Trustees Ok Northridge
"^ ',./ ^- Vol. 16, No. 107 California State University, Northridge Thursday, May 25, 1972 Trustees ok Northridge By Tom Read , ridge" to.the trustees, waspleas- iiig Tuesday liecause "the great , STAFF WRITFR ed with the board's inove. "I'm, • majority ,of the feedback I heard The formalitie.S are j)Vor--al- elated. I liope that"those seg- from students was in faver of iiiost. iiients of th(> community and the 'Northridge " San !• ernando Valley State Col c.impus who opposed this action .•\rguments in favor ofthe name lege has become California State will understand that we are nut California State University, UniA'ersi.ty, Northridge, subject ..trying to disassociate the. San Northridge are that it provides ,to the automaticrapproval actiuii I'ernando VaUey from the schotil. a specific location for persons trying to locate the school, it of the Coordinating Cimncil for "We are.very proud of beingin Higtier i:ducation at its May 30 avoids confusion with Los An-i the San Fernando VaUey," said geles Valley College and the " meeting, ClOary, adding that school cata A unanimous vote Wediiesday city*of San Fernando, will help logs, brochures and letterheads- improve the relations between the of the, California State Univer will carry the words "San Fer sity and Colleges Board of TruS-- —students and the community the nando Valley" along with the new title is shorter and more con tees insured the, ,-adoption ot name. ^..^ . •'.Northridge" fur the school's cise and it provides continuity new name, Associated Students President with branches of the University CSUN Pie.siili'ntJaTire's^leary, Dave Wilk said he spoke in favor of California (Davis, Irvin'e, Ri who proposed the name "North- of "CSUN" at the trustees meet- verside; Los .Angeles, San Diego and Berkeley).
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