PC / Ivory Vellum Carnival 35x23 / 80 PRAtt’s JOU PRAtt’s R N A L OF B A NK R UPTCY L UPTCY A W LEXISNEXIS® A.S. PRAtt™ FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 EDITOR’S NOTE: CROSS-BORDER MATTERS Steven A. Meyerowitz VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2 VOLUME 11 CROSS-BORDER RESOLUTION OF BANKING GROUPS: INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES AND U.S. PERSPECTIVES—PART IV Paul L. Lee THE LOOMING SHADOW IN THE PRC PROPERTY MARKET Christopher W. McFadzean and David Richardson IF IT WALKS LIKE A DUCK … IN RE DuckwoRTH: ANOTHER WARNING TO LENDERS TO TAKE CARE IN DRAFTING SECURITY DOCUMENTS Jeffrey Close, Mark Silverman, and Bryan Jacobson FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 FEBRUARY/MARCH QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION? For questions about the Editorial Content appearing in these volumes or reprint permission, please call: Kent K. B. Hanson, J.D. at ........................................................ 1-800-424-0651 ext. 3207 Email: ...........................................................................................
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