Regional elections in Croatia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain and Italy Strong and vivid regional democracy

3 Bosnia and 7 : 19 Serbia: Herzegovina: Decentralisation Important part of Interesting Country success with many Europe and successfully for Investors challenges on the European path FOCUS Bosnia and Herzegovina

Karl-Heinz Lambertz follows Markku Markkula as president of CoR Relations between and Bosnia-Herzegovina: Austria is the fifth-largest investor in the Republika Srpska:

Karl-Heinz Lambertz elected President of the European Committee of the Regions „Europe‘s future lies in its regions and cities“ Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Members of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) – which ensures an equal share of the leadership during the Interesting Country for Investors elected on 12th July 2017 Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Senator of the five-year term of the office. German-speaking Community of (IRE-member), as Karl-Heinz Lambertz has been a PES-member of the CoR since their new President for the next two and half years. Given the 2001, was elected as Minister-President (1999-2014) and then many challenges in recent years, he argued that the EU needed as President of the German-speaking Community Parliament The Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) organi- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) for more than 10 years. to listen to citizens and „rethink from the ground“ by giving a zed on the 26th of June 2017 in an inter- until 2016. Founded in 2005, the Austrian company Network Qu- greater say to local and regional governments. Laying out his national panel discussion on “Bosnia and Herzego- ality Management GmbH, headquartered in Grödig Presidency priorities, he said that the CoR will continue to con- Supporting start-ups locally to scale-up vina – The Unknown Partner For Local and Regional near Salzburg as well as Mreža Network Derventa tribute to the reflection on the EU‘s future and would fight to internationally Relations“, which took place in the International d.o.o in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a leading high- protect the cohesion policy. The President-elect committed to Salzburg Association. In previous years, the IRE has Supporting innovative entrepreneurship and dismantling -tech full-service provider in the area of mechatro- reinforcing the CoR‘s ties with all of Europe‘s cities and regions arranged international panel discussions in various the obstacles to its development through improved access to nics with a production site that employs about 300 and strengthen relations across the EU‘s institutions. European countries to highlight the importance of finance and the single market, better connections between people. The supply network – which ranges from interconnectedness and cooperation on municipal Mr. Markku Markkula after serving a two and a half year term regional entrepreneurial ecosystems and raising awareness electronics, plastics technology, mechanics, metal and regional levels. as President of CoR was now elected as First Vice-President. about the need to give failed but honest entrepreneurs a se- processing to assembly and final inspection – co- These elections are in keeping with the agreement made bet- cond chance are the objectives of an opinion drafted by Tade- “Austrian companies have begun to settle in Bosnia operates with Audi, Bosch and SKIDATA worldwide. ween the Committee‘s two largest political parties – European usz Truskolaski, Mayor of the Polish City Białystok. The opinion and Herzegovina and companies from the Western CEO and General Manager of NETQM Markus Stras- People’s Party (EPP) and Party of the European Socialists (PES) was adopted during CoR plenary session on 12 July. are on the best way to establish themselves ser-Stöckl emphasized above all the well-trained in Austria”, said Franz Schausberger, Chairman of employees in the West Balkan countries as a key SMEs will succeed through smart regulation the IRE at the opening of the discussion. Despite the factor to invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina: “I stand SME access to public procurement, the Single Market and fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the “most by the people: They stand for their unity and try to finance, SME-friendly VAT and taxation rules and striking a complex governmental systems in the world”, accor- get an education as well as work in their country. The better balance between SME needs and labour, consumer and ding to Schausberger, Austrian companies such as personnel costs are relatively low and most of the pe- environmental protection are critical factors behind SME suc- NETQM have successfully established themselves in ople, especially the young generation, are very well cess in Europe. The „smart regulation for SMEs“ opinion of the www CoR rapporteur Christian Buchmann (Member of the Styrian Parliament) was adopted during the CoR plenary session on From left to right: Milen- 12 July. ko Cvijanović (Dorector Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the main en- of MTEL Austria GmbH), gines for growth and jobs in Europe, creating two out of three Markus Strasser-Stöckl jobs and generating more than half of Europe‘s economic pro- (CEO and General Manager From left: Franz Schausberger, Tadeusz Truskolaski, duction. Nevertheless regulation doesn‘t always take into ac- Network Quality Manage- Mayor of the Polish City Białystok and Christian Buchmann, count the SME-specific circumstances, thus hampering local ment GmbH), Tomislav Leko Member of the Styrian Parliament economic growth and innovation. (Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria), Franz Schausberger (IRE- Chairman), Igor Davidović You can find us on Facebook: (former Ambassador of COVER: Constituent meeting of the regional Twitter: Bosnia and Herzegovina in assembly of Zagreb County on 20th of July 2017. Washington and Brussels) Flickr: Photo: Petra Rozic/ and Mladen Filipovic (Head of the Representation Office IMPRESSUM Media owner and publisher: Institute of the Regions of Europe, A-5020 Salzburg, Nonntaler Hauptstraße 58, Tel.: +43/662/843288-0, Fax: +43/662/843288-5050, www. of Republika Srpska in, [email protected] • Editor and layout: printmedia & pmverlag, 5020 Salzburg • Photos: IRE, Neumayr / MMV, Jerzy Strzelecki / Wikipedia • Photo Cover: Petra Rozic/ • Print:, A2544 Leobersdorf Austria) Insofar as this publication features only personal designations in their gender-specific forms, they relate – insofar as this can be considered with regard to the content – to men and women on equal terms.

2 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 3 FOCUS FOCUS Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina EU support is crucial for BiH

