www.ramblersyorkshire.org website Area the Visit 289 Barnsley and eld Sheffi 278 map Explorer OS


SE 280 179 280 SE

Bridge A642



Wakefi eld. Wakefi Arms PH Arms Bingley

the M1. At the T junction turn left along road or take a bus to to bus a take or road Batley along left turn junction T the At M1. the 1

village. The road becomes a track. Continue to the end and under under and end the to Continue track. a becomes road The village.


Turn right along the main street and continue all the way through the the through way the all continue and street main the along right Turn

the road into Gawthorpe, and the maypole. the and Gawthorpe, into road the

River Calder Calder River Bridge Horbury 

and turn left to cross over the A638 on the road bridge. Continue along along Continue bridge. road the on A638 the over cross to left turn and Lane car park. car Lane

and take second right into Hillcrest Avenue. Follow this road to the end end the to road this Follow Avenue. Hillcrest into right second take and

proceed left up the footpath to Pildacre Pildacre to footpath the up left proceed Calder and Hebble Navigation Hebble and Calder

way to a major roundabout. Walk anti clockwise round the roundabout roundabout the round clockwise anti Walk roundabout. major a to way to a grassy knoll with benches and and benches with knoll grassy a to

the B6128. Cross over and turn left along the footway. Follow it all the the all it Follow footway. the along left turn and over Cross B6128. the Continue along the tarmac cycle path path cycle tarmac the along Continue

right (Holmfi eld). At the end keep forward along a ginnel which leads to to leads which ginnel a along forward keep end the At eld). (Holmfi right is now the - Greenway. Greenway. Dewsbury-Ossett the now is

ends, keep forward for a few metres, then take the fi rst street on the the on street rst fi the take then metres, few a for forward keep ends, 1 Mile 1 along the line of a former railway which which railway former a of line the along

3 stretch of tarmac road, which leads into a hedged footpath. When this this When footpath. hedged a into leads which road, tarmac of stretch Turn right with the path, and continue continue and path, the with right Turn

Lane. When the main street turns right, take the left fork along a short short a along fork left the take right, turns street main the When Lane. 1 Kilometre 1 2

4 you are at the top of the fi eld. eld. fi the of top the at are you At the road, cross over and turn right along the footway. Turn left at Love Love at left Turn footway. the along right turn and over cross road, the At

the path with the beck on your left. until until left. your on beck the with path the

Sewage Works Sewage and turn right at a row of trees. Follow Follow trees. of row a at right turn and

Cross the beck and continue to the top top the to continue and beck the Cross

to Pildacre Mill Beck. (Can be boggy). be (Can Beck. Mill Pildacre to Pildacre Mill Beck Mill Pildacre

Continue on this track all the way down down way the all track this on Continue

Love Lane Love

back 45 degrees along a wide track. track. wide a along degrees 45 back

reaches a clear fork, turn left and walk walk and left turn fork, clear a reaches

bears right immediately. When the path path the When immediately. right bears


on the left, then follow the path which which path the follow then left, the on



Dewsbury/Ossett Dewsbury/Ossett

the path to go through a kissing gate gate kissing a through go to path the

Holmfield 3

edge, and then uphill. Continue along along Continue uphill. then and edge,

Chickenley to the right of the fence, along the fi eld eld fi the along fence, the of right the to

Waste Water Treatment Works. Keep Keep Works. Treatment Water Waste

to reach the high fence of the Dewsbury Dewsbury the of fence high the reach to


Keep forward along the track over fi elds elds fi over track the along forward Keep Maypole Gawthorpe 

To Wakefield To

kissing gate by a large metal gate. gate. metal large a by gate kissing


A638 the far end of the factory next to the car park, with a a with park, car the to next factory the of end far the

footway along the right hand edge until you reach reach you until edge hand right the along footway

SE 273 222 273 SE


Gawthrope through a factory site. Keep to the designated narrow narrow designated the to Keep site. factory a through

Batley Road Batley


roadway. Turn left along it (50 metres), to pass pass to metres), (50 it along left Turn roadway.

