Increasing Wanzhou Power Transfer Capability by 550Kv Fixed Series Capacitor FSC Fengjie

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Increasing Wanzhou Power Transfer Capability by 550Kv Fixed Series Capacitor FSC Fengjie 1 Increasing Wanzhou Power Transfer Capability by 550kV Fixed Series Capacitor FSC Fengjie Lutz Kirschner, Quan Bailu, Ding Yansheng, Wang Zuli, Zhou Yan, Karl Uecker Commercial operation is planned for summer 2006. Abstract-- In summer of 2005 the Fengjie Series Compensation The ac-network at Wanxian is coupled through this corridor to System located in the Wanzou 500kV ac-network has been the Three Gorges HVDC converter station in Longquan by ordered and designed for delivery, erection and commissioning. two parallel lines with connections in Fengjie substation (Fig. The power demand of the growing chinese industries requires an 2). economical solution for an increase of power transfer capability with the existing lines. Fixed series compensation has been found as the appropriate choice not only to enable the desired power increase but also to stabilize the interconnected networks by reducing the connecting line impedance. Starting of commercial operation of two capacitors located in two serial lines is scheduled for August 2006. This paper will give an overview of the design philosophy of the capacitor system and for the choice of the component rating. Index Terms-- FSC-Fixed Series Capacitor, Fengjie, MOV– Metal Oxide Varistor, Spark Gap, Dynamic Stability, PSCAD/EMTDC I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Location of FSC Fengjie (China) HE Chuanyu Grid-to-Central China Mains project T actually consist of two circuits of 500 kV lines, which Wanxian Longquan Fengjie start in the west from Wanxian 500 kV Substation and extend 500kV Converter Station 500kV to the east to Longquan 500 kV HVDC Converter Station. 220kV 220kV 140km 220km Each circuit has a line length of 360km. 35kV 35kV Fengjie 500 kV Series Capacitor Station is located about Neutral point grounded directly 130km away from Wanxian substation of the above two Neutral point circuits, with the site at Fengjie County, Wanzhou District, grounded directly Fengjie HVDC Chongqing City (Fig. 1). Due to the demanding power 140km 220km increase the implantation of transmission reinforcements in Wanzhou area is foreseen. Fengjie 500kV Series Compensation Station is an important station for Chuanyu Fig. 2. Electrical Equivalent for FSC Fengjie ac-network Grid-to-Central China Mains Interconnection Project planned by the State Grid Corporation of China. It has a capacity of The FSC system consists of two capacitors, one in each of the 2×610 MVar and compensation level of 35% and its parallell lines located in Fengjie substation entering from compensation equipment will be of Fixed Series Capacitor Wanxian and Longquan. Both have an identical design and type (FSC) protected by metal oxide varistors and spark gaps. have identical impedances at the same compensation degree of 35%. In the following the data for one of both will be given Lutz Kirschner, MIEEE, is with SIEMENS, Department. PTD H166, being valid for the other one as well. 91050 Erlangen, PO Box 3220, Freyeslebenstr. 1, Germany (e-mail: The most economical design has been found for a gap [email protected]). Quan Bailu, (???), is with CSEPDI-Chinese South-East Power Design protected MOV scheme with an MOV total energy capability Institute, (your address), (e-mail: [email protected]). of 35MJ per phase. External faults are covered by the installed Ding Yancheng (address), (e-mail: ???). metal oxide varistors (MOV) without bypassing the capacitor. Wang Zuli (address), (e-mail: ???). Zhou Yan (address), (e-mail: ???). In case of internal faults, the capacitor is immediately Karl Uecker is with SIEMENS, Department. PTD H16M, 91050 Erlangen, bypassed by the gap and temporarily locked out by a switch. PO Box 3220, Freyeslebenstr. 1, Germany (e-mail: Future ac system configurations have been investigated during [email protected]). the final design to find the necessary energy requirements of 2 the MOV. The calculations are based on a PSCAD/EMTDC The damping circuit -consisting of a reactor and a parallel model of the ac-system corridor with both different actual and small gap and resistor series connection- is connected in series future ac-system configuration stages including the detailed with the spark gap and bypass switch. Sufficient damping representation of the capacitors and their control and must be provided to limit the high frequency discharge current protection features. of the capacitor. To safely insert and bypass the installation motorized disconnectors and earthing switches are provided. II. SINGLE LINE AND MAIN DATA A. Component Ratings The fault calculation is the basis for the type of protection For a cost and performance optimized design, various studies for the series capacitor bank. For FSC Fengjie, a MOV and with different system conditions have been carried out. To Gap protected series capacitor has been found to be the most determine the component ratings under worst case conditions, economical solution that meets all ac-system fault not only steady state voltage and current stresses need to be requirements. The single line diagram comprising the main examined but also the transient stresses during severe ac- components is shown in Fig. 3. The capacitive reactance is system faults have to be investigated in detail. 