient between officer mous Kublal Khan.towards the close.of the on the earth when the passed the victim and by a significant election. We expressed our willingness and pedagogue and will be of im- fine thirteenth century, rebuilt the city and cal- peculiar, THE CANNY SCOT by. He hadn't learned the points winking of the left eye. That is, the left desire to support clean, honest, untrammel-e- d mense mutual advantage. We make the sug- of Kultur. led it Yenkin. During the reign of the of the succeed- eye is the one usually affected. If, however, Republican candidates for state office, gestion to New Mexico educators for what first emperor dynasty which To the list of ingenious "grinds" on na- ! the victim to be left handed in the else from the of Re- it is worth; with no Intention whatever of BEWARE! ed that founded by Jenghiz Khan, Vo court happens something again style the be the one tional characteristics this story, hitting oft candidates who or and Woodrow's in a resided at the great city now .covr as eyes, right eye may involved, ad- 1 publican have been offered reflecting upon their ability literacy, y be accessl'-.'- o the economy ef the Scotchman, may Mood-Bew- but with the Yung-l- but never the two eyes together. Whether to the electorate for some years past. We admitting freely that most of them know a Fighting are! Nanking, ' to on a in 1403, the vacillation of in this the disease has not been ded: Ivan McDougal, about leave repeat that we would be more than lot more In a minute than we do in a week. is contagious yet to bis willing respect, finally ceased, r.ft from that day determined, but It has been not- journey, among parting Injunctions to support such candidates on" a bona-fid- "There is a in Tucumcari," a HI Deadly Visage repeatedly to cistern until this Pekin has resrr.fid the capital of ed that when two or three cowboys are gath- wife, says; "Noo, Janet, dinna forget real Republican state platform; we repeat pedagogical contributor may write. "It Bodes no goo China. mak' wee tak' off his glasses when i ered all manifest identically Sandy our conviction that the has many such is twelve feet It to John Beware! is not a to walk together they Outlook. party deep. belongs It gracious 'city about in, the same symptoms in succession. The dis- he's no' lookln' through them." liien available, who would shed luster upon he has a Baby? The doetors He'll somebody on the heel; in some at any to the west Jones, slap respbcts. rate, ease is not believed to be deadly. If it is it, who would make valuable serv- the child will fallen He'irmake a face a,t Pancho Vil'; erner. In recent years, to be sure, the public hope live, it having not controlled in however, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN ENGLAND ants and who would in po- He'U .a authorities have wrestled with its early stages, put the party a Into the Cistern. The child is five years ay Tut! Tut! great, great deal; valiantly ' which two the victim's first unwonted cheerfulness sition where it could always take the offen- old and his name is Jimmy. It was un- Bewarel many questions scarcely decades had never entered Into the Chinese con- may be followed by a period ot great hilar- Iu Great Britain enemies have Invested in sive instead of hiding behind the breast- conscious for an hour after being pulled ago cept of a but those who have ity and this by a temporary paralysis. Thse capitalized companies to the amount of works In every campaign. out. The teachers' , association In its Woodrow' in a city' unkeep; As the been to Pekin still carry aw.y with them extreme cases are very rare. No fatalities 1180,000,000; in real estate and personal time for the state convention ap- resolutions expressed their sympathy Fighting Mood vivid recollections of we many many miles of have yet been reported and it is altogether property, more than $357,000,000; in banks proaches, are growing more and more with Mr. Jones; Mr. Jones is a member Qf In . Today; many streets, destitute pavement, and probable that the disease will subside when and bills receivable, not less than $71,000,-000- pessimistic. We fear more and more as of the teachers' association." Tomorrow we hall Watch a condition reminiscent of so much " nothing the rain stops falling and the grass stop The income is paid Into the hands at the days pass that we shall not have the The idea to write it this And Walt and as famous of being way: Pray; Captain Burt's description the out on the ranges. a who will eventually dis- pleasure ot supporting such candidates. So : son of John a Fierce streets of in the days of the growing public trustee, "Jimmy, the We'll write Edinburg early burse the funds to the various alien credi- far we have not heard their names men- of Tucumcari, may die as the And Fatal Not eighteenth century. Pckln Is composed of Jones, THE MULE SAYB? . tors. Boston tioned of the that be in the twelve-foo- t cis- cities within citifcs. Within the Tartar city Transcript. by any powers result of falling into a And mok Carranza' Record: WTien In we have heard Is the Hwang ch'eng, or "Imperial City," Progreso Cor. Wlllard the Republican party. fact, tern, the child having been unconscious On throat ; ihe and this in turn incloses the famous Tsze-ti- n wind does not blow sufficiently to turn the IDEAL EMPLOYERS the same old familiar names which - only for an hour after being pulled out. Mr. And for ; our ch'eng, or Forbidden City, about which windmill, Guy Osborn bitches the old mule have assailed ears in every Republican who is a member of the teachers' - Jones, Send a boat so much has been heard lately. Beyond the to It to pump water, but what he says about Recently while passing through" St. Paul, We ! carnpaigu for many years past. have was the . . association, tendered sympathy Hooray! :., Forbidden from a . . a man looked at been ' - City, separated it by we will not aay. traveling up a sign, "Husch assured that the state chairman, who of In Its resolutions." - that body moat, is the great artificial mound called Bros.," end eigbed;- ''What a blessing it has preaching real Republican This Instance. to bs party may be an exaggerated WELL, with all de respect th King shan or the "Prospect Hill," and with THE WASTEFUL AMERICAN would be for the country if Bryan got a Job doctrine, done not express the views of the The briefer form may not be literature, but gentleman who wrot up our militia its five summits and a temple on each, it is not to with that firm!:' party apd be taken seriously. it tells a story quickly, and after you form regiment, something seems to tell us forms one of the landmarks ta the city, News of the police dumping out at sea From nhich we conclude neither the Another such landmark is residence of rifle with several that the habit it is the easiest and simplest way. that 700 out ot 800 Florida guardsmen the sixty and l,W0 revolvers, A chairman nor men the or Governor Us HUSBAND SUPPORTER of the stamp lie favors fa(led to pass the physical examina- T'itu of the city, with "flatlron used for purposes of violence," is are to be office. Bell and Drum towers. In the former is the nominees for tions. .. ' a delight to" humorists. Like the destruc- "Are ypy a. certified cook?" 1 bell of the fourteen While hope springs eternal in the human twentieth annua meeting of the American great Emperor Yung lo, tion of confiscated opium needed in all hos- "Yessum. Here's my certificate' faat high, thirty-tou- r foet in circumference it isn't in Academy of Political and Social Science, weapon-sinkin- stu- breast, springing very vigorously - THE ATLANTIC ehsrk bite pitals, the suggests the "But that's a. certificate." said: qity and weighing 1"0,000 pounds; whilst in the marriage ours at this of . just writing. your les off. Te land shirks general- Drum tower are the famous sticks of pidity American lawmakers. Brooklyn "Yessum. That certifies I've got to work.' This, of course, .is. all on the "We have progressed, not as majorities hypothesis enforce their mandates at the expense of ly just pull it. specially prepared by the astronomi- Eagle. Birmingham that the Republican leaders, who , have minorities, but in proportion as rights are cal board, and kept forever burning to mark shown such a interest in the TASK . gratifying prob- accorded to such niinorltle. THE HOPELESS the paHsage of time. Then there is the , ., NOT GUILTY I cant how that able stand of New iu cam- First Flapper Imagine the Mexican the "We change from a material control to Knicker pid you explain the Mexican Temple of the Four Seasons, the famous It was the first case ever tried in Stony secret leaked out. still maintain that and Just Confucian known paign, interest; a spirltHiff control as majorities cease to situation and baseball to your wife? temple, as Gulch, and the jury had sat tor hours ar Second Ditto 'Nor." I. I'm Bur everyone to. make assurance doubly sure that there their will on their wound and many other shrines of greater or less impose opponents." Bocker Yes; she np by thinking guing and disputing. At last they straggled I told promised to iay poUiUig about it. is nb misunderstanding. This is worth thinking ebout. The more on was Villa. importance. &nd the man first base chasing - .....11.. ..r t V. ;...... ,. back. the foreman, a tail mountaineer. .. , . you read it over the more food for thought; vi ..i ll Passing Show.''. , N. Y. Sun- - tu m puiuaps the general nnininti We dea't and It. to a number in wonder, and. unliSe the walls of apniies very pertinently greatest "pr,fs? did It," he said, "for we The Right of Minorities of conditions In this state. It is, of courso, other Chinese cities, thy are still kept in think, slowly, "Why should e remain neutral?" Prof. S. N." ratten. Ph. D.. the Univer- to to fur- ... A USUAL order.' Where run rouud allow be wasn't there; but. we ttinV be "So's we can cheer for the winner, ead of unnecessary refer the spectacle - - perfect .they the sity of Pennsylvania, In tpeskiug'on "The nished by the Republican majority at the There Í more danger in- talking toe Tartar etty,' tfefy are fifty feet high, sixty would of ei he'd had the cbanst." Youth's sy that we were for him all the time." De Basis of National Security," before - the last legislative session. much than id saying nothing. Utica Press: feet wide at the base and forty at the top; Companion. - troit Free Press. . V

WEEKLY SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN Cow erected immediately outh of the main well, of Torrance county, now In this and loyal to the superintendent. 'Mon- - Tears Coy's building, and new ' machlnory and city; farmer of that section are re tancr plans to secure a county hinu TAX BOARD BEARS A Cyc-IÍMí- S equipment will be installed in ample jolclng over good rains which arrived school for the Taos valley before he ST TE NE WS BRIEFS , Loose; time Tor the handling of all of this two weeks earlier than last year'B and severs his connection with the schools - V . THE MASSACHUSETTS Indian assoloation has given, to BIroop , May Save season's output. With the erection of were' well distributed. Pit silos are In his present official capacity." S' APPEALS; (Frederick B. Jtlowdenof the Episcopal cjiurch, a stone building, this now building toe association win being built end the latest machinery with outbuildings and eight acre of ground, in 0an Juan coun- - have under roof 10,000 square feet of is being employed in that section. A une floor 25 farm ty overlooking tb San Juan river, Bishop liowdun, is going to this apace. per cent increase in the "dry : ASSESSORS JOLTED property for the establishment of a hospital and school. He has not Estancia, N. M., July 17. Manuel It is impossible to estimate the ing" ponulaton of the county is est FOREST EXPERT WILL announced his full plans as to the new " ' benefits to be derived (rom this new mated Mr. who says that yet project. Otero, of , Manyauo, has 'brought Jo by Harwell, n mean ' venture by the factory, It will about 1Í5 filings have been made at THE ORGANIZATION of a "concern in Clovis to be known' as The Estancia his son, who mat a for frem 800 to 1,000 tons Mountam-alr- . SECURE SAMPLES OF market Cedarvllle and some 75 at REGULAR JULY MEETING OPENS; Clovis Factory end 'Foundry company, is elng effected for the pur- with a very and serlouB acci- oí small tomatoes wnicn naye nemo-for- S. A. of peculiar OflLY EIGHT OF 26 TAX ROLLS pose of manufacturing the Invention of Billlngton, a farmer the A. been a total Josa to the growers, (Corn,' oudan millet, sorghum a met dent. cow hooked him, and the grass, SO FAR RECEIVED Havener neighborhood. The invention is weed cutter which has and it will mean an additional amount and : grown for home use, ALL TIMBER use which and point of the horn entered the eye roughage, INSTATE with jnuch approval and .locally, and the .. patentee of $4.000 or $5,000 expended ia the are flourishing this year. The New others believe to be an of more than worth. next to the nose and both lids , MONDAY Implement passing ripped community.. ,. , Mexico p'ntp bean, is now a standard loose until they hung by the skin at its is The regular July meeting of the OPERATIONS for the last halt of June by Socorro Mining & corner product and popularity growing. state tax commission here the outer of the eye. The thousand acres will U. S. F. 8. TO 8PEND opened this of Mogollón, 18 of and silver Fifteen planted ENGINEER W. (Mailing company, produced ban gold eyeball does not appear to have heen in beans. MEX- morning with President John Poe, about one ton; sIbo several tons of con- WORK STABTS AUG. 1 yield about $500,000 EIGHT WEEKS IN NEW of and Commissioners bullion, weighing high grade injured so as to endanger the sight. ICO AND TAKE AWAY CARLOAD Roswell, George centrate. The treats '230 tons of ore daily. - Dr. L. of Amado plant Amble, assisted by Dr. Mason, OF SPECIMENS Ulrick, Carrizozo; performed the very delicate operation Chaves, of Albuquerque, and Charles NINETY-NIN- E days in jail and a fine of 139.99 was the punish- of stitching the torn parts together. ON VARSITY BUILDING SIXTY-FIV- E ATTEND G. Hedgecock, of Laa Vegas, in at- ment given by Justice Felix Garcia y Gutierre?, of Las Vegas, to H. tendance. Commissioner Felix Garcia, Wilson, alias William Connors, arrested by Officer Pierce Murphy on For the purpose of securing a car- load of of the native tim- of Lumberton, Rio Arriba county, is a charge of passing worthless checks, Connors pleaded guilty when specimens to Mr. ESPAIOLA INSTITUTE; ber of fiew Mexico, Thomas R. C. expected arrive late today. .arraigned. He said he cama here recently from Trinidad. MEXICAN RUNS AMUCK; CAMPBELL BROTHERS. OF SANTA Is the new member of ' Wilson, an engineer in forest products Hedgecock the SERAPIO who was last week when the roof of FE, TO BUILD $20,000 HALL OF of United forest is commission, appointed by Governor LOBATO, Injured the States service, McDonald last week to fill the the Santa Fe round house at Las Vegas fell on him, died at the Santa CHEMISTRY . YQÜSG MEN AT WORK here from the forest service labora- vacancy ' GRAIN CROP caused Fe Lobato' were dislocated and in- BURNS and will by the resignation of Herbert hospital there. vertebrae other tory at Madison, Wis., spend W. of Las juries, made It impossible to save his life. (Albuquerque, N. M., July the next six or weeks in the for- Clark, Vegas. brothers of Fe. eight Santa general ests of this state. The specimens The commission will devore sev WILLIAM HALL, says the Tularosa Tribune, appeared from no building contractors, will begin work Wilson test- eral days this week to the bearing of - DIRECTORS' MEETING INTEREST- taken by Mr. will be later stole a diamond and 2 of other valuables from GANG OF PEONS MAKING TROU- 1 on new nau or cuem-istry- The of Santa where, ring George August the ING FEATURE OF SPLENDID ed at the Madison laboratory, and a appeals. appeals the Sehoeller, section foremau at Temporal, on the 10th; was caught by BLE BETWEEN CLOVIS AND at the New Mexico State uni- various uses for Barbara Tie & Pole company, repre- IS AR- was NORMAL GATHERING IN RIO report showing the Constable Peace five miles west of Temporal on the 11th; was bound TEXICO; INCENDIARY versity, the contract for which New Mexico woods are sented by President