SE 297 227 297 SE

Way). Follow the path round to a footbridge and and footbridge a to round path the Follow Way). Maypole

Park Grange Park

School house and a small bridge (here joining the Kirklees the joining (here bridge small a and house

to a right hand path (about a mile) after two locks, a a locks, two after mile) a (about path hand right a to

To Batley To

1 Follow the towpath of the Calder & Hebble Navigation Navigation Hebble & Calder the of towpath the Follow

Start the walk at Horbury Bridge GR SE 280 179 on the A642 opposite the Bingley Arms PH. Arms Bingley the opposite A642 the on 179 280 SE GR Bridge Horbury at walk the Start




The Wakefi eld Way is a 70 mile, waymarked walking The use of Ordnance Survey Explorer maps is route around the Wakefi eld Metropolitan District and recommended in conjunction with the leafl ets, the map covers a wide variety of landscapes. The route is divided number is quoted on each page.

into 11 sections of varying length with start and end

points accessible by public transport. For bus and train information contact Metro on 0113 245 A

7676 between 7am and 10pm or www.wymetro.com y


Sections may be split or added together to suit the r a

individual walker. The walks can be done in any order 0

and in either direction but these leafl ets start at Anglers d


Country Park and follow a clockwise direction. n

i u l

e o

b 5 w Stanley 6 l a a lk r u Kirkhamgate a r 7 ro ’s un eld City d Wakefi 4 of Wakefield 8 Horbury

Anglers Country Thorpe Audlin Park WALKS 4-6 1 3 Horbury Bridge to Castleford 9 Notton 11 Bretton 2 10

Wakefi eld Way Road 2 Adjoining footpath Motorway Water

Key: Bus stop Follow the Countryside Code: 1 Parking • Leave gates & property as you fi nd them 4 Railway station • Take your litter home + Church • Keep dogs under eff ective control, on a lead near livestock – clean up FP Footpath after your dog 3 Country park • Keep to the waymarked rights of way, especially across farmland Golf course • Leave farm animals alone, do not feed them Telecoms • Wear suitable footwear and clothing

The Ramblers’ Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in , Scotland and Wales. Company registration No 4458492. Registered Charity in England and Wales – No 1093577. Registered offi ce: 2nd fl oor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW. Should you encounter any problems please report these to the local authority 03458 506506

This leafl et was created in 2018

This leafl et was created in 2018 in created was et leafl This

Embankment, London SE1 7TW. Should you encounter any problems please report these to the local authority 03458 506506 03458 authority local the to these report please problems any encounter you Should 7TW. SE1 London Embankment,

No 4458492. Registered Charity in England and Wales – No 1093577. Registered offi ce: 2nd fl oor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Albert 87-90 House, Camelford oor, fl 2nd ce: offi Registered 1093577. No – Wales and England in Charity Registered 4458492. No

The Ramblers’ Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England, Scotland and Wales. Company registration registration Company Wales. and Scotland England, in registered guarantee, by limited company a is Association Ramblers’ The

• Wear suitable footwear and clothing and footwear suitable Wear • Telecoms

• Leave farm animals alone, do not feed them feed not do alone, animals farm Leave • Golf course Golf

• Keep to the waymarked rights of way, especially across farmland across especially way, of rights waymarked the to Keep • Country park Country 3

after your dog your after FP Footpath Footpath FP

• Keep dogs under eff ective control, on a lead near livestock – clean up up clean – livestock near lead a on control, ective eff under dogs Keep • + Church Church +

• Take your litter home litter your Take • Railway station Railway 4

• Leave gates & property as you fi nd them nd fi you as property & gates Leave • Parking Parking 1

