"I Can't Go Notice to Undertakers
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was on- with the and of thair preach- moral, is Free CLrisd.ir. ((R.r.: n v. faith tremes of the organization. It epirit lone that it required by the nature man's countenance was quite sufficient to JTor Valuable and Intertstinj Eooii3. was amazed at ing. Already has the cause cf truth of God and the and is Mr. not knowing tlje l)ilurcn. ly labt wcuk that the city nature of man, account for North's Lance's Co:nmeDtary on ItfnUhow $5.(18 by giving the scenes, almost scandalous, enacted been almost overthrown our consequently in the very constitution of him again. It was radiant with joy and Chronicles of tho Schonbcrg-Cutt- a family, 1.75 REVIEWS. s, I'roinise Kept. by women as well as men, at the elec- over the writing to the hands of error-ist- things tho duty of man, and the con- peace. The jurij,- uwn,ur oneicnes oi (Jhnstian liilo the ' promised my would not go." in the olden time, 1.75 The London Quarterly Review for tion of elders in the First Presbyterian and contenting ourselves with dition of his well being. If any essen- Dear reader, the first lesson a poor "I father I Diary of Mr3 Kitty Trevylyan," encourage James was 1.75 January 18CG has come to hand. It con Church. The conduct of the leading talking. The people should tial parts of the Decalogue were found sinner has to learn is, to 'trust ia the the eldest boy of a lare Gort'8 way of Holiness, by kev. Korati js was so outrageous that the police- their own men to write. The Assembly on examination not to bear this test, the Lord with all his heart, and not to his family, and son of a clergyman in . onar, li50 tains many articles well worth reading. party Egypt's Prince, by Itov. was into the vestry tokecp should shape its policy to encourage its views of Dr. or to trust God He was anxious to study, but his health Gulian Lansing, 1.50 They are as follows, viz: 1. Livingston's man brought Macleod Mr. Burns, own understanding;' not History of tho Reformation in the timo of the ministers and we was sufficiently 2. order. The majority had less tolerance own men to write. And think, would rcccivo considerable only for what is explained, but for that not thought good, and Calvin, by D'Aubigne, 3 vo!s., 6.00 Zambesi and its Tributaries. Simon Last Times, by Beiss for the minority than so many politicians. intelligent Christian men and women confirmation. Hear now what which i3 not explained. This is faith ; he abandoned tho idea. Perhaps his j 59 de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. 3. Ten- Prophet of Fire, by The words and ideas that governed the should train themselves to write well. Our Mr. Burns says of what constitutes the and such faith honors God, and eaves the father was also influenced by straight- McDuft', ' .W nyson's Enoch Arden. 4. M. Sainte-Beuv- Sunsets on Hebrew Mountains.. i'rii choice of elders in the church belonged doctrines, our views, our religious sympa- substance of the Fourth Commandment, soul. This is receiving the kingdom of ened circumstances in coming to this Patriarchal Shadows, by Winelow 1.25 5. Groto's Plato. G. Miss Berry's to the lowest vocabularies, and the con- thies should be placed before theworld. when he comes to speak of the manner God as a little child, who always believes decision. Human Sadness, by Madam Gasparin, 1.00 7. Arabia. 8. Car- Memoirs. Palgrave's duct of the male and female members We have, beyond dispute, the advantage in which the Lord's day should be ob- that 'things must be right, if father says When his son was about sixteen, Tic Juveniles. and Abbott's American Histories, 6 vols $0.00 icature and Grotesque in Literature was simply A notable of our noisy adversaries in power and served. "Undoubtedly,"" does went to B , for the of enter- disgraceful. he says, "it is them, and father them' and let us purpose The Percy Family, 5 vols., '5. 00 9. Season. Art The Coming phase of the proceedings was the con- breadth of thought. Our superiority in a day of rest. The law of nature teach- ever remember that it is written (and ing a dry goods store. His father gave Walter's Tour in the East, 4 vols 4 00 Address Leonard Scott & Co , 38 Walk- stant vituperation of the minority with gifts of speech has ever been acknowl- es us that. In an un- him a letter to an orthodox minister of The Florence Stories, 6 vols fi.oo age and country like the fecripture cannotoe orokenj, tbat s New York. traitors, edged. And what hinders us from at- his acquaintance gave Arthur Home StoricB, 3 vols, 3. 