8.00 am Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 10.00 am Sung Communion, and Sunday Club in term time for children; followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room

On the First Sunday in the month services are as follows:

8.00am Said Holy Communion 10.00am Family Service (non-Eucharistic except at major festivals); no Sunday Club, all ages in church; followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room 6.30pm Evensong

Please check centre pages and Christ Church News for this month’s services and for seasonal variations. If you require transport to get to and from any of the services this month, or indeed at any time of the year, please contact a Churchwarden (details inside back cover). You can also find full details on our website What’s On page.

950 HOUSEHOLDS do what you are doing now, every month. They read this magazine!

If you run a business tell Shamley Green about it. Advertise in the area's most cost-effective magazine. Contact Karen for more information See details below

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE PARISH MAGAZINE Editor: Christine King Tel: 537608 Email: [email protected] Advertisements: Karen Anderton Tel: 894014 Email: [email protected] Distribution: Ginny Wicks Tel: 894873 Email: [email protected]



Grateful but not complacent

Looking back with thankfulness As we prepare for our church annual meetings at the end of this month, we look back over the previous year and ahead into the future with the usual mixture of gratitude and challenge: gratitude for all that has been achieved and shared, for the ministry of our parish church and the love of our church family, together with the challenge of both sustaining and developing this for the years to come.

Our gratitude extends to all who supported our parish church in 2019 and rose to the challenge of our stewardship campaign. Thanks to you we have been able to keep the church in good repair, open every day, and to sustain our activities, presence in the community and pastoral care. It is due to your ongoing financial commitment that we still have our own vicar, living in the parish, something other churches have lost in recent years. We are also able to offer resources to our wider community, such as:  church members serving as school governors and on Open the Book school assembly teams, on Village Care and ‘Time for Tea’,  school visits to the church to cover key units in the curriculum across the years, as well as whole school services for Easter and Harvest,  Good Neighbours and the annual Newcomers’ Pancake Party welcoming newcomers to our village,  our parish magazine delivered free of charge to every household and our website, both including details of village and other local organisations and activities,  a new weekly Parent, Baby and Toddler Group in our church hall and Messy Church for all ages, weddings, baptisms, funerals, and burials in our peaceful churchyard.

In 2019, in addition to our running costs, we also completed the following major essential works:  repairs to the bell tower and bells £15 135  repairs to the roof and stone copings £7 788 (including architect’s fees)

The Stewardship Campaign I want to express our particular appreciation for all the contributions to our Stewardship Campaign. Our chief aims were to increase regular, planned donations by £12 000 per annum and to broaden the pool as well as the age profile of donors. We have been hugely encouraged by the generous response of so many, both in our village and with a connection to Christ Church. We have nearly met our target for regular donations and received

over £6 000 in one-off gifts which, whilst not helping us to budget for the future, nevertheless enable us to meet our costs in the current year, to cover additional and unexpected expenses and to plan projects we might otherwise not have considered. Over fifty new donors responded to the campaign, thirty -one of whom have committed to regular giving, while several existing donors have increased their contributions and others have joined the Parish Giving Scheme which relieves us of much of the administrative work and provides an option for linking donations to inflation, further future-proofing our funding. Our heartfelt thanks to you all.

Looking forward with hopefulness We are grateful but not complacent and our Parochial Church Council, together with the whole church family, will continue both to exercise the best possible stewardship of the church we have inherited and to serve our community. Our income comes almost entirely from donations but the response to our campaign last year has strengthened our hope that as a village we will continue to value and support our church. If you would like any information about supporting Christ Church and our work in the future, please feel free to contact me. You can also find details on our website under ‘Supporting us’.

With warm wishes, Sally. Sally Davies, Vicar.

COPY DATE FOR THE MAY ISSUE: THURSDAY 9th APRIL to the Editor, please, by midnight. Email willingly accepted, to: [email protected]


2 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020


Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) Sunday 26th April in the Jubilee Room attached to the church after the 10am service At these meetings parish church officers are elected or appointed and reports and accounts are presented for the past year. NB Only those on the electoral roll of the parish or who live in the parish and are on the register of local government electors are entitled to vote at the first meeting at which the churchwardens are elected; only those on the electoral roll of the parish are entitled to attend and vote at the APCM when we will be electing members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). If you would like to go on the electoral roll, please contact Roger Penny 01403 752042 [email protected]. If you would be interested in serving as a churchwarden or member of the PCC, please speak to the vicar as soon as possible.

