Tom* Council Meet* Tuetdmy 8:30 P.M. Widely Circulated Weekly M Second Claw Pottage Paid Published EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 40 at WesWald, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 Every Tharaday 24 Fages-M CM* HoltdmyMay29 § Programs 'Guys and Dolls" on Edison mm ka Emergency Fund Aids kaMday «a NtMty, May ». Al daawa wM nme Stage Tomorrow, Saturday at lie mgriar.Hat m Itw To Culminate UtUM Cacciola PL Fire Victims A unique production of Damon Runyon's Mt mwtcal, "Gay* Contributions totaling fl.MQ and Dolls," will be presented have been received by the Vol- Y.A.R.. unteer Emergency Belief Fund. Jr. High Careers by the WwtfifM Academy of tbe It was established Apr. 1, pri- Performing Arts will be iwU To Be Issued marily to meet the needs of 12 at B:3t p.m. tomorrow and Sat- Awarda M«mbiy programs, Five thoMund copfea of the adults and three children whose to JJeu of tonnal graduation cer- urday at Edfcoa Junior Ugh home at 123 Cacciola PI. was ISetv Deadline$ School. WestfleM High School "Young Adult Resource Direc- tmxiet, wiU be held for nearly For "New" Leader tory" praparad by the Westfield destroyed by fire on Mar. 7. M ran* grade atudents of graduate Ed Saridaki and Jun- ior Laurie Law have the lead- Mayor's Advisory Committee On Ben Ward, chairman of the WeMield's two junior high Because of the temporary Drug Abuae will be distributed fund's trustees, noted "that Kinds on Tuesday, June 20. .eader printing schedule, the ing roles. Ed, who plfys Nathan De- all Junior and senior high 13,000 is the minimum required That day wall culminate the cllowing deadlines will be 00- tool students during the week to assist these people to reestab- 'academic year for ninth grade ;rved until further notice: troit, a lovable gangster who lish themselves." He expr«M(d studenU who wil go on to high General news, church items, runs New York's "OMetf Ei May J», The Y.A.R.D. pamphlet tea appreciation to the Holy Trinity school next September. •tters to the editor — Friday tabilshed Permanent Floating Catholic, Presbyterian, First The programs are basically oon. Crap Game," has been with tbe compilation of NMurce* avail- Baptist churches and Temple for the students and include a Social News—Monday noon. Academy in their past outstand- aWe to tooal youth tat need of Emanu-el of Westfield and the ftance in wen areas as draft recognition program for tbe Sports news—Monday 5 p.m. ing productions. In "L'il Ab- Centennial Lodge No. 400 awarding of certificates of serv- ner," he played General Bull- counaelUng, drug abuse, legal tBPOE of W for their quick re- Display and classified adver- advk», emotioaat probtoms, al- ice, an awards assembly, the ising—Tuesday noon. moose and in "A Streetcar sponse. "Other churches and or- distribution of "memory books" Named Desire," Ed played tbe coholism pregnancy, ventral di- ganizations have either pledged role of Mitch. APPEARING ON EDISON STAGE U* wetitH * "Giyi urf -BUI Northover and a luncheon party. Pells" prsdaetiaa are Gietcbm Kraft as Sank Prawn as** e, etc. contribution or are taking junior Laurie Law, who plays The pamphlet was prepared in A CONTRIBUTION OF UN tram (fee Ceateuial Ladge No. steps to do so," Mr. Ward said. The program planned for ap- Fraak Tea Eyek as Sky Mailer**. - ' ' m 1BPOB at WeatfleM It Mag received by the Voluiteer proximately 380 Roosevelt Jun- Dem. Women (Continued on page 4) an effort to meet needs which Individuals have not been asked became apparent during the op- Eawrgeaey Relief Faal. Left la rtajbt: E. Rabert Narrto, to contribute, but if they wish ior High School ninth grade stu- Rkkard Oaqae, Chutes Taytor, Caarlct A. Harris aad Bea dents includes an Awards As- Rood Schotanhipi To Offer 27 eration of tiie WettSeU Hot to do so, they may send a check For McGovern Line. Ward. TayWr aad Oaqae are reprMcatativei •( the Ledge, to tlie attention of Mrs. Flor- sembly In the auditorium when and Narrli, Harrli aad Ward are representative* M the Ftad. the following awards will be Given Two Student* ence V. Saland at the Suburban The Westfield Democratic Summer Courses Trust Co., Westfield. presented: Class officers, stu- Women's Organization voted The trustees of the Joseph E. dent council, American Legion •verwhelmingly to endorse Sen- Rood Memorial Scholarship Twenty-seven summer school Sidewalk Show Responsibility for assisting the Citizenship, 17 awards for out' itor George McGovern as its Fund announced this week the courses, including 12 enrich- tire victims in implementing standing achievement from the Presidential choice at their names of the two winners of the ment and 15 remedial, will be Classes to End their post-emergency efforts has This Saturday been assumed by the Westfield Parent - Teacher Organization, meeting on May 10 at the Res-awards to be made this year. offered by the Westfield public the Celia M. Dlckenson clothing Community Action Association. cue Squad building. Eight dele- Miss Phyllis Fisher of 800 For- school system this summer on a The Westfield Art Associa- award, the Melvin J. Melanson gates from Union County, com- est Ave. and George Williams The Volunteer Emergency Re. typing award, the Walton S. tuition basis. tion's Sidewalk Art Show and Tuesday, June 20 mitted to Senator HcGovero'c College will be one of the re- The Board of Education ap- Sate, and townwMe Cultural (Continued on page 4) Buniss Instrumental music nomination at the Democratic cipients again this year. Miss proved the course offerings at Arts Day will be held from • •ward, the Don Large athletic National Convention in Miami, Finer was a graduate of West- A schedule for the final days their report cards at their re- in six areas and stu- its May public meeting.' a.m.-S p.m. Saturday. A teen- of schools, including final ex- spective schools between 9 a.m. An Auction Sunday /in appear on the June 9ta Pri-field High School in June 1971. remedial art exhibition will be in tbe Wat- dents selected for Usting in the mary ballot in the following Toe other recipient of a The' following 15 aminations for ninth through and 4 p.m. beginning Wednes- To Benefit Symphony "Book of Gold" for outstanding courses wilt be offend: English eunk Room of the Municipal 12th grade students, has been day, July S. Or, they may sub- order: George Hulse, Richard I. award is Nicholas Di Sarro Building, from 11 a.m.-5 pm released by Westfield School Su- An art auction benefit spon- over-all three-year records of Samuel, Ethel Malta; Susan English HI, seventh grade mit self-addressed, stamped en- 632 Central Ave. Mr. Di Sarro mathematics, eighth grade the same day. Thfe uMbltkn b perintendent L. E. Uw. sored by the Westfield Women's achievement. This final award tobinson, Elmer L. SuUivAn, will be attending Rutgers Uni- velopes for mailing of their re- mathematics, algebra I, plane open to aa WestfMd youth be- Students in kindergarten (Continued on page 4) Committee for the New Jersey wai started in 1M6 by the first Joan KenneUy, Mary Ellen Gal- versity in Newark in September. Symphony will be helti Sunday, graduating class and has been geometry, American Nations I, tween the «£M of 1M», with through sixth grade will attend lahan, and Kathleen Cassidy. Tha Joseph E. Rood Me- classes as normally scheduled opening at 4 p.m. for viewing . continued each year. Mrs. Jerry F. English of Sum- American Nations II, biology, (Continued on page 4) morial Scholarship Fund is of seventh grade science, eighth through Tuvaday, June 20. They witt the sale to begin promptly A recognition program for the -lit and Richard I. Samuel of fered each year at this time at Honor Society at 5 p.m. at Holy Trinity Greek : LEADING HOLES - Uutrla grade science, Spanish I, Span- will return to school on Friday, awarding of certificates of serv- Vestfield, contenders for Hie the high school to deserving stu- June 23, for their report cards. Orthodox Church, 250 Gallows ice win be held in the gymna- democratic Party's nomination Lew stars as Adelaide and sli II and French II. Tennis Permits dents who show promise - Enrichment courses will be of- Only Elm Street School will Selections Told Hill Rd. sium when students who have or Congress in the 12th District lastically, have a financial need, Edward Saridaki as Nsttaa have a 'four-hour session on Tickets may be purchased by participated in the following ippeared before the group, Tbe Detrsit la this weekend's fered in.the following areas Members of the National Hon- have been - accepted at a col- computer math, algebra HI, dri- Now Available Wednesday, June 21, because contacting Mrs. T. J. MtUlaney anas will be recognized: Edi (Continued on page 4) lege, and who have a parent production of "Gays and that school was closed one-day or Society (NHS) of the WHSof 940 Highland Ave. tonal and printing staffs of the Dells." ver education, TV and auto re- Permits for the use of town class of 1973 have been selected. missing from the home. rair, conversational French, this past winter due to heating school newspaper, "The Rough- tennis courts are available at problems. • • According to Mrs. Florence (Continued on page 5) conversational Spanish, how to Department Swink, assistant advisor of NHS, RJHS Choir study, personal typing, colonial Although Friday, June 23, is Phase 2 of School Balance Plan Friday from theoretically, the last day of members must be in the top 20 Samuel Hits history, civil war, Our Living a.m. to 5 p.m. A feeof |3 is per cent of their class. They Two Westfielders Constitution and current Amer- school, on that day only stu- Festival Tonight, To Involve 250 Students charged residents 19 years of dents in kindergarten through are chosen by the faculty on the To Enter Academies can problems. A minimum of basis of their scholarship, serv- Cable Pushers 10 students is necessary to car-age and over; permits are free sixth grade will be required to Two Westfield students have Orientation days will be held ship of Miss Nancy Olson, prill- to residents 18 years of age andreport to school at. 9 a.m. to ice, leadership:and character. Tomorrow dpal of Wilson School. Parent- y an enrichment course. Democratic Congressional can- wan appointments to service Monday through-Friday for ap- under. pick up their report cards. NHS holds various fund-rai- didate Richard I. Samuel of teacher groups at each school academy classes entering this The Roosevelt Junior High proximately 250 elementary Mrs. Ruth V. Hill director of Report cards will not be dis-sing events throughout the year Westfield expressed his convic- summer, according to Rep School vocal music department school students who will be in (Continued on page 4) recreation, said that permits tributed at school on June 23 toto provide scholarship money. tion ' that community desire Florence P. Dwyer. will present its annual Spring volved in Phase II of the West Three Reelected are essential for all players and seventh through twelfth grade Anthony Quagliano is the newshould be taken into account Joseph R. Mannino of 750 Aus- horal Festival tonight and to- field Board of Education's de- (Continued on page 7) students. They may pick up (Continued on page 4) when projects are undertaken tin St., a student at the USMA morrow evenings at 8 p.m. in segragation plan to achieve bet Mrs. Harrison To YM Board which affect the public. Critic- Preparatory School at Fort Bel the school auditorium. The pro-ter racial balance m schools, izing the Public Service Electric voir, Va., will enter the Military gram will be directed by Mrs. students, and their parents, Three prominent community and Gas Company's attempts to Academy at West Point. Sean lean McDermott, 7th grade have been invited to the schools Heads LWV leaders recently were re-elected erect overhead power lines in M. Kelly of 305 Qrenda Cir. will chorus, and Miss Carol Tincher, Delegates Are Selected the face of a court restraining they will attend in September to three year terms on the West- enroll at the Air Force Acad- 8th and Bth grade chorus. for a day or days orientation Mrs. Peter Harrison, Moun- order and public opposition, Sa- emy. ield YMCA board of trustees. The following groups will per- and welcoming. The orientation tainside, has been elected pres- Dr. Edward G. Bourns, Don muel termed the company's ac- Form: 9th grade choir, 7th grade programs, although indlvidua- ident for a two year term by aid R. Belcher and James W. tions an example of corporate chorus girls' chorus, boys' chor- lized for each particular school, members of the Westfield Area Taylor were named to the new For Citizenship Institute lawbrqajdng. Room for More us, barbershop quartet, "Sharps were planned by the principals League of Women Voters. Other terms at the monthly meeting "The time has come for Pub- (Continued on page 4) involved, under the chairman (Continued on page 5) »f the trustees. Two delegates and two alter- lic Service Bleotric and Gas Co. Elected president of the board tates to the Citizenship Insti- to demonstrate to the public that At Town Pool i 1970, Dr. Bourns has served ute at Douglass College June t has a rightful place in tho 12-16, have been appointed by Mrs. Ruth V. Hill, director of for IS years. Elected to the community by respecting and More Than 200 Performers board of directors in 1937, hethe Woman's Club of Westfield obeying Uie law," Samwl said. recreation announces that at and its Intermediates. tbe present time there are open- served as its president from Running to represent tho 12th Ings for membership in t h e 9 IMS until 1954. (Miss Stephanie Cimaglia, (Continued on page 4) Westfield Memorial Pool. West- In June 2, 3 "Ferdinan " Premiere A former elder of the Pres- laughter of Mr, and Mrs. John field residents interested in ap- )yterlan Church, Or. Bourns has N. ClmagUa of 21 Bennett PI., plying for membership for the •A company of over 200 West- been secretary and president of will represent the senior club; Poppy Day 1972 season may apply directly field residents wilt present the the County Medical Society, her alternate is Miss Adrienne to the Memorial Pool Office in world premiere performance of vice president of the Overlook Morrison of 207 Scotch Plains the Municipal Building. Noel Tipton's folk-rock opera, Hospital staff and a member of Ave., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tomorrow C. R. Morrison. Representing Proof of Westfield residency "The Ballad of Ferdinan'," at the Tennis Club. the Westfield High School on Taylor, vice president of the the Intermediates will be Miss "Will you join us ... in re- (drivers license, voters registra- Lisa E. Buslno, daughter of Mr. membering?" tion cards, etc) is required. Friday and Saturday, June 2 (Continued on page 4)' and 3 at 8:40 p.m. and Mrs. Armand 0. Buslno of This will be the message of The membership fees are: 655 Forest Ave.; her alternate the Martin Wallberg Unit No. Famiy, $80; individual, $50; sen- Wanda Crawford is the direc- T with choreography by Bill Miss Nancy Graupner, daugh- 3 American Legion Auxiliary ior citizen, $1. Membership To Offer Camp ter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. members on Poppy Day tomor- fees are not refundable after Inglis. Anthony FurnivaU is the music director and he arranged Graupner of 927 Prospect St. IOC As they are stationed the opening of the 1072 season. Stephanie has been vice presi- throughout Westfield at numer- Photo identification cards an the music with Tom FititipaJdi. Scholarships Sets will be by George Van dent of the Sub-Junior Woman's NANCY GIIAUPNUR MSA 1IUSINO ous places al! day offering Me- issued to all pool members and Olub and president-elect for morial Poppies, they will urge are used as a means of adnils ilecke with special lighting ef- More than $400 In scolarships eels under the direction of nexit year. She has been a mem Lisa has been on the board heir fellow citizens lo join them don to the pool and must 1* providing a week or more at ber of the varsity cheering of the Sub juniors and edits the n remembering the nation's war properly validated or new cards Richard K. Swicker. Camp Speers in the Pocom All proceeds from the perfor- squad and will be captain of monthly newsletter. Her activ- dead by wearing III He rrd flow- processed. Mountains for Westfield are tho squad next year; she was ities Include volunteer work at ers of I'cnicirtljei'tfiico. Tho mances will benefit the West- boys wfll be distributed through The following schedule will be field Day Care Center and the co-oaptaln of the basketball the WestHeld Day Care COIIUM ilost satisfaction for these to effect for validating and issu- the Westfield YMCA, It was an- cheering squad this year. She the French Club, tennis and di.i volunteers Is llio knowloilci.' thai Westfield High School Choir's nounced today. ing new photos: Director of lice- trip to Roumania. had tho lead In ttie May modern inatlcs. She was assistant pi all conlriliiillons rncr-iverl are reation Municipal Building, Tlie grants will provide up t dance performance of the higli director for iho sub-juniors .iml used solely for Iho rehabilitation The principal singers will bo ROCK GROUP for "Tho Ballad of Ferdinan'" practice* for 50 per cent of camp fees for (second floor), Monday through (he world premiere performance June 2 and 3, and includes, school, organized the student attended I he convention In At of voloraiis ituid child welfare Sully 5chmnlen'berger, James to 10 boys wishing to attend 1 1 hurtle Clly last spring us a pai- Friday, 0 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Mti Johnson, Murk Eleek© and left to right, Kick Hallam, David Crum and Tom Flttlpaldl, Instruction for PEP, and is a prnRrams. 23, 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. There wl who is one of tho music nrrangers for the opera. Y camp, located on a 1100-acr nwmbcr of tho Nalilonnl Honor tldpunt Id Cite Sixth Dlsiilcl Peggy Hub. They will be as- wooded silo near Dlngimm' I'rcslflcnt Viola Pimlimn lias beno validating or photo procos Society und the prom commit- award winning play. Lisa chosen Mrs. Morris Kamlei1 as sisted by u corps of dancers and Kerry, Pa. worked for the state-sciKitotlul sing attfio pool site. chorus of B5. These groups are ment to Individualism. The proj- mliftiu-o of folk, rock, jaws tee. Poppy cliiUrman. Just two hours from rtari.n Adrle.nnc Is mi active member election In November ami Ii tin made up of Wwliflelders of «H ect's wide appeal cut! be Httrlb- clnsslcal .styles and i Mrs'. Kamlei' h;is slalcd that tiled to Ms unifying thiuno that, to nil nges. Jersey, tho wimp hus a mlle-lcm of tho French Club, tho school ployed by IJIB corset shop. uges and from organizations all Nancy also has been a mem- Iherc will two I'oppy children Index over town. Performers nnd humnn beings must work to- Mr. Tipton's opora Is an adup Into, miles of hiking trails wit choir, mid Is among the 40 mem n program that features o ber of the board of the Sub-Jun- Mils* year, Karon iloKunson, Business Directory. . buck-singe peopln como from gether to confront lire problems ttitlon of Munro Leaf's book, bera chosen to tour noumutilii Ittg, booting, Millhoatlnf!, ern Mils summer. Sho has been- a Irs, mid was chairman of Iho dailKliicr of Mr. ,nnl Mr;i. (*tur- Classified Pages 9, 10 Community Player s, firum of t.nrUiy nnd In ii-sMiiro penw "The Rlory of Kerdinand," the oiu'i' llokamsori and ItoUwl for Iho future," skrry of II pracuful bull, It Is (limps, sliibli's itniJ horsobuck rli immiliur of Ilia varsity cliocr- slide project for (he club. I Kir 1 Editorials l'ii«fl « School Players, most of t.hc many IIIIIMTCI.S and hobbles In- Dlelzc, son or Mi , and MM. Wil- churches, tho Tomplo and other There wlU bo a 25-plece or- hlld' stwy nindn Into n I nnturo ccnicrs -rlflo and ir landing nqimd and will servo Church 1'nu.o B 1 y rmiges, fishing imd stul- ugwln ncxl year. Sho Is nctlvo clude h(ii\sc'-l)iick riding, tennis liam nicl/.c. Moth mothers nro Obituaries Page 4 schools and groups. chr-slra, ii strung ensemble nnd y II Hikes pint ini'inbi'i'.M of Iho auxiliary nnd iipprovcd klU'lieiiH, Hoys ji In l.lm Y-Teens and works as i and hiking, us well us nrl, sculp 1 Social I'ufies M-20 Mr. Tlpton says. "FcnHnan' u rock gi'oii|), whWh Includes In southwest Unltwl Slates tin* 'tin l'n I hers nro rrteiiilM's of'Did Mr. FRtipiJdl, David Crum mid then) am si«vcrnI Iwilik't nil< housed In cablno formed In ulus |wt«! In Uic Wcstflold Mcinoiiu lure ami sewing. She Is purlieu- Sports i'«Kos 21,22,2:1 oxpnsses Ki'ciil MranuUi of (Coiillmii'd on |)IIKC 4) STKI'IIANIK CIMAIil.lA Theater Pago 11 clui racier "nil a strong commit Kick Iliillnm. Tim music l« n (I'imljiiiH'il mi pagit 2) wi |»ar,t« 4) Library. PAGE 2 —THE WISTFIftD (N. J.) UAOfft—MAY It IW1 Newark, is a member of the YMCA Training lifeguards Local Dentist Donates Kidney Jewish Community Council of Essex County, a beneficiary of itoe annual United Jewish Ap- For Area Swim Clubs To Younger DoctorBrother peal campaign and a member agency of tiie United Way of I0BIHS C MUSON INC Y Associate Physical Direc Two brothers, one a Westfield [needed to perform the live do- Come Memorial Day, tile life Essex and We«t Hudson. Established 1912 and deaifjh of thouMnds of area tor Earl Hulifcasn dentist- men, women and children quite ting the amm. "Stale lav gyaeoafcaist, engage* to a mllncupsntiag to tikt intensive Kie, ptrsoaM melfcai «wi rtv^wv vsrit of <*» Mattoat CeaMr ArtUt Exhibit* literally rests in the hand* of tttay lav* LOCAL AND municipal and private swim tification as a- set** lifeas ceotiy at Newark Mh Israel renwisjag uaier aoataat tnetfi- In Realtor'* Window sfstteal Ccatar «*a la* dents* leal aeprviitm Or. Udw4 LONG DISTANCE dub managers ank liie guards- for which tin? mast to at giving one of his kidneys to save will be in isolation for about a Paiittings by Miss Bobbie Ad- some of them still in their teens. 15 years of age. the life of Ms younger SVOUMT. aaoata so that a* via a* be ams ofb Fanwood are being fea- MOVING Teaching these 'life guardi- "A big part of the job is AttteMgb eighteen months apart, exposed to any infection that tured this month in the windows ans" how to handle emergen- izing the implications of the Job Drt. ftfchart aatf Jams Bat- MaJ* attack ta* Imptaotad «r- ef Joy Brown, Inc., Realtor, 112 it STORAGE tte fact thtt it cies—and how to prevent emer- tasjlia have sswayatony*s cmaieranwaMicai* fan eaastof Ms body to reject Elm St. it PACKING gencies from hapecaing—is a matter of life and death to the tves twins, but fortunate-lit. Miss Adams studied three new job that begins this week people at your pool. Some boys |fy, the chronic kidney disease Tlie medical staff of fXizabeth years wttti Howard Werfton Arn- TIL. m+m for the Westfield YMCA. realize until" the that struck J>r. Bichard by-General HospiUl formed the Dr old, A.F.S. for instruction is The first lifeguard trawling season httt them in the face the passed the 57-yoar old Dr.Rfchatd Battalia Kidney Few drawing, pastel and watercolor. 213 SOUTH AVL, I. CRANPOW course, for the staff of WestflMd weig** «f tfeat resuscita Pinewood Swim ClUb, both inlJamss wno bvss at 598 West- dation Foaari aad purchased a She has studied oil painting Memorial Pool will be held Sat- To mferiBe the im Edfeon, and Frog Hollow Swim field Ave. here. This was die home artificial kidney machine with Howard Weston Arnold, Hulihan plans to begin the urday at the pool. Guards from But Hulihan emphasizes that Club in South Amboy. But hepth kidney transplant to be per- for the Battaglias. Mrs. Harga- A.W.S. for instruction in Caw- Mindowaskin Swim Club and course with a review of all life- a Major aartion of the course feete the iife«uar4i count wffl formed at tbe Medical Center, ret Batumi*, a ngistere4 ing, pastel and wrtenxrior. She Echo Lake Swim club will also saving Mils — swiamwiai and liasatwtjed oM pwttiag with Per- participate. assist*, lifts from trill be aimed at aaato r that the do a lot of good." I Dr. Bsdurd Ba»*|Mi, sessorlmirs*, was tnUnsd to Iks apsr sawwMge will nav«r be need ry Zimmerman and sculptures Hie training session for Moun id water cantos. New techniques in Ufeaaving attendiag physickn, department atkm of (be machine, and ac ed. are coming out aU the time. IHe ol obstetrics and at cordiog to bar husband, soe with Waylande Gregory. She tain side Community Pool will yg certification lasts for Y has just made an exhaustive Bteabeifc Ceasral Hospstsi, flrst {provided Mm wtta 144 Mood- has also studied under Robert be held June • at the pool, with year, and mzny guank Setting up safety rules find that prevent acci study of the best methods ot became it «Mh k|psrtsasisa tresAaaaati at koene Brackman, Robert Beverly some guards from MMowaf- bras* up after havfef anWsais la lMX.Ipcior to sarfsry. Ike Foaads Hale, Maria Cooper and Arthur Our Good Food ray frsm the water an wil beone major Ufesaving and teachinghig swis m j | j k)n and Echo Late fritting in covered. ming and I'd like to get a look Taktag a year off from las assytftoa Fsad siso srsvidss a re- roster at the Art Students Berkeley Heights guards win at toem. rn be teaching senior pradte. tta EnssMk sins>sr - " League of New York. he trained at their poo) on June A uausmtitive of the West- Kaawtof what to tookfo r Mikes Good Friends spop t qakUqy a sit Ufesaviagg M the poolp,, and feLt JS^ ^ Besides being an artist Miss 13. Red Adams holds a bachelor of sci- sad ths WestfleM Rescue Sqsjad wWch n|sjht develop Into want to have an the newest momo- r!£! 5JrSrSSiE A. .^j, Lifeguards at most local pooh to on to •*w«*-lrssMraogMsasa>j scasdsHtOtl •ocssjrjr. w womsa ASXU ence degree in tootogy. She Is are very young," points out will be on hand to a umiiiiBn^seeaef atps of dav trees sre others which will also ftmnd ttmss«tanl»wa s too llary of the M a d I c a I Center currently teaching in the Union receive major fmphnar Memortal Fool Manager gotokUofOce. ! to County Outdoor Education Cen- It is tWs portion of the come Clark explains: Early in WT1, As patient strengthen the Center's kktoty ter, Deserted Village, Watchung Atttf ititt 0M miai htrt, which most Merest 17-year-old "I'm looking for a good ttoor. !**£? toWswaikBatk Reservation. Passport Photos Marie PerkowlasL a ough training of our guafdi ^utacu csaasr waare ae money wtt bo ased to ssmbMsh Miss Adams has won awards you're sura to bacon* a in wtenotor and merit awards £3fc ready for a goodsafe aom- Ud>ltery, where cadaver kidneys atantmaUngm tfcaflsd met. We planned our own train- ia wateroolor In the Art Stu- staady customer! Our upon to do so. received htowfll be stand daring the indent- s League of New York. SECOND DAY SERVICE MslaasV SIVSMMS%4SBB1 aValbaasav aaBArfBAaaaB^la^ffatfvaaftsB, ftlssasaBBSi 4Hsfltaaass> BUsM'MtsMl the Y training would be more t *Tm pretty sine I coald save iii sids— Sissst i BftAsanjMAlsds^asW\ Ska> s)4aia^ls>A sla^aa^a—if— • ^^U^^ *.^m>i»—A tatte-temptinf dbhts ara a life. But I know ft would help UOBBUISBIK IIsBaDIIMsBBBBBVaVBl H •sssaTIIO a^BsasssnilnMBBr Wlaaf^B: •XsuaaMMMIl Elected To Honorary WESTFIELD STUDIOS to know how to hand* disci Hedicat Ceatar on Mar. M, 1W. caadtittos «« iteeiVe Ike or John Stanton Rupp of Dog- pane and how to head off po- w ewyoftt's farovits! Portrait ami Commercial Htttofraphiri ^?^« U!^i"^ ^Xi.^vl Tw^townt with ths artificial gans. Hie funds wil also pro- wood Way, Mountainside, has tential dangers." qualifieW to handle my emer times woekty and each dUlyais the laboratory. been elected to membership in 121 CINTRAL AVINUf Assistant Pool Manager Jay gency. Phi Kappa Phi, honorary aca- Simpson has managed pools at lasts for five to six hours. Treat-1 The anxittary project wtil also Harold Kewkr, 25, the other ment K*'<\K of drcuUting ar- enabte (lie Medical Center to demic fraternity at Pennsylvan- ItheHctochea Country Otft and assistant pool manager, a for- ferial blood through a system establish a program for the ia State University, Uitiversiy mer supervisor of the Clark of membranes and returning U — -•• ** - -- _A Park, Pa. He will receive his Recreation program, is looking pnMKICuOB Of a During globtlla, a Dowsrfal drag used muer's degree in journalism Excellent DINER Claims Tax for a "basic review of the skills, proce^ chemical aboonnal- to combat the body's rejection there in June. some safety tips and some of j^ ^^ from of the new Sidney. Rupp was graduated from Laf- Opan 24 Hours OAILY Proposals the legal aspects of lifeguarding failure are corrected. Newark Beth in*! Medteil ayette College m 1170, with a NORTH AVINUi, Os^oslts Railroad Station Delicatessen and supervision. It was when Dr. Richard Center, a major tatfhan aim- B.A. in English. His parents Opposed Hulihan asserts that there are caught up with his older brother ate of the Cofleft of Madtelne are Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Home M«d« lakod Oomls still openings for lifeprards who M grammar school that the two and DonUsfcy of Nsw Jsney at Hors tyOsuvrot wish tJie extra training befOre boys became inseparable. Tiwy The Federation of New Jer-the season begins in the June Cold Cuts — Salads sey Taxpayers, in discussions were close friends during their 6 and June 13 sessions. Ugh school years and chose to Cold Cut Matters EATIN with legislators and citizens, room together when they were •; Front* F«*d» — let Cr«am finds growing opposition to the both accepted at Maryvtite Col- tax proposal of the Governor's Senator to Aid lege, Maryvllte, Tenn. Dr. Rich- SANDWICHES TO TAKE OUT Tax Policy Committee! says •:I>aU> SiM »••• U 7iM p.w. County Center ard went on to get his degree in •:8un. A Hoi. 6 a.m. t* 6 p.m. Fred Haber, publicity vice pre- medicine from the University ranks ^: LOCATED NEXT TO ROBERT TREAT LIQUOR STORE sident of the Mention. Among the most objectionable ere: - Sen. Harrison A. Williams olI°* Bologna, Italy, and Dr. James im QUIMftY ST. Westfield is serving as an hon- received his degree to oral "a. All clotting and shoes 8«7 ™" $* UniversiUniversitty of § WESTFIELD DML82-HB now to be taxed under exist- orary member of the board of ing 5 per cent sates tax. trustees of the Union County Pittsburgh School of Dentistry. KNTTS MAKE NEWS Voluntary Action Center which «« is attending orai aurgeop at > "b: AI mo* -- every 0 service also" to' come ^ will research governmental and I™}"". S^*™ V *™!* AND NO ONE DOES THEM THE ALL-PURPOSE CHOPPER toting sales tax. twivate grants for use by coun-1 ^f <* «* New Jersey D«- ty social service agencies, and ^ ***** ™ Poetic** in To Dispose Of Your c. The imposition of a state Westfield. income tax on earnings less UKEHASPEL! Branches, Stalks, Vinos, Trimmings than $20,000 per year. Two Westfield residents, John When he learned of the eeri- P.. Higgingg s and Mrs. Huggh Iiv- hisness ot his brottar* illne« "On page lib of the new D J kedital h state budget, there was pre- enpood, are members of the ex- Dr. Jamw kmnediitaly vohw- dicted lor 1973 an unrestricted ecutlve committee of the cen-|teen*»for the nwdted wamlna, ter. Other area residents serv- tions and tissue typing test* that estimated surplus of $118 mil- would determine if tie could do- Hon. The predicted amount for ing as trustees are Mrs. Jearme R. Manning of Mountainside nate one of his healthy kfctatys 1B72 its $190 million, and the to his brother. After the tests, actual surplus for 1971 was $141and John P. Musgat of West- field. the tissue and blood of the million. brothers were found to match i "Where is the revenue gap and the transplant team at New- predicted by the Tax Policy Named to Council ark Beth Israel Medical Center Committee?" asks Haber. He accepted the pair for the opera- further points out that there are Debra Davidson of 5 3 0 St. tion. The Medical Center con- inherent Increases in the state's MaTks Ave. will be a sophomore tinues to be the only hospital in revenue each year, needing no representative on next year's the State of New Jersey per- UNDIO KAJOH greater spending or larger bur- Stwtent Council at Union Col-form ing kidney transplantations, I eaucracy on the part of the gov-llege . ShShe is a membember of hhee teanis of fsurgeons were Now there it a 4 and 7 hp chopper to rapidly ernment. Elizabeth Campus Advisory procesi branches (up to 2VA" dia.), yard trimming! committee. I and leaver. Kajon work* fu»t like ths large chipper* to "According to the latest re turn leftover organic material info Instant mulch. oort from the New Jersey De- TRANSFERRED? Bag it for convenient disposal or re-use It as natural Dartment of Labor and Indus Elected Treasurer fertilizer. Kajon replaces outdoor burning, helpi keip try, almost every favorable Ec HOMERICA, INC will help our air a little cleaner. Gas engine or •lictrlc motor onomic Indicator has increased Jeff Craig has been elected you find your next heme available. This indicates a growing state treasurer of the student body at anywhere In the United where people may settle with Marieia (Ohio) College. He is States WITHOUT •BBjBMSjaj DEPENDABLE EQUIPMENT some sense of security. Would a sophomore. CHARGE. Ulll FOR OVER 30 YEARS it make sense," says Haber, OBJECTIVE: to help you "to discourage people and in- find your next home with SEE YOUR LINDIG DEALER — dustry from settling in New Sings With Choir a minimum of effort, Jersey by imposing a state in- Marieantoinette Von a, is a time and expense. I f come tax and a statewide prop member of the Cedar Crest Col- you plan to move to an STORR TRACTOR COMPANY erty tax?*1 lege Concert choir which re- unfamiliar city, or just to cently presented two perform- relocate near your pres- THE TURF PEOPLE According to Hatter, the fed eration calls for a restructur ances with the Lafayete College ent home, HOMERICA, 469 SOUTH AVE. EM WESTFIELD ing and consolidation of gov- Men's Glee Club. She is he INC. will help you find daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. the right house, in the 232-7SO0 ernment costs and eye to both right neighborhood, i n economy and accountability. Von a, 10B Marlboro St. the new area! SCOPE: Operation throughout the United States enables Homerica you need it...RENT to furnish you with de- tailed information o n Televisions houses which fit your re- quirements even before 10% OFF your first visit to the new area I Dfoover the knit suit. It looks great, tots great and acts great, even after Everything to Rent REMEMBER: Homerica works only for YOU ! All if s been stowed In a suitcase or of their efforts — re- worn through a sizzling day. Our with this coupon search, reports and ad- Haspel collection includes cords, Tools and Garden vice — are exclusively on , end-on-end effects, checks Construction and Yard behalf of the prospective and herrlngbones-everything Equipment buyer. They have no con- Needs nection with the seller. Incredibly easy-care, so easy to It Is their responsibility r. In all tho new models. In all Sickroom to guard YOUR interests. new colors. $15.00 Needs For further details, please Other Haspel Suits call our local representa- $75.00 tive, Penrsull and Krank- enbuch, Inc., 115 Elm St., Westfield, 201 - 232- 4700 or call us direct. 719 CENTRAL AVE. Inquire About John Franks Charge Plans WESTFIELD Part/ 232-3150 207 E. Broad St., Westfield 233-1171 Supplies exercise EXPIRES BANKAMEHICMU OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL I) P.M. Equipment ...and more! JUNE I 100 PARK AVE., N.Y.C 212-689-7111 KAY IS/lt/l—THE WESTTIEU>(N.X) LEADER —PAGE 9 EdUon Symphony Fidelity Union Harris Cites I End of War, I Chinese Engineer, Young American Norway Visit in Two Concerts Nay Acquire Thomas AJva Edison Ju- Ward Problems Tax Reform To Compete at Table Tennis For Cuarders • nior High School Symphony per Suburban Trust fanned « caaoart and demon- UI am running for Town SdHUf P A Chinese engineer and a Tbe laat law yean, Gavin Taylor of WertneaS stration at TitBton State and In a joint statement, C. Mal- Councilman again in the third young American data processor p*ay«d to "keep in atop*, a long tuneintenational trave- Newait State Cofltye last colm Davis, chairman of Fidei- ward because I believe that wfae often compete acauat each k champion at the Bctt Labi ler gave an ilawtrated talk an month, nmdore K. ScUosberg Uttion Banoarporataoa, and in Murray Hili. He afeo beioacs Norway" before the WeatfisM directed t it t lizes in the imntaymwt « tym- Ward S counciJman, said today. Ituni our attention to KTchance to against mile long strip along the Norm phony wdMtau at ? held looking toward (he Se* and the Atlantic Ocean, 1 Lempart also learned to play acquisition of the Subwfcan "By this I mean all of the peo- the potential of th ..l- - > K X to Jano Desta in majn, tarty as well as thel««rv* he needs when very young at Ma father's m miles of vaicfc are tot* Trust Compaay. each ol our| YMCA's international table ten- of the Artie Caxk. In at tte cafcgai art citizens the Third Utuens. comment Craobeiry Lake aammer home, Fideiky Union Bancotpora- and atoo pOys often at Bett to the numerous fjords and 233-5542 preeentty owns time banks the ward do have spe- Labs, wfcere he H also em- towns shown, he included an in- RdeUty \Mm Tm* Com Samuel, candidate for .an d r HikHikee ployed. He is a of tht tarsstiBg outiiae of the hectic siaa Sattan* Daace," "We Mrt cial problems because we con the Democratic nomination for LempeitLemp,, »,, wiU play Deata *When your social event w pany, The National Bank af ststently have ben neglected Scotch mnrfanwood Y table history of the country and the * « aajBKf ' CongresCongr s tete ththe primarpiy y on when he comes to tht e Weatfieldd J tennic dub. many assorted now 44 ft 'iaj, | ,^1 j g* Jeney and the Baak of by successive Republican ad- JunJ e ff at a meeting of the Y tomorrow on a tour to raise : Jcnty. A* of Mar. SI, ministrations. Deata, 31, piay» the Western en from before the age of demands catering perfection, "Fiddhr On tht Westfield Women's Democratic funds for World Service. the Vikings up, and through to aai aanMratiang af the die hokttflg oompuy re- "We have many serious safe- Club held last week at the Res- Desta, who won hu country* handshake rather than toe Ori- ported total iwu of mt.HT ty problems accentuated by the ental panhoUer grip. the present time. the number above Kaaaly ami Fran* Syvtoma of cue Squad in WestfieJd national title in lM7t also IM and total depoata of $774,- Central Aye. speedway «rf it Samuel, WesttMd attoraej' coached the Ethiopian team in A V pbyskm education secre- Director Clarence Yoder greet- at»,*M. Hie Suburban Tnnt Co. has been like puUmg teeth to who is also running as a Me- the Afro-Asian Friettdattp Invi- tary in his native AAMJ Ababa ed and welcomed viaiitors John is your answer. A M on the same date reported to- get action on any of them. Our Govern delegate to the Deme- Utfaoai Tournameat in PeksBg DeaU has been im this country Owens, Hans Names, Morton Graham, Mai Hinds and Oscar •••^••••••^••^ T aBaaaaaaiBiaBiaBBa* opnmt af tal anete of tm,IU,*M and wart is the only section of town cratic National Convention, sU- taat October, where they pbyvd for five n » i World ttoa, maa* total depose of 9M,U7,iN. 11M with no park facilities and our ted that he support* Senator the Chinese, Indian, Labaiwaf, Service eactengi progrank wsdi Aronseo. personal attention dinatta tad ta* pwgr:::* In earSuburban Trust Company foun- many town owned lots are a McGovenVs cwAdacv b*c*m* the DajtOQp Ohio Y. Community ringing was led ded in 1»2 operates six offices candidacyy because Cambodian, Viet Nam and Tu dignac* to Westfleld and a bad of his recordd of long standing M** **"**"**• wiU began at 7 by Henry Engctfried with sm- point fa in Union County, wMIe Fidelity eicample to our youth. At lite Schwl sic by Dr. Emory Start* and to your individual needs Union BaBOorporaUon through support for ending the war and « *** ^npert won the a.m. oo Fttday. Mtvtlul «*tvtty and tx ef same time, the present admin- important domestic policies to Lilt'. by defeating Conrad Meier. The chorus fecU oa At total its subsidiaries maintain* 31 YMCA World Service asap* istration hass refused toto provideUprovide l^cih M tau x reform "I feeST! con^ W<»«rt* in a four-day tour- sang *Td Like to Teach the will be unparalleled. of tbt offices statewide. nament Westf start Y'a in foreign countries, a clean-up program which fluentt thaatt I can trustrott McGovMcGov-- **• *eW Y. and provldw flnancftal and staff World to Sing" The Urthfeys would relieve our dttwns of the Urn to carry out the poKes he I« this country for 4)i yaars, support until they ana atte to of Frank Bartholomew and lunk they have been aantnrala-supports if elected.t *hecof>-1Scheftg learned to play ping operate George Schlenker were recog Private Parties 10 to 200 ting tor years, tanued. "He is the cawWatelE?* "«i T7 niwd with a musical salute. * ver>' Director Yoder and several Furthermore, in this, affluent with the most credtbtiity." I China. It is members visited Don Drew of Contact our catering manager municipality our poor have Samuel, w h o has taken ***•" Declare* Dividend PUllipsburg who will celebrate been neglected despite recentl^^ng potion to the past in Us Mth birthday on May for further information. _ « ^ »« ^M-MA favor <* P"py^ reform,T noted Tlit board of directors of the and presented him with a gold velopment Corp., the Westfleld on June! o^f whethe* r the reform Triple Rule National Stats Bank, Elisabeth, Neighborhood Council, the West lifetime badge. tradition U to be prwefved in I Fnr Rnri t* has declared a caah dividend on field Community Action party. the capital stock of 16c per elation, the Westfield Area share. Th» payment will be WMtfflnMLMaiar franks Committee and others, to cor-l^y W8Her of Mountain- made on June 15 to aU stock kryOffkM on the direct prim- n\£ BnVvAAM CaV rect this situation. _ _ candidate •* to holders of record stay N. 1mm. nUfflvr ••• "Whether or not I am M-lsc^eiiii^priceM^inefewl™1* of violinist, and HOUSE elected ,1 pledge to continue my obligations to party leadership/1 conAlctor •* H* forthcoming efforts to overcome these andl^ stated, "I fee! a reprcsenta rw*™ Regional Convention , ^ -^ «,— ^ a. *ve repwsente the people not ^ncert of the Pottsh Singen pie ofthe Third Ward and the th party " he continued " and AUiaflce °f America which will citizens of Weatfleld in gener- must bewlUmg to vote his con- N *« *t fta Statkr HUton U.S. ROUTE 21, MOUNTAINSIDE, N J. 07002 Hote ta New Yor at. nuMy, I would-Vhe to em- ^^ about ^ ^ interests * * City on. Sat LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER urda vhasize the importance of new ot ^ country even if that isl y «vening. housing for the elderly and contrary to party dictates." Mr. Legawiec will conduct suggest that ttie time has come Further information about by Stanislaw Monlvszko, Old Fashioned to resolve whatever differences Samuel's background and views Poland's foremost com- which may exist and commence niay"i>e"obt*ined by contacting I Voserst in commemorotion of building a Senior Citizens hous- Samuel for Congress headmiar Ith* centennial celebration of in. g projec*„t* whic-*tjh . wil-anl provid-.—jA~ie . at Lejwx Aw ^ b ^jMonluszko's deatK wttch is be- for the real needs of our many headquarters. big observed this j^ear. Among Bargain Days elderly people who now are in- the Monivszko works Mr. Lega- 22MO0O iftO 4254000 adequately provided for.'* wiec has chosen will be ex- Scooter Boards cerpts from his opera Halkm. Resident Fined As violinist and composer Mr. Legawiec will perform several Old time Savings $3,000 for False In 10 Schools of his compositions which will are back! IRS Return include excerpts from his suite is the best coordiaa- piano tn Unitcd States Attorney Her- tional exercise since parachute Old Fashioned Bargain Days bert J. Stern announced on May play was introduced;" atM ii: vi 5 that Patrick Bavosa was pta- it\\n9 Hull, physkrial education ced.on one year probation by supervisor in the WesttteM 3 BAY PANT Judge Lawrence A. WMppfe and schools, as she arranged to also ordered to pay a 93.000 place several scooter boards in fine form filing a false income each of the system's ten ele SKOAL SKITS tax return for the year 1MB. mentary schools. Bavosa, who resides at 573 scooter boards originally were Classes at YW Downer St., has operated a introduced to the Westfield, _. vu,_. , Y l ARTHUR STEVENS MR BEST private refuse disposal route school system when the Lincoln L™ ™. Jvf. . . . under the name of Blue and School PTO purchased 10 boards «* wnu"ftw i^«rn to swim White Disposal since 1M7. He for Lincoln's physicall education campaign to aJl Westfield girls QUALITY coUects refuse primarily in|programpg . Physlciay l education Ita JP™* • ™ "P- __ Westfleld.and Clark and is paid teachers then developed a pro-1 C!a*2- wm, L^? INTIRI on a monthly rate by his cus- gram of exercises designed to wni Friday, June 2ft-S0, end $50.00 tomers. use the boanb such as crab h*11 be taught by histnictors STOCK The indictment alleged that soccer games and relay races, donating their services to this VALUE Bavosa understated his taxable To keep the boards in motion, |project. income and tax liability on his students must use their hands, Older girls and teen-agers win 1968 year income tax return. feet and every part of their jte placed in classes separate Stem credited the InteJli- body. Because of the success of from little ones. gence Division of the Internal the program at Lincoln School, Registration cards are avail- STMEWIDE SUE* ON CNILNEN'S COTHING Revenue Service, Newark, for Miss HuH arranged to place able in ail schools, which must; their investigation of tffls case, scooter boards in all of tite ele- be signed by a parent before mentary schools. | mailing to the YWCA. THHS.-FRI.-SAT. MAY1I-M-M AU girls registered will re* Wastfttld Loader jceive en admission card with SPRING Temporary Offices her time assortment thru the ENTIRE COSTUME 124 Ilmrft. I mail prior to classes starting. AmlEnter Our TAKE A 2 MILE RIDE SALES SERVICE COIN GVESSmG CONTEST** STOCK I ENSEMBLES PARTS • '<• • STEAM RAILROAD • b WIN A S25J0 GIFT CERTIFICATE 2 OFF vacuum cleaners HANDY CHARGE REG. REG. MASTER CHARGE SIMPLY GUESS THE VALUE PRICES PRICES OF THE COINS IN THE sewing machines JAR ON DISPLAY EARDLY T. PETERSEN GO. SUMMER 244 NORTH AVE., WISTFIELD, N. J. Opposite Railroad Station SPORTSWEAR 232-5723 *FAIR TRADED MERCHANDISE DRESSES AND CAMP SHOP EXCLUDED LARGE GROUPINGS "NO PURCHASE NECESSARY FROM OUR STOCK ALL OUR BEST BRANDS AT END OF SUMMER 8WITCHES-8ICHNQ8-31QNALS TURNTABLE - BRIDGES AND OLD FASHIONED PRICES DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES TWO WAY RADIO TO INSURE SPEEDY SERVICE V* to OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. 'til 10 p.m. SUNDAY 9 a.m. 'til 6:30 p.m^ CAMP SHOP NOW OPEN NO LAY-A-WAYS OR RETURNS ON SALE MERCHANDISE IUN nit f VMYONI CAS RAILROAD RUSSELL STOVER CANDY aiOKIK FARM LIV1NOSTON AVI. IN BOMUND, H. 4. 070W a PANTENE & LOREAL CHARGE TRIPS AVAILABLE Arthur Stevens (Full Line of ALMAY Cosmetics) OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. UIMOfllAl CAY 232 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD 233-1111 207 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY I.HP.M. lA Ample Fret Parking OPEN THURSDAY NITE 'TIL 9 1115 SOUTH AVE. W. WBSTFIBLD 4. nw wnmiLO IN. J.) LCAOU-MAT mm

