
Exploring the F-/CPEB3 interaction and its possible role in the molecular mechanism of long-term memory

Xinyu Gua,b, Nicholas P. Schafera,b,c, Qian Wanga, Sarah S. Songd, Mingchen Chena, M. Neal Waxhamd, and Peter G. Wolynesa,b,1

aCenter for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005; bDepartment of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005; cSchafer Science, LLC, Houston, TX 77025; and dDepartment of Neurobiology and Anatomy, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX 77030

Contributed by Peter G. Wolynes, July 21, 2020 (sent for review June 29, 2020; reviewed by Angel E. Garcia and J. Andrew McCammon) Dendritic spines are tiny membranous protrusions on the den- by Stephan et al. (5)] and then to model its structure in complex drites of neurons. Dendritic spines change shape in response to with F-actin. input signals, thereby strengthening the connections between Actin cytoskeleton remodeling is involved in the structural neurons. The growth and stabilization of dendritic spines is change of dendritic spines, which is associated with the strength- thought to be essential for maintaining long-term memory. Actin ening of synapses and, therefore, also with the storage of memories cytoskeleton remodeling in spines is a key element of their forma- (11, 12). Stephan et al. (5) observed that CPEB3 aggregates tion and growth. More speculatively, the aggregation of CPEB3, a colocalize with F-actin in neurons and that the depolymerization of functional prion that binds RNA, has been reported to be involved F-actin prevents CPEB3 from aggregating in yeast. In previously in the maintenance of long-term memory. Here we study the in- published theoretical work (13) on the CPEB3 homolog from teraction between actin and CPEB3 and propose a molecular Aplysia (ApCPEB), it was suggested that the CPEB/F-actin inter- model for the complex structure of CPEB3 and an actin filament action could provide the mechanical force necessary to induce a (F-actin). The results of our computational modeling, including structural transition of CPEB oligomers from a coiled-coil form both energetic and structural analyses, are compared with novel into a beta-sheet–containing amyloid-like fiber. Moreover, actin data from array experiments. Our model of the CPEB3/ mRNA has been identified as a target of CPEB3, implying then F-actin interaction suggests that F-actin potentially triggers the that there may exist a positive feedback loop involving CPEB3 and

