Improving the Deadlift: Understanding Biomechanical Constraints And
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Improving the Deadlift: Understanding Biomechanical Constraints and Physiological Adaptations to Resistance Exercise Michael Hales, PhD Department of Health, Physical Education and Sport Science, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia SUMMARY INTRODUCTION community is ‘‘great deadlifters are ecause the deadlift is 1 of the born—not made.’’ So, it is not uncom- IN THE SPORT OF POWERLIFTING, 3 events performed in power- mon for athletes to blame a less than INCORRECT INFORMATION RE- B lifting and maximizing the lift is optimum deadlift on poor genetics. GARDING MUSCULAR STRENGTH extremely important to the outcome of This mind-set could certainly play DEVELOPMENT MAY BE PERPETU- a competition, much of the discussion a role in preventing competitors from ATED BY VARIOUS SOURCES. ONE will center on the sport. However, any striving to reach their peak in muscular WAY TO COMBAT THIS PROBLEM sport that places high demand on strength. Each biological system in the IS TO PROVIDE CORRECT BIOME- strengthening knee, hip, and trunk human body has a physiological ceiling CHANICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL extensors could benefit from incorpo- that is influenced by not only genetic INFORMATION REGARDING LIFTS rating the deadlift into the training encoding but also impending environ- SUCH AS THE DEADLIFT TO program. Anyone unfamiliar with the mental factors as well. The genetic ENHANCE PERFORMANCE IN THE intricacies of the deadlift could easily component only accounts for about assume that it is simple to execute, SPORT. THERE ARE 3 SPECIFIC 40–50% for the proportional factor of which basically requires nothing more muscle fiber type (slow twitch versus AREAS THAT CAN BE ADDRESSED than bending down, grasping a barbell, fast twitch), 30–70% for heart size and TO IMPROVE DEADLIFT PERFOR- and standing up. A movement pattern cardiac functions, and around 30–50% MANCE: SUPPORTIVE GEAR, LIFT- simple in appearance should not be for maximal oxygen consumption and ING MECHANICS, AND TRAINING judged entirely based on perception utilization (7,8,16). Other character- PRINCIPLES. THIS ARTICLE OF- because the complexity of mastering istics that have a genetic component FERS SUGGESTIONS TO EN- proper lifting technique and imple- include metabolic rate, blood volume, HANCE PERFORMANCE IN THE menting the correct training program flexibility, anaerobic performance, DEADLIFT BY PROVIDING INSIGHT demonstrate exactly how challenging it INTO PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTA- can be to maximize performance, and KEY WORDS: TIONS AND BIOMECHANICAL the deadlift is one of those exercises. powerlifting; deadlift; biomechanical CONSTRAINTS ASSOCIATED WITH A common statement that regularly constraints; physiological adaptation STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT. circulates throughout the powerlifting 44 VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2010 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association body fat distribution, and endocrine style does not appear to be more leg-lift method is the preferred lifting status—that is, level of testosterone advantageous mechanically than the strategy (4,49,50). However, under secretion (20,33). These genetic values other based on the total number of maximum loading conditions typically suggest that approximately 50–75% of conventional and sumo style deadlift observed during powerlifting compet- the overall deadlift performance could record holders (1,51). To maximize itions, lifters exhibit a different lifting be attributed to environmental factors deadlift performance, the strength technique resembling the modified such as training methods, lifting styles, coach should explore the different lift back lift (15,21,26). and individualized program parame- types and find a style that is most The primary concerns of lifters using ters. Assuming a lifter has not peaked appropriate for the athlete. To facilitate the conventional style deadlift are physiologically in the areas contribut- the selection process, the strength and excessive trunk lean and premature ing to strength development, deadlift conditioning specialist could benefit knee extension at the start of the lift performance has the potential for from developing an understanding of (26). A maximum effort deadlift dem- improvement. the interrelationship between muscle onstrates a sequential or segmented architecture, anthropometrics, and fiber lifting movement divided into 3 distinct FIRST—THE PROBLEM number and composition. A growing problem in the sport of phases depicting the predominant joint powerlifting centers around the avail- DEADLIFT MECHANICS action: knee extension, hip extension, able resources focusing on muscular The following terms commonly asso- and