Christian Aid Week 10th-16th May This well-known interdenominational charity works with overseas partners in many countries both to relieve suffering caused by poverty and natural disaster and to support communities in becoming independent of aid. Working with local partners ensures that the aid gets to those who really need it. Christian Aid also plays a valuable role in this country in education, campaigning and lobbying e.g. on climate change and tax justice. If you would like to contribute to its work, join us for... Quiz Evening 9th May 7.30pm Arbuthnot Hall Always enjoyable and entertaining while not excluding some fierce rivalry, our annual quiz evening also raises funds for Christian Aid’s work in some of the grimmest situations in our world, including working with displaced peoples and responding to natural disasters and outbreaks of disease like Ebola. Details and tickets from Daphne Hamilton 893033.

Rogation Sunday 17th May ‘Walk the walk!’ Join us in beating at least some of the bounds of our parish on our annual walk, starting at church at around 11.10am after the 10am Service. Full details elsewhere in this magazine.

Lunch and more Ascension Day Thursday 21st May 12 noon Holy Communion followed by lunch. Tuesday 15th July 12 noon Holy Communion followed by lunch. All welcome. Please let Daphne Hamilton 893033 know if you plan to attend.

Donations to the church You can now make one-off contributions via our website or direct to our Shamley Green PCC Donations Account: Acc. No. 30638712 Sort Code 60-06-19. If you would like to know how you can support our parish church through regular giving by standing order, through a legacy or how to increase the value of your donation by Gift Aid, please contact our Treasurer Tony Robinson (01483 229141; [email protected]), our Legacy Officer Joelle Tamraz (07825 422344; [email protected]) or our Planned Giving Officer David Healey (01483 893607; [email protected]).

Reverend Martin Hughes (1940-2020) Obituary

Martin was born in 1940, the only child of an engineer and a musician. Whilst studying at Exeter College, Oxford he started reading modern languages, but then swapped to theology. He went on to Chichester Theological College and was ordained as deacon in 1963, and as priest in the following year. He served his curacy at Holy Trinity, Roehampton, where he met Joyce and where they married in 1964 and after that moved to Addlestone.

They proudly went on to have three children and five grandchildren. Martin was installed as the Vicar of Burpham, , in 1971 and in 1988 he moved on to the parish of Shamley Green, where he remained until he retired in 2005.

In retirement in Bishops Waltham, he has continued to take services at numerous local churches and contribute to the community, supported by Joyce.

4 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

Martin was always ready to help those in need and whilst at Shamley Green he took on the role of “appropriate adult” in conjunction with the local police. This resulted in numerous callouts at all times of the day and night. He was very involved with writing courses and training pastoral assistants and late ordinands in the Guildford Diocese, being both a priest and a teacher.

He was also extremely practical and enjoyed success at woodwork (furniture and toys as well as candlesticks turned on a lathe.) and particularly model making. Much of the furniture in both his and his children’s homes was made by him.

A parishioner recalls that on two occasions their plumbing skills were also called into action. The tap in the hall kitchen at Burpham developed a nasty leak. No plumber was available quickly, so on hands and knees he and Martin scrambled about under the sink to turn off the water and replace a valve. The next requirement was in the churchyard at St Luke’s where the tap had been frozen and once thawed leaked continuously. With no obvious way of turning the water off they had to remove the faulty washer whilst water spurted out until the replacement was fitted. A wet and cold experience for both and not one usually experienced by the clergy! He was also a model railway enthusiast and all of his children and grandchildren fondly remember helping him with his impressive home model railway, which was never quite finished! It remains intact.

Another of Martin’s interests was singing and he will be remembered singing lustily in his fine tenor voice – in the local choral society but especially during hymns such as 'Cwm Rhonda'!

His family reported that even in hospital he never lost his spirit, his enjoyment of life or his sense of humour and one of the last things he was able to do was laugh. As an example of how much Martin was liked and respected, Joyce received around 150 cards and letters from former and local parishioners saying how much they will miss him.

His funeral was attended by around two hundred people as well as twelve robed clergy, together with further clergy including a retired bishop in the congregation - testifying that Martin had lived as a much-loved family man and a respected and popular priest.