aggregation-prone structural transition of a short CPEB3 sequence F-actin (5) wherein F-actin facilitates the aggregation of CPEB3 BIOPHYSICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY by zipping it into a beta-hairpin form. We also propose that the and then CPEB3 aggregates promote the translation of actin, ul- CPEB3/F-actin interaction might be regulated by the SUMOylation timately influencing spine structure. of CPEB3, based on bioinformatic searches for potential SUMOyla- In this study, we present a structure of the F-actin/CPEB3- tion sites as well as SUMO interacting motifs in CPEB3. On the ABD complex found through computational modeling using the basis of these results and the existing literature, we put forward RaptorX complex contact prediction webserver in concert with a possible molecular mechanism underlying long-term memory the Associative Memory, Water-Mediated, Structure and Energy that involves CPEB3’s binding to actin, its aggregation, and its Model with Evolutionary Restraints (AWSEM-ER) (14, 15). regulation by SUMOylation. AWSEM-ER is a coarse-grained force field that has been opti- mized using energy landscape theory which can be bolstered by long-term memory | functional prion | dendritic spine Significance tructural change of dendritic spines is associated with the – Sformation and maintenance of long-term memory (1 3). A The growth and stabilization of dendritic spines is thought to synaptic tag is required to mark growing spines and regulate local be essential for strengthening the connections between neu- translation of synaptic there. Rapid biomolecular - rons and thereby memories. Actin cytoskeleton remodeling in over (4), however, raises the question of how synaptic structural spines is the basis of this growth and stabilization. A functional change is maintained so as to be long-lasting. The mammalian cy- prion that binds mRNA, CPEB3, which interacts with actin, has toplasmic polyadenylation element-binding 3 (CPEB3), a been reported to be involved in the maintenance of long-term functional prion that binds to RNA (5), is involved in long-term memory by forming stable aggregates. Here we study the in- potentiation (LTP) and has emerged as a potentially important teraction between actin and CPEB3 and propose a molecular factor in the persistence of long-term memory. Homologs of model for the complex structure of CPEB3 bound to an actin CPEB3 in invertebrates, ApCPEB in Aplysia (6, 7) and Orb2 in filament. Our model gives insights into the actin/CPEB3 posi- Drosophila (8), have also been described as functional prions that tive feedback loop underlying long-term memory which in- regulate local protein synthesis in active synapses by binding to volves CPEB3’s binding to actin, its aggregation, and its RNA. Similarly, in higher organisms, CPEB3, with its - and regulation by SUMOylation. glutamine-rich (P/Q-rich) N-terminal prion domain (PRD) and C-terminal RNA binding domain (RBD), can form stable aggre- Author contributions: X.G., N.P.S., Q.W., S.S.S., M.C., M.N.W., and P.G.W. designed re- gates that are thought to consolidate synaptic strength and regulate search; X.G., N.P.S., S.S.S., M.C., and M.N.W. performed research; X.G., N.P.S., Q.W., S.S.S., M.C., M.N.W., and P.G.W. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; X.G., N.P.S., the local translation of target mRNAs upon synaptic stimulation Q.W., S.S.S., M.C., M.N.W., and P.G.W. analyzed data; and X.G., N.P.S., M.N.W., and (5). Numerous structural and cellular experiments on proteins in P.G.W. wrote the paper. the CPEB family have been performed. The Cryo-EM structure of Reviewers: A.E.G., Los Alamos National Laboratory; and J.A.M., University of California, Orb2 amyloid core (9) and the NMR structure of the CPEB RBD San Diego. (10) have been solved. The structures and functions of the re- Competing interest statement: N.P.S. is the founder of Schafer Science, LLC. mainder of CPEB3, including the structures of monomeric and Published under the PNAS license. amyloid PRD as well as the mechanism by which it aggregates, are 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected]. still unknown. Here we combine bioinformatics studies, molecular This article contains supporting information online at https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/ simulations, and peptide array experiments to refine the boundaries doi:10.1073/pnas.2012964117/-/DCSupplemental. of an Actin Binding Domain (ABD) in CPEB3 [initially identified

