Chaplaincy of Aquitaine June 2015 From your Editor The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine is part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe, our lives with different intentions. working in partnership with The Intercontinental Church Society, in ministry to people who speak English. Sometimes we've been aware that As you can imagine It covers Gironde, and Lot-et-Garonne. Clerical we have received so much, we have we are all getting very Corner to give it away; but at other times we excited at Limeuil, CHURCH SERVICES, JUNE 2015 have simply gone, recognising our looking forward to (see Around the Chaplaincy for location details) C need to receive. By the same token, Charlotte Suillivan’s Please check the website for the latest information in case of changes. we have known others who are so shy Ordination on the 28th. It will be or broken, that coming to Church has a very special day and there will be been very difficult to do. A friend a full report next month so even if alongside has been needful. you can’t be there, you will be able to WEDNESDAY 03 JUNE read all about it. If you are hoping 11:00 Ecumenical Service - Trentels, Lot et Garonne I understand we're entering a season to join us that day, please make sure when many visitors pass through you read the important information SUNDAY 07 JUNE our doors, and we ourselves may about it on page 14. Dear Friends 10:30 Service of the Word – Bertric Burée be visitors somewhere else. May 10:30 Holy Communion – Bordeaux can't believe it is 4 months since we the Lord who sent his Spirit at Slightly less pages this month, which 10:30 Prayer & Praise – Limeuil I left windswept Wales to venture to Pentecost, continue to bless us as we must mean.....yes, I need some more 10:30 Morning Worship – Monteton beautiful Bordeaux. Where has the seek to make Jesus known. He is the articles please! Thank you as always 11:00 Holy Communion – Doudrac time gone? We've been fellowshipping Comforter who will draw alongside to my regular contributers but I know 11:00 Holy Communion – , chez Wiltons and feasting, praying and play- the most broken, and he will give there are more of you out there who 17:00 Evensong - Limeuil reading, worshipping and wine- courage and strength to the weakest could write a little something. Do 18:00 Evensong – Bertric Burée drinking, gardening and decorating. of us. please give it some thought. What an amazing welcome we have TUESDAY 09 JUNE Doudrac received from everyone in Bordeaux Every blessing Meanwhile, enjoy this month’s 11:00 Holy Communion – Allez and the wider Chaplaincy. Thank Andrew Bullock content - and hopefully we shall all you so much. be sitting out in the sunshine very WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE soon!! 11:00 BCP Holy Communion – Bertric Burée As I write this, we are about to Love Gill THURSDAY 18 JUNE celebrate the feast of Pentecost - often 10:30 BCP Holy Communion - Limeuil referred to as the Birthday of the SUNDAY 14 JUNE Church. The Holy Spirit descends VVVVVVV 10:30 Holy Communion – Bertric Burée SUNDAY 21 JUNE in power upon the praying, waiting 10:30 Holy Communion – Bertric Burée disciples and they are able to go out 10:30 All Age Worship – Bordeaux At a recent Limeuil service, led by our new Chaplaincy Warden David 10:30 Holy Communion – Bordeaux and fulfil Jesus' great commission to 10:30 Morning Worship – Temple Albrecht, the service included a version of the Creed that I had never 10:30 Holy Communion – go and make disciples. They were 10:30 Holy Communion – Limeuil come across before and I thought you might like to share in it. 10:30 Holy Communion - Monteton 10:30 Holy Communnion - Dondas literally 'on fire' and 3000 were added 10:30 Family Service – Négrondes 10:30 Morning Worship - Limeuil to their number that day. Wouldn't 10:30 Prayer & Praise – Monteton it be great if our prayer meetings 11:00 Service of the Word – Sainte Nathalène resulted in such a harvest for the Kingdom? We believe in God the Father, God Almighty, by whose plan THURSDAY 25 JUNE Earth and heaven sprang into being and all created things began. 11:00 Holy Communion - Condom We believe in Christ the Saviour, Son of God in human frame, Virgin born, the Child of Mary, Upon whom the Spirit came. SUNDAY 28 JUNE 10:30 Morning Worship – Bertric Burée Christ. who on the cross forsaken, Like a lamb to slaughter led, 10:30 Holy Communion - Bordeaux Suffered under Pontius Pilate, He descended to the dead. 10:30 Holy Communion & Ordination – Limeuil We believe in Jesus risen, Heaven’s King to rule and reign, 10:30 Morning Worship - Monteton To the Father’s side ascended, ‘Till as Judge He comes again. 10:30 Holy Communion – Négrondes We believe in God the Spirit: In one Church, below, above; Saints of God in one communion, One in holiness and love. Chancelade There are many reasons why people So by faith, our sins forgiven, Christ our Saviour, Lord and Friend, find our church communities and We shall rise with Him in glory, To the life that knows no end. join us. Alexandra and I have Amen. joined churches at different times of

