Monday, November 24, 1941 SCOUTS DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOXE CHEHIiY, Xton) SPORT* PAGE 17 Missouri Team Gophers Emerge as Top Team in Greatest Grid Year By e£GAR HAYES of fine material, lost by a to Michigan, by a point to Minnesota, and by a point to Notre Dame. It's Mil over but the shouting. A lew games here and there Called of remain to be played, and the grandest season in the history of a MIDWESTERN THRlLLS—Michigan rallied to tie Ohio One thrills, grand sport has come to an end. No other sport offers the chills, heart throbs and heartaches that are packed into the 10 State twice, and more than 85,000 fans saw two great teams weeks of the football season. Anything can happen and every- finish Notre Dame came from behind and then Saturday even, 20-20. thing does pride your college youth battles ¦¦ the of .... as ¦¦¦¦ kicked the extra points top Southern California, 20 to 18. Year's Greatest after Saturday on the gridiron for honor and fame for themselves, to their teammates and their school. Notre Dame has beaten the Trojans four times by kicking the extra points. Midwest More Than THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONS-Minnesota, unbeaten and LOCAL VICTORIES—Michigan State and University of untied for two straight years, showed week after week that Holding Own in Detroit scored victories over the week-end. State trimmed even in a game so beset with upsets and surprises, class still Ohio Wesleyan. 31 to and the Titans scored a touchdown in Football, Says Dorais tells. 7. every period to win over Creighton. 28 to 0. U. of I). lost one UP—Duquesnc, unbeaten all BUNCHED AS RUNNERS game by three points and one by a single point out of nine & but with and Washington By CHARLES E. DORAIS year, Texas A. M., unbeaten tilts. State has won four, lost three and tied one. (AI hlrtt* I nlirrally nt l>elrolf.> State remaining on its schedule. Duke with nine straight flf MICHIGAN’S BEST —Western Michigan, coached by Mike farts emerge victories. Some cryslal-cloar Gary, won eight straight, scoring 183 points and giving up TIED DURING YEAR The from Saturday’s football warfare. UNBEATEN BUT THE only 27. It was the state’s only unbeaten eleven. In thr Big Nino Minnesota is Fighting Irish of Notre Dame with first undefeated season BOWL POSSIBILITIES- Rose Bowl. Oregon State vs. again tops, followed by Michigan since 1930. Only Army of nine strong foes tied them. Texas A. & M.; Sugar Bowl, Duke vs. Fordham: Cotton Bowl, and State in a tie for second GAME-Michigan, Ohio GREAT TEAMS THAT LOST ONE Missouri vs. Duquesne; Orange Bowl, Mississippi State vs. Minnesota routed Wisconsin in a Fordham Navy. Ohio State, Missouri, Vanderbilt, and DECOR RE VON’T IS" FINAL GAME FOR NORTHWESTERN Vanderbilt. power for . the like a s,run great show of DISAPPOINTMENTS- Marquette started • • • y° xohq . . . KEEN for Boh Zuppfce THE Gophers’ seventeenth consecutive world beater trimming Wisconsin by three . Lost OF COLLEGIANS—Missouri, using the famed T-formation, ran up 46 points against Kansas. victory and the second Big Nine a few during the season and then ended up losing to Oklahoma, hilt Saturday. Boston College after winning all last year in- title in two years. 