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2012964117 PNAS Latest Articles | 1of7 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 predicted contacts, in this case from the RaptorX webserver. Integrating structure prediction and energetic analyses with ex- perimental peptide array data, we conclude that electrostatic interactions are essential to the stability of the bound complex and that a hydrophobic interaction cooperates with the electro- statics to guide the CPEB3-ABD to a binding pocket on the surface of F-actin. This binding pocket is shared by most other actin binding proteins, such as cofilin and Arp 2/3 (16). By clustering the F-actin/CPEB3-ABD complex structures from the simulation, we found a chameleon sequence in the N-terminal end of the ABD, which can adopt two different sec- ondary structures. When CPEB3 approaches the surface of actin, the electrostatic attraction between F-actin and the two ends of this chameleon sequence facilitates the formation of a beta-hairpin. This beta-hairpin acts as a catalyst for forming intramolecular beta- sheets and could thereby help trigger the aggregation of CPEB3. Actin-induced beta-sheet formation in CPEB3, however, pre- sents a potential problem if aggregation were unregulated inside neurons. SUMOylation is known to regulate CPEB3 aggregation (17), and we propose that this reversible posttranslational modification may be an important control to the CPEB3/F-actin Fig. 1. CPEB3 subdomain definitions and experimental peptide array data interaction. We performed bioinformatic searches for both showing per-residue actin binding intensity to derived from the SUMOylation sites as well as SUMO interacting motifs in sequence of human CPEB3. (A) Definitions of CPEB3 subdomains used by CPEB3 and found several of both including a SUMO interacting Stephan et al. (5) (Upper) and in this work (Lower). (B) Experimental residue- motif in a region of CPEB3 that is crucial for binding to actin in level actin-binding intensity along the sequence of human CPEB3. The dashed blue lines enclose the ABD identified in this work (Q164 to T325). our predicted complex structure. We propose that SUMOylation of CPEB3 in its basal state might repress the CPEB3/F-actin interaction and that deSUMOylation in stimulated synapses then experiments by Stephan et al. (5) show that F-actin is required disinhibits this interaction so that the binding, aggregation, and for foci formation of a truncated mouse CPEB3 construct made regulatory activity of CPEB3 can be controlled ultimately by up of PRD2 and RBD, while foci formation for the RBD alone synaptic stimulation. This hypothesis is consistent with the ex- was not obviously influenced by F-actin depolymerization (5). perimental observations of Drisaldi et al. (17). As a bridge be- This result suggests that at least part of PRD2 interacts with tween synaptic stimulation and CPEB3 aggregation/activation, F-actin. In summary, we have chosen to extend the original interaction with F-actin appears to be an essential step in the definition of the LMD into a larger actin interacting domain CPEB3 functional cascade. (ABD; Fig. 1A) on the basis of three observations: peaks of actin Results binding intensity in the peptide array experiments, subdomain structure found in the contact maps generated by folding the Identifying the Actin Binding Domain (ABD) in CPEB3. The first 431 unstructured domain of CPEB3 with AWSEM, and experimental residues of CPEB3 make up a largely disordered domain, shown in Fig. 1A, which is followed by an RNA binding domain of evidence from Stephan et al. (5) showing that the localization of known structure. Stephan et al. (5) proposed a tripartite model a truncated CPEB3 construct including PRD2 and the RBD is for the unstructured domain of mouse CPEB3. The middle influenced by actin depolymerization. subdomain, a location-mediating domain (LMD; M217-P284), is The Binding Complex of ABD and F-Actin. To predict the complex thought to be the domain that interacts with actin filaments (5). structure of CPEB3’s ABD and F-actin, we ran molecular dy- Human CPEB3 and mouse CPEB3 have a high sequence simi- larity, 94.6%. The schematic diagram of human CPEB3 sub- namics simulations using AWSEM-ER. Interface contacts be- tween the ABD and actin were first predicted using the RaptorX domains based on the definition given by Stephan et al. (5) is ’ shown in Fig. 1A. We conducted peptide array experiments to ComplexContact webserver (19, 20). RaptorX s ComplexContact evaluate the actin-binding activity of peptides taken from human server uses coevolutionary information as well as deep learning B techniques to predict interface contacts. The predicted contacts CPEB3 (Fig. 1 ). Based on the peptide array data, we have A extended the boundaries of the ABD to include residues Q164- for the ABD-actin interaction are shown in Fig. 2 . We ran T325. This larger range of residues completely covers the two AWSEM-ER annealing simulations using only the top 50 Rap- actin-binding intensity peaks found in the peptide array data that torX predicted contacts (those with a reported contact proba- > overlap with the LMD. The boundaries of the ABD divide the bility 0.3) as input. These high-confidence contacts occur unstructured domain into three subdomains: the N-terminal between a repeated VG sequence of the ABD and the D-loop of subdomain (the prion domain [PRD]) is Q/P rich and is re- actin. The final predicted structures, which were obtained by first quired for CPEB3’s prion state to be transmitted from mother to performing annealing in the presence of the predicted contact daughter cells in yeast (5); the C-terminal subdomain contains a restraints and then performing relaxation simulations in the ab- nuclear export signal (18) and was identified by Stephan et al. (5) sence of these restraints, show only modest consistency among as a second prion domain (PRD2; Fig. 1A). This C-terminal the 20 predicted structures. We will refer to these structures as subdomain is enriched with charged residues but is not the first-generation predictions (Fig. 2B and Movie S1). In the enriched with the types of residues that are typically associated first-generation structures, the contacts between the repeated with prion domains (like Q/N/P). VG sequence in CPEB3 and actin’s D-loop show strong consis- We first ran AWSEM simulations of the entire unstructured tency (Fig. 2C) even after running constraint-free relaxation domain (residues 1 to 431; Fig. 1A). The resulting contact maps simulations. When making contact with the D-loop of actin 3 support the tripartite model of Stephan et al. (5) as well as the (Fig. 2B), the repeated VG residues also make contact with the slightly expanded definition of the actin interacting subdomain hydrophobic cleft of actin 1. These contacts with the hydro- (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). The actin cytoskeleton depolymerization phobic cleft, although not included as input to the AWSEM-ER