A former parishioner commented: “The words: Well done, good and faithful servant” spring readily to mind!”

Editor , with thanks to Mike Whittle and members of Christ Church congregation

6 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

8 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

The Arbuthnot Hall 200 Club Supporng Maintenance of the Shamley Green Village Hall Have you ever seen the “200 Club Draw Results” each month, and wondered what it was all about ? Well, read on……….. What is it ? A local organisaon which contributes to the upkeep of the Village Hall Why does it exist ? The Village Hall now costs around £13,000 per year to maintain How does it work ? 200 Members, £25 per year, 50% to the Hall, 50% to Monthly Draw (That’s only 50p per week, and much beer odds than the Naonal Loery !) Where does the money go ? Repair projects, roune maintenance, light & heat, refuse removal, taxes, insurance What’s in it for me ? A Monthly Draw: 4 prizes, £66, £33, £24, £16, and you have helped maintain your Village Hall What else ? An Annual Lunch with our Annual Draw: £125, £100, £75 How can I join ? Easy – Call or email Neil Harding on 893-457 I am sure you will agree that it is important to keep the Village Hall alive – who knows when you might need it for that all important funcon ? But it does need maintaining, and the 200 Club provides an important part of that – please feel free to join up ! Thank You

CHRISTIAN AID QUIZ 2020 Our annual quiz will take place on Saturday 9th May in the Arbuthnot Hall starting at 7.30 pm with doors open from 7pm. As usual, there will be a cash bar and, like last year, this year we are serving a ploughman’s supper half way through the evening. The last 2 quizzes in the village have been sell outs so booking your table early is advised. The cost for the evening is £ 12.50 and names should be given to Daphne Hamilton a.s.a.p. A fun evening for such a worthy cause is guaranteed so do ensure that you book in time and are not turned away! Daphne Hamilton 893033

News from the Shamley Green Village Association “Your Village Your Voice” - update from the Village Meeting

In January this year the Shamley Green Village Association (SGVA) hosted a Village Meeting inviting all residents to come along and share their views on what aspects of village life they thought should be preserved and/or improved. As a result two working parties were set up to look at (1) Traffic and Transport and (2) Environmental matters. Those two groups both met in February and the SGVA has prepared an update which will be distributed to SGVA members by email. Topics covered include potholes, flooding, blocked drains and ditches, the Church Hill VAS, litter bins, dog fouling and helping the Shamley Green toads over the road. If you would like to receive a copy but are not a member, please contact us at [email protected]. Shamley Green Spring Clean Meanwhile, please save the date - Saturday April 4th - for a community litter pick (Fun for All the Family!) which will start at 10.00am from the Village Green outside the Arbuthnot Hall. Please contact the SGVA ([email protected]), Emma Tann ([email protected]) or Eppy Anderson on 07799 410892 for more details and to let us know if you would like to join in so we can arrange plenty of litter picking equipment. Do bring hi-vis if you have some and don’t forget to wear weather-appropriate clothing and to bring gloves.

10 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020


6thJune 2020

Save the date! Volunteers welcome

(email: [email protected]

The Arbuthnot Hall is a thriving community facility in the centre of the village and is available for hire with main hall, stage, fully equipped kitchen bar / committee room and disabled access. Regular meetings:


Other functions include: Newcomers Supper SHADES pantomime Children’s activity afternoon – (Lordshill Playground) 200 Club Lunch Village Fete NSPCC Punch and Pate Luncheon Shamley Green History Society Conservative Jumble Sale ALSO private parties and other fund raising events.

Should you wish to book your own function or to enquire about any of the above events, please call Ali Bull 01483 892254. Thank you.


1st Mrs J Stevens Nursery Hill

2nd Mrs B Franklin Rowly

3rd Mrs S Powell Manor Lane

4th Mrs H Hornett Run Common

12 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

Shamley Green History Society Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th April, at 2.30 at the Arbuthnot Hall as usual. The Trust has recently acquired a new stretch of 900 metres close to Shamley Green, thanks to the generosity of a Trust member, and has been planning a new circular walk leading to the Downs Link. All of this extremely hard work is done by enthusiastic volunteers, and it seems an excellent moment for Simon Knapham to come and talk to our History Society about the plans and about the history of the Canal. Non-members are welcome to our meetings for a fee of £2.00. We still have a few outstanding subscriptions, which became due in February. Our new Treasurer Nick Russell-Davis would be pleased to receive them, £7.00 for singles and £10.00 for couples, at Lake Cottage, Shamley Green. We hope to receive them, we don’t want to lose you! Valerie Esplen.

