Riverina Insert Front Image Here Secondary Swimming Carnival

Charloe, Gabby and Sophie ready to Clean up Ariah Park last Friday for Clean up Day 8 MAR Whole School Assembly

& THE SRC Induction @ 9.53am PEPPERCORN


Riverina Primary WEEK AND TERM IN ARIAL BLACK FONT 36 Swimming WEEK 6B TERM 1 Carnival

Respect, Honesty and Resilience

ARIAH PARK CENTRAL SCHOOL 1 Harrison Street Ariah Park NSW 2665 02 6974 1105

Principal’s Report A big thank you to all our students involved in Clean Up Australia Day last Friday. This can be a messy job but so important for us to show how proud we are of our town and country. Well done.

It's great to announce that we are hosng The Big Science Show presented by Fizzics Educaon on our Fete day the 12th of April. The one hour show will run in the Town Hall directly aer our Whole School Assembly. The show is free to all kids and a gold coin donaon for adults. All proceeds go to the Ariah Park P&C.

The Barking Dog Program will be geng started over the next few weeks and I will meet with all the interested trainers on Thursday for more informaon. Parents interested in their child parcipang are welcome to call the school and go over the details with me. It is a big commitment owning a dog so you need to think it through. The school has aracted funding to develop the course into a program registered with the Educaon Standards Authority (NESA). This will mean the course can be counted towards your school studies as an elecve. We are looking forward to developing this course over the year.

This week we hold our first Whole School Assembly for the year. The assembly will be held in our school hall, Friday Period 2. All are welcome and I look forward to seeing you there.

Year 7‐10 immunisaons are being held this Wednesday and good luck to Jack Speirs aending the RAP Lawn Bowls compeon this week.

Jusn Dunn Principal 4th March 2019

Canteen Roster Don’t forget to download Friday 8th March the My School Connect Alicia Leiper & Lucy Prentice App and register for Monday 11th March Amie Fairman & Jacqueline Collins online ordering

School News

Whole School Assembly This Friday we welcome all students, parents and community members to our first Whole School Assembly for 2019. Commencing at 9.53am, the assembly will recognise our students’ achievements so far this year and treat us to a special performance from some of our music students. The 2019 SRC will be sworn in and presented with their badges. We look forward to seeing you there. APCS Execuve

SRC I would like to congratulate and welcome our 2019 SRC members.

Year 3 Year 7 Liam Edis Chelsea Coleman Ruby Prence Bethany Webb

Year 4 Year 8 Georgia Pursehouse Mychaela Hacke ‐ Vice President Joe Furphy Annelise Golder

Year 5 Year 9 Bronte Ingram Hayley Derrick Jennifer Webb Tom Dunn

Year 6 Year 10 Angus Pursehouse Kindra Byquar Elsie Furphy Secretary

Primary Captains Year 11 & 12 Josie Heath Sully Walker ‐ Treasurer Sophie Dart Jack McCormack ‐ SRC President

All SRC members will be inducted at our Whole School Assembly on Friday. We invite all friends and family to aend the assembly to support the new student leaders in our school.

Ms Studholme


School News

Secondary News Stage 6 Biology Students have been learning about the plasma membrane structure. To demonstrate their understanding of the phospholipid bilayer students built their own model. The yellow beads represent the hydrophilic heads, the pipe cleaners represent the hydrophobic fay acid tails, the dark purple ovals are the proteins which are responsible for helping amino acids and glucose pass through the membrane, the red and white string represents the cholesterols which help with fluidity and the glycoproteins are depicted by the beaded strands which help with recognion. Students did a great job of their models and should be proud of their efforts. Mrs Tidd

Agriculture The veggie garden is producing well. If you would be interested in a bag of fresh vegetables please contact the front office to place an order. First in best dressed. Mrs Tidd


School News

Stage 4 Science Last week, students in Stage 4 invesgated different types of energy. Students explored heat energy and learnt that hot air rises and can be used to inflate a balloon. Mrs Tidd