2of7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2012964117 Gu et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Fig. 2. Contact maps and structures for the predicted binding complex of ABD and F-actin in the first-generation AWSEM-ER simulations (after relaxation). (A) Comparison between the RaptorX contact map and the frequency contact maps for 20 AWSEM-ER predicted structures. The x axis is the residue index for three actin monomers, and the y axis is the residue index for ABD, from N terminus to C terminus, blue to red. (Upper) Contact map of three copies of the RaptorX prediction for the ABD/actin complex. Darker color represents higher confidence in the predicted contact. (Lower) Contact map of the sum of contact maps for ABD with three consecutive actin monomers in F-actin in the final structures produced by 20 AWSEM-ER annealing simulations. The white rectangles are used to indicate contacts that are consistent with RaptorX predictions (shown as red and blue rectangles in Upper). The blue rectangle highlights the restraint contacts (top 50 RaptorX contacts) that were included as input to the AWSEM-ER simulations. The red rectangles highlight contacts that were not included as input but are nonetheless consistent with the AWSEM-ER predictions. (B) The overlay of 20 predicted structures. The ABD is shown with a rainbow spectrum (corresponding to the y axis of A). (C) The same as B, but for the ABD, only the repeated VG sequence is shown. BIOPHYSICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY

simulations, turn out to be nonetheless consistent with other show three attractive electrostatic-mediated contact clusters in contacts that were predicted by the RaptorX ComplexContact the ABD/F-actin complex (Fig. 4B). server but with confidence below our threshold (Fig. 2A). A specific hydrophobic binding pocket, located between actin To refine the predicted complex structures, we then conducted subdomains 1 and 3, is occupied by hydrophobic helices of many second-generation (21) simulations using additional contact re- actin-binding proteins (ABPs) (27). This cleft is also a binding straints based on contacts that were found with high frequency target of actin itself in F-actin. The DNase I-binding loop (formed more than 10 times out of 20 simulations) in the first- (D-loop) of one actin monomer docks to the cleft of the generation simulations. The second-generation constraint con- neighboring monomer and buries part of the binding cleft, such tact map is shown in SI Appendix, Fig. S4. The self-consistency of that the exposed parts of the cleft and the D-loop form a hy- the second generation complex structures is now quite high: all drophobic pocket that interacts with F-actin binding proteins. – 20 predicted structures align well with each other. Before run- For example, CaMKII contains three F-actin binding domains, and each of these domains has been predicted to bind to the ning relaxation simulations, the minimal mutual Qcontact for residues M217 to I302 in these 20 structures is 0.812 (Fig. 3 and hydrophobic pockets with helical structures (21, 27). In our Movie S2). Relaxation simulations in the absence of constraints predicted structure for the CPEB3-ABD/F-actin complex, the confirmed the stability of the second-generation structures (SI hydrophobic binding pocket on the surface of F-actin is also occupied by a polyalanine α-helix of the ABD (Fig. 3A, zoom-in). Appendix, Fig. S4 and Movie S3). Furthermore, frustration The peptides containing this alanine-rich α-helix, however, show (22–24) analyses performed with the Frustratometer (25) showed almost zero actin-binding signal above background in the peptide that frustration was reduced in F-actin after binding with the array experiments. The number of intermolecular contacts for ABD (Fig. 3D). each ABD residue and the residue-level peptide array data are plotted together in Fig. 5A to highlight this apparent discrep- The F-Actin/CPEB3-ABD Complex Is Stabilized Primarily by Electrostatic ancy. We performed peptide-level energy analyses of the pre- Interactions and Is Supported Cooperatively by Hydrophobic dicted complex structure. Starting from the predicted complex Interactions. F-actin is highly negatively charged (26) (net negative structure of F-actin/ABD, the ABD is broken into overlapping charges/total residue number = 3.5%, assuming K/R have charges of − peptides corresponding to the peptides that were tethered to the +1 and D/E have charges of 1), and the percent of positive charges array in the peptide array experiments. The binding energy for in the ABD is 6.3%, which is very high compared to the unstruc- each peptide, Ebinding, was calculated with the AWSEM Hamil- tureddomainasawhole(0.2%).It was recently predicted that E E E 2+ tonian, as shown in Eq. 1. In Eq. 1, complex, F-actin, and peptide Ca /calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII), an actin binding are the AWSEM energies of the F-actin/peptide complex, the protein involved in the calcium signaling cascade in synapses, binds energy of the F-actin by itself, and the energy of the peptide by to F-actin with similarly positively charged surfaces (27). itself. To study the role of electrostatic interactions in the binding of

