Cotton Land for Lease! FRAME House on Back of Lot, for SALE Single Buggy, Rubber for RENT Partly Fur- -' Thirteenth and Culver Sts
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THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1919 PAGE ELEVEN; For Sale Houses For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Automobiles For Sale Live Stock For Rent Houses Cotton Land For Lease! FRAME house on back of lot, FOR SALE Single buggy, rubber FOR RENT partly fur- -' Thirteenth and Culver Sts. bk tires, canopy top. Inquire 616 North Duroc Hogs nished house. 234 W. Monroe. bd FoR SALE Frame house, 6 rooms Second street. bg 1918BUICK6 Jersey FOR RENT Five-roo- brick wwH; Have 500 acres of an fine land as there is in the Salt River Valley out-Bi- de and bath, three blocks of high school, FOR SALE Ladies' bicycle, perfect Tauring car, mechanical condition We have a number of registered three acres of land on North Centra j ' of the project. The land is especially suited for cotton. First $2,500. Terms. 756 E. Fillmore. condition. Phone 8271 or 1029. bg good; two new tires and three other spring boar pips, offspring of the aipiuip. Apply 16 West Moreland. hi Owner, E. J. Pattan, Arizona Grocery. good ones. Call at 8 X. Third Ave. or best blood obtainable In .he east crop on land in this vicinity shows nearly as good yield old ONE Samson tractor, one as altaii bp three-botto- 1871, which we are offering for sale. m power lift, John Deere phone and car will be sent It For Rent Apartments land. I want to lease this land to someone who has the equipment to FOR SALE Tent house, plow, one around for your inspection. It you desire to build up your herd of 9xl4, engine, Join Deere bogs, pay you to make your clear wall, tongue and grooved floor. double disc, very 1S18; it will and level and operate. I will furnish the water. Will lease on used little. Terms if OK SA.u, Buick 4, model selections early. BUNGALOW apartments to let, new, ' Never used. See Jarrett at Thayer's, bd desired. Will take span of mules part good Co., corner 803-S2- 1 share basis or for cash rent. Will stand thorough investigation. rubber. Auto Tire modern, all outside rooms; locatea WANTED TO SELL payment. C. A. Corbell, Tempe, Phone Second avenue and Adams. tf North avenue. Telephone 7R3. Apply to First House 6 rooms, 2 porches, modern, bg FOR SALE Dodge THE SOUTHWEST COTTON CO 4112 Alexandria Court. A! ADDRESS 28E, REPUBLICAN good location, 2nd block from car line. FOR SALE Revolving barber chair, car; A- -l condition; or will take a GOODYEAR. ARIZONA. tf FURNISHED half house for rent, $2,750, $1,040 cash, $20 41 234 Price balance fl". South First avenue. bg good Ford as part payment. Call WANTED Veal calves, yearlings, 4 rooms. 1302 W. Polk St. i bk' per month. See owner at 1533 West ROYAL rug, N. 11th St. bd Wilton Whitail fat cows, lambs, hogs, sheep. City Meat lWo-ROO- apartments. Call McKinley. bg almost new; will sell half price; We pay more for them and will sell aftc. at also Market, 605 E. Washington St. Phone 1 p. m. 224 East Van Buren. h ladies fine desk. 18 East Grant St. bd cheaper. Phoenix Used Car Market, 4698. Sale Houses llbp peo-- c for For Sale Houses FOR SALE Taupe polo 414 X. Center. tf FU RNISHED apartment, select cloth coat, pie. close in. 125.14. hi: WATCH new. size 36 or 38, $15. Apartment 16, NEW ZEALANDS Phone FOR SALE or lease, house furnish- Arizona Apartments. bd That are red. Fine breeding docs and bucks; 6 Flemish Giants, ed complete, modern, two lots, will GROW Single Cash For Your Car month. For Rent Furnished House To Close An Estate be PHOENIX FOR SALE folding iron beds Belgian hares, Cavies. Cheap if taken at place from 12 to 4:30 at No. and mattresses. 361 X. Four-roo- First Ave. bd at once. 1126 Willetta bnc k, i cen-V- 217.'' X. Two-stor- y East tf f blocks from r Third St., on car line, near brick on 2 lots, shady I WANT A LIGHT TOURING CAR NINE rooms newly furnished, di- Virginia FOR SALE A genuine up- of city. $2,000. Ave. it and good well. $1,375, part cash, bal- leather OR ROADSTER AT ONCE FOR FOR SALE One pair of small vided into four housekeeping apart holstered davenport, fumed oak, CAF-H- . FOR SALE room, modern ance terms. BRING CAR TO N. E. COR. mules, camp wagon and harness. 