Assemblyman Bagger Won't Remain As Westfield Mayor Town Hall Rehab
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a ; ;lers Amsterdam, here we come swimmers smash A feast of films in area film festivals Bustling, quaint Dutch capital irate Invitational See this week's feature of Forbes-Luthansa trip o »- UJ See Sports, page B-l See details on page B-3 »- *. O WeekendPlus uj>-mui M I u>y-oc Vol. 3. No. 3 The^festfield Record Thursday, January 16,1992 A Forbes Newspaper 15 cents Town Hall rehab Westfield keeps up pressure costs dip 30% from on plane noise $2.7 to $1.9 million •y MHAN P. DUNLJEAVY and DONALD PIZZI JR. •y pomup ran j*. of approximately $40,000. THE RECORD THE RECORD Councilman James Hely voted no on the Westfield accounts for a significant contract, citing a 2.2 percent increase in amount of the complaints about the air The Town Council awarded contracts the cost over what was originally proposed. plane noise generated from Newark In- Tuesday for the Municipal Building reha- Town engineer Edward Gottko said that ternational Airport, according to a report bilitation project that will lower the cost the first amount was only a preliminary written by the Scotch Plains—Fanwood from $2.7 million to $1.9 million. cost, and that additional work had been Citizens Against Aircraft Noise (SPF- That represents a savings of 30 percent added to the position. CAAN), an organization that has been over the initially projected cost of the re- Vincentsen Construction was awarded a involved in the aircraft noise controversy habilitation. $150,000 contract and will act as construc- for the last several years. A general construction contract was tion consultant. Contamination Control The report, which charted calls made awarded to Dan Schering and Son Inc., at Engineering will be the asbestos removal to the special Federal Aviation Adminis- a cost of $880,000. Plumbing on the project consultants at a cost of $12,230. tration (FAA) toll free complaints hot ine will be done by Palello Plumbing and The council voted to reject the low bid- for the first eight months of last year Heating for $84,999. The contract for heat- der on the electrical contract and the sec- (Jan. 1-Aug. 31, 1991), indicates that ing, ventilation and air conditioning ond lowest bidder on the HVAC project. Westfield called in 12 percent of the (HVAO will go to Conditioning Company The low bidder on the HVAC, which of- noise grievances from the entire state Inc. for $410,000. Asbestos removal will be fered a $303,000 bid, withdrew that offer. during that period. done by Capital Safety Inc. at a cost of The council held a public hearing on $60,000. Electrical work will be done by Dec. 30 to allow the second lowest bidder, Of the 6,603 calls made to the hot line Electro ES Inc. for $294,000. during that eight-month period, 72 per- Frank C. Gibson Inc., to address them on cent of them came from five com- Of the consulting contracts awarded, why it should awarded the contract. Gib- munities in central Union County (Scotch Vincentsen and Associates will render ar- son entered a bid of $400,000. Plains, Fanwood, Westfield, Clark and chitectural services on the project at a cost (Please turn to page A-6) Cranford) complaining about the use of a specific runway in use at the airport, Runway 22. Scotch Plains, with 2,760 complaints, led the other communities. Westfield was next with 762 complaints, School patrols increased followed by Fanwood with 461, Clark with 392 and Cranford with 369. Runway 22 accounted for 5,391 {or 82 percent) of the noise complaints made after students report throughout the state. According to the repoit, Westfield is among several municipalities impacted followed by Fanwood with 461, Clark seeing suspicious people with 392 and Cranford with 369. Runway 22 accounted for 5,391 (or 82 ByDOfULO PfZZl JR. percent) of the noise complaints made THE RECORD throughout the state. AooonDno «o toe report, Wwttatt b Two incidents in which elementary wanted to release the correct description of among several municipalities impacted school students saw suspicious people the incidents before they were blown out by two route changes enacted in 1989 while walking home last week prompted of proportion any further. "Before you know it, it's a major inci- and called "Hush 1" and 'Sid 3." DIANE MATFLERO/THE RECORD police to step up patrols at the school. Communities all over the greater New Taking hia placa: Mayor Richard Baggar waita to ba awom Into hla naw Also in connection with the reports, Po- dent, when it's really not," he said. York area have complained about the lice Chief Anthony Scutti released a state- The incidents are being investigated by office as aasamblyman In Trenton at the War Memorial