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 2 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 3 June 2015 King Richard III. NOUGHTS AND CROSSES My picture of Jesus deceased, (and others). On the eastern side of erected and my friends and I would Northamptonshire stands pedal off to admire it. We discovered I chose this picture of Jesus because it shows atching the final burial Fotheringay Castle, or rather what that it is the only cross standing in its What does the figure nought imply to a joyful, smiling Jesus while guiding a baby Wservice of King Richard remains of it: just a mound. It was original setting and was more finely you? along through their first steps. This is similar III recently, it struck me that pillaged by local people after the sculpted than the others. The cross is The merest nothing? Zero absolute? to the fact that God guides Christians through some people would have been beheading of Mary Queen of Scots in triangular, each side bearing a statue Some would prefer more substance their life like a loving father helps his children somewhat at a loss to understand 1587. She had fallen out with her half of the Queen in her Royal clothes, to impute. through their first steps in life. The baby is what was happening ! However sister, Queen Elizabeth I by trying to standing on a circular, stepped, A circle never ending, symbol true smiling at Jesus because his influence and it was a very good example of the enroll the help of the French to be base. We tried to find any small Of life eternal, long, but ever new. presence brings a sense of joy to peoples’ hearts. British interest in history and placed on the throne. Not her best discrepancies between the three but The majority of pictures of Jesus portray a their belief in Christianity. move, especially as she was Catholic never did. Under the base was a But symbols, to have value, must solemn, intense man who is frowning whereas and had not helped her progress by running spring where the inhabitants relate this picture shows the fun side of Jesus, the side falling in love with several unlikely of the village came for water. This was To facts, to observations, something that was seen more often when Jesus was on the suiters. Unlike King Richard, her fascinating to 3 young boys who had true. Earth, and yet has been lost in the modern day grave was never obscure: her eventual tap water at home, and we were only The moon forever rings our planet (most people think of Jesus as the majority of pictures portray him). burial place is in Westminster Abbey. too pleased to help the more elderly blue. That is why I chose this picture. She was moved there by her son, King to fill their buckets and help them The earth circles the sun. The solar Beth. James I of England who succeeded carry the water home, especially as state? VVVVVVV Queen Elizabeth I who died un- there was an occasional sweet given Galactic orbit circular its fate. married (nor did she produce an as “payment”. heir). In a remarkable matter of irony, Christians and Climate Change – Geoff Cogger writes: The figure nought, all circles, it was King James who opened the The village church was only just symbolise way to the spread of Protestantism by across the road and we could sit in Below are just three frequently asked questions as to why, as Christians, we Eternity, but give us no direction. Coming from Northamptonshire, allowing the Bible to be translated in the pews when we’d seen enough of should actively be participating in the fight against ‘climate change’ No up nor down, diagonal inflection. the site of the Battle of Bosworth to the English language. the Queen. But line them up in threes, there’s no was known by the majority of Why does God allow climate change? disguise, my friends although there was The third and oldest royal to be Our relationship with this church God created a perfect world in which humans were given freedom of choice. You’ve won the game but did you win always a slight confusion as to remembered in Northamptonshire (and others later), was so easy that we This freedom and moral decision-making are fundamental to human nature. We the prize? the exact site of the battle. It is is Queen Eleanor of Castile, who had no problems “going to church” (the human population) have for many years made bad environmental decisions also interesting to note that the died at Lincoln in 1290, wife of and although we were of different associated with thoughtlessness, greed and selfishness, and nature is paying The cross. What does the symbol loser got more publicity than King Edward I. Rather than have denominations, we were able to the price. Now we need to use the same freedom to make good decisions over mean to you? the winner, due no doubt to Sir her buried in Lincoln Cathedral, accept our differences naturally. climate change. You got it wrong? A symbol of Laurence Olivier’s film portrayal. after being embalmed, her bodily Thanks to Queen Eleanor ! dismay? It has been said that it was remains were sent down in state to Why should Christians care about climate change? Neil Wright Christ’s arms upon the cross, they improper and un-necessary to London and at each stop a memorial As Christians, we are called to care about climate change for three reasons: point the way go to the lengths that were done cross was built. The journey took 12 • Its effects on people Blest signposts to forgiveness, clear to re-inter him but many of the days, finishing at Charing Cross. In • Its effects on biodiversity and true things of which he was accused the middle of a small village called • Its effects on the earth VVVVVVV To life eternal. This is what you do: eg. the murder of the children Geddington, (cycling distance from A fundamental part of being a Christian is the responsibility towards God’s gift in the tower, have never been my birthplace) the fourth cross was of creation for this and future generations. Caring for the whole environment You take three crosses in a Trinity proven, although many were e.g. includes addressing the accompanying issues of poverty, justice and equity. This And line them up. How? That is up Lord Hastings, Earl Rivers, Lord is an opportunity for Christians to demonstrate a practical outworking of God’s to you. Grey, and Sir Thomas Vaughan. Up, down, diagonal equally true. love for all creation as good stewards of the environment. The cross is all we need, both you and Hindsight is a marvelous thing Why are Christians doing this? me. but to have found King Richard Christians believe that “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1). It wins both game and prize! Free under a Leicester car park and This means that everything ultimately belongs to God. Christians also believe victory! to have left his bones there, with that God has entrusted the responsible care (stewardship) of the earth and its maybe a nearby placard seems resources to humanity, and we must answer to God for how we treat the planet. Laurie John somewhat dilatory. My personal The purpose of the earth (creation) is not to suit us or to fuel our ambitions, but opinion is that to have moved his to bring glory to God. VVVVVVV remains into a nearby cathedral “It says on your résumé that you were created is a much more Christian action in God’s image. Very impressive.” For much more valuable information on how you can play your part please go to and is a worthy demonstration of and our nations faith.