IRE-Chairman Franz Schausberger visited the for reviews of constitutionality. He spoke about the Authorities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzego- importance of the FBIH House of People. He called vina (FBiH) in Sarajevo on 7th and 8th June 2017. it the center of power in the State. Sarajevo Canton The visit complemented his visit to Bosnia and Her- Prime Minister Elmedin Konakovic informed Franz zegovina (BiH) where he met with the Authorities of Schausberger about all the positive economic indi- Republika Srpska (Newsregion reported in its last cators in the Canton. The Director of the FBiH Asso- issue). Schausberger participated in the panel on ciation of Towns and Municipalities Vesna Travljanin the European perspective of BiH within the Confe- informed that the Association has a new leadership Photo left: Siniša Bundalo, Advisor to the President of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska. rence on “Two years of SAA entry into force” and met and will hold its first session on 28th June in Sara- Photo right: Prof. Veselko Prlić, parish council in Salzburg. with the highest officials of the Federation of BiH and jevo. Canton Sarajevo. In his meetings he discussed the The Association gathers all the municipalities in FBiH current political situation in FBiH, reform processes but the Director‘s observation is that some munici- and laws central to the process of the European in- palities are more successful than others and this lar- The presidents of www tegrations. Schausberger‘s interlocutors briefed him gely depends on enthusiasm of individual mayors. both Houses of FBiH trained, which is not self-evident”. zone as well as the development of transport corri- on their work and priorities and emphasized their As the Association, they will try to help the munici- Parliament Lidija dors. “In pursuance to develop towards the EU, the readiness to accelerate the activities within the EU palities learn how to apply for projects, but modali- Bradara and Edin Music Since 2000, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a po- country needs foreign investments, otherwise the accession process. ties of this are still not developed. The Association tential candidate for EU-membership. The overall development of the country is difficult to achieve. FBiH Prime Minister Fadil Novalic spoke about his re- has been consulted on the EU Questionnaire. state, however, is a complex construct which is divi- BiH needs an EU-integration process for transnatio- form programme and said that it was apparent that ded into the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the nal development”, added the ambassador. the EU support was crucial. Chairs of both Houses of Republika Srpska and Brčko District. Within the co- FBiH Parliament Edin Music and Lidija Bradara affir- untry, there are always difficulties in finding a com- As an intermediary to promote the corresponding med the will of the Government and the parliamen- mon position that aligns with the EU. foreign investors in BiH, the telecommunication tary majority to step up the pace of the reforms. FBiH company MTEL Austria GmbH, which, according to “It is hard to say whether we have the specific eco- Deputy Prime Minister Jelka Milicevic underlined We are on a good way to improve economic, the director, Milenko Cvijanović, advises Austrian nomic construction to become a member of the Eu- that the Ministry of Finance has taken its role in the social and political conditions in our country companies to invest in BiH. Based on this, the people ropean Union, but we need to accept and accelerate Reform Agenda most seriously. About 80 percent of from the West Balkan countries who live in Austria despite manifold difficulties. For our reform those EU processes”, stressed Igor Davidović, former proposals have come out of the Ministry of Finance. represent a “bridging-role” for outstanding cross- ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washing- The FBiH Budget has no more deficit and they take programme we need the support of the EU.“ -border relations. ton and Brussels. This, above all, applies to invest- immense pride in this. FBiH Vice-President Milan “Fadil Novalic ment in jobs to reduce unemployment. To achieve Mladen Filipovic, head of the Republika Srpska of- Dunovic informed about his initiatives and requests Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) this, „regional cooperation between the various ci- fice in Austria, drew attention to the priority of per- Pictures above: Mujo ties, cantons and municipalities is important, so that sons living in Diaspora from BiH. “BiH’s natural reso- Hadzic, Head of section regions can be seen as attractive habitats and thus urces are its people”. It is only necessary to enter the Franz Schausberger for coordination of EU the rural exodus can be counteracted”. country, which is accessible in just a few hours due with Vesna Budimir, Assistance Programmes to its central geographical location. Hence, this of- In contemplation to reduce unemployment in BiH, President of FBiH and regional coope- fers great advantages for companies. Additionally, a Franz Ambassador of BiH in Austria, Tomislav Leko, em- Constitutional Court ration, government of huge asset for investments is the “60 percent of job- Schausberger phasized the need to improve the conditions for Brčko District, BiH, seekers who have secondary or higher education”, with Sarajevo foreign investors, the introduction of a free-trade Markus Strasser-Stöckl, says Filipovic and “30 percent of them are under 30 FBiH Prime Canton Prime CEO and General Mana- years of age”. To foster the entrepreneurial and eco- Minister Fadil Minister ger of NETQM. nomic potential of Austrian investments in BiH, low Novalic with Franz Elmedin Picture below: tax rates, low tax ratio of 33 percent of gross salary, Schausberger Konakovic Tomislav Leko, Ambassa- cost-efficient labor and liberalized laws have been dor of BiH in Austria provided to offer great incentives. Most importantly, In pursuance to develop the equal treatment of foreign investors paves the towards the EU, the country foundation for a successful economy. Zenica: Urgent call for solution of city heating problem Franz Schausberger, summarized the discussed free needs foreign investments, On May 31st IRE-Chairman Franz Schausberger met trade zone of the West Balkans as a first step towards otherwise the development From left to right: a delegation of the city of Zenica in Brussels. With the EU. To establish themselves within the European of the country is difficult CoR Vice-President mayor Fuad Kasumovic he discussed the main pro- “ market, competitiveness must be achieved. The EU Karlheinz Lambertz, blems and projects of the city. The most urgent pro- to achieve. BiH needs an offers funds to facilitate easier access to the market. Mayor of Zenica Fuad blem is the heating issue in the City of Zenica (Bosnia The panel discussion organized by the IRE opened EU-integration process for Kasumović, Member and Herzegovina) that citizens have been facing for the possibility of promoting economic contacts be- transnational development.“ of the CoR Franz years now. The city heating system broke down last tween Austria and BiH and thus, according to former Schausberger and winter and if no quick solution is found, people of Tomislav Leko Ambassador Igor Davidović, leading BiH to “no lon- Sanja Stanojevic, EU- Zenica will again suffer from extreme cold next win- Ambassador of BiH in Austria ger be an unknown partner for Austria”. Delegation Sarajevo ter. 4 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 5 FOCUS Ukraine “United in diversity” should not only be a motto, it needs to be lived! Therefore, regional cooperation and exchange have to be more than pretty words.

CoR-Task Force on Ukraine met near Lviv Ukraine: Decentralisation success with many challenges

Ukraine has made considerable progress in a relatively short peri- od of time in fiscal and sectoral decentralisation: Amendments to the budget and tax codes have given local governments new bud- getary powers. In 2016, the local budgets of amalgamated com- Franz Schaus- munities amounted to 281 million UAH. Their own local revenues berger met the increased by three times compared to 2015. This increased munici- mayor of Lviv, palities‘ ability to improve services and infrastructure. It is necessa- Andriy Sadovyy ry that the Ukrainian government keeps continuity in funding for the newly amalgamated municipalities. Constant changes of fun- ding from central government to local government and changes government bodies at a regional level. A careful step-by-step in rules for tax revenues are counterproductive. To get used to the approach is recommended. However, Government and Rada (par- new conditions, municipalities need reliable revenue flows. liament) seem incapable or insufficiently interested in adopting legislation in support of the decentralisation process. Decentralisation reform in Ukraine is currently focused on the local level. An outstanding voluntary amalgamation process of The supports the decentralisation reform not only small municipalities reduced the high number of small munici- with words but with concrete actions, technical assistance and palities and villages. The new hromadas (communities) formed significant financial support. One of the main EU programmes is so far might be the “low hanging fruits“. These communities often U-LEAD, a joint programme of the EU and its Member States Den- unite the most active mayors and citizens and their amalgamation mark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The EU is committed was voluntarily. In under two years over 1800 municipalities have to support the reform process with significant amount of funds, merged voluntarily to create 413 communities (“hromadas”), a exceeding EUR 200 million, mostly (102 million) from U-LEAD. The number much higher than experts ever expected. For the remai- assistance is delivered through 24 regional centres all over Ukra- ning ones we expect much more difficulty. We must remember ine. These regional centres are very important platforms, providing that hundreds more are needed, so the amalgamation process tools to support the bottom-up dimension of the reforms. needs to be continued. The decentralisation process is crucial for achieving this result and Sectoral decentralisation in a number of sectors e. g. in the areas therefore is an integral part of the European integration process of health and education were implemented, with others to follow. of Ukraine.

Major obstacles, such as inexperience of local authority staff espe- These were the main results of the Third Meeting of the “Task Force cially in managing budgets and legal uncertainties on the rights on Ukraine“, organised by the European Committee of the Regions, and responsibilities of new municipalities – must be accounted held in Khyriv, Ukraine, on 30th of June 2017. for Rayon/Oblast state administrations continue to block local in- IRE-chairman Franz Schausberger, in his capacity as special advi- itiatives and substitute functions of local self-government bodies. ser of , Commissioner on Enlargement and Neigh- There are still weak links between regional planning, budget ma- bourhood Policy, mentioned in his speech the European Court of nagement and project formulation and a lack of public oversight Auditor’s criticism that the EU funds unfortunately are not always alongside low citizen awareness and trust. allocated to the intended beneficiaries in a proper, transparent One key element of the support of the EU, including the Commit- and impartial way by the national authorities of Ukraine. tee of Regions, is to share relevant experiences about risks and even failures. The system of government and responsibilities at different levels in EU Member States are very different and reflect Meeting of the very different administrative traditions. Ukraine needs to find its CoR-Task Force own system of checks and balances between national and local on Ukraine levels. in the former monastery of ClaudiaSchmidtEU It seems that there is a need for careful reflection on how to pro- ceed further with the reform of state administration and self- Khyriv @Schmidt_Clau 6 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 7 Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u

