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Cutting Edge Gifts for Tech Savvy Seniors

 Posted by Steve Dieterichs on December 4, 2017 at 7:51 AM


beauty of technology is the way it advances in ease of use year over year. Many people believe there are limited tech gift options for seniors. We want to encourage you to change the way you think of both seniors and technology. Seniors are adapting to technology at alarming rates. According to Pew Research some seniors, “report owning and using various technologies at rates similar to adults under the age of 65.”

Keeping this in mind, there’s a universe of opportunity awaiting in the realm of tech gifts. We have a few great device recommendations to keep the tech savvy seniors in your life on trend.

Speakers Speaker Music is a universal language and this simple fact has caused a boom in the plethora of options for Bluetooth and wireless speakers. One model in particular has mixed old world air with new technology. According to “this vintage-inspired Bluetooth gramophone” is a powerful portable speaker that doesn’t sacrice technology. The device is even shaped like a traditional gramophone. There are also other Bluetooth devices mixing classic with trendy in the shape of vinyl records and cassette tapes, making it easy to nd a speaker that works for the music loving senior on your list.

Smart Speaker These devices do more than simply play music. In addition to being a speaker, smart speakers can be congured to turn o lights via voice control and give a weather report or news upon voice request. These devices can be particularly helpful to tech savvy seniors with limited mobility. Again, there are many options in this category as smart speakers gain popularity. You can see a full guide here.

Wearable Tech When most people think of , they think of it as an extension of a . As technology advances it may be better to see this category of wearables more as a miniature computer! Most smartwatches have three major functions; tness, communication and connectivity. The easy to use touch screens can support apps and even take vital signals in some cases. These features can be great for keeping families connected to and up to date on senior loved ones daily lives. Explore the options here.

Smartglasses A technology that most people don’t think of instantly, smart glasses can be very useful for seniors. They can be paired with mobile phones and boast features like making calls, taking photos and videos, and using apps. Some come with ear buds or headphones and allow you to play music. You can see great options for seniors here. Keep an eye on this wearable take category as it advances. Sources:,review-4480.html 1&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQgr6nmPjXAhUKRCYKHaB7B5sQsxgIKg&biw=1920&bih=950

Tagged: Smartwatch, Smart glasses, bluetooth speaker, smart speaker, Christmas gift, senior citizen, technology    

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