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 4 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 5 June 2015 June Cooking quality about it. Mezze makes Sigara Borek Peynir from Turkey. wonderful party food. I am going to Using a packet of Filo pastry, taking What is truth? (John 18:38) a good thing, but for many people it with Frances Pengelly is the cause of their deception. That Three Men cross a River give you some easy recipes for Mezze a sheet at a time and cutting it into One day, three men were hiking n many places in the Bible God is so not only for followers of non- which will help you through your four, fill the pastry with a mixture of and unexpectedly came upon a ay has been a busy month for warns us of His coming wrath Christian religions but also for many summer entertaining. crumbled Feta cheese, small handful I large raging, violent river. They us. Our garden is open to and instructs us to watch out for the inside the Christian Church. When M of crushed mint leaves, 1tbs Greek needed to get to the other side, the public under the French Open Aubergine Chermoula. Heat a signs, (e.g. Mark 13, Matt 24, 2 Thes one analysis it, many people worship yogurt. Place a spoonful on each but had no idea of how to do Gardens Scheme, Jardins Ouvert. I slug of olive oil in a pan and add 2 2, Daniel 7- 9, Revelation.) He also their religion rather than God. Their section then close up edges sealing so. The first man prayed to God, have had a few sleepless nights over aubergines, cut into small cubes, warns us that Satan and his agents religion takes the place of God and is with beaten egg. A cigar shape. saying, “Please God, give me this, trying to organise the weather season, brown and set aside. Using will try to deceive believers [Mark therefore tainted by the spirit of the Brush with beaten egg, cover with the strength to cross this river.” and the way the plants grow, and the the same pan caramelize a thinly 13:22, Matt 7:15, Matt 24:24] and that antichrist. That is why Jesus said “not Nigella seeds and bake on a tray Poof! God gave him big arms weeds. Will certain things be out cut small onion. Add 3 cloves well these will often come from within the every one who says “Lord Lord” will for 20 minutes until golden brown. and strong legs, and he was able and in their prime, or will my best crushed garlic, 1tsp cumin, 1½tsp body of the church (Jeremiah 14:14; enter the kingdom…”. things have blossomed and gone, like cinnamon, 1tsp sweet paprika. Then to swim across the river in about 23:21, 23:32, etc., Isa 43:23-24). How then do we ensure that we are a wisp in the wind? One knows what add ½ a red pepper thinly cut into two hours, after almost drowning To me the most frightening aspect not deceived? God has provided us King Canute felt like when the waves strips and continue cooking until a couple of times. is that Satan will be successful in his with the necessary information; we continued storming in and covering soft. Add 1 handful plump rasins, deceit. Look at Matt 7:21-23 where simply need to examine it ourselves. Seeing this, the second man his feet. We are entirely at the mercy 400g can chopped tomatoes, 3 tbs Jesus tells us that not everyone who God’s word in scripture should be prayed to God, saying, “Please of the weather. The worst plants red wine vinegar, 2tsp caster sugar. says “Lord Lord” will enter the our prime source of building the God, give me the strength .. and are my (mad) auriculas. I say mad Increase cooking temperature for Kingdom of Heaven”. He goes on relationship that was bought at such a the tools to cross this river.” Poof! because growing them in the South a few minutes then with a potato to say that even though some have price. We should be like the Bereans God gave him a rowboat and he West of is probably unheard of. masher lightly mash mixture and stir. done amazing things ‘in His name’ (Acts 17:1015) who tested everything was able to row across the river All the experts in the past would turn Serve warm with Focaccia or toast. -prophesied, cast out demons and against scripture to see if it was right. in about an hour, after almost in their graves if they knew that this Lastly, Pistachio and Feta Dip,. Blitz performed miracles, He will disown For example, we should not rely on capsizing the boat a couple of small, colourful, elegant plant had to 100g shelled pistachio nuts. Add them. If these people will not enter the message from the pulpit without times. put up with intense heat in summer, 300g Feta cheese, handful of Dill, 2 God’s kingdom, how then will those checking it against scripture. Ask, The third man had seen how and almost freeze to death in the handfuls Coriander, l peeled garlic whose hope is based mainly upon “was this God’s word in scripture this worked out for the other winter. However it is worth having a clove, l medium heat chilli, 3 large weekly church services, small group proclaimed and explained in context, two, so he also prayed to God try, the bright green and grey flower tbs Greek yogurt, finely grated rind involvement and similar activities. or was scripture used to support saying, “Please God, give me heads are a spectacular sight among of 1 lemon, juice of ½, sea salt. Serve the preacher’s view?” If the latter– the strength and the tools .. and their coloured brothers and sisters. I with Focaccia, raw baby carrots, no matter how ‘holy’ it may have the intelligence … to cross this glibly decided to have an Auricular Hummus. We all love it and there cucumber or celery. seemed, treat it with caution! river.” And Poof! God turned Theatre at my garden opening. This are many recipes. Into the food him into a woman. She looked at is the way they used to be shown, you But don’t take my word. Be a Berean processor put the contents of 3x400g the map, hiked upstream a couple see them at Chelsea in lines on black & check it out. Look up the various cans of chickpeas, adding enough of hundred yards, then walked shelves, perfect specimens, beautiful references I have mentioned. olive oil and chickpea liquid to make across the bridge! in their simplicity. What I have will a smooth paste. Add juice 3 lemons, Blessings. TT go on shelves, here’s hoping all this 2 crushed garlic cloves and 4tbs light worry is worth it. tahini. Whizz again. As a variation add 20g finely chopped coriander or I was given a book for my birthday The apostle John warns us that many mint. Roast 3 red peppers under the on Persian Food. The very word antichrists will come (1 John 2:18, Thank you, God, for little things grill and skin, add these with a little Persian conjours up a world of 2:22, 2:John 7) and that there is That often come our way, cumin. The basic recipe is enhanced VVVVVVV shadows, bright flowers, peaceful already a spirit of the Antichrist in The things we take for granted, by adding chillies, roasted onions, it’s gardens, fruit trees, romantic tales, the world (1 john 4:3). Apparently in But don’t mention when we pray, up to you. beautiful food. Mezze is a selection the original language Anti- not only The unexpected courtesy, of small dishes served to accompany means ‘against’ but also ‘instead of’ The thoughtful, kindly deed, Man to an evangelist lady who drinks. The word is found in all the or ‘in place of’ Christ. A hand reached out to help us cuisines of the Ottoman Empire and is preaching in the street during In the time of sudden need. Jesus did not come to establish a comes from the Turkish mezze ‘taste, Lent: Oh, make us more aware, dear God. religion; He came to enter into a flavour, snack, relish, and borrowed “I know what YOU are! You’re a Of little daily graces, relationship. By His death, the from the Persian mazze ‘taste, snack’. ‘happy clapper’”. That come to us with “sweet surprise” curtain was torn, top to bottom giving Mazedan to taste. They are a course From never-dreamed-of places. in themselves, but mostly served as “Oh no I’m not!” she replies. access to the Holy of Holies, access an appetizer before the main dishes “I’m a Walkie Talkie!” to the Triune God (Matt 27:51, Mark in the Middle East. Food in this part 15:38). Religion can and should be of the world has rather a mysterious

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 6 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 7 June 2015 Protestant church Arcachon report that they still use the original benches, baptistry, and table. Alphabet Praise Cancer Support France Ribérac We support English speaking people, whatever their Although things are not country of origin, who find themselves touched in any perfect way by cancer. We hold coffee mornings in Riberac 24600 and Chalais 16210. Because of trial or pain If you would like any further information please contact Continue in thanksgiving us via email [email protected] or telephone the Helpline 0643678611. Do not begin to blame All calls are confidential. Even when the times are hard he Chaplaincy was contacted Fierce winds are bound to Trecently by Monsieur Jehan- The building is in the process of blow Pol Sappey, a member of the monument classification, and there God is forever able Do you know who your Protestant church in Arcachon. Their will be a presentation of the church Ancestors were? community owns the building which in Arcachon on Monday June 22nd, Hold on to what you know at 18:00. was originally an Anglican church Imagine life without His love For just 50€, all of which goes to in Arcachon, abandoned by the Chaplaincy Funds, Gill will research Anglicans in 1966. All are invited to attend this event, Joy would cease to be your ancestors and then provide you and we hope Keep thanking Him for all the with a report and a family tree. that many things Or why not make it a special gift for from the a relative? Love imparts to thee Bordeaux For more information speak to sector will Move out of "Camp Gill Sweetman on 05 53 73 13 59 be able to Complaining" [email protected] participate in what No weapon that is known sounds like On earth can yield the power Support for English speaking a wonderful Praise can do alone dementia sufferers in the Dordogne ecumenical L’Association France Alzheimer and wider Quit looking at the future Dordogne community Please visit this site and find out Redeem the time at hand 2 rue Emille Counord 24100 Bergerac how you can support the Chaplaincy event. The Tel: 05 53 27 30 34 Start every day with worship when you are making purchases online. church in Mail: [email protected] There is a huge number of UK retailers involved They hold their weekly services in this Arcachon is part of the history of the To "thank" is a command Website: with this scheme and it doesn’t cost you a penny church, and have recently undertaken Chaplaincy of Aquitaine, and it is a Until we see Him coming more than you would be paying in any case. huge restoration works, which blessing to see that the building is still The retailers involved make a donation to the have revealed interesting findings being used to God's Glory. We hope Victorious in the sky Is drinking costing more than money? Chaplaincy, through easyfundraising, to be able to feature a news piece in Alcoholics Anonymous in line with the amount of money you have spent. such as the inscription "Glory to We'll run the race with the coming months, on the various God in the Highest" featured in the gratitude upper vault, and renovation of the recent restorations and findings. If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, How about your 2015 holiday? there are now a number of English-speaking pinewood floor which has preserved Xalting God most high These qualify as well, just check that your meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in the South West the fine accoustics of the chapel. The supplier is registered and follow the Yes, there'll be good times of France. routine set out by easyfundraising. Protestant community are proud to and yes some will be bad, Contact – Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 or but... Roger 05 55 76 22 65 Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

Advertising rates per edition Full page 60€ Half page 40€ Quarter page 20€ 7cm x 5cm 15€ Long-term booking discounts available Camera-ready artwork should be sent to the Editor together with the appropriate amount made payable to VVVVVVV ‘The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine’.