402 two di- Fie styles, as new. Phone 8981. ments. two upstairs and down, house, northeast, garage, chicken bk OF POLK AND CENTRAL. SEE MR. E. Jefferson. bk vided by hallways and one single room. Also MR. runs and garden, $2,600, cash $750; brick modern, $3,000. $500 FOR SALE One Fitch WOODBURY OR WOLMAN. tf I buy hogs, good A fine paying proposition. Will leas: r'ive-roo- WANT to feeder ni frame, old shade and ex-I- ra northwest corner Second street and cash, balance $40 per month. drive tractor, one three bottom Lit- dairy cows and springer heifers. by year. Call at 809 West Jefferson. $2.00ip. (flu Clarendon, lurxc lot. f rash. bit tle Genius plow, one No. 90 eight AUTO CO.. vVRECKERS Phone 3358. he A. SALVAGF tf E. EAIU.E WITH brick, building on ft. engine disk. This machinery ' TWO-roo- m Folt SALE Furnished or unfur- OF AUTOMOBILES EluHi shoats. $15 each and three tenthouse for house- nished, six room brick P. D. Large rear, fine basement; close in. $6,300. can be seen at the Pacific Creamery Parts of all makes Df cars. Highest thoroughbred Duroc Jersey male keeping, also one sleeping room for rooms A- $1,500 cash, balance monthly. Co. plant, Tempe. bm Nunneley and strictly modern. -l prices paid for cars wrecked or run shoats, $25. Call ranch, one and a one or two people, all conveniences, furniture, double garage, large cement HOUSEHOLD ning 432 W. Ailntis, Phnn 797 tr half miles, of South Central ave- close in. 519 X. Third St. bs 29 porcn 2 furniture for sale. east X. First Ave. It on two sides, restricted dis- Restaurant and concession with FOR SALE New Ford truck, nue on base !'!? bg $1,000 Take Indian school car to Monte road. FOR LEASE Furnished boost, trict. See owner, 1217 E. Pierce St. years' lease, doing a a week covered body, cheap for cash, owner. modern, clean. Phone 2478 before business, must be sold on account of Vista road, walk one block east to FOR SALE Xeam mules, weignt bp 37S Monte Vista road. It Dublin garage, 127 West Jefferson. 2,400 pounds, and harness, $160. Ninth 11:30 a. m. b $500 Cash or a owner's ill health. Can be had for bk $3,000. FURNITURE for sale; am leaving avenue aid Jackson. bg THREE-roo- furnished cottage oi FORD and $21111 cash buys a modern FOR SALE Cheap, Ford, good desert, one mile Country $3,000. See town. 402 N. Seventh Ave. bg FOR SALE A young black tongue northeast frame in first-clas- s repair; hrick near capitol. tires, new paint. 32 N. Second St. bl . club, garage, good water, $23. Rel'er-ence- s. cash, Jersey, good family con-- Piion? 8776. price $2.2'i0; it's worth the money. balance to suit purchaser. A HOME made quilt. 432 W. FIVE passenger Ford for sale, in bk 2042 W. Adams St. bli insrton. A- $7,00ij. M. H.Shelton or -l condition, equipped with all FOR SALE or trade, good small NICEi-l- f 1 urn. sued house, ' brick residence; lot extras, except starter, over H.E. Groom 150x130. This is a bargain. FOR SALE Bed, bed springs, mat- size tires, work horse at 837 N. Eleventh Ave. walking distance, $100 per month; tress, rug, piano bench. 402 N. Fourth price $400. Call at Nut Shell Gro bg years' lense. adults onlv. ('none 10". I "6 West Adams Phone 4216 Mrs. Shelden cery, 1101 N. bk St. Seventh St. n bg $5,S0O. modern brick house, bk FOR SALE1 Jersey and Hjlst;-i- large lot; located on paved street. 215 W. Washington FOR SALE Chevrolet tour- heifer calf, two months old. price Rooms and Board $2,000 cash, balance terms. ing car, 1918 model, $130. Rev. $10.00, also three collie pups and tf FOR SALE Marquis. Phone 3299. bk Twenty-fir- st Look at These Willard & Clem mother. St., across MOUNTAIN AIR SANITARIUM Phone 3oSi. 6"2 X. First Ave. It SACRIFICE sale A modern home, W'AXTED Cheap roadster or railroad. bg In the foothills, high and dry. Th?. A 4 room sleeping modern house and 704 S. First avenue, double brick Very for cash. Phone 1871. bi WANTED JERSEY COW." place for healthseekers. Phone 2J11. porch, lot :iUx'.30. good shed and only Reasonable house; price $4,700. See us about in good condition. Will pay for vounsr 12- -r oi e block from car line. Price REO automobile cash fresh terms; other bargains in city property Phone W. F. Hammett, 3344. Also Jersey cow, oe A-- l. Her- cash $600, balance $30 a month; a Say Tom Two 9x12 Axminster rugs (conven- must MAX with two children desires Here is one of the are listed with us. O'Barr & Pinnick. tional design), one Victrola and rec- about three tons Hiegera In head, bk bert J. Mann. Residence phone 3870, board and room in private family. prettiest houses 34 in the city, on paved avenue, good ga- E. Adams. tf ords and several pieces of wicker fur- business phone 3059.