Science News | DECEMBER 26, 2015 PLUTO COMES INTO VIEW — COVER The New Horizons mission to Pluto (shown in false color) took the top spot on Science News’ list of the most important science stories of the year. Throughout 2015, SN kept readers abreast of the mission’s milestones, including live cover- age from mission control as the probe reached its destination. And in more than two dozen sto- ries, SN reporters explained how New Horizons’ voluminous amounts of data are redefining our understanding of the beloved dwarf planet.

Table of contents 2 Letter from H. Robert Horvitz, Chair 4 Letter from Maya Ajmera, President

6 Society for Science & the Public

8 Intel Science Talent Search

10 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

12 Broadcom MASTERS

Society Advocates 14 15 Society Outreach

16 Alumni

18 Science News

22 Science News in High Schools

Science News for Students Science News | JUNE 27, 2015 23 OCTOPUS SKIN CAN ‘SEE’ The California two-spot octopus (hatchling 24 Financials shown above) can detect light with its skin — no eyes or brain required — and respond Donors with a color-change display. As bizarre as that 26 feat sounds, it was not totally unexpected, as Science News explained. The story was 30 Board of Trustees just the latest in SN’s ongoing coverage of visual experiments that are expanding how Executive Team and Staff biologists define what it means to see. 31


t is an honor to serve as the Chair of the Society’s Board of Trustees during this time of expanding horizons. I am happy to introduce this 2015 Annual Report, which shares Ia comprehensive picture of the organization with you, our dedicated supporters. As someone who has been on the board for ten years, I have been delighted as the Society has not only continued to excel at its core programs, but also built upon those efforts to expand into new directions. We continue to be at the forefront of breaking scientific news, such as by reporting the New Horizons mission to Pluto, which inspired our annual report theme. Science News and Science News for Students continue to win prestigious journalism awards for their exceptional coverage. We were pleased to announce in October that the Society’s Broadcom MASTERS com- petition will continue to be funded through our partnership with the Broadcom Foundation. This important commitment extends through our 100th anniversary in 2021 and ensures Broadcom MASTERS remains the premier national STEM competition for sixth, seventh and eighth graders for years to come. As you will see in the pages of this Annual Report, by expanding our horizons, we are making even more of an impact. We continue to focus on our core vision of promoting the understanding and appreciation of science and the vital role it plays in human advancement: to inform, educate and inspire. Under Maya Ajmera’s first full year of visionary leadership, the Society’s horizons have grown in the overall scale of the organization, our focus on a collaborative team culture, en- suring the continued prestige of the Society’s core programming and a new and exciting focus on outreach and equity, which is markedly increasing the number of young people accessing the valuable resources of the Society. We look forward to continuing to build upon our suc- cesses in the years to come. I personally thank the Board of Trustees for working hard to constantly ensure the suc- cess of the Society in achieving our important goals. I extend a special thank-you to Michela English, who retired as a Trustee after serving with distinction since 2008, including most recently as the Executive Committee, At-Large member. Our work, now and in the future, is made possible by the generous support of you, the Society’s subscribing members, donors, alumni and readers. Thank you for all that you do. We look forward to continuing our successes and growth in 2016. Science News for Students | MAY 22, 2015 THE MICROBES INSIDE US Sincerely yours, An explosion of research in recent years has revealed the surprisingly big influence that microbes living in the body have on health and behavior. H. Robert Horvitz Science News for Students surveyed some of this cutting- Chair, Board of Trustees edge work, including a study that showed Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 2002 that mice (and presumably people, too) Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology need bacteria to develop normal blood- Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute brain barriers. In bacteria-free mice Member, MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research (like the one above left), the blood-brain barrier allowed a dye (yellow) to accumu- Member, MIT Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research late in the brain.


Science News | MARCH 7, 2015

am pleased to present our 2015 Annual Report — Expanding Horizons — which ICEBERG FLIPS OVER What looks like a glassy blue mountain rising represents my first full year as President & CEO of the Society for Science & the Public out of the ocean is actually an upside-down Iand Publisher of Science News. iceberg. About 90 percent of an iceberg’s It has been an exciting year at the Society. We awarded more than $6 million to bulk stays hidden beneath the water. But every once in a while, after calving off a gla- deserving middle and high school students from the United States and around the world. cier or melting unevenly, an iceberg topples In 2015, we expanded our partnership with the Broadcom Foundation through the Soci- over, exposing its pristine underbelly. This ety’s 100th anniversary in 2021, ensuring that Broadcom MASTERS remains the premier stunning photograph, taken off the coast of Antarctica, was featured in a national STEM competition for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. Science News story about the rare event. We certainly expanded our horizons by adding new programming to intentionally ensure that more students and underserved communities would be impacted by our work by piloting the Science News in High Schools program and Advocate Grant Program in 2015, along with running the Society’s first ever Science Talent Search Research Teachers Confer- ence. This new emphasis on outreach and equity has already impacted thousands of teachers and hundreds of thousands of students in the United States and around the world. We did more than ever to reach out to our talented alumni, holding nine events in eight cities, including our first ever Alumni Signature Event that took place in Boston. With these events, the Society had the opportunity to personally meet more than 600 alumni. Throughout the pages of this annual report, you will see incredible images from Science News and Science News for Students stories from 2015. These pictures illustrate how scientific discoveries continue to expand our understanding of the world around us. They show how, more than ever, it is important that the Society bring accurate scientific coverage to the world. I want to personally thank our thousands of judges and volunteers who support the work of the Society with their extraordinary commitment to our science competitions. The depth and breadth of the Society’s work is only possible due to its exceptional team, who bring to life our vision every day. Additionally, I am grateful to the Board of Trustees for their steadfast stewardship of our storied institution. Just as science is ever changing and expanding, we will continue to find ways to reach additional audiences with accurate scientific news and to support new generations of talented students at the beginning of their scientific careers. None of this would be possible without your generous support. We look forward to continuing to connect with you in 2016. Thank you for all that you do to ensure the Society’s success and impact.

With best wishes,

Maya Ajmera President & CEO Publisher, Science News 1985 Science Talent Search


Science News | DECEMBER 12, 2015 MARS LOSES ITS ATMOSPHERE The solar wind strips away Mars’ atmo- sphere, and scientists now know just how fast the Red Plant is losing its gas. Mea- surements from NASA’s MAVEN probe suggest that Mars loses 100 grams of atmosphere every second. In this simula- tion of the Martian atmosphere, described in Science News, colored streaks represent lost gas molecules. Unlike Earth, Mars has no magnetic field to protect its atmo- sphere from charged particles streaming from the sun. Reaching beyond our horizons Since 1921, the Society for Science & the Public — a nonprofit Emerson Ritter, a California zoologist, founded the organiza- youth edition to Science News. Engineering for Rising Stars), formerly the Discovery Channel 501(c)(3) membership organization promoting the under- tion with the goal of keeping the public informed about sci- For decades, the Society has offered many of the most Young Scientist Challenge and SSP Middle School Program. standing and appreciation of science and the vital role it plays entific achievements. Scripps and Ritter accomplished their revered science education programs in the world: the Intel Sci- The Society is thrilled to present its 2015 annual report. in human advancement — has engaged the public in the ex- goal by distributing the latest science research via a news ence Talent Search (STS), formerly the Westinghouse Science We’re looking back on a year of important new programs and citement of science and research through its award-winning service for reporters. Science News (SN) has been published Talent Search; the Intel International Science and Engineer- exciting changes that have expanded our horizons and allowed publications and world-class science education competitions. by the Society since 1922. In 2003, the Society launched ing Fair (Intel ISEF), formerly the National Science Fair; and us to bridge our publications with our education programs to Edward W. Scripps, a renowned journalist, and William Science News for Students (SNS), an online, freely accessible Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and fulfill our mission as one comprehensive organization.

2015 Society Top Ten

Society alumni received high For the first time, three top Science News won an award for Raymond Wang was the recip- Eleven Society alumni attend- The Broadcom Foundation The Society hosted its first Sci- The Society launched the Science News celebrated The Society introduced the honors in 2015. Paul Modrich, prizes of $150,000 each were Best Feature from the Online ient of the top award at Intel ed the 2015 White House extended its sponsorship of ence Talent Search Research Science News in High Schools the 100th anniversary of Advocate Grant Program in 1964 STS and ISEF, was one of awarded at Intel STS: Noah News Association and an Eddie ISEF. He received the Gordon Science Fair. Alumni have the Broadcom MASTERS for Teachers Conference, bringing program. More than 270 Einstein's general theory of 2015, which supports adult three individuals awarded the Golowich won for Basic for Best Consumer Article E. Moore Award of $75,000 been invited to all six White six years. In October, Annie 100 teachers to Washington, schools in 25 states, as well relativity with a special story mentors who guide underrep- 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Research, Andrew Jin for from Folio for “The Martian for his project "Aircraft Cabin House Science Fairs hosted Ostojic, of Munster, Ind., was D.C., to discuss how to as Washington, D.C., Australia collection. A blog post un- resented students engaged Heidi Williams, 1999 ISEF, Global Good and Michael Diaries.” Airflow: Curbing Disease by President Barack Obama. named the top winner of the a research program and get and the United Kingdom, earthed Science News Letter’s in science research projects received a MacArthur Winer for Innovation. Prizes Transmission." 2015 competition for her underrepresented students in- gained free access to role in convincing Einstein through the process of Fellowship. for all winners totaled more design of a more energy volved. It was a first chance for Science News. to take gravitational lensing applying to competitions. than $1.6 million. efficient microwave. some to meet fellow research seriously. teachers.


Nation’s top student researchers and innovators The Science Talent Search (STS), a program of Society for First Place Medal of Distinction for Basic Research, which Science & the Public, launched in 1942 and sponsored recognizes finalists who demonstrate exceptional scientific by Intel since 1998, is the nation’s oldest and most highly potential through depth of research and analysis. Andrew regarded pre- science competition for high school Jin won the First Place Medal of Distinction for Global Good, seniors. From nearly 1,800 applicants, 300 semifinalists which rewards finalists who demonstrate great scientif- were selected; they and their schools were each awarded ic potential through their passion to make a difference. $1,000. Forty Intel STS finalists were selected to each Michael Winer won the First Place Medal of Distinction for receive $7,500 and a trip to Washington, D.C., to compete Innovation, which celebrates finalists who demonstrate the for top awards. problem-solving aptitude of an engineer through innovative For the first time, three top prizes of $150,000 each design and creativity. Prizes for all winners totaled more than were awarded at the Intel STS. Noah Golowich won the $1.6 million.

“… Intel STS was such a great learning experience … I highly recommend that all high school seniors who've done research apply! You'll learn so much and really grow as a scientist, writer and thinker.” Pooja Chandrashekar 2015 Intel Science Talent Search

CELEBRATING SCIENCE Opposite: 2015 Intel STS finalist Anya Michaelsen investigated variables that contribute to scoring success when performing a fencing “flick” for her physics project. Below: President Barack Obama joins the 2015 Intel STS finalists for a group photo. OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY LAWRENCE JACKSON BY LAWRENCE OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO


World's best young scientists connect and compete The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel for developing an inexpensive, easy-to-use testing device ISEF), a program of Society for Science & the Public, is the to combat the high rate of undiagnosed HIV infection in world’s largest international pre-college science competi- low-income communities. Karan Jerath, of Friendswood, tion. The 2015 Intel ISEF, held in Pittsburgh, Penn., once Texas, received the other Intel Foundation Young Scientist again broke records by featuring more than 1,700 young Award of $50,000 for refining and testing a novel device scientists selected from 422 affiliated fairs in more than that should allow an undersea oil well to rapidly and safely 75 countries, regions and territories. Raymond Wang, of recover following a blowout. The Society’s Education Canada, was awarded first place, receiving the Gordon E. Outreach Day brought more than 3,000 local students from Moore Award of $75,000 for engineering a new air inlet more than 50 schools to participate in hands-on science, system for airplane cabins to improve air quality and curb visit an engaging Expo Hall and meet finalists. A total disease transmission. Nicole Ticea, of Canada, received one of 2,545 volunteer hours were contributed from core of two Intel Foundation Young Scientist Awards of $50,000 volunteers, judges and local community members.

“The people I have met over the past two years at Intel ISEF have been the single greatest driving force in convincing me to pursue mathematics seriously in college, by establishing the friendliness and warmth of the mathematical community.” Nitya Mani 2015 Intel ISEF finalist and Grand Award winner in Mathematics category, who traveled to CERN

HIGH SCHOOL INNOVATORS Opposite page: Intel ISEF winners (left to right) Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award recipients Karan Jerath and Nicole Ticea, and Gordon E. Moore Award winner Raymond Wang. This page from left: Mary Hood of Monte Vista, Calif., created a cane to reduce the fall susceptibility of the elderly. Noor Samara and Dana Arabiyat, from Jordan, set up their projects.




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Middle schoolers expand their STEM horizons Broadcom MASTERS is the premier science and engineering The finals took place in Silicon Valley to celebrate the competition for middle school students. In 2015, Broadcom fifth anniversary of Broadcom’s sponsorship. The special Foundation committed to support the Broadcom MASTERS setting afforded new opportunities for the finalists — includ- competition through 2021. Broadcom MASTERS achieved ing special tours at Google, NASA Ames, Tesla Motors and a new record number of entrants in 2015 — more than 2,200 Lucasfilm. The finalists competed in hands-on challenges at applications were submitted representing the top ten the Computer History Museum, Marine Science Institute percent of middle school participants in Society-affiliated and TeachBiotech and presented their research to more than science fairs around the country. Three hundred semifinal- 750 people at the Computer History Museum. At the 2015 ists were selected and 30 finalists presented their research Broadcom MASTERS awards dinner, Annie Ostojic projects and competed in hands-on team challenges to was named the winner of the Samueli Foundation Prize demonstrate their skills in critical thinking, collaboration, ($25,000) and Sebastian Mellen was named the winner of communication and creativity. the Marconi/Samueli Award for Innovation ($10,000).

“Broadcom MASTERS ... built for all participants an incredible support network of professionals and students both nationwide and worldwide. I keep in touch with many of these individuals, and we bounce ideas, coursework, accomplishments and our passion for STEM off of each other.” Annie Ostojic 2014 and 2015 Broadcom MASTERS finalist 2015 winner of the $25,000 Samueli Foundation Prize

YOUNG SCIENTISTS SHINE Avery Clowes received the Scott A. McGregor Leadership Award at the 2015 Broadcom MASTERS. Avery also took home a first place award in Engi- neering for his project on the creation of an electrostatic generator. Opposite: The Broadcom MASTERS class of 2015 celebrates at the Golden Gate Bridge.


The benefits of science Society's fellowship program competition expanded to The final class of the Society for Science & the Public Fellows Program closed out underserved students 2015 with a number of admirable suc- The Society is committed to increasing the number of under- cesses. Fellow David Oyler, of Colorado, served students competing and succeeding in science research established the first “Science Day” at his competitions. In 2015, we piloted the Advocate Grant Program new school. Oyler’s school, which primarly with $100,000 of seed funding, which was matched by the serves deaf students, had never had a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. Advocates act as mentors for full-time science teacher or even a science groups of three to five students, helping them find science teacher with a science degree. Theresa research competitions and complete the application process. Knipe guided seven underserved students Nine adults were selected as the first class of Society Advo- from her research program to enter their

cates and more than 85 students were recruited. More than regional fair and move on to the Indiana CELEBRATING STUDENT SUCCESS The Kelp Huggers — students of Society 40 students completed applications to science research State Fair. In their final year, the Fellows Fellow Dominique Evans-Bye — participate in the 2015 Lexus Eco-Challenge. competitions. had much to celebrate. Advocates are selected into a comprehensive year of programming where they receive a $3,000 stipend, a paid trip to Washington, D.C., for a convening event with their new cohort of colleagues and individualized mentoring from Science Talent Search Research Teachers Conference The Society hosted its first teacher conference, Society staff. The number of Advocates will increase to 31 “The STS Teacher Conference was in 2016 thanks to $250,000 in additional support from the bringing 100 teachers from 30 states to without a doubt the most enjoyable and Alcoa Foundation. Washington, D.C., all expenses paid. Teachers STEM SUPPORT 2015 Advocate Scott Bolen with students. valuable professional development were selected by lottery from among 570 experience of my career.” who applied. Self-identifying their experience Jennifer Canaday, Lakeland Christian School as veteran, intermediate or novice, panels of “Preparing for this type of activity can take lots of work outside of the classroom teachers led breakout sessions on topics such and this is where I see socioeconomically challenged students struggle. I feel like as how to start a research program at your high “Sharing ideas and strategies with teachers this program has allowed me to help with that struggle so that my students can school, how to reach more underrepresented and from such vastly different backgrounds was enter competitive projects in the science fair.” low income students, and how to help students truly valuable. It was clearly evident that 2015 Advocate Scott Bolen write scientific research papers. Some research the common thread that binds us all is our teachers had been working in isolation for love of education and for our students.” multiple decades, meeting their fellow research David Kommor, W.C. Mepham High School teachers for the first time ever.


