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EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS at a GLANCE 2011-12 D-14198.Pdf Educational Statistics At a Glance 2011-12 Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission Kahlllpara, Quwahati - 781019 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS AT A GLANCE 2011-12 3|¥C iftW m ; e p a DC iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii D14198 AXOM SARBASIKSHAABHIYAN MISSION KAHILIPARA, GUWAHATI-781019 ©Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission Nos. of Copies: 1000 Year of Publication: October, 2012 ct^ational Plannjno '^ ^ cumentation Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission Kahilipara, Guwahati-781 019 E-mail: ssaassam@sifycom/ssaassam@rediff. com Website: in Phone No. 0361-2383803, 2380481 Fax No. 0361-2380134 Compiled by: Documentation & MIS Units, SSA, Assam Printed in Assam a t: S. S. Graphics, Guwahati Foreword In the increasingly fast-paced world of data, statistics and information - management the DISE (District Information System for Education) has become a most critical tool to collect and manage information regarding school education. This annual exercise has proved to be extremely useful in education planning, implementation and monitoring, not only of SSA activities but also the comprehensive programmes of Education Department such as Mid-Day-Mea), scholarships and special beneficiary- oriented schemes understate plan. Government of Assam. DISE data throws light on the critical education indicators, which reflect the success areas as well as areas needing concern and further focus, such as drop out, retention, GPI, school infrastructure, availability of teachers etc. Given its vast coverage, there is always scope for improvement in accuracy and for extending its utility A sincere and focused attempt is made at SSA Assam to ensure this and every year, a special study is done for test-check of the accuracy by a renowned University or research agency. Collection and compilation of DISE data is a colossal task, wide-sweeping in its range and involving layers in the information chain, from school authorities, CRCCs, BRCCs, MIS personnel of SSA, district and state mission authorities. At this Juncture, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved in the process of DISE collection, compilation, analysis and application. I do believe that this document will be of great value to education administrators, planners, researchers, policy makers as well as school authorities. I am hopeful that the SSA Mission would continue to receive the support and patronage for DISE from all concerned. (L.S. Changsan,T IAS) Mission Director, SSA, Assam. INTRODUCTION For successful implementation of any educational programme, effective monitoring, coupled with efficient information system, is essential. While monitoring framework under SSA is developed separately, concerted efforts have been made towards strengthening of Educational Management Information System (EM IS) in India. Collection of data in the field of education often turns into an end in itself Very often such data is collected simply to be sent to a higher administrative authority which means that the information collected does not get interpreted and/or utilized at the level at which it can be used to make useful interventions for improvement in education. DISE (District Information System for Education) is a process of collection of school level information as on 30'^ September every year Accordingly, software has been developed by NUEPA, New Delhi on behalf of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt, of India to generate the computerized reports from School level to National level. There are more than 100 nos. of main heads of school level information in the DISE - Data Capture Format (DCF). The process of data collection had started during District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) and the same has been extended to all the districts of the Country under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan fSS>AJ. The format contains 12 data collection pages out of which 6 pages containing the existing information of the school are updated and in the remaining 6 pages, new data for the year are entered. The head of the institutions fill up the formats, sign them and submit to the Cluster Resource Centres. The filled up formats are verified by the Cluster Resource Centre Co-ordinator at cluster level and submitted to the blocks. The verified formats are again re-verified at concerned Block Mission offices and accordingly, data entry w/'as done at Block Mission Olfices. The database is again checked at district level and submitted to the State Mission Office. The database is re-checked at State level and the same are sent to the concerned districts again for necessary correction/modification, if required. The same is being used for further analysis both at State and