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 8 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 9 June 2015 round the Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer Bordeaux CW Yasmin Berrou 09 82 32 64 62 haplaincy Ian Couper 05 33 05 52 35 and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. A (33) Chapelle de l’Assomption, Stephen Razafindratsima 05 56 84 21 93 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, ML Lindsay Megraud 05 56 96 44 17 370 bd Président Wilson, (opposite will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. C PC Rhian Foreau 05 56 36 99 63 the British Consulate). Philippians 4:6-7

June Services Pray for the Chaplaincy and Bordeaux. The Chaplaincy Council made certain decisions at its May meeting, Sunday June 7th 10.30 Holy Communion Revd Andrew Bullock including the inability at this stage to back the financial structure of a second stipendary priest proposal. Please continue to followed by a Bring & Share Lunch offer thanks for the many blessings of our Church in Bordeaux, and especially for the presence of Alexandra and Andrew Sunday June 14th 10.30 All Age Worship Revd Andrew Bullock Bullock amongst us. May we continue to pray for guidance and unity, lifting up holy hands. followed by a Cake Sale, in aid of Soul Survivor Prayer triplets. One thing all of us can do as Christians is to encourage each other in prayer. The idea is to group Sunday June 21st 10.30 Holy Communion Revd Andrew Bullock & Revd Dr Paul Vrolijk together in threes and communicate throughout the week about prayer, by phone, email, or even getting together, focusing followed by a Bring & Share Farewell Lunch for the Vrolijks* on the local and Chaplaincy prayer chain, as well as concerns we feel more comfortable sharing in a triplet than in "public". Sunday June 28th 10.30 Holy Communion Revd Andrew Bullock If you would like to join a triplet, please contact Christine Rychlewski: [email protected], indicating if you already Sunday School and Youth Group Dates have partners. Sunday School: June 7, 21, 28 / Youth Group date: June 7 Picnic Play Reading Group. The Picnic Play-Reading Group is happy to welcome more members, particulary male PLUS participation in the All Age Worship Service on June 14th ones, to this worthwhile fellowship activity! We meet every month after a service for a picnic and to read a play. It is actually Sunday School and Youth Group For more information, feel free to contact Rhian Foreau (05 56 as much fun to listen as it is to read, so we strongly encourage newcomers to join the group. Our next gathering will be on 96 63 69), Anne Sharp (05 57 88 46 24), or Kit Seguin (05 57 64 82 41) Sunday, June 7th, following the Bring & Share lunch. All those interested should contact Pamela Prior (pamela.i.prior@, Tel: 05 56 59 67 34 or 06 75 80 03 86). *Concerning June 21st, Bordeaux has many mixed feelings. We are delighted Soul Survivor Festival – please support our young people generously. Twelve people that our Chaplain, Paul Vrolijk, will be coming to Bordeaux to preach at our Service from the Chaplaincy (including the adult leaders) will be attending the Soul Survivor Festival near led by Andrew Bullock but sad that it is the last time that we shall have Paul as a key Bath, England, in August, with 5 days of camping, music, sports, worship, inspiring talks and a chance part of our worship together with Janine and family contributing so much in support. to explore faith this summer, and they need your help! A few fundraising events in Bordeaux will be After the Service we have a 'Bring & Share' lunch with Paul, Janine and family, not to coming up in June to help cover the transportation costs (approximately 1,200€): say adieu but to enjoy a special moment together and we look forward to a joyous future for our church in Bordeaux and → Cake sale on Sunday, June 14th immediately following the service. Paul's success in new challenges in Brussels. Ce n'est qu'un au revoir and they shall be in our prayers. → Participation in a "vide-grenier" in Bordeaux in June. Please go through the many treasures which you've been hoarding at home – to see what you may be able to donate. More details will be provided Local Committee Meeting on June 14th. Please let the Wardens know if you have anything comments or concerns at church. All proceeds from the Bordeaux Church table at the vide-grenier will go toward the transportation costs of Soul which you would like raised. Survivor.

In addition to checking out the Chaplaincy website please visit and “like” our facebook pages: EnglishAnglicanChurchBordeaux For more information or the address to which you can Wine and Words – Bordeaux send monetary donations, email [email protected]. Join our Anglican Church Choir – Bordeaux facebook group twitter: @anglicanbdx

Activities & Opportunities The Foyer Fraternel Gouffrand, a Bordeaux Church charity outreach, extends its thanks to those who regularly Bring & Share Lunches every month! At the instigation of Andrew Bullock it has been decided to hold a Bring & bring things for the need. Whatever you can do to help will be much appreciated: bringing clothes in good condition, Share lunch once a month on the first Sunday of each month. The first lunch took place after the Service on Sunday, May shoes, nappies and non-perishable food. You may also roll up your sleeves and lend a hand at the Foyer itself. The next 3rd. There was certain amount of panic since the weather looked dubious and on checking with the Sisters we discovered at clothes sale will take place on Saturday, June 13th at the usual time: 10 - 12.30 and 2.30 - 4.30. The Fête du Foyer will be the last moment that this event clashed with their one big fête of the year. The alternative was to hold it in the Parc Bordelais on Friday, June 19th. but fortunately and in her usual hospitable way Christine came to the rescue and said that she and Alex would be happy to For more information, please contact Freda Perris (05 56 36 07 27). hold it at their house. Since it was to be followed by a briefing meeting with our new Chaplaincy Council representatives, Chap-Aid & Charitable Giving. Last month, the natural disasters in both Kanuatu and Nepal prompted calls for Peter and Barry, before the Council Meeting on May 5th, this was a blessing indeed. There were about 20 of us and it was emergency support, via ShelterBox (visit the website to discover these marvellous, ingenuous life savers at www.shelterbox. a very happy occasion and the meeting afterwards was a very successful one. org), an organisation which intervenes around the globe, every day of the year to bring relief when and where disaster The next Bring-and-Share lunch will take place on Sunday, June 7th, and will be followed by a Play-reading session. When strikes. Donations can be made to "Chap-Aid" and left in the basket in church. Contact Nellie Salvi on contessasalvi@yahoo. the weather is fine we'll picnic in the Assomption garden. or 06 11 37 4 78 for more information. Wine and Words Group meets for a time of discussion and fellowship. We now traditionally meet in the rooms of the Ecumenical Corner Association Bordeaux-USA, where we bring drinks and nibbles to accompany our discussions, before those that wish head Invitation to a Special Ceremony at the Nouveau Temple d'Arcachon, formerly St Thomas' Anglican Church. into town in search of dinner. The next meeting is on Friday June 12th at 19.00 at 38 allée d’Orléans, close to the Tourist We have been cordially invited on Monday, June 22nd at 18.00 (time to be confirmed) to attend this ceremony in which Office. All are most warmly welcome to attend! Contact [email protected] for more information. the church building will be classified as a historic monument. It would be wonderful to have a big Anglican representation. Please contact Christine Rychlewski : [email protected] if you plan on attending. Carpooling can be arranged.

