Homo Erectus. Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia W
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Homo erectus. Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia W. Henry Gilbert and Berhane Asfaw (eds.) Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2008, 480 pp. (hardback), $75.00. ISBN-13: 9780520251205. Reviewed by SUSAN CACHEL Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, 131 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1414, USA; Cachel@rci.rutgers.edu his book is the first volume in a projected series that more intense Pleistocene glacial cycles with a 100,000 year Twill address the full twenty-five years of research that periodicity. Ten geological sections are described in detail, have accrued from the Middle Awash project, founded along with eight paleontological localities (e.g., BOU-VP-1, by the late J. Desmond Clark. An accompanying web site etc.). The climate was warm and seasonally generally very maintained at Berkeley archives digital photographs of the dry, with only a single annual wet season, because paleo- catalogued fossils described in this book, as well as micro sols and pedogenic carbonates yield a picture of high soil CT-scans of selected hominid fossils. Further material will temperatures and evaporation rates. The environment is appear on the Middle Awash web site as additional vol- reconstructed as a mosaic habitat of open grassland with umes are published. Information about the Middle Awash some woodland set in the floodplains of shallow lakes and Project can be accessed at the following URL: http://mid- distributary channels. The closest modern analog is the en- dleawash.berkeley.edu/middle_awash.php. The photo- virons of Lake Nakuru in the Rift Basin of Central Kenya. graphs can then be accessed via the “Fossil Database” icon. Ten chapters deal with non-hominid fossil mammals. Material can be searched for in a variety of ways (e.g., cata- Large photographs illustrate important specimens, which logue number, geological member or formation, mamma- are also described. The bovids are the most diverse group, lian family, age, taxon). All of the fossils are curated at the with fossils from seventeen genera. Remains are abundant, National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa. This im- with bovines, alcelaphines, and reduncines being especial- pressive permanent electronic archive obviously requires ly well represented. Bovid cranial and dental metric data extensive stable funding. One hopes that funding sources are available in a special appendix. Carnivores are rare (as will not come to a halt. usual), but lion, leopard, and a new subspecies of spotted A large team of researchers worked for over a decade hyaena are present. This new subspecies, which is larger on this volume. There are eighteen chapters, including an than the living spotted hyaena, is formally defined. Cerco- introduction and conclusion, chapters on mammalian or- pithecid fossils are rare. Only seventeen fossils represent ders and families, two chapters on the cranial remains of both Old World monkey subfamilies. These include den- Homo erectus, a chapter on hominid postcranial material, a tal, cranial, and postcranial remains. Most of the fossils are chapter on hominid systematics, and a chapter on the ecol- from the cercopithecine Theropithecus oswaldi, a well-known ogy and biogeography of the Daka Member of the Bouri and abundant gelada species present at other sites. Two Formation. Archaeological material is abundant, but is fossils represent Cercopithecoides alemayehui, a formally de- not discussed in this book. A bibliography combines ref- fined new colobine species. Additional cercopithecid taxa erences for all the chapters. A forward by Garniss Curtis found at other Pleistocene sites in the Afar do not occur in details fond memories of fieldwork with J. Desmond Clark, the Daka Member, almost certainly because Daka localities still agile and alert in his late 70s. A preface by Tim White are not sampling habitats represented at other sites. dedicates the series to the late F. Clark Howell, who co-au- Equids represent nearly 20% of the total fossil mammal thored the chapter on the carnivores. assemblage. These equids include both Equus (resembling The introduction details protocols for the collection, the modern zebra species) and Eurygnathohippus (an extinct recording, and restoration of fossils, most of which were hipparionine grazing horse). Several tables and figures give discovered by foot survey, not excavation. Crocodiles and metrical and statistical data on teeth and postcranial materi- fish were not collected. Over 750 mammal fossils were re- al. Rare giraffid fossils, unassignable to species, include both covered, including specimens of Homo erectus. Sediments Sivatherium and Giraffa. Hippopotamid fossils are not com- in the Middle Awash are 1km thick, but deposition was pletely prepared, but are provisionally identified as Hippo- not continuous. The Daka Member is only one of fifteen potamus cf. gorgops, a larger species than the living common separate time intervals that sample windows of time dat- hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius. These Daka fossils sample ing