. - - • T-. '• . F • ' * h I ¥ •*W. IV

••'-'' Funeral wrvkes are being J h _ '_'_^ -.,. .••:,:-^^^&*m: -I1"- -W::--**'*•••;• held *te morning at Gray's .. - -J • OBITUARIES Funeral Home with tine Rev. Step*** Sato officiate. Inter- ment wiil be iQ Pteview Ceme Helmut P. te survived by two

J F - -J tars. Mm. Jew Well et Fur '••r ->.'; lor P. Ketanfc; taw Am vt» tow Fund Aids >: l\ (Onwhanid from page 1) Fwd fot its start after a ft? auled *a jreport by a WCAA representa- tive wu made to the Westfield wan tf» Keaar Sdeatifc C^ William C Scfcwu* MJittetertMiB. lie fiev. Robert ffeptfagfiett, had Just flushed a pmifcot of the parvioe caU at the boapiUl when William C. Scfewan, that"* ;4* was sMckaa. Weatfleid. £TN«* : • Be was bom k Berlin, G«rm Sat-tioe to r ' U • i to the my and lived the past IT years * * . Westfleld. He was a World lived at 515 C. Galewood Dr., an ftimugft gifts cf S. ar n veteran avd a tamtm tar aix moat*, hav-1 cutting, ftousetoU tons and the First United ICethodtot Ing moved therttwre ft afte d r sis J**r»ihrature." of WestfteU. residency m WesWeld. other trustees of the fund are :: lumving are hsi wttow, Mra. Born in toeadate, N.Y., he Councilman Charles A. Harris, Margaret Walah Kobrak, and a lived in Philadelphia where forJE. Robert Norric, Miidred M foft, OaiatoptKr who to * sen-M » yea yeann hhee ha hadd bee beenn a ana toaPeoj3twicroe> and Charles Taylor at Rutgwi Ualvenlty. tor for the PhlladeiphU Gear Mrs. SbaUcroas explained that The fonersl was held at the Works prior to Ms ratinmat 'Ihe fund'* future (topetufe on GROUP WWTO or n mm at ahiit «f five day to* m Uppalacfcwi Trail • ColoaM Home, SM West in im. I rente fwm this first expert Aw., and at the First Um-[ His wife, the Ute Mrs. Buth awe." She said that "(here are ted Methodist Church of West- Schwan, died Jin. 1, 1*1!. He occasional emergency type r * fieU, where at U o'clock a fun* Is survived by two sisten, M».peda io t*» eommuntty that are tral service was conducted by Augusta Built of Point Plea> not readily met by eNher otfi $ie pastor, the Rev. Dr. Clark sant and Mrs. Martha Toms of *sJ or imo«*cU orgaoiaittoni. Hunt offidiUng. Interment Matawan; a n4e», Mrs. Martha look place in FaasMew Ceme- Evans of Avanet; and two nap-i //« «• * «• hews, % G. Btnh of Brick- fcrdinaii town and B. W. Barth of PWnt John Tinness Sr. Pleasant, (Continued from page 1) Hie Rev. Elmer A. Talcott Jr. Funeral eervices were of the Community Presbyterian I <*ux* icenes relating to the Church of Mountainside con- ««•. including a rodeo and a Dootey Colonial Home and '"^v. ' St. Helen's Church Tuesday ducted funeral services venter""*"^ day momtaf at Gray's Fu- A version of the work jnontfng for John "tiimesz ST., 1 presented at the First who died Sunday alter a nerml Hcmt, 911 East Broad Stl Untte** Obsess at his home, 527 WU-tnterment was to Cedar Grove 4 UdhodIR Church and Cemetery, FluaWng. L.I. \^ Ave., Garwood. The response of the audience Mr. Tiimesz, who formerly liv- Anthony Rogovich propelled "Ferdinan' " into a for 45 5^ear» si Cranford, was full-scale production. M Oarwood resktent for 25 years.j ^taoBy Ra*ovk*, 71, of l«lf| Tickets are now available and fie retired in 1952 from the dairy' . (bed Monday atlnwy be purchased at Cameras products business. He was a the WeattMd Convalescent Cen- Unlimited, 17 Ekn St., and the member of t h e Elizabeth ter after a short fltoem Bandetand, 17S Broad branch, United Sick and Death Born In YttfoeUvis, Mr. RogWEvenln« ticket orders will be * • ^ Benefits, and of St. Helen's par- ovlch resided toWestfM d for at ish here, years. He retired in US8 after| : Hta wife was the late Mrs. 35 yean Anna Ttamese. for the Consolidated Edison Co., ' Surviving are two daughters, New York City, He was a com- Dem Women Mrs. Daniel Yanuzzi of West- municani; ofiSt Helens R.C. (Continued frnn page 1) JOHN BOSH I RE, Dr. Joseph Boylan and DavM Beston check map during rest period. field and Mrs. Francis Klimek Church, WestfieW. Hikers from Trsep n descend Bear of Elizabeth; two sons, Anton He was the husband of toe P™"* June 6 will de- P. of Westfield and John B. late Mre. Giovanna Zuldic Rogo- tonnj"* ;**** Scouts Complete 50 Mile Trek Jr. of Fort Lee; 14 grandchil- vich. Stirvtvliuj are a son, A* "» LSL con8reasioiiai dren and 19 great grandchil- thony Jr. of FrankHn Square, to1Novwntoer 6 . Stery and sen tee by life ice which made the rock* very dren. N.Y.; two daughters, Mw. Vic- ! by cafldl ates Sent Mattaew BDUer slippery. tor Bondc and Mrs. John Zuc- ? The terrain on this section of John WillianiB lich, both of westfiett; two part of Ine re^tiranests fer the Appalachian Trail is very brotfienit Jo*in of Southed J 08lti<)ns Ike Jewaattsm Merit Badge. rugged, crossing many moun- ; Funeral services for John Wil- NY P l ffl tains and numerous ridges liams of 310 North Scotch Plains!a s^^. j^ victoria Galjanic Ave. are being heM at 2 p.m. of Yugoslavia; seven !!!!JSJ Freezing rain, rock stewi strewn with large boulders. The trail*, and humid heat set theneav y ralna on Thursday and today at the Geest Funeral scene for Troop 72 s 50 mite t fc Ued the streams Home, Culpeper, Vs. Interment Sa urt y swe Mrs- En^8©* jnother of four, hike on the AppJacWan Trail. and soaked everyone. will be in Good Hope Baptist r) Franklin E. Hanshew a practicing attorney. She is 18 Scouts and 3 nieii^ led by ™* participating in this Church Cemetery in Norman, wcre: •Va. Franklin E. Hansnew, 79, died Dr. Joseph Boylan, our Scout- «"?* ^ Joseph Boyian, , Mar. Williams died Sunday in Tuesday at his home at 610 master, started on the hike Scoutmaster, Mr. Ted Reiner, Dorian Rd. Born in Brooklyn,, jf Analum- Wednesday morning April 19Asststant Scoutmaster, Mr. Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield, na John lB at the age of 76. he had lived in Westfield since ™ College Law School at Bear Mountain, New York. <»mer, and Scouts: Jay 19224 and Harvard Law School, Mrs. The hike ended Sunday, April 5°ylan< Dav« Boston, Wally Born in Culpeper Va., Mr. 5 t0 Hank M ers Jeff Williams had resided in this area Mr. Handhew, who aerved *£** J 2$ at Greenwood Lake, New ^ y « Boylan, the Army during Wartd Jon Wayo, Scott Daugtierty, [more than 50 years. He retired TRYING TO DRY boots by cunpfire I in 1969 after 50 years as a truck War retired 13 yean ago Dave Helner, Will Russell, Rick driver with the Lehigh Oil Co. an engineer with the Sibrom she was elected to During tte five Voters, the mailed home only to those Alpert, David Avelrod, Jonathan :Service wa be at 2 p.m.Y seveirth twemh Bagger, Robin Barnett, Janet College and Carnegie-Mellon coal Restaurant on Central Ave., (Continued from page 1) and a brother, Harry tomorroww inn ththee ^^^ of^ American Civil Liberties Union, students,, who submit self-ad- Bauer, Stephen Blonsky, Wendy Universiy. Jeannette's Gift Shop on Bast 1 of Ohio. HH e lsa memtete r off Coun!tCt Broad St., from the Westfield imd Flats," and "Tenetfe*. * Presbyterian Church with the ^ ^ y Messed, stamped (eight cents Brown, Cathy Casrden, Nancy Mr. Belcher retired as treas- Special features of the pro- Rev. Richard L. Smith omcl«t Democra^ ComnutteCth Junior high schools Ol.her juniors selected 'are by the 4H Club Combo, at 10 Johnson (played by Stul&y a.m., followed at 11 by the Worn- community. Samuel also views will attend classes us usual s Schulman, Molindn Kaye on Broadway) is Peter Hie dispute as the latest signi- through Tuesday, June 20. Shiiph'o, Hurl Silvormiui, Ihtr- Boruehowltz of Edison Jr. High. man's Chorus of the Musical Club of Westfleld. The Y Teems ficant effort to preserve ecofog- svootl Smith, Di'lioruh Spragg, Peter played the leading role of To Offer Camp tcal Integrity in New Jersey. CynUila Stiles, Charlos Swltk- M-ooCiibc In Edison's produc- "Friends" folk singing group Lisa 'rntmcr, Lynno Teitel- tion of "Up iho Down Ktnir- will sing at 12 noon, the 411 Club (Continued from pnge 1) "For too long now we have Delegates will offer drama and musle at 1 been victims of our technologi- g banni, 'I'iniofliy Thiitchor, Philip ense," and directed a presenta- ters of S or 6 who help work out Tivtier p.m., the Westfleld Chapter of cal Belf-interesta," Samuel said. (Continued from page I) tion of one act plays. (he SPEBSQSA "WcslfloW Col- their own daily adventures with "We ought to stop and consider Vi'jnoKkn, Cynlhiii Vona A .spcdfll attraction, the crap- onial Chonin Btirbwrshop Har- iholr own counselors. our moral obligation to keeping larly inturesUMl in Atlrl^nne Wilder. shooter (ifinccrs, he-acted by mony," wM1 Rive fieledioiifl «t 2 To bo eligible for the scholar- the enrth habitable for future Duncan Brown uncl Frank Web- p.m.* timl (ho Community The lusl-iilite, K])i)n.son.'tl by of Wostfield High will per- ships hoys must be between Iho Center's Plnymnker Guild will ages of 8 and ifl, live In Iho Samuel fiwors strong legisla- FUNERAl DIRECTORS the SInli» KedenitiliHi of Worn- form Bxdttog routines cnureo- perform with drama, poetry ««'tiiiiliy Io leani New York find pinyed iui i-hc mary consldenil.ion Iwforo utili- txacutivo Vita •Puts Ido lit Innil uvunis, need for flmmela] iisflMunco. ties and ollior Industries nro al- Mm qiiiilillcs i)l' JJOIKI t m\n\y IH proslilciil of Hooz, Al- Paponiilll I' riBht out C. FREDERICK POPPY 1 lowed Io mnr the landscape. H iijifl len jiml lUimilfoii Iia ,, hlgli .sellooJ. She hits IHM'H H Tlie public Is iMVllid fi'cc of All Inquiries jit'o <:onfl*lMili|iil 318 Bait Broad 6tv Fr«d H, Gray, Jr., managir 233-0143 during Uiolr slay ill ihu iiicni coiisulUuils in Now York, of tlic Albany Civic l.o Jill iliruo actions of and will bo processed In prlvitte CRAWORDi 12 Sprlngfltld Av«(/V/llllam A. Doyfe, managsr 276-0092 !. Tfu'y ho uml vlct; jUTsiiicnt of tho Nnllon- a n (I s event. Mrs, John JOKI. IS by rump Director John A. Westfleld Leader 1lic Junior (.-lass In llnnrci of YMC-A'H IUHI a tucm- fm* tlm ni'w pi'oHldcnt or iho WAA. Loll eh who may IXJ reached at Temporary OffIcta school. " ul' Us oxccullvo Ut WesifleUI. (ilrt Scout Uwlclto Iho Y. 126 Elmer St. AMY II, I9f2—THE WISTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER —PAGE 5

• vice president; Mrs. Hiiga and Mrs. Paid Loberg, treasur- School Society cilities of Grace Orthodox Pres- and the administrator, H. Lloyd Mrs. Harrison Price, Panwood, tfafrd vice pres- er, both of Scotch Plains. New Prograns T* Meet Saturday byterian Church, 1106 Boulevard. lurghart, will be introduced. ifeat and Mrs. Geoige Jtwafali, Newly elected director* are (CoaiUMied from pace 1) pwgr, parent spon- Curriculum materials will be on from page 1) secretary- Mrs. Harold Clausseii, Mrs. Alaa The Covenant Christian School ymr term officers ctosen Elected officers who will serve Lowe, Mrs. Charles Mayer, Mrs. Society Inc. of Westfield will sored Christian junior high display and refreshments will Edgar Peterson, Mrs. Alfred rider," stage crew, awMH office at flte League's annual meeting for one year are llrs. Florence assistants, ttbrary: aadatents, hold an open meeting at 8 p.m. school scheduled to open tills be served. Registration of stu- are Miv. Sabart E, Kcrwia, Kremer, vice president; Shaines, Mrs. Robert L. Staflton, ! Mrs. David Van Savage and cheerleaders, gvfc' inteamurafe, Saturday lit the educational fa- coming fall will be presented dents will be accepted. boys' ptoymcai fitmes, track and „ Sfdon lit luggeited retail price, P.O.E, locol lo«i and olhtf Miss Ruth Tubby. '•" onv«od*'ior.ol. © Volkswagen of Amerito, Inc. baseball team mcatas. !•*» Manufactured' uweiied tetotl price* ond 1972 oireroge r«igj{ Outgoing president M r i. A swim party and i»»W5AO(rllU*<: Guioe, toitern Lilian, Jan., 1972. George L. Wafter presided tt has been planned for U:» to the meeting at which members t:m that day at the Mumdpel approved a budget for 1972-73 Pool. Members of the PTO wiH and adopted two local study pro- assist and supervise the serving CONDITIONER SALE COWUTE1 grams for the coming year. of lunch and refredmente. SERVICE Mrs. Walker was recemly At the Awards Assembly for elected to the board (rf about 419 Edison Junior High the League of Women Voters of School ninth grade students in "Turkey tor •print" * tb» economy Up of the muon. the United States. In her new the auditorium, the fotiowmg Turkey provide. • favorite flavor for all ISM that if highly position as membership chair- Mitfitmu (hifheit in protein, huh in niacui and riboflavin) awards wtti be prawned: •ad a dMtor'a drum (Ummt in. fit and cholMterol content), man for the national orgwrin- Spring athletic awanfc—oawbaH krt it's alao an aoonomkal m**t to wnv-M low in price tion she will work with the more and'track; awards for service jftodty at it WH 15 yean ace. than 17B8 local Leagues through- to Edison; claw of 'C award With euch a litt of credentuli turkey ahould be eerved out the counter}1. far tfiwUTHhip; ckaw «f Wtea in ev»ry hone. It'i truly epring's best meat buy! award for dUzmMp to •chod Spriai T«rk«7 VJth VcfMaUM Following the business meet- Mricey at roo« teaipiratuw, allowing 1 hour per ing and luncheon Mrs. John for a boy and a gril, atfected TRACTION Ford, tax policy chairman for t>y-t}wir ctaB«m«tes; phyiical plaetic be* Renove neck and fibleU from cavi- OVER 130 MODELS IN STOCK (REAR MOUNTED tNGINft •ducttUon award to a ninth tMt; rinae turkey and drain. state board of the New Jer- 9. Stuff M deaired and faetm 1«n either by tying or tuck- sey LWV, discussed the revi- grade girt for citizenship, tea* uif under skin band. Neck ikin thould be tkewered to sions proposed by the Gover- erstrip and athletic ability; die heck and winga twisted to rest undtr turkey. nor's Committee on Fiscal Re- American. Legion Award for 4. To rwwt, place turkey breast-up on small rack in shal- Citizenship, Parent-Teacher As low roasting pan. Brush with melted butter,.if desired. Prices Start At form. If rout meat thtrmometer w used, insert into thick part socitfrtion academic awards and of thigh. Roaat at 325'F. Time chart below ii guide to FREE SURVEYS students selected for listing in length of cooking time. About l'/j hours before turkey the "Book of Emerald Awards" should be done, place pared carroti and potatoes around Timptrary Office* for contributing outstandingly to base ef turkey, turning to coat each with drippings. ltt Ilmer St. Continue masting until thermometer register! 180-185° F., BE. AN EARLY BIRD AND SAVE! thescnool. when turkey ia done. Lunch period will be extended NOTE: A "tent" of foil placed loosely over the turkey so that the students can social- will control the degree of brown-ness ind may be removed ize and have their "memory the last half hoar for final browning. •We Watch What books" autographed by fellow TIME CHART FOR ROASTING STUFFED TURKEY We Eat — We students and teachers. Through Preheated oven 325'r\ tion Radio the cooperation of the PTA, a Readyto-cook Weight Approiimate Cooking Time - Surprisingly enough; our little features don't Eat at Arnold's" special luncheon party is being 8 to 12 pounds ' 3% to 4JA hours > Up to lots of dollars. \ pbutned for that day. 12 to 16 pounds . • • 4'A to 5JA hours. TV I APPUM0E A quote from our customers 16 to 20 pounds 5i{ to 6U hours. '• • At $1,999.00* a new Volkswagen, is easy to Final examinations for 20 to 24 pounds 6^' to 7 houri 127A Central Ave., Opp. Quimby, Westfield .ill/ and even easier to own. ninth grade students, in both NOTE: Because turkeys vary in conformation, variety, ate., cooking times can be only approximate. Thus, it is well '.Our warranty! is longer than anybody's f*ys:"Tht Junior high schools, are sched- Cletntit Pkce In T«wn" uled for Thursday'and Friday, to allow an estra half hour of roasting time in case the turkey 232-4660 except Rolls-Royce, and for efficient service needs that eitra cooking time. .Uiutuffed turkeys require June 15 and 16 and Monday, approximately V4 hour teas rossting tuna, • nothing will beat our built-in; computer service Support the June It. system itartingJoter this year. Miller-Cory, Fund Of course, someday you may decide to sell 'your Beetle. • i . , Illegal Immigrants Don't be alarmed. ( Jorge Dtav 22, and Carlos After 3 or 4 years used Volkswagen Beetles Cardero, both <4 Colombia, .hove, had a higher resale value than, other South America, wet* arrested .economy hert Monday and charged with • Selling it is the ftnpl joy-of buying it. iflegar entry into the United States. Both were turned over U( on ownir molntalns and sari/icii hfi vchiclt in actor* •1. '•!. danca with tht Volkswagen maintinanet ichadule ony to Hie U.S. Immigration Depart' -' -". ' factory porr found to be defective In material or work- memV . , ' warship within 24 monthi or 24,000 tmlles, whichever • LUNCH • DINNER . • •'•>••' L- comes first (except normal wear and tear and lervic* items) will b« repaired or replaced by- any U.S. or • TAKE OUT SERVICE Canadian Volkswagen Dealer. And'this will ba dons-fie« .•( thatge.Sci your diolir-for dslaili. Pot-Smoking in Finest Charcoal Cemetery UNION COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN, Ireiltd Food Bring the Kids Three juveniles, aged 13, 15 1124.1134 Smith Avenue, PUInfleUI and 1$, were apprehended Sat- urday night-by poUoo in the PUtnffeM e-7400 CENTRAL AVE. WISTFIELD Revolutionary Cemetery where they were found smoUng-mari- juana.

x\WYCHWOOD AREA • $62,500

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£o>cafed in WcstfieWs aesirable uWychwoo3 area." The versatile floor plan offers 4 bedrooms ~~ 2 halhs [(2 bedrooms or 'den and bedroom on first floor) .The large living room has built-in book- for joining our • case§, fireplace and authentic colonial trim details. Separate fam- ily dining room 'with unique built-in silver chest opens to a screen-

    you'll love this-custom, one o>vner home. Call today. in the amount of $1 or more BARRETT CRAIN

