^ . •>, *• a&ofc B'XNEJ^RS. "v 3 PAPSRS 493 84 Ir*?- onor o iriti; young men

'The S^. Johns Jaycees presented the of two children, Tracey, four and Jeffery, Soap Box Derby, T?ash Liner sales, Little from Westerh University. director Xor tne Clinton County Soap Box Becker has been a member of the Far.m* 1 Bureau, for' the past 10 years, and. Jias Distinguished Service award to Barry pean^ tw°* •'"''•..'. . .' • " '• - •." League Baseball and many otherp,' Arehart.arid hig wife, Kay and theirthree Derby. tfie Outstanding Young Educator award to His community activities are many. He ; Dean has. been active in the Community 1. "he is currently serving, on the Clinton served as a director. uth TrfVeri St,;. Johns, and are the parents Pass and. Kick, Christmas Decorations, . Notre Dame- and a master of arts-degree Joseph Usherjs Club and has served as acre farm.

S&hvlnq. ihL CimiotL (bwu SinoL 1856 116th Year No. 37 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1972 15 cents way Department responds Farm Bureau begins county toiletter from City Commission campaign ST. JOHNS—Plans have been completed ST. JO"fiNS|^A letter from thebepartment Addressed to Harvey Weatherwax, city "This safety project Is Intended to reduce for the annual Farm Bureau, membership of State Highways acknowledging: opposition manager, the letter was a response froiriVa accidents due to heavy left turn movement campaign which began Jan; 6 according to cpmifnunlCation;authorized by the .city com? at the M^21 and US-27 intersection. Engi­ Robjsrt Kissane, Clinton County' Farm .of the St,T Johns City Commission to a pro­ 1 posed widening of US-2.X ih-ihe city was mission .^'Writtenbj. Sam F. Cryderman, neers from our Traffic and Safety Division Bureau president. '.'.._ , • ^ce^ad'at the ^reg^lar; commission meeting engineer of transportation planning, the - are certain that this improvement is needed In a recent Board session the farm letlersaid In part:; to reduce accidents until and after a bypass "Tuesday nighty. ;.t -:^. ••>!• organization confirmed the appointment of " -. 1 - -'•. *•' is built." Mr and Mrs. Bill Kissane^.rural St. Johns, The letter went on to state that a bypass, as managers of the membership drive, as part of a US-27 freeway from Lansing announcing. at the_same time that volunteer ' to Ithaca, is. included in the proposed bond workers wphld aim at a^ goal -of 1,394 Farm Lewis retires program of the State: Highway Department. Blireau family members in the county for Cryderman added, "If additional funds are . 1972. _;. ; •"* ' ". .'." '..-.- '"' '• ••'_ made available for use on this proposed "This is1 our share of the more than bond program, projects for a US-27 free­ 58,000 Michigan FarmBureau. membership oard way, including a St; Johns bypass, could be., goal," Kissane explained. • let during 1978 and 1979.? . ^ • •; - •;•;.: . <*tt. would have beeil 21 yeirs in April," "Each year farm members grow smaller . .• ST*. JOHNS—There haye been a lot. of The letter continued; "The widening proj-' ' and it becomes' more* importjint that those changes in the. past 20 years including Lewis said. "They have done away with ect.is to be_ funded by the Department.of a lot of exemptions over the years, That Who, rehiairt in. agriculture, become better the way young. men are drafted into the State Highways' Safety Program, il the_ dfcgahized. - Today's^.modern,farmer must* have a large Investment-in .land and equlp- hient in order'io do business. He musthave a means, of being heard through a. united Service Local ^da^d-l? In St. Johsn, an project In the state.1 voice. Farm Bureau is that united voice' noiinced his; retirement ,^ast week after flc incident during the 21 years that stood out. In his mind, although the mass resig­ continued onpage 2 A [for farmers.". He added'that most farmers nearly 21 years on the local selectlpn- «, . , * .- WHOOPS. recognized that many others would like to commlttee*' A new law t'hat requires re­ nation of the draft board last year after the conviction .of* Lt. William Calley lgn speak for farmers and that the member­ tirement from the-board at age 65wentinto Larry;'Nicholas, principal of E.E. Knight Ele­ ship campaign planned for Clinton county is effect at the first of the year causing the murder. charges did leave an impression. Moore elected w mentary School in Elsie, was not the only one sur- a task that involves a direct personal . paction., >v^ , "I'd say that was a surprise to m|f invitation to ever virion-member farm home. Lewis reflected. - '•'' his car Toll through the Elsie Post \ • Lewis was to" be.honored by the state prised to see his car "This is a major .project, and. volunteer | selective service headquarters and local He said, he didn't object to being asked Postmaster to retire. "I've spent a long time at it new chairman Office ' window^ Monday morning, so was workers will contribute many miles and ^citizens at a 12 noonpresentatlonJan.il man-hours before itis completed," thefarm " at the Colonial Restaurant. - and it is a relief." ST. JOHNS—Members of the St. Johns vi Baese. Nicholas left his car running, while planning and zoning commission elected James leader said. He pointed out that the Farm' , Col. W.J. Meyers, U.S.A. Ret., thedeputy Lewis added that the state headquarters i"h.-. to pick \xp[ his mail arid .it juDiped the curb, Bureau's method Of. direct-contact by, state director, was to make the presentation is in the process of appointing a full five- Attorney James Moore as their chair­ he ran man for the coming year during an annual -- neighbor volunteers is a major organization of a service-award. man board for Clinton County and* the crashing into the building. No injuries were reported. • strength,, names would be released soon. reorganization meeting last Thursday which also saw Lyle Huntobn voted to the position '.'«•*•• ., '. ClintonCounty News Photo By Annette White. "Farm Bureau is the largest farm as vice chairman. ' organization in our county,.state and nation Both men have been members of the com­ and provides farmers :wlth many services mission for the past 2 1/2 yearsandMoore. they cannot /receive any other place,* he has served as vice chairman during that Don Gilson to retire concluded. time. . . ' •• The new chairman replaced Rollin A. GOOD RESULTS Huard, Jr. who has served as chairman; fronrv Federal Mogu When Wilbur Thurston1 of rural St.. the past two years. Johns advertised; some Holisteih Moore, who • Is a partner ia the law heifers' in the Clinton County -News firm of-Walker and Moore, is an eight- .T Don Gilson, personnel manager of the As personnel manager some of his duties St. Johns branch of. Federal-Mogul Cor­ included setting wages and salaries,testing Action Classifieds he got results. He year resident of St. Johns having come said the 12 heifers, were gone .by Fri­ here from Jackson where he served as poration has announced his early retire­ and screening prospective employees,_ ment from the firm following employment keeping up-tordate' knowledge on govern­ day and was Chappy with the results" township attorney for Jackson Township. he got from our .power-pulling little Aside from membership in the,State Bar of 21 years. . ment regulations imposed on industry, plant The 59-year-old Gilsbn. and his wife, . protection aha saiety measures for the em­ giants. : . , ..' • . . and Otherprofessionalaffiliations/hiscom- • His advertisement ran: FOR SALE— munlty activities include membership in the Muriel reside at 60L; South Oakland in St. ployees^ ; ; Johns and have one son, Kenneth also of 12 Holsteln heifers, .due soon. Wil­ St. Johns Area Chamber of Commerce, bur Thurston, .3 1/2 miles west of the. St. Johns Area Development Corp., St. Johns, J Following his retirement, which will be­ i St." Johns. American Legion, Clinton County Country Prior to hls employment with Federal- come effective on Feb. 1, Gilson and his You, too, can enjoy quick response Club and St. Joseph Church. MoorS and 'Mogul he managed the A & P Store here wife plan a trip to Hawaii. "After the trip from your classified ads. Call Millie his wife, Betty, have four children "and the for 18 years. family resides at* 105 S. Swegles. - *4 at 224-2361. today. You'll,be glad you He has been an active member, of the I did. V -•• • ' ••••••- -. Huntoon, a native Of Lansing, has operated .community, serving on numerous com­ Huntoon's Service in St. Johns the past 10 mittees and holding -offices in several Hospital riieeting years and has resided here for the past organizations. ' five years. He his.served as a member of He was president of the St, Johns Chamber the planning commission and this is his first of Commerce twice, served on the United next Tuesday night appointment to a chairmanship. He and his Fund Campaign as chairman of,the In­ wife, Irene, live at 304 Llndy Lane, dustrial Division, and served for six years * ST,'JOHNS-Cllnton area residents are - The newly-elected chairmen will direct as a member of^ the board of trustees at reminded of, the public information meeting planning and zoning operations of a com­ the Congregational Church and is a past scheduled for* next Tuesday evening, Jan; mission comprised of seven other mem­ chairman of the group. ,,.' • 18, called by officers-of Clinton Memorial bers. Serving on the commission besides Hospital Board of Trustees. Mqora and .'Huntoon are William Morris, He is presently a member of the Clin­ 1 Planned at-the lyiunicipai Building at Gordon Vandemark, Charles Coletta, ton Memorial Hospital board of trustees 7:30 p.m., the meetings is expected to Thomas Hundleyj Roy Epert, and Huard. and a member'of the Masonic Blue Lodge attract a large number of persons who Mayor Robert Wood also serves as a and Knights'- Templars. He.-is, also a have expressed concern, in recent months member. \ ; x*' '. '/;'_ '•-?'.:,' member of the" Lanslr? Executive's, Club regarding hpspital operation'..and or'*- The group's work in the past two"years and the Lansing Industrial, Association; ganlzational procedures of., the1 elective ; has. been the updating and revision of the Gilson stated^When I started at F-M Board of Trustees. ^ , • \. '•. cltyfs master plan and the rewriting and it-was a one room operation in a building expansion of a zoning ordinance and ac- : with ,2,800 square, feet; After iive major Meeting Notice cdmpanying map. These documents; will;. expansion: programs" we,how operate in :The anhUaV meeting "Of the policyholders . soon be presented to the city commission i 300,000 ^square feet.* He also added for official consideration* ' . ' , of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co*; *The cooperation bf the employees throughy' 'of Ciittton County will be held at the home the.years has been superb."./ :» /, i * office' building at 201 E. State St., City Auction There has been, a maximum of 660 em« of St. Johns, Mich., on.Tuesday, January: James Moorej local St.^Johns attorney, and Lyle ployed ;af the iocal plant.and a minimum 18, 1972, at 2 p.m. EST for the purpose of Keith Colbry will hold,a. public auction ". of 108.durfog Ms 21 years; . ., - electing. fcv)bdirector s and the transaction . Huntoon, owner and operator of Huntoon's Service at the residence located 3 west of Sti I'm undecided as to what.l am going to m '', '*. *My, Job was made easier* due to the fact; do," Ke said,'-*> ,. ,,;'; ,,-> of, r any bwer business that ay properly station,- were elected chairman and vice-chairman res­ Louts to Alger Kd., 2 1/2 north. List con^ be brought before the meeting, slsts of tractors; farm equipment. Sale that this is. a small tOwhfand 98 per cent pectively Of the St. Johns planning and zoning' com- of., the.-popple,1 hired t already knew." A replacement has hot yet been named to '•••.' (--/LLOYD W.MAXWELL starts at 12:30. Al Galloway, auctioneer. fill his vacancy, * Secretary -mission last Thursday. See list In next week's CCN. ' "he''said.:•*'-: ':• "',* •• • '•»•'_-. Finals7 p.m. all-county tournament O-E gym / Page 2 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, Januafy-12, 1972 up a lot of concrete" until the pending a decision by the city police cars. The Commission Tranchell House Committee, a COMMISSION attorney. bypass is completed. also received the annual police non-profit group with a goal to Married Appoint new Ass't. Cashier continued from page 1A Rural townships served bv the Girl Scouts were granted per­ report, ,and renewed its member­ provide low cost housing for city's fire department willbe re­ mission'to sell nuts and candy ship in the Michigan Grand River senior citizens. City Commissioner James M. to raise funds for the purchase ceiving notices shortly that new Watershed Council. The meeting will be held Mon­ ST, JOHNS-^ews Editor Tim Grost commented that "the lack of contracts must be negotiated. of camping equipment, and the day, Jan. 17 starting at 7 p.m. at Central National Bank , good planning'' by the highway usual fees charged by the city * * ' Younkman is honeymooning this Hates presently being charged at the Green Room of the St. week following his marriageSat- department and"notpayingatten- were established in 1968 and all' were waived. '» John's Episcopal Church, tion to their resppnsibiUties in urday afternoon to Rosemarie „year-old banker was announced contracts expire in July, accord­ Mayor Robert* Wood read a Tranchell group , According to the acting sec­ Rendon. The rites were solem­ 'by Harold W, H, Wellman, pres­ planning for the future of US-27" ing to City Manager Thomas proclamation setting the week of retary, Bruce Campbell, election appear as "lame excuses for what nized at the First Baptist Church, ident, t Hundley. Jan, 16-22 as Jaycee Week, rec­ of officers is planned. It is also Saginaw. should have been already funded." The Michigan Employment ognizing the importance of theSt. schedules meet hoped to set up by laws for a Born -and raisedtin Detroit,^ Grost also said that probably Security Commission office was Johns chapter in community non-profit organization which Tim will be back on the news Donnan graduated from Thurs some sort of compromise should given tentative approval to place affairs. , will meet the criteria of, the desk of the Clinton County News ton High School and received BVB.A. degree from-Eastc be worked out to provide a tem- a portable office in the parking In other business, City to organize Farm Home Administration next Monday. He and his bride Pprary solution that would be lot of the Department of Social Manager Weatherwax was auth­ ST, JOHNS - Members and will reside in St. Johns. Michigan University in 1969, which will help facilitate the was named assistant branch mi more acceptable than "tearing Services. Permission was given orized to seek bids for two new interested persons are invited negotiability of a loan. to the forthcoming meeting of the ager and loan officer with MIi, igan Bank N.A.in Detroit, In announcing/ the appointmtj Wellman said, "The additior At Kurt's Appliance Center Mr,-'Donnan to our bank * necessitated i by the substaij growth in deposits and loanft] tions, and we are most hapi have a man of his caliber us." BIG VALUES! BIG SAVINGS! Donnan come s from a banl| family. His father, James nan, Jr., is a vice-presiden| WILLIAM J. DONNAN Manufacturers National BE Detroit and has been in, bar for 25 years, ST. JOHNS-Joinlng the staff Donnan and his wife, Mariann&J of Central National Bank here are residing at 13432,Dawn Dew this 'week Is William J. Donnan Drive in DeWitt. Mrs. Donnan, who becomes an assistant cash­ a registered nurse on the staff ier and loan officer. of St. Lawrence Hospital, Lan­ The appointment of the 25- sing. Promoted at Maynard-Allen

------—» T,T"^f* PORTLAND-Bernard R. Thelen of the Maynard-Allen State Bank, has beenpromotedto the position of assistant cashier. The promotion, which was an­ nounced by Arthur J. Scott, pres­ ident, was effective January 1, Thelen has been the manager of the bank's Westphalia"Office GEP-7® TOTAL CLEAtf Family sized since June, 1971 and will remain OVEN RANGE with Picture in that capacity. Window in Floodlighted Oven, Thelen, a lifelong resident of Oven Indicator Light, Auto­ Washer with Westphalia, attended Pewamo- matic Oven Timer, Clock and Westphalia High School, Lansing Minute Timer! Easy-clean, Community College and was Permanent Press Cycle! graduated from Michigan State no-drip cooktop! Infinite University In June, 1970 with a Rotary Controls for surface B.A. degree in business. units! Fast-heating FILTER-FLO' He and his wife, Martha are Radiant Broiler! members of St. Mary's Parish WASHER in Westphalia and reside at R-2, Red Tag Price! Portland*. BERNARD R, THELEN MODEL DDETlOOb > Filter-Flo System Traps Lint Fuzz .GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 3 water-level Melvin named to fill vacanc HIGH SPEED BKYEK 1 3 wash, 2 rinse int d unSford R temperatures' iU< ,tMemberS,otthe-CliutonCoui1ty«P? 1 ^1 * **?** DRIES PERFECT... g -DOUBLE OVEN'AMERICANA RANGE • 30M WIDE, HARVELTONE Reg. 399.00 348.00 i Derrill Shinabery, Greenbush -SD200" GE UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHERReg, 229.00 178.00] Township supervisor, has been -TOP OF THE LINE WOOD TOP PORTABLE ' i named to replace Andrew Cobb on Your DISHWASHER WHITE Reg. 299.00 247.00; the Clinton County Board of Com­ missioners. CobbreslgnedDec.l -ONLY 25? CONSOLE COLOR TV Reg. 569.95 499.00: DWD MOD -ONLY 16" GE PORTABLE TV Reg. 99.95 88.00: with one year left on his unex­ Rearing? :- ::::%W:W:%%¥ft^^ Washes AND DRIES clothes pired term. : in one continuous operation. Shinabery will represent Chicago, III.—A fret; offer of • Three automatic dry cycles District 1, which includes Green- special interest to* those jjvho —Delicate, Regular and bush and Duplain Townships. hear but do not understand SPANISH DECOR TV Permanent Press with cool-down Prior to hi s defeat by Cobb words has been-announced'by • IODIDIAGJ . three years ago he had served Bel tone. A n on-operating .model • Damp Dry setting on the Board of Commissioners of the smallest Beltone aid ever* • Convenient end-of-cycle signal for 11 years, representing made will be'given absolutely free to any ope answering this PORTABLE • Automatic bleach and fabric Greenbush Township. t Now...gettfg console sound at a new low price softener dispensers adyertisemerit.,, ,^ COLOR Reg. * Forms available • Try it to see how it is worn $479,00 * in'thc privacy of your own ™E Newcastle CONSOLE Reg. $418 399 for driver-ed homo without cost or obligation NOW of/any kind. It's yours to'keep, • Solid State AM/FM Tuner • Sound Con­ - trol Center—Loudness, Balance, Treble, Bass, ST. JOHNS-^Studente turning 16 , free,. It weighs less than a third and Tone Controls • Jam-Resistant 4-Speed 1 ONLY $ years of age soon and wishing to' 'of-ran ounce, and it's all at ear Automatic Changer • GEMan-Madef Dia­ take driver's training this sum­ level, in one unit No wires lead mond Stylus • Four Speaker Sound System mer should pick up registration from body to head* » 2-8" Woofers, 2-3' Tweeters • Convenient 346 • GE Rehacolor© Chassis • GE Sensitronic® Tuning iorms in the office, of the high These models^are free,,so we Record Storage Area •'Decorative Spanish System Featuring: VHF school. suggest you write for yours Doors "Pre-Set" Fine Tuning, ' Forms may be obtained during nb\y. Again, we repeat, there is 3 ONLY UHF Solid State Tuning regular school hours and the no cost, and certainly no obliga- NEW IN THE C307— • GE Imta-Color® Picture • Automatic Skintone Contemporary Styling • AFC—Automatic Fine deadline is set for Jan. 21. ' tion.' Write to Dept. 5S9S, Bel- < CARTON TuningjControl Stabilizer Those wishing additional in-1" toiie'Electronics Corp., 4201W. • Automatic Color P.urifier • UHF Slide Rule Tuning formation may call the school Victoria, Chicago, 111. 60646. ; • GE SpGclra-Brite© • Color Keyed Tuning office, 224-2394. Picture Tube • Stand Optional Extra MOORE OIL CO. 909 E. STATE *" /l^\ ;ST.>HI5S " % liases to: QSSnr" ^ Ph. 224-4726

X \ * it I' t :'} •Wedpusdqy, January ,12/, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY N^V/S, St. Johns, Michigan Kurfs Appiianee

» • - '• . Center receives award

-,ST. JOHNS ~ A St. John's determination was made that the merchant received word this firm displayed deep responsibil­ week that hi.s s^ore, Kurt's ity to provide customers with the Appliance -Center, has received best after-the-sale service com­ for the third year In succession mensurate wjth fair prices. NARDA's Quality Service Award, NARDA (National1 Appliance and In presenting the award to RadioVT.y Association) started Kurt's,* John Gqoley, service this program several years ago division manager of NARDA,. had. to recognize outstanding service this comment, "It is our'hope in the field of home appliances that awards of this kind, pre­ and television. sented on an annual basis, will Kurt's Appliance Center's.re^ assist the public in its search ceiving of thl s award for the for stores which help to make third time came about after shopping the pleasure It can be." GOP seek./ s young V.P, St. Johns marching band performed at a special half- ST. JOHNS-The Republican young person to start in the time program at the Friday night basketball game with Charlotte, Party of Clinton County is seek- middle of the party organization, under the direction of John Speck and W.aJte.r Cole. It took ing candidates to fill the Party's It is a great challenge and Ihope second vice-chairmanship there will be many candidates.' some special maneuvering to perform in the confines of the created last August, ~it was an­ ^•gymnasium, but the audience expressed loud approval of the nounced by James M. Palmiter, Thurston named special halftime exhibition. party chairman. Palmiter said "the second Co-op director vice-chairman will be a young ST. JOHNS-Total sales In ex­ person between the ages of 18 cess of two million'dollars for and 25 and may be either male the first time in the St. Johns or female." Co-op's history were reportedat The election will be held Jan. the Co-op's annual meeting held 27 at the regular bi-monthly Saturday, Jan. 8 in Smith Hall. meeting at the court house in Following a family-style St. Johns at 8 p.m. dinner the members heard the . All interested young people financial report and elected a Kurt Becker, left and members of* the service staff are-invited to attend the meeting board of directors for the coming at Kurt's Appliance Center in St. Johns acknowledge, a recently and those ». seeking the job of year. second vice-chairman or those Wilbur Thurston, newly elected received plaque which recognized their membership in NARDA, who have a candidate to nominate director joins Gerald Groye, a national association which v emphasizes quality customer should contact the party chair­ Harold Benson, James Mohnke, man, or vice-chairman, Mrs. William 'Ashley, Richard Wood- service. Membership in the group comes'only after thorough Paul Nobis as soon as possible, hams, Donald Tolles and Co-op investigation reveals top performance-in'the area of customer manager, Art Romlg on the board. Palmiter said "if youngpeople service. Members of Kurt's service staff are: (to the right are to have any effect on the Approximately 190 persons at­ future of this Country, the place tended the meeting including of Kurt) Ray Schomisch, Bay Gerhardt and Ed Cox. for them to start is on the local special guests, Mr. and.Mrs. level and work up through the Dale Kuenzli, Mr. and Mrs. Hein Meyering, Mr. and Mrs. Herman s party ranks." Inaddition, he said:' NEWS WANT ADS CAN SELL ANYTHING ;} "Here is an opportunity for some Geers and Mr. John Williamson, a former manager. Slippery conditions i result in crashes 1 DRUGS , Slippery*road conditions the. was attempting to assist another past week resulted in a number car out of the ditch. of property damage accidents David Rademacher, 18, of St. Rexall VITAMINS V CUt WW COST 0F<1 UVING ^Department . o TO 407 " 1 1 • r J#"'- Wk'J'Srackf' ^; ^'Maple by a car driven by Robert; »W Rapids/lbst control of h'is vehicle Werner, 18, of Pewamo. The: FREE! 100's •-. ONE TABLET DAILY 100's. FORTIFIED in Essex Township oh.a slippery mishap was on M-21^1n Bengal^ road and the car went into a Township. MULTIPLE Reg. VITAMIN B Reg. ditch where it overturned. $2.69 $3.49 Two cars collided on M-2I VITAMINS Deputies investigated' an" ac­ with the. COMPLEX in Ovid Township when officers purtfioie at any CHEWABLE .= cident in Watertown Township at Re*all Product. 100's -Reg. $1.98 'Si said David Geno, 17, of Saginaw, ARA GplDfISJI,SPECIAI _, Reg. 29 the t-96 overpass atGrandRiver started to make a. left turn and VITAMIN C HOME J Rd. Raymond Shutter, 55, of Sale Starts Jan. • -~"l""7h t|.nu fc.w» =• o J».«" . • $1.98 VITAMIN B-12 25mg.l then, changed his mind. John M. -> 250 mg. - 100's Milwaukee, Wis.,drivinga truck, •I $ioo « Paradise, 45, of St. Johns said ""REXALL AEROSOL hit a patch of ice and lost control .he thought Geno was turning left DEODORANTS REXALL of the vehicle. 'REX'AU so tried to pass on the right side jthh *<>*<* ?°\ SHAVE CREAM Two cars collided,at the in­ but another vehicle ahead of VITAMIN "C" REXALL HAND ASPIRIN tersection of US-27 and.Round him blocked his view of the Geno Lake Road when Harrison Kelly, ONE TABLET DAILY 300 TABLETS Now CO Y car. TABLETS kc LOTION Fo»t. a (tin g polfi roll oil Jr., 18, of East DeWitt'. came'out MULTIPLE 5. Grain Botttoi of 100 WITH PUMP DISPENSER JASMINE - 5 pz. tit! Ml 'j* into the freeway, pulling intoihe Utlro itlh, rn.Illorl"" l..*..**' i Wlii Hit . Mfc'i liii VITAMINS A read-end collision resulted itlnn Jit "M«l »•"'*• rtvf »•» path of an oncoming car driven at the intersection of US-27 and Mr. t*-'» Tt!f I:,M WITH IRON ii lllt/.ntl . . • and i«nfwf*Mri Dusting by Daniel West, 24, of Detroit. 100'* A^-n II*,'**"'' •-. Round Lake Road whenFrederick $|29 $4f35 Mlr't tilt SV79 Mlr't IM Kelly was charged with failure to Prite. $7 88 • Prlto $1.39 Shaver n, 38* _ of DeWitt, said M POWDER 1 yield the. right of way. ••>•-•». 7) Willi 1 t.t he was making a left turn off -»—•'**SP**!L&*.JV. *t Jt-, Gay Smith, 28, of Lansing, lost US-27. Kathy Tarrant, 21, of De- . control of her car on icy road Witt said she was makinga'left, conditions at the Intersection turn onto US-27 and didn't see /these ^ SHEER SAVINGS ON of US-27 and Alward Rd. Shaver until she got too close Kenneth Chalmers, 22, ofR-3> and collided with the other car. St. Johns, said his car struck PANTY HOSE a glare of ice, on US-27 in^Bing­ Needs , Property damage resulted onFamil ham Township. He lost.control when cars driven by Rickey Wil­ SEAMLESS STRETCH and the car rolled over. '•"_•* -. son, 17, of Lansing and David. A two-car accident on US-27 Richeyj 19, also of Lansing, col­ PANTY HOSE at French Road resulted, when_ lided at the intersection of US-27 s, four fwHon tha4*t, -\ « deputies said Charlene Johnson, and Coleman Road. 19, of Lansing, applied/brakesl Smll* Several Rexall >"3 fn 1" Mt/*UttHH*$lJ?\ when she saw a vehicle in1 front Joyce Fedewa,. 17, of Fowler, Dtlini* Nyltti) BritH* . COSMETIC BAG TOOTHBRUSHES • * (*4,oe»:3) of her was'sliding. She lost con- told deputies, she had signaled I to make a left turn into a. drive- . , trol of the auto and struck a car \ /Mt,»tl.tf,tattf- iowned by Romaine Flegel, 46, way off M-21 when Howard Van- (B.1MI-B0) 27< of R-2, Ithaca, that was parked Kirk, 18, of pwosso, started to , AUHude ONE-SIZE .on. the shoulder as the driver pass; and the two cars met. PANTY HOSE Sonrfnt hial and toe) reinforced ponty, Yowr choice of 6 ileok ihctfoii i MfrtUtt Prfrt JIJ*, lodlel' — Men'i EARTHEHWARE MUG HAIR. BRUSHES Blsnt 31 «i, •'» }**,< $129 HS133| 4#7 Spuntex OPAQUE 0«.5lre PANTY HOSE Seven flo^ctfnti f«|Mort toTer* — Perfect fit «very Hntet "* . „ Its* un UMI 9«f*| Imrafian — Aitm ' , tAU'i U*V f^rfte 4J.t* "D'> C*U ILICTKIC 1 BAnERlES ALARM CLOCK H«iTf «.i*r vlih k1*ik #4%{IA4 e iiw^i, k*n tw*t tw** noif 6 VA 67 mi www infltmw.- TJd ^ Ifs V-lue. Household Helpers - Invelopes & That Save You $$$ Writ ing Tablets REXALL PINK LOTION NO-ASPIRIN VeJr thobe' W*4 «r wmOmi ttU^, DETERGENT