Wonersh Village Fair 2020 The Annual Village Fair this year will be held on Sunday 5th July. If you wish to run a stall or can help on the day please contact : Anne Powell-Evans (01483 504129) Francesca Rowe (01483 890275) Or email: [email protected] Or find us on Facebook at Village Fair

Rogation Sunday Walk: Sunday May 17th

This is a traditional annual walk around part of the parish boundary which is organized by the church and is intended for the whole community to join in. It is always enjoyable, a good way of exploring and appreciating the beauty of our local environment as well as meeting and talking with fellow walkers. This year we shall be doing the Short Rogation walk which starts at Christ Church after the 10 o’clock service at approximately 11.15am (Services will be as normal, at 8.00am and 10.00am) The walk drops down from the church car park to Long Common where we will enjoy morning coffee before continuing on to the railway track. After walking a section of the track we will return back up to Long Common and then to the church car park. Dogs are welcome but should be kept on a lead. Further details will be given in the May edition of the Parish magazine together with a map of the route. Any enquiries to Alison Harding 893457

14 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

SHAMLEY GREEN VILLAGE CARE It’s an organisation set up to provide transport (for example to hospitals, GP surgeries, chiropodists, shops) to any resident of Shamley Green Parish who is unable to drive themselves or use public transport easily. It calls on a small band of volunteers who give their services free. A donation is suggested to cover the mileage and parking costs. VILLAGE CARE WANTS YOU----- to get in touch if you have difficulties getting to the services you need. Penny Hodgson 898779 or Glynis Drummond 890475 Time for Tea

EVERY 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH 2pm — 4pm COMMUNITY ROOM GARDEN CLOSE SHAMLEY GREEN Everyone welcome, come and enjoy good company, fun activities, homemade cakes and tea. Penny Hodgson 898779

APRIL 2020 2020 APRIL –

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Readings:Acts 10.34


10.00am Sung Communion Communion Sung 10.00am 10.00am Family Festival Communion Communion Festival Family 10.00am 8.00am Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Prayer) Common of (Book Communion Said 8.00am 8.00am Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Prayer) Common of (Book Communion Said 8.00am 2.00pm At the Foot of the Cross: a quiet and reflecti and quiet a Cross: the of Foot the At 2.00pm 12.45pm Bread & Cheese Lunch in the Jubilee Room Room the Jubilee in Lunch Cheese & Bread 12.45pm followed by coffee and hot cross buns. Join us at any any at us Join buns. cross hot and coffee by followed 10.00am Family Service beginning around the Cross on T on the Cross around beginning Service Family 10.00am 8.00pm Holy Communion in Commemoration of the Last Last the of Commemoration in Communion Holy 8.00pm 10.00am Holy Communion beginning outside the church w church the outside beginning Communion Holy 10.00am 6.30pm Music and Readings for Holy Week Holy for Readings and Music 6.30pm 8.00am Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Prayer) Common of (Book Communion Said 8.00am MAUNDY THURSDAY THURSDAY MAUNDY GOOD FRIDAY FRIDAY GOOD Friday Friday Thursday Thursday

G Room, Community Tea’, for ‘Time 2.00pm Monday 20

2 Easter Sunday 19

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7.30pm Lent Group Group Lent 7.30pm SUNDAY PALM 5

16 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

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41; Luke 24:13 Luke 41; -

Annual Meeting of Parishioners & Annual Parochial C Parochial Annual & Parishioners of Meeting Annual Readings: Acts 2:14a,36

8.00 am Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Prayer) Common of (Book Communion Said am 8.00 10.00 am Sung Communion and Sunday Club Sunday and Communion Sung am 10.00 followed by by followed 8.00am Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Prayer) Common of (Book Communion Said 8.00am 10.00am Family Service with Baptism Baptism with Service Family 10.00am 6.30pm Choral Evensong Evensong Choral 6.30pm