00 er street, the taunt that they were rebels, ours, where work, hard and constant, is less 'we receive the kingdom of God, there: he also Brichthope Series, 5 vols 4 01) Of course the next step taining superiority as writers also? We him money B 6 The Westminster Review for Janua- copperheads. the lot of the vast majority of men, we shall in no wise enter thcrcm. enough to take him to Georgey's Menagerie, vols, 4.00 was to devote such felons to instant vio- have been brought to a time when if every seventh day, by an irresistable and to pay his board for two weeks, Aunt Alary s library, 6 vols 2.50 ry 18C6 has also come to hand. The ar- Stories of old, Bible Narratives for Young lence. There were calls for the expul- we speak not to the world of some of physical need, is demanded as a day of during which time he must obtain work. ticles in this number are as follows; 1st, The proposal to enact bv law the ex cnnaren, Dy Caroline Jiadley, 1 vols, sion of those who dared to debate any the great principles of the Gospel, the rest." This, of course, is just what lsience oi uou ana me Divinity He had arrived in B , and was on each, 1.25 Mill, on Philosophy of Lor John Stuart the question before the meeting; and pro- world must go on in ignorance of them, the Fourth Commandment implies, and uirisi. his way to deliver his letter as directed, The Night Cap Storks, 6 vols, C.OO 6 Sir W. Hamilton. 2. Precursors of the posing a was the signal for a and the cause of Christ suffer from that what is when was Aimwell Stories, vols, 6.00 ticket better the authority of Mr. On the subject of the petition from he accosted by a young man The Leslie Stories, 4 vols 4.00 French Revolution Saint-Pierr- e and ef- storm of insulting epithets. Every ignorance. Burns for it than the authority of the who asked him where he was going, on Mamma's Talks with Charlie 90 4. Cole1 Iowa to the United States Senate for a 3. Lord Palmerston. fort was made to give a political com- Commandment? "But further," he pro- learning which, he said For sale by A. DAVIDSON, theological amendment 303, Third Street, ridge's Writings. 5. Physiological Ex- plexion to tho weak side in order not The defection In the Scottish Churches. ceeds to say, "the Lord's day is a day of the Constitu "Go with me, and I will help you to Louisvillo, Ky. periments Vivisection. G. The Polish only to make them odious, but to silence "Only let Mr Burns rather than Moses of "worship let there bo no mistake tion, the Quebec Morning Chronicle, of get work right away." say it." Notice to Undertakers, Insurrection of 18G3. 7. Dr. Livingston's all opposition and defeat it by any and about that," If there is any mistake March 2d, moralises as follows : " Where are you going ?" Recent Travels. Contemporary Litera- every disreputablo means. Where is Among the recent Sabbath pronunci-amcntoe- s on this point, it cannot justly be said ' '' I am going to the theatre, and will But what will our readers think of a I such a perversion of the church likely in Scotland we find one from in our opinion to be in the Command- there introduce you to a person who will ture, which embraces a great variety of petition asking for "such an amendment to end, and who are to be the next vic- Rev. Mr. tho Church ment. is impossible to discover, in- help you right away." subjects both secular, scientific and relig- Burns of High It to the Constitution as will recognize the tims of its degradation on the one side, deed, wherein Mr. Burns differs from . can't go I promised my father ious. Address Leonard Scott, & Co.. 38 (Free Church) Glasgow; who treats the existence ot God and the divinity o "I I and of its wrath upon the other? Heavy the Commandment; yet to him the would not go to a theatre.". W alker street, New York. law of tho Sabbath after this singular Christ We have no doubt they will to Un- is the responsibility of those who have Commandment is tho least vital part of Just as the noble boy said this, an el- take pleasure in announcing the expeiicnce some difficulty in believing W1 dertakers of Kentucky, Indiana, Ten Blackwood's Magazine for February, sent the venerable and dignified body fashion. what he calls a barren Deca- derly man passed him on the sidewalk, "rotten, that sucli a petition was presented, in nessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and has also been laid upon our table.