Bus stop stop Bus

Follow the Countryside Code: Countryside the Follow


Motorway footpath Adjoining Water

2 Road Way eld Wakefi


South Elmsall South







3 Horbury Bridge to Castleford to Bridge Horbury 1


- Park

Thorpe Audlin Thorpe Anglers Country Anglers








e W

f City City

i d




d u

o ’


r 7










a 6







o e


u i

n direction. clockwise a follow and Park Country


d Anglers at start ets leafl these but direction either in and

a 0 order any in done be can walks The walker. individual r 7 the suit to together added or split be may Sections

y www.wymetro.com or 10pm and 7am between 7676

points accessible by public transport. public by accessible points

A 245 0113 on Metro contact information train and bus For

into 11 sections of varying length with start and end end and start with length varying of sections 11 into

number is quoted on each page. page. each on quoted is number covers a wide variety of landscapes. The route is divided divided is route The landscapes. of variety wide a covers

recommended in conjunction with the leafl ets, the map map the ets, leafl the with conjunction in recommended route around the Wakefi eld Metropolitan District and and District Metropolitan eld Wakefi the around route

The use of Ordnance Survey Explorer maps is is maps Explorer Survey Ordnance of use The The Wakefi eld Way is a 70 mile, waymarked walking walking waymarked mile, 70 a is Way eld Wakefi The THE WAKEFIELD WAY WAKEFIELD THE


Start the walk at Horbury Bridge GR SE 280 179 on the A642 opposite the Bingley Arms PH.

Follow the towpath of the Calder & Hebble Navigation 1 To Batley to a right hand path (about a mile) after two locks, a house and a small bridge (here joining the Kirklees Kirkhamgate School Park Grange Way). Follow the path round to a footbridge and Maypole SE 297 227 roadway. Turn left along it (50 metres), to pass WF2 0SH Batley Road through a factory site. Keep to the designated narrow Gawthrope M1 footway along the right hand edge until you reach SE 273 222

the far end of the factory next to the car park, with a A638 kissing gate by a large metal gate. 5 To Wakefield Gawthorpe Maypole  2 Keep forward along the track over fi elds to reach the high fence of the Dewsbury Waste Water Treatment Works. Keep to the right of the fence, along the fi eld edge, and then uphill. Continue along the path to go through a kissing gate 3 Holmfield Dewsbury/Ossett on the left, then follow the path which Greenway 4 B6128 bears right immediately. When the path reaches a clear fork, turn left and walk back 45 degrees along a wide track. Continue on this track all the way down Love Lane to Pildacre Mill Beck. (Can be boggy). Pildacre Mill Beck Cross the beck and continue to the top and turn right at a row of trees. Follow Sewage Works the path with the beck on your left. until you are at the top of the fi eld. 4 At the road, cross over and turn right along the footway. Turn left at Love 2 1 Kilometre Lane. When the main street turns right, take the left fork along a short 3 Turn right with the path, and continue stretch of tarmac road, which leads into a hedged footpath. When this along the line of a former railway which 1 Mile ends, keep forward for a few metres, then take the fi rst street on the is now the Dewsbury-Ossett Greenway. right (Holmfi eld). At the end keep forward along a ginnel which leads to Continue along the tarmac cycle path the B6128. Cross over and turn left along the footway. Follow it all the to a grassy knoll with benches and way to a major roundabout. Walk anti clockwise round the roundabout proceed left up the footpath to Pildacre Calder and Hebble Navigation and take second right into Hillcrest Avenue. Follow this road to the end Lane car park. and turn left to cross over the A638 on the road bridge. Continue along  Horbury Bridge River Calder the road into Gawthorpe, and the maypole.

5 Turn right along the main street and continue all the way through the village. The road becomes a track. Continue to the end and under 1 the M1. At the T junction turn left along Batley road or take a bus to Bingley Arms PH Wakefi eld. To Horbury A642 Bridge SE 280 179 WF4 5NL

OS Explorer map 278 Sheffi eld and Barnsley 289 Leeds Visit the Area website www.ramblersyorkshire.org WAKEFIELD WAY - WALK 5 KIRKHAMGATE TO STANLEY - DISTANCE 6.59 MILES (10.6KM)

