The Patriot Band : the School Cadets from Their Evolution to the Great
Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author. THE PATRIOT BAND - THE SCHOOL CADETS FROM THEIR EVOLUTION TO THE GbEAT :vAR. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Mas ter of Arts in History at Massey University. Roger Openshaw 1973 TAbLE UF Cu~TENTS TABLE OF ABBREVIATI UNS ILLUSTRATiuNS I. INTRODUCTION II. NEITHER :RECREATION , NGR TASK III. ENDING THE DRIFT IV TC SHIELD AND DEFEND v. GEI!I'! hEALITIES CONCLUSION LIST UF SuUhCES ABBREVIATIONS. AJHR Appendices to the Journals of the House of hepresentatives AS Auckland Star LT Lyttleton Times MAGSB Minutes of the Auckland Grammar Schools' Board NZG New Zeala .. ~ Gazette NZH New Zealand Herald NZPD New Zealand Parliamentary Debates. OTD Otaeo Daily Times WEBM Well::.ngton Education Board luinutes -o-o-o-0-0-0-o- ·,. < = '..:: :.:.: .,=_ ;. ;,,,_ :...: -,_ ::: -- :.,.: - ;:: I z .,. 'l. =-- = :... - ·i. t: ,_ :.. .,. :.., 0 .,_ 0 ;,,. :: .J I . / I -- --.:) ·r. -,_ I . ::: ~ ----: ;,,, 5 '/. ,,_ ~3 ;..... ~ ;:: ..... :,.,, :...,; ~ C - '/ . / cl ,', I . .,_ I . 1/, INTRODUCTION 1. The writing of history consists in t he complementary activities of analysis and reflection. A study of the school cadets in New Zealand from their evolution in the old established colleges till 1914, provides an opportunity for both these activities to be attempted throug~ the medium of a relatively small but highly defined topic. As an institution, the cadets provide an interesting study in themselves, for by minutely observir.g the specialised activities of a l arge section of New Zealand society, namely its children together with those especially concerned with the cadets through education or defence, it is possible to gain a detailed under standing and insight into their beliefs and assumptions.
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