Threatened and pest animals of Greater Southern Sydney Map data is supplied by the Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, the Sydney Catchment Authority and the NSW Department of Lands. Maps are copyright Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW. They are not guaranteed to be free from error or omission. The Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW and its employees disclaim liability for any act done on the information in the map and any consequences of such acts or omissions. Note that some of the records shown on the habitat maps were not used to predict habitat because of their age, unreliable species identification or poor spatial accuracy. Photographs are copyright Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW or the individual photographer. Photographs taken by M. Todd are copyright M. Todd and Wildlifing ( Cover photos: top to bottom, left to right: broad-headed snake – N. Williams; flame robin – H. Perkins; spotted-tailed quoll – K. Stepnell, DECC; masked owl – M. Todd; green tree frog – M. Schulz; eastern pygmy-possum – N. Williams. Published by: Department of Environment and Climate Change 59–61 Goulburn Street, Sydney PO Box A290, Sydney South NSW 1232 Phone: (02) 9995 5000 (switchboard) Phone: 131 555 (NSW only – environment information and publications requests) Phone: 1300 361 967 (national parks information and publications requests) Fax: (02) 9995 5999 TTY: (02) 9211 4723 Email:
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