Start the walk on the Batley Road (GR SE 297227) walking uphill to turn right along Brandy Carr Road. 4 Cross straight over and go through the wide gate opposite. Follow the footpath to the very bottom 1 Continue on the lefthand side of the road to The Nooking. Turn left at this lane and continue to the lefthand corner of the fi eld and the embankment of the footpath on the left. Follow this path across farmland to the motorway underpass. Continue up the M62. The path crosses a beck and bears right to join a track to the far end of the farm buildings. TURN SHARP RIGHT to walk along the RIGHTHAND SIDE of track. Turn left and continue to the road (B6135) and a hedge and ditch. Continue across the fi elds to a pair of old gateposts and then an open grassy area. turn right, in a few metres keeping right again at the Keep to the left to an enclosed path and a stile. At the end of the next fi eld go over one set of a pair of fork, along Lee Moor Lane. Where the road turns sharp stiles and into a path enclosed by fencing. Turn sharp left and climb uphill. Continue with a hedge/ right (Lee Moor Road), turn left along Fenton Lane, a fence on your right to a gap in the fence. Go through the gap and continue along an enclosed path. The broad track. Where it ends, go through the stile by the path widens to a track, then a tarmac road (Pilden Lane). gate ahead and bear right with the hedge on your right. Continue straight forward along fi eld edges to reach the 2 At the end of the lane turn right onto Road (A650) and continue to the pedestrian crossing. A642. Cross the road and turn right. Cross the A650 onto Thorpe Road. Cross Thorpe Road to the righthand pavement. Thorpe Road becomes Main Street. At Lawns Terrace turn right, signposted dead-end. At the entrance to the drive Stanley  of the last house on the left, continue ahead along an indistinct fi eld path. Follow the edge of the fi eld around to the right to trees. Continue ahead, to a tarmac track and a bridge over the . Continue down to Lawns Lane. Turn left and follow Lawns Lane to the end To Leeds

M62 Turn left for a few metres, then turn right along Castle Lofthouse Golf 3 Castle Head Lane Lingwell Course Head Lane. Take the next minor road on the right Nook Lane SE 333 253 Main B6135 (Lingwell Nook Lane) and enter Lofthouse Colliery Lee Moor Lane SE 303 251 Street Lawns Nature Park. Take the track on the left. Follow this Terrace M1 4 track round until you reach a crossing of paths with a 2 broad, uphill track on the right. We turn LEFT to follow Thorpe Road Bradford 3 Lofthouse Colliery a narrow footpath across a beck and uphill to the Road Fenton Lane Lofthouse Golf Course. Continue straight on until the Nature Park A642 A61 path bends left and passes between houses to reach a Pilden Lane SE 355 248 street. Turn right and keep straight ahead to the A61 Lawns Lane WF3 4AJ Junc 41 Bottom Boat Road Wakefi eld-Leeds road. To Wakefield

A650 Lee Moor Road Woodhouse To Wakefield Hall Farm Wm Lamb 1 Kilometre

1 Mile

The Nooking M1

Brandy Carr Road 1 Osset Start Kirkhamgate Lingwell Nook Lane  SE 297 227 WF2 0RZ To Wakefield

OS Explorer map 289 Leeds Lofthouse Colliery Nature Park  Visit the Area website www.ramblersyorkshire.org


1 From the A642 turn down Bottom Boat Road, following signs for the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT). Bottom 3 Cross the access road and follow the path around the fence. When the path forks, bear right and follow the Boat North. Just past the converted chapel on the right, turn right (TPT Stanley South). Immediately clear path, wire fence and beck on right. At the entrance to Whitwood Golf Club, bear slightly left along a before the car park at William Lamb’s factory turn right through a stile by a gate and head across the wide grassy path, signed Bridge 1 mile. Keep on this path as it follows the golf course on the left, the fi eld towards a large pylon. The path picks up a hedge on the left and then a high wall with houses. railway line soon appears on the right. At the end of the course, the path bears left through the trees , still Reaching a tarmac drive, cross the entrance into Lake Yard and follow the wall on the left, soon turning with the course on the left and railway on the right. At the green public footpath sign turn right and carefully right along a fi eld edge. Follow the bank of the Calder for a short distance crossing three footbridges cross the railway line. Through the gate and straight on heading for the arch under the disused railway line; and a boardwalk. Cross the cement footbridge and bear right with the metal fence of the Water over the stile. Turn left for 150 metres, then right along the new cycleway to pass under the road bridge Treatment Works on your left. Cross the entrance to the WTW and continue with the hedge on your left towards a farm, joining a tarmac access road on the way. Pass to the right of the bungalow and bear slightly right through the yard to a kissing gate beside a large gate.