A. B. McGaffey, RESTED , ARRIBA COUNTY which the over by the justice of the peace the same day; plead guilty before let to them by the university regents be issued. and the Postal Telegraph company, of adapted will Judge iMedler on the 12th and left for Santa Fe that night to remain last week on their low bid $20,384. Mr. Wilson will the represented by W. C. Black, commer- Clovis, N. M., 17. Jose Gitan, exclusive of spend greater cial on year. ; July This price is plumbing, of his in New (Mexico in the superintendent at Denver, were an Old Mexico Mexican, who was im- and contracts and the part stay heard this and this after- heating lighting Sixty-fiv- e teachers attended the Rio Santa Fe and Alamo forests, and he afternoon, W. C, HENDRIX, of MQrlarttyt was badly burned about the face ported "1y the Santa Fe for section new will ap- of total cost of the building ArrlUa teachers' institute at to secure of prac noon's schedule includes those while opening a bottle which he thought was carbolic acid, but proved gang labor, after imbibing freely of is the first unit county expects specimens Miss of Santa proximate $30,000. It to Prof. Rupert every kind of timber grown in Mahderfleld, Fe; the to be ammonia. The bottle was hot from being in the sun and when Texico booze, and Imbued with an of of eeience for Española, according tically Santa Fe Gold & the United on the group buildings F. conductor, who has Just this state. The tests are expected to Copper company, opened it exploded, burning his eyes, throat and nostrils. , He may lose toward the States state pro- Aspluad, Santa Fe Products and the which the last legislature returned from and speaks result in the increased use of Now company, his eyesight as a result. account of international troubles, vide tsn dim. The other units will Española Santa Fe Pacific company. started on a crusade of incendiarism most highly of the spirit of progress Mexico timber in this and adjoining THIRTY LARGE auto trucks last week on be constructed as rapidly as the appro- At noon today the commission passed through Deming when he applied the torch to the gran- in- and enthusiasm which permeated the states. were-heavi- available. On the wired the assessors of counties their way from El Paso to the army base at Columbus. The cars ly H. priation becomes number of teachers are In with Ira T. all that ary on the place of McDantela, hall will be gathering. A company Yarnall, dep have not sent in their tax rolls to laden and made, the trip from El Paso without the least trouble. ene mile west of and proceed- terior the new chemistry for an additional two of the Santa Fe nation yet Texico, thn in at word in modern, sclentifc remaining uty supervisor them The tax rolls ed to the stacks on the same weeks to work for second cer- al Mr. WJlson this morning call ship immediately. JOHN J. MCLAUGHLIN, Bert Alexander and .T. D. Phillips, of grain construction and convenience. The grade forest, are supposed to be in by the time of place, which were a quarter of a mile tificates. E. 8. Broadwell, of Santa on State Engineer French and dhr lumbus, were arrested at the border town for selling liquor without a exterior will be a faithful reproduc- id the July meeting, but so far the rolls . - or so ditanct, where he again ap- Cruz, is conducting the extra session. cussed with him the use of Douglas and were taken before Justice L; J. Peach, of for a pre- ., archi- of of the twenty-si- coun. license, Deihing, the torch to about $700 worth of tion of the Taos Indian pueblo New timber In only eight were bound over the court in the sum of plied Mrs. Ella Schafranka, of Rinconada, fir and other Mexico ties have been received. 'Hmtnary hearing. They by feed. The f'r was detected about 2 tecture. The new building will be Silver construction. Whenever $2,000 each, and will be confined in he Luna county to await the ac- time training teacher from the City bridge prac jail o'clock in the morning. Immediately completed under the contract in has been most valu native timber Is now used by tion of the grand Jury. . , for use the semester of normal, doing ticable, i forrowing which the sheriff's office in during second, able work for the second and third the state engineer's , department In the which will THE JUNE discipline bulletin for the eastern division of the El this city was notified of the situation. present college year, teachers in agriculture, manu the construction of pile and other ALL U. TO scene 2. ' grade S. Paso & Southwestern system has been issued from the office of C. JJ. Sheriff Moye was upon the begin August al training, sewing, cooking, basketry bridges. - within an with four like a Beath. Only one employe was discharged from the service. This was hour, deputies, (Something very building and primary work. Tests of the quaking aspen, spruce a locomotive who was relieved for an between and scoured the surrounding country boom is on m the district, engineer, running engine University "To the teachers practical ex- and fir grown in iNew Mexico to de- AUTO TOUR AUG. stations without orders. for what had been reported as a gang the growth of the give 6 created largely by perience," said Prof. Asplund today, termine their adaptability for us In of Mexicans. Gitan was later picked university Itself. Thirty-nin- resi- those THE BOARD of eomnilssioners, of Guadalupe county, have at Texico. "a (literary society was organized and paper making will be among county up dences have heen completed on the at the Madison granted the Ft. Sumner petition for incorporation as a village. The This is only one of several incidents Central ave- held most Interesting meetings. made laboratory, university end of East Cordova was for the The next step will be the election of officers for the municipality, of which vhlch have occurred in this vicinity nue within the and 12 are now president greatest automobile travel this be eleven four year first half of the sesión and c. has ever seen assured for there will elected, a mayor, councilmen, city clerk and, Htributable to of Mexicano under The Sigma Chi frater- Miguel Hard country is five members of the board of education. towards United the way. Jaramillo for the latter part. Orange Paper National Touring Week, the remarka- the States, says Í8 doubling the size of its chap- Clovis and it is little wonder nity "The southern Rio Arriba County ble movement that is promoting a Tucum-carl- e Journal, house and Delta, a local On Educators' Eyes THE QUAY county Republican convention will be held at that some concern for ter the Alpha Teachers' association was also or general on vacation automo- h in't the sf men's is a resi- The orange colored paper on which starting on July 29. Delegates to the state convention will be named. i s fraternity, enlarging with Juan J. of Santa bile trips August 6 the motorists of y of property in th locality. dence so as to ganized Lopez, the teachers of San Miguel county by WHEN THIRTY horses escaped from the stock pens at Deming it recently purchased, as and Joaquin Sala-zar- . finished this country. one a town the animals room for 15 students. The Cruz, president wrote their exams when they night last week, report spread through the that provide secretary. A group of aggressive Las has dazzled The idea of an official automobile had been stolen by Mexican bandits and taken across the line. Later electric car line construction to the institute at Vegas, young teiiows witu are making and tired the eyes of the reading tour participated in by every motorist the horses were rounded . WHEAT-CRO- is progressing rapidly and Lpez up. , CUBBY university their influence strongly felt in the hncirfl at thn panitol. The three young who can make his vacation coincide cars will be running within another - - for educational and civic hours at with the week of li has grin- ENGINEER W. A. WINDER, of the Southern Pacific, who was two weeks to the campus. The uni- county prog ladies who have gazed for August struck on the head a mail crane at Carne station died ress. ' tun hundreds and thousands of sheets pod the interest of the owners of by recently, versity is beginning to give Albuquer- motor cars land. from the effects of his injuries at the Deming hospital. His skull was of what On the last day of the Institute was while grad'ng the papers have lost through the The ear que the first striking example oranee for ly momentum the movement has crushed. institution will held a most meeting of Í0 vmnnthv fnr the and the gain a growing educational interesting whose feast was ed has the originators of in the way school directors, each teacher on the cause of Orangemen surprised . TWENTY-SI- of the S3 men who enlisted In do for its home community are tnreat-ene- d the idea. All Americans who think of Quay county young and suggestion of Prof. Asplund having celebrated last week. They dl material development popula- n -- automobiles the New Mexico regiment of the National Guard, passed the physical with eye-strai- all on account and vacations in the same GRAIN WILL RUN WELL OVER 60 sent a Invitation to a school - , , tion Al personal breath are let- examination. ..: MEANS growth, of the color of the paper. thinking- with the red POUNDS TO BUSHEL; director to be present. A program of ter 6" on ' State Scliool Huperinienoent Aivan date, "August branded the JAMES JOHNSON, who formerly conducted the Owen hotel at PROSPERITY speeches and exercises and discussions H. Line otn- - N. White has written Dr. Frank H. thought Santa Rita, Grant county, recently killed bis wife and then suicided New Telephone was given, with speeches among Uni- The automobile trade and automo- 17.-- Roberts, president of the Normal while on an automobile south of Ariz. Clovis, N. M., July JIt is esti- ers by KoyDau trip Holbrook, to El Paso County Superintendent versity at Las Vegas, where the ex- bile qlubs have enlisted in the move mated that the wheat yield of Curry Lordsburg and County Commisionar iLohato. him ment, and are it ahead with n aminations were taken, asking driving WHILE PLAYING at "trench digging" at his home in Ft. Sumner, county this year will reach a Mr. Asplund says Rio Arriba county their characteristic force. N. 17. Robert - whether or not something can be done Newspapers, the small son of Howard Barrett, of that place, was struck on the head bushels. The best test of any (Deming, M., July will send its full of six student- the of so novel right-of-wa- y quota color of to be sensing popular appeal with a hatchet in the hands of a playmate. A three inches long was Lincoln, of Ed Paso, general to change the the paper gash wheat ever raised in the county teachers for normal training as pro- used in future examinations. an outing, are hurrying its develop- was inflicted, but the wound is not serious. made ear J. JL Trimble, man' for the Mountain States law. this by in vided under the new scholarship rr TinViArta iii hid rp.nlv received to ment along. who lives three miles north of Claud. Telephone & Telegraph company That American motorists should CLYDE C. BUCKINGHAM has succeeded Arthur E. Curren as edi- Arizona and Texas, is day, expresses great surprise that the His wheat tested 63 pounds per New Mexico, SPLENDID SPIRIT FOUND react- spend their vacations in their automo- tor and publisher of the Clovis News. Curren will go to California. in Deming, orange hued paper nas given tne bushel i the yield was 14 bushels. Mr. making his headquarters BY FILADELFO BAUA biles on the road is' common sense. construction of a new ing board eye trouble. He says that ALMERON NEWMAN, official photpgrapher for the Cowbodv's re- Trimble is an IMionis farmer having supervising the "Mv recent visits to the several tht nf the nanor was annroved That as many of them should attempt toll line from El Paso to Lordsburg, so union at Las Vegas, tias been given the contract for handling all the come to this country five years ago county institutes at Las Vegas, Mora, by one of the foremost oculists of to do on an official touring week is still to be taken at the at N. ' and made Mr. Trimble is which will be extended to Benson, con-aftn- r merely an efficient method of arousing pictures great Stampede Sheepshead Bay, has good. west Santa Fe, Taos ana Kspanoia, Denver as the least trying on the eyea Y August 6 to 12. The Stampede will bring the best profes- fin Clovis and states that Mr. Stahll, Ariz. The last leg of the line, a. thorough insoection. he hold of some the nation to seeing America now. together survey- When can get good, sional and amateur cowboys in the world, who will compete for the one of his neighbors, raised 35 bush- from LordBburg, has not been instructors and teachers are white paper he promises The organization of National Tour- new represents that the no World's championship belts and a total of 50,000. . els per acre on a tract, his ed yet. This project nlivo with that kind nf interest which to put in a supply. ing Week is neglocting department and is 160 miles or of nation-wid- e - ' average 20 buBhels. Fred James' an outlay of $181,000, results in the educational phase this motoring WOOL to the value of $12,000 was sold last week by Ben Et- being have augurs good - turned out .better expected. In length. Two carloads of poles aeciar--d APPEAL PERIOD EXTENDED outing. Hotels are being stimulated of Colfax crop than ana work throughout New Mexico," chant, the Springer district of county. Ranchmen near It made 20 bushels with a 62 pound already been shipped to uenung, Audatiint stRta School Superin to provide for the week, and they ara aU be delivered extra to care for Maxwell and Roy also sold considerable wool last week, receiving test. . 30 carloads in will tendent Filadelfo Baca today in dis- making preparations a the at time. 24 cents per pound for It here. This will be made the his recent tour in the In- exceptional travel that nf the construction gang, cussing Judge Abbott has signed an order Supply dealers are their THOUSANDS OF BUSHEL8 terest of education. "The pass words for strengthening - . the time filing an ap to meet demands of MANY- HOLSTEIN. dairy cattle have been purchased by farm-- AHEAD OF LAST YEAR composed of 100 men, who will work .better cer- extending organizations the The now are tionger institutes peal in the case ot Elias Clark vs. the they era of the district of Colfax county during the last several Tucumearl, N. 17. That ooot onri wBEt from this city. Every- greatest mileage ( Springer at, July tificateshigh qualifications." eleven fire insurance companies, from have ever faced. in there will be thousands of bushels of new line will follow what is known now understands that the months. The ,cattle have been brought by George Tindall and dis- body fully July 12 to JuOy 17. The appeal was "See America first seeing your wheat in excess to that produced by as the old wagon road the entire to the word "insti- by H. F. Achilles, and sold to the farmers. Achilles will receive 30 new toll line emphasis given filed today by the insurance com- own state first," ia the sentiment back the plains farmers last year is proven tance, making a complete tute" means the survival of the fit- Cou- additional cows from Wisconsin about 1. It means panies against which a verdict was of this national outing August by every farmer who comes in from for the biff Bell system. test even in matters to to 11 and isolat pertaining given in the district court last winter, pled with it is the reminder the that portion of the country. villages certificates, and consequent- ROLAND HARWELL, Torrance county agricultural agent, es- in as teachers' Mr. Clark suing on policies he held motorist that the finest vacation offer- say that the yield will be as ed ranch homes this vicinity, the minds of the third haB Is one a vacation timates the bean acreage in that county this at 15,000 acres, They comnanv. which owns ly graders with the companies. ed him the nearest year good to the acre as it was last year, tha tnifinhnnn heen made and from now henceforth tour of his own state in his own car. and states conditions and indicate will will be able to cut that present prices that the crop but the grain is far superior and the entire project, their aim is for a second grade certi- CHLORIDE MINING CO. The average automobilist knows will be worth close to $500,000. test