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 10 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 11 June 2015 A little Chaplaincy history … WE Paddy Atkinson 05 53 94 76 37 Arcachon obviously had a sizeable English-speaking community in the mid to late 19th century. Church records exist CW Norma Eckett 05 53 93 53 86 from April 1867, signed by the Revd Samuel Radcliff who described himself as 'Chaplain of Arcachon'. In 1879 St Thomas' Monteton (47) east of Duras, (notre Dame Parish Church) ML Vanda Walton 05 53 89 63 03 Church was built and consecrated. Extracts from a report of the celebrations make interesting reading: PC Helen Raphael 05 53 47 78 93 “Some excitement prevailed in the quaint town at the prospect of the Bishop of London visiting the place. The idea of a Bishop not ofthe June services Church of Rome struck many inhabitants as a complete novelty and Sunday 7 June 10.30 Morning Worship Sue Blomley there was considerable curiosity as to what he would be like. Sunday 14 June 10.30 Holy Communion Rev’ds Angela and David Marshall The church is of Norman Gothic arthitecture, and designed to seat 300. Sunday 21 June 10.30 Prayer and Praise David Albrecht The harmonium, communion table, etc., are those which were used Sunday 28 June 10.30 Morning Worship Roger Verrall in the temporary places of worship as no new church furniture will be Please note that on Sunday 21 June at the time of the Prayer and Praise service, a Car Rally organised by the Commune of purchased till the building is complete. Every attention has been paid for Monteton will also be taking place. It will be using the D423 which will be closed to other traffic from the Mairie to the junction the comfort of invalids who form a large element of the congregation.” with the D228, (Levignac – Seyches). Competitors will also be using the car parks adjacent to the Salle des Fetes.