1 Kilometre River Turn left along the track, an old railway line, signed Aire 2 1 Mile T PT Stanley Ferry South. At the next road, cross r e straight over into the driveway to The Stanley River Cal d Ferry and walk towards the pub building. Pass to the right of the pub, follow the tarmac

road as it bends right, walk along the left M62 A642 Ri 4 hand edge of the car park and bear left up to SE 354 248 ve er Old Cut Castleford Station WF3 4AJ r Cald the canal. Turn right and follow the canal to 1 SE 409 257 WF10 5DN a footbridge, Ramsdens Bridge, and cross. Finish SE 426 255 Turn left towards the cottages. Stay on the Bottom n Boat io at Whitwood Golf path between the canal and cottages and ig Course av 3 head for the pedestrian footbridge over r N Wm lde d Ca SE 396 248 the Calder. Cross over the footbridge and Lamb Aire an Kings Road Lock follow the canal under Altofts Bridge. Follow the towing path past Birkwood Lock, King’s Road Lock and under River the M62. After a time the canal Calder forks and you follow the Old Cut Birkwood Lock to pass under Fairies Hill Viaduct. At the wharf by Tarmac fork Sewage right along a track with a green Works Stanley metal fence on the left; follow To Altofts Aqueduct  the fence to the entrance into the wharf. 4 Through the yard of Methley Bridge Boat Club and through a kissing gate which gives access to the fl ood bank of the river. Walk along this until reaching a kissing gate. Through the gate and fork left off the fl ood Stanley Ferry  2 Stanley Ferry bank, staying by the river, and houses on the right. Pass the confl uence of the Calder and the Aire and keep SE 349 233 River Calder by the river until the way is blocked by a brick wall. Turn right to the road, cross straight over and walk up the street opposite passing to the left of Castleford Church. Cross the main road and, immediately after To Wakefield the New Junction pub, turn left along Carlton Street. Cross it and turn right through arches in the row of shops, keeping straight on along the paved way to Castleford Station. Ramsden Bridge To go to the bus station, do not turn along Carlton Street but carry straight on past the shops - the bus station is on the left.

OS Explorer map 289 Leeds Visit the Area website www.ramblersyorkshire.org WAKEFIELD WAY - WALK 5 KIRKHAMGATE TO STANLEY - DISTANCE 6.59 MILES (10.6KM)

Start the walk on the Batley Road (GR SE 297227) walking uphill to turn right along Brandy Carr Road. 4 Cross straight over and go through the wide gate opposite. Follow the footpath to the very bottom 1 Continue on the lefthand side of the road to The Nooking. Turn left at this lane and continue to the lefthand corner of the fi eld and the embankment of the footpath on the left. Follow this path across farmland to the motorway underpass. Continue up the M62. The path crosses a beck and bears right to join a track to the far end of the farm buildings. TURN SHARP RIGHT to walk along the RIGHTHAND SIDE of track. Turn left and continue to the road (B6135) and a hedge and ditch. Continue across the fi elds to a pair of old gateposts and then an open grassy area. turn right, in a few metres keeping right again at the Keep to the left to an enclosed path and a stile. At the end of the next fi eld go over one set of a pair of fork, along Lee Moor Lane. Where the road turns sharp stiles and into a path enclosed by fencing. Turn sharp left and climb uphill. Continue with a hedge/ right (Lee Moor Road), turn left along Fenton Lane, a fence on your right to a gap in the fence. Go through the gap and continue along an enclosed path. The broad track. Where it ends, go through the stile by the path widens to a track, then a tarmac road (Pilden Lane). gate ahead and bear right with the hedge on your right. Continue straight forward along fi eld edges to reach the 2 At the end of the lane turn right onto Bradford Road (A650) and continue to the pedestrian crossing. A642. Cross the road and turn right. Cross the A650 onto Thorpe Road. Cross Thorpe Road to the righthand pavement. Thorpe Road becomes Main Street. At Lawns Terrace turn right, signposted dead-end. At the entrance to the drive Stanley  of the last house on the left, continue ahead along an indistinct fi eld path. Follow the edge of the fi eld around to the right to trees. Continue ahead, to a tarmac track and a bridge over the M1 motorway. Continue down to Lawns Lane. Turn left and follow Lawns Lane to the end To Leeds

