Bones of the Upper Limb

 Shoulder Girdle  Upper Arm (Brachium)  Forearm (Antebrachium)  Hand (Manus) Clavicle

2 Surfaces Superior & Inferior

2 Borders Anterior & Posterior

Medial (Sternal) & 2 Ends Lateral (Acromial)


2 Surfaces Anterior & Posterior

Superior, Lateral and 3 Borders Medial

3 Angles Superior , Lateral and Inferior

2 Process Coracoid & Acromion

Humerus Head Proximal End Neck (Anatomical & Surgical) Tuberosity (Greater & Lesser)

3 Borders (Ant.,Med. & Lat ) Body 3 Surfaces (Med., Lat. & Post.)

Non-articular 2 Epicondyle (Med.&Lat.) & 3 Distal End Foosa (coronoid, radial, olecranon) Articular Capitulum & Trochlear

Radius Head Proximal End Neck Radial ( Bicipital ) Tuberosity

3 Borders: Anterior, Posterior & Medial (Interosseus) Shaft ( Body ) 3 Surfaces: Anterior, Posterior & Lateral

5 Surfaces : Anterior, Posterior Distal End Medial, Lateral & Inferior 1 Process : Styloid

Ulna 2 Process : Coronoid & Proximal End Olecranon 2 Notch : Trochlear & Radial

3 Borders: Anterior, Posterior & Lateral (Interosseus) Shaft ( Body ) 3 Surfaces: Anterior, Posterior & Medial

Head Distal End 1 Process : Styloid

Hand (Manus)

 Scaphoid, Lunate, Triqutrum & Pisiform  Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate & Hamate  The Phalanges  The Sesamoid (Patela)

LOWER LIMBS ANATOMY DR ABDOLLAHI Bones of the Lower Limb Pelvic Girdle Thigh Leg Foot Hip (Innominate or Coxae)




Ischium as a whole

2 Surfaces Lateral and Medial

Superior, Inferior 5 Borders Anterior, Posterior and Medial

4 Angles Antrosuperior, Antroinfeior Postrosuperior, Postroinferior

1 Cavity

1 Foramen Obturator


2 Surfaces Lateral and Medial

3 Borders Anterior, Posterior and Medial

Superior () 2 Ends Inferior 3 Surfaces: Anterior, Posterior and Medial Body 1 Border (Pubic Crest) 1 Tubercle ()

2 Ramus 3 Borders: Superior, Anterior and inferior

Superior 3 Surfaces: Superior (Pectineal) Posterior (Pelvic) Anterior (Obturator)

2 Borders: Superior and inferior Inferior 2 Surfaces: Anterior (Lateral) Posterior (Medial)

3 Surfaces: Posterior, Lateral and Medial Body 3 Border: Posterior, Lateral and Anterior

2 Borders: Superior and inferior Ramus 2 Surfaces: Anterior (Lateral) Posterior (Medial)

Upper (Formed Post. Part of Acetabulum) 2 Ends Lower ()


 Bnoy Pelvic formed by 4 bones  The joints of Pelvic Girdle  or or Superior Aperature  Greater (False) Pelvic & Lesser (True) Pelvic Anatomic Position:

 Upper border of Symphsis Pubic   Tip of  Head of Femur Are at the same level  Greater Trochanter Greater (False) Pelvic Bounded by:

 Lumbar Vertebrae: Posterioly  Illiac Fossa & Illacus Muscle: Lateraly  Lower Abdominal Wall: Anterioly Lesser (True) Pelvic Bounded by:

, Coccyx, Piriformis m & Covering of Parietal Facia: Posterior Wall  Pelvic Diaphragm: Inferior Wall (Floor) Pelvic Brim or Pelvic Inlet or Superior Aperature

 Upper border of symphysis pubic; anterior  Promontrium + Ala of sacrum; posterior  Terminal Line; lateral  Terminal Line: Arcuate line + + Pubic crest  Arcuate line: inferior part of Medial border of Hip Structure of Pelvic (True) Cavity

 Anterior Wall: shorter, posterior surface of pubic bones & pubic symphisis  Lateral Wall: Hip bone below the pelvic inlet, Superior & Inferior Rami of pubis, Ischium and its ramus  Posterior Wall: Sacrum & Coccyx (Inferior Aperature)

 Lower part of : Anterior  Top of Coccyx: Posterior  Conjuind Ischiopubic rami, Ischial tubersity & Sacrotuberous lig: Lateral Conjugate Diameter

I. From upper border of symphysis pubic to sacarl promentory; True Conjugate- measured by radiologically II. From lower border of symphysis pubic to sacarl promentory; Diagonal Conjugate- measured by vaginal examination Some Differences Between Male & Female Hip

Parameter Male Female General Appearance Heavy,Thick,Stronge Light,Thin,Less prominents prominents More deep Less deep Greater Sciatic Notch Narrower Wider

Lesser Sciatic Notch More deep Less deep Ischial Spine Invert Evert Acetabular Cavity Larger Smaller

Obturator Foramen Larger & Oval Smaller & Triangular

Femur Bone Head and Neck Proximal End Trochanter (Greater & Lesser) Intertrochanteric Line & Crest

3 Borders: Lateral, Medial & Posterior (Linea Aspera) Shaft or Body 3 Surfaces: Anterior, Lateral & Medial

2 Condyle: Lateral & Medial Distal End 1 Notch: Intercondylar Notch 1 Surface: Patellar

Tibia Bone

2 Condoyle: Lat. & Med. Proximal End Tibial Tuberosity

3 Borders: Anterior (Shin), Lat. (Interosseus), Med. Shaft or Body 3 Surfaces: Med., Lat. & Post.

5 Surfaces: Ant. ,Post. ,Med. Distal End ,Lat. & Inf. 1 Malleolus (Medial)

Fibula Bone

Head: Apex Proximal End Neck

3 Borders: Ant., Post. & Med. (Interosseus) Shaft or Body 3 Surfaces: Ant. or Med. (Narrow) , Lat. & Post. (Largest)

4 Surfaces: Distal End Ant. (Rounded) (Lat Malleolus) Post. (Groove) Med. (Articular Facet) Lat. (Subcutaneous)

Tarsal Bone

Talus Proximal Row Calcaneus

Middle Row Navicular

Medial to Lateral: Medial Cuneiform Distal Row Intermediate Cuneiform Lateral Cuneiform Cuboid


Bones are connected to each other by joints Joints classification: Fibrous Joint: Syndesmoses : Interosseous membrane Sutures; Sagital suture Gomphoses; Dental Socket ChondrosisJoint; Synchondroses; Xiphosternal joint Symphysis; symphysispubice Dyarthrosis