3 Easter Sunday 26 Chu Group, Toddler & Baby Parent, 9.30am Tuesday 21

Chu Group, Toddler & Baby Parent, 9.30am Tuesday 28 MAY 4 Easter Sunday 3

Shamley Green Gardening Club

March sees what might be considered the highlight of the Club’s year – the Celebrity Speaker! This year we were very pleased to welcome the delightful Pippa Greenwood, best known for her wise words on Gardener’s Question Time. Pippa gardens in a fairly inhospitable area of with a heavy clay soil and frequent strong winds and began her talk with an amusing poem containing references to all the hazards and frustrations of gardening! Her early training as a botanist and plant pathologist led to an interest in combating pests and diseases of plants: hence the title of her talk – Greener Gardening. She began by showing images of common pests and problems i.e. black fly, vine weevil, white fly, red spider mite. The first of these can usually be dealt with by simply showering or wiping off (the plant – not ourselves) but the others often need more stringent treatment. Environmentally best are nematodes or roundworms specific to the pest. They can now be easily sourced and are straightforward to apply. Another solution is to encourage predators such as ladybirds, hover flies and lacewings, best done by neglecting hoovering around windows and curtains where they often over winter, Sounds good to me! And, she reminded us, don’t forget the birds. A garden full of insect eating tits will keep aphids well under control. Then finally the nasties - slugs! Again nematodes can be used and are effective for up to 6 weeks but other techniques have proved successful such as copper tape around pots (make sure the compost in the pot is slug free to begin with), creating a moat around a pot (slugs can’t swim) and beer traps. Some lucky researchers set about finding the most effective beer to use – Guinness was best and alcohol- free lager the worst. Fancy slugs having discerning tastes! (They also prefer green leafed lettuce to red.) And finally, Pippa had some fail safe ways of dealing with slugs, picked up from outwardly peaceful looking members of the public – trawling the garden with a pair of sharp scissors – or a hat pin. Ugh!!



Free hand – entirely your choice of theme and content – give it a go!

ARBUTHNOT HALL 7th APRIL 2020 7.30pm

18 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

Our Lent Appeal 2020 At this time of year, we regularly appeal to parishioners to consider your Lenten offering, urging you not to give something up but to do something positive. Every year we get the much-needed response. Thank-you. Please help us again this year. Will you consider inviting an international student to your home, for a one day (daytime only) or for a weekend? Share a meal, conversation and exchange cultural traditions and views of the world. It is so very rewarding for both host and student guest. Please consider becoming one of our volunteer hosts. We operate all year round and would very much welcome you to join us. Information can be found on our website: Or email us on: [email protected] Or telephone us on: 020 7739 6292 *If you are unable to host but would like to support this cause please send your donation to the Big Give a051r00001ObYZLAA3 or by cheque to HOST UK Sylvia Adams House 24 The Common Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 0NB

20 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

Please telephone any of us if you

have a local issue you would like to Your councillors: discuss.Or contact the Parish Clerk Lisa Davison on 892601 or by Rod Weale 898006 email at [email protected] Mike Band 892880 or visit the office in the Wonersh Sports Pavilion on Tuesday Chris Crouch 892231 mornings 1000-1200 – please call Rob Ellis 892439 the clerk for an appointment Chris Howard 894437 on 01483 892601. Anthony Shutes 890831 Or come to the Parish Council Stephen Lavender 07966533951 meeting on the second Thursday of each month (except August and December) to raise your concerns. Council Vacancy The Parish Council are currently seeking an experienced bookkeeper. Please get in touch with the Clerk if you would like to express an interest in this role.

Community Room in Garden Close, available to hire through the Parish Council

Residents of Shamley Green may have noticed that Waverley Borough Council have been investing in the community room in Garden Close. This is in preparation for Wonersh Parish Council taking over the lease in early 2020. The community room is currently home to a range of adult Art Classes, available three days of the week and monthly meetings of Time for Tea and the Women’s Institute. The Parish Council are keen to see greater use of this facility and other facilities within the Parish, reflecting the vibrant and friendly community we live within. We will be offering reduced rates for residents of Shamley Green and regular bookers. If you want to know more, or to book the space, just get in touch with the Clerk, 01483 892601, [email protected]. Please look out for details of our community room open evening to come and have a look at the venue.