Welcome the next generation MacArthur Fellow Heidi Williams of leaders who join our alumni competed in the The Society welcomed more than 3,500 students who participated in the 1999 Intel ISEF 2015 Intel STS, Intel ISEF or Broadcom MASTERS into the ranks of our with her project alumni program. “Applying Statistical These young scientists have joined a community of more than 55,000 Language Recog- alumni of our science education competitions who are thought leaders and nition Statistics in innovators of all ages and from all industries. Through events, professional de- the Ciphertext-Only Cryptanalysis of velopment activities and volunteer opportunities, the Society engages alumni Enigma.” In 2015, Dr. Williams received with each other and with the wider world, empowering them to become a MacArthur Fellowship and an Alfred P. leaders in their chosen fields. Sloan Research Fellowship. She earned In 2015, the Society’s alumni program hosted nine events in eight cities her A.B. degree at Dartmouth and Ph.D. across the United States, bringing together more than 600 alumni. at Harvard. She is the Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Profes- Event Profile: Alumni Signature Event, Boston sor in the MIT Department of Economics The Society’s first ever Alumni Signature Event took place at Akamai and a Faculty Research Fellow at the Technologies in Cambridge, Mass. Generously cohosted by Tom Leighton, National Bureau of Economic Research. Akamai CEO, Society board member and alumnus of the 1974 STS, this reception gathered more than 110 guests, including 84 Society alumni. A pan- Social entrepreneurship el moderated by President & CEO Maya Ajmera included the following alumni The Society is speakers: Tom Leighton; Erika Ebbel Angle, STS proud to support 1999; Karen Gleason, STS 1978; Eric Lander, STS the efforts of 1974 and Frank Wilczek, STS 1967. The evening our alumni’s ended with a book signing (left) of Nobel Laure- visionary work. NOBEL LAUREATE ate and Society board member Frank Wilczek's We were pleased Paul Modrich competed in the 1964 newest book A Beautiful Question. to be a sponsor STS with his project “Distribution of of ProjectCSGirls’ national computer Radioactive Fallout in the Food Chain of science competition for middle school a Subalpine Bog," and also competed in the 1964 ISEF. In 2015, Dr. Modrich won girls. ProjectCSGirls was founded by “I’m proud to say I’m an alumnus! I can definitively the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He earned 2015 STS alumna Pooja Chandrashekar. his B.S. degree at MIT and his Ph.D. say that who I am today is largely the result of at Stanford. He is the James B. Duke Broadcom MASTERS. Being exposed to such Professor of Biochemistry and member high-achieving peers was just awesome.” of the Duke Cancer Institute at Duke University School of Medicine. Ben Hylak, 2011 Broadcom MASTERS finalist, Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Science News | NOVEMBER 14, 2015 BLOOD EXERTS INFLUENCE OVER BRAIN Blood may be more than just a nutrient delivery system. A growing number of neuroscientists are finding hints that the brain’s blood supply actually controls neu- rons — at least to some degree. Redefining blood’s role has implications beyond just updating textbooks, Science News report- ed. Deciphering the blood-brain relation- ship — and what happens when things go awry — may help researchers find the root cause of brain disorders New audiences for exceptional journalism such as Alzheimer’s disease. For more than 90 years, Science News has told readers not and encourage scientific thinking in a new generation of only what is known about the natural world, but also how readers. Accomplishments of particular note include special it’s known and why it matters. issues on time and general relativity, the first list of young From the centennial of Albert Einstein’s general scientists to watch, an increase in news stories identifying theory of relativity to the historic flyby of Pluto and trends (especially in medical coverage) and expanded concerns over CRISPR gene editing, Science News was interactive approaches to online content. there in 2015, bringing science and the ceaseless Readers and sources recognize the great work of advancement of human knowledge to the fore and Science News. National Institutes of Health researcher Ian fulfilling the Society’s core mission to inform, edu- Myles signed up for a subscription after he was quoted in cate and inspire. On its daily website and biweekly a story about diet and the immune system. “This was an magazine, Science News kept readers current on the extremely well-written piece,” he wrote. Subscriber Zach major discoveries of the day, along with those that Rosen remembers reading Science News back in the 1970s; fascinate and surprise. Readers trust Science News to the stories played a big part in his decision to go back to follow science’s ever-moving edge, a trust that the maga- school at age 30 for a medical degree. “From AIDS doc to zine has built over decades. my work as a family physician, I’ve carried the excitement In 2015, Science News continued its tradition of pro- of science from Science News with me into just about every ducing high-caliber journalism, to build scientific literacy area I’ve come to.”

“I love your magazine. I have never read any other magazine cover to cover for more than a few issues. The stories and writing intrigue me, interest me and inspire me. I love it and it is almost always getting better and better.” Daryl Dubas, a Science News reader for more than a decade

Expanding Horizons to China In the summer of 2015, the Society signed an agreement with Publishing House of Electronics Industry, a Chinese-based publisher, to produce a collection of Science News content over an 18-month period. Each book contains 100 to 150 stories from Science News magazine, translated and formatted for a Chinese audience. The first book,Humans & Society, was printed in December 2015 for sale in China beginning in January 2016.


Online favorites of 2015 Science News awards and honors for 2015 In 2015, the Science News website attracted more than eight million visitors. It’s not only readers and sources who recognize the quality of the reporting and writing, The lists below recognize some of the most-read online stories, as well as the but also major societies and organizations. Here’s a list of the awards Science News most popular blog posts. and its writers received in 2015:

Popular stories Popular blog posts

from the magazine CONTEXT | TOM SIEGFRIED Science News was recognized in Aurora shift confirms Top 10 scientific mysteries 2015 for its inventive and original Ganymede’s ocean for the 21st century 1 Subtle changes in the aurora Science has done pretty well for itself reporting and presentation of on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede since the 1600s, but there are still lots clued scientists in to the fact of mysteries left to solve in the 21st “The Martian Diaries,” about that liquid water flows just century (SN Online: 1/28/15). Curiosity, the Mars Rover. beneath the moon’s surface (SN: 4/4/15, p. 14). CULTURE BEAKER | RACHEL EHRENBERG Deflategate favored foul play 2015 Online News 2015 Eddie and Ring brings ancient Viking, over science Association Awards Ozzie Awards Islamic civilizations closer The scandal over underinflated footballs Best Feature for a Best Consumer together 2 kicked off a teachable moment about the Small Organization Single Article, Science An engraved ring discovered in a ideal gas law (SN Online: 6/18/15). woman’s grave in Sweden reveals evidence of close contacts GROWTH CURVE | LAURA SANDERS between the Islamic world and Children’s cells live on in mothers American Institute of Physics Peer recognition for ninth century Scandinavians Moms and babies harbor little pieces Science News (SN: 4/18/15, p. 8). of each other due to a process called 2015 AIP Science Writing Award to Andrew Grant for his From the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards, Gold fetal-maternal microchimerism feature on black holes, “The Mysterious Boundary,” published Award, Children’s Science News — Stephen Ornes for his How the brain perceives time (SN Online: 5/10/15). in the May 31, 2014 issue. This is the third consecutive win Science News for Students article, “Where will lightning strike?” New findings hint that the brain in this category for Science News. from September 16, 2014 has legions of assorted clocks, 3 SCICURIOUS | BETHANY BROOKSHIRE all ticking at different rates. Sci- Serotonin and the science of sex From the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists, Best Med- entists are untangling how the Scientists wrestle over the role sero- ical/Science Story — Kathiann Kowalski for her September 27, clocks harmonize to create our tonin plays in sexual preference, social 2014 article “Recycling the Dead” in Science News for Students movements, emotions and sense communication and impulsiveness of reality (SN: 7/25/15, p. 20). (SN Online: 4/10/15). From the 2015 Eddie and Ozzie Awards, Honorable Mention — Best Consumer Column/Blog for Growth Curve; Honorable Chikungunya is on the move Mention — Best Association/Nonprofit Cover Design and A crippling mosquito-borne SCIENCE TICKER | CHRISTOPHER CROCKETT Best Association/Nonprofit Use of Illustration for the issue virus has slipped its bonds in NASA moves ahead with a 4 “A Rocky Road to Mars” from August 23, 2014; Honorable Africa and Asia and is invading mission to Europa Mention — Association/Nonprofit Overall Design for the new continents faster than peo- A spacecraft will head to Jupiter’s April 18, 2015 issue ple can learn to pronounce its moon Europa by the 2020s to probe the name (SN: 6/13/15, p. 16). moon’s mysterious, ice-trapped ocean (SN Online: 6/18/15). From the D.C. Science Writers Association, Honorable Speed of light not so Mention, Newsbrief Award to Beth Mole for her article constant after all WILD THINGS | SARAH ZIELINSKI “Kangaroo gut microbes make eco-friendly farts” from the 5 Light doesn’t always travel at Eyewitness account of a April 19, 2014 issue the speed of light. An experiment dolphin birth takes a dark turn AAAS Kavli Science revealed that focusing or manipu- Dolphins appear to be happy-go-lucky Journalism Awards lating the structure of light pulses animals, but their births can be Gold Award, Magazine — Alexandra reduces their speed, even in violent, researchers learned Witze, contributing correspondent for vacuums (SN: 2/21/15, p. 7). (SN Online: 7/21/15). Science News, for her work in both Science News and Nature, including “Let the River Run” (in Science News) from January 10, 2015



Inspiring a new generation of science enthusiasts Free science resource for younger readers Science News for Students (SNS) offers anyone 12 years or journal retractions in keeping science honest, emerging data Society for Science & the Public launched the Science News were sponsored by individuals, school booster clubs, a local older the ability to stay abreast of the latest developments on what drives gender identity and a centennial look back at in High Schools program in September 2015, as part of a science fair and some were even sponsored by themselves. in science, technology, engineering and mathematics with how Einstein’s general theory of relativity changed our larger commitment to create a more scientifically literate In support of the program, eight educator guides were engaging stories and images. Science News for Students is the understanding of gravity and space-time. society. More than 200,000 students at more than 270 produced in 2015. The guides, which include comprehension primary driver of traffic to the Student Science section of the The most popular SNS story in 2015 was "Vaping may schools in 25 states, Washington, D.C., Australia and the and analysis questions, as well as discussion prompts and Society’s website, which drew more than 5.5 million visits in harm the lungs," which garnered more than 78,000 unique United Kingdom gained free access to content produced classroom activities, are available online and distributed to par- 2015. Science News for Students topped one million Facebook visitors between May 29 and the end of the year. And for the by Science News. ticipating teachers through a biweekly e-mail newsletter. Since followers by year’s end. first time ever,SNS reviewed the year’s events for our read- For the 2015–2016 school year, Alcoa Foundation spon- it began, the newsletter has had an open rate well above the Features for educators include a Flesch-Kincaid read- ers in a pair of features: the top ten stories of the year based sored 124 schools, Regeneron sponsored 85 schools and an industry average. The educator guide was funded via a Kick- ability score that appears on each story (scores for all stories on reader volume and the top ten science stories as chosen anonymous donor sponsored ten schools. Additional schools starter campaign, which raised $35,751 from 331 supporters. are in the middle school range) and Power Words, a glossary by the SNS editors. beneath each story that aids STEM literacy by defining terms A generous Alcoa Foundation grant in 2015 reinvig-

Hitting a Cometary Bronze Age Eels Put Zip in that might pose difficulty to younger readers. orated the Cool Jobs series, feature stories that help Nerve Oxygen Plague Their Zap SNS Major stories in 2015 included a two-part series on showcase for tweens and teens that there is no topic they

SCIENCE NEWS MAGAZINE SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC NOVEMBER 28, 2015 notable nondinosaur reptiles of the Triassic, Jurassic and can imagine for which there are not a host of allied STEM Cretaceous periods. Others delved into the pivotal role of careers. >270 in 25 schools states as well as Washington, D.C., Australia and the United Kingdom participated in Science News in High Schools during the 2015–2016 school year Gassy “I love the Cool Jobs stories. One of my main goals is to

grazingMethane-reduction methods show my kids that we’re target the cow inside and out not just studying science in >200,000 isolation in the classroom — students that people are doing gained access to Science News through this. And a lot of kids are the program during the year interested in how things work. I want them to see that others are really doing this.” “This is going to be an extremely valuable addition to my curriculum…. Stephen Johnson, middle school science teacher, My textbooks are outdated and my resources are extremely limited. Rochester, N.Y. I can’t thank you enough for making this possible.” Autumn Lambert, the only high school science teacher at Florence High School in Wisconsin


Current Year Operating Revenue and Expenses 2015 2014 Revenue Science News magazine $ 4,897,950 $ 5,389,940 Science education programs 15,970,314 14,942,082 In-kind and other revenue 770,732 391,722 Total operating revenue 21,638,996 20,723,744 Expenses Program expenses 20,495,020 19,717,511 Administrative expenses 1,419,375 1,045,094 Fundraising 645,108 240,565 Total operating expenses 22,559,503 21,003,170 Non Operating Activities and Pledges Non Operating Activity Science News | MAY 2, 2015 Investment income (216,677) 775,676 THE MARTIAN DIARIES Change in post retirement benefit liability 386,000 (631,000) Imagine if NASA’s Curiosity Rover kept Pledges and Contributions Designated for Future Years a personal log of its journey on Mars. Pledges and contributions received in 2015 12,954,080 7,757,230 That’s exactly what Science News did. Prior years' pledges used in current year (15,964,261) (14,854,936) In a playful yet informative feature, Change in permanently restricted net assets (9,167) 27,787 SN envisioned how the rover would Non Operating Activity (2,850,025) (6,925,243) describe key highlights from nearly three years of exploration on the Red Change in Net Assets (3,770,532) (7,204,669) Planet. To bring the rover’s words Net assets at the beginning of the year 68,774,900 75,979,569 to life, staff also custom-built an SN Net assets at the end of the year $ 65,004,368 $ 68,774,900 award-winning, immersive online experience that brought together Balance Sheet photos, videos, mission data and links to more in-depth SN stories. Assets Cash and short term receivables $2,822,011 $3,768,704 Investments 24,785,480 25,442,416 Financials Grants receivable 45,532,129 47,311,437 Property and equipment 249,053 506,393 The Society for Science & the Public operates two broad areas secular decline, following the trend of most print publishers, as Total Assets 73,388,673 77,028,950 of program work: science journalism and world-class science readers move to digital offerings. Print circulation declined 4.5 Liabilities competitions for high school and middle school students. percent, to end the year with 84,548 paid subscribers. Despite Accounts payable 673,828 780,548 For every dollar spent by the Society, $.91 goes to support the growth in digital readers, the magazine operates at a loss. Awards payable 2,221,864 1,825,145 program work. General and administrative costs are $.06 of The Society’s balance sheet is very healthy with unre- Deferred subscription revenue 3,880,613 3,776,357 Post retirement liability 1,608,000 1,872,000 every expense dollar and fundraising costs are $.03 of every stricted current assets exceeding current liabilities by $20.8 Total Liabilities 8,384,305 8,254,050 expense dollar. million, yielding a current ratio of 4:1 (ratio of current assets Net Assets $ 65,004,368 $ 68,774,900 Science competitions are a growing and healthy to current liabilities). The Society carries no long-term debt segment of program work, accounting for 63 percent of all and owns its primary office real estate.

program spending. Science journalism is experiencing tre- The Society’s investment portfolio makes up 89 percent 3% 6% 3% mendous readership growth through digital publishing and of current assets. The investment portfolio is conservatively FY 2015 23% FY 2015 Operating Operating social media. The Science News website averaged 1.7 million invested to preserve capital and minimize any downside risk. Revenue Expenses unique page views per month in 2015. Social media readers Restricted assets (grants receivable) make up the largest have grown to 1.6 million Twitter followers and 3.5 million asset class, which represent future funding commitments 74% 91% Facebook followers. from Intel, Broadcom and other funders for science competi- Science News magazine Program expenses Science education programs Administrative expenses The print component of Science News magazine is in a tions and other program work. In-kind and other revenue Fundraising