Landtag election & its consequences in Election in North Rhine-Westphalia: the 100 seats of the absolute majority. Thus, this coalition alliance would have replaced the thinnest parliamentary majority of one Schleswig Holstein defeat for SPD vote, although black and yellow did not receive a majority of the electorate votes in the Landtag election. Even though the CDU and Success for the CDU in Schleswig-Holstein CDU wins Landtag election in North Rhine- the FDP agreed on a coalition, a large coalition (CDU + SPD) would Westphalia have had a considerably higher majority in the state parliament. Scottish In the Land- National Party Source:,,,, www. leader Nicola tag (regional The red-green state go-,, AP/MM and dpa parliament) vernment has been de- Sturgeon election in selected in SPD‘s home northern country. 65.2 percent of Schleswig- 13.1 million electors voted Local elections in Great Britain in time of Municipal elections in Finland: Holstein, the on 21st May 2017: In the CDU, as has been the case recently in Saarland, has clearly won. Landtag election in North Armin Laschet Brexit: Conservative Party wins – steep decline for the Each Landtag election is considered an important barometer with Rhine-Westphalia, the CDU has won considerably, as has been the populist Finn Party Clear Victory for Conservative Party in Great regard to the Bundestag elections in autumn. In Germany, the case recently in Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein. The election in Britain Landtag elections took place on 7th May 2017 in Schleswig-Hol- the most populous German federal state was, as every country‘s The municipal elections in

stein. The voter turnout was 64.2 percent. election in Germany before, an important result for the German Finland took place on 9th In the midst of tensions between London and Brussels for the com- Bundestag elections on 24th September 2017. April 2017. The Green party The CDU achieved 32 percent and the SPD, which reached 27.2 pletion of the EU exit, local elections were held in Great Britain on won 3.9 percentage points percent, is about five percentage points lower. The Greens came to The CDU under top candidate Armin Laschet won with 33.0 per- 4th May 2017. Great Britain voted for new municipal parliaments in and achieved 12.4 percent 12.9 percent, while the FDP achieved an increase in votes and now cent of the votes and is clearly ahead of the SPD. The SPD of pre- England, Scotland and Wales. In Scotland, Wales and parts of Eng- in total. The governing par- stands at 11.5 percent. The FDP and the Greens are now hoping for vious NRW Minister President Hannelore Kraft came to 31.2 per- land, almost 5,000 seats were placed in the municipal parliaments. ties have experienced the a government involvement in the North. The right-wing party AfD centage points, plunging to a historic low in NRW just before the Additionally, the mayors from six metropolitan regions, including biggest loss, especially the has narrowly managed to get into the Landtag and the Left missed Bundestag elections. For the SPD, it is the worst result since 1947 Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, were also elected. The right-wing Finn party. The with 3.8 percent the entry into the Landtag. and the third defeat in the Landtag election. election was considered as an important barometer for the forth- Social Democrats, as the lar- Jan Vapaavuori coming parliamentary elections on 8th June 2017. The CDU has clearly won the election, even though its top can- The third largest party was the FDP, which achieved 12.6 percent, gest opposition party, have didate Daniel Günther was not even well-known in Schleswig- its best result in North Rhine-Westphalia. The extreme right AfD The end result shows a clear victory for the Conservative Party (To- suffered a slight loss of votes, whereas all other opposition parties Holstein. He has won this election with a clear course and with followed with 7.4 percent and for the 13th time succeeded to ries) of Prime Minister Theresa May. After counting all 88 consti- were able to record gains. clear messages in regard to transport policy, education policy and enter into the regional parliament. The Greens flew out of the go- tuencies, the Tories won 1,899 seats. The opposition Labor Party In Helsinki, the Greens achieved 24.1 percent of the vote, beco- internal security. In forging a new coalition government, he is the vernment, but made the reintroduction into the Düsseldorf par- as well as the right-wing populist United Kingdom Independence ming the second-biggest party in the capital. The euro-critical Finn first CDU politician to become Prime Minister from the opposition liament. They received 6.4 percent of the votes. The Left failed at Party (UKIP), suffered heavy losses: The clear-cut loser is the right- party won only 8.8 percent. The Social Democrats came to 19.4 during the Chancellorship of Angela Merkel. the five percent hurdle to make it into the state parliament: They wing populist anti-EU party UKIP, which will no longer be represen- percent and the center party of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä stands reached 4.9 percent. ted in many municipal parliaments. The party lost all its previous The result now provides the CDU with hope for the nationwide at 17.5 percent. 145 seats and won only one seat. The Labor Party has also expe- election in autumn. Rather saddened appears the inferior SPD, The red-green coalition which had ruled for seven years in NRW rienced better times, reaching only 1,152 seats. However, the big winner of this election is Jan Vapaavuori, who which is likely to lose the post of Prime Minister. The initially po- was thus deselected. Hannelore Kraft resigned as NRW regional won the election in the capital with his National Coalition Party sitive “Martin Schulz effect“ faded. Regardless which coalition is chairwoman and federal vice of her SPD party. With her resignati- Among other things, the mayors of Manchester and Liverpool (Kokoomus). Former Minister of Economy Jan Vapaavuori establis- formed in Kiel, the elections did not cause a fundamental change on she wanted to give the party “a chance for a new beginning“. were elected. Both cities went to the Labour Party. Four of the six hed himself early on and won 28.4 percent of the votes making him in the majority situation in the Bundesrat. CDU election winner Kraft remains in the Landtag, she won the direct mandate in her newly created mayors‘ posts went to the Conservatives. A total of the new mayor of Helsinki. Daniel Günther was aiming for a coalition of CDU, FDP and the constituency Mülheim. 28 constituencies went to the Tories, only nine went to Labor. The Greens. However, a large coalition with the SPD; a coalition with Scottish National Party SNP was for the first time the strongest par- The National Coalition Party has been able to take its stand since The CDU sees itself on the uphill for the Bundestag election in au- the SPD, FDP and Greens; but also a coalition Black, Green and the ty in Scotland‘s largest city Glasgow. 2015 and was also able to win the overall majority in Finland with tumn. The winner of the Landtag election – Armin Laschet (CDU), SSW would have been conceivable. Now the CDU reigns in Schles- 20.7 percent. The turnout rate was 58.8 percent. with the high possibility to be the new Prime Minister – wants to According to the BBC, the final election results are as follows: wig-Holstein with the FDP and the Greens. ensure more internal security, better education policy and more The Conservatives achieved 38 percent, the Labor Party came to Source:,,, www.nzherald., Yle Uutisgrafiikka and Petteri Paalasmaa / AOP Source:,,, jobs in NRW. Thus the CDU receives 72 seats in the Düsseldorf 27 percent and the Liberal Democrats reached 18 percent of the and Landtag and the SPD has 69 seats. The Greens represent 14 MPs, votes. UKIP, on the other hand, dropped to five percent. the FDP 28 and the AfD 16. Source:,,,, www.deutsch- The CDU were looking for a coalition partner. AfD and the Left and were, however, excluded. By losing the party at the five percent hurdle of the Left party, a black-yellow coalition comes exactly to

8 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 9 Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u