to* tut Mb tu, S|29 ai-or. Kt 7791} THE FORD TEAM Mlr't, Utt fHte 69c •' (rtllew't •""'- • 53 REXAll _ If .Wants to play ball with you 1'- «AK£J IROMNG A imztt COHTACT LEHS ; Pen -•'• mXAll_24-M. - • -' •'• SOLUTIONS Refllf SPRAY STARCH s Egan Ford Sales, Inc. tOAKINO, 4^». itl^eef, *«*•": *»_ , Mlr't tlti Prfce 76* 200W.Hlgham • ST. JOHNS 09 «-V«it .. BATTERY «« 56*^ Ut« Your S«at I*ltill w*m P2-: Page 4 ^ CLINTON COUNTY NEV/S/St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, January 12,1972 n J e / a r Josep" hi. Madarl, 69-i, of R-4«, St.. Your Guide to 103 of Michigan's Snowmobiling Areas Clinton area obituaries Johns, Olive Township^ died Tuesday, Jan, 11 at the Carson .City Hospital following anillness itOPPtR RAW* ger of St. Johns; a sister, Mrs. St. Johns with Rev. Harold Homer of one week. * | Eclith Miller Martha Rossow of St. Johns; officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Funeral services will be held T , ELSIE(c) >- Funeral services three grandchildren;several Rest Cemetery. Thursday, Jan. 13 at the Osgood *A,' *°r Mrs. Edith, Miller, 83, of nieces and nephews. He was born'in Vermontvllle Funeral Home In St. Johns at 1:3Q #' 51qte, wer6 held Sunday at the •on Sept. 6, 1924, the son of Harry p.m. with Rev. Brian Sheen of­ ^Wf* Carter Funeral Home with the Clara S. Klein and Isabelle Hopkins Lance and ficiating. Burial will he Jin Mt. ;*Y*'Ctiarles .Cowley officiating., had resided most of his life in Rest Cemetery. burial' was made In Riverside Clara S. Klein, 84, of R-l, St. Johns. A veteran of World He was born in Ohio on Feb. IROKWOQD * Cemetery. Pewamo died Wednesday, Jan. 5 War n, he was a member of 22, 1902 the son of Joseph and ' -Mrs. Miller died Thursday at the Ionia Manor following an the V.F'.W. Post 4113 and the Katherlne Madar and came to t evening at the Clinton Memorial illness of three months. American Legion Post 153, both Michigan at the age of 14. He v (Hp>pltal in St. Johns and had been Funeral services were held in St. Johns. moved to St. Johns'In 1935. He * iU'for several years. Friday, Jan. 7 at St. Joseph's Survivors include his mother; married the former Mildred Car- .,-Sne Was born in Fairfield Catholic Church In Pewamo with five brothers, Vernonof Lansing, mon in Ithaca on Feb. 24, 1921 • i Township Aug. 22, 1888, the Rev. Martin Miller officiating. Richard of Ithaca, LeRoy of St. and had been employed at Antes \r\ daughter of Mark and Susie Burial was in'the church ceme- Johns, Guy, serving a tour of Dry Cleaners in St, Johns. tVWarner and had resided most tery. Rosary was recited at the j duty In the Navy and Ernest of Survivors include his wife; a .of 'her, life in the Elsie area. Geller Funeral Home in West- St. Johns; five sisters? Mrs. son, Larry Madar of St, Johns; iyfjSIj* e \vas married in November of phalla Wednesday and Thursday) Betty Purvis and Mrs. Molice a daughter, Mrs. Betty Ruth STATE PARKS ?#.f 19i4 t° Elgle Miller who died in evenings. • Purvis, both of St. Johns, Mrs. Parks of St. Johns; five sisters, 1 PORCUPINE MOUNTAINS: Near 4941. She was born in Westphalia on Berdenla Chorley of Lansing, Mrs. Caroline Tedhams of El- Ontonagon. .Surviving are: one daughter, Aug, 13, 1887, the daughter of Mrs. Patricia Strouse of DeWitt well, Mrs. Stella Wiser of Lan­ 2 LAKE GOGEBICt Near Marentsco. •' Mr p. Maxine Hanes of Williams- Stephen and Rosalie Martin and Mrs. Shirley Brown of St. sing, Mrs. Margaret Fox and 3 TWIN LAKES Near Winona. \< ton;, two' dons, Alfred of Elsie, Fedewa. She married Joseph Johns. Mrs. Helen Moore, both of A F. J. McLAINt Near Hancock, I*1 j. Raymond of LeMesa, Calif.; nine Klein on April 21, 1910 in West­ Florida and Mrs, Eleanor Saba- 5 BEWABICi Near Crystal Falls. grandchildren, and 11 great phalia and was a member of St. tuich of Port Huron; four grand­ 6 VAN RIPER) Near Champion. Howard E. 7 J. W. WELLS, Near Cedar River. grandchildren. Joseph's Church and its Altar children; two great-grandchil­ Society. dren. 8 FAYETTE. Survivors include two sons, Sperry 9 INDIAN LAKE. Near Manistique. Fred W. Martin Joseph and Steven Klein of 10 MUSKALLONGE LAKE< Near New­ Fowler berry. Fred W. Martin, 91, former Pewamo; two daughters, Mrs. Howard E. Sperry, 75, of 109 Fred Trieweiler of Portland and 11 TAHQUAMENON FALLS, Near resident of Fowler, died Satur­ East Sheridan'Road, Lansing died By Miss Cpnilla Thelen Paradise. Mrs. Leo Dase of Lansing; 30 day, Jan. 8 at the Jackson Nursing Saturday, Jan. 8 at Lansing Gen-' Phone 593-2613 12 TAHQUAMENON FALLS, RIVER- grandchildren; 30 great-grand­ Home following a long illness. eral Hospital. Mrs. Rose Rademacher of MOUTH UNIT, Near Paradise. T children; a sister, Mrs. Louis '' Funeral services were held Westphalia spent a couple days 13 DE TOUR: Near St. Ignace, Klein of Westphalia; a brother, Funeral services were held Tuesday, Jan. 11 at the Osgood with Mrs. Nora Braun. 14 STRAITS! Near St. Ignace. Charles Fedewa of Westphalia. Tuesday, Jan, 11 at the Lee R. Funeral Home in St. Johns with 15 MICHILIMACKINAC. Her husband preceded her in Rummell Funeral Home in DeWitt Louis Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Rev. Robert Koeppen officiating. 16 WILDERNESS. Near Carp River. death in 1952 and she was also with Rev. Leon Emple officiating. Clement Martin, Mrs. Sylvester Burial wasinMt.RestCemetery. 17 CHEBOYGAN. preceded in death by two sons. Burial was in DeWitt Cemetery. Martin and Mr, and Mrs. Greg­ He was born in Riley Town­ He was born in Clinton County ory Martin of Lansing attended IB ALOHA- Near Cheboygan. ship on Oct. 28, 1881, the son on Oct. 6, 1896, the son of Eddie the funeral of Nora Hackenbruch 19 p, H. HOEFT: Near Rogers City of John and JoAnna Beu Martin Fred Lance and Maggie Sperry and had been of Detroit Wednesday, Mrs. Hack­ 20 ON AWAY. and had been a lifelong resident a lifelong ^resident of the area. enbruch Is a sister to Louis 21 BURT LAKEi Near Indian River. of Clinton County. His wife, Helen Fred Lance, 47, of 402 North He married the former Viola M. Martin. 22 PETOSKEY. preceded him in death in 1968. Traver Street, St. Johns died McCollum on Dec, 12, 1923 and Mr. and Mrs. Enza.Viges and 23 YOUNG: Near Boyne City. His profession had been farming Saturday, Jan. 8 at the Carson she preceded him in death in family of Midland spent the week­ 24 CLEAR LAKE, Near Atlanta. and he was a member of the City Hospital following a short 1967. He was a veieran of World end with her mother Mrs, Herman 25 D. H. DAY, Near Glen Arbor. St. Johns Lutheran Church. illness. War I and 'a member of the Motz and also visited her father 26 BENZIE, Near Honor. Survivors include a son, John Funeral services will be held Zion Nazarene Church, at the Carson City Hospital. 27 INTERLOCHEN. Nuffer of Grand Rapids; a foster Wednesday, Jan. 12 at 1:30 p.m. Survivors include a son, Louis Michael Motz of Ocean Side, 28 HARTWICK PINES Near Grayling. daughter, ^Mrs. Veronica Boett- at the Osgood Funeral Home In of Holt; five grandchildren; two Calif, is spending some time 29 NORTH HIGGINS LAKE, Near great- grandchildren. with his mother Mrs, Herman Roscommon. Motz. 30 RIFLE RIVER, Near Lupton. It's Sew Time 31 TAWAS POINTi Near East Tawos. 32 GLADWIN. Celebrate anniversary 33 ORCHARD BEACH Near Manistee. 34 LUDINGTON. AT KURT'S 35 SILVER LAKE: Near Mears. 36 BAY CITY. 37 ALBERT E. SLEEPER Near Caseville. APPLIANCE CENTER 3B PORT CRESCENT, Near Port Austin. ,39 NEWAYGO. 40 MUSKEGON Near North Mus- kegon. 41 P. J. HOFFMASTERt Near Muske- 71 HIGH ROLLWAYS, Manlstique River 84 HAWK LAKE, Jordan River State 96 TIN CUP, Pere Marquette State gon, "* State Forest) 10 mi N ond 1 ml. Foresti 6 mi E. of Mancelono on Forest. 1 mt. W. of Luther. Trail- 42 GRAND HAVEN. E. of Manistique on Co. Rd, 448. Manistee River' Rd. to Crooked 25 mi. , Lake Rd. Trail- 14 ml. 43 HOLLAND. Trail: 15 mi. 97 LITTLE MANISTEE RIVER, Pere Mar­ quette State Forest 4'A mt. N. of 44 YANKEE SPRINGS) Near Middle- 72 HAYWIRE, Manistique River State 85 BETSIE RIVER, Bet me River State x Baldwin on M-37, /i mi. E. on ville. Forest, 5 mi. N. of Manistique on Forest. 7 mi N. of Thompsonviile M-94. Trail, 30 mi. ond 1 '/, ml E. Trail- 30 mi. Dobry Rd, Trail: 45 mi. 45 IONIA. 98 OLD SHEEP RANCH, Chippewa WITH ^ 73 SEUL CHOIX POINT, Manistique 86 BOARDMAN VALLEY, Kalkaska 46 SLEEPY HOLLOW) Near St. Johns. River State Forest 1 mi. N. and 3 River State Forest) 4 '/j mi. S.E of and Fife Lake State Forests- Start 47 VAN BUREN. Near South Haven mt. W. of Evart on Twin Creek Rd. Gulliver on Co. Rd. P432, 1 '/, mi. at cities of Kalkaska, Fife Lake or 4 —<: STRETCH Trail, 18 mt. 48 WARREN DUNES. Near Sawyer. S on Co Rd. P431. Trail. 10 mi. Mayfield Trail- 64 mi 99 MOLLASSES RIVER, Tittabawassee STITCHES. 49 FORT CUSTER. Near Mlddleville 74 BIG KNOB, Mackinac State Forest- 87 SKYLINE, AuSable State Forest 1 River State Forest: 7 mi. E. of 50 CAMBRIDGE: Near Cambridge 7'/i mi. W. of Noubmway on US- mi. S E. of Grayling on M-72 and Gladwin on M-61. Trail: 24 mt. Junction. 2. Trail 17 ml V, mi. S. on Camp Sable Rood. 51 WALTER J. HAYES. Near Onsted, 75 CHERRY RIDGE, Menominee State Trail 25 mi. > NATIONAL FORESTS Forest. 4 mi. W. of Cedar River on 100 OTTAWA NATIONAL FOREST—In­ 52 WATERLOO Near Chelsea. 88 GRAYLING-LOVELLS,'AuSable Co. Rd. 352, then 2'/, mi. S on formation on 125 miles of marked 53. PINCKNEY. State Forest- 2 ml. N.E. of Gray­ Jim Town Rd. Trail] 6 mi. trails con be obtained at the super-* 54 BRIGHTON. ling on Old US-27. Trail. 45 mi. visor s office in Ironwood or any 76 FOREST ISLAND, Bay de Noc State 55 ISLAND LAKE! Near Brighton, 89 MUSKRAT LAKE, Oscoda State For- of the following Ranger District Forest on Co. Rd. 535, 3 mi. N W. est: 5 mi. N. of Mio on M-33 to offices Bessemer, Bergland, Iron "56 PROUD LAKE: Near Milford. from M-35 or 8% mi. S E. from Co. Rd. 608, then 4 '/, mi. W. and River, , Kenton, Ontonagon and Bark River and US-2. Trail 20 mi. 57 HIGHLAND. Near Milfard. 1 mi. N. Trail 45 mu Watersmeer. 58 DODGE BROTHERS NO. 4. Near 77 CHEBOYGAN-BLACK'MOUNTAIN, 90 STRATFORD-GRASS LAKE, Hough­ 101 HIAWATHA NATIONAL FOREST— Pontiac. Black Lake State Forest: 3'/, mi. E ton Lake and Kalkaska State Rapid River District (near Rapid of Cheboygan an US-23, S of 59 PONTIAC. Forests- Roscommon Rd. exit W. River), 2 trails: 8, 20 miles; Manis­ highway. Trail) 45 mi. 60 HOLLY. off US-27 to Military Rd., 1 '/, tique District |at Manistique), 20- 61 ORTONVILLE. 78 INDIAN RIVER, Hardwood State mi. N. to Fletcher Rd., W. 9 mi. to mile-long network, Mumsmg Dis­ Forest) 2'/j mt. W. of Indian River 62 METAMORA HADLEY. Near Meto- Moorestown Rd., 3 mi. S. Traih trict (at Muntsing), 20-mile-long MR. AND MRS, MICHAEL C. WESNER on M-68 to Reams or Porks Road. network, Sault Ste. Marie District,, mora. 13 mi. Trail) 20 mi. (at Raco on M-2B), 25-mlle-long Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. 63 BALD MOUNTAIN, Near Lake 91 PRUDENVILLE AREA, Houghton network plus 50-mile trail at children of the couple, Mr. and Orion. 79 WOLVERINE, Hardwood State Lake State Forest; 2 mi. W. of Wesner of 608 East Baldwin St., Forest) 2 mi. W. and '/j mi. S. of Strongs on M-28 and 40-mile trait Mrs. Jim Wesner, Sallie Wesner, 64 ROCHESTER.UTICA) Prudenville on M-55 then '/, mi at Bnmley, St. Johns celebrated their 60th Wolverine to peet Rd. Trail) 19 mi. S Trail 25 mi. Robert Wesner, Russell Hicks, 65 LAKEPORT) Near Port Huron. 80 NORWAY RIDGE, Alpena State 102 MANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST — wedding anniversary on Jan. 2, all of St. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. 92 WEST HIGGINS LAKE, Houghton ; 66 ALGONAC. Forest) 5'/i mi. W. of Alpena on At Baldwin, 9 trails which vary in A family dinner was held at Ned Upton and Mr. and Mrs. Lake State Forest: '/, ml. W on Co. 67 STERLING, Near Monroe. M-32 then '/j ml. S. on Indian length from 22 to 50 miles. At Rd. 104 off US-27. Trail. 18 ml. Daley's Restaurant hosted by the Rex Ferguson of Lansing. Mr. Reserve Rd. Trail, 10 mi. Caberfae Ski area neor Cadillac, couple's children, Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Clyde Crabbof Owosso, STATE FORESTS 1 trail, 34 miles, Udall Hit), A 81 DEVILS SWAMP, Alpena.State For- 93 OGEMAW HILLS, Ogemow State 6B STAGER, Iron Range State Forest: Forest: 3 mi. E. of St. Helen on miles west of Wellston off M-55, Russ,ell Wesner, Mr. and_Mrs. brother andsister-in-law,ofMrs. est) 4 ml. S.W. of Alpena on out-stretches 6 ml. S. of Crystal Falls on US-2, Beaver Lake Rd. Trail- 13 mt. 1 trait, 15 miles; just west of Big Leslie Wesner, and Mr.andMrs. Wesner, were also present. Werth Rd. Trail- 10 mi. Rapids (check with Chamber of Marshall Hicks, all of St. Johns. 2 ml. S,E. an Co, Rd. Trail: 6 mi. 'The family presented the hon­ . - 69 SAND PLAINS, Michigamme State 82 AVERY HILLS, Thunder Bay River 94 SEVEN MILE HILL, Oscoda State Commerce), Big Rapids Trail, 36 them all! Also present were the grand­ ored couple with a money gift. Forest: 5 mi. S, of Marquette on State Forest: 5 mi. S, of Atlanta Forest, 5'/] ml, W, of Oscoda on miles'long. River Rd., 2 mi. N. of Blssonette What does Elna have besides more de- Co. Rd. 553 to the Junction of Co. on Co. Rd. 487. Trail, 16 ml. Rd., 1 mi. W. Troll) 20 mi. 103 HURON NATIONAL FOREST—^Sil­ 'sign and practical stitches than any other Rd. 480. Traih 17 mi. 83 ELK COUNTRY, Pigeon River State ver Valley [near Tawas|, 6 trails sewing machine? Only EIha has four 70 FIRE LINE, Lake Superior Stale Forest, 13 ml. E. of Gaylard on 95 LINCOLN HILLS, Pere Marquette which vary in length from 3 to 35 separate stretch stitches! INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED! Forest: 21 ml. N, of Newberry on M-32 to Gingell Rd., N. 4 mi. and State Forest: 15'/j mi, N. of Bald­ miles, Gordon Creek Campground For bias sewing, or straight seams use M017 and Co. Rd. 407. Trail. E. 2 mi. to Johnson's Crossing. win on M-37, ji/st E. of Kadefa- (adiacent to Silver Valley Trails), Elna's reinforced backstitch. When finish­ 30 ml. Trail, 32 mi. bek's Gas Station. Trail: 24 mi. 13-mile-tong trail, ing knits, switch to the multiple zigzag HOME-FARM serpentine stitch. For sewing soft bulky evening in the Church Fellowship church with a combination meet­ Jcnits, there is another special stitch. And Hall with 21 members present. —exclusive with Elna, is the wonderful BUSINESS a member of Duplain- ing and potluck supper honoring overlock stitch that sews a straight seam Pink and blue decorations ac­ all new members. Supper is and overcasts at the same time! Just what AUTO Hx/\merica Group Rcchesler Colony cented the hall In honor of Mrs. scheduled at 6!30 p.m. for Jan. you need for sewing double knits and Bruce Bashore of Elsie. Mis­ 15. ttmm VAN W. HOAG jerseys, or adding elastic to tricot. By Mrs James Burnham sionary project'for the month is Elna! ... the sewing machine that lets ' _ Phone 224-4045 boxes for the servicemen of our you stretch a good thing further. Elnal... m LANTERMAN INSURANCE congregation and will be sent out Gold Coins the sewing machine that outsews them all! Women's Fellowship of the Dear friends, 200 W. State, St. Johns, PHONE 224-7614 BRUCE LANTERMAN this month. Refreshments were In 1853, Congress author­ Free arm or conventional styling, Swiss Church of Christ met Tuesday served by Mrs. Justin Shepard, precision built. For the name of your ized the $3 gold piece. Coin­ It' deserves emphasis that closest authorized Elna dealer} write to: Mrs. C. R, Buck and Mrs. Joe age was continued through Bancroft and Mrs. Robert Cebul- 1889, when the denomination the time, the place, the char­ skl. was abolished along with the acter of the funeral service, *What Would You Do If You $1 gold piece. • the merchandise used, the Were God?" was the sermon topic cemetery selected - these are Sunday at the Church of Christ. decisions of the family of the" Special music was "Burdens Are deceased. The funeral direc­ •elna Lifted at Calvary" by the adult tor acts only as a representa­ choir under the direction of Mrs. tive of the family. Dennis Schroeder.' Greeters for The clergymari should be the day were Mrs. Edith Kaufman consulted in matters that con­ and Mrs. Gladys Dush.. cern him before any decisions are made. James Burnham, local tile drainage contractor, attended the annual meeting and convention on Respectfully, Jan. 5-7 at the Pantllnd Hotel in Grand Rapids. Discussions in­ cluding "Updating REAP»,Equip- COMPLETE ment Moving Regulations, Small' r^t o?/J*^ Business Taxes, Review of Drain 08600D SEWING MACHINE Standards, DevelopmentslnLighfc FUNERAL HOMES Construction Machinery and Developments of Plastic Drain ST. JOHNS * HEADQUARTERS Tubing and hew installation meth­ FOWLER f ods. MAPLE RAPIDS Jioag Funerdl Home JThe annual meeting of the, OVID KURT'S Appliance Center Church of Christ at Duplain will ST. JOHNS, WIC^^ j 217 M CLINTON ST. JOHNS PH. 224-3895 he'held Saturday evening at the Wednesday,, January -11, * 1972 CLINTON GOUNTY: NEWS, St. Jphns, Michigan 5A $u&arin& Shane weds Gregory L Crawley ST. JOHNS - The First Con­ Crawley of Lansing, sister-in­ gregational Church was the set­ -law of the groom/The attendants ting for the Sunday, pec. 19wed- wore floorvlength gowns of ruby |,ding ceremony which unltecl in red velvet featuring a softr full marriage Suzanne1 Lynne Shane skirt and ruffles trimming the .i. and Gregory Louis Crawley. Rev. square neckline and long sleeves. Averill Carbon officiated at the tThey wore matching picot ribbons 3 p.p.. double ring ceremony be­ , in their hair. The maid of honor fore an altar decorated with carried a. wliite muff with a stylized arrangements of red and cluster, of holly and miniature white carnations with white pine; carnations and streamers to boughs. Standing candelabras match her gown. The bridesmaids were decorated with sprays of carried white muffs with a cluster ; white pine and red carnations. . of holly and'-straw -flowers with matching streamers. Orgariist'was Mrs.'B. A, Deiberj and musical selections,, Best man was Larry Vitek and "For, All WeKnow"- and "We've serving as groomsman was . Only Just Begun* were rendered Curtis. Kecky Seating the guests by Mary LeFevere and Kelly Were ushers, Jim Shane, brother Spicer. of the. bride, and Gayle Crawley, .The bride is the daughter of brother of the groom, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Shane of A- reception was held in, Wilcox 303 EastSturgls Street, St. Johns HaU immediately following the and the groom is the son of Mr. ceremony for 300 guests. Later and Mrs; Ivan Crawley of 4055 a dinner and dance was held at Lehman Road, DeWitt. •Daley's Fine Foods for relatives Dr.' and: Mrs. Heland Garapetian were The bride, given in marriage and close friends. by. her father and mother, Special guests at the wedding guests of honor . at an open house held selected a gown of white sana- and receptions were Mrs. Wiltna at the Clinton Memorial Hospital last Sun­ peau styled with" a square neck­ Baker. Of Grand Ledge, grand- day. Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Dean were 'Also -on hand to welcome the Gara- line, full Bishop sleeves and a smother of the bride, and Mrs, petians were Mrs. Cyrus Waldron, chair-' full floating skirt. The bodice arid. Minnie Crawley of Lansing and among the guests who welcomed the couple sleeve caps were accented with Mrs. Alfred W'lson of Barryton, man of the .Hospital Auxiliary Board and grandmothers of the groom. to the community. Mr, Dean is chairman % 3-D Venice lace. Her, long lace Brandon White Jr., who serves as chair- '*• t, . - * * ' edged cathedral-length mantilla , The new Mrs. Crawley chose a of the hoard of trustees. veil of imported illusion was lavender wool print pantsuit with mar^ of the Doctors Search Committee. The matching accessories for travel IV < ' * * , attached to a band of lace and PHOTOS BY ANNETTE WHITE event was sponsored by the Hospital she carried a colonial bouquet of on their wedding trip tbNorthern natural English holly, miniature Michigan. Auxiliary and was attended by upwards, white carnations and pine cones The couple are now at. home of 150 persons. "•••""'.' •v. with streamers of white and red 5050 West Point Loma Blvd., ChiiKch News "' J picot ribbon. San Diego, Calif.

s it- * Judy Tubbs of Coldwater was The couple are both 1971 grad­ Mrs. Pfasef MacKinnon was the Christian Social Relations, j maid of honor and assisting as uates of St. Johns High School. • elected president of the WSCS 'Mrs. c. W. Lumbert, chairman bridesmaids were Rosemary The brideattendedMichiganState of the United! Methodist Church of Missionary Education andMrsi Paradise of St. Johns, Brenda University and the groom is serv­ of St. Johns and installed into Stanley Toburen, chairman of VISGER—A boy, Mark Alan, LEE-A girl, Jennifer Marie, Downing of St. Johns and Marlene ing a tour of duty in the Navy. office during worship services Spiritual Growth. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman was bornto Mr. and Mrs. Dennis held.Sunday, Jan. 9. Visger of 1210 HermanSt.,0\vbs- Lee of Laingsbiirg Jan, 5 at so Jan, 3, at Clinton Memorial Circle chairman for the year Clinton Memorial Hospital. She . Serving with Mrs, MacKinnon Hospital. He weighed 9 ponds, weighed 7 pbunds,;i3 1/4 ounces. in an official capacity will be are Mrs. Lloyd Ford, Elizabeth 2 ounces. The baby has one sister. Clinton County News The baby has two sisters. Grandr Mrs. Doyle Rice, vice-president Circle; Mrs. Edward Sulka, Ruth Grandparents are Mrs. Leta parents are Mr. and Mrs. Budd and program chairman; Mrs. Circle; Mrs. Howard Gentry, Parker of Ovid and Mrs. Mar­ Lee-of Laingsburg and Mr. and Walter Cole, secretary and Mrs. Esther Circle; Mrs. Frederick guerite Visger of Hesperla. The Mrs. Earl Walker of Harrison. Lawrence Kuhns, treasurer. Fleischer, Sara Louise Circle mother Is the former* Janet'Park- The mother is the former Ronda cciem AND iuk In program areas Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Robert Sirrine, Mary er of Ovid. Walker. .".".; MR. AND MRS. GREGORY LOUIS CRAWLEY S C mmmMssm Swagart was elected chairman of Magdalene Circle. WALL & WEBB JEWELERS PURCHASED THE ENTIRE LESTER H. LAKE STOCK. SELLING ALL OLD STOCK TO THE BARE WALLS TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW MERCHANDISE. .1M ?.'• Wht- ../i \<0 n-i o • ; t\ah\ TC i-k i •--}:>'.fir

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No Refunds . on Sale Merchandise

•'.% WALL & EBB 107 N. Clinton St. Johns er Phone 224-2412 "65 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE THE/NJ JEWELRY BUSINESS" Mbn. thru Sat; 9 to 5:30 #i: ; Friday till 9 p.m. Gary Papo Manager i4v-'vv^;-l'i

\r Page $ £ CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan . Wednesday, January 12, .1972 Pre-Christmas nuptial Diane Schaefer bride of Richard Plihe 1 trimmed her chapel-length veil FOWLER—Diane Joan Schaef­ which was held in place by lace united Ovid couple er became the bride of Richard headpiece and she carried a cas­ Allen Pllne Saturday, Jan. 8 at cade bouquet of white carnations ST, JOHNS, - Rev, William shoulder-length veil was secured Holy Trinity Church. Rev. Albert «ank;erd performed the double in place by a Juliet cap and she and mums and yellow sweetheart Schmltt officiated at the 11 a.m. roses. • nnsr ceremony which united in carried a bouquet 'of pompon service. mums centered with a large Mary Ann Schaefer of Fowler marriage Verna Lyon and David The bride is the daughter of "ePond. The service was held in orchid, : was maid of honor and the Mrs. Joan C. Pung of 10874 groom's best man was Ronald bt. Joseph's Catholic Church at Maid of honor was Rita Lyon North Drive, Fowler and the 6.30 p.m. on Dec, 23. at Ovid, sister of the bride, and Pllne of Pewamo. Seating the groom is the son of Mr.andMrs. guests were ushers Gary Pline Organist was Mrs. Jackie assisting as" bridesmaids were Carl J, Pline of Pewamo. Schneider and" soloist was Kathy Beverly Kurka of Ovid, sister of and Len Pline. -uUker, the bride, Sue DePond of Ovid, The bride chose a gown of Immediately following the sister of the groom, and Carole Chantilly lace over peau de sole service a reception was held in The bride is-the daughter of styled with an empire waistline, the dining room of the Fowler Jvs. Vernon Lyon of 221 Park Yurek of St. Johns, cousin of the bride. The attendants wore long lace puff sleeves with fitted Hotel. Street, Ovid and the late Vernon cuffs and a high collar forming a V Ljyon and the groom's parents are identical style floor-length The new Mr. and Mrs. Pline in the front. Flower appliques will make their home in Lyons. Mr. and Mrs,Hichard DePond of orchid crepe gowns styled with 142 West Front Street, Ovid. an empire waistline and a dark purple bodice. They wore a dark The bride was given in mar­ purple headpiece and each car­ Celebrate anniversary riage by her brother, Mike Lyon ried a hurricane lamp encircled and chose a silk organza gown with white mums and greens. featuring a high neckline, long Bishop sleeves and an empire- Best man was Dane Flegel of s.tyle waistline. Victorian lace Ovid and serving as groomsmen trimmed the gown and train. Her Were Norman Dunkel of Ovid, Jerry Mitchell of St. Johns and Mike Lyons of Ovid. A reception was held for 350 \i<& guests In the St. Joseph School Gym Immediately following the WALL & WEBB ceremony. The couple left Dec. 27 for San Diego, Calif, where the groom is stationed In the Navy follow­ ing a tour of duty In Guam. The bride is a 1969 graduate of Ovid-Elsie High School and attended Lansing Business Uni­ versity. The groom Is a 1968 graduate of Ovid-Elsie High School. V Marriage licenses •Pi ** -1,. , ^ **«, *-#25\t&5$ mW^ MR. AND MRS. JACK BILLINGS Terry A. Christmas, 21,16960 Marsh Rd., Haslett to Diane S. MRS. DAVID DePOND HUBBARDSTON(c)-Mr. and home. Palmatier, 20, 14148 Webster Mrs. Jack D. Billings of 204 Rd., Bath. South Baldwin Street, Greenville Hosts were their children, Mr. Richard Carl Ryan, 19, 426 were guests of honor at an open and Mrs. Randall Brunner, E. Main St., Maple Rapids to house in celebration of their 25th Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Darlene Kay Bird, 22, R-l, Per- •wedding anniversary. The event Morris of Fenwick and Mike rinton. was held Sunday, Jan. 2 at their at home. Timothy J. Younkman,25,R-5, So. US-27, St. Johns to Rose St. Johns Marie Rendon, 20, 1908 Fairfax Meetings Street, Saginaw. MRS. HILA BROSS Ph. 224-4576 Eight and Forty Salon metDec. quires a blood transfusion every Insure the future progress of 28 atthehomeofVelmaBeaufore. two weeks. ^ A letter thanking the Salon for Christmas gifts were ex­ our_ nation—let every citizen put William Welton of Dallas, her brother-in-law and sister, his "shoulder to the wheel. the children's clothing from Na­ changed revealing secret pals, • , spent the weekend with his Mr. and Mrs.Wm.A.McDunnell. tional Jewish Hospital and and names were drawn for secret MRS. RICHARD ALLEN PLINE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mrs. McDunnell is the former Research Center was read. pals for 1972. Welton. He had been in Detroit Margaret Dershem, daughter of Alice Brooke asked that anyone Refreshments were served by on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dershem. COMPLETE BpDY1 WORK r donating blood to the Red Cross the hostess whose home was Tjoan Rosekrans and ^Barbara* -Judy Whitlock, daughter*ofMr. designate that it be contributed Maier returned to Big Rapids 1 beautifully decorated for the Yule AND GLASS' REPLACEMENT and Mrs. Stanley Whitlock, re­ for^Elsie Bancroft as she re- season. Sunday to begin the winter term turned to Mt. Pleasant Sunday, at Ferris State College. where she is enrolled at Cen­ The January meeting will be BOB'S AUTO BODY tral Michigan University. held at the home of Evangeline Donald Walton is at home af­ Caudy. 800 N. Lansing Phone 224-2931 ter spending some time at Ford Toby Mishler, son of Mr. and Wedding Hospital In Detroit. Mrs. Keith Mishler, left Monday & The deadline for wedding •:• &: information for publication ¥ Phyllis Dershem spent the for Norfolk, Va. where he will ;:;: In the Clinton County •:;: holidays in Parker, Colo, with return to duly in the U.S. Navy. •X News Is 5 p.m. on the •'.< It's our 26th '•A Thursday preceding pub- % 15557 North East St. '.<; lication. The News cannot % Lansing Ph. 482-6273 $ guarantee immediate use of X; :•;• stories submitted after that :•:• Celebrate anniversary >> time. This deadline is ne- ;¥ semi-annual ft cessary to Insure fairness £1 PROFESSIONAL CAREER! •X to all parties and to all •>. Mr. and Mrs. Verne L. Upton •X types of news. No wedding % IN THE BEAUTY FIELD Mark, Daniel and Eric of Lansing X; stories will be delayed more K; CLINIC of R-l, St. Johns were honored and Mrs. Carolyn Parker and X; than one weelc. X; New classes starting - Jan. 1 on the occasion of their OPEN TO the first T/uesday of Rick of Marshall. •X If publication of a wed- •:•: THE 40th wedding anniversary, •X ding story Is desired In the 'y, everfi month A special guest was Mrs. Opal X; first publication after it X; PUBLIC X; takes place, information X For further Information, write or call - Present were brothers, Miller of Fowler. X* should be submitted prior :•:• sisters, nieces and nephews of ;X to the wedding and by the ;X Mrs. Sonnenberg, 'Manager. The event was hosted by the ;X established Thursday dead- -X All services rendered by supervised the couple, Mrs, Elma Roberts, children and grandchildren; Mr. •X Jine. Wedding information -X Mi-.MBF.R OF Mr. and Mrs. Percy Creaser, •X blanks are available at the !;> senior students for a minmum charge. and Mrs. W.P. Siderius, Jeff, X; County News office. X* NATIONAL Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Frost, Beth and Julie of Homewood, \SSCCL\T10N or- FREE Wigs & Hairpieces Mr. and Mrs. Walter Papciak III., Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Up-* COSMhTOLOGY and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Frost ton, Diane and Brian of St. Johns and you can buy PARKING Cleaned and JJtyled Don't expect to make friends SCHOOLS of St. Johns; Mrs. Reba Apple- and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Upton man, Mrs. Carol Barber and of Lansing. unless you make your ownfrlend- ship attractive to others. An COME SEE! Extra DRESS COME SAVE! for only Our clearance sale is on! Time to save money and get fantastic values on your Buy one dress at regular price, get family's shoes. Take your choice of fashionable styles for women. Bold looks second of equal value for only $1.00 for men. Quality-minded children's shoes. They're in the colors you want most and Save Now On Fur Hats • Also * Values to .Qvvbsso ST. JOHNS the sizes that fit you best. So come in $9.95 Durand COATS 121 N. Clintqn ECONOMY and now and save-While you can still choose Now 54" Phone 224-2213 fc SHOE STORE • Strand's Shoes Fint in'fwt Foihtoni with ftmwt Irtni Ititw ' Ionia fru^m our complete selection., SKIRTS T—r FOR MEN FOR WOMEN FOR CHILDREN . SNOW GOWNS *FLORSHElM •FLORSHEIM •FREEMAN •JACQUELINE - *B-usrrER ^BOOTS •DEXTER •AIR STEP BROWN Slacks & SwetPSrs • PEDWJN •CONNIE *JOLENE •MOTHER GOOSE J/3 off Regular Price <*



M*. b i.iirfi , Jt '

Wednesdayf January 12r 1972 CLINTON- COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page.7 A : : : to##:% :??S : a^^ Engagement announced w^sw^^^ 1. '•&•


- 8:


RITA ANN JUSTICE ^ SHERRY RO^E DOUBRAVA Mr/, and Mrs, • Lynn Saxton The-engagement of.TerriLyn •" vf of 138; west Front; St.,'.Ovid, j Burnhan^to Tpm^aLynh-BenUey V- f •vl announce the engagement "of, th'eif ' y.<. ELSIE "(c) -'Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Doubrava './ is announ^ed'byhermotherjMrs.' Robert-H. Justice of Elsie an­ (daughter, kathleenbiane^toKam John. M.- Ernst of 7104-West of 26113 Baldwin Road, Owosso •'James Washburn, son of Mr. LOIS DIANE BOWEN AND RICHARD HARTE nounce the engagement of* their .Townsend Road, St. Johns., She announce the engagement of their and Mrs. J.D. Washburn of 4145 ' Is- .also the daughter of Eugene- . daughter, Rita Ann. to AE3(PH) daughter * Sherry Rose to David Richard Lynn Warren U.S.N., son Harmon Rd.( St. Johns, ... • , \ B. Burnham of Cites Styeet, St. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L, employed by the University Club William's chwark, son of Mr. and ; Bowen sr., of 2618 East Stoll in East Lansing. •Jof Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warren •. Miss Saxton will he a 1972 Johns. ^ *' . . . , J "Mrs. Jack' Schwark of Colony graduate' at Ovid-Elsie High Road, Lansing announce the en­ of Ovid.' ; , Road, Ovid,. •• The "bride-e'lect is a senior at gagement of their daughter, Lois , The bride-elect will be a 1972 School and is employed by Jenks ; The prospective .groom is a ,,,. The bride-delect, is a,senior at St. Johns-High School and is Diane to Richard L. Harte. He 1970 graduate of Bath High School , .graduate; of Ovid-Elsie' Area Drug Store'in Ovid; Her. fiance employed.at theSoil Conservation: is the son of Mrs. Charles Hunt­ : iOyid-Elsie High School and the is a student'at Lansing Com- 1 ; and is employed by Harte and - School. Her fiance graduated from .prospective, .groom is engaged in r Seryice,.inSt.'Johns.. N.;?\. , '••• ley of 12477 Angle Road, Bath. Zavala Cement. Contractors. Ovid-Elsie High in 1969 and is ^munity College and|te,employed . The prospective groom/whbTs cash crop farming^* . •'-•";'- : byjJBurger King in East* Lansing. The bride-elect is a i97f grad­ A May 20 wedding is being stationed in , D;C, "No wjeddlng^'date has been set > the son of Mr.'and Mrs. Kenneth.**•.-*. planned by the couple. - „ No-.wedding, date, has-been set. An August 5 we'dding is being ;G.; of 11441 South Francis * " uate of Bath High. School and is by the cuple. • - V J planned by^thexouplel-* "• '-*/ Road, -DeWltt, is also a .senior :' *'<• atSJHS and is employed at Cains. ,-"-.' •Incorporated, ''"'•'' • .'•' .; :'''~v.''- An Aug, .5- wedding is belrig^, , • W planned by the couple, \ ...... *>

"Coming events-^ Three named to Dearfs list Jan. 13 — The St, Johns Morn- Jan. 14 - Olive Grange will & Jan, 18 —TheAmericanLegion ;*:;ing Musicaje will meet at the meet at 8 p.m. at the Walter Auxiliary Edwin T. Stiles Unit , KALAMAZOO '~ Three Clihtdri Among' the 92 students honored :|:;home of Mrs. Orientis, Fish. March home, 3469 West Pratt 153 will meet at the Legion Hall County students have beenplaqed were Janet K. ,pewoski;-ahd Linda •:• Program theme will be "The'Road , DeWitt. at 8 .p.m. January is National on the bean's List for the fall M.'Willette, both^of'St. Johns", | New Year." Jan.* 19 - The St. Johns Security and Legislative month.-. semester at Nazarene College" and Irene'M. PHne of Pewamo, £ Jan. 14—Bingham Grange will Woman's Club will meet at the here. * - . ,- - ,. home of Mrs. William Morrlss * The Dean's listing is awarded Nazareth College is an iride^ 1 ;•: meet at the hall at 8 p.m. Busi- Please...phone •:• ness meeting and program will at 1:15. Speaker for the day will to those studentswho accomplish pendent liberal arts icoeducaf be Mrs. Manning Bross who will o r bring in your coming a grade point ratio of 3.3 or above tional college located in suburban t L IP ^ be followed ,.by-light refresh- events by 5p.m. Monday ; *• V present "Best Sellers." for the semester. Kalamazoo. , " " s** * •:• ments, *'" ••* ip * f1 *i -•' t ' ' J >\i r*t~rX£&r~-.* »"H .*..* * . .1 „.*-),.. •»**vjtrt^h ••• „, . REBECCA ANN BARRETT LOIS IRENE WENNER , Mr. and Mrs. MaynardBarrett Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wenner of of 504 Euclid, St. Johns announce R-3, St. Johns announce the en­ the engagement of their daughter, gagement of their daughter, Lois Rebecca Ann to Dennis Worrall. Irene to Wessie Douglas Sullivan, t He is the son of Mr. and Mrs,- of 434 Oak Street, St. Johns. ;. KING OF THE SAVINGS PLANS Richard Worrall of 80l"- North He is the sqr\. pf .Mrs*,- Linda -a : 7. ;;Cfihtpn Xve.l 1tl3ohns;A **$ H Cole. Ad 'Jii- t'***jfitii-. .a^ i':\;i.i.n: •M - 3r. /The b'riderelecUs;a;1971'gr,ad- v The bride-elect isal969grad- ... -8 *~-v. . uate. of St. Johns High School uate--of' Rodney B. Wilson High . and is employed by the State of School and a 1970 graduate of Michigan. Lansing Business University. She The prospective groom is also is employed at Lansing General r a St. Johns High School graduate^ Hospital. and is employed at the United The prospective groom is States Postal Department. employed at General Motors-in A May 19 wedding is being Ypsilanti.::A, . ..:.,,. planned by the couple. • A'May we'dding is being planned by the couple.