from nearly 6 mya to 50,000 yrs B.P. a crucial period of time in hippopotamus evolutionary his- A separate chapter deals with geology and chronology. tory, because many hippopotamid lineages go extinct at 1 The Daka Member is dated by three methods—40Ar/39Ar mya, leaving Hippopotamus as the dominant living genus. from single feldspar crystals, sandine crystals from pum- The Daka Member contains abundant elephantid fossils ice clasts, and paleomagnetism. These methods yield an from the species Elephas recki. These are photographed, de- age of about 1 mya—a period just before the inception of scribed, and measured. Fossils of both the living white and PaleoAnthropology 2009: 169−170. © 2009 PaleoAnthropology Society. All rights reserved. ISSN 1545-0031 170 • PaleoAnthropology 2009 black rhinoceros are present. There is a rich assemblage of that homoplastic traits are rarer than homologous ones, Daka suids. Photographs, dental, and cranial metrics are and, most importantly, the assumption that branching spe- presented. One of the best samples of Kolpochoerus majus cies dichotomies create groups that represent diverging lin- occurs here, as does the only known complete cranium of eages. Gilbert then performs three cladistic analyses—one Kolpochoerus olduvaiensis. The co-occurrence of the living using individual cranial specimens as OTUs, one combin- warthog species with Metridiochoerus modestus establishes ing specimens of the same age and geographic region to their taxonomic separation. Micromammals and birds are forms OTUs, and one combining specimens from the same rare. However, the Daka Member contains a fossil grass rat site to form OTUs, with others left as individual OTUs. The and a large, stork-like wading bird. An unprepared com- results show that African and Asian specimens do not form plete cranium of a catfish was also discovered. separate lineages; early African specimens are not closer The longest chapter in the book deals with Homo erectus to later members of genus Homo; and the Ceprano speci- cranial anatomy. The focus is on the Daka calvaria (BOU- men from southern Europe is not closer to Neanderthals VP-2/66), but other cranial and mandibular specimens are than it is to contemporary African specimens. An appendix described. Collection and preparation of the calvaria is describes and scores Homo erectus cranial traits from speci- extensively described. There are multiple full page photo- mens throughout the Old World. graphs of the calvaria, showing different aspects and cor- Hominid postcranial remains from Daka consist of three responding micro CT-scans. The calvaria frontal shows femora, one tibia, and a newly discovered talus, which has definite evidence of carnivore gnawing. An appendix with not been prepared. Because there are no associated cranial Daka calvaria measurements concludes the chapter. These remains, the taxonomic affiliation of these remains is un- measurements are taken either from the original specimen, known. The cortical bone of the femoral shafts is very thick, micro CT-scan, or microscribe data. The measurements the minimal shaft breadth is distal, and the cortex on the represent a comprehensive list of over 200 cranial metrics medial shaft is thicker than that of the lateral shaft. These taken from other authors publishing on Pleistocene homi- features separate the Daka femoral specimens from those nid crania. The taxon Homo erectus is used, not “Homo ergas- of Homo sapiens. The femora are platymeric and anteverted, ter,” which is utilized by other researchers who study early suggesting that squatting postures were habitual. African material. A major conclusion of the chapter is that A discussion of biogeography concludes that the Daka there is significant variation in Homo erectus crania. This fossils cannot be used to confirm exchange between the not only complicates phylogenetic reconstruction, but also Palaearctic and Ethiopian realms. The fossil assemblage makes it impossible to associate a particular morphology contains two endemic bovid genera (Bouria and Nitidarcus). with a particular geographic region. That is, cranial traits Mammal taxa confirm the existence of open grassland, al- form such a mosaic that it “is impossible to form an argu- though taxa dependent on water also occur. The volume ment for regional homogeneity whenever more than a few concludes with a critical analysis of Potts’s concept of vari- features are considered simultaneously” (p. 311). ability selection, as well as a discussion of the problems of The next chapter deals with micro CT-scans of the identifying taxa as either generalists or specialists. These Daka calvaria’s endocranial features, and also describes are important because the origins of genus Homo have a sterolith model of the endocast. Seven pages show cor- sometimes been associated with either a novel evolution- onal, transverse, and sagittal sections of the calvaria and ary process (variability selection) or with selection for a the reconstructed endocast. Ralph Holloway, who is a co- generalist hominid taxon. author, estimates the cranial capacity to be 1,001 cc, in the This volume is the first book in a projected series of mid-range of African and Asian Homo erectus specimens.