It seems that after WW2 the congregation diminished. By 1971, St Thomas' Church was disused and became vandalised t our service of Morning Prayer led by Roger Verrall on the beautifully sunny day of 10 May, we welcomed members so a decision was made to sell the premises. By a happy coincidence the local Eglise Réformée de France were searching Aof the Royal British Legion and SSAFA to commemorate VE Day with us. Three standard bearers presented their flags for new premises. In August 1975, St Thomas' Church took on a new lease of life and service as the Nouveau Temple at the altar for display during the service. Roger’s talk about Love and Reconciliation was especially appropriate to the d'Arcachon. Excerpt from the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 175th Anniversary Celebration Booklet, p. 20 occasion and the choir gave us lovely rendering of Stanford’s anthem ‘Praise God in his Holiness’. Our service of Holy Communion for Ascension Day was led by Revd Liz Morris, assisted by Sue Blomley. The theme of Liz’s News from last month talk involved us in recognizing what keeps us ‘earthbound’, in acknowledging Jesus as our King and in putting our faith in Evensong on Ascension Day. The Bordeaux Church is grateful to the Choir and its Director him – so that we can know freedom from those things which keep us ‘earthbound’. of Music, Richard Hunt, who offer special worship opportunities like this one. Two 'first's for the Future Events Church: an Ascension Day service and a very moving Evensong. The Annual Sponsored Walk in aid of the Bordeaux Church local charities, the Foyer Fraternel The very successful monthly Coffee and Cakes Mornings at Le Bousquet, raising funds for our church charities and Gouffrand and Emmaüs, took place on May 10th in Sainte Croix du Mont. It started with one of the offering an opportunity to catch up with friends in the delightful surroundings of Norma and Leslie’s most simple picnics in a long time, ie a glass of cherry wine and a piece of cheese and an apple, but chai will continue, with the next one on Saturday 20 June. as well it was a lovely one because of the beautiful surroundings, the wonderful weather On Wednesday 10 June, from 10.30 – 12 noon, The Great and the good company. British Breakfast will take place yet again in the Salle des The Bordeaux area offers endless possibilities of Fetes at Monteton. Traditional bacon and eggs with all the good walks. This one was again superb. Thank trimmings, cereal, juice, toast and marmalade, tea and coffee you, Christine! We started on the oyster-encrusted will be served but you will need to bring your own couverts. cliff face which gives a panoramic view over the Tickets are 12.50 euros from Brian Hogarth on 05 53 20 21 76. countryside and then walked through woods, vineyards and villages. Part of the trek was somewhat perilous, especially for the likes of our 89 year old ‘Chanson sous les Arbres’at Monteton. Our summer dance will take place on Friday doyenne, Mme Barrau. At one point a very tall and 10 July from 12 noon. Bring your own picnic lunch and your couverts and come and able Warden helped with a "portage" (luckily Mme dance the afternoon away in this beautiful setting under the trees, enjoying the music of Barrau is light!) and the walkers stuck together so Chanson Internationale who were such a resounding success at our Spring dance! Tickets that everyone finished their course safe and sound. will be available soon. It is always lovely to spend a day out in the countryside with church friends. This was no Ecumenical Service in the eastern Lot et Garonne. exception. We are blessed. For the seventh year our Catholic friends are organising an Ecumenical Service, this year in the parish church of Trentels just east of Penne d’Agenais. On Wednesday 3rd June at 11h00 a growing number of people from an ever wider spread of churches will be gathering for a bi-lingual service of prayer, readings and hymns. We will be welcomed by Père Tentellier, VVVVVVV whose church it is, and the delightful Père Poujade. Although into his nineties Père Poujade remains a fierce advocate of ecumenism and his sermons are always memorable! A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, “I know what the Bible means!” Afterwards there will be a Vin d’Amitié and a Bring and Share lunch in the village Salle des Fetes. There is always plenty His father smiled and replied, “What do you mean, you ‘know’ what the Bible means? to go around. The son replied, “I do know!” For more details please contact Evan MacKenzie on 05 53 36 57 16. “Okay,” said his father. “What does the Bible mean?” “That’s easy, Daddy...” the young boy replied excitedly,” It stands for ‘Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.’ VVVVVVV VVVVVVV Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 12 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 13 June 2015 CW David Albrecht 05 53 36 55 97 CW Richard Morris 05 53 23 40 51 Limeuil (24) near , Eglise de Lot et Garonne: Christine Scott 05 53 29 39 40 ML Eve Warner-Howard 05 53 41 36 49 Sainte Catherine in Limeuil Haut ML Barry Borsberry 05 53 74 95 67 Allez West of Villeneuve-sur-Lot. PC Helen Raphael 05 53 47 78 93 PC Jeff Bottger 05 53 31 84 08 Dondas just off the D215, north east of Agen. June Services Doudrac on D50 between Castillonès and Villeréal. Sunday 7th June 10.30 Prayer and Praise Roger Cheale St Médard (on D245 north-east of Agen) Envals to the north of Montflanquin. 17.00 Evensong The Revd. Gill Strachan & Christine Scott Sunday 14th June 10.30 Holy Communion The Revd. Roger Henthorn June Services Thursday 18th June 10.30 Holy Communion The Revd. Gill Strachan Sunday 7th June 11:00 Holy Communion Doudrac Rev Barry Green Sunday 21st June 10.30 Morning Worship Madeleine Holmes Tuesday 9th June 11:00 Holy Communion Allez Rev Paul Vrolijk Sunday 28th June 10.30 Holy Communion & Ordination Bishop David Hamid, The Revd.Paul Vrolijk & Sunday 21st June 10:30 Holy Communion Dondas Rev. Gill Strachan The Revd.Gill Strachan 00000000000000 DOUDRAC ur service on Sunday, 3rd May, was celebrated by Rev’d Liz Morris and our music was The Ordination of Charlotte Sullivan Oprovided by David Warner-Howard. Although a little down on numbers, our hymn singing, s previously notified, Charlotte’s ordination will be carried out by Bishop David during the service nevertheless, filled the church. As usual we enjoyed coffee and biscuits after the service. Aof Holy Communion on the 28th of June and will be followed by a “Vin de Honneur” and Bring and Our next service of Holy Communion will be celebrated by Rev’d Barrie Green on Sunday, 7th Share lunch at Charlotte’s home in Limeuil. June at 11.00am. Owing to the exceptionally large congregation expected to attend this long awaited event certain exceptional arrangements have had to be made. These are as follows:- ENVALS • Parking at St. Catherine’s is strictly limited, and such as is available adjacent to the church will be On Tuesday, 12th May at 11.30 a number of us gathered reserved for members of the ministry. To overcome this, a passenger “shuttle” service will be in for Holy Communion at Envals, where we were pleased to operation running from the school (at the bottom of the hill) and/or from the designated parking welcome Rev’d Barrie Green and his wife Ainslie. After the area at about 40 metres from the school. This service will be in operation from 9.30am with the last pickup at 10.20am. service they joined us for a delicious lunch provided by Anyone arriving before the scheduled start time is advised to remain with their parked vehicle until the first of the Dave and Liz Rolfe, witha number “shuttle” cars arrives. A return service will be available after the service. of the sumptuous desserts having • To assist those coming along for “vin de honneur” and lunch afterwards, parking stewards will be on hand to direct been donated by several of the drivers, after dropping off passengers, to an adequate parking area adjacent to the Sullivan residence. Once it is felt ladies. Thank you to all who that everyone is present a toast will be raised to Charlotte, proposed by Bishop David after which lunch will be taken at made our lunchtime fellowship so tables laid under a covered barn and in the courtyard suitably decorated by Charlotte’s sister Penny. Everyone is invited enjoyable. to stay for lunch. Disposable plates, glasses etc. will be provided so there will be no need to bring “couverts”. Our next service at Envals will be And finally, we know that everyone who knows Charlotte will be united in their prayers that the Lord will bring her in September. the strength, the courage and the compassion to spread the word of the Saviour, not only here in our Chaplaincy, but wherever else her work may take her. DONDAS 00000000000000 Forthcoming Events Not having had a service in May there is little to report, except to remind people that our next service of Holy Communion will be on Sunday, 21 June at 10.30am when we shall be delighted to welcome back Revd Gill Strachan. There are still a few tickets left for the Jazz Night at Chez Strachan at on Saturday the 13th of June starting at 18.30hrs. Tickets are €20 each and include a delicious curry meal, dessert and wine as well as a Birthday Special great night of entertainment by the celebrated Dotty Bart Jazz Quartet featuring the guitarist Dan Jones. Our newly appointed Treasurer for Lot et Garonne celebrated a special birthday on 6th May. His request to friends If you haven’t already done so, secure your place by contacting Ian Strachan on 05 53 58 12 58 or ian. who joined him on that day was ‘No presents’. However, he said if people really wanted [email protected] to give a gift he would be happy to receive goods for Restos du Coeur. As you see, his request was granted! And on Sunday the 21st of June we have reserved three tables at the Vide Grenier at the English Library at . In order to ensure the success of this fund raising event we urgently need donations Ecumenical Service in the eastern Lot et Garonne. of any good quality unwanted items. Contact either Ian Strachan or Sandy Berkeley (05 53 73 85 14) For the seventh year our Catholic friends are organising an Ecumenical Service, this or [email protected]. Arrangements can be made to pick up any large or bulky items. We also need year in the parish church of Trentels just east of Penne d’Agenais. On Wednesday 3rd volunteers to help man the stalls for short periods during the day - we can never have too many June at 11h00 a growing number of people from an ever wider spread of churches will be volunteers!. If you have an hour or so to spare on a Sunday afternoon why not come along to help. gathering for a bi-lingual service of prayer, readings and hymns. We will be welcomed These two events have been organised in aid of chaplaincy funds so do please support them. by Père Tentellier, whose church it is, and the delightful Père Poujade. Although into his 00000000000000 nineties Père Poujade remains a fierce advocate of ecumenism and his sermons are always memorable! We are pleased to be able to report that the recent ad hoc retiring collections in aid of the Nepalese earthquake appeal Afterwards there will be a Vin d’Amitié and a Bring and Share lunch in the village Salle des Fetes. There is always plenty raised a very impressive 740€. Well done everyone. to go around. For more details please contact Evan MacKenzie on 05 53 36 57 16.