Local Elections in Croatia: Favorites won Results of Croatian local elections 2017 From IRE-member region Varaždin Zagreb‘s mayor Bandic re-elected County County council County prefect Predrag Štromar: New Zeljko Kerum, Bjelovar- the new HDZ 39.36% Damir Bajs, Ind. 52.05% first round win The first round of the local elections in Croatia took place on Bilogora Deputy Prime Minister Sunday 21st May 2017. Around 3.7 million voters were called upon mayor of Split to choose zupas (provincial governors) and mayors as well as lo- Brod- Danijel Marušić, HDZ 41.76% 53.46% first round win of Croatia cal and regional representatives. Officials of 18 counties, 56 cities Posavina HDZ and 103 municipalities were elected in the run-off ballot on 4th of Dubrovnik- Nikola Croatia‘s new coalition government comprising June 2017. In the key elections, candidates who could not achieve In Rijeka and Osijek the results confirmed the victory of the elec- HDZ 44.99% 58.54% runoff election Neretva conservative HDZ party and liberal People‘s Party an absolute majority of the votes during the first round competed tion favorites. Dobroslavić, HDZ (HNS) has been voted into office by parliament, against each other in the run-off ballots. These elections included The reigning Social Democrat Vojko receiving the support of 78 out of 151 MPs. After Croatia‘s largest cities, Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek and Split. Istria IDS 56.78% Valter Flego, IDS 65.61% first round win Obersnel (SDP), who has been running Ivan Vrdoljak resigned as president of the HNS In the Croatian capital Zagreb, long-time mayor Milan Bandic (BM Rijeka since 2000, led the first round with party, HNS acting president Predrag Štromar 356), who has been head of the Croatian capital for 17 years, has 40 percent ahead of the challenger, the in- Karlovac HDZ 44.42% Damir Jelić, HDZ 50.46% first round win was appointed Deputy Prime Minister as well as won the election against his liberal counterpart Anka Mrak-Taritas dependent Hrvoje Buric (17.5 percent). In Construction and Physical Planning Minister of (HNS-LD): Bandic received 51.8 percent and Mrak-Taritas received the final ballots the social democrat Vojko Vojko Obersnel, Koprivnica- Darko Koren, Croatia. SDP 31.38% 51.41% runoff election 46 percent of the votes in the final round. The election in Zagreb Obersnel, won with 55.6 percent before the old and new Križevci MREŽA Until recently, Predrag Štromar was president of brought a defeat for the right-wing conservative HDZ, which could his challenger Hrvoje Buric (42.7 percent). mayor of Rijeka the Varaždin County, but lost the third term of of- lead to internal discussions within the HDZ. On the other hand, Krapina- In the Slavonic city of Osijek, the indepen- SDP 49.66% Željko Kolar, SDP 58.77% first round win fice to his former party colleague Radimir Čačić the HDZ has continued to perform well at the regional level. In the Zagorje dent Ivan Vrkic (62.7 per cent) will continue to hold the mayor‘s (Peoples‘s party – Reformists). However, he une- choice of the zupans, the party leads in 13 out of 20 counties. office. He bested the HDZ candidate Ivana Sojat (33.9 percent). Darko Milinović, xpectedly rose to the top of Croatian politics. His Lika-Senj HDZ 55.30% 53.68% first round win In the first round of the elections in Split, HDZ candidate Andro HDZ rise began in the party hierarchy in 2001, when he The election campaign was overshadowed by the disintegration of Krstulovic Opara received 46.2 percent of the votes while Zeljko became a member of the presidency of the HNS the government coalition of the right-wing conservative HDZ and Matija Posavec, Kerum only received 44.3 percent. Surprisingly, in the run-off bal- Međimurje HNS 37.21% 58.74% first round win of the Varaždin County. In 2004, he was not only the liberal-conservative HNS lots Kerum achieved 30.4 percent of the votes to his challenger elected as vice-president of the Varaždin Coun- Party of Most. To this Krstulovic who gained 26.2 percent, and was elected mayor. ty which has been a member of the IRE network extent, these elections Osijek- HDZ 36.62% Ivan Anušić, HDZ 51,96% runoff election since 2005, but also as president of the HNS par- were regarded as an Baranja ty. Four years later, in 2009, Štromar was elected important indicator for Požega- Alojz Tomašević, president of the Varaždin County. The success was the next early parlia- HDZ 41.76% 53.46% first round win Slavonia HDZ repeated four years later. The position of the De- mentary election. puty Prime Minister of Croatia is the highlight of Primorje- Zlatko Komadina, The Republic of Croatia, Gorski SDP 41.66% 51.32% first round win his career so far. independent since June Ivan Vrkic, the old and Kotar SDP Štromar was born in 1969 in Varaždin, is married 1991, joined the Euro- new mayor of Osijek Sisak- and the father of two girls. He studied at the Facul- pean Union on 1st July HDZ 42.77% Ivo Žinić, HDZ 64.28% runoff election Moslavina ty of Economics and Business in Zagreb and was 2013. among other things, employed at the former food Split- Blaženko Boban, HDZ 38.24% 54,19% runoff election retail giant “Prehrana”. In 2002, he was appointed Dalmatia HDZ Source:, Director of INA d.d. Varaždin. At the same time, his, Šibenik- party committee Radimir Čačić was Minister in Milan Bandic, the old and new mayor of Zagreb HDZ 44.40% Goran Pauk, HDZ 67.76% runoff election Knin the government of Ivica Račan. and www.barome- Source: and Source: Piše: Radimir Čačić, nedjelja, 21.5.2017. Varaždin HNS 40.28% 41.14% runoff election 21:00 (2017-05-20). NS-R „REZULTATI Tko će biti vaš župan, Virovitica- Igor Andrović, Strategic Partner a tko će grijati HDZ 58.67% 56.14% first round win fotelju u županijskoj Podravina HDZ skupštini? - Vijesti“. Retrieved Vukovar- 2017-05-24. HDZ 49.57% Božo Galić, HDZ 53,85% runoff election of the IRE Syrmia

Božidar Longin, Zadar HDZ 52.07% 50,09% first round win HDZ

Zagreb Stjepan Kožić, HSS 37.01% 50,18% first round win County HSS From left to right: Franz Schausberger Predrag City of BM Milan Bandić, BM 23.03% 51.79% runoff election Štromar and Andrej Plenković (Prime Minister Zagreb 365 365 of Croatia) at an IRE conference in Varaždin.