It Pays to Shop at D.A.R. award given at P-W Feeling beastly, because you can't seem to Pewamo-Westphalia Com­ munity Schopls this week se­ lected as the ,D.A.R, Good Citi­ save? Try our convenient passbook way! It's" zen, Miss ~C6lleeri K;o h a g e n,; for Better Values daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald •-^JANUARY. Kohagen. .. flexible — lets you add or withdraw what you CLEARANCE SALE want when you want. Rewarding .<— every cent you save earns high returns. And safe—in­ "Close out of. * - TIER CURTAINS 59°0 sured safe, as provided by a federal agency! 30": 36" 45" Long iPair Choose the king of savings plans, and crown VALUES TO $y,8 One Rack Extra Special all your plans with success! * CHILPRENS SNOWSUITS > JACKETS and GOATS SAVE UP TO ^5% . ; COLLEEN KOHAqEN' : 1 ; .This award is. based,oh de- ; pendabilityfservicey Readership,; THROW PIliQVyS /^ price v . and patriotism.' . ';,>••• £ •. Miss Kohagen- :has excelled r academically and has partlci- LADIES BETTER PRESSES pated.'in^many? extra-curricular^' INSURED 5%0 activities such'as the, honors' GREATLY REDUCED Society, Future Nurses; Future . Daily Interest' ftomemakers'of.America, mem-*/ tier* ,of the Hdniecdrnihg CourtjJ,/1': Passbook-Savings Polyester Ninon G.A.Xi, reporter ttir the Pirates Flocked \ i IV 8 * "Lpg7 and has participated ih the Performing Arts jp 1 ay"4 during ;~>* I Pantel her- four years; at P-\v(High r : •SchbbL •" '('" .-' /:.'- :, \'' '/'v-- PANE& VALUES TO ,/ tnrA.This a-ward is, made possible, -'. VyHITE. ONLY • > '"" • •through' the Stevens Thomson HOME OFFICE; 112 B. ALLEGAN .STREET O^ ".- Mason Chapter of^the b.AiR.* INCORPORATED 1890 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 72% 81^ 9Q^ L^ng PANEL Monia.> '." '.•;'•' ''"::t?v- • MEMBER:. FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM ' . if-.'. "1 ';- ' •" .- .'•*• ' '

Pdlf and Wiiiter ; ) : : was bdrn- tb*fMri;aind ';Mrs, Bob. VL W[6siier of-210,1/2 V>; McC6rinell,';:, v St. Johns Dec, 3p3 at'Clinton Me^ |A&RtoCLEMANC morial .Hospitai^ Slie^Weigh^d: %; :^v %:Z 2 H. t I. V'St 0 N A V EN U E - S T. J 0 It HS , :fh^mpther laf th^forhierBeVeriy' OTHER ITEMS REDUCED i>(- •• "• , I*.' '*"' • -*•>-"..•- '-. •*•• '. '. .-•'-'- f ' - '• lJ-•"'->»' . ... •v^ro«''',r:" ' '.-...... -•- __ -V4 ..Jsr •• -0"".'i. '.»• :'-' -.' r .;'/,••! ::7\'Vi.VT- - *. * CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,.St. Johns; Michigan Wednesday , January .12, f93

Basketball tournamerit It may seem, like quite a time yet for basketball fans to begin thinking about district tournaments. But sites were announced this week by the Michigan High School Athletic Association, and. St. Johns will be hosting a*Class A tournament. Teams scheduled to invade the Redwing gymnasium besides St. Johns will be East Lansing, Grand Ledge, Ionia and Waverly. County wrestling Tournament games, to be placed Feb. 28-29 and March 1-4, will find Ovld- Elsie in a Class B tournament at Ithaca with Alma. Hemlock, Bullock Creek st' Louis and host.Ithaca. '. ' • Bath, E-ansyille, DeWitt andwilllamston wiUbecompetingin a Class C tournament at DeWitt. Another Class C event involving area teams will be played at Montabella tourney Saturday (Edmore) where Pewamo-Westphalia, Qarson City-Crystal, FuUon-Mlddleton arid Montabella will be seeking a district title'.' ,, ' OVID-ELSIE—Plihs were feeing finalized Laingsburg will be playing in Class C at Perry with the lineup of teams also including-Byron and New Lothrup.-: this week for the third annual Clinton Fowler and Portland St. Patrick will compete at Ionia with Grand Rapids Covenant- County News-sponsored County Wrestling Christian :and; Grand Rapids St. Joseph. Portland.will be at Charlotte in a Class B tournament with Eaton Rapids.char- Tournament-'to be held Saturday in- the lofte; Lansing Catholic Central and Maple Valley. ... high school gymnasium here. Defending, champions for the past two years are the: matmen coached by Ovid- Elsie's Jim Maidlow. . But stron'g com­ Marauders Nip l^e Lcmcer petition is anticipated from especially De- MiDLANDrthe Ovid-Elsie the Ithaca Yellowjackets over the by Mcintosh. : f " Witt and St. John's.; ' .Marauders finally overcame a St. Louis Sharks, put the Mid- Both teams scored 17 poin^s*^ three-game jinx carried over Michigan-B conference stand­ in the opening frame with 0-_E-:f The consolation ^"rounds and. champion­ from the past year by outlasting ings in a 4-way tie. Ovid-Elsie's outscoring the Lancers,.-18-14-, ship finals wiHbe held at ,7 p.m.'. in the MMB rival Bullock Creek to gain only ^conference "defeat had been in the second period.*Scorings a crucial victory Friday night, at the hands of the ever dan­ 16-15 over their rivals .in the {; gym, 'Admission\fOr> the morning. events 65-64. The big hero in the Ma- gerous .Sharks. „ third quarter, 6-E was shadet will be $1, $br' adults,'and 50 cents for 'rauder win was Tim- Bouck who in the final period, 18-14.. students. The -finalv round tickets will also in scoring only ,7 points for the LEADING THE 'MARAUDER In earlier evening action, the jiight scored five of them at a- ATTACK was. Gary Groom with junior Marauders blasted th( be, $1 for adulfjs and "50 cents for students. "time when they most counted. 16 counters,followed by a Lancer reserves, 56-46. - Bouck sank two buckets in the balanced scoring barrage by The next encounter for Coact Preliminary events will begin at 11 a.m. closing minutes, one of %hich Randy Loynes,; Dan Egbert and Bob Foreback's crew will be thisj Prepared for the upcoming wrestling tournament Satur- with grapplers from St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, tied the score 62-all following Bill Foran with 9 markers Friday night against Cqrunnawhf a Lancer rally. Bouck's big blow apiece. Bouck's 7" along with just finished getting bombed . day night are the Ovid-Elsie Marauder defending champions DeWitt, Bath and Pewamo- Westphalia com­ to the opposition came with only Rick McCreery's 7 rounded off MMB rival Chesanlng,, 77-61 for 1971-72. (L to _R' front) Al Cobb; Glenn May; Dan Pum- peting for the team trophy and individual - 23 seconds on the clock from the with, Rick Staples' 5 and Ron' .Following their meeting.with1 thl charity line. Mead's 3 made up the scoring Cavaliers, O-E gets. a:look s\ ford; Fred Enos; Frank Eno$ and Mike Bush. (L to R back) honors. - , The game proved to be a close efforts of the title-bound Ma­ the Indians of Chesaning; them­ -Cayle Reha; Danny May; .Neil .Schulz; Rob Nethaway; Larry contest all the way with the rauders. selves the next Friday night at^ Bush and Coach Jim, Maidlow. The Marauders, two-,time lead changing hands 21 times. Pacing the Lancer, effort was home in its preparation' for a Runnerup at Okemos The Maraude>, victory, coupled Joe - Marquardt with a big 26 return bout "with St. Louis, Jan. winners .of the tourney, will host the event in an effort to with the smashing upset win of. point output, followed by 18points 28.. ••" , •• ' ;/-'•"•• - retain possession of the traveling team trophy awarded annually O-E matmen score ;-*^,*:i^;Vvlp^K,?1.ent champions.' Entered in this year's com- : 1 Fowler pounds Laingsburg ;^ltfoti " 'a^eVOyia»'ElBie( St. Johns, DeWitt, Bath and Pev/amo- win at.Bullock Creek v^Stphalia. The event is being sponsored by the North Clin- FOWLER—A powerful second cagers could muster only eight. Game scoring honors went to Ovid-Elsie wrestling team quarter proved the deciding fac­ Opening the second half with Laingsburg's Chuckbrdiway who, -tOnJ'Sh^pping News and the Clinton County News. Okemos.with 18 teams com­ tor as the host Eagles pounded a demanding 47-20 advantage, scored a decisive 40-11 win over peting, O-E. finished in the pushed in an impressive 27 points ; Laingsburg, 81-69, in a Fri­ Fowler slowed its pace and was. Bullock Creek last week. runner-up slot. Union City took for his team's losing caused Match results. were as fol­ day night CMAC court game, and outscored in the third period, ;• Fowler'also held a strong re-' the meet with 66:1/2 points fol­ kept. Fowler:in the undefeated 22-11. Laingsburg continued to ftEHMANN'S of St. Johns' lows: lowed by Qvid-Elsle with 66. bounding advantage, bringing Evert Reynolds was pinned by status another week. hold the scoring edge in the final down 60 to Laingsburg's 35i Bay City Handy placed third quarter, 27-23. Wade Wheeler, Fred Enos was With 63 points. The two teams kept action Laingsburg is now 3-4 for K close in the first quarter with d e c i s.i o n e d by Robinson, Dan For O-E, Fred Enos, at 105, the season and 1-2 in league ' tJAmJAKX CLEARANCE Pumford pinned Kobel, Al Cobb Fowler holding a 15-12 edge. Five Eagle cagers made it in play. placed third; Dan Pumford, at Then the blast came as the Eagles the double figures with Alan decisioned Carrol, Jay Southwell 112, won a first place berth; Laingsburg's, junior varsity drew with Don Terwilliger, Glenn burned' the nets." 'for. 32 points Harr leading the winners with team upended the little Eagle: Dan May, at 119, finished with, While the opposing Laingsburg 14 points. May decisipne.d Kevin Ter­ .a third place, while Paul Toma­ in the curtain-raiser, 46-44. williger and Paul Tomasek sek, at 132 pounds, 'gained a first pinned Wontorcik. place position. Dwight.lHunt, a ;,Other;;<;results; ^ir-^^^UB^diaide^xmn aTthi^ placed oi '">EWJJi Hi ryiI1 mo j ps .Potte rvil I e Eno"°fs f^fff*0"6? Jf eJt0n' i!^6 wnile Heavyweight Robjtfethaway? (''Time To •JACKETS and COATS UP TO "ALL WOOL TOP COATS Your "ALL WEATHER COATS 1 •SWEATERS I ...: ,-.,&4 +KNIT SPORT SHIRTS 2 "MENS DRESS SHIRTS *MENS and BOYS SHOES

"MENS and BOYS SLACKS •c W SNOWMOBILE f Economy, for Durability, for Stofefy> for IfS-A-L-E jjjj_ and CHILDRENS) MJHV ease of Mainenance for good loofcs;: ^ > ^ *.

• *.' '• • • • • • \l\'.' • ' ' . ." ——.1/1 > ;• » wa s to play ball with ^ou, '"•.}•':-•* v x*..- ••*...;•• •.:••-•'•-••<•.•• • •- • • , • -.-'. -•• -•:•'- ••.-•, * •','"1,. *•- Vi' , •• • • -• ' • •' ."••;'•>- V.''V-- *J- ' .'. "•*• ••'•-'_':\ .' ;.'-• -. ;.,•- .;-v: '.-\.•'£..:*• Us* Your $«dt;i»lf*H'7l:-;^% V'"-' '^i ' i'.1- *«

1 1 v -\ •.:-,*£..;•'. ' • -f'. ,' .. '- .'; V •• •••- *: '' ' •-- • .'-V,-*. 'vfc. vj'-i*- -t-- 1-:. •''•i'.Ti%i^»f^ '•., •: :Si^ p \ Wednesday, "January,.]2r1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,, St. Johns, Michigan °g? 9'A 2- Clinton >i

-ST. JOHNS-What appeared to locked the game, 71-all with 3:13 onds left to seal the victory. cent. bet an astounding upset win for shQwing on the clock, with Char­ The margin of victory for Ba sleet bhen the rj\al uiluks tiv?.i\- on an lavi.p <„lth f'liii ..-'C- to take a 6-0 lead with 5:39 Portland 92, Carson City- showing on the clock. With St; ,n'the rebound department, Char­ lotte shaded St., Johns, 34 to 33. Crystal 66. Johns holding, an 18-15 lead going Pewanio-Westphalia 67, Ppt- into the second frame, Char­ A total of 26 fouls' were called against St. Johns with Grost terville64. lotte called: a timeout at 6:16 Webberville 69/. Portland St. with the score standing at 26- and Hudson fouling out. Charlotte had a total of 21 fouls called Pat. 48. 19. They managed to pull them­ Ionia 90, Grand Ledge 86. selves within the Redwings, 29- against them. Coach Japinga's crew will be Wayerly 71, Hastings 69. 27 with 4:42- showing but by the Ithaca 61, St. Louis 56. end of the first half, the Orioles out to stop powerhouse Forest were down, 43r35.- . ., ','-. Hills in their next quest Friday GAMES'AT A GLANCE-'i*' Third quarter action saw the night in tuning up for their Jan. Redwings maintain their seven- 21 encounter with 'the league- JAN. 14 point advantage with the period leading Ionia Bulldogs at Ionia. ending, 65-58. .In earlier evening action, the Forest Hills at ST. JOHNS"'. V Fourth quarter activity found Redwing JV's handed the Char­ Alex MacKinnon pushes in a bucket for St. Johns to BATH at Dansville the St. Johns' lead pared little lotte junior squad a 60-48 de­ FOWLER at DEWITT by little by the awesome re­ feat; add to his final night's total of 18 to lead the Redwings in their OVID ELSIE at Corunna -;• bounding and shooting strength Quarterly scoring: losing cause with Charlotte. Redwings awaiting a rebound that JAN. 18 St. Johns 18 25 22 12 77 of the Oriole ace, Rocco Moore. never came a're Ken Schueller (23) and Rick Hudson (33). P-W at FOWLER Moore eventually fouled out of Charlotte 15(20 23 21 79 ' DEWITT at Webberville the game with 1:17 showing but by then it was too late for the Redwings. Ironically, had an of­ ficial's call gone in St. Johns' favor four minutes prior, the final score mayhave been dif­ ferent. Alex MacKinnon collected BEE'S Chevy-Olds, Inc. a charging foul in connecting on a driving layup which cduld have just as well have been World's Sweetest Place To Deal Moore's fifth personal. This hap­ pening according to some on­ 1 Mile South of St. Johns On US-27 Phone 224-234S lookers could have been the turning point of the game.

LEADING THE REDWING AT­ TACK in double figures were Alex MacKinnon with 18 while Mike Sutherland, Rick Hudson QUALITY PRE-OWNED CARS and Ken Schueller scored 16, 14 and 12 points, respectively. Dan Mohnke added 6 to the cause while Bruce Irish contributed 5 markers. Mike Grost, appearing In his first starting assignment Pre-owned Cars since his early season injury, scored 4 and Ed Jorae rounded 1972 CHEVROLET IMPALA custom 1969 CHEVELLE MALIBU-4 door, 6 out the team effort with 2. m&. coupe, 8-cylinder, automatic, power . cylinder, automatic, radio. steering, power 'brakes, radio, tilt Scoring a big 34 points for The differences in wheel, vinyl top, air conditioning, 1969 OLDSMOBILE 98-4 door hardtop, 8 Charlotte was Rocco Moore, Two demonstrator. other Orioles hit double figures cylinder, automatic, power steering, Rick Hudsotv (33) scores a two- of 16 and 10 points to highlight aBee's Pre-owned car 1971 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-door power brakes, radio, vinyl top. pointer for St. Johns in the West Cen­ their team's effort. hardtop, 8-cylinder, automatic, St.. Johns outscored Charlotte power steering, power brakes,.radio, 1969 MERCURY MARAUDER, 2-door tral clash on the Redwing court Friday from the floor, hitting on 30 stereo tape, vinyl top, air condition- hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power night. Moving into the action also is of 73 attempts for a highly res­ tng, demonstrator. steering, power brakes, vfnyl top. pectable 41 per cent. Charlotte Bruce Irish (51) of the St.. .JohnJohnss team. •hit 26 "of, '"68*ffom the• floor to ;1971 CHEVY;:llVYiiUiNOV! A SS, 8-cylinder,, 1969 OLDS 98; 8-cylinderluxurysedatu W 3 1 i, •* 9W;|i! , ^M&^ratUo, vinyl ^pl; J'full power, automatic ,*air condition* post a slightly cooler 38 per ; 4-speed : (] Charlotte won, 79-77. '. ing, vinyl top. '--: >- ' - ^ '1971 CHEVY-IMPALA-Custom, '2'door hardtop, 8.cylinder,' automatic, power 1969 FORD LTD CountrySquire station steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl wagon, 8-cylinder automatic, power top, air conditioned. steering, power brakes, air condi- Best Wo rt pays off! tioning, radio. '_. 1971 CHEVROLET IMPALA Convert-; » - -* ible, 8-cylinder automatic, power 1969 , 4-door automatic, radio steering, power brakes, radio. 1969 FORDXL,-2-door hardtop, 8-cylinder Red topAlma 1971 FORD PINTO, 4 cylinder, radio. automatic,.; power steering, power wings brakes, radio and tape player. 1971 OLDS VISTA CRUISER 9-passenger macher netted 10 points on two ST. JOHNS—The new year "We had played this way in station wagon, 8-cylinder automatic, ; spurts in some of our other field goals and six free throws. 1968 FORD Country Sedan Station Wa­ Started off on a happy note,'for power steering, power brakes, air gon, 8-cylinder automatic^ power St. Johns basketball fans as: the games, but this was the first "I was especially happy with conditioning, radio. game in which we've been con­ the defense," Japinga said. It steering, power brakes, alrcondi- Redwings staged a third quarter tioning, radio. • ' •'scoring spree to crush Alma sistent.'' was one of the finest jobs I've Bee's Pre-owned cars 1970 OLDS 98, 4-door luxury sedan, 76-56 here Tuesday night. " St. Johns started off with an seen them play. Our shooting 8-cylinder, full power, air condi­ r early lead, topping Alma 18-11 in was better, too. We dominated tioning, AM/FM radio, vinyl top. 1968 CHEVELLE MALIBU, 4-doorse- The win was the first of'the ARE Thoroughly dan, 6-cylinder, standard transmis­ the first quarter, but lost some of the ball game on defense and It sion. season for the Redwings against that edge by halftlme holding was just a fine effort on the part 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 4-door five losses. down a 33-29 lead. of our kids." hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power "By far, this was our best ef­ Tested and Conditioned steering, power brakes, radio. 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 2-door hard But the big blast came in the The game plan called for shut­ top, 8-cylinder automatic, power steer­ fort this year," beamed Doug third quarter when St. Johns Japinga, the Redwing coach. ting off the Alma guards. "We ing, power brakes, radio. bombed the Panthers 26-9 to knew we had to dominate the 1970 CHEVY II NOVA 2-door, 8-cyl­ [take a 21 point lead, putting the inder, automatic, power steering, guards,".Japinga said. "There 1967 DODGE CORONET 440, 4-door I game on ice. Alma held St. Johns was some fine board work done." radio. ' WfJ/ to 17 points in the final quarter. sedan, 8-cylinder automatic, power. And it was. a healthy Redwing 1970 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, 4-door steering, radio. Rick Hudson led the Redwing' : hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power INCL PLUGS. [attack with 18 points on nine squad, with Mike Grost back in Complete Financing the lineup after missing the steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl 1967 CHEVROLET BEL AIR station I POINTS, ! field goals, while Mike Suther- top, air conditioning. | land netted 17 points on six field month of December with a broken wagon, 8-cylinder automatic, radio. \ & GONO goals and five free throws. Al­ foot suffered in. the season open­ Available „ 1970 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, 4-door ex MacKinnon hit for 13 points er against Ovid-Elsie. hardtop, 8-cylinder automatic, power 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500,4-door sedan, on five field goals and three free Japinga cited the play of Rick steering, power brakes, AM/FM 8-cylinder automatic, power steering, throws. Hudson and Mike Sutherland, but stereo, air conditioning, vinyl top. radio. Others scoring for St. Johns •said it was hard to single' out were Bruce; Irish (6), Ken individuals for credit since the Schueller (4), Mike Grost (5), whole team helped in downing 4JSED CARS Dan Mohnke (8), Ed Jorae (4) their West Central league rival. •i, fl:ii- and Chuck Faivor (1). 1967 CHEVROLET BEL AIR; 4-door sedan, 8-cylinder automatic, power PHONE 224-4562 Mike Rademacher had 15 Scoring by quarters: steering, radio. >T JOHNS, AUIOMOIIVf points to pace the Panther at­ St. Johns 18 15 26 17-76 & TIRE DISCOUNT CENTER tack with five field goals and five Alma 11 18 9 18-56 free throws, while Pat Rade­ 1966 FORD GALAXIE-4 door, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio. . H US V \\ JOHNS 1966 OLDS DELTA 88, 4-door sedan, 8- cylinder automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio.

1964FORDTHUNDERBIRD,8-cyUnder automatic, power steering, power brakes^ radio, air conditioning. TRUCKS

1971 CHEVROLET BauvilleTyah with turtle 1966 FORD BRONCO, 4-,wheel drive, top ,camper unit, 8-cylinder automatic, ,6-cyllnder, standard transmission. air conditioning* radio., r.« 1970 -CHEVROLET/1/2 ton pickiip, ,8- 1965 CHEVY: 30 SERIES TRUCK-8 cylin­iali cyllnder, standard transmission, radio. der, four speed,- with rack. •-•;,.

BEE'S WARRANTY DOES ALL THIS, t«» i 1969 CHEVROLET 30 SERIES TRUCK- ,l v • '•': ,.-*.;•• - • . \ ," . ' 1965 CHEVROLET 1/2: ton pickup, 8i You get 100% repair or replacement, with van,body, 292, 6 cylinder, auto* matic, HD equipment, radio! ; cylinder, standardtransmission. ,. ..'j, >;;«* * cost coverage on engine, transmission, • •",- L s*i$,sm% - • ,;. :.s-..-„.--r*'- ••}*.•. rear axle, brake and electrical, system 1968 CHEVR'OLET- 3/4.' t6n caihper 1965 CHEVROLET panef suburban/;6- Y special, 8-cylirider, standard trans­ cylinder,' standard transmission. [' for 30 days or 2,000 miles. And 15% mission. . . H discount on parts and labor for a full 24 months. CLj NTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan Wednesday,,, January 12,, J?72

••'-"• i'^ ' •'•:• '*


MEN WAITED. M5!V to promote fields, pond digging, bulldozing, I-WILL,NOT be responsible for FOR SALE: Polled white face NORWOOD hay savers and siiagb at\d serve on programs in the stone piles buried,' driveways ; CLASSIN ED AD PAGES -any debts except my own after Hereford bull. 1 year old. Fred bunks, all steel welded with anted interest of agriculture thnough built, fence lines cleared, Jan. 12, 1972*: Armando Rosltas. Howorth, 1958 S. Meridian, Ovid. •rolled edges to last a/lifetime* Farm Bureau. Results guaranr. drainage ditches dug or cleaned, . CASH RATE: 5c per word, Minimum, $1.00 per ln- ;., 37-3p Ph. 834-5937. 35-3p See at our yard, 5 1/4 mjles# START- IMMEDIATELY. Serve teed to men oi vision and* sound d rag line for hlre,'l yard bucket, ' sertlom YOUR AD RUNS 3 WEEKS FOR THE PRICE south ot Fowled. . Phone 58^* /-coff§ttiners 'wlth*:Rawleigh purpose. Farm Bureau member­ winter rates. Call collect DeWitt OF2. Second week will be refunded when your Item Farm FOR SALE: Angus bull, 2 year 3811. F6dewa Buiiders,Inc. 22-tf' i , . sells.the first'week, . ' '.. . • * HouseholdProducts in area. Can ship now open. • 37-lp 669-3495 6r 669^9634. , 35-3p old. 1st place North of Maple earn; $3;5Qvandrup full or par.^- Produce tl ' SAVE a 25c service fee by paying for your charged River on US-27, west side of ^^Ka^ip)gh.'COv< Dept. 113, Jobs Miscellaneous ad;within 10 days of insertion. FOR SALE:. 400. bales of first road. Phone. 838-2387. 37-lp BEHLEN BAR MESH FENCING Ray riarrlsj/ppeepdrt, El., 815- Heavy steel rod dip galvanize /"' /' BOX NUMBERS'In.care of this office, add $1.00 and second cutting Alfalfa hay. 292-4161; 35-4p j. Wanted Items 10 miles north of, St. Johns to Hogs & after'welding. For years of rus COLLEGE GRADUATE desires PANT' SUIT3 GALOREl' Earn Roosevjelt Road, i mile- east to free ''serviced ' Economical"an SALES, Salary and commission, work. Broad background and yours free through Queen's Baldwin Road, 1/4 mile north oh ideal for yard fenclngi'No stretch • ?£ ALL CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED ;lotsof extras. Apply in person. references. Wanted, ride from Way to Fashion. Call Mary Ray- UNTIL 5 P.M. MONDAYS Baldwin ^d. Call 838-2505 after ing needed. See It at Fedeiw* Cains, inc. 210 W. Higham, St. Lansing to St. Johns at -10:00 man 669-9346. -," 36-3p-nc 6:00 p.m. Nolan Ericksori. . FOR SALE: 4 sows to farrow Builders Inc., Ph. 587-3811/ ' p.m. Monday, Wednesday and iff February. One sow with 10 Johns. \ , " . 36_tf .". ; "• 36-dh-nc: 5 i/4S.ofFowleri jW; ' il-k] Friday, Call 224-6014. 37-3p ; pigs. RayArmbrustmacher, 11/2 FURNACE FOR SALE with 300 RATEs'are based strictly on Classified Style. FOR SALE: Hay - square bales. miles North of Fowler. Phone WANTED.^. APPLIANCE repair gallon oil tank. $75.Phone 224- 593-2664, 37-3p JOBS WANTED. Babysitting in 7135. . '35-,3p FOR FAST RESULTS—PHONE 224-2361 Harold Coffman, R-6,St. Johns . 'man to'repair household appli­ my home for one or two chil­ Automotive ances j.and heating; equipment* dren. Phone, 834-5409, 37-lp-hc or ENTERPRISE 8201 37-3p FOR SALE: 2 purebred Yorkshire i Apply-in person' after 6:00 p.m. TAKING ORDERS FPR BEEF, £HHH3HHJ£^^ FOR SALE: Hay, first cutUng- boars.' Flegler Farms, 5 miles Gbwiersi Eureka.: . 36-4 Miscellaneous quarters or,half. Phone,224- - - West, 5 1/2 South, 1/2. West PLANNING TO TRAVEL'SOON? 7925.. 35-3p FpR.SALEa971G.E. Rasher and LET US RECOMMEND a painter. 90f, second cutting—$1. Straw on Church Rd." Phone 224-4274. . Dick Hallead Ford >Has< the .SALES; HELP; .$h grade students Wanted 'dryer, ^400. Phone.834-2496, or paper hanger for you. Your 40? per bale. 1/2 mile West of 37-3p perfect answer to your trans­ v- to -Wtirea; 7,male or. female. FOR SALE;. Yellow, Frigidaire, \/> ;';;; .•..;;••: . 37r3P- Sherwin Williams Dealer. Fink- Lowe Church. Phone 224-2793. portation, needs.. We./haye^ia Michigan's* leading.' published in STAMP COLLECTIONS wanted' no. vent electric : dryer. $45. beiners. Phone 582-3121 Fowler. 37-3p FOR SALE: Purebred Poland Yellowstone 13 ft..camping,trail- FOR SALE: Partsforall electric W,icMgan :p,atm.^Weekly, The for cash, also old letters, Phonei(847,-4542.. 302 N, Sterling .eryvready. to "got and In.ekcelient ;; '''sha'vers. Levey*s Jewelry, , "China boar, weight 300 pounds, Farmer's' Advance, are looking postcards and coins. Contact Mri, Ashley, Mich. • :-35-3pnc condition;"- Also be"''si&ejjto': see Elsie. l-tf Norman Fedewa, Pewamo, Phone for: circulation sales help to call Younkman at 224-2361 or 224- BEAUTIFUL WEDDING INVITA­ Pets 593-2082. 37-lp our 1968 Ford F^OW^'ton) on thefarnierisl lh their local area,. .6084 or write to Mr. Younkman, FOR SALE-Royal blue velvet FOR SALE: .Wood and steel TIONS and accessories. Speedy Camper Special. It's all.readyto' load your camper top. onto and 25%. commission; For details c/o Clinton County News, St. floor-length evening gown, size portable cattle managers, service. Flnkbeiners, Fowler. FOR SALE: A.K.C. Registered ; Johns, • Mich. 48879. 22-dhtf it's real sharpl Check them out contact by Metier 'or in person 12. Worn onc.e. Call 834-5719. Simon's Planing Mill, Fowler. Phone 582-3121. - 37-tf _ male beagle, 4 1/2 months'old today at Dick Hallead Ford in The Farmers*:'Advance, 108 N, 35-3p Phone. 593-2000, "28-tf from excellent hunting stock. Pine r .River,- Ithaca,- Michigan 'TIMBER WANTED: "Logs and. Elsie .or call 862-4253, 35-3,-nc : Phone 224-3347. 36-3p 48847.V . --y'y'•'''' 36-3p standing timber. LOES-de­ FRANCIS , AVIATION, INC. Notice BOOMS RED AND WHITE TOP livered to our yard. DEVER-. FOR SALE! One 2 burner fuel Travel the safe way with our oil heater, 2 bottle gas heaters FOR SALE: .German Shepherd SILOS: Newly designed stave FOR SALE: 1970 Bulck LeSabre EAUX.SAWMILL, INC., 2872 N. charter service or learn to fly now being manufactured on our custom 4 door hardtop, ..air INTERESTED.iin earning extra . in A-i condition. Call 224-6095. ALICE GREEN BENEFIT DANCE pups, $10 each, 2.1/2 months Hubbardston Road, Pew.am.o, with us. Vets approved. Capitol 'new stave machine giving us a conditioning, power steering and .money? ,$300 ^ $500 per month -" 28-dhtf St. Joseph "Gym Jan. 15, 8:00 old. Call 669-9923 or 6864 West Michigan. Phone 824-3101., 40tf. ,City Airport-Ph: 484-1324. stave with extreme strength and power' brakes. Excellent condi­ RarUtime* Call .517-453-3498 or p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Music by The Chadwick Rd., DeWitt. 37-lp-nc durability. Red and White colored tion. 834-2607, Charles, Bracy, .write Bax29.'Pigeon,Mich.48755 WANTED VoVuY"ten ~650 pound . •• ,;; •.•"•'• 23< SALE I BEELINE FASHIONS. Music Makers. B.O.B, $3.00 per FOR SALE: Border Collie* pup­ metal roof now standard on all R-l,' Ovid. '. 36-3p-nc ^V^"-'^' •' ;;.-' ' 36-4p; vaccinated Holstein heifers. FOWLER RESIDENTS: Tak6 Hold a party before Feb. 15, person. Tickets available at Red­ get Spring outfit at 1/2 price plus pies, .8 weeks old. Phone 838- new silos. 43 years of experience Wilbur: Thurston, 3 • .1/2 ":miles your adstoFinkbeiner'sPhar-, wing Lanes and at the door. means the best possible Job for INTERESTING;WORK for female West of St. Johns. Phone 224- $5 to $50 free clothes. Surprise 36-2p'-nc 2631. 37-lp-nc i^^th'ability^o^meet and com­ mapy. for fast, convenient, ser- you. We do the complete Job in­ 7600, V 37_ip. :V ; gift for Easter Layaway orders. municate with people. Phone 517- ^e! ' •"••' •50':dhtf cluding the foundation. Write or Call 682-4177 or 981-6676. 37-lp QUEEN'S'WAY leads the way in 72.6-0109 collect. "•; - 36-2p call today and get all the facts FOR SALE-Used 16 foot chest spring fashions. Earn yours Horses about the silo with the heaviest 'COUNTER AND OFFICE sales- Excavating type freezer $50. as is; New 1971 DIAL AND STITCH $48.50. freel Call Mary Rayman-669- and best Jnside finish. We prob­ •«iiian with some light bookkeep-. Cole heater, 4. room size, new Left In layaway. Comes with a 9346. 36-3p-nc ably put on twice as much mater­ llngf agrlcultural'background pre­ sump pump for only $39.95; tele^ walnut sew table, beautiful pastel ATTENTION: HORSEMEN,. ial on the inside for a seal ferred. Call: if or' Dick at Ovid EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING, vision, radio, aiid, stereo, color color, full size head, all built- HOT PANTS TO HOSTESS Complete line of Western wear and remember this is applied with 804-5811. .""- 37-lp-nc L.A. Wilson and Son/Base­ television as low as $329.95; in to Zig-Zag, buttonhole, over­ GOWNSI Queen's Way has and Saddlery. G-Bar-A-Ranch, a cement gun for better adhesion ment digging, septic tanks, drain used Space heater for LP gas, cast, make fancy stitches and everything! To get yours free, St. Louis. 463-4122. 8 miles west and this Is the only part of a' large size, new and used Sala­ wind the bobbin automatically. call 669-9346. * t 36-3p-nc of St. Louis on M-46, 11-tf silo that Wears out. Silo-Matic mander heaters for LP gasj'sev- Pay just $48.50-or E-Z terms. and VanDale unloaders and feed­ AUCTION CALENDAR eral used Whirlpool washers; new Trade-ins accepted. Call Lansing ing equipment. Also dealers for' and used Hoover washers and collect 372-3324, 9 a.m. to'9 I WILL NOT BE responsible Harley field stone pickers. Some p.m. Electro Grand. 37-1 for debts other than my.own, Cattle dryers: UsedypiLfurnace1175,00b ' choice areas open t.doe dealers 1 w after 12^2a-71.=Lynn Mockridge* r T..-.r. ,'--•! ';• ••' or salesmen. EARLY ORDER BTU sTze $50."Gowers , Eurekf$ r-.tt ,.• <* KEEP^YOUR WALKS dLEAN with" '. i-?u - .';:i3B_3p 36|6 x t SOR rSALE;rlO>registe^ ^om2do•'w7sv^AlfEST;-, * v,isn0W'' removal'''salt frOm^St; •Angus ;wim"br without papers. ••' .Anfcriifl-wUirftr witfiVint tianers. - Order'now'and save $$$. Booms ' v-^PHb'NE 224-2'301 '"'"t: u Johns Co-op; - " ''*-' 37-3 MARKETS THAT PAY. Paying Bred and, due soon. Phone 224- FOR SAL£: New White sewing markets are assured by sound Silo Co.^Inci, Harbor Beach, machine^ paid $369.00, willsell 7925, 35-3p Mich., 48441, Phone (517) 479- •t 806 Diesel, Int. 504 gas with industrial manure loader, Int. BUILDmGON YOUR FARM. approaches and cooperation . NEW L-RANCH will *"600 Diesel (Standard), Int. 315 combine with three row corn for $150.00 ,' all attachments. 6654. 31-tf : Farm Bureau Is building favor­ among producers. That's the take In trade your home Kitchen; table and four chairs; '^ head , (1970 Model), good line of haying and tillage tools.' able conditions In which farmers Farm Bureau approach. Help it up tp $20,000, 3 bed­ dresser' with .mirror,, stove and 'Xpcated','3. miles west of St. Louis to Alger Rd., 2 1/2 north. can carry on a flourishing busi­ work by Joining, 37-lp rooms, carpeted liy. rm.p refrigerator, large size camper ness.. Get together with Farm USED MACHINERY ,', w/fireplace, 2,baths, util-.' for pickup. See at 122 W. Front, , r . SATURDAYi; JAN. 29, 10:30 a.m.. Clare Finkbelner and' :; Bureau, folks, and help build. ity rm,, 2 car .garage,';, Ovid. * . 36-3p-nc I WILL NOT pE responsible' " " " TRACTORS '-Glen Bechler* 40 late model tractors, 50 plows of allotypes, •Join todayl "37-lp for any debts other than my New Int. 1406;diesel $11,000. ' will add family, rm., full, ; several discs, drags and etc. located 1/2 mile west of Elkton, own after January 12,1972. Jay ' $5900. , basement, contract terms. EARN A WIG, FREEI For details J. D. .5010 dlesei with cab ;Mlch. Goodrich, 37-3p AVERY ROAD this 3' call Mary' Rayman your EXCELLENT, efficient, econom­ M.M. G-1000 Vista dlesei, 18 x 38 rear tires with duals. $5,250, ^ bedroom is priced tftsell, Queen's Way Fashion Counselor. ical, Blue Lustre carpet clean­ : SATURDAY, FEB. 5, at 10:30 a.m., Sam Brill, formally WANTED: SKILLED employees John Deere 4020 dlesei, power shift w/duals , $4975. , .2 baths, 3 bedrooms, to Call 669-9346. 36-3p-nc er. Rent electric shampooer $1. be all carpeted, sliding Ford and Massey- Fergus on dealer. Trucks, pickups, tractors, always In demand. Learn a good • $4600. Dean's V & S Hardware, downtown Oliver 1850 dlesei * glass door to 'patio) j2 , trailers* shop tools, parts bins, new and used parts. Located FARM BUREAU WILD Birdseed,1 St. Johns.- 37-1 paying skill today. Enroll now Oliver 1900 c-serles, GM engine, hydra-power, PtS# ,$4250.' •- ;• car garage, full base­ on M-37-*6id Mlission Peninsula" 16 miles north of Traverse available An 25 pound bags or for data entry classes at Sparton ;City at 17015.M-37. Keypunch Academy. Call Lansing Allis Chalmers XT * 190. Diesel $3,975. ment, over 1/2 acre of custom mixed in any quantity. PICKUP COVERS, cab high. $158 * land, only $24,500, "' St. Johns Co-op. 36-3' 393-8615 for more information. J.D. 3020 gas, wide front . $3,975, • 26 Inch. Paneled and insulated 37-4p t CHECK THIS 3 bed-'' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 12:30 p.m. Al York, farm $228, Lansing largest display $3,500. machinery, located 1 mile North of South Lyons onPontiac . MM G 707 D -room ranch w/familyrm.* TINGLEY RUBBER boots and wholesale prices. B & L Dis­ $'2,975. •' fireplace, llv. rm,,'.car- . trail', 1 mlleWest on 11 Mile Rd., 1/2 North on Dixbora Rd., . rubbers, . men's and-- boys' tributing 882-7902. 37-tf J.D. 3010 D l/2rWes"fon 12 Mile Rd. on Kitter Farm. , p.eted 14x26, klt-dlncomb; p sizes, also snowmobile boots. J.D. 3010 gas $2,875, '22x10 all carpeted,'2-car. Peanuts Are In. Westphalia Mill­ SIMON'S $2,700. f. garage, carpeted base-: . . SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 12:30 p.m., Philip Straub, A.C. ing Co., Westphalia. 36-3 MM G 705D., wheat land model, 100 h.p. 1971 HOOVER $24.50 . Nice 2 $2400. ,.. ment w/family rm.,extra;; XTI90 diesel, A.C. 170 gas with 517 Industrial loader, fuU . tone. Hoover cleaner, used just PLANING MILL Case 530 with backhoe and loader. line of farm, equip. Located 1/2 mile East of Elsie, 2 1/2 J.D. 730 diesel, wide front, p.s. 3 point hitch $2200. shop garage 18x24, only FOR SALE! Full, size mattress a few times. All cleaning tools ( » $31,500. South on. Meridian Rd., 1/2 mile East on Juddvilie Rd. and, springs—good condition.- only $24.50. Cash or terms if Manufacturers of: J.D. 440 crawler loader. .' . $2,100. $1,900. • SNOWMOB1LERS" .this ' Old used L, C.Smith typewriter. needed. Call Lansing collect 372- •Case 600 crawler loader.- ' all brick home has an Phone 22,4-2574 after 5 p.m. 3324, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Electro Truck, pick-up, hay and T '":'••' SATURDAY, FEB. 26, at 12:30 p.m., Norman H. Graham, M.F. 65 diesel $1,600. • 'extra. bam for storage, 37dh Grand. , 37-1 grain-racks, forage $1250. Massey-Ferguson super 90 Diesel, Massey-Fer,guson 165 Case 500 diesel, p.s. t carpeted liv. rm. w/fire- _ ->• boxes, bunk feeders, MM* GB diesel $1200, ^place, family rm. W/g'lass Diesel, Massey-Ferguson 300 combine and 222 corn head, portable cattle' mangers Oliver '950 diesel $1100. • door to patio, fireplace" ;•; full line of good used farm jequipment. Located 6 miles west and: accessories. Custom CORN HEADS k". op Ratio, $27,500*. ., .., ;•" of "St. Johns on M-21 to Forest Hill Rd., 4 miles north. woodworking. n Purchasing new tractors,. combines a d farm machinery? LIKE TO PAINT? w/' ' SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 10:00 a.m. Ohlgreh Scientific •y BUckDUnofHl We have contacts in several states. Get our prices before you buy. • paint credit, only .$2,000. Farms, •Harold Ohlgren owner. Full line of late model farm 268 S. Henderson J.D. 343, snap-pn, narrow row cornhead $2500.' k '.down, come see' the new|T and hay'equipment including 2 John Deere practically new Fowler, Michigan * new J.D. 313n.r.,corhheadstoflt J.D. 45 or 55 $2,200 Cape Cod 3 bedroom w/'i, fully "equipped'4020 Diesels, John Deere 2510 Diesel with • family area, sliding glass:) John Deere 313 narrow row cornhead to fit 45 combine $2^200. loader; 2 'Harvestore silos: 20x40. and 20x60 complete with Phone (Area 517) k door to r patio, ^ ^ bath^^. . unloaders and automatic feed setups* Located three miles HENRY E. DREPS, Inc. J.D. -334 narrow row cornhead to fit '55 or>95 - $1,600 built-in bunks in upstairs ' r 593-2000 west of Finckney, Mich, on M-36 to Hinchey Rd., the n two 11375 N. US-27 DEWITT. MI, E.O.W, COMBINES - • bedrooms, full basement, , miles north to 6y465 Hinchey Rd. . . 1971 J.D, 6600 combine, diesel .engine, variable speed L choice of interior decor,. CompUfe Service FacHilief alum, siding, $22,500, feeder house, cab, 13 ft. grain head, . ,143 actual hours. $15,800 '"..- SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Anna Rozen, Motor Honirs, CampertjCars A frycki • : .4 FAMILY. TNCOME •^g ITMS'Br -$4,900 .'/&-. tractors:;. 1970 Massey-Ferguson 180 Diesel, wide front Phone 517-669-9996 M.M, 4290 with cab . . grossing over $350 "per -, and all extras, 360 actual hours. Int. super M.T.A. gas. ' 1963 Gleaner A with cab $2,950. • month, always" rented, • TRANSMISSIONS AUTOMATIC & STAtCARD John Deere 60. • Farmall H. Int. super A, and good line of 1964 J.D, 40 combine .$2000. make your money work WHEEL & FRAME ALIGNMENT, TIRES & BRAKES farm machinery. Located 4 miles-north of St. Johns, Mich. DAY, WEEK, MONTH or Oliver 73 H. n.r. w/husking bedandsheller. $1,900. for you; includes all ap­ on US-27 to French Rd., 5 miles east to Watson Rd., l/4: pliances, investigate the. LONG TERM* LEASE John Deere 42 Pull Type- $* 900. mile"horth,*- . " ; " advantage in rentals. .-•--•" " S.i'ffc-V, .","..- -\ ' ''•'•.".•. GAINS, Inc. MISCELLANEOUS .'.50 ACRE FARMr W/5 ..;".- SATURDAY, MARCH 18,11:00 a.m. John Beck, 5 tractors: New Int. 6 bottom plow No, 700 spring trip bottom and Ije'droom. home, cement BUICK-PONTfAC block ,tool shed, 40x50, Late Model 1100 Massey-Ferguson DieseL, 500. actual hours, coulters. $ 2,700. all extras including cab.-1965 Oliver 1850 Diesel,; ah extras. USED MACHINERY : OPtL-GMC . barn 36x60. • -• % J.D. semi-mounted 5 x 16,* *..'' . ' $ • 900.- -CONTRACT TERMS& 496f Massey-Ferguson 65 Diesel with multl^powerj, all extras Ford Dexta with freeman loader, • . ^ 210 W. Higham • St. Johns : 1600 actual,-hours. Massey-Ferguson.35 Diesel. .John Deere J.D. semi-mounted 4 x 16. ' '-.l- . $ 750.' Mead Rd. and North ,US-; VFarmall-560 gas, Phone 224-3231 Int. semi-mounted 4 x 16, 85'Combine Hi-Lo with 435 narrow row corn head. 0-6 Int. M.F. 180 Dlesei; $ . 750. 27-, drive by then calf for' Orchard .Tractor. Full line of good farm machinery and .A.C, D-.17.gas., . .-, ' John Deere li'ffc, disc *~_• $ 700, appointment. Call Al orchard; equipment located 7 1/2 miles north of St, Johns, John Deere,N°.';45 loader. •t ,2 Kilbros 6 ton wagon, 180 bushel gravity box. Galloway. ,,. \ '" Mich, on'^27^ $425 & $450. John .Deere 616 trailer plow, Will sell separately; A . F OR APPOINTMENTS FARM and 'iNFDU^TRIAli 8 wheeldiscUi'fol4«ifrbm'r. ; $ 325 Up SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 12:30 p^nu M.W. Wlseley, Es­ ,' Case 830 dlesei with blower, wide front, TRACTORS and OTHER TIMES PHONfci: 2 A.Ci WD or WD 45 wide front—in exchange for har­ tate; Farm eaulpment. Located 8 miles North,of .Dexter on .Massey Harris 44 with wide front. EQUIPMENT % row front each are—* $ 225, Mrs. Winnie GUI F. /"''Mast Rd. tfr end of road, East 1/4 mile on Strawberry Lake New Idea No. 210 single beater spreader with pan. New and Used . ^ 224-25H tta. ' -•.-•'•'• Kiwani 41 ft elevator, nearly new* • J • WE'HAVE USED PARTS FOR J.Di 45 AND INT. 101 COMBINE. Bruce Lahterman ' New Idea No. 312 narrow row picker with husklngbed Simplicity ,224-4746 : •*:> SATURDAY APRIL 1,12;30 p*m„ Ted Barton, John Deere' :'.- and.sheller. ... -'. I •WiDE&NARROW ROW CORN HEADS AVAILABLE; REBUILT 1( .3(fi0gaV, full line farm equipment. Located 12. miles • . LAWN and GARDEN » "'.', • perrill Shinabery M.F. 115p.dies.el demonstrator with' 18.4x38.duals and HEADS AND GOOP SELECTION pP TRACTOR PARTS„ _"' ; 224-3881.', : North of St. Johns on U.s. 27 to M-57, 1 1/2 miles West. ..-. cs^i.i. ','•''' . ' "• '•'.'• * ) „ EQUIPMENT - ALpALLOMY USED FARM MACHINERY: - Albert Galloway 224.447i3 HENGESBACH FOP1D 7 l We SpeclaliEe in Farm Machinery andDairy Cattle.Auctions' -*" . First Farm North ot &oy F. Brlggs 22'4Lptiir_- Saltier & Son, Inc. TRACTOR SALES RannyBriggs 224-«D74.,S Pfaone 647-635$ """. St; JohtisorfUS-27 .Archie Moore G^L^WAY'S CdM^LETE AUctlON SfeWlGE h ; f (p^Witt) iVnm ?16-r'-v'0 !.\ '!(M< Ion , : ^RTLAND, Mtdn/ **% v • Phb:ne5(?^24r4?|3 > 224^43dd. i\-'.-""-.;:

.:- ' -.*/ - •'

-".•J? ' Wednesday, January 12, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS/St Johns, Michigan OVID AREA - Nice 3 bedroom FOR SALE: Ranch style home, during the recent illness and loss 1 Automotive ranch ,on^L/^, acre, south of fully carpeted, basement, of Mr. Johnson. Our heartfe.lt (i Fulton falls Ovid. A steal -afc ,$17,900. Call breezeway, double -attached Card of Thanks thanks to Rev, RobertPrangeand Mary Rapputin"224-3469 or garage, on two acres. 3 1/2 Rev, H. Forest Crum for their^.- Births Fulton^ JV Pirates got off to miles South West of St, Johns. comforting words, to the Lee R. a' slow s&rt the first quarter FOR SALE-1969 Chevy^plckup, PUR.MAN^DAY^REALTY 224- LAMPHERE-I want to thank Clinton « Gtix*n* of Phone 224- Rummell Funeral Home, and to of their game with Morrlce but step side box, black,..chrome 3236 or 485-0225t ''37-tf-nc'Call Winnie Gill. everyone for the gifts, flowers, wheels, new tires, many" extras. ----,-----.------2511* 37-lp the ladles who furnished, and Tomorrow they managed to stay ahead 12 fruit, money, cards and letters served the dlnne'r. May God Bless to 9. When the half ended, the Exceptionally clean $1950. Phone NEW LISTING - 1J/4 and 10 received at Christmas timeSvhlch 224-4067. ' 37-3p acre building sites between St. each one of you, Mrs. Ella John­ JV Pirates were hanging on to Mobile I enjoyed very Vuich. Nettie son, Mr. and Mrs. David L.P BUNGE-A boy, Scott Kenlth, a four-point lead with the score INSURANCE Johns andBeWitt. Call Jean Amos Lamphere. 37-lp was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kerry FOR SALE: By owner, 197^1 224-7095 or FURMAN - DAY Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Van John- 19-15, Third ana; fourth quar­ ® Homes Bunge of East M-21, St. Johns ters also proved to be the down­ Chevelle, Malibu 400, 2 door REALTY 224-3236 or 485-0225. son QtanMd sons. 37-lp WEBER - I wish to express ' » Dec, 30 at Clinton Memorial Hos- fall for the Morrlce JV's with hardtop, 3 on the floor, 37-1-nc FOR SALE: Great Lakes trailer, deep gratitude to all the relatives, FOR INSURANCE CALL HOWD-Wlth grateful hearts, pital. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 the Pirates outscoring them 42 covers. Rally wheels. Call Ovid 8'x'30* with aluminum skirting, neighbor s and friends who re-: we wish to thank our manyfriends ounces. The baby has two sisters. -17. The final score was Ful­ 834-589,7. ?7:3p-nc ROOM GALORE in this 6 bed­ fully carpeted. Phone 224-3067. membered me so kindly with and family for the remembrances Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, ton JV's 61 and Morrlce JV's _ - -,^. -_----_-- Ti- - - -^ room - 2 story homo, on 3/4 gifts, food, flowers, cards and 37-3p-nc and help given to us these past Joe Paksi and Mr. and Mrs. 32. Larry Badge hit for 23points acre southeast of St. Johns. Ideal visits during my - illness. The FOR SALE-1965 Chevrolet, 6 w'eeks. The cards, letters, calls Herman Brink. The mother is and Jeff Easlick followed with family home. Call Jean Amos visits of Fathers Schmltt, ^ cylinder, standard transmis­ and special prayers offered in the former Susan Paksl. 16 for high point men. 224-7095 or FURMAN - DAY Beahan, MonsignorPassenowere sion, -clean. Phone 224-4067. For Rent many homes and churches gave REALTY 224-3236 or 485-0225. source of real strength and com­ 37-3p us much added strength. Special CHURCH-rA boy, Jeffrey Scott, Once again the varsity team of 37-1-nc fort. I would also like to thank thanks to those who gave or even was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Fulton was unable to get Into FOR RENT: DeWitt Norwood Drs; Jordan, Smith and nurses 'NEW TAX LAW MEANS LOWER attempted to give blood; fpr all R. Church of Lansing Dec. 29 the winning column as they took BEAUTIFUL building site over­ APts. Quiet country living,few at Carson c;t H ital wno be_ PRICES ON NEW FORD CARS this we are most grateful'. Our at Sparrpw Hospital. He weighed on the Orioles from Morrlce, looking Little Rainbow Lake minutes from Capitol, paved stowed such wonderful care losing, 71-50. DICK AND TRUCKS. . .The excise tax parking area, 1/2 acre play area, sincere and best wishes to each 7 pounds, 6 ounces. The baby HAROLD on certain light-duty trucks is and* also the park. New homes on throughout my stay. Frank Weber Overall unbalanced team work s private entrance, partially fur- of you for a most Blessed and has'"one brother. Grandparents •HAWKS I repealed. This means reductions both sides. Call Bill Bellant224 - 37-lp and poor field goal shooting still GREEN nished, carpeted, 2-bedroom, _ _ Happy New Year. Royce and Reba are Mr. and Mrs. Harry North- in the .manufacturer's suggested 7581 or FURMAN-DAY REALTY proves to be a problem for the storage area, no pets. $150 per Howd, Lansing, Mich. rup of DeWitt and Mr. and Mrs. list prices on Ford pickup, 224-3236 or 485-0225; 37-1-nc -----=- DROSTE-We wish to thank all _ _ '_ __!__' _ __ _37- __1 Pirates. At the end of the first $175 security, deposit, Church of DeWitt. The 200 W. State St. Econollne Vans and Rancheros. of those who helped with" dona­ quarter, the Pirates led 18-16 also 3 available at $140 per PIGGOTT-I would like to thank mother is • the former Eileen The excise tax on passenger cars LISTINGS WANTED: Small farms tions of labor, material and finan- and halftlme found the score St* Johns; month. Renters pay heat and the neighbors, friends, relatives Northrup. 1 has also been repealed. This ' in country or homes in St. cial help in getting us into our deadlocked, 24-24. Third and eledtric. Phone 669-9879. for the cards, visits, gifts, fruit means reductions in the manu­ Johns. Call Bill Bellant 224-7581 new home for Christmas. Also fourth quarters had the Orioles Fedewa Builders, IncJggj]29-tf and food brought into my home KNICKERBOCKER—A boy, Phone 224-7160 facturer's suggested list prices or FURMAN-DAY REALTY 224- those who gave cards, food and outshooting the Pirates 47-26. when I was in the hospital and William Dean, was born to Mr. on Pintos (more on other, series 3236 or 485-0225. ,37-1-nc, gifts to make it the best Christ­ High point men for Fulton were STATE FARM INSUUUfCE COMPAXIEi at my home, Mary C, Piggott. and Mrs. W. Knickerbocker of cars) and-,on Bronco Wagons and FOR RENT — Furnished four mas ever. God bless all of you. Steve Lopez with 11 and Jim Htfari Of ft to: BkHpmtnglon, WANTED: A buyer who is handy 37-lp Ovid on Dec. 22 at Carson City Whitford with 9. 8-passeng*er ClubWagons.Getall room apartment. All private. Roy Droste family. 37-lp Hospital. He weighed 9 pounds, the details today at Dick Hallead to turn a 3 bedroom home into Responsible couple only. Inquire Income property. Priced at 6 ounces. The baby has one Ford in Elsie or call 862-4253. 911 N, Lansing St. 36-3p ACKER—I want to thank Drs. brother and one sister. Grand­ Where Prices Are Discounted, Not Quality • 35-3-nc $9,500. Act now by calling Fred DeVore and Brown, also the staff In Memoriam Denovlch 224-2597 or FURMAN- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard [WHY PAY THE HIGH DOLLAR71 FOR RENT: Private furnished of the Carson City Hospital for Knickerbocker of St. Johns and DAY REALTY 224-3236 or 485- In loving memory of our mother apartment with light house- their care during my recent stay Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith of rshop everywhere first, then see 0225. ' . there. I would also like to thank Leona Ray, who passed away us. We honestly feet we can beat 37-1-nc keep{ng, phone 224^7740.'' 36-3p Perry. The mother is the former Real Estate Jan. 12, 1969. Pastor Travis, members of the Barbara smith. your best tire deal 99 times out OVID-ELSIE AREA - Sharp well First Baptist Church, friends and Just a mother, dear and kindly of 100. 4 Service Bays for fast, FOR LEASE: Business lot at built, 3 bedroom ranch on 1 relatives for their prayers, Just a mother, nothing more installation. • FOR SALE: 1006 Hampshire Dr., acre with full basement, 2 car intersection of M-21 and Ovid- cards, visits, food and flowers. But to us she was angelic 4 or 5 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, garage 'on black top road. Call Elsie Road. This is at what will It was all appreciated more than She's the mother, we adored. WADELL-A boy, Jeffrey Wheel balancing and alignment. family- room with fireplace, Fred Denovlch 224-2597 or be one of the main turn offs of words can tell. Mrs. Leona Acker Her children, Mrs. Belva Scott, was born to Mr. and Mrs. new Spark Plugs 69$ ea. formal dining, attached 2 car FURMAN - "DAY REALTY 224- M-21 for Sleepy Hollow Park. Keith, Duane Counsellor, both of Charles Wadell of R-l, Elsie USE YOUR MICHIGAN BANKARD garage. Phone 224-3441 after­ 37-lp 3236 or 485-0225. 37-1-nc R, C. Temple, Ovid, Phone 834- Mason, Jim Counseller of Dec. 28 at Sparrow Hospital. He LOR MASTER CHARGE CARDI noons for appointment. 36-3p 5483. 35-3p weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces. The" .WALKER-We wish to thank Okemos and Eileen Michalek of " " " SEE THIS NEW 3 bedroom ranch 37-lp' baby has one brother. Grandpar­ our friends and relatives for all St. Johns, ST. JOHNS. AtTOUOTIVK fc TIKF. DTSCOl'NT CENTER TO SETTLE the estate of Arthur just off north US-27. If you FOR RENT — Air hammer fyi ents are Mr. and Mrs. Neil Harte breaking up cement, etc. We their visits, cards and plants of R-4, St. Johns and Mr. and Salters am accepting bids on want country living, then this is received during our stayinSher- lOOS N. I'S 27 Si. JohnsT Mic'iiu-'in house and lot at 601 E. Rail­ have two available. Ranaolph's Mrs. Harry Wadell, R-l, Elsie. the home for you. Call Fred Den­ Fowler K Ready-Mix Plant, North US-27 Idan Hospital. Also the Christmas The mother Is the former Gail Op'"' n.n lv t<; (\ road St. For further information ovlch 224-2597 or FURMAN-DAY greetings received. George and By Miss Cecilia Thelen Phonr. 224-4562 call 224-4132. Stewart Salters. phone 224-3766. 40-tf Harte. C I rise. I Swm l-lys REALTY 224-3236 or.485-0225. Marguerite Walker. 37-lp Phone 593-2613 Administrator, 810 W. Park St. 37-1-nc 35-3p ___ FOR RENT: Large sleeping room Sister Romilda Harr of Racine, Cal1 2 WATAMAKER - A sincere FOR SALE: Ovid, 1 acre lot on 24-3061. 37-lp thank_yQU to Drs. Jordan and Wis. spent a week Christmas FOR SALE: A two bedroom brick blacktop, corner of Warren and Smith and the Carson City Hos­ vacation with her mother Eliza­ ranch" type house, like new on Krouse Rds. Good rock well, (FOR RENT, Modern apartments pital for their care; relatives, beth Harr, 21st Annual a large lot in the village of septic and drain field. Excellent quiet .country living on a good friends, and neighbors for get- Mrs. Alvln Pung of St. Johns Pewamo. Bring or write bids to locationl Phone Ovid 834-5262. road. Laundry facilities.Nopets. well and birthday cards, flowers, was a Saturday afternoon visitor Roman P. Thelen, of Fowler, 37-3p-nc Call 587-6616. 37-3p fruit, food and the Christmas of Cecilia and Amelia Thelen. Executor, Rose Stump Estate, box from Christian Congrega­ Mrs. Lula Boak spent Thurs­ ST. JOHNS LIONS CLUB 36-3p WE, OURSELVES, will buy your tional Church of Maple Rppids, day afternoon and evening with ______-f_ _ _ _ land contract. For prompt, Lost & Found which I received in the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Boak and CHOICE COUNTRY LOTS avail­ courteous action, Call Ford S„ and since my return home. A son, Douglas and other guests able,-Will build on these, using SHOW LaNoble, LaNoble Realty, 1516 LOST — Farmer influence is lost special thanks to Eleanor Pasch were Mrs. Carl Boak and daugh­ St. Johns .your plans or ours. Financing East Michigan, Lansing, Mich. without strong, sound organi­ and my daughters for their ter, Eileen. January available. Call Fedewa Builders Phone 517-482-1637. Evenings zation. Join the organization that thoughtfulness and care.MayGod , Mrs. Van Matthews of Edln- -f Inc* 587-3811. "^J 49 -tf bless^each and; e,veryon^. Edna, .-517fl-337.-J.276.1y. -«J .* <37-tf •keeps-its head in* a crisis. Farm L burg, Tex. spent a .month with 21 and 22 High S|heoFjlup| o r r *& V* 5j i i rf) vw .froma^rfi? io Bureau. ± 37-lp ^atamaker. 37-lp ^ v?0d{^rs.y,J,ohn Bridgewater, *ri-«x j$TOV CAN build a new;home and. of,nearest. Johns, andion her way Auditorium V finance' it at 7 i/4%'interest MOON-The family of Albert home she andMrs.NormaEleson Adults $1.50' -with low monthly payments and' CARL S. OBERL1TNER Moon wishes to thank Drs. De­ of Maple Rapids visited Mrs. Lula Students $1.00 very small closing costs if you Vore, Brown, Boar and the staff Boak Thursday morning. Mrs. p.m. qualify. Under this plan you can of Carson City Hospital, Osgood Eleson went out there to visit build a 3 or 4'bedroom home. Water Well Drilling Funeral Home and Rev. Hall for a month or two. rlf you can't qualify for this fi­ 4" and, larger for their acts of kindness during nancing program, we have other the illness and death of our hus­ financing :programs available band and father. Many thanks to which" can be adapted to your bud­ Reda Submergible Pumps neighbors and friends for food BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY get. For more information, call sent to our home, for the flowers, Fedewa Builders, Inc. 587-3811 Wholesale Retail cards and money. Also the Ladies Use This Classified Listing For Fast Service From Clinton County Business Firms or stop in at our office located of the Ithaca U.B. Church for the, 5 1/4 miles south of Fowler on lunch they served the family ? Wright Rd.fgiD 27-tf Phone 463-4364 after the funeral. Your kindness St. Johns Automotive & Tire will always be remembered. Mrs. AUCTIONEER FLORISTS r Albert Moon and family. 37-lp Discount, Where you save on Levey's Jewelry, Orange Blos- IN OVID LARGE Mobile Home Alma , 36-EEW-tf tires, US-27, 224-4562. ^ som diamond rings,Bulova& Ac-' lots 80 ft. x 150 ft. for sale Watt Florist, Flowers for all cutron Watches. Elsie, 862,4300.;- JOHNSON-The family of Clyde occasions. 121 E. Pine. Elsie— t or rent. All city facilities. Call Al Galloway, Auctioneer. Used' A. Johnson would like to thank 862-5257. 834-2288. - 1-tf Farm Machinery & Parts. St. BARBERS relatives, friends and neighbors CUSTOM BUTCHERING Johns, 224-4713. for their vigils with us at the Beaufore's Barber Shop, 1002 1/2 TWO NEW homes for sale in St. oay it with Quality Flowers from PARTY SUPPLIES ' and PROCESSING hospital, telephone calls, visits at State. Open Tues. thru Sat. also Johns. Low down payment and Woodbury's Flower Shop, 321 N. home, cards, flowers and food Wed. &, Fri. evenings. low interest financing available. We Butcher On Clinton, St. Johns, 224-3216. D&B Party Shoppe, Package 'Call Fedewa Builders Inc. 587- AUTOMOTIVE Wednesday & Fridays •^^^— ii i.— Liquor—9 a,m. - 10 p.m. Mon. - 3811. pi' 49-tf ' All Meats Bill Fowler Ford. New & Used CLEANERS FOODS Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m. -^ BEEF-PORK 11 p.m., 224 N. Clinton. MDA CONCRETE Cars & Pick-ups. N. US-27, De- FOR SALE by owner, 4 bedroom Hlvs. & Qtrs. Witt, 669-2725. Gene's IGA Foodliner, Elsie 9-6 house on beautiful corner lot I nspected Also WALLS ANTES.DRY CLEANERS, pickup Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. 9-9 Thurs. at 204 E. Elm St., Elsie, Mich. Retail Cues and delivery. 108 W. Walker, & Fri. 862-4220. PLUMBING .The first person with $3,500 cash A new home is a lifetime Bill O'Shaughnessy Chev. Inc. phone 224-4529. i •%buys this property. Phone, 224- ' investment. Let us help you New & Used Cars & Trucks, Open Dunkel Plumbing & Heating? 3131. v 37-lp secure this investment with Andy's IGA, St. Johns, Home Mon., Thurs., Fri., evenings, Licensed Master Plumber, Ph. PENDELL'S MEAT the best basement wall Baked Bread, Pies, Cookies, Ph. 669-2235 DeWitt. DRUGS 224-3372, 807 E. State St. SOUTH OF St. Johns just off US- possible —a poured concrete * „ * Choice Meats, Carry-out ser- % "27 on blacktop', sharp 3 bed­ wall, we are equipped to do \ vice. room ranch on 1/2 acre under REAL ESTATE PROCESSING the complete job or any part Cain - Buick - Pontlac, New & Parr's Rexall Drugs, Open daily ' $20,000. Call Mary RappUhn22^- West City Limits on Bussell Rd. just off M-5? of it. Bring your prints over -•3469 or Furman-Day Realty224- ,Used Cars, 210 W.HIgham, Com­ 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.,Sunday8:30- FURNITURE . CARSON CrTY Ph. 584-6640 - Jake Vaughn or call for an appointment plete Body & Service. 12:30 & 5 to 7 p.m. " 3236 or 485-0225. 37-1-nc 587-3811. Burton Abstract and Title Co. - * • * Abstract and Title Services, 119 t Ford Tractors READY-MIX CONCRETE Large selection sewing ma­ N. Clinton. Ph. 224-3294. I chines, parts, accessories,Mill­ and Implements For All Your Needs •— Egan Ford Sales, Inc.," 200 W. ELECTRICIANS QUALITY - SERVICE Higham, phone 224-2285. Pinto, er Furniture 224-7265, St. Johns. • . • I - New and Used Machinery Ford-Maverick-Torino-Mustang Furman-Oay Realty, 1515 N.US-? Parts and Accessories 27, Member Lansing Board of!; Maintenance Elect. Service Res­ Realtors, Multiple Listing CARLAND SALES FEDEWA m idential, commercial, Industrial GIFTS Service, 224-3236 or Toll Free- Hub Tire Center, B. F. Goodrich Ph. 224-7966, 507 E. Higham H and SERVICE , from Lansing* 485-0225. * Tires, Ph. 224-3218, Front End "Gib" Simon -Howard Gladding Phone Owosso, SA 3-3227 BUILDERS, Inc. The Treasure Chest, 220 N. Alignment. Clinton, Hallmark Cards—Russ­ Brokers _ 102 N. Clinton RESTAURANT 1 Carland, Michigan 6218 Wright Road, 53-tf * * ell Stover Candy • 24-tt 5 1/4 Miles South of Fowler. Schmitt Electric Co., Residen­ PHONE 224-6736 tial - Commercial - Industrial; ft Bob's Auto Body, Complete Col­ 224-4277, 807 1/2 E. State Sti HARDWARE DALEY'S FINE FOOD, Dining & ROTARY WATER WELL DRILLING lision Service, 224-2921, 800 N* Cocktails, Ph. 224-3072, S. U.S, DREAMS BECOME A REALITY, FOR HELP ALL WORK GUARANTEED Lansing. 27—1/2-mlleS. M 21. s - SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS SOLD & REPAIRED * * * CALL ONE OF THESE SALESPEOPLE. * * Dalman Hardware, Ph. 669-6785, GILBERT & INGALLS, Inc. DeWitt, Whirlpool Appliances, Audrey & Jerome Witgen- John Schumaker FERTILIZERS Zenith TV, Plumbing and Heating WESTERN 224-2206 224-7371 DeWitt-669-9636,or Pimondale-646-2871.- 48-tf Louis Thelen Debar Chevrolet Co. New &Used' John Fedewa ' Cars. Elsie-862-4800. You can't Zeeb Fertilizers, Everything for Tom's Western Store, ,1 ml. W. * 593-2197 593-3158 the soil, St. Johns, 224-3234, ff^ HB do better anywhere. INSURANCE Ovid, 9 - 5:30 Mon^-Satf, Fri.r Ashley, 847-3571. til 9. Anytime by Appt., 834-.5446. > Gail Goetze ReyHanses 587-3422 224-2673. Jim McKenzie Insurance All Esther Hendershot •' Moore Oil Co., If It's tires, Line of Ins. 224-2479 Ionia-527- CALL MILLIE NEW HOMES ^ FINANCIAL and place'-your 224-3563 _ • ;tee us, 909\E. State, Ph. 224- 2480. advertisement in this HOMES. ACREAGE, LOTS, FARMS, BUSINESS'OPPORf UNITIES. •4726. DIRECTORY GOOD SELECTIONS. * Schofer Bros. Builders I JEWELRY *Capltol Savings ft Loan Assoc, 3 line's for 50? Each Licensed and fully insured-Free estimates & planning. Hettler!s Major Sales( 24 W 222 N. Clinton, 224-2304* Safety 5 Lake's Jewellery, Your Diamond additional line 20?.'Six ^Wtfecker SerMcet Good Used for Savings since 1890. Member's of Lansing Board of Realtors - Call 669-9494 or 669-5070 Specialists, Ph. 224-2412. week minimum running:' & MttltlpleOListing Exchange Service. rf Trucks, A 559. E. WebbrRoad DeWitt V-V '-,--& CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, 'jcihuary 12,'-.19 72. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns/Michigan 13A visions of this ordinance. of Michigan, 1933, as amended. such premises bv appropriate plete copy of Ordinance No. 41 7. this ordinance shall become ,: The said Ordinance No. 37 is officials in-charge of the System duly adopted by the Village Coun­ effective immediately upon its/hereby amended to read as'fol- indication that such services are cil of the Village of Maple Rapids, The Ovid-Elsie Report NOTICE! adoptlon. . ^~lows: available. County of Clinton and State of •T* , I hereby'certify that the fore-i^Section 4 (a) TAP CHARGES In all other respects, except Michigan, at a regular meeting goingWistttutes a true and com- • (a) Direct Tap Charges: There as amended by this Ordinance, held on the. 5th day of January, By PATTY BERNATH J^MG^ °F MAPLE RAPIDS in installments rather than in Bowling News plete copy of Ordinance No. 40 shall be paid on behalf of each Ordinance Np. 37, passed by the 1972 and that public notice of said cash, the said installment pay­ ;• *0LmTON .COUNTY, MICHIGAN duly adopted by the Village Coun­ single family residential prem­ Village Council of Maple Rapids, meeting was given pursuant to The Spotlighter's Drama Club to attend and admission will be Capitol Sav. & Loan 19 35 -, CITY LEAQUE te? w ments shall be made as follows: Michigan on June 18, 1970 and CITY CLASSIC f--'^^ «-'fc*ular meeting cil of.the Village ofMaple Rapids, ises tapping directly Into any Act. No. 261 public Acts of of Ovid-Elsie High School will students, 50 cents and adults, Dec. 30 \V L Woodbury's .. 17 37 STANDINGS 1. The payor representing each Ordinance No. 39, passed* on the Michigan, 1968, including in the ,pMhe Village council of the Vil- County of Clinton, Michigan at a of the sewer lines originally MRS. NEVA KEYS be presenting "The Haunting of SI. Lake's 37 11 High game individual - Norm W L 0£ Map1 premises, at the time application regular meeting held on January comprising the System prior to 29th day oLAprll, 1971 shall re^ case of a special or rescheduled Hill House." Included in the cast Coach Jim Maldlow feels the * ™L ^ Rapids, County of Ph.' 862-4301 Jim's Ins. 35 13 Sparks, 224. High series indivi­ Is made for a tap permit, shall July 1,1972, in cash, at the time main in- full force and effect. meeting notice by publication or are Nancy Bohil as Theodora; Lundy's' 3 6 Clinton and state of Michigan, 5, 1972 and that Public notice of N O-E team will do well, and may Redwing Lanes 31 17 dual —'. Bud Schneeberger, 570. sign an agreement with the Vil­ said meeting was' given pursuant of the application for tap permit, If any section, paragraph, posting at least twelve hours Helen Blakely as Eleanor Vance;. win the tournament. JCI 3 b fteid in said Village on the 5th . The, next meeting wii^-be Feb. Green Printing 30 18 High game team — Co-op's, 834, Post Office 2 1 lage of Maple Rapids stating that • to Act. No. 261, Public Acts of a charge for the privilege of using clause or provision of this Ordi­ prior to the time set for the meet­ The January meeting of the Holly Wiser as Mrs. Dubley; Jim The O-E Girl's Basketball High series team — Co-op's, «ay of January AfD, 1972 at 7:30 2 at the home of Mrs. ^oodrow Clinton'Nat. Bank 28 17 O. Holm 2 l they elect to pay the tap-in fee Michigan, 1968, including in the the facilities and receiving the nance shall be held Invalid, the ing. Elsie Woman's Society .of Chris- Houska as Dr. Montague; Kevin team will be in action tonight 2405. 200'games — George Hig- mmt Eastern Standard Time: Basjibre. The program *:will be Federal Mogul 28 20 Rejects 1 2 in quarterly installments ex­ case of a special or rescheduled service of the system in the invalidity of such section, parar - tian Service of the United Meth­ Wise? as Luke Sanderson; Joan against the St. Charles team. Present: Councilman Wright, 1 further certify that the fol­ given by Mrs. Harold EDple and Coca Cola - 25 23 gins, 201; Terry^ Bacon, 200; Kroger's - 1 2 Br her tended over a 13* year period meeting notice by publication or amount of $1000.Q0 , pigs, such graph, clause, or provision shall odist Church was heldatthe'farm Carr as Mrs. Montague; and Dave It will be held at the Elsie Jr. W. Woodbury; 204; J. Tatroe, 201. "J » Schmidt, Tyler, Dean. with interest of Five and §ixty lowing Councilmen were present Mrs. Harold Hehrer, .-. , .-, Warren's Ins. 23 25 JC n o 3 posting at least twelve hours sums as will compensate for the not affect any of the other pro- • at said meeting Wright, Brunner, home of Mrs. Andrew Cobb Dunham as Arthur Parker. High starting at 6:30 p.m. There High'game individual - Harold - Absent: Councilman Thomas. Four One Hundredths percent Wednesday.evening. - '*. Heathman's 22 26 Radio 0 3 ,, The following preamble and or­ prior to the time set for the cost of making and inspecting the visions of this Ordinance. Schmidt, Tyler, Dean and that the The play will be held on Sat­ is no charge. Their recordisnow Pease, 245. High series indivi­ (5.64%) on the unpaid balance. meeting. tap; provided, however, th'atpay- The lesson, given* by . Mrs. Budweiser 17 31 Next Thursday 13th, 7:30 p.m. dinance .was offered by Council­ -•All ordinances, resolutions or following Councilmen were ab­ urday, Jan. 22; at 8 p.m. Admis­ 0-3, but It might change if you dual - Keith Harter, 574. High Rejects vs Radio; Holm vs Post. 2. At the time application is ment of; such charge for other David Litchfield, assisted by get out and support them. Marshall Music 7 41 man Schmidt and supported by I further certify that the fol­ orders, or parts thereof, in con­ sent Thomas. . Shepardsville sion will be adults $1 and students Curley's Laund. 3 ' 42 game team — Bob's Bar, 877. Office; 8:40 p.m. Lundy's vs made for a tap permit the payor than new construction may, at the Mrs. Lyle Dunham and Mrs. 50 cents. Councilman Wright. lowing Councilmen were present flict with the provisions of this* I further certify that Council­ By Lucille Spencer . i High game Individual — Ed High series team — Central Nat. Kroger's; JC II vs JC I. .WHEREAS, it is deemed representing each single family option of the payor, be extended ordinance are, ,to the extent of man Tyler moved adoption of said L. W. Bundick, was on "Call The O-E speech classes will Bank, 2476. 200 games - John at said meeting Wright, Brunner, to Prayer and Self-Denail.* Conley, Ralph Kridner, 219. High necessary to the public interest residence shall pay the sum of Schmidt, Tyler; bean, and that over a 13 year period, in quar­ such conflict, hereby repealed. Ordinance and that said motion put on plays, Wednesday, Jan. Bond, 224; BillShutes, 201; Craig FINAL STANDlNGS-first half Eighty ($80.00) dollars to the terly installments, with interest Mrs. Duane Green, the new Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowles,! Shepardsville series individual - GeneDunkel, that a method be devised for the the following Councilmen were This ordinance shall be pub­ was supported by Councilman 26, for the enjoyment of the high 594. High game team — Heath- Knight, 206; Keith Harter, 244. TEN PIN KEGLERS Dec. 29 Village of Maple Rapids. Prem­ at the rate of Five and Sixty lished once, in full, in the Clinton president, conducted a briefbus- Raymond and Jayme spent thel school students and faculty. Third By Lucille Spencer .payment of the tap-in charge for absent Thomas.,. _ , . . Dean. w L ises other than single family res­ „Four One Hundredths percent iness meeting. It was voted to holidays at the home of Mr./ man's, 983. High series team - * ' • • ; ..Connection to the Clinton County County News, a newspaper of gen­ I further certify that the fol­ hour class will present "The Dr. Daryl Body of the Free Heathman's, 2789. 200 games,— American Legion idences shall pay the sum of I further certify that Council-' (5.64%) on the unpaid balance, eral circulation within the boun­ buy window shades for Fellow­ Bowles's parents, Mr. and Mrs^ Lottery;* fifth hour, "Curse You, ^ Sanitary Sewage Disposal System man Schmidt moved adoption of lowing Councilmen voted for Methodist Church, has been ap­ Dave O'Dell, 203; Stan Bunce, KINGS & QUEENS 43 25 $80.00 multiplied by the factors upon-.the giving of such security daries of the Village and qualified ship Hall and to serve a noon Walter Bowles .of Bonita Springs J Jack Dalton;" and 'The Charles­ McKenzle. 42 t No. 2 (-Village of Maple Rapids) said ordinance and that said adoption of said Ordinance pointed the minister of both the' 216; Ron Campbell, 201; Keith Jan, 2 W L 26 provided by Ordinances 37 and 39 documents as the Village may re­ under State Law to publish legal dinner on Wednesday* Jan. 19* Fla. The older boys stayed homei ton Craze* will be done by sev­ Roadhouse 41 in installments, the following or­ motion was supportedby Council­ Wright, BrunnerJSchmidt , Tyler, Price and Shepardsville Tiedt, 202; Gene Dunkel, 201, Fighting Irish 42 26. 27 dinance which shall be numbered of th e Village of Maple Rapids. quire; and provided further, how­ notices, within one week (1) after Dean, and that the following Coun­ Roll call found that 24 cards and did the chores so theiij enth hour. These plays will be Allaby & Brewbaker man Wright. ever, that in the event of such Churches. He is married and has 204; Dick Cornwell, 207; Jon Levey's 40 28 Ordinance No. 40 is hereby 3. For premises electing topay its, adoption, and the same shall cilmen voted against adoption of had been sent and 32 visits had parents could have a vacation In sponsored by the Spotlighter's two children. He comes from a 38 30 the tap charge in installments, , I further certify that the fol- extended payment, the cost of been made to the sick and shut- Florida while school was out. Tatroe, 214; Charlie Haas, 211; Sandbaggers 40 28 offered. lowin be recorded in the Ordinance said Ordinance None,- Club. ministerial family. He will be Ludwick's Used Cars the installments shall be paid in* S Councilmen voted for making and inspecting the tap ins. Tom Bishop, 201; Bob Sweden- Karens Krunchers 39 29 Book of the Village and such I further certify that said Ordi­ They went fishing most every JANUARY? Saturday, Jan, 15, Ovid-Elsie making his home in the East 38 30 equal quarterly installments of adoption of said ordinance shall be paid in cash before Vice-president Mrs. Charles day and found it to be real good. berg, 215, Charlie Watson, 213; Four P's 37 31 ORDINANCE .NO. 40 recording authenticated by the nance has been recorded in the will host the 3rd annual Clinton Lansing area. He is doing grad-* Tom Bullard, 208; Rudy Masarik, Julie K 36 32 $25.09 each over al3 yearperlod Wright, Brunner,Schmidt,Tyler, application for the tap permit. signatures of the Village Pres­ Kridner, distributed the year's In fact, they brought some home Plnsetters 37 , 31 lit the eyent that any premises Ordinance Book of the Village and Danny and Paula Russell, of 510 South Wight Street, St. County wrestling tournament. uate work at Michigan State. 213; Ernie Lance, 206; Larry Court Jesters Hub Tire 34 '34 commencing on the 1st day of Dean and that the following Coun­ ident and Village Clerk. program booklets and reviewed with them, packed in dry ice. 36 32 tapping directly into the Clinton Section 6 that such recording has been Johns, were guests of, their aunt, Mrs. Shirley Karber, this Schools participating are St. Lyle Acre has returned home, Kuhns, 200; Dick R. Allen, 21'2. Misfits 33 35 SchmlttElec. 34 34 cilmen voted against adoption of the program material. 1 County Sanitary Sewage Disposal October, 1972 and shall be paid All premises to which services This ordinance shall become authenticated by the signatures Johns, DeWittj Bath, Pewamo- from Hurley Hospital where he Four Squares 32\.; 36 Parr's Rexal Drugs System No. 2 (Village of Maple every three (3) months there­ said ordinance none. Refreshments were served by The January meeting of the week and picked a couple oranges before leaving from an 29 of the System shall be available effective Immediately upon its of the Village President and Westphalia, Ovid-Elsie. has been a patient. He is re­ NIGHT HAWK Dush Const. 28 40 39 Rapids) prior to July i, 1972 after for the above 13 year period I further certify that said ordi­ adoption. Village Clerk. Mrs. Harold Epple, Mrs. John Ovld-Duplain Library Club was The preliminary matches will Hallenbeck's Const. nance has been recorded in the , shall connect to the System with­ or.ahge tree that grows in Mrs. Karber's court yard. Parents covering from surgery per­ Jan. 4 W L Gutter Dusters 25 43 shall elect to pay the tap charge until the full balance of the tap Hibbler and Mrs. Donald Whit- cancelled due to Illness and bad start at 11 a.m. and finals begin 26 .42 Ordinance Book of the Village and in One. Hundred Eighty (180) days I hereby certify that the fore­ MAXINE L. FL'OATE formed just after Christmas and Legion 35 19 DePeal's 20 48 charge and interest at 5.64% on aker. road conditions. of the children are Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Russell. at 7 p.m. The public is welcome 24 44 that such recording has been after the mailing of a notice to going constitutes a true and com­ Village Clerk is coming along fine. Dunkel's 34 20 High game individual — Rudy Clinton Nat'l the unpaid balance is paid infull. Masarlk's , 23 45 The above payments'shall include authenticated by the signatures Zeeb's 32 22 Masarik, 232. High series Indi­ interest at the rate of 5.64% on of the President and Village Coca Cola 31 23 vidual -r Bill Cartwright, 585; M the unpaid balance. Interestshall Clerk. Beck's 30 24 Donna Humenlk, 512. High game TEN PIN KEGLERS commence on the 1st day of July, MA30NE L. FLOATE Roadhouse 30 24 team - Levey's, 681. High series Jan. 5, 1972 1972. Village Clerk Randolph's 27 27 team ^- Levey's, 1844. Other W lit 37-1 FOR THE Farm Bureau 26 28 200 games Bill Cartwright, 200, Hallenbeck's Const. 4. Every three months com­ Paul's - 251/2 281/2 216; Joyce Woodhams, 201. 4 0 mencing on the Istday of October VILLAGE OF MAPLE RAPIDS Rupp 221/2 311/2 Hub Tire 4 o: 1972 the Village Treasurer shall CLINTON COUNTY, MICHIGAN Hettler's 17 37 Roadhouse 4 6 bill the owner the sum of $25.09 • Minutes of a special meeting of TWIN'CITY YOU KNOW Egg Station 14 40 American Legion which amount includes interest at BECK'S--THE PLACI the Village Council of the Vil­ Dec. 29 W L High game Individual — D. 5.64%. If such quarterly billings lage of Maple Rapids, County of Strouse Oil 3 0 Anderson, 232. High series in­ Ludwick's Used cars are not paid by the last day of Clinton and State of Michigan, Clinton Crop Service 3 0 dividual - R.'Snyder, 557. High the next succeeding' month the held in the said Village on the VFW #2 2 1 game team — Zeeb's, 978. High Parr's Rexall Drugs glCOMEW quarterly charge shall be subject 5th day of January A.D, 1972 Andy's IGA 2 1 to the same penalties as are pro­ at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard series team — Beck's, 2623. 3 1 200 games — J, Bryant, 206; VFW #1 - 2 1 Julie K vided by Charter for Village Time. Cains 2 X 1 3 taxes, and if such charges re­ R. Snyder, 200. Allaby & Brewbaker YOUR Present: Councilman Wright, Hazle's Mobile Feeds 1 2 0 •• 4 main unpaid as of the following Sprite . 1 2 R- Brunner, Schmidt, Tyler, Dean. TUESDAY TEATIME LEAGUE Clinton Nat'l 0 4 February 28th, they shall be re­ Bob's Auto Body 1 2 Absent: Councilman Thomas. Jan. 4 W I McKenzle- 0 4 turned delinquent, with interest Zeeb's 1 2 1 The following preamble and or­ Paradise Radio & TV 4 Sen mitt Elec. 0 4 mmewwk. and penalty added, to the County Coca Cola ' 0 3 Treasurer for collection in'the dinance was offered by Council­ Central Nat. Bank 4 Masarlk's 0 4 U man Tyler and supported by Kurt's 0 3 : same manner in whcih Village, Redwing Lanes 3 High individual game: Helen ; HOSTESS County and School taxes are re­ Councilman Dean. Val's Pizzeria 3 High game individual - Jon Glazier, 203. High individual se­ ni?y riot have the turned delinquent. ' WHEREAS, it Is deemed St. Johns Furniture 3 Scrantonp 217. High series in­ ries; Jan Fowler, 54U .. necessary to the public interest Randolph's * 2 dividual — Richard Pease, 579. High team game: Hallenback's World oh a string, 5. All ordinances, resolutions that Ordinances No. 37 of the Gratiot Farmers Sup. 2 High game team - VFW #1, 965. Const., 907. High team, series: but she knows or orders or parts thereof, in Village of Maple Rapids passed High series team - VFW #1, : Aloha Drive-in 1 Hallenbeck's Const., 2547. . your'co'mmunity conflict with the provisions of this on the 18th day of June, 1970 Furman-Day Realty 1 2453. 200 games-Richard Pease Other 200's; Jean Heathman,. ordinance are, to the extent of and Ordinance No, 39 of the Vil- : ,.*; inside out. Go-Getters 1 200; Marvin Ball, 210; Les 201. Other 600's Kay Penix, such, conflict, hereby repealed, lage of Maple Rapids, passed'on Warner, 204; Jann Strouse* 200; lfyoii*re r)ew in town, Art's Refinery 0 528; Helen Glazier, 527; Jean " ^.call her today! 6. If any section,^ paragraph, jthe 29th day of April 197JL, be4 Bill Theleft, 200; 512 u tto Clinton Machine Co..'7fl.0fi lvm,i •» eauftW™* r ^clause .or provision Vf'Msordi- amended in certai^asfre'cii^tfte' 1 1 n .^•tjK ' liigh .gained .Individual.^ Mary nance shall be held invalid, the following' OroMffir 'affi&&nV ** «>>wif»iwww] t*».-^i'.^*»..^- Lou Radeniacher - 2lii High 'liivUIidl^^^uc^^ sectron^a¥a^rdinaSaes No.* 37^n^Nb:*39 f Phone 224^116 : series individual — Mary Lou graph, clause or provision shall- which- shall be numbered Ordi-'- Rademacher, 536. High game not affect any of the other pro- nance No. 41 is hereby offered. team — Paradise Radio & TV, CAN"""""-: 871. High series team — Red­ ORDINANCE NO. 41 No job "is too large or too small wing Lanes, 2423. Splits con­ An Ordinance to amend Ordi­ verted — Eleanor .Murton, 6-7; YOU for CAINS COMPLETE nance No. 37 passed by the Vil­ Doris^ Swatman, 5-10; Joyce lage Council of the Village of Woodhams, Mary Adams, Caro­ Maple Rapids, Michigan on June ARMOUR SWANEE lyn Spltzley, 3-10; EileenStrick- i ANSWER 18, 1970 and Ordinance No. 39 ACTION land; 4-5-7; Bonnie Showers, 4-5; BODY SHOP passed on the 29th day of April, SERVICE Any Make-Any Model Marilyn Goldman, Jan Wlerman, 1971 are Ordinances to provide OCT ION BACON ^M^ f ct 2-7; Joan Fox, Carolyn Spltzley, ' £ ,. Bumping-Painting-fleconditioniiiB -. -* for the operation and maintenance PRICIS V THESE 5-7; Florence Masarik,5r-6;Joan ^/ the finest workmanship makes it look like new of the Clinton County Sanitary Ends & Pieces Q I > Pardee,5-8-10. Sewage Disposal System No^ 2 Bulck FARMER PEET'S CAINS Inc. Pontiac (Village of Maple Rapids) on a WEDNESDAY MORNING public utility basis under the pro­ Dec. 29 W L 210Higham St. Johns 224-3231 visions of Act 94, Public Acts Bacon Squares 39* Sandbaggers 3 0 Is it necessary to nave recreational Holy Rollers •3v 0 FARMER PEET'S THICK SLIC © vehicle, insurance? Will Tell 3 0 Are pickup campers really safe? $ 2 9 Beef-Jerkys 2 1 Where can I find new or used Ranch Style Bacon 2 - 1 Tool Room 2 1 camping vehicles and equipment? Whites 1 2 Where can I get good recipes to use HERRUD'S Speeders 1 2 11 oz. when camping? 4 Aces 0 3 Where are the newest campgrounds Basketball Smoky Links )kg. Tei-Ami Outcasts 0 3 in Michigan? Wild Ones 0 3 What company is coming out with a High game individual — Jon new line of recreational vehicles? Tatroe, 217. High series indivi­ dual — Jon Tatroe, 626. High game team — Sandbaggers, 721. High series team — Sandbaggers, 2076. 200 games —CesarMedina ROSKAM'S Home Baked 211; Jon Tatroe, 206 203; Ken SUBSCRIBE APRjL Hill FROZEN - 3/tB. LOAVES Shevrovich, 203. 41-OZ. WT. BREAD J Loaves | HO, WHITE BREAD FIRST NIGHTERS Jan. 3 W L TO NABISCO Mrs. PAULS *%4%i D & B Party Shoppe 4 0 Saturday ONION RINGS 39 Citgo • 4 0 Premium Crackers Lanterman Ins. 3 1 ACTION Nick's 3 1 i-ib. $100 PRICIS Simon Realty 2 2 OCTIOM OVEN FRESH MIX or MATCH Homeliters 2 2 9:15 a.m. SI R VICt CHARDALEE FARMS BUCK BAVARIAN RYE' *% 1% | ftO Andy's IGA 2 2 FOOD OLD STYLE WHITE OR ** ' "w^ Lewis Heating . 2 2 m. Pin Pickers 1 3 NOW ITALIAN BREAD IOAVII Hub Motel 1 3 Horseradish :l 4I-OI. APE JELLY WT.JAI Rolling 5 0 4 i oz. Bruno's 0 4 AND YOU Jar High game individual — Dar- POTATOES LBS. 49* lene. Maier, 210. High series TIDE individual - Marge Hurst, 547. < SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER: Garlic-Cream-Plain High game team — Simon Realty 10 lb. 11 oz. 889; High series team — Simon 5 i/2oz. CABBAGE LBW Realty, 2431, 200 games —Joyce 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION $2» Coach's size- Bushre, 208; Marge Hurst, 201. Splits — Rosalind Kanaski, 3-7- $100 ONIONS 10; Martha Pease, 6-7; Ardith Corner for M Taylor, 4-5-7; Hazel Pearson, j Just fill out and mail in this coupon, along | COUNTRY 3-10; Jean Crowley, 5-10; Judy NICHTIME x Pease, 0-8-10; C. Wurn, 5-7; S j with your check or money order, (please print) j FRESH CHOC. MILK4 :i NYQUIL COLD MEDICINE $1.00 C. Thum, 5-10. fti -*-* • V- ..'•> '-• •• i u.ot SMCIAl •OCT. Wf. ! Name... .. •• a • . '• KEYKO MARGARINE UKL MO. 25« EX :EDRIN TABLET lit , CAPITOL Jan. 3 W L, Up ii-Sprve (hi! MfilM In Mm! (JIMM • t I FS Co-op's' 36 18 FREE WIN A WEEKEND 351/2 181/2 : Specials good Now thru Saturday only Central Nat. Bank ! i city- • .'i-i./,. For Two SNOWMOBIUIsiG Sprite 34 20 Moorman's Feeds 32 22 otats*..... •*..••.•.,..:.-, .Zip Code • .....* At FONRO LODGE! Near Mio, Michigan Beaufore's 30 24 Carlings Beer 29 25 WIN A FREE WEEKEHJ'S USE OP 2 SKl*OOS, )NClJUOINO MBAL$ & LODOINO. » 2 MORB WfiEKEMiS tON& A MONTI* FOR 4 MONTHS) AND 2 SETS OF WINNERS. Morlarty's 271/2 281/2 Mail TO: trails-a-Way; Circulation Office REClffTERONCEA MONTH AT-BECK t HYDE PARMAR1NA OR BECK'S FARM • ' ' S FARM MARKET Coca Cola . 24 30 109 N. Lafayette St., GrBenville, Michigan 48838 - MARKETcDRAWlNtfONTHE 15th. OF EACHiMONTHr-WEED NOT DE H ' 1A* Aw , . ,. ,i, • " , >- |]V.'' PRESBNTTOWIN—NOTH1NOTOBUYAND NO OOtlQATlONr - Bob's Bar 22 32 Fresca . 20 34