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    43 Elm Street 232-1800 2 New Providence Road • . 233-1800 WESTFIULD PLAIMHELO SCOTCH PLAINS Liberty Corner (Basking Ridge) 647-5700 IROADATFROSPCCr 12/ PARK: AVfiMUE 361 PARK AVENUE PAGE ft —THE WESTFIILD (N. J.) LEADER —MAY II, 1?72 and offices Nineteen states have right-to little grandchildren came into concepts, composition end figth- e 24 communities in tbe Waet- j f THE WESTFIELD LEADER be toate*. work laws. Option poU« abow the kitcfrec end after watching ure drawing and painting with ington Rock Council feat in- AFFILIATE MIMKft Leagu Letters Tb* library saw fau been 79 per cent of toe American her for a minute or so, exclaim- watercolors, oUg and mixed me- creased to the point where NATIONAL NEWSPAPM ASSOCIATION bunt «ai k lataMiaiii for public are opposed to compul- ed, "Oh, Grandma, what a fun-dia. even with tight budgeting ex- yean, wita * highway cxwdag sory union membership as a ny way to wash the didres, in The Drawing and Painting penses almost equal income Second CUss postage paid At Westfield, N. J. Lilies the Editor Publteh** TfcurMlays at Westfield. New Jersey, by the We*tBel* to Ecbobtwk Sdwoi. condition of employment. States a pan!" I suppose it did look Workshop is one of two colfro- m all sourses. Tbe drive is I Leader Printing and Publishing Company...An. Independent _New*fwper. Paper far the Town of WesLCleld Borough of Mow- Tbe ecboot mm are Ally fe- wita right-to-work laws have a strange to a little girl raised lege-level arts programs to besanctioned by United Funk tainnlde. ta • series es Ux mlief vtfoped Ecfaobra* mm should flowirting economy. in the push-button dish-washer offered at Union Colfege (Ms is directed oo£y toward |5.00 per year in advance. - Tennis Season Established 1890 be nfesnd w tt to, For a full discussion of this age. summer. A Drama Workshop and friends of Girl Scouting. Office: 50 Kim Street. Weslfleld. N. J. 07090 n. Property tax relief. Her* I Editor, Tel. 233-4407 — 232-4408 the 'seta!, the pool tihe critical issual issue, I hope be conducted June II to Member today aad gom tomarnmi \ The' C«a*y Park, not "Hi, Marge! I understand July 28, Monday through Quality Weeklies of NP» Jersey there will be a Urge turn-out New Jersey Press Association to bear Sen. Epstein tpeak at that when it comes to going out day, from 7:30 to 9.31 p.m. National Editorial Association «_.... Guys and Dolls' WALTBK J. LEE Publisher most for an open meeting of Tbe Repub- on the town, your sister's new Donald Julian, professional boy friend is tut exactly the GAIL W. TRIMBLE Editor west lican Conservative Action Club playwright, actor and director This Weekend of Union County. Thursday, Prodkal Son, rig*?" and member of the Union Col- THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 "Right, M«rt, right! When- lege English Department, will if the committal's theinaelvM. Still June 1, at I p.m. at the Wom- The Westfield Academy lor later, |tf*y re an's Club of Westfield, 3U Soeve. r he phones tny sister for aconduct the workshop. recommendations are adopted climb, movie, she knowi it will be a the Performing Arts will pre- Action Now, Please property tax mt« may g°I wer to prowl, pry, and plunder Wiw waat* to INM • home Euclid Ave. strictly 50-M proposition, He sent "Guys and Dolls" tomor- down for a while Hut wm Del JOHN W. ARNOLD WILLIAM S. DEAN Now that the long-awaited, much-delayed re- on Roma 32 ar m New ttwi witt furnish the popcorn and Scout Troops row and Saturday in Edison Ju- fcack up to today's levels is a £. Broad St dene* M. or Mountain Ave it Shady La, h, the television." nior High School. port on senior citizen housing has been unveiled, let's few years. see some immediate action on the project. Consider- botti county roads, where Out* Fanwood Marge, just one more ques- On Move "Guyi and Dolls," which was ing that committee after committee, and Town Council After studjing New Jersey's Thank You ia heavy wiry traffic and the tion before the bell rings, (time subtitled, "A Huifcal Fable of after Town Council have been batting the issue around, prestnt stale and local tax sys- Supports Samuel passes so quictfy in a study tern, the Committee has condu- Editor, Leade; hall when you have someone WestftekTi GW Scout Trwpt I Broadway," wame of the most many of the senior citizens for whom the units have Do conifer these problems Editor, Leader; 9 m 1 been contemplated could well be gone before the pro-ded that It is bo* inefficient As general chairman of the and think, for something is fci to talk to) where does he buycontinueJH!^S^d activel^J y^' sinc e ISthei?r successful musicata m the Wi and unjust. "The correction off Instrumental Music Parents of | the offing, The frtmsry election was in-his pail of sticky goodies?" of gram's eventual completion. tended to allow the ordinary highly succesaful Heritage All members of the mayor's committee on hous- these two fundamental delects," Thomas Alva Edison Junior DON G. MAXWELL SR. "Why at the popcorn ma- Showcase Fair. It opened at tha Forty Sixth ing for the elderly agree that need for such a project says dts report, "is the cental High School, I would like to m Uousjato Ave cltlwn a greater share in thechine in the lobby of the cin- Junior Troop #«S raised all Street Theitre «n November », problem the Committee iruft I say'thank you'to all who made naming of candidates thin he exists. (Please, let us not hear more about the lack Mountain*!* ema parlor, whew etoe?" funds for a winter trip 1^50 Mid had a run of lt2W per- of a "professional survey"—a representative from the resolve in its further recom- our recent fund-rairtig event! might have if the candidates The "inflation story of the week by preparing sandwiches, cook- formances. Five years liter it New jersey Division on the Aging even feels there ii mendattons." Since the proper-1 a success—to the area captains Objects to Psy were selected only by party is the one about the woman whoies, cakes and pies which were was revived and again received a need for additional units based on Westfield's sta- ty tax is the most inefficient who gave their time so wil- leaders. Ulte many other de- wen she discovered that 125 sold at ttie Grant School P.T.O. critical acclaim. "Nathan De- tistics and population trends.) and unjust tax of all, its rate- lfettfy; to the families, Meads, E#tor, I*s4ar; menu of democracy* the oriwort- h of groceries had been rehearsals. The 29 girls under troit, Sky Mastersoa, Big Jule, AH members apparently also agree that while a tlon is of prime import***. Mtgnbon and merchants wboeel Opes Letter t* the Uxptyen ginal intent of the primary elec- stolen from her chr, exclaimed, the leadership rf Ifesfemes Harry the Horse and Nlcely- central location is preferable, no large enough site The Committee goes on to m- generous contrlboUons win eup- <* MowrtatosMe. The following tion has become obscured and "That's the la* time I will Rbtat Fletcher, Bobert Parkta- Nicely," the tetd characters, is available or could be acquired for the $1,000 per ommend ". . . mass reduction ply instruments and music for rtafteroeotswer e tawed hy mthee voter has murendered yet put them in the glove com- son and MoUer enjoyed the have become household word* unit land price which must be adhered to if the pro-in the burden of Uie property our students new and in the Is- * the pubic Board ef Educs- another basic freedom to thepartment. fruits of their labor at Camp for a generation of tbeatre-go ject is to qualify for funding under the State Hous- tax, as a basic polky, accom- ture; to all those who recognize Won meettnff m Tuesday, May powerful ones. U>u Henry Hoover. era. ing Agency. This agency, incidentally, offers a greater panied by every possible 4m- that "to develop each child to •• The Camp, in Sparta, was also t has been in rehear- provement in the structure of I his full potential" kndudes the I vehemently disapprove of Richard I Samuel, Democra- The cas latitude than would be otherwise available. tic candidate for the House of Jane Law the site of the Annual Townwide Lalsa| rince March under the As the report released last week points out, West- the tax and its administration. I opportunity to participate ta fc- the practice of paying Hector*Representative* from the 12th Junior Girl Scout Encampment direction of Edwin IUfcno. Mrs. field churches, doctor and dentist offices, as well as The state should depend on the stmmental music-thank you. ** *tt a atudend t teacherh , «?"I .p, *. • , Barbara Sheridan ii producing public buildings and facilities, are widely scattered in property tax for only one-thW SYLVIA KUNTZ That* taachars an paid $50 District has actively sought to To Teach restore tbe primary election to The School vacation week in the ^y a n d Mn. Barbara Westfield, leaving shopping the major obstacle to the of 'total state and local taxes 867 Willow Grove R*. by Newark State College for April saw Girl SeouU traveling project's placement in the Boynton Ave.-Twin Oaks in any future year." Its original purpose* What gre- sheWoil u d5tag this. I tot tftit tttctters hive Summer Class ^*^* « * phy. The sets are being Terr. site. Even this is not insurmountable if promises To accomplish this goal the a responsibility to break in (heater example of Integrity in Troop #457 to Boston L, bj, Robwt ^^ of a commissary — perhaps even a co-op type where Tax Situation Committee has recommended young ia their profataion. I seeking reform could one of Union College will offer a with Leader MMrs . RicharRihdd MU^ sponsored by the consumer costs would be lower for the elderly — and several measures: that the state Editor, Leader; comftter It unatNctl and unfe-r than, his own candidacy as Drawing and Painting Work- lenborough. a courtesy car or jitney bus are fulfilled. . Westlield Recreation Commis- take over all the operating Beview of (he report of the protearionrt for the teachers to a choice to a candidate picked shop from June 1, to July 24, Cadetto Troop .™-**?!Mal«i. hea4e4 by Mrs. We agree that the original positioning of the rec-cost of the public schools (with Governor's Tax Pottcy Com- *ceept further compensation by a party screening com- it was announced today by sylvania Dutch Country with]mn ommended 150-unit garden apartment unit has definite about half the increased fund- mittee is am eye-opener as re- from the Board of Education. mittee? Prof Richard J, Selcoer acting Leader Mrs. WOliarn Gingerich. merit, as do two members of the committee who filed ing cotnfc« from sources other 8*rdi the Implications. No let- furthermore, I do not Mfeve We muit have leaders In dean of educational services, Cadette Troop #302 to Her- Laurie Law of westfield a minority report on this one point alone'. This tract Is than the property tgxY, all *P & «** ** the next 10 years the taxpayers of Mountainside The second annual summer shey, Penn. with Leader Mrs. pi ays "Miss Adelaide; Gret- entirely town-owned, while the newly recommended in 1Iie Congress — leaders who will county and municipal welfare fantastic rise in state should pay for the education of seek solutions through legisla- workshop is intended for beCharle- s Abbott. pen Kraft of Springfield plays location will require the purchase of some assorted costs, county court and tax andd locall l government expend!-11 Newar Nkk StatSttee studentstdt. IIff ((hh e ginners or amateurs who lack Ca J *»** ***** exception to a degree in education from Ohio One-hundred years ago, the first national park—- 5 Yellowstone — was established. It was called a "pleas- How would tax rates have penditores went up one and % P« cent increase for the State university, She received been affected if Uw Commft-\\an*hi M times u much. f"^"^"' ? Bcnoolsnls. ThThiis Take Five her master's degree an fine uring ground.*' Since then, Congreu has created 37 111 bri 9a ai WOOD, WALKER ft CO. more national parks, eight national seashores and four plan had hem in «HtatliMtt the «ap, Ux wtes have* "£ •** * y *° ^ . . arts from New York University, national lakeshores. The drive continues for additional in O* thr«tottf* 517 rnu- bwn cortUnuowly increasedP» outrageous figure for a By fnA W. Keke Mrs. Law has taught on all "pleasuring grounds", to accommodate ever-rising num- educational levels from elem- bers of people , but the nation is running out of scenic 1 3ow«r p«>perty tax rate, 411 the fides tax. 1200 students, ^ TELEVI8IOM MAGIC entary school through college. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE lands that Qualify for inclusion in national parks. of thwe would have bad their But I didn't t*> stated in the g^"1 *h e .wisdom <* ?f-Ever notice in the FBI, Crim- She is currently teaching art SINCE On the centennial of the founding of the equalized tax rale reduced by report the obvioui and dismal H«*P» $* *«««»» ** inalls who are shot never die? appreciation at Union College. national park, Mr. Stewart L. Udall, former Secretary ation d c Areas to be covered in the 203 Elm Street Weatfield, M. J. $1.00 perr $1M»» orr mmm (upp too ooncluiionn fromm thee above, ^he ma 44 PP' **•* *» ^ of the Interior and a self-styled "environmental evan- $18.87). Of the 45 municipal], namely, that even wttfi new In- he ma? ?**** **** anany ytim timee h he ctooo- Grandma Snazy says after a summer workshop are: contour OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS SB8 €n d gth thee s gelist," has expressed in a New York Times article ties with an increased rate, orty come tax the tax rates win be -*Y ™ °]big meal on Mother's Day drawing, drawing and painting 7 - 9 P.M. his views of the park system and some of the prob- one, Blaintown in Warren incmuta* for the foreseeableLyearr*° when she was busy at her sink from nature, elementary per- lems confronting it. These problems stem from too County,, wheww 755 perr cent tftf tan*.tan*. Itt would bee «oo easy forrfo r FF4 ™*9 ^ doing the dishes, one of her spective, picture plane, spatiai many people. He believes steps must be taken to pro- thh e municipal revenue hah g been the Legislature to keep raising «***«»» ««'*• * *P tect the parks and to "ration" visitors. The idea behind coming ftwn public utility tax-- income taxtax ratesf fcv<; * ^J * *f the establishment of a national park is that a region, wiuld haviihad *t« rate in sho?ld cuch as Yellowstone, is so beautiful that it ought to Management belong to all Americans. But beauty, as typified in ***** £- «* Yellowstone Park, is perishable when it becomes a Most of the 45 are tax havero; umwing efficacy of state "pleasuring ground" for an overwhelming horde of 85 «re among^ the 10 per centUveniment, They JJointed out of munidpafciemunicipalitiess with the loloww h the nrevioui 10 motorized, refuse-strewing people. If the national parks tax rates. Thus the also object strongly to the are to be preserved for posterity, certain stern policies that only in a few you re must be invoked. And, evidently, the National Park Service has set out to do just that. low-taxed communities would In the words of Mr* Udall, it "... has been to take there be small increases, p1y 065 not rit te some of the radical steps needed to preserve the eco-for the vast majority of New tta? r^c T f T **!? Property tax- ommendations would «ave only logical integrity of the parks . . . For example, the ers worlcinS °" cumculum re- gonna would be reduced — in some k ™ ™t *# pvnWjt.ircKi , expansion of motels and other facilities in the core W 1 111 1 ii b d hi area of Yellowstone a few years ago created an in- considerably. *r\ , ^P? " "" vision being paid at their reg tolerable increase in people-machine pressures. At this proach must be forced by the trjets curriculum developmen point the Park Service recognized that it had erred by promoting 'crowd man ship' and judging its performance upon the politicians: h, considered part of a tea move your by the sheer numbers of visitors that could be cram- recommends limits in exDenditura would |cher'g regular duty and no ex med into the most popular parks ... The quiet reversal of tra pay is given for this at of these misguided policies of accommodation has put[ all, Some districts pay a flat a halter on the construction of new roads, started the property tax or $150. Last 'deurbanization' of congested areas and initiated a schools) would be limited r one teacher money. •. hi h movement to keep all future tourists facilities outside the $1.00 now £ "|$450 to revise^one subject area the parks." scale of curriculum. When his mended. fcf want 1 vice, counties would be limitedL. ™y peared on the list again r But, Mr. Udall fears even this may not be enough. 10 • ^ i trnn «nH muni free college educa- year and j questioned it I vas make the trip worthwhile . If the population should grow, say to 500 million, In to 50 $100 and muni the next century, he sees it as u. . , unlikely that the (In both eas for unqualified students? toW he m] finished half the parks as we know them today can survive except as upper Do we really need a ?275 mil- j^ ]ast S1irmnert At this lion extension of the Turnpike we could end up paylng 9900 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES trampled remnants of the original American/' He pre-necessarily flhe rates at In Central N.J.? I development of one dicts that if demand for raw materials and other nat- each county or municipality for 4ne ural resources doubles four or five times in the next would tax.) Limitations of this Take public school costs. They subject area curriculum. This $10,000 minimum — century, ". . . events will force us to exploit the petro- WiwJ are now being used BUCBUC- rvej* UP 1(^ P01" cencen^^ ^ *hc is an -astronomical amount, in Guaranteed for 2 yrs. leum and mineral deposits beneath our national parks." cessfully in 44 states, If in the P*st decade, and to Committee my opinion. p«r »nnum Mr. Udall does not find the threat to national parks in future a county orr munidpaMtidM y h3! ! **??? ^ d0Ubld0Ublee ^^ ttettc PAT KNODEL nex 250 Knoll Crest ltd. population growth alone. The article points out that wanted to go ixjyoni d tnose lira- *' -althoajgh the number of $5,000 minimum — many people no longer travel, they are merely trans- 11 5 1 only 19 pen* Mountainside ported, seeing nothing and feeling nothing of the land lis (but not [>ver 10 per cent of P ^ ^ Z?teacher ^P onls ywer 1e9 u nper Guaranteed for 1 yr. the previous yearns rate), a 1o- 1 111 hefo e around them. The former Secretary of the interior referendum would b& nec-lf ^ f . ^ a«* iiow. Right lo Work feels that the national parks were not intended for Except for debt KWV- through unions and illegal pir *nnum these kinds of travelers. Of course, there are those ice or'to mfiintain expencUtunsNrikes. "feathering ttdruesb" Editor, Reader; al l reareason . JIn 1 199 yearsears ! Organized labor has been $2,000 minimum — who will disagree with him. They will point out that aS they were prior to the start f^ f f« « y ?T^ in some countries, with heavy population concentra- school districti s of teachers p e r quick to criticize the state con- Guaranteeed for 6 mos. pupils went up 17 percent. Btttutional amendment to ellm- tions and a high degree of mobility, natural beauty p*r annum has been maintained in spite of the visitations of great erty tftat ed-hnate compulsory union member- numbers of people. is improved by smaller ship TO a condition of cmploy- 3 ill. ON PASSBOOK SAVINGS Apparently, population behavior, as well as num- clitics liave felt thai and more frills. mont which h;is l>een proposed 4 /4% bers, will bo a determining fnctor in the preservation adopting the Tax Policy Com- Let the taxpayers rise up and by Sen. Jerome M. Epstein of ptr innum of America's natural beauty. If we remain a nation of mittee's proposals would mean toll .Ihlee Governor, their Legis- Scotch Plains in Senate Concur- litterers whoso principal pleasure is in being trans- tho »"* governments, l'onU'ent Kcsolutlon 73. But what ported comfortably, (be urim fears of Mr. Udall will cict 55 me fed up with ever- of the individual worker? no doubt be borne out. On the other hand, if we can the grussrooiIs authority of the., socialism, taxes,, he like toiingK compelled to piiy get over what he calls our ".. . intoxication with speed and union dues as* a pay-off for a worthwhile savings instition , , ." we may be able to guln a greater appreciation of locnl communly would be l»»»MJJ«fy in these maasur- «« HID natural beauty and to understand the feeling of Robert fc to Frost, the poet, when he boarded an airplane for hifl "" shop" obtains, An em- first flight and advised the pilot, "I don't want to go to H-he local taxpajier&-not tte ployee is not irequlred to join FIRST FEDERAL g g ^ body—to A, DONALD GIIEEN SAVINGS so fast that I miss anything . if you see any flow n. union dn order to lie hired, ers, n\ow down * * the level of services they would 720 Lawrence Avo. but following n probiiiionary per- WESTTJELD • WOODBRIDGE Iw willing to support, iod, he miik ju-st 1lio union or MOUNTAINSIDE • GRANT CITY/CLARK Horo Prohlrms I>R fired. Mnmy agree- with Sen. FEDERAL MENLO PARK SHOPPING MALL K

    «f J«aet eat half of the courti 4 ^ wA t» ea a fin* come first amd be*. TbU will include . Reeetwtkm must be > day before play b> • Recreation Depart :<**, ex. 41 between of • ajn, and 5 p.m, Waek-ead mmatione muit be dewed throw* the BtcreaUac Departmint on Friday prior to 1 I p,m. BiervtUone wiU not be available at the courts at wi> ttae and wiU not be available to «y cat wkr It jwi of agi The taonli courti at each 1c catfoa wtt be eupervtoed

    Athletics Tops in League .1 w L Athletics •.. 7 0 Orioles Twins 3 Senators 3 Yankees 3 2 White Sox 3 3 Tigers 2 2 Angels 4 Red Sox 5 Indians 0 6 Angels 14 Twins 12 Twtef were led by hitting of Hermen, Selert and Whedon. J. Botany hit a homer. J. W- ler led the Angels. Tlltti U Ked Sex 1 Bill Clarke and Herron com- bined pitching efforts to de- teat the B.S. Herron and Hob- iiseu left-the hitting. W. I. U Twau 7 BttlalM and Smith combined the pitching for the W.S. Jen- May is Personal Loan Month at First kins, Ittrk, Muscot and Stan- zel led hitting, Busino hit a National State Bancorporation. To celebrate, homer. Muth, MiUer, and RoK- No. of Total Annual otny led Twtni. Amount Monthly Each Amount Percentage we're making: your payments as painless as Angela I Tlgen 2 Borrowed Payments Payment. of Loan 'Bate possible. We're slicing our already low bank Paschall and J. Teller held Tlgen to Just 5 hits, Tavares rates. That means you actually pay 60% less and P. Teller led the hitting. on a 36 month loan than a typical loan com- * The Tigers were led by B. Oarfee and J. Hobletzell. pany would charge you. . , >,,;, ^ Me* U Iadlam 4 Most 'Loan i, . Drittat and Roundtree pit- Companies $1000 $400.40 $38.90 $1400.40 23.36% , In the schedule shownhere note that you L i ched a fine game, Drittal had two hits including a homer. save $245.88 on each ?l,O0O borrowed when Reundtree also had 2 hits. compared with the average loan company's Oriel* 12 Senators e rates. Any of the 54 offices of our member • -

    Drittal pitched four scoreless s . ' innings in relief. Bussey and Most Banks $1000 $181.52 36 $32.82 $1181.52 11,18% banks throughout the State will provide loans i Drittal both hit triples. Yatcil- la led the Senators. up to $5500 for any worthwhile purpose at Athletics ie Angels C the low rates shown on this page. Shields, McNally, Ienti, and B. Boorgue each had 2 hits Our Banks' Think of it. It may even pay you to with Bourque hitting a homer. $1000 $154.52 $32.07 $1154.52 9.56£ Murphy and Teller led Angels. Low Rates borrow from us to pay off your dutetandi


    Twins 8 RS. 7 higher cost loans elsewhere and enjoy the r " i * ' Rehwinkel and Miller led pit- ching. Selert, T and J Itokos- added convenience of making only one ny, Merrit, and Miller had 2 monthly payment. .$,.V?

    hits while Muth had 3 hits. Vic- t i fc tor led the losers. Offer good until May 31,1972 only- But •- •.-•.-.

    Orioles 6 Twins 5 if you'd prefer to pick up the money later, J ••>•' ••,'. • -' Tibbals was excellent behind iir$t Jtational £tate ' ~. • ' " : the plate with Thomas and Jac- simply apply now and we'll reserve it for you obs collecting 2 hits T and J Rokosny, Muth, and Thrane had for up to 90 days at these low rates. ; two hits for the Twins* But don't wait. To get your loan started \ •:• if.-. • Athletics ie W.S. 2 McCarthy and McNally pit- just fill out the coupon below and mail it to ched a fine game. Hitting stars ancorporattoti your Personal Loan Headquarters bank. Or were McCarthy, Hearon and I Shields. Shields had a homer, 550 BROAD STREET / NEWARK, N. J/07102 If you prefer visit any Branch Office of First . -1 Jenkins had 2 hits for the los- National State Bancorporation's member er*.

    banks. You'll find the name, address and, v. >:. Athletics 8 Yanks 4 1 ' Hearon and McNally com- telephone number of each of the member ~ • •. bined for a four hitter backed irst Jtational State banks' Installment Credit Office listed on this up by the hitting of Shields. Coles gave up only 1 hit in BANK OF NEW JERSEY i . four innings for the losers. Installment Credit Department page. Sheppard had a triple. 276 Main Street

    Athletics e Senators 4 Onmjfo, New Jersey 07051/675-3006 ' 1

    , First National State Bank of New Jem? * Ierardl, B. Bourque and I 1 Shields led the A's hitting. Me- I Installment Credit Dept Nally pitched a fine game. YuU I 276 Main Street 1 cilia and Cavalozzolo hud three THE BANK fc

    Orange, IU. 07051 ;•' nits each for the Senators. e I irst JtationaJ l Stat >.&: BANK OF NORTNRTHH JERSEJERSEYY I would like to apply for a low-cost personal loan* $100 Itobhciy Installment Loan Department Installment Loan Department send me an application. Rt. <#27 and Stony Road WeBfc 230 Main Street The sum o* $100 was reported Edison, New Jersey 0B817/985-O77X Name stolen Sunday at Joo's Meat Hacfeensack, New Jersey 07002/487-2700 Market on Kouih Avo., accord- • I-/-.' ing to police. irst Jtational itatc irst Jtational Itate ••v BMH VMt MM WMW V^-V ^MP ^*^ ^^W ^^M ^^V M*> W*B ^^^ ^^^ ^^^B ^^^v ^-^^ ^^H ^^™ ^^^ ^^H ^^^ ^^^ ^^^w ^•^•w ^^^ In 1B0H Spain ceded (iuiiiii In lh*» United Mules nflrr Kir BANK OF SPRING LAKE BANK OF NORTHWEST JERSEY Spanlsh-Amcrieiin War. The Conmrnuir ihrAUl Dcpiu'UncJifc Inatallmonb Loan Departmont island was omiptaiJ by I he 1123 Third Avomio KoutolO Jflpancne during World W«r II, New Jersey 0770^/440-8510 . SuccaBunw, Now Jeraoy 07878/684-6700,;. 5 •ft pin rBtnkon in a Woody IIU PAGE 9— THE WESTFIELO (N. J) LEADER —MAY It ing at St. Vincent Martyr FIRST UNITED METHODIST OUR LADY OF LOURDES ST. HELEN'S R C. CNUftC* properly iLceosed driver* have tods on all routes. partment. He be* tta title* of Music Sunday Church in Madison. CHURCH R. C. CHURCH Bev. TfcMus B. Meaary, Paster Players Aid been used and the driver lias '3. Secure price* from at least plant engineering isawfia*, en- ' Ait the end of June, Father AtlteHau *ev. Etfwwd S. Mafttaifcc, been getting toe duUren to three companies for the- pur-gineer and buatfag coaatnic- \ Woodruff will return to Califor- Ntaftsleri: Ml Central Ave, AseistMrt class late aad removing ttiem chase of a small vehicle, possi- tioo engneer in Newark be- For Baptists nia where he will be assigned lev. Clark W. Hw* lev. Geranl J. McGan-y, Pastor Rev. AIM F. GtfgtfHaw, Opera Debut from class early. I nope the bly to be driven by one of our fore being named district en- as m associate pastor in the Rev. Jam* C. WfeMater ia rfgidf ct situation has been straightened custodians, property licensed. gineer—Jersey dy ia 1MB. He The Chancel, Chapel, and Bel Archdiocese of San Francisco. Rectory: 12S5 Rafcway Ave., The eaergetic "Grant School Carrto Choirs of the First Bap- Rev. PHI* K. WHtertfh Rev. Germ* ft. WheUn Players," who recently out now. "4. Investigate the possibility became district engineer Hud tist Church of WesU'ieJd will be Father Woodruff grew up in Rev. DavM F. Rev. RaynwHl D. Aiauc* "In view of this I wish to of having parents contract with son County in March, ltn. the featured part of both theWeetfieM where he was gradu- Rev. i*mm A. I Sutiday, Masses at 7, 8, 9:15,. make the following recommen- the board to transport their own Born in Bapmne, Ameos . ated from Holy Trinity Gram- 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon. children." 8:45 and 11 a.m. warship serv- Sunday, »:» and U a.m., all dations: earned a bacadar^ depea ta ices next Sunday. AU three mar School and Westiield High Saturday Evening Mass, 7 8, »:15, School. He attended Seton Hall departments of the church p.m. Saturday evening Mass at 5: another local produc "1. I request ia nftng from mechanical engineering foam choirs will be under the leader- school meet; 9:36 and 11 a.m., the attorney as to whether there Rutgers* University. A N*vy ship of Mrs. Evelyn Bleeke, University in South Orange and Weekdays, Masses at 7 and 8 p.m, at Edison Junior Ambos 25 Yeans was graduated from the Univer- worship services in the sanctu- a.m. school. Many members of the Grant has been a breach of contract. veteran of Wort* War H, a* music director of the church. ary, Dr. Clark W. Hunt, senior ' are a If there has been I suggest that Many styles and moods of music sity of San Francisco in IMS. Hriyday Masses, «, 7, 8 and Weekday Mass at Holy Cross With \. J. Bell is currently a Ilnrfsaint com* He studied theology for a minister, witl preach; the min- 10 a.m., 8 p.m. Chapel, Lamberts Mill Road and H of "Ite the company be penalized one will be used to make for a com- isters' confirmation classes will lad of Ferdtoian' ". The folk month's tuition for each of these John F. Ambos of Westfield, mander vs the Naval worship experience. year at Catholic University of Miraculous Medal Novena and Railway Avenue, t a.m. America in Washington and be received into the member- rock opera, by Noel Tipton, is youngsters. The time lost from district engineer for New Jer- He to a member of Urn HasV The Chancel Choir will be ship of the church at the 1Mass1 : Monday at 8 p.m. school amounts to more than completed his studies at St. Benediction during it of A problem with Earley, S.J., of the University children; 9:15 a.m., church tooth services tlje sermon will be Stady: 23244S* Sunday, 9:30 a.m., and 11 the company that transports two Licensed Staff Also of San Francisco, formerly of school for children through delivered fey the Rev, Eugene Sunday, 9:45 • a.m., Sunday a.m., worship services, the Rev. of our special education students Charier!. Peoley DOOLEY FUNERAL HOMI Prank J. Dooley Madison, will preach. grade <; 10 a.m., church school A. Rehwinkel; 7:30 p.m., choir school for all ages; 11 a.m.Cassel, l will speak; c h u r c n outside the district to attend North Ave., Cranford Classes for 7th through 12th concert, morning worship service (nur- school fifth through 10th grades classes in Clark," according to Carolyn M> Dooloy On June 4 at 12:15 p.m., 4-0255 Father Woodruff will offer a grades and adults; 1:30 p.m., Monday, 8 p.m., adult mem- sery and children's church pro- at 9:30 a.m.; 11th and 12th Mrs. Pat Knodel, a member of Joseph F. Dooley mass of thanksgiving at hisJunior High Fellowship trip tobership class. vided); 5:45 p.m., junior and grades and three year olds | the Board or Education, "Im- home parish, the Church of the shore; fi p.m., Senior High Fel- senior youth groups; 7 p.m., through 4th grade at 11 a.m.; lowship; 7 p.m., ministerial Wednesday, 8:50 a.m., Day evening worship service. crib room and playpen open Assumption in Morristown, with School Chapel. •the pastor, Rev. .John H. Der- search committee. Monday, 7 p.m., Pioneer Girls, at both services; 6:30 p.m., Jun- icks and Rev. Earley concele- Tuesday, 1 p.m., prayer for all girls, grades 2-12. ior, Mlddler and Senior Fellow- bmting. On June % at 8 p.m., hrn group; 7:30 p.m.. Choral Art CALVARV LUTHERAN Wednesday, 8 p.m., mid-week ships; £:30 p.m.. Parents in will offer a mass of thanksgiv- Society; 8:15 p.m., Friendship CHURCH prayer service. Prayer; 8 p.m., "The Seam" Guild. 198 Eastman Street, staff prayer meeting. Wednesday, 9:45 a.m., moth- Cranford COMMUNITY Monday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., ers' study group; 5:15 p.m., Pasters: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Women's Assoc. service day, "Man's Extremity Evening Circle. Rev. Arnold J. DaMqulst Meeting House Lane sewing and nursing home work- Is God's Rev. Gordon t. Huff . Mountainside, New Jersey shop; 8 p.m., "What is Chris Contemporary services of joy- Director of Christian Education: tianity?"—a discussion series of Opportunity" THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ful celebration will mark the ob- Miss Linda Gaul the Christian faith and life. THE HOLY TRINITY servance of Pentecost al Cal- The Rev. Elmer A. Talcott, Jr. Tuesday, 9 a.m., morning Four people proved this Rev. Msgr. Charles B. Murpby vary Lutheran Church Sunday. Minister . prayer; 8 p.m;, Care-Ring and were healed of poi- B.L.S., Pastor The sermon theme of the Rev. Thursday, 8 p.m., deacons prayer staff meeting. soning, snakebite, arth- Assistants • Arnold J. Dahlquist will be "The meeting. Wednesday, 8 • p.m., adult ritis, and deafness. Rev. Thomas E. Da|y Unknown Quantity in Human Sunday, 9:15 a.m., Bidble study, study—The Prophets-^led by the Broadcast this week over Rev. Michael Desmond Affairs." The Sacrament of Holy church school: Grades 5-8th; Rev, Cassell. many stations including: Rev. Stanislaus SM Communion will be offered. 10:30 a.m., morning worship, Rev. Mr. Joseph Doyle Under the leadership of direc- cradle roll through fourth grade; FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 6:15 a.m. WNBC 660kc Convent: 525 Trinity PI. 233-3159 tor of music, Greg Funfgeld, the 7 p.m., Fellowship. SCIENTIST 6:45 a.m. WNEW 1130 kc Rectory: 315 First St. . 232-8137 three choirs will present Rich- 422 East Broad Street 8:15 a.m. WERA 1590kc High School —2334484 ard Felciano's, ('Gradual for ETHICAL SOCIETY WestfieM 9:45 a.m. WVNJ 620kc Grammar School — 2334484 Pentecost Sunday" for organ, John H. Moore, leader of the Wednesday Evening Testimony Sunday, Masses'at 6:45, 8, choir, electronic tape and a jazz Essex County Ethical Culture Meetings*8:15 p.m. 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 a.m., 1 p.m. setting of Psalm 100 with string Society, will speak at the so- Sunday, 11 a.m., church serv- *• TRUTH Chapel Masses; 9:45,11 a.m., bass by Heiifz Werner Zimmer- ciety building, 516 Prospect St., ice, Sunday School, nursery, les High School Mass. (Youth maiin. There will be responsive Maplewood, on Sunday. His son-sermon: Soul and Body. «">• HEALS Mass), 9:30 'a.m. readings and! hymn parts writ- topic, "The Great Chain of Golden Text: TAe light of the A Christian Sclcm* radio Saturday Evening .Mass,. 5:30 ten by members of the congre- Being," will (be presented at 11body is the eye; if therefore p.m. l : gation. • • • • a.m. thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Mat- thew 6:25-33.

