The Oxford Democrat
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r The Oxford Democrat. 1904. NUMBER 8. VOLUME 71. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1 I ...... .... never- LU lut· Il III* ni ll'S» tll Uirr BUUÎK" M«»> »♦#♦««« « *M $■** f- \·Α control his rorces. senuing ior wurr.v Hearing Alices name caused never- « C. JoNKà, Farm Work by "Signs." » ν thé bin!, nr.d I don't know \vL<·:*♦· he is. ley, he assigned him to the duty of 4noilt struggle lu» had forgotten Icy to look around. Whore was «lie? AMONG THE FARMERS. -but come back." hauling down the British flag and run- tender basis upon which Beverley had lu the distance lie saw Father Beret But- they always» Smith & Machinist, because man—lie- that of It was iin rested bis excuse for leaving Vlncennes. to the where some of the "You say that your PARIS. M A INK. "SPKKD THE PLOW." ifUAINT CUSTOMS FIND FAVOK IN OL ning »ip Virginia. hurrying spot SOUTH cause Lieutenant lias return- honor of no doubtful sort. which under Sow it ail reappeared in justification men burned ami wounded by the ex- Beverley SENECA. ed. It Is so. You liave every- ijxt; different circumstances would have >f what was aoing on. It touched the plosion were being stripped and cared always CorresiK>n<Knee on practical agricultural topic·» while I—I"— In OLD tli» lieutenant's heart As 'omantic core ofnis southern nature. still stood like a statue. thing to make you happy, le solicited till ALICE made plow. for. Hnmilt<ii> Aildraee communications of to Hksry D. Ϊ·Κ'·Η;1 her their shower, ten<le<l (or this department it was he without any sense "I say, Lieutenant Beverley," he re- He to bo the only cool person Again eyes spilled ν The farmers of the of proceeded npjienred Η * >M>, Agricultural Editor Oxford Dem- township Faj φ1 hid her fare in her bands, of or as a mere lated. "beg Hip young lady's permis- and she ocrat, Parte, Me. ette, adjoining Waterloo, are largely ο 1 pr!de pleasure, moving In the fort. f — which Alice tried In vain to remove. Pennsylvania Dutch origin. They ar machine in performing an act signifi- lion to use her Ilag upon this glorious "Where la Alice Miss Rouesillon? Γ "Don't Adrienne. You didn't S' e a and race, and for m1 other done west of Keasion, or shall I do it for youV" Where did Miss Itoussillou Bev- cry. à LBKKT D. PARE, hardy thrifty genei ÉB cant l»eyo any go?" Cattle in Winter. VINCENNES Feeding al compare favorably wit the mountains in the great struggle There were no miracles In those exclaimed. around like a me crying"— intelligence ! erley staring of stocl course didn't have a Licensed Auctioneer, their neighbors Anglo-Saxon By MAURICE THOMPSON for Amer ...11 independence and the jrnve days, and the strain of life with lost man. "Where is she?" "No, of not: you MAINE, A DAY BETTER THAN full of the Bev- SOl'TH PARIS, I rwo FEEDINGS They are, however, quair con ol of Amvrlcan territory. ts terrible realities braced ail men and "D'know." said Oncle Jazon, resum- thing to cry about. Lieutenant and rural folklore of thei where he was ferma Valerate. 111RKE, CATTLE UK HORSES.—COWS superstitions 1Î '«nilton stood a little from the A'omcn to meet sudden explosions of erley told you just going forefathers, and interesting ane< 1900, k> Ht· BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY way of droll dig- many Cwi«>t. » or ing his habitual expression SHOULD REST BETWEEN FEEDINGS.— foot of th tall Iiis arms fold- uirprise, whether of good bad ef- and Just what"— A PARKER, dotes are told illue l'agpole, as thet by Fayette people but nity. "She eliot apast tne jes* "But think. Adrienne. think of > EVIL OF OVER FEEDING. to the ed in lu<* li-r si. his chin slightly fect, with admirable equipoise, only IkISBKE ami Counsellors at, trating the length which goo she went like er Attorneys xmu trial, it must be admitted, thing busted loose, 111Γ the awful lold—that lie was MAINE. Dutch yeomanry go in their devotion t drawn in. his I>r'<v.'s contracted, gaz- Beverley's story they Kl'MKURD EALL3, liroke coin- huiuniin' skltch thet way— in conduct of thei :ι jrenernl ::ss::ult. liis spirit lie was ivas Still he braced liim- bird, Jes' killed, that Governor Hamilton had are numerous the "signs" the ing 'radily at I'- verley while extraordinary. Λ Collection Department. There ways of feeding « I didn't sin· Vr no more, "cause I Special Parke: and the routine of their lives. OSTIItUED.] so that It looked like god- •elf and his whole an' Γ.one Hair for killing him and Ralph T. as there are of other farms pl'ioly. ni the which had been quickly expression paid George l>. Blsl>ec, rattle doing many un'.