61 to 14. Alabama rated the best in the South for years lost cluding Sugar Bowl, lost almost half of their games this year. GOOD-BY TO ZUP—lllinois, playing its last game under The Gophers are real champions. one to Mississippi State, came back strong but lost, to Vander- TOUGH LUCK CHAMPIONS —Northwestern, with a world Bob Zuppke, lost to Northwestern, 27-0. With every opponent gunning for them all season and riddled with in tunes a good hit of the season. Minnesota kept rolling right along, Lions Only | Auto Club 's' Downs taking each game in stride. In a Freak Assist Sparkle football, Packers Trim game like where form means so little. Minnesota shows House of David, 59-27 a remarkable record. Goalie Mowers Credited With One as Red Wings On 101-Yartl Run 2"Missouri gathered in the Rig Six With Howard McCarty, former jfltle with a fine display of foot- Lose Again to Boston Bruins, 4-2 Steelers, 54-7 (f'nntiniietl from First S|M»rt Page) Wayne University captain, leading ball and, in the minds of most 16 play's to score with three min- momentum of the Lion’s drive the way. Auto Club » W lr# is one of Int utes in the period. over the team easily downed House of year. On the record, it has the (Continued from first Spirt I*Hge) left third The carried them both goal ¦the PITTSBURGH, Nov. 24. stubborn with David. last night at Holy running attack of the year. Lions Bill Radovich line. forget that one of their liiilder,** said Johnny "Especi- the passes Redeemer gym. ie "T" formation plays as exe- Pittsburgh Sieelers absorbed and Milt Piepui piling up plays, Luckman’* to McLean, played hilliard rail for Flash Hn|- ally any one working on a cor- §*eaestjted by Missouri are really pot- enough worst beating in their history yes- made the Bears sweat for this one, and Nowaskey took the Bears ing bonus. I have to do period scoring shot. The which longest jwn and it is a likely choice for lett’s first without trying to break out in a terday when Green Bay Packers, in the gain was downfield from their own 25-yard of Luckman’s 16-yard pass jo fmr the howls. Boston utility man moved up on scoring rash," beckoned by the gold and glory Bob line to the Detroit 26 in a march with Stew- who Nowaskey. McAfee finally carried BAG SOI THWEST TITLE the Bruins’ power play The player wouldn't sell hyj of the National Professional Foot- that started at the end of the B" . | i: point, however, Wise- it over in three plays from the Kaplan’s after was Eddie third quarter. When Detroit’s for- W .<: mHiHIHHi' £rTho Big Seven or Rocky Moun- art in the box three minutes ball League playoff, trounced 6-yard mark. of play. He fired from 40 feet out man of the Bruins, who always l ward* piled up the Bears’ running jffcin region title is also settled delights scoring against 7. the wing boards an thought in his old them. 54 to I ALL THE WAY game Maniact dropped hack to jan'i Utah is again king pin. on left goal his shot was going wide. But he teammates Wiseman’s was; Victory enabled the Packers to the ihe .31 on fourth down and kicked Tulsa definitely took over the se t Cowley, leagues This was Bears* last touch- had the pleasure of seeing the up by- Bill the position as leaders ihe field goal which ended the Market maintain their down and the Lions then their Missouri Valley Conference tnle -h+gb-scoring con tor. on a pla\~ had scoring. puck carom off Defenseman Doug turn on the kickoff day’s Bfr the >-econrt consecutive time by which again made a goat of in the Western Division of the which followed. down* McCaig's pants right into the !>?