Larry and Elizabeth Kuo Zachary Evans Vincent Siravo M. A. Benning Carol Carpenter Thank you to our generous supporters for making the Society's work possible. Caryla J. Larsen E. B. Ewing Pete Skeggs Betty E. Benson Quentin Carpenter Richard B. Larson Arthur Falk Leslie Smith Carl S. Benson Hugh Carr David and Margaret Leckey Phillip Feliciano Marta Smith David N. Bentley Douglas L. Carroll Institutional donors Trudy Lionel Jon Firester Priscilla Spears Bradly and Ramona Berg Joiner Cartwright Kevin Lumney Jon Fishburn Russ Spickelmier John Bergin R. Carubelli Title Sponsors American Geosciences Drexel University National Institute on United Technologies Muhammed Majeed Anne N. Fisher Jessica Steel Alan Bergquist Francis Casey Broadcom Foundation Institute Duquesne University Drug Abuse, National Corporation Colin Masson Sandra Fonville Mary A. Stepp Kathryn Bernard John J. Cassidy Intel Foundation and American Intellectual Biomedical Engineering Institutes of Health & University of Pittsburgh James McKanna Cynthia French Saul Sternberg Frederick and Heather James R. Celauro Intel Corporation Property Law Association Program the Friends of NIDA Science Education Robert Messerschmidt Bill Galcher Scott Stone Bernthal Craig Chambers American Mathematical The Energy Lab National Oceanic University of the Sciences Jill Minar Mark Gaulin David Storrs Geoffrey Berresford Jean Chang Elizabeth Gesenhues Jay Bhaskaran F. X. Chapman Advocate Grant Program Society European Organization for and Atmospheric in Philadelphia Robert Mong Robert Struble Terry Gilmore Dan Swanson Reid Bicknell Robert E. Chapman Alcoa Foundation American Meteorological Nuclear Research-CERN Administration University of Toronto Bruce Mount Lex Nakashima William and Lorna Jack Sweitzer James Biggs Annetta Cheek Jack Kent Cooke Society Expii, Inc. New Mexico Tech West Virginia University Dianne Newman Glaunsinger Nitish Thakor James Biggs Ronald Chelsey Foundation American Physiological Florida Institute of NSA Research Directorate Steven Golowich Blake Thalacker Erik Bilello Winnie Chen Society Technology Office of Naval Research General Support Sue Oppenheimer Karen Pessione William C. Graustein Bill Tietz Lawrence Binner Roger Cheng Science News in High Schools American Psychological Fondazione Bruno Kessler on behalf of the United Amazon Smile Bluestone Productions P. H. Quilter Lavina Greene Curtis Timmerman George Bioletto Pamela Child Alcoa Foundation Association Franciscan University of States Navy and American Society for Marine Corps Cardiac Solutions Christina Reyolds Harriet Griesinger George S. Tolmie Ronald Biondini Mary Chilton City University of New York Steubenville Thomas Haines Richard S. Chin Horticultural Science Oracle Academy Habitat for Humanity Karen Reynolds Jane Turner Dan Bishop Convent of the Sacred Heart GoDaddy M. J. Hare Sanford Bishop T. N. Chin American Society for Patent and Trademark Harvey & Leslie Wagner George and Doris Adrienne Tymiak Grace Jones Richardson Google Paul Heermans Al Bixler Andrew Chong Microbiology Office Society Foundation Rodormer Jerrold Vannocker Trust The Grable Foundation Joseph D. Herron Jerry Bloom Richard Churchill American Statistical PPG Industries Foundation Jeffries Technology Richard Rome R. J. Waldron Great Neck North High The Heinz Endowments William E. Himwich Anton Bluman Michelle Cihla Association Psi Chi, The International Solutions Leonard Rosi Bradford Walters School Science Boosters Hillman Family Foundations Charles Hoffman Robert L. Bluntzer Alan L. Citron Ashtavadhani Vidwan Honor Society in Lloyd A. Fry Foundation William Shanley Larry Wehr Jacksonville Science Festival IEEE Foundation Kenneth H. Huey Brian Bock Charles and Katherine Ambati Subbaraya Chetty Psychology PayPal Giving Fund Catherine Simon Jeffrey Weiss Regeneron Illumniating Software Elizabeth Hugel Leonard B. Boehner Claggett Foundation The Richard H. Yearick Silicon Valley Community Marian and Abraham Joann E. White Rockwell Collins, Inc. International Council on Frank Hunter Craig Bohren James Clark Association for Computing Foundation Foundation Sofaer Gayle Wilson Stadium High School Systems Engineering H. Hurrle William Bolhofer Joseph M. Clark Machinery Ricoh USA, Inc. Smith Family Fund Rachael Solem Jon I. Wilson Boosters InventHelp Michael Jay Patricia Bonnet Marshall Clark Association for the Robert Morris University The Stern Investor Mary K. Stroh Twichell Ken Witherly Journal of Emerging Mark Jones Katherine S. Borgen Philip Clements Advancement of Artificial Samueli Foundation Relations Foundation John Visneuski Bennet Yee Investigators Thomas M. Jones Brian Bowers Brian J. Clifton Science News for Students Intelligence Sigma Xi, The Scientific The University of Chicago John Wenderoth Patricia Zalo K. Soumyanath Memorial Jeff Justice Jack L. Bowman Peter Cline Alcoa Foundation Astronomical Society of the Research Society Dean's Office Donald Wheeler Anne Zetterberg Award Nolan Kamitaki Steven Zimmerman Thomas Boxleiter Lynne Seaborg Cobb The Lemelson Foundation Pacific and the American Society for Experimental George M. Whitesides K. T. Li Foundation Special David Katz Anonymous (2) Donald Boyd Gilbert Cochran Astronomical Society Mechanics, Inc. Matching Gifts and Alan Willner Climate Change Award Workplace Giving Jim Wooldridge Clinton Kelly Norman Boyd James Cockrum ASU Rob and Melani Walton Society of Experimental Louis Kirby Michael Bradie Charles Cody Burroughs Wellcome Fund Kennametal Inc. Bank of America Marian Zlotkiewicz Researcher Circle Sustainability Solutions Test Pilots Jeff Kodosky L. B. Brainerd Abby J. Cohen Howard Hughes Medical Initiatives King Abdul-Aziz & his Society of Exploration Chevron Matching Anonymous Investigator ($100-$249) Companions Foundation Employee Funds Daniel Kokron Arlene Brandwein Morty Cohen Institute Bayer USA Foundation Geophysicists Martin and Susan Kozak John Adams for Giftedness and Exelon Foundation Discoverer ($250-$499) Ann P. Brennan Theodore Cohn Bechtel Marine Propulsion Solomon Admissions Julie and Marc Kummel Mary Adams Robert Brennen Jeffrey A. Cole Creativity Matching Gifts Program Allan Abrahamse Competition Supporters Corporation Consulting LLC Milton Lackey Terrence Adamski Robert Brent Elizabeth Coley The Lemelson Foundation GE Foundation Sumeet Ajmani Acoustical Society of The Buhl Foundation Spectroscopy Society of Warren Lavey H. M. Addkison John Bretney Kathlene Collins and America California University of London International Pittsburgh JPMorgan Chase David Alsop William Adler Foundation Frank Lawlis Mary P. Brieser David Lowenstein ADA Foundation Pennsylvania Youth Science Forum SPIE, the international Ethan D. Alyea Gordon Aitken Microsoft Andrea Levitt Kilbee Brittain Carol Combs After School Awards Carnegie Mellon University – The Philip V. Streich society for optics and Sonia Anderson Charles Akers The Pfizer Foundation Robin Lorenz Robert Brobst Janice C. Conavay Alcoa Foundation Leonard Gelfand Center Memorial Award photonics Marcelle Arak Andrew Allen The Progressive Insurance Barbara Magnuson Bryan Broussard Christine Connor Allegheny College for Service Learning and miniPCR Thirty Meter Telescope Maya Bailoor Edmund Allen Foundation Dr. Tyler X. Mahy Carl Brown Joe Connor Allegheny County Outreach Monsanto Company United States Agency William Barker Jonathan D. Allen Qualcomm Matching Sigrid Maldonado Larry Brown Crawford Cooley Sanitary Authority Mu Alpha Theta, National for International Hans Bergstrom L. W. Allen China Association for Grants Program Linda Mar Mark Brown Leon Cooper Allergan Foundation Science and Technology High School and Development Joel Berman Douglas W. Mardfin William C. Allen Michael P. Brown Roger Cooper American Association Coaltion for Plasma Science Two-Year College United States Richard Berry Elizabeth Allison Gifts In Kind Steve Marks Phemie Brown Robert P. Corbett of Pharmaceutical Columbia University Mathematics Honor Environmental John Boatwright Anita Marlowe Susan Almy Robert D. Brown George Corey Akamai Technologies Scientists Consortium for Ocean Society Protection Agency Donald Boos Christopher Mathews Ebaa Al-Obeidi Roberta Brown John V. Cosley Ricoh USA, Inc. American Chemical Society Leadership National Aeronautics and United State Patent and Christopher Booth William McCormick Rachel and Elijah Alper Carol Browne James W. Coulter Wolfram Research, Inc. American Committee for The Davidson Institute for Space Administration Trademark Office Amy Bouska Brent McCown Richard Amon Thomas Brugger Pamela L. Coville the Weizmann Institute Talent Development National Anti-Vivisection United States Steel Barbara Bowman Chris McDonald Leif Ancker Georgia M. Bryant Helen Cox of Science Deloitte Society Corporation Norman Brand Darren McElfresh R. C. Anding Paul Buchanan Matt Craig Joe Bridger John McKee Susan Appel Ray A. Bucklin Walter Crandall Myron Broschat William Meurer Barbara R. Archer Henry R. Buddingh James and Audrey Crockett David Brown Dennis W. and Donna Sharon Armstrong Dave and Ann Buettner Michael J. Cronin Karen Brown Monson Mike Arntson Andrew Buffington Gloria Crook Individual donors Stan Brown Niles Moseley Hawkin Au Leslie Bullock David Crooks Rady Bruell Dan Moulding Jennifer Ault Stephen Bunting Mark E. Crosby Champion Circle Candidate ($1,000- George Landau Jerry Austin Russell Fernald Sean Carroll Lawrence Axelrod Gordon Large Jaculyn Murphy Charles Burger Richard J. Crother $2,499) Allan and Merry Avery Roger Fitzharris Adrienne Casey Elise Murray Margaret Bailey E. Burnett Billy Crowe Visionary ($100,000+) Laura and Gary Lauder Nick Adelmeyer Rick and Nicole Bates P. H. George Park Chamberlain Nancy A. Neff William Bailey Dale Burningham William Cruce Tom Leighton Pamela Merriman Maya Ajmera and David John Beeler Michele Glidden Shambhavi Chandraiah Lee Neuman Diana L. Bain Stephen Burns Mark Csuti Hollander Jim Misko Delvin Beimfohr David Good Medalist Joanne Christenson Charlie Edward Nixon Lisa Ball Phillips B. Burnside Mike Cuchna Kenneth and Audrey Stephanie Pace Marshall Michael Beursken David Goslin ($10,000-$24,999) Barry J. Cohen John W. Olver Barbee Bancroft David Busch Will Cummings Ashkin Hal Schmithorst Joan Blaine John Grabbe Marilyn J. Comb Craig Barrett Diane Ostojic Linda Banta Kelly and Tammer Busch John E. Curtis, Jr. Edward Cheng Janine Shaw C. J. Blankley Robert Hamilton C. Conroy Jon Graff Rodney Otley Jack Barchas and Nicholas Bush Christop Cusack Cynthia Christner Beth and Russ Siegelman James Bradfield Lenwood Heath Benjamin Cornell Paul J. Maddon Joe and Kathy Palca Rosemary Stevens Charles Butler Glenn Cushman William Clendenen Dan Sulzbach Charlotte R. Bronson Kayleen Helms C. K. Crawford Scott McGregor Glen Perry Elwood Barnes Joseph Byers David Cutler Ernest Condon Bernard Tagholm Ernest Brooner Brian Hennessey Richard J. Daly George Yancopoulos Joel Petersen John R. Barton Robert Caddel Everett Dade Robert Cowen Jearl Walker Linda Brown Nadia Hionides Andrew Daubenspeck Wayne Pfeiffer Tom Baruch Elliot Cafritz Starrett Dalton Charles Dietrich William Wallace Todd Butler Karen Howat Paula Davila Jester Paul C. Bayless Stephen Poweska Thomas Cahill Sharon Dana Scholar Circle Bert Forbes William and Sandra Kevin Cantwell Thomas Jemison Dorothy Dean Kurt Reisler Chelsea Baylor William F. Cahill Nolan Danchik Chair ($5,000-$9,999) Jennifer Foster Warburton Thomas Clark Richard Jenkins Erik DeBenedictis John Rippon Timothy Beamer Gabriele B. Calabrese Claude Danglot Alan and Agnes Leshner Gordon Freeman Linden H. Welch Thatte Dayte Shu Jin and Wen Cheng Florence Derose Doug Robbins Rachel Beech John Caldwell Bud Daniels Joanna Haas Nelson Ying George F. Drake Barry E. Jones Sonce Devries Vincent Rothemich Thomas Begich Glenn and Peggy Calkins Ed Darken Professor ($2,500-$4,999) Robert Hagge Anonymous (2) Penelope Drawbridge Brian Joseph Lexi Donne Edward G. Ruestow Alvin Beilby Lynne Calonico Edward Darland Janet Asimov Jon Hauxwell Reginald Dufour Ann Kah John Duddy Metro Sauper Gary A. Bell E. Campbell Paul Darryl Jeff Berwick Marcian Hoff Fellow ($500-$999) James and Anita Dulak Frank Kerr Dale Embry T. L. Schalk Paul Benneche John Y. Campbell J. Dash Mary Sue Coleman H. Robert Horvitz Peter Adams Adriana Elefante Jerry Kickenson Bradford Endicott Walter Schreiner Ellis K. Bennet Carl Cannon Robert Dattner Robert W. Shaw, Jr. Samuel P. Kafoury Cary Anderson Marlin Eller James T. Kirk Erik Erickson Ben Schwegler Marcia O. Bennet Elizabeth Caplan John Davis Frank Wilczek Bob Kempf David and Andrea Annis Bruce Esrig Terrence Kramer Bud Esper John Shannon Thomas Peter Bennet Dennis Carey P. T. Davis

26 SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC If we have left out or misspelled your name, please accept our sincerest apology and contact us so that we may correct our records. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 27 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | DONORS 2015 ANNUAL REPORT | DONORS