CPEB3-ABD and actin, we conducted additional peptide array Ebinding = EF-actin + Epeptide − Ecomplex [1] experiments under 3× physiological ionic strength (Fig. 4A). The electrostatic shielding effect in high-salt conditions dramatically The binding-energy profile (Fig. 5B) agrees reasonably well with reduced the actin-binding intensity for all residues in the ABD, the experimental data. Particularly for the latter half of the pep- showing that electrostatic interactions are essential for forming tide array, both binding energy analyses and peptide array exper- this binding complex. Furthermore, the predicted structures iment show high signals, which is also consistent with the

Gu et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 3of7 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Fig. 3. Structure of the ABD/F-actin binding complex from the second-generation AWSEM-ER simulations (before relaxation). (A) The overlay of 20 predicted structures shown in two different orientations. The binding interface between the poly(A) helix (S224-N250) in ABD and the hydrophobic pocket in F-actin is zoomed in. The surfaces of the hydrophobic cleft and the D-loop are colored in blue and pink, respectively. (B) Clustering analysis for 20 predicted structures

of ABD/F-actin complex using mutual Qcontact (including the intramolecular and intermolecular contacts involving ABD) as the structural similarity metric. Two clusters are labeled by blue rectangles in the mutual Q matrix, and two representative structures (one from each cluster) are aligned and shown on the right (only the ABD is shown here). An obvious difference between these two structures is emphasized by black rectangles, showing two possible secondary structures in this region (R192-K220). This chameleon region (called the “zipper” hereafter) follows the first 25 residues in the ABD, which are Q/P rich. (Lower) Bound structures for the region of the ABD that is structurally most self-consistent across the predictions: M217 to I302. M217-I302 is very well aligned

in all 20 structures with a minimal mutual Qcontact of 0.812. (C) Frustration analysis of the zipper sequence in the two clusters. Direct/water-mediated contacts are represented by solid/dashed lines. Minimally frustrated contacts are shown in green, and highly frustrated ones are shown in red. (D) Frustration changes for F-actin (gray) upon binding with ABD (white). Minimally/highly frustrated contacts resulting from ABD binding are shown in blue/orange. Minimal/high frustrations turning neutral after ABD binding are shown in pale orange/pale blue.