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 14 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 15 June 2015 Dronne Valley Church, CW Mike Duncan 05 53 91 30 64 Garden Fete Tony Stephens 05 45 60 62 84 It’s going to be on Saturday July 4th starting at 2pm and in our own Upper Bertric Burée (24): Parish Church, (D708 between ML Keith Gunn 05 53 90 85 92 Room Gardens, opposite the church in the centre of Bertric Burée Ribérac and ) PC Sheila Marshall 05 53 90 95 69 We need volunteers to run stalls and in various ways,so please contact June Services Cilla Pickett 05 53 91 88 71 Sunday 7 June 10:30 Service of the Word Madeleine Holmes Sunday 7 June 18:00 Evensong Sheila Marshall Wednesday 10 June 11:00 BCP Holy Communion Revd Brian Davies Food Banks Sunday 14 June 10:30 Holy Communion Revd Brian Davies The need for food banks continues throughout the year and it seems that the number who need help is growing almost Sunday 21 June 10:30 Holy Communion Revds Ann and Mike Wooderson daily. Whether here in rural France or in large inner city areas, let’s all do a little to help them. Sunday 28 June 10:30 Morning Worship At Bertric Burée we have a collection box at the back of the church. Just an extra tin of vegetables or a packet of pasta (any non-perishable foodstuffs) added to your weekly shop and placed in the box, is all it takes to help a really needy Please join us for tea and coffee after each of the Sunday services local family. Geoff Prayer Meetings Please join us at the church Prayer Meetings Home Groups – are a key part of Dronne Valley church life 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month for just one hour in Bertric Burée church. There are five to choose from: This month – 3rd and 17th June at 5pm • Tuesday mornings near Verteillac 10.00 for 10.30am. All are welcome. For more information contact Mike Duncan 05 53 91 30 64 Past Events • Alternate Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm near Ribérac. For dates and location please contact Gwyneth Marison 05 45 24 06 89 • Fortnightly on Tuesday mornings, 10.00 for 10.30am, usually at Susanna Isaac’s home, near Ribérac. For dates this We enjoyed a superb concert for guitar, harp and flute on 17th May in the church at month contact Brian Cook on 05 45 98 43 00 Bertric Burée, with Dan Jones and Maia and Myriam Darmé. This was in aid of our • Fortnightly on Thursdays at 2.00pm at Ann Knight’s home, Chez Foucaud, Montboyer, which is between Chalais and Upper Room project – which is nearing completion. Montmoreau Contact Ann for dates and directions – Ann Knight 05 45 98 22 17 • Wednesday afternoons in the Charente Maritime. For further information contact David Jackson 05 46 86 49 66 [email protected]

The groups are made up of friendly people who like to get together to talk over a small part of the Bible or another For our May Ascension Day walk we met chez Richard and Christian book and enjoy a cup of coffee and cake. All of the groups are keen to welcome newcomers, but it’s a good idea Elaine Savage who refreshed us with coffee before we set to phone, so that we know you’re coming. out. They then guided the walk, which circled Bouteilles- Saint-Sébastien. We were then joined by other church folk VVVVVVV for lunch in Saint-Martial-Viveyrol. 13 of us enjoyed a superb lunch at Chez Moran – so good that there was a proposal that all future walks should end here. Thanks to Richard and Elaine for their hospitality and for leading the Remember there’s always a rainbow, randonée. We will not be arranging randonées for the next Wherever a cloud appears, few months, but will get going again in the autumn. Remember there’s always tomorrow, Jaki Moorhouse and Cilla Pickett Although you have doubts and fears. Jaki is currently researching the idea of a two day walk along part of the route to Santiago de Compostella which would involve Someone is there to listen, a night away in September/October. If you think you might be interested in this end of season ‘away day’ could you again let If only you’ll stop and pray, her know by email. Someone is close beside you To help you on your way. Future Events So if you are one of those people ROOTSTOCK FAIR PERIGUEUX EXHIBITION GROUND, July 18/19th Who find life is hard to bear, The Church is taking a stand at the Rootstock Fair this year and this will be a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the large numbers of English Speaking residents and visitors who will be coming to the Fair. Volunteers are being sought to Just stretch out your hand in the darkness staff the stall for just a couple of hours.You could then spend time looking around the rest of the show! - you’ll find God waiting there. Please contact Cilla Pickett or one of the Church Wardens.

