The Gascoyne Coast region extends from the Ashburton River, south of Onslow, to the Zuytdorp Cliffs, just north of Kalbarri, and contains over 100 species of demersal and pelagic marine finfish that are caught by recreational fishers. These are some of the region's most popular and sought-after species.


Blue swimmer Giant trevally Green mud crab Mulloway Tailor Western Yellowfin Portunus armatus ignobilis Scylla serrata Argyrosomus japonicus Pomatomus saltatrix bream Acanthopagrus morrisoni

Grows to: About 120cm and 14kg. : Matures at about 35cm and two to Grows to: About 170cm and 80kg.Reproduction: Grows to: About 200cm and 74kg. three years. Grows to: About 20cm carapace length, 80cm Matures at about 95 to 96cm in length and five Reproduction: Matures at about 75cm and six Life span: Up to around nine years. claw span and 1kg. years. Grows to: About 30cm carapace length and 2.5kg. years. Reproduction: Matures at 8 to 9cm carapace Reproduction: Matures at about 13cm carapace Life span: Up to around 30 years. length. length. Life span: Up to around four to five years. Tarwhine Life span: Up to around three to four years. Gold spotted Silver toadfish (silver bream) trevally Rhabdosargus sarba Chinaman cod Carangoides fulvoguttatus (North-West blowfish) Grows to: About 50cm and 1.5kg. Reproduction: Longtom Lagocephalus sceleratus Matures as male at about 24cm and two to three (Charlie Court cod) Family: Belonidae POISONOUS years, then change sex to female. Epinephelus rivulatus Life span: At least 24 years.

Yellowfin whiting Grows to: About 150cm and 6.5kg. Sillago schomburgkii

Grows to: About 130cm and 12kg. Grows to: About 50cm and 2.5kg. Reproduction: Grows to: About 35cm in length and 1kg. Mangrove jack Grows to: About 88cm and 6.5kg. Matures at about 17cm. Golden trevally Lutjanus argentimaculatus Common dart Gnathanodon speciosus Queenfish Western school Trachinotus botla Scomberoides commersonnianus whiting Sillago vittata

Grows to: About 150cm and 12kg. Reproduction: Matures at about 54 to 55cm and Grows to: About 42cm and 0.7kg. Reproduction: five to six years. Grows to: About 120cm and 16kg. Grows to: About 30cm and 0.2kg. Matures at about 18 to 20cm and two years. Grows to: Around 75cm in length and 3.5kg. Grows to: About 120cm and 15kg. Life span: At least 52 years. Reproduction: Matures at about 63cm. Reproduction: Matures at about 13 to 16cm. Life span: Up to around 12 years.


Baldchin groper Coral trout Moses perch Spangled Grey mackerel Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson Choerodon rubescens Plectropomus leopardus Lutjanus russelli emperor (Broad-barred (Nor'west snapper) Spanish mackerel) Lethrinus nebulosus Scomberomus semifasciatus

Grows to: About 240cm and 40kg. Reproduction: Matures at about 80cm and two years. Grows to: About 90cm and 7kg. Grows to: About 50cm and 2kg. Life span: At least 22 years. Reproduction: Matures as female at about Reproduction: Matures at about 29cm. three to four years and 27cm. Changes sex to Grows to: About 80cm and 15kg. Grows to: About 125cm and 10kg. male at about 10 to 12 years and 48 to 55cm. Reproduction: Matures at about 63cm and one School mackerel Grows to: Pink About 80cm and 8kg. to two years. Reproduction: Matures at about 40 to 45cm Life span: At least 12 years. ( school snapper and four to five years. Blackspot Yellow edge Chrysophrys auratus Life span: At least 27 years. mackerel) tuskfish coronation trout Scomberomus queenslandicus Choerodon schoenleinii Variola louti Stripey snapper Cobia (Spanish flag) Rachycentron canadus Lutjanus carponotatus Grows to: About 130cm and 12kg. Reproduction: Matures at about 53 to 54cm and one to two years.

Juvenile Wahoo Grows to: About 130cm and 10kg. Acanthocybium solandri Grows to: About 80cm and 9kg. Reproduction: Matures at about 40cm and four Reproduction: Matures as female at about to five years. Grows to: About 83cm and 12kg. Grows to: About 200cm and 68kg. 25cm and the dominant female changes sex to Life span: At least 30 years. Reproduction: Matures at about 50 to 60cm male at about 56cm. and two to three years. Life span: At least 56 years. Grows to: About 50cm and 2kg. Life span: At least 15 years. Goldspotted rockcod Rankin Reproduction: Matures at about 24cm. Grows to: About 250cm and 83kg. Life span: At least 20 years. Reproduction: Matures at about one to two years. Bluelined emperor ( cod) cod Life span: At least six years. Epinephelus coioides Epinephelus multinotatus Mahi mahi (black snapper) Redthroat emperor Lethrinus laticaudis (dolphin fish) Yellowfin tuna (sweetlip emperor) Coryphaena hippurus Thunnus albacares Lethrinus miniatus

Grows to: About 100cm and 9kg. Grows to: About 120cm and 30kg. Reproduction: Matures at about 41cm. Changes Reproduction: Matures as female at about sex from female to male. Grows to: About 210cm and 40kg. Grows to: About 210cm and 176kg. Grows to: About 80cm and 6kg. 57cm and three to four years. Changes sex to Reproduction: Matures at about 40 to 50cm Reproduction: Matures at about 100cm and Grows to: About 90cm and 9kg. Reproduction: Matures as female at about male at about 55 to 75cm and five years. and four to five months. two years. Reproduction: Matures at about 40cm and six 32cm, then changes sex to male at about 38 to Life span: At least 22 years. Life span: Up to around four years. Life span: Up to around eight years. 44cm. Red to seven years. emperor Life span: At least 22 years. Lutjanus sebae Blue spotted Long nose Yellowtail emperor emperor Lethrinus punctulatus Lethrinus olivaceus emperor Lethrinus atkinsoni

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Grows to: About 116cm and 33kg. Reproduction: Matures at about seven to eight years, although can from as young as five years. Grows to: About 60cm and 3kg. Grows to: About 100cm and 10kg. Life span: At least 34 years. Grows to: About 45cm and 2kg. Waters Marine marinewaters.fish.wa.gov.au

2861-17 Illustrations © R. Swainston/anima.net.au