"' V ' V 1

-- f , U torn on II! Down

J Just Fcr St-irt- s Friday entertairiment JT T RinUC Thru Thursday!!

m4 ST 'David Live' muddled, dull i Jiff cvl. .b t m fill ,8?vld Llve constitutes an attempt ovouill dull sound. The excitement of by RCA Records to compensate for the "hlunky Dory" and "The Man Who Uwm failure of 's latest lackluster Sold Hi'.' Week!" is a burnt gone, leaving . - mm.MlC self-indulgen- Ms manifestation of out- c. )'!.' in and we are a MM ' place, just , "Diamond While vV ?f!-.- y vS :.t-.)- p hi. the bit for 1 is its absence. 10-- Dogs." poorer S." !,. 00 artistically unsatisfying, it is nonethe- !is,f!j.t. less important as a document of where Bowie stands today as a '.Td',,..,, ir performer. dovid wore Not endowed with a voice of any F'i COOPEHILIMCOlIJ t4 distinction, Bowie instead relies on 54th&OSTS. 464-742- 1 emotional communication with his Mf)lf audience to entertain. Unfortunately, omelet tne communication is all but totally lost Niuiy ot 7 30 & 9 30 ,, , in this disc. Mitinws Sot. t Stn The dead sound of Bowie's ul 1 30 J 30 & 5 3d voice makes one wish for the rough liveliness of the early Joe Cocker or the Afo tl: it ophonous languor of chilling on key swoops of Arthur Brown. LovVn.' . .t efforts, it is nice to note Bowie's sidemen are competent, but th.i' In;, fir ! .i rihiend, a fetching young they are in places so poorly recorded tlllP'i 0,(011 ( I O.ioa Gillespie, has put out and mixed that one must wonder if the cl S'fOH'l t. ;nod alburn, also on RCA. muddling was done on purpose so as to r. .((-!!.- ' Mb- - 'Ain't Gonna play no harmonize properly with Bowie. it cooks merrily with Dana's a'ressive delivery carrying the SHe.!M'ns ii'ot along in spite of the All dogs, even diamond ones, must shge'i lucciMOPve . A have their days, and this album proves writer .is wii as a singer of no mean to be no exception to this rule, wiih a a b 1 v fw , h .; do not sit weil upon to- t few cuts shining forth from the dross reKtrr.;. i- r ! ;k n in the context of the and dreck. The most noteworthy selec- melfiiiM'S ant) her "Red Hot Mama" si BimrsaE?oios tion is "," a rocker that voice. iiu.v somehow make exquisite grows in power, a triumph of drive over sense t t ho ear. "THE LOWEST YARD ' . inferior material. Also worthy of note is ;: "," which, while still remaining an unwieldy, inferior song, Unfortunately. Dana relies on a public J I becomes a viable proposition vo, imarje I hat celbratos a sort of prewar succeeding where it failed as a studio sleam !;.. em? that is not really in tune recording. with her inusir. If she can come off of this po'.e. teeo she may well achieve a HOLLVW0OD and UINE lame ioea Hi'o( success. If not, lasting 12ih '. Znii t EVtL CLASS Ml NACEHIE However, even really stellar tracks weil. she's left us a pair of dynamite QUE scattered through the double disc set , which is more than some I'HONE 475 Witi cannot salvage the collection from its promissHj musicians do. vnirve BEEN READING ABOUT THE -- LOU TJf-SEXU- -- AL CHIC PHENOMENON n Motu-'- ' nildnr-iisl- ,,f'; tr.c While not a onooepl album as its others, "Radley exactly Bi-t..i- to the record which carries the eye of ( hi': 'iiiir;n',.,M there is a continuity turn on h:i an, judi'?i; tr" lis;ener smoothly alornj- Ian Anderson's expertise, Album: at combining different sounds and styles provides "Mtttsgar has dirctd hU each track with a uniqueness which is exciting, at movi vwltN hi rnlilun hut of ttyllsh Ia.i and j times profound, always enjoyable. tcngu-lnchk!- " 'tighter Homvi"! ( Jcthro Toll has proved to be by far one ot the A Man and rock around It has than more serious qtoups today. : a Woman shown itself as a master of the concept album, ?1 and a Worn. in As A Brick") moving ("Aqualung." Thicl ' I five-minu- and a Man i .'; conventional four- - find te drum' beyond the and a Man tracks. It has surpassed many a lock group by its than a drum" music and overall and a Woman A "tiqh,or ' ( HI 7 TIMic C IT V Its latest effort Warchild" continues rtr., 'tr'. it creativity. to come AT AHOPLAf in this vein and is one ef iho better albums IM RCL r rtETHSCR'S out this year. J1 Of all the tracks on this album, the one that unfortunately has been receiving the most air time in which consider- is the Jungle" pales J ...... I I "Bungle s. r.lfi -'. .t-- t. " r. the .' ' ably next to the cryptic "Warchild" lovely (in X " I 1 ballad "Ladies," or the disquieting "Sea Lion." '( Anderson and his group are grating, soothing, confusing, unsettling and at times chaotic. But there runs within --i current of technical perfection "-- - . .: i i. i.MmiilMllnii fiiiini 1 that stands uncqualod anoong rock bands today. --j.jij5TIhji.jI iii 'l 11 f ', ;(. mw 'i t'i j !ct slot n Though jethfo lull's seriousness sometimes r r r? 1 1 undermines its music, it has definitely proven that rock music can he enjoyable, yet still make you " " ' " t ' ! IWC think about a fe things. As long as it stays rniiiMit;: nr.- it :. v m cciU'.1 ".?) 'JIR'!'; aiound, eclectic e k et roil has carved a niche in I Park fr ''0 ..' -- ;r 00 either Ramp.r I or Autopark. today's music

now siiora jj"ni - ' w "ini' i mmy ii,. ir,-- ni mriTiirjnrtf I .' V... l" ' in ZOTIOC . hang "Your intimat there... Attrotoo!ct 1 ! T L Lov ' t Guide" i j 11 4 't i'i coming! F: A6r tfW) I s . t . ..! Jw. "Astrology V li , it, and sex .'I '5 '' come 7 v. ; $ together. ' J AT 11:20, i.. w .'if.:. A 7 t(s

ncbraskan Wednesday, decernber 11, 1974 (inily