    r t "Of I—in GRACE ORTHODOX We need nuclear energy plants YOU CAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ; \ H(MI Boulevard Rev. Robert L, Atweil not so much for ourselves Minister IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Sunday, worship services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday as for our children. OIM school and Bible study at 9:30 We'd be a sorry lot if our only thoughts a.m.; a nursery'is provided both have to prorJoce more food morning and evening. Senior, here on earth were for our generation land, water, natural resources/ Intermediate and Junior Ma- alone. Most forms oi progress would Witt the electric industry be chen Leagues meet at 6 p.m.; come to a haft. For example, why con- provide nearly 100 Cadillacs! older young people meet at 8:30 tinue medical research when the cure for with the energy needed to create p.m. cancer may take several lifetimes? SUPERB SELECTION OF ALL MODELS ! Wednesday, women's prayer additional jobs, goods, and meeting at 9 a.m.; prayer meet- And why bother building nudear eiv wfiile preventing further ing and Bible study at 7:45 p.m. ergy plants? decay? Only with nuclear plants. Wednesday, 'May 31, congre- Fortunately, fike our forefathers, we Nuclear plants wrfl produce gational meeting -at 8 p.m. dance of energy, attowing us to Friday, Fun Night for grades do care about our offspring. And it is be- through 6 ;it 5 p.m. for n to employment for the imdeiprWtaged oft* RENOWNED FOR bejpg deptetabte, fossil fuels pose prob- noriiies. They wtfi help txtfci lems erf price and environmental effects. raise our standard of Tfving. HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES We face an impending energy short- Far our children's sake, we "You'll do Better-with a Rawson Deal age and environment crisis. By the year clean, safe nuclear energy now. 2000, we'H have over 300 million people 3 NO waiting! in the U.S. It is not too difficult to imagine . Public Servtee Electric and Gae Company I Box A-OO, 80 Park Place, Newark, N. J. 07101 the problems of coming generations if we ITfe EASY TO PrOOl "Nuc'ear Efwrgy. WlMt It H Huge Savings ECONOMICAL! do not increase our power capacity and |nC?W»PSf:&G booklot givos stralg* our ability to protect our surroundings. ON DEMOS RENTALS & I swore to tho Importaol qoooHons on ease Call Rawson! When our children grow up they'll * onorgy. I MnH coupon loday tor yow *o» OIL HEAT I need jobs. When they marry they'll need I FREE ESTIMATE I housing and furniture. As a nation, we'D CONVENIENT TfiKMS I I Phono 233-1492 I . J. S. Iravmo. COMPANY. • City & Stnl 115 E. S^ST GMAC 111 PSEG HorKtqucirroM? L — «..«. LUMJltR • MKlWOfiK * '* MAItlHALS • HARDWARE • The Energy People are Enviforwneat Peopi^ .('• MAY It, It72 —THE WESTFlIi (N. J.) LEADER — PAGE • LKAL MOTtCf • • LIOAL NOTfCU •!• UML MOTICI • MOIKIt •(• LiOAL MOTICt •• LIOAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • • LEOAL NOTICE » LEGAL NOTICE Vreelund, Town Clerk of Westfic aoTtcm NOTICE I NOTICE voncm SecLiun n# This ordinance shall take effect twenty days alter the Botic* that t Allan CChronh e Take Notice that W«tfleM Wine Take Notice that Mountain A'OTICE flr&L publlcuLlun thereof after final passage, N. J ake ot h lta« t the HelgtoU, inc., dob* Jiwiiiq; « Tak« Nouoa Utot Henry S. Bud- 5-11-lt Feet 169.04 Charles Taylor TTown e HHouse has Liquors. Inc. hu «mlta« to the HelgtoU, inc as* MM f. I Centennial Lodge *UyoUy r wi Ooundl of Council cFt5 Toww MUtuUtMM j »>>M NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th* following proposed ordinance of Westflei* for renewal ofWastfleMayyoor anWd Councifor renewal cFtl of5 a TowPleaw- MayoMouaUtBMjr an4 Councit l erf a* sMa Introduced aftd passed on first reading at a meeting of the NOTICE NIL 400. I.B.P.OJ *L V~***Westf 9**Ul . Cwwamttoarny Re-tall Di*tributlon l licensf eP torl oMf MounUliuLd*4 C , tot *en«wsJ of have Hindi of the Town of WestCedflT in the CounLy of Union, Notice hereby given thut the Town of Westflcli will Bell to the WestHeld. N. J. for pretftlus sltuatad at iremisei * situateitd ft *«M, l East Broad Plenary Retail itoweNo. O4 for tey, held on the 9th day of May, 1972, and that said ordinance highest bidder the followindlll g atundoncbdd vehicleshil : 5-18-21 Fees $22 tMM. Wstttficld, N. J. ;trect, Westfleld, N. J. premises situated at 1230 HouU 2), «tioti W|ii taken up for further consideration for final passage at a Muke Year B«dy Typ« of said Town Council to be held at Its meet big room In the Jf »ny, should be made OMoen ol the cocpotml Mountain***, N J. m Chevrolet 1964 2 door sedan D V77M28 S?* * oy CM. . Bernard Bernstein Pnaident, 110| the N. J. (MunicipaMii l Building" WeatirTeST *iftw'3*aey?''PY .V '* ordinance has been posted LP2N3rf06 FLAY HOUSE 314 ROM P*oe Objections, if any. should be made Alex EH FranoMoo, 714 _, „ . - , on the Bulletin Board Chevrolet 1961 4 door sedan 971O3B0 Wf N. J. Immediately In writing to joy uC. Central Avenue, W«*tfield. N. J.; glmrt I upon whrahpub'w notices are customarily posted in the Municipal Build- ThPlymoute vehiclehs an* store196d 0an d niHStatioy ben Inspected fit the Municipal Build- b*-*- FF«« 18.60 VrwJand. Town Cleric ot Weaftvll d• Felix Dt Francesco, 38 Bast End, lr ing Parking Lot *uid the Public Works Center, 959 North Avenue. West. N. J. fftnrv 9L BuJkMM V« °* the Town, and a copy is available up to and including the time BidChevroles for tht e purchas195e o7f the vehicle4 doors sedamusnt be Jn writing accompanied MM* C BHUMM of surh awetlng to the members ol the general public of the Town with a certified check for the full purchase price bid and mutt be filed LIQUORS, INC. J.: an Riverside Dr. and Union Blvd. h**0* *n*n Xe9uti6t *,ucn eop'«. at the office of the Town Clork in suid wilh the Town Clerk, Municipal Building, 425 East Broad Street, West- Mawa. Mountain**** Inn, Uountain- Tutowa Boro, N. J. Municipal Building in Westfield, New Jersey. field, New Jersey, not later Lhun May 31. 1972, at 2:90 P.M. Hay 24 thru 'use t Pr*sld«nt aide. N. J. WMt Fees SU.42 JOY C- VREELAND Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and ad- 110 Golf BiCC Objections. If any, should m a«4e dress of the bidder and marked "Bid for the Purchase of Abandoned lmmadi&taly in wiWnc to Elmer Town Clerk Vehicles/' NfW OltL IN TOWN 5-18-21 F«es> Ctt.M Hottarth, Bcwouffc Clack VOTsCE BOND ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF Bids must be delivered on or before the date and hour named above. t&lntfd*. N J. • •— .».-* V—J . «^.^™- LAND FOR THE ENLARGEMENT OF AN EXISTING MUNICIPAL The Town of Wcslfield will supply motor vehicle junk certificate* only. NOTICE -_.* "^F ***£ Tg-d£.lLfti*K£ PARKING LOT. THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE EXISTING LOT All vehicles must br removed from the storage premises within forty- A deJigktrul, tuneful Take Notice that Be!for« Scott Restaurant, Inc.. has applied t* the AND ^JD LAND TO BE ACQUIRED IN THE TOWN OF WEST- uhi (48) hours of ihe award of bid and purcnasc- ilvuk liy Mlllerlng and Dorothy D. OrUaan FIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF UNION. NEW JERSEY. TO AP- By order of the Mayor and Town Counell of the Town of Westfleld. WTH trading as Cappy's Uquors, M»O- Route No. 33, MouoUina)4>> N. J„. .PROPRIATTO PROVIDE ETH FOE SUR MTH OEF ISSUANC 185.000 TEO PAOFY BONTHED COSANTICIPATIOT THEREOFN. JOY C. VREELAND Wed. Thurs.S2.00* Musical $3.00i llad To the Mayor and Council of „.-Th.e .an„d ...... ^o f th-.«e& TNOTEO MAKS IEN ANTICIPATIOA DOWN PAYMENN OF TTH ANE ISSUANCD TO AUTHORIZE OF SUCEH THBONDSE IS. - TOWN CLERK ( SHe Town of Westfleld for renewal C-officer» foa ro premisef ssid corponuioa situatedn an*td 1072| the BONDS _TO FINANCE SUCH APPROPRIATION AND 5-18-11 Fees $16.80 Fri., Sat. 52.50 • Musical $3.5Oj ot Retail Distribution Llostise for MTICB otticm they hold auANCE OF flUHTY- Isaa situated at SSI South Ava-i Take ratios C_U- BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Wcslfield, Curtain 8:40- AH seats reserved! TSeodore Biniarts, NOTICE NOTICE K nue. E.. WestfleM. N. J. TerraiaftdXoSm •>««; rterBki Maw ;«My FrekutlPrcsl- n th* County of Union, as follows: Take nuttae that Chrone's Tavern, Take notloe that Centennial Lodge Phone: (201) 3560462 Objections. If ajiy, should be made He's Italian Deibatteeam ot Wist* Sent: VSrj tafiSsm Dsnllli"n~ Section 1. The acquisition of the property and making of the ImInc.- . has applied to Lhe Mayor and No. 400. I.B.P.O.E. of Westflold, has Immediately In writin* to Mrs. Joy field, Inc., has tPfttftJ to tae RarMan AoaC Curiu N«w Jeney, pprovemen t described In Section 3 of thit s ordinancrdnance ara e hereby respocp - Council t>f the Borough of Moun- applied to the Mayor and Council C. Vreeland. Town Clark of West- and. Coyne*! oC tit To**..* Vioe-Pn '" " James tive author) wd to be acquired and nude ey the Town of West field, tainside for renewal of Plenary of the Town of Westfleld, N. J. for field, N. J. field for tht rpMWii of the lUtaii Lane, In the County o! Union. Ttwre Is hereby appropriated to the acquisi- RclaU l License #C-1 a renewal of a Club License for Signed DiatrlbwU li htoC 1 •y, Trsmaurer. The tion of the property and the maklriK of said Improvement described In for premise* situated at Moun- premises situated at 444 W. Broad Bel ford Scot* Millerfng >ued for 'oi tiwreaUtered Section 3 hhereof f (hi(hereinaftef r referrefdd to as "purpose")""), thth e respectivtiee tain Avenues, MounUlnstde, N. J< St.. Westfleld, N. J. 1«8 Harold Rd. smonttaortUoDn Iut Tlieo- amounts off moneyy hereinaftahereinafterr stated* aa the appropriatioappropri*U n for said re- The names and re&idenceft of all The names or the officers of this .OrtafcftFtM ^ WMtfMd. N. J. fIT1 lUrltaVT3La. *^.^ spectlv•ru^tloea purposenurtimt>urposesst. SucRuohh appropriatioaiM>* the period of twobable UMfulneas of each «u<* purpose, wood, N. J-; Mildred Chrone. 83 lain. Kemp shall Terrace, Fan wood, N.J-; CUIttC «N» 0! MAtY. EUZA1ITH. SHOWING aocordlnt to Its reasonable life, computed from the date of said bonds: The Trustee* are: Ernest Davit, ii OUUN OF PVBKMBI Aim AMOUNTS and Helen Chrone. 403 Pro*p€Ct THE WMOI QUUN or Street, Wesbfltld, N. J. Chairman, 534 Pferson St., West- Asmut •« Objections, If any, should bt irm&mfield. N. J.: Roy. Bald. 401 Wert MAPI ON HRMv[i< ENGLAND. el Immediately In writing to Elmer A.Broad St.. W«tt elf N. J.; Ed Favawat Nates ward Onque, Johnson Ave., Holfarlh. Borough Clerk of the Bor- Scotch Plains, N. J.; tUyieu Harris; (1) The acquisition of a por- ough of Mountainside. M0 Downer St., Wastftatt. N. J.; tion of lot 5, In Block 410, CHRONE'S TAVERN, INC. William Henry, 221 Windsor Ave. r;t: t as shown on the Tax As- 896 Mountain Ave. WMtflald., N. X HARRSON sessment Map of the Town Mountalnald*. N. J; __ Objections, If any. should be made pf Weatfleld as an enJarfe- 5-11-21 Fees U2.7I immediately In wrfdnc to Joy C ment off t thh e existing muni- il parklnakl - lolt located IKCONCBcT POR onlotT In Block «0 aa shown on said Tax Aeaess- ^^ •alMILArjfSH mmtMap 9C5.00O 13,500 961,500 40 years Production (2) The extotfni munldwJ parklnr lot for the MNIC Redg Glcnda parking ot asotpr, vAldea Jacks TocatM on Sot 4. In Block ant d the porttoa of Lo 410toD and» thtcttalree porttoda .Pftraof Lout f Scot IS ttoD to »(1 tc) abovt e .PfthaUt b ant to (1b) abovth e thaUt be lmprovM by the construc- tion thereon of pavement. curba walki. entrance and exit ways and all other ap- purtenances necessary and WIIKDAYS AT 7:11 mi Mv suitable for use In the pub- lie parking of motor ve- 918,500 15 yeara FRIDAY AT 7:15 ani f*$ hides. Including demolition of existing structure*. .... SAT. AT 1:00, 7:15, «:5S TOTALS J80.000 SUN, AT l:00,J:», 5:20,7:15^:40 4. The cost of suc^awPKPh 0*?1/ " hereinbefore stated h> of 93,800 which It estimated to be neces- ao other permitted by Section 4OA:2-a5 of the?Lo5a Knd Uw detwmlned and stated that moneys exceed- feJ lor flown H>ments on capital improvement5 s ofr frtom financiUcJlmoney e i The sum of ° Sthe PAPER IVIILL lanw said purpoaM. bonds of said Town of an at a jrate annum as may be hereafter determined within the y r y suthorSl .M!d ^0cal Pona La*- Said bond* shall bear ^ law- 4AJ! matters wlh respect to said bonds not Tt ordfnance shall be determined by resolutions to be

    Fiddler . m ,. anticipation notes of sidd Mondays toThur«l*y« , principal amount not exceeding 880,000 arc hcre- 11^0 t 2 « 1 sailed pursuant to said Local Bond Law In nntlcl- of said bonds. In the event that bonds are Issued ordinance, the aggregate amount of notes hereby au- I. on I I* **• f"3v9*.>y an. amount «qtuU to tti* , • so MSMd. Xt €h» ascrejraw amount of out- standing s and notM Issued pursuant to this ordinance shall at nn * . ' _ t time exceed the sum first mentioned In this section, the moneys raised by the Issuancf of laid bonds shall, to not loss than the amount of such Roof cxoe«, be applied to the payment of such notes then outstanding Section ft. Each bond anticipation note tsiued pursuant to this or- VALUABLE COUPON SBJJNCOUT! dinance shall be dated on or about the date of IU Issunnco and shut! bo payable not more than one year from Its date, shun beor Interest Good mta its! * at a rate per annum as may be hereafter determined wlUiln the limita- SAvr Wl 1AB2 tions proscribed ny law and may bo renewed from time to tlmo pursuant .. • toward HM purchase of TiMtday «nd Wednesday to nnd within the limitations prescribed by the Bond Law. Ench of said notos shnll be signed by the Mayor and Town Treasurer nnd (4) Six • ox. Cans of shall be under the seal of sold Town and attested by the Town Clerk. WITH THESE SHI<1 officers nn> hereby authorized tt> execute Paid notes nnd lo Issue POR CHILDREN said notes In such form an they may adopt In conformity with lnw. HUNTS Tho power to determine nny matters with respect tn sold nnlcs nnt do- the charming Icrmlncd by this ordinance end also ths> power to tell snld notes. Is VALUABLE hereby detected to the Town Treasurer who Is hereby authorized (.0 TOMATO SAUCE sell finld notcB either at one tim* or from time to time In the mnnner Good at any Shop-Rile market GINGERBREAD BOY provided by law. COUPONS WHH THIS COUPON „ Coupon limit one per family. May Section 9. It Is hereby determined and staled that the average Coupon expires Sat,, May 20, 1972 period of usefulness of seld purposes, according to their reasonable MCtLITIM &Uft» lives, taking into consideration the respective amount of bonds or notos to be Issued for said purpeaes. Is a period of M years, computed from the date of said bonds. Section 10. It Ii hereby determined and stated that the Supple- mental Debt Statament required by Mid Looal Bond Law has been OFFICE (201) DR 6-4343 duly made nnd filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, and thai such statement so filed shows that the gross debt of said Town, VALUABLE COUPON as defined In Section 40A:2-43 of said Local Bond Law, Is Increased by this ordinance by 990,000 and that the Issuance of the bonds and notes authorized by thli ordinance-wilt be within all debt limitations pres- WL 1AB2 cribed by said Local Bond Law. •.. toward tha purchase of (4) Six 3 ox. Pkfls. of JELL-0 GELATIN DESSERT Good at any Shop-Rile marker WITH THIS COUPON Coupon limit one per family. Coupon expires Sat., May 20, 1972 MOW\ Sava 12c WITH A ;• Govt. Inspected i WHOLE LONGACRE ,/•• !- JACO FRYING CHICKEN ROLL

    4- BLADE * 4 CHICKEN -111- ROTARY MOWER JACO QUARTERED Alt Jacobs tin Rotary Mowers Fcaturo 4-Blade Cutting Exclusively. Air-Lift Otilgn Stindi Grass Straight Up •'». "V iAWM CHICKEN PARTS For Smoothor, Cleaner, Finer Cutting. Grass Catchor Not Absolutely Nicsitary — Fins Clippingi Scatter LEGS w/BACKS BREATS w/WINGS Evenly (No Clumps). Uss Emptying With Catcher Bag - More Grass Packs In. Get A Jscobsen And Gat It Ovflf With I c c SPECIAL THIS WftffMDf Li LB. 4 39 39 e 3Rs Are. Push Model RETRACTABLE Zee Best Virginia Brand SLICED SLICED TO ORDER —Safer. Blades Pivot Away On Impact, SMOKED DOMESTIC SPICED with Grass Catcher REVERSIBLE HAM PROVOLONE HAM -Double-Edged. One Edge Dull? Turn It KG. '134.95 Over. LB 79c LB 99c LB. 69c SPECIAL REPLACEABLE -Both Dull? Put On A New Set Yourself. SHOP-RITE OF SERVICE THE MOWfRS Wt Sill Avoid Delay And Resharpening. F WATCHUNG SOUTH AVE., W, WESTFIELD ROUTE No. 22 232-8717 WATCHUNG, N/J. Op«n Doily 9 A.M. To 6 PM - Sunday 'Til 2 P.M. ( BLUE STAR SHOPPING ) FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY ( CENTER ) 1'ilcos olfocllvo iluu M«y 20. Not reipontlblo For lypoaroph!c*l arrori, remrvo (he rl(jlit to llnli (|untniiii>«. •4. »AM tt—THC WCSTFIILD (N. £} LEAMR —MAY 1$, 1972 ? RIAL UTATS SALE • • UAL ISTATI SALI • • 1IAL CSTATK SALi • «EAL IfTATC SALI •• tEAL ESTATE SAtE • ,• RtAL UTATI SALI •!•> tEA SAL •}-

    KAISALL JAY IMWI. HL * WYCHWOOD WIXUM A. MC lEALTOft MMIOM* AREA 4U S**4t A*. W«# * MALTOftS & TWO NEW 232-25M LISTINGS! OUR PIFTIITH VIA* "AIM it#raM«tativ« far WUTPIILD . . . # • MAtfT NaH UfHaftM ATTRACTIVE RANCH Tr««f America* ftatfanat" MOUNTAIMSIDf . THIS HAS OOT TO II $49,900 ia Hw U.S.A.) + This 20 year oW Centrally Air Con- • •• HSffciSlft* ditioned beauty ii located on a quiet LIWRTY CORN!t (SASIUrW KIDM) IT I circle surrounded by very beautiful properties. Save your steps! There's a 20-ft. living room with log burn- Scat* ing fireplace, formal dining room, MODERN COLONIAL yp Aw* spacious kitchen overlooking pri- vate rear grounds, 3 very chser- Plea*e see our picture of thiv i In WMHMM ful bedrooms and 1% baths. Fine on page. 12, giving rather c , t\ features Include young furnace, X detiils. Located in one of the ff WUTTIILO year old roof, automatic garage after areas in Fanwood- There to M 9m NCMHMCA IW 4 bedrooaw. 1H ••** Colonial. Tint dour opener. In immaculate condi- open house ichedulcd for thlf Bit- floor vaneUeC 4tp. Racently i tion. One floor living at It* best! urday end Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Wt orate* IntM* aad INK. I43.I0D. See It soon for it won't Isutf will be pleased to see you tber*. ALL NIW HOMIS

    Th« fl a MAND NEW Homu h flelt • 0 NEW WESTFELB USTNNS 3 YEAR OLD \ KOTCH HAINt populi COLONIAL 'plan; N F R A 3 bedroom, l^^Wth «pUt Lmtl AND A HOME'IN THE COUNTRY 4 MOMOMf GrtAc hpvef futily rooa afld !*»»- Fanwood — A charm 4 BEDROOMS dry. Ml,l00. V/t tATHS BINONESTEN WAY ing 4 bedroom, FAMILY ROOM lit PL. FAM. ROOM bath, 2 story colonial ph€*4 at I7I.9M I On a country lane In Westfield 2 CAR OAR. tt wwtVt last — oil ntwi close to Wychwood, this Colonial NEWLY LISTED is an unuiuaJ value! 1st floor ha* KIMIALL TURN King-lire Colonial-in-levels with gorgeous in- and ready, for immedi- an attractive living room, separate Two new Colonial! offer a great dining room, big actonce kitchen deal for Uie money. G«h l*ve 3 bedropai, 1% .feath Randi. On- ground Sylvan pool and terraced poolside patiot. with powder room close by and anlarge kllchem, (one U 24xUL for- GOLF IMI ARIA trally atr condltloMd. Ho«w If to; ate possession. Best or mal dining rooms, lari IN Is spacious, formal dining room and ditlaaUif . . . Baalea: Few *•*- modern Kitchen with dishwasher and om p Hf WESTFIELD eating space overlooking a countr Tkra" a t Si *bath . •-. * " ' COLONIAL (94*900 view. W/W carpeting. 2 car «. DELUXE but Alas fireplace la thh « bin tached gartige. City aewers and lit ltvlag mi . . . UMM9 Hl» l«t,fOO TENNIS ANYONE I 41,WO modern conveniences with main? led family r««m . . . Uitji TALCOTT RD. extras, in Warren, near Waichuniiin RANCH I i-MrutUn r«m . . . Big mm* Wychwood in West- IEAUTIFUL SIO RANCHI You must tee this one. *: mtm kltckea with tabll# # Large property. Split Level, built It's in Westfield — near Wychwood. Four bed- • ••• f I! far th* whole fanlly . . In 1939, 4 bedroomi, 314 bathi. Desirable Northside We have had many calls tor co In Westfield's prestigious Indian Maay 4«alraM6 extras . * * 163,500. rooms — 2H baths — family room — huge field — Builder abou L t ON NORTH CHESTNUT try sites and homes at all price I forest area so very convenient JOT The ball acre plat la »pl#U sparkling kitchen with breakfast area — separ- - Location t,o $265,000 for manor estate*, .iSlrlvlnB to your Newark office. Built with «v«r|r*M mm4 decM«MM Srick and framo uardless of your price bra H••Rv one of the area's best known tree* and flawerlas ihriibft . • * ate dining room. This all electric home is our about to break ground Early Occupancy Why not f« Jf we might vlattoulldcrs lit 1965. 7 rooms and 2% We tuneiii an early call on TI this gracious executive bone* newest listing and available on school closing. construction something "right" for you — evuM|Vu TFmlhB all on 1st floor plus rec room — can we show you Call now for full f you may want to only inv«P Mjitnil adjoining study below maira. hot wotor — bawboard in a few acres now for futuaftfi .^ots of basement space for a work information. consideration. ' *" *Thnp, Good attic storage with full Brick and frame Ranch. 3 bed- the area and the plans? hoat ' itairs. Centrally air conditioned. roomi, 2 bathi, Panelled family ontranco hall Sylvan Pool. Circular drive. Owners room. Wwtfleld. STUMIHQ TWWIVEL RANCH "transferred. 586,500. A magnificent house (22x14) living room AND ANOTHER $W,fOO in a top location. L thapod dining room WILLUN A. CURK NIW LISTINO big, bfa modorn Iclfchon Eekarl Associates HEAITOU In wychwood on a manicured lot overlooking LAWRENCI AVE. panwlod tamlly room «* Av«, Wnl. Echo Lake Golf Course — 6 Rooms (3 bed- 2 full baths Inc. 232*2500 SUPERS LOCATION! Brick and" frame Gape built by rooms, 2 baths) all on one floor and a family Tbli elaiile shiny bright center Henry Weit. Large lot. 4 throo twin ilzo bodroomi In tha avaninff, »l*n* tstt Tw hill colonial nwtlM «a Part- roonii, 2 bathi.'165,000. room, 4th bedroom, powder room and double RMlfors » historic Westfleld extremely con- rldte nun In » levely Moatala- M0 amp/220v sorvlco to Jr. Hij;h. Magnificent slde "on the slop*" ares • . . garage at grade level. An excellent value and wall to wall 233-2222 style split level. 9 lnrgp lUvinf the irue center hill WlllUm l.w. Htr 3 baths. 2 lnvs. overalnd flow plin, it I^di Itoel! te should be seen quickly. carpotlng Includod e • • . space fnr 2 CadillacB family convenience ana ewiy «•• 223 Ltnox Av«nm Williim'A. Clsrlr, it. .. 23>.74tt., stornge! Cent mil v air cnndl- terUinlng , , . First tt—r den, August 1st possosslon tioned. Flans tone pnrcli ns well ns big living raom wl(h natelleel 2 FAMILY l patio. Grape nrnor! Tt's In firenUce, powder mm . .. The WBSTFIILD lot Is (90x150) nciiRO. Attractively priced at kitchen (modern) bus uparatu Recentl redecorated. Larce apart- oxtra tpocial — call now 93,700. eating area for tha family . , , ments. Good investment, weitfleld. "THE CAPTAIN Play ftpace In the baaemeat* $65,000. COLONIALS asking $64,5001 Htorase apac« up the •lairs t* the attic , . . Attached teal 159,900 raall bouse for the blk*a and the BUILT IN BRffiNTWOOD" tools . . . Three twta be*> MARY PALMER rooiM . . . The lot la a riot $•4,900 of flowerlni; tree*, abrubn, etc REALTOR GOLFER'S DELIGHT we wgr> your quick call and CAROL RD. Spacious older home will arrange an appointment. 1958 Split Level. Larcp rooms, Planned to overlook the Pacific. Ocean from Danker & Danker, $41,500 bedrooms, 2>,i bathi. 967,900. atop a rocky cliff. This exciting and most un- in top condition. Just usual home is sure to stir your interest and Inc. SHAOOWLAWN DRIVE [n pretty Fanwond nn an easy-to- reduced and owner imagination. To the original six-room house, • .•are for lot lhat will allow nmple 149 Elmtr StrMt Ime for golfinc. Mother will ltkp the present owners added a beautiful wing, not A spacious center hall Dutch Colonial in !he modern kitchen with Its ad- SPACIOUS CAPE COD ready to head South* prim? location. Living room Is 13x24 with lofninff birch pnnelied family room. LARGE LOT visible from the street, containing 2 more bed- 232-4M8 colonial fireplace — opens on to a jHrepince In the living ronm; for- screened porch; dining room; sun mal dininpt room: screened porch: $61,900 Many trees. Centrally atr condi- rooms, bath, and panelled family room with 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, porch; library or den; modern kitchen 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. tioned, 4 large bedrooms, 2M baths, bowed window and a delightful 34* open portico. with eating area: 4 bedrooms; 3 baths: Thin delightful rambler fu- Weatflcld. jfo.900. Onf/ 2 half baths: recreation room and 2 car tures four twin bedrooms iad 9 rooms — 5 bedrooms — 3U baths — 2 and the entire home garage. A lovely home for {66,500. three full baths . , . There la a pretty fireplace In the Mg porches — patio — towering shade trees — tastefully decorated. luclalla A. Cahrlain .. JM.7M4 liritij; room and the dining- brick and hand hewn shake construction. Don't room bus Apace for a bit; fam- Fhranc* KMuyM 232*2975 ily ... The kltcaea ftU nene«wr ask to *'drive by" — you must go in. We'll Do call for more in- EXQUISITE and ban good dlnlnr facllltleo BOULEVARD . . . There IK a hure jrlaiaed- gladly supply complete details, too! U« Oanbr ...... 232-1144 MARY PALMER screened porch . . , The tw* Stucco and Panel Colonial. 4 bed- formation. MOUNTAINSIDE I car Karate Is attached . . , rooms, 2*4 baths. Redecorated and O. DMktr 23M144 We would enjoy ihewlnf yon. In excellent condition. $71,900. REALTOR It's a beauty! It has gentle cleva tion! It'8 quiet and safe for chil- "FRENCH PROVINCIAL" 233-4500 dren! It's very spacious! Do let ( * us show you! $79,500. 250 North Avenue W. Ltfltl PARK-LIKE LOT $69,900 YESI IT IS $115,000 "Down by tha Station" Large Split for large family. 5 Unique 3-year old French Provincial located on Lee K. Waring twin-size bedrooms, 3 baths. Cen- over an acre in nearby Warren Township. Tradi- Momb«r of W«itflold and Somanat Ceunly POSSIBLE tral air. Westfleld. $78,900. REALTOR PALE YELLOW! tional center entrance design includes generous Indian Forest area of Multipla Llttinfl Sarvicci. $39,200 living room with slate hearth fireplace and for- 15 E. Broid StrMt "On ft pretty, park-like street In To find A nit* home In Weit* mal dining room, both ideal for entertaining. Westfield. 4 bedrooms, VVeslCJold on larcer-than*usual lot. field under 140,000 * * . Three Other highlights . . . sparkling electric kitchen 3 bedrooms, 2 baths; panelled den; spnclout bedrooniH, bath-and- FAIRHILL RD. 2 baths plus a 2 room 2 pa tfos: sun deck; even a spot balf , * , Porch . . . Lovely with breakfast area . . . master bedroom with WESTFIELD GARDENS (or the garden tools. $49,900. new pntto . « . Panelled fire- Unusual. 5 bedrooms, 3^ baUie. One place wall In living room * , , portion of the house can be a sep- wood burning fireplace and French doors to Clone to everything: Trains, and bath suite — all WE HAVE JUST LISTED THIS TNE JOHNSON AGENCY, ING. niiti, ftchoolpi, etc. « , . May we arate apartment. $84,000. rear deck. For complete details of this new list- show? iIMMACULATE BRICK FRONT ing, call our Liberty Corner (Basking Ridge) on the 2nd floor. Tru- COLONIAL STYLED CAPE ON A REALTORS 1NSURORS office today ... 647-5700. IBSAtmFtJLLY LAND SCAPED \y an outstanding LOT.

