(T if S^lH XoyXy / ^ Oj^ dc^-y^ lection Day, ■ 1 Other pro-giveS^way Sena tor s/V/ho \fill not be reinjrfiing in Jan-. uary includp Case of New Jersey, lAboureszk,^of/South Dakota, Paul Hatfie'id of Montanaia,'Pearson of Kansas,' hurnphrey of-'' Minnesota, iSparkman of Alabama, iiadgaaxHxxAxkssia.za:^ and/kodges "of Arkansas.

At the same time, strong treaty opponents like of , of , of South Carolina, Jim McClure of Idaho, of Alaska, and ^Johnston of Louisiana, v/ere decisively reelected.

Through your financial support of The Conservative Caucus, you sent a message to V/ashington, D^C. before the Canal Treaty votes March and April.

,. ^ X ---V Sf. /iItVtr, f'^-4 'J / ; 1 You told the United Staj^s Senate "-1 vtill ■ iveVw"'yuvu la'"forte znr- p^son.jL'/_hg==ga-ton t-n— thg—U-rS-;—Sanalr~aii(f''Zbne~"a1r'Fana_ma''( check quo te j millions of letters which TCC helped airect^to key "sv/ihg> Senators.

Although, as you well know, we igsaAfailed by two votes to defeat he Canal treaties in the Senate, your concern about this issue ontributed to the political retirement of at least twelve pro- ib^away Senators. under TCC auspices The funds raised and spent to sponsor "Keep Our Canal" days|i^ 3-11^ fifty states helped build public awareness of America's vi"tal interest jtliiifei: in the Canal and public resentment of those Senators unwilling to ^g^Epreserve that interest. § So did the thousands of dollars we spent on the "Truth Squad", which travelled across the , (Vith men like Congressman Larry McDonald, Senator Paul Laxalt, A-dmiral John McCain, and General Daniel Graham on board. T Nov/, in the powerful wake of last Tuesday's election results^ our investment of time, money, and manpower has ^ chance to overturn the action of the Senate last Spring in app ovins the proDosed surrenaer ties.

4 f (z)


Under the terms of the Senate's ac;^ion last Spring, the U.S. House of Representatives has iiSs until iVlarch 3i, I979 to use its Sonstitutional authority to stop final approval of the Canal surrender agreement between and Omar Torrijos K Iff,^^pibefore March 31» the House exercises its pov/er under "' Article IV, Section Three, Clause 2 of the Constitution, the transfer of American territory and property to the Marxist Panamanian dictatorship, ^ will h - r 1 iii|i blocked.

If v/e can get the House to act against the treaties, America will H)r'gTr>o,-hT oa-j 1 y slowed the Castrolte Communist takeover jo-#--^;a:"tin'r^erica an^spared the rjnmfprospective loas of many lives and much treasure in. any-future-battle -to regain.control of the strategically vital Isthmus of Panama. ^ - - — -. — r< If.Vwe fail to reverse the Senate decision, the relentless advance of Communism from Cuba to Jamaica to.Panama to Nicaragua will continu^putting our very shores in jeopardy a from terrorist and guerrilla activity originating in this Hemisphere.

^ truly v/ill be "Mayday" for the United States of America and for you, if we fail to get the "House" to act betv/een now and March Here iS: w^t I wo^d like you to do^ Scil^'5''OUr Ppngrp'"''^man 1. I.n- "MayDay"fnajxygj inform-atim-Lxiiui iuci outrun sheet.5• • nr"r• 1. titt* jirir n^-riTTin-r"! thi On the MayDay she^ is thav section of the Constitution v/hich authorizes the House tc^^ertum the Senate vote, a_ copy-of • the Senateylanguage setting theto sign^;^i»March 31.deadline,ji, <- and a message/which^ ^ ^ I hope you will agree Use the "MayDay" stamps y/hich I have given you on all letters ironyou sendO Ov-v belrweenVv ^ now and the time the HouseIT acts. Send me your largest possible contribution and indicate whether you v/ould prefer to have it used to generate a wider mailing with the information contained in this letter, or if you want us to spend it on grass roots action in the home Congressional Districts of those Congressmen vmose votes we must get before March 3l • 1 r) l r. . - ^ ^ 1 rU-CAA^ S»U5!f§nrT .yuu contribution, t—wi-i.'' -Fi ira he Ma.vDa;y a.nrfe-rma-tion- ohoet tia-for yuu—r-^—3^ cf+-p-; nt.bp'-r' I will a±S2) send you a MayDay lapel pin to v/ear, so/1 that everyone you meet can be reminded by you of the f/IarclO^^adlin for blocking the Canal giveaway^

£>». \\\ «7r. 'tnnnv r i \

Rememlper, onlv^v^ can let.your Congressman knov/ how much you wanx uo prevent^ITy surrenaer of kxaxamerxcan interests xnin the Canal Zone. .(jOKlP CoHfeAWt'/X I If he realizes thaty^ou v;ill care aSyiffuch about his action or failure to act 4^ November, 1980/as you did in November, 197S when tvta so many pro-giveaway Senators bit the political dust, he may help lead the fight against the giveaway.

Please send me your contribution today and enlist in Round Two of the fight to Keep Our Canal. 1

Sincerely I

Howard Phillips National Directof: The Conservative Caucus

L— ^ "'TfP 1 ptt.pn- P.S. P%§55= -pUT vrfvi r.h vour tni >fT-^rii .ThnTC V;ill keep a running tally of a the votes . we have to block the surrender in the House of Representatives^ R:

^ !soV'