better than CI pounds to the in for individual lines at any pomi ficate. less about the beauty and natural won- bushed. The acreage in this year that it desires. This was impossible, "What I have stated is true ders of his own state than any other put 6f be- already DONALD POLSON, a Gallup boy, was cut about is more than double that of last; under the old sytsem operating, as manifested by the fact that Synta part of his country, notwithstanding - was ob- of Ind., are the face by the recoil of an automatic revolver, with which he was therefore the output will be more than cause the telephone company Fe teachers are at present having a Residents Lafayette, the fact that, whatever his state, spots " use the wires of the Santa Fe interested in the Chloride with- double. One farmer said he had only liged to four-week- s' additional work at Insti- principally of picturesque charm are hidden playing and which he accidentally discharged. and the of Sierra made $2,500 off his dry farm this year, railway, the Southern Pacific, Taos and Rio Arriba teachers Mining company, Chloride, out number within a radius of a hun- n tute; The W. C. CROW, of Clovis, has been awarded damages of $100 in and he intended to most of that Viafoi-- Union TeleETanh commuiy, in two weeks' addi- county, incorporated here today. dred mites of his garage. With a road invest from are also engaged of which his Marshal F. E. of in more land if he could buy it. in getting its messages to and allows for authorized capitall is $100,000, map and an intelligent 'eye for guide suit against Night Sadler that' place for,false tional work. The law only been the incor- Some of the farmers say that their El Paso. of one month's 13,300 has taken 1r posts, he may ltnk them on a circuit imprisonment. Crow was arrested on a charge of violating an or- the expenses institute, who are William C. Mit- his wheat will yield 20 bushels to the but with teachers and some of porators, that will stand forth as the tour of dinance, and was placed in jail without a commitment from a mag- willing chell, D. Thomas life. acre while most of it will run about their friends, this has not deterred Edgar Randolph, i BIG OIL ENGINE Adam O. tune istrate. ' 10 bushels to the acre. This does money nec- Wishart, George Rogers, The motorist who fails to up them from putting up the Behm and W. all of his 6 is not sound to eastern farm- PIECES pe- Joseph McCrea, car for the week of August THERE WILL be a very large BLOWN TO essary for such extra instruction W. of vaca- "political day" at the Curry county fair Tucumcari News, but who Is Lafayette; Arthur Nelson, Jeopardizing the full joy of his ers, says the riod, and let everybody against B. Hullin-der- , this year, and both candidates for governor of New Mexico will be value of their be- Bunceton, Mo., and Charles tion. mhen they compare the MACHINE AT 85 such a laudable move and motive, ot to A to. la IN- Chloride. invited make speeches. meeting to start arrangements for the land' in dollars and cents that MINE LETS GO; NO ONE 18 ware! , not visited fair will he held in Clovis next Friday. Quay county, they are receiving JURED "In everyone of the places PUCHI BROS. COMPANY Supreme Court Affirms noaifly so much on their investment. and as I understand from other C. W. In NQTINGER, of La Mar, Colo., has been elected principal Lordsburg, N. M., July 17. The sources throughout the state, the up- The Puchi Brothers company, of Receiver Clapp Case - Diesel crude oil burn- IS ar- of the Roswell high school for the He has been prin- BLOOD-POISONIN- G ward of the teachers aroused Columbus, Luna county, also filed coming year. spirit after- - at the 85 mine was blown for more intei ticles with the com- The state supreme court this cipal of the high school at La Mar during the last three years. - ing engine to the highest pitch, state corporation FROM DOG'S BITE to pieces by an explosion. Luckily, lectual work and greater efficiency. mission today. The capital is $7,600, noon handed down an opinion sustain- one the n the court EARL SHOWALTER, an of Las there was no very near power Spanish-America- counties, all concern will ing the judgment of district formerly employe the East in- In the subscribed, and the house the time, and no one was stiperinten-denc- y of Dona Ana county in the case of La Post-offic- e at Taos under the carry on a general mercantile busi Vegas postoffice, has been elected president of the Indiana GRANT COUNTY MAN HELPLESS county receiver of the First Clerks' association. OF jured. of Mr. Montaner has made, In ness. The incorporators are Domingo, fayette Clapp. He now resides in South Bend, Ind. AS RESULT INJURIES 85 is one of the versus T. The company largest the last few years, great strides in Mariano and Gonzalo Puchi. State Bank of Las Cruces, WORK on the first' unit of the of and N. M.. 17 Theo- producers in the county. The work- and with R. H. Smith, et al, brought to enforce plant the Western Tire Lordsburg, July town of matters of certification up of Garage company at Tcxico was started last week. Six men are dore Bradberrv. who lives on the ings are two miles from the found Bonifacio ADMITTED TO DO BUSINESS the added liability of stockholders a A. J. Inderrieden is him may he Snpt. the defunct bank. In the court working on the tool house. Excavation will for the Oila river, below Redrock, is having Lordsburg. gen Sandoval, and the other district begin Monday arms. and J. W. Jackson is su- Montoya, of In- a demurrer filed in of the big building, which will be 250x180 feet. very serious time with his eral manager, of said counties, With The World Life and Accident behalf was bitten perintendent. The company has re superintendents surance of for- stockholders was sustained and the About two weeks ago he continued efforts in the onward company, Chicago, E. W. and R. E. McKENZIE, of Fort Sumner, 1200 on the hands and left arm by cently been shipping 7,500 tons of ore the World Casualty company, complaint dismissed, and this action shipped severely of march and the sincere of merly ' head of steers last Friday. The cattle go to Montana a dog, and there has developed one of to the Calumet Arizona smelter was today admitted to do business in is affirmed by the supreme court A much teachers now in the schools, within a parties, and made one of the biggest single shipments that ever the worst eases of Wood poisoning Douglasper month, larger in New Mexico by the state insurance. went out local doctors amount could easily be shipped except few years low grade certificates of Fort Sumner. ever attended by the to an- department. Normal Goods His left arm is infected to me eiDow. for the inabHity of the smelters to Mew Mexico will be relegated Canned TEXICO is to have a creamery, ''.to ba known as the Texico-Farwe- ll The right hand Is also in a precarious handle it. Tha bulk of the ore Is cop- cient history." . For at Border Creamery. The capital stock of Ihs is $6,000 and condition. He cannot feed himself, per sulphide and carries 72 per cent Boys company WORK Paralysis Epidemic 19. The this amount has been raised, principally by the citizens of Texioo and is helpless. silica. A depth of about 600 feet has WAGNER PRAISES Las Vosas, N. M., July entirely OF MONTANER of the New and Farwell. It was promoted by C. A. Miller, of Kansas City. been reached and the workhms, in JOSE Steadily Subsiding domestic art department the tunnels, total thous- The mystery of how Jose Montaner Mexico Normal University has sent cluding many New 17. A further de NEW MEXICO is taking the honor from Colorado In the sum- PULP PLANT FOR and feet. . county superintendent of Taos county, York, July 320 pounds of canned fruits and jel- - crease In the number of deaths and mer tourist business, especially from points in Texas and Okla-- . . Another new engine is on the way an ha rnnH cnllntv phnnll Rlinerln- lies to the New Mexico boys on the boma, says the Clovis News. Las from to a CANNING FACTORY Until It such inflamma- new cases in the epidemic of infantile border. Some time President year May September and may arrive any day. tandent and 'publish health ago 950 e paralysis was reported by the to monthly average of autombiies, comps, the operators will have their - Frank H. H. Roberts wrote General containing approximately TO BE UTILIZED AT tory, the 21 2850 passengers, came from Texas alone, over the Texas-Ne- hands full. Trouble with the engine stuff in "La ReviHta de Taos," deep- department todsy. During Herring asking it the institution AKEWOOD ESTABLISHMENT hours at 10 o'clock this morn- Iro Mountain highway. Officials of this new inter-stat- e started some time ago, and although ens. J. H. Wag- ending might send the fruit. The reply from highway City Superintendent ing, 14 children died of the disease advise the News that the number Is being doubled this year, and there was some talk of danger, no one ner, back from the Taos county insti-tMt-a the general was prompt and said that streams " .jikewood, K. M., July 17. Arrange would an and there were A5 new cases in the that of automobiles are daily the expected that there bo explo- nfV- whinh hr was. conductor, and the would be tickled to death, crossing border.' been for VIkW, - " five "of New York boys ments have Just completed sion. for Mountainair boroughs City. speakiug. So the cans CAR on new addition to the oí before leaving yester figuratively SERVICE the trolley line to the New Mexico the canning factory most or me worn oi and were boxed and sent to Co which will be used day, spoke niguiy HAMLIN , jars University at Albuquerque, will .hi inaugurated next Saturday. of a pulp Plant, "He TO to Colonel E. C. for the of the Torrance Farmers Montaner in Taos. has really lumbus, consigned handling .revino- hard fnr cause of 18. S. who received instructions to THE LINCOLN county term of the district court at from the and U of the small 1ínn tha Washington, July Charles Abbott, opened factory, re- deliver the sweets to the New Mexico Carr'tozo with Judge .Granville A. Richardson - tomatoes grown in this section, which Do Well .This Year education in the county." said Prof. Hamlin, governor of the federal yterday, presid- ; of be as The fruit is that which waa Ir.g. The Kehn-Ilarpe- r case, a controversy over a contract and the factory has heretofore been un- Wagner, "and has piven generously serve board, will boys. rilsí-hare- term canned at the winter term of the Nor- Jeai:e which involves moj-- than' $23,000 will able to handle. k Albuquerque, N. M 17. hin timo iii th of his duties. a member of the board when his be the most import- July the domestic art students. ant civil case. A new building 25x10 feet will be to County Aent Roland Har His teachers are professional In spirit expires next mouth. mal, by WEEKLY SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN

the legislature to give careful con TEACHERS OF TIOS L sideration to the matter of furnishing COUNTY DOUBLES AUTOMOBILES TO TAKE DEPOSITION JAMES TO CONSULT text books free for the use of the QUAY children of the public schools. ' We WANT A PRACTICAL OF STATE ENDORSED believe that Biich provision will solve ÜF W. L. EDGAR IN L AUTHORITIES some of the difficulties encountered in IN PAST YEAR; GROWING RAPIDLY teaching in the schools. ' TO BY THE TEACHERS OF 9. We desire, further, to endorse MARR0N-W00- D CASE ON TAX ESTIMATES SCHOOL MAN the movement looking toward a care- ful survey of present educational con- the state with a MONTANER RIO ABRIRA COUNT! ditions throughout of Eastern Is SUCCEED . of view to more intelligently planning Story Progress Bustling County WILL FIGURE IN DISBARMENT DIRECTOR OF TAXPAYERS' ASSO- for future progress. We approve pro- and HEARING THURSDAY BY SU CIATION LEAVES ON TRIP TO to secure Told by Tax Roll; Farmlands, Implements posals intended expert rural PREME COURT IN ALBUQUER SAN MIGUEL,- MORA, COLFAX state . school supervision by supervis- Livestock Steadily Increasing QUE AND UNION COUNTIES INSTITUTE RAISES FUNDS FOR RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY ESPA-- ors to improve and standardize in WEEK8 B O LA GATHERING BREATHE - ADDITIONAL TWO . struction. The of the progress of eastern state tax commission. A. E. James, director of the New GRAND LENGTHY SPIRIT OF PROGRESS AND EN- with story GIVING BALL; 10. We are pleased the atti New Mexico is told in the 1916 tax The tax rolls of Valencia, Taos and Mexico Taxpayers' assoication, has . INTERESTING SPEC- S. Bowman, assistant attor- RESOLUTIONS PASSED THUSIASM; tude of political partios indicating the received Roosevelt counties also have been re- Harry left for a visit to San Miguel, IAL PROGRAM roll of Quay county, by the ney general, and Judge E. R. Wright, nomination of "trained and experi state tax commission here, It ceived by the tax commission. Va- Mora, Colfax and Union counties to enced educators" for the office of state today. who Is representing Marrón Wood, (By Special Correspondent.) ' of consult with school shows a total of 290.341 acres of agri lencia county shows a valuation of Albuquerque, in the district directors, Taos, N. M., July 18. The Taos (By Special Correspondent) superintendent of public instruction, of as an as- - disbarmeqt school boards and county school su- N. 18. The Rio cultural land, assessed at a value $13.357,186 against original proceedings brought them by County . Teachers' institute proper Española, M., July and we urge the observance of both but against school esti- clos- $l,312,929t as against 257,337 acres sessment last year of $12,684,857, tne 8tate board of bar examinerSi nave perintendents upon the closed on Saturday, the 15th inst., but Arriba county institute, at the the language and the spirit of the mates which ' last year, valued for assessment at me amount is lens lunii iu gone t0 Ei Pag0 to tak the the county superintend- was shown session op Friday afternoon, had constitutional to - dep0Btion bo great the Interest, by ing provision relating $1,111,306. The farming implements vttiuauuu a thvihbu u wo i;um..,in- of wiHiam L. a former Albu- ents must soon recommend to the was invited the members ql the school this office. f , Edgar, the teachers that it unanimously important now in the county have a value of sion, which was $15,186,700. The Taos resident. de- boards of county commissioners under for boards of the county to be 11. We are to note that the querque Edgar was the agreed ,to continue the institute adjacent glad $33,145, as $16,715 in 1915, and county valuation is $4,374,742, a sum fendant in the new county unit school tax law. edu- and friends. The against a suit for divorce, brought two more weeks. The cause of present, with parents Now Mexico Educational Association of excess of the 1915 Under the enacted the , last was rendered: there are 40,147 head cattle, instead $831,132 in original by Anna M. Edgar, and according to law, by cation has certainly received a great following program will meet at Santa Fe thiB fall and of and instead of assessment, and $411,031 In excess of legislature, each school district certi- we our efforts to secure the 30,399, 1,562 hogs, the disbarment charges, he paid Owen impetus this year and from now on, "The Vacant Chair" (to honor David pledge 885. The cattle are this year as- the valuation finally fixed by the com- N. Marrón, for his a fee fies its necessities to the county oh attendance of all the teachers and the attorney wife, the whole state must keep its eyes Martinez, Jr., deceased) sessed at $1,419,833, compared with mission.: Roosevelt county, with a of $500 under an agreement between superintendent, who In turn certifies are ." M. Y. Baca school directors at that the Taos county teachors for they ..Anastacio meeting. $939,465 last year, and the hogs at valuation this year of $6,348,151, shows counsel. Later, it is alleged, Marrón the total requirements for school pur- determined to, be second to none. Song, by the Institute, "The Battle Respectfully submitted, $17,670, as $9,615. a falling off of $1,298,829 compared attempted to collect $500 additional poses to the board of county commis- an of Freedom" JOHN HOLTERMAN, against On Wednesday night,' the 12th, Cry .of automobiles re- with the original assessment last year from Mrs. Edgar. In the answer to sioners, who levy the school tax upon Chairman. The number re- and well attended ball was "School Cooperation" ' and $2,226,882 compared with the the formal accusation of Gen- the entire county, to realize the enjoyable M. C. turned for taxation this year is more Attorney in the hall of Mr. Muamon Mrs. Sofia Cordova JARAMILLO, 1B5 vised valuation. " eral it was money required. It Is new work, not given S than double the number in 1915 Clancy, stated by Attorney Kit Carson band. in Children -- MRS. D. ALAZAR, Marrón for the district school directors with music by the "Parents' Duty Haying in place of 71 and while laBt year no The tax commission is continuing that Mrs. Edgar had agreed only about $70 and Attend School" '..Max Sanches Committeo. ho should and town boards of for The teachers cleared or gold and silver plate were to hekr appeals today.' This morning that have a foe of $1,000 in education, but wiU be used to in- "How to Attend- Jewelry the event he Was able to the as well, this money pay Acquire Regular listed foii this , roll was devoted to the appeals of the protect her county superintendents next two Juan E. Arrelano taxation, year's the structors, rent,.' etc., for the ance" shows and jewelry to the value Santa Fe Pacific company, and the recovery rights, amounting to over and all have welcomed assistance "Dixie Land" plate $25,000. Her it was which the director of the weeks. Song, by Institute, ONE CENT POSTAGE. of $3,770. Onderdonk Livestock company. rights, asserted, Taxpayers' ' Lum-berto- were The regular annual examinations "How to Keep Good Order in the The Commissioner Felix Garcia, of fully protected in the settlement association is prepared to extend. In D. original Quay county valuation of the case. were held on Friday and Saturday. School Room".... Trujillo this vear is Í10.535.199. which is $1.