2.1_CCNB_News44:Layout 1 20.8.2008 10:57 Page 1 Newsletter No. 44 Summer 2008 TChe NCewsNletterB of the Coordinating Committee for Numismatics in Britain The CCNB Newsletter is supported by the British Museum, CONTENTS the Royal Numismatic Society and the British Numismatic FOCUS ON COIN DESIGN Society. The Newsletter appears triannually, and is received by those members of the RNS and BNS resident in the United NEWS Kingdom, and by others with an interest in numismatics and BAMS Annual Conference 2008 - review related fields. The De Wit Exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum Contributions and information will be gratefully received. Items for the next issue should be sent to BNS/RNS Summer Meeting - review Richard Abdy or Richard Kelleher, International Medieval Congress - review Department of Coins and Medals, BANS Congress 2008 - review British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, tel: 020 7323 8255/8640 fax: 020 7323 8171, BANS Autumn Weekend – preview e-mail:
[email protected] or XIV International Numismatic Congress (2009) –
[email protected]. Call for papers deadline Anyone in the UK wishing to be added to the CCNB Newsletter mailing list should send their name and address to EXHIBITIONS Richard Kelleher at the above address, or alternatively e-mail DIARY him at
[email protected]. example in 1989 finally allowed the type to be correctly FOCUS ON COIN DESIGN, Part 1 attributed to Tincomarus. Although twenty-eight of these April 2008 saw the launch of a new design for the coinage of coins have been recorded, this is the first example to enter a Great Britain and Northern Ireland to replace the familiar public collection.