- The play w Three first for Detroit Btating Drake in the snow and McCaig. li'ague. kickoff hich has been what DEPENDS ON troit net past » surprised goalie Rookie 'givingI tell ihe story of the Lions’l E*in. 20 to 6. Cowley the puck Detroit 40 and 45 yard re- The second goal was scored by hooked off Mr-| About 15 000 who braved in- turns season, finally offense accomplished against the Texas A. & M i* the winner in Caigs stick near the hoards in' all went all by Bauer on a |»a*s from Woody clement weather were thrilled the way. As Jefferson grabbed the Bear defense led Plasman. Fort-j Jbe Southwest Conference but its net left wing, then circled back and Stydahar and Bulldog Dumart in a scramble at the after the whistle ball a step behind the goal line mann. DODGE perfect recoid is still in jeopardy, in on right shortly opening end •but his second period goal was the came Mowers from his mates clearing up Turner. Whizzer White’s runs 1 WPh Tcxa* ahead. Texas A & M. wing. to when the Steelers marched down started the the, rm>st sensational he has scored He drew Mowers down left side the of 12 and 15 yards were M another definite howl prosfiect. the left of the net to stop of field. He broke here. The Kitchener kid picked up corner t.- Green Bays 1-foot line and into the clear the longest made by a Lion from ftSf*eaking of howl pros pec 1s the his shot, a on Detroit 40 x the f>urk in front ot the Boston then flipped a p*rfoc t sent Jr>e Hoague plunging for and had only scrimmage. They were the hig Bst would wem to include un* pass to Wiseman, who be- to net and went the length of the hack was touchdown ween him and the goal line, gams in a 38-yard advance the Ibeaten Duquesne, Duke and Texas right behind him and had almost to get it* scoring ma- lt 40 in period. TRUCKS ice. splitting the Detroit defense Unable \ Luckman came over to meet Bears' the second 'A. K M. Minnesota cannot he con- pan of Stewart and Jimmy < >r- the entire net for a target. Little chinery functioning quickly. Green That was Detroit's longest march of pol- Jefferson at the 30-yard line, Popalar because conference Eddie didn't miss. had to wait until the and the sidered lando to go right in on Mowers. Bay second about 10 yards inside’ thp field. closest they got to the »v and unbeaten Notre Dame i* ' Adams men played without De- p4>riod for their first touchdown, Bears goal line. “Our* it a quality gro- IJS< OMBE T ALLIES The former Mississippi State track ®u' because of announced admin- fensrman Alex Mottor, who they hit very cery trade ... our deliv- will but once pay dirt, Packer man ran straight at i Halfback Ned Mathews, ruling. he out at a week with a leg Luckman. scorn bes gi>al was scored points came in a torrent. alert on pass defense, almost got eries must be on time ... Qjffii Carl Li then suddenly veered to the In addition to the injury mi(Ti red in the triumph left unbeaten by orthodox methods on a 30-foot and ducked the as a little closer when he gathered in fine appearance is an ams listed. there arc dcfi- over Rrooklyn Saturday night tackle h.e raced ttrative other backhander past Brimset k afta*s on the De- |>o*->it>ih t ios in The game with Boston R VMS LOSE AGAIN kept troit fourth important consideration |j|te once-beaten pasves by Modele Bnineteau and tomorrow hi* feet and caught from 5-yard line in the Jefferson . night the of two . . and we’ve got to if rdham. Penn and Vanderbilt. Connie Brown. Bui the llowe- is f:r*t Eastern CLEVELAND. Nov. 24 TINS! behind at the 5-yard quarter and rared 40 yards to the jumps this week line hut the HARD TO EXPLAIN Mowers scoring