M62 Turn left for a few metres, then turn right along Castle Lofthouse Golf 3 Castle Head Lane Lingwell Course Head Lane. Take the next minor road on the right Nook Lane SE 333 253 Main B6135 (Lingwell Nook Lane) and enter Lofthouse Colliery Lee Moor Lane SE 303 251 Street Lawns Nature Park. Take the track on the left. Follow this Terrace M1 4 track round until you reach a crossing of paths with a 2 broad, uphill track on the right. We turn LEFT to follow Thorpe Road Bradford 3 Lofthouse Colliery a narrow footpath across a beck and uphill to the Road Fenton Lane Lofthouse Golf Course. Continue straight on until the Nature Park A642 A61 path bends left and passes between houses to reach a Pilden Lane SE 355 248 street. Turn right and keep straight ahead to the A61 Lawns Lane WF3 4AJ Junc 41 Bottom Boat Road Wakefi eld-Leeds road. To Wakefield

A650 Lee Moor Road Woodhouse To Wakefield Hall Farm Wm Lamb 1 Kilometre

1 Mile

The Nooking M1

Brandy Carr Road 1 Osset Start Kirkhamgate Lingwell Nook Lane  SE 297 227 WF2 0RZ To Wakefield

OS Explorer map 289 Leeds Lofthouse Colliery Nature Park  Visit the Area website www.ramblersyorkshire.org


1 From the A642 turn down Bottom Boat Road, following signs for the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT). Bottom 3 Cross the access road and follow the path around the fence. When the path forks, bear right and follow the Boat North. Just past the converted chapel on the right, turn right (TPT Stanley South). Immediately clear path, wire fence and beck on right. At the entrance to Whitwood Golf Club, bear slightly left along a before the car park at William Lamb’s factory turn right through a stile by a gate and head across the wide grassy path, signed Methley Bridge 1 mile. Keep on this path as it follows the golf course on the left, the fi eld towards a large pylon. The path picks up a hedge on the left and then a high wall with houses. railway line soon appears on the right. At the end of the course, the path bears left through the trees , still Reaching a tarmac drive, cross the entrance into Lake Yard and follow the wall on the left, soon turning with the course on the left and railway on the right. At the green public footpath sign turn right and carefully right along a fi eld edge. Follow the bank of the Calder for a short distance crossing three footbridges cross the railway line. Through the gate and straight on heading for the arch under the disused railway line; and a boardwalk. Cross the cement footbridge and bear right with the metal fence of the Water over the stile. Turn left for 150 metres, then right along the new cycleway to pass under the road bridge Treatment Works on your left. Cross the entrance to the WTW and continue with the hedge on your left towards a farm, joining a tarmac access road on the way. Pass to the right of the bungalow and bear slightly right through the yard to a kissing gate beside a large gate.

1 Kilometre River Turn left along the track, an old railway line, signed Aire 2 1 Mile T PT Stanley Ferry South. At the next road, cross r e straight over into the driveway to The Stanley River Cal d Ferry and walk towards the pub building. Pass to the right of the pub, follow the tarmac