• iv Page ^ A CLlNlTOI

CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH •'** . , _faaple Rapids, Michigan 1 •' ''Hey Robert E. Myers, Pastor * BAPTIST CHURCH - \ v *10:UU a.m.—Worshlp Service > Next Sunday In * 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:00 p m.—U.C.Y.M. meets on al­ ternate Sundays OVID, MICHIGAN 6:45 p.m.—Thursday, Cherub and Junior choir. r_ .38 ipjn.—Thursday^ Chapel choir. Clinton County Churches .liBOTpm,—Third Friday, Women's, Fellowship, church basement.* '' All Churches in .Clinton County are invited io' send' 8;3i) p.m.—Service meeting ' their weekly announcements to The Clinton County News. They must reach us by 10 a.m. Monday to insure Morherron Area publication in the current week's issue.

Every Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Com­ MATHERTON COMMUNITY St. Johns Area School, Teens for Christ and Adult CHURCH munion, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10:45 discussion—9:15 a.m. 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School * PRICE UNITED METHODIST a.m. Holy Communion and sermon. Divine Worship—10:30 a.m. i - 3:0p p.m.—Worship service '• -CHURCH Other Sundays, 10:45 arm, prayer and sermon. L VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH r * Dr, 'Robert Anderson 241 E. State Road , , , , " Fulton Area* - 411 Butterfield Dr. 10:45 a.m. Church School' and Rev. LaVern Brctz, Pastor J Nursery. 9:45-10:45 a.m.—Church School: •FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH East Lansing, Michigan 48823 There Is a class for everyone from t 'A mile east of Perrinton on M-57, Phone 351-0976 Wed, during Lent—7 a.m. and 7:30 the youngest to the oldest. The Bible & mile south P.m. Holy Communion. Is our textbook ' , i - r-Rey. Fred Wing, Pastor 9:45 a.m.-Church School 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School }1 a.m.—Morning Worship Mon, 3 p.m. Brownies, 7:30 p.m. 11 a,m,-12 Noon,—Morning Worship,. -lliOO a.m:—Morning Worship Senior Citizens (1st and 3rd), Junior Church'for children through 6th .7:00 p.m.—Youth Service f ^omen's Society meets the fourth grade •'7:45 pm.—Evening Service Tues. Noon Senior Citizens (2nd Wednesday '0f eacn month. Dinner at 5.30 p.m.—BYF for both Juniors and 7:45 p.m.—Thursday, Prayer and 12:30. Meeting at 1:30. and 4th), 7 p,m. Cadet Troop. x' Seniors "•» praise service 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service . Wed. 7:30 p.m. Choir practice. Yough Fellowship meets the first 8:00 p*m.—Morning Choir Tpractices Thurs. 8 p.m. AA and Alanon. Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.—Midweek * "' Eureka Area and third Sunday of each month at Prayer Service; 8:00 p m.—Morning, 2:30 - 4 p,m. WEST PILGRIM UNITED Choir practice •" CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Council of Church' Ministries and METHODIST CHURCH Saturday 10:00 a.m,—Jr. Choir prac­ tice ' 'iq 2619 E. Maple Rapids Road Corner of Parks and Grove Rd. r-JRey Paul R. Jones, Pastor Administrative Board meets the first 1st Thursday 7:30 p.m.—Woman's l Sunday of each* month following a pot- Rev. Brian K. Sheen, Minister Mission Society ' Phone 224-7709 2nd Saturday 2:00 pm,—Ann Judson 10 a.m.-e-Blble School for everyone. luck dinner at noon. 9:30 a,m. — Worship Service 11 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. — Church School Guil...d .fo r Jr_ . HI„. . girl. jss Youth Choir meets each Thursday 3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m.—Men's Fel­ 7:30 p m.—Adult Bible discussions. Nursery provided during services. night at 7 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD lowship S US-27 & E. Baldwin 6:30 p,m —Youth Meetings Senior Choir meets each Thursday Joseph F. Eger, Jr., Pastor SOUTH DeWTXT CHURCH 6:45 p.m.—Wednesday, Jr. Choir, night at 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a,m,—Sunday School OF CHRIST .Chancel Choir, 7:30 p.m. > 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Temporarily Meeting at the 'FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 6:30 pm.—Youth Service DeWitt High School 7:30 p.m.—Sunday Evening Evangelist: Richard J. Wolfcale Bath Area AveriU M. Carson, Minister 7 p.m.—Wecnesday, second and Telephone: 669-3395 Saturday, Jan. 15:12:30 p.m. Junior 8 a.m.—"Revival Fires," Channel BATH UNITED METHODIST " Tourth, WMC 5 TV; "Revival Fires," 1110 radio. CHURCH Choir rehearsal. 1:00 p.m. Children's 7:30 p m.—Wednesday evening 9:45 a m.—Bible School Choir rehearsal. service 10:30 a.m.—Morning Worship. Serm­ Rev. Clarence Keith Sunday, Jan, 16: 9:45 a,m. Church on: "The Mind of Christ." Telephone 641-6687 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Weekly Communion. 11 a.m.—Worship 'School. U:Q0<'a.m. Morning Worship. 6QS North Lansing Street 6:30 p.m.—Youth groups for grades 10 a.m.—Church School Monday* Jan, 17: 6:30 p.m. Annual Elder, E. F. Herzel, Pastor Services held on Saturday 1 through freshman in college. BATH BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting. 9:15 a.m.—Church Service 6:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Send- Rev. James L. Burleigh, Pastor - Tuesday, Jan. 18: l:0Op.m.Priscllla 10:30 a.m.—Sabbath School Service on: "What the Church of Christ Stands 10:ul) a.m.—Sunday School For." 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Alden Division. 1:30 p.m. Elizabeth JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Hour of Power, 7:33 p.m—Evening Service Wlnslow Division. 8:00 p.m. Pearl Kingdom Hall 8 classes. Midweek service on Wednesday 7:30 Caldwell Vesper Division. 1W3 N. Lansing St. Thursday, 7 p.m.—Fishermen's Clu> p.m. * Thurs., 7:30 p.m.—Theocratic Min­ 9 Wednesday, Jan. 19: 6:45 p.m. Boy istry School. A school designed to FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ROSE LAKE CHURCH Scout Troop No.'81, 8:00 p.m. Senior improve our speaking habits and in­ OF DeWITT Hpnriranl7ed L.D.S. ' Choir rehearsal. crease our Bible knowledge. 8:30 p m , Service meeting. This meeting is de­ Jay T. George, Pastor •* Elder Earl Premoe , signed to show the proper techniques The First Baptist Church of DeWitt Corner of Upton and Stoll Roads of our ministry and assist us to be­ will begin conducting regular serv­ lp:00 a.m,—Church School ^UNITED METHODIST CHURCH come better ministers ices In the Township Hall No. 1 lo­ -Rev, Harold E. Homer, Minister cated at 414 E. Main in DeWitt Sun­ Elsie Area Sun,, 9:30 am.— Public Lecture. day, September 2-0. 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:30 a.m. Given each week by a qualified rep­ Sunday School will begin at 10 a.m. jFellowship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor­ resentative of the Watchtower Bible followed by Church Worship service ELSIE METHODIST CHURCH and Tract Society. 10:30 a.m., Watch* Rev. David Litchfield, Minister ship-Installation of WSCS officers. 7:30 tower Study. Systematic Study of the at 11 a.m. There will be an Evening p.m. Prayer group in the lounge. Main Article in the current Watch- Service at 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-Morning Worship For more information concerning Wednesday, Jan5:9:30a.m.Women's the First Baptist Church of DeWitt 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School, Supt. Prayer Group. 4:00 p.m. Carol Choir. Merle Baese. * 6:30 p.m. Chapel Choir. 7:30 p.m. Finished, the Mystery of God." • <• . * Chancel Choir. Public invited—free—no collection VALLEY FARMS UNITED DUPLAIN METHODIST CHURCH taken. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. David Litchfield, Minister ( Thursday, Jan, 6: 3:30 p.m. Girl FIRST CHURCH OF COD 15b E Sate Rd. 10 a,m,—Sunday School, Supt. Ken­ Scouts. 7:30 p.m. Council on Min­ Rev. Neil Boiinger, Pastor istries. Rev. C.A. Stone, Paslor Phone 489-1705 neth Kiger Monday, Jan. 10: 9:00 a.m. Women's 312 K, U.S. 27 9:30 a.m—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship service. Phone 224-2448 11:00 a m,—Morning Worship. , Prayer Group. 7:30 p.m. Wesleyan 7:30 p.m.—Sunday evening Evange­ Service Guild meets with Mrs. Helen 9:45 a.m. - Church School listic. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Hill. - . . 11:00 a.m. —Worship Senice Wednesday 7:30 p.m.—Youth ser­ Rev. Charles Cowley 7:00 p.in.—Evening Worship vice. Tuesday,, Jan. 11: 7:30 p.m. Admin­ Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study**- 1 WEDNESDAY 10:00 a m.~Worship service istrative Board meeting, We cordially invite i'ou to attend 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School, Paul 4:00 p.m. — Logos Club any or all of these services Brown, Supt. SHEPARDSV1LLE UNITED Listen to our international broad­ METHODIST CHURCH 8:00 p.m. —Familj Bible Stud} 6 p.m.—Junior and Senior BYF cast HARVESTIME Sunday morning 7 p.m.—Evening Service 10:45 a.m.—Churcn Scnool at 10:30 a.m., WRBJ, 1580 on your 3:30 p.m., Wednesday—Junior and CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE dial. 7 p.m.—Choir practice Wednesday 515 North Lansing Street Senior Choir practice. evenings. Rev Wesley Manker 7 p m., Wednesday — Prayer and Afternoon Circle meetings at the Fowler Area Bible Study. homes of members, 2nd Thursday. Phone 224-7950 Berean Circle on the third Thurs­ 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev. Fr. Albert J. Schmltt, Pastor day evening, also the homes of mem­ 6:15 p.m.—Young People's Service DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST bers. 7-(P n m,—Evening Wnrsh/p , *. i » • 3 miles west Ovid-Elsiejligh School * £• -, "Wednesday-;, 6-30 * p.m. — CaravanA ^Sunday Misses—6:30; 8:30 and 10:30 5565 E. Colony RtyifL. 7:45 WA^Bible Study andd prayenraver >>A, V Justin Shepard, Minis^^feo CHURCHES, iioCATED. IN'cLlNrON COUNTY. * S ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Jack Schwark, S S. Supt^£ST,;s ^KiACHvWEBifOTHE CLINTON CCWTYfeyfeMx'pUBijSH ONE OE THE MANY FINE CHURCHE h Rev William G. Hankerd, Pastor Weekdays—During school year, 7:30 10 a m.—Sunday School SffiVe^ # Rey. Raymond Goehring FREE METHODIST CHURCH and 8:3Q a.m. 11 a.m —Church ~ Associate Pastor 7 p.m.—Junior and Youth Fellows t . • • Rectory—109 Linden St.—Ph. 224-3313 305 Church Street Holy Days—5jj0; 7:30 a.m. and 7:00 ship * f r Convent—110 S. Oakland—Ph. 224 378a Phone 224-3349 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. eve before. 7:30 p m.—Evening Service School—201 E. Cass—Ph. 224-2421 * Robert Bentley, Minister Sorrowful Mother Novena—Friday, 7 p.m„ Wednesday—Prayer Meet­ Mass Schedule ing THESE CLINTON COUNTY FIRMS MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE Saturday Evening—7 p.m. Sunday— 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m. 7:30, 9, 10:30 and 12 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Saturdays-7:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Holy Days—See bulletin. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Weekdays—7:30 and 8:30 a.m. and ST, PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. CYRIL CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:15 p.m. -. Prayer service as announced. Fowler Rev Fr E. J. Konieczka, Pastor Sacrament of Penance—Saturdays, H.E, Rossow, Pastor Rectory Bannister, Phone 862-5270 Farmers Co-op 3:30 to 5 p.m.: after 7 pm. Mass DeWitt Area Sunday Masses—8:30 and 10 30 a m Schmitt Electric untlll 9 p.m. Weekday evenings—a 9:30 a.m., Worship. 10:30 a.m. Sun­ Daily Mass—7:30 am,; First Fn ELEVATOR few minutes before evening Mass WAYSIDE CHAPEL day School and Bible Class. dav, 8 p in. 807 1/2 E. State Wayne Fecds'and Grain First Fridays—Sacrament of Pen. A BIBLE CHURCH Holy Days—Masses 7 a.m. and 8 Phone 5te%6r ance, Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m. P m, St. Johns and after the evening Mass until all 14337 Turner Road, DeWitt Riley Township Confessions—4 to 5 and 7:30 to are heard. Mass and Prayers of Rev. Douglas Beach, Pastor ST. PETER LUTHER 4N CHURCH 8:30 p m every Saturday and before Federal Land Bank Adoration at 7:15 p.m. Holy Com­ Phone 489-9251 Mass on Sundays, Holy Days and munion on Friday at 6 and 7:15 a.m. SYNOD First Fridays. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 10 a.m. Sunday School 4Vi miles west of St. Johns on M-21 .Association 5'/i miles south on Francis road 8:30 p.m. on Thursday through 7 p.m. 11 a,m. Worship Service Central Natl Bank Burton Abstract and Schafer Heating, Inc. on First Friday. 2 miles west on Church road 6 p.m. Young People Marvin L. Barz, Pastor P.O. Box 228 Ph. 224-7127 OF ST. JOHNS Devotions—Our Mother of Perpet­ Heating, Air Conditioning 7 p.m. Evening Service 10:30 a.m.—Worshlp EAGLE UNITED METHODIST ' St. Johns—Ovid—Pcwamo Title Company ual Help Novena — af,ter 7:15 p m. 9:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible CHURCH Swimming Pools Mass each Tuesday. 7:15 p.m. Wednesday - Bible Study Classes. Rev Ray McBratnie, Pastor Member FDIC ; Religious Instruction Classes—Adult and Prayer. 119 N. Clinton, St. Johns Fowler, Ph. 587-3666 'Inquiry Class, Tuesday at 3 p m. High Holy Communion first Sunday of Telephone 627-6533 or 489-3307 School CCD, Wednesday at 8 p.m, A friendly church with a message the month at 8 a.m., third Sunday 9:30 a.m —Morning Worship Public Grade School CCD, Tuesdays for today. of the month at 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. —Church School S & H Farm Sales from 4 until 5 p.m. 7:30 p m.—Wednesday, Bible Study Bible Loving - Bible Believing - SOUTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH and prayer meeting. Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by Willard Farrier, Pastor appointment. Other arrangements by Bible Preaching. & Service Egnn Ford Sales, Inc. Federal-Mogtil Located 'A mile east of Francis 200 W. HiEhan Phone 224-2285 Appointment. Road on Chadwlck Road DeWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH CORPORATION (Inter-denominational) 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship Service Rev. and Mrs Royal Burnett, Pastoi New Holland Machinery FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Murl J. Eastman, Pastor 10.30 a.m.—Sunday School St. Johns Plant Ovid Conv. Manor • , South US-27 Amy Mulford, Sunday School Supt. 11:15 a.m—Morning Worship Our Specialty Marilyn Krol. Co-Supt. Hazel Dletz,\LPN Aim. Paul A, Travis, Pastor Gunnisonville Area 7:30 p.m. — Wednesday Prayer 9:45 a m.—Sunday School meeting • ^ 4 Mi. N. on US-27 to French Rd. 9480 W. M-Sl I'lione 517-831.2281 9:45 a.m/Bible School 11 a.m.—Church GUNNISONVILLE, 7 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Phone 224-4661 10:55 a.m. Worship Service UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Phillips Implement St. Johns Co-op 11 a.m. Children's Churches REDEEMER UNITED Clark and Wood Roads" Ovid Area COMPANY 6 p.m. IN-TIME and HI-TIME METHODIST CHURCH Edward F. Otto, Minister N. Clinton Ph. 224-2381 313 N. Lansing St. Ph: 224-2777 7 p.m. Evening Worship 105 N. Bridge St. 9:30 a.m. Church Service OVID FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Each Wed,, 1 p.m. The Hour of H. Forest Crum, Minister 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Main at Oak Street -Power for the whole family. 8 p.m. 1 Rev. Earl C. Copelln, Pastor Choir practice. 9:30 a.m.—Worship, (nursery pro­ Maple Rapids Area ' Norma Johnson, Church School Supt. Jim McKenzie Agency Maynnrd-AIIen First Sunday—Communion Service vided), 10:30 - ll:00a.m.(Co«eeFel- D & B Party Shoppe TID3 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Ida Beardslee, Organist 212 N. Clinton, St. Johns First Tuesday-Deacon's Meeting lowshlp, 11 a.m. Church School. Open Monday thro Saturday STATE BANK Maple Rapids Area Parish 9:45 a.m. - Church School. 11:00 Capitol Savings Second Tuesday—Ladies' Missionary Complete Party Supplies 214 W. Washington, Ionia Portland—Suntteld—Westphalia ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Pastor—Charles VanLente ' a.m. - Morning worship. Circle. Corner US-27 and Webb Road Parsonage and Office: US-27 and 224 N. Clinton Phone 224-3535 AND LOAN ASSN. Member F.D.I.C. Phone 587-3111 Clinton-Gratiot County Line Road Wed., 7 p.m., Senior Choir *• Last Tuesday—Trustees' Meeting Rev Glenn V, Cathey, Jr. 222 N. Clinton Phone 224-2304 Phone 244-616S Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Mon., Fri. "Moments of Medita­ Residence 669-3967 Church 669-9308 Rectory 224-2600 Office 224-2885 Study. tion*." Radio WRBJ. 2nd and 4th Sundays—9 a.m., Holy MAPLE RAPIDS UNITED Allaby-Brewbaker,lnc. Communion and sermon. METHODIST CHURCH 10:15 a.m.—Church School CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ST JOHNS BAPTIST TEMPLE Other Sundays — 9 a.m., 'morning Ovid, Michigan 108 1/2 N. Clinton St. 400 E. State Street prayer and sermon. 11-30 a m.—Worship Robert B. Hayton, Pastor Antes Cleaners St. Johns, Michigan Rev Jerry. Thomas, Pastor Church school every Sunday, 9:30 5:30-6:30 p.m.—Youth Worship Serv­ 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School a m, ice (community wldeK,*. Sunday School at 10 a.m.,- with 7 p.m —Youth Fellowship*; ' , \ ll,a.m.—Mornjng,Worship Pickup and "Delivery Wes' Gulf Service classes for all ages. Teaching from y,B pm.—Sunday evening singing.for- COMMUNITY OF ST. JUpE Monday \^K„ }t 108 W. Walker Ph. 224-4529 the Book of Revelation. 7 p.m.—Scouts ^boys-and girls. WE GIVE S&H STAMPS Morning worship at11 a.m. Catholic Church Tuesday 7 p.m.—Sunday evening services Sunday, 6 p.m„ study hour, with Father Jerome Schmltt, Pastor Wednesday evening prayer meeting Free Pick-up & Delivery 7 p.m.—Senior Choir practice. at 7 p.m. adult group, young people s group 409 Wilson, DeWitt 1:30 p.m.—WSCS first Tuesday ol S. US-27 Ph. 224-2212 and Jet Cadets group. 1 Dally Mass: Mon. and.Thurs. - 7:30 each month. • A f % *£{* E fit - CHURCH OF QODrf Sunday, 7 p.m., evangelistic mes- ,* 'SL> 'Ovid,'Michigan . , gfllfg p.m. Tues,, Wed. and Fri. 7.*00 a.m. SALEM UNITED METHODIST1 * *'* ' Rev. L. Sanders, Pastor Wednesday at 7, prayer meeting Sunday Mass: 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Pan's Rexall Store and study hour. Services at Middle School, DeWitt. 9 a.m.—Worship . 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship The* Corner Drug Store The F.C. Mason Co. Mathews Elevator 10 a.m.—Church School 6:00 p,m.—Youth Fellowship Phone 224-2837 ( Grain—Feed—Beans ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH EAST DeWITT BIBLE CHURCH 7 p.m.—Senior High Youth Fellow­ 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service 200 E, Railroad, St. Johns Phone 582-2551 US-27 at Sturgls (Non Denominational) ship; Junior Youth Fellowship every 7:30 p m.—Wednesday, Bible Study; Round Lake Road '/* mile other week. B:45 p m.—Choir practice Rev, Robert D. Koeppen, Pastor East of US-27 Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School arfd Bible Glen J, Farnham, Pastor 7 p.m.—Choir practice* • UNITED CHURCH OF OVID V Sunday— Discussions. 7:30 p.m.—Mid-week Service. 141 West Front Street 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Classes for Thursday - ' Walter A. KargUs 1H, Minister Fellowship. ** , Official Board meeting at 8 p.m. on all ages, HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH 10:15 a.m. Divine Worship. 7:30 p.m.—WSCS Third Thursday. Vera Tremblay, Church School Supt. Ovid, Michigan WSCS 'meets -third Thursday of the 4th Monday of eacli month. Holy Communion" - 1st Sunday each 11 a.m.—Morning Worship 0:30 a.m.—Church School, 4th thru 5 Fr Joseph AUDin * Methodist Men's Club Meetings — 5:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship, Senior, United Worship Services of Bth grades. * * ' month at 2 p.m. ' Potluck at church at 0:30 p m. on month. 14 and up; -Jet Cadets, 10-13. 10:30 a.m.—Mass on Sunday 1 LOWE AND GREENBUSH 10 a.m.—Adult Class 7 p.m.—Evening Mass on Wedncs- 1st Wednesdays of Sept., Dec, Feb. Confirmation Instruction Wednes­ 7 p.m.—Evening Service UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES 11 a.m.—Worshlp Service. Nursery, day* Victor Township and April. Sunday morning breakfast- days after 3:15 p.m. Wednesday— 9:15 a.m.—Church School babies through 2 year olds. Church Confessions 10 to 10.30 on Sunday s , f ' t on 1st Sunday morning of Oct., Nov., 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer. School, 3 year olds through 3rd grade, Jan., March and May at 8 a.m, Valuable Slimp , , 7:30 p.m. 1st Tuesday each month - 10:15 a.m.—United Worship Serv­ morning. GROVE BIBLE CHURCH Supervisee! nursery for babies and ices (check for location). 7 p.m.—United Church Youth Rev. Robert Prangc, Pastor The world's rnos% valuable'" ' Ladies Gulld-LWML. small children In all services. LOWE—Lowe and N. Lowe Hds. Each' Wednesday choir rehearsals. . Price and Shepardsville roads 7:30 p*ntt Wednesdays - Adult In­ "An -open door to an open book" GREENBUSH—Marshall and Scott 4 p.m., Children's Choir and Junior 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. Clashes stamp is considered to be ... A Bible preaching church with a Hds. Choir; 7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir. Pcwamo Area for all'iages the famous British Guiana, formation Classes, beginningeachSep­ message for you ... 2nd Wednesday — Women's Fellow­ 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship ST. MARY'S CHURCH 7 p,m.—Youth Fellowship meets Rev Fr Aloysius H, Miller, Pastor tember and February. Call 224-3544 with Salem. ship. * 6:30 p.m.—^Young People one-cent stamp of 1856. The, ST. THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH 3rdvMonday—United Men's Club. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service FT Martin Miller or>-224>7400 for specific information. October to January, Greenbush; Pewamo, Michigan Assistant Pastor stamp is valued at $32,500. -' Fathers Francis Murray, Joseph February to May, Lowe; June to 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, prayer meet­ Churdh Office Hours - 9:00 -12:00 OVID FREE METHODIST CHURCH ' Rt Rev Msgr Thomas J. Bolger, M.A., ing * ' VJ"* " Sunday Masses—B, 8 and 10 a.m. Droflte and Lawrence Delaiiey September, Greenbush—4 months in Weekdays—During school year 7:00, \A\ * * * - J a.r&f Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, each churcn. * WOW. Williams St. " * Pastor Ladies Missionary circle meets 4ln Rectory: 102-W, Randolph, Lansing ^ r Sunday Sunday Masses—S a.m., 8 a.m. and 7:45 and 11:15 a.m. . Firsl-Martyr^ v ' Thursday C Saturdays—6:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. : " Phone 4B9-B051 ' ' 10 a.m.—Sunday School 10 a.m. ?*CS5P1M Club meets 4th faturday in 8 p.m.—United choir practice at Daily Mass—7:30 a.m. Holy Days—5:30, 7:30, 9 a.m. and Saint'* Stephen ,Was 'the -CfltiHpH OF CHRIST OF ST. JOHNS Mass Schedule— Saturday: 7 p.m. host church ' -11 a.m.—Morning Worship month -• "" , • *" ». Sunday! 6, 8, 10, 12; DeWitt, 9 a.m. 8:15 p,ni,t-Youth Service „ ' > *, V Holy Baptism—Sunday, 1 p.m. 8 p.m. first, Christian martyr,. He Greenbush WSCS 4th Thursday at ' Evening Mass—Friday, 8:00 p.m. T „ . *" ea^N.'LtwsingSL. Holiday! 7, 8, 10 a.m.; 5S30, 7:30 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Sacred Confession — Saturday, 3:30 was stoned to death oqtside Tuesday and 7:30 p m. t ifevtentn Day, Adventlst Building P Lowe WSCS 2nd Wednesday at 1:30 Jerusalem some .time after " * c MfkVttar'grave, Minister 'Weekday Masses: 8 a.mi,"7:30 p.m* P,m, ., ,, 10 a.m.—Women's Prayer Service \ 'Family Holy Hour for Peace—Satur­ Confessions —Saturday: 3:30 to 5 . i "Wednesday day* 7:13 p.m. WACOUSTA COMMUNITY Lansing the Crucifixion'. ;, , 9i3fr a,raV Sunday,School " ' ——— . , k i ' < METHODIST CHURCH . and 7f30 to Bj.Evefl Of Holidays, 8vto * *10 a.m.—Men's Prayer Service " ip:30 a,m.* Morning Worship* Maple Rapids Administrative Board 7:39 p.m.—Mfd-Week Service UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rev Dale Spoor, Pastor ' KIMBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST 'Baptism: Sunday at 1 p.m. Please meets at'8 p.m. odd no. months, 2nd Also, Bible School, which ts Inter­ Phone 627-2515 Pewamo, Michigan 1007 Kimberly Drive Difference % \'){ $ Wed, 7:O0up,K Prayer 'Meeting. call in advance, Tuesday. , denominational begins Monday, the , 10 a.m.—Morning Worship i Lansing, Michigan «Ctfl$#Mpja for. mora Information. Salem Administrative Board meets 17th, and ends Friday, the 21st. The Rev. Wayne Sparks, Pastor • 11 a.m.—Sunday School Trie aortHarch which.caiA # i nOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH at 7:30 p.m. even no, months, 1st ' J6hn HallS final program will be held on the 420 El. Bridge St., Lyons ' *6:30 p,m.—Senior and Junior-Youth 11 a.m.—Morning Worship ries pure blood to the body •' David B. Franzmeler, Pastor Tuesday. 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Vacation Bible Fellowship * > ' ^Ati5#frwfec0PAL CHURCH 380 W. Herbison Rd., DeWitt Lowe and Greenbush Administrative ' 5lty855-3878 ttio a.m.—Bible Study turns to the) right" in' -Birds* School la for children ranging from ^Thursday, 3 p mt—Children's Choir 6jJ.m,—Evening Worship • ^Corner of E. Walker and Mead gts. Phone 669-9603 « . Boards meet at 8 p.m. odd no, months four years of age through the eighth . Sunday - 10:00 Morning Worship. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Senior Adult Midweek Bervice 7:30 p.m, Wednes­ but turns to the left in mail * Now using new' house of worship. on 1st Monday. • grade. Choir », _ i j day J night. , jR*W tfugn E« Bannlnga, Pastor Sunday* morning idjedule: Sunday 7:00 p.m. United Methodist Youth. T and other mammals, v Rgcfpry 224-2600 Office 224-28Q5 Hage |5 Wednesday, January 12, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan A — Bits and Pieces DeWitt officials facing lion's tHMIeltu^ By MRS. DON WARREN, Correspondent — Phone 831-5080 & The Women's Society of Chris­ boy > in Chile whom^hey' help den on airport annexation tian Service of the Mlddlebury i support. Cleaningofthebasement Congrars'Are In Order United Methodist Church met re­ was discussed again and a motion cently at the'home of EdithSchu- made to send a note to the-Church By TIM YOUNKMAN knecht with Virginia Mulder and board asking them to share in the DeWITT TOWNSHIP-It might be a little Kathryn Burgess as co-hostes­ expense and to contract to have advised the commissioners to wait until the ses. A cooperative dinner was* By HAROLD SCHMALTZ like Daniel walking into the lion's den when next general election which will be held in it and the entries* cleaned on a DeWitt Township officials travel to Lan­ November.* served at noon. The meeting was regular basis. Motion* carried. A sing Feb. 10 to appear before the Michi­ called to order byRita'Whltmyer suggestion was made that per­ 't it interesting to stumble a former teacher of mine back A few weeks ago I authored a gan State Boundaries Committee. ' King.said the "cart was before the horse" due to the absence of the pres­ haps the Society might do some­ ss some item in a news— when I was a fifth grade student column pertaining to my being The meeting tetween Lansing city of­ in the way the authority was established. ident and Vice-President. She thing for the patients at Pleasant r regarding an old acquain- at Literary Hail School In Ionia a member of the cast presenting ficials and DeWitt Township officers will "The legislature gave the airport land to opened with an appropriate poem View, Margaret Potter "will find whom you have lost track County. As I recall, Miss Rogers, the Christmas play, "A Christ­ be held at the Lansing City Council cham­ the authority and it was done prematurely/ and prayer. Secretary's and trea­ out what they could use. Gladys ver the years? I had such as she was known back in those mas Carol". Well, this particular bers to settle the problem of the airport King said. "Then they had the three counties surer's reports were read and Warren was in charge of the de­ caslon the other day while days; was Just 18 years old and school was the place where it annexation. vote to Join the authority. Ithink they should accepted. "Thank-yous* were votions and Dorothy Jordan was ~g a copy of the Greenville was embarking on her first occurred and Mrs. Billings (Miss The problem of the airport area being have had the authority set up first before read from Richard Warren and program leader. Rita Whltmyer News. It seems that a teaching assignment. She was Rogers) was the teacher. annexed to the City of Lansing has plagued giving away the land," James Warren for their Christ­ was at the piano for the group by the names of Mr. and from Hubbardstonandapparently I noticed our Hubbardston cor­ Clinton County and DeWitt and Watertown mas remembrances, Margaret singing. Edith Schuknecht dis­ Jack Billings were going to King said that Lansing was "enthused* Potter and her committee were had just completed a County respondent submitted a picture Townships' officials since voters in the with the setup. "Thejr" motive was an­ missed the meeting with prayer. Lebrating their 25th wedding Normal course in teaching and I of the Billings' anniversary event thanked for their work on the cotunty voted not to join the airport nexation from the beginningand they wanted liversary. along with 11 students were going to be placed In this week's Clin­ authority a year ago. Christmas baskets. The bulletin The.Youth Fellowship of the It cook me just seconds to to have complete control," board for Christmas Cards at the Mlddlebury United Methodist to be the big acid test for her ton County News. My best wishes After the votes were counted in the tri- recognize Mrs. Billings as being nerves. to the Billings as they gathered But the problems will only be beginning church seemed like a good Idea Church will sponsor a Pancake county area, only Ingham County and Lan­ for the City of Lansing if th'ey should win Supper at the church Saturday with friends and relatives this sing belonged to the authority, while Eaton past Sunday to mark their special the annexation bid, according to King, ' and it was suggested that we try evening, Jan, 12 with serving to and Clinton counties declined to Join. That "H they should get the airport annexed it again next year only get an begin at 5 p.m. Tickets are occasion. left the annexation question open. Last week, CNB&T/ figures show I read the other day where a it would be like the transportation problem earlier start. The Society had $1.25 for adults, 75^ for children the Lansing planning board voted unani­ they have now. The voters would have to received another letter from the under 12, entire family $6. couple down in my native state mously to endorse the annexation bid which of celebrated their 86th pay for it since it isn't a money making would wipe out a $1 million tax-base proposition." t5.7,per cent increase wedding anniversary. Wow, for the township. , / - c feature that! The husband was "We are opposed to the annexation," If a vote would be held today, King ST. JOHNS-A sharp upward that the increase in these cate­ reportedly 105 years old while gories represent an average of Milton King, township supervisor, said said it would pass in DeWitt Township trend which has marked the I think the wife was in her 90's, Friday. "It was thought that it would come in favor of joining the authority. *lt growth of Clinton National Bank 13.7 or 87 per cent of the year's I wonder what chance any of us total business increase. up for a vote in November when the county passed the last time in Bath, DeWitt and and Trust Company in the past around here wlll.have of getting commissioners talked with the township According to White, the bank's Watertown townships. The out-county town­ dejcade continued during 1971 close to their Record??? Well, supervisors last year. The supervisors ships voted it down." sending the bank's resources to total loanportfolioof$28,594,220 as of this past Saturday, our amall - time high of $48,908,077. has increased 19.1 per cent over editor, Tim Younkman, can be *The year-end totals, tabulated last year's total of $24,019,587 counted as in the running. *Good Mr. and Mrs* John Woodbury The Burton - Car land Farm as of close of business Dec. 31, while deposits- have increased luck to you, buddy!" * Bridgeville called on Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce Bureau group scheduled to meet With Our Services 1971, reflect a 15.7 per cent in- 13.5 per cent from $37,743,478 to Hulbert Sunday afternoon. Bruce Thursday evening, Jan. 13 will crease over the previous year's $42,821,282. Capitol accounts THERE WAS LOTS OF HIGH By Mrs Thelma Woodbury is suffering with an Injured back State Licensed Contractor ,_.