- Rio Arriba county, arrived the five counties where he has been morn- Work in Grades".. Judge Colin of Silver called into consultation on school Prof. Wagner left Saturday "Busy Primary (Continued from Page 1.) 511,600 higher than the original 1915 here by motor last night, and Joined Neblett, City, the book- Ada ---- who will sit for Chief Roberts ing' for Mountainair where he is ...... Miss' McCurdy - - valuat ion, and $535,140 in excess of the other lour memners or tne com- Justice estimates thus far, Bernalillo, Va insti- God to in the Marrón & Wood case, arrived and ed to hold the Valencia county Song, Institute, "Nearer My luo umna uuiiouu i the valuation as finally fixed by the 'mission tnis morning. lencia, Torrance, Guadalupe Quay, tute for the next four weeks. Thee" from Tierra Amarilla last night. Jus- Mr. James has been able to suggest The teachers will devote the next "Domestic Science and Art", ...... "Notice to postmasters:- - A post tices Hanna and Parker, Judge Neb- ways and means whereby heavy re- Miss Josefina Lopez master at one of the most important lett and Attorney General Clancy will ductions have been made in the esti- two weeks to practical pedagogy. to Song by Mrs. Hortinata Garcia and postoffices in the United States has APPEAL BRIEF FILED. go Albuquerque tomorrow, and the mates finally certified to the county Resolutions CEBMÍNJRCRAFT case will in the court ' Domitilla Pacheco been removed for failure to open federal commissioners in every county, and ' resolutions were room there The following "Importance of Agriculture in Rural with the department on the carrying Thursday morning. totalling a saving to the taxpayers of the Taos Teachers' out eon adopted by County Schools" Juan J. Lopez its instructions regarding the E CASE Delvillo were more than $40,000. The school authori- association: ' duct of the service in his wood, adjoining, "Manual Training in Public Schools" city." last night from the British after Examination ties in all cases thus far have shown Whereas: We feel that at this ses- .John Holterman Washington, July 19. (Alexander S. Papers to effect these in- fierce fighting by the Madgeburg 26th complete willingness sion of the Taos .County Teachers' Profs. Asplund, Broad-wel- l Q. Guffey. acting as postmaster at In addition to Held First Class Matter reductions when shown the way. Be- most bene- Suggestions by to infantry regiment. stitute, we have received a and Schafranka, Supt. Roybal Pittsburgh, was nominated later ACTION BY" FORMER CONVICT losseB, the British fore the end of August, Mr. James ficial and, Wilson to BUCCeed heavy sanguinary intellectual training, md others. day by President GETS INTO SUPREME COURT; lost eight officers and 280 men in pris- will visit every County in the state We feel - Whereas, greatly strength- Song by the Institute, "Just Before Tr. McNeil- ARGUMENT IN SEPTEMBER oners and left a considerable number Three of teachers' ex on the school estimates. Should the and equip- huge parcels ened intellectually better the Battle, Mother?' of machine guns in our hands. amination 25 ratio of savings hold throughout the fulfill duties for the en- SOCIALISTS OPPOSE FLAT papers, weighing pounds, ped to pur At the close of the program the The appeal brief in the $45,000 ."Enemy attacks on our positions which arrived here by parcel post list, from $5,000 to $17,000 for a Be It Resolved- SECOND-CLAS- INCREASE suing year. Therefore, Domestic Science class provided de damage case of Vollie C. Musgrave, a north of Ovillers and against the from a nearby town and a nearby county, the work of the Taxpayers' First. That we extend our most sin licious refreshments to those as- Clayton, N. M.. July 19. The Clay former convict in the state peniten- southwest edge of Pozieres were dis- were the cause of some association managing officer will mean Prof. .1 has county, worry cere thanks to our conductor, sembled. ton local of the Socialist party tiary here, against John B. McManus, persed by our curtain of fire and had to the officials of the of a very important saving in the tax and to our efficient nassed resolutions the department of H. Wagner, very The teachers' association passed endorsing penitentiary superintendent, has been not the slightest success anywhere. education. The here was rate every county in the state. The Prof. C. D. Horner a ni but objecting filed attor- French local postmaster results of school sur- instructors, the resolutions: penny postage plan, in the supreme court by his "South of the Somme, unable to pass the packages as parcel the estimates Emma for their following to a flat increase in the sec- An Barleux will be made conclus- Miss McKean, patient Resolutions strongly neys, McFIe, Edwards and McFie. attacks failed to the north of post matter and rated them as first vey public at the and kind assistance and their never ond class rate. The following memo answer will be once near At other ion of the work the New Mex- We, the teachers of Rio Arriba at prepared by and Belloy. points they class, for $819 postage due. In through in the of each rial to the was drawn up: on of were checked the outset. asking ico Tax Review. tiring interests progress --o'intv. in spsBion, Wednes- president the attorney general, behalf at vain did the officials of the depart- of institute. regular "o the President, "There were member the 12, 1916, nereby Superintendent McManus, and the artillery engagements ment that these con day afternoon, July D..C. and skirmishes the Lower Vov-us- a protest packages Second. That we are in accord with the resolutions: Washington, case will be argued during the Sep- along tained matter which could be classed adopt following near Sir: north of Avlona.)" Prof. C. D. Horner in regard' to the 1. visits to the tember term of the supreme court. (in Albania, We appreciate the local, of the Socialist The Italian Front as authors' manuscripts. Altuougn T reading circle work believing, "that of Rev. Mr. Bretz of Espa- Clayton party Musgrave brought his Buit in the the officials were unable to Institute f New Mexico, at its meeting of July court here laBt Regarding the Italian front, the war postal as reading makes a full man; we ñola, R. R. Larkin of East Las Ve- district December, prove that the answers in the exam to 16, 1916,' adopted the following as a claiming damages for alleged office says: should give more attention this L. C. Mersfelder, state director -- injuries - were not' and unlike gas, esolution: to have been inflicted a "Hostile aeronauts bombarded Viel- papers original COLFAX COUNTY CASE branch and under his guidance and di of industrial education, and Filadelfo during whip- anything that ever had been written to at once We understand that an effort is ping administered at tht gerureuth without success. In the To rection we are going begin Baca, assistant superintendent of pub- penitentiary - !tncv Btuck t0 thelr contention that 1 for made before the ,to so on May 19, 1912. A demurrer filed by fana district the Italians made repeat- and read every book prescribed lic instruction, and we thank them 'eing congress the papers were written matter and The state supreme court has handed one-ce- the od attacks which broke down. circle. and the cure letter postage, and that attorney general, asserting that - the reading sincerely for the helpfulness The report of operations on the Rus- had to travel as first class. Just why down an opinion affirming the decis and ad- in connection with such effort a fiat right of action had been barred by; ex- IResolved, That while we extend our inspiration of their talks sian front (an abstract of which was the packages were not, shipped by ion of the lower court In Case No. rqte in second class postal rates if de-- Bince thanks to our worthy Supt. Jose. dresses. i .. received hv cable) savs that In Buko press remains to be seen. The 1827, John Stafford and George J. We commend the one ..i .l. vü Montaner for his energetic and loyal 2. We esteem the instruc being urged. T,'l" j..: wina Russians were repulsed in partment of education will likely in vs. highly nnt letter Idea, but most the Stafford, .plaintiffs error,, work in the, past five years, realizing tion of our able and efficient con postage following at- máke the shippers pay the excess Josephine A. Clouthier, defendant in a fiat increase in the JudgYAbta 'ana irom mis action an ' that he has accomplished wonders and F. and the earnestly oppose Ob the Austrian ositions on which is probably-th- error..-.- . L. S. ductor, Rupert Asplund, second class because: apneal to the ' supreme court was tacks postage, largest Colfax county. we wish to give to him all the credit 'nRtructors. E. S. Broadwell and Miss postage rate, and near Leizna and that amount the has ever had in er- 1. The and taken. Capulhelght department Wilson, attorney for plaintiffs and we would like to keep who have Bhown so government ownership the Russians near, soutn to on mall received here. W. possible, Ella Schafranka, "nerfitlnn of our nnrt attacks by expend ror; R. Holly, attorney for de him as superintendent for many years much interest in our work. We give postal system, west of Lutsk were repulsed. fendant in error. especially the low rate on second ' to come. Stifll, since it is commonly them our heartfelt thanks for their NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 'This was an action in replevin in "'ass matter, make "possible the wide BITTER HA1' IT. Col--fa- believed that he will not be a candi earnest efforts in our behalf. LEÍ FRENCH CLAIM REPULSE Department ,of the Interior, S. stituted in the district court of x date to succeed himself and fearmp Ussemlnation of educational litera OF SURPRISE ATTACKS Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., June 3. We express our appreciation of ture. We from county by Josephine H. Clouthier our in less hands ungrudgingly pay large (Continued page one.) Paris, 19. The .war office off- 7, 1916. that schools, capable the efforts exerted by our county sums for maintenance of schools to July against the plaintiffs in error in this than those of Mr. Montaner, will re- in icial statement follows: "The night Notice is hereby given that Juan C. superintendent, Sylviano Roybal, "ducate our children. Can we not wmca ine uvew iorKer s rouowers ac- - court, seeking to recover certain per- trograde; we, the teachers of Tao the of the schools and teach- wa ca,m ovep the part of the Tafoya, of Regina, New Mexico, who, sonal or the market value interests with equallv good reason spend mone- cused Hanly of trying to seize control deliver- - property county, do most respectfully ask the of and we front Two Burpri86 attacks, on October 14th, 1911, made Home be the of ers the county hereby fnr the education of our grown-u- p thereof, alleged to property to Democratic and Re- ". ed by the enemy small French stead No. 015386, for Lots 1 and in- delegates the pledge to him our hearty cooperation We do not our adherents accused Sulzer of ' against Entry the plaintiff and at the time of the conventions to nominate' a "'tlzenship? regard accept posts, one in Belgium, in the region 2, Sectin 34, Township 23N., Range publican, in the lines of progress which he has schools as failures because do the Bupport of the interests stitution of the suit in the possession school one who has ' they ing liquor of Pascendaal, the other north of the 1W., N. M. P. Meridian, has filed no- practical man, suggested. "nt own Have we anv in his for the Prohibition of the defendants. , and knows the necessities of pay their way. candidacy AiBne near Prezzy, were repulsed by tice of intention to make Five-yea- r taught 4. We thank the businéss men and better reason for our nomination. of the In his opinion, Mr. Justice Hanna, the as candidate for school as- regarding pos Meetings Hanly our Are. final to establish claim to the teachers, the people of Española for their as a event Sulzer will be held to- proof, states the in error have the election il system failure in the ind opponents "On the Verdun iront east of the land above described, before John F. that plaintiffs superintendent at coming sistance and their courteous treat- f its failure to own in and the New friends numerous of error We feel the pay its way night Yorker's Meuse, the fighting continued Young, Ü. S. Commissioner, at Cuba, assigned grounds in November. that poli ment of the members of the Institute, he reach St. on an artillery all, to do with the are as much interested in "(very department? hope will, Paul very vigorously in the sector of New Mexico, on the 16th day of Aug- however, having ticians just and all others who have in any way 2. We believe an increase in train. action district court 'in we in- that evening We made some progress with 1916. of the denying our schools as the layman and aided in making the work of the Fleury. ust, to fhe rate on that part of magazines Alonzo E. Wilson, of chair-- 1 near the of Sainte Claimant names as vacate the judgment. ask them to put none but efficient and -- Chicago, prenades chapel witnesses: stitute interesting profitable. nd newspaper wh'ch contains adver- man the commit- "The facts of this case are not quite school men in nomination as the suc- 5. While. we are here in of Hanly steering Fine." Leonardo Duran, of La Jara, N. M., gathered tising matter would be better than v is analogous to the numerous cases to be cessor of Jose Montaner. the annual Institute and are planning tee, confident of the nomination of U. S. Miera, of Cuba, N. M., Julian C. nt increase, and that it would be Indiana while W. BOMBS found in the books dealing with the That we extend our thanks our work for another year, we express the man, Eugene THIRTEEN DROPPED, Chaves, of Gallina, N. M., Mrs. Tena Resolved, iractically as easy to keep account of Chafin, head of the Sulzer boom, was 8AYS PETROGRAD REPORT of N. M. setting aside of default judgments or to Prof. L. C. Mersfelder for his our Borrow over the death of one who d Palmer, Regina, splen collect as is the present flat rate more 19 London . refusal to vacate such Judgments," on school msnagf' for our schools as conservative in his assertions Petrograd, July (via FRANCISCO DELGADO, did, practical talks years supervised uch an increase would bo so distri the Yorker would win. The official announcement says the justice, "because in this case domestic science county superintendent, Hon. David that New following Register. ment, agriculture, hiited