    home — one of a kind. THIS UNUSUAL LISTING OF- DKLUXK RANCH on nn ncro lot south sldo Scotch Plains. Five bod- FERS COMPLETE ONE FLOOR rooms, 2»4 batfis. Conlor hnll plan, sptielous livhw room^ torraril iinlng Make an appointment LIVING WITH THE ADD13D room, fnmlly room with fireplace opDnln^fc lo red woo tt deck, 18' ultra FEATURE OF HAVING AN EX- modorn kltcncn. cnllng urea, Rlttss doors k a!ilng to patio irnd in-ground tionl arcn. Full M«h dry seml-flnlsheil buscnioni, two cur gnruKe. A today — you won't re- TftA TWO BEDROOMS, SITTING* lovely easy tn keop Juime. S87.500, HOOM AND BATH WHEN NEED- ED ON THE SECOND FLOOR. COLONIAL oluhl well HIDTIIK. Vour hcdnvmiH wlih the fourtur h gret it. pmieJtori ittirt strludrstrludrdd *m tliird floor ff*r (hut irouuKiT. LurRO living v I i NANCY F. REYNOLDS THE LOVELY FIRST FLOOR IN- rnDm, fhvplarL'. rnt-in fitiilv Jiiudtrn klti luni» I1L II plus firreoJtLdd porclll . Pretly Wwtflclcl uvcii 5-12*500. PEARSALL CLUDES ENTRANCE FOYER, BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROOM WITH ilin-c l>«111 tfnlor hail Hiillt Icvrl in SIonchLMi^e, A ASSOCIATES, INC. y twn bi'ilrtimn PIHK linlli sullo i-n ihi- third level. In uikiltlnn to tht? JOY BROWN, INC. FIREPLACE, DINING nOOM, NF3W i?r»de li?vel rnmlly rnnm Ihi-rt* Is ;innlhi-r 22' family room -Hi the , REALTORS AND BARRETT & CRAIN KITCHEN. MASTKR BEDROOM, flour. treniemliiiiH ulirn nnuU'rn kllrhrn, tlvln« room flropliKT. A REALTOR D1SN AND V/j TILED BATHS ti> live In ii Ji 1)1 nil I In* dilidmn art? ^rnwn. ?7H90(> REALTORS PLUS A GLASS AND SCREENED 1 FRANKENBACH K VOU ou HIP xory min'Oiilcnl, wry uWvucUw IAWVIVUVV AvcMiut 302 East Broad Strait Mtmbtr Of Th» PORCH, 1 Int. nrrn, O>mpli*lc onr flimr Mvln^ of five moniN. I /. hitihK, two iwlli JllWfl "Thrai Colonial Offices" 5prr>tul floor btMlrnnms EIDEI \vMh> inUmaivtl nitrrli [wu car Marn»n. Wntflild, N. J. MultlpU Listing System THE IMSKMKNT IK CDMPLKTK- Jtuili for imwni nwnrrs hy r>rimilnrn( VVVslflf/il hufldiT. 105*000, LY* FINISHED AND T1I10 TWO 232-6300 ESTA1U5HED 1922 Wulflild - Meuntilmld* WESTFIELD 232-1100 CAR OARACIK IS ATTACHED. H - ciiDipui-t, nnnl, L'li-nn, n-ndy tn uxuvr inln m \ | n*»l fur fnnn Wyrliwnml ^i-niir Krlnml. Sl\ minus plus livmondnuA MulttpU Ltitlng Mtmbari CALL FOR AN APOINTMKNT Scotth Plaint — "snwverf Patrick D. Mlneoua ,.. 232.44*1 M. D, SIM.J, Jr 332-0541 nirni rnoni, l "^ hnihs. LM* KIICIIIMI phis ruling aiv«; lovely rmr : Nancy F. Reynolds NOW ! ]>*iilly nlr clLtlml slDOiu 112ElmS»rMt Haial I. W*rri 2334913 Cdm Mlnoaui 3)2-9331 JAMES J. DAVIDSON Olga Graf 115 Elm Strut Gior|a O. Craita 93I41IS Oterg* P, Rlchardi 27«'1?M INC W-itfltld, N. J. William C. Taylor 333.6737 Marie Elste 201 - 232-4700 REALTORS Joan Thomas 233-5555 Any tlm« MOUNTAINSIDE 233-1100 254 1. Broad WutfUld Lee K. Waring THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. Evtntngi onlyt REALTOR REALTORS Alice Fife Ivanlnpti Ouy D. Mulford 332-7835 Rooar D. Uvt, Jr 3327921 Mr•. Aim Bruca Conlln, ,233-7323 232-7000 Mytle Jenkins Mr.. Dorti Mithltnan .. 2)2-9401 Hnrbart J, Irlen 233.1440 Richard M. Corbat 332>IMI 15 E. Broad Street 26 Prospect Street 232-0300 Mrt, Alfhlld W. Mlchslion "NIXT TO RIALTO THIATRS" Mn. Illsibtth Flynn ,, 331SJ40 A. O. RB0an, Jr 232.0929 R. R. Birratt, Jr., C'M ., 333753* Carol Motnot 332.7739 232-7402 Louise B. Johnson — 232-0302 Mn, Dorli Oragg 3»l-34»4 LIBERTY CORNER (BASKING RIDGE) . . 647-5700 Ivs'i. Onlyt Mtmbtr Mri, Janat D, RUchlt 233-4730 L. Dean Johnson, Jr. — 232-4769 Mn, AJdlt Chilian .... II9-90M William Auitln 7767198 M. D.lmar » ,,,. 233-4730 MEMBERS Multiple 11 Hind Mo nib or Moris Ollgnnnoii - 232-0565 Wtitflald - Fanwooal - Mn. tlllm Wslcith ,.. A54 3910 Sandra Barron 233.»SIA Mri, Jtintlla Fidorocko 233.8332 EVENING PHONES Scotch PUInt — Mounlilnsldt 233-4644 Mitmtior of Muttlpls lining S/ilim Mn. Ruth D. Raid 232.9181 Mn, Rtbicea Pidin .... AS4-47S5 WE5TPIELD - MOUNTAINSIDE - SC, PLAINS - FANWOOD Ruth BsrmUin Relocation Sarvlca SOMERSET COUNTV Dorli Boylt 33S-3O39 CiUb HotJgt* 232-7399 ant) Jack W. Cirntntar .... 332.0741 Mri. J«/ Irown 7444014 "RID CARPET SERVICE" Mr. Oirntr Br»wn .,., 744-4014 Multiple Lilting System Bsrbsrs Davidson ,..., 233*909/ Birlon Dliehoff 232-1615 N.lbrmldo FIND-A-HOMS S«rvlc* Inc. Ivarten f> Painall ,,, 232X ftlALTOft plus not o must. Literal Store noa-nmnkin^ nmrrlid rtsident of April A.D, W2, upon the applica- Wett/leld Scotch Plains, Mountain* tion of the unaersJsned. as Aamii counts and benefits. Apply: KD BeiretBry part to of t s side or Fanwood, 25-35 ago bracket s ety part istratrlx of thh e estate of stud ie- *O« MKVt In proles»ionai x with reaJ estate sales experience or time afternoons, Houru s flilflexible, WcslflcKL Call 232-7033. 5-18-tf oea, hby gh to the iftfi aUH AIM —Westfield. Professional suite, air Office selling background. Please scud WslflKL Cll 2327033 518f creditors uf said deceased to ex- "wrcwwooo" WWW conditioned, approximately 700 sq12. 4 W Fronl St. Pla infield retume to R. K. Barrett, Jr., c/n rtfbll to tfie buOscrlber under oath ft. Presently occupied by physician, B«rr«i.l & Grain. Inc., Realtors. 2 or affirmation their clalm« and de- imttt Internist. Consisting of walling New Pmvldence Rd.( Mountainside, CLtiBK mands against the estate of »ald deueasud within s\\ months from thu room, buBiness oHlce. private office. — Cumptinion with 4-80-tf Full permanent pposition . p fcw n 2 treatment rooms, laboratory and N.J, t ih daU o( ttttld order, or they wilt be '• »* » « location. Built in '53, of krkfc car. Tnr adult lady. Live in — own r perton with lomc office forever barred from prosecuting or *« in please* to otter an ALL ONE FLOOH lavatory. Availablr June-July. For mom. bath, TV, pint salary. Call background, whom we can train details phone 232-2110 or 232-21W Lhi* same against mM vat-half bath home. Enlranot vtstlfeirtt. lim, MAMT SCHOOL COLONIAL «fU>r 19 hunn. References. Muun- PAST TIMK SBC'BKTAKY — lawCar Interesting and varied dutlos in .vteg room with fireplaot sni oicUlrt window; Adi UtliisldL*. 232-4715. 5-11 21 sali'S iiudil and authorization. Lib- subscriber. r Uttf kitchen with brtakfut "t". Bmlw stein to orrice. Short hand and typing re- oral store dlstrounis and boncfitg. Mery C. Quinn Twit kuMMentMet;; hoajajee centrallcentraly airconditions*air-conditions*; aatt - S §f DROOM* dulr«d. C«I1 Philip Ox, 227 E. Broad Apply; Admlnlitratrlx y qualitl y appointments andd feature*ft , llajll r we alul m office, first floor, St> 332-5587. , J-ltssinn. Keitncly 3 rooms. 550 sq. ft,.. .poBwsslon can cleaning wurian Mraanfne and Dorment, Attorneys tATMS for 6 hours every other weok. Ri'f- 124 W. Front SL L EM-hange Place be arranged. *175 monthly. West- erences. Call 23a-302€. 4-27-lf (Ml* FRIDAY position. Part-time, Plainficld Jersey CKy, N. J. ncid. 9 lo 3f live duyg week. Bright wom- Few TIVI MDtOOOMS" IXOM orrRK H or an needed ti> run small engineering FOR SALE NOTItE FIT EH: Westfleli, northstde. In cen LBGAL »EC«ITAEV — experienced, office In Westfleld. Typine, light Tike notice lhal Stop Convenience bookkt'ppinf:- Opening early June. Food Stores, Inc. a New Jersey cor- tral business district. 4.000 skills must be excellent; icewral law Call belwren 9 und 3, 232-2437- On • UUOaUO UO plor t with a detached 2-car gagarageg (atpar&t(fjea room for feet In all, 40** wideM, hiwhichh can beexperience, mortgages, estates, etc.. poration, 20 Highland Ave.. Metuch- bicydai), tntniwv vestibuleu, , center halla,, MM livliivliu room with bayy, , divided Into 2 stores, for example, •alary |1BO; yearly bonus on merit; ?n. N, S*. has applied ta LliP Mayor ** JMsjIjr home, built of stucco with genuine slat* roof. U dlalur wilfifcc fireplacefil , largl e •todcrd nlsM ttdttidttfl andd powder ol 2.000 sq. ft. each. Available Au- 5 day week, excellent working con- from designers like Dior m\<\ Council uf llu* Town nf W«t- g"IV*ft«M« and spacious living with a minimum of «pkees>. rooso a o* first; fo«r bedroosbd u andd Ttw o saodcrd n tiled bathbhs on secondd; gust 1. ditions, summer vacation. Reply Box TIMK I,A»V — Telephone at wholesale rnst and field, N, J- for ihlay- 67, tr/t> The wesifield Leader. 50 rallB from your own home Phone HKOTMAVK K.4HKHS Mmlicd Retail ntstrlbutlon license, to sehoolB, transportation and shopping. The ever KRt'OND »UM>« OVHK. 7.000 tq. Elm Si re ft. Wcetflld. 4-6-tf bills paid. You rail customer and for premises sliimted ;il 727 Central Ivss entree' to a very large livins; roosa wtta flra- room. ft, air conditioned, available about Rt. 22F N. PlalnfloJd—755-€917 mail advertising envelope as follow 1-20-If Avenue,. Westrield N. J. nlng room; 33' den slso with fireplace; powder Good ar good house recently lovingly redecorated, closa to town July 1. Close to municipal parking up. Gnnd pay- Short hours. Steady Nnm« of officers und directors sn and separate breakfast room. A total of A**—! well «wortr lot. Inexpensive. work. Write Box 75, c/o The Wwt- baths above-stairs, (master bedroom has It's own ABE seeking experienced pro- i»f the corporatJon are as follows: 4 L HANDOLPM-WEIGHAN CO. field Lcadpr, 50 Elm SL, WeUfteld. President; Alvln R'«?l>off, Vice uiaand separate stall shower). Hot water-oil hsat; two fessional sales help In women* and U'EKTKIKM) AST Asfliuitaion Out- PresidentPresiden : Lt^> Wilson and Arthur brick patio, etc. — wonderful for a largt, STOWIM Junior apparel either full or part door Art Show, sale and cultural Kramer, Secretary: Henry Koto- lion can ba by mid-summer. 153 MoyuUin Avc, Weslflrld time. In addition to experience. day (art demonitrations, twirl*?rsf burkl. Tfeasurer: Alvln Rochoff- LOVILY TUDOR 232-mm: evenings 233-3354 patience, 1nUiatf State of New Jerjty. r* Commission, Acme St., Elizabeth, N.J. 735-8522. - >ut from the home office of HEu- EXK< tTIVi: NKCKKTAEY for local 5-11-31 U.KIN, Jnc, ut. 330 New Park Ave- THE ftALLERY OF HOMES ISM MVHV NFEC1A1* Convertible— Mon, to Frl, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Heal Estnte und Insurance office. IJurlford. Cnnnpctlcllt 00101. Good operating condition 9900. Call Prefer woman in mld-twentles or ininicK :• nd residences of BII older whr> Is IntereRted In long The und dlrt-ctors who have no On pretty Partridge Ran, thfs home has 1% baths, a first floor den, RAM? — Bubee-Tenda, >lh(T nanii'd office tire: Stuart D. a btMttnil plot of land and Is a pretty sight. The kttchtn Is modern; JAMTOK — for Ashbrook public term afrillutlun and who can Ukt lmi (lifth«. hand lawn golf course; permanent job; 40 hour responsibility. Should have profici- kltrhtMi Wawon, 5 Sunny Reach Drive, Wc*i It's available by tht an* of June; taxn art fl.oao. momower, , llnenii. planp t stand, manyy r»rlford. Connecticut 06117. Presl- MftTU 'U ClN«nle — wire wheels, week; full benefit package, includ- ent secretarial nkllls and be fsm- d X It J two tops, Rood condition. Call Bill ing pension, hospital!zat 1 on, etc. APIlla* r with general insurance, or beodd 'n ends, Xmas Itoms, Jewelry, jBnt: Chrblophw W. Carrluolo, 77 Brows* through 273-9842. Summit, ply union County Park Commission, willing tt> learn. Salary commen- pajnes. May 23, 24, hnuri 10 to 4Stony Corners. Avon, Connecticut ot 001 Summit AvcM Wntfleld. 06001, Corporule Group Vice Pptsl- Personnel Dept. Acme Street Eliz- surate with experience. Reply We*t- dent; Paul R. Doht. Tak-utt Notch our Full Color •ITTY L. WIIOMAN abeth, Mon. - Frl., 10 a.m. to 3 p.mfleld Leader, Box No. 80. Road. FarmlnjitoH. CimnecUcut. Cor- IMI PONTIAC HONNEVHXB — 2 R. door hardtop. Real clean, fully RU punch bow) andponitt* CIroupp VIiu* President: Barryy Display of Hornet I m. RM. 2S3-U54 equipped, air. One Owner. Must CUM |35t fuot locker 112, Mission Rowkfk , 27 PllsrlPlll m RoadRd, WWestt sell. After S call 382-2918. oak desk $45, ittfel office desk |S0r Hartford. CtHinfctltut. 06117, Cor- set nf 5 tall spindle back rune seat piirutt' Group Vice President; Ed- chairs $12 ea., net of < Ice irream ward 1.. Hennnssy. Jr., 80 Sumei tr- parlor rh.iirs $25, shutters 93, pr =*arm Riwid. WPSI. Hnrtdird, Cnn- STATION WAfiOY, 1K6 OLI>N wairnn whoel on post !S25, rerriL'- lee-tk-ul 061O7. Senior VIPC Presl- Vista Cruiser VB, 8 paisen«*r, PB/ CLERICAL POSITIONS «rfllor wllh *?r*»s top freezw 145, * J Fsy tssWy drnt: Richard M. Odter. 47 We»t PSf automatic tranBinUsiont radio, SPRING HAS SPRUNG Oak cpflnr chest leather vovorei $28, Short' Bl TIburnnIb . Amsft M. C WistmsH »M*M low miles, Rood tires. Call 232-3845, Vlftorlnn lovr» srnt S8S, Brnss head :nltr(»rnln iM92n. Senior Vlw Prenl- ."I YOUR OWN after 7 p.m. AND THE JOBS ARE OPENING} S48, Twin solid mahojrftny di'nl; Bruno C. Solnri. .Lnrkmead !>eds $65t Selection of gnrden Luili'. P.O. Br)\ 262, Sl^ Hcltflii. Htrt't • bou^utt «f 3 bMutlful petitions to Ciillfornln 94574, Senior Vice Prenl- o ANTIQUES BKSAfM 8HOF dent; John R, Blfon*-, 31 Chestnut COUNTRY CLUB chooto froml Each ono Is m buMInf ft / Myrr*vll»*, N, 0t Mill Rnnd, Slmsbury, Connretlcul 06070, Virt* President: Jtweph M. • i Ity to oarn oxtra monoy to ftnwtco SpHng Open Frl.*, 8irt..nnrt SUIK from 10-5 SAYHE HOMRSTKAU HcGurry M I-^yard Road. W««i this wmnwr right m ytw *wn yard artuntf actlvltlos. U1-1U9 lartford. Connecticut 0$117. Vlrn ELSIE BETZ, RiaHir SUMMITS H «> ^resident: John M. Tyaon, Jr.. 47 thtt far** Imly ptol, with rff 2 cataftM, Mid covers for clocks and tf WentwiHid RiMid. W'eit Hartford, frill ovsiriwfcim the Mlf court*. Tht IWUM I Ines, bowls and pltoherff, crt*c)u and SKTTI.K KSTATK — House furn- Connerllciil 06117. Vice. Prcslderit; (Mswhsr •» tfr* Mvltlpls UtiUm 1 much glass, also Castor sets, |j*hncs" — Oriental rutfn, China, hn J, Moran, 427 ideal for Boy Scuuts camping, cop- other Hems. 232-3984 or 232^)414. Jorrtjin I*RIK\ Welhersfleld. Cnn- dmfng room; Ii/ kHchan and family room am STATELY 1$ THE WORD per pots, mirrors, furniture, dishes U'ul 06109, Vice President; Chnr- Musscr, Coalport, Dressen and Mln- les J. Herbert 28 Balnbcldue ROHCK iimoVy and mud room. Tho tocond floor pro- for this handsome, well cared*for house on Mountain lon, fireplace equipment, palntlnes; FIGURE CLERKS sroDi: rBnjriniid) fnr soto 2.500 Wrst Hitrtfnrd. ConnecTlrut 06110. Mir twin slxod bedrooms (Thro mattor Is Avenue. Really big rooms, (23 foot den) with center and prints, clocks, chairs In assort-! pieces hulf r>rlcp. Add or complete Vice President: GcorKe Cnnpar. SC hall plan, five bedrooms, three baths. rd woods, pine cabinot (Iarjre 2| Good with figures ynur sol hi all earlhonware paW Stony Corners. Avon. Connecticut ami 2 fully tHod baths. An aero lot with pool door), easel 6* il^h, chest of druw-j terns. Also In Snodc 4 qt, tureens. 06001. Secretary; Leo Faeclola, 5716 AH In good taite. crs. Also nursery atock, . ! 8 nlnt IPH kettles. ,1ugs. tea andAvrnuo O.. Brooklyn. New York on a daad and strsot In Scotch Plains. $19,900, HJ1.900 Modern murblelzcd fireplace with coffee sols. Many old dale marks 11234. AsslsUint Secretary: Robrrt O. built-in marvtel, made by William GENERAL CLERKS 3810. At 104 North Owsto John. 3319 Nr»rth Columbus Siren, Jackion. N. Y. Ave., N. J, Call after Arlington, Virginia. Assist ant Srcrc- tnry: Russell D. Kelly. 3385 Ivnn DlrMtlons: Ashwood Ave,r to Jef- 2 p.m., 722-4022, ] ferson School, turn rteht along side Good typing skills WHV, Mountain View. California PRETTY HOUSE ON PARTRIDGE RUN school uphill to end of road, 3rd !Ml«0. AsslKtanl Secretary: Leiih P. CENTER HALL house pust mail boxes. Kiinwlcs. Jr., 75i Columbia Drive, All jobs offfor fIno s>jarlts and oicctllont btno- Kl-KA MARKtiT — t, S Mtt , CUtt u StM A Yo«ng I4css stvrvaA* this seven room Colonial Alto miuti itttrany locks yo* dis 1O to 4, Vdimriorf fn Stotfon, San Mmttsn. CmUtaint* , and save. , 4-6-tf fifs- fncliMnM a 'MwwNHfffkOr oaflffy accoasrJMo Antiques, crafts, etc. MlftnntItt 9S(tary; ClmieaT ... .—..«An-- top to bottom. A perfect example of what that young Spnnnnrtd by 2 Hawk* f^ane. Slnis- suburban location an* wnllmltost siaditOiilfHi Pnnu'ond-Scntch Plnlns Jnyrow, TOmaid. Jr.. COLONIAL executive on his way up should have. bury, CoJinwcllcul, AMtlUnt Sevre- to grow with our promota-from-wHhln policy. doiilorK For Informtiiimi calt 889- tary: Wtlllum'C Tealc. "Jr., 3flf)O S59.500 • SUSINSSS SERVICES • srn.- Juniper Drive. Concord, Callfornfii Truly an opportunity to own a boautlful homo In a Apply Porsonnol Dopartmtnt any wookday, !M521. AsilcUitii Secretary; Rlehirrt G. Troop. 84 Old Meadow Pin! 11 faoautHul socHon of Wostflold. Planklno tho wldo ONE FLOOR LIVING ON CAMIXTKRV SHd FIXTURKS — 8:45 AM to 4:45 PM. If; «Xl,K — Thurs. nnd Prt^Road. WeatOKUe, Connecticut 06089, contor hall Is a 24 x U living room with flroplaco _ _ Custom built for Jinnies, oflices und May 18 nnd 19. Hours 9 to 5 atAssistant Secretary; Joseph J. Wlnle- stores. Formica Is our speclulty. 177 Plcnsnnt Ave., Fun wood (across Icr. 6431 ShadowJawn. Dearborn a largo formal dining room. Thoro Is a tromondous LAWRENCE AVENUE Free estimates, plunnlnc and dc- BtiTom th eSenlo r HciRhts Mlchlgtiii 48127. Assistutil slpnlriR. Cull — Laminated Indus- J Secretary; John G. Graham, Wat- kltchon with broakfast room, and a butlors pantry and Unexpectedly lnrge rooms In this brick trimmed Capj tries. 753-2622. 4-27-41 •us Point Road. Old Say brook, Con- Cod, four bedrooms, two and a half bathi, jalouslM a lavatory* Tho socond floor provldss 4 spacious bod- porch — all In a picturesque setting. 25 DaPorast Avanua loctlcut OM75. Treaiurer; Frank W. • * _ Schumnrher. 296 Vallejo Drive, Mlll- rooms and 2 full baths. Thoro Is also a lovaly scroonod 969,000 XKROX OOPIK8 CAMNKTKY and fixtures — Cus- Summit, N. J* while you wait orac. California S4O30, Assistant porch. 2 car gorago and 100 amp sorvlco. You shoul tom built for homes, ufflces and Trensurer; Gone R. Ehnon. 11 stores. Formica Is our specialty. cmiHTT PRINTING ^everkntflli. Avon. Connecticut roally soo this homo to appreciate ifs slxo and spac Manufacturer — direct to you. Free Oppuriiinltr Employer Elmer Street 06001. Controller; Edward H. Cham- estimates, planning and dosleninR. ld — 232-8393 bers, 330 West Mountain Road. Sims- $51500. ^ ELSIE BETZ, lie. Call Lumlnated Industries, 753-2622, iVIB-tf bury Connecticut 06070. Assistant Controller; Thomas D. Chrosnliik, Jr. 5-lS-tf 34 Hickory Lane. W«t Hertford. REALTOR EMPLOYMENT Conncollcut 061O7, Aultlant Con- • REAL ESTATE SALE • • RIAL ESTATE SALE • • RIAL ESTATE SALE • WANTED iroller. 202 Mountain Avmut Directors: Dewalt H. An ken y. 6J)2 H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. Weal Kerndale Road, Wayzaln. Min- Ttkphont 232-1422 WOJSAS wouludd llkp hnusowork 3 nesota 55391; John Ynunc Brown. WtSTFIElO or 4 ddayy s "weekweek.. Please call after Jr.. 5811 Orion Road, Lftulsvillc, FANWOOO 7:47455 pp.m. , 756-65297566529, Kentucky 40232; Christopher W. Htstl Its* JJ1WJ41 Town Country I 5-38>2t Carrluolo, 77 Stony Corners, Avon, 291 Nsrth 2Sa Sauth Avenue 1 Connecticut 06001; Peter M. Fraser, Mftrlwt KlitlttM 2U4097 1161 Prospect Avenue. West Harl- Experlenrcd BAIIV SITTKR homp nrd Connecticut 06105; Edward H. 233-0065 322-7700 Constant* Oavii 332-1035 from collcEo wants Jobs anytime ayy 2 U 3 3 no J any Hamnt, Route 5, Wayzata. Minne- OUrta KUtfM* M24JSI K?&J? I \ ? ??. PPleasl e call sota 55301; Leon W. Human, 26510 AMttl PARKING BOTH OFFICERS 233-0365 nnd nsk for Nnncy. Altamont Road. Lot Altos Hills. Dwrls Sw«tnty 2H42t9 California 9M02; Ralph A. Hart. IvSS. SflljM 500 SI mi bury Road. Bloomfloitt, Con- Eltl« Bttz 233-0449 • LOST AND FOUND • necticut 06002: John G. Martin.

    Ksy ls«fka ... ' • • • 232 411a Johnny Cake Mountain Road, Bur- Ungtnn. Connecticut 06065; Arthur • X ••ftp Hsmjrt** IIM5I4 LOST — Blue point Siamese cat A. MUllsui. 533 Fernvood Drive. lals WMiA ... 75541)1 wrln blue mlliir wllh bells. Five Ovnard. California S3030; William H. r- d r°r return. Please tfortensen, 22 WampaooaR Drive, fifth Tiylar . 3M7195 SPACIOUS 6 BEDROOM COLONI- LAMK center hull colonial In ex- call C54-3M3, Vest Hartford. Connecticut 06117; AL. FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS cellent norlhslde location. Living 5-18-2t Francos Heubleln O'Dell, (Mrs. W. Judith Xsaa • » » * 2IM44S CARPETED. 2 BATHS, DEN, RECroom with fireplace, formal dlnlnK room, modern kitchen, dinette, pow- IT. Sterg). Po«t Office Box 678, Juts ROOM. EAT* IN KITCHEN, WOOD Waterloo Road. Devon. Pennsyl- 232-524* BURNING FIREPLACE IN LIVING der room, sunporch and screen INSTRUCTIONS vania 19333; Richard M. Oster, 47 Marie* MIHwster 32J- ROOM, FORMAL DINING ROOM, porch on first: 4 bedrooms, 2 West Shore Road, Belvedere, TJ- 2 ENCLOSED PORCHES. GRANT baths on 2nd: 5ih bedroom or play- >uron, California 94930; Barry M. Urfriay MsUn*ii 233M5* SCHOOL AREA. MID 50'S. POSroo- m plus cedar closet und storage B.A. IN KNfl. wlJl help In paper Rowles, 27 Pilgrim Road, West Hart- SESSION UJULLY 1st. NO BROK- nn 3rd, Low fiO's. For sale By writing, exam prep, or other aca- ford. Connecticut 06117: Lester E. ERS PLEASE. CALL 232-43982324398. nwner. Absolutely no brokers. Call demic problems. Call Dennis 232- Shlppee, 9th District Road. Somers, 5-18-25 1 233-8987. $37,900 5724. Ml-Zt Connecticut 06071; Bruno C. Solarl. Mountainside Westfield .nrkmead Lane, P.O. Box 282, St. Helena. California M574; Robert L. entrance foyer split gra- 4 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms Pleasure GUITAR Trescher. 445 MutbetTy LKIB, Haver- cious homa for living and enter- PrlvntB Lesson* — 3Todern Mrthnd* 'ord, Pennsylvania 19041- Stuart D. taining, 4 bedrooms, z% baths, flr#- • VACATION PLACES • 1ft year* prafCMlonnl unit tench In •; Wulapn, 5 »inny Reach Drive. West cAlanJolinstoih, Inc. plnce, living room, dining room, su- 2 Baths! $57,500! Unlimited ! exnerRnce. Cull 28S-2HS28S2HSO ffoo r pre-Tnrtford- , Connecticut OtH\tt Wllllsm per storage kitchen, family room, llllmlnnrl y ii|ttttihltttl n IInlerrlcw. pre- T. Ynune, a Chimp Road, Lexing- •'REALTOREALTORR. play room, panelled den, central In u acuity rollltiK Hrcii of wind- C!nn»lnLts nnd wllh u certain vyn Hre csncclallv pleased to <> ton, Kentucky 40600. "GRAFTON, VT" ln« strcete and pretty residential "charm" Is this remndcled early "tvr \\x\n rttmbllnK true "New ]2-30-tf nir conditioning: and vacuum clcnn- 5urrr Bnort&r period* Crrslwimrt nron of Scntrh PIJUIIK In nn i>\t*ellcnt rcslncntlul nrcn dollKlitful ficreoned porch and Newark, New Jersey 3 baths. 2 acres. Askinp $79,900. Call («125/wk.^ for other months (fnm- yimr Inspoctlnn. Our^besl and easy lo ace by railing. Eve's: fliiKSltine pntlo. Listed at $84,900, evenlnga 5 to 8 p.m., 755-1787. al ymr p and vwy nnd all Ihc rent includlnK tliD MleB only). Call 233-1800 and ask PIANO I.KSHONSt TAVtilfT BF KX- HEUBLEIN INC. $71,900 for Ml§s GaillRitn. 42fMf this price. EVC'B: 755^1809, 233-551B. built in charm we hiive saved fnr Pi;itlKN('Kl> .MI'MiriANN,, DAY OR M0 New Pwk Avemie yfiur inspwllnn. Eve's: 233-1207. KVKNIXO I^LASSKK. YOlllt 1IOLNI-; Hartford, Connecticut. Sot IIko it fine jewel among tall WATCH UNO MTBs 5-1H-2! Fees $57.60 trees and spacious lawn, this au- OK MINK, HtifilXNKRS r i thentic Tudor will captivate you French Provincial NT. rilOMAM, VIRGIN IHI.AMJH- COMK. OAIX 7IS-2UI7. 2-17-tf SOTWK TO CREDITORS on» you enter the wide hall ana Luxurious villa ft ccom mod Minns with Estnte of ROBERTR. LINCOLN, is out of fight... nrivHle bonchf tennis nnd nrmld scrv- glimpse the hand hewn timbers. Ire, Leave your aires behind nnd lot1 Wooded Will You d tlie nrfler Of MARYC msislv* fireplace, and random It's tucked in amonff the beau- Mountainside • PETS FOR SALE • tsRWHSPi - . - width oak floors. First floor of- tiful rolJInji hills of Warren, An ele-the gentle lappint' nf I ho sea lull KANANE, Surrojrate of the County fers a large living room, formal gant hrlck/frnme center hall homo. you lo Kiecp, Knjoy broakftisl nn Wonderland of Unlnn, mnde on the 12lh day of dining room, enclosed den, newly 3 spacious bedrnomflr (master bod- your own spurious private? bl Deluxe Ranch Or Won't You MINIATIIRK Sf ||NAI7,KU TVVH — Mny A.D., 1972, upon the application modernlMd kitchen with adjoin- room complete with drcfltlnp room with bronth tnklnIki K pnnoramlc view Mule line! Femtllt> AKC. Cnll 756-4439 of tho undcnlgned. AH Executor of nnd wood-burnintf flreplncet, CUB- of faofiullful Cowpet Bay, Men I (or or 75fl-2?72. he eRtntc of snld decasod, no«co ing keeping room and M bath. (tuples nr family. Cull 635-7212, 40' Pool Too! 6 Bedrooms ! At $42,500 ? There are four well proportioned torn built and all custom dctnMfi llls h! is hereby Klyen lo the crpclltora or bedrooms and two bnths on the 2nd such fin: underground elec, /ohone 5-1 Mr 'hcrc'K n summer of Tun nlicnd ' , «h wooded 1% ricro nt«t- Wo ntn't prnmlHo ytm the moon, snlil deceased tn exhibit to the nub- MritiK, Intercom AM/FM, Anderson wllh ihlR rnmlillni: ninrli bonu- *'"« '*( l "nlurn "drrnm world" inn we tin think this iittnu-tlvo jtcrbcp under onth of affirmation floor. Basement cnntnlns a pnncl- OXK fcmnlf UUtvk mini nontllp. their ehilm.i untl (lemnniln ficnfns! led recreation room und Plpniyof whitlows, i\\nvm syfllcmt Prmich Iv tind )ls L'omnm.s 40' In- wllh ricr.v rod IIXPIIICIIR, (IIIL-- cnlmtliil In H KOIKI WMINPIII Oill nflrr 6 ( 48B-U321 aik for work room for powor tools, The door to second floor devki • APARTMENTS RENT • iji'otina ]...,.. _ _ . . . _„, I hi* vatatp or said tletenspri within For n rcnl slffht* let us shnw urnunt(•nnifnrriihll nimlc . ItvlnjInsidie ronmllu*rc. 2fl»l a wnmlHTM. , L-VLTKIITIIIi nil siirrounflH anil smuii ny colullm Tltprunrkllko Ios nnn-i 23i ' livinwill g pli'iisrnnmc .you, six numtiis from (he rtnte nf enclosed renr yiird offers maxi- iinlor. or they will ho forever mum privacy. Truly nn nutslnd- vnu IhiB lovoly, riimlly mum, dlnhm roum wllh fnrlnhly SIUII'IIUIR niodi>rn home pliu-c. TV rnnm, full Init home. Huy we show yuu? "YOIINO "IMIIII-IMH", hrl^ht hllrhcn. li'/u wllh ecu I IT hull, MVIIIK ronm From |>rfin triwhrilri, N. J. furniorlv InfjiMun. Prcfrr (|uli l imn- Idlclii'H, l\ Ivih'nnniK ('i nil cui'll fnt-t t>r DIIH WI-HI field Intnip n> IT* aiift CoUiv, NATIONAL BANK OF 756-3777 356-8200 liMuinl. (*ul- linvn, sh nr*] dm fl'itl'Hl llintli 1111(1 Mil1 Idl'lll "I'I(IH)1 innsl IH- siM'D tn ho iiiipnrliitcil. Cnll tiH7-0(!T-1 2-24-1 wriffmrcw i-lilldirn nr IMMS) t . . Avnll .hisl ]ih')M(> fur nn iiiijinlnlnicnl. Town & County Properties ffnr l-'l mns> . . , $'27n. III" Wllli'lilKR' liHMllllli fi>C I'llH*' i '-'iiMmiMlH1. LlKlcil ;il S77 Iflf) mwt hnikiM' PM.VB utillllrs). full uil.'y, TVritrdiv. Butler oAlctn, Johnstorb, Inc. i" 'Miii'li niofi' In we, Mvr'H! 7B7- inn) \io\)y Attnrneyn niul JIHIC fi»r M\m ff/illlmin, I iinnkx n MJ7-I 17-IH. ) |;i Htt 'R |inl(l—-Phnne N, J. 0701)0 •'REALTOR $65,000 nr wrlli- 'J-10-iH:iO — It to »:(> p.m. t LAWRENCE AVENUE WKNTMIfMl old Yiirk Hunk H\u)]t, B3 Knulon New Itrwmwlck, N.J nl, 'I rnoniH, ill lied- 'I'iilu- iKitln- (hat Llqunr Knlrlts, J534 Route 22 232-5664 in, himliMii IlI'M Wllh Inc. i/n \4\tM>n'H Mfiunrft, IIHN nil. PACIOUft iiAM!3UNti I LVIIH IT nml rcri'li/tu'iitiii'-fi'i'czi'r. nlli'il lo Mu» Mnydr nnil (vumfil iif Mountainside OOM, 2 ilATH I1QMU. ('I'll li/iih, w/w ihrcimii-nut, }!IIJ- Abmil BUI) Ciinadii gtn?«e fin* Town «f WcKlflmtl fop I't'jifiviil OON VVTH! KAIHI'MJ HKAllTl lovely imlKhlxirliiiott nnd )P1- of llu- f'lciinry Ili'ljill DlHirMiutlmi VHlc yiirtl. AliRUBt JNt nl' at tho Brganttnc Wildlife mr |ir*'m(m'» JilUintcit n( ^]7 miO 'LACIC, ll^OUMAL L nJHNiN re. I ynur Inimit fU40, vh\n u ooM. A LAKUW HUNNY KfT ir. Hofu^e, jimt north of Atlnntlc Holt 111 Avc. • N. J. on. Far iippolnlnionL irntT Xi'2-% Th(> ttiiirtp* nml mi AND 1 l 3.12-OIOfl, 051 n< till Mtmbsr Mvftlalt llillni lyil•m WILL MAKI'J it RivtiNfrriMi ; A J, City, N. J. Htny thuro tho your officer*. iMnvlm-pt nml HOUND, our ot* mnn1 [»r n-ntmn Ivtftlfffli "Hi QUB I.AIUJ': OFFICES FOR RiNT t atricli. round. They liko It so much Ciryl Uwh, 3334IU Clilrs luilir, M+lltl Vlib •UJAMI'I 1'JV- tlioi'fl thoy linvo dropped the lt(wn KI'HIAVM, US' Hi'rrtHni f . DIMi: tlMINAINATINT M Crnnfurd N. J., (*rpnlrli»nt: fm Alsil J«fcMlM 3II-134O IMIIIIU Isns, J12»*O74 OMAN, migration tmbll, K. ^diitivfi 'M llfrntim Av*-,, r CAlt UAMlUiKN'l'. ., ford, N. .!., Hccrrlnr/ nnd Ntrftil T«lms6309 / MIHIMI Urlhcl MO .Wimcn Mmilll orrin> UlllllMHN llMtl ('IK Somui^ot iil , N PUnnf 1 ncll HlTll til Illl U.S. J. Allrc Mlltichli* I I •IK 'M MIU1 » 1 i M/V THI WffTFICLO (N. J.} UADH—MAY 11 i • LIOAL NOriCU • • LMAt NOTICn • • LIOAL NOTICIS t • LIOAL NOTICES • • LC0AL NOTICCS • • LCOAL NOTICES • VOTICS Robert J. Lincoln. 1SW Cotos Ave.,John L,. Brennan, 330 CMlno Ave- _ New Installation* of Macadaas. NOTICE Tyke Notice th»t Echo Ltfce Mountains!**, N. J.: Vie TmU, aley, 1022 l*&xewoo& Road, Moun- the right to reject any or all bws Talte Notice that Marine Tobacco Take notice that Halfway House. Mayor and Council of the Town of Westfleld, N. J.: Seeretary-Treawir- tainside, N.J.; John C. Farley, 37 in whole or In part, to make awards Co., Inc., a subsidiary of Ho«t In- Inc., has applied to the Mayor and Wcstfidd for-renewal of the Club er, Georae F.Zalw. stt StWfM St., Princeton Road, Cranford, N. 3.:item by item and to waive any In-ternational Inc., 46-13 32nd Place, Oouncil of the Borough of Moun- License for premises Kbtuatsd at Staicn Wand, N. Y.; Aaslatstnt Sec- Raphael S. Giynn, 3045 Arrowwood formalftJs when deemed best for Long Island City. New York has tainside for renewal or a plenary retary and Treasurer, Ravhaa S. Dnw, WeatfleM. N. J.; Lee Mth. e In trees t of th* Board of Eduapplie- d to the Director of the Di- retail consumption license for prem- Sprln*fledd Avenw, W««U!«M, N. J.GJynn, 3045 Airowwood Dr., Wot-Hale, 836 Bradford Avenue, W«rt- cation. vision of Alcoholic Bevenase Control ises tMua

    •_•-•. ••.•_*_*:" * *.** >»»:*:>>#:•:•:•;*>:•: L f

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    • • »

    % r i V - • O/cf Fashioned Bargain Days at Mac Hugh's

    vr v,.


    V :*:*.*: • L. IN OUR MEil'S SHOP •:•;•• i

    SUMMER SUITS, regulars, shorts, longs and extra OUTER JACKETS, sizes small, medium, large, •Vr. longs. Were 120.00 to 129.50. extra large Old FaihioMfl Priee 99.80 •-••.-•>*-' Were 20.00 100% Orion HOSIERY, Anklet Length OM Fashioned Priee 16.96 • ¥ >:•/. m

    ^;-s»:-: Were $1.75. SUEDE SNEAKERS, assorted sizes. I. Old Fashioned Priee 1.36, 3 for 3.76 Were 16.50 to 18.00. m ft • v.v- .•-•, Long Sleeve DRESS SHIRTS, solids, stripes, Old Fashioned Priee 9.60 patterns. Woven and Knits. FLAIR SLACKS, sizes 29 to 40 waist •:•:• Were 8.00 to 18.00. Were 12.00 to 21.00 :•:•_ :*:**

    >:* •. Old Fashioned Priee 9.60 to Old Fashioned Priee 5.96 te 13.95 10.60 1 y • LEATHER BELTS, sizes 30 - 42. KNIT DRESS SLACKS, sizes 34 to 42 £&: ? Were 5.00 to 25.00. Were 28.00 >•: I Old Fashioned Price 1.95 to 9.95 Old Fashioned li m STRAIGHT LEG PERMA-PRESS SLACKS, sizes 32 to 42. Were 11.00. i ?; Old Fashioned Priee 2 • *

    :*:•. m •i

    •:•: OUR LADIES' SHOP '•;•;*-:< i SUMMER JEWELRY, were 4.00 to 17.00 SPRING COATS, were 110.00 to 135.00 I Old Fashioned Priee 3.20 to 13.60 Old Fashioned Priee 6040 lo 8040 >^iiS ^ BERMUDA SHORTS, were 14.00 to 18.00 SPRING SUITS, were 47.00 to 110.00 m Old Fashioned Priee 11.20 lo 14.40 Old Fashioned Priee 28.00 to 60.00 • i Selection of SCARVES, were 5.00 to 10.00 SPRING SLACKS, were 25.00 to 28.00 111 i •'••X:* ' * I Old Fashioned Price 4.00 lo 8.00 Old Fashioned Price 20.00 lo 22.40 il mAv m!ttV Naturally, we do not have all of the above Sale items in all Colors, Sizes or Patterns. :•», * - • • • •:•>.'

    fe OPEN THURSDAY 'TIL 9 charge m

    'V'-i • t i * t f,

    • -:»:• •:- • ; -•-I. • _>_!_ *.'.'. e

    * * "*:•:•> '••:•:**

    . •

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    * •*. 264 E. Broad St., Westfield 232-2900 MAY It, fffl —THf WESTNILD (N. J) LtADM —PAGE 13 in Glen Ga&dner, as aaoouooed a yearly ipriajtime bt~ l*e program <* various fora •rctoery, oookaog, mod pbyakal be pr«eented at a ompfke taut atoned lyetoric sites in West- Srout Caapout today by George Mctforan af didon far scout troop is F«o- vr M odgbt, aad Sunday awactii wiii Chester County. tfanwood, chairman of the wood, Scotch Plains, Itwrtwin dude fetam vttfc Mew* age The school's ftti grade stu- of ecoutv toaaeg put is m troop areas, unto be n*Kte at a noon closing cere* dents were accompanied by TTiis Weekend eveat. side, Garwood, and WeittMi wm cesk tfaeir ewn jeing, dUM fang race, their teacher, Mrs, Arae Fritz, Upwards of aw acouts and Long affiliated with eooutaag, aad Stinfey Chairman McHoran fc *oout* chariot race, lire by fciotioa, as they toured SumyfiKte, aulhor Tfce Wtk uuual Coiooui Dis- their tatters are expected to en* It Is cwtooiary is a number of Historic Site* Washir^ton imijig's home m trict Boy Scant fttfccr^iBd-aWD camp lor the activity and par-maeter of Soetcfc PbiM troop

    ••y&m&^Z.^m imrnmrnm•. W-v.\. i <-


    chip -at. server 13,50 ' TO6TEB to ONfbyei feyart * Luve* VM ,15.00 r Mt,I.X5 left, to Nad Tlptoai (carter), riapaatr af the ftffc- i Edgar Walace, bead af the Male Wvttm Uffc Scftesl, aal a neater af 1%e warii prwlifi wtll he law 2 aad I at


    i J -

    i • cifi»role 12.50 • . * . r

    '- ', : / -•; '. ' 4


    coffee corofer 12.50 cruet t«tf 1.00 1

    smm WE8TF1E1D UBRARV REaPIENT OF DONALDSON NE- wmmmsm M0IUA1 VOLUME-li wiwiry W the tote Irvtog P. DaaaM. tea, ito anaMmt far •everal yean aaat, the WeftttoM Ait AatactattM ku pmeated to the WeUfMd Mewrtal lihraiy Ike pntmtty UtatraM keeky tatted "Prtob aad Feaple** fey i!. A. Hyatt May*. It It a aactal Bsttog af priated pkMret ]att nteasad by ttepabUsler , He Metraaalftam Maaeam af Ait Tali nenerlaJ U Mr. Deaaldiea. iervei to eafeaaee the caltaral ctatilkittaw im the eaawsNy affertad feyth e library aa* the Art Asiadatei. Plctarad to the praaaatattoa tort week to Library mreeter Sylvia Jtaaatea by W.A.A.'t PreeMeat DauU Bash.