Thomas Davis, Jr. Robert Y. Fox David P. Hamblen Erica M. Ide Mae-Dell Lacy Bernard T. McNamara Kevin Parker Jerry W. Robinson Kristi and Ned Snell Joan Wagner Robert Dawes Martha Frank Ben Hammett Casey Inman Sam Lacy Richard Meadow Stan Parker M. Roca Sharon Snyder Michael Waldman Jack DeBaun A. Peri Frantz Barbara Hampton Lewis Irvine Duane Lakings Ernest Meadows Farzan Parsinejad Barbara and Tom Snyder and W. and M. Waldrop Michael P. Decker C. E. Frasch Steve Hankison Dallas Ives Barbara Lambird William Meadows B. Parsons Robert Saylor Rodgers Amity Family Geoff Walker P. M. deLaubenfels Stephen Fraser Charles Hanlon Bill Ivey Alexander Lane Jerry Melfi Harry and Irene Partridge Judith Roepke James Solinsky Nova C. Walker Judy DeLoache Leif Fredin J. Harbaugh James Ivey Marke Lane Marli Melton Jeffrey Pascal D. A. Rollins William Solodow Donna Wanless Barbu Demian Tony Freed Robert Hardman Paul Jackson Karen Langston Harriet Mendlowitz Willard Pastron Raleigh Romine Gerald Sommer John E. Ward Marlin Demlinger John Freeman Herbert Hardt The Jahnke Family Charles L. Lardent John Menninger Steve Pate Wayne M. Roney Edward Sornigian Jack Watson Tim Dereg, Jr. John P. Freeman Lawrence Hardy E. Jakary Ingrid Larson and Nathan Menton Timothy O. Patrick Mark Root Robert Spangler E. S. Wattles Susan Derus Alan French Naomi Harley Christopher Jameson Chris Pagels Jon C. Merkle Ben Patrusky Michelle Rose-Fuller Lynn Sparling Cardinal Waxahachie R. H. Dickerson Jay Friedland Kristine Harper Kenneth Janes Jose R. Latimer Janice and George Merrill Gretchen Paupore Geri Rosen Timothy Spilman Clare Weinberg Paul A. Dihel Barbara Friedman William and Diane Harper Robert Janes Norman Lavers Clifford Merz Thomas Paupore Myra Rosen Daryl Sprehn Kerry Weinhold Emery Dilling Stanley Friesen Michael Harrigan Jon Jantz Paul Lee William Messner Susan Payne David Rosenfeld Richard Stafford Michael P. Weinreb David Dinger Lawrence Fritz Curtis Harrison Pamela Jenkins Scott A. Lee Philip O. Metz Robert A. Pearce Michael Rosenfeld D. L. Stanley Richard Weisiger J. M. Dodds Nicolas Furjanick Taylor Harrison Stuart R. Jenkins C. Leede Lisa Milenkovic John Pearl David and Edith Ross Frederick Sterk Alan Weiss Russ Dodson Shayne C. Gad Michael Harryman R. B. Jensen Mark and Evelyn Leeper Charles Miller Steven Pearl Terry Rossow Reba Sterner Susan Roosevelt Weld C. Dodsworth Ron Gaines Janet D. Hart H. Jessen Hillary Legg Howard Miller John E. Pearson Wynn A. Rostek Gil Stevens James W. Wells Michael Doherty Adam Galan William Hart Sanjay V. Joag William Leininger James Miller John Pehrson Jeff Rothenberg Lee Stevens Jan Wells V. Alton Dohner Tony Gambacurta Daniel K. Hartine Kenneth Johansson Will and Mary Leland Jerry Miller Gregory P. Pepin Scott Rounds William Stevens James Welsh Ann Dolan Jerome E. Garcia A. Hartkopf Erik D. Johnson Carl Lemp Joyanne B. Mills Jerry Perrizo Jim Roy Mary Ann Steward Richard Westmark Leland A. Dolan Steven Gardell Mark Hartsuyker Gary L. Johnson David Leonard Carroll Missimer Jim Perry Martin Rudy Darryl Stewart George F. Wethington Rosemary Donohue Allan Garfield R. A. Harvey James Johnson Donna Leonardi Gordon Mitchard Jon F. Peters Thomas Rudy Allison Stifel Richard Wheatley, Sr. Bill Donovan Mary Garnett Vijay Harwalkar John Johnson David Lesnini John B. Mix C. W. Peterson Bob Rupert Rodney Stock Rose White David Doshay Donald L. Gasho Michael Hasper John Johnson Marc Levin Chi Mo B. P. Phear Dennis Ruppert Rem Stokes Zerman Whitley Lori Dostal Tom Gast Mary Hausman Kent Johnson Jon Moldestad Brady Phelps Marvin Russell Edward Stone Wayne G. Whitmore James Doty Artie L. Gatewood Liz Hausser Robert Johnson Martin Lewis Bryan Mon Shelley Phipps Douglas Rustad W. T. Storey Paula F. Whitney Anna Doyle Charles M. Gault Hugh E. Haven Todd Jokerst Junyi Li Fred Moore Dawn Piechocki James Samis Russell Stowe Kenneth Wiersema Denis Drapeau William J. Geekie Richard Hawthorne Mark M. Jones Richard Lillie James C. Moore Andrew Pierce Sandra D. Sandell Ann J. Strawn Loy Wiese Richard A. Dreissigacke Robert and Alexandra L. Tony Hayden S. and J. Jones Dawei Lin James Moore Meg Pietrasz Sholom Sanders Steve Strommen George Wiggers Dick Drew Gehring Michael Head Ross Jory John Lindley R. A. Moore A. Pifer William Sanders Joseph Strong Elaine Williams Janet Dreyer S. George Richard Heath William Juraschek Anita Linke Eliud Morales Alburt Pifer Janice Sanford Barb Stutting-Sattler Forrest L. Williams Leonard Duda C. Gephart Michael Hebron Tom Jurewitz Lorance D. Lisle Jim Morgan Ralph Pifer Dinah Sapia Lewis Suber Janet K. Williams Leigh Dudash Robert Gerzoff P. H. Heckel Susan Kadel Arni Litt Patricia W. Moriatry James Pintar Lew Sargentich Sabina M. Sulgrove Robert Williams John Dunbar Jeffrey Gibbs Frank H. Hedges Julia Kalmus James Little Drew Morris Frank Piraino Richard G. Saunders Roderick Sullivan Jean Williamson Jon Dunn Shirley Gibson James A. Heimbach Amrita and Ganesh Kamat Man Lee Liu J. Morris Paul Pirog Stephen Savage Mryon Sussman K. Willig Michael Durr Tom Gielow Daniel Heintz Joan Kammerer C. J. Livingston Bob Morrison David Plocher Jacqueline Savo Janet Svirsky Murray Wilson Brian Earle Evelyn Gilbert Ed Helmer Robin Kastrinsky Patti Lock J. Chris Moser Mike Polehn Hollis Scarborough John Swanson Timothy Wilson Douglas Easton P. S. Gillespie Roman Hendrickson James K. Katen Rudolf Loeser Robert K. Moses Barry Pollack Ed T. Schafer Carol Swarts Douglas Winsand Bobette Eckland Lance D. Ginner Dan Henehan Randall K. Kau David Long Richard Moss Stephen Pomerance G. A. Schattauer Michel J. Swartz Dale Wise Kent Edwards Allen Ginzburg Donald Henley James Kauer Gerald Long George P. Mueller N. T. Poole Marcia Schiller John Swazey Charles E. Wiswall Charles L. Ehrenpreis Fred Glover Diane Henshel Gary Kaufman Robert C. Long Ronald Mullis Alexander Power Herbert Schlesinger Meagan Sweeney Karey L. and Joan W. Witty David Ehst Richard Gnaedinger Numa C. Hero The Raymond Edward Lopata Carolyn Murphy Larry Pratt Steven Schlosser Roy Sykes Sara Wold Michele Eickholt Gary Godfrey B. Herrick Keefe Family Ernie Lopez James Murphy S. F. Prindle Carl Schluter Mirella Szakacs S. Wolen Gene Eldridge Owen Godwin Dudley and Georgene Rob Kelley Kathleen Loretz Kathy Murphy John Purdon Cary Schmelzer Art M. Szyniszewski David Wolfe Bryan Ellickson Prasada Gogineni Herschbach Robert L. Kellogg Susan Loshbaugh Patricia Murphy R. Quammen Brian Schmidt Diane Takeuchi Martha Wolfe J. and D. Ellison Caitlin and Clint Goldberg Edward Hershberg Chris Kendrick Walter Lucia Annie L. Murray Dean Quick Weston Schmidt Rosalie Tatsuguchi Benjamin Wolozin Jeffrey Ellison Arthur Goldberger Cheree F. Hethershaw Cathy Kennedy Theresa Lumas Daniel Mytelka Laura Quigg Michael L. Schmitz David Tattan Richard H. Womack William Elwood Mary Helen Goldsmith Richard Hibbits Elizabeth Kennedy Philip Lundy Arje Nachman Larry Quilici Lawrence Schmutz Michael Taub Barbara Wood B. and G. Emerson Paul K. Goldsmith Nancy Higbee Thomas Kent Robert Lynch Eldon Nash Michael Rafferty Bob Schneider Barbara Taylor Beulah Woodfin Eva Emerson Linda Goldsworthy E. A. Higgins Mathew Kessler Ntungwa Maasha Lewis Naylor Moursheda Rahman Stephen Schneider Paul A. Taylor John Woods Pat Emery Jeremy Gollub Charles Higgins Mark Ketterer William Macanka Stephen J. Nelson Joshua Rai Thomas Schneider Tony Taylor William Woodward Peter M. Emmel Jan Gong Thomas Higgins Michael Kimps Cynthia Maddox Burton L. Nesset Alan Rakouskas John Schulz Vigdor Teplitz Jay Woodwick John Engel Hallie Goodall David G. Hill Adrian King Matt Madison Elizabeth Neufeld Ingrid Ramos Kathleen Schumacher James A. Tevepaugh Shannon Wright Ellen Erdelsky Kazuo Gotow Norris D. Hill Mary J. Klay Edith Maffeo David A. Nevel Lori Ramsey Scott Schumack David M. Thomas, Jr. Elizabeth Wylde Don Erickson Lawrence Gough Robert A. Hill Hynda Kleinman Robert D. Magarian Robert Nevin Colleen Rand Charles H. Schweppe Mathew Thomas Tex Xeloswki Jimell Erwin Gerald E. Gould Richard Hillman Michael Klobucar Ronald P. Mahler Anita Newell P. S. Rao Christa Schwintzer Eileen Thompson Maggie Xiong Charles Esper Barbara Goyne Linda and Steven Hipsman Joel Klopp Iman Mahoui Glenn E. Nichols Veena Rao-Mirmira Salvador Sedita Trudie Thompson Chia-Yun Yang Alexandra Evans Kathryn Grabau-Davis Larry Hirni Peter Klose Vera V. Mainz Jeff Niemeyer Ben Raphael Robert See Charles Thor Sally Yates David Evans K. and V. Graff Nan Ho Ronald Knecht Richard Mallien Jake Nighswandr Diane Rashid C. and H. Seibert Gilbert Tostevin Taylor Yost Matthew Evans Milton Graff Jon Hodgkins Randall D. Knight David March John Nightingale D. P. Rask C. R. Seiler Anne Townsend Robert Youngs Weston A. Evans David Y. Graham Ted Hoff Mark Knudsen A. P. Marchand Richard H. Nimtz Gerald W. Rattley Marianne Selph Doug Traster Cheryl Yuhas Roberta Eveslage James Graham Gaylord Holder David Koch A. S. Marchant Henry J. Nisiewicz Dewey Ravenscroft Dave Sennett Richard Treitel Peter H. Zakel G. R. Eykamp Mark Green Edson P. and Mary E. E. and E. Koester James Mardis Gretchen Niver Adele Richardson Ray Elliot H. Serebrenik Daniel Trevino Simon and Teresa Zarrin Robert H. Fairclough Paul and Wendy Greeney Holland Gregory Konesky Sandeep Mariserla Phyllis S. Norris Gregg Raymond Jian Shen John Troan Domenick Zero Donna Farley Johnnie Grgurich Jeffrey L. Hollman J. B. Kopelman Harry Markert Tom Norris Joan Read David Shepperd J. and C. Truebe Richard Zeroka Wayne Farmer Glenn Griffith Diane Honeysett Dean Kopesky Marylynn Marrese Thomas Nowak Philip Reames Roger Shimada Igor Tsukerman Greg Ziegler John Fay Charles Gritton T. and J. Honohan Carl J. Kopplin Jack Marshall Jerry Nugent Roger Reep Raffi Shirinyan Michael S. Turner Harry Zimmerman Charles Feeney Brian A. Groenhout Douglas Hoon R. Kosinski Alden J. Martin Edward Nycz Douglas Rees Helen Shoenfeld Tim Turner D. Zuccaro Toni and Jeremy Fein Jennifer Grogan Ryan Hoover Kenneth Koutz Kreg Martin Emily C. Oaks James Reid Lee A. Shombert Ivan Turpin Robert Zucker James M. Ferguson Ann Groshek David Hope Craig Kovach Matt Marty Magnus Oberg R. Reid Mark C. Shults R. Tweedy Thomas Zurfluh Elizabeth Fernandez Steve and Emily Gross John Hopkins Helen Kovacs Ursula B. Marvin Susan Oesting Terence Reilly Terry Shuman Tony Tyson Glenn Zwanzig Robert W. Fiefarek Robert T. Grossman Connie Horn Daniel Kovarik William Matousek Tom Ognibene Max Repaci Joan Silver Jeremy Underwood Anonymous (10) Robert Field Eric Grove Melinda Horn Susan Kraegel Terry Matthews Steven Okonski Howard Resnikoff Michael Simonetto Paul Utts Alfred Filskov, Jr. James R. Guerino Jerome Hosken Ludwig Krchma John A. Maus Angela Olinto Patricia Revel Steve T. Simske Arun Vadlamani Friend ($1-$99) B. N. Fitzpatrick Richard and Lois Gunther James Houstle John Kremer Ernest Maylahn Charles W. Omelveny Robert Rhein Vivienne Sinclair Jane Vadnal Martyn Abbott J. Flaherty Rahael Gupta Joann Hoy Robin Krivanek Wendy McClure Robert Oppleman E. Rhoads Sharad Singhani Nader G. Vakili John Abeles Betty Flodin Susan H. Gurley George Hrycelak Eric Krupka Robert McCormick Willie Sue Orr Timothy R. Rhode Linda Skory David Vanaman Reinaldo Abrahante R. Forbess Neal Guse Margaret L. Hudson David Krupp Edward McCrea Lawrence Y. Ota Charles Riedesel Howard Slack Alicia Vande Ven Phillip Abramowitz Gary Ford Mae Gustin Diane Huffman Deborah Mueller-Kruse John McCurry S. Overmyer Wesley Rishel David B. Slautterback Kenneth L. Vanderlaan Virginia Abrams Charles Forest Robert Guth Beth Hughes and Dean Kruse Harry E. McDonald, III Gary Overturf Allan S. Risley Barrett Slenning Kyle N. Vaught Alejandro Aceves Gianmarc Formichella Jim Guzy Brian Hughes Francis Kuhlen Barbara R. McDonough David Page Robert Ritchey James L. Smalfelt Lisa Vervena Helen M. Acland J. R. Forrester David Hagie Larry Hughes M. Kuppusami Kathleen McGee Howard Page Philip Ritchie Gilbert R. Smith Marysue Vidro Jeanette Hanberry Adam Peter Fort F. D. Haldane Celia Hulett Sally Kutzer Thomas McGivern Allison R. Palmer John Roach Grazina Smith Jose Villamil Brenda Adams Mark A. Fortuna Robin Halford Richard and Elaine Hull William A. and Stephen McGrogan Timothy Palmer Bengt Robbert Karl Smith Wynn A. Volkert E. Adams Edwin Fox John B. Hall John R. Hunt Kathryn Y. Kwinn Richard McKnight Craig S. Palonen Jeff Roberts Matthew Smith Donald Vossler James Adams John Fox Keith A. Hall Wilson Hurley Christina Lacey Alfred S. McLaren Nicholas Panthera Daniel Robey Randall Smith Cecil Waddington Michael Adams Richard Fox Loretta Hall Bernie N. Hyde James LaClair Diane McLeod Karthik Papisetty Harral Robin Terry Smith Karen E. Wade Paul Adams


