More than 430,000 tweets analysed to discover the main topics and trends discussed on social media regarding Olympics Games in .

Most popular sports Most popular countries Verbs

Swimming USA Win Sailing Great Britain Swim Handball China Sail Rowing Brazil Watch Tennis Go Aruna Quadri Ibtihaj Muhammad Usain Bolt Lee Chong Wei Annalise Murphy Lin Dan Andy Murray Katie Ledecky Or Sasson Monica Puig Teddy Riner Rafaela Silva Michael Jung Yuri Alvear Ginny Thrasher

Most mentioned Most mentioned athletes (Men) athletes (Women)

Most Loved Athletes - Women Most Loved Athletes - Men

Simone Biles Justin Rose Simone Manuel Mo Farah Michael Jung & Katie Ledecky Michael Phelps

Adjectives & Athletes

By looking at the results of the Twitter analysis, the athletes are related to specific adjectives that identify each single athlete.

The one and The victorius, The unreal, only, Simone Simone Manuel Katie Ledecky Biles

The inspired, The incredible, The greatest, The exquisite, Justin Rose Mo Farah Michael Phelps Michael Jung

Olympics Sentiment

Overall, Olympic Games’ tweets could be categorized as having more positive than negative sentiment. Love, good, great and inspire were the top feelings/emotions transmitted in the tweets. Less frequent were negative sentiment such as lose, miss and bad.