-. _.* * t meet at the W^Hibbard Road home totel of $42,287,531 of cllnton Na ional Bank rose SCHOOL BASKETBALL ACTION after being thrown from a horse, of Mrs. Edith Schuknecht instead * Aluminum Siding TAKE Official year-endi&tatements, from $3,054,849 to $3,316,429, last Friday night, some of which Mr. and Mrs, Ervol Foster of the Mlddlebury Church as pre­ * Vinyl Siding ADVANTAGE currently being prepared, show Mr. and Mrs. Roland Schmid an 8.6 per cent increase. provided fans with real exciting returned home Thursday after viously reported. Mrs. Schu­ * Custombuilt substantial growthlWthree major Clinton National operates thrills. I had the assignment of and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary OF LOW spending the past three weeks knecht will be assisted by Mr. Aluminum Awnings areas, including loan portfolio, eleven locations \n Clinton covering the St. Johns-Charlotte -, Skinner and daughter Tina near Hollywood, Fla. with his son and Mrs. Joe Jordan and Claud MID-WINTER * Storm Doors - Windows -(^feposits and capitol accounts. County and the north Lansing encounter which found the Red­ Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and daughters. Spless. Cooperative supper at 8 PRICES Administrative .Vice President area. Home office of the bank wings coming out on the short Schmid and Mr. and Mrs. Henry p.m. precedes the business ses­ end of the stick, losing by a Schmid Sr. were dinner guests sion. DEAL DIRECTLY WITH THE OWNER mere two points. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmid The St. Johns Redwings Jr. and family to honor Mr. and Mlddlebury DAVID ROSENBERG Mrs. Henry Schmid Sr., who are THE FINGER marching band is to be com­ By Mrs Don Warren We sell material for the do-it-yourself handyman This is mended on'a brilliant half-time leaving for Fort Meyers, Fla. Phone 834-5030 Monday morning Jan. 10, Mr. and Historians must find it hard Mrs. George Osgood performance at Friday night's Albert Warren is a patient at game. "Your group did a splen­ Mrs, John Woodbury were after­ to point out the faults of other Northern Aluminum Products did job, Walt!" Real class, that's noon callers and remained as Owosso Memorial Hospital where nations when they know the his­ Week what it was and I'm sure anyone supper guests. he underwent surgery Monday, tory of their own. ,121 E. STATE RD. LANSIN3 PH.487-5956 For nearly 25 years Mrs. Osgood worked as a who viewed the various forma­ full-time teacher in the St. Johns Elementary School tions and heard the music de­ System and upon retirement in 1959 continued her life­ livered by this group would agree time work on a voluntary basis by conducting English with me. t lessons for,area residents not fully familiar with the Speaking, of performances, I language. .Since beginning her special classes, which understand the Marauders suc­ now meet^at Bement Public Library, Mrs. Osgood has cessfully pulled out a win over taught English to former residents of European and rival Bullock Creek Friday night Asian countries as well as native Americans and migrant on the basis of Tim Bouck's workers. Her concern for ,hqr, students ,1s summed up, clutch hitting-with seconds rleft , *.» w (i tt I'TIJO »!!'»•'.? ****** 't < in her words that Anyone who has come to live in 6n> m°ixo-6&And' 6f'fcoUrtf' r >*>H» A. * **JI • J •. C •» * '! I. * r-T, I 1 4 America should have the privilege of learning English. * (Qnly^antu can't ignore the tremendous tin- For this dedication and interest in her neighbors we '4 set that Ithaca pulled over title- have chosen Mrs. George (Bess) Osgood as our Citizen hungry St. Louis. I guess this just CUHTON NATIONAL * of the Week.* about locks the MMB race into i a four-way tie with Ovid-Elsie, belong in the red Ithaca, Bullock Creek and St. I '•& Louis all sharing identical 2-1 s CLINTON NATIONAL conference marks. I can see it's BANK & TRUST CO. going to be a long season for A ,2 everyone. The wide-awake Speedway. The only sports snowmobile makes it all so easy. of its kind made in the U.S.A. . . . and a wide-awake Christmas Club will make sure Santa's the only

one in'the red next year. There's still time to begin a regular savings

sorber ski suspension. Standard. There's even plan which could net you $100, $200, even $500 to spend for Christmas an adjustable thumb/hand throttle control. You guessed it. Standard. next year. When the holiday season rolls around again, make certain built in the tuition of . Corvette and The slide rail suspension, plus the quad-leaf/ Jaguar. A'sporf^ machine with flair and integ­ shock absorber ski suspension means agility. rity. In designvjn engineering. In performance. The Speedway carves through slaloms like clay Speedway. 'America's first true sport snow- and comes out'as straight as a Trevino tee that you're in the green . . . only Santa belongs in the red. mobile.'lt's a snowmobilte with decidedly crisp, shot. Power abounds throughout the three clean, and functional lines. Its styling and model line but dyed-in-the-wool competitors presetting engineering share as much design will really respond to the nearly limitless finesse with Italy as v^ith California. power in the Speedway 650. Fantastico! As tftiu'd ^expect fronf a thoroughbred, you Now if all this doesn't trigger a flow of adren­ get fiscalintegnty. You get a speedometer and alin, maybe you'd better look over the entire tachometer-StandardA'A fuel gauge. Standard, 3 model line. 340,440, and 650. Buy any other pual sprocket track drive. Standard. Ram-air snowmobile and all you get is today's snow­ CHRISTMAS CLUBS induction^hood with,racing lock pins, Stan­ mobile. Buy a Speedway and you get a piece dard Slider suspension.-Standard. Shock ab­ of, tomorrow, AVAILABLE IN FOLLOWING AMOUNTS

$12.50 - 25? per week $150.00 - $3.00 per week $25.00 - 50? per week $250.00 7 $5.00 per week $50.00 - $1.00 per week $500.00 - $10.00 per week $100.00 - $2.00 per week $1000.00 - $20.00 per week


4400 N./jEAST ST.{U.S. 27) LANSING PH. 487-6270 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation' ritfMMtffM9' •MMimiii MH^ pQ9e16A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, January 12, 1972 Clinton County News Post-Holiday Blues Editorial Paae Power and personality


We've heard some of itbefore. Johnson could no longer hold the are vague and lost'among the Something like - "We won't people with his Southern politics sloganlsms. Time for action send one American boy to do the and mannerisms, and could'nt Without true reform in min believe most proponents of fighting of Asian boys." withdraw from his charted course why would anyone In his righ There are many people, living Remember? in Vietnam, he withdrew from the mind want to be President of th outside of St. Johns and Clinton having 'ttye highway pass through Or-"The 1970's will provide Presidential race. United States? If the answer isn the city at that time will now huge economic gains for To many voters, Hubert H. the magic word "money," the County, who support the St. Johns America." Humphrey didn't have'the serious it must be for the prestige a- City" Commission in its effort to realize the fears.were unfounded. How about-"I'H have a big sur­ -type personalitythathas become power involved^ And even that push for an early US-27 bypass prise for you In the Fall." essential to the Power Presi­ short-lived. At the outside, However, this thinking of To paraphrase a few political dents. Nixon seemed more stern man would have power for o of the city. several years ago should not be statements of our recent past, with a Kosygines que quietness. eight years, providing he Is r .Efforts, to pressure the De­ we haven't quite lived up to our What have we now? 10, that's elected. used today to put across a point commitments. right count 'em, candidates on the partment of State Highways for The nation has seen the effect by the Highway Department. 1972 will provide a virtual zoo Democratic slate running for the of Power Politics at work as f$r quicker action on scheduling the for Americans to View their polit­ nomination. There willbeatleast as Vietnam! goes. It is a fabt They'd deny any such idea, we ical candidates in the thing they three for the Republican nod. rerouting of the heavy traffic that the President has the powqr are sure, but nonetheless, it is do best—politicking. That adds up to a lot of clashing to end that war at any timel around the, city, came as the re­ These wild statements will be personalities. Complete withdrawal. \ } a point. tossed around like basketballs So, you can bet we will be In sult of an announcement by the to the voting public and, as in the for a lot of campaign promises What hurts' is -the realization Highway Department of a pro­ The bypass of St. Johns is long past, the election will boil down (as usual), much heated debate that we could have been out of overdue. We agree that the funds to nothing more than personali­ (as they say on Capitol Hill) that conflict completely' a year posed widening project at the in­ ties. Personality is a quality that and some mud slinging. or two ago—instead we are going tersection of US-27 and M-21. should become available as soon has won more Presidential elec­ In a decade when the issues to to wait for a big surprise in as possible, if not sooner. Per­ tions tljan issues—FDR, Eisen­ be decidedfar outweigh the poten­ the Fall, when, observers expect, We can't help but believe there hower, Kennedy, Johnson and tials of any personality over the President will call for com­ is some skulduggery going on. haps the proposed project of Nixon, In recent years, have all another—we will probably see plete evacuation of the Asian mainland, Just before election Back a number of years ago when widening the highway at the M-21 won (or lost) because of person­ little progress. Not one of the intersection may help in pushing ality appeal. candidates has outlined complete day. Good politics, but bad the freeway was extended from When it became evident that reform measures. The solutions humanism. the Highway Department into a L,ans,ing north, towns such as St. higher gear the the complete Johns were concerned aboutloss 'IF IT FITZ . . .' elimination of the only bottle­ of business if it were bypassed. neck of the freeway to Saulte Pressures were put forth to sup­ Ste. Marie. port this' belief, which, later, Back thru Love heavier than flu proved to be wrong, and we — MacD. the years fine decorum by teens By JIM FITZGERALD One Year Ago 25 Years Ago very little has been said about TheT fine decorum of 18-20 After weeks of meetings be­ 3 the several other important as­ Total employment exceeded I never thought I'd feel sorry When I coughed it was like the H She buys everyone too manyglfts year -aid people and their ex­ tween the St. Johns youth and bomb going off in my chest. I and enjoys giving almost, but not adults, local teens now have a 100 people at the St. Johns Divi­ for a billionaire. But H, L. Hunt cellent, record as new legal pects of the new legislation. sion of the Sealed Power Corp­ of Texas has moved me. lived on aspirins and you should quite, as much as getting. Now place of their own a new youth know this about pain relievers— the big day was finally here and drinkers, should not go un­ We had expected that any in­ center. The teens staged a door- oration this week. A full day Everyone has heard of Hunt. shift and a partial night shift He's the oilman who, if he spent they don't always relieve. I'll she couldn't even pretend to enjoy noticed. >• * cidences resulting from lower­ to-door campaign to enlist local swear my hair was sore. it. support for their project which are at work at the plant produc­ $1 million every hour for the * A- survey of area police ing the age of drinking booze to Is headquartered in the railroad ing piston rings. next 150 years, would have enough I was a great patient. I stag­ * T h e annual Clinton County money left to -pay your Christ­ gered around the house with a. And a surprising thing oc­ 18 would have been overly freight building on Railroad curred to me. I felt worse about agencies at New Year's time Street. Farm Bureau membership roll mas bills. blanket under my chin, a box trumped up in the news media. call campaign is scheduled to get The newspapers quoted the 82- of Kleenex under my arm, and a Chris being sick than I did about reflected nothing but p(raise of A snowmobile rally sponsored underway this week. A meeting year-old billionaire as saying his snarl under by beard. When any­ me being sick. This is a remark­ these young people in regards to This did not occur, and mostly by the Sleepy Hollow Conserva­ of the 100 volunteer workers who one asked how I felt I told them able thing for a selfish man to tion Club drew a large number fondest Christmas was spent in because the young people con­ will act as solicitors will pre- •Eldorado, Ark. in 1923. With to shut up or I'd kill them. realize. In fact, if I could have their newly found adulthood. of interested spectators and a ceed the opening of the drive. When my wife was late delivering ducted themselves with much large field of entrants. only a sandwich for his holiday made a deaVwith God and Blue dinner,, he spent the day drilling a drink to bedside,'I accused her Cross, I would have gladly taken Joseph Mazzolinl, son of M,rs St. Johns banks chose three new "more rapport than most of us aj membjess, for,-their, boards> of an bil Vell^— anditcame In. ."It, of plotting my murder. I was a over' her'illnes's. I couldn't stand I There has\bee.mi so .miich^iri- A. Mazzolini of 204 EastiWalker. 1 gave them credit.' We hope this directors at their, annual stock-, , was'a constructive CnYistmas,* real sweetie. Merry Christmas. not seeing that " greedy kid count phasis, haw^er-v oaii this^one Street, St. Johns, was appointed said Hunt. By Christmas morning, I was her loot on Christmas morning. voice instructor at the Michigan holders' meetings this week. phase offline* change in lbwer- will continue in the future. Named as new directors for the I'll remember the Christmas feeling some better. But I had Conservatory of Music inDetroit given the lousy disease to Chris, The point of all this is sup­ the age of majority and — MacD. and the Birmingham Conserva­ St. Johns National Bank were J. season of 1971 because I was so 'ing sick I wanted to repent for sins I my hippie-haired, 15-year-old posed to be that I feel sorry tory of Music and Dance. He and G, Matthews, owner of Matthews' for billionaire Hunt because the Dairy Stores, and Dr. S. R, Rus­ haven't had time to commit yet. daughter. She was so sick she his wife, the former Frances barely knew what day it was— best thing he can remember about Martelll, reside In Rochester. sell, St. Johns' physician and I had the Hong Kong flu so bad surgeon. Stockholders of the State it should make you cry to read but she knew. It was Christmas a Christmas is striking oil. I From the state house A one month art display fea­ Bank of SU Johns chose Dorr about it, I was forced to stay Day. And that was so sad, turing the works of Margaret think it's better,,to remember a Anderson, local grocer to fill home from work, the first time Chris is one of those kids who Christmas for a love heavier than Anderson is scheduled to be held the vacancy on their board that's happened since I was 2 starts Christmas preparations in at the Lansing Public Librarv. flu. brought about by the death of the years old and didn't have much July. She's singing carols by in * Theoretical justice Opening day ceremonies will in­ late A, G. Jones. of a job anyway. October and has the inside of Of course, I've never struck clude appearances of those exhib­ I was hot and then I was cold. closets decorated by November. oil. Or have I? By DICK ALLEN iting in the show. Kenneth Prettie, of Hillsdale, 88th District Representative Ovid-Elsie's loss to Bullet governor of the 151st district of Creek 65-62 dropped them into Rotary International, made his annual visitation to the St. Johns from strictpopulationguidelines. second place in the Mid-Michigan Theoretical Justice can cause cans, and other population groups Class B race. Rotary Club. practical inequities. even 1* K requires deviation from Following census figures Thomas E. Corkin was re­ closely creates another injustice. Clinton County News bowlers Such is the case with the strict population guidelines. of the week were Lowell Kerby elected as president of the St. All citizens are counted including Johns Building and Loan Associa­ Supreme Court's one-man, one- f People in some areas have of Owosso with a 674 score and children, prisoners, and other tion at the group's annual meet­ New criminal coae vote ruling in regards to appor- little chance or electing a rep- non-voters. Senior citizen areas Aggie Stump of Westphalia with tlonment of State Legislatures resentatlve from that are a if a total of 636. ing. are under-represented compared Mrs. Don Gilson was elected and other elected bodies. county and other local govern­ to a suburb with lots of kids. The annual Clinton County ment lines are not followed in News county-wide wrestling president of the Clinton Memorial As we struggle with the re- In areas where few citizens vote, Hospital Auxiliary Board at the Rep. Douglas Trezlse districting. Some central Mich­ each vote counts more. tournament will be held at the squired apportionment of Mich­ igan counties are chopped into St. Johns High School Gym begin­ annual meeting held in the Muni-, 87th District igan's legislative and congres­ In our present districts, there ning at 10 a.m. clpal Building. She succeeded sional districts, requiredfollow- two, three or more State House are some that consistently have Mrs. Glenn Osgood, ' ing each ten year census, glow- districts. Each part of the county two or three times as many voters One of the more interesting 1) Establishes three cate­ cirminal law is needed if only "ing injustices arise. is then doomed to be represented as others. pieces of homework I undertook gories of criminal violations: to get crime and punishment 10 Years Ago in the right relationship. For in­ I have recently been reading by someone living outside the In my opinion, population fig­ during the recent legislative re­ felonies, the most serious; mis­ county. Ovid stance, today the brime of utter­ early American historywithpar­ ures for districting should come cess was a study of House Bill demeanors and Infractions, the In my opinion, it should be a from total votes cast, rather than The St. Johns Jaycees pre­ Mr. and Mrs, Keith Sheldon least offense. ing and publishing (a forgery ticular emphasis on the dlscus- sented the Distinguished Service and family have returned to Bonne 4004, all 250 pages of which charge) carries a 14-year max­ sions-at -the Constitutional Con- strong principal to follow county from census figures. lines in drawing districts even Award to Dr. James Grost and Terre, Mo. after spending the constitute a proposed criminal 2) Regrades all felonies into imum sentence while assault with vefiUon/'tfca't'tfollowed after Inde­ In other words, one-man, one- three levels of seriousness, with though it requires some deviation vote; Bah-Humbug! the Outstanding Young Farmer holidays with their parents, Mr, code for the State of Michigan. intent to rape (a more serious pendence and Confederation. Itis Award to Peter Kurncz at the and Mrs. Wesley Hazle of St. Class A felonies carrying a 20- offense, certainly) carries a 10- quite clear" our founding fathers Michigan's criminal law today year maximum sentence, Class Washington Reports service group's annual Bosses Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Dale is the result of patchwork legis­ year maximum and felonious as­ ".did not intend a pure democracy! Night which was held at the St. Sheldon of Ovid and other rel­ sault is only four years. »(T,The people did not directly lation which has accumulated for Johns Episcopal Church. The atives, over 100 years and this bill seeks B felonies a 10-year maximum The proposed code is the re­ effect a president, he was selected awards were presented by Jaycee by an electoral college. United Sr. Ben Green _ left Jan, 4 and Class C carrying a 5-year sult of woVk begun in'^1964 by president, John Cary Jr. for Great Lakes Training Camp to collect, in one place, in code maximum sentence. Mis­ a committee appointed" by the States Senators were selected by Clearing form, all of the 3,500 sections State Legislatures. From discus­ The Harlem Diplomats, an after spending two weeks with his demeanors are classified in a Michigan State Bar Commission. internationally famous basketball parents Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey of criminal statutes of the state. similar manner. Included were prominent judges, sions it is obvious some feared But it goes a lot further than possible unwise decisions made team from Toronto, Canada will Green, law professors, defense attor­ the way play a team of local all-stars Mr. and Mrs, Byron Spence of that and is bound to generate 3) Eliminates all minimum neys, prosecutors, police and during "mass hysteria." Prop- sentences—except for the crime * erty rights and privileges were with the proceeds to be used to Dundee, visited their a lot of oratorical heat during corrections officials. help defray the cost of the newly cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold the cold winter. of mur,der—leaving the court with But even with this kind of held high. authority to impose either some U.S. Rep. Garry Brown installed scoreboard for the Beardslee on Jan. 5, Among other, features, the bill: background, the bill is in for >. Vou had to own a certain amount school gym. form of probation or sentences a lot of-discussion in the Legis­ of the maximum number of years s>t property to be eligible for the funding to the aid program for Max Loudenbeck was Installed lature. Not all support the con­ Senate. Even Jef- WASHINGTON, D.C.—House- fiscal 1972 and prevent adjourn­ as worshipful master of the Maple cept of open sentencing or eli­ i ferson, leadingspokesmanforthe Senate conferees reached final as outlined in the Class A, B ment. Rapids Masonic Lodge with John % or C definition. The actual length minating certain crim.es common man, was a slave- agreement last week on the Setterington acting as installing (adultery, for instance) from the holding Virginia aristocratwhose Rep. William Ryan (D-N.Y.) One day at a time of prison term will be deter­ foreign aid authorization and thus at this point took the floor and officer. mined by the parole board which list of criminal* offenses. The Views of the "equality" of man cleared the way for final ad­ bill will probably 'not emerge .dbviously had some limits, moved to instruct the House con­ An amount of $12,000 has been By WARREN" E, DOBSON could act at anytime it-felt the journment. ferees to accept the Mansfield spent by ClintonCounty taxpayers s from the Legislature without :JJt Is clear the Count's decision change. was not an interpretation of what Earlier this year the bill was amendment. in four days due to a heavy snow individual was ready to return the founding fathers meant, but at least temporarily scuttled by Rep. Tom Morgan (D-Pa.) then storm which made it necessary :•:• Three hundred and sixty-six full days to society. Already, X have i heard from * the Senate. moved to table Ryan's motion and for around the clock work from :$ Are ours in new seventy-two, „ several people about features p| what equal -protection should l 4) Reclassifies certain kinds ''ittean under modern conditions. More recently, House-Senate the House agreed by a vote of local road crews. j§ There's brand new decisions awaiting us all of consumer fraud schemes to of this bill and hope to hear ^Eyen if we agree that each conferees had been tied up for 130 to 101. Square dancers filled the Mun­ £:• As to what, when and where we must do; felonies rather than misde­ from more who are concerned. 'person's vote should count equal­ weeks, with Senate Majbrity Ironically, this Vote disposed icipal building auditorium, when :ij: The charts are confusing if read as a whole,^ meanors. The bill is now before'us on Leader Mike Mansfield insisting of Mansfield's contention that he guest night was held. :$ It mades for a happier clime ' J' our, calendar and debate in the ly^ tne strict adherence to pop- 5) Makes provislpn for adding ' ulatlon in redisricting creates on an up-or-down vote by the was being denied a House vote The Clinton County board of :•:. If we face ourselves and learn to live House should begin within the House on his amendment calling on his amendment, a result which supervisors voted in its regular up to 30 years of sentence to next week or tyro. 'as many injustices as it cures. ^: Our days only one at a time, convicted felons if theyare .•^Minority groups are often in- for a total withdrawal of U.S. Ryan no doubt had not intended. meeting to assist the Tri-County I think We need a 'revision" military personnel from Indo- Regional Planning commission classified as "dangerous of­ of the criminal statutes of our p^operly represented. If your Mansfield accepted the vote i-ij Of course there is planning that spans all our days fenders" as defined in the bill* ( chi a ltMn slx 0 and allowed to conferees to drop in a land survey of the entire £ And problems that change by the hour, state. While X do not support all •iiv'Mor group orrace) receives " W J" "* % -n his amendment from the author­ county, ' ^ There's changes no one can forsee far ahead 6) Establishes the question of of the proposals in their present Ssteady W<* the Vote In all Pendent u*on a relea,se oS ^ AmerIcan ners r izing bill. Vic Hyde, known ,as one of :•;; That alter direction of power; consent in most sex. matters as form, I am Rooking forward to MtrfeS; you may end up with no &»> °< ™ ' fc y Within an hour, final agree­ America's musical phenomenons ;:ji So open the throttle and pour on the coal! , the determination of whether a the education Hn criminal law ^presentation (rather than the 4*°T S^^'J^ , 1 and world famous as a one-man that we are bound to get through e ment was reached by the con- j:-i Let action be positive and prime! crime is committed but retains 53% itwould seem you'deserve). J leadership and the adminis- f erees on a $2.7 billion aid au­ band, will highlight the 'annual •:•: May we aim at a goal of deliberate speed some provisions comparable to the open debating process and ,/ln my opinion; appor^n.ent With.al'^fnl othetr major legis- thorization for fiscal 1972. The Junior and senior Varsity Night •:•: By living one day at'a timet" ' , the statutory rapefelonyatpres- I am hopeful that we can have Should have, as r a partial goal held at the high school gym in •;«; i ent to. protect the young. a completed product by the end proper representation for farm- |;«on having been considered, administration's initial request h( m asse had been for $3.6 billion. St. Johns. Certainly, a revision of our of this year. Jrrf/black, Democrats, Rejmbli-i * * * P threatened to deny . PQ e Wednesday, JdnUary 1-2, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns/ Michigan 9 17A I Pewamo By Mrs Irene Fox v*1-

