"… we have written this record…in the characters which are called among us the reformed Egyptian…." “And if our plates had been sufficiently large we should have written in Hebrew…” ( 9:32-33) 400-421 A.D.


Pre-Columbus, gold artifact. A person with gold

“plates” or a book made out of gold. Found, at the ancient city of Monte Alban, Mexico.

"…here they [men with Columbus] found a man who had a piece of gold in his nose, the size of half a castellano, on which they saw letters." (Journal of the first Voyage of Christopher Columbus p. 121)

A picture of the transcript, of ”Reformed Egyptian” “Caractors” [characters] copied by off of the plates, which were given to Martin Harris, in February 1828.

Joseph Smith copied the characters off of the Book of Mormon plates and the translation thereof, and gave them to Martin Harris. Martin Harris then took this copy, as quoted by Martin Harris, “to Professor , a gentleman celebrated for his literary attainments. Professor Anthon stated that the translation was correct, more so than any he before seen translated from the Egyptian. I then showed him those which were not translated, and he said they were Egyptian, Chaldaic, Assyriac and Arabic, and said that they were true characters….” “I informed him that part of the plates were sealed…. He replied ‘I cannot read a sealed book.’” Note: ( 29:11) (A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. p. 102)

This stone is “8 inches thick”. The Xochicalco stela stone was found by Dr. Jesus Padilla Orozco, in the 1950’s, “in a cave, where it marked a grave” at the ancient city of Xochicalco Mexico. Dr. Jesus Padilla Orozco was the stepson of Alfonso Caso who was the Minister of Archaeology under several Mexican presidents. Thus Dr. Padilla “became a frequent visitor to excavations, both officially and unofficially.” Picture’s of this stela stone, were published, in Jerry L. Ainsworth’s book: (“The Lives & travels of Mormon & Moroni”, p. 30, publishing date 2000.)

A copy of the characters. (‘Translating the ’ by Stan & Polly Johnson p.35)

(Researched & Compiled by Phil Michel)

A stone called the “lock” was found “…in the late 1950’s … in an ‘unofficial’ excavation of a tomb…” “in a cave, where it marked a grave”, southwest of the Rio Verde, in the area of San Pedro Amuzgos, where it borders on the state of Guerrero, Mexico. (The Lives & travels of Mormon & Moroni, by Jerry L. Ainsworth, p. 22-23, & 25)

Both of these artifacts have several of the same characters as the “Reformed Egyptian” characters that were copied by Joseph Smith in 1828.

Over 120 years later, these Archaeological discoveries provides evidence that yes indeed, these ancient people did write in the same characters as copied by Joseph Smith off of the Book of Mormon plates.

In the language called by the people, as stated in the Book of Mormon, “Reformed Egyptian”.

(All Pictures of the Lock by permission of Jerry L. Ainsworth: (“The Lives & travels of Mormon & Moroni”, publishing 2000.)

(Researched & Compiled by Phil Michel)

Maya Glyph side of the Xochicalco stela stone. Reformed Egyptian side of the same

Xochicalco stela stone.

(Researched & Compiled by Phil Michel)

Jerry L. Ainsworth standing by the Xochicalco stela stone. (All Pictures of the Stone by permission of Jerry L. Ainsworth: “The Lives & travels of Mormon & Moroni”, publishing 2000.)

(Researched & Compiled by Phil Michel)

“Reformed Egyption” carved on this “8 inches thick” by about 5’ 5” tall, Xochicalco stela stone. Found by Dr. Jesus Padilla Orozco, in the 1950’s. This stone is now stored, as of 1/1/2011, in Jerry L. Ainsworth’s friend’s home in Mexico.

(All Pictures of the Stone & Lock by permission of Jerry L. Ainsworth: “The Lives & travels of Mormon & Moroni”, publishing 2000.)

(Researched & Compiled by Phil Michel)