22 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

The Jubilee Room and Church Hall Shamley Green A lovely rural setting within easy reach of Guildford For all your meeting and party requirements,

• • Fully Equipped Kitchens Crockery, cutlery and suitable furniture available • Toilet Facilities • Jubilee Room has disabled access • Seating for 40-60 people and facilities (check individual venue for details) • Children’s parties in Church Hall only • Car parking • Church also available for Quiet Days

To hire please contact Clare Stevens Tel: 01483 893211

U3A Wonersh & District

(including Blackheath, Bramley, Chilworth, Shalford & Shamley Green)


Wednesday 1 Table Tennis – Arbuthnot Hall, Shamley Green Thursday 2 Latin Advanced – Mah Jong – Bramley Library Room Friday 3 French – Turner Room, Lawnsmead, Wonersh Monday 6 Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Tuesday 7 No Tai Chi Opera for All – Bramley Village Hall Wed 8 Explore London: Bushey Park – coach trip + guide Music Making – Shalford Thursday 9 Latin Intermediate – Godalming Friday 10 GOOD FRIDAY Monday 13 EASTER MONDAY − No Pilates or Book Club Tuesday 14 No Tai Chi Wednesday 15 Table Tennis – Arbuthnot Hall, Shamley Green Pub lunch – Gomshall Mill Thursday 16 Walk − meet at Recreation Ground Car Park Latin Advanced – Godalming History – guided walk at Bramley Friday 17 Woodcarving & Craft – Bramley Village Hall Monday 20 No Pilates Gardening – venue to be announced Tuesday 21 Tai Chi Improvers & Intermed – Lawnsmead Hall Tai Chi Beginners – Memorial Hall, Wonersh Listening to Music – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Bridge – Turner Room, Lawnsmead, Wonersh Wednesday 22 Hughenden Manor, National Trust, − coach trip Thursday 23 Latin Intermediate – Godalming Speaker’s Corner: Bob Ogley presents – Lawnsmead Hall Friday 24 Art – Bramley Village Hall Monday 27 Devon Holiday – (27 April to 1May) Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Tuesday 28 Tai Chi Improvers & Intermediate – Lawnsmead Tai Chi Beginners – Memorial Hall, Wonersh

Newcomers are welcome. For further details, please phone Cilla Morris 01483 892348, or visit

24 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

Shamley Green Spring Flowers Courtesy Gwen Ward

A Hymn Parody (courtesy ACE)

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. But what we never mention, though gardeners know it’s true, Is when he made the goodies, he made the baddies too. All things spray and swattable, disasters great and small, All things paraquatable, the Lord God made them all. The greenfly on the roses, the maggots in the peas, Manure that fills our noses he also gave us these. The fungus on the goose-gogs, the club root on the greens, The slugs that eat the lettuce and chew the aubergines. The drought that kills the fuchsias, the frost that nips the buds, The rain that drowns the seedlings, the blight that hits the spuds. The midges and mosquitoes, the nettles and the weeds, The pigeons in the green stuff, the sparrows on the seeds. The fly that gets the carrots, the wasp that eats the plums, How black the gardeners' outlook, though green may be their thumbs. But still we gardeners labour, midst vegetables and flowers, And pray that what hits neighbours will somehow bypass ours.

26 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020


All aspects undertaken including complete draindown, cleaning and repairs to ponds of any size.

To arrange a free estimate phone David Smithers 01483 374620 (eves) 07732 541057 (mob)




According to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS,, a zero-hours contract is a type of contract between an employer and a worker where:

• your employer does not have to give you any minimum working hours; and • you do not have to take any work offered. Workers on zero hours contracts can sometimes find that existing legal protections are not being understood or enforced and perhaps just disregarded by some employers.

Some of our other clients, have reported that employers have asked them to change their contract to one which was less secure with fewer rights. See details below to contact Citizens Advice.