· halyard, Inter seven In all matters the almana send to liiiu when Clnrk finally offered when Clark moved to go to was skeert mighty ni^li tit<; back his <>h. ib- .r, tt:iugs. A method that seems the best earthly woi (I a Willi I the pole's liase about •hanged bringing scalp! just to and the mooi wns ii laconic interview, ns con- tluit Mowed clean L. BUCK. teems be their Bible, It crisp surrender, the > was 'sploslon it was true." for one person may not always be the terms of honorable I lu·.- fc.-t above the ground. The' Mice. For he reali/.ed now that It 'spect Ιιφ* think! And I as vei: was so most and 'he constellations are really autumn ice mid bitter as gall berries. which was to l>e Veiitrcljeu! Never be- best for all others. I suppose suuiiuntion of post- tr in the fort were dis- ndeed Alice in tlesh and blood, stand- away? "Well, I'd be willing to think and Dentist, in a different a Ain^ican ops weak Surgeon farmers feed three times a in winter erated, though way, Colonel Clark bad no respect whatever until the following lie center of admiration, plum outen breath an' dead crazy in world if Bene day poned morning. so as to form three sides of a tig there, the lieve Anything the MAINE. were their haired ances pos. 1 SOUTH PARIS, I followed that and' they by yellow for Hamilton, to whom be bad applied to the air with her tine o' bein' afeard!" said Adrienne, her formerly practice Sea accepted promptly, appending hollow inward. Oncle iiling the magnetism would come back," one tors the shores of the North s..'iare. facing work warrante·!. when I first learned that of the most along the "hair buyer a with "Lieutenant roared Clark All my best bu imperishable adjective articles of capitulation the following as the ex- ind crowning great triumph Beverley." face, now uncovered, showing pitiful of Worcester coun- Xot only in the tilling of their land, Jazon. serving ornamental successful dairymen On the other hand. (îovern- "The remote- a flash- In his most tone, "go to minute concerns of their dail general." reasons tor Ills action: was for 1er beauty. lie gave her glad, commanding lines of suffering. "Oh. Alice, Alice, a sys- in all the treme »if i>ii" line, conspicuous P. JONES. ty bad adopted two-meals-a-day or the dis- That R. H. the must be befor Hamilton, who felt keenly ness from succor, the state and quanti- ng smile, as if he had Just discovered the gate and settle things there! and lie never, never will come!" tem it seemed to me that it would be lives, "signs" right iiis outlandish garb and unniilitary I) or —"woe of having to himself of- etc.; of of- 1er. and walked to his mob outside is to brink in!" device to on to make cows nuything is done, betide." grace equalize tv of provisions, unanimity The silence Inside the stock- straight her, trying Alice exhausted every cheer, Dentist, bordering cruelty go bearing. hut If a cheese is to be cut it must be don< ficially and discuss terms of surrender and men In Its the lands extended. She was not looking The order was instantly obeyed. comfort her. Adrienne from till evening without^» ficers expediency, ade offered a strong contrast to the encourage and MAINE. morning once more of the in the increase of the moon, or, by th with a roiiL.ii backwoodsman, could not terms and, ownnl but she saw him and had hi* so to her when she Norway. feeding, but the winter I learned honorable allowed lastly, tremendous roar of voices outside. him, Beverley relapsed, bad been good lay «aue it will fade with ic to 13— 1 to A. J I was in the woods at token, away conceal bis contempt of ('lark. contidcnec in a urned to face him. Hers was the ad- soul in darkness while the <>f Hamil- < >fliee Hours—W I practice working the generous enemy." Dark made a and at tbe tap of groped recovering from the shock credible before the daily dc signal, a some distance from home and the days rapidity The five men of history. Hamilton. Confidence in a generous enemy! Ab- vantage. for she had known for some whole of his life seemed unreal, wav- ton's bullet, which, although it m..nds of the who will deriv a drum «Beverley shook the ropes loose pistol A.M.. M.D., short it made a hole into family, yet were ( dream.