35.3 ohms for each of the two parallel series capacitors corresponding to 90.17 µF. The degree of compensation is 1) Capacitor 35% of line impedance. The nominal continuous current both The series capacitor consists of one segment with a capacitor banks are designed for is 2400 A rms with differential protection detecting capacitor unit unbalances. It is temporary overload currents up to 3600 A rms for 10 min. built up of 480 capacitor units per phase. 6 units are connected Under normal condition the ac-line current flows through the in series to cover the 85 kV rms total nominal voltage. Four capacitor resulting in a steady state voltage drop across racks constitute such a configuration. The units are of outdoor capacitor and varistor. In case of ac-line faults the short circuit type without fuses. Fuseless capacitor unit technology offers currents increases the voltage drop across the capacitor until it the lowest losses during operation and therefore contribute to is clipped by the MOV. In this way the capacitor units are the high efficiency of series capacitor installations. The therefore protected by voltage clipping. During voltage 424 kVAr capacitor unit has a rated voltage of 14.12 kV rms clipping the MOV dissipates energy. To protect the MOV with a nominal current of 30 A rms. Due to insulation against excessive energy dissipation a fast operating spark gap requirements double bushings are used per unit. is connected in parallel to the capacitor performing a immediate bypass after gap triggering. To protect the gap 2) Metal Oxide Varistor MOV against excessive arcing stresses the bypass switch closes Due to the overload conditions after an ac system fault, the about 50msec after gap firing. Depending on the severity of rated voltage of the MOV has been chosen to 143 kV rms. To the ac-line fault the capacitor units can be protected by determine the number of MOV housings which have to be different bypassing strategies. installed on the platform, ac-system fault calculations have been carried out. Different ac-system configurations as well as different fault types and point on wave fault inceptions need to be considered for the design, to establish the proper operation of the capacitor system also for future stages of the growing ac-network. There are two different types of faults which have to be considered for the design of the number of MOV housings: External Faults: External faults are those occurring outside the series compensated line terminated by breakers. The MOV must be designed to withstand external faults without damages, as the series capacitor will not be bypassed during external faults. The fault is applied and normally cleared by a line protection breaker within 100 msec. Considering an unsuccessful line clearing this duration increases by another 100 msec until final tripping of the line. For the rating calculation of the series capacitor main components a line breaker failure in one phase after unsuccessful reclosure has been considered, increasing the total fault time by additional 350 msec. The analysed external fault locations taking into account Fig. 3 Fixed Series Capacitors Fengjie Single Line Diagram different fault types like single and multi phase faults show that this type of fault leads to the highest MOV current stress 3 without any allowed bypassing action. According to this energy, capacitor current, gap current as well as bypass switch simulations a MOV current of 8 kA has been stated for the current traces for this fault. 15% spare energy has been added protection system parameter to detect internal faults. for the final energy rating of the MOV. Fig. 5. Internal Fault with maximum. voltage stress The MOV housings are of polymere type. They are equipped with a pressure relief membrane and a flange with a gas diverter nozzle. In case of an MOV failure and internal short circuit, the pressure relief system must release the pressure inside the housing which is caused by the arc heat Fig. 4. MOV bank on a platform before the housing is violently destroyed by the pressure shock wave. Internal Faults: Internal faults are those occurring within the series compensated line terminated by breakers. If an internal fault is detected, the series capacitor is allowed to be bypassed by the triggered spark gap. This type of fault leads to the maximum overvoltage stress of MOV and capacitor. As soon as the instantaneous value of the MOV current exceeds 8 kA the protection issues a signal to trigger the gap within 1 msec. The associated graphs can be found in Fig. 5. These show capacitor voltages, MOV current and MOV energy stresses during the fault. The highest voltage has been found to occur for a three phase internal fault directly at the terminals of the capacitor.
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