10 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 11 FOCUS Conferences Regional elections u u u Regional elections u u u Regional elections Salzburg Summit Local elections in Italy: Italy’s Five Star round. In Palermo, the centre-left candidate won outright thanks th to a lower majority threshold in Sicily, and the centre-left candi- 13 Conference of European Regions and Cities suffers setback in municipal polls: date was also ahead in the Abruzzo capital of L‘Aquila. th th Elections in some Italian municipalities as an In the run-off elections that occurred on the 25th of June 2017, Sunday, 24 September until Tuesday, 26 September 2017, Salzburg important indicator before the new elections in center-right parties secured large victories over their center-left autumn opponents. Congress In the traditionally left-lea- The 2017 Italian local elections were held on Sunday 11th June ning city of Genoa, Marco “Next Generation - 2017 and on the 25th June 2017. The voter turnout in the first Bucci, a centre-right candi- round was down to just over 60.07 percent and 47 percent in the date, took home 54 percent Attractive Regions and Cities for Future Generations” second round. Almost ten million Italians went to the polls in the of the vote while his centre- last major vote before a hotly anticipated general election in which left opponent Gianni Crivel- 60.8 million inhabitants are eligible to vote. Votes were cast in 1005 lo received only 46 percent. Under the Honorary Patronage of Alexander van der Bellen, President of the Republic of Austria Marco Bucci, mayor of Genoa of the country‘s towns and smaller cities, including five regional This is the first time in 50 capitals: L‘Aquila, Palermo, Parma, Verona and Genoa. The elections years that the center-right Sunday, 24th September 2017: were characterized by a strong performance for the centre-right will control Genoa and is quite the setback for the candidates-left 11:45 hrs Registration (Venue: Salzburg Congress, Auerspergstrasse 6, 5020 Salzburg) coalition and some important results for the Centre-left, which be- ahead of national elections, which will occur in less than a year. came the most voted coalition in this election with more than 37 12:00 hrs Welcome Lunch percent of votes, while the Five Star Movement was excluded from Leoluca Orlando, center-left candi- 13.00 hrs IRE- General Assembly (only IRE Members are entitled to vote, guests are welcome) the runoffs in all the most important cities. date, held on to his position as mayor of Palermo after being the only candidate The key takeaway from the votes was that the anti-establishment in a major city to secure an outright 13th Conference of European Regions and Cities Five Star Movement failed to make the second round of voting in victory on June 11th. He garnered 46 14:30 hrs Opening Address any regional capitals or larger cities. The party failed to reach in percent of the vote in the run-off elec- 15:15 hrs IRE Forum: “The Next Generation of New EU Member States” 24 out of the 25 provincial capital the run-offs that included hot- tion, comfortably above the 40 percent 19:00-22:00 hrs Reception upon the invitation of Land and Stadt Salzburg at the Residenz Salzburg ly-watched contests in Genova, home of the Movement‘s leader majority needed. Orlando won against Leoluca Orlando, Beppe Grillo, and in Parma, centre-right party candidate Fabrizio mayor of Palermo th where the Movement‘s can- Ferrandelli, who garnered 33 percent Monday, 25 September 2017: didate received just over of the vote. Orlando, famous for his 08:30 hrs Registration (Venue: Salzburg Congress, Auerspergstrasse 6, 5020 Salzburg) three percent of the vote. hard stance against the mafia, will now be serving his fifth term 09:00 hrs Welcome Address by IRE Chairman Franz Schausberger The Five Stars have positi- as mayor. 09:10 hrs Opening Speech oned themselves as ‚anti- establishment‘ and neither Elsewhere, another center-left stronghold, L’Aquila, fell to the cen- 09:30 hrs Panel discussion I: “How to keep Rural Areas attractive for Future Generations” left- nor right-wing. The ter-right even though the center-left candidate held a lead after 11:45 hrs Panel discussion II: “The Next Generation of Renewable Energy“ failure to advance to the se- the first round. All told, 12 cities that were once held by the center 13:45 hrs Panel discussion III: “Start-ups in the Regions- the Future for the Young Generation” -left have been won by the center-right. The anti-establishment Beppe Grillo cond round in any of Italy‘s 15:15 hrs Networking Lunch major cities was a disap- 5-Star Movement made the run-off in only one of the 25 largest 16:15 hrs Excursion to the FAB-Lab & Co-Working area of the Salzburg start-up scene in the Techno-Z pointment for Grillo‘s party, which has been shown as neck-and- cities in Italy. Salzburg under the direction of ITG Salzburg GmbH, Mag. Oliver Wagner, Location neck with the Democratic Party in nationwide opinion polls. After Frederico Pizzaroti, who ran as an independent after leaving the garnering around 25 percent of the vote in 2013‘s general election, 5-Star Movement, won 38 percent of the vote and campaigned for Development and Start Up Salzburg of ITG Salzburg the Movement went on to win major victories in local elections, the citizens’ movement „Effetto Parma“, defeated center-left Paolo 19:00 hrs Salzburg Evening at Stieglkeller Salzburg (cost for buffet 20€/person; food vouchers are with its candidates elected as mayors in Turin and Rome last year. Scarpa,who achieved 28 percent of the vote for mayor in Parma. available at the restaurant) While Grillo (Five Star Movement) and former Prime Minister Ren- In the Verona mayoral election, center-right candidate Federico zi (Democratic party) both claimed a victory in the votes, it was Sboarina replaced incumbent Civic Flavio Tosi. His victory marked Tuesday, 26th September 2017 the centre-right which performed best. Its candidates received the another major win for the center-right’s in a city with a population 09:30 hrs Registration (Venue: International Salzburg Assosiation, Palais Kuenburg, Sigmund Haffner most votes in Genova as well as in the Calabrian capital Catanzaro, of over a quarter million. Sboarina was backed by former Prime Gasse 16, 5020 Salzburg) Taranto, Padua, and Verona. The Northern League‘s leader, Matteo Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his Forza Italia party. Salvini, highlighted to the Genoa result, where the centre-right 10:00 hrs IRE-Symposium: “Private Education Institutions - a Chance for the Next Generation“ There are also questions about whether these local results can be candidate was five points ahead of the centre-left‘s in the first (in German and English language – no translation) replicated on a national level, where a proportional system will now be used rather than the first-past-the-post voting system that typically favors coalitions. Some hope that these election results REGISTRATION UNDER: [email protected] From left to right: will help to galvanize right wing parties to form a coalition ahead Giorgia Meloni of national elections in May 2018. Under one leader, the center- The participation in the conference is free of charge for IRE members, Sponsors, Regions, Cities, Municipalities, (leader of the Fratelli rights would be a formidable challenge for the Democratic Party Diplomatic Services, Students and NGO’s d‘Italia), Silvio Ber- and many leaders are already looking forward to that possibility. lusconi and Matteo All other participants pay 350€ conference fee. Source:,,, www.abcnews. Salvini (leader of the,, This conference is organized on the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel Northern League) ma/10592501416/,, Andreas Fritsch, AFP, www. and

12 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 13 FOCUS FOCUS Committee of the Regions Committee of the Regions

Nationalist and ethnic tensions block EU accession CoR-Plenary Session in Brussels of Western Balkans-countries EU cohesion funding has to become simpler, more rapid, more flexible and less bureaucratic At the third enlargement days in Brussels on 31st May and 1st June 2017, representatives of local and regional authorities from The cohesion policy of the European Union has contributed signifi- nate to the added value. So, the bureaucratic effort needs to be the enlargement countries as well as from EU states were able to cantly to the reduction of economic and social inequalities as well radically reduced for the affected recipients as well as for local present their views on the enlargement of the European Union in as to sustainable growth among the European regions. Furthermo- authorities and EU authorities have to restrict themselves to the joint advisory committees and working groups. The latest politi- re, together with national and regional partners it provides more achievement of objectives as well as the fight against fraud and cal developments and their impact on the regional level as well than EUR 450 billion for the period from 2014 to 2020. In the plen- corruption. The impact of BREXIT on the future of cohesion policy as the promotion of business start-ups to create jobs were dis- ary session of the Committee of the Regions on the future of cohe- must also be clarified. Within the framework of the EU cohesion cussed. Hence, strong and functioning regions as well as munici- sion policy on 12th May 2017, the representative of Land Salzburg, policy, the state of Salzburg classified as a „more developed regi- palities play an utterly important role in this process. According to Franz Schausberger, stated that further simplifications should be on“ accounted for 21.780 million in the 2014-2020 period from CoR Vice-President Karlheinz Lambertz, a top-down approach for more flexible, handled faster and better coordinated with other es- the ERDF-fund. enlargement processes is by no means sufficient, the regions and sential EU investment programs. local authorities would have to be incorporated from the outset of In addition to the aim of bringing the development. the less wealthy regions closer to the European average, the har- EU-Commissioner Johannes Hahn agreed with Lambertz opinion From left to right: Dimitrios Kalo- monious development of the EU and further highlighted the citizens‘ role of the regions and mu- geropoulos (member of the Munici- as a whole should continue to nicipalities in the enlargement process. With Salzburg‘s former pal Council of Palaio Falir, Greece), From left to right: Andreas Kiefer be encouraged. This means that governor and IRE-Chairman Franz Schausberger as his special Heinz Lehman (member of the Saxon (General Secretary of the Con- cohesion policy should continue advisor for the regional and local level in the enlargement coun- Landtag), David McAllister (former gress of the Council of Europe), to be open to all regions. tries, they are trying to do justice to this and to involve the various president of Lower Saxony and now Franz Schausberger and Gudrun regions. Member of the European Parliament The complexity of the admini- Mosler-Törnström (President of and Rapporteur on Serbia) and Franz strative and control system of the Congress of the Council of Franz Schausberger himself analyzed that the Western Balkans Schausberger cohesion policy is disproportio- Europe) countries are currently developing positively through judicial and administrative reforms. “In almost all of these countries the process of reform is constantly being blocked by nationalist and ethnic needed by the economy. “The model of dual vocational training in tensions as well as the inability for a political dialogue“, Schaus- Austria and successful tourism schools, such as in Salzburg, would berger explained. Furthermore, other topics focused on youth un- majorly contribute to improving the employment of young people employment, constitutional reforms and regional co-operation to in the countries of the Western Balkans”, said Franz Schausberger, IRE-International Expert Conference strengthen potential candidate countries for EU-membership. Chairman of the working group “Western Balkans”. This would give young people and future generations a prospect of a future in In all countries of the Western Balkans high unemployment is an their various home countries and hence would not be forced to “Logistics and Transport - immense problem, especially unemployment among young peo- move into an uncertain future abroad. ple which lies over 50 percent in each country: This high result is Intermodality & Cross Border Facilitation” due to the fact that the existing education systems produce too Source: th th bum-72157682312296071/ from 8 to 9 November 2017 in Rijeka, Croatia many university graduates from sectors that are not necessarily 09:00 hrs until 16:00 hrs