Primary News Stage 3 Science Last week students in Science learnt about buoyancy. Students made predicons about which objects would sink and which would float. Students also explored density and tested which liquid was more dense out of syrup, water and oil. Students also learnt that salt water is more dense than plain water and made the egg float. These praccals allow students to strengthen their understanding of these concepts and allowed them to pracse working scienfically. (See collage) Mrs Tidd

Library This week is library for Kinder and Year 1. We are presently working on a fortnightly roster, Kindergarten on the Monday and Year 1 on the Tuesday of Week B for borrowing and returning library books. Mrs Jennings

Year 5/6—Prizes for ‘Hoopla’ Could all parents please donate some prizes for our fete acvity. Some prize ideas: toys, pens, cans of drink, packets of chips

5 Stage 3 Science

6 Stage 3 Science


School News

Sport News This week we have Charlie and Jack McCormack represenng APCS at the Riverina Secondary Swimming Carnival on Monday. We wish them the best of luck and know they will compete to the very best of their ability. On Tuesday, we have Lucy Edis, Elsie Furphy, Georgia McCormack, Sophie Dart and Josie Heath all trialling for the PSSA Coolamon‐ Netball side. This is a very compeve and highly contested side and we wish the girls the best of luck at this event. On Wednesday, Jack Speirs will be represenng APCS in the RAP Lawn Bowls team. This team has a great reputaon and have had great success in previous years, we wish Jack all the best and can’t wait to hear how the team goes. Next Wednesday we have the RAP Open Boys Basketball side compeng in Leeton as well as the PSSA Riverina Swimming event in on Wednesday, we also have the PSSA Riverina Basketball trials and we will finish off next week with the RAP Open Girls Cricket Gala Day and the Northern Riverina AFL trials! It is a busy few weeks with lots of permission notes coming and going. We appreciate your organisaon in subming notes as early as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any quesons or concerns in regard to sport! Miss Horne.

During Sport me on Friday, Ariah Park Central School students and staff parcipated in the annual Clean Up Australia Day acvies. It was surprising to find quiet a lot of hidden rubbish around our community. Lucky, we were able to clean up a range of areas. I would like to commend all of the students on their applicaon towards this brilliant community event. I would also like to thank Anthony Bliss for once again volunteering to dispose of the rubbish we collected. We appreciate all of the help and support our community connually offers to our school. See collage of the students “Cleaning up Australia.” Miss Horne


School News

This term Stages 3, 4 and 5 have made a busy and brilliant start to both our praccal and theory topics in PDHPE. Our Stage 5 PASS class have also made an exceponal start to the year. This term, Stage 3 PDHPE are studying drug educaon and will be looking into the impact of smoking cigarees. On the praccal side, we have played some soccer and netball and will connue to look at invasion games for the remainder of Term 1. Stage 4 and 5 PDHPE have been researching and learning about ways to help and support people struggling with Mental Illness. We have learnt a lot about anxiety and depression and have enjoyed upskilling in ways to support our friends, peers and family. In the praccal topics, Stage 5 got their groove on early and engaged in a range of dance styles. While Stage 4 completed the Touch Football and Oz‐tag units. Students will connue to develop and refine their skills in the praccal seng through parcipaon in netball and the start of athlecs towards the end of the term. Our Stage 5 PASS class have been busy learning about the history of Australia’s sporng identy. We have considered the influence of culture, the media and even polics in the development of our iconic sporng identy across the globe. In the praccal seng, we have been experimenng with a range of historical and contemporary sporng contexts. Everything from the history of run the gauntlet to box‐fit classes. The picture below shows Kindra, Raff, Hayley and Blake in one of our box‐fit sessions. All secondary PDHPE and PASS students have a current assessment task they are working on in class and at home. If students or parents have any quesons or concerns regarding these tasks, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to connuing with our great year in the PDHPE Faculty. Miss Horne