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 16 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 17 June 2015 Ste. Nathalène CW Sheila Campbell 05 53 59 68 78 Chancelade (24) Chapelle de Saint Jean, opp. The CW Chris Billing 05 53 62 86 11 Alexandra Billing 05 53 62 86 11 Abbey NE of Périgueux Acting CW Liz Oaten 05 53 05 42 76 (24) East of Sarlat, Parish Church, on D27 ML Alexandra Billing 05 53 62 86 11 and Négrondes Négrondes Church ML David Rose 09 52 92 77 50 PC Victoria Jones 05 55 91 14 19 PC Lin Tarrant 05 53 91 26 38 June Services June Services 7th June 11.00 Revd. Paul Vrolijk. Change of venue see details below. 14th June 10.30 Family service Negrondes 21st June 11.00 Dave Wilton. Service of the Word. 21st June 10.30 Holy Communion Chancelade 28th June 10.30 Holy Communion Negrondes n the 7th June the commune of Ste Nathalène are using the church. Our service will Obe held at the home of Dave and Jan Wilton, Lou Cayrou, Arlie, 24370 Carlux. Phone e start this report with a general reflection; this month has marked two significant farewells for the Chancelade Dave on 05 53 30 45 59 for directions. This will be Paul's last service for our centre. We Wfaithful; that of Tim Thompson and Paul Vrolijk. It is appropriate therefore that we start with two Chancelade hope you will be able to come and also to stay for a bring and share lunch. reports. At the time of gong to print, the Quiz evening on 22nd May had not taken place. We will On 17th May, Chancelade Abbey’s little Chapelle de St Jean looked more beautiful than ever, with delightful flower have a report of the occasion and the money raised for our charities in the next magazine. decorations around the altar and a May sun coming in through the windows, but the Chancelade congregation was a little sad for this was the last Sunday that we would have the benefit of (Canon) Tim Thompson’s reflections on the appropriate 25th June 10.00 Presentations. Please join us at the Campbell's home for two Sunday Scriptures. Tim has been an inspiration to all of us, I think I can safely say, when during the months they have presentations. The first will be by Steve Burman who did a trek in the Atlas Mountains - been resident in their Dordogne house, he has led our celebration of Holy Communion at Chancelade. His approach to not for the faint hearted, it was a bit gruelling at times, an amazing achievement. explaining the Bible and the lessons we might draw from the texts have been simplistic but profound, a feat difficult to After a break for a bring and share lunch, Cedric Slinn will give an account of the accomplish. We will miss his participation in the life of our Centre, he and Babs have been surely amongst the favourite ecumenical trip to the UK. They visited several churches to see how they were reaching the lost, serving their communities ‘swallows’ of the Dordogne migratory people. and reaching the young. There will be a collection for A New Dawn - Nepal project and Emmaus. The previous Chancelade service had been equally poignant; it had been the last time that our soon to be gone Chaplain, 'Little Feet' orphanage and a bible school in Nepal led by a local pastor. If Paul Vrolijk would take a service there. The congregation was there in full force. Paul was as inspirational as usual and we you were at last years Worshipfest you may remember that Don & Jennie Waterman brought along one of the visual aids were left with warm memories. One advantage of being a twin church centre is that we all get to experience one of Paul's used to spread the Gospel to remote villages, where there is a high illiteracy rate. Don and Jennie have passed on updates sermons again, at the second church of Négrondes. June 14th should be a bit special because Paul is to share the service from the Pastor, following both of the recent earthquakes. If you would like to read these please contact Alexandra. with another couple of favourites, Ann and Michael Wooderson. We all eagerly await the day. Colin and Sheila's granddaughter Beth, was baptized on the 10th May. (see Beth’s Picture of Jesus on page 5) Also Emily and Négrondes has, as yet therefore, had no such significant farewell. We have, however, had a well attended service on the Hannah Watt were baptized and confirmed on the 17th May. Please cover them in prayer so they will continue to walk 10th May with the theme of Christian love. This service was led by Janis Adams; one innovation she brought with her boldly with the Lord and shine His light to others. was to ask the congregation to congregate (!) at the front of the church, then every time that the lesson (John 15:9-17) used the word “love”, we were all asked to greet each other. This proved a powerful and effective method of illustrating "Don't spend so much time focusing on your goals - that you miss the everyday joy of the journey" Christine Cain. the importance placed on “love” in the Christian message. We also had 4 members of the Variations choir present, which helped in our last hymn which we sang unaccompanied. The organist was Ann Morgan: I personally, I love to have an Congratulations to John and Judy Heasman on their 40th Wedding Anniversary. They organ to sing along to. renewed theirs vows, exchanged and blessed rings and spoke a few special words which they shared with all present. Finally they signed a specially prepared card with all their There is one more event to tell you about: a joint effort by both congregations...... a brocante in aid of Chaplaincy funds. friends, too. A wonderful day and great memories for all who were there. This took place at Sorges, outside Patrick Sturges' house and using his garage as a depot, on Ascension day, May 14th. An early start was mandatory with helpers arriving if not at the crack of dawn, then certainly in earshot of it. Have you noted that somehow brocantes tend to have a character of their own? This one seemed book-orientated with at least one VVVVVVV very good professional stall. Our stall displayed a variety of quality goods donated to the cause (thank you everyone), including, for example, a large bird cage, a samurai statue, and a ladies bicycle, plus the usual plethora of ornaments, books, toys, etc. It also had a strong contingent of helpers to make a good team. Helpers contributed to, and enjoyed, a bring and share Condom/Nerac (32) Chapel Notre Dame de Piétat, CW Michael Torne 05 62 08 17 78 lunch, generously hosted by Patrick and Penny. The bright weather held 54 Av. Aquitaine, Condom ML Neil Wright 05 62 29 12 28 until early afternoon when we had a short, sharp downpour. When play (47), Place Saint-Marc, 47600 Nerac PC Liz Evans 05 62 06 59 75 resumed we were almost the only stall left and we reluctantly called an end to the proceedings having raised almost €400 in the half day. June Service This photo has caught some of us at work ! Thursday 25 June 11:00 Holy Communion Condom


Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 18 June 2015 Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 19 June 2015 Useful Numbers Chaplain of Aquitaine: Revd. Dr Paul Vrolijk 05 53 23 40 73 8 Chemin de Garonna, 24240 Sigoules. [email protected]

Priests-in-Charge: Revd. Gillian Strachan for the Limeuil and Ste Nathalene sectors 05 53 58 12 58 La Gravette, 24150 Bayac [email protected] Revd. Elizabeth Morris responsible for the Monteton and Lot et Garonne sectors 05 53 23 40 51 Maison Neuve, Plaisance, 24560 [email protected] Revd. Brian Davies responsible for Bertric Buree 05 53 91 19 90 La Petite Maison, Le Bourg Fontaines, 24320 Champagne et Fontaines [email protected] Revd. Dr Paul Vrolijk responsible for Negrondes/Chancelade 05 53 23 40 73 8 Chemin de Garonna, 24240 Sigoules. [email protected] Revd. Andrew Bullock responsible for Bordeaux 0044 (0)7854 581 365 05 56 40 05 12 1 Lotissement de la Caussade, 33270 Floirac [email protected] Rev’ds Angela and David Marshall responsible for Condom & Nerac 05 62 68 26 71 06 88 03 97 59 Sous le Figuier, Hameau de Manieu, 32100 Condom [email protected] [email protected]

Clergy with permission to officiate: Revd. David Jones 05 53 94 71 81 Le Bourg, 47120 Loubès-Bernac [email protected] Revd. Bramwell Bearcroft 06 41 91 81 85 7, Place de la Halle, Villereal 47210 [email protected] Revd. Ann & Revd. Michael Wooderson 05 53 06 39 76 15 rue des Ecoles, 24750 Trélissac [email protected] Revd. Canon Tim Thompson UK: 01526 320 171 FR: 05 53 91 47 21 [email protected] Revd. Stephen Traves [email protected] Revd. John Morgan 05 53 54 18 90 [email protected] Rev’d Barrie Green 06 11 67 01 27 [email protected] Revd Chris Sims 05 53 81 38 44 [email protected]

Chaplaincy Wardens: David Albrecht 05 53 36 55 97 albtd@orange,fr Paul Mazzotti 05 53 88 77 74 [email protected]

Chaplaincy Administration: Amy Owensmith 06 07 04 07 77 [email protected] Prayer Chain Co-ordinator Madeleine Holmes 05 53 04 85 44 [email protected] Chaplaincy Magazine Editor: Gill Sweetman 05 53 73 13 59 [email protected] Neighbouring Chaplaincies: Poitou-Charentes: Revd. Hazel Door [email protected] Midi-Pyrenées & Aude: Revd Canon Andrew Hawken 05 63 81 87 44 [email protected]

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine: [email protected] Chaplaincy website: Chap-Aid Website:

Contributions to this magazine are always very welcome and should be received no later than the 20th of the month. Please send to: Gill Sweetman, Champ de Riviere, 24480, Bouillac. e-mail: [email protected]

If you wish to subscribe to Spreading the Word, you may do it in two ways: Either: send your name and address, with a cheque for 28 Euros made payable to: ‘The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine’ to the above address, OR: send me your e-mail address and you can receive it without charge though donations to the Chaplaincy would be most welcome.

Chaplaincy of Aquitaine 20 June 2015