knee/hip extension (26). Knee strength development, lifting tech- ciated with weight training are fre- extension occurs before barbell liftoff nique, and program design. In many quently used interchangeably, which is due, in part, to the quadriceps muscles’ instances, the circulating information often confusing to the reader. To assist inability to generate an extensor mus- in sources other than peer-reviewed with describing deadlift mechanics, cle moment large enough in magnitude sport science journals fails to provide standardized terminology adopted by to overcome the inertia of the lifter- a reasonable scientific foundation for the sport science community is barbell system (21,26). However, once implementation. One way to rectify implemented. the segments of the lower extremities this issue in the sport of powerlifting is Style: A way of doing something; reach an optimum angle for exerting to simply provide scientifically sup- implementing a particular method. maximal force, the potential for lifting ported biomechanical principles and Technique: The procedure or skill the barbell increases because of muscle physiological concepts targeting re- used in a particular task. force production factors such as muscle sistance exercise and program design Strategy: A plan of action designed angle of pull and length-tension rela- for enhancing deadlift performance. to achieve a particular goal. tionship. Excessive trunk lean exhib- An individual’s lifting style should be ited during this portion of the deadlift Understanding the body’s mechanical based on their anthropometrics and reduces the external flexor moment at properties and skeletal muscle adapta- not on someone else’s physical char- the knee joint, which results in less tion to various stimuli is important for acteristics (i.e., workout of the month). quadriceps effort. However, the trunk designing strength training programs. However, choosing the appropriate position elicits a large hip extensor This implies that any applicable bi- lifting style is not an easy task. Even moment (49). ological system that has not yet peaked though gross lifting guidelines (posi- has additional muscular strength re- In summary, when performing ex- tion the barbell close to the body, serves and is capable of contributing to tremely heavy conventional style dead- maintain lumbar lordosis, keep elbows the improvement of deadlift perfor- lifts, using the leg-lift method does not fully extended, etc) apply to everyone, mance. However, a challenge for an appear to be the preferred strategy or the minute details associated with an athlete or the strength specialist is maybe even possible (21). In addition, optimal lifting style can vary greatly determining how to access the avail- the ability to maintain lumbar lordosis between individuals. able reservoir of resources. This article diminishes as the lifting loads increase discusses 2 areas of importance about Technique is important when deciding due, in part, to the force magnitude of strength development: biomechanical whether the barbell should be lifted the erectors’ inability to overpower the factors and physiological adaptations using a leg-lift, back-lift, or a modified high forces generated by the hip exten- associated with improving deadlift back-lift strategy when performing sor muscles at the initial phase of the performance. a maximum effort conventional style lift (21). When executing maximum deadlift (Figure 1). Most of the in- effort conventional style deadlifts, the BIOMECHANICAL FACTORS formation pertaining to lifting tech- lifter typically exhibits either a back-lift There are 2 basic deadlift styles—con- nique has been derived from research or a modified back-lift technique with ventional and sumo. However, few incorporating inexperienced lifters us- a slightly exaggerated kyphotic tho- powerlifters seldom use one style or ing light to moderate weight (4,14,15). racic curve (21,26). The modified back- the other, in a strict sense. From The outcomes of these studies using lift technique provides an advantage to a performance standpoint, one lifting submaximal loads indicate that the the lifter in terms of performance Strength and Conditioning Journal | 45 Improving the Deadlift Figure 1. Deadlift lifting strategies (conventional style). (a) Modified back lift. (b) Leg lift. (c) Back lift. because the barbell is positioned closer The sumo style deadlift exhibits differ- at the knee, hip, and L5/S1 joints to the hip and lumbosacral joints result- ent lifting mechanics while using a (14,15,49). Knee extension is not a pre- ing in a reduced external flexor mo- leg-lift, back-lift, or a modified back-lift dominant movement at the start of the ment. However, the technique creates technique (Figure 2). Because of the sumo style lift because of the location a disadvantage regarding enhancing wide stance used during a sumo dead- of the barbell, which