road as it bends right, walk along the left M62 A642 Ri 4 hand edge of the car park and bear left up to SE 354 248 ve er Old Cut Castleford Station WF3 4AJ r Cald the canal. Turn right and follow the canal to 1 SE 409 257 WF10 5DN a footbridge, Ramsdens Bridge, and cross. Finish SE 426 255 Turn left towards the cottages. Stay on the Bottom n Boat io at Whitwood Golf path between the canal and cottages and ig Course av 3 head for the pedestrian footbridge over r N Wm lde d Ca SE 396 248 the Calder. Cross over the footbridge and Lamb Aire an Kings Road Lock follow the canal under Altofts Bridge. Follow the towing path past Birkwood Lock, King’s Road Lock and under River the M62. After a time the canal Calder forks and you follow the Old Cut Birkwood Lock to pass under Fairies Hill Viaduct. At the wharf by Tarmac fork Sewage right along a track with a green Works Stanley metal fence on the left; follow To Altofts Aqueduct  the fence to the entrance into the wharf. 4 Through the yard of Methley Bridge Boat Club and through a kissing gate which gives access to the fl ood bank of the river. Walk along this until reaching a kissing gate. Through the gate and fork left off the fl ood Stanley Ferry  2 Stanley Ferry bank, staying by the river, and houses on the right. Pass the confl uence of the Calder and the Aire and keep SE 349 233 River Calder by the river until the way is blocked by a brick wall. Turn right to the road, cross straight over and walk up the street opposite passing to the left of Castleford Parish Church. Cross the main road and, immediately after To Wakefield the New Junction pub, turn left along Carlton Street. Cross it and turn right through arches in the row of shops, keeping straight on along the paved way to Castleford Station. Ramsden Bridge To go to the bus station, do not turn along Carlton Street but carry straight on past the shops - the bus station is on the left.

OS Explorer map 289 Leeds Visit the Area website www.ramblersyorkshire.org

www.ramblersyorkshire.org website Area the Visit Leeds 289 Barnsley and eld Sheffi 278 map Explorer OS


SE 280 179 280 SE

Bridge A642

Middlestown Horbury


Wakefi eld. Wakefi Bingley Arms PH Arms Bingley

the M1. At the T junction turn left along Batley road or take a bus to to bus a take or road Batley along left turn junction T the At M1. the 1

village. The road becomes a track. Continue to the end and under under and end the to Continue track. a becomes road The village.


Turn right along the main street and continue all the way through the the through way the all continue and street main the along right Turn

the road into Gawthorpe, and the maypole. the and Gawthorpe, into road the

River Calder Calder River Bridge Horbury 

and turn left to cross over the A638 on the road bridge. Continue along along Continue bridge. road the on A638 the over cross to left turn and Lane car park. car Lane

and take second right into Hillcrest Avenue. Follow this road to the end end the to road this Follow Avenue. Hillcrest into right second take and

proceed left up the footpath to Pildacre Pildacre to footpath the up left proceed Calder and Hebble Navigation Hebble and Calder

way to a major roundabout. Walk anti clockwise round the roundabout roundabout the round clockwise anti Walk roundabout. major a to way to a grassy knoll with benches and and benches with knoll grassy a to

the B6128. Cross over and turn left along the footway. Follow it all the the all it Follow footway. the along left turn and over Cross B6128. the Continue along the tarmac cycle path path cycle tarmac the along Continue

right (Holmfi eld). At the end keep forward along a ginnel which leads to to leads which ginnel a along forward keep end the At eld). (Holmfi right is now the Dewsbury-Ossett Greenway. Greenway. Dewsbury-Ossett the now is

ends, keep forward for a few metres, then take the fi rst street on the the on street rst fi the take then metres, few a for forward keep ends, 1 Mile 1 along the line of a former railway which which railway former a of line the along


stretch of tarmac road, which leads into a hedged footpath. When this this When footpath. hedged a into leads which road, tarmac of stretch Turn right with the path, and continue continue and path, the with right Turn

Lane. When the main street turns right, take the left fork along a short short a along fork left the take right, turns street main the When Lane. 1 Kilometre 1 2

4 you are at the top of the fi eld. eld. fi the of top the at are you At the road, cross over and turn right along the footway. Turn left at Love Love at left Turn footway. the along right turn and over cross road, the At

the path with the beck on your left. until until left. your on beck the with path the