National level for planning, future strategies in terms of educational planning and management. DISE is a regular source of information on all aspects of elementary education. Through collection of DISE, information is made available and shared at school, cluster, block, district, state and national levels. The booklet titled “Educational Statistics at a Glance” on the basis of data gathered through DISE survey has been publishing every year The copies of the booklet were distributed amongst educational functionaries, NGOs, other departments, research institutions etc. The booklet serves as handy document for ready reference and the positive feedback has encourage SSA, Assam to publish a similar booklet pooling together the data collected through DISE survey 2011-12. COOTENT............................... ................. ................ ................................ P a g e Distficf-im^ name of educafionai block f ’ Basic inbfmalion 2 Table-1 Overall catepory ano management-v<ise schools m DISE - 2011 -1 s' 3 Table-ib- Segregation of Govi .PfovlTCigiised arxi local Body Schools {Er-emen;ary i-eveii 3 Table-1 c:CaiegOT-wige PTR Table-1 d- Overall enrolmenl Table-2a: Dislrid-wise, g&x-wise, caste-wise popylalion as per Census, 2001 Tabie-2b ■ Pislnd-wiSB, Sex-wse, Cas^e-wise Literacy rate as per Cenms. 2001 Tabl&-2c: Pistrid-wi&B populalton and mx ratio aa p^r C&iisus. 2001 ar^J 2011 Table- 2d: Companion of iiter«y rats .............................................. Table 2e. Proportion of child populaliori m the age group 6-6by 2001 & 20i i 9 Table 3 Distnct-wise. management-wse onrolme-nt [Class I - Vllli 10 Pl^OQl'WisA catenory-wise no of composite schools 11 Table-5 ~ District-wise, cateoorv-wise rx) of teacngrs m primary, upper primary composite schools 1? T a b l & i . i i ^ i gt:!gi|f : c ftg a g a ijE li. riQ of schools !■ teach^en in Venture (^|^-fecogl^i5ec^‘J sshocfe 13 Table-7 : District-wise, sex-wise, class-wise enrolment in pivt-'' f^Qvir>cialisedi' rficogntsed'' local tacfy s^^llCiassl-V)_________ _____________ _ ____________ __ __________ _ Table~l District wise, sex-wise, class-wise enrolment in govt p^oviixialised' recogrtisect' local body' 15 schools (Class VI - Vlll) Tabl&-9 : Dis1f*el‘wise, s®j< wis€i. cla^s wise SC enrolr«ni in govt,/ pro«/incial*s#(l'' recogrttsed^ local body 16 ..^gglsiaassizyi Table-10 : Distrct-wise, sex-wise, class-wise SC enrolmens in gcvl.'’ provincialissd' recognised'’ local IT body schools C lass VI - Vtil) Table-11 : Dglrict-wise, sex-wise, class-wis« ST enrolment in govt./ pravincialised' recognigedi loc^al body 1 b schools (Ciass I VJ Table-12 ; D»strict-wise, sex-wise, ciass'/<^se ST cmom'ier^t -m govt / p'ovmcialised.' recognised.' local 19 faody schocils ^Class VI - Viirj Table-13; ftslfict-wis©, s^x-wise. class-wi&e mwidfity erirolmint in govt./ provincialise/ reeagnisM' local 20 schoQig (Class t- Vl Table-14: Kstrict-wise, sex-wise, class-wse minority enroiment in govt./ provincialisK!/ reojgnisecl/ local W dodj Khools {Clasf VI - V lll] Table-is: Dislrict-wise sex-wise enrolment in un-recognised i.veriture) schools iCIass 1 - V} n fable-16: Dislrict-wise sex-wtse enrolment in un-recognised iventure) schools {Class VI - Vlll! 23 Table-17: Dislncl-wise sex-wise ennDlment in private schools (Class i - Vi 24 Table-18 : Diglrict-wise seK-wtse enrolment in private schools (Q ass VI - VHIi 85 Table-19: Distnct-wise sex-wise, class-w ise o^/erall enrolm ent [C la s s I - V i 26 Table-20: Dislnct-wise sex-wise, class-wise overall enrolment (Class VI - Vlllj 27 Table-21 : District-wise r^umber of s-ngle teacher schools in Govi 'Provincialised pr.mary & upper primary 25 Table-2?: Distnct-wise Pupil Teacher Ratio I PTR) in govt provincialised primary schools 29 Table-23 : Dislrict-wise ^^1./ provinciaiised primary and upper primary scnools having different facilities Table-24 : Dislrict-wise sta te of classrooms in govt / pnsvinciateedi primary and upper primary schools 31 Table-25 : District-wise GER, NER., dn^p out. repeiiiion, completion and transitiw rate in gort- :i2 provincialised pnmary & upper primary schools Table 26: Result o^ govt,' provitxjiaitsedpnmary schools in academic session201 O il 33 Table-27: Result govt,' provincialised upper primary schools m academic session 20t0 11 34 Table-28 ; Sex-v/ise % of teachers and PTR in govi ■' provmcialised primaPf' a uoper primary schools 35 Table-29’ Average classroom per school (go'b't./ provincialised schools onfy:< 36 Table-30 Stuc^nt Classroom Ratro (govt / prov^ncialisKl schools oniyi 37 Table-31 ■ Onnkmg water facilities (govi ■ provincialised schools only) 38 Table-32- Common toiie? facil«ttes fgovt,,' provincialised s'chcols onl'^-i 39 Table-33' Girts toilet facilities (govt,.' provincialised schools oniyi 40 Table-34: Result - % of passed at>ove 60% 41 DISTRICT-WISE NAME OF BLOCKS DISTRICT NAME OF BLOCK DISTRICT NAME OF BLOCK
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