play, with only The club re- An intercepted |>a** brought ihe Bears’ 46 beforp Bussey knocked have economy. Ours three I>etroit forwauis on the ice, turns to play Chicago R!a< khavvk* only touchdown of the day as the him out of bounds. A penalty ended (Dodge trucks) are really 4k Favorite* came through a c a was the night s payoff pta> as fat here Thursday, then goes hack to Chicago Cardinals defeated the Detroit hopes on that occasion. p!av the New Rangers feTrernl rule with few up-ets. The as novelty goe*. York Sat- Cleveland Rams. 7 to 0, in a Na- Lions-Bears As a result of their sixth defeat of the day were the run- Jimmy Orlando had been ban- urday night tional Football League game be- the Lions will finish the season tfw .iy ntTROIT ROSTOV Statistics HANDSOME score.* where well-matt bed ished live minutes for high suck- M«tr« C, pem-.V fore 5,000 fan* yesterday . with their worsl record in history. t-ams met. There seems to he no ing Center Bill Crowley lor five ftrlkrwl'i F D . Clapp*-) Frank Ivy scored the touchdown In addition they lost another cen- trucks.. reason to Doug I. r>. Smith ir.e or stitches on the upj>er lip and c rv,» two plays after the start of the lions blabs ter when Jack Mattiford suffered i*> •>• Missouri 45. Kansas 6 McCaig B'tjft*'**’! P 'V W Charging at F/r** 3 a in and Art Jackson had fol- **rr.*n third period. in a Yard* jtainM broken hand the second < L: *< '’tut** 1 tv fVinarh** rualilnf 7* iklahoma 61, Marquette 11. him roughing when • » O'- run Ivy snagged a flat pass Piasf* am*mpOd j quarter. lowed for r>> • Ikt*. Or .« asc dead 7 « completed DEPENDABLE 6 (\ Pa**4>a r Minnesota 41. Wisconsin JQmping Johnnv entered the scor- rw'.rKti* » H >r «t>l from* Hall, intended for Fr .»n Parker : Yard* MC, , sained by pa***a j:, in* I’enn State 31, Pittsburgh ing picture. Morris, and yards 7. B"»t • a *»-ritoi ran 20 for the Pa»*f* int*rr*p!(?d and very SrhmiT t.h GIANTS TITI.f: n n 7 0 -T 7 t f wfv Chicaito 7 24 ECONOMICAL’ ins 19 to IS vit luiv mr; Waslt* Brums, and goal tending was be- I t Rloll 7 7 3 1 F «• M ' j 4 NEW Touchdow n*—Oaiiarneau Sfandlee »suh ton. Tins result leaves Stanford coming a verv serious business. Hr Ka-j*! YORK. Nov. 24 New for o*man*kl» IHK m F- «’n- ir>um«rti M McAfee 4*uh f'>r NollinKt. Argentine Net Title ? . Oregon State K out the l>n* 'if S'rmr’ s, - rntr War,* York Giants surged hack from the Jefferaon Field goal Mamail i*ub for nd neck-and-neck had to come feet of net and o*man*|(ii S I 4 OS It »•» Point after touchdown —LlO. a* Western choice. on Shew KIOII brink of defeat with BUENOS AIRES. Nov. 24. edntenders thr» to save Johnny chuck F e n Hh ,? H unconfined Sn>der i*uh for »;allarne«u> 3 2 fury to heat to (INS t- Don GIT THE RIGHT I .©th have barriers ahead that may and then went 15 feet out to hold 4 f>rts • mb* ißnmrtfai • Brown) Washington 20 >3 ntTROIT nt.ARS McNeill remained tt 3?» Artder*en f. K. pi*»mar. things very shortly. to the disc in a with yesterday and win their sixth tennis rhampfbn of Argentina to- Amplify on scramble '• P»tr> • H v* 15 Pavelec I. T. Kolman TRUCK TO FIT eastern in the day. Oklahoma City player, In the hotly contested issue a' Eddie Wiseman. A- F W :*crr.H- if i»l#vi ff* championship Na- I-»o I.Furtmann The -r nalt Or’.tnt ¦ n MrCa k an-1 tional Professional Football i c Turner former YOUR JOB SAVE Jarkar^n League. HAtinakl R Bray champ, successfully defended his strongest football teams the sea- on right wing near the