W. Adams Keith Ashby Kent Baumfalk Carol Bischof Judith Braffman-Miller Larry Buckmiller Steve Carroll Marshall R. Cleland Mildred R. Crary Helen Delano Patrick Adams, III Jody Ashenhurst William E. Baumgaertner Laverne E. Biser Kristi Branch Darrell Budic Alan Carruth Carl Clemens C. Craven Cindy DeLeone Robert Adcock Robert Ashton Andy Baxevanis William Bishop Ralph Brandon Elizabet Buechler Carolyn Carson Louise Clements Jean M. Crawford Kathleen Dell'Orto Jerry Addington Imelda Atencio Robert Bayles Stewart Bissell Baird Brandow George Buerger Diana Carson Ann Cleveland Lee A. Crawford Robin Delong Audra Adelberger Natasha Atkins William J. Baynes Ann Bjorklund Mike Brant George Buffleben The Carson Family William Cliett Paul Crawford Jacques Delphin Daniel Aeschliman Jerry Atwood Edith P. Beach Richard G. Bjorklund David A. Brashear W. and Z. Bulota Carl A. Carter Dan Clifford R. Craxton Joseph Demer Lilla Aftergood Ann Aulabaugh James R. Beacham Lawrence Blacik Stanley Brasher Frederick H. Bump E. C. Carter H. J. Clifford Karen Creswick Brigitte Dempsey John R. Agler Melinda Ausband Diane Beachly J. P. Blackford John Braski Larry Bumpass Glen D. Carter Steve J. Clifford Mary T. Criswell Anna Dennis Ernest R. Agutter Kevin Austin Richard Beane Joe Blackmer Garland L. Bray Robert Buono Lolita Carter Hugh Cline Patricia Crockett Laura Dennison Orv Ahrens Mary Austin Brenda Beasley Mary Louise Blackstone Greg Breen Ron H. Burch Matthew Carter H. C. Cloninger Michael Crombie Richard DePalma Murit Aichele Michael Austin Muriel Beattie Josephine Blaha William D. Breingan Marco Burenko Richard Carter Janice Clymer John Crother C. Depriest Nancy Aiello John C. Avellone Jeffrey Beaudry D. C. Blair Alvin Breisch Charles Burgess Julie Carterson William Cobb Lyla Crouch Mary Derengoski Nancy Aiken A. J. Averett Steve Beccue Donald R. Blair Craig Bremmon Roger Burke C. A. Casciato Barbara Cocanour Charles Crow Robert F. Derenthal Neale N. Ainsfield Dariia Averkova James Beck Howard Blair Milton E. Brener John Burleson John Case R. R. Cochran Joyce Crowder Jeanne and Robert Alfred C. Airone Gail Avril Steven D. Beck Charlotte A. Blake William Brennan C. W. Burlin James Casper Tina Coddington Gail Crowley Detenbeck Sally Alasin Steve Axdal Dwight H. Becker David Blanchard Donald Brenner The Burney Family Allen Cassady Harold T. Coderre Julia Crowley Peter Deutsch Helen G. Albanese L. Ayer Grace and Brian Becker Hardwin Blanchard Mayer A. Brenner Michael Burns Federico Castaneda Anita Coe Robert Crull Vera Deutsch Willis Albarado Mark Ayers Larry Becker Emily Blanck Paul Brenner Paul and Lois Burns Eleanor Casteix Benjamin P. Coe Joanna S. Cruse Margret Devall Mary Albrecht Caroline Ayre Joseph Bednarz Earle L. Blanton, Jr. Michael Breslau Scott F. Burns Don Castro Beverly Cohen Pat Cuddington James Devine John Alden Dianna Babcock Valerie Beech John M. Blinke V. Bresnahan John Burroughs Peter Castro Marion Cohen Mandy Cui Michael Devlin Nancy Alexander Robert P. Bachman Elizabeth Beer Jane M. Bloom James W. Brett Ted Burrowes Kent Cauble Ralph Cohen Gene Culver Keith DeVos Charity Alker Jan Bachofer Robert Beers Caroline A. Blosser Michael Brett-Surman Doug Burrows Heidi Caverly Ronald Cohen Mimi Cummings Joan Dewitt Judith Allard Elaine Backus Martin Begun Sue Blough Albert M. Brettner Ranan E. Burstein Doug Cavit Thomas G. Cohn Susan Cummings Debbie Dexter Jerry A. Allegretti George Bacon David Behling John P. Bluemle James Brewer Dale K. Burtner Ray Center John Cole C. Cunningham Christopher Di Turi Albert Allen Frank Badey Carol Behrens Gerald Blume Orlie Brewer Frances Burton Tom Center Elliot Coleman Chris Cunningham John M. Diamante Brent N. Allen Jerry Badger Saghar. Behroozi Sara Blumenstein Lawrence Bricker Robert Buschow Victoria Centurino Jeffrey Coleman Melvin Cunningham William Dibble Carlton C. Allen Jeanne Baggs Janet Bein Lloyd Blunden Bill and Patti Brideson Andrew Bushkin Stuart Cerullo Michael Collard Shawn Curry Bruce Dickau Evanthia Allen Tara Bahna-James T. T. Belazis Wayne Boand C. L. Bridges Ann Bushmiller Patrick Ceruolo Susan Colley Jim Cushing Rachel Dickerson Jane A. Allen Robert I. Baierbach Arlyn Bell Lori Bobro David Bridges Lester J. Bushue Ronald Chadwick Belinda L. Collins Susan Daggett William Dickerson Joyce S. Allen Kenneth Baile Thomas Bell Leslie Boby-Sabatinelli Raymond Briggs Samuel Butcher David Chaffin Chris Collins Gislin Dagnelie Kathleen Dickey Larry R. Allen Lawrence Baillie Virginia Bell Jane Bock Stephen Briggs Daniel Butler Teri Chalmers John D. Collins Charles Dahlke Dean C. Dickinson Michael Allen Patricia Baird Warren E. Bell Dale Boden C. Bright Kelly Butler Jason Chamberlain Nancy B. Collins Margaret Dale Philip Diggs Rod Allen William Baird Lawrence Bellinger Gerald Boehm Donald W. Brill Edward J. Button R. Chamberlin Susan Collins Allison Daley Patrick Dill Thomas Allen Anupa Bajwa T. Belsky Ruth Boersma Richard Brilliant S. Byam Roseanne Chambers William Collins Richard Dallek Calvin Diller William Allen Angela Baker Carolyn Beltz Richard Boggs Willis H. Brimhall P. L. Byard Duane Chanay Bill Combs John E. Dallman J. T. Dineen The Aller Family Eugene Baker James Bemiller Thomas Bohr Marlin Brinkley W. E. Byrne Heather Chandler Pasquale Compagnone Robert Dalva Thomas Dintruff D. M. Allison John Baker R. W. Benjamin Annabel Boissevain A. Brinkmann Harry Cade Ju-Fay Chang R. Compton Walter Damian Ralph Dionne Kenneth Allison Keith Baker Kathryn Benkert Fabiola Bojanini Bernard Brinkmann Luis Cadilla P. Y. Chang Clancy L. Cone Mary Danaher James Disbrow Sam Allwein Ross J. Baker Roger Bennett Ron Bolden Dan Brinkmann Charles Cady Pang-Yuan Nicole Chang George R. Connell Jerome Danburg Gary Dismukes Marie Aloia Steve Baker W. Bennett David Boldt E. H. Bristol Colleen Cafferty Elaine Chapin Clyde Connelley John Daniel Henry Disston, Jr. K. M. Alsing William Baker Lois K. Bennin Nancy J. Boldt Joe Bristol Gail Cahn Christopher and Eunice H. F. Conner Katherine Daniels D. Distler Peter Altekruse Jack. Baldwin Gary Benson William Boler Billy Britton Patricia Caldera Chapman Sarah Conner Terry Danielsen William Ditalia Peter Altenbach Mary Baldwin Pat Benton John E. Boliek David Broad Gary Calhoun Gary A. Chapman Carole Connet C. Richard Dann Lee Dittmann Peter Alterman Robert Ball Harold Berg James Bollingmo Joanne Broadwell Michael Callahan Kimberly Chapman Judy R. Connors Beth Danpome C. Dix Robert Altizer Electa L. Balla Ron Berg Erik Bollt Beverly Brock Timothy D. Callahan John Chapter Norman Conradson Carol Darbonne Philip L. Dixon Danny Alvarado Matthew Ballard Jay Bergman Scott Bolte Alice Brock-Feldman John Calvert Barbara Charette T. W. Conroy Anne F. Darlington Blair Dobbie Areej Alwabil David Balogh Neil Bergman Michael N. Bolton Herman Brockman Heather Cameron Lucile Charnley James D. Constable Nancy Darrell Michael L. Dobosenski Vicky Aman Lawrence E. Balsley Nancy Bergstrom Vernon Bolton Richard Brof Nancy Cameron Phil Chase Kyle Conte Ellen Marie Dart Stephen C. Dodd James E. Ambrose Laima Baltusis Laura A. Berish Charles and Judy Bond William Bromley Charles Campbell Frederick Chavre Sabra Contreras William Darter Ann Marie Dodrill Vicki Ambrose Bibhuti Banerjee John L. Berkley Julie Bond David Brooke Jill Campbell Betty Cheater Blaine M. Cook James Davenport Tom Dodson Wallace Ambrose Ranan Banerji Floyd Berlin Alan Bonebrake Ellis C. Brooks Jim Campbell Gregory J. Check Glyn Cook Brandon F. Davidson Janet Doell William L. Ames Larry F. Bangham Arthur J. Berman Kevin Bongiovanni Shari Brooks Clifford Campo Augustine Chemparathy Jane Cook Kyle L. Davies John Doellman Mark Amiot Regina Banks J. and L. Berman Gina Bonilla Bethany Brookshire Gerald Canavan Thomas D. Chenal Laraine Cook Charles Davis Kathleen Doering Elaine M. Amoss James Banta Edilberto Bermudez Walter K. Bonsack RoseAnn Brostoski Cynthia Canavier Marlena Chertock Dennis Cooke Danny Davis Eric Doerr Cris J. Anderson Ralph H. Barbee Phyllis Bernard Hendrik Booraem E. F. Brower Delfino Candelaria Shin Man Cheung Christopher Cool Elizabeth Davis Philip Doesschate Gary Anderson Thomas Barber Cristopher Berneburg Otto K. Boothe Roger P. Brower Jorge Caneda Marc S. Cheves Kilian Cooley Frank J. Davis Sasha Dofflemeyer Katie Anderson Henry F. Barbour John Bernhart Elisabeth B. Booz Charles Brown Douglas Canning Dale H. Chidester Earl Coons Jim C. Davis John Dohrmann Lars W. J. Anderson James Bardeen Debbie Bernier Don Borders Claire Brown Janell Cannon Al Chisholm Diana Cooper Laura Davis David W. Dolan Myrdene Anderson Frank L. Barger Jane Holmes Bernstein Wendy W. Borders Douglas Brown Luther E. Cantrell John Chisholm Katherine Cooper Leif Davis Robert Doleman Robert Anderson Shirley Barger Richard K. Bernstein Patricia Boring Elizabeth Brown Antonio Cantu Margaret Chock Bill Copponex Mark Davis Ronald Dombrowski Stephen Anderson Jerry Barker Donald Berry Robert Boritz Forest Brown Mark Caprio Jonathan Chosiad Evan Copsey Nicholas Davis R. and M. Domenowske Susan Anderson James B. Barksdale John Berry George H. Born Frances M. Brown Louis Caputo Jane Christensen Jean Coram R. Laurence Davis Russell Dominique Truman Anderson Lora Barnard Alan Bersted Kathie Borowitz Harold H. Brown Robin Caputo Roger Christensen Leisa Corbett Scott Davis John F. Donaldson V. Anderson Edgar D. Barnett The Bertaut Family Sherwin Borsuk Julia G. Brown Stuart W. Card Richard Christo Francis M. Cordell Shirley Davis Paula Donham Viki Anderson Ladonna Barnett P. and R. Bertrang John D. Boruff Keith Brown Fred. Cardinali Marshall Chrostowski Martyn Corden Tim Davis Bart Donnelly W. A. Anderson Raymond Barnett Edward Berus Charles Bosselmann Leldon Brown Edward and Virginia Victor Chung William R. Corker William Davis R. J. Donnelly Dale and Pat Andrews John Barnowski Paul E. Bervaldi Ann Bostrom Nora Brown Caress Austin Church J. H. Cornell James Dawson C. Donovan Barbara Anecone James E. Barr Amanda Besaw Stephan Bour Richard E. Brown L. B. Carew Thomas H. Chyba Vicente Corpuz Robert Dawson Walt Donovan Anthony Angelo Michael Barr Rene Besne V. Michael Bove Robert Brown Dinah Carl Marilyn Cimalore Michael Corrigan Tina Dawson Jim Dorman John Angevine Louis Barrett J. Bessor S. M. Bowen Robert and Catherine Nancy Carleton Christopher Cimarusti James Corson Deborah Day Jane Doro Robert Angone Joel L. Barries Kathleen Bethel Cindy Bowers Brown Nick Carling Catherine M. Cimini Nadine Cortez Paul C. Dayton Frederic Dorr J. W. Appelboom Barbara Barron Darrell Betterson Lee Anne Bowie Thomas W. Brown Barry A. Carlson Michael Ciolkosz Gary Cortright Claudia De Bellis Roswitha G. Dorr Marit Arana Daniel Barron S. Betzer John Bowles William Brown Laverne Carlson Carmela Cipriano John Costopoulos Louis de Geofroy S. Dorsa Robert Arce James D. Barry Cruz Beza Thomas Bowles Peter Brownscombe Richard Carlson Boyd Clampitt E. M. Cottington Maria Elena De Obaldia T. Dorsett M. S. Arechavala Rolf Barth Lita Biejo L. A. Bowman William Bruchey Susanne Carlson Mike D. Clancey Paul Cotton Warren Deamer Dabney B. Doty Louis Ares Brian Bartholmai James Biek Sandra Bowman J. F. Bruder William Carlson Anne Clark Jeffrey Cottrell James Dean Leslie Doucette Jonathan Arias Edwin Bartholomew M. Bienstock David Boyd Katri Bruen James T. Carlton Anne Clark Carol Coulter Jim Dean Dean Douglass Gideon Ariel Ellen Bartlett Stephen Bilanow Jackie Boyd Harry Bruhn Keith Carly Daniel H. Clark Michael Coulter Paul Dean Eric A. Dounce Mikhail Arkhipov Thomas Bartlett Diane Bilderback Art Boyle Earle Brumble Robert Carnevale John Clark John Covert Jack N. Deeter Truman Douty Kenneth Armbruster Stephen Bartram Peter Bileckyj Laura Bradford Jackie Brunke Beverly Carney Mackenzie Clark C. M. Cowan Anthony DeFina Michael Dowell L. Arnold Amanda Bashor Evelyn Billington Daniel Bradley Barry Brunson Terry Carnila Patricia Clark Polly Cox Kenneth A. Deghetto Eric H. Downes W. C. Arnold Anne Bastfield C. A. Biltoft Howard Bradley Philip Bryan F. Carolan Robert Clark The Coyle Family Jody Dehart Peter Downhour John Arnsparger David M. Bates Jeffrey Binckes Margaret Bradley JaNaye Bryson Andrew Carpenter Robert Clark Richard Crabb Vincent DeHart George Downs Larry Aronberg Joseph Bates Steven Binder Mike Bradley D. Buchanan Howard Carpenter John E. Clarke A. G. Cracchiolo Maurice Deines James Doyle George Arpa Sally N. Bates Scott Bindon Wendell Bradley Lucinda Buchanan Lleni Carr Josephine Clarke Dennis Craig Rosemary Deiters Mimi Doyle Tom Arrison Donald W. Baudrand Douglas Bingham John Bradtke Howard Buckler Mark I. Carr Kathryn H. Clarke Thomas Craig Michael Del Pesce Thomas Doyle Amy Arrow Gail Baughman Francis Binkowski John Brady John Buckley Michael Carroll L. L. Cleaveland Patrick Crane Richard Delanis Thomas M. Doyle


