United Kingdom Official Title: of Great Britain and Northern Ireland General Information: Capital London Population (million) 67.09n/a Total Area 244,820 km² Currency 1 CAN$=0.578 Pound (GBP) (2020 - Annual average) National Holiday Language(s) English, Scots, Welsh, , Irish, Ulster Scots, Cornish

Political Information: Type of State Constitutional monarchy Type of Government Parliamentary democracy. Bicameral parliament with a 650-seat House of Commons and a (upper house). Prime Minister (leader of the largest party or coalition in parliament). Cabinet of Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister. Administrative divisions: 3 devolved assemblies, 9 English regions, and 418 local authorities. Governing party: Bilateral Product trade Conservative Party. Canada - United Kingdom 35000

30000 Balance 25000 Head of State Head of Government Can. Her Majesty Queen Prime Minister 20000 Exports Elizabeth II (Accession 1952) (Con) 15000 Can. Millions Imports 10000 Total Ministers: First Secretary of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs: 5000 Trade Dominic Raab 0 Trade Secretary: Elizabeth (Liz) Truss 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Statistics Canada Defence Secretary: Ben Wallace Main Political Parties Conservative (Con), Labour (Lab), (SNP), Liberal Democrat (LibDem), Canadian Imports Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Sinn Féin (SF), Party of Wales () (PC), Green from: United Kingdom Party, Alliance, Social Democratic & Labour Party (SDLP), Party. M ach. M ech. Elec. House of Commons: Con (363) , Lab (199) , SNP (45) , Independent (6), LibDem (12) , DUP Prod. (8), SF (7) , PC (3), Green party (1) , SDLP (2) , Alliance (1), Alba Party (2), Speaker (1). Vehicles and Equip. Chemical Prod.

Precio us M etals/ stones Food Prod. Elections: Monarchyn/a is hereditary. House of Commons (5 year term). Next on May 2, 2024. Specialized Inst. 2020 Base M etal Prod. Economic Information: (2020) IMF (estimates) Statistics Canada United Kingdom Canada GDP: (billion) $3,567.07n/a $2,162.38 Canadian Exports GDP per capita: $53,166.16n/a $56,945.03 to: United Kingdom GDP Growth rate: (%) -9.92n/a -5.40 Precio us Inflation: (%) 0.85n/a 0.72 M etals/ stones M ineral Prod. Unemployment: (%) 4.50n/a 9.60 M ach. M ech. Elec. Product Trade and Investment: (2020) Statistics Canada Prod. Vehicles and Equip. Canadian Exports: $19,910,870,320n/a Canadian Imports: $7,838,466,274n/a Veg. Prod. Foreign Direct Investment in Canada $69,619n/a (million) Wood Prod. 2020 Canadian Direct Investment in country $116,762n/a (million) Chemical Prod. Statistics Canada Representation: Sources: Statistics/Industry Canada Foreign Representation in Canada http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/tdo-dcd.nsf/eng/Home High Commissioner Susannah Goshko IMF http://www.imf.org/external/ns/cs.aspx?id=28 Canadian Representation Abroad High Commissioner Ralph Goodale

August 2021 www.international.gc.ca

HTML version: https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/fact_sheet-fiche_documentaire/united_kingdom-royaume_uni.aspx?lang=eng