    Children's Department 5>-»iece coffee and tea servicer ro.oo t Displays Showcase Books An exhibit dedicated to "truly keted. beautiful*' 'chUdrea's books is "The child who reads such a being arranged for next week book . . . absorbs the con- in the Children's Department of cept of quality as if through WestiteM Memorial Library. Be- his very pores, just by handl- ing macle ivallable toth e public ing the book ... It Is intellec- through the cooperation of the tual and artistic sou) food." chUdren'a staff and librarians Such are the books that art of the town's elementary schools, included in this first Showcase. the exhibit is the Children's The exhibit is made particularly Book Showcase. Heading ar- interesting because each book i rangements for the school li* shown with the judges' estimate bariwis is Jlrs. Bobert of the book and their reasons of Llncobi School. for selecting it. 2-qt. pitcher, 12.50 The Showcase, sponsored by The books will be on display the Children's Book Council of Monday, May 22, through Sat New York City, comprises urday, May 27. Some belong to books/published In 1971 and the library and some to the! selected for their excellence of school libraries. 2-qt. 1c« bucket, 21.00 design and illustration, and il- lustration. A well designed catalog pub 3-qt. food warmer, 40.00 4-plece am tot, 5.50 listed by the book council points College Men out that quality is an attribute that seems to be disappearing Propose Slate from children's books. "The Showcase, then alms to A meeting of the officers and be a sort of unofficial Society trustees of the College Men's for the Appreciation and Con Club of Westfield was held re- servation of the Truly Beautiful cently at the home of H. Hill- man Palmer, S Willow Grove! Children's Book . .. before this ^P? ' increasingly rare species disap- Pky. pears completely.*' The scholarship awards din' The Showcase committee, in- ner committee reminded mem cluding illjstrators and design- bers and their friends of a ers of children's books, readily dinner to be held at the Moun- broad tray, 5*50 lax/sutan, 21.00 bowl, 10" diameter, 5.50 admits that inexpensive editions tainside Inn at 7:30 p.m. on May of classics, informational books 24th. Arrangements may be

    and of picture books should be made by contacting Robert E. i accessible to children. "But," Savage, 683 Shadowlawn Dr., the committee states, "we be- chairman of this committee. r 4 lieve that there should exist the John R. Buehler, chairman .;% totally beautiful book — nootf the nominating committee only well-written, lovingly and presented the committee's re maqn rogers silver plat intelligently edited, beautifully commendations for new officers and appropriately illustrate, de- whose term will begin next fall. signed with panache as well as The slate was approved at this with understanding of the total meeting. These officers are concept, but also carefully Charles E. Brown, 730 Forest printed on paper of good qual- Ave., president; M. Peter La- ity, handsomely bound and jac-Tartara, 125 Cedar St., vlce| president; Arthur P. Attenaslo, 870 North Ave.( secretary; and Girl Scout Camp Arthur F. .1 oh an sen, 1830 Quim Discussion Wednesday by Lane, treasurer. "What to expect at Girl Scout save o ana more resident camp" will be discus- sed at a parents meeting Tues- day at 8 p.m. in the Edison Campbell Wins Junior High School auditorium, by Miss Idamae Trenner o f Sousa Award Washington Rock Girl Scout luxurious and beautiful silver to grace your own table Council, Tom Campbell Westfield High I Tha meeting is open to al.School l class of 1972, was pre- • parents Interested in sending sented with the John Philip wine cradle, 7.00 Sousa Award at the May fl superb wedding and anniversary gifts at welcome savings their daughter to Girl .Scout • Camp. Miss Trenner will show concert of the Westfield High sllcta? and answer quostlons. School Band, dn which he elegant designs in siiverplate or crystal-and-silverplate first irnmpGt, * The nward wns presented "In recognition of outs t an ding| treasured serving pieces for dinners, buffets or parties achievement and Interest in In- Hlmmc-ntnl music, for singular| A. A. morll. In loyally and coojKjra Alcoholics Anonymous lion, and far displaying, gener- Not shown... 3-llght candelabra, 55.00 pair* Corfpoto, 5*50* Sandwich tray, 5.50. nFly, I.IIOBO hltfh qualities of con- chip & dip shell, 13.25 Drinking Problem? duco which school inKlrumcntui 3-quart food server, 14.50. 2-quart dtvldod food $*n*rf 15,00, PIo plafa, 10.00. Writo music «l.rlvos to Impurl, and, by P.O.Box12l,W«itfl«ld nomination of follow band mom bora «tul eonflrmulioii of bund Or Tolophono dlruulor inu! si'linul officials/1 763-1415 Tlio award WIIH rlKlnatod by WwrtMd open 3 nights — Mon.; Wed; FrL, 9(30 a,m* to 9t00 p.m. Jfonklatr, Newark open t nlshtt •— Wed., Ftl, 9i30 cm, to. 9iOO p.m. Other doye 9(30 to 5i30 JDJIII rhl'lp SAGf 14 —TMI WCSTFIfLD (M. J) LMMR — MAY llr Iff* Miss Ho worth, C P. Miller, David Widerstrom Chill pastry after placing Miss Roeben a piepan and before W. T. Freed Bride, Return Becomes Engaged Future Bride insures a tasty, tender craot Are United From Jamaica e betrothal of Miss Lois The betrothal of Miss Chris- Chrtfttanson to Davit" Frcfr tine Marie Boefaai to John H The Presbyterian Church St. Luke's Own* in HoH#> ctfc* Widmtrom, son «f Mr. Stantar Jr. has bean aasusfteed fie setting Hay 7 for fee i Kw wai the setting Apr. 15 for Mrs. Wtfeeit Frederick ugc of Miss Elizabeth Joyce ay fear pareaty, Mr. sad Mrs. PROTECT the .wo*** of MBM Barter* Mmtrom of 547 St Maifcs WUHam BOSOM of 1*7 Gnat lewartt, daugMer of II tea BnHaalir to Mr. Charlei ve., has been announced by view Av». Irs. Lew* B. Howarta P. Utter HI, am of Mr. and * parents, Mr. and Mrs. YOUR aadra Oircie, to WIMam 7**y. Mm. Chsriss P. Miller Jr. of tit Charles Andrew ChnstUnson of The ftstwt arsle was a menv er Itosed, ton of Mr. anal Mrs (taden City, Long Island and ber of t h e Class « 1MI at Summit Aw. WesMd High School. Sht to a tavid B. Fread of Upper Host- Father Haaowell performed Summit. FURS! clair. •at ihWM tMrty o'clock tw Mim Christian**!, a pnysical e also of Taylor STORE WITH A The Rev. Racfaard L. Snottl moajy. After a reception in the teacher in cne Greeo- • employed fficiated at tf» *o«blft IBMUM Gardens, Rjvervaae, Cona. school system, is a iiH MASTER FURRIER wemony vAkfc was foUowetf Wm coaole departed for a honey graduate of Baldwin (N.Y.) Har timae, am of Mr reception ot (fee Town b Cam- mooi is Jamaica. School and AnwW College MR. staaier of Union, to to the • MINIMUM RATES pus, Union. it the University of Bridgeport. Navy terving aboard tt» atr • MAXIMUM CAKE The bride, daughter of Mr. craft carrier U.S.S. radepm Mrs. Donald T. Heflner and Mrs. William Hollander of - fiance attended West • FREE APPRAISAL sister of the bride, was ma- Ridgewwd, wore a white organ- schools and is an alumnus dence. He is an ahimmis of Ua tron of honor. Bridesmaids were za, empire style weddtag *ew -AUVlva erkiomen Preparatory School. Bring Your Insurance Mrs. Richard W. Law of C with Vemse lace, a high ruffled CAROL FEHRIS BAILEY School, Fennsburg, Pa. He at- Up To Date ing, N. Y, and Him Janet ew England College neckttne and bishop sleeves. nd it now associated with See Willie Mays CUSTOM CUANIU0 ilnsley of West**. Her three tier, elbow length veil Carol Bailey With The Mete lUchard Amster of Gam- of tUk illusion fell from a Cam oodhue and Hawkins Navy FURS * CLOTH aixL Wfltfebono, N.H. His fa- MAN MADE "FURS" bridge, Man. was beat nu. dot oap. She carried a colonial Plans Wedding ce president of W.J. An opportunity to attend a Ushers were David B. Frosd, bouquet of stephanotis, garden Donnell Lumber Co., Perth game at Shea Stadium June • MRS. ERIC THOMAS MAJOR Jr., brasher of the bride, and MRS. wnxiAic r. MANT in las and baby's breath. Miss Carol Fente Bailty and sse the Men pUy hi behsj RIMOMLINt John Franklin Haney plan Aroboy, MRS. EDWARD A. HORTON | (Iinda Jean Gillie) Terry Made? of loso Pork, (Nancy Saw Nagal) Wm Louise Am Hollander of (Kay Holscher) Stan to members of the YWCAl N.Y. be married Junt II at St Sim- and YHCA ant their fimtttss Wayne, her sister's maid of hon- on's by the Sea, Mrs. Freed, a grateato of tha W. f. Mann III or, wore a long floral skirt with by the YW« Ladies Day out Nuptials Held Berkeley School, East Onoce. Announcement of thetr Edward Horton, Committee. The sabulous Willie a wfate bodice and a pale green ment has been made by tat for Mr. Major/ i a senior aeensary wtti Esso Is Married picture hat. She carried a bas- Bride, Are Mayv has Joined the baseball Mathematics k *j*mm Inc. ket of white carnations, corn spective bride's mo*er, atn. team. Linda J. Gillie Ftartam Put. Her nusbaad, at In Florida flowers, sweetheart roses and Herbert Edward Battey of Ml Honored Tickets Muds transports. + • GAMBURG otamnas of MaaMrhaaitti fasti daisies. Norman PL and SaraeoU, Fla. tion, sdmJtsioa and loge seats. Umta Jean GtiUt tad Miss Nancy' Sue Nagel and Miss Bailey, daughter also of A reception was given April tute WOiam Fiekrick Mann III, Similarly costumed, but witfi The bus wu leave at 11:15, Ere Thomas Major, graduates the late Mr. Baliey, an attorney, P for Edward Arthur Horton returning afterthe game. Ressr- of jWittenberg University, were ere married Friday evening, pink picture hats, were the assistant treasurer of Joenrai III and hk wtfe, the former FURS married May 6 by foe Rev. Dr.Plastics Co., Summit. May 5, in Saint Christopher's bridesmaids, Miss Mary Anne Mist Kay Holscher, in the home vattow are limited. After a wedding trip to the and Johnson and preaUeat of Frederick E, Christian at a*two by-tbe-Sea Episcopal Church, Miller of Burlington, Vt, sister Tarpon Insurance Comnaay, Ha- of the bridegroom's parents, o'clock ceremony in the Preatoy Virgin TfflptHfr, the couple ire ey Biscayne, Fto, The Revo.f the bridegroom, and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wester, tt Leopards once ranged ai far WoftflaM ial milton, Bermuda, K « terfan Church. A reception Rkterd Maboan performed the Barry Sandier of Newtourgh, of the Vail-Deane School, WesttrbokRd. as the British Islet. heia at the Woman's Club ceremony, wfckfe was followed N.Y. Another sister of the bride, abeth. She attended the Untver- The couple was married April W«ptfleJo\ by a reception at the Sonesta Nancy Ellen Hollander, was jun- sty of Strasbourg, Fraac«v Brtar* 16 in Arlington, V«. and have The bride la Che daughter of Frank Bauman ior bridesmaid. cliff Couese and reoarrad a returned from a wedftng trip to Mi*. George B. Gillie of 4 Stan- Tbs Md», dais***- of Mr. Stuart Wallace of Ballings- B.S. degree in art ton Skid- Married To and Mn. Glnard Join Nagel of ford, N.H. served as best man, Mrs. Horton if the daughter of lev Oval and the late Mr. Gatte. Key Btaoayne, wu graduated more College. Her husband's parents are Mr. Miss Samuel Ushens were William Eaton of The bride elect mads her de- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holscher ami Mrs. Jack F. Major of Mid- from Coral Gables High School. North Brunswick and Daniel of Salem, Oregon. Her husband Mia Lomto Rita Samuel, She at a student at Miami-Date but U the Silver Rose Ban in is the son also of the late Ed- Caravan dtetown. County Junior College. Shumeyko of Pequannock. torn*, Austria, awl the Na- deorge Brace Gillie Jr. es- daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jo* ward Arthur Horton Jr. eph E. Samuel of StynviHt, be- Ite bridegroom, son of Mr. ional Debutante Cotffllott and Wills Holscher gave his sister corted his sister to the attar. and Mr*. WuHam Frederick Thanksgiving Ban of LOIS ANN CHRISTIANSON Matron of honor was Mrs. Robcam- e the bride of Frank A. Robt. McCullough in marriage. Mn. Holscher was Prat 184 Ptfl. look Bauman, eon of Mr. and Mrs.Mano, Jr. of *• Woodland Ave., ton, D.C. in \m. her honor attendant. Serving as ert Hagemann of Oak Park, Hi., U a poduate of The Hun To Wed In July Her fiance, son of Mr. the; former Madeline Weist of Frederic A. Bauman of SI Haw- F. C Simonson best man wu Edward Jean of thorn Drive, Saturday, Apr* 22 choci, Princeton, fie is a sen- Mrs. Jade A. Hansy of Toron- West Ctldwefl, Douglas Edall Wepttield. Also attending the Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Nao to, Canada, received a. degree bride were Mrs. Austin Adams in St. Stanislaus Koatt* ior at the Univeratty of Miami, koney of PhUatfelnhte have an- Is Engaged of Edgewater, Md., ushered. of Louisville, Ky. Bliss Susan Church, SftjTevfUe. Florida. . '••'• -.., nounced the engagement and ap- a education from Colgate Unl The newlyweds are now resid- r Jafrs. ifcWs sister, Lou, Mrs. vereity. Hb faher is The engagement of Miss Ella ing in Manassas, Va. where Mr. Foe your ftv# popy wfNs or phoiMS ftausch of Columbus, Ohio and The Rev. Ladtataus Madura proacWag marriage of their editor for Lathleen Duff to Fred Craig Miss Lynn Strubie c* Westfield. daughter, Mtoi Ruth Joan Nac SinwnsoB, «on of Mrs. «nd Mrs, Horton is assistant to the presi- ceremony. A reception followed koney, to Robert Laurence Me dent of Colgan Airways. He is James Funk of Cuyahaga i, Susan and Lisa, Fred B. Simonson of 1028 Btp-also president of Horton's Fire- Fails, Ohio, served as best man, at the Jernee Mill Inn, Sayre- Oullough, son of the Rev. and Kathryn Goff ley Ave., Has been announced ville. were bridesmaids. Mrs. Earle McCuUough of 646 stone, South Ave., Westfield. Ushering were George B. Gillie Robert Fink served as best by her parents, Mr. end Mn. Us wife la a stewardess tor Jr., Douglas Sciiwarz, his cous- Hiilcrest Ave. The wedding will To Be Bride Alfred J. Duff of Bnutwood, ; Hopper Jr. andbe July 22 at St. James Lutii United Airlines, based in Wash- INC. in, and Keith dePlauque. GuncU were ushers. A July 22 weddiog ii being Pa, ing, UJC. She earned a bach- tr a veto tig in Woodbrtdge. eran Church, Philadelphia. Tne future brtde at a gradu- Mrs. Major is an alumna of Ttie newfyweds have returned planned by Hits Katfaryn elor's degree in education at 122 ELM ST. WISTFIELD • 293-2300 Westfield High School She and The bride had her sfef er, from a wedding trip to Grand The brtde elect 4s a Junior at Goff of Bernanawiue, and Brack ate of the Unhwrsrty of PMn> Oregon State University. her husband will live in Weat- Unda Samuel, m raM of hon-Caymen Island. They are living UrsinuB College majoring In pey- P. Kent, son of Mr. and Mrsbunh and Temple Unrvemfty Mr. Horton to a graduate of CHATHAM SUMMIT ILIZAMTH field after a wedding trip to or. Miss Carol Samuel, her cou- in Miami. chology. Wttftam P. Kant of Tilhrtrintili She toadm ai WestfeU High School and of England. He is employed by sin, Hist Sharon Marts*, Mrs. Mr. MoCutlough went to Che» Their engagement baa Dougiess CoHega. the CoUege of WHUam and Mary A354300 277-2/00 354-2S2S Wilson Freight Co., Elizabeth. Mfchete Sabrfesid and Mrs. 01 Nixon Aide him Academy and wa§ gradut nooaoed by Miss GoaTs parantt, , lttr* SBTHMUOII 'T0ORVBQ where he received a bachelor's ane Ansetmo were Bridesmaids. ted In lin tm Uniw COUaflft; Mr: and Mrs. Howard B. Goff tor of arts and master degree in psychology. . MILLTOWN • 02MS0O Student Senator.^.. , He is empfc^l by People* Na- of Nattrop, Colo., formerly of sjrees from Rutajeia UnivsMty Address BPW tional Bank of Central Jeney, Westfield. le teaches at Rutgers and k Mark I. . Shames., Friday, May 19, in the Mrs. Bauman. was graduated In Park Saturday president of PW Mu Bpalon clubhouse. She will discus Announces Busy At Nichols from SayreviUe High School May 20 in Atlantic City. Madison High School and The Westfield Colonial Chorus King's College. He is a teacher sorority at Moravian College. "Coats of Arms" and the re- Bradley A. Little is president from the IBM School of Data When the President appointed in the Bernards Township She is a sophomore. vival of "Tinsel Painting." of DeUta Mu Delta, national Programming, She is employ- Mrs. Franklin last April, he SPEBSQSA, in their natty gold ed by AT&T. gave her an assignment that jackets, will entertain from the schools. aaa honor society, at Nichols Col bandstand In Mindowaskin Park lege, Dudley, Mass. and is also husband was graduated was an historic "firs SAVINGS secretary of the college's honor gnated her to find and recruit at 2 p.m. Saturday. The baiter Arizona Vacationists High School. women for top level, shop group will perform as part society, Zeta Alpha Phi. The son College of the WestfieU Art Mr. and Mis. Kenneth R. Pel- Bright Colors! of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Meek served four years in the U.S. tion Cultural Day program. ton of 314 Hyslip Ave, have been er, 338 Benson PI., he is a jun-Navy. Mr. Bauman is with Pub- vanrffaming in Sun City, Ariz. FINE ENGLISH CHINA ior majoring in accounting. lic Service Electric k Gas Co. STORK GERANIUMS ALL OPEN STOCK Charter Member Emily Blythe Brown was bom AND HOLLOWARE Delegate In Student May 5 at SL Hamate Medical Wedding The Grown In our own Margaret A. Snyder has be- Center. She Is the daughter of come a charter member of a Model U.N. Forum Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Brown TURN-STYLE Graanhousas. new chapter of Alpha Omicron Mary E. CarroK was among of 414 First St Her mother is Cakes Flowers. Pi at the University of Dela- the group of eight students from the former Michelle Remas. ware. A freshman majoring. In if W M 4kMU Roally Beautiful I Newton (Mass.) CoSege of the I. Ut W Rwtl* ANTIQUES AND nursing, she is the daughter of Sacred Heart named one of the Mr. and Mrs. TTtomas J. Milner •n!/ will h b» Wailful SECOND HAND Red - Pink - Whlto Mayor and Mrs. Donn A. Snyder Sive most outstanding delega- III of Towson, Md. became pax I kvf tf will 4nU «bMlutt(y| FURNITURE $1.00 each of 416 Charming Ave. tions at the Annual National ents of a san, Scott Thomas on !M». Call Bought and Sold H«IM «rt| Model United Nations held in Feb. 9. Mrs. Milner is .the for- W« Deliver Around the Corner or Around the World Earns Honors New York City. Some 125 col- mer Dorothj( Kuntz, daughter of leges and universities competed. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wesley Kuntz margie's Estate Sales Managed Named to the dean's list for Eacfc represented a member aa Jr. of Wilttamsburg, Va., for- the winter quarter at The Coltion in this model forum where merly of Westfield. McEwen Flowers lego of Wooster ds Susan M. students explored the objectives cako 1723 E. Stcond St. Established 1921 Scotch Plaint V•t *. Meier of 155 Harrison Ave. and functions of the U.N. A rubber bowl scraper 3s Free Off-the-Street Front Door Parking 322-7026 much better for getting all the 134** Grovo St. at Westfleld Ave., Westfield, 232-1142 ice cream out of a container Open 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily than a spoon.

    BSSSS^BSSlSSSSSSSSSS^iB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^RSSSSSSSSSSSSl endored i Protect \ 1^,1 Buynowtoitstt yourdtnntiwsfe collection or add to your You've made your promise. We'll mate ours. The Your Furs prsftsnt bo3t, moat boauilful diamond ring yourmonay servlcs and uv* can buy. Export diamond counseling. Very personal sorvlco; And concern for tondor budgets. When it comes to your precious furs, why 20%, A 5-piec« pltce sttting Marcus. A groat place to start a marriage, NONE 756-01M eonslttt of dinner pl*te, salsd plate, tea cup, saucer, MQIGUB Diamond Engagement Rings take chances? This year store them in bread and butter plttt. From $60 to $5,000 Our londtd 6-Pc. n. SttMng Ms. PI. SMtlnf G. O. Keller's on the premises vaults. They Patterm Op«n Stock Prlct Sala Prlct Will Call Mlramount. ....$15.95 $12.76 will be completely protected from theft; Flrtglow...... $17.95 $14.36 Tapaatry...... $17.95 $U,36 heat and moths. Don't delay. Store your «..o.kii Mandalay., $18.95 $15.16 Provencal.. 4 t 4 • f I I • t • t I f $13.95 $MU6 furs now. Pay nothing til fall. Ltftt Jy t899 SALE PERIOD MAY 8-27 ?flti t ti 11 /WESTrULO, N. J, / 2330520 FURS $4.50 ($100,00 Valuation) iniiuitirrircmi), ntoatwoou WAINMID, NJ. • COR. SOUTH & ISLAND $3.50 If Cleaned • COR. W.7lh A CLINTON 1 • 306 SOMERSET .•Y BOX STORAGE $2.95 ($150.00 Valuation) 4 A3! PARK AVE WESTFIfitO, HJ- • I) e. BROAD ST. jane stn Plus Cleaning Charges CENTRAL AVE,, WESTFIELD Wotfflflld

    n AMI MKIAfJ IXF'Hl.W* MAY II, THt WfffTfl LCAM M*E 15 F. J. Bator Jr. COMING EVENTS Bridt Qed Feted Scully-Murray Is Married MAV Mm Salty AM Seamaa of LEARN 18-Jawor Woman's Perth Anboy ww gtteat of ixm- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scully Mr. and Mro. William K nual meeting, Wcdaod's, m er Saturday tt a pc^ouptial m KlmbaU Ave., announce ELECTROLYSIS of 173 Locust Ave., Moun- party ia . Dr. a«4 Mm. Wttam Uw no barrier. Mary Matter, to Fnu* 4. Bator waetia PartL Bain drte Murray ot 31$ St. Georges Full or part time. Jr. of 4 Elm St. He is the BOD June!. ray el Cokstta wai c*-hosu. Pay «r Eve. M«n. W Piaoe. Come, writ* or phoa* of Mrs. Frank i. Bator of Union, »-w«atfield Art Aaaociatfea rui IOWLK c and the late Mr. Bator. CuNurai Day tew art ex- Miei Seamas, iaaiWcr of Mr. asrf Mrs. A&ert Semaa 8ott were graduated in 1MI The Rev. Raymond D. An- Mbit, Watouak Boom at from Westfield High School. mack officiated at the wmn»«y Municipal BUIMBM. of Pert* Amboy; wtt be mar- smcHOirm April 22 in Our Lady of tountot a-i-*erature aad drama de- |rie4 May » to Dr. David Goid- Miss Scully attended Union Col- Church and was celebrant of a partment, Woman's Club, 1 barg, m ef Dr. and Mrs. Bea- lege. Her fiance attended Pater- nuptial mass. A reception was 12:»pjn. Jamia GaUbsrg «f Start HUta son State Cofiege. given at the Mountainside Ina. K-^Audttonc, Junior Musical Club, tone ctf Mrs. VM- crfck Waltan, m Evmoa Pi., 7:Jlp.u. m Miss Reagan DR. MILTON E. TERRY U-Naw menfaera dapt Wee* —If y«rs Studio ana Club, Tower Steak TUB have Is Fiancee Howe, 12:M pjn* BARBARA ANN BELLETTI To Address B'lCu Of John Stefiuk U-WesUMd 6arvioa Uagne Mn. Geabvy Mark Shames Mayflower Kin annual hfKtiwB^ PtataflMd arete Mr. and Mrs. Tnomaa J. Country Club. faai To Marry gan of 432 Mountain Ave., an- Dr. Milan E. Terry of Ml B-Friendrttp Gutto, Bapdat SiiHh nMuttve Mm Elwaii nounce the engagement of their Creek Bed Rd., Mountainside, a • Church, 1:1ft pjn. i. urn m urn Mra. Ite - - M -- I of Ms* Bardaughter, Mary Elizabadi to board member of The Society S7«-Becyc«ag Cealar lor Edward bara Am Belktti to Hark Irwin Joan Stefiuk, son of Mr. and of Mayflower Descendants in paper; South Ave. railroad Mn. leaa MacsJn, vte way* Shams, m of Mr. and Mrs,Mrs. Stephen Stefiuk of atS the State of New Jersey, will station,! ajn.4 pm Other chcch* have rasaiy Monii Staamea ot 1«5 E, Broad Knollwood Ten*. apeak at the luncheon meeting Il-Woimn'f dub of W«*tteW St., haa bMn announced by her Miss Reagan, known aa Molly, Saturday at Shackamaxon Coun- duUMuae. Otter check* have slsutei Fasafly parents, Mr* and Mrs. John is a graduate of Mother Setan try Club. Ins program, "Lessons SerWee, CMMrea BdfetU of Pwin Valley, Pa. Hie From Modern Egypt," will in High School and Harriman dude color slides. Cery Fand, Tw» Wtrtfa wedding will b* Auf, 19. (N.Y.) College for Women. 1-WeatfWd HMorkal Society, El TV bride elect is a computer Dr. Terry recently returned Wataunk Roora, aftaBCfpaJ Sadety, Natlensl CMHren for Olivetti Corp., Mr. Stefiuk. a graduate of from a two-year stint as visit Westfield High School, attended ing profeseor at the University BuHdtaf, • p.m. R«4h GattschaKMney Bala Cynwyd, Pa. She is a grad- Tte 8aJlad of Fftdl uate of Gettysburg College the University of New Haven of Cairo. He has also been an 2. and is now studying at the N.Y.adjunct professor and a Na- ;* world mnlsra, •Woman's Club of W«stfirfd Boulevard. Also, by fresh. where aha majored in mathema- Community College. In Septan WeetfieU IH^I Schod, 1:49 tics was a member of CW tional Science lecturer at Rut- luncheon cJubbouse* men Glenn Griffin, son of her, he will continue his p.m, BeneAt for WcatfieU .• • Omega aorority. gers and is a scientist at Bell Wcstficsd Frederick GrsfHn, at the Nortowood Institute, Mid-Telephone laboratories, Murray Day Care Ceater. Ifigh School • pjn. Wkfcom H\, and Robert Her fiance is a junior at Get-land, Mich. Hifl. ^-WeatfMd Service 23-WeatMd pubic school Mrs. Robert! tysburg majoring in religion. An August wedding is planned. dambake, home of Mr. and dose for summer. Mrs. Osgood S. Rodgers, a Mrs. Harry Bockm, at £. Mehorttr. 1112 Ttee HeMoap to PW Delta TtieU life board member wifl be in the M-R*cycUng center, fnftnlty and ia aerator for the receiving line, Mrs. Christian Dudtoy Ave. 7-AudiUons, Musical dub of paper, South Ave. railroad Student Government. Awarded Scholarship Oehfer, NO Gfcn Ave., is in station, t am-4 p.m. H charge of reservations. Westfield. Elected To Honorary John Francis Petrudone, a 10—Newcometii Club June BaM, Bottday Urn, Keotfwcrtt. To Attend College Dartmouth College senior and Tours With Choir Earn Wheaton Honors Gayle Kirttnan of 779 Knoll- • son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael 10—Recyctog Center for glass, wood Terr, has been elected to John David Duym, son of Edward Petrucione, haa ton Nancy L. Coiwell of «5 Ben- paper; South Ave. railroad Dean's list honors have been the University of Mtasourt Mr. and Mrs. Wade I. Duym of named a recipient of a James son PI., recently toured Ohio station, 9 a.m.4 p.m. earned tor the winter quarter at Chapter of Delta Delta, Say hello to tofun and enjoyment temperatom for your «vary ooottng 103S Sewtrd Ave., has been ac- B. Reynolds Scholarship. He and Maryland with the Gettya lB-HBacca&ureate service for Wheaton (111.) College by Doug- national art honorary society. ot outdoor cooMng with a beauttful need tool cepted for admission to West planes to study Biblical phil burg College Chapel Choir. She Wastt^W High School sen- las Felch, a junior and son of A sophomore, she was also FMCON one OjL It's all ao neat and asuy becswse> Virginia Westeyan College. He ology ind patristics at either is a sophomore. iors, 6 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Fekh of named to the dean's list. FoiQat sooty UnQOfS &nd tho bother of the many exclusive features bunt plans to make a science his Oxford University or at the Uni- of malntaNno a constant charcoal right In. No-fare gride allow evon- major with a minor in mathe- versidad Ponttficia de Sala- supply. Let Hghtsr fluid worries bo a orilllng of aft foods. A bMevel cook matics. troubltaonw thing of tho psrt. Now you rack gives temperature versaUHty and can Qiflt, kabob, and roUsaarloto your additional grlllfng areas. Use natural heart'a oortert wttti Just the turn of a gas or propane. Knob • •. 0*«a range of controlled But dont just lake our word for t. Vlstt your nearest Qlzabethtown Gaa etowroom lodayt

    Cutting PoraofMlliM llzmbethtown Bms Spoclaliata Razor Consonw Natural Gas—Ifs Pur» Energyl Razor Foundation Wlfs WMota their OMBTtWtl FREI STRUT PARKING CALL APPOINTMINT WEflTTIELD Hows FrMays Cloacd Showrooms Open Ohopplng Ntgirts and Sstuntoys. Elmer Street, Westfield 232-0700 Offir food oftty In arse wrvfoed by Elbstathtown Qts.

    Named Marshal For Graduation Debra Natalie Diener, a sen- ior at Syracuse University, has been selected to serve as stu- OLD FASHIONED SALE DAYS dent marshal for June 3 com- r mencement and will lead the processional for the College of Arts and Sciences. A political science major, THURSDAY * FRIDAY.* SATURDAY Debra is a member of Eta Pi UpsUon, senior women's honor- ary; Pi Sigma Alpha, political science honorary, a University Scholar, and listed in the 1972 It's Bargain Time—The Savings Are Great—Come See! edition of "Who's Who Amoog Students in American Univers- ities and Colleges." Children's Misses* Debra plans to do graduate Gifts F J • study at «be University

    CARD TABLES and CHAIRS DRESSES 20% to 50% off Given Music Award From Stakmore 20% off Tina Keller, daughter of Mr. SPORTSWEAR SPORTSWEAR 1.99 to 19.99 and Mrs. Nelson A. Keller has Driftwood Casual DRINKWARE received a music award to Bre- slacks - shirts - playclothes vard Junior College, Bevard, N. Save 20% Selection for active wear C. She will be a member of the Concert Band, playing flute when she enters the college in LINEN SELECTION to 1/3 off ROBES and SLEEPWEAR 20% off September. WEDGWOOD Save 20% SPRI COATS HOSTESS and Indiana Cites "Edme" "Chanticleer" Area Students "Flying Cloud" EVENING WEAR to 50% off Area students at Indiana Uni- versity, Bloomington, have been honored for scholastic achieve- Famous brands ment at the annual Founder's Day ceremonies. Those from LUGGAGE selection men's-ladies 25% off Mountainside are Joanne C. Han- sen, 1259 Wood Valley Rd.; Nan- cy P, Parent, 1487 Woodacres Dr., and Roberta S. Ruberii, SPECIAL HITCHCOCK CHAIRS 2 for $55 554 Woodland Ave. And, from Westfield, Hobert W. Bayly, 938 Reg. $39.00 each Coolidge St.; Donna A. Cleve-

    L :-\*- land, 732 Knollwood Terr.; Mark W. Corrlgan, 412 Quantuck Lane; Limited selections — not every color or size; '•'.'-:-- r Andrew C. Mallor, 407 OUsco t. • *

    :-.=.•• -.-- Dr.; Jacqueline 3. Payne, 1000 .'o ^ • 5-'.' '• Coolidge St., and Mrs, Beatrice

    '••'>. Mound Reifcis, 60 Mohawk Terr, i --I- flo i .<•. - '•/.::

    .-...%•• On Kent Dean's List Among students at Kent Stale Central Avenue, Westfield University who earned places on tho doiin's list during the winter Fran Customer Parking In Our Lot at 132 Elm Street rjunrtcr arc Burbnra BIcUH, 585 TrlnJiy l'L, mul Peggy t'lsher, 837 Clurk XL PAOt 14 —THI WESTNELD (N. J.) LEADER —MAY Ifc It/3 Barry Randall Miss Hagemeyer, a Paige Kissam M#jor Robert G. Rhodes of Bellas of Cower UvTajaftm Betty Garner Weds Major Lynn, Mass, was best mail. Ush- instructing at the Mittary Ac* ffig* School, has completed faer ers, ail onetrttcton at the U.Sdemy. . To Wed junior y«*r a tbe University af Plans Wedding At U. S. Military Academy Military Academy, were Majors Ma^or CarroU is ft* Mrs. MMt W. Hage- Dayton, Ohio. She will eartar Mr. *nd Mrs. Hunter Ryerson Mias Betty Sue Garner, who GarNr, who wu duirmaa ofThomas Breneua, Donald De- Set** Hall Uatentty ifl the Mrs. Paul T. Carroti al Falto %hi|Ml KtaBun of Iti Eaglecroft Rd., was married April 30 to Major the department of Mochamiatry Swpri, Joto Little, Donaiki Wil- Church, V». and the late of tteir f and Palm Beach, Fla., announ ter, Rboert Cooper Carroll, will live and aiatrtant dew of tte Ntw tewon aod Jamee Wortoiflfi- (her General Carroll who uflft Lynn, to Barry Ate Har fiance k the engagement of their daugh- in Bangkok, Thailand while herJersey State Collage of Medicine ton. * «• * Mr. a** I**. as an aide to General WestfitU Hifh ter, Miss Paige English Kis- husband is stationed in Vietnam and Dentistry. Mxs, Carroll was educated ait er after World War II. la biM,» Woodbrook University of Teanaasae. Ha to sam, to William Frederick Jag- for a year. Westfield High School aad at i AHgnat ftwMing is now a junior underwrttar lor years, Gen. Carrofi waa uaak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fre- The couple is now on a five Miss Jean Lahey wa* maid DePauw Univmrty where she tary of die White House Aetna Casualty and Surety. derick Jagusak of Granted. week trip to Europe and will of honor. Biirt—imhk were earned a B.A. degree. She hat The bride elect, an alumna of, visit Spain, Portugal, Germany Mrs. Araott M. Harttey of be employed aa a media plan- WeatfieM High School, is a cum and Austria. Champaign, IS., tte bride's fil- ning Bupervtoor wita aai advertto Miss Grinder Named laufe graduate of Harcum Jun- They were married in a mili- ter; Mrs. Robert D. Gamer, her ing fain. Named to the ior College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. tary ceremony at the Chapel of sister in Jaw; Mrs. Harry D. honors list at the Uatanftgr al Cold Fur Brown of Atenadrte, Va., Miss Her husoand, a U.S. Military She received a B.A. degree m the Most Holy Trinity, West Academy graduate, was sward- Maasachuseu in Amhcrat to fa> psychology from the University Point, N.Y. by the Rev. RobJoi- e Smith and Him Mary El- tricia A. Grander* m torn- of Manfend, College Park. She ert F. McCormick. Her brother, len Haverlin, both of New York ed a B.S. degree in sociology son P!. She is a Storage is now a caseworker for the Robert D. Gamer of Clark, es- City. from Northwestern University. ing in psycAotogy, Union County Welfare Board la corted her to the altar for the! Let Us Care for Your NORA GEEB PlaMfcM. double ring rite. A reception —Gordon Studio Furs with Our Mr, Jagusak, a graduate of was held at the West Point Of- Bruce Rubin MARILYN MAHR ficers' Club. PLAN GrsBford High School, received To Wed a B.A. degree m political sci- Marilyn Mahr The bride is the daughter of 1. Stored in cold humidity controllad vaultf Rubin, son ofencs from Parsons College, Mrs. Raymond L. Gamer of 813 aafe from insectf, fire theft Fairtoid, Iowa, where he was Nancy Way and the late Mr. 2. Torn or open lining! aewn Mr. and Bare. David E. Rubinprasjdant of Pi Kappa Alpha fra To Be Bride CHARM of M Byro» Ct., will be married terntty. He is a detective for the 3. All ripa in fur are repaired, if no materi- Jan* 7 in Atlanta, Ga. to Mias Union Couny Prosecutors of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin G. Itefcr al is needed, FMI OF CHARM Nora Geer, daughter of Mr. andfice. of 134 Barchester Way announce 4. Eyes reinforced and replaced If needed, Mrs. Joseph Geer of Decatur, the engagement of their duigh- FMI OF CHARM Gt. A fall wedding Is planned. ter, Martyu, to DarreU W. Ford, 1*e prwpecf ive bride received ffi 5. All garment! insured son of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Ford t«t 6. All garments hand brushed and air blown. a bachelor's depvein journal of Knoicville, Tem. ton torn the University of Gear Miss Mahr is an alumna of gin where her fiance will be WesUield High School, Class of graduated fe Jim with a bach 1W8. She will be graduated in eens unions etort degree in journalism and June from the University of phUoaophy, She toemploye d by Tennessee. m the Institute of Government at ± the Uaiventty in Athens, Ga. Air. Ford is a graduate of Hoi- 4 ston High School, and the Uni- m-. Pant Suits Reg. to $32 NOW ttm $14 213 PARK AVI, 754-mt ELAINjFllLD Mr. Rtthta, Class of 1M8 at versity of Tennessee. He is em Cotton Knit Dresses " " $15 n WeetfMd High School, will at ployed by Humble Oil and Re $ • an* .*«. m ii tend Stetson Law School, Si fining Co., Hackensack. ^'•>i.- 2 pc Skirt Sets Fetenburgt Fla. in the fall. NOW " A summer wedding is planned. 1 pc Dresses ii If Nuptials Held Prom Gowns If if If For Mr. Capone, —McOitcheon Studios Junior Coats FASHIONED GEORGIA K. PETERSEN Teen Coats II It Miss Esposito • Wearing an ivory Irish linen Miss Petersen wedding dress with Swiss gut BARGAIN DAYS PAIGE ENGLISH KISSAM pere lace, Hiss Annette Marie Is Future Bride LITTLE SISTER SHOP Esposito was married April 29 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Bucknell Assistant to James J. Capone Jr., son ofPetersen, who have moved from (SIZES 7-14 OIKLS) James Capone of 1006 Prospect Westfield to Heather Ridge John F. Lamer, has been se-St. and the late Mrs, Regina Country Club, Denver, Colo., an- Long Dresses Reg. to $14 N0Wfnm$9 eded to serve as a resident as- O'Donneil Capone. nounce the engagement of their 11 astant in an upperclass dormi- The bride, daughter of Mr.daughter, Miss Georgia Elenore Dresses " $12 MAY 18th, 19th, 20th toryat BuckneU University for and Mrs. Frank P. Esposito of Petersen to M. David Genoa. the 1972-78 academic year. He Bayonne, carried three calla* His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Coats " " $35 " $17 isthe son of Mr. and Mrs. Jolml lilies for Uie nuptials in St. Peter Genna of Boyaton Beach, ALL SALIS FINAL E. Lamer, 9 Sandy Hill Rd., Henry's Church at which the FUa. and a Junior at BuckneU. Rev. Richard J. Chilnurk of- ficiated. The bride elect plans a Jan- uary wedding. She is a graduate Mrs. Edward Gottko was her of Westfield High School and Handi Charge Unicard Nite Owl Candidate sister's matron of honor and , Clara Louise SAVE 10% <• 307. Miss Carol Albizati was maid of has been employed by Hahne 6 Master Charge Patricia Cain wasone of three Co., .North Ave. Reg. and Budget honor. The bridegroom's sisters, Bankamericard 121 Quimby St., W«etffM4... MM U1 Union College coeds, represent- Bliss Regina and Elizabeth Anne "SfV Genna was graduated in n Ihttndf HH f p.m Charge ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ing the evening students at theCapone were bridesmaids. 1969 from the University of Cranford, Elizabeth, and Plain- Florida with a B.S. degree. He * ' field campuses, vytag for the ti- Best man was John C. Orestis is with Amoca Ott Co. FINE FOOTWEAR of Lewiston, Maine. Ushering tle of "Miss Nite Owl," campus were Robert Donnelly of Union, FOR ALL THE FAMILY queen. A graduate of Holy Trin- Gerald Iannt of Lawrenceville ity High School, she was named and J. Douglas Orr of Clinton. to thedean's honor list this Bern- The newlyweds are living in Choose from such Linden after a trip to Mexico famous brands as: City and Aoapulco. fa Pottery Bazaar is A NATURAL.. Mrs. Capone works for the • Air Step Risque' Bandolino Bayoime Board of Education Bostonian ' and is a member of the National * Moxees Verde C . Education Association and the • Acme Dingo Keds Grasshoppers N.J. Education Association. A Birthday and graduate of Jersey City State * P.F. Flyers Jumping Jacks Wtddln0i Cak« College, she earned a master's Our Specialty degree in education at Seton OPEN Hall University. Tues. to Sat. 8 to 6 Her husband a lawyer with Sun., Holidays 8 lo 1 Pollack & Markson, Attorneys All Baking Dene en the Pr«mti«t at Law, Kenilworth, went to m Holy Trinity High School and E. BROAD ST 232-5163 MOUNTAINSIDE Georgetown University. He was .->••- PASTRY SHOP graduated also from Rutgers m OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P^ S97 Mountain Av«. 232-9258 School of Law and Rutgers Handi-Charge / BankAmericard / Uni-Card School of Business Administra- tion.