Don Dragovich Pia Ellen Jaime Fernandez James Fraley Joseph E. Genovese Herbert Gowen Robert Hagen Lad Hawkins J. Donald Hill Wilbur Hudson Marilyne Draper Phyllis Ellendman Ed Ferreras Mary J. Francis Ned Gensler Dianne Gowin Thomas Hager Richard Hawkins James Hill Michael D. Huey Dennis Drehmel Ruth Eller Caitlin Ferris Thomas Francy Stephen Gentry Harold Graboske Diane K. Hahn Forrest Hayes Larry C. Hill John C. Huffman David Dresser Randy Elliott Michele Fetchko Anthony Frank Joseph Geraci River Grace Roger Hahn J. W. Hayes Joe Hillers Henry Hufnagel Robert Drexler Robert Elliott Robert Fetonnti Bruce H. Frank Gary F. Geraets Wesley R. Grace Edward C. Hailey Robert Hayes Richard Hilts Barbara Huggins Jeanne Drury Marcia Ellis Jay Fiacco Linda Frank Marita Geraghty Robert Graf Brenda Halbrook Thomas Hayes Dwight E. Hindman Neale Huggins Robert Druzinsky Jonnifer Ellsworth Matthew Fichtenbaum Kenneth T. Frankenbery W. Gerber Chris Graillat Bruce Halen Lee Hayford Dean Hines David L. Hughes Geoffrey A. Duane John N. Ellyson Marlene Fiegler Gregg Franklin Judith Gergis Lemuel Granada Don Hall Richard Haynes Leslie D. Hines, Jr. John J. Hughes Kathleen M. Dubbs Donald L. Elrick Ernest Field Jeanne Franklin Robert Gerstle Joan Granlund Ellis H. Hall Nancy K. Hays Kenneth Hinga Patrick Hui Gail Dubinsky Elisabeth Emelander C. W. Fields Ralph Frankowski Jo Gerth Andrew Grant Kenneth Hall Eugene Hayunga Lawrence Hinkeey John Huibregtse Sophie Duckett Clyde Emerson Ellen Fields Robert Frankston Robert Gex William B. Grant Larry Hall Thom Haze Paul S. Hirsch Robert J. Hull P. Dudley Randall Emry Jeremy H. Fields Allen Franz John Gezon Stanley Graven Susan Hall Stanley S. Hazen Joel Hirschhorn Dale H. Hultgren Norman A. Dudziak Jeanette Eng Steven Fike Dana Fraser Rodman Gibbs June Gravengaard Patricia Hallden-Abberto Andrew Heafitz Justine Hirshfeld Judith Humble Bruce Duffy Colleen Engel Bradley Finberg James Fraser Thomas and Irene Gibbs Kenneth Graves John B. Halligan John Healy Dennis P. Hladky Brian Humphrey Michael Duffy Richard Engel Larry Fincher John C. Fraser Dominick Gibino James H. Gray Judith Hallinen Kenneth C. Healy David L. Hoats David Humphrey Nancy Dufrenne Erika Engelhaupt Larry E. Fink Stephen Frausto Sue Gier Patricia Gray Edward Hallock Clyde Heaney Clark Hobbie Joseph Humphrey Don E. Dumond Joseph S. Engenito Ruth Fink R. Frawley C. E. Gifford Stephen Gray Bertrand Halperin John Heaton Barry Hoberman Myron N. Humphrey Gerson Dumpasan Michael Engeron Steven Finkel Tamas Frecska Diana Gigante Thomas Gray Ian Halsema Jenny Heckathorn Oswald Hodges Dara Hunt David L. Duncan Emilio Englade Sam Finklea Bryan Fredrick Caroline Gilbert Michael A. Grayson Lisa L. Halton Michael Heeb John Hoel Kathy Hunt John D. Duncan Paul Engle Daniel Finley Adam Freedman John C. Gilbert M. Greczek Ann E. Haman Randall Heeb Judy Hoff Cheryl Hunter Roy Duncan Gordon J. Enns Reginald Finley Michael Freedman Michele Gilbert David Green Robert Hamilton Chris Hehner Richard Hoff David Hunter John Dundas Edward Epley Gilbert Finney John Freeland Shirley Gilbert Dorothy Green David Hamm David Heidelberger Al Hoffeld Kathy Hunter Larry Dunn Brian Epstein Craig Finseth John Freeman James E. Gilchrist Gerald Green Mary Hamm J. F. Heidlage Lee Hoffheins Mary Anne Hunter Maurice Dunn Marge and Ken Epstein Kevin D. Finson Ouida Freeman Richard E. Gilder Heather Green Mike Hamm Christopher Heil Michael Hoffman Richard B. Hunter Susan Dupuis Robert S. Erdmann William Fintel Wayne Frenier P. N. Gillette Moulton Green Peter G. Hammar K. Heil Michael P. Hoffman Tara Hunter Thomas Durand Marlena Erdos Richard Fiore William R. Frensley Jean Gillmer Kim Greenburg Fred G. Hammersand Craig Heindel John Hoffmann S. Huppert Thomas Durbrow Lars Erickson Lara Firrone Paul Frey Patrick Gillmeyer Arthur E. Greene David Hammond Lowell Heine Rick Hoffmann Henry Hurkett William Durch Marc Ernstoff Charles Fischer B. J. and Stan Friedman Gary Gingery Eric Greene Dianne K. Hammond David Heineck Pat Hogeterp Paul R. Hurlburt Loraine Durmann Duane D. Erway Daniel Fischer Jack J. Friedman Gerald Ginsburg Guy Greene Donald Hammond James Heironimus James Hohmann Janette Huseman Ruth. Dusenbery Raymond and Gina Eskow Kenneth Fischer Merwyn Friedman James A. Gladden Joan Newburger Greene Eugene R. Hampton Henry Helenek Chris Holabird Andrew Husky Leslie Dwight Denise Eslinger S. Fischer Neal Friedman Nancy Glahn Mary L. Greene Jacqueline Hampton Merritt Helfferich David Holland M. and M. Huston Gay Leon Dybwad Margaret Essenberg C. Fisher Duane Fritchie Kristin Glass Paul F. Greene Judith Hance Daniel Hellerstein Michael J. Holland Nancy Lee Hutchin Nancy Dyer Carlos Estevez C. A. Fisher Lachlan Fritsch Barbara Glassman John W. Greenslade Albert Hand P. and A. Hellier Jerry F. Holliday Ronald W. Hutchin Thomas Dyer Evan Evanoff Deborah Fisher Edward Fritz Charlotte Glauser Stephanie Greenwald Gordon Hanek Peter H. Helmers David Hollinberger M. J. Hutchinson Deanna Dyke Francis Evans Fred S. Fisher Bob Froehlich Stephen Glenn Andrew Greer Barry Hanke R. Helmke James Hollingsworth Warren Hwang Ralph Dykes Jerald Evans Susan Fisher Virginia Fromm Bill Glick Steve Greer Carole and Joseph Hankin Charles Hembree J. Hollystein Anthony Iannino David Dykstal Randal Evans Cheri and Martin Fisk Dana Frost Joseph Glover Robert Greiff Brantley Hanks Deborah Hemenway Oliver Holm W. R. Illston Carolyn Eady Dani Eyer Ann L. Fiske Ermerson Frost Bruce Gluckman Eric Grey David Hann Kava Hemmes Harry Holmes Michael Imgarten Michael J. Eager Shirley Faerber James Fitzgerald Cynthia Frumhoff Robert Gluckman Kevin Grice Beverly Hansberry William M. Hemmes David Holt John E. Ingmanson Gregory Eaglin Jacques Fages Judy Fitzgerald Ed Fry J. Glyphis Vera Grieger Robert C. Hansen B. E. Hemphill Ellen Homsey Donald Ingraham Larry Early Andy Fairchild Patrick Fitzgerald John Frye Joan Russoniello Goba George Griffin Jon Hanshew Rich Hencke Gregory P. Honchul Bill Ingram Tony East April Faires Kathy Fives Therese C. Fuller David Goddard George Griffin Jane F. Hansley Leon Hendee E. D. Hoobler Robina Ingram Rich C. W. Easter Lorenzo Falcon Anne Flanigan Dave Fulton Cynthia Godsey Linda Griffin Bruce Hanson David Henderson Larry L. Hood Roderick Inman Jessie Easton Carsten Falkenberg Philip C. Fleck Karen Furbish Laurisa Goergen Bill Griffith Carl A. Hanson Edward W. Henderson Robert Hood Jane Ireland Martin Easton Xien and Fang Fan David Fleming Richard T. Furze J. W. Goerz Fred Griffith Gordon Hanson Joann Henderson Dale Hook Mr. and Mrs. Isa Anne Eberhard David Fandel H. A. Fleming Barbara Fyfe Stephen Goheen Gordon Griffith Robert M. Hanson Howard Henning Byron Hooks Shakson Isaac Mark Eberle Charles Fankhauser John Fleming Glen Gaddy Richard Goldberg Joseph Griffo Navjot Hanspal Kenneth Henninger Hal Hooper John G. Iwachiw Charles Ebert John V. Fanning Frank Fletcher Walter J. Gadkowski Steve Goldhaber Joe Grimaldi James T. Hardin Harold M. Henry Stanley B. Hooper John S. Jachna David A. Ebert Whitney Fanning J. D. Fletcher Ben Gaffin Bert H. Golding Robert Grimes Michael Harding Lyell Henry Karen Hopenwasser L. and A. Jacklin Ruth L. Eckert David Farah L. Flodin John M. Gaffin Dale Goldstein Ruby Grimes Shirley Cole Harding Steven G. Henry Margaret Hopwood Arthur M. Jackson James Eckhart Shereen Farber David Flood H. Gafford G. R. Goldstein Barbara Grimm Victor C. Harding Linda Henson Jay G. Horowitz Elaine Jackson Oscar B. Eckhoff Roger Farquhar H. William Flood M. L. Galbreath Mark Goldstein Phyllis L. Groelle Gloria Hardwick Irvin R. Hentzel Donald Horton Frankie Jackson Gary H. Edenfield Jinny and Jeffrey Farrell Roger Flores David Gale Zachary Goldstein Cindy Grosner W. L. Hardy Douglas Herbert Mike and Josie Horton James E. Jackson Susie Edens M. and J. Farrell William J. Flounders R. E. Galinsky Unes Gollestani Allan Gross Denis F. Harney James Heriot George P. Hoskin Karin Jackson Wilfried R. Eder Sean Faughnan Kenneth R. Floyd E. D. Gallegos Mari Golub Lauri Gross Alan Harris Bruce G. Herlin Edward Hosley Peter Jackson David Edge Gavin Faught G. C. Flynn Kathleen Gallentin José Gomes Andrew Grossman Harlan Harris James V. Herman Paul Hossfield Tom Jackson Daniel Edmonds Ann F. Faust Jeanine Flynn Ray Gallo Valerie Gomes Rick. Groszkiewicz Joanne Harris Tarrah Hern Paul Hossler William M. Jackson Erik Edoff Dominic Favaloro-Ross Regina Flynn M. Gaman John M. Gonigle Rena K. Grotke Lee Harris Paul Herner Linda Hossner Frank D. Jacobs Keith E. Edstrom David Favre Mariana D. Fodor Susan Gamble Ana M. Gonzalez David Grove Rich Harris Adam R. Herperger Larry Hosterman H. M. Jacobs Brian Edwards Ruth Favro Henry Folse Snider A. Gandy Esther Gonzalez James P. Grover Gary Harrison John B. Herring Anne Hotaling Mark A. Jacobs Charles Edwards Allen Fay Bernadette Fondy Michael Gangloff Jorge Gonzalez Joanne Gruen Gary E. Harrison G. Herrington Mark Houck Wayne J. Jacobs Fran Edwards Lilli Fayazc Casiano Fontanez Robert Gantt Manuel Gonzalez John and Carol Grunseld Karen Harrison P. Herrmann Norma Houk Erik Jacobsen Kathleen Edwards Jay L. Faylore Ralph Fontanez J. Garber Heidi Good Margaret G. Grutzmacher Paul Harrison Jeanne C. Hertig Paul L. Houndt Amy James Mike Edwards Wesley Frazier Nancy Forbes Carole Garcia N. L. Good D. Guarino Timothy J. Harrison Robert Hertzog Jean Housepian Jennifer James W. L. Jack Edwards William B. Fears Scott T. Forbes Juan Garcia Erica Goode A. L. Guber Stanley Harrold John Herzog Donald Houze William James Emily Egan Gordon M. Feather Barbara Ford Stephen Gardiner Eric Goodill James Gudaitis Philip Harshman Harrie F. Hess Teresa Howard Cindy Jameson-Hayes Michael Egan Robert Feathers Kenneth Ford Joe Gardner Phil Goodin Ralph F. Guertin Kirsti Hart Margaret Hess Timothy Howard Linda Jamin Thomas Egan Andrew Fedorowski Michol A. Ford Philip Gardner Cynthia Goodman Walter Guevara Dale Harter Harold Hesselink John Howat Carol and Steve Jamison Stephen Egts Richard Feinauer Merlin Forney Susan Garfield John Goodman Curtis R. Guilbert Don Hartjes A. C. Heston David R. Howell Leigh Janes John Ehleiter Paul Feinstein Arleen Forsheit Ellen L. Garhart Greg Goodson Jeff Gulcher Philip Hartley Robert Heun Jessica Howell Bruce D. Janet Delmore A. Ehlers Ann Fekety J. Fortuna Srinivas Garimella Jim Goodson Sundaram Gunasekaran Harold Hartman Lynne Ann Hewlet Michael L. Howeth Mary Janicek Michael Ehrick Richard Feldhausen Richard Fortunati George Garrett Art Goodtimes Loren D. Gunderson Richard Hartman Louise Heydorn Bill Howie Sarah Janssen Barbara Eichler Samuel Feldman Hilliard G. Foster Anthony Garro Cheryl Goodwin Karen and Timothy Gunn Marie T. Hartmangruber Donald Heyneman Bill Howland Gary D. Jarman Robert Eichler Steven Feldman Johanna Foster Martin Garthwaite Robert Goodwin Ralph R. Gurley Paul Harvey Dennis Hibbert Jerilynn Hoy Jabria Jassim Mark Eilrich Steven L. Feldman L. J. Foster John Garvison Ariana Gopal Richard Gurtler Barbara Harvie Art Hicks Samuel Hoyle, Jr. Joseph C. Jaudon A. Eipper Dov Feldstern Staci Foster J. E. Gates Yasodha Gopal Craig Guttau Deborah Haskell Basha Hicks Peter Hoyles Jean Jeanbaptiste Saul Eisen Gail Felipe Alexander Fotland Judith Gates Albert R. Gordon Cind Guyer Clair W. Haskins James S. Higa Bob Hranek Linda. Jeffries Harvey Eisenberg Paul Fellows Jeff Foust Richard Gatti Bruce Gordon Carolyn Haack Craig Hatfield Bob Higginbotham Maung Htoo Lee Jekinson Laura Eisenberg Bao Qi Feng C. R. Fowler Peter Gaudio Donald J. Gordon Sheridan K. Haack Darwin L. Hatheway C. High Shih Ta Huang Tim Jenkins Liisa Eisenlohr T. L. Fenimore Patrick Fowler Michael R. Gaudry H. Gordon Werner Haag Richard Hattendorf Jane High Glee Hubbard Richard Jensen Paul Eisenstein Wayne R. Fenner Bob Fox Diana Gaviria Sandra Gordon Paul Haas Harold Hauer Ray E. Hightower Jerold Hubbard Eugene Jercinovic Linda Eissenberg John Fennick G. Fox Philip Gay Leonard Gordy Steven Haas Robert Havens John E. Hildebrand Sidney Hubener Karen Jerome John Ekin Allan Fenske Kathryn Fox William Gearhart Diane K. Goryl Edmund Habib Michael Havington Mahlon Hile M. B. Huber H. M. Jester Rushdy El Ghussein Constance W. Ferguson Matthew Fox P. F. Gebel Allan Gottlieb Stan Habr Douglas T. Hawes Joan Hilgers Paul Lewis Hubik Randell Jesup J. Elias Dale Ferguson M. L. Foy F. Gebhart Karen Gottmann Keith Hackney James Hawes Bud Hill Mary J. Huddleston Vijay Jethanandani Steven Eliscu Jane Ferguson Philip Fracassa Gregory and Judy Gehrke Guy Gottschalk Armin A. Hagen J. Hawkins Douglas Hill James L. Hudler Kim T. Jew Ronald D. Ellemeier Richard Ferguson Willard Fraize Leland Geiler William Gowan Peter Hagen James W. Hawkins Helene Hill Joan Hudson Steven E. Jinks