Thursday, 9th November 2017

Austrian school class visited EU-institutions 09:00 - 10:30 hrs Opening Statements 11:00 - 13:00 hrs Panel Debate I: “Green Transport Corridors - intermodal terminals in Europe” - Presentation On May 12th, the IRE-Chairman and former governor of Salzburg, of 5 to 6 best practice examples in transport and logistics issues from CEI Member Franz Schausberger, held a lecture in front of a student class from Countries and their regions. Austria / Hungary / Slovenia / Czech Republic / Serbia and Italy Austria at the liaison office of the region of Salzburg to the EU in 13:00 - 14:00 hrs Networking Lunch Break Brussels. 20 students from St. Johann/Salzburg were on a field-trip 14:00 - 16:00 hrs Panel Debate II: “International funding for cross border transport and logistics chains in in Brussels on the occasion of the Geo-Caching-Competition 2016, the Western Balkans” which the class won. 16:00 hrs Summary and Closing Statement

Franz Schausberger, representative of the Committee of the Regi- RESULT of the Rijeka Activity November 2017: ons, was on the occasion of the plenary session of the Committee Presentation and Communication of Guidelines for Western Balkan Countries on transport and logistics issues – of the Regions in Brussels. Together with Michaela Petz-Michez, optimize cross border facilitation. head of the liaison office of the region of Salzburg to the EU, Schausberger discussed the latest European issues in a personal exchange with the students.

Source: liaison office of the region of Salzburg to the EU in Brussels

14 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 15 FOCUS FOCUS Info & Partners Members & Cooperations

European Union as a “model of the future“: Europa-Forum Wachau discussed challenges for the EU Europa-Forum Wachau, a place for European discourse, in the proximity of its citizens

Since the accession of Austria to the EU twenty years ago, the which took place from 10th to 11th June 2017 on “A Europe Closer Europa-Forum Wachau has annually provided a unique framework to Its Citizens“ and focused mainly on the future of the European for European political discussions. This year‘s theme of the Forum, Union. High-ranking political guests such as Minister of Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz, Lower Austria‘s Governor, Sustainable water management for South-East European countries Johanna Mikl-Leitner and EU-Commissioner Jo- hannes Hahn called subsidiarity as one of the core prerequisites for people to perceive the EU NALAS: Way to a new era as a source of hope. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pawlo Klimkin and incumbent Serbian Prime Mi- nister Ivica Dacic expressed their commitment to The 12th NALAS (Network of Associations the EU‘s values and the desire for further conver- of Local Authorities of South-East Europe) gence between their countries and the Union. EU General Assembly Meeting was held in Vi- Commissioner Hahn stressed above all the proxi- enna on 19th April 2017 to discuss issues mity to the citizen: “We must work together to be of sustainable water supply, provision and From left to right: successful“ and governor Mikl-Leitner discussed management for the development of Sou- Franz Schausberger, the importance of regional policy in order to re- th-East European countries. Over 50 parti- Mico Micic (New gain people‘s trust in the EU. cipants, South-Eastern European mayors, NALAS President) delegates, partners and supporters from and Darko Fras Source:, and www. (NALAS Vice-presi- different countries of Europe and non-EU countries were present. dent)

Franz Schausberger highlighted in his opening speech that the “NALAS is a very prehensive strategy for development is million citizens of those regions. NALAS important strategic partner for the Euro- only possible if it is declared and guaran- promotes the process of decentralization pean Union, especially for the Enlarge- teed at regional and local level. In order in cooperation with central governments ment Negotiations. An enlargement stra- to be successful in these endeavors, local and international organizations. tegy and the accession of new Member authorities are primarily necessary, above For more information please visit: States are the EU‘s most powerful foreign all mayors, who represent the foundations policy tools“. Furthermore the Special Ad- of a society“. Source: visor of Commissioner Hahn emphasized, NALAS is a network of associations of lo- that local governments’ capacities in the cal authorities of South-East Europe. The legislative, financial and administrative Network brings together 16 associations sphere have to be further developed: “In which represent roughly 9000 local autho- all ongoing processes local and regional rities, directly elected by the more than 80 authorities are playing a key role. A com-

The Institute of Southern European Studies presented itself to IRE

On May 29th 2017, IRE Chairman Schaus- research center near the Albanian capi- berger met Wolfgang Grossruck, Pre- tal city Tirana. The purpose of ISES is to sident of the Institute of Southeastern discuss and prepare analytical reports European Studies (ISES), at the IRE office on historical, cultural, social, political and in Salzburg. The conversation about a economic fields of study in the entire Sou- possible future cooperation with the ISES theastern European region. was very promising. Mr. Grossruck was ac- More information: companied by the Executive Director Prof. From left to right: Joachim Fritz Enver Bytyci and his Deputy Executive Di- (IRE-General Secretary), Wolfgang rector, Miftar Kastrati. Großruck, Enver Bytyci, Franz ISES was founded in 2011 and aims to Schausberger and Miftar Kastrati serve as a cross-disciplinary academic (ISES-Deputy Executive Director)

VIE_EasyParking_NewsregionIRE_170x120_ET_Juni.indd 1 22.06.17 11:09 16 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 17 FOCUS FOCUS New Members & Partners Members & Cooperations

IRE welcomes new member EU is by far Serbia’s most important partner

GROSSGLOCKNER 3.798m Serbia, recognised as an important part of Europe, is successfully regard to the budget deficit The City of Zenica, FBiH on the European path. EU recognises Serbia’s important contribu- and restructuring of public- GROSSES WIESBACHHORN 3.564m tion to the stability of Western Balkans. Serbia remains committed owned enterprises. The Institute of the regions of Europe gladly announces that the Sky- JOHANNISBERG to its strategic goal of EU accession. It continues to implement the 3.453 m The EU is by far Serbia’s first Scraper City of Zenica, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina joined Stabilisation and Association Agreement. It is implementing an political, trade, economic the IRE network. ambitious political and economic reform agenda. Serbia playes a and assistance partner. It is Mayor of Zenica constructive role in the whole Western Balkans. It has also played a Zenica is the fourth largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It stret- also Serbia’s “number one“- Fuad KasumovićEDELWEISSSPITZE very constructive role in managing the migration flows. When the ches along the River Bosna banks at an altitude of 316 m. The city has 2.571m partner in supporting deve- PASSHÖHE HOCHTOR new president Vucic was sworn in on 31st of May, he highlighted 130,000 inhabitants and features as a country industrial centre. It is re- 2.504m lopment and reforms. Two thirds of Serbia’s trade – imports and EU path, peace and stability in the Western Balkans and reforms nowned for its metallurgical industry which dates back 130 years. FUSCHER TÖRL 2.428m exports – is with the EU. And the EU has provided to Serbia some KAISER-FRANZ-JOSEFS-HÖHE as his priorities. Also the new government programme included 2.369m 2 billion € in direct grants in the last ten years. Under IPA II, Serbia The largest steelworks in the region is owned by ArcelorMittal Group Serbia‘s EU accession as a priority goal. and constitutes a backbone of the city economic development where continues to benefit from pre-accession assistance with a total in- more than 1.500 people are involved in the coal exploitation. Zenica But there are still a lot of serious challanges to be solved before the dicative allocation of EUR 1.5 billion for the period 2014-2020. aim of EU-membership can be reached. lies at the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina and boasts a highly de- In this respect, Serbia‘s balancing act with other countries should