Sewage Works Sewage and turn right at a row of trees. Follow Follow trees. of row a at right turn and

Cross the beck and continue to the top top the to continue and beck the Cross

to Pildacre Mill Beck. (Can be boggy). be (Can Beck. Mill Pildacre to Pildacre Mill Beck Mill Pildacre

Continue on this track all the way down down way the all track this on Continue

Love Lane Love

back 45 degrees along a wide track. track. wide a along degrees 45 back

reaches a clear fork, turn left and walk walk and left turn fork, clear a reaches

bears right immediately. When the path path the When immediately. right bears


on the left, then follow the path which which path the follow then left, the on



Dewsbury/Ossett Dewsbury/Ossett

the path to go through a kissing gate gate kissing a through go to path the

Holmfield 3

edge, and then uphill. Continue along along Continue uphill. then and edge,

Chickenley to the right of the fence, along the fi eld eld fi the along fence, the of right the to

Waste Water Treatment Works. Keep Keep Works. Treatment Water Waste

to reach the high fence of the Dewsbury Dewsbury the of fence high the reach to


Keep forward along the track over fi elds elds fi over track the along forward Keep Maypole Gawthorpe 

To Wakefield To

kissing gate by a large metal gate. gate. metal large a by gate kissing


A638 the far end of the factory next to the car park, with a a with park, car the to next factory the of end far the

footway along the right hand edge until you reach reach you until edge hand right the along footway

SE 273 222 273 SE


Gawthrope through a factory site. Keep to the designated narrow narrow designated the to Keep site. factory a through

Batley Road Batley


roadway. Turn left along it (50 metres), to pass pass to metres), (50 it along left Turn roadway.

SE 297 227 297 SE

Way). Follow the path round to a footbridge and and footbridge a to round path the Follow Way). Maypole

Park Grange Park

School Kirkhamgate house and a small bridge (here joining the Kirklees Kirklees the joining (here bridge small a and house

to a right hand path (about a mile) after two locks, a a locks, two after mile) a (about path hand right a to

To Batley To

1 Follow the towpath of the Calder & Hebble Navigation Navigation Hebble & Calder the of towpath the Follow

Start the walk at Horbury Bridge GR SE 280 179 on the A642 opposite the Bingley Arms PH. Arms Bingley the opposite A642 the on 179 280 SE GR Bridge Horbury at walk the Start




The Wakefi eld Way is a 70 mile, waymarked walking The use of Ordnance Survey Explorer maps is route around the Wakefi eld Metropolitan District and recommended in conjunction with the leafl ets, the map covers a wide variety of landscapes. The route is divided number is quoted on each page.

into 11 sections of varying length with start and end

points accessible by public transport. For bus and train information contact Metro on 0113 245 A

7676 between 7am and 10pm or www.wymetro.com y


Sections may be split or added together to suit the r a

individual walker. The walks can be done in any order 0

and in either direction but these leafl ets start at Anglers d


Country Park and follow a clockwise direction. n

i u l

e o

b 5 Castleford w Stanley 6 l a a lk r u Kirkhamgate a r 7 Pontefract ro ’s un eld City d Wakefi 4 of Wakefield 8 Horbury

Anglers Country Thorpe Audlin Park WALKS 4-6 1 3 Horbury Bridge to Castleford 9 Notton 11 Bretton Hemsworth 2 10 South Elmsall

Wakefi eld Way Road 2 Adjoining footpath Motorway Water

Key: Bus stop Follow the Countryside Code: 1 Parking • Leave gates & property as you fi nd them 4 Railway station • Take your litter home + Church • Keep dogs under eff ective control, on a lead near livestock – clean up FP Footpath after your dog 3 Country park • Keep to the waymarked rights of way, especially across farmland Golf course • Leave farm animals alone, do not feed them Telecoms • Wear suitable footwear and clothing

The Ramblers’ Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England, Scotland and Wales. Company registration No 4458492. Registered Charity in England and Wales – No 1093577. Registered offi ce: 2nd fl oor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW. Should you encounter any problems please report these to the local authority 03458 506506

This leafl et was created in 2018