Steven Jobst Michael Keesee Daren Konda Carol Lang David W. Levy Maria Madon David W. Mayer Glenn Melena William Moerner Theodore Nagel Valerie Johnsen Dennis Kell Rikio Konno Sharon E. Lang Gordon Lew Andrew Magee James Mayerle Erwin Mellinger John Moffat Frank J. Nagy Albert S. Johnson Janet Kellam Milind Konnur The Langberg Family Berlin Lewis John V. Magee Samuel Mayerle William G. Melson Mari Molenaar Rudy Nash Amber Johnson Martha Keller Robert Kontor Kent Lange Claudia Lewis Gordon C. Maggs Alfred Mayerski James Melville Dawn Mollenkopf Mike Naumes Clarence Johnson Millett Keller Kenneth G. Konz Robert Lange A. C. Ley Russell E. Maguffee Roy Mayes Amy Mendez Salvatore Mollica Frank Navarro Constance Johnson John Kelley Jeff Koontz Larry Langenberg Dorothy Lichtenstein J. Maguire Molly Maynard Linda Mendoza Erin Molloy David Neale D. K. Johnson John P. Kelly Dick G. Korich Fran Langner Michael Lieber Nitaigour Mahalik John F. Mayo-Wells John Menjes Scott Molony Ron Neely Daniel A. Johnson Ned Kelly Jay Korinek Art A. Lanna Noble and Carolyn Lieu Dorothy Maher Franz Mayrhofer Lise Menn Andrew Moncol Stephen Nehilla David Johnson Sean Kelly Eugene Kosso Jelte Lanting Carole Light John R. Mahon Paul Mazgelis Richard Menz Allen M. Moore Elaine Nelson Douglas Johnson Thomas Kelsall E. Kothe Steve Lantrip Pamela Lightfoot Beth Mahoney Lucia Maziar Clarence Mercer Barbara E. Moore Jean Nelson J. T. Johnson Joseph Kempf Richard Kovar Audrey Lantz Thomas Ligon Pat Mahoney Robert Mazo Robert Merkle David Moore Marjorie Nelson Jayme Johnson Virgil Kempton R. Kozdron M. Y. Lanzerotti James Lilly Phillip Mahoney Anthony Mazzeo F. L. Merkowitz David Moore Mark Nelson Jeffrey Johnson John S. Kendall Frederic B. Krafft Arnold Lapidus Jeffrey Lilly Steven Mains Byron L. McAllister Carmela C. Merlo J. C. Moore Mark J. Nelson John P. Johnson William Kendall Charles E. Kraft David Lapinski Mike Lilly Ronald Majors Gregory Mcbain Janet E. Merrelli Janice Moore Rolf Nelson Kevin Johnson Vida C. Kenk Steve Krall F. Lappen Sharon Lilly Nadia Makar John McBride E. Merrick Laura Moore Patti Nesman L. L. Johnson James F. Kennedy Frank R. Kramer Kenneth D. Larbaugh Peter R. Limburg Ronald Makishima Linda McBride Janice Merrill Patrick Moore Cathleen NeSmith Lester C. Johnson John Kennedy Vincent Kramer Robert Larivee Da Lin Karen Makoba Mollie H. McCain Michael Merritt R. and P. Moore Frank Nesmith Lynee Johnson Sherrill Kennedy Julia Krapf Edward Larkin Robert Linback William Malcolm Michael McCants William Merrow Robert Moore Aviva Nestler Mickey Johnson William Kennedy Robert Krase Mark Larkowski Charles A. Lincoln Wayne G. Malec Gus McCarthy Ian Merwin William Moore M. B. Nestor Robert Johnson Thomas Kennelly Bill Krasean Roland Larraber Carol Lindemann Jane W. Malin Michael F. McCarthy Charles G. Messing Patricia Moores Greg Nesty Stephen Johnson Kevin Kenney Gerda Krassner David A. Larson Charles Lindgren Ricahard Mallchok Anthony M. McCartney Lee Messner Brian Moran Reed Netter The Johnson Family Regina Kerns Philip Krause Dennis Larson John Linjala Patrick Malloy Jack McCaskie Dawn Metzger C. Moran Howard Neuschaefer Alan Johnston Michael Kerrene Victor Krause Ed Larson Tom Linkhart Margo Malone Bill McClancy Mary Metzger Alison Morea David Nevel David Johnston Curtis Kesserling Philip G. Kraushar Ake Larsson Stewart Lipton Nancy Maltby H. T. McClelland Craig Meyer Macon Morehouse Rudolph Newfield Linda Johnston Jim Kessinger Elissa Krauss William Lascurettes Marcia Litte M. R. Manes Lee McClelland Marlene Meyer Wayne H. Moreland Alan Newhouse Martha Johnston Dietrich Kessler Marian Kravitz John Laswick H. F. Little B. Maniaci Sandra McClennen Ronald Meyer Douglas Morgan R. Newhouse Shannon Johnston James Kessler Jill Krebs Jon Lathrop John Little Katherine Manley-Buser Teresa A. McCloskey William Meyer Judith Morgan J. W. Newitt Steve C. Johnston Richard Kessler Roy Krebs William Lauber Morgan Little John L. Mann Kathryn McClure Charles Meyers Kathy Morgan Daniel Newman Paul Krehbiel P. J. Jonas Dale Ketchum Jean Laughman Robert J. Little R. L. Mansfield John McConnaughey James Meyers Kevin P. Morgan Joseph Newman Nathan Kreisberg B. T. Jones Rolf Kich E. Lauritsen Ron Little Linda Mantel Frank McCormick Karie Meyers Linda J. Morgan Victoria Newman Roy Kreizenbeck Jack Lavalley John W. McCormick Eleanor Newton Blair F. Jones Johnsie R. Kidd Jill Littrell Paul Marchesseault Kathleen Meyers Mary E. Morgan Rebecca Kress Claire Lavaute Alan B. McCornack James Newton Bruce Jones Dooley Kiefer Shirley Liu David Marcus William Meyers Pam Morgan C. A. Jones John D. Kiefer Mark M. Kroll W. H. Law Vanessa Liu Richard McCoy Martha F. Newton Larry Marcus Andrew Mialkowski Richard A. Morgan Carole Jones Judith Kieffer Matthew Kroll Mary Ann Lawler John Livingood Jay McCrary Robert Newton Paula Marcus J. B. Miaullis Shirley E. Morgan Cynthia Jones Will Kiezenberg Jerome Kroth Donald P. Lawton Barbara Livingston Susan McCreary Clover Nicholas John Reed Margulis Robert C. Michael Bruce Moricca Evan O. Jones Steve Kilber Sasha Tavenner Kruger Angel Lazo Marsha Lo Ryan Mccue Dean Nichols Alexander Maroin Jocelyn Michel Laura Mork Harold T. Jones A. C. Kilbert Mike Krumbein Richard Lean David Locke Janet McCullough D. E. Nicholson Georgia Markakis John Michelsen Ann H. Morris Jean Jones David Kilbridge John Krupsky Charles Lear James Loddengaard Stephen M. McDaniel Leo Nicolini Roger Markley Jan Midgley David Morris Oliver W. Jones Tim Killen James Krusch Joyce A. Leas Marjorie A. Logan Dons McDonald Conrad Nicoll Dan R. Marlow William Mikkola Jack Morris Robert Jones Hugh and Janet Kimball Thelma Kruse Sergio Lebid Nancy Logan J. K. McDonald Gail Nicoll Leonard A. Marowitz Mark G. Miksic John Morris W. L. Jones John Kimball M. Krutsch Denise LeBlanc John Logue Roderick A. McDonald Eli P. Nielsen Jose Marquez Ralph F. Miles Roberta Morris William L. Jones Richard Kimmel Jane Krzyzanski Doug LeBlanc James R. Lohr Wanda McDonald Janice Nielsen Brent Marsh Thomas Miles Ryan Morris Carolyn Jordan David R. Kimpton Robert Kuba Richard Leblanc Thomas Loizides J. P. McElroy George Nieman Chelsea Marsh Susan Milius Victoria Jordan C. and S. King Maia Kubetova Richard Leche Michael Lombardi Ruth McElroy William Morris Henri M. Nier Alan H. Marshak John Mill Norman P. Jouppi Charles King Frances Kubica Cindy Lee James Long Richard M. McEwen F. Morrison Alvaro Nieves James J. Millard Richard L. Julian Ian J. King John Kuchle Daniel Lee Charles Longway James Marshall Alice Mcfarland Jack Morrison J. W. Nilsson Alex L. Miller Randy Jurgensen Jeff and Sara King Biagio D. Kucich Harvey Lee A. F. Lonie Ken Marshall Wally McGahan Mary Morrison Charles Nimick Bill Justice Robert King Jerry Kudenov Theresia Lee Ed Lontscharitsc The Marshall Family Ann McGarvey Audrey Miller Patrice Morrow Elaine Ninokata Frank Justice Terance King Robert B. Kudera Tzuo-Chang Lee Michael Lopez John T. Martens Erin McGaughan David A. Miller Robert Morrow Mary Nisenbaum Sharon Kabelac William King Thomas Kuechler Bob Leet Harry Lord George Marter Ann McGinley Dennis E. Miller Diana Morse Connie Nissley Robert Kachman William C. King Conrad Kufta Susan Lefever April Love Albert Martin Harold McGinnis Franklin Miller Scot Morse Frank L. Nixon Richard Kacik Ralph E. Kinnane Harold J. Kuhefuss Sandra K. Legan Helene Love Dennis Martin Ralph J. McGinty G. L. Miller Jane Mortimer Philip Noel Charles Kahle Darwin Kinney Victoria Kuhl Howard Lehr Caroline Lovelace Gary G. Martin Bernice McGovern J. Miller Arthur S. Morton Thomas L. Noggle John Kaiser Mike Kiplinger Jay Kuhn William Leibovici Charles Lovett Peter Martin R. K. McGregor J. and J. Miller Dudley Moses Barbara S. Nolan Jim Kalberer Harry J. Kipps Robert Kunde Elaine M. Leichter Michael Lowe Steve Martin David McGuire J. H. Miller Robert E. Mosher Bo Nonn Bonita Kale John Kirk Michael Kundmann Don Leidig Francine Lowry Ward C. Martin S. L. McHenry James Miller Larry Mosteller Paul Nonn Greg P. Kalinoski Alan Kirschbaum T. W. Kurczynski William Leighty Lawrence J. Lubetsky Manuel J. Martinez Ann McHoes Jeffrey Miller Gary Motta The Noor Family J. Keith Kalinowski Gabor Kiss Gerald Kurfurst William LeMaster Richard Luciano Pamela L. Martinez Linda McHolland Jennifer L. Miller Sarah Moughal Paul Nordin Gene Kalland J. R. Kissner Kraig Kurucz Gerard Lemire Chris S. Ludwig Craig Martinson Susan McIntosh K. T. Miller Nancy Moulding H. L. Nordstog Roxanne Kamin Andrew Kitchen W. C. Kuryla Steven Lemons Kenneth Luker Jeane Maruska Bruce McKeithan Kendrick Miller Michel Mouravieff Daniel G. Norgaard Charles Kaminski M. E. Kitta Marc Kusinitz Claude Lenfant Mitch and Loraine Luman Eric Marvin The McKenna Family Louis Miller Ernest Moy W. Norgard Mark E. Kaminsky Kathleen Kitto Eileen Kutinsky Philip Lenna Ravi Lumpkin Charles Masino Donald Mckenzie Mark Miller Richard Moynihan Al Noriega Anne and Robert Kamrin Kevin Kitz Mary E. Kuykendall Willard J. Lennox Jeff J. Lundblad Albert Mason Walt McKeown Melissa Miller Robert E. Mrak Ronald Norman Donald B. Kane Jim Klausky Lillian Kwan Stetan Lennstrand Michael Luongo Harold F. Mason Jennifer McLean Phyllis Miller Douglas Mrozak William Norman Kenneth Kane Daniel E. Klein Paul Kwan Edwin Deane Leonard Molly Lusignan Kenneth Mason John McLoughlin Robert Miller Lisa Mueller H. L. Norris Lawrence A. Kane Sharon Klein G. H. Kyanka Jane Leonard Donald Lutjens Mark Mason Karen McMahon Stephen A. Miller Dan Mulholland Mary A. North Van R. Kane D. E. Kleinmann E. L. Kyger John Leonard P. B. Lutz Richard T. Mason W. D. McMains Charles Milliner Nathanael Mullener Elizabeth Northrup Alan Kaplan Margaret Kleinroc Gary L. Grametbauer Robert T. Leonard A. S. Lyle Warren Mason Jacqueline McManus Aaron Millman Daniel Mulligan Victor T. Norton, Jr. Max Kaplan Jim Klett Lynn La Count Julie Leong Annette Lynch William W. Masters John McMeeking A. J. Mills R. L. Munroe James E. Norwood S. Kaplan T. Kluz Gregory LaBelle Lynn Leopold John Lynch Jill Masterson Thomas McMullen J. S. Mills John H. Munz Sharon Noteboom Frank A. Kapral John Knable, II Ricardo Labrada Bob Lepage Kay Lynn Sandra Masur A. D. McNab Thomas Mills Randall Murch Ronald R. Novales John Karis Ronald Knepper Henry Lacey Michael Lepisto Chris H. Lyons Sandra K. Masur Ronald McNay Slavko Milovancevic Matthew Murgida Mark Nowak Katherine Karraker Patricia Knezek Martha Lackey James Lepowsky Max Mabry Frank Matejeck Carolyn McPherson Robert Milrod Daniel J. Murphy Paul R. Nowosielski Steven J. Kast Joe W. Knickmeyer Pat Laemmle M. Lesavoy Tom Machala Lorne Matheson John G. McPherson T. B. Minckler Dennis Murphy Joseph Nowoslawski Ross Kastor William Knopp A. Laflamme Stephen S. Lesch Lorne A. Machattie D. A. Mathewes James Mcrae Tom Miner Harry M. Murphy B. Nuboer C. Katen Jim Knowlton Laura LaFrance Maureen P. Leshendok Debra Machowski Scott Mathews Kirk McWilliams Daniel Mink Jeffrey Murphy Paul J. Nuccio Eric Katkow Maryjane Knox Thomas Lahmon Michael Leslie Doris D. Machtinger Don Mathis James S. Mead Mary G. Minkler Richard Murphy Gary Nunes Arnold Katzoff Kathy Knudsen H. Ray Lahr Victoria Leslie Scott MacInnes Cheryl Matranga Peter Mead Lynn I. Minneman Larry C. Murray Charles A. Nunziata Glennis A. Kaufman Gary Kocher Mark LaJoie Leslie Lesner Stuart Macintyre Karla Matteson K. C. Meaders Gary Minnix Pat Murray Dennis Nyberg William Kaufman Harry A. Koehler B. Lake Richard Lesse Talbot Mack Jerry Mattos R. P. Mealey Kenneth W. Minton Keshav Murty Daniel S. Nydick Walt Kavanagh Sandra Koepke Robert Lakin Hanna Lessinger William Mackey Thomas A. Mattson James Meek Abner Mintz Michael Musak Keith Oas Edith Kay William F. Koerschner Roy Lambrecht Waylan Lesyna Douglas Maclise Lawrence Maturo Lorraine J. Meeker Pamela A. Mitchel John Musser Steven R. Obrecht Robert Kay Wesley R. Kohatsu Kathryn Lamm Gene Letendre Jean MacNeill Michael Mauel Mary Meeker Robert Mitchel Robin Mustain Cheron Obrian Daniel Kazienko Sue J. Kohlhepp Robert Lamont Ralph LeVan John Macy Curtis Maulsby Richard Meetz Ed Mitchell Miles Myers Rebecca O'Brien Matthew Kazlauskas Paul Kohlmiller William D. Lancaster John Levasseur Mitchell Madden Susan Maurino Jeremy Megraw Chris Mitschow Edith Naas Leo Ocampo Erin Keables Sheila Kojm Aaron B. Lance Johanan Levine William Madden Robert Mauritsen Carl Mehlenbeck Frank Mittelbach Derick Naef Charles O'Connell Stephen Kealhofer S. K. Kolansky Lee Lane Lisa Levis Danielle J. Maddox Vladimir Mavar Linda A. Meiss R. Mix Florence Naeve Brian O'Connor Frank Keesecker Gary Kolbasuk Neal Lane Corrine Levy John Madey Glenn Maxham Barbara G. Melander Mary Beth Moehl Scott E. Nagel Nancy Odegaard


James Odell Thomas Parker Roger Pierno Ted Rabcow Stephen Richards Ken Rothman Ralph Schardt Susan Sewell Hunter Smith Nancy W. Stauffer Janet O'Donnell Thomas E. Parker Lucky Pierre Ken Rabideau Barry Richardson William Rowan William C. Scharf Temmie Shade James Smith Joseph Stayner Shari-Lynn Odzer John Parks Lisa and Scott Pierson Albert Rabil Charles Richardson M. and B. Rowland Kathryn Schaub Carl Shafer James Smith George T. Stebbins Janice Oehlke N. J. Parks James J. Pies C. L. Rabinow Eugene Richardson, Jr. Peter Mary Rubel Mary R. Schaumberg Douglas R. Shaller Joy Smith Ben Steelman Jiles Ogles Michael Parmenter Nick Piesco Daniel Rabinowitz I. E. Richardson Eric Rubin Barbara H. Scheerer Narendra Shankar K. A. Smith Pat Steenbergh George I. Ogura Susan Parrington Don Pinkerton Bobby J. Rabon Jane Richardson Gail I. Rubman J. F. Scheible Michael Shannon Lauren Smith Cheryl Steffan Joseph Ohagan John Parrott George Pinney Sammy Rachels Mary Jo Richardson M. G. Rucker F. M. Scheidt Judith Shardo Linda C. Smith Jim Steffen Aris Ohanian Angela Parsons Walter R. Pirie Con Rader Sheila Richardson Douglas M. Rudisill Monica Schelb Robert Sharick Lowell Smith John Steggall Brigid Ohara David W. Parsons Mohanan Pisharody Emily Rader Steve Richardson Karen W. Rueden Jeff Schenck C. A. Sharp M. M. Smith Mark Steichen Judy O'Higgins Timothy Parsons Betty B. Pitcher Jeff Radivan Thomas Richardson Angelo R. Rufrano Susan Schenk Dianne Shaw M. W. Smith Tom Steiman-Cameron The Okelly Family James Pasley Jean Pittman G. Radnovich Philip Richman Lorraine Ruggiero Penny Schenker Neil Shaw Margaret Smith Mark Stein S. Okubo Robert J. Pasquesi John Pittman Perry J. Radoff George H. Richmond James Ruiz Ronald Scheuerman L. Sheean Mitchell V. Smith Philip Stein Martin Okun Thomas Pass Greg Pitts Frank Rae Stanley Richter Ronald Ruiz Gene Schiappa Ann Sheehan Monica Smith Ryan Steinbach Nile Oldham Arnold Patashnick Guy D. Pitzel Seth Rafal Jack Rickly James Rumbaugh Robert Schier Joel Sheffield Peter A. Smith William Steinbrink Andrew Oldroyd Oren Patashnik Jane Pizzolato Gary Raham C. Ridolfo David Rumohr Linda Schiffer Eddie Shelby R. E. Smith Lyle E. Steiner Susan Oleshko Lawrence Patchel George Plafker Stephen D. Raich Jennifer F. Riebe Jeffrey Rundell Esta Jo Schifter Robert Shelby Robert Smith Ron Steinke Matthew Oliva James R. Pate David L. Pleger Steven Raith Robin Rieck Jon Rupp Debbie Schilbe John W. Sheldon Sandra Smith Ann Stemler W. and H. Olkowski Spyros Pathos Harriet Marple Plehn Gulnara Rakhmat R. and O. Rieflin Peter Russel Janice E. Schille Thomas Shelling Sherri Smith George Stephans Sharon and Kent Olmstead Lynn Patterson Robert Pletcher Judith Ramaley Jurgen M. Rieselbach David R. Russell J. Schimke Bing Shen Steve Smith Robert Stephens Alonzo Olsen Marion Patterson Flavia Ploog Lester Ramlal Geoffrey Rieser Rae A. Russell John Schineller D. and L. Shenton Wade H. Smith Daniel Stephenson Bruce Olsen Penny Patterson Sanjoy Poddar William E. Ramsden Robert Rieser Robert Russell Dietrich Schinzel Harvey Shepard Willard Smith Dolores Stephenson David Olsen Bob Patton Thomas Poeth Jessamyn Randall Ronald J. Rigge B. and C. Rust Phillip Schlenoff William Shepherd The Smith Family Margaret Stephenson Barbara Olson Jonathan Paul Edwin Poisson Jeffrey Randorf Anne Riney Fleet Rust Stephen Schlosser Dunham B. Sherer Sandra Smokoska Richard R. Sterling Cliford Olson Louis Paull Stu Pokal Robert Range Jennifer Ripman Lynn Rust William Schlott Thomas Sherer Jeanne Smolley Sarah Sterling Edward Olson Daniel Paulson Nandu Polavarapu Doug Rankin Richard Risbrough Mildred D. Rust Lucy Schmeidler Chuck Sherman Gary Smythers Emanuel Stern Gary Olson Richard Paur Linda L. Polefka Steve Rankin Douglas Rishel Ivy Rutzky Marilyn Schmidt William H. Sherry David Snead Stephen Stern George G. Olson Terence Pawlowski F. Polkinghorn Lisa Ranney Frederic Rissover E. Ryan Alan Schneider Martin Shetlar Thomas Snell Damon Stevens James Olson Nina Pearlmutter Carol Pollard David D. Ransom Pam Rittenhouse Richard Ryan Evan Schneider Jeanette Shields Marilyn Snider David Stevens John Olson David Pearson Mary Pollock Shanti Rao Gerald Rizzer Joseph M. Rybkiewicz Rob Schneyer Glen Shipley Richard Snow Gary Stevens John F. Olson William Pease Heidi Pomerantz The Raskin Family Edward Roach Carol A. Ryder Steven A. Schoenberg Edwin Shivell James Snyder Mark Stevens H. George Oltman Burton Pederson Claude G. Poncelet Eleanor Rasnow James Robb E. Rynne Andy Schoeneman Karen Sholeen P. Snyder Paul R. Stevens Mitchell A. Oltman G. Pederson Brent A. Porter Robert H. Ratcliffe Jimmie Robbins S. Saravanan Phil Schoggen Christopher Short Mary Sober Riley Stevens R. G. Oltmanns Jacqui Pederson Judy Porter Virginia R. Rausch David L. Roberson Mary J. Saccamango Sidney Scholl Emmett Shotts Donna Sobieski S. Stevens Michael G. O'Malley David Peery Kenneth Portier Janet Rawlings Bobby Roberts Peter Sacchetti Eileen Schott Bruce Showalter Rodney Sobin John Stevenson Patricia B. O'Malley Frank Peirsol Robert Portwood Alan Ray Darryl Roberts Barry Sachs Harry Schrader Charles Shreeves Keri Sobolik Tedder Stevenson J. F. Omeara Christiane Pelletier A. Q. Post Charles Ray Louis G. Roberts Tina Saey Jim Schrader Thomas A. Shriver Nancy Sodano Bernice Stewart Yoshiaki Omura Kathleen Pemberton Robert G. Potter Harold Ray Stephen Roberts Donald Saff Donald Schreiber Jerry A. Shroder Alan Solberg Carol Stewart J. and D. Oneal Carlos Perez Pena Rondi Potter Douglas Raybeck Bear Robertson W. Sahm Robert Schreiber Arnold Shugarman Marilyn Solomon Cheryl Stewart Lorin O'Neil Howard Pendell Robert Potthoff Helen Read James D. Robertson Frances Salerno Scott Schreiman Mitch Shults Jeffrey Solow James Stewart Fred K. Oplinger Karla Penn James Pottmyer Lee Read Patty Robertson Winston Salser Rodney Schreiner Holly Shure Laurie Soman John Stewart Anne Orourke Arthur Penner Darwin Poulos Fred Reader R. Robertson John Salvati Stephen Schroder Leslie Shuster John Sommer J. E. Stickel Larry Orwig James Pennino J. Pound Aaron Reames Phillip H. Robidoux Indra Samaroo Ann L. Schroeder Jack Shynne Donna Sorci Eric Stietzel Bernard Orzel Allen Pensick Larry Pound Cecil Reaves Barbara Robinson D. Sammataro Mark Schroeder Edward Sichterman Arne Sorenson Matthew Stiles Thomas Osgood Hector Perez Rex R. Powell Deborah Rebhuhn J. F. Robinson Jerzy Sandecki W. H. Schubert Nick Siegel Paul Sorenson Margaret Stimson Eric Osman Jay Perler Robert Powell Alleen Recio Kara Robinson Eric Sanden Irmeli Schuez Maria Silveira Sanford Sorkin Maxwell B. Stinchcombe Peter Ossorio Benjamin Pernezny William Powell Michael L. Redfield M. Robinson Kenneth G. Sander Thomas Schultes Robert Silverman R. Kent Sorrell Michael Stoddard Kent Osterberg Douglas R. Perrin Virginia G. Powers James Redmond Ryan Robinson Eric Sanders Martin Schultz Sumner Silverman Kenneth M. Sosnowski David Stodola Robert Osterberg Doug Perry William Powers Tony Redzinak Ryan Robison Horace Sanders Richard Schultz Linda G. Silversmith E. South Eric Stoelting James J. Osterhaus Joe Perry Dinesh Prabhu C. C. Reed Joyce P. Roche Laura Sanders Sandra Schultz Barry Simmons Gary Spangler Joseph Stoffey Wendy Osterman Joy Perry David Prather Dan Reed Ken Rochocki I. Sandler Louise Schuman Paul J. Simonetti C. Spatola Everett Stokes Thomas Ott Robert Perry E. Praton Richard Reed James A. Rodaer Pat Sanford William C. Schumann Douglas Simons Camille Spaulding Charles and Danielle Stone Douglas Ottati Kermit R. Peters Thane K. Pratt Steven Reeder Alfonso Rodriguez Kathryn Sant Judy Schumer Glenn Simonsen Crispin Spaulding James B. Stone Stuart Otteson Wayne Peters Rosemary Preacher David Reedy Amy Rogers Mark Santomenna Hans Schurig Charles R. Simrell Joette Speake Luthera Stone David Oulton Holger Petersen B. Pregerson Michael Reedy Fred Rogers John Santos Ann H. Schwabecher Fred Sinder Julie Speaker Mary Anne Stone Andy Overmyer Phillip Petersen C. Prehmus Charles J. Refshauge Joseph Rogers Paul Santos Peter Schwandt Kenneth Singer Alfred Spector Oliver Stone Paul Owczynski Ernest Peterson Richmond T. Prehn David Register Tom Rogers Jean T. Sarg Joe Schwer Kathleen Siok C. Speede Robert Stone Katey Owen Jack Peterson William Prehn Frank Reichenbacher Virgil Rogers Jeffrey T. Sargent Barbara Schwiesow Kenneth Sisco Emil N. Spehar William W. Stoner Joseph Owens Karen Peterson William H. Preston David Reichert W. J. Rogozinski Thomas Sargent James Scott Jeffrey Sitler Edwin A. Spencer Norman Storer Brenda M. Owre Karl Peterson Leslie Prestwood Dan Reid Abhinav Rohatgi Ann Sartwell Richard J. Scott Byron Siu G. R. Spencer Thomas Stork Eliz Ozmon R. C. Peterson Milford R. Pribble Frank Reilly Andrew Rohr Paul Sarvasy Vicki Scott James O. Sizemore Juli Spencer Kenneth Story Roberta A. Pabst R. G. Peterson William Pribyl Michael Reilly Steven Rollheiser Donald K. Sassaman Robert Scripter David Skeels Richard C. Spencer Edward J. Stottmann Leon Pacifici Susan Peterson Allison Price Fred B. Reimer David Rolston Arne Sather Sabrina Scull Tony Skimin John C. Spero Marcia Strait Jenise Page Tim Peterson Fred Price George Reimherr Allyn Romanow A. Sattin Robert Scully Karlton Skindrud Nancy Spinner John and Micky Strang Paul Paino William Peterson June Price Nancy Reise Richard Romberg Gerald Sauer Tim Scully R. Skinner B. A. Splinter R. C. Strasser G. and S. Painter David Petkus Madelon Price Theodore Reiss Cecelia Romero Scott Sauerbrunn Mark Seach Michael Sklar Donald L. Sprague Ron Strasser George J. Pakos Jack Petranker Michael J. Price C. Rekers Jonathan Romney Andrew Saul Arnold Seastrand Kristina Skrine Robert Springsteen L. and R. Strathern Aniket Palkar Rick Petri Rosalyn Price Douglas Relyea Beverly Root J. Sauls Richard Seavey Robert W. Skyles Wilson Sproehnle Ralph Straubs Stephen Palm Frank Petrie Luis E. Prieto K. R. Renfrow Ruth E. Root Alan A. Savage Robert See Arthur Slater Robert Sproull Milton Strauss Virginia Palm John Petronzi Harry Prilloman Jeremy Rentschlar Terry Root Anne Savage Paul Seeds Stan Slater Steven Squires Christine Straw Lola J. Palmer H. Petschek Francis E. Pritchard Andrea Resetar Andrew Rorick Virginia Sawin D. A. Seeland John Slaton Vijaya Sridharan Frank Street Frances Palmisano Virginia Pett William A. Proestler Bruce Resnik Robert Rorschach Patricia Sawvel Edwin Segarra Anne Slaughter F. L. St. John Sarah C. Street Yingxian Pan Richard E. Pettijohn Chris Pryor Anastassios Retzios Lawrence Rose Grant Sawyer William F. Seghy Clayton Slaughter Maryann Stafford Jack Streeter Joyce Panders Martin Peuler Douglas Purcell Mike Reveles Barry Rosen Eleanor Saxon Tatiana Seltzman Frank Slazer Musia Stagg Lynn Y. Streib Paul Panish Tim Pfau Audrey Purvis Joseph Reynolds George Rosen Kurt Sayenga Bonnie J. Semmen James Slinkman Neil Stahl James Strimple Frank Pannacciulli Paul Pfeffer Shyam Pusapaty Lyle Reynolds Judith Rosen W. W. Scales Julie Semp Gary Sloan The Stahl Family Ronald Stromberg Dale J. Panton Bill Phare Sandra Pustelnik Valerie Reynolds Meghan Rosen Thomas Scanlin August M. Sena Robert Sloan Alfred Stahler Stephen Strommen Joe Pap Alan Phillips Daniel Putman Norman Rhett Gary Rosenberg Brian Scanlon Stephen P. Senft Bruce Sloane John M. Staivecki Roy Strong Eugene B. Papowitz B. R. Phillips John D. Putman David Rhyne Robert Rosenberg Donald L. Sccott Heinz Sengpiel Annabelle Smith Nelson Stalnaker Andrew Struble Rogert Parent David Phillips Gene Putnal Gary R. Ricard R. S. Rosenberger Robert and Judith Debleena and Subhayan Bob Smith Carol Stanley William Struck Howard Paris Mike Phillips Craig Putnam Catherine N. Rice Elliott Rosenstein Schachner Sengupta Cynthia Smith Gary Stanley David Stuart Dale Parish Randall Phillis Roger L. Putnam David Rice Frank Rosinski Barbara Schader William Senkus David Smith Keith Stanley Patricia Stubbert John M. Parke Joanne Pianka Patrick Pwoell John Rice James Ross Della Rae Schader Paul Sepesy David L. Smith Noel R. Stanton Harry Stuckey Jayne Owen Parker Vincent Picciano Wendy Quattrone Kikue Rich Joseph P. Ross Walter Schaefer Paul Sergi Donald G. Smith W. Stanton Susan Stumpf Jill Parker Thomas Picco Vicki Quick K. B. Richan Woody Ross D. M. Schaefers Richard Serota Francis Smith William Staps J. C. and M. Stutman Judith G. Parker J. Pickett William Quick George Richard Donald M. Rote Warren Schaeffer Jerry Sershen Frank M. Smith James Stark J. Stutzman Marianne Parker Robert L. Pieper Elizabeth Quill Gerald Richard Margaret H. Roth Robert Schafer Raj Seth Gene Smith Gary Starker A. and F. Styles Richard T. Parker Joseph Pierce Frank Quinn Stephen Richard Susan Roth Sheldon Schafer Linda Seto Gene Smith Susan Starr Edward Subitzky Samuel E. Parker Willitt S. Pierce T. J. Raab Douglas G. Richards Saul Rothenberg Leonard Schakel Richard Severance Gordon C. Smith M. Stauffer Rena Subotnik