veloped communication infrastructure and links with the rest of the PIFFKAR Transparency and quality of law-making need to be further im- not be too much one sided. 1.620m country and neighboring states. It is well connected via a newly-built proved. Constitutional reforms are needed for alignment with EU As regards local self-government, the law on Vojvodina’s resources motorway to the capital Sarajevo which is only 60 kilometers away, standards in some areas. still needs to be adopted as prescribed by the constitution. Imple- that is also the distance to the nearest airport. HEILIGENBLUT AM GROSSGLOCKNER 1.301m Serbia is moderately prepared in the area of public administrati- mentation of the laws on local self-government and on municipal A rich cultural scene, the best theatre in the state, a modern museum on reform. Good progress was achieved with the adoption of the finance remains limited. It should be done as soon as possible. and a number of other cultural and historical sites qualifies Zenica as a public financial management reform programme, strategies on e- As Commissioner Hahn underlined during his recent visit in Bel- plausible candidate for European Capital of Culture. Zenica takes pride government and on regulatory reform and policy-making, and of grade, the EU will continue to provide assistance in all key areas in its lively city-to-city relations with the towns from Germany, Swe- new laws on administrative procedures, public salaries and local of the relations between EU and Serbia. A few weeks ago Com- den, Turkey, Romania, Hungary and other countries. Mayor of Zenica and provincial civil servants. Serbia needs to implement its reform missioner Hahn, together with President Vučić, signed an agree- Mr. Fuad Kasumović was elected in the November 2016 local elections targets, professionalise and depoliticise the administration and Source: Zenica County, klix and ment which will see EUR 80 million being provided to support the as an independent candidate. FUSCH AN DER GROSSGLOCKNERSTRASSE make recruitment and dismissal procedures more transparent. 815m transformation of Serbia‘s public administration, to make it more The quality and efficiency of the judiciary system and access to ju- efficient and transparent and improve the quality and speed of the stice remain unsatisfactory. services delivered. GROSSGLOCKNER Serbia has some level of Next year, the EU also plans HOCHALPENSTRASSE ONE preparation in preventing to invest EUR 27 million in DAY TICKET and fighting corruption. the Serbian education sec- PER GIVES YOU VEHICLE But corruption still remains tor. ACCESS TO 48 km of panorama road a serious problem. 30 three-thousand-meter mountains These were the main AUSTRIA’S HIGHEST 8 free exhibitions, 7 theme trails Rule of law should be contents of Franz 14 restaurants & alpine pastures among Serbia’s first politi- Schausberger‘s lecture on 4 playgrounds cal priorities. Lack of pro- “Present Status on Serbia’s gress and implementation way to Europe“ at the Fa- in this field could block culty of Economics (Univer- negotiations (judicial inde- sity of Novi Sad) at 14 June pendence, media freedom, 2017. GROSSGLOCKNER protection of minorities). 3.798m The Program “Management of Regional Development through EU

GROSSES WIESBACHHORN A rule of law system aligned with EU standards provides the legal Funds“ is being implemented by the European Affairs Fund of AP view! 3.564m certainty and predictability that strategic investors are looking for. Vojvodina in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics in Suboti- JOHANNISBERG 3.453 m At the same time, an efficient rule of law system also means equal ca, whereas the complete program is funded by the Autonomous opportunities and equal treatment for all, irrespective of gender, Province of Vojvodina. The overall objective of the program is in- origin, religion, or ethnicity. formation dissemination on EU processes and regional policies, as well as on the importance of and opportunities for accessing EU EDELWEISSSPITZE Regarding the normalisation of relations with Kosovo, Serbia re- 2.571m funds. mained committed to the implementation of the agreements re- PASSHÖHE HOCHTOR 2.504m ached in the EU- facilitated dialogue. The steps taken should have The program is aimed at the employees of local self-government FUSCHER TÖRL 2.428m a positive and concrete impact on the everyday life of citizens in units, provincial administration, development agencies, public uti- KAISER-FRANZ-JOSEFS-HÖHE 2.369m both Serbia and Kosovo. lity enterprises, educational and cultural institutions, civil society organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepre- In regard to economic criteria, Serbia is moderately prepared in neurs, faculties, research institutes and other institutions that may developing a functioning market economy. Good progress was be beneficiaries of EU funds. made to address some of the policy weaknesses, in particular with PIFFKAR 1.620m 18 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 19


FUSCH AN DER GROSSGLOCKNERSTRASSE 815m FOCUS FOCUS Info & Partners Members & Cooperations

Neue Zeit. Neue Aufbruchsstimmung. The new President of the As- sembly of European Regions (AER), Magnus Berntsson Investitionsboom in Oberösterreich (3rd from right) and the new Vice-President, Lukas Mandl (far right), presented the AER Die vergangenen Wochen haben die Dynamik des Wirtschaftsstandortes Oberösterreich deutlich award to the representatives bewiesen, denn zahlreiche Großbetriebe haben angekündigt, zu investieren. of the Catalonia Region duri- ng the General Assembly in St. Pölten as the most youth- Diese Aufbruchsstimmung bedeutet nicht u Schuldenbremse: friendly region in Europe nur neue Arbeitsplätze, sie ist Auszeich- Damit in die Zu- nung für den Wirtschaftsstandort und kunft investiert wer- Auftrag zugleich. Daher ist es wichtig, die den kann, muss mit Catalonia combats youth unemployment Wettbewerbsfähigkeit unseres Bundes- den Geldern sorg- Franz Schausberger again chairman landes weiter zu verbessern und alles da- sam umgegangen ran zu setzen, um hier die besten Möglich- werden. Mit der Ein- Most youth-friendly of Western Balkans Working Group keiten für Unternehmen zu schaffen. führung der Schul- denbremse kommt region in Europe IRE-president Franz Schaus- Partnerschaft mit es zur Vermeidung berger was again appointed den Stärksten neuer und zum ra- From 31st May to 2nd June 2017, the plenary session of the Assem- as chairman of CoR-Western schen Abbau beste-