blue line TIMRIt PI RIOIt Furat P. T Artoe s"r -ir N•.r - S*aka*h R K. YOU MONEY suns results to date in intersec- and Johnny shot the puck out A *wift pa*s by Sicftal South American laurels against IVnalt »i> ¦ H ntt Si-hm.'M ant Strwar* Caliihan v Luckman Angeles, eomjjotition sri'm to indi- past him leading him enough that Jim Poolo and George Francks Jeffer*on I. H. Jack Kramer, Los 6-3, ttonal Noltiruc 7-9, cate that the is more than Svd was at full gait when he touchdown dash on the next play B H. fjo iarnea i 8-6. 0-6. 7-5. Severe heat Midwest BeiHhlck F 4jgmar*ki picked up puck at brought ihe Giants’ victory with nearly caused both competitors to Vito 3-ton Gas holding its own. s- ; the midico. The Tine hits Hubatltuttno* ¦ Ttetroi* V.ndv Ki*k. n.ijld get a lot of arguments pa-s caught th-* Brums flat footed four minutes remaining in the la*t H:• itt; tackier Trip* Howe from Mow- 116 to edge lnd. Th»> Maryland si«tr raeing com- a 57 in yards rushing, Sen Organiza- Smarting long trip that a road will ers,** came the announcement today hut the Skins outpa**ed the Giants Lengths 1 mission . . further considered tions' . what- lake them through the Midwest on the public address system 217 to in outgained l/ouh?/tattZ the case of J. 11. Stoller, &ui»- K 7 and. all. e snd Fast, playing an average of Hockey authorities say the 217 yards to There if a Bowling ever the name or |)4'nded in the doping of One Tip. them 203. Proprietors* sx nigh’- a wo.k. the crediting of scoring punts in New Detrbi? The commission to York will take on Brook- Association member your purpose, social contacts and Eagles lett here today with their goalies on such plays is unofficial sucks deter- lyn its regular mine what effect icr and doses of before campaign 112 Standard relaxations are essential toward fii'-t victory of the season and has not been clone since Tiny close*, outcome benzedrine iqron thi' but Ihe of that will have efficient organization. ... And < The pro champs defeated Hoosirr Thompson was given assists on horse. battle won’t alter the standings at Websters know frimets, 31-17. .lake Ahearn. Bud similar plays Boston Never- a for the Giants. certainly how Johnny very After winning Pimlico race Chassis and Jeannette, Ed Parry. Lou Kasparik theless. was proud ,slft| bowling alleys to add to the pleasure November 12 anti paying $104,50 AUpiCCinflß SCHAEFER. nr. Fenkfll. | niA/fQ RCr* ?0 of the Paul Widow it/ former! the of his point, official or not. MRDMOOkUUn NO 9770. Corktail Lniinar Lunc o nto. 10 billiard tables and Tip Peeey Bakry Thi‘r»day. occasion! highest One was found to he dopr>d at Hammond Oman Fri. Beautiful Cocktail Loung* team *‘l will *»ell It to the dty Saturday Open Booling Body r with benzedrine. Stotler has One Kegler Beats and to 7. After II H925 £ Jaffarton at Eaitlawn Models With CERTIFIED 100 c choice, r a pleaded innocence. APD N w - VERNOR AT WATERMAN 65 n r v r time*seasoned long RULHUUtTP y, Ladle* Fir, |n,trurtian LUCKY STRIKE \V\ h e >! You can buy Dodge Job- Havana 2.0080 TY V d‘ Every Tuesday - B# Hippy.f,o-Lurky free Intfruf- fporaltl Cla«* at I 10 P M Men* Cla>* by Rated trucks filler, select light-claro t»on Betty Lallty Daily * on easy wrap- Too Mu<*li Par at Rainbow Wednesday at I 16 14 Brand Net. Alley., to 5 P M ST\BLEES SETTLE AT MIAMI J;‘“ *** budget terms, too—and per, and superb craftsmanship, Cnly one entrant show* today PlCliyn 2707 WOODWARD AVE CL, 7777 MAPLES UHOinU Open Bowling