Stadium Tues- Det. Patrick Gray of the Juvenile Depart- growing occurrence of annoying airplane day. He's standing second from left under the state aeal. ment on the incidents, in an effort to let noise over the last several years. The concerned residents know what happened. ment, and anyone with information is complaints have led to the creation of Police stepped up patrols of Wilson El- asked to call him at 789-4018. (Please turn to page A-6) ementary School last week after two stu- dents reported seeing suspicious individu- Assemblyman Bagger won't als around school grounds on Wednesday, Jan. 8. A police officer had visited the school Tatting' that day to speak with students. The same remain as Westfield mayor officer had visited the school on previous occasions to tell students about being wary •y DONALD P1ZZI JR. as a state assemblyman in the 22nd dis- around strangers, but this time spoke on a trict Mr. Bagger was sworn in to his first different matter. THE RECORD term in the assembly Tuesday afternoon. Captain John Wheatley said there were Richard Bagger has announced that Jan. He will succeed long-time assemblyman reports of two separate incidents. In the 27 will be his final day as mayor of West- and Westfield resident Chuck Hardwick. first, a boy walking home for lunch at field. Mr. Hardwick's district office is on Elm about 12:20 p.m. on Canterbury Road Mr. Bagger made the date of his resig- Street, and Mr. -Bagger has said that he thought a black car was following him. nation known in a letter to the Town will maintain use of the office. Details on The car was driven by either a man with Council Tuesday. the retention of the office are on page A-3. long hair or a woman, according to the The mayor announced in December that The Republican Committee, the mayor's boy. he would not be completing the second political party, will now meet on Jan. 22 The driver of the car did not attempt to year of his first two-year term, but would and compose a list of three possible suc- talk to the student, according to Chief instead focus his attention on his position (Please turn to page A-6) Scutti. "All it was was that he saw the car twice," said the captain. "We really don't think it was anything." The second incident involved an older man, 60-70 years old, in a parked car. This 'Downtown Westfield Committee' man reportedly asked a student walking from the school if he wanted a ride. The student refused the offer. The incident oc- curred at about 3:10 p.m. on Linden Av- is named by mayor and chamber enue. "That was more of an overt incident valuable input. (than the first)," said Capt. Wheatley. •y DONALD ran JR. The new committee is composed of A patrol was added to the area on THE RECORD council members, town officials, concerned Wednesday, following the incidents, and again on Thursday. No suspicious activi- Mayor Richard Bagger and Chamber of residents, business and property owners ties were noticed. Capt. Wheatley said Commerce president Robert Newell have and two former mayors. Tuesday that as of then no other incidents named the town's first Downtown Westfield It will include of Councilmen Garland had been reported. Committee. Boothe, Norman Greco, Gary Jenkins and In his statement, Chief Scutti stressed The mayor announced in his annual mes- David Mebane. Also on (he committee are that neither child was physically harmed Mr. Newell, Andrew Pavosa, Anthony An- and that there was no apparent connection sage on Jan, 2 that a committee would be between the two incidents. charged with exploring ways the town can nese, Douglas Schwartz, Joseph Specior, Wheatley said the statement was re- preserve and revitalize the town's central Meryl Layton, Saul Drittel, Richard Wood- leased because of a deluge of phone calls business district. field, Warren Rorden, Susan Fell, Manny the department had received about the Mr. Bagger said Tuesday that becausa so Ferster, Ray Knipple, Thomas Phelan, Ed- two incidents. He said that somehow word many Individuals volunteered to serve on ward Gottko and Alien Gutterman, and had gotten out that a child was abducted GEORGE PACCIELIOfTHE RECORD. the committee, o series ol sub-committees former mayors H. Emerson Thomas and at the school, and that the department Mrs. Alice Strohmeyer demonstrated colonial 'tatting' and lace will be set up in Ihe future lo allow for their Robert Mulreany. skills at Miller-Cory House Museum Sunday. Business B-J.4 Calendar A-5 Martin Club news A-8 Luther- King Jr. commemorated School district hr -"-^ pension, FICA costs Community Life A-7 at 5th Annual Interfaith Service A-7 will be paid by state as in the past A-6 Education A-5,8 The Record Milestones A-10 Quality Education Commission recom- Obituary A-9 , .