among the advertisers, the vr. D. or was made here today. the defense had filed an answer and and manual to Asst. Supt. Martinez, Jr. We recall his interest ira Landrith, iNashvilie, training; and the consumer of the Tenn., is conceded the "Early yesterday morning foiii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. had been advised of the setting of the Filadelfo Baca for his fine advice in us and his efforts for better educa- as to practically inad- goods be but little felt nomination for the vice preidency, aeroplanes dropped thirteen bombs on of the Interior, case for trial, and had through tional conditions. his incum one-cen- Department and his most scholarly address deliv During by any. As to making possible t the town of Reval." vertence or neglect defaulted in ap- to Miss Ella he succeeded in getting many and is acceptable to all factions. A Republication of Amendment. ered to our association; bency without financial thiee-cornere- letter postage d contest for the per U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M pearance at such trial." C. Wtestlake for her splendid talks on new school houses built, improving the loss, it would have the same merit as RUSSIAN SUCCESSES IN teachers and manent chairmanship may be referred June 22, 1916. Then follows the syllabus: the Prang system of drawing; to R. R. qualifications of raising the flat increase. CAUCASUS REPORTED "A motion to vacate or set aside, a the standard of educational facilities to the convention by the committee Notice Is hereby given that Euge- Larkin for his entertaining address 3. Socialist as a is addressed to the sound We feel we have lost an publications, rule, on permanent organization. William Petrograd, 18 (via London, July nio Martinez y Lujan, of Lamy, N. judgment on the Beacon system of teaching generally. finan- 1b July discretion the court on excellent school officer and an honored depend much mure largely for F. Ferguson, of Pennsylvania, the 19). Russian is to M., who, on January 15, 1904, made legal of trial to Hons. H O. Bursum, infantry advancing of and reading; citizen of We cial support on subscriptions, and candidate, and the the of the which Homestead Entry 8151, serial No. the particular facts the caBe A- - Nestor and loyal this county. passes Carpathians, (Frank Hubbell, Montoya. much less on advertising than do has Robert H. in 03943, for NW. , Section 11, Town- the determination of the trial court I. W. C. I. Cheatham, express our heartfelt sympathy with organization presented lead into Hungary. Further north, (Rev. Dwire, other publications. Furthermore, the of 111., Fred 14 11 E N. M.. Prin. will not be disturbed on appeal unless Dr. for Mrs. Martinez and her family in the Patton, Springfield, and the marsh region, the official state- ship N, Range Malaquias Martinez, Zurng subscription rates of such papers are E. of California. The Patton of Aus- Meridian, has filed notice of inten it is plain that there has been an their beautiful addresses and encour- loss of husband and father. The sec Wheeler, ment of today pays, an attempt is directed to send a copy of usually very low. Any considerable and Wheeler forces, it was said, may trian forces to take the offensive was tion to make five year Proof, to es buse of such discretion." agement anti most especially to Hon. retary flat de- Mr. Jus- our to Mrs. increase in second class postage unite to defeat Mr-- broken. In the Caucasus the Russians tablish claim to .the land above Chief Justice 'Roberts and Wm. McKean for the scholarly anc this expression of feeling Ferguson Martinez. rates would speedily put these publi- The forenoon session concluded at have made further advances. The an- scribed, before Register and Receiv- tice Frank W. Parker concur in the masterful oration delivered on July cations out of not 6. We are of the splendid business. We do 12:45 o'clock and a recess to 3 p. m. nouncement follows: er U. S. Land Office, at Santa Fe, opinion. wherein he not delivered proud one-ce- 4th, only made few know that the agitation for was taken. "On the Riga front, artillery en- New Mexico, on the 22nd day of Judgment Reverted been a progress during the past de- ' an oration which would have letter postage is coupled with the The committee on or gagements continue. At Lake Miad-zia- August, 1916. The Judgment of the district court to men far more famous than years in the building of schaol houses, permanent ' credit the of. the school term, mand for a flat Increase on second ganization decided to recommend to our infantry and lake flotilla un Claimant names as witnesses: of Quay county was reversed by the to the In the lengthening Gar- he, but presented society the of the class matter with the object in view the convention the seflection of Rob der Lieutenant Olschevsky made a sur- Agustín Gonzales, Antonio Jose supreme court today in the case of J. name of Smith M. Simpson his improvement teaching of out of the Luis all Capt. force, and in the educational senti- putting socialist publications ert H. Patton, Springfield, 111., as per prise attack on the Germans, in cia, Isidro Ribera, Martinez, F. Ward, appellee, vs. William T. beautiful American flag, the flag We real- business; bnt, if such were the pur- manent and. Howard night, throwing .them into complete of Lamy, N. M. Buchanan et. al., appellants. The on for ment throughout the county. chairman, ' which he hoisted the flag pole that much remains to pose, it would be difficult to conceive Kerschner, of Kan., perma panic. Enemy airman manifested great Not coal land. case was brought to quiet title to 40 consecutive in the Taos ize, however, of out. Topeka, years park. be done, and for the further advance- a better method of carrying it nent secretary.' activity from the region south of the FRANCISCO DELGADO, real estate, and Involved the question We heirs of Cap- of to hereby promise the ment of our school we pro- We believe this question is very Dvina the marshes. Register. of an express trust. the citizens of Taos, interests, to "On Stockhod was artil- M. tain Simpson, pose to improve our professional great "importance every the there New Mexican, Santa Fe,yN. the beloved members of the G. A. R., and we therefore a8k Deutschland to at Pub. June 27- - qualifications as teachers, bring about people, Ready lery fighting many places. First Board that we will protect, honor and cher- in your serious consideration of it. We "We repulsed by our artillery fire Normal School better enrollment and attendance Sail at Moment on ish this old glory as long as there our districts, do all that we can to recommend that you expressly recog- Any an attempt the part of the enemy To New Head is one member left of the Taos County nize the value for educational pur- to take the offensive north of Odzer Four Artillerymen Choose improve the condition and appearance (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) Teachers' association. our to poses of a low postal rate on all marsh. Owing to the heavy rains the of school houses and grounds, Baltimore, July 19. Shut off en has riBen almost 2.5 Of National Guard the New Resolved, That we recommend to recommend to our school boards the printed matter not intended for adver- Dneister meters, The boar of regents of from the view of the at n of the various schools and we ask that you recom- tirely public destroying Austrian bridges and ferry- Mexico Spanish-America- Normal the directors purchase, within their means, . of tising, her at the foot of Andre street, Burned and to our county superintendent that mend such express recognition to the pier boats. by Lightning school at El Rito, presided over by the proper school furniture and equip- the German merchant submarine "On our left flank in of meet- In the future they appoint teachers to of congress. the region president, Francisco Delgado, is ment, begin the establishment Deutschland is believed to be ready to the rivers Black and White, at Tcher-emosch- at De who are residents of New Mexico cr school libraries tn each district Very respectfully, Ariz., 19. Private ing this afternoon the Vargas by MRS. W..L. sail at any moment; her commander. southwest of Kuty, our In Nogales, July hotel to consider the for of Taos county, provided, of course, such means as are possible, and to do (Sgd.)( TOLLEY, ordered Harold Deemer, of Battery A, Califor- applications have Chairman for the Captain Paul Koenig, is by fantry is advancing toward the moun- the of of the that such teachers the necessary all that we can to secure the active meeting. his American to nia field artillery, who was Injured by position superintendent the peo- (Sgd.) MRS. I. M. DAVIS, Secretary. agents depart. tain defiles. school for the coming year. qualifications, believing that and harmonious cooperation of all There was "In on our lightning last night. Is reported today New Mexico have and will take Copies to: Senators Fall and Cat- little activity apparent the Caucasus, right wing field There are several applicants, men ple of factors that are responsible for the about the All return !n of south of to be in a critical condition in the interest in our educational ron, Representative boat today. the region DJivizltk, was and women, among the latter that of a greater welfare of our rural schools. Hernandez; crude rubber and nickel, is Trebizond and Baiburt, and west of hospital. One foot punctured and who come Chairmen Postoffice Committees of cargo, Miss Clara D-- True, of Española. work than those strangers 7. We heartily approve of the pro in cars we made considerable ad- his body badly burned by the stroke. and tako Senate and (House; Postmaster Gen- now the hold. Twe big tank oí Baiburt, were said The illness of Dr. O. C. neces- here for a temporary sojourn posed legislation to the pen oil are said to vances, dislodging the Others of the battery who Zingg relating eran ; New York Call; Milwaukee standing near the pier everywhere sitated the of a no real interest in our people. oi leacners who nave Turkish rear In recent 3ays to be in serious condition are: appointment person a sioning given American Socialist; The be for the Deutsehland's sister ship guard. R. to fill the his ab- Be It Further, Resolved, That long and faithful service in school Leader; to here our columns have captured 85 Turkish Private F. RINKER, suffering temporarily vacancy ' the Bremen, expected arrive sence selected record of these resolutions be spread work and we respectfully urge the Masses; Southwestern Socialist, more 1,200 men, one from a severe shock. caused, and the board N. and the soon. officers, than " on our minute book, be published in members of the who shall Clovis, M., state and local and five machine Private ANDREW EDISON, who Mrs. Zingg, whose term expired this legislature . cancelled all so- heavy gun guns." of the Santa Fe New press. Captain Koenig has suffered burns about the neck and summer.. the papers Taos, be elected from this county to give cial and it was asserted Mexican and the New Mexico Journal meas- engagements IN face. The board is seeking the services their support to a practicable that no more crew would be Bi- RUSSIAN REVERSES of Education. ure of kind. ALFALFA FARMS COMPANY of the REPORTED Private JOHN D. HARRIS, who sus of a trained educator with executive this llowed Shore leave except for such dis- GALICIA, Respectfully submitted, 8. We further urge the members of Vienna, 19 (via London). A tained burns on the chest ability and it is believed that a man An amendment to local Incor- tance that may be summoned on July an- - 'ANTONIO MARTINEZ, the they ' Russian reverse in Galicia, in the foot will be appointed, although no & board at short notice. TAXES Chairman. lowing officers were elected for the porated concern known as Collier hills of the Carpathians, near the en BRITISH INCREASE nonuncement was made this after- MIPS OMI BOTaANDER, ensuing year: Owen, changing the name to the Al- trance to one of the mountain passes, noon concerning the matter. 19. The MRS. M. ALFERO, President. Prof. C. D-- Rorner; vice falfa Farms company, was filed with Geneva, via London, July is reported in the official announce- London, July 19. Announcement to- of Munich r PERFECTO MARTINEZ, president, Cristobal Quintana; record- the state corporation commission Neilste Nachrichten BayB ment of today, whjch says: was made In the house of commons RATON SUPERINTENDENT MISS MATILDA DES GORGES, ing secretary, Filomon Sanchez; treas- day. D. C. Collier, of San, Diego, Cal., that it learns from Berlin that the Southwest of Delatyn our troops today by chancellor of the exchequer, A. R. Kent, who recently came to are compu- - JACOB MOND.RAGOM, urer, J. R. Luna. was originally associated with Frank German postal authorities drove back across the Prnth river Reginald McKenna, that the govern- New Mexico from Colorado, and Cs - ment had O. B. GALLEGOS, On motion the Taos County Teach- Owen, of this city. In the ownership of ing regulations and ca)es of charges Russian detachments which had cross- decided to take in taxation said to be an efficient school man, has. Committee on Resolutions. ers' association adjourned sine die, the concern's property, a ranch near for submarine postal service with ed to the western bank. We took 300 7a per cent of the excess profits of been elected superintendent of the At the close of the meeting the fol-- or at the call of the president. Pojuaque. America. prisoners." firms. ' ton city schools. EH RÜEVO MEXICANO YS'mtwrinT DE SANTA FT!

"COBARDI" ; L. A: yH cmdládl NUESH .PAGINA 'UTEEÁMA Nació libre, y porque era libre, da Visitó pTOjramnika' 5rla ié ClhiKwtóai muchacho cambW de sitio para vivir y se fué a otra nación, rasó el tiem- - :v - po y va no era tin extrangero en ella. n 8 fe feéml Soldados irébéMés. Su Idioma, sus costumbres, sus amo f pe res, sus recuerdos esiauun ea aquel PIENSO EN TI RECUERDOS DE EL PASO. :. LA ' .... .ESCUELA. país donde no habla nacido. , líü ae preguntaba; Para Marta Leonor. IV&. Josefina Terrazas. (La escuela es la fuente Inagotable Acaso el sitio para nacer se eli- en donde todos Jos cerebros ván a Esta es m patria, Cuando la menuda de lluvia Alia sobre ' ge? gota lus margenes turbias del apagar su sed; (Amaba aquella patria elegida por- azotan loa de nil ventana el IBs cristales y Rio Grande, en medio da esa pléyade el templo donde siempre de pié su era entelante ai de e-- céfiro que espíritu suspirante acaricia' nil (route cosmopolita que forma Ja ciudad fron- y eon la frente en alto, se prende a Ua y se habla formado en el earécter enardecida a mi memoria con trayendo teriza, la que su eterno bullicio y ser nonrado, a ser útil y a ser grande y en 01 Ideal de la gran comunidad los da en tt! en si- í días ventura. v, .pienso exitamlepto diario forma la más flo no solo beneficio de la Patria, que le habla adoptado. reciente ciudad da la frontera, existe no de la sociedad y de la familia. Le eran familiares hasta loa máa re- en Da dicha Cuando medio de pas- un mundo de recuerdos agradables, Es el seno que amamanta a las ge cónditos secretos de su pensamiento, adera jni alma vuela a la regiones ig- que haciendo a un lado (o prosaico de neraciones, inculcándoles el amor a hasta los más obscuros rincones de su r 111 en de infini- notas y medio goces la vida, traen reminiscencias gratas lo noMe, a lo justo, a lo bello, a. lo territorio. Sus amigos, su casa esta- tos parece que he llegado al pináculo al corazón. . grandioso, en una palabra, que tiene ban allf. ' de la en medio de mis goces "... un sólo DE- - l felicidad, grandioso nombre: EL & se repetía: pienso en ti! Recuerdo aquellas noches de luna, BER; Esta es mi 4 Es patria. en que al compás dulce y armonioso el escudo donde quedan rotas (Una orden inapelable le sacó de la Cuando en mis horas de labor, mi deshechas de las orquestas que alegres y entu- y las armas de la ignoran tierra elegida, le puso en una fila con alma se encuentra- - ofusoada los por siastas daban serenata a las hermosas cia, del error, y del vicio, enemigos otros: y para no pasar por cobarde arduos problemas de la vida, en medio nuestro espíritu absorto admiraba las del hombre; marchó a combatir. del en lucho, la exis-terici- IBs como trabajo que por bellezas de la noche, con el lma llena la espada fulminante, que Tienes que defender tu patra,-- r por labrar un porvenir Que será de ilusiones juveniles, Inspiradas por la de la justicia, corta los tentáculos le ' en tí! malí solo sobre dijeron. tuyo. .'