    Tmdy SupEnUiivEs from Adier's superb collection of precision-crafted IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Wittnauer watches For her, the elegant simplicity of undated fashion- For him, AT EVEN BETTER PRICES down-to-earth masculinity. And Inside each handsome case, absolute timekeeping dependability backed by Adier's unconditional guarantee.

    * 20% - 40% off all patterns of dinnerware in stock DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF PRECIOUS JEWELRY SINCE 1921 45 pc sets Reg. 79.95-145.00 NOW 63.00 - 116.00 32B W. St. Gaorgi Avt., Llndan open Mon. Thurs. Frl. 'til 9 45 pc. sets Reg. 35.19 - 58.69 NOW 19.20 - 32.00 219 N.Av«ii» What, Waatfiald op«n Thursday and Friday 'til 9 RMgtwood • Paramus • Morriitown POTTERY BAZAAR 330 SOUTH AVE., GARWOOD Opart Weak Nltti In the Garwood Mall fTH 9 p.m. WITTNAUER—a Longlnes-Wlttnauer product 789-2290 MAY It, If71 — TMf WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER —PAGE 17 Edison Parents Jim. Jrring Kurtz, geasral our otuflasfo respond. Havisf varded a B.S. degree in taitialei Fonte (W), 6-4 over Connolly (0); E. McEntee and P. Sully and M. Federici (W), chairman of IMP, stated feat accompanied our instrumental mentary education from Setoa ThsU Chaste-, W Upok* ITC Ladies Wtacftienfeki and Hiil (O); B. A. GMctoan 3-6, 26, to Scran- 4-6, 6-4, 6-1, over Kenyon aiid Award Stereo the rnipwwr waf "most pvtt- «poups on various trips through- Hall Uroveratty. Mm ieaa A. icroa, horn* eooMK aUo^an and M. Leabe (W), 74 ton and Crowley (0). King (BH); and D. Stites, and tying; aa overwfaebniag suc- out the state, it has been moat Cavanai«fe of JU Uadea Aye. it Ohio UHversity. SI and *-l, over Erslow and Dey C Team: L. Hogan and A. L. Moe, 7-6, 6-2, over Maher cess. The cooperation of GO gratifying U> bear the favor- a jusier mejorsag si borne Win Openers (O); G. Anderson and B. Alien, and Lovett (BH), MtitEiNK many in support of ftis fund Warfield (W), 3-6, 57, to Bige- able responses to tfanr ont- in Utt after beinc ampinyni lor •osnfcs educate aad The Weatfield Tenus Club's H M, 7-«, ov«r Laves and tar *» rawing ev«nt points up to tbe etflnHing musical edwve- 15 yew by N. J. Ml Telepaone Wolf (O); B. Strong and K. low and Martin (BH); C. Tener Weaffield tal MNK Ptnsto of Thomas realization of the value of in- LadiM' seems began their flea and N. Hayes (W), b-3, 44, 4-6, meeds." Co. Named To Phi Beta Kappa SOB last week, tfce A, B and C itidutrdsoitidd n (W), M, 14, over Tsmperery Office* Alve EWm Jwor Higi strumental music to the over- In addition to Hre. Eason Farris and Lynott (O). to BaiUelli and Arnold (BH); 124 Elmer St. Sctest*! reoat fund raiting All development of our young teems played home games. and Mrs. Kuntz, other parents Named By Dean Sysaa A. sfertai has been el- Wetf&eld won a£* out of the B Team: B. Blaze and B. evwst, tew wwMxrt the wia- people." ected to the Colby Cottage chsiv MM who assisted as area captains It matches w*h Onweje Lawn Ketw^un (W), &-7, 57, to Far- V * Mr of tte stereo component Mrs. Kurtz added: "We an Mort tfeaa e» ataaants have ter of PU Beta Kafpa hoaor so- ris and Feeley (O); N. Kramer were: Mrs. G. Acfcermaa, Mrs. been named to the dtaa Hat at and Beacoa Hill, one of whicti Mt Th» prfat WM *wanfed to ciety. A asaisr, majering ia and J. Jones sopnsM. PsBBBlV llSBBBBl of the Rev. and Mi*. Ltftay beautiful Daily Trips to Stanfont of Ml Bradlord Ave., is Cnpuano Recipient one of U ObMtin Cottage sUi- dents sfcsrtnd to aawcirii mero- McGovern •Pkm« Of Steven* Award «f>*JrTe> beretip in the Society of the hams M. Capuuto of ttf Irv- Sfcma Xi wUcsi to dedicated to Supporters TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED ing Ave. wus the recipient of nn the encouragement of scientific ' Register Now, Ages 3 • 7 anniversary achievement award research, pine and applied, during Alumni Day, May I, at Members ate sssarttd in recog- At Rally Give the gift of a lifetime. 376-1120 Stevens Institute of Technology. nition of either research poten- A fine diamond ENGAGE- WESTFIELD tial or research achievement. WesttieM Citizens for Senator MENT RING. Or WED- 233-1181 A 1M2 graduate of the col- IfcGevem held a dinner puty DING RING. Chosen from lege, Mr. Capuano has been Miss Stanford is a otology Ml art auction an Friday eve- our outstanding new class captain and decade cap- major. She earned honors SlSSBBl^B^^BJBjiejffHSJS^^^^^^^^^^iS—M ning, at the home of Dr. and "Spring Love" collection. tain for t h e annual Stevens through her work on the Under- Mrs. Lorlmer Miller of IU Bou- Reflecting true value. For Randal's Fund. He is a design engineer paduate Reaearch Participation levard, following a rally in Eliz- as a Registered Jeweler of with the Westinghouse Elevator program at the National Science abeth where Sea, McGovern ad- the American Gem Society Division, Jersey City. u t •' ri| Summer 1171. dressed an overflow crowd we grade gems according George Waattigtoft School 1 to the world's highest stan- Well Earned Degree Initiated At 0. U. At the dinner in West*ield, the dards. And are pledged to guests werrintpodoced to some give you ALL the informa- A 1952 graduate of WeatfieU EUea Shahnaaartan, daughter ofhe McGovern delegates to the tion you need to make, a High School has just been a- of Mr. and Mre H. J. Shatea- Democratic National Convention wise choice. who will eppeer ea the batot in GROWTH the Nmr Jersey primary eec- tion on June I. These delegates OPPORTUNITY Registered Jeweler included Mary Elton Callahan, Growth in the understanding of God Americin Gem Society Great golf is practically Kathleen CastMy, G«orge mutts In healing. v Hidset Joan Kemefty, 'Ethel On Wednesday evenings, in churches Master Charge, Handi- Mallor Susan Robinson, Rich- around the world, Christian Scientists tell of Charge, Personal Charge, at your doorstep. ard Samuel, who is also a can what they've learned, and the healings they've Budget and Lay-A-Way didate for Congress, and Elmer »|r Tajweffi WeVe im thM a 2 hour e>ive away; had as a result. Plans Sullivan. Other local officials Chriatlan Science Is a spiritual disci- 9jt X££2M2!2!SX!22S3B> ^^ watting to mset the and candklatofl present were Ri- pline with Infinite rewards. It opens thought to challenge or our 27 famous championship hotts, chard M. Dravis, municipal i f Stride Rite craftsmanship and our chairman; Charles A. Harris, new channels. Come next Wednesday. We'd • Sfit^JlIlfllrV Swimming, tennis,horsebac k tovetosharewUhyou whet we've been learning. skill as professionals. A very riding, boating, fishing, Ms more. tWrd ward councilman seeking another term this year; John fitting combination. JCEntevlfWGftatfQoAftfwacoommdd CHWSTIAN SCIENCE TESTMONY MEETINGS (choictof115 air-condKlonsd rooms), Tucker, fourth ward council- ewtU/u man; David Han, Union County tnttrtalnment, all in e spectacular tatting. Wednesday Evenings Elm ft Qulmby Sts. Westfleld, 2M-471 • coordinator for Citizens for Me- 422 E. tread St., Weitfield Govern; and Mmee Rhnm and OKN DAILY ALSO CRANFORD And we've got 2 great plans • la 5 30 Janet Lundy Weatfield co-ordi- 12 NORTH AVI. W. to get you golfing. natoni. THURSDAY 9(tf 4MYSAND3NI0H1* TV art auction which fol- PU1LIC NOTICE PUILIC NOTICE lowed the dinner offered many paintings, photographs, sculp- par pinen. dbl.occupinjr par p*no*. dbl. acaputucy ture and pottery by area art- Stride Rite Sandals plus Uft and gratuitta |Mua tax and craiuKfM STARTING TODAY, MAY 18 at 940 A.M. Includts faotn, 9 mult an Includn foam, S maato •*• ists. There was spirited Wd- Perfect For Now... ttit Pud AflMrtcin Pton and th« fiiN *mu\t*n Plan antf unllmH«dgolf.Rflduc*d rati* unllmitad ntf. daduaad ratas flUns on the mope than eft items And All Summer Long. for non •T liJ BAB SBaHMaafJ i offered, with Councttnan John OF KSIFIELD'S HOSt RETUTIBIE BETfER DRESS SHOPS www nvn ysfv rvtv* for Informatton and r«Mrv*t(onm, Tucker acting as auctioneer. SM your local travel ia«nt er callorwritt Dinner chairman was Mrs, Ken- Complete Line of Orthopedic Shoe* nelly, assisted by Mrs. John 1 DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS John Perry, tickets; Man Fug- ACCURATELY FILLED WARINO't maim, food; Charles Bachman, bartending; and Ellen Samuel ukownee *xnn and Carol Birchall, art. Kim THE POCOfW'SOOLF KIOUT SfcawM«'On*Dalawar*. Pa. Siegel was In charge of service We Keep ACCURATE RECORDS of All Fitting* (717) 42M500 and Flo Hartye obtained the ANNOUNCES THAT IT IS supplies. Mall REMINDER CARDS •rwMe FREE SIZE CHECKUPS Film Tomorrow A film on discord on America due to inflation and the ele- ments causing it Is to be shown "Make Randal's a Family Affair" at 8 p.m. tomorrow an the Fan- wood Community House at Mar- Rapraatnlad by: Roaart F. Warntr, Inc., tine and North Aves. •2ELMST, 232-34M 630 Fifth Avanua, RANDAL'S Naw Vark, N.V. 10020. Westf Ield Leader Open Thursday Evenings Temporary Offices 124 Elmer St. NTI STOCK Today we begin the complete liguidation an unrestricted choice ef anything in our store of our entire Inventory of fine ladies dresses at truly stupendous savings I • . • Everything goes. Reductions from the or- , This sale presents a unique opportunity for iginal price tags are startling. You'll find the every woman eye for exceptional fash- best of dresses, gowns, pants suits, coctail ion and quality . . . and an appreciation of dresses, costumes and ensembles. Come in for unbelievable value and savings! There are no exceptions. All the newly acquired spring and summer stock is included in this gigantic sales event. WE ARE KNOWN BY TNE COMPANY'S WE KEEP • ALEX DEJUNW e LEO NARUCCI e LANVAN e KIMBERLY • YOUTH GUILD e CARRIE COUTURE • CABOT e HARMONY Fine Food • ARKIN e RONA e VILLANO e PAB e BRENNER COUTURE e PAGANNE e CARLSON e MISS FOX • DON SOPHISTICATES e COUNT ROMI e DALANI e HEISER EGAN • JONNY HERBERT e JERRY SILVERMAN • ETC. e ETC. ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED

    inn Cocktails DRESSES OOWNS PANTS SUITS ENSEMBLES COCKTAIL DRESSES Major Crorflt Cardi Honored DAILY 11130 A.M.-to 11 P.M. - SUM. 12 NOON to 10 P.M. After sale Is completed The Stones will reopen with an entirely new Inventory on or about June 22. STORE HOURS DURING SALE TERMS OF SALE: NO CHARGE 9:30 TO 5:30 DAILY, THURS. 9:30 TO 9 NO ALTERATIONS • NO REFUNDS

    STFI 233-2260 $60 Springfield Avenue Westficl(J,N.J. PAOi II —THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEAOfft— MAY II, Wt teaspoon dried leaf tarragon together the eggs, mustard and Wash and dry chicken: In skillet add onion and apples:: Cover and simmer until Chicken Veronique Elegant Height Of Baking Arc Frapirt and bake biscuiU seafood seasoning. Dip fish in sprinkle vita salt and pepper. cook, stirring often, about 5 is tender-90 to 40miaa*N. Mr accoriing to package tfrectioat. mixture; roll in potato flakes. In a 12-inch skillet heat butter; rakute*. Stir In flour and curry often to keep sauce I* Froh Apple Tan Fry in hot ©li until fiia flakecadd chicken art over moderate- powder, then dilcken broth; Wat toftfiwr batter aaft sticking, if sauot ii tbicftor Yet Simple Company Fare tarragon. Split It of tat easily and is golden-brown — ly high heat brawn on both stirring constantly, bring to a This year turn to classic succulent and juicy, and the biscuits; spread with batter S or 4 minutes on each side. sides. boli^auoe will thicken. you like add a little more, brotfc. cookery lor a company dish that subtle grape flavor is not •Mar*. Place tUMtor broiler Garnish with parsley. Makes A Remove chicken. To drippings Replace chicken In skillet. Haloes 4 servings. is exquisite in flavor and apoverwhelmed by the delicate until lightly browaed. Serve aervingi. pearaacc and surprisingly quick chicken breasts. remaining biscuits in basket. and easy to prepare. Hostesses A special bonus for such a list PllflRY SIMMER SESSION of other days made such great classic dish as Chicken Chicken Cutup COIDUCATrONAt disaei as Caicken Marengo, Veronique is its quick cooking Potatoes Coat Cut-up chicken U cooked in Chicken Kiev, Chicken time. The dish can be ready a curry sauce. Aitnl 4, 1172 Tetrajaini, and Chicken for the table in little more than Fish Fillet* CftfclM ACAOIMIC ADVANCI CtfOIT RIAOINO INITITUTI Veronique to dine their guests a half hour. Indeed, the brief Masted potato flake* coat tat t% to 3-pound chicken, cut up deliriously and in style. cooking time is part of the full fillets. Salt and pepper Preview or Review in: Biology secret of protecting the tender Remedial Chicken Veronique, a French M cup butter English Chemiitry texture and juiciness charac- cup prepared yellow mustard 1 flmall ankmi, finely chopped Mathematics Physics Developmental clastic, is made with tender teristic of chicken breasts. chicken breasts, the most teaspoon seafood seasoning (about % cup) Modern Languages Algebra 1 Increase Speed and elegant part of the chicken. It To complete your menu, serve pounds fish Witts I medium apples, peeled and DAY CAM* U. S. History Comprehension ha« a delicate sauce of seedless Green Beans and Slivered Couatry-rtyJs ma*ed potato diced (about 1 1/3 cups) AfMS-14 NURSIRY CAMP 3 or 6 - week courses greet grapes, fresh mushrooms, Almonds. % tablespoons curry powder Salad oil and parsley tyj cups fat-free clear chicken Daily: 9:55-3:15 and rich chicken broth. The Two Swims Daily Daily: 9:55 -3:15 SPfCIAL COUftMf CHICKEN VERONIQUE _ t_ -—£=-.— and juicr aatuiz m a la a shallow container beat broth chicken is served on Tarragon B Sports Swimming ojfl'j^p*'* • •!••• • sfawo»eJea> . — __ _ . —_ — — ___ . _ _^_ Biscuits. It's a delightful dish. 6 whole broiler-fryer chicken now. Hore'a an ides! Combine (mil aMie with fmh rhubarb Games Games 1TB> method of preparation breasts, halved in home-twked tarta tin* will brinf hackle your family the dan Art Art Typing yields chicken meat that is Salt of oM-faabionad ttttSMM and leaetueiy aaSale. Do you kmS how to be MUtyN art) Myiac «MoS ai ba«t anility? Ctuoee Crafts Crafts Study Techniques thoee that »re firm, ertoo, briftit, cfoan aad wijlf-coloml for tha Woodworking Outdoor Play variety Nut Models Enrollment Limited Painting BMtcfc jewelry Sketching Oilwlil Ml Uaroiitg tariff y way. Sewing 6-Weeks Only Cook-Outs No Transportation Certified by N. J. State Dept. of Education thful s ANTIQUES/ COSTUME / SILVERWARE FmfcAptb Am Tournaments Available for TINNIS CLINIC Paeliy for 2*natt pi* 3 or 6 Weeks Nursery Campers Boys and Girls NURSERY SCHOOL 2 flupgatloadpfirod, 1 Ifjfciwpiaa ftwtf •ASKIT1ALL SOCCf ft CAMP oofdappUa % cupwfar Saturday, May 20 CAMP Ages 10 — Adult KINDERGARTEN 1 cup ilieM rhubarb (cut in teatpoon cinnamon Boyi Only Boys Only K/rinch ptoeoi) . 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Grades 7- 12 Ages 13 - 18 June 12 - August 25 • Collaga Trained Faculty • A.M. and P.M< Sntcki Line four 4-inch tart pant with paatry. Fill each •hell with August 14 - 25 August 21 -25 • Special Art And Muilc • P.T.A, Meetlngt cup apples and VA cup rhubarb. Bprinblt with lemon juice. • P.T.A. Meetingi Tttchori Combine flour, auger, cinnamon and nutaet: sprinkle ovei Wn§ry Sch«+4 Is a nondiKriminatery institution • Wtll Equipped PUyflroundi rhuberivapple mixture. Nfojeten adfet of paatry with water All proceeds to further the chirltable work of • Morning and Afternoon • Directed Progrim top wi(h pastry and seal. Place pant on a tttftuw sheet and TRANSPORTATION AVAIL Aft LI bake in a 42ft* F. oven for 26 ftiBlltst, uattt golden brown, • Llmlftd Enrollmtnt Makes: Four 4-inch tarts. NEW EYES FOR THE NEEDY Transportation Provided fa TIE PIK6RY SCHOOL Now AccopHnf If72 fall RtglstraHwts S4f Mlllburn AVMM / «Mrf Hllltv N. J. 215 NORTH AVINUI, HILLtlDI, NiW JIRilY .Scotch PUlnt, Mountiinildt, Fftnwood, Westfleld, Cl«rk Paprika of the butter in a large skillet. Tt4f*hM»; (Ml) 3SS4fM lummtr Cim*, AfM 9*7 cup butter, divided Add chicken, skin side down. Brown well on both sides; WESTFIELD CALL Stnm cup chopped onion remove. Melt remaining % cup pound mushrooms, sliced butter In skillet; add onion and cup flour mushrooms. Cook Over low heat S minutes. Blend in flour and 2 teaspoons sugar sugar. Stir in chicken broth and 4 cups chicken broth lemon juice. Bring to a boil, i flemington cup lemon juice stirring constantly. Add 4 2 cups seedless green grapes chicken; cover and simmer 30 Seedless green grape clusters. minutes, or until tender. Add Bone chicken breasts if grapes last 5 minutes cooking desired. Sprinkle chicken with time. To serve, place chicken salt and paprika. Melt y% cupbreasts on Tarragon Biscuits on serving platter; spoon a small AT HEN HOUSE amount of the sauce over each. 1 Garnish with grape clusters and serve with remaining sauce. Yield: 12 servings. TARRAGON BISCUITS ounce) packages refrigerated flaky biscuits cup soft butter AT HEN HOUSE


    Many peeple find out when Ifs toe late, a lot of "bargains" In carpeting turn out to be moro than tho customer bar- gained for. Good carpetir* Is really hard to Judgo whon Ifs now; poor carpeting usually reveals Itself whon Ifs too late to do anything about It. At •rehm's/Tarlowo wo think you ought to know the type of "bargain" to ovoid whon shopping for carpotlng. Those "bargains" you will not gst of Brohm's/Tarlowo. But there's plenty you do got at '/Tl too I WHAT YOU DON'T GET WHAT YOU DO GET!!

    UtptH "Slick" ittaUtta »H wwhrawaJaal carpeta er Al Srahm't/Tarlewa y«u gtt cirpafing by walllvar yareji •til, tiriraiMly alurabta and ajuarantsaal traiubMrw. the bifj look ii blizirs •^•^^^^••^•••••••••^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^lllllll^^i^^^iilliaiiaBBBBBBB^BBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^^H^ tS^sftSf^ and Hen House hat'am lwaliaiMa1aii> iwfaHan — matt ttwai alan't want I)M both»r «f main* NOW in plaids, denim, talnbiaj tnttll*()*fi crtw*, a* th«y Hra \n4f***nt imtalkra »• do At •rahm'a/Tarlewa w« maintain lbs flnatt taam mt fnttaNars, tama waffc. That* man t«t |»M by th« lab a* tfw lartar th«y CMI- •t tham ar« with w for 30 ytart. Thay at* tkllM traftamaii wh* lintn, chino, tapestry, lh» |*b, fh« maf« lN«y Nwht. T|» ctmumtr, •bv(«y«ly, la lh« r«ta« alwaa It f hrtantla* At Irthm't/Tirliwi yw |tl «nly tht rl|M ally aid mwa yarrfaf• fbtn (• koimr sift suit you

    • ' • en Rouse higher rise trousers Peer tarvlca — moat ttarae era Mt tat up le tarvlca any of yavr 108QulmbySt..Westfield At Brahm'a/Tarlawa aur workmamhfp and Initallation It guararriaad Most credit cards accepted team with fantastically mtt, frem imtellaffen t« rapaln. Aftar yau buy ywr earptt, you'ra on* yaar fra* ... 24 haura rapalr If nacttury, '.J detailed jackets and •e yeur ewn. m i coat styles. This cap LMGDKSSB shoulder vest suit in tan Law "bah" pricaa — • familiar aefctma In miny lypii of businantt. Vf or white, 5 to 13 $48 A law prfcaal carpatfn* h aivtrtJitd fa gat yau in tha itera. Aftar At Irahm't/Tarlowa you gat what wa advartlia. Wt dan't idvar- that, tha ulatman triai hli hwtt (H'l hfi |ob) f» twitch you to a tUa ar carry "junk" carpating, What wt do carry, wa prica canv I SPECIAL hiehar pricte* itam. Oftan, if yau Insist an tha advarihad carpating parltlvaly, Our prlcaa ara at law «i anyona't en quality eirpatlng. yau'll ba laid ft'a itld aut. reg. $17.00 young-looking prom-looking long* with •;f=W!v^ paitel plaid bottomi and I-.-K solid pucker topi in halter en House or scoop neck, 5 to 13 1O8QulmbySt,.Westfield ' Most credit carde accepted #'* * q



    • V. :••;,. •; <.'. ,'f S ister '<.'*. .?; BRAVEAU PRACTICAL FRESCEAU SPECTACULAR

    t - Plush Acrylic Broadloom Antron II Nylon Nylon Shag Broadloom All Wool Toxturod Plush NOW! Multi-color Grid Design $9.95 $10.95 $11.95 lee Skating por sq. yard por aq. yard psr sq. yard per sq. yard Enjoyment n That Beats

    Day Gamp Gold y r-.

    Tofi • Pra-Tasm • TaintDora • Adulti • Lfldlai' Cldtioi Individual Attention • Fun on Ico — and Haalrhy Too VISIT OR CAtL THi SCHOOL NIARIST YOUR HOMB NOW TO Carpet Cruftsvten Since 1936 HOIITIR fOR THE SUMMER SESSION Monday-Friday 10 A.M. • 7 P.M., Saturday 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. AUTHORIZED KARASTAN DEALER WM fleminffion far company .••.v--; WI5TFIELD —234 E. BROAD ST —233-1702 ELIZABETH — 333 N. BROAD ST.- 355-S554 NO. B SPRING ST. FLHMINOTON, NEW JERSEY O|IAII Ilnlly 'til DIBO (Ittnii Jllun, A TIIIIIM, Mil 0 P.m. RALPH - EVA 1'hiirn, 'ill U ii.lii, ,, U'r.l,, 1'rl. k Hul. 'Ml SiDO it.tti. • i •• OPEN SUNDAY A EVERYDAY TO 0 P.M.,., • $ WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY TO 10 P.M. •l.\'.i Nutili Avri. W., WnftitloKI, (ZOt) 232-37HO One of tho World's Lnrgoal Spocliillois In Finn Fun. /0-1 Morrii lurnplkn, Slinrl Hills, (201) \m Cnmntala Una of lea and App«r#l.

    ' \ .

    b i. m- J- MAY It, 19/2 —THI WUTFICLD (N. J.) LEADER For some this combination ait ttot aprlakiad wlta served with a mixed green sazttifed Cheddar cheese for Temporary Offices Tuna Sauce Tasty salad and light dessert couM toe fiatiuiig touch. make a pleasing and autritiout Sen* aot from the even with meal. a sailed greaa aalad, broiled Westfield Leader On Baked Potato tosaatots art for deasert—fresh potatoes are a popular sour- cream- Parmesan cheese Twa ftaece* Spuds fruit. •wet family menus, suce with a dash of dill added, • baking potatoes 126 Elmer St. Whra rnojM—d with a tuna - they'll really turn on appetites, 44 cup butter or margarine 1 tablespoon finely chopped 11b. grwad toef onion ] y% cup chopped oaiofl, or 2 /4 cup flour tablaapooas iastant minced % teaspoon salt onkm MAII> wwmw ,4 teaspoon pepper 1 can (II oz.) whole kerael corn 14 cup milk 1 can (Uft oz.) caiU wita beans 1 cup light cream 1 package (1 or) chUi seasoning PLAYS FAVORITES cup sour cream mil oaddiu cup diced pimiento 1 caa (I or) refrigerated cenmic cooklop lets 2 cans (<% or 7 ounces each) buttermilk or country style : ^ f- cook with virtually ALL &**<•*»> tuna in vegetable oil >' f*rtirl(« cookw«rt- until tender. Blend in flour, salt inch square baking pin or 8x10- and pepper. iack baking pan. Arrange SEIFER DISTRIBUTORS, INC Gradually add milk and biscuit halves on meat mixture; 343 Certlandt Itrett • •ellevIHe, N. 1.071M sprinkle with cheese. Bake at pre-hf ated 373 degree for 20 to 25 minutes utttll golden brown It's Time for Sandals... Makes * to % Stnrtttgs.


    FAOIANO In White Calf — Camel, Yellow or POUCMO THI OAZA STtIP—An Israeli military vehicle passes .a group of Arab Fuscia Suede Kfugest In Gaaa City. A reeant upturge of violence resulted in a crackdown. MO.00 cream and cook, stirring con* as those that take hours to fix. stantly, until mixture thickens This hearty dish, with its and comes to a boil. Remove Loco uncommon name combines from heat; blend in sour cream. ingredients not uncommon to Add remaining ingredients; your shopping list. It begins CRIMA heat to serving temperature. To Chile with a mixture of ground beef, In White or Bone serve, cut potatoes lengthwise corn, chili with beans, and the and crosswise about 1^ inches savory spark of chili seasoning Woven Leather deep. $22.00 Cake mix. Press sides to push up potato. The quick and easy topping Spoon a generous amount of If you think you've tried for this hlgh-in-protfin main sauce over each potato. ground beef every conceivable dish features refrigerated way, you're In for a surprise! buttermilk biscuits which have Savannah, with a population Loco Chill Bake is a change been coated with cornmeil. of about 141*000 is Georgia's of-pace main dish that's proof They're arranged half-moon second largest city. a hurry-up meal can be as tasty style atop the hot meat mixture

    FROM AdlnY DONIY — MATCMEM In White Calf of ENqAqq Dark Brown SOIITAIRES Puma Calf.

    117.00 EathAdiefditimontt i KcinnluHicallvKradwi for color, cut prefect ion, propoillon.

    ^•^BBBBB) V

    DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF PfiCCIOUS JEWELRY SINCE 1*21 1£9 Wt •»• (MSJfBS MPStr LMS3M Daily 'Til StM QP*nMofl.Thun.Frl.'tll9 Thun*y IWa TH 9 219 H. Mveaei Wsjt, Wesffielf open Thursday ind Friday 'tit 9 Use Yew • Paramut • Mofritttwn at CENTRAL, WESTFIELD • 2335678 Htttdl

    Come In for your FRtE copy of our infnrmillw hoaltlet, Let's Talk Oljimonds,

    * ' *i Something Last three days

    New For Sale ends Saturday r" I

    ' - . 72 Plainfield and * • • • # mm For your convenience Short Hills Mall

    our Nursery and .i Garden Center has * expanded its facilities •1 • ' • . to accommodate the growing need for quality plant materials and home gardening supplies.


    Ouc new hours for Spring are as follows: Thursday and Friday open 'till 8:00 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Sunday 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Halnfleld dally 9i30 to 5t30 / Thursdays to 9 / 756.3100 •ark free In our attended lot 240 SPRINGFIELD AVE(/ WESTFIELD 233-6355 Short Hills Mall dally 9:30 to 5:30 / Mondayi and Thursdays to 9 On Tho Wcalfidd Crani'ord Lino / 376-3100 PAGE 2f — THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) tCAOCft MAY It, If72 Banana Nut Cake cup buttermilk 1 cup coaraely broke* walmta 4 J/4 cup orange juice Plain Or Frosted cup finely chopped nuts, No Milk Or Combine sugar, water, preferably black walnuts shortening, raisins and hitters. Nut Cake Bring to a boil, boil for X Serve the cake plain or Thoroughly stir together the minute. Cool to lukewarm. Stir frosted. • flour, baking soda and salt. In 'Thrifty Cake' in remaining ingredients uatil cups unsifted flour, stir to Cream shortening with sugars A member of the depression That's the only change. well blended. Pour into a aerate before measuring and vanilla; lightly beat in eggs generation recently said the MiaUeas, EoitM, Thrifty Cake greased and floured t-inch 1J,4 teaspoons baking soda and banana. Add flour mixture only thing he wanted to 1 cup firmly packed dark brown square baking pan. Bake ia a teaspoon salt alternately with buttermilk and remember was his mother's sugar orange juice; mix well but don't Thrifty Cake. He said it was, preheated moderate even (35t cup shortening 1 cup water degrees) for 35 minutes or until 1 cup granulated sugar overheat. Fold in nuts. and is, the most thrifty cake One-third cup vegetable shor- % cup firmly packed brown Turn into a greased and ever to be made. tening firm in the center. Cut inte • sugar floured 13 by 9-inch cake pan. This a spice cake that is 1 cup seedless raisins squares and serve warm er 1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla Bake in a preheated 35v-degree milkless and eggtess and uses 1 tablespoon aromatic bitters cold, dusted with confectioners' r 3 eggs oven until a cake tester comes only one spice, aromatic bitters. 2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour sugar. Can also be served, 1 cup mashed banana out clean — 45 to 56 minutes. In the original recipe, lard was teaspoon baking powder topped with vanilla ice cream . the shortening; vegetable teaspoon baking soda or sweetened whipped cream. shortening is in today's version. teaspoon salt Mike Molitz, Exec Mgr. -Cameras Unlimited MARCHING IN THE CENTENNIAL PARADE last Saturday were sMeitt frtm Htly Trtaky Elementary SeM. Luncheons • Proms Lett to right, frwrt r*w, are: DwUel ItoMfcHe, Kathy Nfeds- Social Event* • Banquet! wteckl, Mary Hergiik, Lisa H*pUis and Jwutfcw KMUIek; • Seminars seco* nw Steve DMMJMC, Mark Fagaat Tim Grwey mk • Meeting! Paul Faberty; tUrd nw* Mary U Hill, JIU Gardiner, Any McKeaa aM Margaret Flanagan, aad last nw, Daagias V i . Itvta 2*2-2M fttorffi Mirfcad Breoaii, CyatMa KlMey, Richard Hill, 725-2144 Hayek, lae UNrtaa, Eltea Faherty, Giaay FriU an Ptmhae. The parade marked the lMth aaalversary CUAN-UrCAMPAION — feuding M IMy Triaity Parish u WetUteM. Rubble civet way to iton* housing in Jewish quarter in Jerusalem a* apartment* and schools talc* ihap* Horse Show '72 fatkioM fcy Lord Wait M TUXEDO RENTAL SERVICE i ia MMad«ni Bride." This Weekend The 1957 B. 8. Miller Remem- K special class in showman 'Brk!ea, etc* brance Trophy will again be inship for Class "AA" and Class rMt variety of thirl The 39th Annual Watchung ompetition for the senior cham- "A" troopers, or&iBtett by the Troops Spring Horse Show is pionship, open to winners of late Colonel Cecil M. Boycott, scheduled at The Union County certain events. This trophy is tofor whom the trophy it named, Park Commission's .Watchung onor the children who assisted will also be presented. Stable, Gtenstde Ave., Summit, n bringing out 65 horses during Two new events have been in- will beginning at 5 p.m. tomorrow the fire at the Watchung Stable cluded this year: working hunt- ike MaVt continuing on the next two days, m — on April 15, 1957. er hack, for the C*vort Chal- (atiaiai—i 6 it ital») The first event on Saturday will The Donald W, Mitchell Me- FINAL SPRING CLEARANCE be called at 9 a.m. and at 10 lenge trophy, and the Handy norial Trophy will also be in Hunter-Charisma Challenge tro- tOUTE 27 (Cor. Si. George'. Ave.) At R.R. OVERPASS, RAHW a.m. on Sunday. ompetition again. Only those Boys and girls who are mem-roopers who had won a first or 3814)990 Open Dally 10 A.M..9 P.M.—SaluHay to 6 PJJ bers of the Watchung Troops second place will be able to The public Is invited to wit w are eligible to participate in thecompete for this award. ness the show without charge. show, with 49 vents for begin- ners, novice, intermediate and advanced troopers. There will also be events for private I horses. ! CO ATS - SUITS - PANTS The Black Knight Memorial Trophy will again be in compe- H tioti and will be awarded to the GENERAL ELECTRIC if OUTFITS - ENSEMBLES, etc. winning senior troop team, This perpetual trophy has been made (All Sales Final) ' available by the patrons and '4 troopers of the Watchung Stable who rode Black Knight during BELOW COST! the 23 years in which he served as a troop horse. The Snips-Willy Memorial Tro phy will be in competition for '.t\ SHIRLEY'S DRESS SHOP the fifteenth time in memory of two horses which accumulated 1145 STUYVESANT AVE., IRVINGTON, N. J. over 40 years of service to troopers at Watchung. The tro 375-03*0 Open Daily 10 - 5 phy will be awarded to the win- ning pair of junior troopers. V7

    " a


    1 *


    • " \ •

    * Ill BTU,115-Voft.7Ai». J:» } PORTABLE! 43-tos. IlGHTl i 1-YEAR WARRANTY General Electric air conditioners cany a one-year repair warranty against manufacturing defects of the entire air conditioner, with an additional four-year warranty on the sealed rafciprattig system only. 10-YEAR LEXAN* OUTDOOR CASE REPLACEMENT WARRANTY General Electric LEXAN8 outdoor , ., cases carry a 10-year parts and swviw* •' • labor replacement warranty against manufacturing defects.

