DAVISON, Thomas Henry (trading as T. H. Davison AGER, Jack Douglas, 35, Astwick Avenue, Hatfield, & Co.), 71, Road, , in the in the county of Hertford. BUILDER. Court— county of . ESTATE AGENT. Court ST. ALBANS. No. of Matter—1 of 1953. Last —. No. of Matter—8 of 1920. Day for Receiving Proofs—:Feb. 26, 1955. Name Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. of Trustee and Address—Davis, Richard Name of Trustee and Address—Hill, William Langdon, 58, Theobalds Road, London, W.C.I. Joseph Wallis, 58-61, York Terrace, Regent's CRAIG, Cyril, 42, Flamborough Road, Bridlington, Park, N.W.I, Official Receiver. in the county of York, CATERER and CON- DRINKWATER, Henry James, 3, Hanworth Park FECTIONER. Gourt-^SCARBOROUGH. No. Court, Hanworth Road, , Middlesex, of Matter—1 of 1954. Last Day for Receiving formerly residing at 92, The Avenue, Sunbury- Proofs—Feb. 26, 1955. Name of Trustee and on-Thames, Middlesex, Inland Revenue Valua- Address—Meredith, Walter Harold, 29, East ation Estimator (described in the Receiving Parade, Leeds, 1, Official Receiver. Order as of 3, Hanworth Court, Hanworth HOWSON, Charles Clarence, and HOWSON, Doris Road, Feltham, Middlesex, Company Director). (his Wife), both residing and carrying on busi- Court—BRENTFORD. No. of Matter—20 of ness in co-partnership at Richmond House, St. 1951. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 26, Martin's Square, Scarborough, in the county of 1955. Name of Trustee and Address—Wallis, York, PRIVATE HOTEL PROPRIETORS. William Joseph Hill, 58-61, York Terrace, Court—SCARBOROUGH. No. of Matter—14 Regent's Park, London, N.W.I. of 1953. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 26, 1955. Name of Trustee and Address— ELLIOTT, Reginald James, 2, Hanover Place, Meredith, Walter Harold, 29. East Parade. Brighton, in the county of Sussex, and lately Leeds, 1, Official Receiver. carrying on business at 1, Hanover Place, Brighton aforesaid, FURNITURE REMOVER HUTTON, James Christoval, formerly residing at and SECONDHAND DEALER (described in the 29s, The Crescent, but now residing at 17A, South Receiving Order as lately carrying on business Dene, both in Filey, and formerly residing and at 1, Hanover Place, Brighton, and 21, Upper carrying on business at 1, Princes Villa Road, Gardner Street, Brighton, both in the county of Harrogate, all in the county of York, as a Sussex, Secondhand Dealer). Court—BRIGHTON MOTOR DEALER, but now employed as an (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Agricultural Worker. Court—SCARBOROUGH. Matter—IA of 1954. Last Day for Receiving No. of Matter—8 of 1953. Last Day for Receiv- Proofs—March 1, 1955. Name of Trustee and ing Proofs—Feb. 26, 1955. Name of Trustee Address—Bradley-Hole, John Sidney, 7, Old and Address—Meredith, Walter Harold. 29. East Steine, Brighton 1. Parade, Leeds, 1, Official Receiver. RICHARDSON, Eveline May (Widow), 53, Kirk- HILBORNE, Claude Alfred Charles, 26, Ashfield gate, in the city of Wakefield, RETAIL CON- Road, Bedminster, Bristol. DAIRYMAN. Court FECTIONER and TOBACCONIST carrying on —BRISTOL. No. of Matter—28 of 1935. Last business under the name or style of "H. B. Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. Name Wilby." Court—WAKEFIELD. No. of Matter of Trustee and Address—Sisman, George —3 of 1953. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— William, 26, Baldwin Street, Bristol, 1, Official Feb. 26, 1955. Name of Trustee and Address Receiver. —Meredith, Walter Harold, 29, East Parade, ROGERS, Vera Margaret, Married Woman, 2, Leeds, 1, Official Receiver. Highworth Road St. Annes, in the city and RUSSELL, Charles William, trading as Charles county of Bristol. DRAPER and GENERAL Edward Russell, 6, Broad Street, Wells, Somerset. GROCER. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter HAIRDRESSER. Court—WELLS. No. of —28 of 1954. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— Matter—5 of 1934. Last Day for Receiving Feb. 28, 1955. Name of Trustee and Address— Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. Name of Trustee and Sisman, George William, 26, Baldwin Street, Address—Sisman, George William, 26. Baldwin Bristol, 1, Official Receiver. Street, Bristol. 1. RYBCZYK, Stanislaw Josef, Hall Barn Works, GARDNER, Thomas, residing at Walnut Cottage, West Mersea, in the county of Essex, HAND- • Rossett, in the county of Denbigh, Football WOVEN RUG and CARPET MANUFAC- Coach and Groundsman, and formerly residing TURER, lately residing and carrying on business and carrying on business at " Alyn Bridge" at Orange Hall Works, Gosfield, Halstead, in Hotel, Station Road, Rossett aforesaid, as a the said county of Essex. Court— LICENSED VICTUALLER. Court—WREX- COLCHESTER. No. of Matter—3 of 1954. HAM. No. of Matter—2 of 1953. Last Day Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. Name of Name of Trustee and Address—Paterson, Ronald Trustee and Address—Ferguson, Arthur Kenneth, Alexander, Archdeacons House, Northgate West Africa House, 25, Water Street, Liver- Street, Ipswich. pool, 2, Official Receiver. WHITE, Ruby Sadie (Married Woman), residing and carrying on business under the name or style of E. & R. White, at 3, Winnock Road, Colchester, in the county of Essex. GENERAL DRAPER. INTENDED PAYMENT UNDER Court—COLCHESTER. No. of Matter—7 of COMPOSITION. 1954. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, SMITH, James Arthur, 71, High Street, Biddulph, 1955. Name of Trustee and Address— Stoke-on-Trent, in the county of Stafford, WINE Paterson, Ronald Alexander, Archdeacons House, and SPIRIT MERCHANT. Court—MACCLES- Northgate Street, Ipswich. FIELD. No. of Matter—5 of 1953. Last Day NEWELL, John Leslie, residing and carrying on busi- for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. Name of ness at 80, Chaul End Road, Caddington, near Trustee and Address—Ormrod, Fred Carter, 12, Luton, in the county of Bedford. BUILDER Lonsdale Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Official and CONTRACTOR. Court—LUTON. No. of Receiver. Matter—12 of 1952. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 28, 1955. Name of Trustee and Address—Keens, Thomas Robert, 11, George Street West, Luton, Chartered Accountant. . INTENDED PAYMENT UNDER SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT. DAVIES, Peter Gronway, residing and carrying on business at 1, Cumber Lane, Wilmslow, in the GRAINGE, Frank Webster, Hobb House, Bloxham, county of Chester, and also carrying on business Banbury, Oxon., carrying on business (and at 13, Manchester Road, Wilmslow aforesaid. described in the Receiving Order) as Flick and HARDWARE DEALER. Court — MAN- Locke (a firm),_ 30, Bridge Street, Banbury, CHESTER. No. of Matter—17 of 1953. Last Oxon. AUCTIONEER and ESTATE AGENT. Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. Name Court—BANBURY. No. of Matter—5 of 1951. of Trustee and Address—Ormrod, Fred Carter, Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Feb. 25, 1955. 20, Byrom Street, Manchester, 3, Official Name of Trustee and Address—Harper, Receiver. Ronald T., Lincoln Chambers, Banbury, Oxon.