Wayne Sugita Karen Tapy Michelle J. Thomsen Valery Tsimmerman Ravinda C. Vasavada Christopher Walker David Weisman Marla Wigton John Witherspoon Charles Wurrey Viktor P. Sulkowski Jeffrey Taras Diane M. Thomson Aileen Tsujimoto Barbara Vasquez Colin Walker Jeb Weisman James Wilbur K. D. Witney Barbara Wyrick Anne Sullivan Joanne Taraskiewicz Steven Thomson Robert Tucker Ray Vasquez Delores Walker Axtmann Weiss John Wilcox Nancy Witstine Chang Xu L. Sullivan Samiksha Tarun Therien Thorn Jack Tumblin Gunner Vatvedt Graham Walker N. Weiss Mary Wildermuth Sylvia Wittels Kevin Yaddow Robert M. Sullivan Vito Tassone Gilliat Thornally Kenneth Tupper Tena E. Vaughan James Walker Theresa Weissglass Gerald Wilemski Christoph Witzgall Eileen Yager Thomas Sumner Daniel Tate Jean Thurston Ken Turner Andrew Vaughn Leonard F. Walker Clark Weissman Bruce Wiley Paul Woessner John Yakemovic Michael Sundberg Judith Tate Gary Tickel ShelleyTurner Betty Vaughn Margaret Walker Walter Weller James W. Wiley Ella Woger Ralph Yamamoto James Supanich Robert Tate George Ticknor William Turner Thomas Vaughn Martha Walker Willard Welsh Peter Wilhelm Robert Woitas Karin L. Yanoff Dan Suslo Robert C. Tatom Carol W. Tierney Laurraine Tutihasi Nancy Vayhinger R. Wall Martin A. Welt Susanne Wilkins George Wolf H. Yanowitz Susan Suter Jeffrey Tatsumi Thomas R. Tiffany Robert J. Twiss Lisa Vaz Morgan Wallace Gene Welter Bert Wilkinson Karl Wolf Mary Yaverski Grace A. Sutherland Anne Tattersall Sally Tilden Joseph Udemi Sol Vedrine Morgan Wallace James Wenck Charles Willey Tom Wolf William Yeakel J. L. Sutherland Eric Tauck J. E. Tillotson Lex L. Udy Margaret Velardo Ron Wallace Richard Wendel John William Cathy Wolfe Jeannette Yen Joan G. Suzio Bill Taylor Dan Tilque Valentina Ugolini Patty Velez Teri Wallace Jack Wenger Bradley Williams Jeff Wolfe John Yi David Svrcek Richard Taylor James C. Tilton Catherin L. Ullman Madan Venugopal Elissa Walsh Bruce Wenning Bruce Williams Mitchell Wolfe Linda Yoho Joe O. Swain Warren S. Taylor Terry L. Timmins C. A. Ulrich John Verano Gary R. Walter Francis Wenz David Williams Stephen Wolfe Rachel Yoho G. V. Swan Roger Temple Drew Titone Rani D. Ulrich Russell Verbanec George Walter Raymond A. Wenzel Glen Williams Marion Wollmeringer Sylvia Yoshioka Willis A. Swan Nancy Tennent Robert Titran Tom Underwood Mark Vernon Bonnie K. Walters Edward Werner James Williams Hal Wolverton Alan Young Marjean Swann Richard Tenney William S. Tjader William Unertl Rinaldo Veseliza Mike Walton Robert Wesley James B. Williams Cal Wong Edward Young Gerald Swanson Laura Tenorio Cynthia Tobey Ron Unger Joyce Vesper Vilma Walton Dave West Janet D. Williams Barbara Wood James Young William R. Swanson A. Tepedino Renee W. Tobias Mary M. Unkovic Philip T. Vieira Richard Wandling Fred West John Williams Mary Eileen Wood L. S. Young Colburn D. Swarthout Lana Teplick Elizabeth Tobin F. L. Uran John Viggiani Edward D. Wang Hans West Robert Williams Sarah Wood Linda Young Jil Swearingen Thomas L. Terrall Greg Tobin Michael Utidjian Freddyli Villar Franklin Wang Alan Westcott Scott Williams Diane Wooden Sidney Young Lee Sweeney Escar Terry David Todd Katrin Utt Michael Viney Dennis L. Wangsness Janet Westen Stephen Williams James Woodley Tom Young Ross F. Sweeny, Jr. Paul Teschan Peter Todd Michele Utterson Kristina A. Vogt Robert Ward Timothy Westerlund Thomas M. Williams Raymond Woodman D. and A. Youngberg Frank Sweet Lawrence Tesler Billy Tolar D. J. Vaden L. E. Voigts James Warden Lyn Westhoff Lowrey Williamson Edythe Woodruff Zuzana Zachar Robert and Sofia Sweet Michael G. Thackston Frederic L. Tolleson Chamie Valentine Josephine Von Hippel Rex Warner Glenn Westin W. L. Williamson David Woods Patricia Marie Zamora Gary Swergold Jerry Thibodeau Floyd Tomkins Mary Valentine Lynn I. Vona Howard F. Warner Judith E. Weston Warren Williamson Joseph Woods Beverly Zapalac Gerard Swick A. C. Thomas Lisa Tomlin Roger Valentine Roger Vonn Evelyn Warren Diane Wetzel The Williford Family A. Woodville Margaret Zappulla Sharon Swift Barbara Thomas Andrea Tompkins James L. Van Beveren Ginna Vonschlafke-Bowles Stephen Warrenburg Michael D. Whalen Alec Wilson Jerome F. Woodward Yanina Zatuchnaya Daniel Swinnerton Glenn A. Thomas Lisa Toombs Scott Van de Ven Robert Voorhees Sterling Warr-Pryer Stepanie Whalen Anne Wilson and Jay Alison Woodworth Valery Zaytsev Marjorie Switz Janet M. Thomas Tony Torano Eve Van Rennes D. and V. Voorhies Christal Waters J. M. Wharton Klemme Russell Woody Darrel Zerger Cindy Sykes John Thomas William Torrey C. P. Van Royen Joseph A. Vrba George D. Watkins Carlton E. Wheeler Earl Wilson David S. Wooley Richard Zerger Aaron Sylvan Mark L. Thomas Roy Towne James Van Sickle Peter Vrooman Stephen Watkins Malcolm E. Wheeler Edna Wilson John Woolsey Vivian Zezula Peter Szabaga Mark W. Thomas Clinton Townsend Shaila Van Sickle Chris Vulpe Peter Watrous Sandra Whipple John Wilson Thomas Woosnam Yichi Zhang Nancy J. Szabo Tom Thomas Darlene Townsend Rob Van Voorhies William R. Wachtler David Watson Kenneth W. Whistler John M. Wilson T. K. Worde Wei-Jing Zhu Bela Szalai Pat Thomason Jerome Tracy Gary Vancamp Campbell M. Wade E. M. Watson Dora Whitaker Randal Wilson John Worling Sue Ziegler Laura Szamatulski W. A. Thomasson Margaret Tracy Cori Vanchieri James Wade Larry Watters David White Robert Wilson John Wozniak Robert P. Zimmerer Paul J. Szaniszlo Carlynn Thompson P. J. Tracy Clark Vandell John Wagers Denise Watts Jeffrey White Robert M. Wilson L. J. Wozniak Earl Zimmerman Walter T. Szempruch D. Thompson Loc Tran Ernest VanderKruik David Wagner Helen A. Way Thomas White Stacy Wilson Robert Wray Elyn Zimmerman Larry Szymanski Dawn Thompson L. M. Trapasso Brett A. Vanderlaan Duer Wagner Erin Wayman The White Family Steve Wilson David Wrede J. K. Zimmerman T. K. A. Nizar Earl Thompson Dorset W. Trapnell Frederick Vandusen Gwendolyn Wagner Charles S. Weaver Georgia White-Epperson Kara Wilton Frederick F. Wright Charles Zink Betty Tabor Edward Thompson Barbara Travis Bette Vaninetti James Wagner Bradley Webb Glenn Whiteside H. Peter Wimmer John Wright Terry L. Zinn Tucker Taft Georgina I. Thompson Kate Travis W. R. Smith Vaniz John Wagner Judy C. Webb Michelle Whitfield Lewis Winarsky Merrill Wright David M. Zipoy Helen Tait Helen Thompson Marianne Trelogan-Shaw Rob Vankeulen Scott Wahlstrom John C. Webber Donnie Whitman F. Winter Mona Wright Steven Zonis Victoria Talkington James S. Thompson Barry Trent Glenn Vanknowe Tynan Wait Donald Weber Terrence Whitmyer Randy Winter Ralph Wright Avery Zook Robert Tallon Robert Thompson Donald Tresca W. K. Vannewkirk Gary Waite Richard Weber James Wiant Dennis Winters Shirley Wright Dave Zronek Arunabh Talwar Van P. Thompson George Tressel Donald Vanostenburg Robert D. Wald Norman and Joanne Randy Wickett Robert E. Winton Chaoping Wu Hayley Zullow Takashi Tamagawa Virignia Thompson George Trever Derck Vanschuylenburch John Walden Webster D. Wiederrich L. Wirtz Madeleine Wu Earl Zwicker Song Tan W. Thompson Steve Trew Richard Varan Jackie Wales Richard M. Weed Jurgen Wiegel John Wise Per Wu Melvin Zwillenberg Cheryl Tanasovich W. M. Thompson Edward Troy John N. Varnell Chalma Walker, Jr. W. J. Weems Richard Wigginton Nancy B. Wise W. Wu Suzanne Zywanski Edward Tanner J. and J. Thoms Daniel Trujillo Robert Vartabedian Charles Walker George Weiler James Wigton Paul Wise John Wurdeman


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Society Executive Team and Staff as of June 20, 2016

40 SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC 2015 annual report editors: Kathlene Collins and Rachel Goldman Alper; designer: Justine Hirshfeld 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 41 For more information, please contact: Bruce Makous Chief Advancement Officer 202-872-5138 | [email protected] www.societyforscience.org |www.sciencenews.org