. .pienso el dulce objeto de nuestro amor. En del y brilla para caer JQ se repetía: esas serenatas, en esos cantos, ento- la cabeza de lo absurdo, de lo obscu- defender mi a-- Tengo que patria. Cuando en medio de la nostalgia ; nados por pechos varoniles y enamora ro, lo Ilógico y lo Injusto; brabamento. Todo antes de Combatió V brumadora de mis ratos tristeza, dos, nos parecía como que hadas invi- Es el iMago sin Igual que hace del como un eobarde, Ante 4? todo me falta en derredor. niño un del un ciu que quedar parece que sibles pululaban en los espacios, lle hombre, hombre él cayeron enemigos, fueron destrui- para hallar dicha y consuelo pien- vando en sus manos transparentes dadano y al ciudadano que quede trans dos los nueblos: arrasados los campos so en ti! formarlo en nuestros cantares, para que, traspor- ' héroe; ahoeada toda la vida fecunda de aquel ,4 IEs el amuleto tados por el espacio, fueran a depos- sagrado que preser- país que él amaba tanto. Cuando en mis sueños va1 al hombre de contemplo itarse en el corazón del objeto amado., las vislcltudes; Y él se repetía para justificarse: tu bella lmágen y un mundo nuevo se mirladas de estrellas pare- Es la defensa en que se el - y arriba, guarda Estoy defendiendo mi patria. ante mi si al - del presenta vista; desper- cían sonreír- satisfechas, mientras los alimento espíritu; v Terminó la guerra y cuando otra tar encuentro fué tan solo Ki or- incubadora donde que aquello viollnes vibraban soñadores y Es la potente de vez libre pudo volver a su hogar ele- una visión de mi cerebre enardecido, questa producía sentimentales rltfmos, saldrán mañana, los hombres, para sintió en el corazón por - - entusias-- gido, tristeza , uiji- i: ,x' entonces, can todo el íebril despertando dulcemente a los soño honrar y enaltecer a la Patria, y a había Bido arulnado. Gomo J - que todo mo mi aüma enamorada. .. - aureo- de .pienso lientos moradores- las mujeres, para ostentar la él, muchos hombres miraban con estu- en del sublime sacerdocio del r ti! lla santa por los desiertos desolados y humean- j. Aquellas noches Hienas de .ventura, hogar; tes: su obra. Y todas en mis" en- con su siempre, a horas, de ilusiones y placer: aquellas serena- Es el faro que potente luz, Tenia este hombre una crus la sueños! en mis en mis tristezas, baña las reconditeces del cerebro e goces, dulce vai- , . - Biem tas, aquellos cantares, aquel cruz de los héroes. en medio de mi soledad, siempre, vén en que se pasaron las horas de ilumina con resplandores purísimos Y lloró la muerte de los suyos, el prevte dedico un recuerdo.... pienso nuestra Juentud dorada; aquellos las conciencias; fin de la nación inmolada; lloró sobre en tt! ! no volverán! Pasaron 'Es el laboratorio químico de don- ardiendo la esté- M. C. GARCIA ya las piedras y tierra fugaces, cual pasan las olas del mar de sale el antidoto contra el error y ril, victima del sacrificio. . cual pasan las Ilusiones, cual el vicio; Lloró con dolor con remordimien inquieto, hom- y ARRIESGANDOSE DEMACIADO el pa- ;Es la brújula certera que al to. iLloró su valor su co pasa placer. Rápidas huyeron la por y por ra nunca más volver, dejando en él bre marca, en el mar proceloso de bardía. Es arriesgarse demaciado el poner fondo del alma tan solo una profunda vida, la senda mejor y más segura; TOMAS BORRAS. se de viaje sin una botella de Reme-di- o herida produoida por el recuerdo..,. iEs el más c&riñoso de los padres, de Chamberlain para Cólicos, el más afectuoso de los hermanos, y MEXICANA. el mas ami- Cólera y Diarrea, pues esta prepara- Cuando en vuestras horas de melan- mejor y sincero de los ción no puede obtenerse en los tre- mi buena en gos; (Balada Española. colía meditéis, miga acumulara dedicación de nes o buques de vapor. Los ataque Idos, en esos recuerdos gra- En ella, la de enfermedades de los intestinos goces los la de, cuando os a 1RÍDRB3 y previsión, la mejor .Mexicana, graciosa, lozana, fuer--. tos tiempos pasados; CHIHUAHUA, WD MEXICHH SOLDIEfZQ ON THE FI&iNQ LiriE son a menudo repentinos y muy herencia para sus hijos; IQue en tus labios de 3 - qua contempláis el tranquilo grana , tes, y todos deberían estar prepara- iEs el ánfora de la que como a la canciones de - dó os los seras (Llevas dulces amor, , en el de en sobre dos ellos. Do venta en todas hogar esperan queridos evocación de ' .libertad pueblo Dolores, impuesta cada barra de plata para de vuestra alma; cuando en mágico conjuro, surgirá Y en tus ojos de luz delloiosa La ciudad de Chihuahua, del contra de Al año se en las minas de' Santa las boticas. penséis la del y la capital España. siguiente, que produjo (Vuestros amores.... quizá se escape regeneración proletario Madrigales de bello candor. atado dal mismo nombre, está situó- - Hidalgo fué hecho prisionero y lleva- - Eulailla, situadas como a 21 millas al libertad y engrandecimiento de los de vuestro pecho un melancólico sus- a, da en un extenso vaple, a la orilla del do a Chihuahua, donde fué jusgado. oriente de la ciudad. Este edificio, en e fondo de vuestra al- pueblos; Mexicana, lozana graciosa, ea una moqer- - a muerte y el de L A LEYENDA DE LA LUNA, piro; quizá De ella emanen en sublime consor- rQ Chuvlscar, y eiuoad sentenciado ejecutado aspecto imponente y grandes di ma soñador todavía existo latente n Por tus labios de rosa men su o uno ae mensiones es la ciencia redime el arte aa, con eus canes arregiaaas, i ae isn. ui monumento una maravilla do arqui- cio, que y Plera honores, fortuna, laureles. luz e-- sitio de ' La luna teme que salga el sol, pues recuerdo grato, alguna imagen ' sistema de carros urbanos, y de que marca el la ejecución, tectura, por la. hermosura de su con querida, y-- entonces suspiráis por vol- que embellece; Eb tu cuerpo, gentil, mexicana, y la conveniencias tá frente all del Los y la de sus detalles. solamente él sabe el Tnisterio de su t el remedio que lleva salud al todas palacio gobierno. junto riqueza En " ' ver a 1 ciudad fronteriza, a la de las Jq azucenas, jazmín y claveles. iLa ciudad abunda en roo- - restos de Hidalgo estuvieron deposi-jl- a actulidad en Ja ciudad infinidad su palidéz. cuerpo y lleva salud al alma; moderna: hay lunVi - turba ruidosas, de tráfico constante; numentos en memoria de los tadoa en el antiguo cqnvento de San do y y la teme que a la hora inda- IEs el templo en que se ora frente erigidos quintas chalets, hermosísimos, quiziá allí, en barrio no muy Mexicana, lozana, te adoro, de de los muchos hasta llenos de s cisa del alba confíe el sol a alguien por apar a la en el se recibe la héroes la independencia y Francisco por años, que estatuas y rodeados de tado, exista que nace aun vi- verdad, y que Eres toda de encantos tesoro. del se han distinguí- - exhumados y llevados a la ciu- - dtnfu. con un extenso su secreto. alguien, i estadq que fueron, paseo donde se comunión de la luz; , Yo sal ; - OA como sale el brar las fibras de vuestra ajma, que bendigo tu tierra, y tu do en las épocas de revoluciones pa- dad de México, donde hoy día reposan ciu to mis granado de la sociedad Por eso, tan pronto OtíRUJtO: Manda a la escuela a ' i - "' os hace recordar las noches de luna, uno de los altares de la chihuahuense- sol, la luna se esconde con la espe-- tus en tu fórmales el ca- sadas. bajo catidnl. las serenatas armoniosas, los cantos hijos: hogar Son hermanas tu sangre y la mí' se en--; es sus rique-- j . ranza de que llegara a olvidarse de el mientras en la Entre las notabilidades que Chihuahua notable por y murmuráis rácter y corazón, lEn tu pocho hay calor y alegría;' en torre de en sus montanas ahonda el Fl en ella-- ! i enamorados, entombs, esouela se modela su cuentran la ciudad, estala zas, pues la parto superior, inteligencia. el T e mi me m,uy quedo un n'omhre, y de vuestras Ifay mágico encanto español! donde estuvo prisionero el oro y la plata. j catedral, ue se vé presenta algunos de ios soldados Pero a ha enseñado el sol la JOSB GARCIA ROBU 1 G. CA'MPOAMO'R. hom-bre- se una ! con Irritarlos do manera de ir contando entre los s pupilas desprende lágrima.-- de la independencia mexicana, en el grabado, fué construida el las últimas épocas, con cómo él ha dado él canto a los M. XG. que en 1810 levantó el estandarte de la producto e una contribución especial eub típicos trajes rancheros. ' BILIOSyOAD. Y ENFERMEDADES LAS TRES POTENCIAS. pájaros, y cómo dura y ' 'madura la DEL LA BANDERA DE LA PATRIA. ESTOMAGO. fruta y hace que la selva verdee y se La ' Gota de Agua. LA COLONIA DUBLAN. CONOZCA USTED SU CIUDAD. La convención del estado los enflore. ''Hace dos años que sufrí de ata- escoge Yo también conozca el misterio. Papá, qué es una bandera? candidatos para las oficinas del esta- - lien- ques frecuentes de enfermedades del tan pura que no tengo Hijo, en sí, pada, un de Soy La colonia la bise s se dedican a los anuncios do. :Yo sé, como el sol, porqué la luna es pedazq estómago y hlllosidad," escribe la til Dublán, primer que zo más o ménos más o colores; bien! dele-l- a blanca.' bonito, roéqos Srita. Jflmma del campo de la fuerza expedicionaria en las callea tienen que conocer Por todo el procedimiento, ios nada- Verbryke, de Lima.Oh! Pero me loa dan Jas a feo. Volveré a en SÍ, flores, del en México, ea debía de entre todas j se SU1PO.VB REtPRESlSN-la- s Oid: decírtelo; comer comida De general Pershing ciudad; asi ser gados QUE -Pero "podía muy poquita Orient?' la bianca lu?, mcr-mona- s ca-- de las más colonias demás viven en ella. TAN AL POTABLO ASISTIO A .. Vu día fué en que la luna era el que me cayera bien y me tan prósperas personas que Ql'íO como símbolo, lo que ponía en el Valle de Casas iLos anuncios no ser solo co LAS .TUNTAS PRIMARIAS O CAU razfii de una, niija. en donde cantaha porque débil enferma del a ve- de Grandos, deben la lq es todo. y estómago Soy la gota roclo; como El - el amor. representa, bandera Eg al- situada a 150 niMa al sur de merciales, sino generases; todo el CASES. la amorosa ces, qua tenia que agarrarme de (Sonrosad, Mientras duro la dulce pasión, el tierra en que nacimos, no caerme. en los Paso, sobre la línea del fdrrocarrifl del mundo debe anunciar su ciudad y can- SI no vá usted a la3 Juntas prima go para Viendo Sobre la rosa encarnada, . co- mente besada por uus ondas del atlaa Rio Sierra Madre y Pacífico. tar sus alabanzas. rias, como USTWD estar - corazón de la niña brillaba con los anuncios de las Pastillas de Chamber y azul sobre el lirio azul. Grande, puede ropie- de enteramente cubier- Los colonistas de Utah han hecho de en una son en . lores de la aurora, tieo; campos lain, decidí probarlas. Me mejoré iLoa que viven ciudad los; sentado la CONVENCION? tos de verdura, lozana,, exuberante. la un durante las cuatro deben hablar de no sentarse Si NtO STA usted en iPerq un día el amor le dijo adiós, rápidamente." Pe venta en todas al alma en un tierra vergel, que ela: representado trecho a, trecho, por " Vengo suspiro decadas lo han de tal a los demás. la 1 elección se la tristeza del corazón de la niña le pródiga, regada, las boticas, Pel que ocupado, a oir criticarla Convención, cuando ' la sangre de innumerables mártires; ambiente, suerte, que lo indígena;? creenque la 61 usted e en las que! llega, es cuestión de le el tornó blanco enteramente, , A del sol naciente fija personas que jueguen le tuvo se y estos héroes de la espada sembra- esperar prosperidad de los extrangeros se de- conoce, verá que en el de r u-- j dedo en la. boca siempre. El firmamento lastima y LA VERDAD EN SU LUGAR. La sin igual; pueblo la llevó. ron en ella grano que nos sustenta. aparición be al descubrimiento de minas de oro laño, es donde el agua es mejor; en la El amo vá a las juntas primarias; Y so- Ea el primer vagido que, lanzamos las quq creen que ellos tra de Zutano, las calles están pa- también sus satélites. Ellos durante las horas calladas y Al estudiar las razas ros encontra- Tiendo a sus rayos las alas, secretas, mejor escógen el corazón desconsolado cuando abrimos los ojos a la luz; es bajan durante la pocho. vimentadas que en ninguna otra otros satélites como delegados para litarias, mos couque según va aumentando la Alzo eQ vuelo-..- . parte, tie-- el último suspiro con que el Todo el de la de la el del otro es el adumbrado. los "a contempla desde allá arriba a la ' espira Mamada aumenta l.i va Y el teritorio región y mejor que representen ellos," y (os aire en nuestros labios. civilización, soy, flotando en cielo, Dublán es una mina de NOMINAN rra, acordándose de su pasión y su nidad humana? ex colonia rique- Nosotros muchas veces oímos esas satélites en la convención IEs con Aunque paresca Iris, lluvia, tempestad, zas inexaustlbles, para no sacar nada bue EL BOLETO EL AMO LES DIC- dolor. la lengua rica, bella, sonora, traño, las caras pintadas y las plumas " principalmente y podemos QUE mur- el vibrante o sen- el arqueologista, porque allí se encuon no de nuestra ciudad porque no la co- TA. . . CuantJq la luna salle, las flores que poeta compone en la cabeza de los indios era La de tinta. vir- con nos salvajes gota tren muchas reliquias de una raza pre- cuantas cosas buenas tene- es donde se le a usted muran: Oh, corazón! blanco de tida estrofa; que el prosista no. sólo muestra de orgullo persona', nocemos; Aquí deja nos nos con histórica. Entre las más interesan- mos nosotros Has ignoramos! Por y donde se la véu do todos mo- gen, ven y descansa sobre nuestras instrqye, educa, deleita; Sino orgullo de raza y de cultura. goy. en hills y nuestros IfJegra (eves tes de están las Duina de casas no sus méritos el amo entra-- . corolas enamoradas! que nuesfros pensadores, po De modo que cuando los hombres di- éstas, qué Indagamos para dos, y.donde de-- Dividida, construidas en las numerosas cuevas ciudadano de méri- usted vá ya- SEA. ILos pájaros la invocan en sus gor Uticos, ban reviudicado nuestros cen las tienen toda la va Yo muerte propalarlos? El ÍjUÍEGO, 'y vota, nos que mujeres doy la y la vida. abundan en los relices de la ribe- to es conoce su él no ESTE boleto hecho éste o jeos y se duermen sonando con su rechos conculcados, con qua uni nidad del no hacen más que que el que ciudad; por amo, mos mundo, Quién sueña igualarse a mi? ra del rio de Ca&as Grandes. Nq so- las calles vive boleto hecho el otro amo,' tristeza. fraternalmente a una veintena alabarnos, pues es un de cultura pasa por pensando que AQUEtL por de signo lamente fueron estas cavernas usadas allí no le otro remedio, vá muy ufano a su casa lo Y las tumbas del cementerio dicen pueblos hermanos..).. y de otvllitación. Llevo un porque queda y luego y poder Invencible, coma sino como (las satis- H u muy quedo: Oh, corazón blanco de 'Y es también, hijo, la escuela que Nosotras valemos habitaciones, que, sino goza de estar en ese lugar, cuenta su esposa que ha hecho pensamos que Soberano; los los aboríge- CIUDADANO virgen, acrecienta con tus rayos nues- desenvolvió nuestra inteligencia y el más tos de antiguos egipcios, fecho de su pueblo. deber como LIBRE que homres: pero ellos, que Que va el pensamiento humano nes a menudo destinaban es- tra blancura! lugar en que nos entramos a los in- se egresa tsn an mi lugares iNingfin grupo de casas, se convier- superiores lnteligsa- Envuelto en red sutil. difuntos." Deba iY con- (La "luna teme que salga el sol, pues fantiles todos los sentimien- la peciales para "sus te en aldea, ninguna aüdea en pueblo y el amo chiquito rige? en bu juegos; cia, serán excepción para formar del de concreto de las sffla él sabe el misterio de su palidéz. tos que hicieron latir el corazón, to- la O es también son Vani jo piso cuevasj ningún pueblo en ciudad porque a los dado. regla? que Paso pero siempre quedo; los científicos han descubienrto nume- Y el amo en el estado. ELENA BAWAKBSOT. das las penaa qua nos amargaron, di- dosos? Y nómadas ae les ocurra vivir en comu- grandote rige en raudales, rosas mómias a una de Y usted se chas y tristezas que forman el tejido Los muchachos de los elevadores ciencia los anales profundidad nidad- Cada municipalidad tiene su enoja y patea. , De la pocos PKRO.YA-B- TAMMJ. GRANDES BARATURAS en Vestidos de la humana vida; como el cielo que dicen que los hombres se