trnm OAM Until offer you a new MIAMI. Nov. 21 (INS Two a beating 2* Alley*. On*n Bowling M and you find them priced with .Websters con- I i recoid of pur. 1.000. in Clotlng Vlnre Mikiel Pelenon Cla.'ic Winner Until 7 P. Attaf 11. All Day Satiirdayi and Sunday* Th uenicle Runs and Passes St. Michael of Pontiac more s»td>les wt're suit led at the fourth round of the Rainbow Instructor, Monday Through Friday. ISP M the lowestl See your ception of Miami today tor the Wnit» r lacing individual howling clas*ic. Ken- MI. ELLIOTT RED. 0 " Dodge dealer today! MfLLOW-MILONfSS CHENE-TROMBLY Allay* '.Li' to Title Beating St. Philip, 23-6 s«?ison at Hialeah neth Uaviland, substituting for Joe , Oann 8 A M to 7 P M and II to I A M PAICES combined with Mon i Champtonahip Vttil Our < orktail lining, AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT The Circle M. Ranch ha> stabled Scribner, just got over the line Tournament Will Sunn Be E*r,ll*n| Fond TO WITHOUT NOTICE Available Don’t Fail to Set Voir* CHANGE rich yot delicate banquet IS horses under the care of Wil- with 1.011 The games were IK7, NEW FAIRVIEW , today nick, tight " 4R D T Me B,vtß iVVm*"" St Michael r»f Pontiac and Jerome Wrno. WOOD Open Rowling Today front RAM (Latest yearly I’. liam on Trainer 213. 227. 191. 193. CLUB 808-LO r n Until 7 and S. Revenue the Catholic League Second half, the hall carried on a march A" Attar 11. On Frtday Until 7 and Attar » P hnlriv Higdon . M Ross of the Woolford Farm Charlie Kolarski s 1.113 remains Open Bowling Fiom ID A M Urtll S P M DEPEND ON figures show that of the total Division football title, and finishes fn»m thetr own 4K to St. F’hilip 3. II P M A Parking at has applied for 55 IK. hut only high for the round with six more to I M Fiee Ft Batet HI YUPIP RPP NATIONAL GRANO RIVER the season as one of the few re- Theunick ttirn smashed over for ULimrlb ntb. Fra* Parking. TE 2 -B*B6 increase in quality cigars sell- IK the entries -till to compete. Open Bowling Saturday* and Sunday* Allay* Naw and of Wooltord horses have Kotarski UUIIIII.IInnNNFR 17 Modarn. Rattukallar. maining unbeaten or tied prep the score Theunick passed the end 0; 00 Opart Day Saturday* ing for 10c and up. Webster** arrived. They came I t orn Ralti- has 147 5 jaunts to 142 for Chet CONNER AVt. IV. HM Bowlina All and Sunday*. in the state, as results of zone to Dick Mineweaser for the Daily Until 7—after II Corktail Bar and gain elevens moi Rettaurant Operated "rNICMOLS "D. Batwarn DODGE represented 42.52';.) Rnkovvski. Warren Wrohhel and hv Tommy Pollark PAI MFR PARK its 23-6 triumph over St. Philip extra |K»int [HImen iHim Woodward. John R. TO. 9-22T2 Edward *• St Drolet are low with 21 fIFWfIY WHITTIER AT KELLY RD Briintwirk Allay*. Food and Cocktail Leunga in the Cniversity of Detroit Sta- Philip came hark in the HtnDl Fraa Inttructmn* hy Eleanor 3(X) and 14. respectively. ARLINGTON MlB Brown dium before a small crowd of second period when Dili Martin lU<* POT DR WVM REST Seventeen Alley* Open Rowing Until 7PM FANCY TALES lCc shivering fans. plunged over from ho 1-yard and After 11, All Day Saturday* and Sunday* PLAYDIUM After-dinner ill* ¦ . Ogan Alloy* Daily strif)e. St. in LOS ANGELES. Nov 21 tram 7 A. M to 4 A. M. The lutury Gerald Thuenick, St. Michael Rut Michael scored Air-ronditlnnad Cocktail Bar cigar this period Capt. Art •INS i A checkup of probable Saturday’s Big DETROIT RECREATION TRUCKS fullback, was the same on Alley*. Open Bowling ' O2W Golden Wedding tripledhreat nominations to be 71 I A V Rowling Softool AVt 10c Jenkinson's 2-yard plunge through made December Sal Sun Afternoon. F r»d Bterkle RAINBOW REC, - outstanding player on the field as Scores Initruetoi Opan Bowling Tm! ? ? Kl«g* center. to 1 for the $100,(XX) .added Santa to 7 P M,, Attar ll p. M 10c and passed his team to vic- V’erno’s 15-yard pass Fraa p. he ran Anita Handicap anti the $50,000 •«*»«•,« Instruction*. I to J M Qußens 2 for 2Sc tory. Theunick, one touch- Mineweaser in the third jicriod. DEXTER REC. scored Bowling Every and Theunick's field goal from the added Santa Anita Derby revealed Mirhicsn 2’> Ohio Smte 20 Evenirg RITTER REC. Wherever See eigen ere teld passed for another, booted Bowl Early and Waiting Opan down. the scoring. today that the leading money Michigan State 31. Ohio WrUyn 7. Avoid Rowling All Day Saturday* and Sunday*. 22 ended Cocktail Bar Nnvaehgrd Nightly DODGE extra point, kicked a field I' of It 2*>. Creighton Mu**e An and ST. (2.1 . s tut 0. ,7i *' M "- 1 si rilll.ll* winners of the year are likely to Har\rv in. w NE r of the winner’s Beauchamp Mor Detroit Terh 7 FERNDALEI LimUHLt. RECntU. OAK 9ft (0 0 o ,inal, to score 11 Minetaraaer 1.. T. Mlnnepot* (1. ROYAL 0 ]. he named. il. Wlaeonrtn Open STATE FAIR . * points. Janka T, Windne Nehraaka Bnwluig Saturday* and ’^to" o^ Oneretix L.O. Killeen The Los Angeles Turf Club. Inc., II lowa 13. Sunday*. 20 Alley* Shnwplac* ol tha Wnrld—72 Lana* IS Allay* Indiana 7. Purdue 0 for Opan Bowling 8 10 Clotlng DEALERS Kumjwi'n C. Van Waaaenhover tram P M. Until SECOND TITLE listed, as almost sure to he nomi- N -re Dame 20. Southern California 11 Kdsarda K i; Heron Northwestern 27, Illinoi* n nm OF Bellrle K T. Chlpp nated Whirlaway, Challedon, Ka- GRANO CENTRAL TLANOA REC. , This victory- marks the second Fnrdham .1%, St Mary’*. Ca! 7. Quieteat Alley* In Oetrpil Open Bowling W ads R K. I.iHmii 27( Until" Opan Bowling Until 7 P M. and yak II and Mioland. Na-. y Prtne-etnn 0 IP M and Alter 10 10. Free Oaily time in three years that St. Jenktnaon Cameron Pennsylvania tnafrurtiona Opan Bowling Today Until 7PM and tjFnriii Each will be seeking to eclipse Ik Cornell 0 Michael has won the divisional I. II Bryant Harvard tl, Yale 0 DETROIT crown, Vemo R H. Martin Soabisruit’s world money-winning Temple .11 Hnlv Cmaa 11 HILLWOOD REC. TWENTY 6RAND and its seventh straight The>nirk K «Jer*ritr (Jeorgia Bloom he Id Open Bowl,no record of $437,730. l'>. Dartmouth n Hilt*. Till Midnight Opan Rowling Until 9 P M and Altar II P. M VISIT victory thD season. .h*e Conti. St. St Michael* 7 7 k a 2.1 A .hum I Villai.uva 0. II 0* Lute Alley*. Rirmln«hpm t*tt*k Alt Day Saturday and Sunday OUR HUGE *t <• H ** rt r, Oregi'O I**. W nehipg'nn Michael’s coach for the jwist fnuf I*hmp Neei Ik MOTORS CUSTOM MADE CIGAffS \ ert • 7 liar'* n GENEft AL PLOf. w T ui .lilitwru* hevr k. M•« rtin. Jer.ttin Yanks Show How ¦ IMrCnlflLIUPFRIAI ntv.RFP "\, CENTRAL TRUCK years, put an eleven upon that I cv-tram ‘to r, T , mhta 21 CENTRALLY LOCATED VERNOR-LIVERNOIS (MADE IB DETROIT) »• in outweighed, n M .•• I alje • ib • \w. fVup s*ate ‘1 P'ttehurah 7 11 Modern Alley* Bowling Eyary Day Until 8 P M Eaaagt Sunday i ui that was hut *l*l>ir wi Tn( vwVh inni* ir<-m nr id five seasons I!)’*7. Open Every Day Ml#Myht Allay* Ayaiiabl* Day Saturday* a.arr In 1936. 193 S O'.lahona kl. Vanpiefte ]| Till MA IIOA All SHOWROOM < Thrvni! k j/in • utL t ttil’irtr .SI M