School News

Clean Up Australia Day


School News

RAP Boys Cricket Report 27th February at High School. Our first game saw the boys take on the new Murrumbidgee High School in their first ever compeve sports game under the new badge. Captain Kokulan Kandeepan(BCS) lost the toss and was forced to field against the Wade and Griffith high campus alliance. Murrumbidgee came out swinging and immediately put the pressure on the RAP bowlers with 10 boundaries in the first 4 overs. RAP bowlers struggled to find their rhythm and it wasn’t unl a change in the aack saw Kokulan Kandeepan take the side’s first wicket in the 7th over with MHS just shy of 100. Unfortunately, this wicket did lile to weather‐the‐ storm and MHS connued with their aggressive aacking bang. Blake Stevenson(BCS) managed to snare a few wickets but like most of the RAP bowlers was unable to restrict the runs. Aer 20 overs MHS had set RAP a target of 246 runs for victory from 20 overs. Chasing such a large target there was lile me for the RAP openers of Blake Smith(APCS) and Kokulan Kandeepan(BCS) to get their eye in, and the target was made even more difficult with the loss of Kokulan on the second ball of the innings. MHS bowlers gave lile away, forcing the RAP batsmen into some risky shots to try and give themselves a chance of reaching the target. Wickets fell frequently with Blake Smith providing some resistance with a hard fought 16 runs before falling to a great catch in the ouield. Brayden Marn (OCS) also baed well, helping the team take our total past 50 however a late bang collapse saw RAP bowled out for 58 runs off 17 overs. This loss saw us then play Narrandera High School in the conciliaon final. Narrandera had also suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Agricultural College were also looking at redeeming themselves in this game. Winning the toss and bang, captain Kokulan Kandeepan(BCS) and Blair McLean(APCS) got off to a decent start, however with Kokulan bowled in the 4th over for 4 runs immediately followed by Blake Smith(APCS) also bowled by the same bowler, NHS looked to be well on. That was unl Tom Frost(APCS) came to the crease and together with Blair put on a quick‐fire 75 runs which consisted of 13 boundaries. Tom was eventually caught in the ouield for 32, however his aggressive bang had put RAP into a great posion to build an impressive total. Charlie McCormack (APCS) chipped in with 17 and Blair was eventually bowled late in the innings for 50 runs with RAP achieving 136 at the conclusion of the 20 overs.


School News

The RAP team shared the bowling amongst all players and this proved successful with NHS struggling to find any rhythm and with the required run rate connuing to increase they were forced to take a lot of risks to try and save the game. The RAP boys took advantage of this and some great catches to Kokulan Kandeepan(BCS), Blake Stevenson(BCS), Bailey Winter(BCS) and Tom Frost(APCS) had NHS on the back foot. Some very efficient bowling from the Hillston duo of Kayden Dauth and Jordan Touhy put the target well beyond reach of NHS and a few late wickets to Blake Smith saw NHS dismissed for 77, well short of the target set by RAP. Whilst the inial loss to MHS put us out of contenon for the final, the boys remained posive and upbeat at the conclusion of the event, finishing in third place. No doubt we will be back again next year, and with such a young team all but two of players will be eligible for next year’s compeon. Huge thanks must go to the many parents that transported and cheered on our students from the sideline, and special thanks to Mitch Doyle (APCS) for umpiring. Mr Whytcross ‐RAP Boys Cricket Coach

12 Community News

13 Community News

14 Community News

Ariah Park Hall AGM Monday 11th March at 7pm All welcome

15 Calendar

March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8

Secondary Riverina PSSA Netball Trials Immunisaon TAFE Whole School Swimming Carnival @ Coolamon Year 7 & Year 10 Assembly @ 9.53am @ Leeton

Week NSW CHS Basketball NSW CHS Basketball SRC Meeng 6B @ Rooty Hill @ Rooty Hill

School Counsellor Visit

March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15

Secondary Girls School Counsellor RAP Open Boys SRC Meeng RAP Open Girls Cricket Riverina Basketball Visit Basketball @ Leeton Trials @ Leeton

Week Milking Excursion Riverina Primary TAFE Northern Riverina AFL Swimming Carnival PSSA Trials 7A @ Albury @ Ariah Park

Riverina Boys and Girls Primary Basketball Trials


1 Harrison Street Ariah Park NSW 2665 Mobile: 0428 771 105 (Justin)

PO Box 56 Ariah Park NSW 2665 Phone: 02 6974 1105

Principal’s Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0488 741 329 (School)

Website: Fax: 02 6974 1017