miran ms Guardan mi esencia inmortal. muy piés. razón de ser; lea y aprenda la razón VAYAN a las . de hombre, Camisa, Ropa de Abajo, se extienda por encima de nuestro en el espejo de ellos que las mujeres, En la montañas de la Sierra Madre que tiene de existir la ciudad en que juntas primarias y. la el lu- VOT.KV".. y Calcetines, en la Venta de Julio Es- suelo, 'y ese de tierra donde no se dan cuenta, todos en el ,.. .S me que dominan colonia Dublán por usted vive. Visite los museos, los pedaso quizá pero Qué es tiempo?. grabo como pecial. MoClintock; & Wright, Santa yacen loa despojos de aquellos que tran, se paran ante el espejo, Be a Pe la historia oeste, está, una región descrita gares históricos, las industrias de su amamos y eh despidieron siem- la se levantan el cue- la máa grande reserva para cacería ciudad; pasee por todos sus parques Una operación feliz. Fé, para rreglan corbata, En la gigante memoria, se pre de nosotros. ,., . del saco se estiran el cha en toda el Norte América. Aquí alrededores, y sobretodo, sepa todos Magnifico, dijo el doctor, restre- por detrás, Quién puede borrarme ya? ' LA y con satisfacción. pueden encontrar toda clase .de osos, sub nombres y localidad. gándose las manos. por fin, ya está ESPIGA. Pues 'entqnce, papá leco, respiran ' Los hombres Be dan manicure, cosa La pardos, oscuros, etc., y principalmen- Su ciudad es lo que usted piensa curado; ahora dígame cómo se siente 'Pues entonces, hijo, debenio Lágrima; te el oso se coger con Me mi La rica en fruto ve- muy pero emplean más tiem- pardo puede que no vale nada, tampoco valdrá su siento, dijo el paciente espiga respetar nuestra bandera, amarla, natura; el cazador más se inclina a po en ello que cualquier de de trampas hasta por pueblo; si usted presume y ío tiene rando su cartera oasi vacía iuomo si tierra; nerarla, y hallarnos siempre dispues- jugadora Hermana soy la gota vi- no tiene ef en ' que salga de Casas Grandes en todo tuviera que empezar de nuevo lo la que grano tos a derramar hasta la última gota bridge; y tiempo que emplean Breva y pura; a ca grande estimación, hará que los y, en hacerse Y acompañado de un guía mexicano el mundo lo admire. hasta Jo da.. se empina tiesa. . de nuestra sangre porque siga onde- arreglarse bigotes! on nada cedo a la oscura Quizás la del Cada tie- - bKo,. Ahora e la mejor estación famoso con sus alabanzas. ando gallardemente en las fortalezas, raya peinado!f pelo Misteriosa potestad. baga ne en su con pa- del año para casar osos, mientra que Pero no lo Si Bospecbjas de un no lo Eseñ su porte y en nuestros (Desplega, que estar lugar, qué haga sin conocimiento; .individuo, bogares....) les leones montañeses y lo jaguares in- si lo no modesto til hombre sabia da en' el viento representa que ciencia k) dirigen. Ve alna vengo a los ojos, il su ciudad es Importante por su emplees; emplees, sospeches ahí, se " se pueden cazar o trampar en todo si de éL Y altivo ej sote. somos un es decir, dueños de 'Muchos dioen qué las mujeres Cual destella dustrias, estudie sobre ellas; por pueblo, untan mucho ellos tiempo. cabras montañesas, vena- sus si (nuestros destinos; plegada, descen polvo, también; Para el náufraga la estrella artes, averigüelo; por poseer aun cuando no lo iSu en dos, berrendos, panteras, gatos mó- más automóviles, en con PASO A MEJOR VIDA. DOS PERLAS. dida, de ahí, ya no somos nada: un confiesan, y polvos dulce raya la mar. otros muchos proporción caros. ntese, lobos, sorras y la población de otras, sépalo; es de- ptontón de siervos que han de estar animales se encuentran en grandes de roclo a In m.r A i ttrflVí PH Cuando tieijen un flux cómo Poder para el bien tan solo cir, "conozca su ciudad." un un olvi- Upa gota nW..., ijuevo, cantidades sobre la sierra. Aunque poco tarde, per Dijdí a otra gota de llanto: til n horror, noria lll díULi'11 IUC6n! Vm el mío: do involuntario de nuestra parte, pasa Qué. vale tu dulce encanto honro til hinrlon l DpRcrthrfita an- - (Además, as mujeres se arreglan en a pena cambio en roclo - nios en seguida a hacer la memoria de No- - DE CHAMBERLAIN con el mío,? Privado y los hombres en público. Y la sentencia c perdón, EL. REMEDIO la muy estimable péñora Adelaida O. comparado te. ella, bésala...,!!! i f COLERA sotras no nos sentamos a limpiarnos PARA COLIC08, de Ortíz, quien falleció en su residen ' . V DIARREA Yo desciendo en los vapores , los zapato como hacen ellos, en todas Y ea una sonrisa espiro, , cia en la Calle dsS Alto, ni 29 de Junio CONSTIPADO E INDIGE8TI0N. - ' nos a- - - partes, ni por nada ncl mundo, Y alsa el vuelo C. , celestes del firmamento; debe Dice Ralph Ely: ppdo., a la edad de años. . ., el cabello como hacen M Cada familia sin excepción finada-fu- Yo presto vida y aliento tomado,' las," Fast l as de Cliam-- Arreglaríamosi esencia qne sube al cielo Usted está Interesado en las juntas La í durante su vida "íuy "He ' ría guardar outs preparación a la ma ' A las purísimas flores. berlain y dobo decir son ' 6nn J? nM?co 'Hasta lo pica dl Señor. e primarias! apreciada por todos sus. pariqntes y ' quo Is. Í"L.riL no durante el tiempo de calor ios t ' lores que haya usado jamás para los! qu?J sePare DRVIVQ MORENO. meses de verano. El remedio de Bajo nuestro sistema de partidos de amistadas, lo que suuieroi) con pro- - no se flan cuenta de i i, r i, es- lY con sarcasmo profundo constipados e Indigestión. Mi e- Los labres i, Chamberlain cólicos, Cólera y gobierno, los votantes tienen que fundo pesar su partida de este mundo l -- - para La triste lágrima dijo: posa también las usó para tndiges- - vanidad y es porque comparan Cóine asta t'd tío? Diarrea vala muchas veces su costo coger entre do candidatos .ofrecidos pues todos la arreciaban por la bellas -- con ta de -- ' tYo, conla esperanza rijo tión y le hicieron provecho," escriba.! 19 ellos "creen" que tienen, Hola' picaro! Bien, y tú? cuando a necesita, antes de que ter- para una oficina por dos partidos opu- cualidades que la adornaban. -- estos. - muerte Las santas ley" del mundo Eugene S, Knight, do mujeres; pero viveq encañados Bfen. A qua no sabe t'd. a ué mina el verano. No tiene ' La causa de su fué l)n mal - superior N. C, Las Pastillas de Chamberlain completamente, , veage? lo fine stá destinado. IPero quién escoge los candidatos? de reumas crónico. Su esposo, Jesña X para que Tu. reclinada en ol velo son eficaces suaves en su sccióiU , .. Lady f"orooíi lo viera! ahora. He venta e'i todas Las gentes, quienes aon miembros Ortiz y un hijo, Marcelino Ortíz, la- y ,., ' Cómprela . cada esto. . mentan fué, Que la' blanca nube encierra, Pruébelas una ves. Ciertamente 'Apuesta I'd. Una peiata a que 0 las botical , . - ...... de partido hacen la partida de la que espo- Vienes del cielo a la tierra; quedará satisfecho con el efecto la,; (Dos slpverguenzas están pechando lo adivina? Ahora bien; cómo? sa modelo y buena madre, .'Yq voy de la tierra al cielo! xauvo agrauaoiq qua proaueon. una copas en una taberna; sacande Un encíladpr que se había metido Se reúnen en juntas o primarias eij El funeral tuvo lu(?r.el día .30 de UNIDAD CA'i ULIGA- venta ea todas, las boticas. un de ellos ol relpj del bolsillo, para - ?r maestro, decía a uno de gus alum- sus precintos y escogen delegados que Junio, hablndp'e llevado sus restos - mirar la hora. lo ds aiempr: a pedir- nos; - - los representen en una convención de a la iplfs'n de f uadalupe, donde se lo ft'n VESTIDOS DE HOMBRE Gran sur- - sHCómo es eso? ricisma el djnero. Conjuga el verbQ "burfo,"..,'- Condado. . dió miri f rní-rp- oficiando l)fl: wrajm r '' Bcs-nt- -- -- 1 lo el Pe"'. . üSisipá. voy a dar un paseo en aero, tido, buena clase, valen hasta 115 00. fiBjienda asombro. rTd también jas-- j Pue ha perdido Ud. Oétna , El cbjco principió: .. Entonces delegados de todo p! ei la r""e"nrí!a Antonio - ol plano. Quiere algo? Precio de Venta Especial, 17.95. Me tas reloj? peseta, perqué vensa a ver co siijuq ; . ...til, Jmrrp: él, burrQ. condado nominan los candidatos para "pello f verificó en el -- dí, hija mía; pásate por Marte y Clintock & Wght, Santa Fé. .Si, hombre, N'q lo vei? fia tía- - . Porque omites el "YO burro?"' las oficinas del condado. V de Guadalupe, a la 7 de la me compras dos metros de encaje pa iY tuanta ta ha costado? j , . Porque a convenía decirlo ILas convenciones de confada Y. i. . - a los ,,, fMns c! consuelo a sus ri la Uutta. iitlf cuesta cincuenta Es asunto grava perder la vida; ,PP metes de cárcel. . ROPA, PE ABAJO JApmqaAN pa- qlaramenta, cmtesto. el rapáz. chaB de la misma maie-- vw minie uieucs que aquí. ' iro es mas gtv .e ignominiosa per- - -- , ...... ,.' , ra bott'brsi, buen cías. sc por v's-- delegados para la convección del es- parientes, son Nuestros Entre amigos: der la virtud. i Suscríbase a "El Nuevo Mexicano" tido. .McCüintccB. & Wright, Santa fé Suscríbase a "El Nuevo Mexican tado. de:cc. EL! NUEVO MEXICANO T3eingmarIoY.DE SANTA FE

coínmlbsiftñir NUEVO MEXICO TENDRA -- pndl la aradla dbl cirsjirso para la tenM ELEGANTES NUPCIAS. ; Calce de Nueces 5míFaimit51 azote la cradladl efe M.York y plaga 'di' parálisis' qws PARTE DE Ml- María Manuel. t LOS 85 - K! ItlnoK 17 Util actuul h unlctroit Es simplenrente hecho delicioso cuando se hace coa con loa lml!w)liiLil(8 luxos dul mulriino LLDNES PARA UMIIOS nlo n lu otitudral de tin KianclHco, 1 BlmpAtlt-n- . y dlmtlUKUlda BOrturllii Miu lti Ivltíinlo, d esta ciudad, con 1 MWIG MI Boletín A- - liroolíibln jdvBii Manual üolgudo, de del departamento do Us M. M. grlcuJtura explica douiladamente co POWDER ' ?A Vega, mo o - 1 'i KV i 'Vi , A Ui vtii t.inttiiiit luvu liiKiir a lu 7 d6 la pueden obtener las Inmensas DinAniia, rU'ttimlo 1 Ht. Hov. Mons. minian destinadas para la construc ción da caminos el Pura Saludable Económica Anttmlo Vuih.Iiobu, vlcurlo do la caw-dm- l, reales en estado; an- el estado se hace mtlun ni uiiIiIiih do inanon, y responsable para El mas - mantener ios en grado, alto de polvos para- cocinar que posible tea d üm' iriiu'lpl(j a la mi Ha, promm-vi- caminos buen orden después. mente se su dinero les será devuelto ic tiUt'iiniH plúiicu acerca de los puede comprar y - Illii sido - Do n HlH'l0 ti l lH008, MoiiBofior apropiado por ucti del c jn- si falta en dar satisfacion. pregúntenle a su comer. uifh-Ki- i hiuvo lucunnto y no o federal la mima do tSS.000,000 Itt a ""itrucclón ciante. damon mm lilo consejos y amo-Par- in camino quo inn oportunamente !Ie8- - eU aurns, 176.000.000 6ríln JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO. - rura-va- n X - , V, Vs biso wmw dnflpoHttdos, les Para caminos de poatas x ÍMÍ el de-di- a do wnm m lu, nueva vida quo eselle8 B"Kun arreglo hecho con los empoüaw, partamentos de caminos reales de los La vusía catedral so vló hat.Rnt.ldtfe'ante8 estados, y 110.000,000 aeran concurrid por Ift ramilla y amistades le3tpendld08 en componer camino y ve- - se!redaB dentro áa 'os límite de las fio-- - --i-- ,- do la Mí novia, qué V i , j ,C partij,. restas nacionales. CO del Hi' vera prlmxwwft Hit su íraje nupcial, es por ciento Atenciones L tuvo Iwkln por la dlHUneuida Bra. costo de construcción es el límite fija- especiales para r v TÍ ' como 'TlT'r . do la del gobierno federal , I Auii'tU U, da JIuch, julen actuó de parte rKÑ 01 i clientes de madrln, ImWoitdo recaído el honor L" ioajo oei camino coopora-- nuestros afuera da ser on la al ' eesiauo. oe extenoera i-- padrino ceremonia, 6r.lcl" deral EUunnlo Uud, prominente vecino de para la construcción de Acomodaciones especiales para los borregueros de - Lns Vega, dondu desempeña el pMta rurales, exceptúen- .'': -- ''-v- roso difMl de Gerente de la ,d0 caIles 0 cam nos en las platas y ganaderos. N y cargo una qnej VV' V'Iy?-? gran casa comoroluJ de Romero Mere, tengan población de Í.500 o más Puede hacer sus de Banco por correo ' habitantes, a menos, que Jas casas es- operaciones "1 1- Co., y qulflu Pit compañía de su espo ;, tén por término medio distancia Tenemos de con- H'y p 1 -'A sa vino expresamente con el fin de a- - tina un departamento español que slstlr a ln ceremonia. El coro de la de 20O yardas una de la otra. testara sus cartas inmediatamente. M ex- - M ?5.0M00 de este dinero serán i 'i catedral, dirigido por el Br. Alfredo ;j'--v''-lt- el 'Guarde Hinojos, cantó varios himnos durante Pndidos durante año fiscal que todos sus documentos de valor en nues- bi a 111 ri r, .1 .. nH .1 MiwVi'i la ceremonia, io.uudn,,Qmina Uv uo humvi,i,in ua cm, y u de acero uui en nueianie ía sera a tra caja de seguridad para depósitos. Lo novio. apropiación crecentada a razón de $5.000,000 cada Abra una cuenta con el banco mas de ' antiguo I,a novia en hija del bien conocido y año hasta 1021, cuando la suma pro Nuevo banco estimado Sr. V. Francisco Delgado, re- veída sera $25.OOO,000,haclendo un to- Mexico, un eqperimentado por es- gistrador de terreno públicos deü tal de $7i5.000,OO0. En adición a este . muchos anos. tado y do su estimable esposa, Sra. una apropiación de $1.000,000 cada E'frén S. Delgado, de esta ciudad. El año por el término de diez años, será novio es uijo act pr. Martin ueigaao necha por el congreso, para el ilesa-- 1 El y su esposa, Sra. Elena O. (de Delgado, rrollo de caminos y veredas, todas en,j Primer Banco Nacional de Las Vegas. v . " o dentro de las líneas '.as flo- - parte de LEVI A. Presidente ARTHUR SELIGMAN, Vice.Pres. La concurrencia. restas nacionales. HUGHES, n método JAMES B. READ, Cajero. dCntre lo concurrentes a la ceremo- - ,p ,cuanto de construe; - n y la le caminos se cons- nia pudimos notar las siguientes per-!fW- lafe que DIRECTORES; Levi A. Hughes, Arthur Seligman, S, Spitz, J. G. sonas: Sr. Lucio Dills, . " km hiiik-iiu- iub A. agrimensor el ecretario de Schumann, Paul P. Walter. general del estado; Sr. De Lamy; Sra. Agricultura y el Lorenío: Sra. J. M. T.una- - lPartamento de caminos reales del es-- MIEMBRO DEL SISTEMA FEDERAL DE RESERVAS. tado. Kra. Carmen de Sr. ,L, Abren; Felipe El también Quintana; Sr. Frank Grygla; Sr. Juan proyecto proveo por un . entre N. Vigil; las señoritas Read; señori- aporclonamlento los estados, que no exceda a tres la miento y eso el pa- - tas Sena; señoritas Baca; Sr. Adelal-d- o por nionto de explica profundo González, de Las Sr. apropiación por el año fiscal, la cual sar que su inesperada y súbita mué Vegas; hecha en ha sus deudos Sena, y todos los parientes de será proporción de la area te inspirado a y amigos. de un estado con el Don Ramón 61 años de edad ambas familias Delgado y Baca. area total de todoi tenía '5 'ojos los otros estados, según la población y a la fecha de su muerte y habla vivido Lo presente. ea según mllleaje de rutas de correo. toda su vida en Santa Fé. Deja para ! ; AR REGLA- - Innumerables y hermosos fueron los 6e hará un cálculo de cuántos lamentar su pérdida, a su viuda, Sra. presentes con fueron oos., PHOTO NfT I. que obsequiados fondos se necesitan para cada proyec Aurelia O. de .Rodriguez, do hijo, los nuevo cónyugues, por sus nume- to por el departamento de caminos Francisco y Ramón Rodriguez, y a cua ÉIW rosos parientes y amistades. Entre reales del estado, y este lo someterá tro hijas, que son la Sra. Doloritas R. í los obsequios., mencionaremos los si' Ro- 'solamente como $13,000. Se hace mas arrestadas y multada por dejar basu- lo aprobará y entonces Be harán las de iRael, Josefíta, Sofía y María violacio- recimaos nasia ei meaiocna: J residen- Dito Framcis Alarmados por el contagio en los cada día que el servicio te- ras descubiertas y por otras guíenles, agrimensuras, planos y especificaclo-E- driguez, y a cuatro hermanos, Knmigpj Sr. y la Sra. Francisco ' cua- tados del oriento, los cabecillas delderal esta frente a un problema nes del código sanitario. Aseguran Delgado, nes y toda estimación del costo del tes en Flagstaff, Arizona, de los D. O. S.; Oph. D; D. O. - - ca- padres de la novia, 5 acciones de la mismo. El costo do de salubridad pública se reu- tante sério, para evitar que la enfer- muchos científicos, que 'las moscas Insonlem. tra les solamente uno, Pablo Rodríguez, ESPECIALISTA OPTICO f . World Life Insurance Co., y el nieron en Washington y decidieron se propague por todo el oriente. seras Bon responsables por la propaga-Nel- pectores y demás contingencias, no pudo venir al funeral. Y DE LA VISTA 1 1MA no Tin rifo Tn O lo anillo nupcial, de oro. Los Sres. D. debe exceder un