relatively high probability for the residues in this region to form CPEB3 ABD that alternatively adopts one of two different interface contacts with actin in both the RaptorX and the first- secondary structures (Fig. 3B). F-actin appears to promote the generation AWSEM-ER predictions. The alanine-rich helix formation of a beta-hairpin form of this sequence by bringing itself binds weakly to the hydrophobic pocket from an energetic together the peptide’s two ends, working like a zipper (hence we perspective, consistent with the fact that the corresponding pep- refer to this motif as the “zipper”). Frustration analysis on this tides show weak interactions with actin in the peptide array ex- peptide revealed that this sequence is highly frustrated in both of periments. We also noticed that in the first generation of its structural conformations arguing for its polymorphism AWSEM-ER simulations, the binding interface between the (Fig. 3C). We subsequently performed a more in-depth study of alanine-rich helix and the hydrophobic pocket is not formed this peptide by itself to investigate the influence on the preferred consistently. In both the RaptorX contact prediction and the secondary structure of bringing together the two ends of first-generation AWSEM-ER structure predictions (Fig. 2A), the peptide. this α-helix shows a low probability to form intermolecular con- At the beginning of the annealing trajectories (Movie S4)of tacts with actin. Upon using contacts that are formed consistently the second-generation ABD/actin complex predictions, at high in the first-generation AWSEM-ER simulations as restraints, temperature, the zipper is extended and sometimes helical, but which did not involve the alanine-rich sequences, the alanine- as the system cools down, the two ends of the zipper are captured rich α–helix structure converges in binding with the hydrophobic by F-actin, and sometimes a beta-hairpin is gradually formed, pocket in the second-generation AWSEM-ER simulations. In while sometimes the helical form remains. Since the zipper se- summary, since the hydrophobic interaction between the quence contains multiple alanine residues, which usually pro- alanine-rich helix and the binding pocket of F-actin is relatively mote helical structure, it is not surprising that the zipper is weak, the hydrophobic interaction of the helix must cooperate sometimes helical even in high temperature. We also noticed with the electrostatic interactions highlighted previously in order that the attraction between F-actin and the two ends of the ’ to consolidate the ABD s binding to F-actin. zipper results from the electrostatic interactions: the N-terminal end of the zipper has two positive residues (R192 and R193) and Binding with F-Actin Facilitates the Formation of a Potential Aggregation the C-terminal end has one (K220). Those three positive resi- Trigger, the Beta-Hairpin Form of a Chameleon Sequence at the dues interact with four negative residues (1D, 2E, 3D, and 4E) of N-Terminal End of the ABD. Functional prions undergo compli- F-actin in the predicted binding complex (Fig. 6A). These elec- cated structural transitions when switching from their inactive trostatic attractions serve to overcome the electrostatic repulsion soluble states into their active prion states, which are usually that would otherwise occur between the two ends of the zipper, beta-sheet–rich. The transition from coiled-coil oligomers to resulting in the zipping up of the sequence into a beta-hairpin. beta-sheet fibers for Q- (or Q/N-) rich prion sequences has been Next, we calculated the free energy profile for the zipper itself reported in both computational (13) and experimental (28) (Fig. 6B) and for the zipper with the two ends being attracted to studies. By clustering our predicted ABD/actin complex struc- each other by an effective potential that is meant to mimic the tures, we identified a chameleon sequence (R192-K220) in the effect of the negative residues in actin (Fig. 6C). The free energy

4of7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2012964117 Gu et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 SUMOylation of CPEB3 Potentially Inhibits the Interaction between CPEB3 and F-Actin. The basal form of CPEB3 is soluble and is colocalized with P bodies (29), membraneless cytoplasmic pro- cessing bodies. Upon stimulation, CPEB3 aggregates and becomes colocalized with F-actin. The CPEB3/F-actin interac- tion is apparently required for CPEB3 aggregation in vivo (5). Stimulation therefore ultimately regulates the distribution and activity of CPEB3 in neurons and results in the redistribution of CPEB3 from P bodies to the F-actin network. Multiple factors are likely involved in the modification of the distribution of CPEB3. In particular, after stimulation, in addition to an in- crease of CPEB3 levels, SUMOylation of CPEB3 is reduced. SUMOylation is a reversible posttranslational modification involved in numerous crucial cellular regulation mechanisms, including preventing protein aggregation. It has been reported that SUMOylation of Huntingtin protein inhibits its pathogenic aggre- gation, which results in Huntington’s disease (30). Likewise, the BIOPHYSICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY

Fig. 4. Electrostatic interactions stabilize the ABD/F-actin complex. (A) Residue-level experimental actin-binding intensity for ABD in physiological salt and 3× physiological salt conditions. (B) Electrostatic attractive contact pairs between ABD and F-actin. The ABD is colored in beige. Red residues are negatively charged (D and E), and blue residues are positively charged (K and R). The dashed black circles highlight attractive contact pairs; corre- sponding residue indexes in ABD/actin are shown in the upper and lower lines of the labels around.