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    Modal AGTE3O4FA Now—a room air conditioner WITH A HANDLE! You Place need fixing up? just pick it up and carry ft wherever cooling is wanted! It's only 10%" deep—comes with Easy-Mount slide-out You Can Borrow up to $7500 from Suburban Trust sida panels that fit windows from 22%" to 36" wide! The case Is GE Lexan*—the incredibly durable, virtually Borrowing for home improvement is easy .your application processed within 24 weather-proof material used for astronauts' space hel- EASY at Suburban Trust, For that modern kitchen hours. And our interest rates are among mets! Up-Flow Air Discharge cools without annoying drafts! Set the 10'Posltion Thermostat and It maintains TIRMf or that second bathroom you 'need or that the lowest in town. any desired comfort level automatically! Plug into any with rec room, den or that extra bedroom you're Drop by any of our offices and talk to us adequately wired! 115-volt appliance outlet, Draws only dying to have. about your plans. We are your home town 7 amps, AXIS You can borrow up to $7500 and have bank helping with all your financial needs. oonformfty wttft html fifeotrto*f Cacto*. i 4 fr I ToaM»y:Ord«r#l» MotlBl'ihown Throurh Pfr Tour Frtneblied OB, Deiler. Current Uhtmly, Prtoe* mtd Torino

    WESTFIELD'S ONLY G-E-DEALER TRUST COMPANY FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES For alt locations: Phons: 233*0400 CRANFORD: QARWOOD: PLAINFIELD: SCOTCH PLAINS; 143 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD 232-2121 2Norlh Avsnuo Woet - 100 Contnr Strnnt 201 E-aat Front Gtroot 460 Park Avanua Open Thursday Til 9 WL-STPItan: 170 linnl nrcmrl Hlrnol Springfield Avunue MAY It, It/* — THt WCSTFIILD (N. J.) LEADER — PAGE matefc. Last year tiie netsters meets. The Linden meet, raine ft* iidtaei ataf Ml f rackaen Squeak by Union Raff fry Guest Devi! Netsters lost to Columbia to *he regular out May 3, was cancelled, laat outer Ml At* tfcm I* season, but retaliated in the Idiaet are It foot higfe fMOM. To Take Conference Meet At Boosters At 9-2 Record State Tournament. The Devils Havas' Waft it* only cteaied may face Columbia again in the 60LFERS! Tournament this year. Itac iaclinet fait the fcaoe u er, Btockwatt aad fieundtrs By Brian Kaae NAME BRANDS : Ml. wave aitor Soetcs Plains, fed Dinner May 25 Previewing this year's State Te# Quality Clute Witefl Westfield High's tewis Ba§s anal Balls ... 1 by Been May atar Kan Wash- ftiil iUftery* badutixiU coach team wins, it wins «by a lotTournament, if the Devils go to :^- BMUML Tbe Scotca Plains team at Seton Hall Univisrsjty, will When it loses, it loses by a little. the Group IV finals (a big if), AT A PRICK! 1 fife. League Fund to the tart toe ctoeso the toad they will protoairiy face Ram- * -i be the featured speaker at theAM of this year's matches have Golfpride Grips Install J track MdMar aai palmer bad apo, whom the Devite defeated ttets Westf ield SckMl Boeeters Din- been either romps, or close Woods Refinished ? epeeei to IS yard*. Sauaders ner honoring weetfield High losses, and Last week was no54 last year. However, all of Drive Saturday jut avw the MM Devils c*a- knew what he lad to do as he Ramapo's starters are back this Golf Clubs Repaired ' ifff taak tat attcfc and atraakad inschool athlete* «t WeUands exception. The Blue Devils de- m — A fund driwiww* t* Steaic House on Route 22 at 7feated both Christian Brothers year. The I>evil8 played the TNE GOLF SHOP be he* fatunftay by tne U*I *** • « ? 0uU leg te boW <* Raid- p.m. on Thursday, May 25. and Plainfieid by 5-* scores, but opening round of tiiie year's little League it I ft vaf a er 0m %m waahtaftMi by two Tourney Monday, again* Jef- 2544 Plainfield Avenue Raftery, one of the most pop sandwiched between was a 3-2 Scotch Plains by Chainiuii tke attrt ai the Devils and fte Um to Columbia. The Westfield ferson, dut the meet was too Frtak McGurty. Tito U»r' _, «... _^ -.j^-un ular atMetes in the annuals of late for UtaOmr frail inc. Also 2)2-17M Leaguen, to faM uatferen, wfllgui of ttti« atocyHejaflafct Eartier to tJ» week the New Jersey •ports, excelled In oetsters now * 9-2 record. too late for deadline were the Tufls- to Sat. B;3O «.m. — 5 p.m- be out from 19 ta 11 toth e morn- Tfce FarmersJejm aw la a cbeibed «p tbeir bajkttbsM at St. Cecelia's Tomorrow tbe netsters witi MeUichefi and Berkeley Heights Sun.eV Mon^EveSi by ipp*. lag. TeMMts WM mmm Mt M vttim afeJut no letses this lag. |bn «•* as they f School, Kiarny, where he broketome Montdair at home, m % Tba Senior tkay balM the aU-tlme New Jersey scoring matca termed as ' 'a tune-up for blonM Iba Tifan to teeir May S? 5 W I/I - M 3/3. records. Following a successful the State Tournament" by sin- I gene ia-1. Tba I • o 1 a a * eeck «we4 *HI college career at IM SaUe Uni- gles player Larry Kate. The Anderson's No-Hitter marioed m their llrat win ale victori*. Dtvto to tke kur-versity, Bfll lost out to injuries match will be the last borne coo- «at «ed Macfcwett to tfat UN in Ms pro career. test for toe Devils, and they TenttHes Are Swirming again* the Twins M Unto ud loaf Jump. Gives Devils 3-Came In tba Mater teagaa tba Mus-|mi. Kaa More tkai» ltt senior athletes close out the regular season tange Moated tbe Chiefs by a tnt loaf IV7 Saturday tbe Devil* wiU take wlU receive varsity plaques in next Wednesday at West Orange. s

    !Iir" mw^ ^»»w^ -^ FUVOR GMI k flSTFUl OLOE BOURBON OF REAL FUVOt BliwiM Eetcrsorfs Fuel Oil and Burner Service Where Service and LIQUORS Robert Trail Quality Meet uw aovn AVVWK V. LiajHor Car. Mountain Ava. ttiw And capital coverage by our own and lit .22 Quimby St., 232-19N rm TVenton staff is just the beginning. With home 233-1139 Free Delivery 232-5M1 • n delivery of the Newark Evening News, you'll also have late stock prices. Racing results. Columnists like Ann Landers, Art Buchwald, and William Buckley. And national news, written by our own reporters in Washington—and wherever the day's top story is happening. Get the Evening News. And get the world with a New Jersey accent, from the one that brings it all home. You don't really get more bourbon rf •/ In a of J. W. Dant, It just tastes that way. Taste J, W. Dant Olde Bourbon.

    •u Good honest bourbon at •ft a good honest price.

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    i'. <• J: '• ONLY Ctetnente lit" 4io NORTH AVI. MIT • wismno.N.j. 07091 • Address 1 HUH FUEL OIL «ntf BURNER SERVICE City_ Telephone^ • *• Til HEATIMO MOUIPMBNT INSTALLED ->«•• -/ .«.

    .-••] MM. o o x w, oAir oisfiiuns cu, mw YOUK, N.Y. PAGE 22 ELD (N. i.) LCAOCft - MAT It, ItJ* Weufidd Men9 9 Bears Undefeated Western Division standings in- Barracadas •, Sharks • enabled the MissUes to squeak Melesrs «, Stars 4 cluding all games played as of Softball League In Pony MX Slopers Nine hits by the Barracudas, by the Rockets 1-0. The Meteors picked up I runs Saturday: counted by the Sharks' good in the fifth inning to edge by' The Bears completed first W L Down Iren-X fielaiag, restated in a scoreless Seals •, Maraas • the Stars M. round pfoy sweeping ail tber Bears C • toaUgame. Fine fielding and pitching by Stingrays «, Dtipsiat • W L Orioles 4 2 both teams left the Seals and :im Street Esso 2 0 opposition by substantial mar- The MX Slopers favored tol The Stingrays won their third gins. They beat last year's Chiefs » 3 MSMHSS I, Rackets • Marlins scoreless after 5 innings straight game of tbe season by 5-reco's Chevron 2 Leafs 3 1 dethrone the Sycamore Toaguev Wychwood Taxi champs, the Leafs, fay a 11-1 Strong it strikeout pitching of play. trouncing the Dolphins M. 2 margin with Chuck Jairett go- Rams - I % as Uagptm m 'the tWBL Wif John Franks 1 1 Wings 1 • Tony's Tavern 1 ing all the way on a three bit- Oe Ball Lsague, opeaat the W Dependable Disposal ter and ws backed by tat an- season w«fe a 121 tarashiaf of Z ting of Dai Dillon wiw want two p. Kardos I Score of 39 an expansion Wrea team. Jaycees I for taree. Phil Good was on tae 20YEARGUA hill for the Bears and weat all Tops ef FCC The MX, whe far the most part the way against Uw Bant in a of the contest displayed flawless •>•<" ^^^^^F^^r^^F^^F^^T^^^^P^^^^^P^^^^^^'^F'^^^^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F^P^^^^^^^^^^^F^^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^^ rip? WtstffeM 4*1 victory as Jeff Stember May 1* was a stroke pUy, full fielding, excellent John Talk pit TBMBMB^WMP knocked in three runs wita three handicap far the Plainneid Coun- ching, and balance* lit** ANYSHAP try' Chtb aim hoten. 1". - 12* llmr ft hits'. were in trouble but em in the In CUes A Mn. Uctoa Kirsch ANY SIZE On Saturday the Wings played fame. That troaMe, cane ia the the Bears even for six Jnnlngi took first place with a net 91. BOWCRAFT before failinf M. The second There was s two-way tie forsecond taniag, wfeai altar a walk | OfiDERNQ place Oriole* picked up two wini2nd; Mn. V. Helcomb Spake to DM DUtaaWat Ienn* mum this weak with victories over and Mrs. John Ctrainghun loaded a tang borne nai U ANDSAVEl ICOTCM PLAINS Mm Kami and Wings. Ti* vic- both had a net 44. fee Birda ua *i. The la* at! 2)1-0*79 tory over the Ranu was a 1M la Class B Mrs. Sdmer Loft NO MONEY If Batting score as taey cmtimm 10 beat and Mn, William Jemna tied the MX MONTI aiteUtww Omit the bottom teams but have ywt for fir* wife a net«. Mn. Guyyet to come, aa tat WraavX aU- to show a victory over team an Rutaa and Mn. Geovfe Norton ced mat on flrat mi aaeaajl. Dil \ the MX were not aattaflad wttn trees this year. Cell us for on early a onerua margin, aod added aa> other tun when Tom-Baa* watt tree spraying schedule now. ed, stole eecond and ecored en erron.. •,- . DUDtY Cl» —A junior From here on out, it wu all Slo- fluerxiUa known as lion S pers as they utterly completely Cub" does guard duty In o dominated the game. TTiey dU Beirut Lebanon, That's a ALL ORDERS PLACED NOW will receive at so at bat by scoring in each of real weapon he's boUBag. no extra coat tha following normal extras: Over 2,000 pools in their 4 final bitting pettedi, by NewJersey. TREE EXPERT the rwt^-the-way-ehutout burl tog of Falk, and they did ao by JVers Win Grasshopper | GLAMOUR POOLS iY ATTCC IKVflt* • ifi 322-9109 not yielding to the numerous Wt rf 44SWMtMatn8trMtlWyckotf>N.J.074t1 provocations of pugnacity by a "ii'l lawlrmf—mtoi—wlmww Igroupof "bush" Bird fam. Tourney Opener | NAME — By Steve BnawqaeU Sttorday, May IS | ADDRESS M The WestfieW High School junior varsity baseball team Cen*i2,Jetse CALL COLLECT — 7 DAYS CITY STATE Comets shut out the Jets 3-0 24 HOUR 8ERVICE i won Ha first game of tto Union Oft MAIL THIS COUPON NOW PHONE '•3 County Tournament as well as in five innings of bard pHched Finance your ball by both teams. two regular season games •Jrf against one loss last week, to raise their overall record to

    * 1 I".* 1 * In the tournament game gainst Kftnttwortn, the Devils von 8-5. They lad off the top of through lie first with five not. Caxy Irawf ord started the game with, . single. He was foitowed by lonty Tuner's walk and vatf knocked borne by Gerry Gigon's

    hit. Vinny Lally brought In two i \ •JI more when he singled. Ira • F Iboma knocked in the fifth with \\\ , nit Kesilworth, however «me right back with five of their own to tie the game in I the second inning. The Devils jot single scores in toe third, fifth, and sixth innings to com. plate the scoring. They now go But this is ah unusual opportunity. into play Uiflnos in the TV tournament. Famous Black &White Scotch. Scotch Plains handed the th.The Scotch that sets V'« their only toss of the week, Light. Sm beating them 8-1. Toe Blue the standard for all others. S DevUs were never really in the D game «s Scotch Plains pitcher lob Meeker controlled me West- At an unusually attractive price. field Utters. He allowed only one run and live hits in seven innings. The 'Plains hitters, • k n'L though, came up wHfc eight runs n nine hits and woo easily. In the other games last week, tresttleld swept a double header *• rom Hillside 94 and 10-5. The y • Devils came front behind in the morning half of toe twin bill pith four runs in the twttom of Ithe seventh. Hillside jumped out 1 to a 9-0 lead in the first two in- save 1 tngs out then folded, and si- i lowed the JV's to catch up* With i he score 8-5 going into the i seventh, Bob Davis led off with . walk. Pete Kamins followed i kim with a single. Then, after two consecutive strikeouts Chip >ai*er came through with a dutch alt to load the bases, Jrawford blasted a triple to empty the bases and tie the score at 8*8. Monty Turner came tirough with the third two*out I hit in a row to score Crawford and the game was over, West- Ready to buy a new or late-model used car? Tbelbeet- field on top, 9-8. deal on wheels is as close as your office of UCTG. In the afternoon part of the c- Here's our offer With any approved UCTC car loan of • i -•;=• doublchcuder, the Devils again $1,000 or more, we'll hand you a check covering the overcame a deficit to beat Hill- registration fee forthe'tirst full year. That's a cash bonus side 1U. It was not so hard of $12.. .$18. ..or $30, depending on theslze of thla time as the score was 4*3 car you buy. going lnlo ttie sixth. Mark Har- baugh led off the inning with a You have all the cost advantages of direct bank walk, He waa followed witii sin- m united counties financing. You can take up to three years to repay on gles by Crawford and Danlwr, N doubles by GJgon and Jim LJCTC'8 monthly budget plan. Credit life Insurance Maslurs, and a triple by Ku- trust company protection is available at nominal cost. rnina. The burst of hitting gave where good things start to happen tho Devils six runs, enough to Hi An offer this good cani last forever. Come In now bofort win hiuKllly. •1 you shop, Well pre-approve your credit. You'll have the power to deal like a cash buyer... wherever you wish. Fulr OH Sitnduy rc FonTierty! Direct bank rates,. .fast action... pre-approved Union Catholic High School Keansburg-Middletown National Bank wlU iiguin host Us'annual "Soar- ii credit.,. and free registration. Four good reasons borough Fiilr" from 11 a.m. to Black *Whhe. The Scotch drinker's cl Union County Trust Company to buy now with a UCTC Car Loan. AOED, BUNDED, BOTUtO IN SCOTIAND flt.6 PKOOF SCOTCH WHI&KV 1HE f U1SCHMANN DISTUUNO COBP. NYC SOU •n 5:;)u f>,tn. Hunduy. MA EADU 'AM Devil Unksnen Disappointed MUS!C INSTRUCTION THS FSRFORMING ARTS •y Art* Koto aaaj Marr SCHOOL C? NEW Sdwoi JERSEY, Inc. 'V A IHJAHE 10CAI A Non-Proflt REFOt»a 1ISI w AUTODfAlBIS Educational Institution. U-tMafDovU AFPUArKK • AUTO OIAUM BOWUNO •uaoK HEATINO • All OrchQitral Xnatruauata to ftHtc^s Golf CONTRAaOIS Dane* aad Draatatlca. AUGUSTINI • fall Xasu Curripaiar •or ths oUotroet no*i of AUSTfr* ROTCHFOtO rONTUC FUGMANN Usjor- MOTOtS PORTUND HEATING 232*2120 A» LSJBIASS Oil COMPANY pOTOd tfbt fOtfOIB CURK AIR CONDITIONING 34 Km St. from LANES Aloft last m Pm fasten took a ttM fco tho' WaUftynf Coatftrmce • W* Champinnohfp and beat We* BOWLING ROBERT f. DAY muffin to rom lor WAMM9 ABB! £0 Brunswick Automatic over Pinaettera DM 2IM0f« r« va*n *- Fra* Sfttlu *«rvic* Far Watchdog; fiura*r Mother* . 232-3325 only tht ftm One toom Fr** Daytlra* Bowl In*; In*tructJoa BuiJ*;*t Fana «Rm It. fejrQiiaim*a iDatructors ntttdi DM 232-5272 —-—*a*aa-^aaa« ,. 23M1S1 301-4700 140 Control Av#. Clark 361 South Avo. E. WBOHWOJI •HOMllMPaWVBMINTS RAYMOND E.WHBUK 143 2. irood St. BRISTOL • OPTICIANS MotofS Inc» • OCANERS 4 DYERS RANMN run co* .••t — -^w v ^- -m- -^ -m- v * ^F-^FV^r ^^"^^^ M ^^T » ELM RADIO a TV, Inc. Brtdgwratea^Eost a n sum 1IH WHVBIBff tt. taktac tto other two] (. OKI || IKS, WHIRLPOOL — M.O.-AUCTIN WAIT waj the TRIUMPH Ofl lURHfK low mew for WHS ao no oar* BAMI1 4AOUAft - ROVM '. • ifctuf Mount Tkuradar S AM. to 0 K od OB 00 for IS holes. OB (ho Waahara aaa X>rr*r» • OWrt front nJao Brawn hit a « and • Cola Pur Hoover Vaeaavj • Draa*rr iM Ruf ci«aalts? 9200 OomplcU Oa**CaH Dial 233-5512 XIT WSSTFIBLDi ACA C*l*r TT. Improv«B*at 110 Control Avcv Vl mao wtft B Jl. Bo* Joel Far- 11 f» Brood St, Diol 756.01001230 CotHofmla] lf» ipartaH— Zat . Icy nBd Btt Mam shot H San It LINCOLN M6 •aiBBVlB^pBBlS«aBJiJSBBI tar Jeta RaktMt ttMwsiii 233^400 junr owncm AND SOOlUJaVsl PAVING 40 0B «* ataat flt* 04* O. 40 20 Km Street WeetftoM * I 1201 «Biirh Avo., plolnfflold tto tack ate Thooo DWrtct •^••aaavaBBBSfMav Btosoo la JPlajajBali inaOchoi pojnoJt oojjr tour ojolf- •w nvsn fjBcn scnool to STATION RADIO TV Poreata pftto. Tho foor goHon that rep- DOM'S TOYOTA WESTHBD AND APPIIANCBS AUTO SALES WM. A. FARKHUtST of Coach GaiyKrt- AMBMCAN !OwttUToar otTrwtwortajr * " lor*o Ota man sojoad. SMAU APHIANCI RVAIRS MOTORS B>*o BatlMatafl COffllACffM Jflaanoln*; Amu«< tho Wfltdsiaf Coafcreoce GLASS •• a- * *H*kAaW*>aW ' • ^StfaVaflSBBl IRONS - TOASTEKS - MIXCRsV SataUtofeaA moocn in wwu I . ETC •OROWH Call 756441S tho low scorer for LIBERTY GLASS S4 Hour Bn»r*;«aer Ifoiie Phono 233*1738 WHS as he feed aw M. COROHA • Wit Xa*n4*r«rf • La«B4roaut Op*m J4 Hows ll*mb*rof . • .OnoBford'fl Hike Ocd Mt o 71, VUlaflaU Chaser at Conatro* 102 Mill lano#MountainsIcfo,N.Ji fa ^ Central Av». (Opp. Qulmby St.) O»» T «.m. to T Of We«tfT«Id * -OQ0BB Brown .tor low score ROB* •at 'Ul • ».• Offloa and Showroom: , OLASB ors. Theoo two gotten one por- CTSD CAJta 29224S6 Dial 232^944 U.S.Hw/22 North Malnft«ld PLUMBING haps tho boot In the County and] Con 233-540T today's Union County Champion VAN'S 431 North Av^ E. Cenwr MvA and South Avt. W. ship match should create Ca*si t# XJ, Kola* Vahlol* UMODIUNO SPICIALTItTS a rfooftrv between the two. APPLIANCE CO. (B«tw**a Som*rt«t * Orort) XaayttUoo fUttea) MOUNTAINSIDE Six Westfleld golfers placed IBRTIOB — Kltehca** aaa*»aBt«« »•*• FlUMMNO 4\ HIAT1NO SAI.B0 GOODWIN MOTOR , *aa*«ai* SUNilAM JAY-KAY 1UIID«S, IMC , K, John HeM recorded on 18 And Haar Ota'ara AUTHORIZED Complete ' hole score of 95. W* Sarrlea All CURTAINS, INC. In other action last week the Coll 232-3726 Coatraet Rlue Devil Hnksmen tipped their; 1BW.MM Taw*la, Wla««w INSURANCE (at Arliaatos AT*.) » • reason's Mate to 0-j «j they de- 1113 South Av». W., Wastfloia Batoa aaa Oarvtaa 2330897 feated West Orango oaft Btoom* fleM by identical scons of 13% 374 Short Dr.,^ountain*icU,tU»

    i *• :4V>. Afiainst West Orange Brown ANTIQUES RAWSON *<• continued to show Ms prowess CADILLAC • Oardia FRANKENBACH, INC SERVICE STATIONS with wood and trtm by ftrtng B 425 North Avt. DBCORATOW as for nhw hole* « ho defeated THE ATTIC Avthoricad WoUfloU • Cwtom Soratp*) hfs opponent *^#. Sophotnove sen- ror Anr itTtvlao* Bit, llll EUCLID sation Jim Bender also rafeed "Old Thlngg With CAOIUAC CarUlot' Ctutom Mad* his record to 10-2 as he shutout) And flom* Ai • Slafltrioal his West Orange foe 3-0. Ben- •QMS m WESTFIELD alts CoT*rs A Opoa Ballr »:» or ttso "HIVI der, who suffered only Mi o-ss • ' ond defeat the previous day Dial 233-1954 Dial 7M-2241 FORD Sta, W«tti*lS yV SERVICE aeainst BioomfieM, has the win* i . * 232-1500 ' 232-470O I. Fifth PlakrfWsl Arthv "Witt**, Froa, ; 'ningest record on the team. (juat oft th* Clrela) • 115 Elm St. WottfloM • Wa**l Allaaui*>tt < DELICATESSENS 125 Elm 3t. Wostflold 4 • Wa«al Balaaolaa: Next week tho WHS golfers ; have another busy week as they 41SWos)fi«!dAv«. Wettfldd Authoriao4 • Motor Tun*-opa NORMS CHEVROLET LAUNDRIES • laaptfittOB Work * dose-out their season with three! FORD Sf matches in four days. On Tues- TOWNE ,* " . "" " Sfftka B*r»loa — Eoad Banrte - ARTISTS' SUPPUIS «»ft Paltrair day WestfieM win host Berk* CHEVROLET Solos DELICATESSEN SAMOSET UUNDRY ley Heights for a 3:45 start On THUNDKEBIBD •Tffca Opta Door to Iliursday they will travel to| WE5TFIRD VAunoi Mwrtdair and Itien try to oupU- • Choice CoM Cut* 459 North Avo. WofffioM Author I ltd 232-3673 • Home mad* Salads cate an oorty wtson win against IAUNDHT — 1>RT CLBANTO •> * BKRVICB • + • Froien Food* Summit on Friday. • Fanojr Orocorlaa JCajor ana Minor B*patrO 319 North Avv. & Wootfttld •«aaaw(ch*a Put up to Talc* Oat" Lara** fliUctloa of Optn Dally and flundara AN AD MOUNTAfNSIDt V - Uasd Can aad Truolu - Clottd Monday a Cask uC Oanr UCTI Girlft Field ; * Dial 233-0220 Call 232-8012 Slow-Pitch Team i ' • UNION COUNTY Coll 754-2640 SERVICE Caatna AT*. aa« Matta • ART SUPPLY 1122 South Avs. W. V J There's nothing unusual about W**t«*ia VOLKSWAGEN/ 902 North Avcv PlolnftoM • Brako Sjatff at « student football league, bat Qrumbaoh«r Artlata* Inc. -* - • anf In* Vi«a-tpa : Brush** « OUa • Radiator Baaaii* Union County Technical Inoti- DRUG STORES •. Shook* — MaSUrf tuio's now league may provB a ON THIS LAMPS t REPA1KS : REILLY • lUsvUtor * Ooatrator •: -nowanuiDer. Dial 233-3462 VOLKSWAGEN CENTER Koad SMrvloa — »now - Then are 13 teams in too 431 Control Avs. W«*tfl»ld OLDSMOBILE CO. 292-14SS Fret iMptotloa Work Batti — S«r»ic» — Farts WILLIAMS LAMPS .slow pitch league, 11 are all- 765 Control Avonuo WtttfloW "mate and one altfemato. K*w »nd Uiil Cafa — Trudks CENTRAL PHARMACY 2mm » AUTO BODY REPAIRS Authorlsfid ' Depending on bow the guis, •Utloa Wa«ont — X*iBi«a QUal Surgical Supplit* 232.2158 ' 1121 Rf. 22 Mountafnaldk who are all students in the sec- Oldsmobilo) Factory Trained Utchailo* ' PAGE CCOTOMSR BNTHAHCB AMD retarial sciences program, fare, BODYAKT TAflKlNO llf RBAJI PIJ «-T4«# Ctntral Av»., Cor. Park St. a Tour on*-*top lamp J)«adauart*r* they may be striking a real Mow COLLISION SHOP Saloa & SorvlM a B»flniihina\ r«wlrlaaT *a4 rtpalr 1184 UmXk. AT*. • , PUlaf «M of any lamp for women's lib, says Thomas W, Kooh*ra, Fr«». • Old lam pi rMtoral -poz&anski, student aotivties co- 560 North Avo. f. AD 2-7651 • Limp aii&dti ripairaa «r JMCT- Auto * Tt«ck IUflRtahttt~ ar*d ordinator. The team has won its Waitflald, Now a Alio'can flu pi I oat* anro only game so far, defeating the 14 H»*r • pshtlna-PUtuMa—*ll broni* and iwai light* JCIVU Technology Seniors by *or- TIFFANY DRUGS MAY IWI alio Inatall it wm tfoit. 6 South Av«. Garwood VOLVO a Lara* a took of r«piaceraeat flaji OP«H Tt>aya a Waak a X>o«it-Tour**lf lamp parts ) - Four games are played each Your Op in Hoc and TUura. »T* f to 0 v ay between 0 a.m. and S SAI ( ', ATJIJ '.[ Y - •• : Dallr • a.ra. to 10 p.m. p.m. on the U.C.T.I. campus off SEVELL'S Service Will P.Hil J.iy (". I .it i •undara • a,ra. to 0.10 ] LUMBER RarlUn Rd. The playoff for the Ltd op teams will be Sunday, AUTO BODY CO, 'IO'I SOMfP'.: 1 '•''•' I RUMOII Itovor CandloB 31, at the Institute's an- NOklt! "I A:f(. if : I' Awaia Viva Farklaar EARN J. S. IRVING COMPANY Boflr aid Paiat Sho» jma\ picnic. • AlA a M.C.A, Road Aid 756-2239 **•* Ptck'Up aat S*llT*vr LTJMBHJR * MTLTJtTOXK ' Tho winning team will chal- Product Ot Bv*rr Seiorlptloa •lenge any school that wants 14 Hour Towl>ff 232*2200 nar* oir* — oii# BURNPRS Pvnder R«p«lr« — Palntie* /',.., UARDWARB — PAINT» ,play them. Truck Paintlnff aid lUpalra YOU 1115 South Avo., W. Wa»tfl«Id Forfl*n Car S*rrlo« SM I *ata Av*. w. Mustang League Call 232-8887

    BARBER SHOPS '•. EASTERN DIVISION 320 Windsor Av». Wtstfltld FORMAL WEAR YOU Space MOVING * STORAOI W L T MARTIN'S Itoans 2 1 0 ••t. 1141 •I'acow 2 1 1 Could BARBER HENRY P. TOWNSEND Stallions 2 2 0 WESTFIELD STYLIST STORAOC Buckeyes 1 1 1 Make if agfair Advertise Chestnut* 1 2 0 Oar Owi • MORE MOVINO A FACKIN9 BODY WORKS, INC 4 Barbara to fl*rra Tout TAILORS 1 2 0 341 Ha»tk AT*. W. WaaiSaU •xp*rt HatMhaptnv — Raaor OnU WESTERN DIVISION n. j. POBSIIIBO, Fro* A COLLISION apisoiALira Ladle* Hainhaiila*; AND At/rElUOTONB W I T •XPBUT AUTO BODY HalrplMei—Sola, R«itrl«dt Olttaaf MAL -WDAn HENTAliS — On This Houra: I A.M. to I P.M. HAVID oun OWN SHOOK; Cherokee* 2 1 2 PBnBONALIZED PBT LEADER fiemlnoics 2 1 0 Dial 232.7071 233-5305 DOLLARS PHONE Apaches 2 2 fl 106EtmSt. WaitfJold 233-1538 1 I 0 1130 South Av*. W. W«iHI»1d 111 Qulmby.Sr. Wtstflald 232-4407 Page Ilurona I t 0 Hloux I 2 0 •- \ 24 —THE WESTFIKLO (N. 4.) LEADCR — MAY Ifc !TO

    ;; Golf Tourwy members aa* (tear svea*. Prt- f Mrs. Ue J. Varis and Mrs. to Toronto by walking Mark Rangers S 2 lie MuaeU and Kara Luna. Mary Heoron, Liza Daly, Joan and tight pttcttat; by Cecily AH American League mi ze« will fat evaitfefl for mem- KeaiMtfe Terry. McGovera la the last day are: 4 1 two no-hit, innings which good hiU, includUlg doubles. St. Paul 3 Vikings • 15, SainU 12, with lo aad Kathy Whalen led tae Flight A: low grow, Mn. brought home the winning ran. Patty Harbaujft hit a homer Flint 2 3 Carolyn Knus, Mary Ann hitting. Ifce Royals' defense Walter Gragg, N; 1, Mrs. Paul and caught three fly balls. was led by Kathy Draper and 4 Vouog, Jennifer Kurt* and Su- Haute, l«*-et; tie lor 2, Mn.Columbus; 2 an Kraus each getting three Homers by Pat Timmler and Sandy Furta, wtta Jackie Booth Ifilchael Healey M5H-41, and Denver .... 1 5 Anne Sayre and hits by Jackie and Sally Borden amacUag in 5 Girls'Softball tits. Maureen Brehra and Wen- Mn. Arttar Kassty, 1M~2I- Tndianapotft . 1 dy Barnes played well defen- Kupiec and Jo Ana Baker help- the tying and winning runs. GET YOUR SHARE 81. Omaha .,., 1 5 ed the Cubs defeat tbe Fal- J ATLANTIC DIVISION: sively. TV Phillies bowed to tbe Flight B: low froft, Hn. Ro- National League The Reds came from: behind cons 12 to t. Barbara Fried- Montreal 4 0 land's and Anne Shubitz' field- Saints, 11-94. Tbe winner's at- beft Reintuf*, Ml; 1, MnBufml. a . 3 0 to edge the Mets ia to 1 Donna tack was led by the bits of R. ReHtanlt, m-2»-n; tM for At Kecord letcher and Debbie Dick had ing also helped. The Falcons 4 1 were aided by good kitting of Morrison, M. Yarusai and J. Of Baron's Values Mn. Smsfe and Mn Pint* 2 1 perfect days at bat/.and Snz- Ambos. Amy Rubin's unMiistsd eadiwitfil kwrpeaa, STANDINGS ime Jaczko hit a home tint. Joanne Frttr tad Carolyn Ev- Toroato 3 2 ans and by the fleMmg of Hlea double play ended a PttOiM Mrs. Wittam Freak and Mn Good fielding by EUen Cottuu rally in the last Inning. Amy Jersey City 2 2 W L Kalbacher and Debbie Bib. M. Keat Smttfc, « eacfa .".w...- 2 2 Ad Jane Gambrant contribu- Daly, Jill KmseUa,. Mary Hear- Twins ^...... 3 6 ted to the win. The Mets took measure of the on and MeUssa Develoa led tat Charieston I 4 Cougars ...... 3 6 Giants II -7, led by a home JOHNSON 4 Raneer beat tbe Uons i-1. A Phillies' hitting, and Leah Grote Newark., I Braves 3 0 run and triple by EDea Cottus, played well at catcher. Miami... , d 4 homer by Nancy Bagatelle tad Bearcats ...... 2 1 doubles by Ruth Bernstein endand bits by Chert Blood, Don- TUG FOGMANNOitCoiwwv PACIFIC DIVISION: Aetroi 2 1 Cindy Bottom nude the dif- Fletcher and Katny Der- ALWAYS MAOr ID MM YOU I X f Tubo 4 0 Dodgers ....*...... 2 1 ference. Cathy Sherman made a vte. Sue Jacsko and Mary Girls 1 Browns 1 2 great back handed catch. Beth Dsrvin played well in the field. Waco ... 3 , 1 Cardinals ...... '...... l 2 The Packers defeated the Roy- Vancouver 2 cubs l 2 als M dnptte the defensive ef- Tbe Rangers defeated the Softball Blue Devils ...... 0 3 VCKI Sacramento 3 2 forts of ^Katby Drapery Jackie rallies 11-3 behind tbe hitting Seattle. 1 2 Colts -.-..-...-.....V...... 0 3 looth, SaUy Borden wdlSusan of Cathy Sherman, Laura Cran- AMERICAN LEAGUE Portland 13 Falcon* 0 3 Cavanagh. dall and Ruth Bernstein. Ir- The Yankees topped tte FUttOC San Diego 0 - 3WESTERN Bearcats lost; Io the Braves ene CBristensen caught a bard- Boara S-4 wtth bomsrun hits by WATER BOTTLE tsso 3324273 Spokane... 0 3 1-8. The winners were atsia- bit line drive. The PnttUss' Audrey Wrtgbt and Karon LMl Wtin Salt LafceQty ...... 0 4 Royals ...... 3 1 ed by a homer by Grace Kith •TOW IOCAI AUtHOMOD In two overtime fames onauc- Pirates: •'...... 3 »' 1and a double by Caryn Cnw- ceedmg Sattutiftyi,. Chartatton ViWngs s ...*.....; 2: 1 ord.: Other bitten were Mary •put the win*, toatag me tortPackers ;.„•»- 2 Borchers, Megan: McNeils, Let.

    MEATfa SPECIALS .BBrtOOf .WMtTED IY WTIWUl DBTIUEtt CO, WiVOtt Ttp MnMit Own RMMI • < e|i«39 Ik Butt Half .. Tfc ta\ UNBREAKABLE ••ckwurst ffc Ib.

    GUARDSMAN Ctntar Cut Ham Sttakt ...... $1.0t

    BOUWMS vseM Chops «-•»**.. #i*7»


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