Mrs. Barbara Stelnke spent Faith in God Christmas with her son and Funding system daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ,Dear Editor: Tom Steinke at Saginaw. On Dec. 14, 1971 I had the By REV. HUGH BANNINGA Mrs. Anna Fedewa left Dec, 20 occasion to be on routine patrol is unfair ^i to spend a week with her daugh­ in the Valley Farms area of ter and family, Mr. an.d Mrs. use giving a snow Job to you, DeWltt Township. At approxi­ One of the lines In the Jaycee means worship. Tony Sokolowski at Battle Creek. mately 5:00 p.m. on this date I Creed states that "We believe Worship involves two things, Lord. You already know me like She also visited at the home of SEN. WILLIAM^. BALLENGER a book. So when I'm all alone, .responded to a reportedPersonal hat faith in God gives meaning First, it means a person attends her daughter in Ionia, Mr. and Injury accident at US-27 and nd purpose to human llf e.," Have church with others who are strlv- help me to see me like I am, Mrs. Ed Renuccl and family. variation In state aid fails to the owner of an identical home even if I don't like it. Inside of Clark Road. Upon arriving at the As one of seven members of ou ever thought—I mean really ing to know God better. There are Marsella Schueller was a scene of the accident, I observed the Michigan Senates's Special compensate forthe differences in in a $35,000 district to support hought about what "faith in God* many Christian congregations me I want the right thing. Then Christmas Day guest at the home two vehicles sitting in the inter­ resources available to the in­ the sameprograml Ahomeowner when I'm with someone, I want Committee on School-Financing all about? throughout our county. Each con- of Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Schafer section, another officer assisting Reform, I am still trying to doc­ dividual districts. Inequities in a $10,000 district must pay To jinswer this question I'll gregatlon is made up of people them to think I'm the big man. and family. the injured parties. After seeing still exist, serious inequitiesl more than half again as much as When I'm all along tonight, God, ument my contention that Mich­ tart with'a story. A soap man- who are working on their rela- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kramer, that the injured were getting igan's present system of funding The average school district cur­ a homeownerlna$35,000district acturer and a minister were tlonship with God. Each congre- help me see what you want me proper care, I started moving the rently levies about 26 mills for to provide a comparable educa­ to be like.* Dan Kramer and Brenda Kramer K-12 public education is grossly clng- down a residential street gallon has a pastor who can help returned Jan. 2 from a week's traffic the best possible way I unfair. .operating- purposes. Let's ex­ tional opportunity for his child­ e day, and the soap manufac- the person whoislookingforGod. knew. As I recall a citizen was It is prayers like this—straight vacation in Florida. To begin at the beginning, about amine the total per-pupil rev­ ren. er "said, "The Gospel you So, if any of. you who read this from the heart—that brings a After spending a week in attempting to move the North­ enue realized, state aid Included, ;ach hasn't done much good, column are not part of a Chris- bound lane of traffic and because 43.5% of the cost of operating our Where school construction Is person closer to God. Prayers Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Carl public schools is currently met when citizens in various districts concerned, these inequities are Jere'd still'lots of wickedness tian congregation, then you are like this are very important in a of the debris in the Southbound pay exactly the same 26-mlli tax Kramer Jr. and family returned lanes, I had to direct all South- by state aid' and about 3.7% by multiplied many times over, ound.* The preacher didn't neglecting an important part of person's relatlonshiD tn finri home during the -week. on homes of equal value: $35,000 nirtf. m-«u *»I™H««™ m» bound traffic to the dirt shoulder, federal aid. The largest share, since the local property tax Is swer him until they passed a your faith in God. Worshipping Anyone^who does not strive to Mrs, WilliaW m Jandernoa was districts receive $979.50; $69.50 admitted at St. Johns Memorial 'At Ms Ume ^ cars frQm ^ some 52.8 per cent, comes from presently the sole revenue Stie boy'who was" making mud witn others is an important part develop the vertical level of rela­ local property taxes. plus (.026 x $35,000.00); $30,000 source for bonding and debt re­ _ jes in the vacant lot. "Ah," said 0f getting to know God better, tionship—the man to God rela­ Hospital on Dec. 27 and was -districts receive"$919.50; tirement. It costs a homeowner the minister, with a twinkle in his Worship also -means being Clinton County Sheriff's Depart­ We frequently hear property tionship, is denying himself a scheduled for surgery. ment arrived on the scene and taxes being criticized as ine-*• $25,000' districts receive in a $5,000 district fully seven eye, fSoap hasn't done much good alone with God. It means being truly full life. And If he continues Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fox and $859.50; $20,000 districts re­ times a s much to build a school in the world, either. There Is still by yourself to talk and listen to began to help with the traffic. quitable because they bear so to live on the man to man level, family attended tho Christmas It was at this time I was ap­ little relation'to the ability-to- ceive $799.50; $15,000 districts as it does^the owner of an ident­ much dirt and many dirty people God on an intimate and deeplevel. then anything he does has no real dinner Sunday at the home of receive $751,50; $10,000 ical home in a $35,000 district around. "Oh, wen," said the man- it means pouring your heart out proached by an individual who pay of the individual taxpayer or religious significance. It has only her sister and husband, Mr. and asked that I move one of the taxpaying firm. When our districts receive $721.50; $5,000 to build the same school 1 "ufacturer,, "soap is only useful to Him and asking Him what He humanitarian significance. Any­ Mrs. Clarence Irrer and family. schools are forcedtodependpri­ districts receive $691.50; This is the problem that has when It Is applied." "Exactly," patrol cars so that the funeral wants you to do. body can be a humanitarian. It A family gathering enjoyed a procession could continue its turn marily upon property taxes, an­ These inequities are even brought about increaslngde- said thej: minister. "So it is with There are many books in print takes guts and perseverance tobe Christmas dinner with the follow­ other type of Inequity becomes more gfaring when examined mands for school-financing re­ the Gospel we proclaim. It is onto Clark Road. I refused the to help you with your private a truly religious person. ing, their mother, Mrs. Marie request because of a major traffic apparent - the vast differences from the' reverse standpoint of form—from educators, from leg­ useful only when it is applied." worship. The following example Mulnix, Don, Larry and Doug how much property tax the Yes, faith in God^eally does tie-up which had occurred in the in the taxable resources avail­ islators, and more recently, So it is. Faith in Gcd is useful comes from Carl Burke's "Treat Mulnix of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. various districts must impose to from the courts. give meaning and purpose to Northbound lanes of US-27. (It able to the various school dis­ only when it is applied. The Me Good, Lord.* On page 20 is Harold Werner and family of tricts. have the same amount of op­ human life. may be well for those of you that trouble with many people today is fQund this prayer, "There is no Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel drive US-27 at 5:00 p.m. on any If a school district contains erating'revenue as the average ALWAYS hold that they don't apply their pro­ Werner and family of Portland, given day to think of the mess a large number of such high- $18,800 district, which receives ^matches till cold fessed faith inGod.Youknow,you Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hayes and we had with traffic.) valuation facilities as manufac­ about $488.80 from a 26-mill can't just say that you believe family of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. turing firms andshippingcen- levy and some $296.30 in state BE sure to in God; and let it go at that. Quarterly return Floyd Mulnix and family of Sara- " I do not wish to show dis­ ters, a comparably low rate of aid, for a total of $785.10. Faith is not just mouthing the nac and Mr. and Mrs. Robert respect for Mr. Haker and it taxation may finance a child's $35,000 districts must levy drown all fires words.' Faith is(*dolng. If a man Perrone and family of Ionia and never crossed my mind that the education adequately. But if the 20.445 mills; ($785.10 minus said, *'Ibelieveinfood,''butnever a friend of Dean Mulnix. problems we had at this accident district contains little more by $69.50 -=r $35,000.00); $30,000 CAREFULto sat down to e^at, he eventually Mrs. Martha Miller spent scene were any different than way of a taxable "base" than re­ districts must levy 21.52 mills; crush all would starve ta death. The same of notaries Christmas Day and Sunday with would have been encountered at sidential areas of moderately- $25,000 districts must levy thing happens^vhen we never take four of her family and spent any other accident. The only priced homes, an extremely high 23.024 mills; $20,000 districts sm kes the time to^build, a relationship ST. JOHNS-The following list Lansing; Kenneth L. McCreedy, exception being that one deputy must levy 25.28 mills; $15,000 8276 ColemanRd., Haslett;Philip the night in Ovid with her daugh­ level of taxation may not be suf­ SMOKEY- ° with our Almighty Creator, We of notaries public was released ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bashore. and I were assaulted by an in­ ficient. districts must levy 28,24 mills; begin to die spiritually. last week by Clinton County Clerk L. Walter, 1285 Primose Lane, Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Alan dividual who was very upset be­ $10,000 districts mustlevy 32.36 Ernest Carter. DeWltt; Gerald V. Wilcox, 405 So. School districts are generally When God"created man, He in­ Pearson called on their mother, cause I would not let the pro­ compared in terms of state- mills; $5,000 districts mustlevy tended for him to relate to other Judith Bailey, 1695 E. M-21, Traver St., St. Johns, Mrs. Martha Miller of Fowler cession turn the corner. equalized valuation or "SEV" 44.72 mills; personalities. God didn't intend St. Johns; Robert E, Bickenbach, during the week, per pupil. By this we mean the In other words, it currectly for man to live alone as a hermit. 8821 E. State Rd., Haslett; Lois I can say that Mr.f Haker is- Christmas dinner guests of Mr. wrong h 'saying that the civil amount of property valuation a- costs the average homeowner in It was God's plan thatman should Brooks, 1340 Craig, Lansing; Fowler and Mrs. David Kramer and fam- vailable to be taxed for the ed­ a $5,000 district more than twice relate to others on two levels. Homer G, Brown, 198 Julie Dr., By Miss Cecilia Thelen question was asked by a man when ily/were his brother, Mr. and in fact there were four ladies In ucation of each student. The av­ as much to support an adequate The first level is the vertical Lansing; Thomas Claycomb, 8404 Phone 593-2613 Mrs. Robert Kramer and family erage Michigan school district , educational program as it does or the man to God level. The Kinley, Ovid; VejLma M, Coletta, the car that asked directions, and his nephew and wife, Mr, I carefully explained to them that has an SEV of slightly over second is the horizontal or the 111 N, Morton St., St. Johns; and Mrs. Thomas Kramer of $18,000, but some districts are man to man level. Hilary H. Feldpausch, 15001 Sister Corrine of Detroit came the easiest and safest way to Kalamazoo. turn off from US-27 at this time' far less fortunate, with SEV'sof On the man to man level we Francis Rd., Lansing; Cheryl home Friday and Is spending the $10,000, $5,000 and even $2098 New Year's weekend with her Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rock and of day was at State Road where REGISTRATION relate to others .in many ways. Fellem, 6735 South Lowell Rd., family, Mrs. Velma Gellespi and in one instance. On the other 1 St. Johns; Wayne J. Gray, 14073 mother, Mrs. Regina Feldpausch, there is a functioning traffic In our families we relate to one Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawens signal. I then asked the next hand, fully 47 "rich" districts another. In our churches, our US-27 Lot No. 77, DeWltt; Bar­ brothers and sisters and other can boast SEV's of $35,000 or relatives and will return to and Theresa Lawens returned two or' three cars to follow the NOTICE schools, in ,the organizations we bara Groom, 210 E. Clinton St., home New Year's Day after more. Two have SEV's of slightly Ovid; W, C. Haps, 608^, Cass Detroit Monday. lady that I had given directions belong to, in thejCommittees we spending from Dec. 17 with rel­ to. All of this time there was an < over $347,000. +1Mr.f and Mrs. Clair Thelen TO THE VOTERS OF ser.ve onf ,we relate to^ a, great atives in California at the home argument going o n "behind 'me many people. No^w we-may, think, • Doris M. Hicks, 5,04, S, Mead, and.'lVfr. and^rs. puane Boak We levjr property taxesin of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winkler between the before mentioned in­ terms' of "mills" or tenths of a perhaps, that we have the man to St, Johns; Mary Jo Huckins, 3620 and family spent New Year's Day and family. dividual and the Sheriff's Deputy. THE VILLAGE OF OVID man relationship pretty well per- Turner, Lansing; Stanley L. visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Fedewa cent per dollar of valuation. So Sunday, Jan. 2 supper guests I turned to see the Deputy order each mill of taxatlonproduces fected. We may think that we get Hulett, 731 Northcrest Rd.. Lan- of Westphalia. of Mrs. Anna Cook were Mr. Mrs. John Omahen and daugh­ the man to leave the scene of $35 in a$35,000dlstrict,andless - along with others fairly well. sing; Robert C. Lathrop, 14394 and Mrs. Carl P. Smith and the accident. After being threat­ White Oaks Dr., Lansing; Bettie ter, Joan of Grand Ledge called than $2.10 in $2098 district. In Friday, Jan. 21 This may be'true, but it is only Ronald Smith of Portland and ened with being incarcerated the two $347,000 districts, each half the story. Latimore, 108 Brittany Dr., Lan­ on Mr. and Mrs. George Weber Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fedewa and and family Sunday. about three times, the man left mill levied produces $347—more The other half of the story- sing; children of Rochester. the area still yelling. After this F, M. Lewis, 201 W. State St., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown than 165 times as much as in the the other 'half' of a person's Sue Thelen, daughter of Mr. incident the scene was cleared state's poorest district! is the life is his vertical relationship St. Johns; Blanche Many, 14230 of Ypsilanti spent Tuesday and and Mrs. Louis Thelen, who at­ with no further problems. Wednesday with relatives in Fow­ The Legislature attempts to / %with God. Faith in God means Webster Rd., Bath; Francis tended Michigan State College ler. compensate for these inequities LAST DAY TO ' striving to know Him better. This Mtchels, 15279 Yorklelgh Dr., spent her Christmas vacation JEFFREY T. WILCOX Christmas Day dinner guests by giving poor districts larger a- with her parents. Sue left Sunday Patrolman #601 mounts of aid and rich districts of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown DeWltt Township Police REGISTER and family were Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 2 for Cassopolis where she lesser amounts. The 1971-72 NOTICE OF " Richard Brown and sons of Port­ will do her student teaching for formula prescribes a per-pupil land, Mr. and Mrs, Garry Brown 10 weeks. "net allowance" of $559.50 FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox Dear Editor:, PUBLIC HEARING and son of St. Johns, Mr. and On Dec. 14, this Officer was minus 14 mills for districts with Voters may register from Mrs. Frank Rowell and Mr. and had the family home for Christ­ SEV's of $17,000 or more, and mas dinner Sunday, Jan. 2. All sent to Clark Road and US-27 Mrs. Fred Rowell, Mrs. Martha to police a P.I. accident (time $661.50 minus 20 mills for dls- 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Falk and Mrs, Nora Braun all were here; Mr. andMrs. Jim Fox t tricts with lower SEV's. Accord­ £ public hearing on reapportioning of Gladwin, Mr. and Mrs. Per- approx. 5:00 p.m.). At the scene of Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy there were two cars involved plus ingly, in basic state aid per pu­ at the Village Hall the* Clinton County Board of Com­ Miller Jr. and family and Mr, leyberg of Chippewa, Mr. and a Rummell hearse. One car was pil: $35,000 districts receive Mrs. Leonard Fox of Portland, $69.50; $559.50 — (.014 x missioners will be held in the County and Mrs. Bill Kaloz and Mrs. In the roadway badly damaged. or Bertha Miller of Lansing. *• Mr. and Mrs. James Pline, Mr. There were two women Injured, $35,000.00); $30,000 districts receive $139.50; $25,000 dis­ Commissioners Room at the Court­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown and Mrs. Charles Stoakes of Traffic was very heavy and at my residence at Ionia, Steve Fox, Garry Daly of blocks in both tricts "receive $209.50; $20,000 house, St. Johns, Michigan on Wednes­ received calls from their daugh­ Ior districts receive $279.50; ter, Pat and family of Kansas Ionia and Randy Hinds and fribnd directions™™J?. 217 E. Clinton St. day, January 19, 1972 at 2:30 p.m. of Portland. A gift,exchange was $15,000 districts receive City, Kan. and son Ronald and 1. This Officer placed his $361.5 0; $661.50—(.020 X from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. family of Orlando, Fla. New ' held. Guests at the home of Ruth patrol car between the damaged $15,000.00); $10,000 districts -v* Year's Day to wish them a happy Swindt during the holidays were car in the roadway and the on- receive $461.50; $5,000 districts Interested persons may be heard holiday and a happy wedding anni­ •« ,i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brlggs coming traffic, so that while I receive $561.50; Signed, Katherine Huss versary which was Jan. 2. at this j;ime. of Royal Oak and Mrs. Stanley was taking care of the injured Village Clerk Y.M. 2 Ronald P. Brown, son Long and daughter, Ruth Sallle arid seeing if,, the damaged car However, this considerable of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown of Merritt and Carole and Nancy could be moved, my police car Signed: ,* and husband of Debtfle Brown of Long of Lansing. was protecting myself and others Orlando, Fla. has arrived home from being hit by an oncoming Reapportionment Committee, from Vietnam. His present ad­ car. This was not to cause con­ dress Is 1312 Roberta ,Ave., Kincaid District fusion, but rather to protect any Gerald Lankford, Chairman Orlando, Fla, 32807. person or persons from being hit Fowler Variety Store Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller of Mrs PoUer C. Parks I Y by another car until we could Lowell, Mass. visited Mr. and clear the highway. (This Is a pro­ Mrs, Arnold Miller last week. Thursday, Mrs. Don Sullivan tective situation used by most all IS NOW, UNDER Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaferand visited Mrs. Don Button of Grand Police Officers In heavy traffic). daughters of DeWltt and Mr. Ledge. It |s ^better to lose one car NOTICE and Mrs. Lester Miller and fam­ New Year's EveKevinSherman than one life. NEW OWNERSHIP ily of Fowler spent New Year's spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. \ » Day with Mr. and Mrs*. Arnold Don Sullivan. 2. At any P.I. accident the first WESTPHALIA TOWNSHIP Miller. -Mrs. Harvey Hoerner and girls and most important thing done Is Richard Miller, son of Mr. spent Tuesday with Mrs. Harold to take care of the injured. Second and Mrs. Lester Miller had a 12 Hoerner. ; . and only second is to clear traffic We want fo thank the many i* and take the accident report. This day leave and returned to Fort The arboretun that is Mich-' -1 VOTERS? Rucker, Ala. New Year's Day. Is Just.what was done by the igan State University's campus' DeWitt Township Police, Henry Leoffert*was a dinner contains more than 6,800 dif­ people who were our customers guest New Year's Day of Mr. ferent species of trees, vines If this accident seemed tobe A Special Election has been called* for and Mrs. Arnold Miller. and shrubs. a circus, it was made so by persons other than the ?ollce Tuesday^ January 18, 1972, at the West­ Officers. over the years . . . and invite phalia rTownsMp Hall, for the following This officer did make the state­ NOTICE ment at the scene that with all purpose: . _ respect to the dead I must take J,n care of the injured before I can them to meet {he NEW OWNERS, To property owners get your funeral moving, please Shall the Township Board of West­ be patient. J feel truly and deeply sorry phalia Township Clinton County, Michigan, VILLAGE OF OVID for Mr. Haker in his time of JEROME & ARLENE THELEN, be authorized to levy a tax, not to exceed great sorrow for his sons, as I FROM VILLAGE COUNCIL also have sons. But I feel the 2 mills on vihe State Equalized Valuation DeWitt .Township Police Depart­ of the Township, for the years 1972 and All Property Owners Are ment did as good a Job as pos­ sible policing the accident, COIK 1973, to purchase a Tanker-Truck and fire Responsible For Ice Removal slderlng the heavy traffic and fighting equipment. outside interference from people On their Own Sidewalks at the scene. > Frank A. & Luke E. Signed Katherine Huss, Respectfully, ' ' • f Officer VICTOR SPAGNUOLO Becker I, Village Clerk DeWitt Township Police ft J} • * - " , J,8A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns; Michigan Business and Professional Announcements, also known as 1970, in liber 259 of Clinton NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE The period within which the MILDRED LOVINA BARRETT County Records, on .page 764, •.» —Default having been made in the above premises maybe redeemed Deceased B on which mortgage there.is •terms and conditions of a certain shall expire six (6) months, from It Is Ordered that on Wednes­ .-A" X...V claimed' to be due, at the date mortgage executed by DARIAN date of sale. day, Feb. 2, 19.72, at 10:00 a.m., Expressing LORRAINE of this notice, for principal and LEE GRAHAM AND LORETTA AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST in the Probate Courtroom in the SPHAGUE interest, the sum of Eighteen M. GRAHAM, Ms wife to CITI­ COMPANY City of St. Johns, Michigan a Extension Thousand, Two Hundred Sixty ZENS MORTGAGE CORPORA­ a corporation, of Lansing, Mich­ hearing be held on the Petition feelings Home '•• Real Estate Transfers TIMpTHY M. GREEN, Five and 77/100 ($18,265.77) TION, a Michigan Corporation igan - Mortgagee of Edward Douglas Barrett, exe­ Economist (Prom records in office of 'judgo of Probate Dollars. dated 20th day of December, 1968, Date: November 17, 1971 cutor, for License to Sell Real Register of Deeds) Dated: January 4, 1972 L 37-3 And no suit or proceedings and recorded on 26th day of Foster, Lindemer, Swift and Estate. ' December, 1968, in,Liber 254, Dec, 30: Sehlke, Melvin and : r7t_ at law or in equity having been Collins Publication and service shall : instituted to recover the debt Page 631, Clinton County, Mich­ Attorneys for Mortgagee be" made as provided' by Statute Marcia R.,;to Ernest F. and claims , Gump-Mar. 15 igan Records, which mortgage Children often express their A blank piece of paper, crayons aro secured by said mortgage or any 900 American Bank and Trust and Court Rule. ' ?_ : ^'iSakraska, property in STATE OF MICHIGAN - The was assigned by said Mortgagee feelings through a creative, ac­ or paint will tie,his . most ^satis Sec. 8, Ri'ley. - part thereof. Now, therefor, by Bldg. TIMpTHY M. GREEN, Probate Court for the County to FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT- Lansing, Michigan 48933 29-13 ' Judge of Probate tive imagination,. Parents can fying tools. Art paper need ,no, ; Dec, 30:. Beach, Robert C. and of Clinton virtue of the cower of sale con­ * GAGE ASSOCIATION, a National Dated: December 20, 1971 encourage • this -by channeling a be-new"or expensive. The'bac Jane E.^Bovan, Gilbert O. and Estate of tained in said mortgage, and youngster's1 efforts into imagin­ of, pieces-of left over wallpape1 "Beverly J. to Oneta Brauher, Mortgage Association,byasslgn- Irving M. Hart MIRIAM K. GUMP, Deceased pursuant to the statute of the ment dated the 13th day of Jan­ Final Account Burns—Jan. 20 Attorney for Executor ative play for the arts. Stormy makes a fine painting surfac property in Sec. 13, Ovid. It is Ordered that on Wednes­ So does unglazed .shelf pape State of Michigan in such case uary, 1969, and recorded on the STATE OF MICHIGAN - The 3021 N. Center Road days' when outside play" isn't ;'pec. 30; Mol'ine, DonaldW.and day. March 15, 1972, at9;30a.m. the wisest, offer an ideal op­ When a child shows, you h] Joanne- L.; Mclntlre, Albert and made and provided, notice Is 17th day of January, 1969, in Probate Court for the County Saginaw, Michigan 35-3 in the Probate Courtroom In the Liber 25.4, Page 797, Clinton of Clinton portunity to let your child ex­ latest' creation, praise'niml., Maxine Jean to Donald R. and courthouse in St. Johns, Mich- hereby given that on Friday the County, Michigan Records, on Estate of License to sell Cook—Feb. 23 press himself through creative Compliment him oh whatever Marlerie Ducharme, Lot 44, Wil- igan a hearing be held at which 14th' day of January 1972 at 'STATE OF MICHIGAN.- The activity. \ strikes you" about his compo-, low Creek No. 2. which mortgage there is claimed MERLE M. BURNS, formerly all creditors of^said deceased to be due, ,at the date of this Probate Court for the County In play, children can assume sition—s u c h' as "I like .your Dec. 30: Bernath, Andrew J. 10:00 o'clock a.m. said mortgage Merle M. Walker, Deceased are required to prove their notice, the sum of THIRTEEN of Clinton. • make believe roles.. How they colors"—and display the mas4 and«Mary H. to Harold D. and will be foreclosed by a sale at It Is Ordered that on January claims and heirs will be deter­ THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED 20, 1972, at 10:30 a.m., in the Estate of love to playt*store", "gas sta­ terpiece proudly andpromJ Helen M. Slowinski, Lot 17, 18 public auction, to the highest mined. Creditors must file sworn FORTY-ONE AN,D 26/100 Probate Courtroom in St. Johns, VICTOR w; COOK, Deceased tion", "beauty shop" or "school". inently. You rhight ask him to, ' Blk. 1, Elsie.. claims with the Court and serve When parents provide a few tell you about the picture. Avoid bidder at the North Door of the DOLLARS ($13,941.26). Michigan a hearing be held on "H is Ordered that on Wednes­ Dec, 30: Stockwell, Oscar and a copy on Robert A. Wood, Ancil­ empty cereal boxes or other asking "What is it?". It might tie Courthouse in , the City of St. NOTICE IS* HEREBY GIVEN, the petition of Roman P. Theien, day, February 23, 1972, at 9:30 . Sarah to Robert G, and Hilda lary Administrator With Will: props a child can take it from nothing specific." Johns, Clinton County, Mich­ that by virtue of the power of special administrator for the al­ a.m., in the'Probate. Courtroom Darling, Lot 7, 8, 13, 14, Blk. Annexed, 200 W. State, St."Johns, there, for hours of entertainment. igan (that'being the building sale contained in said mortgage lowance of his final account. in. the Courthouse in St* Johns, Many'adults seem to. lose the 53. .; Michigan, prior to said hearing. Children,are very creative in and the statute in.such case Publication and service shall Michigan a hearing be held on the spark of spontaneous creativity. Dec. 30: Bpvan, Gilbert O. and Publication and service shall adopting a role which suits their where the Circuit Court for the. made and provided said mortgage be made as provided by Statute Petition of Vernea J. Witgen, and imagination that children Beverly. J.;: Beach, Robert C. be made as provided by Statute needs, their interests' or the have in abundance. By re-;' County of Clinton is held), of the . will be foreclosed by a sale of and Court Rule. Administratrix, for License to 'and; Jane, Ei to Ovid Service and Court Rule. setting. warding a child's creativity with .* premises described in said mort­ said mortgaged premises, or TIMOTHY M.GREEN,' Sell Real Estate of said deceased. Agency Inc; property in Sec. 31, your interest, you can'add fuel TIMOTHY M. GREEN, gage, or so much thereof as may some part of them, at public Judge of Probate Persons interested in said estate In art, the young should be Ovid. to his priceless spark arid who Judge of Probate be necessary to pay the.amount auction on the 29th day of March Bated: December 23, 1971 are directed to appear at said able to express themselves VDec, 3J.: Archer, Rexfordand knows—you may renewyourbwn:' Dated: January 3, 1972. . 1972, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., East- Kemper, Wells & Lewis hearing to show cause why such freely without the limitation of Mamie to Claude R. and Letha due, as aforesaid, on said mort­ Robert H. Wood ern Standard Time, at the main By: Frederick M. Lewis license should not be granted. prescribed lines or pictures. D, Hastings,. Lot 6, Asses. Plat Attorney for Estate gage, with the interest thereon entrance to the Courthouse, in Attorneys for Estate Publication ' and service shall- No. 1, DeWitt. 200 W. State St., at eight and one half per cent 103 the City of St. Johns, Clinton East State Street be made as provided by Statute (8 1/2%) per annum and all legal st Dec. 31: Kimmel, Lydia; Jas- sti jonns, Michigan 36-3 County, State of Michigan; that > Johns, Michigan 35-3 and Court Rule. tram, Gerald • E. and Dorothy : ; costs, charges and expenses, In­ being one of the places of holding = — — TIMOTHY M. GREEN, A.j Koeppen^ Gerald D. and Vera Final account Gqodsell— Feb. 2 cluding the attorney fees allowed Judge of Probate L, to. .Edward L. and Sallie M. STATE OF MICHIGAN .- The . by law, and also any sum or sums Circuit Court in said County. MORTGAGE SALE Said mortgaged premises ' are Dated: January 10, 1972. HUBBARDSTON Slocum, property in Sec. 21, Probate Court for the County which may be paid by the under­ Robert H.Wood' Riley; V of Clinton, signed necessary to protect its described as follows: Default has been made in the Lot 51 and the'East 10'feet conditions of a mortgage on Attorney for Estate JDec,x31: Putt, Albert R. and Estate of interest in the premises. 200 W. State St. Dolly and James M. and Joanne CARLTON J. GOODSELL, Said premises are described of .Lot 50, Supervisor's Plat of single residence property not more than 3 acres in size made St. Johns, Michigan 37-3 MAMIE O'CONNELL Sommer,. property In Sec, 24, Deceased as follows: Ballantine's Wee Farms, Section Ph. 981-6801 Riley,, It is Ordered that on Wednes­ All that certain piece or parcel 28, T5N, R2W, Township of De- by RONALD R,' DIETZ and : Witt, Clinton County, Michigan, W1U Hurl-Feb. 16 -'' DeC,-31: liosh'ield, Homer R. day, Feb. 2. 197,1, at 10:30 a.m., of land situate in the Township JOYCE M. DIETZ, his wife. end attending theweckiirfgo/, .»- f their-' according to the recorded plat STATE OF MICHIGAN - The Full military servicesforPvt. and Julia to Frank F. Santrucek; in the Probate Courtroom in St. of DeWitt In the County of Clinton Mortgagors, to CITIZENS niece, Dianne Quinn;$nd-Donald^ thereof as recorded in Liber Plat Probate Court for the County Michael pwen^Maybee, who. was Cobb, Randall. Wooll's add., Lot Johns, Michigan ahearingbeheld and State of Michigan, and MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a Grant, at St. Thomas Aquinas "• Book, Page 2, Clinton County of Clinton. killed in a helicopter crash in ,l; BlkJl," Elsie. on the petition of John J. Moskal, described as follows, to wit Michigan Corporation^ Mort­ Catholic Church in Lansing on- Records. ". ? Estate of Vietnam, were held Wednesday Jan. 3: Bullard, Gladys; Sul- Administrator, for allowance of Lot 167 except the North 13 gagee, dated December 21,1970, Saturday. • The length of the period of VERN E. HURL, Deceased at 1:30 p.m. at,Estep Funeral. liverj BelVa M.; Bullard, Neva; his Final Account and for assign­ feet thereof of Supervisor's and recorded on December 23, Mrs. Florence Cusackre-:; redemption from such sale will, It is Ordered that on Wednes­ Home, north of Mulr. Interment Piiinkett, Glenna to Willard D. ment of residue. Plat of Valley Farms No. 2, 1970, in Liber 259 of Mortgaged, turned home from the Carson • be six'(6) months. on Page 847, Clinton County day, February 16, 1972, at 10:00 was at Westside Cemetery, Hub- and'Lillian C, Searles, property Publication and service shall DeWitt Township, Clinton R Hospital on Tuesday. a.m., in the Probate Courtroom bardston. 5*5 • in Sec. 9, Bingham.. be made as provided by Statute County, Michigan, according Dated at Lansing, Michigan, Records, Michigan, on which in St. Johns, Michigan a hearing Surviving are his wife, Sandy • Rev. James Cusack of Bel- - . Jan. .3: Shlpley John .R. and and Court Rule. to the recorded plat thereof December 29, '1971. mortgage there is claimed to be r be held on the Petition for Probate of Beldlng; parents, Mr. and Mrs, mont called on Mrs, Richard" Oralee M, to Robert A and TIMOTHY M. GREEN, as recorded InLiberPlatBoOk, FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT­ due at the date hereof the sum of of Will and Determination of Orville Maybee of Hubbardston; Cusack, a sister-in-law, at the, Estella A. Fox, property in Sec. Judge of Probate GAGE ASSOCIATION, A National EIGHTEEN THOUSAND. SEVEN Page 42, Clinton County Heirs as filed by. Bernard L. two brothers, Gary of Hubbard­ Carson City Hospital, Thurs­ 8', Bengal* Dated: Dec. 29, 1971 Mortgage Association Assignee HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE AND Records. Deyarmond, Sr. ston and Charles at home; four day. Jan* 4:. Wight, George B. and Fortino, & Moskal Commonly known as: 4116 of Mortgagee. 86/100 DOLLARS ($18,729.86), Sgt. Jerry Case is' spending:- Publication and service shall sisters, Mrs. Patricia Es0augh Lois J to Ron E. and Jane C. By: John J, Moskal Turner Road. DAVID M. LICK Of a furlough with his parents, Mr. ' including interest at 8-1/2 per be made as provided by.Statute of Merrill, Elizabeth at home, Meddaugh, property in Sec. 6, Attorney for Estate The length of the period of FARHAT, BURNS AND STORY, ] arid .Mrs. Harold Case, before,: cent per annum, whlcl^is mpig and, Cpur.fc.Rule.-,:: -inii • im> ^,J;K i Mrs. Shiela Allen" oF Dayioii, E&gle,...' \_. .- ±. j 175 Warwick Dr.," redemption, from such' sale will P.C. Attorneys for. Assignee of Mort- than„.66-2/3, per cent,-of.,.th.e- TIMOTHY/^ GREENjiJ Qhiq.andyMrs.*-Penny Reynolds^J£P°rting for:;duty:inr'Gerriiany] * -iJani^4:;.M.„ J. Clark Memorial-- Alma, Michigan 36-3 be six months,;/; ... .,_.;._•, B ; ! orlglrial Indebtedness secur.edby ., ,.„ .Judge ,pf.Probate, df'Middleton' •-"""•*—*•***•- •••«•*-*- -*-Th:er-ese^Br'adb*ury* spent * H9me.,|o Edwar^ J.-and Erma.H.. Dated; at Detroit. Michigan, gagee f .» 'jfc« v : s v Claims ""•' Michels—Mar. 15 said mortgage. Dated: January 7,1972. •Ervin Roach Teturned tb his " ? eral-days" the pastweek^; Hpsah^ property in Sec. 28^ Olive. October 13, 1971. 417 North Seymour Avenue the Carson City Hos ital Jan. 4: Summers, Arlin and STATE OF MICHIGAN - The Lansing, Michigan 48933 35-13 Under the power of sale con­ Warner, Hart & Morgan - home after spending a week in P - Capital Mortgage Corporation the Carson City Hospital. Sgt. Doug Cusack spent several * Bertha to George C. and Julie Probate Court for the County tained in said mortgage and the Ronald G. Mogan SALLEN St SALLEN R.K. Boomer called on Mr. days with his wife, Nancy and £ A...Moberg, Lot 44 Summer Lane of Clinton statute in such case made and Attorney for ' ' Attorneys for Mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE and Mrs. James Boomer Fri­ parents Manual Cusack's before No. 3. , Estate of provided, notice is hereby given Bernard L. Deyarmond, Sr. Theodore B, Sallen day. duty in Germany.. 'y Jan. 5: Smith, Lewis W. and HELEN M. MICHELS, Deceased that said mortgage will be Lansing, Michigan 37-3 : 2200 David Stott Bldg. ' Default havng been made In the Mr. and Mrs. Terry Quinn Donna L. to Edward H. and Mary It is Ordered that on Wednes­ Detroit, Michigan 48226 24-13 condition of a certain indenture day, March 15, 1972, at 9:30 fore-closed by a sale of the mort­ Final account Haueter—Feb. 23 of Tulsa, Okla., spent a week- ; L. Graves, Lot 277, Clinton Vil­ of mortgage made on the 3rd day a.m., in the Probate Courtroom gaged premises, or some part STATE OF MICHIGAN - The Merrihew ;; lage.No, 3. MORTGAGE SALE - Default of February, 1969, byBONNERS, of them, at public vendue, at the in the Courthouse in St. Johns, Probate Court for the County By Mrs. Lloyd Re|g_224:2951 . Jan. ,5,^ Elliot, Max N. and has been made in the conditions a co-partnership consisting of main entrance to the County Michigan a hearing be held at^. of Clinton. Fowler •^ Evelvn'M.'to Roberts.andMlnh- ota mortgage made by HOWARD Dick Bonner, Robert McKee and Building, in the City of St. Johns, "*! .which all creditors of said' Estate of By Miss Cecilia Theien Getting back to Christmas, K. alyn K. Deniec,# property in Sec. S/- PICKMAN and DONNA J. Marshall Livingston, as Mortga­ Clinton County, Michigan, at deceased are required to prove CARL HAUETER, Phone 593-2613 Frickes entertained theirdaugh- ' 2,-Greenbush, ^ . PICKMAN, husband and wife to gors, given by them to the AMER­ 10:00 o?clock in the forenoon, their claims and heirs will be aka CARL W. HAUETON, ter ,and family, the J3ean Gills. * Jan. 5: Hunt,/Russell D. and WILLIAM H. SILL MORTGAGES, ICAN' BANK AND TRUST COM­ determined. Creditors must file on FRIDAY, the 28TH day of Deceased, Mrs. Lilly Boak of.St. Johns, Mrs. Mildred andRick'Sleight, Beatrice- A. to: Gary D. Kioski, INCORPORATED, a Michigan PANY, a corporation organized claims with the Court and serve JANUARY, 1972. It is Ordered that on the :23rd who spent a couple of days "with Edward Sleight' and' the Terry property in Sec. 12, Ovid, - Corporation Mortgagee, dated and existing under the laws of day of February, 1972, at 11:00 ' Jan. 5: Piggott, Marlon to Jo­ a copy on Alba F.Wert,Executor July 30, 1969, arid recorded on Said premises are situated in Mrs, Lula Boak returned hOme Ordways celebrated together. the State of Michigan, as Mortga­ a.m., in the Probate Courtroom ( seph T, and Ruth A. Zalewski, R.F.D. No. 1, Box 6013, Punta August 4, 1969, in,Liber 256, the City of St. Johns, Clinton Wednesday evening, Dec. 29, . -Dec. 25, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd

>*-• in the City of St. Johns, Mich­ Gorda, Florida, 33950, prior to gee, and recorded on the 6th County, Michigan, and are de­ Cecil Boak of St. Johns visited' Reed were entertained in the property In Sec, 19, Essex, on page 208, Clinton, County igan a hearing be held on the said hearing. day of February, 1969, at the scribed as: his mother, Mrs. Lula Boak Jerry Schafer home a^. rural Records, Michigan, and assigned petition of Vernon C. Babbitt, Publication and service shall Office of the Register of De,eds The South 3/4 of Lot 14, and Thursday.' Shepherd. On Sunday Dec. 26 I by said Mortgagee tb FIRST SAV­ Administrator, w.w.a. of said Probate Court be made as provided by Statute for Clinton County, Michigan, in the North 28 feet of Lot 13, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feld- the. Reeds entertained their chil­ INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION estate, for the. allowance of his HON. TIMOTHY M. GREEN and Court Rule. OF JERSEY CITY, N. J. by an Liber 254, Page 938, Clinton in Block 1 of Hurd and Sickles pausch are now living in Fowler. dren and families—tbe|paul Judge of Probate , County Records, on which mort-^ Subdivision of Out Lots G and H, final account arid assignment of Reeds of West'Ollvej Joey'Mil­ TIMOTHY M. GREEN, assignment dated July 30, 1969, residue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feld- HELENA M. BURK Judge of Probate and recorded on August 4, 1969 gage there is claimed to be due -to the City of St. Johns, Clinton pausch wereSunday dinner guests lers of rural St. Johns and the Register of Probate Dated: December 30, 1971 in Liber 256, on page 212, Clin­ and unpaid as of the date of this County, Michigan, according to Publication and service shall of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ben­ Jerry Schafers, of .Shepherd. Robert H. Wood ton, County Records, Michigan, Notic™|e ^th THOUSANDe sum o*f NINTHIRTYE HUN-- the plat thereof as recorded in be made as provided by Statute jamin. Since Christmas many "have WEDNESDAY, January 19, 1972 Attorney for Estate on which mortgage there is Liber 34 of Deeds, on Page and Court Rule. Carol Anderson from Vassar, been having fl^.Lloyd Re>d'is •Louise M. Smith, claims. 200 W, State*' claimed to be due at the date DRED SEVENTY-FOUR AND 48/ 233, Clinton County Records. TIMOTHY M.'GREEN, Mich, spent Dec. 28 with Mrs. still confined toVjhis House-tnost V Violet J. Bdvie,- claims, St. Johns, Michigan 37-3 hereof the sum of TWELVE 100 ($33,974.48) 'DOLLARS ln- The length of the period of Judge of Probate Ola Ryan. Miss Anderson taught of the time. Mrl*Edward'i'Sleight" Stanley KOlandzI, claims. THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED terestj and no suit or proceed^ redemption from such sale will Dated: January 7, 1972 - eight years.in*the-Fowler High went to the hospital Christmas Thurman A. Brooke, Claims. Claims Welter-Mar. 8 NINETY-FIVE AND 60/100 Dol­ ihg at law or in'equity having be six months. . ' T. Carl Holbrook and Hudson E. School, and became a good friend Day and returned ".home aV.week •Gertrude Burggraf, license to STATE OF MICHIGAN - The lars ($12795.60), Including inter­ been instituted to , recover . the CITIZENS MORTGAGE Demlng of Mrs. Ola Ryan. ago. V I '-• V- V'V ''.'' r sell real estate. , Probate Court for the County est at 7-l/2% per annum. debt or any part'thereof, secured CORPORATION, By: Hudson Ei Deming Mrs. Carolyn Pline, Mrs. Anna Mr. and ' Mrs. Joey -Miller, Bessie Jlskra, probate of will. of Clinton ; Under the power of sale con- by said indenture of mortgage, a Michigan Corporation, Mort­ Attorneys for petitioner • Hews^on, Mrs. Hilda Long all of Rachel and Jennifer'were dinner "_ * Donna C. Wopley, claims. < Estate of .tained in said mortgage and the and the power of-'saie in said gagee. 200 South Bridge Street . Lansing spent Sunday afternoon guests of her parents a few weeks ...'Jason L. Rhynard, claims, PETER J. WELTER, Deceased statute in such case made and indenture of mortgage.,contained Dated: October 25,1971 Grand Ledge,.-Michigan .48837 with1 their sister, Mrs. Ola Ryan.' ago. -• y. ..'-.•". "" •'': .<•. * 37r.3 ^Alexander Changaris, final ac­ It i s Ordered that on March provided, notice is hereby given having become operative by rea­ Marion H. Crawmer, Esq. Mrs. Ola.Ryan spent Christ- Mr. antLMrs. Howard Simmons count. 8, 1972, at 9:30 a.m.,.in the that said mortgage will be fore­ son of such default; , . ' '" Moriaghan, McCrone, Campbell ,mas Day with the family hi Lan-, of Lansingj were Suriday dinner : Probate Courtroom in Sti Johns, Nations can't be disarmed'un- ; '• Achsah M. Smith, probate of closed by a sale of the mort­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Crawmer, •-,•,- sing, -i • • - - guests of the Lloyd Reeds. Michigan a hearing be held at gaged premises, or some part of tu'we have disarmed suspicion. will. . . that on the 15th day of February, Attorneys for Mortgagee In -the Matter of Abandoned which, all creditors of said de-; 1732 Buhl Building, ceased are required to prove *them, at public- vendue at the 1972, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore- Property,-final account. 'north door of the Court House noon, at the North entrance to^ie Detroit, Michigan, 48226 their claims..Creditors mustfile 961-0473 26-13 THURSDAY, January 20, 1972 sworn claims with the Court and in the City, of St. Johns, Clinton Courthouse,. in the City 'of /St, County,, Michigan,', at 10:00 Johns, Michgan, that being the Final Account McKeeby-Feb, 2 . vEImerD, Cutler, final account, , serve a copy on Peter J. Welter, Business Directory place for holding, the CirciM •Everett Hemingway, annualac­ Jr., Administrator, 730 North o'clock a.m, oh Friday, Aprill4, STATE OF-MICHIGAN - The Saginaw, Owdsso, Michigan prior 1972.; Court for the County of Clinton, Probate Court for the County counts. •>: '"-"..-' there will be offered for sale .- Anna Suchowesky, appointment to said hearing, '•'" Said premises are situated in of Clinton. t .,' the city of DeWitt, Clinton and sold to the highest bidder Estate of ', [ > . 6£ administrator. Publication arid service shall or bidders at public auction or Tlorieh;E, Thompson, construe be made as provided by Statute County, Michigan, and are BESSIE-* McKEEBY, Deceased . AUTOMOTIVE FARM SERVICES HARDWARE described as: vendue, for the purpose of sat­ It is Ordered that on Wednes­ win. •"-..-•*:'..*.•-f-.'•••.••• and'Court Rule. . .», isfying the amounts due and un­ • Meriie'^Ii Burns, final account TIMOTHY M.GREEN, - The, North 11 feet of Lot 35 day, Feb. 2, 1972, at9:30a.m,, For the BEST BUT In and the South 59 feet of Lot 36 paid on said mortgage; together in the Probate Courtroom in St. GOWER'S HARDWARE •ofispacM^administrator, . Judge of Probate with all legal costs and charges Now & Used Chevrolet* Purina Feeds -of'Evelyn.Cutler Replat of Lots Johns, Michigan ahearingbeheld Means § $ $ in Your. Pocket ." and George tf.-Libey,. claims. Dated: December 23, 1971 of sale, including an attorney See .-.••• . 'John C^Wltt^ claims. * Kemper, Wells & Lewis v%21 and 22 of Viewcrest River on. the petition of Clinton National Addition to the Village of DeWitt fee in'the amount of ONE HUN­ Bank and Trust Company* Exe­ Mathews Elevator Co. GRAIN ELEVATOR , By: Frederick M. Lewis, DRED FIFTY ($150.00) DOLLARS EDINGER & WEBER on the South fractibri of the NW cutor, for allowance v of its final. Grain—Feeds—Seeds Attorneys for the Estate FOWLER Phone 582-2401 BOTTLED GAS 103 EastState Street. * 1/4. of Section 8, and replat of as provided in said mortgage-.account. FOWLER , v ^.UGAKNOTICES Cylinders or Bulk * ' St. Johns, Michigan 35-3 part of Outiot ,G> Assessor's the lands and premises in.said -Publication and service shall Plat of Village of DeWity, <£own mortgage mentioned,and de»*, be made as provided ,by Statute Eureka. Annual account, * Chapin—F,eb. 9 .MORTGAGE SAIJ'E - Default 5' North, Range 2 West,; nowv scribed asfollows: " and Court Rule.":: l". Phone 224-2695 : Be a mariner "._. CREDIT BUREAU STATE OF-'MICHIGAN -The having .beenVmade in the terms City of/DeWitt, Clinton County, . ,v , v TIMOTHY. M, GREEN, Phone 224-; > Probate Court for the County -Soi^JiJST^ACUSTOMER and..conditions of a*certain Michigan. . . « Commencing at a point which" ' Judge of Probate CLINTON COUNTY -.:.' of'Clinton.;?-'..-"; \\ * mortgage.,made by THOMAS P. The lerigth jof: the period of is 2054.0 feet S p^degrees 53.': Dated: December 20,1971 . Buy the Co-op Way ' ":. Estate;of ^.':^ KING! and LINDA M, KING, his redemption from such sale will be and 70.0 feet N 89 degrees 08* Walker & Moore ; FARMERS' CO-OP CREDIT BUREAU INSURANCE JOHN B.. CHAPIN, Deceased wifeyTownship of DeWittj Clinton 6'months. . ^„. E of the section corner common• By:.James A, Moore FOWLER • Phone 582-2661 Phone 224-2391 •;pt is OrderedI that: on Wednes- cbunty,"M"ichigan, Mbrigagors,"t6 Dated: December 28, 1971 to Sections 3, 4, 9 arid 10( T5N, Attorney for Estate Complete Insurance Service ;*•: c* -•••••• Credit Reports ; Collrctlons dayyFebruary' 9,-1972, at 10:30. c&pital -Mortgage Corporation, FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN R2W, DeWitt Township, Clinton JL1B-E. Walker Street Since 1^35 ' a*m.,' In the: Probate Courtroom 14711 VV. Eight. Mile Road, ASSOCIATION OF JERSEY County, Michigan, thence SO St. Johns, Michigan. 35-3^ -. at St, .Johns", Michigan a hearing cn%.N*:J. FARM AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE Detroit* Michigan 48235. Mort­ degrees 53' E 167^0 feet, thence •-".', •* —...... '. ... •- . . ; j.T. : foo'hei^ .on the petition of the Assignee of Mortgage L1 DRAINAGE FIRE INSURANCE K gagee'! dated .the 24th day of N 89.degrees d8'"E 220 0 feet cense to sell Barrett-Feb. 2 FOR TOUR LISTING IN THE ; DetroIt^Bahk, and Trust Company* : S TAT N-overiiber;,'" 197p,\and SHAHEEN & SHAHEEN,:,; .'*. [ tfiehceN 6 degrees:-53'» W .172.01 . E . OF MICHIGAN - The- GENERAL CASUALITX ." /'fferusie^i.'.for allowance of their' ; : r recorded in /.the" office of The Byi Joseph Shaheen feet,, thence ^•89^degrees 0W- : P °bate Court for.;the. County, JAMES BURNHAM Buiintii Directory Twenty-Seventh. annual account, 7 Allab^Brewbator, Inc. Register of Deeds, for. the County. Attorney/ W 89.9 feet, thenb6'S;86 degrees' ofCliritqh. Phone St. Johns 224-4M5 -f'Publication .'and service shall .... . ; f ; " ?."• ••:' ' v< '•• '.,' '•• 2526 Guardian Building^ , • 55*,;w- i31.2fifeet to the "pplhf Estate of * ' -, > R-J, St. Johns -..:•£••....'. yhoii^m^Wftr.1^'-" . Over Gamble Store '-''-•"'ite m» as'pfbvided by Statute' of Clinton and'State of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan-48226 ,36-13 of beginning;: > - -.'; ,*' —*' ' M^ourtRUik • .^bnthegth-dajrofDecetnbe^A^ . MILDREfa LvBARRE'i:t"* St. Johns u Thone 224-3258 . • ^." •; • '* -•*•* •'•'-.• '• ' '••' V

T'^v . .. "J* ' Wednesday, January 12, 1972 CLINTON CQUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page19A Open world of books to your preschoolers _J£*£ By Mrs Robert Valentine Phone 8B2-4342. EAST LANSING—"In many Books canpreparechlldrenfor Books about weather and ways, parents are responsible books and ABC books all describe Elsie new experience and preserve changes of season Increase a abstract Ideas in understandable Mr, and Mrs. Dale Schmidtman for providing the experiences on the excitement of daily living. child's fascination. One exciting and family returned to their home which their children's impres­ terms. With simple illustra­ For example, "Sharp and shiny" weather book book Is "The tions, they apply the conoepts of in Marquette, "Wednesday aff.er MRS. NEVA KEYS sions are based," says Jeanne by Marguerita Rudolph shows the Storm Book" by Zolotow. The spending a few days in t*e area Brown, extension child develop­ shape, weight, numbers, words, Ph. 862-4301 fun of getting dirty—and cleaning child will learn what makes the etc. to more familiar objects. visiting friends and relatives. ment specialist atMichiganState up—when youare very small. A1-- first stillness of a storm, the University. "Carefully chosen For example, Carolyn Ramirez fons Weber's "Elizabeth Gets thunder, the lightning and the examines size in "Small as a books can prepare him for later Well" shows a child what it's like beautiful rainbows. Robert Bondi of St..Charles Queen-elect, to follow her sister, enjoyment 'of books and reading Raisin Big as the World," Ice rink Invitations to a reception on to be in the hospital. "Concept books," counting Special Grand Committee chair- Debbie Goodrich, as Queen. March 14, honoring Mrs. Leila in school." Children enjoy, an'i'mal stories an of Masonic Relations was a There were several "Thank- Wilson of the Elsie Chapter and "No book can be absolutely when the hero acts like a human; pecial guest Thursday evening at You" notes from shut-ins who re­ the Grand Chapter of Michigan 'recommended for any age especially like another child. for Elsie e regular O.E.S. Chapter meet- ceived baskets of "Christmas officers are being sent to other group," she says^'/but certain Bedtime for Frances, one of a g in the Masonic Hall. He Goodies" prepared at the home of Good seed key to series by Russell Hoban, shows Elsie Ice skaters are in luck OES Chapters by Mrs. Sidney types and themes are popular In this area as an ice rink, ought a message from the Mrs. Esolda Irving and delivered Goodrich, assisted by Mrs. with most preschoolers." how a young badger tries to evade air-Russell Grand Family ex- by Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Moore, bedtime. And, there are many even though a temporary one, is Esolda Irving and Mrs. Robert "Participation books," which being installed. essing their appreciation in Mrs. Alex Dunay and Mrs. Irving. Baker. other charming animal stories. invite the child to point out an­ Plastic sheeting is being used rrying out the Fraternal Sun- A Christmas groetlngwasread Mrs. Leila Wilson is serving imals or objects, make story maximum yields Picture books of other lands "e program in the local Chap- from Mrs. Verna Legal; of Mt. and different ways of living help to form the rink, located in the as Chairman of the Grand Chap­ time fun. Some books have "built park on West Main Street. Dora, Fla, a member of the local ST. JOHNS - "Most above- to expand a child's awareness. ter committee on Fraternal Sun­ in participation"— a "pattable" lations,, are followed by certify­ Plans to install a permanent lr; and Mrs. Robert Baker chapter since 1913. Get-well shine and the Grand officers will flannel bunny, or flowers that average farmers can become One of these IsLeoPoliti'sbook, r ing agencies, field. inspectors, ice rink next summer were an­ prlesided in the East for the reg­ cards were signed by the mem­ exemplify the initiatory degrees really smell. Michigan certified seed pro­ ahd others, the final certified "Little Leo" While it depicts ular meeting. Worthy Matron bers and sent to William Ferris ducers if they sincerely believe* such unfamiliar scenes as nounced by village officials as upon candidates. A young child's first interest product depends largely upon the part of a $13,900 park improve­ Mrs, Baker opened the Chapter by of Bannister at the Clinton Other committees appointed by is in his home, Mrs. Brown that good seed is the key to max­ integrity of the seed producer Italian vineyards and olive trees, gijring a poem in memory of the Memorial Hospital in St. Johns imum yields and have adequate it also ^hows how all the world's ment program. An area is Worthy Matron, Mrs. Baker for points out, so he enjoys stories and processor," McQueen scheduled to be black-topped late Stanley Loznak (Worthy Pa­ and John Baker of Ovid at the the gala affair were: badges-Mrs. about relatives and family. "If market channels and availability stresses. children love to play. 11 tron 1969-1970). Ingham Medical Center. to processin g facilities," says which wi serve for basketball Anne Praay, Mrs. Anne Dunay It Weren't for You" by Charlotte and tennis courts in the summer Mrs*. Baker, also presented Among the coming events an­ and Mrs. Mae Goodrich; punch Zolotow is one such story in George McQueen, Clinton County . SCHOOL MENU Applesauce Extension Agricultural Agent. Margarine and frozen over in the winter Mrs. Leila Wilson, Grand Com­ nounced were; Jan. 15, 75th an­ and coffee hours prior toandfol- which an older brother expresses months for skating. mittee chairman of Fraternal niversary of Corunna Chapter, lowing the receptions-Mrs. Gary jealousy for his younger brother. St. Johns High School Milk To produce Michigan certified The project falls under the Sunshine and Mrs. Archie Moore, OES; Jan. 22, public card party Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Plai­ For example, if not for his little grain, start with "pedigreed" and Rodney B. Wilson Michigan Department of Natural Jhaplain of the Clinton County at 8:00 p.m. with arrangements ner, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Sturgis, brother, he could have a room of seed of the foundation class. TUESDAY, January 25 s OES Ass*n. Bothladies are mem­ made by Mrs. Dale C. Levey Mrs. Blaine Lentz and Mrs. Le~ his own and sit in the front seat Varities must be purchased Hamburger Resources which is making funds bers of the local Chapter. and Mrs. Alex Dunay, Mrs. roy Vincent; and dinner arrange­ of the car! The ending shows from Duane Bell, manager of the MONDAY, January 17 French Fries * • available in the form of an $11, 153 grant. Several members planned to Robert Kridner, Mrs. Donald ments at Ovid-Elsie High School there are advantages, too. Michigan Foundation Seed Asso­ Beef Dumpling Noodle Casserole Buttered Corn attend the ceremonies at the Ovid Temple,- Mrs. Anne Praay and. wit h Mrs, Irene Mead (head of ciation, by March 15 of the year Corn Hamburger Bun Masonic Hall the following night Mrs. Esolda Irving; and Feb. 15 the hot lunch program) in charge. preceding harvest. ' Crushed Pineapple • Margarine R. E. BENSON when officers of the Ovid Bethel reception and dinner at the St. Following the evening dinner, Elsie The crop must be grown ac­ Roll and Butter Milk of Job's Daughters were installed Charles United Methodist Church cording to regulations of the 1/2 pt. milk Cookie the guests will return to the By Mrs Neva Keys PLUMBING and Donna Goodrich as Honored honoring Robert Bondi. Junior High Gym in Elsie where Michigan Crop Improvement As­ Short Bread cookie sociation. Seed must be planted WEDNESDAY; January 26 the Chapter will be set up by TUESDAY, January 18 & Mrs. Alvera Ade, Mrs. Jeanne Mrs. Lillian Sawyer and Mrs. on clean land. Sloppy Joe Agnes Lewis are under treat­ Goulash Tater Tots Temple, Archie J. Moore and Clean land is soil that has Buttered Green Beans Simpiiciti/ Hubert Sills. ment at the Owosso Memorial Buttered Confetti Beans HEATING been one or more years in other Pear Half The decorating committee Hospital and Carl Winans under­ kinds of crops. Hamburger Bun 106 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS went surgery last week. Milson 1/2 pt. milk Margarine headed by Mr, and Mrs. Archie Prior to harvest, the crop is Caramel Roll Phone 224-7033 Moore will be composed of Dale Young has been ill at his home inspected by the MCIA for vari­ Milk but able to be around at this ' Cookie Time and tide wait for no man, C. Levey, Robert Kridner, An­ etal purity, freedom from weeds WEDNESDAY, January 19 Neither does the snow. drew Cobb, Neil Hall, Luman Hall writing. ,- and disease, and other detrimen­ tal factors. Inspection must be Open Face Beef Sandwich THURSDAY, January 27 3 MASTER When that white stuff piles up and their wives and Mrs, Jeanne Parsley Carrots Some of it has to go. Temple. Mrs. Patricia Aldrlch The January meeting of the at a time when these factors BBQ Hot Dogs Elsie P.T.A. will be held Mon­ can best be determined. Cabbage Salad French Fries and Mrs, Robert Cross. 1/2 pt. milk There's a real simple, easy way At the close ofThursdaynight's day, Jan. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the Crops passing field inspection Hawaiian Fruit PLUMBERS E. E. Knight Elementary School. Chocolate cake Hot Dog Bun To do the job realistically, Chapter, a social hour was en­ are then harvested, stored and American-Standard Why not' let us help you NOW ' joyed in the dining room, which The program will be presented processed t o meet purity and Margarine by the State Police of the Owosso THURSDAY, January 20 Milk Plumbing, Hot Water With a brand new was decorated with "Happy New screening standards, McQueen Hot dog on Bun Year" theme including the New Post. There will be a room count explains. Five pounds of pro­ Simplicity of parents for prize money. Potato chips-Jr; High FRIDAY, January 28 Heating Year Baby, fancy hats and con­ cessed seed must be submitted Fruit Mold fetti. Mrs. Judy Goodrich, chair­ to the MCIA seed laboratory for Flshburger 1/2 pt. milk Golden Potatoes Lennox Warm Air man, with Mr. and Mrs^.Paul PROGRAMMING ARTS CENTER purity analysis and germination Peanut Butter Cookie Come In And See The Plainer, Mrs. C, S. Goodrich, EAST LANSING - The Mich­ testing. Buttered Carrots Heating and Air Mrs. Gladys Purves assisting, igan State University Board of Hamburger Bun Conditioning' Trustees has given the go-ahead Seed which passes these tests , Margarine New Ones! served colorful desserts and can then be sold^as Michigan SCHOOL MENU coffee, for a performing arts center at Milk the state's largest institution of certified seed, carrying the tag Cookie CUSTOM SHEET and seal of the certifying agency. ST. JOHNS higher learning. The center, es­ METAL SHOP G & L SALES REALIZATION timated to cost between $12 mil­ Seed is not certified unless it is ELEMENTARY Cliff Loesch, Owner bagged and has the official blue We all live in the present, June graduates are already lion and $15 million, will be fi­ MONDAY, January 24 but everyone should remember 'WHERE SERVICE IS A HABIT" finding out that they have to do' nanced from gifts and funds re­ tag attached, US-27 At Dill Road DeWitt "John's Original Pizza" it's made up of little bits of 47 Years Same Address ifi(i'->* vm' Phone^669"-3107| theitf-own growing; upi*' quested', from the legislature- - "No matter how closely regu­ Buttered Green Beans the past. PUNNING FOR A WEDDING?

••/F You can choose from a wide selection of the newest and best in Distinctive THE LOOK OF Wedding Stationery PRINTING 1 Men's IN FASHIONS Women When Time Means Money at the Clinton County News office We can save you both. We'll meet your deadline and save you money. BECKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE X CALLUS Clinto—* n Count" " y News FOWLER Stationery and NOW! Accessories for the RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS Wedding invitations ORDER NOW AIR CONDITIONING Bride-to-Be Ionia & Genesee Seed Wheat HEATING-PLUMBING 50 check Our Fert i I izer Prices * RCA Appliances * Invitation* * Announcements * Custom Kitchens * Rftctptlon *. Matt Booklets As low as uo B-4-U BUY! * Floor Coverings Cards * Informal! for TOO BOB LEWIS •Thank You * Wedding Guest -WE NEED OATS- Books Including Double Envelopes Highest Prices Paid Heating Plumbing Sales and Service Card* Eureka Ph. 224-7189 * Paper Platei * Thermo Cups MATHEWS o >- ELEVATOR EVERYTHING PERSONALIZED ITEMS SEE US FIRST FORI FOR THE * Napkins * Ash Trays SOIL. * Cake Knives * Coasters LANDBANK * Place Cards * Match Books FARM LOANS • New Facilities? * Reception Decorations 1104 S. US-27 • Repairs? St. Johns Ph. 224-7127 Ashley St. Johns, Mich. • Expansion? 224-3234' VIRGIL ZEEB 847-3571 Serving America's Farmers: Providers- of Plenty ^Modernization? •' t Clinton County News

PLUMBING AND Your Friendly YES SIR# T^e p*ace *°g0 for service for your^ HEATING MIN-A-MART bzs:^* Esg eTi^T'ca ES E3 "^33?'.! •RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL I^Pf YOU! BUG«W1|JSSS£ 1971 Oiir skilled tire truing and lyheel Only1 £hevrolef is Edlnger's * QUALITY WORK balancing experts can take the edge OPEN DAILY off of tire imperfections for a smooth! _ ..,„-„. vibration-free ride, lPER WH^ •v^^^xJl1" *d'n9er Chevrolet * DUNKEL US-27 SoUfh at Sturgis St.. Johns PLUMBING I HEATING Hub Tire Center M, 224-52181. Utofcafl. St; JOHNS ?~\ Page 21 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan jdnescfay, January 12, 1972 JPSie 20 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Wednesday, January 12, ^ •* v& vj^ * More meat variety Beef, pork, veal, ham ...lunch meats, bacon, poultry, lamb.., Take your pick - there's, more to pick KROGER from at Kroger. *,w ^ more savings ** -, MEANS more meat u r m More meat quality All Kroger beef is. U.S. Gov't. Double Top Value Stamps Every Wednesday x: Graded Choice. All of our meats are guaranteed for your total satisfaction Nfc MORE Prices effective or your money refunded. Prices & Coupons ^^^™^^i^^^^ We Reserve The RightTo Limit ^^^4U*--* Good thru Jan, 16, 1972 Quantities. Copyright The * More meat savings f Kroger Co. 1972 In St. Johns rV »I«^ with Kroger's ten super specials every week plus money-saving low prices on everything in our meat department...

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