Das Land Oberösterreich befindet sich – @tashatuvango bly of European Regions (AER) took place in St. Pölten (Austria). In Balkans Working Group on 12 hender Schulden. im Wettbewerb mit den besten Regi- the course of the meeting, Magnus Berntsson was elected as AER- July in Brussels for the second onen Europas, deshalb braucht es starke President and Lukas Mandl as new AER-Vice-President. Represen- term till 2020. The WG on the Bereits jetzt haben mehrere Betriebe in stützungsmaßnahmen geschnürt, um den Partnerschaften mit den federführenden tatives of 270 regions from more than 30 European countries came Western Balkans currently in- Oberösterreich Top-Investitionen ange- verhaltenen Erwartungen für die Arbeits- Unternehmen im Land und ihren hervor- together to discuss innovation and cohesion. Within the frame- cludes , Bosnia and Her- kündigt oder umgesetzt: marktsituation und dem zugleich wachsen- ragenden Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbei- work of this meeting, the Region of Catalonia was awarded as the zegovina and Kosovo. Its role is u Der Logistikspezialist Dachser inve- den Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken. tern. Wenn ein Unternehmen vor der Frage “Most Youth Friendly European Region“. The aim is to emphasize to provide CoR members with stierte bereits 10 Mio. Euro in seine Nie- Mit einem Budgetvolumen von rund 262 steht, wo es investieren soll, muss Oberö- the importance of youth policy at the regional level in order to im- an instrument aimed at en- derlassung in Hörsching. Mio. Euro wurde eine Steigerung um 10 sterreich die Antwort sein. prove the living conditions of young people as well as to promote couraging greater inclusion of Albanian Prime Minister Edi u Die voestalpine hat angekündigt, auch Mio. Euro gegenüber dem Vorjahr erzielt. Um den Standort Oberösterreich für Un- the social understanding of the role of young people in society. Es- the territorial dimension in the Rama with F. Schausberger in Zukunft in Linz zu investieren – ein ternehmen noch attraktiver zu machen, pecially in the southern EU countries, unemployment among the enlargement process for the klares Bekenntnis zum Standort Oberö- 87.714 Personen profitieren vom „Pakt hat die Oö. Landesregierung mehrere under 30s is enormous. Western Balkans region. The next meeting oft he Working Group sterreich für Arbeit und Qualifizierung“ 2017 Vorhaben: is planned in autumn 2017 in Banja Luka/ BiH. u Der BMW-Konzern wird bis zum Jahr Nahezu 80 verschiedene Maßnahmen um- Catalonia has succeeded in counteracting this trend with the pro- u Deregulierung und Entbürokratisie- 2021 rund 340 Mio. Euro in den Ausbau fasst die Angebotspalette des Paktes und gram of the Public Employment Service Austria: Under the motto rung: Was in der Gesetzgebung weg des Standortes Steyr investieren. unterstützt damit im Vergleich zum Vor- “New opportunities and unique programs“ this project was desi- kann, das soll auch weg. u Der Hochtechnologie-Anlagenbauer jahr um 2.285 Personen mehr. gned by the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family. The Confidence in Europe is noticeable u Breitband-Offensive: In den kommen- EV Group erweitert mit einem Neu- Es werden unter anderem innovative Aus- prize was awarded for the 8th time; among the competitors were den fünf Jahren sollen rund 100 Mio. bau seine Produktionskapazitäten am und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen im Be- regions from Norway, Serbia, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. With a clearly pro-European position – as the example shows in Euro investiert werden, damit ein flä- Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in St. Flo- reich Digitalisierung, Export und Technolo- France – elections can be won again by public commitment to a chendeckender Zugang zu ultraschnel- Source: and rian am Inn. Die Gesamtinvestition soll gie gefördert, deren Kosten von Klein- und common Europe. This is again more noticeable, as the many posi- lem Internet ermöglicht wird. 20 Mio. Euro betragen. Mittelbetrieben getragen werden und die tive demonstrations for the EU show. The “father of the Euro”, for- u Mehr Effizienz in der öffentlichen -Ver mer German Finance Minister Theo Waigel and IRE Chairman and u Das börsenorientierte Schweizer zur Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit waltung: Noch engere Zusammenar- Fleisch- und Wurstunternehmen Bell und Innovationskraft des Wirtschafts- former Governor of Salzburg Franz Schausberger, agreed on this beit der Bezirksbehörden und Magi- wird im September in Marchtrenk mit standortes Oberösterreich beitragen. topic during a meeting in Salzburg on 27th May 2017. Additionally, strate der Statutarstädte Linz, Wels und IRE is dem Bau eines weiteren Werks für Fer- Eine weitere Maßnahme, die nun allen Waigel fully supported the statement by the German Chancellor Steyr. tiggerichte starten. Geplantes Investi- Schülerinnen und Schüler der 8. Schul- that Europe has to go its own way on the basis of the new develop- tionsvolumen sind 30 Mio. Euro. Rund stufe kostenlos angeboten wird, ist die ments in the world‘s politics, which would require a more common 100 Beschäftigte sollen dort konsum- Durchführung einer Potentialanalyse, um sponsored by ground in European politics. Theo Waigel, who is a member of the fertige Salatgerichte erzeugen. die Berufsentscheidung bei Jugendlichen “Board of Patrons“ of the IRE, held a much-respected lecture on the noch treffsicherer ihren Stärken, Fähigkei- current European political situation in Salzburg. „Pakt für Arbeit und ten und Interessen anzupassen. Qualifizierung“ 2017 – bezahlte Anzeige – 262 Mio. Euro für den Kampf gegen Ar- beitslosigkeit und den Fachkräftemangel IRE-Board of Patron Mit dem Pakt für Arbeit und Qualifizierung Theo Waigel wurde auch für heuer wieder ein umfas- and Franz Schausberger @auremar – @auremar sendes Paket an Qualifizierungs- und Unter-

20 newsregion 45 / july17 newsregion 45 / july17 21 FOCUS FOCUS Members & Cooperations Members & Cooperations

Cross-Border Regional Cooperation in the European-Russian Frontier Zone is working IRE-Patron Helmut Kohl The study shows that, despite all the conflicts and sanctions bet- ween the EU and Russia, the cooperation between border regions dies at 87 is quite efficient. In general, it can be seen that cross-border co- operation in the European-Russian border region, in the EU and Schengen external borders, is difficult to implement without EU funding. National and other international funds for this topic are barely available. In addition, the legal framework of EU funding programs of the European Neighborhood Policy represents a basis With deep regret the Institute of the Regions of Eu- for ensuring the appropriate use of funds. This will ensure that the rope (IRE) announces, that member of the IRE- Board funds will benefit the projects that best promote the regions. It is of Patrons since 2007, Dr. Helmut Kohl, died on Friday also important that cross-border cooperation projects by the EU June 16th 2017 in Ludwigshafen. Helmut Kohl was 87 and Russia were deliberately not placed on the lists of sanctions in years old. the wake of the Ukraine crisis. Using the example of the small bor- Born in 1930 in Ludwigshafen, Kohl was Federal der traffic between Kaliningrad and Poland, the social significance Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 and Chair- of these co-operations becomes clear, namely the opening to the man of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from neighbors across the border and an increase in mutual interest. 1973 to 1998. His 16-year tenure was the longest of Thus the programs promote the human-to-human contact as well any democratically elected chancellor. as cultural and social co-operation. Kohl decisively shaped the process of reunification The IRE offers young people a one-month-long internship at the 1989/1990 as a „unification chancellor“. Together with office in Salzburg. Interns work on a research paper elaborating a the former French president François Mitterrand, he topic related to European or regional policy. The results are publis- is considered as one of the architects of the Maast- hed in the IRE monograph series. richt Treaty which established the European Union Orders are warmly accepted (cost contribution € 7,00): office@ and the introduction of the Euro. Kohl received a lar- ge number of national and international awards. The IRE will always keep his outstanding merits in memory. Lisa-Marie Stauffer – new employee at the IRE Bereavement of renowned After four years of successful work from Jo- political scientist anna Chmielecki, who has changed professi- onally, Lisa-Marie Stauffer MSc, has been the new employee for European Affairs, Media and PR at the IRE since March 2017.

Lisa-Marie Stauffer was born 1991 in Austria and is bilingual in English and German. After her bachelor‘s degree in Social & Cultural An- thropology at the University of Vienna, she completed her Master‘s degree at the University College London (UCL) in Social Develop- ment Practice in September 2016.

She has gained international experience in Europe, Asia and the With deep regret the Institute of the Regions of Eu- United States in various organizations. rope (IRE) announces, that member of the IRE- Board of Patrons, Prof. Benjamin R. Barber, died on Monday The IRE would like to thank Ms Chmielecki for her commitment to April 24th 2017 in Manhattan after a four-month the IRE and wish her good luck and all the best in her new job. As battle with cancer. Prof. Barber was 77 years old. a coordinator for Poland, she will continue to be associated with The IRE expresses the most sincere condolences and the IRE. sympathy to his family and will keep him in a particu- Lisa-Marie Stauffer, MSc. larly honorable memory. European Affairs, Media & Public Relations Bull & Giné - DOQ Priorat - Costa Daurada [email protected] Tel: +43 662 843 288 20

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