analysis showed that the zipper prefers the beta-hairpin structure over the helix structure when the two ends are attracted to each other. In the case of the bare peptide, in the absence of the additional attractive interaction of the two ends, the helical and beta-hairpin forms have roughly equal free energy. Furthermore, the beta-hairpin form of the zipper suggests that it might be able to trigger extensive beta-sheet formation in the N-terminal prion domain, PRD. As shown in Movie S5, when annealing an extended ABD construct that includes the PRD on the N-terminal end of the ABD, residues in the PRD form beta- sheets after they interact with the zipper in its beta-hairpin form. These beta-sheets could, in turn, participate in further inter- Fig. 5. Comparing the predicted ABD/Actin complex structure with exper- molecular interactions with free CPEB3 monomers, triggering a imental peptide array data. (A) Residue-level experimental actin-binding cascade of aggregation. These findings suggest a candidate intensity and average number of intermolecular contacts over 20 pre- mechanism for F-actin’s involvement in CPEB3 aggregation, dicted structures for ABD residues (scaled to a range of 0 to 1). The alanine- consistent with previous experimental studies (5). To further rich helix has very low experimental actin-binding signal, although it has probe the role of the beta-hairpin on the N-terminal end of the some contacts with F-actin in the computational model (shown with green ABD in triggering CPEB3 aggregation, we suggest that future arrow). (B) Peptide-level experimental actin-binding intensity and binding energy analysis of the predicted structure for ABD peptides (scaled to a experimental studies could use mutagenesis to decrease the re- range of 0 to 1). The blue line represents F-actin binding energy for peptides pulsion between the positive residues at the ends of the zipper (averaged over 20 relaxed predicted structures). Peptides including the se- sequence or, more dramatically, generate constructs that link the quence of the poly-A helix have relatively low binding energy (shown with a two ends with a disulfide bond using mutations to cysteine. green arrow).

Gu et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 5of7 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Table 1. Predicted SUMOylated sites in CPEB3 unstructured sequence via sequence analyses in SUMOplot, JASSA, and GPS-SUMO

Red represents region from PRD, and blue represents regions from ABD. Red font represents predicted sites.

required to determine which, if any, of these mechanisms is operating in neurons. Discussion A Positive Feedback Loop Involving the F-Actin/CPEB3 Interaction Fig. 6. Electrostatic attraction from F-actin zips a potential aggregation May Support Long-Term Memory. Stephan et al. proposed that trigger into beta-hairpin configuration. (A) The two ends of the zipper se- intact F-actin is required for CPEB3 aggregation (5). Our pre- quence (R192-K220) are positively charged and attracted by four negatively dicted CPEB3-ABD/F-actin complex structure gives insight into charged residues in F-actin in the predicted complex structures. The zipper the molecular mechanism possibly underlying these cellular-level sequence is colored from blue to red, N terminus to C terminus, in rainbow findings. In this proposed mechanism, upon stimulation, actin spectrum, and the actin contacting the zipper it is colored in cyan. The monomers polymerize into F-actin to support the growth of surface of negative-/positive-charged residues is shown in red/blue. Both the dendritic spines. Meanwhile, CPEB3 is deSUMOylated and α-helical form (Left) and beta-hairpin form (Right), corresponding to the two clusters found in Fig. 3B, are shown here. These two structures were used as binds to F-actin. The specific binding between CPEB3 and