28 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

SHAMLEY GREEN CHURCH HALL FOR HIRE Church Hall (formerly used by the Montessori pre-school) available for hire Monday to Saturday and Sunday afternoon for group classes, eg fitness, art, well-being, pre-school, toddler groups, crafts, hobbies or other activities. Hire of the Hall (12 x 6 sqm) includes kitchen, toilets and storage with parking available across the road. For enquiries, please contact the Lettings Secretary at [email protected]

Loxwood Landscapes Paul Gregson BSc Hons * Hard Landscaping * Soft Landscaping * Garden Design * Any project considered for friendly advice and a free and prompt quotation please call Paul on ℡ 01403 753204 / 07949 312402 or e-mail [email protected]

30 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020

Rowleys Centre for the Community Victoria Road,

A friendly and welcoming atmosphere and a great place to meet up with friends, enjoy a meal or one of our acvies. You can also sign up to go on one of our popular day trips or breaks. There is no age limit at Rowley’s, we welcome everyone of all ages. Our regular visitors are from all around the Cranleigh district including Shamley Green but if you live a lile further afield and would like to come along, there are no restricons. Phone us on 01483 277155 or Email: [email protected]

Notes for Contributors All articles should be emailed to the editor at [email protected] by the 9th of the previous month. if this is not possible please contact the editor, Christine King on 537608 , for individual negotiation.

Articles should be submitted as follows:

- In Arial font (easy to read) - Size 10pt for text and 14pt for heading - Justified both sides for text - Centred and bold title (mixed case) - Any tables should be discussed with the editor, as these do not always transfer to Publisher - Original MS Office documents preferred to ‘.pdf’s, which may distort when resized - Photographs in .jpeg format and should not exceed 2 megapixels You or the organisation you represent must hold the copyright to the image, i.e. you or they own it: unless told otherwise we will assume that you/they do so.

Please include photos where possible to grab readers’ attention! Adverts Please contact Karen Anderton (details inside front page). Please email us ‘camera-ready’ adverts in .pdf, .jpeg or.doc format after agreeing fees with Karen.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The main issue remains lack of reporting minor crimes, please help support our village and ensure you report issues and not ignore them. This can be done in confidence to Police on: 101 (the national non-emergency number) or

As always in an EMERGENCY dial 999 IIIf you want to give information about a crime or criminal activity without giving your name you can call the independent charity: Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

32 Shamley Green Parish Magazine April 2020 WHO’S WHO IN SHAMLEY GREEN VICAR Rev Sally Davies The Vicarage, Church Hill, Shamley Green, GU5 0UD (opposite church) [email protected] 892030 CHURCHWARDENS Brain Grove 892299 Jonathan Jenner 898954 PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Penny Hodgson Josie Pitchforth [email protected] 898779 [email protected] 271595 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Clare Stevens 893211 Tony Robinson 229141 [email protected] Safeguarding Rep Gisela Redman [email protected] ORGANIST/DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Daphne Hamilton 893033 LETTINGS SECRETARY SUNDAY CLUB Clare Stevens 893211 Annabelle Ball 898596 WHOLLY YOUTH Jonathan Jenner 898954 LEGACY OFFICER PLANNED GIVING OFFICER Joelle Tamraz 07825422344 David Healey 893607 [email protected] [email protected] CHURCH FLOWERS GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME Daphne Nunneley 892905 Alison Harding 893457 PARISH WEBSITE PARISH MAGAZINE contacts and informaon— See inside Front Cover VILLAGE CARE Penny Hodgson 898779 Glynis Drummond 890475 ARBUTHNOT HALL BADMINTON CLUB Alison Bull 892254 Julie Marn 894459 GOLF SOCIETY CRICKET CLUB Tony Hodgson 898779 David Harris 898908 FOUR VILLAGES WEDS. CLUB GARDENING CLUB Ginny Wicks 894873 Aurelle Tomkins 892114 GARDEN CLOSE COMMUNITY ROOM HISTORY SOCIETY Waverley Borough Council 523171 Michael Harding 892651 LORDSHILL PLAYGROUND MEALS ON WHEELS Sam Godwin 891847 Rowleys 277155 NSPCC SHADES Deborah Blake 892392 Jan Cornwell 892401 U3A (WONERSH/SHAMLEY GRN) VILLAGE ASSOCIATION Cilla Morris 892348 Eppy Anderson 890304 VILLAGE FETE W.I. Tim Harlow 894884 Ann Towers 278291 WONERSH AND SHAMLEY GREEN (C of E) PRIMARY SCHOOL Head: Tess Trewinnard 892345 WONERSH PARISH COUNCIL WAVERLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL Clerk: Lisa Davison 892601 Councillor: Chris Howard 894437 TRAIDCRAFT (FREETRADE) 07950 025137