diez del Era miembro do la Unión de !1A ción de la parálisis infantil, mismo a por ciento Ayuda - - Martin teado y esposa, padres del costo total del de esta Miembro de la Academia de Cien- $100,000 para usarlos en el trabajo de descubiertos ültimamente en la ciudad que son responsables por la propaga- trabajo. Fraternal y bajo los auspicios novio, $50.00 en efectivo. ILos padrl-- j de el los funerales J cias, de la Sección Científica de la J investigación y exterminación de la de Nueva York, las autoridades de Ja ción de otras muchas enfermedades. Después concluido trabajo y sociedad tuvieron lugar Ju- - nos, Sres. Eduardo F. Baca esposa, Aprobado 7 Qa en la Asociación Optica Nacional. parálisis infantil.. !La necesidad de ciudad tomaron medidas enérgicas pn- El grabado representa: 1, niños y por el secretario, la suma el lúnes a las de mañana, 2 una estura ae un sq- - se obtener el dinero, fué demostrada por ra combatir la plaga, la cual deja a los trnnAn pn un montón de basura: granae cocina y que se ha destinado para el proyecto catedral de san Francisco, donde OFICINAS: - mata-il- a 1' an cantada de C. HI. Lavinder, del servicio federal,! niños paralíticos, si ac.130 no los mosca casera, aumentada para quei .Vni, pagaaa onciai propio aei osta- celebró una misa cuerpo Sant Fé, 137 Palaoe Avínue figu-- j laido Oonzflieü.o tío del novio $100.00 do. También se le en de numerosa quien ene a su cargo el trabajo de sa-- Se prohibió a los niños que vayan aso pueda ver toda su horripilante da autoridad al presente presencia Las Vegas, 706 Lincoln 8t. do- - en erecttvo. cucliillos y cu-- ba- el oficiante Mon- lubrldad en Nueva, York. Dijo éste,! los teatros y cines, a las escuelas ra: 3, niños convidándose dulces de secretario de Agricultura para que concurrencia, siendo J Ratón, 112 N. Third St. rh aras. Sr. y Sra. temo - de que el éxito del trabajo depende sola--' mlniccles, las que se cerraron porcomiboca en boca, práctica muy peligrosa Eloy iraca; ga pagos parciales; pero que no exce- señor Antonio 'Fourchegu, vicario - enrer-- , i del mente de los medios de one se dispcn-ínieto- . a dias de campo y otras reunió- que solo sirve para propagarse ' ama. reí pua caca, aan en ningún caso, a ta prorrata he- la catedral. ÍLos acompañantes Precios razonables un lauuui, los Fra- ga, la cantidad de dinero conqueines de niños, y se inuguró una limpie-piedade- y que se debe reprender en primoroso presente de nlñitos cha por el gobierno federal. Todo féretro fueron socios de la Unión Consultas Grátis. y que Arturito de los en el cuenta en la actualidad para ello, m,za general. Muchas personas fueron! los niños siempre. y Miguel Baca, hijos trabajo está sujeto a la Inspección y ternal, y el entierro se verificó Todo el trabajo garantizado. padrinos: pintón de china, Sra. F. aprobación del secretario de Agricul-B- . cementerio de Nuestra Señora del (Delgado; Juego de trastes de mestura. Rosarlo, hasta cuyo lugar sus restos sa, IS. B. S. G. J os un acom- y Gartwright; platón) varios estados que obtengan la fueron escoltados por gran SANTA FE RESTAURANT de cristal de roca, Mrs. John B. Lamy; la de dicho ayuda bajo provisiones pañamiento. Cerrillos, N. M. platón de cristal de roca, Sr. y Sra. proyecto, están obligado a hacer la IHa muerto un buen ciudadano NOTICIAS' BW. Fernando Delgado: azucarera de pía-- 1 compostura necesaria y conservar Que a ninguno había ofendido; Mr. D. Arias, Prop. ... tino, Sr. Hilarlo Baca: dos candela-l- oa camino en buena condición, pero Fué buen padre, buen hermano, Comida a todas horas, al estilo bros de platino, Mr. Reese P- - Fuller-ton- ; no hacer ,iY un NUESTROS AMIGOS. COMUNICADO. MUY SENSIBLE DEFUNCION. están obligados a compostu- esposo muy cumplido; Mexicano y Americano. Juego de china, azucarera y car ra extraordinarias o emprender algu- Dios lo tenga de su mano " M!rs. Thomas des- La carta, recibida de Ken- Española, N. M., Julio 11 de, 1916. El apreciable señor D. Ramón Ro- fetera, R, Stewart; na reconstrución. Si el estado, Y su alma haya acogido, siguiente temo leche nevada, de cristal de- le trono soberano. ton, Oklahoma, es un de la Sr. editor de "El Nuevo Mexicano" driguez, carpintero bien conocido de para pués de que el congreso dé aviso de (Ante el EL. SR. J. M. ORTIZ paga los me-jor- producto to- Sr. Sra. F. F. benevolencia de nuestros suscritores, Muy Sr. mío: esta ciudad y muy apreciado por corado, y González; que mantenga un camino en buena temo cara de cristal decorado, condición entonce precios por huesos, fierro, hule, que a diario nos envían cartas por el Cuanto apreciaría que Ud. me con- dos los que tuvieron el honor de tratar fruta, rehusare hacerlo, HABRA BAILE EN ALCALDE. Srita. Trinidad terao de to-j- , y toda clase de metal. 160 García St. mismo tenor. estamos satis- cediera un pequeño espacio en su acre lo durante su vida, pasó a mejor vida Delgado; congreso no le concederá más Invitaciones que tenemos a la Aunque Dolores Fernán- - Por fechos de no merecemos los er- ditado semanario para dar publicidad el domingo en la mañana, después de por Eugenio, y da federal hasta que dicho camino ha sabemos en la noche del 26 que do Delcado: terno de cuchillo sido vista, que en ésta y otras muchas car- al siguiente comunicado. una corta enfermedad, a la edad de Cl plata, ya compuesto por el estado, de este un baile en Alcal- gios que Mr. Mrs. Robert Steven- - mes, habrá tas se nos la Con la velocidad del relámpago ful--! años. La enfermedad que le llevó al y tenedor, y (Lob $10.000,000 que se usarán para etc. A NUESTROS SUSCRITORE8 hacen, publicamos para a de, N. Mi, con buena música, to- - j del esto son: temo de china, ISr. y Sra. Agus-,l- construcción de caminos veredas manifestar nuestro agradecimiento a mos sorprendidos por un lúgubre sepulcro, fué un desarreglo y Que se diviertan. las comunicaciones y tin Delgado: cortinas de lino,' Sr. y en la forestas re- - Todas cartas, nuestro suscritor, y a ruego de él mis que de campana que con tristeza nos 'mago qué lo hizo sufrir en extremo nacionales, serán, deben ser a "El en Fé Sra. Francisco Baca: fundas para al-- embolsados al de los Estados remitidos, dirigidos mo. 'Dice así: comunicaba la muy sentida muerte de El difunto habla vivido Santa gobierno familia misma Nuevo Mexicano" nó a Individuos !Le su Sra. Desideria Unido 10 ,En una unida; de sí y iKenton. Okía., Julio 10, 191 B. un honrado y buen esposo, Don casi toda su vida. sobreviven mohadas, Archuleta; a razón de por ciento de las padre de An- brota la felicidad. particulares. Nuevo Mexicano" Martin quien exaló su ultimo viuda y dos hijos, Francisco y Ramón coHar flores comprimidas. Sr. rentas recibidas de las forestas y tam Sr. editor de "El Roybal, tonio temo ' Mi editor: en su residencia en la Mesilla, Rodriguez, así como cuatro hijes, la Delgado: para chocolate, blén los gasto de composturas de ca querido suspiro Rra. de mante no mucho de haber reci- N. M., el día 6 de Julio de 1913, a las Sra. esposa de nuestro compañero en Ieopoldo González; minos y veredas deben exceder a Tengo gusto Sr. y Sra. Manuel diez luaiic bido su la 6 de la después de haber sufrido esta oficina, Sr. Gregorio Raell, y quillera, Delgado: por ciento del valor de la madera preciable carta, por que tarde, Isilla Sr- Sra.- Manuel me he informado bien de su contenido con verdadera resignación cristiana Sofia y Maria Rodriguez. mecedora, y y pasteo de las reservas. terno. licores de cris El de camino y me volver con muchísimo gus- une enfermedad de hidropesía, por el Se avisó a cuatro hermanos del fina Delgado; para propósito construir place Sra. Francisco González ; a mi término de dos meses. do, que residen en Douglas, Ariz., los tal, temo en las forestas nacionales es, para que to renovar suscripción. de Sr. Sra. Nicolás sea Por mi al "Nue- Deja el extinto en este Valle de Lá- que vinieron al funeral. mesa, y Sena; posible la ocupación y. el desarro parte, yo garantizo con cadena, de. oro,, con llo de los terrenos han sido abier- vo 'Mexicano" pues no hay otro perió- grimas, para llorar su ausencia, a bu El funeral tuvo lugar en la catedral guardapelo que Archu- diamantitos incrustados en forma de tos entradas o están dico mejor, más noticioso, más inde- esposa, Doña Patrocinla A. de el miércoles en la mañana, asistiendo para que ya Epi-fani- cruz, Sr. temo de nVás honesto más cum- leta, 4 hijos y dos hijas, que son: los socios de la Unión Fraternal de la Alejandro Sena; pendiente, y de china. Sr. Sra. B. Lo- en todo todo. (A mt nunca Lino, José E., y Rumaldo; Elvi- cual el finado era miembro, algunos chocolate, y BONITA plido y por renzo; cacerola da barro esmaltado, me ha faltado, semana por semana, y ra, y Ramoncita; dos hijos políticos, de los cuales actuaron de guardia de OEFUNCIpN. Mr. Mrs. G. J. Neis: $".0O en efec Y MAS mientra este esté de vida, José D. C. Valencia, y iEloisa S. de honor el féretro, y el entierro se veri- y periódico tivo, Sr. y Sra. EIv y por ul- (Colaboración.) de y un gran número de nietos y ficó en el cementerio del Rosario. Delgado: 11 no dejaré pagarlo. Roybal; como nota el Sr. Hilarlo FRESCA Yo un hombre recibo dife- parientes. VEsta redacción envía el más sincero timo, cómica, soy que Baca., nna condecoración de El domingo 16 del corriente fa- NÉW rentes en ambos idiomas, Han perdido al ser más querido que pésame a la atribulada familia del regaló me, periódicos hojalata, semejando la famosa cruz de lleció en su residencia en esta ciudad, y no otro más ilustrado y sábio tenían obre la tierra, por haber sido ERlECmON hay hierro (?) el honrado y bien conocido ciudadano Olli que "El Nuevo Mexicano." Yo resido el finado un buen y cumplido esposo alemana, primorosamente amoroso nuestra comuni- guardada en una vieja caja de puros. . D. Ramón Rodriguez, quien estando al en una localidad en que solo se regis- y padre, y VOLO AL GIELO. bueno fué atacado de I habla dad, ha un buen miembro, (La recepción. parecer y sano, tra nna familia de española que perdido repente de un fuerte dolor de estóma es asi no he era conocida entre todos su hon- de 6 me- Entre las la mfa. y querido editor, pues La nifiita Luisita Sánchez, distinguida personas que go en unas cuanta horas exbaló el Es Cocina deliciosamente! en fa- radez y formalidad, porque el finado del Martí- la fe y primorosa! podido conseguir suscripciones ses de edad, hija Sr, Miguel personalmente fueron a casa a último en vano es- de una vez las ini- re- aliento, siendo los Tenga comodidad, y resultados con vor del "Nuevo Mexicano." Pueden en más paaó por nez y esposamurió el Iúnes en la licitar a, los novios, debemos mencio- fuerzos hicieron cua a muchos se- del que los médicos para la estufa de aceite "New Perfection" ustedes dar a esta cata publicación, persecuciones que sidencia de sus padres en la Calle nar a Su Señoría Illma, Juan Bautista detener el curso de la enfermedad. o como le res humano son destinados en la vida funeral tuvo el Pitabal, de esta iNo carbón o suciedad, ce- plazca. Agua Fría. El llugar arzobispo diócesis, Su muerte ha sido muy aflictiva para hay leña, idénticas circunstancias, pero a to del cielo pa-r- innecesario. Soy su amigo y Buscritor, por mártes en la Iglesia de Guadalupe, y quien Invocó la bendición su Inmediata familia y causado una nizas, pestilencia o gasto URIOSTIB. firme como roca de üos ha J. D. do permaneció la el sepelio en el cementerio del mismo nuevos esposos, por lo qua la núme- No hay cocinas calurosas con ella. 'Estos fueron los carac- - penosa Impresión entre el gran Gibraltar. nombre a la do de la tarde. familia siente profundo agradecimien- ro de en El aceite Conoco es el mejor. de una alma noble, a su cate- amigos y parientes que tenia VESTIDOS DE HOMBRE Gran sur--j terfsticos Que Dios mande el consuelo to. Después de llegados de la esta comunidad. del finado dral, recibieron las felicitaciones de Las estufa New Perfection para tido, buena clase, valen hasta $1500. (Los preciosos despojos padres. Don Rámón fué un hombre trabaja- cocinar se venden en mucho mode- fc fueron el dia g a 9 de sus numerosísimas amistades, las que Precio de Venta Especial, $7.95. sepultados lag dor e industrioso que siempre guardó lo en las tiendas en la habiendo asistido un gran ALGODON los durante el día en la ferretefaa y ge- Clintock & Wright, Santa Fé. mañana, CALCETINES DE para acompañaron buen nombre y reputación a causa de donde las de su casa residen- negros café casa de la novia, habiéndose servido neral, quiera. Busquen acompañamiento, hombre, azule, pardos, y su natural apacible y el buen lugar chimenea azule largas. - Vean el cia a la Iglesia, donde fué celebrada valen 10c Precio de Venta Especial, refrescos y la tradicional comida de daba a todo en sus ser DEFUNCION. bodas al luciendo en medio que relaclopes nuevo cocedor que tienen. misa de .cuerpo presente, por el Rev. Kc el par. & Wright, San- medio día. viles. Fué de oficio y era La triste de la mesa y bonito "cake" carpintero 'El día 10 de a las 6:30 de la Padre Gartmon. procesión ta Fé. ungrande un artífice y mecánico de mucha ha- i THE CONTINENTAL OIL CO. I i SS , Julio, al cementerio de nupcial en honor de los esposos. Pa- (qnIq DDiiiiía rin una lnrfrn v npnosa siguió hasta llegar bilidad que en todos tiempos mostró (A Colorado Corp.) - ra terminar diremos que la novia lu de- enfeVmedad de le duró! Sa"ta "ruJ; REMITIDO- - particular empeño en cumplir sus parálisis que le sea el cia un de seda messa-lin-a más de seis meses, de existir Que leve, y que primoroso traje beres como tal y en satisfacer a lo nu "'"' por dejó efl con - Señor bálsamo consolador. blanca, adornado de encajes, en esta ciudad la Sra. Cenohia One- derrame , Chamita, N. M.. Julio 11 de 1916. meroso clientes que utilizaban sus Denver, Pueblo t ' -- 1 corona finísimo velo de ' j on del de azahar, y - ' ga. nativa de Santa Fé. y quien había péseos ,n Sr. editor de "El Nuevo Mexicano" servicios- Salt Lake do di las más sinceras se- punto, y un hermoso bouquet formado ri City J , I vivido en esta ciudad toda su vida IStrvase Insertar en su apreciable No se mostró ménos concienzudo y i&i ' a todas la que nos de rosa claveles blancos, con una Butte f - iLa finada era esposa de D. Deside- gracias personas manario lo siguiente: y fiel en su relaciones familiares, pues Cheyenne, tanto en el velorio como diminutas florecitas del mismo color, J.)lk 1 incon- acompañaron 3 de Julio del año, él, en unión de su excelente esposa Albuquerque í jf rio Ortega, quien ha quedado El día presente llamada "ensueños de un niño" es- ISrl solable Tenía la fina- en el funeral. a vida ml tio Wilario Ga mostraron narticular esmero en edu j77 por bu pérdida. pasó mejor taba primorosa La nifiita 'María Del de su muerte G3 aros de Soy su humilde servidor. a la edad de 2 año ' car y criar a bu numerosa familia yl da al tiempo lléeos y Sandoval, fue la madrina de canastilla, edad. El funeral tuvo lugar e9 miér- T7PIFANTO ROYPAiü en su residencia en San José, N. M., y gado en Infundirles la caballerosidad, la D. C. VALENCIA. - A las lo coles 12, a las 8 de la mañana en la J. deja para lamentar su eterna separac- 3:40 partieron desposados honradéz y los sentimientos .religiosos conduciéndose después sus lión a su esposa, a un hijo, Abel Ga- - s viaje ne .noaas, runmu a cm.i ga- que son el fundamento de una buena catedral, y despojos mortales al cementerio del O RiANDES TtARATt'RAS en Vertidos llegos y una hija, Dilia G. de Herrera, :ke City y Denver, donde permanece-- educación y de la buena conducta. El cuvo tlem-funer- Rosario. de hombfe. Camisas. Ropa de Aba)o, un gran número de parientes. SujrSn por quince días, pasado finado fué un buen esposo, un padre donde fi- iPaz a íu restos. y Calcetinpg. en la Venta de Julio Es- tuvo lugar el día 6. a las 9 de PO, regresaran a Las Vega, amante y ansioso de asegurar el bien- pecial. McClintock & Wright. Santa la mañana, con misa de cuerpo pre- - jarán bu residencia en lo futuro, estar de sus hijo y un hermano lleno fíji felicidad e una flor cuyo Fé, gente. Esta redacción desea a lo nuevo de afecto fraternal a sus hermano. S. de - En todas la relaciones de la vida se perfume no gusta sino en la manos Quedo de Ud. su S., icónyugueg toda clase prosperida- GENOYEVA HERRERA., de miel. mostró 'leal sincero en bu comporta- - agenai- - Suscríbase .a "El Nuevo Mexicano" des, y una eterna luna y