West Morehead Street Industrial Historic District, Roughly North and South Sides West Morehead Street, MV-3 2-E 9
— 07 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources . Sou Historic Preservatiop, Office Peter B. Sandbeck, Administrator Office of Archives and History Michael F. Easley, Governor Division of 1-Iistrical ResourceS Lisbeth C. Evans, Secretary . David Brook, Director Jeffrey j. Crow, Deputy Secretary March 9, 2006 Chris M. Lloyd Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. Interstate Tower - 121 West Trade Street, Suite 1950 Charlotte, NC 28202 Re: Architectural Resources Survey Report, West Corridor, Rapid Transit and Highway Project, Charlotte Area Transit System, Mecklenburg County, ER 01-7527 Dear Mr. Lloyd: Thank you for your letter of necember 6,2006, tra.nsmitdng the survey report by Mattson, Alexander and Associates, Inc., for the above project. For purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, we concur that the following properties are listed in and remain eligible for the National Register of Historic Places: (former) U.S. Post Office Wesley Heights Historic District Fourth Ward Historic District,(NR-listed 1995) For purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, we concur that the following properdes are State Study-listed and- reinain eligible for the National Register of Historic Places: Wacho'via Bank and Trust Company Building, 129 West Trade Street, Criterion C. MV-2-112._ • South Cedar Street Industrial Historic District, South Cedar Street, approximately from Hill' Street north MV-2.45 • to West First Street, Criteria A and C. American Commercial Bank, Southwest corner, West Morehead Street at Freedom Drive, Criterion C. Dairy Queen, 2732 Wilkinson Boulevard, Criteria A and C. McCoy Service Station, 5315 Wilkinson Boulevard, Criteria A and C., (Study-listed in 1990).
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