references for calculating Qalpha and Qbeta in the free energy landscape F-actin increases the local concentration of CPEB3 in dendritic analysis. (B) Free energy landscape for the zipper sequence plotted using spines, where CPEB3 aggregates to consolidate synaptic strength Qbeta and Qalpha as the two order parameters. Three basins are labeled, and and regulates the local translation of target mRNAs. F-actin, the representative structures are shown in the right upper corners. (C) Free exhibiting a periodic helix twist structure (35), provides multiple energy landscape for the zipper sequence with the two ends attracted via a binding pockets for CPEB3 and thereby raises the local level of biasing potential. Only the beta-hairpin form is in a low free energy basin CPEB3 up to a critical concentration for aggregation. Through when the two ends are attracted together. electrostatic interactions between F-actin and the CPEB3 actin binding domain, the zipper sequence in CPEB3 is prone to fold aggregation of alpha-synuclein implicated in Parkinson’s disease into a beta-hairpin structure, serving as a core for the formation declines when alpha-synuclein is SUMOylated (31). Small of intramolecular beta-sheets, a potential intermediate in the ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins function by covalently transition toward prion-like aggregates. Previous work (13) has attaching to lysine residues of target proteins (a process known proposed that F-actin exerts mechanical force on CPEB oligo- as SUMOylation) and then subsequently being catalytically de- mers to facilitate fiber formation. The specific binding of the tached from target proteins (deSUMOylation). Drisaldi et al. F-actin/ABD complex in our current predictions supports the (17) found that CPEB3 is SUMOylated and soluble in its basal possibility that F-actin would be able to supply the pulling force state. After stimulation, CPEB3 is deSUMOylated and aggre- necessary to achieve this transition without detaching from gates. In its aggregated form, CPEB3 promotes the translation of CPEB3. Overall, through its interaction with F-actin, CPEB3 is its target mRNAs. locally concentrated and goes through a structural transition into To further probe the regulatory mechanism of SUMOylation/ a fiber form. deSUMOylation for CPEB3, we conducted a SUMOylated site The convergence of multiple ABPs (including cofilin, CPEB3, and SUMO-Interacting Motifs (SIMs) bioinformatic search us- and CaMKII) onto the same hydrophobic binding pocket of ing the CPEB3 sequence. We employed multiple webservers, F-actin suggest this binding could serve to regulate the assembly including SUMOplot (32), JASSA (33), and GPS-SUMO (34). and function of actin networks. For example, cofilin, an ABP Table 1 summarizes potential SUMO sites of the CPEB3 un- responsible for severing F-actin, also binds with F-actin at the structured domain, including sites with the top three predicted same hydrophobic pocket (16). The maintenance of the actin scores in each webserver, along with their corresponding scores. cytoskeleton and synaptic strength then might involve the com- Three SIMs predicted for the full-length CPEB3 sequence are petition between CPEB3 and cofilin or other ABPs. Actin also shown in Table 2. These predictions pointed to two probable mRNA is one of the targets of CPEB3 (5), implying that CPEB3 SUMOylation sites (K50 and K294) and three SIMs (P484- W489, V273-V277, and V279-V283). Intriguingly, several of the SUMOylation sites and SIMs include key residues in the pre- Table 2. Predicted SIMs in full length CPEB3 sequence via dicted binding complex of CPEB3 and F-actin. Several possible sequence analyses in JASSA and GPS-SUMO mechanisms by which SUMOylation could regulate the CPEB3/ F-actin interaction are discussed in SI Appendix, Fig. S6. In all of these mechanisms, the actin-binding sites of the ABD are blocked in CPEB3’s basal state and exposed after CPEB3 is deSUMOylated upon stimulation. We therefore propose that SUMOylation of CPEB3 is a potential inhibitor for the CPEB3/ F-actin interaction, which in turn regulates the distribution and Yellow represents regions from RBD, and blue represents regions from activity of CPEB3. Further experimental and theoretical work is ABD. Red font represents predicted sites.

6of7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2012964117 Gu et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 aggregation/activation induces the translation of actin mRNA the SUMOylated sites and SIMs in CPEB3. A fiber structure for and, therefore, further polymerization into F-actin. a CPEB3 homolog was recently solved (9), but we do not yet As a molecular mechanism underlying long-term memory, this have a fiber structure for CPEB3 itself. Having a fiber structure positive feedback loop should be controlled by synaptic stimu- for CPEB3 will allow us to study its aggregation pathways in lations. We proposed that SUMOylation, as a known regulator greater detail (36–38) and to understand how it regulates target of CPEB3 activity, is a potential trigger of the CPEB3/F-actin mRNA translation in its active state. interaction, thereby the positive feedback loop between CPEB3 and actin. Data Availability. Raw data, input files for simulations, and In conclusion, our computational structural model of the analysis scripts have been deposited in Xinyu-Gu/CPEB3_Actin F-actin/CPEB3-ABD complex gives insight into the molecular at Zenodo, https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/274487374, and mechanisms of CPEB3’s functions: in its basal state, CPEB3 is SUMOylated, and its actin binding domain is buried. After GitHub, https://github.com/Xinyu-Gu/CPEB3_Actin) (39). deSUMOylation upon stimulation, the CPEB3-ABD is exposed and is available to interact with F-actin. The interaction between ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was supported by the Center for Theoret- ical Biological Physics sponsored by NSF Grant PHY-1427654. This work was F-actin and CPEB3 triggers the aggregation of CPEB3 and the also supported by NSF Grants CHE-1614101 and CHE-1743392. Additional translation of its target mRNAs, including actin mRNA, ulti- support was provided by the D. R. Bullard-Welch Chair at Rice University, mately resulting in strengthened synaptic junctions. Future ex- Grant C-0016, and an endowment from the William Wheless III Professorship perimental and computational studies are still needed to identify at University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

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